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Deputies wonder how the bear got in the car. Once the shock wore off they helped him into the woods. Talking about Donald Trumps the vp short list getting shorter. Who do you want to be the last person standing . Weigh in right now on our Facebook Page keeptalking. Fox friends starts right now. Thanks for joining us. Bye. Well, good morning to you and your family. Its wednesday, july 13th. Im Ainsley Earhardt. We could be hours away from donald trump announcing his running mate but what exactly is he looking for . Im doing this because i want to pick somebody thats going to help me get elected. That as we get a look at brandnew swing state polls. Then president s bush and obama offer words of comfort to a nation hurting. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions. We know that suffering produces perseverance. Some good words, but then president obama flipped the script and calls for more gun control. Is that really the right approach . And a canadian singer sings a different tune at the allstar game. Why online haters are now calling that singer a lone wolf. Fox friends begins right now. National french fry day. Any time theres any foodrelated holiday fox friends are going to celebrate it. Im convinced, is there a calendar somewhere . Right. Theyve got a full calendar of foodrelated holidays. They produce a show and they work hard. Theres always a reason to have a party. You can always find a good excuse to have a party. Today is National French fry day. National french fry day . Plain or ketchup on your french fries . Ketchup definitely. And mayo. Fried sausages. Is that a mixture . Its a mixture of mayo and ketchup. I like the ketchup. Let us know this morning, friends and fox news. Com. Are you ketchup person or do you like them plain . It is wednesday. We are a few days away. We could know Donald Trumps running mate within the next 24 hours. Holy smokes, its about time. Rumors swirling the governor might be at the top of the list after the two team up against Hillary Clinton. Senior National Correspondent john roberts is live from indianapolis with the latest. John . Pete, ainsley, good morning. The one thing donald trump knows how to do and do well is suspend, anticipation, build the sense of drama. He continues to do that with the Vice President ial pick. Hes going to do it by the end of the week, were just not exactly sure which day. Likely not today. Maybe friday is the best day. Last night an audition of sorts for indiana governor mike pence. He introduced donald trump at a rally north of here in indianapolis in westfield, indiana. Mike pence acting like the attack dog as a Vice President ial running mate should going after Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Also likening donald trump to ronald regan. Ronald regan said so eloquently so many years ago, were tired of being told that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capitol can plan our lives better for us than we can for ourselves. Donald trump gets it. Donald trump hears the voice of the American People. Donald trump continuing to play coy about all of this while giving nothing away telling the crowd last night that mike pence has done a good job as governor of indiana but other than that playing his cards very close to his vest. Listen to what trump said about pence last night. I often joke, youll be calling up mike pence. I dont know hes going to be a governor, your Vice President , who the hell knows. I dont know if hes going to be governor, Vice President. Reporter trump did tell the wall street journal though in addition to looking for somebody who can help out with the political process, he does want someone who can play that role. After the list was narrowed down to three people, mike pence, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie of new jersey, donald trump told bill oreilly last night that, well, im still considering Jeff Sessions. Who knows what his thinking is. Ainsley, only donald trump knows and only he will make the decision as to who is going to run with him for the general election. Unbelievable. Certainly john roberts, we certainly hope he knows a few days short of the convention. And he actually sat down with bill oreilly last night as john was mentioning. He says bill was saying, hes the guy who sits next to you at the baseball game. If you tell me youre not sure, ill believe you. Listen. Do you know who it is right now . Well, i have a pretty good idea. We have it down to five people. No. No. You have a good idea. Who im thinking about. I have a fairly decent idea. At that tells me a guy who sat next to you at Yankees Stadium over the years, that you know who its going to be. Okay. Are people going to be surprised or is it one of the people that have been bantered around and predicted . Well, bill, im not doing this for surprises. Im not doing this for games. Im doing this because i want to pick somebody whos going to help me get elected. Newt gingrich . Its interesting so this game trump the argument here is hes throwing out all of these traditional ways of picking a Vice President. Is it someone whos going to help you in a swing state . Do people know who this individual is . Thats the big one. I was asking people last night. Do you know who mike pence is, do you know who Jeff Sessions is . Do you know who Newt Gingrich is . If you talk to people who dont know much about politics, many people dont know those names. It begs the question, does name recognition matter. Apparently Donald Trumps been doing the same thing, asking audiences and people, who do you like . This is a guy who famously is very in touch with the pulse of the American People. I dont think people want a novelty pick for a hail mary. You do see it narrowed down to a conservative like pence, a night fighter like Newt Gingrich. Right. It will be very interesting to see. Clearly close. Its nice to know that he is spending a lot of times with these individuals to see who he has chemistry with, who he likes, what policies he has in common. I like the fact that hes waiting until the last minute giving everybody a fair shot. Hes a show man, too. Of course. He knows how to sell it. You know at the end of the day are you going to want to pick somebody thats going to up stage donald trump. Thats not possible. It will be interesting. Chris christie has the potentialing to do that on stage. He certainly has that similar personalities. Personality. Incredibly articulate. Meanwhile, breaking news. Brandnew poll out just this morning, literally minutes ago. Brandnew Quinnipiac University poll. Swing states. Check out the numbers first here in florida. Donald trump has really flipped the switch. This is just a month ago in june. He was behind 47 39. Thats the largest of the three big swing states. Thats big. And because these are important swing states because since 1960 no candidates ever won the race without taking two of these three states. Take a look at ohio here, bell weather states. So goes ohio, so goes the nation. Of course, thats where cleveland at the rnc just in a few short days away. Look at this. Pennsylvania, donald trump at 43 to Hillary Clintons 41. That is huge in upstate pennsylvania and an area traditionally was really traditional republican lines. You can look back with election after election after election. Northern pennsylvania is always sort of went right down the line for the traditional republican candidate. This is totally flipped the switch. If you drive through northern pennsylvania right now you see trump signs all over the place. Really . Really. I dont know if we can put the florida poll back up. You cant underscore how important that number is. In florida and pennsylvania hes clearly holding ground. Thats an 11 point swing from down 8 to up three in a state you literally have to win. Thats 29 electoral votes. Theres no path to the white house for republicans that doesnt go through florida. According to quinnipiac trump was beating hillary. In june it looked like hillary was beating trump in the swing states. Now trump is beating hillary. Trumps winning. Just to sum that up in florida and in pennsylvania and theyre both tied in the state of ohio. Im going to coin this. Maybe the brexit bump. Theyre saying, hey, hes steadied the ship. I know whats going on in this country is not what i want. I think three things. I think brexit, because of terrorism thats very important to the trump supporters, making sure not terrorism itself but fighting terrorism and i think what was the last one . Dallas. Whats going on in law and order. Absolutely. I was going to say Bernie Sanders. We should be very interested in these polls. This is a very important distinct shup on honesty. Hillary clinton has now flipped the switch from donald trump on the honesty question. Really . Interesting. Ew weeks. Well break down these polls a little bit later. Breaking on fox friends, a big switch in some of these swing states. Lets hand it over to heather who has some more headlines for us. I do. Good morning. Clayton, great to see you back here with us. Good morning to all of you. Somber news right now because it was a sad day in dallas as funerals for the murdered Police Officers will now begin today. Today d. A. R. T. Officer Brent Thompson and Michael Smith will be laid to rest. The final farewells come after the final days passed. A Memorial Service with president obama and george w. Bush paid their respects. Prepared or could be prepared for an ambush by hatred and malice. The shock of this evil still has not faded. I understand how americans are feeling, but, dallas, im here to say we must reject such despair. Im here to insist that we are not as divided as we seem. Well, on a day dedicated to mourning those officers killed, president obama also sparking a bit of outrage. Many are upset that he used that platform to push for gun control. Listen. We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book. Well, every seat was filled at that memorial except these five seats that honor the slain heroes. You can see the folded flags right there on their seats as well. Well, a plot to murder Police Officers in baton rouge has now been shut down and now police are hunting for a fifth suspect. These three were arrested along with a boy who was just 13 years old. Theyre accused of robbing a pawn shop and then planning to use the stolen guns and ammo to kill Police Officers. All are now facing felony weapons charges but no charges yet for nair plot. Tensions in baton rouge reaching a boiling point of the shooting of alton sterling. Police in that area are now wearing riot gear. Baseballs best taking the field for the mid summer classic. American league topping them for a 42. It was a bit of outrage before the game thats stealing the spotlight today. A canadian singer reworking canadas National Anthem to include the phrase all lives matter. Take a listen brotherhood all life matter to the brave sounds kind of nice. Well, the tenor is now apologizing calling it, quote, a lone wolf incident because none of the other singers knew it was going to happen. Those are your headlines. Ill see you back here. Heather, thanks so much. More information about the quinn po quinnipiac polls. These are the numbers. These are the specific numbers where Hillary Clinton had certainly dropped in some of these is swing states, but where quinnipiac is saying she had her biggest hit was in the honesty question. Yeah. Thats where quinnipiac is seeing the shift in much of these swing states. This is the private server email month as well thats really hit her hard. Right. Been a rough month for her. Martha stewart can make a cake or decorate a home, but did you know that she can rip millennials as well. Wait until you hear what she said about that younger generation. And weve been talking about all morning donald trump auditioning vp candidates the past few days but which one will give trump a bump in november. But does he really need it . My cousins wedding is c ming soon. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquoise dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. When its go book on choicehotels. Com for instant rewards like gift cards, plus savings of up to 20 . 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Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. I cant believe i did it. I quit smoking. