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Day. Brian thats the why katie is here today. Katie get something good down in South Carolina. Thats where she is. Steve she is down visiting her folks and family. In the meantime, katie, good to have you. Katie good to be here, thank you. Steve start this 12th day of september with a major win from the president. Brian from the Supreme Court that is the high court allowing the administration asylum 72. Katie that ruling coming as President Trump touts success on the Border Security. Steve Griff Jenkins joins us live from washington with the latest. Mr. Jenkins, has the president already talked about what baking win he got . Griff he has, indeed. Good morning, katie, steve and brian. Big victory for the administration now. High court giving green light for Asylum Seekers traveling through a third country such as mexico instead of seeking protections there instead of the u. S. This after the u. S. District judge blocked in july. The liberal leaning ninth circuit of appeals on monday narrowed that judges order limiting it with an injunction to arizona and california only. Meaning the ban applied in texas and new mexico. The Supreme Court ruling says it moves forward in all 50 states. Two of the nine justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented sotomayor once again the executive bridge rule seeks to long practices protecting refugees to protect shelter from persecution. President trump did hail that as a big win. Saying i had an excellent telephone conversation with the president of mexico talking about southern Border Security and various other things of mutual interest for the people of our respective countries. He continued the southern border is becoming very strong, despite the obstruction by democrats not agreeing to do anything on loopholes or asylum. It comes as apprehensions in august are down to 50,000. And you have this ruling. We havent heard the last of this ruling by the way. This decision was not a ruling on the merits of the case that will continue to play out in lower courts. For now a lookout of progress here for the administration on Border Security. Guys . Steve thats right. Griff, thank you very much. So its not a ruling on the merits of the case. Its just the fact that when the Trump Administration announced this one one of these judges out in california, u. S. District court by the name of john tigar in San Francisco blocked the policy from going into effect nationwide. The ninth circuit said you can only have this regarding the states of california and arizona ninth circuit in effect. The Supreme Court said look, you are both wrong. Let the administration do this. Well sort it out on the merits later. But, right now. A lower court judge cant rule on something that would impact the entire country. Katie republican president s have always notoriously been sparring with the ninth circuit. President trump, especially, as he has tried to take on illegal immigration and implementing new policies to get the numbers down, variety of different ways. This is a big win for him. Steve it is. Katie actually a couple weeks ago he nominated another judge to sit on the ninth circuit as well. He has been changing the makeup of that court as we go through the process of the immigration laws trying to put in to place. Brian donald trump has now appointed seven federal judges to the ninth circuit. So, he is making some progress there. Getting people he wants in place. He now has 150 federal judges, i believe that is an alltime record. Whats most important is it sends a message to the triangle countries we are shutting off the magnet one by one sending a message cannot work to go through the perilous journey to put your family at risk especially if you are someone who has a unsavory goal to get here for drug or trafficking reasons. Its going to be a lot harder if you are here for asylum, its going to be a lot different. So hopefully give the Border Patrol a chance to do something. Steve it might shut off the magnet, we would think. But look at last month. 50,000 people. 50,000 people came across our southern border. That is more than all the people who lived in the town i grew up in salina, kansas. In one month. And then just imagine 12 salinas a year. Thats just a lot. It is half the number it was a couple months earlier still, nonetheless, so many people are coming across. Katie the argument the Trump Administration is trying to make asylum is reserved for people who actually need it. If you are seeking it, you should seek it in the first country you come upon for help. Thats what theyre talking about in terms of the ruling. So many differentone shuttin. One of those magnets in sanctuary cities. The other one is shutting out ice. When they go to try to get those who have transgressed against the law out. Some of these cities have told their local Law Enforcement dont cooperate. And we saw this play out yesterday on capitol hill. Steve yeah. It was in front of the government of the oversight and Government Reform Committee tom homan who was with us yesterday previewed what he was going to say. He did not preview for us exactly how fiery it got. To the point we have a montage of some of the democrats sparring with him. It got to the point where aoc said you are out of time. You have got to stop. He kept going. Watch. I think its important to really make sure that the bigoted testimony of mr. Homan is called out as nearly completely untrue as being an outrage. What did i say that was inaccurate. I just think its important that its not accepted as accurate testimony. If you want to go toe to toe, im here on my own time to speak to the American People. Im sure happy to go toe to toe, mr. Homan. Havhave you got to let me respond to the question rather than tropic a bomb. Mr. Homan i want to let you know your contribution as acting director of ice under this administration will always be remembered as one that was very ruthless and Inhumane Treatment of Asylum Seekers. I would like to apologize to you on behalf of the United States of america for the dehumanizing policies that they are pursuing. I have never seen such hate towards Law Enforcement agency in my life that you want to abolish it. Mr. Homan the time has expired. Mr. Homan, your time has inspired. If you dont like it, legislate. Steve that was aoc at the end saying mr. Homan you are out of time. He makes the Pope Benedict some Law Enforcement has made. If congress does not like the laws, its up to congress to change the laws. Tom homan has repeatedly said we are not the ones in the field responsible for the policies and laws. We are doing your work. Enforcing the law. It seems like the d forgotten conveniently that tom homan also worked for president barack obama. And a lot of the same issues that started in 2014 were not addressed and asked about yesterday but, instead, they are attacking him not wanting to listen to what he has to say. He said Debbie Wasserman schultz going after him. He is saying look, points out what i said that was inaccurate instead of detailing and coming back with some kind of argument, she just tried to move on. Dropping a bomb and cutting him off. Katie saying his testimony should not be accepted. Brian they used to go on friendly outlets and pontificating and going out and getting high fives fellow democrats. They are not used to somebody coming back and say i worked at the border and i was in charge of it. Let me tell you the reality of what actually is happening. Let me tell you why those personal attacks you are having will not stand to me. Im not going to kowtow to you. Im an american citizen telling you my expertise. Can you imagine someone sitting in front of you and say your bigoted policies and start rips you apart and expect to you tip microphone off and move on. She called him a bigoted. Eight. Katie he is former. He is involved in talking about whats going on giving advice what they did under the Obama Administration to address some of these issues. And the response isnt how can we work to make sure that we dont have these issues Going Forward that put people at risk who are making this journey. Instead, the response is to attack tom homan both personally and without any kind of evidence what he is saying isnt true. Steve some on the political left attack people on the political right or in Law Enforcement regarding ice. Because they are working for the president of the United States. And they do not like the president. And they call him a racist. And, yesterday, it was interesting. Over at the today show savanna guthrie had Condoleezza Rice on and Condoleezza Rice was talking about her book that has just come out. And we want you to listen to the amazing response Condoleezza Rice shuts down savanna guthrie when she asked whether russian interference actually worked and blocked a Hillary Rodham clinton victory. We have heard that narrative a million times. Now its in the form of a question from a today show anchor and here is Condoleezza Rices answer to her. Do you think its possible that russias election interference actually worked . It actually elected donald trump over Hillary Clinton . I dont think there is any evidence of that and you know i dont think thats a good conversation to have. I think that really does devalue the people in wisconsin and michigan and others who decided to vote for President Trump. Whether you like this president or not, whether you believe that he should have been president or not. Lets give the credit to the americans who went out and voted for somebody who they thought would bring change. Katie class act as always. I find the irony in this two fold. First, why are we asking this question after we have the Mueller Report that was released so everyone was supposed to be looking to for all of the facts when it came to what the russians did, et cetera. And the second thing is, you know, when you ask that question, you are not only discrediting americans as Condoleezza Rice said in their votes, but you are then emboldening and giving credit to the russians for interfering and swinging an election when they did not do that they didnt try to interfere. They did push propaganda. Their goal, according to the Mueller Report, was to have americans debating among themselves, tear each other apart. And the media has been a part of that by asking these questions in the wake of the Mueller Report and not moving on when it comes to the fax of the case. Remember, when Condoleezza Rice also called out adam schiff and said its time to wrap up the investigation. We have got to move on as a country. There are other things to worry about. Brian if you read her book, it talks about our recent history the end of the cold war. Moving from here where the russians approach to america and Vladimir Putin come in to play and reverse all the progress russia was making being a member of the World Community and you say lets make this a mud fight. Keep in mind, Condoleezza Rice got a lot of reasons to be mad at the president of the United States. He keeps saying iraq war was a huge mistake. Also indicated in the past that george w. Bush was not telling the truth when it came to weapons of mass destruction. She also recommended secretary of state tillerson for the job. He lasted a very short period of time. The president just tossed him away. She has too much class to get involved in this and i heard her say on or off camera nothing but positive things about a lot of president s policies. Steve yesterday, she went on to say that you know, rather than ask about russia, she should the question should have been about why did people vote for him . Because people feel dissed a disadvantaged, she said by globalization. The unemployed coal minor in pennsylvania. The opioid addicted person in pennsylvania, she said are we going to be responsive to those people. Thats the question we should be asking. Steve good to see you on this National Chocolate milk shake day. Jie of minutes. Meantime started off with this fox news alert. We are following this breaking news overnight. Married couple wanted for murder and on the run for weeks capture you had. Blain and Susan Barksdale taken into custody northeast of phoenix, arizona. Its unclear exactly how it all went down. The couple escaped august 26th by overpowering guards in a prison transport van. They were being extradited from new york to arizona where they faced murder charges. The white house may tap secretary of state mike pompeo to do double duty as National Security advisor. A former Trump Administration official telling fox news the president may go with the kissinger model. Henry kissinger served both roles for nixon and ford. John bolton resigned earlier more. We will bring more in the show. Steve will he get paid double . Brian give insurance to suspect else. Steve there you go. Look at that meanwhile on this thursday, 2020 democrats sundaying the alarm on Climate Change ahead tonights debate in houston. On par with winning world war ii. Perhaps even more challenging than that. If we dont get our act together, the damage done to our country and the rest of the world will be irreparable. Brian is that cims kind of talk going to win them the white house . We will discuss it. As the camera bounces around on that full screen you just aint seen nothing yet [dogs barking and whimpering] [dogs whimpering] the allnew 2020 Ford Explorer limited hybrid. Can tow up to 5000 lbs and has an epaestimated range of 500 miles per tank. Its the greatest exploration vehicle of all time. Because donald trump has always been corrupt. And a threat to our democracy. Since then, over 8 million people, almost every democratic president ial candidate, and over half the democrats in the house of representatives support impeachment. Muellers investigation exposed crimes and cover up. And now this week, the House Judiciary Committee is supposed to start a formal impeachment proceeding. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Because no one should be above the law. Not even you, donald. Heres another cleaning tip from mr. Clean. Cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. Theres an easier way. Try mr. Clean magic eraser. Just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum and cakedon grease from oven doors. Now mr. Clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. Theyre perfect for icky messes on stovetops, in microwaves, and all over the house. For an amazing clean, try mr. Clean magic eraser, and now, new mr. Clean magic eraser sheets. Lets get down to business. The business of atlanta on monday. Cincinnati on tuesday. Philly on wednesday. And thursday back to cincinnati. