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Like 60,000 people in attendance there. There are protesters reportedly. According to the bbc, there are currently more police and photographers than protesters. Katie this is what you are looking at now a stage where all of it will happen. Dignitaries and a number of veterans who are showing up now for this event. And its just amazing to see them all coming and talking about their stories and commemorating that horrible, but heroic day 75 years ago tomorrow. Brian if there is anything that should bring out world together, its this. It is the good against the evil, naziism, fascism, holding on to europe and a desperate allied invasion of 150,000 plus soldiers looking to take it back. Protesters would astound me. The United States, the United Kingdom and canada will will take time to commemorate those men and women who came before us who fought that fatal day. Steve the protesters are there because donald trump is in attendance. They called for the president ial visit to be cancelled because of his appalling comments, they say. Meanwhile the president sat down with piers morgan who once upon the time was not only on the apprentice tv show beating trace atkins. He appeared on Good Morning Britain on itv. It was a wide ranging interview. In fact it was church chillian at one point. Here is the president talking with pierce how the president s mother would feel that he was able to actually meet the queen and have a 90 minute chat with her. I will say that my mother would have been very proud. She was a tremendous fan of this country and she loved scott land. She grew up in stern denies away she loved the royals and she loved the queen. I always noticed whenever anything was on about the queen. She would watch. Did you tell her . I told her last night. She was honored. We had a great report. We had a conversation that lasted for an hour and a half nonstop. Really . What did you talk about. Im not going to say. Any little hints. I hear that we are not supposed to do that. In fact, i said to her tell me about this, i promise i will never tell anybody about it. So im not going to break my promise in one day. Steve thats good. Katie its interesting to see the president talk about his own family and his experience. He has actually had a good couple of days across the pond despite some of the headlines we are going to get to later. Really his trip has been about showing the special relationship between the United States and the u. K. And its bigger than just this one trip. Its to commemorate the two countries, the allies facing evil head on and winning. Brian a couple things. It reminds me of the way we used to treat president s that is a good introspective nothing about mueller. Nothing about impeachment. Hey, by the way what is it like to be president . What would your mom think . Those are the questions that used to come at president s . Do you know why people say donald trump said this or that. If every question wasnt so provocative. Maybe some introspective magazine like deep thought questions like piers morgan pulled off which should have been instinctive. Big salute to piers morgan you are 72 years old. Manual, look at what you have done and look at where you are. Steve piers did ask questions about what the brits are interested in Meghan Markle and things like that. He also said looking ahead to 2020 he didnt think anybody could beat him given the economy currently as you heard is the worlds greatest according to the president. As the one point keep in mind 75 years ago fdr and Winston Churchill who for the most part ran Operation Overlord. At one point piers morgan who has known the president back when he was a Real Estate Developer gave him something that seemed apropos for this week. Watch this. We would like to present with you a churchill. I never knew you had that kind of sensibility. Very good. Please let me try this on. Its a little big. Thats fantastic. Let me see how that looks. Winston trump. I think winston looked much better. Katie his hair stayed the same it didnt do much to his hair when he put that on. Brian i think that was great. He brought that out. The other thing that i thought was pretty cool is the president understands the imagine tiewftd event, especially today when there was about to be an invasion in normandy where you have 75 they went up to eisenhower before the invasion and they said oh, by the way, general, just so you know the weather is bad. The water is rough. The germans may know we are come and the casualty rate could be 75 and he still said lets go quh is absolutely amazing 150,000 troops would be storming those beaches. Steve thats right. Because of the weather in south england as you can see there is a covering over this particular facility where bbc studios are supplying the images and the sounds. You will see the president. You are going to hear the president. You will hear the National Anthem all coming up. But, in the mean time, if you have been watching the coverage in the United States, have you seen how American Media has covered the president s trip. Katie yeah. Steve katie, you were alluding to this, when you look at the British Press and we installed all the apps on our phones and interesting to see how they have depicte depict potus in the u. K. Katie especially since the British Press is known to be brutal. President trump praises eternal friendship at state banquet. Trump hails noivment. Trump is district to great, great queen who inspired u. K. To win world war ii. Banquet speech says queen embodies patriotism that beats proudly in every british heart. So, differently than we have seen here. Steve what are you talking about . Brian its Pretty Amazing the different tone this is mostly a ceremonial visit. Especially when the Prime Minister is leaving the job in four days. You can project what it will be like with the next leader to get things done. This might be a time to pull back and analyze. It wasnt. Watch. When you watch trump inside all this pageantry he looks awkward in it. He would look awkward at Tailgate Party much less Buckingham Palace. They know how to get under his skin. They did it with style and spectacle. Perhaps he likes the idea of being a king. It turns out pettiness and narcissism dont mix well with diplomacy. Who knew he cant restrain himself. President trump on the world stage hurling insults at anybody who doesnt agree with him. Steve okay. So thats how you heard the coverage on some of the channels. And you have heard some disparaging words about his travels on cnn as well. He put out a tweet about an hour ago that reads if the totally corrupt media was less corrupt, i would be up 15 points in the polls based on our tremendous success with the economy. Maybe best ever. If the corrupt media was actually fair i would be up 25 points. Nevertheless, despite the fake news, were doing great the president just tweeted. Katie yeah, its interesting too. Because when the president has responded to. So headlines and some of the narratives surrounding his trip thats coming from here rather than whats being reported from the ground, from the event in the u. K. Is he accused of not being president ial and diplomatic. I dont know what people expect when it comes to false allegations. Brian steve hilton said i was there when president obama came last time and went up to a staff and said to president obama would you talk about the special relationship between the countries and the staff says dont even bring it up. He wont do it. President trump named it like five different ways in which he talked about this phenomenal alliance. Never been better. Never been replicated all these different ways he said it. No one left that meeting thinking that the brits and u. S. Are far off. Did anyone report that the theresa may said out loud that President Trump deserves credit for getting an extra 100 million into nato just the money that each country is responsible for that donald trump demanded. He put in . Nobody did. Katie working together on a number of topics whether its the economy and getting a trade deal ready if brexit ever does come to fruition. The iran nuclear agreement. Those are things that have all been on the table. This week is about that special relationship and commemorating dday. Steve in fact this will be treats is a mays final official act as Prime Minister to preside over the dday festivities and commemorations. And we will take you live there in about five minutes where the queen is scheduled to arrive. Brian i talked to jillian first time today 4 00. Jillian would you please help me with something . Im glueing on eye lashes. Brian im sorry. I didnt know had you to do it yourself. Jillian lets get you caught up on news we are following. We begin with a fox news alert now. A Murder Investigation is underway after a former Arkansas State senator is found dead in her home. Neighbors of Linda Collins smith heard gunshots days before her body was discovered wrapped in a blanket. Collins smith served in the state senate from 2014 to 2018. The Republican Party tweeting, quote we are praying for her loved ones during this difficult time. A fighter jet buzzes a navy three times irresponsible interaction. One of the high speed passes caused temperature buoy lengths putting the crew at risk. The intercept taking place in International Airspace above the mediterranean sea. Meanwhile the Russian Defense Ministry Says this video shows a successful launch of a hypersonic test missile in kazakhstan. And imagine this was your house. A glider crashing right into the roof of a home with just three people inside. The glider hitting the home in connecticut as the pilot tried to land at nearby airport. Thankfully no one was hurt. That is unbelievable video. Meghan millions jackpot grows to 530 million after there were no winners last night. Lucky winners are i guess they are not lucky numbers if no one won. This man thanks for giving him the winning power ball numbers. Got lucky with it. I dont know what i won. Im pretty happy with the way things are im still going to wear my jeans. Maybe newer ones. [laughter] jillian the North Carolina man taking home 233 million and go get yourself some jeans. Steve he got that Fortune Cookie from his grand daughter and played the numbers and it won him 233 million. Brian who does this . Katie got lucky again. Brian ainsley is so over in nashville getting set for the cmt awards. Ainsley hi brian, katie steve and jillian. This is the Bridgestone Arena and thats where the awards ceremony is going to be tonight. We were in there yesterday interviewing some of the celebrities and theyre getting geared up and doing their mike checks. It was really fun. We all love Country Music. I grew up listening to it. Its fun to have this job when we get to interview these guys and women that sing these songs and help us through the good and bad times in our lives. This is the famous broadway. It used to be just crimeridden. And local politicians, similar to what Rudy Giuliani did fou for times squa. Tootsies. The guy bottom it for 10,000. Now they make 20 million a year. Right across the street the earnest tubs record shop has been here. You can read the sign it says they have been here for 72 years. That dates back to right after dday. Its incredible. Still go in there and buy vinyls. Live music out here yesterday, brooks and dunn, different celebrities are going to be out here today. This place will be packed in a few hours. And no one is in tootsies right now. So the whole crew, we might go in there and dance on the tables where no one is looking. Katie get your boots on thats the most important thing. I do. Durango gave me boots. Look at this. They gave me different types of boots so we wore them around town yesterday and today. I have a pair for you. And katie, i have a pair for you. Katie yeah, thank you. Steve the president and first lady about to arrive. You will see it covered live here on fox. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. I swibecause they let metual, customize my insurance. And as a fitness junkie, i customize everything, like my bike, and my calves. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The first survivor of ais out there. Sease and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Steve in the next 10 minutes we will take you thrive hear the queen and the president and the Prime Minister as the 75th anniversary of dday is marked in portsmouth, england. That is where a number of the allied ships set sail the day before dday 75 years ago tomorrow. Katie President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have arrived in portsmouth. They are at the event getting ready to commemorate this incredible anniversary and pay credence to the veterans who are there as well. Brian its unbelievable. Its estimated we lost 4414 allied soldiers on june 6th. 75 years ago. 2500 plus were americans. A man who spent 22 years in the military whose father fought in world war ii. Lieutenant colonel allen west. Of course former g. O. P. Congressman. A guy who serves our country grew up in a military family who knows military history. Could you put in perspective what were witnessing today . Sure, the best way good to be with everyone. The best way to put this is general william lee talked to the 101st Airborne Division and told them they have a rendezvous with history. 