Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20190917 05:00:00 : compare

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20190917 05:00:00

>> tucker: that's it for us. we'll be back tomorrow night and every week night at 8:00 p.m. they show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity smugness, andd groupthink.presio speak any moment now in mexico. until they were, we turn things over to our friend sean hannity standing back to new york. >> hannity: tucker, great show. welcome to "hannity." tonight, the president only moments away from speaking at a massive rally in new mexico. weg will take you there live wn the president takes to the stage. first, we do have two big breaking news stories we covering tonight including the latest media mob attack again on justice kavanaugh that blew up almost immediately in the facesi of "the new york times." that is coming up. but we begin tonight i with serious news, breaking news out of the middle east. we can now report that the hostile regime of iran is now the likely culprit of that drone attack against major saudi oil facilities. all told, the attack caused my cause 5% of the world's crude production to be interrupted
indefinitely. reporting that american intelligence believes the attacks were staged inside of iran. and, meanwhile, the kingdom of saudi arabia confirmed that the weapons used in that attack including multiple drones and missiles, they were iranian devices and, of course, that they farmed out in the proxy war by the rebels in yemen against saudi arabia. the reason for iran's aggression is pretty simple, not hard, not complicated to figure out, the mullahs, the ones that chant "death to america," theot ones that want to wipe israel and the u.s. off the map, those same mullahs want to wipe thatof the planet earth, they want to stop oil production here and the sanctions that are crippling the u.s. economy. they are now suffering from a devastating multi-year recession as a result of the president's policies and the president notta trying to bribe the mullahs in iran with $150 billion in cash and other currencies. inflation in iran can now reach a staggering 40%.
it's currency now near record lows. meanwhile, because of america's newfound energy independence, that's right, we, the american people, u.s. citizens, we are now shielded more than ever from the chaos in the middle east. in other words, make no mistake, oil, gas, is the lifeblood of every single economy on the face of this earth. evgeopolitically, this is less important than ever to us, but america's massive crude oil production, refinery capabilities, provide this country now with economic security and leverage against hostile regimes abroad including iran and other countries that frankly, hate our guts. under president trump, this is years,st time in 75 thanks to his policies, that america is energy independent. we are, the united states of america, for the first time in all those years, the single-largest producer of energy worldwide. another record, another campaign promise by the president kept.
but, if the radical socialist democrats, if they get their way and enact their new green deal, you can pretty much kiss this prosperity and all of our n security goodbye, because they have these insane fantasies about ending all oil and gas production in the u.s. in 10 years, and that means no combustion engine and everything is free. in other words, they would hand over our independence, the lifeblood of our economy, to every dictator and desperate in the world, yes, including the mullahs of iran, but even the hostile regime of vladimir putin and the hostile actor that he is. you want to bring the hostile regime of russia, putin to its knees, then america needs to produce more oil, more gas, ando get it at cheaper prices to our western european allies. then russia's economy, i promise you, it will implode, the standard of living of every single american will rise dramatically, wealth creation on the level we have never seen before in this country. we have the world's greatest
richest natural resources. but is that what elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, and sleepy creepy crazy 30330 joe want? no. because if one thing is certain tonight, it is clear, this hostile iranian regime must be held in check, yet he another tanker seized in the strait of hormuz.geopolitically, strategiy important to us now, that we're energy independent and net exporter of energy. but, the reason it's important to us and every other country, the free flow of oil and market prices, that must continue, the rest of the world is not as fortunate as we are. the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism, well, they must never be able to acquire or develop a nuclear weapon. make no mistake, they say it believe them, they want to wipe israel off the map. believe them when they say yeah, they want to the-- to wipe united states of the face of the earth. they want to kill israelis, they
want to kill americans. it's a simple math equation, a squared plus b squared equals c squared. you have the convert or die caliphate, that means you marry that with nuclear weapons that couldol mean a potential modern-day nuclear holocaust the likes of which we have never seen. if you doubt that, look at the last century alone. let's see, fascism, communism nazism, stalinism, japanover 10s being slaughtered in the last country, believe it can happen again, act as though it will happen again if we do not act now. you cannot appease evil. you cannot have evil regimes with these aggressive ideologies. instead of giving into iran's act of aggression, it is time to show the radical mullahs in the world that the u.s. has a very rigid backbone. the president stated very clearly he is locked and he is loaded this weekend. and as we wait president trump's
remarks tonight, let's turn our attention to yet another important topic, and that would be the clear businesst model inside the media mob consisting of spreading lies, conspiracy theories, slander, libel, defamation. that is all, you know, par for the course, especially anybody and everybody connected to president trump. over the weekend, "the new york times," the so-called paper of record, got it wrong yet again liemises leading article, uncorroborates, to smear brett kavanaugh the recent article, so-called journalist reported reporting account made by third party claiming he witnessed kavanaugh commitd a sexual assault inav college.what "the new york time" conveniently left out of the tticle is the alleged victims into rex at all of the incident and refused to be interviewed by "the new york times" them should have put that in that might have been important.