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because when your business keeps going, our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Life on earth is at risk. Climate change, the single greatest concern for war. We are fighting for the survival of the planet earth. Its about an existential threat of who we are as human beings. Okay. Some 2020 president ial candidates going all in on Climate Change and how to fix it. So, can we expect more of that tonight as the top i think its the top 11 contenders take the debate stage in houston at Texas Southern university, easy for me to say. Our next guest says the candidates are making it hard to take the issue seriously. Joining me now is assistant editor of the journals editorial page and Fox News Contributor James Freeman. What do they mean by that. Its a crisis, its existential threat. We are facing eminent doom and then you ask clearly if you think we have got to cap emissions, reduce emissions, you would like zero Emission Nuclear power, right, operating safely for decades and they say well, we dont want to go that direction, politicians in nevada dont want to store the waste there. And Bernie Sanders raising the objection that he thinks it cost too much. He has got a 16 trillion climate plan to turn our economy upside down. He hasl of a sudden is he concerned about the cost. So they dont seem to mean it. Because, if they really meant it, that we are facing doom and we have got to drastically cut emissions they would embrace nuclear power. Steve is that because its a good talking point but there is no plan . Yeah. Thats a reasonable question. And the plan they do have, the green new deal, again, makes you think they are not serious. They have, as part of the green new deal, huge changes on healthcare, wages, job guarantees. All these things would be very tough to get through congress on their own. When you attach it to the environmental plan, you make it that much harder. Again, it suggests they dont really think this is a crisis because they are not acting as someone would if they thought it really was a crisis. Steve they are just trying to get attention. Real quickly the Energy Department says the americans can keep incon desisnt a light bloibs. Something they had promised and the Energy Department says is he right. The president deserves a lot of credit here. What he is doing putting consumers back in the discussion about environmental regulation. Steve they get to choose. They get to choose. So you can still get some incon desisnt a light bulbs in the chandelier maybe the round bulbs in your mirror at home. This is good news and there is other good news. Is he looking into making dishwashers useful again. More efficient. Able to clean in an hour instead of two hours. So its kind of an exciting time in terms of cutting red tape. Steve if you like your additional washer you can keep your dishwasher . Yes. Or get a better one maybe, we will see. Steve James Freeman the wall street journal, thank you very much. Thanks. Steve after six vaping deaths and hundreds of illnesses. President trump is looking to ban flavored ecigarettes. Will that be enough to stop the epidemic . We will tack it. Tackle it. Ance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Go where my baby lives b[ growl ]olle s good boy. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Brian headlines now. Glad you are up. Hope you are dressed. Overnight the u. S. Coast guard issuing safety recommendations following the deadly california boat fire. It suggests limit the unsuggested charging of lithium batteries as well as using power strips and extension cords. The cause of the fire still unknown. 34 people died. The final body count one body yet to be recovered. And the engineer who fell asleep causing a deadly train crash in new jersey gets his job back. Thomas gallagher passed out at the controls before a train crashed outside of new york city in 2016. One woman was killed and one more than 100 people were hurt. He was fired after the crash but won an appeal claiming he had undiagnosed sleep apnea. Gallagher will work in trains with passengers. Okay. Good adjustment. Katie . Katie thanks, brian. Well, President Trump stressing the dangers of vaping after a sixth person i dos from dies from a vaping rd illness. Looking to ban all nontobacco flavored cigarettes. Vaping has been a very big business as i understand it a giant business in a short period of time. We cant allow people to get sick and we cant have our youth be so affected here to react fox news medical contributor dr. Nicole saphier. Thank you so much for being here. So there is a lot of controversy surrounding what the president is doing but can you talk to us about how this is actually targeting teenagers . Heres the thing, like opioids intended to get people off traditional cigarettes we know are bad for us. Ecigarettes came to the market. It has helped millions of americans transition from tobacco cigarettes to ecigarettes which are not healthy for you by any stretch of the imagination. They still have nicotine in them which we know has also health effects. However, similar to opioids, there are nefarious and deceptive. Cream and mannin mango and they look cool. We have a lot of youth and also adults who have never even smoked cigarettes vaping. And so we have this new nicotine addiction crisis emerging amongst our youth. Katie we have seen a number of cases across the country that people allege vaping. You are a doctor. We have a scan here of a healthy lung vs. A damaged lung. Can you explain the pictures and why they are related to vaping . The scan on the left is essentially of a normal lung. Black is the air thats in the lung. Then on the picture on the right four pictures you see patchy white within the within the black. So that is infiltrate. Whats causing the infiltrate it can be chemicals, infection, fluid, blood from a host of things. But what we are seeing with vaping is think about it this way. A lot of times you have to have preserves in these flavors and the thc products oils. You heat, vapor rises the oil. You inhale it. It goes into your lungs and it cools down back into the oil. Now you have the oil coating your lungs thats causing a chemical pneumo nitis chemical irritation in the lungs unfortunately this can happen fast and very hard to get rid of and very hard to treat. Which is why we are seeing people dying. Numbers we reported six deaths and up to close to 500 cases. I think thats underestimate. Right now we dont know exactly how to diagnose it. I think there has been a lot of cases where people are like we dont know what it is but we are just calling it a chemical pneumonitis of unknown origin. Katie what about the there isnt enough information for the president to go overhaul to pull all of these products off the shelf. This is the achilles heel. We are waghtsd for long robust studies. Thats what we had to deal with the tobacco industry. Took decades for us to tell people you smoking tobacco. Ecigarettes are not healthy. Do they have a place in the market i would say yes. We need to pple transition away from traditional cigarettes. Make sure these are not getting into the hands of our youth and kid flavors and appealing to teens is a bad idea. So stop. Im okay with this bap. Now, again, i do think there is a place for this ecigarettes on the market. But i think we need to really watch what were doing here. And approach with caution. Indicated indicate all right. Thank you for your expertise. The policy is not complete. Im sure we will be talking to you about this again. Thank you very much. Still ahead, College Athletes are one step away from getting paid in california. Is that a good idea . If i had a Million Dollars i would buy you a house i would buy you a house if i had a Million Dollars oh oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7 and maintained it. 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Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer if eligible, you may pay as little as 25 per prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Steve its your shot of the morning new york mets custom cleats. Cleats. Brian victory right after 9 11. First victory back after the attacks twin towers ordered by star rookie pete along zoe who says he wasnt worried about a possible fine. I want to show support not just to the victims but the family as well. No one knows how deep those emotional scars can be. Katie amazing. Alonzo was a first grader in tampa on 9 11. Living in new york has brought on a whole new meaning to the day. Steve thats right. He paid for them all himself out of his pocket. The mets also stood with 9 11 First Responders for a moment of silence before the game last month at city field here in new york. Brian all right. Another big story out there. And im not sure the legal legs it has. Certainly catching peoples attention. It has to do with what california is doing. And that is they have a bill that the governor has not indicated he would sign or not that would allow College Athletes to be paid. Steve that is right. It is called the fair pay to play act passed 390. I would imagine gavin newsom is enticed to sign it. Let College Athletes actually sign up with an agent then get paid endorsement deals. For the First Time Ever it would allow california College Athletes to make money when they play a sport. Katie this has set up a battle between the ncaa board of governors which manages all the colleges around the country. University athletic programs and the state of california. Thats going to be a battle. This is what the ncaa board of governors had to say about this move. They said it would erase the critical distinction between college and professional athletics. These outcomes are untenable and negatively impact more than 24 hours California Student athletes across three divisions. We urge the state of california to reconsider this harmful and we believe unconstitutional bill and hope the state will be a constructive partner in our efforts to develop a fair name, image and likeness approach for all 50 states. Brian yeah. This is a red hot issue because when you see 101,000 people at michigan and you see them they are all cheering. They are wearing michigan paraphernalia and wearing the number of the players and players getting a college education. People say thats not fair to the player. Without the volleyball without any revenue and swimmer without any rev announcement a lot of the football and basketball programs pays for that down the line. A lot of the Bigger Program pay for the mid level and smaller programs. How do you make this equitable in the free market its no problem. We will work it out. In the governed market with College Students it makes it real dicey. Steve so anyway, the ncaa says that if think go ahead and pass, this then they cant play in any tournaments, essentially. We are going to cut you off. What would california do . Here is the other argument. That is if you were a College Athlete and you were going to get paid to go to a california school, why would you go to any other state . I mean why would i go to South Carolina . Why would i go to kansas . Why would i go to new york . I want to go to california because its sunny all the time and im going to get paid. Katie well, the question is the balance between college, where you are supposed to go and get an education. A lot of these athletes are on scholarship. Purpose of college. The vast majority of College Athletes do not go on to be professional in the field. College is a place you can go to set up the rest of your life. And the distinction between, as the board of governors has made professional sports and college. And also on the team and playing, where is your heart . Is it in the college team because you are there for the team or there because you are getting paid . Brian well, for example, the backup offensive lineman at the university of does that n get paid . What about the backup point guard at university of North Carolina . How much are you paying . How much does the program bring in . A ton of money. How much does the university of kansas brings in a ton of money. This is called professional sports. Thats what professional sports does. Steve it all depends a company is willing to pay that College Athlete for their likeness and endorsement. Not like the school is going to say okay were going to give that you will money. Its whatever deal their agent can get for them. Brian, what do you think, red hot issue . Do you think College Athletes should get paid . Friends at foxnews. Com or on facebook. Brian book lou holtz so he could yell at me again for even bringing it up. Steve we have a lot of people we can bring up. Jillian dont yell at mee. Talk about this. Terrifying moments as fire shoots from the engine of a packed plane. Watch this. Fire. Jillian can you hear passengers frightened in the background watching the fire. Hit a pack of geese moments after takeoff in canada. Some people so scared they wrote goodbye messages to loved ones. The plan did land safely and no one was hurt. Army vet chases down and wrestles a man who followed his teenage daughter home from the bus stop. I get up, i go to the door, there is a guy standing on my stoop. What the hell are you doing in my house. Grabbed him by his hair. He was like an alligator. He was twisting and he got away. Jillian mike oliver chased him in his truck. Police eventually taking the suspect in to custody. The 15yearold girl is not hurt. A triple crown winner now saddled with controversy. The New York Times reports the 2018 champion justify failed a drug test one month before the kentucky derby. The colt testing positive for a performance enhancing substance which could have disqualified the dropped four ms later after justify won the triple crown. It could have come from contaminated food. Have you heard about this. Apples new device is triggering a pretty strange fear. Several twitter users say the iphone 11 models are setting off their phobia. Intense emotional reaction to clustered patterns of holds. The iphone pro and promac feature triple lens cameras. One personal tweeting just my triple phobia. The new iphone design triggers this for people is one of the most entertaining things i have heard this year. Another person tweets triple phobia always something to learn from this iphone this time its a new word. It is not recognized as an official phobia by the way. Steve let me get this