75 years later remembering the Incredible Service sacrifice and commitment of those land who landed there in omaha beach who scaled the cliffs who jumped into the drop zones and took places like saint mary and the first infantry, fourth infantry, the rangers, the 82nd and 101st we will never forget what they did for us and incredible world. Steve 75 years ago this week. Shows you what the world can do when they unite against evil. Yeah. You are absolutely right. Thats one of the things part of the legacy in our family. My dad was a corporal in world war ii. He started thought north africa, sicily and wounded in italy. He did not get an opportunity to participate in the invasion of europe. But, three of the units that i served in in the United States army, the first infantry division, and also a paratrooper we can trace our legacy back dday and pararoomer. Its incredible to meet those men. Katie considerable, cacolonel k about the importance of commemorating this event. Quickly because we have a little bit of time. Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it. We need to teach our kids consistently and let them know what men and women have done. Brian thank you and for your families. Thank you so much. We will continue the coverage of all these ceremonial remembrances as the 75th anniversary of dday. Fox friends. We see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com be go[ laughing ] gone. Woo hoo. Welcome to my house mmm, mmm, mmmmm. Ball. Ball. Ball. Awww, whos a good boy . Its me. Me, me, me. Yuck, thats gross. You got to get that under control. [ dogs howling ] seriously . Embrace the mischief. Say get pets tickets into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. Brian these are one of the ceremonies that do come off on time unlike the last couple days. Celebrating 75 years since the invasion dday. Looking back at the countries that were there the one notice free west or even germany at that time as an enemy were represented. We know, too. The goal is to honor the allied soldiers who risked everything. Every soldier still with us is in their 90s. If they were 18 when the invasion took place they would be 93 today. Think about the magnitude of the event and what was at stake with the largest amphibious invasion in military history. Steve 300 vets are in attendance. We are going to hear from the queen very shortly. We will hear from the president and all that live from portsmouth which is south and west a bit of london. And that man was there that day 75 years ago tomorrow. Brian and the first wave was the ones that took it the worst where they just had to go and the machine gunners were just mowing them down until they can get the attack to start taking them out. Just getting out of the water as we know is a very difficult task and they knew going into it that it was going to be a very bloody dustfilledeath filled situatioy went anyway not only to save Great Britain but freedom across the world to liberate millions of people. They did it because they are courageous and they knew they had to. Brian look at those images. Thats how it happened. We are looking back in history. Katie such sacrifice, too. Steve we will take you back there live in a moment. First lets talk a little domestic politics. Brian 2020 frontrunner for now joe biden revealing Climate Change plan which included net zero emissions by 2050 and rejoining the paris agreement. Katie soon after he was accused plagiarizing parts of his new climate platform which would cost trillions over the next 10 years. Steve that plagiarism thing again. Here to break it down is senior fellow at the National Taxpayer union maddy duppler. Good morning. Good morning. You know, it looks like out Biden Campaign had to admit some of the framework was lifted from other activist the. In hindsight they said we made a mistake but this is his plan. Exactly. Not just the plagiarism that is being recycled here for the Biden Campaign. A lot of the ideas coming out of obamabiden presidency. They wanted to go to all new renewable sources by 2050. What that means is making Energy Sources that we use now more expensive. On top of that, that means getting rid of energy jobs. Millions of americans who work in Energy Sectors right now like oition would see those jobs eliminated while energy costs rise. This is something that the obamabiden presidency attempted with stimulus plan in 2009 trying to pour money into Green Energy Programs while eliminating fossil fiewlsz we know how that turned out. Solyndra, that was giving money away to political all allies while the rest of the country struggled to make ends meet while energy costs went up. Katie i dont know if this plan will work while trying to regain blue collar works in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan. Now the Biden Campaign is saying this is released too soon after he was pushed into a corner to try and come up with his own kind of Green New Deal when you read through the details there is no talk about Publicprivate Partnership all public founding which we have seen fail in the past. Biden have produced a plan radical progressive base can hate and also alienates moderate democrats. Incredible feat for a campaign for a frontrunner. These moderate democrats of course are the ones who dont want to see radical policies recycled once again alienated voters in 2016 to begin with. Brian he comes out touchy feely situation. And mocks it on stage the next week after apologizing. He barely answered the anita hill challenges. He also thinks china is not a competitor. Now we have back to the future with a look at plagiarism for the next century. How is he leading . That is a good question. Not only is he planning to recycle Green Energy Policies from the last administration. Is he pledging to repeal progress we have made in this administration. He wants to pay for this plan by repealing the Corporate Tax cuts that were put into law by President Trump. We know that one of the crucial components of that Corporate Tax cut was unleashing investment here in the United States. Thats why we have seen wages rise for workers for the first time in 10 years. Under the Obamabiden Administration their recovery was lackluster they didnt get those industry out of the way. By repealing tax cut continue to ship jobs overseas to the Worlds Largest polluters rather than to the United States. Steve i think most of the democrats who are running for president want to repeal those tax cuts thats not unique just to joe biden. Thank you very much for joining us live. Brian congratulations, joe. You just lost texas. Anyone who would look at this plan in texas in the Energy Sector will not vote for you. Thats exactly right. Brian thanks, mattie. Straight ahead our coverage continues of the dday ceremony in portsmouth. The president is going to be speaking shortly. Dont move. Featuring three new dishes that are plankedtoperfection. Feast on new cedarplank lobster shrimp. Or new colossal shrimp salmon with a citrusy drizzle. Tender, smoky, and together on one plank. But not for long so hurry in this simple banana peel represents a bold idea a way to create energy from household trash. It not only saves about 80 in carbon emissions. It helps reduce landfill waste. Thats why bp is partnering with a California Company fulcrum bioenergy. To turn garbage into jet fuel. Because we cant let any good ideas go to waste. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. Brian 28 minutes before the top of the hour. Back to a fox news alert. You are looking at something special. This is a lye look at ceremony in portsmouth, england where President Trump and other World Leaders will be commemorating the 75th anniversary of the normandy invasion. Historical launch back in 1944. Steve president will read part of a speech that roosevelt delivered after the historic operation 12 minutes from right now. Right now they have just started in the last five minutes. The presentation, the program. In attendance there are 15 World Leaders who were invited by theresa may as final official appearance as Prime Minister during these commemorations. The guest there this morning just moments ago were shown images of the dd landings and soldiers moving recollections in normandy 75 years ago. And a number of the veterans who were there 75 years ago were on the stage moments ago. Brian its Pretty Amazing. You cant forget what canada did and what they sacrificed again shoulder to shoulder with us. I understand most of those canadian troops went on juneau beach. We took a great loss in losing 4413 on the allied side. We took out a great many german casualties on that day, the nazis. Ranging between 5 its tough get an exact number and 12,000. We took in the allies captured 200,000 germans and made them prisoners of war. And france, once again, was an n. Allied hands, free hands. Katie we are expecting remarks from french president Emanuel Maroni emanuel macron. One of Country Musics events of the year is live in nashville ainsley is so on broadway in the heart of the music city. Good morning, ainsley. Ainsley thats right. Good morning, steve. Hey katie and brian. Take place behind me in this arena. We are so excited. We got to go in there yesterday and interview. So celebrities and. So celebrities are staying in some of the hotels and we visited them. Such cool stories. And this is broadway. I know brian you were here recently and you went to john richs redneck rivera. Its right down there. A lot of these celebrities have their own bars and they perform in them. Most of these bars, they are at least going to make a Million Dollars a year. This is tootsies. They make 20 million a year. Alan jacksons is right there. Your friend kid rock steve has a bar. Jason aldean and Florida Georgia Line the list goes on and on. Yesterday we were in here with boys to men and with bret young, we interviewed chris jansen. Take a look. Its crazy. Its a great time. Its one of our favorite places. What do you love about it . This is like the biggest fun in the world you could have. This is Bridgestone Arena. Carrie understood is going to be sitting here. March teen that mcbride here. Darius rutger from my home state of South Carolina and Dierks Bentley will be here. They close to the stage. On that stage you have boys to men and they are practicing with bret young and up for an amazing award. We all grew up listen talking on one station its the end of the road. Ainsley we listen to you, bret on the country station going to bring my heart. Ainsley how did this collaboration happened . I begged and pleaded for it. This just made sense to us. The beauty about it is that the audience and the viewers got it. Which is why we are here tonight and we are nominated. In case you didnt know baby im crazy about you i grew up playing and singing and leading worship. And at the time i was obsessed with their records and i had fallen in love with Country Music at the same time. I also grew up listening to soul music by the time i moved to nashville its kind of what Country Music had already fallen into. Ainsley you love chris janssen. I do love chris janssen. You are up for video of the year your song drunk girl. Take a drunk girl home let all alone. Obviously i just had my daughters in mind when i wrote it. I wanted my daughters to be treated with respect if they are ever in those situations. More importantly i want my son our sons to man up and do the right thing in those vulnerable spots in life. Can you believe this . Ainsley well, i can. I believe if you pray hard and work hard can you get anything you want in this life it still sounds pretty cool buy me a boat. Ainsley many cities have a broadway and it is so much fun. Were going to walk around and talk to soninlaw of the folks and find how the who their favorite singers are and what they think the awards ceremony. We got 40 tickets for it so we are pumped. We won back stage for scotty mccreery. This is it this is now. Who is your favorite musician. Blake shelton this is gods country. Who do you want to win. Im always up for Kacey Musgraves to win something thats my girl brian that seems like a lot of funnel. Can i have a clarification, ainsley, i was at the redneck rivera but i was working. All right . You said i was the last time i was there sounds like i just went there drinking. I was getting paid. Ainsley there was never a beer involved, brian . Brian thank you. I wrote it under miscellaneous under expense expenses. Katie no itemized receipt. Ainsley we have low cash coming up. Elizabeth hassle back. A recording for fox nation. We had a bible study together. She introduced me do you feel her awesome friends and ladies she leans on in nashville with her family. Some of the titan wives are in her bible study and other important special, special people. We heard some Great Stories from her. She is going to come back and join us. What was cool is walking along broadway yesterday we interviewed some people. Do you know the majority of the people we interviewed were from the north and they were down here because they love Country Music and they love nashville. And most of them said were moving here. Steve yeah, right. Ainsley everyone loves nashville. Steve when i was there a couple of months ago they told me it is the number one Bachelorette Party destination. Katie it is. Ainsley last night when we were finished with all of our work we went to honky tonk and we were sitting there and there was live bands. Every other song was an elvis song because someone was celebrating an anniversary or a Bachelorette Party and toasting to the bride or birthday song. Come here for celebration. Brian still doing research after work. Thats fantastic. Ainsley exactly right. Katie excited for your reporting this morning. Steve thank you, ainsley, why are live in nashville, were live in new york. We are live in Great Britain as well. We are going to return to see the president in a minute. Katie now we are live with jillian. Jillian thats right. Good morning. So much happening this morning. Lets start with story we have been following. Jillian three americans have died in Dominican Republic at the same resort. Mirandas husband says she collapsed after taking a drink from the minute any bar inside their room. Dominican authorities did not do a talks cog report and determined the pennsylvanias woman cause of death as respiratory failure. The autopsy shows the same cause of death for holmes and day who died five days later at the resort. A manhunt intensifies for whoever ran over a state trooper and sped away. Stop what you are doing and watch this. You can see when you watch it the white bmw slamming into the officer sending him flying through the air on to his hood. He was trying to help a colleague during a traffic stop when he was hit in hollywood, florida. Police found the car a few days later but no sign of the driver. The trooper is recovery. Labcorp massive data breach one day after rival quest i do no, sir sticks was potentially compromised. In filings with the securities and Exchange Third parties collection firm was hacked exposing the personal information of nearly 8 million patients. This was between august of 2018 and march of this year. The American Medical Collection Agency says hackers gained access through online payment system. Nebraska senator ben sasse slamming democrats tempts to raise congressional pay. Republicans saying in part quote these jokers couldnt hold down a summer job at dairy queen pulling this kind of crap. Democrats are fighting for 3. 