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A fox urgent. The centers for Disease Control confirming a Texas Health Care worker does have ebola. This is the fox report. Im Heather Childers in for harris faulkner. A dallas nurse becoming the first person to contract the deadly virus here in the u. S. Preliminary tests reveal positive results last night. The cdc making the diagnosis official today. The patient was isolated soon after symptoms appeared and remains isolated while she and the hospital decide on a course of treatment. Meanwhile, her car and apartment are being decontaminated. We are told the patient has a pet at home that will need to be removed. The cdc says the nurse contracted ebola from Thomas Duncan, the liberian man who died from the disease last week. Health officials calling this a clear breach of Infection Control protocol despite claims that the nurse wore protective clothing while treating duncan. Brian hennessey is live from our new york newsroom. Brian, what can we explain or how can this breach be explained in safety protocol, and what is being done to prevent this from happening again . Reporter well, hi, hearth. The nurse treated and had extensive contact with duncan on multiple occasions during his second visit to the hospital. She wore her full protective suit, a gown, gloves, mask, and shield while caring for him. And yet she still got infected with ebola. So now the cdc is sending additional staff to Texas Health Presbyterian hospital to investigate where they say an unknown breach in safety protocol took place. Officials are particularly looking into whether any mistakes are being made while Health Care Workers take off their protective gear after dealing with an ebola patient. Its a highrisk task that if done carelessly can lead to contamination. When there have been breaches, it not infrequently and they have been very, very rare. What happens is someone is in a ppe, theyre fatigued, theyve been working for a long time, and when they take it off they do something inadvertent like just brushing their face or Something Like that. The cdc is also investigating whether highrisk desperate procedures to try to save duncans life, kidney dialysis and respiratory intubation, exposed other workers to the virus. It is possible in the coming days that we will see additional cases of ebola. This is because the Health Care Workers who cared for this individual may have had a breach of the same nature of the individual who appears now to have preliminary positive tests. The cdc today announced a multistep plan to prevent breaches from happening again, recommending hospitals appoint an ebola czar to oversee safety protocols, limiting the number of Health Care Workers who interact with an ebola patient, and improving education in hospitals among other things. Now, the cdc warns its possible, again, that we could see additional cases. A nationwide survey released today shows 76 of americas nurses have not been told how to handle patients infected with ebola. Heather . That is stathering, bryan, for sure. What more can you tell us about a hospital evacuation in boston today . Reporter heather, this is a developing story, but this afternoon the Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates practice in braintree, massachusetts was briefly evacuated after a man who had recently visited liberia walked in complaining of a headache and muscle aches. Officials quarantined the hospital, isolated the patient in an ambulance, and he is now at the beth israel deaconist Medical Center where a team specializing in ebola will treat him. According to our fox affiliate in boston, we can expect an update on whether he is positive on ebola in the next couple of hours. On a more positive note, the nbc cameraman ashoka mukpo, who is in nebraska receiving treatment for being exposed to ebola, is said to be improving and that they are happy with his progress. Heather . All right. Bryan llenas, thank you. Right now dr. Marc siegel, hes joining us. Hes a professor of medicine at nyu langone medical sxrernt a member of the fox news medical a team. Thank you for being here this evening. Hi, heather. A lot of people understandably very concerned about this breach of Infection Control protocol. What does that mean . And is that enough of an explanation for you . You know, as dr. Fauci said, if you take the suit off wrong one time, even if you do it right all the other times, you only have to breach that protocol one time. And its when youre taking the suit off you that may tend to think okay, im out of the woods now and you may tend to slip. And i think theres a lot of calls today for the centers for Disease Control to play a more involved role rather than just oversight of this situation because theyre more aware of these protocols. As bryan just mentioned, 67 of nurses around the country arent aware how to do this. If you add to that the fear factor, you know, somebody taking care of an ebola patient, a nurse thats never seen an ebola patient before might be very nervous, especially with all the coverage, and they might make more mistakes because people when theyre afraid take fewer precautions. But all that being said, we still dont know how she became infected with the virus and we still dont know if in fact it was a breach of protocol, correct . Fair enough. We dont know for sure. The only thing is that the likely way that ebola is transmitted is through bodily secretions likely. You said likely. Well, but Health Care Workers are the ones who have tended to get it in west africa. So in other words, anything is possible. But we need people out there to know what the most likely thing is, which is you have blood, you have urine, you have vomit, diarrhea around, someone whos taking care of an ebola patient. Ive got calls all day today, what if i live down the stree, what if my kid goes to school across the street . What if this is airborne . Well cut to the chase. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever this is airborne. Its by contact with secretions. And that includes sweat and saliva but thats very rare. Theres no evidence its mutated since 1976 in a direction that would cause a change. Unfortunate for this nurse, this is not out of the realm of what we usual lly see webith ebola i west africa. Do you think well see more of it . Well see more of it but isolated cases. And on the flip side of that, with Thomas Duncan going around town and vomiting and all the rest of what he was doing, people not even knowing he had ebola, its almost amazing how few cases we have had, which is just one, which is a sign it is not that contagious a virus. And i stick to that. Dr. Marc siegel, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. In other developments, in the worlds fight against isis terrorists, turkey will now let the u. S. And our Coalition Allies use its bases for military operations inside iraq and syria. And that is a breakthrough, you could say, with turkey, which has so far resisted providing much assistance at all. Meantime, the shells keep falling in the syrian city of kobani. The town which sits just yards from turkeys border has been under constant siege from isis militants for weeks now. Kurdish forces have dug in but are outgunned and short on some supplies. They say increases Coalition Air strikes in the area are helping. At least 45 there in the past few days. But no word on how much longer they will be able to hold on their own. Greg palka is at the turkeysyria border tonight with the latest. Greg . Reporter heather, isis terrorists are on the rampage across the mideast including over in iraq. Well have more on that. First developments closer to where we are. Centcom confirming that in the last 24 hours they have launched three more air strikes on isis positions in the syrian town of kobani. And sources close to the kurdish defenders there tell us now that the attacks are stepping up they are having an effect. The terrorist advance we are told has been stopped since friday. Still, the clashes continue into tonight. Between kurdish fhters and the terrorists. And they are leaving big casualties on both sides. The death toll is now said to be over 500, including civilians. And we are told isis has rushed in more fighters and is set for a major new offensive. This is becoming a grudge match and a very dangerous one. Meanwhile, over in iraq, isis is on the offensive as well in the wake of a wave of bombings saturday around baghdad. There were more isis bombings today. To the northeast of the capital. And they left 30 dead. Also called in another blast, the police chief of the important Anbar Province in western iraq. Isis control there could be a big threat to baghdad and, by the way, 1,500 u. S. Troops there. One report today even suggests that the isis move on the syrian town of kobani could be just a decoy mission to distract attention away from the isis moves inside iraq. On the ground here it looks different. Isis would appear to want it all. Heather. All right. Greg palkot joining us live. Thank you. To russian president Vladimir Putin now, claiming that he has ordered roughly 17,000 of his troops away from the border with ukraine. Remember thats still going on. The kremlin says the troops were there for military exercises but the u. S. , nato, much of europe, all of them concerned that the Russian Forces were there for a possible invasion of eastern ukraine. So far nato has yet to confirm if the Russian Troops are actually withdrawing from the border. Right now Police Investigating after a hayride turned to tragedy. One teenager has died. Many others injured after a fun fall night went horribly wrong. And now authorities want to know exactly what happened. And later, midterms just three weeks away. Some candidates in some Battleground Senate races running neck and neck. More on that up next. And also later in the show with the fox news political insiders. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. 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Secretary of state john kerry joining officials from 50 nations in egypt today pledging an additional 212 million to help gaza following the war between israel and hamas earlier this year. So far the u. S. Has offered 400 million. That amount 10 of what palestinians say they will need to rebuild schools, homes, even basic infrastructure that was devastated in the fighting. The bulk of the money is coming from other arab countries including saudi arabia and qatar. Fox news is americas election headquarters. And we are about three weeks away from the midterms. Several Critical Senate races are still seemingly deadlocked. One of those in iowa where tonight former president ial nominee governor mitt romney is campaigning for Republican Senate candidate joanie ernst. Ernst squared off with her democratic opponent, congressman bruce braley, in a critical debate last night. The latest real clear politics average has her up by less than a point. Meaning that this race could essentially still go either way. Leland vittert has more tonight from washington. Leland . Reporter with so many senate races and for that matter control of the senate seemingly up for grabs, both sides are spending money like there is no tomorrow. Not only on saturating local television with attack ads