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. I intend to do everything i can to make certain she will be the next president of the united states. While donald trump is busy insulting mexicans and muslims and women and africanamericans and our veterans, Hillary Clinton understands that our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. Bernie sanders finally throwing his support behind Hillary Clinton. The pair immediately teaming up to go after donald trump, but will sanders endorsement do anything to help Hillary Clinton. Here to discuss this is pollster and Washington Examiner columnist kristen soltin. She certainly has to be glad to have the democratic primary behind her at this point. Bernie sanders has dragged his feet in coming out to endorse her. In large part because much of what Hillary Clinton stands for is pretty opposed to what Bernie Sanders stands for. Throughout the primary Hillary Clinton wanted to say there wasnt that much daylight between them, she and Bernie Sanders were on the same page on things like reforming wall street. A lot of sanders supporters have questions about Hillary Clinton. As she moves into the convention shes got to be glad to finally have this nomination without sort of any distractions in the way. The Younger Generation likes bernie and theyre not necessarily putting their support behind hillary. Let me read you this tweet that donald trump wrote after that endorsement. He said, i am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders was not true to himself and his supporters. They are not happy that he is selling out. Is he selling out . Well, you heard when Bernie Sanders was giving this endorsement, at the same time that he was giving some praise to Hillary Clinton he was condemning donald trump and for a lot of folks that are Bernie Sanders supporters, that may be the question theyre facing. I may not like Hillary Clinton but would i vote for her just to stop donald trump . That seemed to be a little bit of how Bernie Sanders was trying to present his message there. You may not like hillary. I think shes okay. But really shes better than trump. That seems to be the way that youll get most of these bernie supporters finally coming around to her. Who on that list is going to give trump the bump. I think Newt Gingrich is the person on the list most likely to create the most buzz. Hes somebody thats been a known name in american politics for decades. Hes somebody that certainly knows how to command the spotlight and shake things up in a way kind of similar to what Donald Trumps been doing the last few months. I think gingrich is the most likely to make headlines or mike pence, the governor of indiana would be the safest pick. Hes not somebody whos going to grab the spotlight but he is somebody who has a track record of running a state in the midwest, a state that certainly republicans would like to hang on to this november and hes somebody whos been out on the trail and has a Good Relationship with trump. Endorsed ted cruz and conservative. Thanks so much, kristen, for being here. Great to see you. Our next guest is proof as fiction can become reality. Best selling author daniel silva. Hes going to join us. There he is. Come on in. Romantic moments can happen spontaneously, so why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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The youngest victim just 12 years old. Wow. A 30,000 reward is being offered for the gunmans capture. And the leader of the new black Panther Party says his group will arm themselves in selfdefense during protests at the rnc in cleveland. Under ohios open carry law, those who legally own guns can have them in the area around the convention. Should be interesting. Clayton . Thanks, pete. Our next guest proves fiction can become reality. Daniel silvas brand new book the black widow. Joining us now is the author of black widow daniel silva. Congrats. Looking at the charts its number one, your book on the itunes charts and amazon as well. Congrats for that. Thank you. I started last july and at that point isis was really just a regional problem. It was active obviously in syria and iraq and it carried out attacks regionally. I felt it was only a matter of time before they attacked the west and, you know, look at the intelligence and the flow of armed fighters from france and belgium who went to syria and those guys going back. Seemed to me france was likely to be the first target and i started working on the book and low and behold in november it all came true. And it was shocking enough to me. You know, it was sort of the french 9 11. Right. It was almost tantamount to writing a novel about airplanes flying into the World Trade Center before 9 11. It gave me a moment. Should i finish this book or should i set it aside and write something differently, different . I chose to finish it and the result is the black widow. Are you surprised at all by the wests response to this . Because people often say, we dont know what isis is doing. We dont know what their motivation is, but theyre pretty clear. All you have to do is actually read what theyre saying. I think its wise to take them at their word, okay . All you have to do is read their magazines, read their postings, look at what they were doing and, you know, they they were clearly going to lash out at some point. And i have to say that i think that the debate between isis directed and isis inspired, its really a distinction without a difference. Isis is going to operate with a new paradigm. Lone wolf attacks like in istanbul. Because we havent seen a large scale terror spectacular from them doesnt mean they dont have one in the works or they dont have that capability or that desire. We should probably assume that they do want to do Something Like that. So this is your 16th novel now . This is my 19th novel. 19 of 16. Within the series featuring gabriel alani, a Syrian Intelligence officer. I show that in the modern World Intelligence services really have to function together and i create a partnership between french intelligence and israeli intelligence to track down this network and penetrate the network that is responsible for these attacks in france. What you do is we feed an agent into that network. We create a recruit and get that person inside the network and one of the things i deal with in the book is that isis has this extraordinary ability as pete knows to, in fact, go dark with their communications. We really cant monitor them the way we could with al qaeda. Theyve learned to adapt. I think that weve got to get with human sources. Thats something i do in this book. Using technology which is something you said. You write all of your books on a legal pad . I do. I prefer to write longhand. I like the pencil better than the pen. I do lie on the floor and write. When i finish a book like the black widow, its a pretty hefty book. I have a little skyscraper of legal pads like this. We could lay it out on the floor and most of it would be in longhand. Daniel, they have computers now. Youre pretty high tech. Congrats on the book. The book is called the black widow. Its out now and number one on just about every chart. Great to see you. Thank you so much. You bet. Coming up on the show, being haled as one of president obamas best speeches and then he said this. We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book. Herman cain reacts to that in the brandnew swing state polls. Herman cain is here when we show you trump ahead in the polls, you wont believe it. Ruth Bader Ginsburg not shy on her opinion for donald trump. She calls him a faker. You know donald this morning, he feels compelled to respond. First, happy birthday to actor harrison ford. He is 72 today. Hans solo. If you love crab and who doesnt then seize the day already. 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[heartbeat] yesterday trump actually said that his Vice President ial running mate wont matter because that person never really winds up helping the candidate anyway. You know hes going to use those exact same words when introducing his running mate at the convention. Whos that person . Hell be a footnote in history at best. Please welcome, whats his face. Long history of people making fun of the vice presidency. I think it would be the best job. Less stress. You get to go to all the dinners, parties. Not so much. Talk vice presidency in just a moment. We want to bring in former president ial candidate herman cain because good to see you, sir. Good morning. We have some brandnew quinnipiac swing state polls out. Thank you. They came in with the headline from quinnipiac. Clinton losing on honesty in florida, pennsylvania and ohio. Florida, ohio and pennsylvania, a big drop for Hillary Clinton. Are you surprised by that . No, im not, and thats because Donald Trumps substance is finally starting to cut through and Hillary Clintons shallowness is also starting to emerge. She is the free stuff candidate disguised as wanting to help people but thats not coming through. Donald trumps substance is whats finally starting to emerge. Mr. Cain, in florida the swing is most dramatic, and amongst independents its a 22 point swing. Hillary clintons the under card on that number, up by 13 points, now shes down by 9 amongst independents. What are independents hearing from donald trump that they werent before or seeing in Hillary Clinton . Theyre hearing from donald trump that he wants to dramatically change the tax code. Theyre hearing that he is committed to rebuilding the military and fixing the va system. They are hearing clearly now that he wants to repeal and replace obamacare. He wants to allow the Energy Sector in this country to do its thing so we can truly become energy independent. Those are the things that are starting to come through as well as the fact that donald trump is a listener and he is a leader. I think thats whats drawing a lot of independents over. Totally opposite of Hillary Clinton. Yeah. Donald trump has said he needs an attack dog when he picks his Vice President ial candidate. Were going to find out by the end of the week who thats going to be. It looks like hes narrowed it down to Newt Gingrich and mike pence. Do you have a choice there . Who would you pick . I would pick Newt Gingrich because Newt Gingrich can be an attack dog and he is also a smart dog. And heres why. Newt has the unique perspective of having been an insider and an outsider and, remember, the contract with america that a lot of young people dont even know about back in the early 1990s, Newt Gingrich led that and they were very successful with the contract with america. I believe by some accounts they accomplished eight out of ten items on the contract with america which knows he understands how to connect with the American People. Thats the smart dog part. Attack dog part, he is so knowledgeable of both domestic and international issues, he can attack people with the facts instead of just with erroneous statements like Hillary Clinton is doing. Thats why i think newt is uniquely qualified to serve both of those roles and he could do them very effectively. Herman cains prediction. I think youre on to something here. All right. We want to talk about the president , the president in dallas yesterday attending a Memorial Service and if you look at the responses, one of his best speeches of his presidency. Until he said this comment that had a lot of people raising their eyebrows. Well play it and get your response. Listen. We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book and then we tell the police, youre a social worker. Youre the parents. Youre the teacher. Youre the drug counselor. Mr. Cain, your thoughts on the president s comments yesterday . If you take a balloon and you put air in it, you reach a point where if you put too much air in it, it will burst. The president poliliticized wha was a great speech up to that point. That was no time or place to politicize guns or violence in this country. He should have just stayed within the context of a Memorial Service for five of our heroes. I was disappointed when he got to that point and he continued. I believe a lot of people felt the same way. You dont have to politicize everything, but this president cant stop himself. A lot of people are seeing that. Herman cain, straight shooter always. I think youre spot on. We appreciate you joining us. Thank you. My pleasure. He cant help himself. Monumental moment. When you hear a great speech and then all of a sudden it gets political in the wrong situation. He has a great point. This is a Memorial Service for five Police Officers that lost their lives. We have some guests coming up on the show. Well get more reaction. Heather standing by with a look at todays headlines. Good morning. Great to see you. This story is getting a whole lot of attention. Have you followed what Supreme Court justice ruth Bader Ginsburg said about donald trump . She is now doubling down on her war of words with the Presumptive Republican nominee. She said, quote, he is a faker. He has no con since tense si about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. Elreally has an ego. Donald trump firing back saying, quote, Justice Ginsburg of the u. S. Supreme court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot, resign. Shes 83 years old. I expect were going to hear a lot more about this one. All right. Martha stewart, this next story, calling out millennials for living with their parents. Telling a Real Estate Company that young people lack the drive to succeed in todays economy. She says, quote, i understand the plight of younger people, the economic circumstances out there are very grim. You have to work for it. You have to strive for it. You have to go after it. All right. Two Boy Scout Camp workers fired for trying to rescue an injured bald eagle. Really . The brother and sister duo ignoring orders from their boss not to touch the animal rushing it to the vet. Officials at the camp in virginia say the workers broke federal law although its unclear that the bald eagle was facing danger. Maybe youre not allowed to touch them. An out of control high speed chase you have to watch to believe. Watch as one of the suspects in this vehicle flung from the car, tossed about 30 feet into the air. Alabama police say the chase started when they spotted the stolen suv. The chase reached more than 100 miles an hour. Ouch. Those are your headlines. Well see you back here in a bit. If youre being chased you should wear your seat belt. Good idea. Indeed. Well, it has been two years since the Va Health Care scandal erupted, but there hasnt been really any meaningful reform. Our next guest says veterans groups could be part of the problem. You know that beer in your glass, but do you want to know whats in that beer . No. Youre about to find out. Its like a hot dog. Do you really want to know whats in it . No. Nexium 24 hour introduces new, easytoswallow tablets. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytoswallow tablet is here. Hei dont want one thats hadch a bunch of ownersd car . 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A group of major u. S. Brewers agreed to add labels by the year 2020. That includes carbs, calorie and alcohol content. Yeah, its true. I scream, you scream, we all scream for the museum of ice cream. The brandnew exhibit opens in new york city this month and its going to feature a sprinkle Swimming Pool and of course, pete, theyre going to have free samples. Im there, sprinkle Swimming Pool. Its been two years since the scandal erupted at the department of veterans affairs, but little has been done to fix the problems. A new congressional report says the department has profound deficienci deficiencies. Congress has a number of proposed bills to fix the problem. No major reform has been passed since 2014. This week as we look at the va and its current status, all week long were asking why is it so difficult to pass legislation that will overhaul the va . Here as part of this weeklong series is dan caldwell. Hes with concerned veterans for american. Thanks for joining us. Straight out, why is it so difficult to make things change at the va . Well, pete, we have something called the Iron Triangle which consists of the va bureaucracy which has over 350,000 employees and 180 billion. Thats a powerful force. Big government unions like the American Federation for government employees. Sadly, the washington based leadership of many veteran groups. Not their local leadership, not the local members but the washington based leadership who dont believe veterans should have the choice of where they get their Health Coverage with their va benefits. Unfortunately, all of those groups come together to protect the status quo and they pressure the white house to block and not enact meaningful reform. Myself included, members of the veterans organizations, you want to believe theyre out there watchdogging. What has happened . Why do certain groups oppose the certain groups that they would want, americans want, vets want . Why are they opposing those types of things . Again, i want to be clear. Its the washington based leadership. Just like any other special interest group. Once theyre here in the bubble in d. C. , they want to protect the status quo and they want to protect access. You have groups sadly like the american legion, im a member of, i know youre a member of that have staff that want to go to things like the white house easter egg roll, they want to have meetings with the president and they benefit from the status quo in that regard. When they rock the boat too much they lose that access. That is a big thing for them and thats why they are looking to block these reforms. Sure. Dan, donald trump rolled out his va reform plan two days ago calling secretary clinton the secretary of the status quo. What needs to i mean, what really needs to happen . These are gutt level. What is the solution . And is what donald trump proposed, real choice accountability, would that make it happen . Those are great concepts. More choice for veterans to use their va benefits in the private sector and more accountability for bad va employees. Those are great concepts. He needs to flesh it out more. Theres a great model right now in congress. There was draft legislative proposal introduced called caring for our heroes in the 21st century act. I hope donald trump and all the other candidates use that for a real guide of what the va should look like. Its an outstanding piece of legislation. There are bills there pending ready to go that would help solve this problem. Absolutely. I know you and cv are hard at work. Thank you, pete. You keep up the hard work, too. Will do. Ultimately its a fight. You have to fight the status quo to make something happen. Well all be a part of it. Absolutely. Still ahead. She didnt get indicted, but should Hillary Clinton lose her security clearance . Security chairman congressman Michael Mccaul has started a petition to make it happen. He joins us live. You want fries . You want fries with your fox friends . Today the answer is, yes. Were celebrating as you should, too. National french fry day on the plaza. My ketchup and mayo sauce. This is brian. Every day, brian drives carefully to work. And every day brian drives carefully to work, there are rate suckers. Hes been paying more for Car Insurance because of their bad driving for so long, he doesnt even notice them anymore. But one day brian gets snapshot from progressive. Now brian has a rate based on his driving, not theirs. Get snapshot and see just how much your good driving could save you. Do you want fries with that . The answer should always be yes, right . Today little National French fry day. Instead of having it as a side dish, were getting it as a main dish. Were at food trucks with some of the most creative fried food recipes we could find. Kevin is the owner. Thank you for being here. Tell us what youre making this morning. These are loaded philly fries. We have our famous twice fried fries dusted with sea salt. We top them with lean beef thats chopped, top them with onions and cheez whiz. You take the best things on earth and combine them. Unbelievable. He need a fork to eat our fries with, then you can scoop up the meat. Tell us about the beef. Shaved and chipped and lightly chopped. This is a sweet chili truck, and this is the owner. This is lisa fernandez. Lisa, thank you for being with us. What did you make for us here . These are our shiracha fries. Everything we do is a little spicy, sweet and spicy shiracha. Really, fries are just a vehicle to put other things in your body . Absolutely. I wanted fries that stay crispy even when theyre soggy because i hate soggy fries. These were born and theyve been history ever since. Thank you so much, lisa. Were also coming back for these. Cinnamon french fries. They are so good. Its kind of like a cinnamon roll. Good morning. Good morning. Hey, dan. Dan owns callahans. We have cinnacrunch frosted fries. What is that in the front . That is homemade frosted icing that chef dan makes from scratch. Where do you come up with these ideas . Lack of sleep. Like you guys, its an unbelievable thing with kids and all our followers through the years. Over 60 years my family was in business. Its great with this stuff. You have an audience that likes craziness like callahans french fries. Toss them in sugar while theyre hot, put them in the container. We got you. Nfl star and author of a brand new book were going to talk to ben. Sweet potato. What do you think . Right . Right . This is like cinnabon or Something Like that. Delicious. All morning we want to thank kevin, lisa and dan. What a great lineup of french fries. I have my meat, my sriracha sauce trumps possible running mate campaigned with him yesterday. Whats the beauty of taking pence . Thats up next. Your car got rearended and you needed a tow. Did your 22page insurance policy say, great news. 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If you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. Life as a nonsmoker is a whole lot of fun. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Words you dont often hear. Words we at panera live by. Because clean food is food as it should be. With no artificial flavors, preservatives, sweeteners, and no colors from artificial sources. We think clean food tastes better, feels better, does better. 100 of our food will be clean by years end. Every bite will be food as it should be. It is the middle of the week. It is wednesday, july 13. Good morning to you and your family. Im Ainsley Earhardt. We could be hours away from donald trump announcing who his running mate is going to be. What exactly is he looking for in this person . Im doing this because i want to pick someone who is going to help me get elected. Just moments ago, brand new swing state polls show the state of this race. Were going to tell you what those polls show and who is winning in the swing states. Then president s bush and obama offer words of comfort to a nation in mourning. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions. We know that suffering produces perseverance. He just couldnt resist. President obama flips the script and, of course, calls for more gun control. Is that too soon . We report, you decide. A sheriffs deputy gets called to deal with an intruder but he didnt expect to see this. Yeah. Stay away from me, bear. Yeah. Bear decided to lock itself inside the car. He said, im taking this on a road trip. How did he do that . Bears are pretty smart. Those electronic door locks. Fox friends hour 2 starts right now. We have a fox news alert for you. We have some new polls that have just come out. These are the latest quinnipiac polls and it looks like donald trump is winning in the swing states, at least the majority of them. Hes winning in florida, pennsylvania and theyre tied in ohio. This is a pretty big turn for donald trump, and, of course, the quinnipiac headline on their website as they released these polls was honesty was the core issue here, and assuming some of these big swing states swing for hillary and donald trump. Three points in ohio, big swing there, and also in pennsylvania. We oftentimes see national polls. Theres pennsylvania and hes gained three points there. You cant dismiss florida, ohio and pennsylvania which are all within the margin of error, and a massive swing in florida i think will be the big headline here. A 22point swing away from Hillary Clinton toward donald trump. She led significantly in that group. Now shes behind significantly. A tough month for Hillary Clinton. You had all the email, the server. A lot of things came down, and people are seeing through it. In pennsylvania, it was interesting to be there. I was in northeastern pennsylvania just the other day in an area thats traditionally establishment republican. They have a long history of sticking with the establishment in northeastern pennsylvania. Not the case anymore. You drive up through northeastern pennsylvania, yard signs for donald trump everywhere, tshirts in shore windows why did that change . If you look at the data, interestingly, out of northeastern pennsylvania, where they had long tied themselves to certain candidates, they felt lied to by the establishment. Its exactly right. In the press release for the poll, by large margin, voters agree the old way of doing things no longer works and we need radical change. Thats why when donald trump calls Hillary Clinton a status quo, thats what youre getting. The Establishment Republicans have told them theyre fighting you. Donald trumps message of, theyve lied to you, is resonating with them. No president has ever within since 1963 without taking two of these three states. The vp picks are on. Speculation as to who donald trump will pick as his running mate. The latest possibility is governor mike pence, and rumor is hes at the top of the list. Heres john. Hi, john. Good morning to you, pete, clayton, ainsley. Donald trump probably just now waking up in the hotel behind me. Hes not tweeted yet about the quinnipiac polls. Donald trump was actually supposed to be in new york this morning but had some plane trouble last night which kept him here in indiana. Some People Like Us have car trouble, donald trump has plane trouble. It continues to build, the speculation, the sense of drama and anticipation about his running mate announcement. Last night it was indiana governor mike pence who was up for the big audition, introducing trump last night at a big rally in westfield just north of indianapolis, playing the role of the attack dog, hitting Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hard, and likening donald trump on two occasions to ronald reagan. Heres one of them. Were for a change in this state. Were ready to put a fighter, a builder, and a patriot in the oval office of the United States of america were ready for donald trump to be our next president [ cheers and applause ] you know, donald trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the American People like no other american leader in my lifetime since ronald reagan. Donald trump, meantime, not ready to say youre hired just yet. Hes playing things very coy while he was praising governor mike pence to the crowd last night in westfield. He was not ready to say yet whether hes going to be the running mate. Listen to what trump said. I often