right tri phobia is the fear of three things, right . Jillian in this case the fear of the three cam lenses. Steve fear of three things as we take camera two three hosts. Brian dont run from the television. [screams] steve we need to dial somebody else in. I hear janice dean the weather machine. Katie its four now, thank goodness. Its range. Where are you from. Marci. What about you . Dave from virginia. And jen from virginia. Janice thank you for coming. Well, you brought sunshine to this Weather Report take a look at the maps real quick and i will show you what is happening across the country, hot, sticky muggy in new york 77. Heat hangs on across the south. We are looking for the potential of showers, thunderstorms, maybe severe storms for the midwest. Looking at a little bit of snow across the Higher Elevations of northern rockies. Hail, winds, isolated tornadoes. Watching the tropics. Two areas of Development Way out in the atlantic. One closer to home that is going to brings rain unfortunately to the bahamas, parts of florida. This actually could develop into our next named storm that will be okay better toe. Gulf of mexico. We will watch that very carefully. Thank you my friends for coming to fox friends. Back inside to katie and brian and steve. Steve and j. D. That new storm could actually impact alabama, right . Janice yes, this time you would be correct. Brian get your sharpy out and outline it or wont you . Steve all right. Meanwhile, straight ahead. The u. S. Supreme court green lighting the Trump Administrations asylum restrictions. How big a win is this for the president . The president says it is big. What does a judge say . Brian who are you talking to . Steve he is walking this way. Walk this way walk this way burke at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. Even a ernie lost rubber duckie . burke you mean this one . ernie rubber duckie cookie what about a broken cookie jar . burke again, cookie . cookie yeah. Me bad. grover yoooooow oh what about monsters having accidents . I am okay by the way burke depends. Did you cause the accident, grover . grover cause an accident . Maybe. bert how do you know all this stuff . burke just comes with experience. all muppets yup. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum steve well, it was a landmark win 72 for Border Security yesterday. The Supreme Court sided with President Trump and the administration, allowing new asylum rules to take effect. Katie the ruling enforces restrictions on Asylum Seekers trying to enter the u. S. Third country such as mexico without seeking protection there. Brian here to reacted fox news senior judicial analyst and host of liberty file on fox nation judge andrew napolitano. Judge, does the president have a trite to feel like he won this . You know, this is not a decision on the merits. This is a decision on whether or not the president s authority should be interfered with by the court while the trial is going on. The trial court said yes. The famous or infamous ninth circuit said yes. The Supreme Court said no. Interestingly, this is the second time this very issue went to the Supreme Court. The first time the Supreme Court said yeah, we are going to keep everything in place during the trial. So the case goes back to a San Francisco trial judge to try the case. And the issue is this should immigrants from countries other than mexico, who want to come here, be forced to apply for asylum in mexico first or does that violate federal law and does it violate treaties to which the United States is a party . Those treaties, some of them go back to the truman era basically say when an immigrants is knocking on the door, because they are being persecuted by the government or the place that they live, you have to answer the knock. Thats what this judge named tiger is going to resolve. During the time it takes to resolve, the new rules will be in place. If you are from latin america and you want to end up in the United States, you have to apply in mexico first. Steve judge, isnt this one of those cases where there are laws and treaties on the books and its up to the administration to figure out how to execute the plan . Generally yes. Immigration authority is reposed to the president not in the courts. But if the president s behavior in the opinion of the courts violates the constitution or federal law or treaty and the courts decide what the law means, then the courts are going to get involved and tell the president you can do, this you cant do that. Brian one way or the other pointing out 72 decision it wasnt along party lines. Steve the last time it happened. Remember the second time it was there it was 54 with the chief justice siding with the liberal branch. This time two of the liberal branch on the liberal branch Justice Kagan and Justice Breyer and the chief justice went with the conservative. Judge cant predict how this is going to turn out. Katie do you think the Supreme Court in general will have to deal with injunction with ruling on this. That is a very good question. The Supreme Court does not like to deal with these preliminary issues. The Supreme Court prefers to hear cases after they have been settled below. Rather than getting involved and who should be doing what during the trial. Steve wild card in 30 seconds. Tell us your opinion of california saying that College Athletes could hire agents and get paid endorsement fees . I think it will be a disaster and prevent those athletes from participating in post season play because the ncaa decides who goes to the bowl games, not california. I also think it will destroy amateur athletics. Brian thats the most important thing. Could the ncaa symptom from you playing games against teams that are. Judge yes. The California Legislature that likes to micromanage everything in the state has not thought this through. I thought we were going to talk about no, only kidding. [laughter] brian a rocket exploding near the u. S. Embassy in kabul september 11th and new death to america billboards in iraq. Next guest retired army general a stark reminder that we are still at war. Have d because our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. M. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean cascade platinum. Brian a day al qaeda 9 11 architect making this weeks anniversary by urging jihadist to target u. S. Israel zir i had military bases. Billboards calling tore death to america with defaced American Flag seen on display in baghdad and yesterday. First major attack since President Trump cancelled peace talks with the taliban. Our next guest says its a dire reminder we are still in danger. Here to explain Major General malcolm frost. General, when it comes to afghanistan, how do you think the taliban are interpreting the cancellation of those talks and where we are at in the war on terror. I think the taliban took this as kind of a public slight, disrespect. I think that they wanted to demonstrate that they are still a real and present threat hence the attack against the embassy in kabul. Its also a strategic message to the administration. They are trying to gain leverage points as they look towards the future while they diminish capability with forces on the ground. The potential for future talks if they get resurrected thats what they have an eye for. Brian American People say look what we sacrificed in iraq what are billboards saying in iraq not only ungrateful but antagonistic. Whats your take . My take is look at the source for those billboards. What we dont want to do is go back to the days of 2011 when we pulled out of iraq and the precipitous withdrawal. I think when you look at iranian influence in the region and the possibility of trying to reinsight sectarian violence or antisentiment against the u. S. Forces we have got to kind of hold to that. And understand that we need to be there in iraq. Brian so we have given 132 billion. We have spent 132 billion in afghanistan. So the president sees this, wants to pull out of there the American People are tired of this. You fought there. How do we get out of this endless support of our troops being that you deem it as necessary to be there for our own safety . Well, i think its you know, we have got to go back and look at this historically. Why were we there 9 11 or today 18 years ago . It really was the start of a turn for 3 million u. S. Forces that have fought against this war on terror in afghanistan, iraq, and across the global, not just them but our intel partners, justice, et cetera. I think what we have to understand is the Vital National for why we went into afghanistan was to rid al qaeda and the transnational terrorist threat. That has been done. We defeated them. At the same time, we have to ensure that other extremist groups, al qaeda, isis, inspire or execute transnational attacks. We have to balance our inner agency approach to what is necessary to ensure that that National Interest remains at the same time we need to put pressure on the Afghan Government to increase their capabilities to be able to to do the same thing and apply pressure on the taliban and those terrorist elements. Elements. Brian we have trained and built and built air force to get them ready to defend themselves. Should we sun set that . Because i think you identified our presence there is necessary to keep us safe here should we say hey, listen, im going to pay it for now. Thats going to gradually decrease. I think, yes, but you also have to understand the economic realities of afghanistan. And lets look at this in context to korea a japan and other countries where we still have forces 50, 60 years later. I think that presence is necessary. You have to slowly ensure that they are, you know, putting forth their efforts, their money and, again, help them with their economic capability to do this themselves. I think when you look at the insurance policy for america. The investment we have right now of 14,000 troops in iraq. 5200 in or or or excuse me 14,000 afghanistan. 5200 in iraq to prevent that war on terror from and those terrorists from head again and excut that transnational attaches on u. S. Soil or in europe. It is a wise investment. Brian after reading general mattis book and so many other generals i think there is a frustration in the military community with the government thats in place whether its donald trump wanted barack obama and to a degree george w. Bush. Do you feel as though the military is being listened to because you are the ones on the ground making the mission possible. I think were being listened to but i will go back to my experience in iraq in 2011. I was on the ground as a commander in the north province. And we warned the military warned the administration at that time that pulling out precipitously would cause a security vacuum in iraq. Now, we did not know exactly how that security vacuum would be filled. The ability for iraq to have internal defense or much less external defense. We were in the middle of developing that so, that precipitous withdrawal was unfortunately isis came out of that. And then had you she a vs. Sunni and maliki extracted a lot of the professionals out of the military. Thats the vacuum that you saw in iraq and we just cannot let those days happen again. And that iranian influence, i think, is there to try to apply that pressure to have iraq pull us out and we have seen that movie before. We dont need to go there again. Brian iraqi people dont want to be dominated by the iranians. Also having a presence in afghanistan. The russianst want back as well as china. The personal people need to understand there will be a reaction if we pull everything out. Thanks so much general malcolm frost, i appreciate it . Thank you, brian. Brian still on this show we will talk to Donna Brazile about tonights debate and congressman brian mast about Everything Else congressrelated. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty upbeat music no coverup spray here. Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors in a flowery fog. But febreze air effects eliminates odors. With a 100 natural propellent. It leaves behind a pleasant scent youll love. [ deep inhale] freshen up. Dont cover up. Febreze. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy. Theres therabreath at walmart. 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Dance, dance, dance creeping up on you so just dance, dance, dance steve a lot of people forget that he patterned his career on the life and times of Justin Timberlake once upon a time. Brian thats when i first realized how talented he was when he was able to respond. Katie were you happy to go to the in sync reunion. Brian never unhappy when boy groups become men and reunite. Shows america we have differences and some grow facial hair. Some put on weight. They can still come together. Katie some get married and have children. Steve this is one of the reasons we are americas number one cable news show where else can you go to get your boy band update . Brian did i not know they were getting back together. Katie i thought they did. They did a reunion, didnt they they did. Steve we dont know about the boy bands but we do know about the Supreme Court. Katie we do know about that. Steve we do. Yesterday by a vote of 72 the president wound up with a major win. The Supreme Court ruling that they would allow the administrations asylum restrictions to take effect. Brian that ruling comes as President Trump touts progress on Border Security with mexico. Salutes that country. Katie Griff Jenkins joins from us washington with the latest on the fight to protect our borders. Griff, over to you. Griff thats right, katie. Good morning. The president is hailing this ruling as a big win. The high court is nationwide enforcement on restrictions of Asylum Seekers traveling through a third country such as mexico to seek protection there instead of the u. S. Now, in july. A u. S. District judge john tiger blocked the pole across the country. The liberal leaning ninth circuit of appeals steps in on monday narrowing the judges order to arizona and california. Meaning the ban applied in texas and new mexico. Now, the Supreme Court ruling says it can move forward in all 50 states. Two of the nine justices, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented and jerry nadler blasted it saying lives will be lost. This rule will result in those fleeing fear and persecution to be turned away at our doorstep will only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the region. This as the president is tweeting progress being