meanwhile, the third-party so-called witness would be a lawyer who worked for the clintons, ironically, during the monica lewinsky time. in other words, complete b.s. more of the same, lies, more besmirchment, more defamation.m. "the new york times" later had to issue a correction, but it doesn't matter, the damage is done. it appears "the new york times" willfully and intentionally misled its readers, and today the president called for the resignation of everyone involved in this story. p you can see the tweet up on the screen. this is not an isolated incident. these days the so-called paper of record is nothing more than a mean-spirited, sloppy, anti-trump propaganda arm, an nothing more of an extension of all things state democratic party, just like the mob.of the media last week, for example, on september 11th "the times" was forced to retract a tweet downplaying the role of terrorists on 9/11. the dayhe before they were forcd to take another tweet praising communist dictator mao, theic
great revolutionary figure, as they called him. in other words, the mass the times was also forced to apologize for publishing a blatantly anti-semitic tweet depicting the prime minister of israel, our closest ally in the mideast, benjamin netanyahu, as trump's seeing-eye dog. and, in a separate incident, an editor was forced to apologize for his past virulent anti-semitic tweets.thip there p communist bret stephens in a very public mental meltdown, breakdown, after george washington university professor called him a bedbug on twitter. he couldn't handle it. so bedbug bret threatened to report him to his employer. well, mr. bedbug, i have no problem. you know you used to work in the same building as me. you feel free to report me to my bosses because i don't really care. now your new name is bedbug brett stevens forever.
meanwhile, in june, a prominent "new york times" reporter falsely claiming that congressman dan crenshaw remember this, that he didn't support the 9/11 victims fund. the problem is, dan crenshaw was a co-sponsor of the bill. let's not forget about the most blatant hack job by "the newwora reporter, actually bragging about their entire newsroom focused on one story, perpetrating the russian conspiracy theory hoax against the president. in other words, they lied, theyy advanced the daily the biggest hoax conspiracy theories ever. butt because that widespread effort was a total dud, it became a little problematic. we are going to now shift the narrative. weme are not going to admit we were wrong. we are not going to make a we're just going to find moreng ways to go after trump. we will go after him on racism. unfortunately, this kind of anti-trump rage is replicated and echoed across every single
mainstream single media outlets in this country. they are blinded by this psychotic hate and rage, and that is why the media mob is constantly churning out fake stories, one after another. justns look at your screen. over s the past two-plus years,e have witnessed one phony, fake lying story after another. forho example, remember when npr lied about don jr.'s senate testimony or the fake reporting about michael cohen's fantasysy trip to prague when he had never been to prague. then there is "the guardian"'s fake bombshell about manafort. don't forget when three cnn staffers were fired over a false report about anthony scaramucci, the mooch. and the new york times reported about nikki haley and the $57,000 curtains, fake news. three plus years, the fake reports have not stopped. they don't apologize, they don't
retract, they don't correct. they don't change their ways. target everyone associated with trump, starting with his wife and his kids, even his youngest son and jared kushner's brother-in-law now brett kavanaugh, the first lady of the united states of america, even the covington high school kid that was wearing a maga hat, that did nothing wrong, nicholas sandmann. thanks to the media, nicholas sandmann has one of the best attorneys in the entire country , by the name of lin wood. my prediction, he will be, well, if not a billionaire pretty darn close. tonight, there's not enough time to list every single fake story from the media mob. there isn't enough time to list every breathless untrue conspiracy theory. let's go to fake news conspiracy tv, and that would be msnbc, roswell rachel maddow, she's the chief, learning absolutely nothing from her 2 1/2 plus years of lying and pushing her conspiracy theories. she never apologized, she never could corrected the record.