1 raise next year instead of the slated 2. 6 raise. Lawmakers will vote on the change as part of the 1 trillion spending package next week. I do have to say though those dairy queen blizzards they were my favorite when i was a kid. Brian they are good for you. Very light. Steve thank you very much. All right. In just a couple minutes. The president of the United States will be speaking at the dday commemoration in the Southern City of portsmouth. In england. Also, we should hear from the queen very shortly. We heard just a moment ago from one of the veterans who was there in portsmouth, 75 years ago today he said we did what we had to do. Katie 300 world war ii vets will be watching the ceremony with the queen as you just mentioned. We are also expecting speeches from other World Leaders like french president Emmanuel Macron and well be covering all the details here. So stay tuned this morning. Brian yeah. Historic day. We thank you for joining us for it and through it. Back in a moment. When youre not able to smile, you become closed off. I felt withdrawn, alone. Having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. Now, i know how happy i am. There was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. I wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to flexible hours and payment options. Yes to free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance. And yes, whenever youre ready to get started, we are too. Call now at 1800aspendental. I got it what . What . L. A. Bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. Ridin scooter l. A. Baby l. A. Baby be a booker youre welcome. At booking. 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As you can see right there some of the veterans who were there on those docks 75 years ago commemorate how the world was changed with Operation Overlord. Right now we are listening to some entertainment. They have been having some music from that period back in the 1940s. Bring back a lot of memories for the men who are there. Katie as we are awaiting President Trumps remarks he will read from a speech let our hearts out. A prayer from franklin d. Roosevelt he read over the radio the night of dday on june 6th, 1944. When british and canadian troops were fighting on those beaches that is something he is going to be reminding the country of in that prayer that former president roosevelt talks about fighting for the republic. And freeing a suffering humanity. Brian first going to hear from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is going to be making his remarks. Of course people forget a lot of times what canada did. But, again, far right with us. Part of the amphibious assault. Steve we understand the president should be starting within the minute. Lets go ahead and listen to some of the program. Over 1. 5 million men left the u. S. A. Bidding farewell to life as they knew it. The photographs folded in pockets. Halfway across the world to join the pursuit of freedom. During a radio message, president roosevelt led the nation in prayer that will be forever remembered by the American People. The president of the United States. [applause] almighty god, our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. This will need thy blessings for the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces but we shall return again and again. And we know that by thy grace and by the righteous of our cause, our sons will triumph. Some will never return. Embrace these, father, and receive them, the heroic servants into thy kingdom. And, o lord, give us faith, give us faith in thee, faith in our sons, faith in each other and faith in our united crusade. Thy will be done, o mighty god. Amen. A letter home from author private 6 may 1944. Dear mom, well, here i am somewhere in england were putting private homes in this town. The people will do anything to help you and make you comfortable. They wont have us clean up the room in the morning thee clean it for us. They shirk over tea tea that big way. Everyone is trying to shove a cup of tea in my fist. People stop us on the street and invite us for tea and cake. Kids are always asking for chewing gum and candy. Everything is rationed. There is hardly any automobiles and everybody rides a bicycle. Steve all right. That is one of the letters home written by one of the men and women who were there 75 years ago after a stirring version of the president reading the actual words that fdr delivered on the radio the night of the dday. Katie it wasnt just words but a prayer that president roosevelt had for the country that he sent over the radio waves for everyone to hear while fighting on the beaches. Brian millions of troops training in england. 150,000 would storm france. Back in a moment. Fox friends dday 75 years ago today. What pain . With advil liquigels. My gums are irritated. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Noso lets promote ourke Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com brian we are back. President trump and First Lady Melania Trump participating in the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of dday in portsmouth the United Kingdom, portsmouth today. I would like to add, too. The president did speak about 10 minutes ago. Prepared remarks. Reading right from what fdr said over the radio on that day in tribute to the men that would lose their lives. Find out the initial invasion saw a loss so the first wave, if you were picked to go in the first wave in normandy to storm the beaches dug in nazi force, 90 would lose their lives. Think about that. 90 . They were basically fodder for the machine gunners and cannons that were straight ahead. Katie amazing thing how they duped the germans, adolf hitler was asleep when dday started. I watched the documentary style Martha Mccallum did on sunday. She talked about how they put fake planes in Eastern Europe to try and, you know, do a dupe of the nazis so they thought there was going to be an invasion there when they were planning it in france. Amazes history with the way that they set up that invasion. Steve thats right. It was the biggest amphibious military invasion ever partially launched from portsmouth, which is where we are looking at right now. Now, the beach landings, which happen tomorrow, were preceded by aerial assault 13,000 u. S. Paratroopers from the 82nd and 101st airborne. They were all dropped behind enemy lines. Now, this is happening today in england. Tomorrow, those nations that took part will once again gather on the beaches of normandy to actually mark the 75th anniversary of dday and that will be tomorrow. The president will be there. Meet with president macron and then he will head to, i think he is going to overnight once again at his golf course in ireland. Katie in this event we are still waiting for Queen Elizabeth to speak french president Emmanuel Macron and President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will meet with a number of world war ii veterans at that event. Brian im amazed how this has been pulled off it. Looks like a broadway play in commemoration of a sacred event. Steve our thanks to the bbc for providing the images. More live coverage from the dday commemoration live in england after this. To shoulders held pistols draw back. The soldiers in charge on his radio asking us what he should do with us. My perspiration was coming down. The sticking to it. I couldnt move or they would have shot us. Then the crackle came again on his radio. He told us to get in the car. Covered it. At farmers, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. 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Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. Ask your doctor about the only gifocused biologic just for Ulcerative Colitis and crohns. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. It can cause damage to the enamel. With the new pronamel repair toothpaste we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. Its innovative. With pronamel repair, more minerals are able to enter deep into the enamel surface. The fact that you have an opportunity to repair whats already been damaged, its amazing. I think my goto toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. Brian were back with a fox news alert. A live look in portsmouth, england where President Trump is normandy invasion along with many other World Leaders. Steve including Emmanuel Macron you france speaking in french right now. Katie moments ago the president of the United States reading from a prayer that president roosevelt delivered to the nation after the historic operation in 1944. O mighty god, our sons, pride of our nation, this day set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. They will need thy blessings for the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces but we shall return again and again. And we know that by thy grace and by the righteous of our cause, our sons will triumph. Some will never return. Embrace these, father and receive them the heroic servants into thy kingdom. And, o lord. Give us faith give us faith in thee. Faith in our sons, faith in each other and faith in our united crusade. Thy will be done o mighty god. Amen. Brian brian there is the president a short while ago about 15 minutes. President macron has finished his remarks in french. There was a French Resistance. That French Resistance fought that day as well. Thousands of french citizens also died fighting its almost impossible to gets the exact number. Steve the reason they are in portsmouth, u. K. , that is one of the ports where a number of the ships that were involved in dday took off from 75 years ago today. Theresa may is presiding over the commemoration today. This is her final official act as Prime Minister. She has resigned effective on friday. She is hosting 15 World Leaders there today, including every country that fought alongside the United Kingdom. Also in attendance Angela Merkel we saw her a moment ago. All of the people who attended signed what they are referring to the dday proclamation. 16 signatoriesinginginging committing to Work Together peacefully to resolve International Tensions going forward. Interesting, the president of the United States was on with piers morgan on the wakeup show Good Morning Britain he said probably the greatest battle in the history of the world. Certainly the largest land invasion no doubt. Germans were convinced we were not going to try to pull this off because the weather was so bad. Hitler slept through it. Everyone was afraid to wake him. Afraid to call in reinforcement to stop the invasion or halt it or make it unsuccessful. No one would without getting hitlers go ahead. They were afraid to wake him up. When he finally did wake up at 10 00 he was excited. He said we have plenty of forces to repel any invading forces they didnt. Nothing would be the same for him. Eight can a indicate President Trump did sit down with piers morgan capping off a threeday trip to the u. K. It has covered a lot of topics. Steve you think . Katie he was asked about domestic policy as well. Listen to what he said about 2020. Im rocki running on maybe te greatest economy we have ever had. Im in the midst of a couple of trade negotiations which i think will work out successfully we have all the cards. We are the bank Everyone Wants to steal from. I dont see anybody there is no Winston Churchill in the group. Let me put it that way. There is nobody that i see that should be able to win im running on the best economy. Knocked down isis. Steve he said he had great rapport with Queen Elizabeth the ii. They had a 90 minute conversation. And piers morgan asked me what we talked about. They say i cant talk about this. He also said he had a very long conversation with Prince Charles about Climate Change or as the president referred to it as extreme weather. He said he was very impressed by the princes passion for future generations regarding katie also talked about his family his mothers reaction. What her reaction would be. Steve thats my boy. Katie sitting down with the queen of england. Brian his mom was very much into royalty the fact that her son would be president. Spending quality time with royalty. Looking at the declaration of independence together in Buckingham Palace pretty extraordinary. Piers morgan does his homework. He does a great job. I watched clips of him earlier to say im a little embarrassed. Im embarrassed that the president of the United States is coming here there are horrific, insulting balloons. There are supposed to be 250,000 protesters. This wasnt close to that he said have you got to be kidding. This is the best friend we have. But the president is in good company. Ronald reagan was heavily protested. George bush heavily protested. His father was