made knowing that he spoke with the president of mexico yesterday. Saying the southern border is becoming very strong despite the obstruction by democrats not agreeing to do anything on loopholes or asylum. I asked for this ruling. We need to point out. We havent heard the last. The decision was not a riewflg the merits of the case. But, that will play out in lower courts. It does allow them to move forward coupled with a drop in apprehensions in august. Guys . Steve thats right. Griff. It could be a year or two before the Supreme Court takes up the final ruling about the merits of the law. And not just whether or not the courts in california can be involved. Katie in the mean time the administration is trying to figure out how to respect asylum claims while also cutting down on rampant asylum its a tough spot to be in. Steve yesterday at about 8 45 on this program we did what we have done for the last 18 years and that is we stepped aside and we went down to the former ground zero area and we listened to family members of the fallen read the names. And, yesterday, there was one of the people who was involved in the reading of the names. That man right there in the tshirt, Nicholas Harris jr. Lost his mom, francis, she was on the south tower on 9 11. He actually worked in the south tower, too. But was out of town on a business trip. And its not just what he said but its that tshirt that he is wearing. Diews what it says . It says some people did something which is a very recognizable phrase. Katie that is a reference to congresswoman ilhan omar when she said this. Cair was founded after 9 11 because they recognize dollars that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. Brian wow. And that really struck a raw nerve, especially with the 9 11 community and those who lost people. People couldnt understand how a sitting congresswoman could make a statement about that diminishing what happened on 9 11. Here is Nicholas Harris jr. Talking about why he wore the shirt. Some people did something. Today i am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom. Madam. [applause] objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion on that day 19 islamic terrorists members of al qaeda killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear . We are here today, congresswoman, to tell you and the squad just who did what to whom. Show respect and honoring them, please. Steve so, congresswoman omar has said that her words were taken out of context. Yesterday congresswoman tlaib also responded the words were out of context. Nonetheless, the man in the tshirt was on with sean last night and expanded on why he wore that shirt on that day. I call victims, family members of victims, we all hurt and as we know to some extent 9 11 we say never forget but its dwindling down a bit. Sean not for you. I dont remember where i was when i first heard that quote some people did something. But it tore my heart apart and it tore my moms heart apart with the thought that such a great loss to individuals could be so insensitively expressed and that hurt. Steve congresswoman omar yesterday did post a video and talked about on 9 11 she was obviously 18 years younger. She thought the world was coming to an end. Brian she said we will never forget the thousands of americans who lost their lives in the largest terror attack on u. S. Soil. I will continue to fight to make sure that we care for the First Responders and families who lost loved ones on that day. Katie she maybe should care about fighting terrorism as well. Its a two fold process. Steve nonetheless it was an extraordinary thing for somebody who is reading one of the people who read the names, he was obviously doing the hs because his name is herros. Take aim at sitting member of congress. What do you think about what he said as he wore that shirt with her quote on it which she says was taken out of context . Email us at friends foxnews. Com. Brian blows me aware that alzawahiri is still alive and tweeting we should attack again. Steve death to the u. S. Brian one of the big stories on tuesday special election sullied Midterm Election in this district. And dan bishop seemed to surprise everyone. Even though its a traditional republican district and katie, i know you know, this its been in republicans hands since 1960s. He was trailing badly. A lot dealing with the corruption around it and a lot to do with miss opponent. A former marine who sounded like a republican. Katie special election called voter fraud issue with the previous election. President trump came in the day before. Steve right. Katie he was trailing and then he pulled out the win. Steve to rally the troops at the 11th hour. Mr. Bishop said or rather the president at one point said that he was down by 17 points. But, in the runup to the election on tuesday, keep in mind, mainstream media, a lot of members of it were talking about how its so close. If that guy, bishop, loses thats really bad for trump. Its going to be a bellwether for 2020. Remember stuff like this a couple days ago. Bell where rac bellwether rad set the stage for 2020 race for the house. Race decide the final grecial contest of 2018 and first real bellwether of the 2020 political field. Very important election for the president. A bellwether of sorts for 2020. Steve so it was a bellwether and then when they rung the bell it turns out the republicans won, two of them won from the Third District and one from the 9th district. Katie narrative these republicans should have won in a landslide. They shouldnt have won by a small percentage that he this did. Here are the headlines that came out after that election. G. O. P. Holds North Carolina house seat but shows frailties in the suburbs. North carolina gives republican as wakeup call and nbc news alarm bells should be ringing at trump headquarters after nc house scare. Still a win. Lose its bad. Win its bad. Who knows. It was close. Huge come back in the end. Dan bongino saw this coverage, took his ty off and then cut this tape. When democrats come close but lose like mccready did to bishop yesterday in North Carolina. Laura, it was a moral victory. It was close. Its a republican leaning district. We gave it to the good old college trial. Its a moral victory for the dems. When the republicans actually win an election like donald trump he lost the popular vote. Nobody wins. How it actually works. Well the russians did it. Its just, again, another example of the media eager to tell a story not the story. Katie the dccc is now admitting that President Trumps flying in the day before had a big impact. Has to show the dnc how are you going to compete against that when it comes to the president ial election . Brian the president says the people are telling me on my team dont go there because if you lose it will look like your loss he said i like this guy. Im going to show up. Im going to help him out and he did. Katie he won. Steve some of the coverage in North Carolina. This guy actually won some of the seats, rather, some of the counties that the democratic opponent had won in november. So they switched from blue to red. Indicate indicated democrats arguing a great job then if that indication of getting democrat voters back to their party rather than having them flip to republican. Brian talking about flipping. You wonder if jillian will let us know if she likes Fox Friends First better than fox friends. Katie i like them equally. Steve you should. Brian its a yes or no question. Jillian i dont take sides. Steve its all the fox news channel. Jillian exactly. Breaking overnight a married couple wanted for murder and on the run for weeks captured. Blain and Susan Barksdale taken into custody northeast of phoenix, arizona. Its unclear exactly how it all went down. The couple august 26th by overpowering guards in a prison transport van. They were being extradited from new york to arizona where they face murder charges. The nfl is reportedly concerning putting Antonio Brown on paid leave as he faces Sexual Assault allegations. The Washington Post reports he could miss multiple games as the league investigates. In a civil suit, browns former trainer Britney Taylor claims he attacked her three times. She will meet with the nfl next week. Browns lawyer denies all allegations. Signed with the patriots after a public feud with the oakland raiders. Purdue pharma reaches a deal. Oxycontin makes fuel opioid crisis. Give up control of the company and pay billions of dollars in damages. Purdue pharma is accused of down playing pain killer addictive qualities. States attorneys general are criticizing the tentative settlement saying it is not enough. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, flight maybe this case 60,000 pages of emails. Take a look. A photo of Hillary Clinton sitting at replica of the Oval Office Resolute desk with a stack of her emails. Clinton flipping through the pages which are on display at italian art exhibit. She called it an artistic way of making a point that there is nothing controversial about her now famous emails. Brian how does that are you kidding . Steve maybe that that she has a sense of humor. Was there a shredder next to it. Katie a bleach bit. Bleach bit everywhere. Brian and a hammer. Katie hammers everywhere. Brian im glad she can kid about it. 13 minutes after the hour. Steve thank you, jillian. Brian planning to use drones to shut down one of the worlds dangerous airports. How dangerous is that threat . Steve its really dangerous. Bret bell so he very much used drones for a living. He will join us coming up next. Yeah, yeah not motor . Its pronounced motaur. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. For those who were born to ride, with advil liquigels, what stiff joints . What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape. 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What these ecoterrorists are trying to do at Londons Heathrow airport is trying to do that the power of drone tech can be misused and especially when its in the wrong hands. These individuals have no worry at all about going to prison. They know its highly illegal and teality. I mean, the fact is that this technology is very significant. More so than it ever was before. And they can use it to disrupt these flights. Im worried, mostly about the economic impact, the domenic damage from that we saw a similar situation like this before at Gatwick Airport where drone disrupted flights for three days 60 million to airport operations. So a situation like that, i mean, that is economic terrorism in this case. Katie there is 1200 flights that go through heathrow every single day. You talk about how these ecoterrorists dont care about going to prison. You work on regulation. How do you regulate something if people dont care about the consequences . Right. So, as Drone Technology advances rapidly, we also need to advance Security Solutions at the ground level as well. And thats not just a technology solution. It is regulation. We have technology, for instance, for the company i advise for that uses crypto graphic Intelligence Solutions to create digital license plates for Drone Technology. Basically determine automatically what is a threatening drone and what type of drone may be authorized for use. The other side of that though is the policy. The regulation. The Drone Technology sector right now, it is the americas next multibilliondollar industry. But there are some road blocks and hurdles right now. We need to outline the rules of the road for that the Trump Administration is creating a policy framework to fix that and really show the power of drones and President Trump, in my opinion, has an opportunity here. If his policy framework goes through to integrate drones safely into, you know, the airspace, you know, part of his legacy could be that he is the individual that essentially allowed unleashed the Drone Industry to make it dominated by american ingenuity. American technology and make our skies safer. Thats what its all about in the end. Katie you fought terrorists overseas with drones so you were the best guy to ask about this topic. Thanks so much for coming on. I appreciate it. Brian go get them, brett. Katie its the most magical place on earth but do you know what happens under ground. Brian or that walt disney didnt name mick mic mic my mic . Feel like me life is your restaurant and im your usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. All i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. If i met another veteran, and they were with another insurance company, i would tell them, you need to join usaa because they have better rates, and better service. Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. Go where my baby lives b[ growl ]olle s good boy. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. My first job is to care for derek. Everything i do is for him. When i moved to this apartment after six months, we need to connect with the world. I use the internet to keep him in the language, because thats the way to connect to my familys traditions. He has to know where he comes from. We need internet essentials. Theres no excuse to not get connected. Brian time now for news by the numbers. Lets get started. First, three. Thats how many hours of social media a day could put teens at risk for Mental Health problems like anxiety or depression. About 97 of teens use at least one social media platform thats troubling. 