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0 be precise, the first one is hq . this is a fox news election alert. i'm marianne rafferty live in los angeles. we have results now from two high profile races in alaska. alaska's republican senator lisa murkowski, who voted to convict former president trump in his impeachment trial, advances to november. general election. she's currently holding a slight lead over trump endorsed chewbacca. the top four vote getters will compete on a ranked choice ballot in november and both a special election and primary was held for late congressman don young young, who held the seat for forty nine years, died in march and sarah palin trump endorsed former governor is currently running second in a very tight race against democrat mary pistola, who is in the lead, and nick begich, the third who cochaired young's 2020 reelection campaign. the winner will hold the seat until young's term is up. voters had to rank the candidates in order of preference and the winner must receive at least 50% of the vote. a final race call could be delayed until rank choice results are released on august 30 . first, an open primary was also held for young seat, with twenty two candidates including palin, begich and portola, who have all advanced in november's election. the top four vote getters will face off for a chance to take over a young seat when his term is up. stay with fox news channel four more primary updates now back to regular programing already in progress for the country. th yeah,in i can do just fine. and the goshorn got a little control room talkpo there. but look, jus the polls are just closing here. the poll workers just came out and said that this is thise is it for the evening. everything shut out. they'resh closing.te they'rewi closing statewide. and so perhaps we'll know inly a short while who's w actually won this thisn is congresswoman liz cheney against harriet hegemons. ns thethe trump backed candidat. cheney h is holding her speech close to its place tonight t close to the jackson area of wyoming in the western part of c the state. a cheney ally saysy that she will speak later tonight and say this primary is only the first battle in a long war.d sheay tweeted earlier today that the challenges we face require serious leadership and those who will abide by their oath and uphold the constitution no matter what. ra harrietce hageman, she's the trump backed candidate in this race. there are aboutbout s one hundred house republicans who are also supporting hagan's candidacyupr. hy that includes minority leader kevin mccarthy. mccarthy is actually in the area towards the middle part of this week. he's here right now with a number of other republicans retreat fund raising event. minority leader mccarthy told us that this race is absolutely a referendum on january 6th. ha cheney is the vice chair of that committee. she's been extremely criticized ,critical of the former president donald trump as she continues to chair that p committee. hageman also has made a very large part of her campaign about cheney's embrace of the january six committee ofk her embracing that work thereth and her criticism of the former president. hageman is out in cheyenne more towards the east from here, several hoursrs to the eat to here. she'll have an event laters on this evening as these polln. numbers begin to come in. that's all beginning now. if cheney fails to win this primary, unclear what she's going togo do next.ra butis she managed to raise about 15 million dollars, half ofr. that is left over. she's only spent about half t that money. she can use that money in other federal elections. she has been asked repeatedly if she plans a running fort. president. not really answered, but she hasn't ruled it out either. john ?. well, she can't run as a republican because if she can't win wyoming's's, she's not going to win any other red state that i can think of. it's goingnger to be interestino watch for richardson in wyoming tonight. thank you. we're going to continue to monitor results all throughout the night. but first, the doj, the fbi, they need your help. . they simply want you to closer your eyes, cover your ears and trust them completely y, unquestionably blindly as we speaky,. they are attempting to block the release of the affidavit thathe is used that was used to search president trump's home. they don'tsi you don't knowy exactly why they went in. they don't want you to know exactly why they went in. and for the first time inor history, they want to hide the justification for their judge trump hating, obama loving, not approved by the senate magistrate. w they just wantan you to trust them. now, of course, democrats, the mobth, t, the media, they're more than happy to oblige. in fact, manybl so-called journalist are eager to publish information from government sources. anonymous as they always are. noed questions asked. for example, just yesterday, cbs news their top anchor, norah o'donnell issued this tweet. according to a doj official, the fbi is not inn possession of former president trump's passports. trump had accused the fbi of stealing his three passports to expired during the search of his homeis in the mar a lago in palm beach.. that wasth fake news. the fbi did, in i fact seize the president's passports. now norah o'donnell got playedo' by the federal government. you know, you would think she'd want to get the truth out there. but anyway,y, she doesn't really