joke, youll be calling up mike pence. I dont know whether hes going to be your governor or your Vice President , who the hell knows. Reporter i dont know if hes going to be your governor, your Vice President , who the hell knows. Only donald trump can say that in front of a crowd. Hes here in indianapolis this morning. Hes doing an interview with brett barrett. It will run tonight. He has dates in the next few days, and we believe the announcement will come friday. Hes throwing out the old rule book. The old rule book was where could you get a bump . In what state could we get a vp that will give us a bump . Maybe its florida, maybe its ohio . All out the window this time. Hes not doing it the way its always been done, and a lot of people like that. We had herman cain on earlier, and heres what he said. I would pick Newt Gingrich because hes a smart dog. Newt has the unique perspective of having been an insider and an outsider. He understands how to connect with the American People. Thats the smart dog part. Attack dog part, he is so knowledgeable of both domestic and international issues, he can attack people with the facts instead of just with erroneous statements like Hillary Clinton is doing. To that case, it would be a governing pick as well as a Smart Campaign pick, because obviously hes been competent on both sides, gingrich has. He said hes going to pick someone who has political experience. Clearly he has a lot of political experience. Hes been doing this most of his life. Hes very smart. Hes a great orator, and a lot of people know who he is. Name recognition is important. Let us know your thoughts on f fox friends. Com. Yesterdays service in dallas was a moving service, president obama cutting his europe trip short to come and speak. It was a really moving speech, praise on both sides as a strong speech. But moments stood out for a lt lot of people where he got a little political. We flood communities with so many guns that its easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book. Then we tell the police, youre a social worker. Youre the parent. Youre the teacher. Youre the drug counselor. No, and shortly after that well, before that george w. Bush had an opportunity to address and had a bit of a different message and struck a lot of the right notes. Take a listen to george w. Bush. At times it seems like the force is pullis pulling us apar stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns easily to animosity. Disagreement escalates too quickly into dehumanization. Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions. Wise words. Thipg abo think about that. We too often think about groups by their worst intentions. Let us know your thoughts this morning. You can email us at fox friends. Com. We have a Facebook Page as well. As we look back at that Memorial Service yesterday, we talk about what is happening in dallas today. It is going to be a somber day in that city as funerals for the murdered Police Officers now begin. Today transit officer Brent Thompson, senior Corporal Lorne ahrens and sergeant Michael Smith will be laid to rest. The final farewells come after that Memorial Service that had every seat filled except these five, as you can see them right there with the folded flags, honoring those fallen heroes. A plot to murder Police Officers in baton rouge, louisiana has now been shut down, and now police are searching for a fifth suspect. These three were arrested overnight along with a boy just 13 years old. They are accused of robbing a pawn shop and planning to use the stolen guns and ammunition to kill Police Officers. All are now facing felony weapons charges, but no charges yet for that plot itself. Tensions in baton rouge have reached a boiling point following the shooting death of alton sterling by Police Officers. Police officers there, were told, are now wearing riot gear. Overseas now, after six years and David Cameron steps down today, were about to take a live look inside parliament and that is where, right now, cameron is appearing for the last time. You cant see him right now. Hes taking last questions before he passes the torch to incoming Prime Minister teresa may. It should be the second female Prime Minister in history following margaret thatcher. A bad news bear locked himself in a car in colorado . What . The deputies who showed up to help get this bear out by the way, could you imagine you walk up to your car and find a bear inside . Nevertheless, the deputies were more concerned with how he got in the car to begin with. Listen. Yeah. Stay away from me, bear. Well, as you can see, the windows werent shattered, then the shock wore off. The deputies eventually helped the bear get back into the woods. How did he get in . I guess he opened the door. They have good little claws. Really, he must have. The things police have to respond to . Sir, could you get a bear out of my car . No, thanks. Can you imagine, you have to open the door and the bear will jump into your arms . No, thanks. Why couldnt i have gotten the kitten in a tree call . She didnt get indicted, but should Hillary Clinton lose her security clearance . Michael mccaul is trying to make that happen, next. Shes schutting down one of the biggest rumors, jennifer aniston. Because credit isnt just a score. Its a skill. Experian. Be better at credit. But can your multivitamin to be healthy. Do more for your immune health . Now one a day has the first multivitamin with probiotics to support the 70 of your immune system thats found in your digestive tract. New one a day with probiotics. Your multi with more. Americans are buying more and more of everything online. And so many businesses rely on the United States Postal Service to get it there. Because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. The United States Postal Service. Priority you well, as we now know, no charges will be filed against Hillary Clinton for being careless with her e hmails, bu now the public and congress are working to get her security clearance taken away. How would that work . Michael mccaul started a petition to make that happen, and he joins us now. Mr. Chairman, how would you go about blocking a security clearance for Hillary Clinton through congress . The fbi director said she exercised extreme carelessness in her handling of classified information, so we simply introduced a bill, legislation, that if you exercise extreme carelessness rather than gross negligence, your security clearance will be revoked or any application will be denied. Its as simple as that. I think it sends a strong message to the community out there who do hold security clearances as to what the standard really is. You know, if mrs. Clinton was still in the state department, she would have been not only reprimanded but her security clearance most likely would have been revoked and we possibly would have been talking about her termination from the state department of secretary rather than her coronation now as the nominee for the Democratic Party. Just to get back to the particulars of the bill, obviously you cant target a bill on one individual, but you would be rewording the federal code as far as what the definition is so as to fit exactly what she did or others like her would do. Right, taking what the fbi director said she did, which i believe its a broader issue than this as well. She compromised, as the fbi director said, possibly some of the top, most sensitive programs in the federal government. She had the top diplomat possibly compromising top classified information to our top adversaries. I find that deeply disturbing. It is, in my judgment, gross negligence, and i think she put National Security at stake here. Of course, huge National Security implications of sources and methods of others who are actively in the field for our National Security. What are you hearing in the Homeland Security about this double standard, about the fact that for her this gross negligence and extreme carelessness, she was able to get away with, but your rank and file member of the military or the state department, if they did anything near that, they would be fried for it. Is there a way to close the gap on that, or is that just a leadership issue . I think the bill san attemis attempt to close the gap but leadership is a part of this. Its a double standard. The clintons have had a double standard for decades now, and they demonstrated once again the law doesnt apply to them, they can get away with stuff. Ive had a security clearance since 1990. If i did this, my security clearances would be revoked, and not only that, most importantly, she took devices into countries where our foreign adversaries are. When i go into these countries, im told not to take these devices in because they can get this information, and yet she had these emails had sensitive programs, both covert and otherwise, that the United States has. Mr. Chairman, if you would handicap the options of this bill, you would introduce it to the senate. There would be a veto threat. What are the possibilities . Senator cornyn, the number two guy in the senate, has introduced the companion bill. I think most importantly, were trying to make a statement that this is not fair to the other people in the Intelligence Community that have security clearances that play by the rules, and that she violates them in an extreme careless, and i think gross negligence, way and somehow gets away with it. We have to reestablish the ethos in that community that you will be called on. New trouble for dnc chairwoman Debbie Wasserman schultz, one of the most powerful democrats in the country, working behind the scene to see replace her . In the wake of a violent protest nationwide, nfl player ben watson says there are times when black lives dont matter. He was eating fries with us earlier. Now hes here in the studio to explain why. Recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief legalzoom has your back. For your business, our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Time for news by the numbers. 5 million, thats how much a gop donor is pledging to a Veterans Charity if donald trump releases his tax returns. Trump says he cant release his returns because hes being audited. 42 , a brand new quinnipiac poll now showing Hillary Clinton in a dead heat with donald trump about who has higher moral standards. This coming from voters in a crucial state. That state is called florida. And finally, 27 bucks. Hillary clinton adding that donation option to her Campaign Website after picking up an endorsement from Bernie Sanders. 27 is the average contribution to the sanders campaign, so shes added that to her website hoping to get some sanders donors. Well see if that brings anyone in or not. 27 . Have you ever donated just 27 . Hes one of the most out spoken players in the nfl. Now tightened ben watson is tackling race in the nation in times of tension. Author of the brand new book under our skin, and ive got a copy of it right there there it is ben watson. I want to put up this post that you had on facebook the other day, on sunday, because youve been such a great voice in all of this, in this back and forth intentions. Heres what you wrote on facebook this weekend. It should go without saying that all lives matter. I should no more tell my children to succumb to their skin color and supposed disadvantages than any parent whose offspring may be subject to any other form of adversity. I will tell them, however, their color will not define them. Only in christ do the temporal distinctions between us fade, as our oneness in him takes precedence over our color, crede and culture. The book came out last year, but here we are talking about the same thing, and as a believer, we understand that our unity in christ is what supercedes our natural distinctions. We all see each other through different lenses. I see you and you see me, and we dont have the same earth experiences. As believers we understand that spiritually, god created us equally, and when we can see each other through that lens, it can remove some of the bias, but there are still issues we have to address. There are big differences in race, and its obvious when you turn on the television and see the protests and other things happening. It seems like we talk more and more about seeing race and drawing distinctions and differentiating as opposed to finding that commonality. Is there a political incentive for people . Why does that happen . Why are we driving wedges . I think for some people there is a political incentive. There is profit to be made when there is strife. We dont report when things are okay, we report when things are different. But on both side, i think there is an acknowledgment that has to take place. The only way you have true healing in any discussion or any argument is when one side acknowledges the hurt and pain of another, and any other has the ability to hurt the other side. When it comes to race, we put our guard up, we defend each other, and nothing really gets done. Like tim tebow, youll speak about your faith and dont care what other people think. You look at the charleston shooting, orlando, what happened in dallas. You say its not a skin problem, its a sin problem. What do you mean . Ultimately we were all born with this issue of sin. It