heavily protested. One that wasnt was the one that would not commit to saying we have an extraordinary relationship. Who they say has 70 plus Approval Rating in the u. K. Steve piers morgan presented the president with a Winston Churchilllike hat the president actually put on. Said churchill probably looks better in it. Going to hear from theresa may, the Prime Minister of Great Britain very shortly and queen within this half hour. Brian just watch my fee and we will take this big should something happen. Steve the little picture right there. Meantime switch gears. Mexican leaders are meeting with Vice President mike pence today and mike pompeo later today in d. C. As the deadline nears for the president s tariff threat which kicks in on monday. Katie on monday Griff Jenkins is live in washington. Griff, whats going on down there . Hey, katie, brian and steve. Things are busy here when the president comes home. He will face with g. O. P. Senators over threats. Imperil the new nafta deal. Others are backing the president. Listen. Well, there is not much support in my conference for tariffs thats for sure. Tariffs will create economic problems but the border is a complete utter disaster. I would hate to be the republic can that took mexicos side on this deal if they wont help us. Across the aisle Senate Minority leader schumer is calling the president s bluff. I believe he will back off when faced with the opposition among business, among his own rerepublicans. And when he see what is a dumb move he has made. President watching took to twitter to say can you imagine crying Chuck Schumer to say out loud for all to hear that i am bluffing with respect to putting tariffs on mexico. What a creep. He would rather have our country fail with drugs and immigration than give republicans a win. But he gave mexico bad advice, no bluff. Try to convince Vice President pence and secretary of state mike pompeo curtail at the border. He said he thought he was 80 on getting a way with the deal. He met with Speaker Pelosi yesterday as democrats passed the house bill which protects dreamers. One thing to watch, guys. Is the official apprehension numbers for the month of may. They are due to come out any day now. My sources tell me those numbers are going to be very high. We will see if that impacts where things stand as mondays deadline on the tariffs is fast approaching. Steve thats right you, griff. If those numbers are going to be high. The next months numbers would have to be really low for mexico to be off the hook. Thats a good point, steve. Traditionally i asked the Border Patrol. What else your traditional highest month out of the entire year . They said june. Steve bad timing. Brian over 100,000 expected. Thanks, griff. How remarkably how selfunaware congress is. They caused this mess. They have not fixed three or four things necessary to change out laws to shut it off and they are sitting there against the president on tariffs . When he is using Everything Possible . Put the wall aside. Everything possible to stem the horrific crisis going on in our border. Somebody died yesterday, showed up with aids died there. Katie Lindsey Graham had a bill. The white house isnt pushing it and should be. Brian push this forward because its a national crisis. You cannot coast for the next year and a half. You should stand by out president , let him know privately whats going on with tariffs and how effect you economically let him know also its the only henning you can use to get mexico to act. They showed up and already taken action that according to the New York Times yesterday at their southern border. Katie see how the meeting goes today. Steve we will find out. Look for mexico to try to budge. Will that be enough . Thats the question. Both sides are using it for politics. Brian i think the president. Steve using it for politics. Brian out president wants to shut off Illegal Immigrants storming the border. Nothing to do with politics. This is a crisis. Those people who are choosing not to do anything are saying that this is better for my party. Steve politics. Brian do you think the president does not want to shut off the border . Katie he does. Get behind legislation that will fix the problem. Graham is the personal to do it. Steve rallies his base. Brian this is not an issue. This is a catastrophe. You dont think he sincerely wants to stop 100,000 people from coming here illustrate legally . Steve he wants to and so do the democrats but they both have democrat different ways of doing it. Brian democrats dont want to stop it. They have done nothing. That means they have no interested interest in stopping it. They have done nothing. Zero. They dont even bring it up. They talk about daca. People already here. Its not an issue. Katie for now we are going over to jillian for headlines. Jillian let brian cool down a minute. You are fired up. Brian its a catastrophe. And Border Patrol is Stuck Holding the bag. Jillian is he still going to go. Mother from a missing woman from connecticut files for custody of her five grand children. She will be in court this morning as jennifers estranged husband is ordered to stay away from him. He and his girlfriend are charged in connection with jennifers appearance. Police used cell phone pings to track down 30 different locations. They believe they were dumping trash bags filled with evidence. Police are using cadaver dogs to search a trash plant. The u. S. Announcing major travel restrictions for americans visiting cuba. The Trump Administration banning all trips by cruise ships, private planes and yachts. Steven mnuchin claims the crack down will, quote, keep u. S. Dollars out of the hands of the cuban military, intelligence, and security services. Commercial flights to the country will still be allowed. Jeopardy all star james halls hour could soon fails off with the irs the Action Network reporting holzhauer could have to pay more than 1 million in taxes . Why . Because the game show is filmed in california, which means he would have to pay state taxes. He made 23450erly 2. 5 million during his 33 jeopardy episodes. Thats just about 58,000 shy from the jeopardy wings record held by ken jennings. So he would have to pay taxes for like half that money, basically that he won. Steve the tax man cometh. Thats the way it works. Katie death and taxes. Brian Ainsley Earhardt at the cmt awards. With this new move i dont think you should go on jeopardy now. Ainsley i would be out in two seconds. Are you kidding . I would be so bad at that show. Trivia is not my thing. I dont know about that. Guys, we are on broadway in nashville right behind us is the Bridgestone Arena and thats where the cmt awards will take place tonight. Low cash is one of the groups up for the duo award. They are awesome guys. Already here at tootsies, i have been talking to them. This is where their career got started. They were playing in the back room and chris janson was playing in the front room we saw him yesterday. You saw a little bit of his story in the 6 00 hour. They have basically out same stories. All it takes is one hit. And then you have made it. Have you put your name on the map. And it is so cool to hear these guys how they worked so hard. They moved to nashville. They perform over and over and over and then they get discovered. Lo cash got discovered with their song i love this life. We will talk to them later in this hour. Stick with us and we will introduce to you this awesome group. Steve very good, ainsley. We are live in nashville. We are live here in new york. And, of course, we are live in portsmouth, england where it was 75 years ago today that those ships set sail on what would be known as dday while tactics were in order. Strategy was managed. There was one factor he simply could not commands. This is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. 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Steve Christopher Steele, that man right there, the former british spy who compiled the dossier will reportedly be questioned by officials. According to the times of london he will only discuss his dealings with the fbi and nobody else. Brian bring in former clinton advisor and polster mark penn to react. Managing partner with stagwell group. Mark, you have with some of this before not international spying but political impeachment and pressure. Steele will speak. What good will that do when he talks over there only about one topic . Of course, the big question wha was he dealing with the fbi . Was he dealing with the press . Was he dealing with the department of state . Who was he really dealing with. Brian we know the press. Look. He has to be extradited over to the United States for a conspiracy to defraud the United States. This was a conspiracy to perpetrate a hoax to affect our election. He is the main witness and he should receive the kind of treatment the people like roger stone and Paul Manafort received. Katie what benefit does someone like Christopher Steele someone who is not even in the country to discuss the situation with federal authorities now looking into it . Well, i think. Katie why we talk . They should get as many questions out of them as they can. Principally they will ask who were your sources . He is going to say, you know, i dont know. I dont know. He hasnt eanelsd that question. Most fund mental questions of you who this investigation started people want the answers to. And it really starts with Christopher Steele. So lets get those answers. And maybe he will say some things that will then be able to give the authorities what they need to get him over to the United States. Steve a lot of people want to know when he presented the does yea to whomever he its not verified. Thats out 60milliondollar question. He said before in depositions it wasnt verified. He has already acknowledged this point. How Law Enforcement came to use it is really the echo chamber that he created through fbi through, you know, nellie ohrs and in the fbi and in so many places. I think you will find that he spread this thing in 10 or 15 places. And so it appeared that there were 10 or 15 stories coming in. Katie isnt it important to ask what the timeline was . Its one thing for Christopher Steele to come with the information. Its another thing if he was hired and it was unsolicited. We have days of questions. When did the fbi know it was paid for by the Hillary Campaign in when did they know it was unverified . Who were his sources really . Document one of them. Brian will any other network cover it. No other networks will cover it but all i tell people is read the dossier and you know right away what a joke this was. Steve before did you go your new polling numbers on the president s aApproval Rating . Our polls show 48. Second highest approval driven princely by two things, 62 saying the economy was strong. More people concerned about immigration. Its the top issue now. Steve real quickly after a state visit like this in Great Britain. Is this good for the president . The kinds of visits are always good we used to say if things are hot at home get out of town. Always good for the president. Katie good to see you. Brian we will get out of town and go to portsmouth shortly covering all the events that happened dday 75 years ago tomorrow. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go you might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. 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Com hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Steve this is a fox news alert. For the last hour, we have been watching the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of dday which is tomorrow. It was 75 years ago today in portsmouth, u. K. Where many of those ships that took part in Operation Overlord took off. We should hear from the queen of edge demand within about five minutes. Katie President Trump spoke earlier reading a prayer that Franklin Roosevelt read over the radio on june 6th, 1944. As letting americans know that there were fighters, american, british and canadian soldiers on the beaches fighting for the country, fighting for freedom to preserve the republic, religion, civilization and to free a suffering humanity. Brian they would storm five beaches with 7,000 different vessels. Meanwhile, 24 minutes 25 minutes after the hour. The president s state visit to the u. K. Earning glowing reviews. Get this, in britain. But back here in the u. S. , i dont know what planet we are on, the American Media telling a whole different story. Steve joining us now is media reporter for the hill and wor talk show host joe concha. I was listening to him last night. My condolences, steve. Sorry had you to hear that. Steve i enjoyed it greatly. For the most part, Great Britain inventing the the tabloid form of journalism that we see a lot here in the United States. How do you compare and contrast the coverage there and the coverage here in the United States . I compare and contrast it like Jussie Smollett in chicago, the chicago media had one story and our National Media had a completely different story. I kind of feel the same way about the British Press. They are on the ground. They know how london works. They know the people. They are portraying this thing a lot more positively as you just showed than the u. S. Media is who is concentrating almost solely on these protests. These protests this year are probably about as athird as large as they were when President Trump went there in july of 2018. But all were seeing, basically, is this trump baby blimp which is getting more coverage than the oj bronco. I mean, i see this thing constantly. And we are not hearing anything about the president and theresa may and how well they are getting along and the president and the royal family, particularly the queen and cam ra camaraderie the its typical what we have seen with trump. If its negative thats the way we are