seem to care, as per usual,ea with the mainstream media mob. and , k you know, like everyone else, she's you know, a liberal democrat who probably hates donald trump. it's not hard. it'sruru t not hard to spot theseft days. and after all his reason, .com pointed out, quote, democrats, they don't trust the police., democrats don't trust them. they want to defund, dismantle no bail laws. but l now they trust the fbi providing that they only target donald trump. and by the way, they more thanle doubled the numberd of irs agents to harass all of you. it'sit pretty amazing, bill . they say we're not going to raise taxes on people making four hundred thousand a year. that bill raises taxes on every american because of the gas, c oil and coal tax and then the business tax and then the small business tax. you'll be paying for tyou' all so while they're breaking the promise now, they're promising that if you make below four hundred thousand dollars a year, you're never going toer get it. i'm not believing that either. just like i never believe. your doctor, keep your plan and save money. without a doubt, in the past six years, p targeting donald trump has been a top priority for the fbi, especiallyri the upper echelon. now the bureau vehemently denies any and all accusations of political bias. we all know it's b.s. just so that we are clear here on this p program. here's who they'rero, asking uso trust. trust you want to trust.. peter struck one of the highestt ranking officials in the department. m was the lead investigator on the bureau's most sensitive high level political casesos. today he tweeted this quote,"w why does trump have two passports? the russian passport, ofsi course, is kept inrs a vault and only swapped out a at thirds country meets. so itt can't be that one that's supposed to be funny as i like hillary. say, what about the emailsat l is pretty unhinged. this tinfoil hatat conspiracy and frankly, the rank arrogance of people like struckik and hillary clinton, you know, u using a lie and asi theory that perpetrated on the country guy that was once tasked investigating donald trump and a guy that and lied aboutst russia collusion. peter struck wasrz fired three years ago after anro investigation uncovered a trove of anti trump text and emails, including some from 2016 involving a plot of specif plot to stop donald trump everdo having a chance to win one from august 16th, a text from his fbi girlfriend, lisa page, readingir trump's not going to ever become president. right, right. and struck responseht. no, he's not. n we will stop it. that was on august eight .te a week later, hed texted, quot, i want to believe that the path that you threw out for consideration and andy, ic i assume andy mccabe's office that there's no way that he gets electede,that. but i'm afraid we can't take t that risk. insurance policy in the unlikely eventnt you diey before forty . so we'll stop it. and we have an insurance policy. wow. talk about an effort to smear donald trump in the unlikely event t that he actually is likd by the american people ricayprevent him from taking office. now, this brings us , by the way, to peter stroke's former boss. that's former fbi deputy director andy mccabe, who was fired from the bureau for lyingh and leaking. mccabe has since apologized foro his behavior a little too little too late,o but is now gainfully employed at fake news cnn where he's regularly trashing donald trump, every other conservative and republican he can. secretn they struckck girlfriend top fbi attorney lisa page. well, she departed the fbi and now regularly trashes trump as an employee of nbc at msnbc and all told, ten former doj and fbi officials now work for fake news, cnn or msnbc. these are the two networks dedicated to smearing, slandering, besmirching donald trump and every other conservative in the country. what we're just supposed to believe there's no political bias and believe the fbi and believe the doj even after the russia hoax, h the alpha bank hoax, the hillary dirty dossier hoax, the fisa abuse, mueller, what, two plus year witch hunt, the move too label angry parenta at school board meetings as domestic terrorists, the willingness to prosecute, not prosecute rioters from the summerpros of 2020. and many of those people lying to us saying they're not really riots, they're mostly peaceful. the ones that are killing dozens of americans, hurting thousands of cops and destroying billions in property damage. . re, they're mostly peaceful and let's not forget the early morning raids on paul manafort and roger stone and now donald trump himself. now remind meedo how many biden associates have been raidedca because of the blatant crimes uncovered on biden's hard drive that the fbi's h had for nearly two years?ci how many clinton associates were thrown in shackles after she mishandled top secret classified information likely hacked by our enemies, foreign countries and obstructed justice? how many democrats have gone to jail because of processmats cri? can you name a single one again? let me be clear. i respecte the rank and file special agents who do the work that protect and serve all of this country. they doo the right thing. i have zero respect forr the upper echelon of e the fbi and i certainly don't trust anyt of them and they have earned all ofhe our distrust. they leak, they lie and they have turned america's premierero law enforcement body intoin a wing of the democratic party. makegc no