she just doubles down on stupid every other day, and she pushed yet another hoax last week, this time about the u.s. militaryy a refueling planes near trump's resort, why, to bolster business for the in reality, roswell rachel, ther airport as a refueling stop hundreds and hundreds are of times before trump ever became president. maybe just a little fact-checking might help your show out. roswell rachel, she is now the, face of msnbc news. she sits there on election nights, on debate nights with tom brokawand lying brian. wow!w! she leads their coverage. joining us now as we await the president is fox news contributor sara carter. sara, we have got a lot here. let's start with what we know about kavanaugh and what we know about iran. >> i'd like to start with justice kavanaugh, sean. i think what is so shocking
here, and it really shocks the conscience of journalists especially, you know, i have been in this field for a decade now, and the first thing thats you learn is, you have three sources. you have to verify all of the evidence that you obtain from the sources. you have to triple check, double check. what "the new york times" has done is absolutely outlandish. therew is a serious concern hee because those purposeful omissions in "the new york times" actually is all the proof that anyone needs, and i've talked to sources over and over again about this, all the proof that anyone needs that "the new york times" is doing this purposefully. they are doing this purposefully. so what does that mean? that means that this is an extraordinarily dangerous time where mainstream media, where we trust, we go to "the new york times," we go to "the washington post," at least thee american people used to. the other newspapers would follow.
they've actuallye weaponized. they have weaponized their stories against political opponents, and right now, there is nobody there to oversee or overcheck that unless people stop buying "the new york times," stop purchasing "the new york times," or the new york times makes internal changes, and i think that's what you saw with president trump's tweet, saying, look, the only way to rectify this is to have the people in charge be removed everybody involved in this story, because the first thing that should have been noted, it should have never ran. >> hannity: they got it wrong the entire time.e 99%, they got it wrong. on this show, you, john sullivan, gregg jarrett, i'm going to forget people. if i'm forgetting you, forgive me. but here's the deal, we -- we had confirmation from multiple sources, and there were days we still waited to go with a storym to be extra, extra, extra sure. numerous times we did that. >> absolutely.
even to the chagrin sometimes when i get ready to push a story out and i would have three or four sources, we'd say, let'sgrr wait, let's double check this let's make sure we talk to folks at the doj. let's make sure we talk to folks of the fbi. let's get everybody on board here before we move forward with the story. and that's the right thing to do, sean. that's absolutely the right thing to do, because this is extraordinarily damaging to a democracy. think of how many nations have been affected, from rwanda to russia, by false propaganda stories, to germany during world war ii. propaganda is extraordinarily damaging. look at what it is doing to justice kavanaugh and his family. these stories are really, truly unbelievable. we just got word that the president is less than 5 minutes out to take to the stage. massive crowd, massive rally
this time in rio rancho, new mexico. we bring in our new colleague fox news contributor, former white house press secretary sarah sanders. you did a job that, for me, would be impossible.y i couldn't do it without probably going full anthony scaramucci on them, which is a compliment. i like that. but in all seriousness, this is now -- you dealt with the democratic party agenda advanced by a corrupt media, conspiracy theories, lies, breathless hysterical reporting, and it's always wrong. they got the whole thing wrong. we got it right. a little old talk show host on tv, we kind of figured it out when they didn't. we didn't follow the mob, and as a result, we were able to get the truth to the american people, and it is getting confirmed more and more every day. >> absolutely. a first, sean, i think you would have done great in my job and i don't think the media would have liked you very much because i think you would have embarrassed them on a daily basis.
>> hannity: you have the patience job, and then they doubted your baked pies. you bring them in pies and say i baked them, they still say i don't know if you baked them. em>> i think it shows one of the biggest problems that the media has, they want to question the whole world's credibility when the whole world is doubting theirs. the agenda of obstruction they have against this president is completely out of control. they try to destroy the president because they hate that he won in 2016, and then they hated that he was able to start delivering on all the things he said he was going to, including a conservative court. the idea that he is building not just great things that are happening, they're taking place under this term, but he is building a legacy that will live on a long after he is no longer president, through the nominees and people who have been confirmed to courts across the country, including two supreme court justices, because
they can't beat him, now they are going after everyone around him, everyone associated with him, and they are even making stuff up. it's completely out-of-control. and at some point, they have to start holding people accountable. i think's the president's righto start calling for something to be done. they continue to make things up. last week, you had cnn make up this absurd story about a cia operative. you had politico make up a story about the air force reroutingpl. this week you have "the new york times." give three different major outlets. the only thing they have in common is that they're putting out fake news, trying to say it is true, all in a way to take the president down. >> hannity: we have got aboutut a two-minute warning or less that the president is going to step on stage. the president has been very clear, when he says locked and loaded, i would take it very seriously if i was a mullah in iran.the president does not wart foreign entanglements but the