going to go. Katie i think the baby blimp actually got taken down by a woman yesterday. Speaking of what the media in the states are saying. Lets take a listen to it . When you watch trump inside all this p pageantry answered looks awkward in it. He is a guy that would look awkward at Tailgate Party at Yankee Stadium much less Buckingham Palace. Donald trump just cannot restrain himself. Perhaps he likes the idea of being a king. Brian perhaps . What about that, joe . Do you think the American People look past it . They are not looking for any advice on what to think . I think that television is a visual medium. The optics coming out of here in terms of the president and all these different ceremonies he has attended has come across as a strong leader who is very confident in these situations. And then you hear the punditry on our side of people guessing whats going on or sharing their feelings on certain subjects and thats the problem. We are getting way too many opinions based solely on speculation and how people officer receive things instead of what people see on their screens. So, look, i remember when president reagan went to europe and there were a whole bunch of protests there. He was called a fascist. Reagan go home. Kill reagan. Hundreds of thousands in west germany. Look, protests are going to happen. That shouldnt be the focus and get the kind of punditry we are hearing at this point as well which is basically President Trump is a buffoon on the world stage and clearly showing what he knows what he is doing here. Joe, we have heard a lot about President Trump and his relationship with the allies, right . And here he is having a successful trip overseas with one of our most important, if not the most important ally that we have. And, yet, this is the coverage. Are they missing the point of what they are doing here and commemorating dday the 75th anniversary by, you know, talking about these superficial issues rather than focusing on the broader reason that he is there . That is the reason why he is there primarily. Katie, honestly, i went back and watched saving private ryan last weekend because my wife hadnt seen it. I said have you got to see what happened here in normandy its a fictional movie but said its as close as it gets to the betrayal. Have you got see the sacrifice that was made here, the mayhem, chaos, carnage. This is what we should be focusing on. And the u. S. And u. K. Coming together to defeat nazi germany and i am not hearing a lot about that right now. Im seeing trump baby blimp. Thats basically what we are seeing. Brian you can always tell when the president is doing well, other networks divided to talk about Something Else or decide to something inaccurately. They dont like the president. Do they understand their criticism would have a lot more cachet if they balanced it with credit when he deserves it . Then the criticism would be much more enlightening or maybe informed. But, when everything he does is wrong, and mocked, then nothing is wrong and mocked. Because you just know the same tone at the same time every single day 24 hours a day. And they are paying for it, a lot of times, in the ratings. Yeah, brian, oh, yeah. Ratings are way, way down at say cnn, for instance, msnbc, Rachel Maddow had her worst month that we have seen. Prime example happened on this show before. Had you on mark penn. Mark penn isnt a fox news contributor. Is he a guy who runs a poll with harvard and harris. He just provided information that i guarantee you will not see mark penn on almost any other network talking about how i is at, the president is, the highest Approval Rating in the Harvard Harris poll that we have seen since june of 2017 or that the president is getting more than 60 approval on the economy. These are very real things. But you are not going to see mark penn talk about on other networks because they feel its going to offend their audience because they are used to getting so much comfort food and the comfort food trump is doing horribly put on republicans that are against the president even though loyalty numbers are 90 . Its completely out of whack. Thats why ratings are hurting so much because people simply do not trust the messenger anymore, brian. Steve dont you think that is, joe, people now have their favorite messengers and they tune into them because everybody seems to be dug in . You know, unfortunately, thats the way it is. Isnt that a shame that we just cant look, i saw a poll that came out last year where not even half of americans can name one objective news source. Not even one that they think they can turn to to get the news. Fortunately i say the light at the end of the tunnel is local news is still very, very great. Because there arent a lot of opinions involved there they gave you what happened in the news. What happened in sports. What happened in weather and i dont have to hear everybody ols feelings. Thats at least comforting as well. Brian other things, joe, more a and more expanding part of the population that doesnt need to hear that they are making their own decisions. They know when the president does something they cant agree with. They know when he does something and been treated unfairly. Sadly, i dont think they need to be told what to think. These a lot of times adults making major decisions in their lives. They could watch, read and understand whats happening. They dont need a screener. But, joe, thanks so much. Appreciate the insight and good luck on wor tonight. Congratulations i dont know how steve and i decided to wear the same tie today. Steve joe, thank you so much. Thank you. Steve lets go live once again to a fox news alert. We are expecting the queen of england to come to the stage and there she is. That is one of the people those are some of the veterans who are there 75 years ago today. Remember, portsmouth in england is one of the walltowall sports ships for Operation Overlord which became dday took off. Katie 300 world veterans will be with the queen there you see her there First Lady Melania Trump. The president did reference the fact that she was a teenager. She grabbed a wrench and she was mechanic. And she was fixing jeeps in world war ii. Her dad was the king at that moment. So, as we hear from one of the troops, we are going to come back in just a moment and hopefully hear from the queen as he addresses the crowd on dday. Imagine if we we would be such good friends. Best friends. Advantage ii, kills fleas through contact all month long. I mean hes a wreck without me. Advantage ii, fight the misery of biting fleas. Brian we are back. Ladies and gentlemen, when i atexded the commendation of the 60th anniversary of the dday landings. Some thought it might be the last such event. But the war time generation, my generation is resilient and im delighted to be with you in portsmouth today. [cheers] 75 years ago hundreds of thousands of young servers sailors and airmen these shores in the cause of freedom. In a broadcast to the nation at that time, my father, king george the sixth said what is demanded from us all is something more than courage and endurance. We need a revival of spirit, a new uncongres unconquerable re thats what those young men brought to the battle as the fate of the world depended on their success. Many of them would never return and the heroism, courage and sacrifice of those who lost their lives will never be forgotten. It is with humility and pleasure on behalf of the entire country indeed the whole free world that i say to you all thank you. [applause] [applause] brian how poignant that the queen who was there at the time of the as a younger woman obviously. Steve she was alive. Katie she lived through it. Brian they didnt know what it was going to be like had they lost dday had dday failed . What was at stake the resolve though needed and the resolve they had. Katie she said this generation, my generation is resilient and that the fate of the world was on was dependent on the success of dday. Steve thats right. We have heard from a number of World Leaders trudeau of canada spoke. We had macron speak and the president of the United States. About 45 minutes ago he stood in the shadow of an image of fdr and read a prayer that fdr read on the radio the evening of dday 75 years ago. If you missed the president here he is. O mighty god, our sons, pride of our nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor. A struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. They will need thy blessings for the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces, but we shall return again and again. And we know that by thy grace and by the righteous of our cause, our sons will triumph. Some will never return. Embrace these, father and receive them, the heroic servants into thy kingdom and, o lord, give us faith, give us faith in thee, faith in our sons, faith in each other and faith in our united crusade. Thy will be done o mighty god. Amen. Steve amen. Very shortly, it looks as if according to the schedule it does appear there will be a gun salute fired from the Royal Navy Ship out at sea. And there will be a fly pass which you are looking at live right now. Steve lets listen wil well meet again dont know where dont know when i know well meet again one sunny day but i know well meet again one sunny day [applause] steve thats the military precision having the fly by conclude just at the end of that song. As you can see some planes continue. There is going to be a flyover tomorrow to commemorate the 75th anniversary over normandy. The skies will be filled with me particular just columbusly restored douglas and dakotas the same aircraft which carried the men and into battle 75 years ago this week. Brian they say there were 7,000 ships and Landing Craft involved. You had for us 73,000 american troops stormed the beaches. Five separate beaches. And overall 83,000 british orca madians all in a massive operation in terrible weather with a dugin nazi machine ready to take them out. Katie throughout the show listening to soldiers speak, queen speak. President trump as we showed you said a prayer that president roosevelt said on the day when american, canadian and British Forces were fighting on the beaches of normandy. He talked about their success that it was going well. That it was for the sake of freedom for the world. Queen talked about it being her generation and resolve to fight for the things they believe in. Brian find it just amazing when you know you are the first wave getting off the ships and if you are able to get off with everything on your back. They say oftentimes equalled your body weight and actually get to your feed and get to land, 90 of the first wave were wiped out in those five beaches. Those beaches were omaha, utah, nicknamed by us, gold, juneau and sword from east to east. And knowing that that would happen. Think about the courage. And you are not talking about people that are lifelong soldiers. I mean, they were trained in a matter weeks. Next thing you know they are landing in another country at stake the free world. Steve we just heard Sheridan Smith perform well meet again which was iconic song back in the era made famous by vera lynn. They are meeting today 75 years ago after they met there on that particular dock in portsmouth, u. K. As they have a number of different aircraft from the period and up to date fly over 15 World Leaders in attendance. Brian Pretty Amazing to think that june 5th this was supposed to be dday but the weather was so bad they waited a day to june 6th. Which was dday and the weather was still bad but thought as bad. And, as i mentioned earlier, fascinating to know that eisenhower was told before that you might be suffering 75 casualties and he still said go ahead and do it. Steve red, white, and blue, very nice. Beautiful. All right. Were going to step aside. Well be right back with more live from england. You are watching fox friends. [applause] for 379 month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Applebees new loaded fajitas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. I got it what . What . L. A. Bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. Ridin scooter l. A. Baby l. A. Baby be a booker youre welcome. At booking. Com you ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Brian here we go. A live look again from portsmouth where World Leaders have been gathering and we have been bringing this to you all morning long over in england to mark the 75th anniversary of dday which is actually tomorrow. This was supposed to be the day but this is where the preparations took place. Indicate kay President Trump joining Queen Elizabeth to honor the historic invasion of normandy. Steve as you can see the commemoration has concluded and the group is starting to break up. Benjamin hall is live at Portsmouth Naval base in england. Benjamin, how important is this that all of these men and women got together there today . Its absolutely critical. And you talk about this spot right here. We are in portsmouth. And if you had been here 75 years ago, this whole area would have been covered in Landing Craft and thousands and thousands of people waiting to board those ships to cross the English Channel to try to storm those beaches, push back hitlers armies who had taken over europe. This was the beginning of the end of naziism. It was what started the end of that evil empire. By the end of the fifth day over 350,000 soldiers had made that crossing. This ceremony has been at both times emotional and uplifting. We have seen some of the veterans walk out onto the stage, tell their stories of what it was like charging those beaches. Remember, if you would have been 18 back then you would be 93 today. There are not many of them today. Today ceremony commemorating about 300 of them. President trump is due to meet them shortly. Both to hear their stories but also to thank