mistake, violence against any member of law enforcement is unacceptable. they try to say any criticism, well, you mustt be advocating violence b. no, we're not just the opposite. any threats of any violencehr to any law enforcement must be dealt with . they must be protected. and we weyt must do everything m can to find i these people and put them in jail. where they belong. a just like merrick garland ought to be enforcing the law and heng ought to stop o the doxing of supreme court justicesar and protesting and the harassment and intimidation in . yt of their homes i and by the way, if you look atgh oversight that begins in less than three monthshr with the midterm elections. here now with more is theof author of the price of principal harvard lawnc professr alan dershowitz, along with fox is legal analyst greg jarrett. professor, i'll begin with you tonight and ask you why are they afraid to let us see the affidavit that justify this magistrate granting this warrant to go into mar a lago? i've had a principal for 60 years. i wrote about it in my new i book, the price of principal, and that is if there's a dispute and one side wants the truth to come out and the other side says, no, we don't want the truth to come out. always believed the person who wants the truth to come out. tellinghe person who's's the truth. and so the trump people want the affidavit to be released. the justice department doesn't. now, i'm not suggesting releasing the entire affidavit. you can redact the names of witnesses. you can redact the names of the agents, you can redactt l sources and methods. but let'set know what they were looking for. ng fi want to know particularly because to get a search warrantc at the stateh, you have to have very particular evidence. what was in p the safe from t reporting? we now know nothinghe was in n the sense we need to know what was in the closet of mrs. trump . we need to know what was his. i think i can probably a pretty good guess.s. i think there were probably clothes in the closet. >> i'm just guessing. that's right. that tha sounds right. we need to know why in light of what the attorney general said, that the general principles of the justice department ought to use less restrictive, less intrusive methods than searchess unless necessary. why was it necessary? why eight months later? why after giving subpoenas, why even wait three days over y the weekend after you've gottenu the search warrant? these are the questions that the affidavit may very well answer, i believe presumption of innocence. everybody, including garland,, i want to presume we did the right thing, but the affidavit is the essentialit point. nt let's get this straight,a professor. why didn't m i go to a judge tht was approved by the senate and if it was so dangerous w as they leaked to t" "the washington post" and it had to do ato with nuclearin anything, why didg, they wait three days after they gotim the warrant? whyely did they wait a long time to actually file the warrant? you're absolutely right.. and they should have gone to an article three judge. d they have the right to do that. it's traditional to go to a magistrate, but it's not traditional to search the home of a former president who is thinking about possibly running, you know, what looksar so terrible aroundou the world is that you have an attorney general appointed by one presidential candidate, the incumbent investigatingve another presidential candidate,r the republican, and using methods that weren't used previously against democrats like hillary clinton and likeer sandy berger. that'sge the appearance of justice not only must justiceem be done, it must t seem to be done and not being seen to be done. the affidavit may responddo. io i answer all these questions. maybe it'll answer them satisfactorily, maybensns not. but t we have the right to know> you know, greg, we have a magistrate a. there's a trump hater, an obama lover and even recused himself in a previous case,re fairlyrl recenty as relates to donalde trump. then we t have the issue of the affidaviti. k i want to get your thoughts on that. and you know, as i look at what they're trying to do here, youy know, why won't they release the surveillance video that they wanted to have shut off? why would the fbibi want that shut off? i thought for years we wanted body cams on cops and we wanted dash cams on cops. so that kept everybody honest. why h would they not why would they be demanding that the surveillance cameras at mar a lago be shut down and thank god they theren' and sean is their position is we are the government. trust us . you know, merrick garland insists that he upholds the law without fear or favor o. butt the track record of the department of justice ins the fbi tells us just the opposite. we've gone through you and i,ma many of the cases in which the fbi lied and deceived and concealed and manipulated evidence in order to gain, search warrants to persecuteut and prosecute people. and so this is the reason why most americans don't trust the fbi and the department of justice. just look atte, the polling data because their record has actually been a disgraceful one . just read the inspector general's report, which is a wholesale condemnation of the corruption within the department of justice and the fbi and suspicionsri about merrick garland motives in the trump case is compounded by the fact that he wants to conceal everything. he wants to concealda the affidavits. what