presidentt successfully beat the caliphate back in syria and isis, did itw, with no boots on the ground or very limited. similarly, i would not expect the president to get entangled with iran, but with that said, i don't think that this percentags going to allow iran to move forward and dictate the free flow of oil market prices or disrupt that. it's great for us. we are energy independent. but, if every other country we do business with, if they now are suffering because of what is h,going on with the iranians, is not good for the world economy. therefore, i would expect the president, and i'm hoping for bibi netanyahu's victory.i hopee
vote likud. this is now a line in the sand. it appears they are not asking to get hitched, it appears the president is very capable of doing what they want. >> absolutely, i would not test this president, unlike president obama. he is going to say, not on my watch, he is not going to allow them n to continue to be the bullies of the world, and the president has been very clear that he is not going to allow that to happen.we can't allow i. like you said, thank god that we have become an energy independent nation under this president, but we cannot allow iran to continue acting in the way they have for the last several decades, the way they continue to hurt countries , wacross the globe. and i don't think that, if i was them, i certainly wouldn't test this president. i think he has proven his ability not just to fight back but fight back harder than anything they think is possiblee president and the team that he has around him with secretary pompeo and ilothers to make the right decision, i know it will be about this, making sure that we remain energy independent, two things that are vital important
two things he has been able to successfully do since becoming president. >> hannity: the other issue you know, between the media mob and the lies, there is a very heavy price that i would pay asr a talk show host. now, everybody seems to think a talk show host only does opinion but, no, as a talk show host, we actually report news. i can produce thousands of hours ceof straight news coverage whee we are just asking questions. there's events unfolding. there is war. there's hurricanes. we did that. we investigated into the deep dive on obama.when the media woh it. a we pointed out obama's failed record after eight years. nobody would do that. also on the deep state. for "the new york times" to admit 2 1/2 years late, oh, it looks like that dossier wasliken from the beginning. i'm like, yeah, you are only two
years and 5,000 lies later catching up to where we have been for a long period of time. but it is hurtful because that is 99% of the that's what i call them the mob because they have a mob mentality. why is it so personal for them and this president? >> i think because he continues to prove them wrong. every single time that they say this president won't do something, he won't succeed, he won't be able to do anything on immigration, he'll cripplehe the economy, he won't rebuild the military, he won't cut taxes, h, every single time they say he won't do it, he does it. it makes them embarrassed, it makes them look like fools, and he continues to do it. i think they are still mad that he won in 2016 and they are mad that he is winning every single day for this country. i think it is incredibly sad that the media and democrats would rather see the president fail than our country succeed. i hope that they will start to learn from some of these major mistakes thathe have happened or the last couple weeks and start holding people accountable. start putting some checks and balances. go back to where we have a true
editorial process where they are checking these things and stories aren't just being pushed out in hopes that they can tear somebody down but they are actually making sure that the stories are right, that they are accurate. let's hope that they learn something fromro them. if not, i'm sure this president will be happy to point it out to them, as will people like yourself and others on this network. >> hannity: all right, stay right there. the president, i amnd told, is d the stage. he will be introduced shortly. thank you, sara carter. gregg jarrett. on the issue of kavanaugh and the fact -- you know, there is a very high standard. i just accepted after 31 years of public life you can say anything you want about me and the bar is so high, legally,abse to accept it. but i don't know if kavanaugh has to accept this if you wouldn't have a defamation suit
a libel suit that could be successful. you seem to think he can. >> this is classic defamation. even though kavanaugh is a public figure and he would have to show as a plaintiff in a defamation case actual malice, there is actual malice in this story by "the new york times." this wasn't journalism. this was the equivalent of a drive-by shooting. they published false information, and they did it knowingly and willfully, which is successfully actual malice. it can be proven because they omitted in their story on sunday one of the most vital facts of all, that the alleged victim had told friends she is no victim at all, she has no recollection of this. they omitted that.that is delib. that is to say that the story they were publishing they knew was false, that's actual malice. and kavanaugh ought to hire
lin wood. >> hannity: i can tell you something about lin wood,you die says he fits the profile of the lone bomber and he said, yeah, you are the only one the said -- because hee lives with his mother, it taught me a valuable lesson. that's when i got to know odlin wood. lin wood isn't taking this case with nicholas sandmann for money, he doesn't need the money. he's taking it because of the passion, how they destroyed that kid. let me bring sara back in.we goe other big story, kavanaugh, iran, and now the other big story. iran, locked and loaded, pretty serious terms, now you also have an added alliance that has emerged, that is my hope bibi wins's simple. oh, here comes the president. real quickly, it seems like iran, jordan, egypt, the saudis the emirates are aligningagains.