them. And i say uplifting because thithis is about countries coming together. Its also about faith and President Trump read out a prayer which president roosevelt read to the u. S. On the eve of dday. First time they had heard about the normandy invasion. And here is a little bit from that prayer. This day have set upon a mighty endeavor. A struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. And, of course, you cant yunsd state the u. S. Involvement in this. Six beaches that were stormed. U. S. Is responsible for two of them. Omaha and utah both names gone down in history. Omaha beach where the most casualties were lost. Its believed that the first and 29th division suffered 2,000 casualties on omaha beach that day. We have leaders from across the world here from the u. K. , france, canada, australia, 10 other allied countries as well as President Trump. But i think the real heroes really have to be the veterans. The ones who laid down their lives enemy cases to free europe, to free the world from tyranny. That being remembered back here. Its been incredibly emotional day so far. Back to you. Brian Benjamin Hall, thank you so much. Steve thats right the heroes today are the veterans, 300 strong. Brian one of Country Musics biggest nights of the year. Ainsley is live in nashville for cmt awards. Ainsley im here with the guys from locash. They are amazing. Up for award tonight for duo video award, right, guys . We are going to be interviewing you. Talking to them, getting to though them. On the road a lot. Three kids, two kids. Just moved to florida. Lives in nashville. A lot going on. More about that and we will hear more about their story. They started right here at tootsies playing in the back room and now they are playing on big stages all over the country. Well talk to them coming up i heard you tell your friends that you know somebody uniquely designed for men and women. One serving, once a day. One a day. And done. Katie its one of Country Musics biggest night of the year stars including our next guest gathering in nash stroil celebrate best music and video at the cmt music awards. Steve lets check in with ainsley. Along with locash. Ainsley locash. Chris and preston here. They met here in nashville. Guys, tell us your story. We are standing on the roof deck of tootsies. This is where it all started for you. We used to play the back room of tootsies. Walking up the stairs and where we used to play. When we were in the back room chris janson was in the front room. Thats how we became good friends. Ainsley he is your best friend. He is we write a lot of songs together. Our success exploded at the same time. Really cool starting here at tootsies. This is one of the greatest. If you say nashville everyone knows tootsies. Buy me a boat chri chris janson. I love this life. Things were just happening. Its crazy. Ainsley that was your first number one. Yeah. With t. Was wild. Did you write it together. We did. Ainsley i love this life great title. Positivity. We stayed in that lane. Locash is very energetic show. So excited the cd feels that wait a minute i love this life. Talk about the positive things in life. No one wants to hear the negative. Ainsley used to be locash cowboys. Everybody was always calling us locash. Ainsley that what did that mean we didnt make much money in the beginning. We werent making much money in the beginning we were making like 50 bucks in tootsies. The best things in life are free. Locash. When something cool for free. That was locash. Ainsley did you all get paid. They came around with a big tub and they said please donate. Is that how you make the money. That is. I think tootsies gave us like 25 bucks. And yall were working at another restaurant another honky tonk. Ainsley during the break come over and play. Come over for 45 minutes and do a set and go back to work again. Ainsley your boss didnt know. We clocked out so he couldnt say anything. Playing wednesday night. Us, tyler far and chris janszen and tootsies said okay. Were building a big crowd here on wednesday nights. Were ready to move to you friday and pay you 100 bucks. We were like were going to hit the road and give this is a shot on the road. Thats when we took off in my Jeep Cherokee and a uhaul and took off. No airconditioning and windows would not roll down. That is true. Ainsley thats hard. Thats tough. But good stories now that you have made it. When you walk in this bar you still pinch yourself because it all comes back to you, right . Yeah. Ainsley tonight big music awards. Right here. You are all up for an award. What will it mean to you if you get it . We have never won a Country Music award, cmt award. We have been nominated but never won. It would be awesome. It always good to be nominated feel like part of the family and respect is earned. If we win this one you might be able to scream up there in new york you will be sure to hear us. We will give you a shoutout. Ainsley that will be fine. All because of you. Ainsley you moved to tampa three kids. You are on the road a rovment your wife is from tampa. You are here in nashville with two kids. I wish yall out best. I hope you win tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Ainsley well be watching. Appreciate that. Ainsley back to you in the studio. Brian those guys are cool guys. Steve theyre. Take you back to england you are looking live where World Leaders are greeting dday veterans. As you can see her royal majesty, Queen Elizabeth the ii is there and donald trump is also greeting some of the vets and there you see Prince Charles the prince of wales right there. First Lady Melania Trump behind that man right there. Still to come. Ronna mcdaniel as well as elisabeth hasselbeck. [music playing] vo this is jerry. Jerry has a membership to this gym, but hes not using it. And he has subscriptions to a Music Service he doesnt listen to and five streaming Video Services he doesnt watch. This is jerry learning that hes still paying for this stuff hes not using. Hes seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. This is jerry canceling a few things. Booyah. This is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. Oh look, there they are. team member this is wells fargo. Brian straight to a fox news alert. Were looking live as World Leaders greeting dday veterans in portsmouth, england. This is one of those unscripted moments where leaders get to talk to legends. Katie this is looking live, the queen of england speaking to a number of people in that reception, mostly veterans of world war ii, there to commemorate the 75th anniversary of dday. Steve this is meetandgreet. Im sure it is thrilling for men there 75 years ago can talk to the queen of england. An hour from now they will have a lunch closed to the press. Nonetheless they are making Images Available after the 75th commemoration weve been watching the last 90 minutes in portsmouth, endings land, with 300 veterans there from 75 years ago. Brian Melania Trump looking stunning as usual. President of the United States is greeting veterans. I never never seen the president do more listening when he is talking to people that fate in worse that we were in. International representatives that were allied forces. That is what were seeing now. I believe the dinner will be free, right . They paid ahead of time. They dont charge. Steve somebody always winds up paying for these things. Katie for the veterans it will be free. Steve that is inside one of the buildings there. Benjamin hall is on the outside of the Portsmouth Naval base where the ceremony wrapped up just about 20 minutes ago. Reporter thats right, brian, steve, katie. It wrapped up with a incredible fly over by historic and current jets. Quite a ceremony. This comes at the very end of the state visit. Over three days, weve seen the share past, the shared present and shared future of the uk and u. S. Having all World Leaders together to commemorate the 75th anniversary reminds you what an endeavor was back then. Where im standing where all the Landing Craft would have set off from. This is where dday was planned. Were a stones throw away from where general eisenhower had his headquarters. He was supreme allied commander. Remember they werent supposed to go on the day they did. The tide, it hadnt get right. When they to the to the beaches they had a lot harder endeavor before than they planned. Weve seen veterans come out on stage, tell their stories. Listening to them, telling harrowing stories, facing nazi gunmen on the beaches, you realize the selfsacrifice. It is up lifting to see people come here. Combined effort to get there. We heard World Leaders come together to speak. President trump reading out a prayer from president roosevelt which he read to the u. S. On the eve of dday. Here is a segment from that. This day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion and our civilization. And to set free a suffering humanity. Reporter also adding that chancellor merkel of germany was here. Now that the two countries are friends and allies moving forward. Queen elizabeth spoke at the ceremony a short time ago. Here is what she said. The heroism, courage, and sacrifice of those who lost their lives will never be forgotten. Reporter dday is in fact tomorrow, the 6th of june. President trump will visit some of the cemeteries in northern france. It will be a very touching day to see all the american grave stones. Reminder of world war ii. Remember this invasion was the largest amphibious invasion in history. At the end of five days, over 350,000 soldiers moved their way into northern france. It is an incredible feat. One that many people here say they hope never has to be repeated again. Back to you. Steve Benjamin Hall live in portsmouth, england. There is president charles. Reporter thank you. Steve youre welcome. The president said he had a nice conversation with charles about Climate Change which the president referred to as extreme weather. President had great rapport with the queen of england. The two of them actually had a 90 minute conversation. When asked what they talked about there, dday plus 75, he said you know what, im not suppose todd say that. I said to her if you tell me that i wont say it. I cant say it. Katie classified information. President and first lady hosted Prince Charles at winfield house last night. The u. S. Ambassadors residence. They had nice dinner. Theresa may was in attendance. Brian when you win the the apprentice, and you win the president s respect. When the host goes to be president , winner goes back to england and hosts a morning show. Case in point, piers morgan, the president , had a conversation. I will say that my mother would have been very proud. She was a tremendous fan of this country and she was, he loved scotland. She loved the royals, she loved queen. I always notice whenever anything was on about the queen she would watch. She was a big fan of the queen. Did you tell her . I told her last night. She was very honored. We had a great pa rapport. We had a conversation that lasted hour 1 2 nonstop. Really . What did you talk about . I better not say. Any little hints . I hear were not supposed to do that. Tell me about this, i promise i will never tell anybody about it. I will not break my promise. Brian president oneonone, he is as good as anybody. If youre in his presence he has the way of making you feel like the most important person in the world. When youre talking to the queen of england, not hard to make her feel important. I get it. Still, that is something he has, he always had naturally. Katie following the rules as well. Not giving up what he talked about with the queen. Steve so far. Pierce pierce morgue piers morgan asked him about Meghan Markle. The nasty comment. The president tried to explain that. He asked him a little bit about domestic politics there. He asked him about the look ahead to the president ial race of 2020. Who is he worried about right now . Listen to this. Im running on maybe the greatest economy weve ever had. Im in the midst of a couple of trade negotiations which i think are going to work out very successfully because we have all the cards. I have all the cards. Were the piggybank. Were the bank Everyone Wants to steal from. I dont see anybody, there is no Winston Churchill in the group, let me put it that way. Nobody that i see should be able to win. Look, im running on the best economy in our history. Ive rebuilt our military. I knocked out isis. Steve did he say Winston Churchill . Katie he did. Steve piers morgan who knows you bring a lovely parting gift for the president United States. I would like to present you with a churchhill hat. I never knew you had that kind of sensibility. Let me try it on. That would be great. It is a little big. That is fantastic. Winston trump. I think winston looked much better. Katie President Trump viewed the churchhill war room which is very cool. Brian just good to see someone ask a question that could make the president get a little introspective, gives him the respect after question. What would your mom say that youre president of the United States meeting with the queen . Rather than, mueller, why did you say this, why did you tweet that, why did you go after the mayor. Once in a while somebody, good to see somebody step back like piers morgan who the president clearly likes and respects, do questions you learn more about the subject. We used to ask subjects. Katie to bring the local situation, have a nice conversation what theyre there for. Steve i think the white house is pleased with the coverage of the events that the president has been involved in over the last 36 hours because when you look at some of the headlines, bbc wrote, donald trump praises eternal friendship at state banquet. Well put images up. The Financial Times said, trump hails common values uniting uk and u. S. The sun says treasured friendship. Trump