but also trying to help build a ground game. In iowa the millions spent on the race to replace tom harkin became a hot topic in last nights heated debate, with candidates trying to answer not only their opponents attacks but also those levied by the outside money ads. To give you a chance to refute some of these ads being the super pac ads particularly. These are coming, millions of dollars in money coming from forces outside of iowa. We understand those of which you have no control over at all. So whats the answer . The answer is i never met michael bloomberg. I have no idea what these ads are based upon. The latest numbers show democratic groups are spending more as they try to hold on to key senate seats, many including places like colorado and michigan that were once thought safe. South dakota also remains a tossup. I think at the end of the day it ends up in the republican column by its a sign of the desperation of the democrats that theyre plunging 2. 5 million into south dakota here in the next 3 1 2 weeks. Reports indicate that during this years general election cycle a majority of the advertising dollars spent by outside groups come from organizations that are required to say little or nothing about where their money comes from. With a very valuable prize up for grabbed on november 4th, the content of the advertising is as controversial as those who pay for it. Heather . Leeland vittert. 23 days and counting. Fire destroying more than 100 homes and Authorities Say it was not started by accident. Details on who is now in custody. Plus, a nightmare scenario at sea. 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It was an accident at a farm in maine that saw a halloweenthemed hayride go terribly wrong. Its in the middle of the woods. And its a trail. So its not easy going. The vehicle was traveling in this direction coming out of the ride, going downhill around a sharp curve. And and he missed the curve and went into the wood line. And it looks like the trailer jackknifed and hit a tree. Authorities say a number of riders suffered broken bones and head injuries. They suspect a mechanical problem may have contributed to that crash. And now to another tragedy at a halloweenthemed event when a performer is run over and killed. Our top story as we go across america. Idaho. Police say a bus hit and killed a man working for a halloween zombie attraction. They say as part of the event he emerged from his hiding spot and he ran toward the bus. But he tripped, and the bus did not stop, running him over with its back wheels. At first people on board the bus didnt know that hed been hit, thinking that it was all part of the show. The Company Behind the event canceling the rest of the weekend. Florida. Intense moments caught on video as a boat with six people on board begins sinking. They were about four miles off the coast of miami when the boat flipped over. Thankfully, another boater saw the victims waving their arms in the water. That Good Samaritan says that he was the fourth boat to go by but the only one to stop. He says hes just happy everyone is safe. Pennsylvania. What reportedly started as a very large frat party quickly spilled out of control. It happened just off campus at California University ofia near. Reports of hundreds of people spilling into the streets, all for what was supposed to be a homecoming celebration. No word on any arrests. And to oregon. A Police Sergeant pleads no contest to one count of theft. He was accused of stealing a 1. 49 bag of popcorn from a convenience store. The incident captured on store surveillance video. Apparently, he has done this a number of times. The sergeant has been suspended without pay and put on probation. He was also forced to pay a small fine. And that is your wrap on this fox trip across america. Authorities in Northern California charging a man with arson after a Massive Wildfire that threatened to leave an entire community in ashes. Police identifying the suspect as 24yearold ronald beau marshall. Hes accused of starting the socalled boles fire. It broke out last month near the town of weed, close to the oregon border. The flames burning around 150 homes to the ground, in fact, and also damaging a saw mill, one of the largest employers in that area. Rumors intensifying around the status of north Korean Leader kim jong un. He was a noshow this week at a major state anniversary celebration and hasnt been seen in public since september 3rd. Will carr has that story from our west coast newsroom and he joins us with more. Hi, will. Reporter good evening, heather. Since the world has not seen kim jong un since september, it sparked global speculation about where he is and exactly what hes doing right now. Keep in mind that this is the most secretive, most shutoff country in the world. So the dictator, its very hard to get any information about exactly what hes doing. Now, he was last seen at a concert in september with his wife where he was seen walking with a limp. Kim jong un missed a ceremony on friday to pay tribute to his late father and grandfather. That might not sound like much, but its an Important National anniversary for north korea, one that kim jong un normally attends. Since then experts have wondered if he broke an ankle, has gout, has some other health issue, or if theres been a coup. I dont think its just health. They talk about gout. Now, gout is very painful, but it isnt going to prevent kim jong un from showing up at these very important anniversaries. I think that hes lost substantial power recently and thats a much better explanation for what we know. We have not seen any indications of a transfer of power