is he hiding from the american public? did the fbi deceive the majestyt ? didhe they withhold criticalti exculpatoryca evidence? didd they not tell the magistrate that trump had been cooperating, that he had complied with an earlier subpoena and turned over whatever the government had asked for? you? this is an important case. my goodness. we're talking about the raidol by political opponents. the administration of a former president's residence, its screen for transparency. >> the optics here are are ugly and americans deserve a greater measure ofde truth in governmen. the power of government derives from the consent of the people and it exists only as so far as the people allow the government to exist. w and whenhe they find a corruptin and abusive government in power, it's incumbent upon them to vote that government out. all right. forty five seconds each. two questions. one professor dershowitz, do you believe that the dojt will indict donald trump? and number two, they'reem demanding the surveillance videoan should the trump peopler turn it over? well, first of all, i don't think that he will be indicted in order for a future presidential candidate to be indicted by the appointee of a current president. you need nixon type crimes. you need smoking guns. you need absolute corruption. ct you're not going to have an indictment by somebody i thinkri like merrick garland if alle we're talking about is what hillary clinton did and when sandy berger did even if in the end it turns out there were some dramatic materials within the classification, i don't think that's going to result ins an indictment. it has to t be a slam dunk reall quick. i'm should they handle q the surveillance video real quick? i know i do. i think that they should handle if you're vaillant's over everything, you don't hide anything. okay, let's ask you, will they indict him? greg jarrett.he and they're demandingyy the surveillance video of the trump people. turn it over real quick. it would be foolish to indict him based on the statutes, i the three statutes cited in the warrant. all of them requiredrrant, deliberation. they use language like knowing and willful and intentional. " you can'tin prove that in a cass like that, unlikee a do, can you prove it in a disloyal court that may be voted 5%% for donalp trump, yet you could prove christmas curse in july in a dc court and but it wouldn't holds, up on appeal. and yes, they absolutely shouldd turn over surveillance videotape. that's a to me it's a not' brainers . i'll turn it over or justir release it on their own and the american people see what went on . all right. thank you both, professor dershowitz, and great job. coming up, the doj is doing damage control over the tactics they used in peter navarros arrest. we'll tell you the update and peter will join us . also, paul will react as he releases his book political prisoner today. straight ahead, when your small business finance, you need a fast, secure way to get the right loan at the right time. we're smart. this loan rated the number one online marketplace for sba loans. we'll help you free qualify for both low cost sba loans and affordable fixed rate term through our bank partners, all with one easy application. it was way easier, way faster and at the end we got the money to go to smart move loans .com. today apply now attention. did you serve live with your family or work at the marine corps base camp lejeune in north carolina? at any point between 1953 and nineteen eighty seven continue at camp lejeune has been linked to serious health problems including cancer, neurological diseases, reproductive diseases ,birth defects, miscarriages and many other health concerns. if you were exposed to this tainted water and experienced any of these issues with your health, the camp is just a fact of 2020 two may make it possible for you to finally recover a significant settlement even if you were previously denied compensation. this new act may clear a path to justice that was previously closed. your exposure to the contaminated water at camp lejeune may be the reason for your illness. call white hard legal right now you may be entitled substantial compensation. call 1-800- nine oh one 45 that one eight hundred ninety one thousand five hundred one eight hundred ninety one thousand five hundred fifty one found a violation with rising interest rates and inflation, there's a lot of uncertainty in today's real estate market now more than ever, selecting the right real estate agent can be the difference in tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket experience matters that ideal agent will connect you with a top local agent. we'll get you the best results for as as a two percent commission with ideal agent. we were able to get one of the top agents in our area and he made the process extremely comfortable. he was very professional and his expertise just helped us immensely. and through that process we were able to save twenty three thousand dollars. we've helped thousands of home sellers and buyers get five star results, ranking us number one in real estate on trust. it really shouldn't be as simple as it is . we just picked up the phone calls ideal agent . they put us in touch with our agents and they handled everything. there's no obligation or a prank call today or visit ideology, .com to fox news app. it has it all breaking news alerts, opinion gaboriau right

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