tribute to great, great uk, who inspired uk to win w w2. Evening standard, donald trump state banquet speech, u. S. President says queen embodies patriotism that beats proudly in every british heart. That is the coverage over there. What has it been like over here . Brian same thing. Why own run it. Got to be the same. Katie it is a little different here at home. Lets take a look. When you watch trump inside of all this pageantry he looked awkward in it. He is a guy that would look talk wad at a Tailgate Party at Yankee Stadium. The brits know how to troll the president. They know how to get under his skin. They did it with style and spectacle. Perhaps he likes the idea of being a king. Petty narcissism doesnt mix well with diplomacy. Who knew. Donald trump cannot restrain himself. President trump on the world stage hurling insults at anybody who doesnt agree with him. Steve probably, probably referring to some of the president s tweets. He tweeted this about two hours ago. Katie he said if the totally media was less corrupt i would be up 15 in the poles. If the corrupt media was fair i would be up by 25 points. Nevertheless despite the fake flews were doing great. You said earlier in the program, england is known for having trash sy tabloids. Steve they invented them. Katie yet theyre the ones who are reporting more fairly on the president s visit. Brian meanwhile 11 minutes after the hour, talking about fair, jillian mele always reporting fair. Reporter lets start with this fox news alert. A Murder Investigation is underway a former Arkansas State senator is found dead in her home. Local reports say neighbors of Linda Collins smith heard gunshots days before her body was covered wrapped in a blanket. She served in the state senate from 2014 to 2018. The Republican Party issued a statement saying quote are were praying for her loved ones at this time. Three americans have died at the same dominican resort. She collapsed after drinking. They did not do a toxicology report, determined the pennsylvania womans cause of death as respiratory failure. Autopsy showed same cause of death for Edward Holmes and cynthia day who died five days later at resort. San francisco could force people into Mental Illness and Addiction Treatment without their consent. Supervisors backing the plan as the city deals with a growing Homeless Population crisis. The plan would apply to people placed in an emergency psychiatric hold more than eight times a year. Critics say it strips a person of their rights. San francisco budgeted 400 million for Mental Health and Addiction Service this is year. Comedian tracy morgan gets sideswiped in his brand new two Million Dollar bugatti. Look at that. Tmz video showing the aftermath. Another video surfaced on line showing the former snl, 30 rock star screaming with the woman he collided with. Morgan was seriously injured in a six vehicle crash in 2014. Brian will host the espys. Focused on the car im sure he has comprehensive. Katie glad no one was hurt. Steve cover of the new york post, bugatti be kidding. All about the car. Brian 13 minutes after the hour. Lets bring in Ainsley Earhardt. Whats next . Ainsley we did. Were in nashville. Elisabeth hasslebeck will talk to us about her life in nashville now. Also phil vasser. The Bridgestone Arena. Where the cmt awards will take place tonight. Were on famous broadway in nashville. At the end is the river. Mr. Ryman had a revive al and was in prostitution, got saved and built the ryman theater. So much history. Katie looking forward to it. Brian straight ahead 2020 Democrat Joe Biden is the frontrunner with his new plan to save the climate. Will that help him increase his lead but he accused plagarizing it. I hear is not good. Steve Ronna Mcdaniel is coming up next. Biopharmaceutical researchers. Pursuing lifechanging cures in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. 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Its a loan designed just for Older Americans and its helped hundreds of thousands to live a more stable, secure retirement and stay in the home they love. Aag is the leader in reverse mortgages. Call us today for your free information kit. It will answer all your questions and help you decide if a reverse mortgage is right for you, and how to qualify. I know what youre thinking. I did too. I felt the same way, but i checked it out, and i found out a lot more. Its pretty simple. A reverse mortgage from aag can give you the retirement stability youre looking for. Maybe you want to check it out. If youre sixtytwo or older and own your own home, give aag a call to receive your free imformation kit. Youll receive the imformation youre looking for as well as tell you how much cash you may quality for. And receive your free information kit. So, whats your better . Katie 2020 Democrat Joe Biden feeling the heat over his new came mat change plan as it faces charges of plagiarism. Biden rolls out reads, the goal to make Carbon Capture and storage a wisely available, Cost Effective and rapidly scalable solution to reduce carbon emissions. The same language on the Carbon Capture coalition website. Rnc chairman Ronna Mcdaniel is here to react. What do you say about more plagiarism from joe biden. At the has been plagarizing longer than i have been alive. Started at law school in syracuse. In his failed 1980s president ial campaign, now were back at it. It speaks to his integrity. This is somebody who has been accused multiple times. You would think he would dot the is, cross the ts, make more care this doesnt happen during the president ial campaign. Even more frightening are the policies he is proposing setting that economy back. Katie the Biden Campaign is responding to, several citations from others in the plan were inadvertently left out of the final version of 22page document. As soon as we were made aware of it we included the proper citations. Of course President Trump is paying attention to this. In a tweet he said, plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change plan is a big problem, but the corrupt media will save him. His other problem he is drawing flies, not people to his rallies. Nobody is showing up. I mean nobody. You cant win without people. So as you look at the electoral map, is the Climate Change bill like this which will cost taxpayers trillions of dollars really a path to 270 . It is clear joe biden is lurching left. He is doing it to the win the nomination of the progressive left, radical Democrat Party they have become but i do think this hurts him in states like michigan and pennsylvania where he launched his candidacy, he is saying lets get rid of fossil fuels. Lets get rid of tax cuts that spurred our economic growth, that brought manufacturing jobs back to this country. He is doing this to pivot to win the nomination. I think in the long term it is bad for him, if he does secure the nomination. I also think the president is right. There is an enthusiasm problem for joe biden. Nobody is showing up to his events. He is having less and less of them. It is reminiscent of hillary clinton. He does not have enthusiasm on his side in the democratic field. Katie rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel, thank you so much for your time. Thanks for having me. Katie talk to you soon. Ainsley is live in nashville for tonights cmt awards. She found an old friend. Elisabeth hassleback joinser next. And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. 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Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Katie one of nashvilles biggest events of the year tonights cmt awards celebrating Country Music video and music achievements. Steve ainsley is paying a visit to the home of former fox friends cohost elisabeth hassleback. A special episode of ainsleys bible study you can see on fox nation. Brian theyre here to tell us all about it but dont give it all away. Ainsley your favorite cohost is here. Brian ainsley, get her book. She has a great book out, point of view. Go pick it up. Go ahead, sorry. Ainsley point of view because you were on the view. She was a survivor contestant. Lasted 39 days. I think so. Ainsley did you eat any bugs . I cant remember. I had to. They werent tasty. Ainsley she was cohost on fox friends, when she left, she told the bosses we were sad you decided a change to move to nashville. I did. Ainsley how do you like it . I love nashville. They have been so kind to their family. Wherever i am, i love sees friends here, being with you, ainsley. This is awesome. No matter where i was, be it rhode island, connecticut, australian out back i talk about in point of view, on the view, here with you in nashville ive been blessed with a group of women surrounded me, who i am and who god says i am. The coolest thing about nashville, i slowed down enough to really think into Something Like that fully. It just has been great. I might keep ainsley here. Letting everybody know. Ainsley very tempting. It is such a cool city. There is live music everywhere. We had the opportunity to host a bible study here in nashville for fox nation. The first bible study episode is already on there. Ours will be posted next week. I caught elisabeth, your faith is so strong. You have been there for me with in my dark days. Sent me encouraging messages. I love your heart for the lord. I said we could do a fox nation bible study with all your friends. Im studying colossians with the wives in titans. That was great. Some of my other friends, we have women, we take a lot on. Were constantly trying to figure out who we are, why were doing the things were doing. I think coolest thing is if you can be with women, youre treading through gods word, gods truth. Trying to get his point of view literally who you are, why things might happen, you dont always get the answers. To be surrounded by girls, a fellowship group, gets you through. Ainsley it a small world. What i love about the south, Everybody Knows each other. Three deguess separation. There is a girl in the bible study i grew up in spartanburg, South Carolina, when i was little. Our moms are good friends. She is in her bible study. Her kids go to school together. Great to be home in the south. Im so happy for you. I remember when you moved here, you wrote me, do you like the south. Im from boston. I said you will fit in perfectly. You did say that. She gave me a couple recipes. If youre a girls girl. You share recipes. Ainsley got me through. I would make a couple things you told me how to make. Ainsley im so glad. Do you hang out here on broadway . Well walk with the kids. Tim was down here with his crew for the draft. It is so nice to have a good friend right here in this city and, it is just, it has been a dream. So im thankful. I do miss my friends there, i will say. Apes apes woke her up this morning it, was like, bringing back memories, getting up 3 00 in the morning. Steve elisabeth, you do not miss the alarm clock going off at 2 00 something, do you . Well, i will be honest. I cant sit here and talk about a bible study and lie. 2 30 a. M. Alarm was tough for me. Im not wired to wake up that early naturally. If you have to wake up early, i cant imagine waking up without tim by my side, without god going before me and without the fox friends team right down to every sound and camera, security, hair, makeup, and awesome cohosts an friends i got to spend the morning with. Otherwise it was not going to go well for me. He has question for you. How many alarms did you set this to get up. Tim got up. Yes he did. Ainsley what do you think . She is back. Brian we never got along, elisabeth and i. Im always kidding. Brian who . Brian who . Brian im the on the end. Let me ask you something, the problem i hear people from nashville are thing upset, so many people coming to nashville, what has it done to the real estate prices with americans flocking there . Well, i can see why. I think that nashville for us, anyway has been so welcoming, the people here have been so kind. The pace of life here, for me is just right. I think it is a place that sees people, it has eyes for people. And it is a great way to emerse our family in a culture we love. We had a ball here. Weve been surrounded by awesome people just left and right. But i do know new york city, nashville, something in common, creativity, culture, awesome heartbeat for god. We love that. Answer apes we love talking to you, having you back on. Wish all the best. Ainsley, youre the best. Answer apes back to you guys. Tell us what is coming up. Brian for inside story, pick up her book, point of view. It is excellent. Steve ainsley, thank you very much. Acting i. C. E. Director mark morgan unveiling his plan to crack down on okay, paint a picture for me. Uh, well, this will be the kitchen. And wed like to put a fire pit out there, and a dock with a boat, maybe. Why havent you started building . Well, tylers off to college. And moms getting older. And eventually we would like to retire. Yeah, its a lot. 