2 million. Thats how much a psychic said she needed to lift a curse. Her name is sherri uwanawitch. Thats not kidding. Thats the way they told me to pronounce it. Cash to buy crystals. The florida woman is heading to jail. I could have predicted that, for fraud. Finally 6,106. Thats how many home runs we have seen this baseball season already. Baltimore orioles shortstop jonathan helped bring the single season record for all of baseball for that three run blast against the dodgers. Orioles go on to win 73. A salute to everyone who went on to play baseball this year. Steve to talk about disney. Steve thats right, brian. Walt disney the human in that picture brought our human characters to life on screen and theme parks as well. He was a visionary who wanted every child to know that dreams really can come true. Our next guest is bringing the legendary animator to life for kids in new book i am walt disney part of a series ordinary people who changed the world. Bestselling author brad meltser. Good to see you. Steve i love i saw him in the green room walt disney was from kansas city, right . Turns out missouri but i got the town wrong. He is from a tiny little town that is one of those places where neighbors help neighbors. There is a train running right through the middle of the town. And in the little of town of missouri was his happy place. So we all see disneyland and we all see disney world. What walt disney was actually building one of the great secrets about him is he was building his hometown complete with a train running down the middle. It was his happy place. Thats the theme of the book for kids to find their happy place and, you know, for us it was to give my kids better heros to look up to like walt disney. Steve the image im holding right here is looks like main street u. S. A. Its the town in missouri he grew up in. Thats exactly right. Thats what he was building. We you a see this one thing but he was giving utsd the place that made him happier than anywhere else. Steve before that, the idea for disneyland came from the fact that his daughters loved the merrygoround . He used to take his daughters on the weekend to a california merrygoround and they loved it there he would look around and go wait a minute, there is nothing for families to do together here. We have got to do better. He starts researching amusement parks where families go together like gettysburg we will build a land places of tomorrow, yesteryear and fantasy land. What about today . Anything from today. Nothing from today in disneyland. Thats how he got disney land. The only thing he got was his past back his old hometown. Steve look at that one of the secrets you reveal in the book for the children is there a reason you never see the mascots walking between here and there because. There are secret tunnels below disney world. And what i love is when you are standing in disney world, its actually the second floor. When they first came, in they built, in florida, there are no basements, right . Steve thats right. Its a swamp. Had to build a first floor, covered it with dirt and built disney world on top of it. Second floor secret Service Called the utilidor without getting mobbed like steve in new york city. Steve thats right. One of the secrets of at disney is how they keep the place so spotless clean. They have a vacuum system that runs through this underground tunnel system that sucks all the garbage immediately. Again, walt disney wanted a place that was always clean, always perfect that the family could go to. Steve why shut parents think about getok or the new boe you done about maria curry . This book give my kids heroes of character. I was tired of them people seeing people famous. I wanted them to have lessons of kindness, compassion and perseverance and walt disney was Great American Success Story it wasnt easy for him. It was hard. First business failed. Father didnt like him drawing so much. It was his aunt who said keep drawing. Steve mickey mouse, his most famous character, if walt disney had his way his name wouldnt be mick can i. He comes up with great idea for this character named mortimer mouse. His wife says mortimer . Hshesays thats a horrible name. Why dont we name him micky. And thats how the get mic mickey mouse. If you get back up again, thats how you fly. Steve its a fantastic message to kids. The new book is called i am walt disney also you have i am maria curry. Brad, thank you so much. Thank you so much. Steve 7 30 in new york city. Congressman from florida brian mast lost both legs in a bomb blast in afghanistan. He opened the First Congressional Office inside the va med center. But now the va is kicking him out. Why . The congressman here to explain coming up next. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. Osteo biflex now in triple strength plus magnesium. With moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, your plans can change in minutes. Your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working, ask your doctor about entyvio. Entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Entyvio has helped many patients achieve longterm relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. Ask your doctor about the only gifocused biologic just for Ulcerative Colitis and crohns. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. A miracle steve how pretty was that image . It looks like a photograph. Its a live picture from lower manhattan. Brian by the way, journey. Katie look how pretty that is. Brian finally new song from journey. [buzzer] brian we finally go into the album a little bit. We flipped the side. Katie a different song. Steve you are just saying we play one songs all the time. Brian not just us. America only plays one journey song. Steve because we dont want to stop believing. Brian right. Thats the problem. Katie thank you, brian, for that. Now we will turn to a different brian. Brian mast opened Office Inside a v. A. Facility. After grilling v. A. Officials over a suicide and shooting a facility earlier this year he is getting kicked out. Have you or dr. Stone been to the West Palm Beach v. A. Sings the recent suicide and recent shooting . Mr. Secretary, have you been. No, i have not. Can you give me a time frame when yourself, when dr. Stone will find time. I will say as soon as possible. Let me also finish. Bomb technician, vague terms like that so people never know exactly when we would get on the ground. I would like a more specific answer. The problem is as the secretary i dont control my own time. Brian joining us now is retired ranger and amputee himself brian mast of florida. You kept your composure, i imagine you are outraged about their answers. And then what they have done since. Thanks so much forng us. Whats your reaction to them kicking out of your office because of that action . Look, im hot on this issue. There are 435 representatives sitting in the capital. Every one of which is saying on a weekly basis they want to affect 22 suicides a day. They want to make the v. A. A better place people get healthcare noots. They want to make it a better place. Every one of them should be begging them to be in those doors and v. A. Begging them to be in there every veteran that walks in there is treated by compassion and competent people and people treating them if they dont show up ready to treat them with dignity and respect that they dont show up at all. Our job is oversight. If they dont let us in there to do that then there is a real problem. Katie congressman, there has been at love things that have happened at the v. A. Across the country. The question is whether anything is going to change. It seems like have you made an effort to do oversight from the ground level in your district. But, do they just not want you asking any questions . Its not just oversight but its also service. We have opened up over 500 pieces of case work inside of that v. A. Thats 500 individual meetings with veterans that maybe couldnt meet with us in other offices. The work that is being done there. Seeing the things that are going right and going wrong on a daytoday basis. Thats what needs to happen. We need to flip that place upside down in order to change the whole climate of whats going on there. And if the people in charge arent willing to do that then they are not doing the right thing. Steve congressman, you were the first member of congress to actually ask for and get this space approved and now i think four or five or six other members of congress have it. But i remember this particular facility. Shortly after donald trump was inaugurated president of the United States, West Palm Beach v. A. Absolutely refused to put up the picture of donald trump on the wall as the president. Thats right. They had the picture of the president and the secretary of the v. A. On the wall and wouldnt change that over after swearing in. We took the picture got n. There got it from the administration and said we are not leaving until you hang this up. Thats the v. A. , limping from crisis to crisis and crisis. This is what we want to change. Just let us help. Let us be there and put our eyes on all of those veterans. Let them know that we love them and care about them and be there for them so we can help change that climate. Brian so, brian, you are out. They kicked you out. They told us we have got to be out in december. We are hoping we can change that. This was undersecretary stone who made that announcement. We are hoping sacketd wilkie will go out threatened there and make a change. Want to make sure we have oversight and every veteran is served at the highest possible level. You are going to be welcomed there. Steve congressman, how much space are we talking about here . My space is about the size of a desk. And im saying that literally. I can sit in threatened a maybe one other veteran and one person with them could sit in there. Its a closet. We are not taking up substantial space. Just a place to meet with them. Care for them. Work with their needs, help them out however we can. Steve it seems reasonable. Katie it does seem reasonable. Fox friends reached out to the department of Veterans Affairs and their press secretary responded by saying, quote, v. A. s primary mission is delivering primary care to veterans and physical spaces within our facilities are used for that mission. Dedicated members of congress provision of medical care services. Moreover no law authorizes the department to dedicate its space for members of congress to provide constituent services, pass bills authorizing the departments to do so have notten enacted. Your constituents veterans trying to get help they dont wants you meeting with them anymore. Brian they need that space. Thats absolutely right. I would say two things. Number one there sataloff folks that work inside of the v. A. That are not providing medical care. There are people who sell hats, novelties, there is the v. A. Unions are inside of the v. A. S. Thats not medical care going out. This is about service for our veterans and we are doing better service. And you know and thats all we are asking for. Let us serve these veterans. Let us try to have a positive impact in there if wee do he will be better off. Brian try to stay above the fray. It is personal and reprisal from that exchange and really bothersome and pettedy. Congressman mast, thanks so much. Wish you all the best. Steve our best to you. If they kick them out its ridiculous. Katie is he a veteran, also. Steve its room. They have got room. Come on. He said they opened up 500 case thats are not been opened up before. Katie doing the work that the v. A. Is not doing they should be doing. Steve is he vocal enough to say this is a big problem and we agree. Katie in the meantime we will be watching that jillian is watching other headlines for us. Jillian thats right. Good morning. Lets start with this. A driver is under arrest after speeding past a school bus nearly hitting a child. You may remember this viral video. Take a look. There goe no, wait, wait, wait. Stop. [horn blowing] jillian we showed you that last week. Can you heart 5yearolds mother screaming as the car ignores the bus stop sign and speeds past her brother. Houston Police Tracked down the 18yearold driver. He could face up to six months in jail. Got to watch those lights. Will storage sheds being built to help homeless. North of sacramento. Putting together the 10foot by 16foot structures which will eventually have heating, airconditioning, and electricity. Each shed cost about 5,000. People can only live there for 90 days and they must be looking for permanent housing. This might be the best story all day. Little girl caught redlipped by her dad. Check it out. Did you do anythinged in the bathroom . Huhuh. Did you ask anybody if you could put it on. I asked myself. So whose lipstick is that. Mine. You bought it . Yeah. Where did you buy that . My yip stick . Yeah. I buy it from home depot. [laughter] jillian she said she got the lipstick at home depot. The video is going viral. She asked herself. She bought it herself and got it at home depot. Thats where we get all of our makeup. Katie wonderful cosmetic section. Steve right next to next lumber. Thank you. Katie toss it out to janice dean who has the weather. It looks nice out there. Janice it does. It looks mostly sunny. Thank you for coming, everybody. You have a birthday where are you from. Lynette. Janice where are from you. Atlanta, georgia. Janice thanks for coming and spending your birthday with fox friends. We have a tropical system that could develop in the next couple of days. An area of concern. This is not a forecast. We are watching some of the computer models. I want to show you the european computer models this someone of our reliable forecast models. This actually brings a hurricane up the east coast. This is not a forecast. I just want people to be aware this is within the next three to five days this is the Domestic Violence model anthis gfs model. If you live along the gulf coast and live along the east coast you need to be paying attention to the forecast. We will bring you the very latest. We dont have an official forecast yet from the National Hurricane center but we will and we also could see some storms across the central u. S. Wave, everybody, to katy and brian and steve. Thank you all for coming. Brian big crowd. Katie good morning. Thanks, janice. Brian meanwhile, straight ahead. Top democrats gearing up for tonights debate. Im talking about the top ten. Wall street is freaking out about one candidate. Her name . Elizabeth warren. Talk to executives. They are more fearful of her winning. I have never heard anybody say look, she last got to be stopped. Katie Stuart Varney is up to talk about warren destroying the economy . He is up next. Diarrhea . new pepto diarrhea to the rescue its three times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. The leading competitor only treats symptoms. It does nothing to kill the bacteria. Treat diarrhea at its source with new pepto diarrhea. Bookers can book literally hundreds of daily deals. [so, any plans for this weekend . ] you bet bookers have plans this weekend. With daily deals of 30 to 50 off, you can be a booker at booking. Com. Why not . Jillian good morning to you. Welcome back. Quick headlines. Supermarket asking shoppers to keep their guns at home. Publix says they only want Law Enforcement carrying guns inside stores even in open carry. Other chains like walmart, kroger and aldi have done the same in recent weeks. Walmart delivery nationwide. Get groceries delivered for 98 a year. 12 a month or 10 per delivery. Service rolls out end of the year. Available in 1600 