>> they are, sean, and they have been doing this for a while. they have known that iran wants to move in and sweep the shia crescent. the president is in the best position.say drewing the line wn but also letting our allies in the region, and hopefully benjamin netanyahu winstomorrowy tomorrow, because that is another really strong ally. believe it or not, in saudi arabia and israel have a lot in common when it comes to iran and protecting that region from iranian hegemony, as you call it. >> hannity: the president has now entered the arena. another packed house. just look at the crowd size, as always, packed to the rims. apparently a lot more people thousands and thousands, that
wanted to get in, that can't get in, as usual, as the president makes his way to the podium. a few questions you've got to ask yourself for 2020. all the people that voted for trump in 2016, you thinke the majority of people are going to vote for him again? based on crowd sizes, i'd say they're more enthusiastic than roever.they know he was treatede fairly. -- treated unfairly. number two, you've got to ask can he win over, record low unemployment, african-americans asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment can he win over people that maybe say, hey, i am better off under his policies? then the question that always remains, every four years, any re-elect, are you better off than you were four years ago? that will become a critical question. and every single democratic candidate, what are they proposing? 70% top marginal tax rates for individuals, 90% top marginal tax rates for corporations. that will lose jobs. that will kick americana,
corporations will leave in droves and hurt american business. here's the president rio rancho, new mexico. here's a listen. >> president trump: thank you. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "usa"] [cheers and applause]
>> wow, thank you, thank you, new mexico. we love being with you. we love being with you. incredible people. incredible people. thank you very much. and i'm thrilled to be here in albuquerque with thousands of hardworking, freedom-loving american patriots. thank you. [cheers and applause] we are all united by the same love of our great country. and, by the way, our country is doing great. you see it. the same devotion to family and the same profound faith that america is blessed by the
eternal grace of almighty god. [cheering] [chanting "usa"] good night to that person. [laughter] tomorrow they will say "massive protest." one person just going home to mommy a little bit sooner. [cheering]
good night. but, we are bound by these convictions. we will campaign for every vote, and we will win the great state of new 2020. [cheers and applause] and, by the way, you have thousands and thousands of people outside who can't get in, so we love you. we love you. we appreciate it. we tried to get the biggest arena we can get, and they are never big enough, frankly.s. and i always say, 2016, i don't know if there will ever be another 2016, but right now it's like a great tree or a great plant. you plant it, and it has to take hold. we have to win 2020.we're doing.
we have to win 2020. [cheering and applause] and, every day, and you know as well as i do, we are battling against the corrupt establishment of the past, and we are achieving historic victories for the american people. we are winning again. we are winning again, and we are winning big. we are winning big.crucially fo. we have ended the last administration's war on american energy. [cheering] and, since my election, natural gas production, big story today, in new mexico has increased by 40%. 4-0. [cheering] and that means great wages and that means jobs, and that's why
you're breaking every single record in your state's book. [cheering] crude oil production in new mexico has more than doubled and going up a lot higher very quickly. h [cheering] and your state's energy revenues are up by nearly two-thirds. think of that. two-thirds. and that's in a short period of time. give me a little bit more time, okay? [cheers and applause] [chanting]
the united states is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world. and this means more jobs, higher wages and american energy independence, which is what we have. [cheering] you know, a few years ago, if we had a problem like you saw two days agoai in the middle east, e would have been in a panic, although not if i were your president. we never panic.we don't want to. [cheering] but, a few years ago, they would have been in a panic. today, we got a lot of oil. we got a lot of gas. [cheering] a lot of oil and gas. we don't have to send too many boats over there. you notice the other day, they were saying, we don't see too many american ships
because we don't need -- we are independent, as independent as we want, and we are now a net exporter of energy. revenues from energy production provide up to 25% of your state's budget and going much higher in the very near future and they have generated nearly a billion dollar budget surplus in new mexico. thank you very much, president trump. thank s you. [cheering] now, under the green new deal, that all goes away. that all goes away. it all goes away. you can forget it. no more cows, no more airplanes, no more trips. a single car, make it electric, single car. you're not allowed to travel more than 162 miles.
they'll call us the hermit nation. we'll never leave our house. it's crazy, but that's okay. i don't want to bring it up because i don't want to do it too early. maybe they'll change.i don't wa. think of it for you, for texas, so many other places, they want to get rid of your energy? i mean, explain that one. explain that. yet every major democrat running for president, they want to abolish all production of oil and natural gas. in other words, the democrats want to completely annihilate new mexico's economy. the democrats want us to be subservient to foreign producers.