at this point in north korea that we view as definitive, but well continue to watch it carefully. Reporter officials in south korea agree with United States officials that right now they say theres no evidence of a coup. Now, keep in mind that kim jong un is in bad health generally. He eats a lot. He drinks a lot. And he rarely ever exercises. And experts say if hes not able to run the country right now they believe his sister, kim yo jong, may be running things until hes capable. Will carr. Thank you. Well, lets do a fox fast forward. How about it . Monday it is columbus day. Federal offices are closed. And that includes the post office. Most banks are also closed. But the New York Stock Exchange is open for business. Also monday, a south african court begins sentencing olympic Bladerunner Oscar Pistorius a month after he was convicted of culpable homicide in the killing of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. The process expected to involve several days of testimony. Pistorius could face up to 15 years in prison. And tuesday the chairman of the joint chiefs, general martin dempsey, will host a meeting of more than 20 foreign defense officials on the International Effort to defeat isis. They are expected to discuss new efforts to train socalled moderate syrian rebels. President obama will also be in attendance. Authorities in texas scrambling to find out who came into contact with a Health Care Worker who is now the second confirmed victim of the ebola virus at a dallas hospital. Well have a live update up next. And the nations top generals saying some boots on the ground against isis would help the mission. But a Top White House official doubling down, saying no. The political insiders are here. 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And that became our passion. To always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. That redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. After all, you cant turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. Im Heather Childers in for harris faulkner, and this is the fox report. Its the bottom of the hour. If youre just joining us. The cdc confirms a dallas nurse has contracted ebola from the liberian patient who died last week. Hazmat teams now decontaminating her apartment. The nurse says that she wore protective clothing while treating the patient. But health Officials Say that there was a clear breach of protocol somewhere along the line. Bryan llenas is live from our new york newsroom with more. Bryan . Heather, the dallas nurse remains in stable condition and in isolation. She had extensive contact with duncan on multiple occasions during his second visit to the hospital while wearing her full protective suit, a gown, gloves, mask, and shield, and yet she was still infected with ebola. So now the cdc is sending additional staff to Texas Health Presbyterian hospital to investigate how a clear breach in safety protocol took place. Theyre particularly concerned about how workers are handling their Personal Protective Equipment after dealing with an ebola patient. Its a highrisk task that if done carelessly can easily lead to contamination. Now, the cdc warns its possible we will see additional cases of ebola in the coming days. Officials are looking into whether desperate risky procedures done to try to save duncans life, kidney dialysis and respiratory intubation, exposed other health care workers to the virus. Meantime, a bostonarea clinic was briefly closed after a man who recently visited liberia complained of headaches and muscle aches this afternoon. The man was put into an ambulance and is now isolated at beth israel deaconist Medical Center where a Specialized Team is assessing him. We are also getting words that hazmat crews are at l. A. X. Responding to someone who reportedly has flulike symptoms on Board United Airlines Flight 703. Officials say this is out of an abundance of caution. Heath heather . Bryan llenas live for us. Thank you. Turning now to the fight for the syrian city of kobani. Increased u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes helping kurdish rebels as they struggle to keep a foothold in the critical city. Which sits direct ly october border with turkey. But turkish leaders say theyre outgunned and supplies are running short. Ice nis iraq as well. More homicide bombings in iraqs capital leaving at least 26 people dead and more attacks in the countrys Anbar Province just west of the capital. Meanwhile, there appears to be growing debate in washington over whether u. S. Ground forces will be necessary, and the dueling opinions are from people who will be directly involved in that decision. Peter doocy is in washington for us tonight. So peter, what would it take for the president to send american troops into iraq or syria . Heather, its going to take a battle that the pentagon doesnt think can be won with air strikes. Would we be more effective against isis if we had u. S. Troops on the ground spotting targets, if we had those ground there will be circumstances when the answer to that question will likely be yes. But i havent encountered one right now. What kind of point ive actually used the example of mosul will likely be the decisive battle in the ground campaign. At some point in the future. General dempsey also revealed today that recently isis militants gone within about 15 miles of the critical Baghdad Airport and the pentagon was worried they would overpower an iraqi unit that was standing as the last line of defense on a key road. Sought u. S. Sent in apache helicopters, and the airport remains at this hour in friendly hands. Heather. So peter, how