stores. Steve . Steve i think thats a good idea. Meanwhile as democratic hopeful Elizabeth Warren prepares for tonights debate down in houston, a new oped in the New York Post claims wall street is already freaking out. Thats the thought of her becoming our president. It goes on to say banks for all their faults usually good at accessing risk. The risk of a warren presidency is real. Their right to be scared as the rest of america should be too. Brian here to discuss this Stuart Varney host of varney and company and the fox business network. Not just one of 20. She is one of the top three candidates. Steve top 2. And rising sharply. I think wall street and especially the banks have every right to be extremely concerned about a warren presidency. They should be concerned about whats called her accountable capitalism act. That is at the forefront of her economic policy. This is a disaster. This is the socialist takeover of american business. If this act were to go through, all companies would have to get a license, big companies, a license to do business. And if they get. Brian a license . A license. Steve they are already in business. They would have to approach the government for a license to do business. And if they get that license, they would have to conform to all kinds of new standards. Brian like what . For example, the profits from that business would no longer go to the shareholders, no. Not all to the shareholders. Some of the profits would have to go to the workforce, the community, customers, the local and Global Environment and community and social factors, whatever that may be. The result is you take the profits away from shareh all those retirees, tens of millions of us who rely on the market, rely on stocks for our pension planning and our pengsz funding were going to be really out of luck if Elizabeth Warren is the president of the United States. Katie the title of her plan sounds a lot like Obamacare Affordable Care act. The accountability capitalism act. She says she is a capitalist. But this sounds a lot like socialism. Its socialism. Its the socialist takeover of american business. Profit is bad. Profit must be distributed to other people other than the owners of the business, the shareholders. It flies in the face of the economys performance. Under President Trump, poverty is declining quite rapidly. People are working, we have got full employment. Income is w 63,000 a year were back to the inflation adjusted highs of 1999 and 2007. And people, as i said, people are working. Last year, 700,000 men and 1. 6 million women found fulltime year around employment. Steve stuart, tonight we will hear her say how she can make that better. Cant wait. Katie stuart will say its going to get worse tomorrow on his show. Yeah, as a matter of fact it will. Brian see who is targeted more, barack obama or donald trump. Because last time they went after obama more than trump. Katie joe biden, too. Steve joe biden will be the target. Brian stuart, i really enjoyed our time. You didnt get a question in. Brian 9 to noon. I will talk to you in the break. Three most venues in sports. Abby hornacek is taking you to each one and we paid her. Its you thats what i like about you what i like about you we get it. Its just the way things are. When youre under pressure to get the job done, it seems you have to accept the fact that some equipment will sit idle, or underutilized. But it doesnt have to be that way. Thats why United Rentals is combining equipment, data, safety and expertise to help your worksite perform better. United rentals. A better worksite is here. Brian new fox nation series featuring americas greatest sports venues including tall did he go daams and pebble beach golf course. Katie fox nations host Abby Hornacek is here to tell us about americas arenas. Tell us about your new series. Well, you guys, im very excited to share it with the world. I think if you are a sports fan you will love it. Kilmeade maybe. We will see if you like it. If you are not a sports fan, i think its very important to know sports history because it has shaped our culture, our society. We see a lot of it with the Current Events as well. So, what i do is i travel around to all the iconic sports arenas across america. Stadium, event and like you mention weed went to those toledo places for season one working on five for season two. Steve fantastic. Speaking of history 30 years ago Kevin Costners movies came out in a cornfield in iowa. If you build it, abby will come to you. Here is a couple that just got married there. So, you guys have never been to iowa, you told me. Why the field of dreams . This is on his bucket list. Okay. So i simply asked him i said would you rather get married or would you rather go to the field of dreams. He said well i would rather get married. How about if i roll it all into one. Brian and they did. What a great wife. I actually came across them. They didnt even tell me my story. What brought tout field of dreams. Oh we actually got married this morning. Full get up. Home plate. And then they changed and spoke with us. The dress and everything and they came out hey, we just got married. Katie also made it to pebble beach, right . I did. It was ahead of the u. S. Open. I got to talk to a lot of people. The us of the uspga you were there for the open as well that was a really, really special experience just knowing everything that went on there. I found this really great picture of ted ray back in 1919 on the green smoking a pipe while putting. And you see the transition of great moments you have had with tiger woods and, you know, all of the alltime greats and just to be able to walk that course and take in iconic seventh hole. Brian bret baier played on pebble beach. How did he do . I have played pebble beach. Its not easy. Im not a great golfer. I thought i was. Steve go to foxnation. Com. If you dont have the app. Yet, the app. Is great. And see iconic sports venues. Brian if budget ever becomes an issue Yankee Stadium iconic. Season two, exactly. Great, thanks, guys. Katie foxnation. Com. Steve here on your Television Set still ahead Donna Brazile acting cdp commissioner mark morgan and dana loesch all on the last hour of fox friends for this thursday. Brian can you make this louder . Were the gomez family. Were the rivera family. Were the kirby family, and we are usaa members for life. Get your Auto Insurance quote today. Katie thats a great song. Steve it is indeed. Thanks very much fordy,dy, bentley providing the sound track. Whether or not the California Legislature is correct. Going forward, california state College Athletes should be able to hire an agent and get endorsement deals to get paid while playing their sports in college. Katie the ncaa objected to this, saying it is unconstitutional. It affects the whole system because they do regulation nationally. This would be localized payment. Brian california alone has 58 ncaa member schools. They can make a huge impact. Can they kick out the all 58, form your own professional league. I dont know if they have the popularity. Steve they pass it through the legislature. Governor will probably sign it. This is the number one issue. Email if you feel strongly. Meantime talk about this, a major win for the president from the Supreme Court, the High Court Allows the administrations asylum restrictions to go ahead and take effect. Katie that ruling comes as President Trump touts progress on Border Security with mexico. Brian Griff Jenkins joins us live from washington with the latest on the fight to protect our borders. Griff . Reporter brian, katie and steve, president calls this a big win. It allows enforcement of asylumseekers traveling through a third country seeking protection in the u. S. In july u. S. District judge john tigar blocked entirely. The ninth Circuit Court appeals narrowed it to the california, arizona. The Supreme Court ruling says it can move forward in all 50 states. Two of the nine justice, sotomayor and ginsberg dissented. Sotomayor said executive brandish issued a rule seeks to upend longstanding. House Judiciary Committee chairman jerry nadler says lives will be lost. They were turned away at our doorstep and will only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis in the region. The president praising progress at the border he spoke with mexicos president yesterday, that the southern border is becoming very strong despite obstruction by democrats not doing anything on loopholes or asylum. On the ruling from the Supreme Court this was not a ruling on the merits which means well hear more about it, but certainly a step in the Trump Administrations view in the right direction because the backlog, guys, for asylum claims in immigration courts is more than 800,000. Brian, katie, steve. Steve its a big number. Griff, thanks very much. This is the second time the administration has gone directly to the Supreme Court. Famously the Supreme Court agreed with the administration 54, that the administration could declare a National Emergency to divert some of the money from the pentagon, 2. 5 billion, to build the wall. Brian the whole reason why this is happening because congress cant agree on anything. There is no type of Immigration Reform out there or mending, updating the rules. Therefore everyone is suing everyone using executive orders. There is the huge pushback. Now there are angry people on all sides. Katie theyre talking about immigration on capitol hill. Theyre back from the august recess. Retired i. C. E. Director tom homan testified before lawmakers and democrats couldnt wait to discredit his testimony and attack him. Steve are you sure . Brian i cant imagine that. Steve you got tape . Roll it. I think it is important to really make sure that the jingoistic big to thed testimony of mr. Homan is called out as nearly completely untrue, as being, an outrage. What did i say was inaccurate. So i think it is important that it is not accepted as accurate testimony. If you want to go toe to tee. Im here on my own time. Speak to the American People what about im happy to go stow to. Let me respond to your question, dropping a bomb, running away. There is crisis on the border. It will not go away, if we want abolish i. C. E. , give away education and driver licenses and free medical care and reward illegal behavior you will never solve the Immigration Crisis on boarders. Mr. Homan, as fellow american i want you to know your contribution as acting director of i. C. E. Under this administration will always be remembered as one that was very ruthless and Inhumane Treatment of asylumseekers. I would like to apologize to you on behalf of the United States of america for the dehumanizing policies that they are pursuing. I have never seen such hate toward Law Enforcement agency in my life that you want to abolish. Mr. Homan time expired. Your time expired. You dont legislate. Mr. Homan, according to the rules of this committee. Enacting laws,. Mr. Homan your time as expired. Brian meanwhile its a fact. Tom homan is not able to write legislation. Its a fact they havent. Where is her proposal except for opening everybody up and he is exactly right. If you look at debates, you hear people talk. Free health care. Free college education. We got to make sure these facilities are a, number one, provide entertainment for children when they come across. Why wouldnt they come . Katie good for him pushing back on these people. Aoc accused him and others of being nazis on the border. She is accused them of humanitarian crimes. Brian drinking out of toilets. Katie they called him a bigot. Accused him falsely forcing women to drink out of toilets. There are a lot of smears and accusations, conveniently democrats forget i worked for president barack obama when the crisis started in 2014. Many of the policies were the same under obama. Yet they dont want to talk about that fact because theyre not interested in solve being the problem. Theyre interested in bringing him up and calling him names. Steve theyre interested in their narrative. Tom homan, you know, volunteered to come up, voluntarily where they called him a bigot, ruthless inhumane. Brian jingois stic. And his perspective. He knows exactly what theyre going through. For him to sit there, look you can say what you want to say ive seen it with my own two eyes. You know, you got to hand it to him for going there and taking the heat. And when he was answering aoc started pounding the hammer, youre out of time. Katie he served under two different president s from two different political parties. Would you think there would be more bipartisan respect for his experience. Of course there wasnt. He pushed back on Debbie Wasserman schultz multiple times, she kept accusing him of false testimony, saying nothing he said should be considered true. What did i say that was inaccurate. Instead of pointing out any specific details, she continued to say nothing should be taken accurately, when he wanted to have debate talk about the issues. Steve mr. Homan was on this program. We asked him for a preview. And he said essentially what he would present to the congresspeople which he did. But he wanted to make sure they understood his point of view. Because, too often in congress, they have their narratives and they spin it that way, but he wanted to people to realize what was going on from the men and women who wear the i. C. E. Uniform, try to uphold the laws of the land. Katie Congress Passes laws. Steve if you dont like laws, change laws. Brian he will never convince lawmakers he might explain it to the people. Go to cspan, off during the middle. Day see it, look unless you look at excerpts. Steve see it on fox friends. Brian just in clips we cant show you the whole hour. Meanwhile another big story happening out in california. Legislation passed by 720, socalled, fair pay bill that would allow College Athletes to get endorsement dollars and as well as hire agents. Many happens either way, like reggie bush of usc, get their Heisman Trophy taken away or suspended or very least defamed. They want to change that. The ncaa is apoplectic about it. Katie board of governors released a statement, it would erase the critical distinction between college and professional athletics. These outcomes are untenable and would negatively impact more than 24,000 California Student athletes across three divisions. We urge the state of california to reconsider this harmful, we believe unconstitutional bill. Hope the state will be a constructive partner in our efforts to develop a fair name, image and likeness