they want us to be at the mercy of rogue regimes. that's not happening anymore. it's been a long time. it's been a long time. it's not happening anymore. but democrats will never get the chance because new mexico will never give them that [cheers and applause] [chanting "usa"] under this administration, america is working again. america is winning again. and america is respected again like it hasn't been for a long time. [cheering] and, i can tell you, because i meet so many of the leaders and
their presidents and their kings and their queens and their prime ministers and their everything, dictators every once in a while. everyve once in a while, you gea rogue dictator. and i'll tell you, they always start off, today i had the crown prince of bahrain, and they come in and they say, sir, i'd like to congratulate you on what you've done with the economy of the united states. it's a model for the entire world. they all say it. [cheers and applause] and earlier today, do we have any baseball fans? [cheers and applause] right? right, you know what i'm going to say. earlier today, in the white house, i had the honor of awarding the presidential medal of freedom, that is the highest civilian award, to someone who truly embodies the american dream, baseball legend, the
greatest, by either t way, the greatest relief pitcher ofst all time, you look at those records, mariano rivera. he was something. the yankees won a lot of world series because of mariano. great guy.we gave himming the me so much for a fantastic man, fantastic family. it was a beautiful day at the white house, so it was good. my administration is fighting to empower all americans to reach their dreams and achieve their potential. i we have created 6 million new jobs since election day. the fake news would never have allowed us to say that during the campaign even as a projection. [cheering] unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in over 50 years. [cheering]
yemore than 7 million americans have been lifted off of food stamps. [cheering] nearly 600,000 americans came into the labor force last month alone. think of that. [cheering] wages in your state, new mexico, exare growing at a rate of much more than 3% a year, which is unheard of. 20 years ago, and i used to say during the campaign, you go back, it's hard to believe i'm here almost three years. can you believe how time is flying? can you believe? i don't know about me, but you look all much better than you did three years ago. [cheering] you're wealthier, and even with the #metoo movement, you'rewe cy
it anyway, you're better looking, including the men. including the men. no, you are all looking good. since my election, the number of neww business applications for new mexico has increased by almost 30%, more than any state in the united states. [cheering] think of that. more than any state in the united states. so, essentially, that's saying ande a certain category, a very important category, you are doing better than any state in the united states. how do i lose new mexico? explain that one. how do we lose that one?
and, yet, for whatever reason, it's been quite a while since a republican won the state.but ths state. i think we are going to win this state easy. [cheers and applause] you ought to see it the people in all the way from the airport. that was a long drive, by the way. 35 minutes. all the way in, we had people and theyd were waving. i didn't see any negative hand gestures. right? no, i think we're going to do great here. we are here for a number of reasons, butut we are here becae we really think we're going to turn this state and make it a republican state. [cheers and applause] yesterday marked the beginning of the hispanic heritage month. who is hispanic here? [cheers and applause]
latinos for trump, thank you. incredible people. but, we have much to celebrate. unbelievable when you think, the unemployment for hispanic-americans is right now at the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. hispanic-american property reached a brand-new all-time low in history. and, after years of stagnation that you know very well, wages for hispanic-americans are rising really fast, up nearly 8% since my election. those are unheard-of numbers.
and median income, think of that, the median income for hispanic-americans surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever. that's your median. that's not bad. that means you're wealthy and you're getting wealthier fast. i just want to tell you it is an honor. you know, when i'm on a debate stage debating one of these fars left radical democrats, whoever it may be -- [crowd booing] and they start telling you what they are going to do for you and you say, but wein have the best numbers every category that we've ever had, hispanic-americans, excuse me new mexico as a whole, we have the best numbers. african-americans, the best numbers that we've ever had in the history of our country. [cheering] asian-americans, the best
ianumbers that we've ever had in history. women, the best numbers that we've had in 71 years. [cheering] we are working night and day to deliver a future of limitless opportunities for our nation's hispanic-american citizens including millions and millions of extraordinary mexican-americans who enrich our society, and strengthen our country, serve in our military and contribute immensely to our shared american family and i want to just tell you that mexico is doing a great job for us on the border, and i want to thank the president of mexico. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting]
you know, it's very interesting i hear everybody screaming. you know, we are building the wall, and it's going up.and it'. [cheering and applause] and if you think that is easy with the democrats who control the house, we have to take it back, but if you think it's easy, but we are building a lot of wall, we have almost 500 miles of wall built by the end of next year, and it's making a big difference. [cheering] 500 miles. but you know we won a big case two months ago in the supreme court that allowed us to do what we are doing. this has been -- i'll tell you what. another president would have given up a long time ago.