is the white house responding to speculation about the Ground Troops . Heather, sayer saying any Ground Troops that may be needed for the fight against isis are going to be from iraq. Lets be clear here. The president has been very plain, that this is not a campaign that requires or even would benefit from american Ground Troops in combat again. The iraqi prime minister, the government of iraq have said very plainly they dont want american troops in combat. Reporter the pentagon has been putting pressure on turkey to do more to help inside syria, right next door. Today secretary of defense chuck hagel called his turkish counterpart because to this point turkeys military has not been fighting to keep nearby kobani from falling to isis militants. But today we are learning turkey is going to finally open up some military bases there for the coalition to use. Heather . Peter doocy joining us live. Thank you. You just heard two opposing opinions from two top leaders in washington over the possibility of using u. S. Ground forces. One of the countrys top generals saying they may be needed if the mission calls for it and the other from a National Security adviser saying what what president obama has said before, that no u. S. Boots will be on the ground. So lets bring our political insiders in. In charleston, South Carolina tonight pat cadel, a former pollster for president jimmy carter and a fox news contributor. John lebuglier, former republican congressman for new york. And doug schoen, former pollster for bill clinton and a fox news contributor. Thank you both for joining us. Thank you. So the pentagons top general says that troops could possibly be more effective on the ground in some situations and then you have the National Security adviser saying thats not going to happen, saying the opposite. So doug, ill start with you. Who is this administration listening to and what should we take from that . Well, heather, thats a very good question. The simple answer is we dont know who theyre listening to or what decisions theyre going to make or what strategy theyre employing. Before the election i think we know no Ground Troops. Because politically it would be unpopular. They believe in the short term. The larger answer to your second question is there is a sense of fear in america. Fear over isis. Fear over the middle east. Fear over russia and ukraine. Also fear over ebola coming to new york, coming to los angeles. Obviously with somebody infected in dallas huge, huge concerns. An economy thats stagnated. A stock market that has sunk precipitously and is showing more volatility. Heather, fear is the watchword of the day. The word that we need to focus on. So how will americans, voters respond to that fear, and how will the administration counter it . Logic says, and i agree with doug, and i think pat agrees, to there is fear in the air over all these things and a feeling of disgust over the u. S. Governments response to all these problems. So logic says theyre going to throw out people on the ballot who are part of the majority party, the democratic party, and i think we think the odds are republicans should recapture the senate. Not definite but they should. And this is all filtering in. Bad economy, fear, ebola, all of it. The two things you open up with. Ebola and isis. The Administration Response is very similar. Too little too late. The American People want to be much stronger about both of them. Right. The pentagon, you asked, theyre pushing, pulling, trying to get the white house to get going on this thing. And theyre being pushed away by obama and susan rice. Pat, im going to have you respond. Im going to bring you in here and have you respond to this in just a moment. But first i want to bring up some sound we got from senator john mccain. He actually talks about isis and the concern if were not doing more now that they will be here in the u. S. We cant afford to let this continue. And the stronger isis gets, the greater the threat to the United States of america. Thats what we have to understand. And thats why tough decisions have to be made. And not gradually. We have to completely revamp our strategy, which clearly is not succeeding. He went on to talk about pinpricking air strikes. Pat, what is your response to that . And is this another example of the president leading from behind . Yes. Well, leading from behind or trying to do the minimum necessary to get through the election. Im not sure how committed the president is to this strategy come after november 4th. But ill tell you what. When you see the fact that were flying so few missions that are actually hitting anything. When isis when the voters see that isis is spreading up through the kurdish areas and if there were any journalists there we would have pictures of massaes and what theyre doing to christians and to muslims who will not follow their line. Crucifixions and beheadings. Meanwhile, you have susan rice saying no troops on the ground at all. This president is this stuff isnt working. And it makes people nervous. There was a story of apparently judicial watch, which has done pretty well at getting documents, is claiming that four people were arrested a week ago, over the last week, at the texas border who were isis members. And what we didnt get is a firm denial of that. We had those allegations right before 9 11, remember. ll fact is that we expect they will try to come in. And then you have ebola people are overexcited about but not too much because again it goes to what doug and john were talking about. A sense that the government is not in control, who trust them to do anything. And this is the time when the