approach for all 50 states. There is a battle now between california and ncaa. Steve you know what . If it goes through, good for california. They will suddenly be the number one place every recruit will want to go. Why . Because i want to get paid. If i go to school in North Carolina, not going to get paid. If i go to california i will. That is one of the reasons the ncaa says it is unfair. Judge napolitano says, terrible idea. I think it will be a disaster. I think it will prevent those athletes from participating in postseason play because the ncaa decides who goes to the bowl games, not california. Also think it will destroy amateur athletics. The California Legislature which likes to micromanage in the state has not thought this through. Brian keep in mind not every sport generates revenue. Not every division generates revenue. Not every conference generates revenue. Steve why would you play volleyball if i get paid as a football player. Brian maybe molly ball players are not capable of doing it. Volleyball outside california is not generating money. They might be great athletes. They are not generating. Where are you taking money . From the football program, that is not fair. Take it from ohio state or usc, give it to other states that dont have the draw. Steve we asked you what you thought. We got an email from berlin. Katie talented collecting a lietz are getting paid they are on scholarship programs getting paid for education. Having agents negotiate salaries is a horrible idea. Steve ethan emailed us i agree College Athletes should get paid, they are the ones at risk of injuries for our entertainment pleasure. Katie john. Brian thanks for the introduction, katie. College athletes should be paid for practice and playing time at same rate any other student gets paid for on Campus Student job. Steve if College Athletes get paid on school they should reimburse scholarships and financial aid. Katie youre getting paid for a degree. Brian think about this, would you watch a game with the same athletes if they werent representing your school . Ohio state, you might love that team, what if they were playing for ohio, just representing, they look at the secondtier under the nfl. The thing that makes College Sports attractive, they represent something. School and tradition. If youre going to pay them, st understand, they are not longer students. Steve right. Brian the whole theory of playing College Sports is over. Katie their loyalties is to their endorsements rather than the school. Brian yeah. Steve would they play for ohio state or the ohio state. Katie the was not allowed to be trademark. Brian aaa. The second best Football League in the country which would not have the attraction of the networks or the endorsements. Steve but they get paid. Keep the comments coming. We read them all day long. Straight ahead some 2020 democratic president ial hopefuls gearing up for the debate stage in houston. What do they need to do or say to stand out . Brian former dnc chairperson Donna Brazile has an idea. She will be here next. Steve 8 16 in washington, d. C. That is jerry nadler, happening right now House Democrats are having a hearing to set parameters on a possible impeachment probe. Joining us right now, Fox News Contributor, former dnc chair Donna Brazile. Well talk about tonights big debate but first, what are they doing exactly in the house . They are opening up multiple investigations over the president s abuse of power. This is an investigation that i think will lead to perhaps an impeachment inquiry or impeachment itself. Focus is on the investigation. If the executive branch would cooperate with the legislative branch, allow some witnesses to come forward perhaps this investigation would be over with over the next couple weeks. But rather, if they want to fight, they want to use every tool in their legislative tool box. Steve donna, isnt this a political loser for the democrats . In Public Opinion polls Shows Americans dont want impeachment. They waited for the Mueller Report. The Mueller Report showed no russian collusion. The russian, the Mueller Report did not exonerate the president. The president used that to basically Tell Congress that its over. It is settled. What theyre trying to figure out is, if this president abused his power. Again, if the white house allowed some of these witnesses to come forward like hope hicks, don mcgahn and others perhaps this will go away. Right now, were set up for a confrontation between two big branches government. Steve you know how it works, when youre advisor to the president you generally dont have to go tell everybody, tell the world what you told the president in confidence. Meantime talk a little bit about tonight. On one of the other channels there will be a big debate, i think 11 democrat are going to square off. 10. 10, come on. Whoo. Who will be the bigger target, donald trump or the current frontrunner, the man in the middle, joe biden . I think tonight the democrats should go on offense and focus on the substance. There is no question the elephant in the room is the president of the United States. Remember were in the state of texas where they just experienced two Mass Shootings and averted another one. So i think the democrats need to be very mindful that not only that they are in texas, but that the country, theyre looking for a leader, not a schoolyard bully. This is a great opportunity for some of the candidates who are still trailing or stalled to reintroduce themselves to the American People. Steve you know, famously, joe biden has had a number of gaffs out on the campaign trail and you know, in his political career as well and donna, what theyre doing, his campaign, has made sure he has now a teleprompter at his events. There is no teleprompter for joe biden tonight. You know i still believe the Vice President is able to communicate directly to the American People. You know, look, he had a slip of the tongue here or there. August was not kind to joe biden. You know what . He has another opportunity tonight to show the American People why he is the frontrunner in the democratic party. The experience that he has to lead. Steve real quickly, Elizabeth Warren seems to be doing well in some of the polls. Oh, absolutely. Steve are they going to come after her . I dont think so. She is quick on her feet. She started off as a college professor. She is getting in her groove. Remind you that the debate is taking place at Texas Southern university, Historic Black College where Barbara Jordan went to school. She reminded us American People want us to be as good as nation. Everyone should be on their good behavior. This is a good debate. This opens up the fall season. Steve thank you for your point of view. See you soon, boo. Steve boohoo . Boo you, baby. Thanks, donna. Thank you, love. Steve el salvador stepping up to the stop Illegal Migrants coming to the us. Is this a sign President Trumps hard stance is working . So you have ten years experience. I do. But no phd . First kid heres all the numbers, foods in the fridge, oh and lucas likes to pull on jewelry so you might want to lose the nose ring. By their second kid, parents are more likely to choose luvs. Live, learn, and get luvs. Jillian good morning to you. Back with a fox news alert. Breaking overnight a married couple wanted for murder and on the run for weeks captured. Blaine and Susan Barksdale were captured near phoenix. The couple escaped august 26th, by overpowering guards in a prison transport van. They were being extradited from new york to arizona where they faced murder charges. Envelope reportedly considering putting Antonio Brown on paid leave as he faces Sexual Assault allegations. The Washington Post reports that he could miss multiple games as the league investigates. Brittany taylor, claims he attacked her three times. She will meet with the nfl next week. Browns lawyer denies all allegations. Brown just signed with the new England Patriots after a public feud with the oakland raiders. That are your headlines. Brian never stops with him. A landmark win for Border Security. The Supreme Court siding with President Trump allowing new asylum rules to take effect. Steve the ruling enforces restrictions on asylumseekers trying to enter into the United States through a third country such as mexico without seeking protection here. They have to ask mexico as a last resort. We have acting director of u. S Customs Border protection, mark morgan. Mr. Morgan we have a big ruling from the Supreme Court yesterday that the Trump Administration can move forward with the new asylum policies. What does it mean for the work that youre doing . Its a big victory. Judge napolitano summarized it well. The fight is not over. Were still going through hearing this on actually the merits of this case right now but right now what that means, while that is going on we can fully implement this rule along the entire southwest border to hit this crisis. What this represents, American People should understand this, this president and this administration is doing everything that they can utilizing every tool in the tool box within the current Legal Framework to stop this crisis. While congress sits on their hands fails to do what they know they need to do to end this crisis. That is what is significant. Steve so many critics of the administration say weve been doing it this way, you show up from wherever, you ask for asylum. Weve been doing this for decades. How did it start exactly . Was it one of those things somebody in the administration came up with as an idea back in the day and it just over time became engrained policy . Look, i cant really talk about specifics of how we got here over time, especially with this specific rule but what i can tell you is, the false narrative and rhetoric out there about this specific rule. What we should be wanting people to do is, if they have a valid claim, they should be seeking help and asylum from the first country they come in contact with. They shouldnt be paying the cartels thousands of dollars, risking their lives to take 1000mile journey across several countries to get help. We want them to get help, to seek asylum the first country they get to. Brian lets hope, lets hope they do that most importantly it will send a message. This is not the time to risk your family, your life and limb to go across our border which is already overwhelmed. This is just a fact. Nothing against the triangle nations. Theyre suddenly stepping up. President also praised mexico. What theyre doing with their marines at the southern border. More importantly theyre holding wouldbe Asylum Seekers in mexico until they get a hearing date here. How does that play out . Brian, youre spot on. 25,000 troops. Unprecedented stepping up and providing assistance with respect to this crisis. Mexico, theyre being True Partners right now. Theyre seeing this as a regional crisis. What you talk about the mpp, migrant protection protocol. Right now we hut 45,000 individuals are waiting in mexico, mexico being partners in this, while they go through asylum in the United States. That prevents us from having overcrowding in our facilities. It is quicker. When we have detained document like this, it is so much quicker. Were hoping to get through this within 40 to 60 days, instead of brian get through 45,000, mark, youre getting through the 45,000 in mexico in 40 to 60 days, is that what youre saying . No, individually, individually. Once they start the process. When we have a detained document like this it is exponentially quicker, instead of what we have been doing, releasing them into the interior of the United States. It takes years, years to go through the immigration proceedings. Katie mr. Morgan, the Trump Administration has been working with mexico. They also talked about working with the northern try angle countries. El salvador is putting 800 police on its borders with honduras and guatemala. Is that partnership going well in terms of stopping it where it starts . Katie you bring up another great point, this is one, there are several gamechangers going on right now. It is not only the governor of mexico has stepped up as True Partners but also the northern triangle countries. El salvador, guatemala, honduras, they are stepping up as well, being True Partners. All four countries see this first time as regional crisis, not just a crisis for the United States. It is making a difference. The last 90 days we have seen reduction in apprehensions along the border by 57 . It is happening because of this president and this administration. Steve thats great. Mark, if you saw judge napolitano earlier, did you see the sound bite we played of tom homan appearing before the Oversight Committee yesterday . I sure did. Steve what did you think . I think tom homan is an incredible leader, incredible patriot. American people need to understand everything tom homan said he is correct. I know that man. He is a patriot. He has done this job. He has served this country for three decades. He knows what he is talking about. The American People need to listen to him, not politicians who have no idea what theyre talking about. Brian mark, do you know how much new wall has been built . 65 miles. That is a lot of new miles of wall, brian. We hope by the end of 2020 to have almost 450 miles of new wall being built. That is going to be, that is going to be incredible. That will give men and will of cpb a fighting chance. Steve mark morgan. Thank you so much. Thanks. Steve by the way, tom homan, a Fox News Contributor. 