we don't give up. so we are building the wall, the army corps of engineers, we're doing a beautiful job. it's a great -- it's a great structure. it's a great structure.ob's [cheering] you're going to have to really want to get over that wall to do it. but, you know, it was very interesting, because not too long ago, i saw where the hispanic-americans, the hispanics were up with me in a poll 17%. and i said, how is that? how is that? how is that? 17%, by 17%. i won't even tell you the final number was, they are not going toou believe will see th. but you know why? because the hispanic-americans they understand. they don't want criminals coming across the border. they don't want people taking their jobs. they want to have that security.
and they want the wall. they want the wall. [cheers and applause] and we have a man in the audience who is, i think, the best dressed man in this entire place, including me, right here. look at him. come here. looke at him. look at this guy. and he's been to a couple of rallies, too, haven't you, huh? we had some people, a group of people the other day, unbelievable, two of them. one of them it was going to be very, very close. here's another one of my friends. thank you. i like that beautiful red tie you are wearing. but, we had a victory, two victories, north carolina, where
one was 17 points down three weeks ago, we got involved, we started sending out lots of different social media messages. we did a couple of little robocalls. but, the big thing, we did a speech the night before. the turnout was beyond belief. and instead of being down by 17 points, he easily won the election, 4,000 or 5,000 votes. [cheering and applause] dan, thank you, dan. thank you, dan bishop. and greg murphy was up -- i would ask the media but they won't give me -- what did he get it, do you know? he won by a lot. he won by a lot. i would ask, but we are notsk going to get a straight answer. they were not happy. they were not happy. [crowd booing] i'll tell you, tuesday night
the fake news was not happy. you know, they had their studios all built. cnn had their a-list talent. they don't have a-list talent but they had the best they could. and they were all set. this was going to be the end of trump because this man was going to lose, but he turned out to be tough and smart. in all fairness, i helped a lot, too. [cheers and applause] and toward the end of the night, they started dismantling that studio.nd it probably would have been there for four weeks. this is the end. but we had two great victories congressional victories on tuesday night, and it was something. the one gentleman won by a number that nobody thought even possible so much, and the other
won erased that he was way, way, way back. i shouldn't tell you this, but my geniuses, my people, some of those standing right there come out right there. some of them -- right there. they said, sir, don't get involved in that race, sir. you can't come back from 17 points, sir. it's too much. i said, but i really like that guy. i think he's great. let's give it a shot. they say, sir, if you lose, they will never, ever -- it'll be much s worse.i said, let me telw them well, whether i help him or don't help them, it's going to be the same, it's going to be a disaster, so let's help them. we campaigned and worked hard right? [cheering and applause] they said, don't do it, sir,don. please don't do it, sir, it would be very embarrassing. i said, i don't mind being embarrassed. d,i don't mind being embarrasse. we are also very proud that
unemployment among native americans has reached the lowest rate in nearly two decades. [cheering and applause] and we are building an amazing future for citizens of every background, race, religion color c and creed. and that's what we have, that's what we have, race, religion, color and creed. but the radical left democrats want to demolish everything that we've gained. they want to raise taxes, bury you in regulation, take away your health insurance. h 180 million americans. they want to erase american history, crush religious liberty indoctrinate our students with left-wing ideology, and left-wing democrats want to
confiscate your guns and eliminate your god-given right to self-defense. [crowd r boos] ing] you know that. as your president, i will never allow them to take away your liberty, your dignity, your social security. [cheering and applause] and i will never, ever allow them to take away your sacred right to keep and bear arms. [cheers and applause] the left tries to threaten bully, intimidate americans into submission. they use democrat prosecutors and phony congressional committees whenever they can. they'll do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you.
they try to blacklist, coerce cancel or destroy anyone who gets in their way. look at what they are doing today to justice kavanaugh. look at what they are doing. [crowd booing] did you see "the new york times"? did you see what they are doing? did you see what democrats, they are calling for his resignation. they are calling for his impeachment.di and the woman involved said she didn't know anything. but, they still -- so "the new york times" had to put out a major apology and they had to change their story. the woman said, i don't remember that. and they still want him to be impeached. [crowd booing] and i just put out a statement -- and he's a great man, by the way, great talent
a great, brilliant man brett kavanaugh. [cheering and applause] and i justst put out a statement on social media that said, i don't think they'll do it, but they should, for the good of the nation. i called for the resignation of everybody at "the new yorktimesh smear story, and while you're at it, the russian witch hunt hoax which is just as phony a story. they have taken the old great lady -- you know "the newhe yoro prestigious, they have taken the older great lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue, and ruin her reputation. she can never recover and will never return to greatness under current management. "the times" is dead. long live "the new york times." long live "the new york times."