American People have such negative feelings about both parties and about a Political Leadership and a political establishment that has failed them entirely. And a sense that the government is not releasing all of the information that it has on both ebola and the situation in isis. And im wondering, with the midterm elections, is that part of the strategy . Is that whats going on here . Theyre going to wait until after on both counts . Politically, heather, i think pat and john are right. This is an administration trying to get through the election. One thing that i think they are missing that is of profound importance is leadership. Yes, you can look at the polls and say people dont want Ground Troops, so were not going to send Ground Troops. Or look at the polls and say people are getting scared about ebola, so lets minimize the fear and minimize the information. But what people ultimately want in politics is a strong chief executive. A president who says well do anything we need to do to keep our country safe and to keep the world safe. Thats what people want. Thats what theyre not getting from president obama. All right. We will talk more about it coming up next. Senate races neck and neck in some key states. With about three weeks until the midterms, now some new polls giving some insight into which party may control the senate when all is said and done. The fox news political insiders coming back. The earth 230 times. Each brita filter can replace 300 of those. Clean. Clear. Brita water. Nothing is better. For new nestle© toll houser delightfulls morsels, the chocolate you know and love now filled with caramel, Peanut Butter, cherry, and mint. So Peanut Butter up some brownies. And caramelify those chocolate chip cookies with new nestle© toll house delightfulls. 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Were even expanding sunday package delivery. Yes, sunday. At the u. S. Postal service, our priority is. Was. And always will be. You. Some Key Senate Races appear to be in flux with about three weeks to go until midterm elections. And new polling suggests control of the senate could come down to which party has the best voter turnout. And according to the wall street journal, take a look, and nbc news, 48 want democrats to control congress. 43 want a gopled congress. But this poll shows republican supporters are more interested in this years midterm than democratic supporters. The fox news political insiders are back. Pat caddell, john leboutillier, and doug schoen. Doug im sorry. Doug. Im doug. Hes john. Yes. In terms of getting the voters out to the polls, which party does tend to do better . Traditionally. In a midterm its traditionally the republicans. This year those basic trends are heightened which the fact the republican voter base is more mobilized to vote against president obama than the democratic base is to come out to support the party. Even though in the journal poll there was a fivepoint advantage for the democrats, i think when that plays itself out with the Enthusiasm Gap ultimately the parties are deadlocked nationally with a slight advantage to the republicans in the swing states. I call it the passion differential. Whos more angry or happy going into an election . This year the republicans are very unhappy, very ticked off at the status quo. Democrats, i think theyre passive about it. Theyre not in love anymore with obama. So theyre going to probably stay home a little bit more. That republicans the republicans. The passion differential should help us win a fete gain of six seats and take over the senate. And thats what they need to do. Pat, what do you think . What are your thoughts . My thoughts are im shocked at the fivepoint gap that was one point for republicans registered voters, these are registered voters in the last wall street journal poll. These polls are getting a little wacky at this time of year. But we have Seen Movement everything that john and doug said is correct. There are you know, i can teach this or preach this any way you want. There are trends showing like in iowa where the republican candidate, joni ernst, was six points ahead in the goldplated iowa Des Moines Register poll and now is one point ahead, this is over two weeks. There are flows going on back and forth, and partly it goes to the disenchantment of voters. The low turnout i do think will help the republicans at some level. The democrats have a much better ground game in many of these places based on what they did with obama in 12. Lets get into some of the specific races were talking about in iowa. Talking about iowa. Well, iowa is an open senate seat. Traditionally a democratic seat. The republican is still ahead, joni ernst, by one point in the latest poll. Everybodys going in there. Mrs. Obama was there on friday. Couldnt get bruce braleys name correct but she was there campaigning. And bill clintons going in, hillarys going in. Also romneys going in because its 2016 and hes actually there tonight or today. And we have some video of that as well. He was there actually campaigning for bruce braley. Im sorry, campaigning for joni ernst. This is a bonus for the republicans. They originally didnt count this one as one they had to win. They had six other ones of embattled democrats 37 alaska, arkansas, louisiana, north carolina, west virginia, and south dakota. That they could win quite easily. They thought. But the field has changed. There are other seats opening up. Colorado as well. Right. Heres the thing on the big picture with these two expert pollsters, doug and pat. Have you ever seen a time when almost every incumbent, both republican and democrat, is so low . Theyre all under 50. Let me try to offer a little perspective quickly. First, it reflects the anger and alienation of the electorate. Second, it reflects the disinterest. And polls jump around when people really dont care that much, which is what were seeing here. Hence you can get polls from plus 6 to plus 1 because voters are just really saying a plague on both your houses and a movement in some states to independence. Pat. Thats why i want to pick that point up because i think its very interesting. Johns right. Weve never seen so many incumbents with such low poll numbers. Most of them unfortunately the democrats are there, but weve seen it with republicans. Pat robertson, kansas, which is a race we should talk about. You know, other Mitch Mcconnell. Mitch mcconnells numbers are terrible in kentucky, although that woman hes running against, miss grimes, wants to blow her political brains out this week. Refused to admit she voted for president obama. When you got the msnbc crew saying that disqualified her for office, thats pretty bad. But you know what . Weve got some other things. I dont know what the president s doing. What the republicans have not done, and we should probably stay with these races, is they have not nationalized this election. And that is part of the problem. These races are running with millions of dollars on individual attacks and not on what i think doug and i and john would agree are the big referendum kind of issues that the voters would probably turn the democrats out on. All right. Were going to continue to talk about this. Right now were going to go to a break, though. Mitt romney campaigning in iowa for republican senator joni ernst. We told you about that. Locked in a tight race with her democratic challenger. And new polling shows voters there saying if today, 2012 their ballots might look a little bit different. The fox news political insiders coming back. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. 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Even though the Democratic Senators in a lot of these states are in trouble, there are three or four republicans who if they lose its conceivable Mitch Mcconnell could lose. Pat roberts could lose. The open seat in georgia which is a republican seat. If the republican incumbents lose those seats, were back to maybe the democrats hold on to those. And that comes down to people not satisfied with the Work Congress has been doing. In the end, though, to beat an incumbent youve got to be a good kd. The democrats dont have a candidate in congress. They have an independent, who is the most intriguing, right, pat . Candidate running this year. I listened today this morning to the press. The washington world, including i listened to chris wallace. The caucus with the democrats. What does he know . Hes never talked to the man. I want to answer a lot of fox viewers last week said he must be a liberal democrat. No. Hes a very he represents a new world view, which is politics is failing the country, the people are being let down, hes tried all the others. And its amazing to me how this i like to say people lie to you all the time, theyre saying theyre the ones telling you this. These politicians say anything to get elected. What they do not understand is theres a new force coming in politics, and i think hes going to win that seat. And i think actually it represents a real breakthrough. I dont know what doug thinks. Also endorsed by the paper there, the kansas city stars editorial board. A huge endorsement that speaks to the themes pat and john were speaking of, his independence. And orman has made it clear to both parties that he is not going to commit before the election who hell caucus with and the democrats have been somewhat reluctant to offer them support. But he has claimed he would be in lockstep with democrats. No, he hasnt. He has specifically said i will not vote for harry reid and i will not vote for Mitch Mcconnell. And he said he was against obamacare. He voted for obama in 08. He voted for romney in 12. And in South Carolina former senator Larry Pressler is within three points of what is it the former governor mike rounds, the republican, correct. Again, its the antiestablishment view that pat was so articulately speaking to. The American People have just had it with a system thats failed, as you said, a congress that is failing, and a political system thats not really presenting real choices. Let me show you how corrupt the political system is with this guy greg orman. Reince priebus, the chairman of the rnc, blasted orman this week, said hell be caucusing with the democrats, we dont want any part of him. If orman wins this election, the republicans will be all over him on november 5th, begging him to caucus especially if its a 5050 exactly. They need him. Suddenly hes the greatest thing since sliced bread. And he said hes open to that. Of course he is. Theres a stat out there. Since modern times basically in terms of elections that theres only been one senator that has won when it comes down to the midterms. The incumbent is in the 40 area in these polls. Under 45. Right. And thats the point. Theyre all vulnerable. And thats really the issue. Thats the fox report. We have to wrap it up. Im sorry, pat. Sunday october 12th. Well start with you next week. Im Heather Childers in for harris faulkner. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Imy body doesnt work the way it used to. Past my prime . Im a victim of a slowing metabolism . I dont think so. Great grains protein blend. Protein from Natural Ingredients like seeds and nuts. 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