29 minutes before the top of the hour, the gun debate expected to take center stage at tonights debate. Democrats in texas where the state saw two Mass Shootings last month. Katie will the 2020 contenders message for more gun control register in voters . Dana loesch sounds off next. This fall, book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels. Com. And earn a free night. Because when your business is rewarding yourself, our business is you. Book direct at choicehotels. Com when i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Brian if you dont feel like dancing listening to our show, you never want to dance. We have more dance music on today than we have all week long heavy metal. Steve said exactly, lets groove. Brian hey, yesterday the president of the United States was asked about what type of legislation he might be working on. He indicates specifically what he was working on but who he was talking to. Senator murphy, democrat connecticut, senator senator man gun control and senator pat toomey. What does that mean . Steve we do not no yet. Tonight there will be a debate with democrats on gun control. That is coming up. Dana loesch, nationally syndicated radio show host from joins us from the state of texas where the debate is going to be. What do you expect in the form of the debate with democrats on guns . Good morning, everyone. I expect everyone to out look each other on the issue of the Second Amendment and on gun control and on restrictions and theyre going to propose, this is what they always do every single debate, a bunch of things that would not have, unfortunately any effect on any of these mass casualty tragedies that we have seen recently. Theyre also going to push probably for some of the legislation that is already making its way through the house and through the senate, whether universal background checks, whether red flag laws, i discussed so often the problem with both of those proposals. There are a couple other things they would like to see get pushed through. So im sure that theyre going to set the stage for that. They will push for all of that legislation and theyre going to call on to the carpet the character of any individual who dares disagree with them, that is not going to sit well so much with lawabiding americans, particularly in texas because people who just lawfully carry their fire arms because they want to protect themselves from the type of monsters that they see out there no one wants to be armed. We carry, were law full. We have our firearms. We dont like being portrayed as monsters or unfeeling towards innocent people simply because we dont want to become statistics. Katie democrats like beto orourke who is from texas push for confiscation en masse in firearms, firearms sales are up 15. 5 . That may be the result of rhetoric from democrats, or a result of people wanting to protect themselves as they see the mass shooting events play out . Absolutely, katie. Thats right. Every single time one of these lawmakers or one of these candidates comes out and starts with the same rhetoric, we see this every single time with firearm purchasers, with gun owners. They go out, they want to purchase firearms. They want to make sure they have something in case it either gets banned, gets restricted or something or other. Particularly when they Start Talking about magazine bans, Start Talking about capacity, you have people go out, they will purchase magazines as well. This, people want to protect themselves. That is the bottom line. When you look at the government and the agency house are promising to protect americans and they continually, certain agencies continually fail to see the warning signs that you dont need red flag laws for, you need to follow existing law, and see it through, those people dont put a lot of faith in those agencies to keep them safe. So they want to make sure that they can be their own firstresponders if heaven forbids evil comes to call. Katie atf and the fbi dont have a great reputation on that, that is for sure. Yeah. Brian are you for taking someones violent record at 17, stop expunging it, we find out when they become a mass shooter in the dayton situation, we see a track record of violent . What youre talking about there, brian, this is something that a lot of people have been discussing, this is pretty much what the Promise Program was in parkland, florida, where you had this program that was implemented in school. For all parents watching this could be in your Parents School you dont know it, you need to ask your administrators, violent people, were not talking about, i want to make it really clear, were not talking about people who just, they have outbursts or get into scuffles. You are talking about dangerous to other people and themselves, very sue supremely violent people, who for this program and others like it are preventing a criminal record of felonious behavior being established to prevent them from buying a firearm in the future. This is absolutely something, schools need to discuss and parents need to discuss as well with respect to hipaa. Brian privacy. Katie yeah. Steve dana, thank you very much for joining us live. We know you will watch the debate as we all will. Yes, as we all will. It will be educating. It is on another channel. On late. Seven hour thing. Katie three hours long. Steve well summarize. Have highlights tomorrow. Over to jillian. Jillian if there is crowd surfing well let you know. Steve andrew yang or john yang . Jillian maybe both. Brian oh, really. Steve another channel got his name wrong. Jillian we start off with a fox news alert. This is what is happening, Environmental Activist Group green peace is protesting oil industry dangling from a bridge, nearly two dozen members of the group dangling from the a bridge in houston. They want to force Democratic Candidates for president to take a stand on Climate Change. This comes hours before tonights democratic debate in houston. An army vet chases down and wrestled a man who followed his teenage daughter from bus stop. I go up to the door, the guy is standing on the my stoop. What are you doing in my house . Grabbed him by the hair. He was like an alligator, twisting, he got away. Jillian mike oliver chased him in his truck. Police taking suspect into custody. The 15yearold girl is not hurt. Triple crown winner saddled with controversy. New york times reports the 2018 champion, justify failed a drug test one month before the kentucky derby. The colt testing positive for a performanceenhancing substance which could have disqualified the horse. The case was dropped after justify won the triple crown. They say the result could have come from contaminated food. Players standing with firstresponders for a moment of silence before the great many. The Team Breaking mlb uniform code wearing custom cleats about the twin towers. Pete alonso ordered a pair. He said he wasnt worried about a possible fine. I want to show support. Not just to the victims but the families as well because no one really knows how deep those emotional scars can be. Jillian alonzo was a firstgrader in tampa on 9 11. He says living in new york has brought a whole new meaning to the day. As for the games, the mets beat the arizona diamondbacks. They scored, get this, nine runs on 11 hits. Steve 9 11. Brian i did not know that either. Katie thank you, jillian. Steve out on the streets of new york city janice dean is out there with a boat. Janice yea. What is your name . Janice. Janice we could be sisters. What is your name . Carol. Janice where are you from . Florida. Charlotte. Janice are you staying out of trouble . Not yet. Janice i love you. Large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes will be possible. Know what to do if there is watch or warning in your neighborhood. There is severe threat. Were watching the tropics. We could have developing storm system that could go into the gulf of mexico or up the east coast. People need to pay attention. Well bring you very latest. Say high, to steve, katie and brian. Love you brian. Love you brian. Brian oh, wow. Katie love you brian. Youre a hit. Brian one woman saying it twice . Katie going to say two people. Brian say two people. Steve i heard hundreds. Brian joe, could you get on that . Steve stand by, straight ahead, President Trump heading to baltimore in couple hours, just a month after calling out baltimores conditions. So what kind of a reception will he get there . Were live at the white house with a preview. Stick around. Billions of mouths. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. Is skincare from around the wobetter than olay . Olay regenerist faced 131 premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. Olays hydration was unbeaten every time. Olay, face anything. Steve later today President Trump is going to hop on marine one and chopper over to baltimore to speak to republican lawmakers. Katie this comes weeks after the president slammed the citys conditions. Brian right. Kevin corke at the white house with more of baltimore leaders how theyre responding to this visit. Kevin, this could be interesting. Reporter to say the least. This is a chance for a conversation, right with fellow gop lawmakers, right . This is about a great city in the state of maryland, the charmed city, baltimore. As you point out, think back to july, there was back and forth between the president and house Oversight Committee chair elijah cummings. He has been a harsh critic of president. You remember the president said this. Cummings district is a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in baltimore he could help clean up this dangerous and filthy place. Oh, boy. So those comments, as you know, sparked outrage, not just among the people of baltimore, everywhere around the country, right . People are saying stick up for baltimore. People are pointing to nice places like the inner harbor, saying it is unfair to make such a broad statement. But the comments resonated activists some who tried to chip in to clean up tougher areas in town. Crime stats for the year in baltimore, got to tell you they dont look very good, this according to the baltimore sun. At least 240 homicides in the city already this year. Here is the City Council President , brandon scott. He said this, he is the president of the United States. He can go where he wants. But when he comes here, i hope he comes here also willing to listen, understanding baltimore is greater than what he said it was. Ah, we love a little drama here in washington. Dont forget we expect to hear from the president ahead of his departure, maybe 4 00 or 5 00 this afternoon. When he talks i promise to bring it to you. Back to you. Brian can i ask you, kevin, what are they trying to do . A weed whacker they are trying to start up . Is it a tractor . Reporter it is the fence, white house fence, what would you say, 12foot tall before . Nine feet tall before. Theyre making it i guess 18, i dont know. Its a steve are you saying theyre building a wall . Katie its a fence. Reporter you said it. I didnt. Steve that is pretty high. Katie thank you, kevin. Brian unbelievable. Week two of the envelope season kicks off tonight. How much do we really know about football . Tom shillue is here. He will put us to the test. Katie terrified. Steve when were done for the day sandra smith takes over, what do you have on the show . Katie, you got this. Katie thank you, sandra. I have confidence now. 10 democrats vying for their partys nomination take the stage tonight, biden, sanders, warren, side by side the first time. Who comes out on top. The Supreme Court siding with the Trump Administration on asylum. Fresh reaction from the white house in just moments. Justice gorsuch on civility, relationships and his time on the bench so far. My sitdown interview with the justice at the Supreme Court coming up. Live from americas newsroom, join us top of the hour. A way to create energy from household trash. It not only saves about 80 in carbon emissions. It helps reduce landfill waste. Thats why bp is partnering with a California Company fulcrum bioenergy. To turn garbage into jet fuel. Because we cant let any good ideas go to waste. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. Brian the envelope season, 100th season for the envelope is upon us. Katie catch the new orleans saint taking on the Los Angeles Rams only on fox. Steve this morning the competition is heating up in the studio f who knows most about the nfl. Here is the host of the quiz show on fox nation, tom shillue. Before we get to tom and the show, tomorrow is fox super fan friday. You have a chance to be flown to new york city to be a contestant on the show make a 30 second video asking fox nation why you should be on the show. You could be on your way. Meantime, ladies and gentlemen, tom shillue. That was a great promo for fox super fan friday. Brian at your house or they will make them dinner like the waltons. It will be fantastic. Steve question number one. What year was thursday night football adopted . Was it 1996, 2000, 2003, or 2006. Jillian came in. It was recently, 2006. Was it 2006 . Yes, the answer is 2006. Brian she got you on that one. Brian i thought it was 96. I really did. Question two. Ready, what is the name of the Carolina Panthers mascot. Mr. Paw . Sir purr . Practice black panther or whiskers. Katie. Katie i will go with sir purr. Brian no way, gaffe indid not tell you that answer. There is no way. Katie i know about football, what do you mean . Here we go, which team was originally named the new york titans. Was it the new york jets. Tennessee titans. The new york giants or indianapolis colts. Wait. Brian . Brian i believe it is the jets. It is. The new york jets. The answer is the new york jets. That is right. There is no real winner. We each have one. Steve tiebreaker. Here is the tiebreaker. This is pretiebreaker. Which envelope teams are tied for the most super bowl wins . Pats cowboys, pats and steelers. Pats and broncos. Brian . Brian im going to pats steelers. Is it the pats steelers . Pats steelers is right. Brian had two. I have a tiebreaker. Steve 10 second. What year was the envelope founded . 1918, 19 knit, 1921. Brian. Brian 1919. 1920. This is 100 years. Steve threeway tie. Katie brian won. He got two right. We got one. Steve well be right back. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. Having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. Learn more at retire your risk dot org. Pain happens. Saturdays happen. Aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. The business of hard work. Hustle. And high fives. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed on all Choice Hotels price guaranteed when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Youre invited to be in our studio audience october 11th. Youll see the Live Audience thing and send us your information. Stick around. Well do something in fox nation you wont believe. Bill good morning, everybody. Fox news alert captured, a married couple wanted for murder arrested after three weeks on the run. We start with that breaking news from overnight. Im bill hemmer, good morning. Sandra good morning, everyone, im sandra smith. Arizona officials expecting to announce more on those a arrests this morning. Blaine and Susan Barksdale were taken into custody three weeks after they escaped by hijacking a prison transport van. The couple charged in the murder of a 72yearold man. Bill we have details from denver. Good morning. This is no doubt a

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