and i do want it to live, but they have to be -- they have eo change their ways. think of it, they wrote a story about somebody that said, she doesn't remember this. can you even believe it? and yet all of these radical left crazies on judiciary committees, all of these committees that are set up to hurt the country come up with all that we have going with saudi arabia, with iran with china, with russia, with north korea, with all that we have going, look at the cards that we have been dealt. lucky we won the election in 2016, believe me. [cheers and applause] with all that we have going, they say, let's impeach justice kavanaugh, one of the smartest, most brilliant
students, top at yale.incredible family. it's a made-up story. let's impeach president trump, think of that.the mueller repor. think of this. this crazy mueller report comes out, 18 trump haters, liberal democrats, some worked for hillary clinton, they found nothing. [crowd booing] thinko of it. after two years, they found nothing. they spent $40 million. there is not a person in the room that i couldn't find something on with that. they spent -- think of it. they - found nothing. no collusion. no no nothing. [cheers and applause] to stop the far left's campaign
of destruction, you must vote republican, and you're going to get the chance very soon. [cheering and applause] we are joined tonight by many terrific republican leaders, and somebody that has done an incredible job, she ran michigan for me, and as you know, for the presidential races, michigan hadn't been won in decades, and she kept saying, could you come back, sir?i didn't know who she. i said, who the heck is the woman in michigan that keeps asking? she said, sir, if you come back you're going to win michigan. hasn't been won in decades. and i won michigan. you remember? that's great, great night.novem. that great, great night. donald trump has won the great state of michigan, and they were going crazy on television. that was not a good night for certain people. remember the couple of people that were crying?
i guess they don't like a strong military. they don't like cutting regulations. they don't like low taxes. they don't like right to try.i e things we've done. for the vets, we not choice for the vets. [cheering and applause] everybody said it was impossible. weev rebuilt our military. i told the story for the first time today. a general came into my moves my first few weeks, you remember was a little dangerous out there, president obama left with us a few beauties, right? [booing] and i said to this general, you better be prepared base this is looking like to could really be conflict, and he looked at me and he goes, sir, we have very little ammunition. i said, say it again. and i want to tell you, the words very little, didn't ice

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Life , 31 , Defamation Suita Libel Suit , Bar , Iabse , Malice , Story , Figure , Defamation Case , Plaintiff , Information , Equivalent , Drive By Shooting , Wasnt Journalism , Victim , Friends , Recollection , Facts , Sunday One , Delib , Hee , Profile , Bomber , Lin Wood Isn T , Case , Nicholas Sandmann For Money , Lesson , Mother , Passion , Mo Ney , Odlin Wood , Alliance , Terms , Emirates , Aligningagains , Hope Bibi , Egypt , Jordan , Shia Crescent , Say Drewing , Position , Line Wn , Region , Hopefully , Winstomorrowy , Hegemony , Arena , Crowd Size , House , Rims , Way , Crowd Sizes , Majority , Podium , 2020 , Number , Unemployment , African American , Asian Americans , Youth Unemployment , Unfairly , Women In The Workplace , Question , Candidate , Jobs , Tax Rates , Corporations , Americana , Individuals , 70 , 90 , Droves , Applause , Cheers , Crowd Chanting , Listen , Hard Working , Albuquerque , Freedom Loving American Patriots , United , Devotion , Love , Faith , Cheering , Grace , Chanting , Person , Bit , Protest , Laughter , Home , State Of Michigan , Night , Vote , Convictions , Enough , We Love You , Franklys , Hold , Plant , Tree , Establishment , Victories , Big , Big Crucially Fo , Administration , War On American Energy , Big Story Today , Natural Gas , Wages , 0 S , 4 , Book , Energy Revenues , Energy Independence , E , Panic , Panic We Dont Want To , Boats , Ships , Revenues , Energy Production , Exporter , 25 , Budget , Dollar Budget Surplus , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Car , Airplane , Cows , Trips , 162 , Crazy , Hermit , Places , Ei Dont Wa , Texas , Running , Producers , Chance , Mercy , Rogue Regimes , Leaders , Hasn T , Many , Presidents , Dictators , Everyve , Ministers , Kings , Queens , Gea Rogue Dictator , Dont Get , Crown Prince , Bahrain , Earlier , Baseball Fans , Honor , Someone , Award , White House , The Greatest , Medal Of Freedom , The American Dream , Baseball Legend , Records , Mariano Rivera , Relief 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