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Steve the World Leaders will thank servicemembers, they have, who risked their lives in a historic operation that commenced 75 years ago today there in portsmouth. Dday is 75 years from tomorrow. President will fly to ireland. He will meet the Prime Minister. He will overnight at his golf resort. He will be at normandy tomorrow along with all the World Leaders including president macron. Brian wasnt too long ago we were using mark morgan to tell us what is going on with the fbi and investigation and break down the chaos in the border. Since that time the president of the United States asked him to become the next i. C. E. Director. He is now acting. Marge morgan, welcome back. Thank you. Brian first off as acting i. C. E. Director youre already on the job. Most americans are really concerned about the numbers were seeing at the border. Youre in charge once they get here. Are you convinced that if mexico cracked down on their border it would do a lot to help our border . Brian, as absolutely 100 . Weve been working for decades with mexico to be equal partners to resolve this problem, and they remained on the sidelines from day one. Thats why im out here. Im not an economist. Im a Law Enforcement guy. Im telling you any pressure we can put on mexico to step up, get off the sideline, to be partner in this crisis, we need to do. Steve dont you think the president did that last week, he announced hey mexico, well start with a 5 tariff on your stuff coming this monday, 5 a month until we hit 25 . Mike pence, the secretary of state, mike pence, the Vice President and the second secretary of state mike pompeo are going to meet with the mexican delegation to see, essentially play monty hall, lets make a deal. Do you think, mexico, mark, is ready to deal . I think they are ready to deal. I have a problem whether they have the capacity to do it. They have only 150 miles of choke point at the border they need to enforce. We have 2,000. We need mexico to do three things. We need them to do interdiction along their border. We need them to attack and target tcos who profit and partners with respect to the asylum process. I think this pressure will bring them to the table, get them closer to do what they have been doing. Worked for President Trump. You worked for president obama. Were coming up on another president ial election. There are a number of democratic candidate who are commenting on this problem. Listen to mayor pete, calling i. C. E. Policies, enforcement illegal. When we talk about i. C. E. , whether in its current form or some other form, when our immigration authorities are given inhumane, in my view many ways illegal set of policies to carry out the results are going to be horrible. Katie what do you have to say about those accusations about your organization . You know, it is unbelievable. The mayor is misinformed and his rhetoric is absolutely inappropriate. Let me few stats. Homeland security investigation side of i. C. E. , 34,000 criminal arrests last year. 5000 gang members. Thousands of Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking cases. 1. 2 billion in u. S. Currency from illegal activity. On enforcement side. This year alone to date, 66,000 individuals have been deported. 90 of them have been convicted or charged with additional crimes. I would love to sit down with this mayor and have him explain to me which part of that is illegal or inhumane. The other part of that katie, it is unbelievable. So he is going to vilify the Law Enforcement agency that is statutory mandated to carry out the laws that congress enacted but because owe doesnt like the laws he will attack i. C. E. . He is vilifying the wrong entity. If he doesnt like the laws, go to congress, change the laws, well enforce those laws. Steve mark, how frustrated are Border Patrol agents, the i. C. E. Guys, because of the laws and loopholes, they cant really, their hands are tied in many instances . That is a great question. The rhetoric from this mayor is unconscionable. The dedicated men and women of Border Patrol, all of cpb, hhs, i. C. E. , theyre working every day, sacrificing so much to safeguard, protect this country, when you hear stuff like that, demoralizes them. Congress can fix the issue, we talked about this, congress can absolutely end the crisis if they would enact meaningful legislation. It is demoralizing for the workforce. Brian mark, real quick, negotiations are ongoing with Mexican Foreign minister, secretary of state today. Mexico made it clear would reject idea of taking in all asylumseekers supposed to come to us. We said you do it. They said no to that. What would you say . I would say theyre not doing what they should. They are not joining us as partners to fix this problem. And instead it becomes our problem. Because of our broken immigration laws, those individuals will be allowed into the interior of the United States. We have to fix this. Katie all about resources. Mexico doesnt want theirs to be spent on problem. They want us to spend. Thats right, katie. Brian how is the confirmation . Not sure. Still working on it. Steve thanks for dropping by. 21 minutes before the top of the hour, jillian joins us with a new Netflix Series. Jillian Netflix Series about the central park five, leads to backlash for a former prosecutor every black male who was in the park last night is a suspect jillian she ran new yorks Sex Crimes Unit but didnt personally intear great the suspects or try the case. She is portrayed negatively what they see, when they see us, a series tells story of five africanamerican teens convicted of assaulting a jogger in 1989. The convictions were later overturned. Her attorney called the shows portrayal, maliciously inaccurate. She resigned from at least two boards and organizations. Maine is one step closer to legalizing physicianassisted suicide. The state senate narrowly passing a bill which would allow doctors to prescribe a deadly dose medication to terminally ill patients. It heads to democratic governor janet mills who has 10 days to decide whether or not to sign it in law. 10 states including washington, d. C. , has socalled right to die laws. Helicopter life steveing device spins out of control. Firstresponders restraining the stretcher like basket after airlifting a injured hiker off a mountain. The choppers motor caused the intense spinning. The 74yearold woman was dizzy but not seriously hurt. A german circus the first to use holograms of animals instead of the real thing. It features, 3d images of horses and goldfish and was launched last year as people push to ban animals from the circus as cruel. Brian why not sit at home with 3d glasses. I think i was at a circus. Im not sure. What do you say. Katie why would we go to see you in the circus . Steve janice dine on streets of new york city. On this the day before dday. I saw one of your tweets about the forecasts that got it right. Janice one of the biggest forecasts in history. You can read about it of course, the forecast on dday. It is historic, my friends. Lets take a look at the maps. Could see potential of showers and thunderstorms across the coast. We could see potential for flash flooding, texas, louis. We have threat of severe storms, large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. The flooding will be a big concern. Before we go, wave to everybody. Hi. Look at the great crowd we have today. Show all the beautiful faces came to fox friends. Your first trip to new york city. Back inside. We love you. Steve thank you, jd. Brian every state came to see janice dean. Everybody came out. Steve wouldnt you . Brian of course. Steve straight ahead President Donald Trump joined World Leaders to commemorate the 75th anniversary of dday in portsmouth, england. Were live with Benjamin Hall coming up next. Low battery sound. Do you want a charge . Yeah battery charging. Thank you so much. Battery charging. Dna results fromt you ancestry. Er with your i was able to discover one cousin, reached out to him, visited ireland, met another 20 cousins. They took me to the cliffs of moher, the ancestral home, the family bar. It really gives you a sense of connection to something thats bigger than yourself. New features. Greater details. Richer stories. Get your dna kit today at ancestry. Com. When it comes to type 2 diabetes, are you thinking about your heart . Well, im managing my a1c, so i should be all set. Actually, youre still at risk for a fatal heart attack or stroke. Thats where jardiance comes in. It reduces the risk of dying from a cardiovascular event for adults who have type 2 diabetes and known heart diseas. 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Katie yes, they are. President tweeting quote, as we approach the 75th anniversary of dday, we commemorate heroic honorable patriots that gave all during the cause of freedom during some of historys darkest hours. Dday57. Steve Benjamin Hall is outside of the area where they had the celebration. Reporter this was full of british servicemen and american servicemen t was amazing to see them come together again, 75 years after crossing the channel besides me and crossing the channel to push back hitlers army. We heard pro one american servicemen, he spoke during the ceremony, after months and months of training, we were given live rounds. This is it. Youre doing it tomorrow. He remember fear he felt he realized it was going to happen. They would push into northern france across the channel, scale some cliffs, storm the beaches t has been incredibly moving ceremony throughout. World leaders have gathered here. We have leaders from the uk, of course, President Trump, Angela Merkel from germany, from canada, Justin Trudeau, macron from france and 10 other allied nations including a number of Eastern European nations coming together for what has been an incredibly emotional day so far. The first of two days of dday celebrations. President trump read out the prayer fdr said to the u. S. Over the airwaves, 6th of june commemorating announcing the normandy invasion. Here is a bit from that speech. This day set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization and to set free a suffering humanity. Reporter president trudeau also spoke. President macron spoke. Queen elizabeth with whom President Trump spent much of the last two days speaking. Here is something she said. Heroism, courage, and sacrifice of those who lost their lives will never be forgotten. Reporter there are about 300 veterans from dday who are here today. President trump and the queen meeting with them now. They will have some food with them later. Really despite all the celebrities and World Leaders here, they are the heroes of today. They risked their lives to cross the channel, to free europe from the oppression that was naziism at the time. It is also a solemn reminder how the world, how the world came together. Many people say they hope the Younger Generation can watch this today, remember sacrifices that were made. So perhaps forge a future in which this never has to happen again. Back to you. Steve wellput. Benjamin hall live in portsmouth in the United Kingdom, from there in portsmouth they travel across the English Channel to normandy where the commemoration will be tomorrow. Meanwhile next up, ainsley is live as you can see there on the rooftop of tootsies in downtown nashville with our friend phil vasser. Ainsley thats right. Well interview phil. It has been 20 years since arlene, your first number one. 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Beautiful sights. Well follow the next leg of the president s trip overseas. Well talk to a member of Congress Whose father was part of dday landing. Is there a deal to be made between bill barr and House Democrats . Mexican threat is drawing friendly fire. Victory on the border wall. What is up with that. Sandra and i join you in seven minutes top of the hour, americas newsroom. Steve well watch, bill. Country music stars gather including our next guest to celebrate with the annual cmt awards. Katie ainsley is live in nashville along with Country Music star phil vasser. Ainsley katie, phil vasser is a friend of our show. You will be in the summer concert series. I am. Ainsley singing live for free on fox square july 19th. Good price. Ainsley youre first number one. You written a lot of songs that became number one for a lot of people. Your first number one was carlina. It is hard to believe 20 years. Were celebrating that song and a lot of other hits. That is hard to believe. I was 12 years old when that came out. Now being ainsley we were watching the video over there. There is a beautiful girl in it. It is a about a girl sits in the front row or back row. She wears glasses, kind of nerdy girl you fall in love with her. It was written about Cindy Crawford gave me the idea. She was valedictorian of her class, smart, beautiful. She had these little glasses. Carlene wasnt her name but cindy doesnt sing as well. Ainsley you play the piano, youre a talented musician. Looks like the video was shot here . Right down the street. It was on one of the rooftops. I look back at the video, i good grief, who did my clothing . Ainsley you look great. When you step foot into tootsies, what comes to mind. Im sure you have a lot of memories . I do. When i first came to town, it didnt look like this. When i was a kid, it has changed so much over the last 20, 30 years. Ainsley when you were shooting that video, the guys cost less than 10,000. It was a joke. Ainsley made 20 million. Those guys have done very well. Ainsley they own a lot of these bars, right . They have done well. What they have done. Everybody believes in nashville. Look, music city is, i mean its amazing what is going on down here. You cant even drive down here anymore. Ainsley the other video comes to mind is american child. Your daughter was little. She was three years old in the video. She is so cute. You have one of those. Ainsley watching it, fighting back the tears. I look back at very yos of a year ago. When you look at video, what do you think . I cant look at it without tearing up. I really cant. There is something about that. Im so glad i did that. Took the advice putting her in one of my videos. Haley is in one of my videos. Ainsley you have two girls. Thank you, phil. Good to see you. Ainsley more fox friends on the other side of the break. Welcome to seattle. Where people are into coffee, tech, and retirement planning. 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Sandra wednesday morning. Good morning, everyone. Im sandra smith. Honoring the nearly 160,000 troops who landed in normandy. The largest amphibious invasion in military history that turns

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