manifests itself in different ways, in jealousy, in pride, in racism. The ultimate issue is a spiritual problem we all have that has to be dealt with with the blood of christ. That being said, the skin obviously is what we see, and we do have race issues in this country. We always have and they havent gone anywhere. The laws have changed, we have equality, we can sit together on a couch and talk freely, but still there are differences in our opinions and a wedge has been driven between us, and that has to be addressed. Things are much better than they were before, clearly, and im so grateful for that. I look at my kids. I have five children. My goal for them is they live in a country in the United States where race is even less of an issue, where people are seen as humans where theres not these problems. What are you telling your kid, though . Thats a big part of the conversation, and on the right, conservative rz sayis are sayin the absence of strong fathers are the problem. When you look at the climate of america, its very true. The father is the leader of the household, the father instills a lot of identity in their children. Im honest with my children. I tell them what happened when i see these things on tv, but you talk about parents. Its our job as parents, white parents, black parents, that their kids have an issue to be dealt with, and because of their own faults, there is no way they can look at someone else and say theyre better than anyone because of their skin color, economic status or anything else. Our children are the ones that have to take this country forward, and my hope is that one day our children meet and they dont have the same issues. Theres been some controversy, though. A lot of people who are saying all lives matter, theyre walking that back. What has been the reaction with you saying that . The thing is, it should go without saying, obviously, all lives matter. The issue is that all lives matter is usually a response to someone saying black lives matter. I sometimes think maybe they should have said black lives matter, too. Thats really whats being said. The outcry is that historically and presently the feeling is that black lives dont matter as much as white lives because we dont see the same type of things happening to them. So its not a matter of saying black lives matter more than anyone else, its kind of saying, you know what . Black lives matter as well. When the response is all lives matter, it seems disingenuous, it seems insulting, it seems very callous, but again, its a response to what is being perceived as maybe a direct insult to white people by saying black lives matter, and thats not the case at all. What a powerful statement. It was a real pleasure having you on the show this morning. We need to hear this call in the country right now. The book is called under our skin. The great benjamin watson. I want to make the announcement you just made my fantasy football team. How many weeks until Training Camp . We have two weeks. Time is running short. Its like the last two weeks where you run around with the family, do everything you want to do, come here for a couple days and see you guys and get back to the family. Eat some french fries outside. My wife loves french fries, so i mate take some of those french fries, package them up, put them on the airplane and send them back to her. Please do. The cinnamon ones might be her favorite. Coming up on the show, Supreme Court justice rauth badr ginsberg, not shy on her feelings with donald trump. Now she calls him a faker. The dallas ambush is on everyones minds, and there is one demographic where this is really hitting very close to home, and that is for mothers. Dr. Sebastian gork is here to describe the fears of what were not calling soccer moms, security moms. Thats coming up next. On my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. This is pretty funny. Apparently over in china the official state media has been labeling donald trump as, quote, a celebrity potato. I kind of understand why. I mean, just take a look at one of trumps latest speeches. Were going to win so much. Were going to make America Great again thats pretty good, i like that. If this whole president ial thing doesnt work out for donald trump, he has a career in voice acting for the potato heads. You have kid. Are they still on the market . They are. Now they have a batman and superman potatohead as well. Heather is over there saying yes. Your kids have them . We have them and they have all these different parts and theyre all strewn about the house. The mustache is in one room, the lips in another. We love toys with lots of pieces. Dont say toys with pieces or that make music. Got a couple headlines i want to bring you right now. Are you following this story . This is really something else. Donald trump has a supreme critic, and she is doubling down in a war of words with the Presumptive Republican nominee. An unaired interview with ruth Bader Ginsburg said, quote, he is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. She also said if he is elected, she will move overseas. He tweeted back, Justice Ginsburg of the u. S. Supreme court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot resign bet we hear about that later in the day. The state department funneled nearly 350,000 to an antiisrael group who was working to oust Prime Minister benjamin ynetanyahu. They allegedly ignored warnings that money going to that group, instead of backing peace allegations it was intended for, the party said it didnt do anything wrong. Harry reid is trying to get Debbie Wasserman schultz fired. He is apparently taking matters into his own hands to try to oust the head of the Democratic National committee. Sources tell us reid made moves behind the scenes to get her replaced by dick durbin, but nothing came of it, and schultz remains in her chair at least until november. Jennifer aniston not pregnant, and she said she is sick of the media gossiping about her figure. You know, because we are always looking for excuses to show you women in bikinis i know youre all thanking me thanks, heather, for that this morning the actress says shes fed up with those rumors and a magazine cover like this. She slams what she says is the injustification of women and the scrutiny of womens bodies. She said, quote, we dont need to be married or mothers to be complete. We get to determine our own happily ever after for ourselves. And those are your headlines. Lets head outside to maria malena. She has the weather for us. Hi, maria. Hi, heather, good to see you. Were tracking a storm system that is continuing to produce a lot of heavy rain and Severe Weather across portions of the plains and also parts of the upper midwest. Weve already seen reported tornadoes and also some significant flash flooding thats been occurring across states like wisconsin and minnesota in the last few days, and today we could see more of that action with large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes possible from places like kansas extend sbing into ps of the great lakes. The storm system is such a slow mover that tomorrow portions of the great plains could be seeing some of that heavy rainfall. A quick look at your forecast. High temperatures. You can see triple digits across parts of the Southern Plains and 90s in the southeast. Lets head over to ainsley. Thank you, maria. In the wake of the horrific ambush in dallas, gun violence is at the front of so Many Americans minds, and there is one demographic where it really hits close to home, and that is with mothers. The concerns have made these socalled security moms a critical voting block. Here to explain this is dr. Sebastian gorka. He is the chair and the author of that book right there. Thank you for being here. My pleasure. What is a security mom . A security mom is a very interesting, potential new demographic in the election whereby we have this urban legend that trump doesnt do well with women. Maybe as the election moves towards a far more National Security concerned election, if you look at san bernardino, orlando and now dallas, there is this block of voters who really understand about safety or are concerned about it. Why . Because theyre the mothers. Theyre the people who look after our children. So where do they stand on these issues of National Security could be a very important Tipping Point for november. You know, they used to be called soccer moms. Now if we go to a soccer game, if we go to a concert, soft targets. Were worried about that. Is that their main concern . Absolutely. If you just look at the track record of what the jihadis, the terrorists are doing in the last two years since the Islamic State was declared, what are they focusing on . Large concentrations of unarmed civilians, whether its at an airport, a rock concert, a restaurant, and, of course, we see this coming to life in america. And now we have on top of that, we have dallas. How much of this will be an issue in the election and where do our american mothers stand on that . Where do they stand on the gun issue . We have some fox polling were going to talk about with our moms later. If you add it up, there are 38 very concerned about the gun issue, and another 38 that are very concerned. 30 of the young elective have a do about guns and bout what are will it be safer to have Gun Legislation . Thats a big question. We organized a group of six security moms were going to have on the show. What, a week and a half ago we were on with them. We were talking about orlando. Here we are again and now were talking about dallas. This is what i want to talk to them about. Its going to be fascinating. Have we arrived at some kind of watershed . We said everything changed with newtown, remember . Then we said everything changed with san bernardino. Did it really . What about last week in dallas . Is this going to be at the forefront of everybodys minds . Will they vote pocket books or National Security . I think its a good question. Well be talking to those six security moms coming up. Theyre all from different walks of life and well find out what their concerns are. That will be later in the show. Thank you for being with us. My pleasure. Donald trump has been making this promise for more than a year. We will build a wall, believe me, 100 , were building a wall. If i win, were building a wall. Well have an amazing border. Were going to build a wall, dont worry. Who is going to pay for the wall . Who is going to pay . Despite his critics best efforts, this morning he is one step closer to that goal. Were live in cleveland to explain that, coming up next. And republicans want to bring back eric holder . What . With advil, youll ask what muscle pain . What headache . What arthritis pain . What bad wrist . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil its the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Loretta lynch refusing to answer questions on capitol hill about why she let Hillary Clinton off the hook, constantly hiding behind the comments of director david comey. Republicans are mad about this and this is what they had to say. I never thought i would say this. I actually and i say this with due respect, attorney general. I miss eric holder. At least when he came here he gave us answers if we didnt like it. A lot of republicans never thought they would say that. Hes talking about the attorney general responsible for the fast and furious gun scandal that sent weapons which led to the death of the agent. A cat was named a new successor of the Prime Minister of britain. A cat ran across in the shot. That would indeed be breaking news. Hes been saying it for months. Now its one step closer to reality. We will build the wall, believe me, 100 , were building the wall. If i win, were building the wall. Were going to have an amazing border. Were going to build the wall, dont worry. Who is going to pay for the wall . Well, were just days from the Republican National convention. Plans for that wall are now in writing. That is right. Peter doocy joins us from cleveland right now with more on this. Peter, good morning. Reporter good morning. Putting the wall in the platform goes to show just how far the Republican Party has shifted to get behind their presumptive nominee. Because officials and delegates that weve spoken to here in cleveland are telling us trump isnt putting a whole lot of pressure on them to include specific things in the platform, he just wants the committee to put something together he can stand behind. And now they are following his lead. The author of the amendment to build the border wall now showed us exactly what it says. It says, quote, we support building a wall along our southern border and protecting all ports of entry. The border wall must cover the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Now, there is nothing in there about making mexico pay for the wall, but the chairman of the party, ryan priebus, tells us why its important to have it in. Just changing the word from fence to wall is what they did, and maybe it was a little hat tip to donald trump on that issue, and thats fine. Its something that the parties had in the platform for a long time. Reporter now, most of the Platform Committee has gone home for a few days. Theyll return to cleveland at the beginning of next week to officially vote to adopt the document. Now the focus is on the rules committee. That is the place that some delegates plan to stage a revolt against trump by unbinding themselves, trying to unbind themselves even if he won their state. We have spoken to the colorado delegate trying to organize this mini revolt. She claims that theyve got enough support and that people just havent been coming forward because they dont want to lose their credentials at the convention, but Officials Say theyre very skeptical of that. Okay. A big, beautiful wall. Thanks, pete. Coming up, are you always running late . Never be late for a plane way girl. The girl runs like a girl with little steps and the arms flailing out. If you want to make this plane, you have to run like a man get your knees up is that normal or nuts . Dr. Keith ablow with his diagnosis, next. But first, on this day in 1994 all for one was topping the charts. Remember that . I swear. I swear ill be there i found her wandering miles from home. When the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. I see how hard its been on her at work and i want to help. For the 5 million americans living with alzheimers, and millions more who feel its effects. Lets walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimers for good. Find your walk near you at alz. Org walk. Or if youre young or old. Are if you run everyday, no matter who you are a heart attack can happen without warning. If youve had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another one. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. Who is normal and who is nuts . Its a question we all ask once in a while. Dr. Keith ablow is here to give us some answers. Hey, dr. Ablow. Good morning. Let me answer those questions. We showed you a clip earlier of seinfeld and trying to get elaine to keep up with him. Someone says, my mom is always late to family gettogethers, appointments, and she has missed more flights than i can count. She loves doing stuff with my kids, but i cant rely on her to be on time. Is this nuts . I wont say its nuts, but it is annoying. It could be that your mom suffers from attention Deficit Disorder, because a lot of people who have attention Deficit Disorder and need treatment are perpetually late for things. You can cure her. Just say, if youre more than 10 minutes late, with respect, were not going to do the thing we had planned. That will help your mom shed herself of this bad habit she has even if its fueled by add, because you know what . Its just not right and you cant keep people waiting even if youve gotten on in your years. Or just take all her clocks and set them 15 minutes fast. That would work, too. I like that. A new watch. My 16yearold twin sister still sleeps with stuffed animals. She doesnt act babyish during the day, so why the immature nighttime habit . Because shes nuts, okay, in a very specific way. She gets anxious at night, and this may have lots of deep roots in childhood. Those can be explored in therapy. And she should go to therapy, you know what, not because its such a problem to have winnie the pooh with you, but because its going to hamper her adult relationships. You cant quite imagine this woman to transitioning to balanced adult relationships and keeping the stuffed bear in bed with her. That was me that wrote in. It was my mickey mouse i sleep with. Please leave padding tton at home. My grandma really believes her attic is haunted. Shes been claiming this since i was a kid. This normal or nuts . Its superstitious, and she also has bad judgment telling you her attic is haunted since you were a kid. Maybe someone scared her when she was a kid. She, too, needs to come to my office with her paddington bear. Did you see pete lip syncing at the end of the last segment . Is he normal or nuts . I would say hes normal, but ive got time for him, too, because he must find his own authentic voice. The lipsyncing, i dont recommend it. Find yourself. Im here for you. I will be calling you shortly. Did you hear the song, though, dr. Ablow, it was i swear. I swear cut his mike, please. Thanks, doctor, great to see you. A pleasure. I like the sound effect with nuts. I want more to be nuts than normal because i want to hear the noise. Is he one of the congressmen who grilled Loretta Lynch on capitol hill . Hes here to respond to her testimony next hour. Dont want to miss that. Allyson chloe allyson chloe bounty is faster and 2x more absorbent than the leading. Ordinary brand, and faster than chloe too. Allyson come on chloe bounty the quicker picker upper been trying to prepare for this day. And im still not ready. The reason im telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that. Youll never be ready for. Your little girl getting married being one of them. At our Retirement Plan today. Not now im cleaning the oven yeah, im cleaning the gutters washing the dog washing the cat well im learning snapchamp chat. Chat changing the oil. vo its surprising what people would rather do than deal with retirement. Pressurewashing the. Roses. Aerating the lawn vo but with nationwide its no big deal. Okay, your Retirement Plan is all set. Nationwide . Awesome. Nice neighborhood. Nationwide is on your side well, good morning to you and to your family. 8 00 here on the east coast. Its wednesday, july 13. Im Ainsley Earhardt and we start with a fox news alert. Brand new polls released just this morning that will rock the race for president. Hillary clinton losing her lead in those states that will decide this race. And wait until you hear why. Incredible. We could be just hours away from donald trump announcing his running mate. But what is he looking for . Im doing this because i want to pick somebody thats going to help me get elected. We may have some clues. He campaigned with governor mike pence yesterday. Were live from his home state with the latest. A canadian singer sings a different tune at the allstar game. Were all brothers and sisters all lives matter to the great why online haters are now calling that singer a lone wolf. Fox friends hour 3 starts right now. It is National French fry day. Any time we have food holidays, fox friends is going to celebra celebrate. How about with callahans and their cinnamon sweet potato dipped in icing french fries. They say mornings are better with fries. Mornings are better with you singing. You know the words to this song, too. Go for it. No. Sorry. Well, it is National French fry day. Theres always a reason to celebrate. We try to find a reason to have a great party in the morning. Today go get some french fries and celebrate with us. For breakfast. Lots of news happening. Were going to start with this. A fox news alert just minutes ago, Quinnipiac University releasing brand new swing state polls and its not looking good for Hillary Clinton. Donald trump stealing the lead. She had the lead back in june. 54 of florida voters find trump to be more honest and tru trustworthy than Hillary Clinton. Contenders locked in a dead heat in ohio, and thats not changed. But in the buckeye state, trump leads 43 to 31 . And taking a look at the state where youre from, clayton, pennsylvania, where donald trump also stole the lead from Hillary Clinton. Its 43 to 41 there. Last month she was ahead by one point. But people of pennsylvania think Hillary Clinton has more moral standards than donald trump. We could learn who trump will pick for his running mate in just a couple hours. Governor mike pence sparking rumors hes now at the top of that list. The great john roberts is live in indianapolis with the latest. John . Reporter clayton, i dont know where you came up with that. I still keep waiting for donald trump to tweet about the new quinnipiac numbers. Perhaps hes still asleep, so, shh, we dont want to wake him up. But the auditions continue for his Vice President slot. Last night it was mike pences opportunity to get up there in front of the crowd to show what hes got in terms of supporting donald trump and acting like the attack dog. It was a big crowd in westfield, mike pence governor of the state of indiana. 12 years as congressman. Had a lot of powerful positions, including chairman of the big conservative groups on capitol hill. It would be a good one for donald trump if hes looking for coverage on the right. He likened donald trump to ronald reagan. He also went after Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders very hard. Listen to this. I often joke, youll be calling up mike pence. I dont know whether hes going to be your governor or your Vice President , who the hell knows. Well, that wasnt mike pence, that was donald trump. But suffice it to say, mike pence went hard after Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton last night, and now that the two of them have gotten together with Bernie Sanders coming out and endorsing Hillary Clinton, we dont know if pence is going to be the nominee. Donald trump says its down to a handful of people. Chris christie is also on that list. He could be attorney general. Newt gingrich is still on that list. Hes a potential for secretary of state or an adviser. Things are still kind of rolling around in the ether. Its likely donald trump wouldnt make an announcement today or tomorrow because hes got some travel to new mexico, san diego and some fundraisers in los angeles. But the schedule, ainsley, pete and clayton, is wide open on friday, and thats the day everyone is looking toward, because his Campaign Manager Paul Manafort said he wants to get the announcement out ovbefo the weekend so they can do a big rollout over the weekend. Bill oreilly, friends with donald trump over the years sitting down with him at yankees games, and he was asking him this very question, do you have any idea yet who youre going to pick . Take a listen. Do you know who it is right now . Well, i have a pretty good idea. We have it down to five people. No, no, you have a good idea but i have a fairly decent idea. So that tells me a guy who sat next to you at Yankee Stadium over the years that you know who its going to be. Okay. Are people going to be surprised, or is it one of the people that have been bantered around and predicted . Well, bill, im not doing this for surprises, im not doing this for games, im doing this because i want to pick somebody who is going to help me get elected. Im not doing this for surprises. He threw out the entire rule book. In years past, if were in a neck and neck race, who can give me the bump in ohio or some other swing state, or perhaps a voting block that can put me over the edge with maybe latino voters. It seems all bets are off with him. Hes done it differently, too, in that hes been very good at paying attention to the American People. He asks folks, who would you like . Who would resonate with you . He wants to keep the energy and recognition going. Thats certainly a factor for him. Mike pence endorsed cruz and he is a staunch conservative, social conservative, so that is appealing to a lot of people on the far, far right. Then you have Newt Gingrich who has a lot of political experience, very well known. Name recognition counts. Very savvy. On the democratic side, who will be the vp pick there . Will it be Bernie Sanders . I dont know at all. Take a look at this endorsement yesterday. Bernie sanders finally endorsing Hillary Clinton. It was really sort of an awkward afternoon. Can you feel the love . Yeah. Watch this. So get up. We have begun a Political Revolution to transform america, and that revolution continues. It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and i disagree on a number of issues. I have come here today not to talk about the past but to focus on the future. Being here with him in new hampshire, i cant help but reflect how much more enjoyable this election is going to be now that we are on the same side im asking you to stand with us, and then im asking you to keep working in the weeks, months, and yes, years ahead. You will always have a seat at the table when i am in the white house. It was weird because what . He was speaking and almost didnt even acknowledge her standing next to him the whole time. He kept referring to her as if she wasnt standing next to him. Look how thrilled he was behind her. Every time she spoke, she was n nodding with a big smile on her face. There are new reports that Bernie Sanders would go to hillary. Many people arent feeling it. 18 to 30yearolds, 45 of them are either undecided or theyre going to vote for someone else, maybe a writein candidate, but theyre not voting for hillary. Which is why in the quinnipiac poll, when you add third party candidates, trump ratings go up even more. We had a lot of people writing us this morning. Davina on facebook said, he sold out to big money. Poor bernouts, their friendly grandfather that gives you free gifts turns out to be rights. Cab says, ive changed to independent from democrat and fully do not intend to vote for hillary under any circumstances. Dan on facebook says, so his whole campaign was a big lie. I didnt like his ideas but i liked his movement. But now its all a joke. Might have gotten some or even a lot of his idea on the platform, but he has to realize its just pandering to him and his followers. Wow. Thats a sampling of the real reaction. Let us know your thoughts at fox friends. Com. Good morning to all of you. We start off in dallas where it will be a somber day in that city as the funerals for the murdered Police Officers begin later today. Transit officer Brent Thompson, senior Corporal Lorne ahrens and Michael Smith will be laid to rest. The final farewells come just days after people attended the Memorial Service, former president bush and president obama both paying their respects. None of us were prepared, or could be prepared, for an ambush by hatred and malice. The shock of this evil still has not faded. I understand how americans are feeling. But dallas, im here to say we must reject such despair. Im here to insist that we are not as divided as we seem. But on a day dedicated to mourning those officers who are killed, president obama also sparking a bit of outrage. Some are upset saying he used that platform to push for more gun control. Listen. We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book. Easier to buy a handgun or a computer or a book. Every seat at that memorial was filled except for these five. You can see the folded american flags right there as well as their hats. Those seats honored the slain heroes. Well, a plot to murder Police Officers in baton rouge, louisiana now shut down and police are searching at this hour for a fifth suspect. Three arrested overnight, along with a boy just 13 years old. Theyre accused of robbing a pawn shop and then planning to use the stolen guns and ammunition to kill Police Officers. All are are facing felony weapons charges, but no charges yet for that plot itself. Tensions in baton rouge reaching a boiling point following the shooting death of alton sterling by Police Officers. Police in that town are now wearing riot gear. Baseballs best taking the field for the midsummer classic, the American League topping the National League 42 for their fourth straight allstar win. It was a bit of outrage before the game that is stealing the spotlight. Canadian singer reworking the National Anthem to include the phrase all lives matter. Take a listen. Were all brothers and sisters all lives matter to the great. True enough. All lives matter to the great or the brave, as they said it . Now the singer, the tenor, apologizing calling that a lone wolf incident because none of the other singers knew this was going to happen, so some people were upset that he said all lives matter. Those are your headlines. Ill see you back in a bit. Hes one of the congressmen who grilled Loretta Lynch on capitol hill. Any conversation that i might have had with the former president would have no impact on the team i think your actions made it worse. I really do. Ohio congressman jim jordan. He always calls it like it is. Hes still demanding answers this morning. He joins us next. Its the hottest video game on the market right now, but some say pokemon go players are going a little too far. This thing is the hottest video game perhaps in history. The National Memorials telling them to stay out of our parks this morning. The endorsement of Bernie Sanders noted that hillary only has 339 more delegates than him going into the convention. But he said, i, on the other hand, have caught 400 more pokemons. So who is the real winner . Im the winner before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. Ask your doctor about lyrica. And welcome back this morning. Furious republicans still demanding answers after attorney general Loretta Lynch dodged their questions on capitol hill yesterday. General lynch, who made the decision that no charges would be brought against secretary clinton . I had determined that i would accept the recommendation of the team and made that known. So who ultimately made the decision . I made that known and then when the recommendation was given to me, i did accept that recommendation. Did you ultimately make that decision or did director comey . Director comey was part of the team. So who made that decision . The team consisted of director comey and others. Who made the decision . As i indicated before, i previously cited that i would accept their recommendation. So what happens now . Congressman jim jordan was asking those tough questions. Congressman, nice to have you here this morning. Good to be with you. Do you feel you got answers to your questions . I dont think anybody did, especially on the republican side, and anybody who happened to tune into that, i think, felt the same way. We established that they treated this case completely different by the very fact that the attorney general announces ahead of time shes going to follow the recommendation. So im going to follow the recommendations even though i dont know what they are. She indicated under oath yesterday that she had never done that in all her time as attorney general with any other case. So that in and of itself shows that he treated this case different, not to mention all the other facts, that she met with the president of the subject of the investigation on a tarmac in phoenix, that this was the former first lady, the former secretary of state, the former senator of nominee for president. Thats where it looks like they gave this case different treatment, and the law says everyone should be treated equally and not because youre politically connected. Five days ago we had the former president on the tarmac meeting with the attorney general. Did she address those concerns . The day afterward, she said if she could walk it back, she would never do it again. No, she said it was happenstance, they just happened to meet. Ill let the American People decide for themselves. It sure looks kind of strange when youre meeting with the husband of the subject of the investigation, you meet with him five days before they come out with the recommendations, when the fbi recommends what to do, and frankly, before they had even talked with, interviewed and done a deposition of secretary clinton. So that all looks pretty suspect. The other thing i think, clayton, is important. Remember, secretary clinton testified under oath last october in front of the benghazi committee. And she made several false statements there. When presented with this, director comey said he didnt even look at her transcript. So think about this. The subject of the investigation is testifying to congress under oath and shes asked about the very subject matter youre investigating, namely her email situation, and he doesnt even look at the transcript . Again, that highlights that it looks like this was treated different than any other case, and thats whats so frustrating, i think, to the American People. Congressman jim jordan with those tough questions yesterday. We know you have to get back to work. We appreciate you stopping by. You bet. Donald trump under fire for what he said about the Court Justice ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her mind is shot. Go ahead and resign, he says. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. Take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for up to 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Some quick headlines for you. The desperate search for a serial shooter is intensifying and has intensified at this very hour. The man in that sketch right there now linked to seven killings in phoenix. All the victims were gunned down in front of their houses at night, and the youngest victim get this just 12 years old. A 3500 reward is being offered for the gunmans capture. The black Panther Group said they will arm themselves at the protest in cleveland. Under ohios open carry laws, those who legally own guns can have them in the area around the convention. Pete . Thanks, ainsley. Well, in the 1990s, it was cases like this, the infamous o. J. Simpson case, as well as the simpson, komar case. It thrust the issue of Domestic Violence into the spotlight, leading to the creation of the nations first felony Domestic Violence court. Judge John Leventhal was the first judge to head that court, and he says this epidemic of brutality continues today. He explains how and recounts the cases he oversaw in his new book, my partner, my enemy. Judge john lefenthal joins me now. Congratulations on the new book. Tell me what its like to head this new court where youre dealing with Domestic Violence cases of day. This was brought out by the galena komar case, and the judge that handled that case was drummed out of the court system. There was a need for that. In the book i Start Talking about statistics that happened preo. J. Simpson, because people think, oh, Domestic Violence started with o. J. Simpson. It didnt. It was in epidemic proportion before that. You talked about statistics. In 2014, there were over 634,000 cases of Domestic Violence with an intimate partner. Women between the ages of 18 and 24 are most commonly abused and only 34 of people who are injured receive medical care for their injuries. Is that because they have such a fear for their abuser they dont want to come forward . Thats true, but believe it or not, since 2010, the stat x statistics have actually gone down a little bit, and i think thats because the hospitals and the courts and attorneys have been trained a little bit. The hospital will set the abuse apart for the patient so they wont lie about what happened. There have been some highprofile cases recently from chris brown, johnny manziel. We see it more in the media today, its more openly condemned today. Do you feel the stigma has eroded and folks are coming out more . They are, but people should be aware we cant criticize women for not leaving their abuser. A woman is 75 more apt to be killed when preparing to leave or leaving an abuser, so they may be smarter than us. They may want to know where their next attack is coming from also. Tell us what you would do in front of the court. When i would a rainarraign a defendant, i would say the court is looking at you, mr. Smith. I would tell them, you must stay away from mrs. Smith, her place of employment, any other place she may happen to be. When i stay away, i mean no letters, postcards, im sorry, and if you go to her house for dinner tomorrow night, it will be the most expensive dinner youll eat because youll be eating the dinner the following day in jail. Wow. I can tell youve said that before. Every time. Every time. Judge John Leventhal. Read his new book. Thank you for being with me. A peaceful protest in dallas extremely troubling to one important demographics mothers. Thats why some of them are even considering changing their vote. You see this panel right here. A goodlooking group. Security moms here to discuss their biggest concerns, next. Pokemon go fever is dripping in the country. Some places are going too far. The memorials, parks, Holocaust Museum telling them to stay out this morning. In a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Hei dont want one thats haded a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at carfax. Com of course, it seems like everybody is still talking about the new pokemon go game. Yeah, i love it, too. Some Highway Safety officials are warning teenagers to not play pokemon go while driving. Then when the teenagers pull over, the officials drive ahead of them and catch all the pokemons. Suckers you have to know the game, which you were explaining to me earlier. Its crazy how popular this thing is. Why is it so popular . Because it gets kids outside of the house and theyre using their phones with augmented reality. They have to walk around town, basically, the parks, and capture these pokemon. You build up points and youre competing with friends and so forth. Are you out of the house if youre staring at your screen . At least youre getting fresh oxygen. Heather has more about this latest trend, guys. Clayton was explaining to me exactly how it works, so some parents probably wondering the same thing. Heres a story developing as a result of this popular fad. Dont come here. Pokemon go players are now getting a stern warning from Arlington National cemetary and the 9 11 memorial in new york. The somber landmarks both stops can you believe that, theyre stops people can go to in the wildly popular game. The stops encourage people to explore their neighborhood, including historical places, but arlington tweeting out this, quote, we do not consider pokemon go to be an appropriate decorum on the grounds of Arlington National cemetary. The Holocaust Museum also trying to remove themselves as a stop in the game. Donald trump is now doubling down in a war of words with justice ruth Bader Ginsburg. She said, quote, he is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whats comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. She also threatened to move overseas if he is elected president. Trump firing back last night, quote, Justice Ginsburg of the u. S. Supreme court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot resign two boy scouts arrest bid trying to save a bald eagle. They were warned by their boss not to touch the animal. What did they do . They rushed it to the vet. Officials in canada said the workers broke federal law. Its hard to say which law since the bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list in 2013. Watch as one of the suspects tossed from the car about 30 feet in the air. They chased the suspects in a stolen suv, the chase reaching speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. Those are your headlines. Ainsley, lets head over to you. Thanks so much, heather. In the wake of the horrific ambush down in dallas, texas, gun violence, threats against americans, and attacks against police are at the forefront of so many of our minds, and there is one demographic where this is hitting close to home. Were talking about Young Mothers raising young men and young women. These concerns have given rise to what we Call Security moms, not soccer moms. Formerly soccer moms, these moms have made security a top priority. Have beth, kathy, courtney heir benana, colleen, and debra. Also joining us for this conversation is our expert. He is the author of defeating jihad. There is his book if you want to pick it up. Dr. Gorka, mothers are concerned that theyre taking their kids to concerts and soccer tournaments, and theyre worried about their kids safety, sending them even to school or going to churches. Look at the last two years. If you look at the terrorist threat, what do we have . We dont have giant spectaculars like 9 11. Were not going to fly planes into buildings or the pentagon. What are the terrorists doing . Theyre finding high concentrations of unarmed civilians. In paris it was a rock concert with an american band, it was a restaurant in tel aviv. In orlando we have a nightclub. On top of that, what do we have . We have the targeting of those people who are supposed to protect us, our peace officers, five peace officers shot down. So this is going to be a crucial year in terms of National Security and how these ladies, i like to call these beautiful ladies the worryiers of fox. I see if you have a gun, youre in control. The way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun. Or a good gal. Or a good gal, yes. What ccerns me is how lawlessness is increasing in the land. And as a result, the love of many is growing cold. Thats concerning. And i see it from a perspective that we have a spiritual problem in america. Yeah. We need to come back to god. Because he is ready and willing, and he alone, jesus christ, is able to heal this land. Shes also a minister. And youre seaying amen to that. You agree with her. I do agree with that, and my condolences and prayers go out to the ones who have lost loved ones, especially the Police Officers, and the bible says no man had a greater love than laying down their lives for our friends. What do you think about the way police have been treated by certain individuals lately . Even in a time of mourning when we would expect nothing less than hope from our president , it turned into a political conversation. I believe he said everyone is a racist. He even touched on gun control. It was disappointing to see that happen. It was great to see president bush, but disappointed, certainly. Kathy touched on that, we were talking about that during a commercial, and you said the Democratic Party especially has a false narrative about the black community. Its a very sensitive subject to have in our culture today, because were ruled by emotions in so many regards. But as a black woman, clearly, with black children, a black husband from a black family, obviously black lives matter to me, right . And im sure it matters to everyone in this room right now as well. But thats not the narrative that the black lives Matter Movement and many in the Democratic Party is espousing. Instead their pushing a false narrative, i believe, that black people are victims and our primary issue in the black Community Surrounds social issues and racism. And those two things, racism and social justice issues, are not whats plaguing and destroying the black community. It is the breakdown of families within the black community. When you have 75 of black children growing up in a fatherless home thats three out of four, that is the reason. Even obama himself quoted that a child growing up without a father is 20 more likely to end up in prison. Not the 4 of Police Officers in 2015 who shot a black person who was unarmed, not the 4 , but its 20 more likely to end up in prison, not because of a white Police Officer but because of the breakdown of the home. You talked about justice. Youre a legal professional, beth. Youre in the court most days. Yes, i am. Is this just a law and order issue . Is the system breaking down . Whats your observation . Well, i think its both. And my biggest concern well, first of all, im very saddened for the events that have happened over the last week. Obviously our whole country is mourning. And basically im concerned about the views that our nation as a whole has right now on the sanctity of life. I believe its a human life issue. I personally believe were all created in the image of god and it doesnt matter what color our skin is. It just doesnt matter. Were all created by god and were all equal. And i believe that the violence that has erupted across this country, there is some real issues here. And we need leadership and we need an administration that is going to, first of all, identify those issues. A lot of them, my good friend now kathy, has just said, and also that theyre going to have Real Solutions and will be able to implement these solutions as we move forward. We would really expect the president to be condemning black lives matter. Yes, because what happened in dallas, it was not an attack against the Law Enforcement profession, it was an attack against all americans. And we need to look at it from that perspective. I was just reading to my children a quote from john adams who said, our constitution, our way of life, america only exists, is only made for moral and religious people, people who understand the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, and so when we have people trying to make up laws as they go with their pen and their phone, or when theyre out here promoting and encouraging tyranny on the streets, we are destroying america. America does not exist without the constitution and without laws. The president validates that domestic terrorist group, quite frankly, because theyre using violence to have political, idealogical, religious gains. I know thats a big issue when people are going to the polls, terrorism and keeping our country safe. Who are you going to vote for . Who is voting for donald trump . Wow. They say that great is the nation that fears the lord, and i am such a believer in that. But also we need someone who is going to make America Great again, and im looking forward to that. Whats the number one issue for november. Is it National Security . Is it economics . I believe its National Security and safety. We cant separate the two. When we asked you guys to come on, we were looking for moms that security was the number one concern. We never asked you guys who you were voting for. And i believe a few weeks ago when we interviewed you, we put you on the spot. People are angry, and like donald trump or not, he is he resonates. Thank you, ladies. Very powerful. Thank you, ladies. Donald trump has said it over and over on the campaign trail. We will build the wall, believe me 100 , were building the wall. If i win, were going to build the wall. Were going to have an amazing border. Were going to build the wall, dont worry. Who is going to pay for the wall . Who is going to pay . And despite his critics best efforts, he is one step closer to that goal this morning. Were live in cleveland to explain that, coming up next. Do you want fries with your fox friends . Yes, of course. Were celebrating National French fry day on the plaza. Ladies, should we take a trip out there . Yes jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad. G. This is what the pros wear. Uhhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. Kelloggs raisin bran. Deliciously heart healthy. This clean was like pow. Everything well . It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. I really notice a difference. And at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. Its the whole package. No ones done this. Crest healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Built a sandcastle . Id . 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Swift and exboyfriend Calvin Harris broke up in the last few months and she worked swiftly. Hes a cutie. She has been saying for a few months and now its one step closer to reality. Were going to build the wall. If i win, were going to build the wall. Well have an amazing border. Were going to build the wall, dont worry. Who is going it pto pay for the wall . Just days, the Republican National conventions plans for that wall are now in writing. Peter doocy with the latest. Hey, peter. Reporter good morning. The Trump Campaign is not putting a ton of pressure on the Platform Committee to put the latest wishes in writing, but the people updating it is following his issue about the signature issue, building a wall. It says, quote, we support building a wall along our southern border and protecting all ports of entry. The border wall must cover the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Also notable, there is no mention in the platform of making mexico pay for the wall, but its inclusion in the platform is still one of the highlights from this weeks meeting. They say it shows republicans are changing slightly to accommodate the person who is set to accept their nomination next week. The idea of a border fence has been in our platform for many, many years, and just changing the word from fence to wall is what they did, and maybe it was a little hat tip to donald trump on that issue, and thats fine. Its something the parties had in the platform for a long time. Reporter so with the Platform Committees work basically done, it shifts to the rules committee. Thats where they are trying to unbind themselves so they dont have to support trump even if he won their state or primary caucus, but critics dont think that little revolt has much to it. Back to you. Thanks, peter. Were celebrating National French fry day on the plaza. Lets check in with martha. It sounds yummy. Thanks, you guys. Swing state polls in july. This is now a tight race for the presidency of the United States as we get ready to head to the conventions in cleveland. Hillary clinton loses ground with independents and women. Well also talk to cliff gowdy who drilled pence yesterday. Well see you at the top of the hour. Defiance is in our bones. Our citracal bones. Easily absorbed calcium plus vitamin d. Defy bone aging with citracal maximum. Our highest level of calcium plus d. Whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. Were back celebrating National French fry day, we take no break from it, here on the plaza. And we have some very creative french fry recipes in the area. You have kristen and ian. What do you have for us today, guys . Good morning, how are you . Doing well. Tell us about this deliciouslooking dish. This is our most popular item. This is the trouble fry. It comes with garlic, oil whats this . Thats our lemon garlic. Roasted garlic, lemon zest, olive oil, a little black pepper. That sauce is amazing. What did you put in it . Thats mayo. No, but it has a little garlic, fresh lemon juice. Where are you located . In times square . Today we are. Typically were in smorgasbord in brooklyn. Were taking a trip to brooklyn. Whats this real quick . These are dutch fries and our originals with two different sauces. Here we are with priyavanda. I see some sauce. Its sweet, savory and spicy. This is a classic montreal dish. This is the indian version of french fries . Yes, french fries, gravy and cheese. Its a sweet sauce with a hint of spice. It is fantastic. How did you come up with this . Im from montreal originally and i wanted to give an indian spin to this traditional dish. So, guys, were going to have a runoff. You have to pick your favorite. We have those inhome free also. The philly in me, im a big fan of the philly kind. I would normally give it the cheese cheesesteak, but i go for the chili. And i pick all of you. Theyre all so good. I like the cinnamon french fries because they have cinnamon in them. Youre all winners. Introduces new, easytoswallow tablets. So now, there are more ways, for more people. To experience. Complete protection from frequent heartburn. Nexium 24hr. The easytoswallow tablet is here. Im going to make this as simple as possible for you. You can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or. You can get the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. I shouldnt have to ask. Whats in your wallet . 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See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Bill good morning. There is word donald trump is closing in on a running mate. This as new polling shows trump with big movement in three key swing states. Im bill hemmer. Welcome to americas newsroom. Last day in new york, then we hit the road. Martha we are not coming back for 2 1 2 weeks. We have brandnew poll numbers. We always like to get some new data into the mix. This Quinnipiac University poll shows donald trump with a narrow lead in florida

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