Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160602 10:00:00 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160602 10:00:00

police are investigating. and the ugly, a brazilian icon takes a tumble while carrying the olympic torch getting a face full of pavement. >> hope he's okay. thank you for being here. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye-bye. good morning, it is thursday, june 2. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump and hillary clinton exchange fire. watch. >> clinton who lies, i mean, she lies, do you remember that? i started that, she lies! she lies! >> donald trump himself is a fraud. >> holy smokes! and it got more intense from there. we'll tell you what else
happened. stay tuned. wow. then a 6-year-old calls the cops on his dad. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> that kid is going to get punished. what would you do if your kid turned you into the cops? in fact, called them? grounded. mornings are better with friends. what is upsetting, your kid turns you into the cops? this is scary. >> tucker. teach the kid right from wrong. >> by the way, that dad, five years in prison. he's in jail right now. >> no, they let him go and said
it's okay, don't do it again. well, first it was a glitch. now in a stunning turn of events the state department admitted it lied to the public. >> yep, the administration says it intentionally deleted an exchange between jane rossen and then the state department spokesperson. but don't expect anyone to be held accountable. we are live in d.c. with the latest on this story with garrett. >> reporter: good morning. really a stunning admission from the state department there was no glitch behind that missing video. instead, the state department sates it was deliberately deleted at the request of a state department official. that request came after the department's briefing was reported in december of 2013 when our up james rossen asked then spokesperson jen pasaki about the administration's previous claims that the u.s. would not secretly opengage in
talks with iran. a claim that was not true. that exchange, a total of eight minutes from the briefing, was missing from the state department's website and youtube channel. instead it had been replaced with a wider flash effect. here's part of that exchange that the official ordered expunged from the official record. >> let me try it one last way and then i appreciate your indulgeness. >> sure. >> did they have to lie to achieve that goal? >> there are times when diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> yesterday spokesman john kirby told reporters he doesn't know who the official is that ordered the video to be deleted because it was given over the phone. and the editor who cut the video out doesn't remember who made the request. and because there were no rules in place at the timeto prevent
such action, there will not be any further investigation into the martyr though they are developing rules to prevent this from happening in the future. >> garrett, thank you. admiral kirby will be joining us in a little while. >> pretty game of him to come, i have to say, because it is tough to explain this. now, if you didn't see it the first time. this is a pretty amazing thing. you saw the james producer -- >> the james producer was going through the video and saw that the answer was deleted. >> can you take a step back, too? this is all built out of an article in which i think it was variety, new york or one of the big magazine articles, when the state department, the key aid o
to -- james rosen was on the five yesterday explaining how this happened. watch. >> we don't know who it was that demanded this video be edited this way. the person who fessed up within the state department to having made the editing deletion at the request of this special ed person said they can probably remember. >> ben rhodes does the story about himself praising how he uses the press and characterizes people who don't travel that
they feed stories to. they came up with the fact that we were deals with moderates in iran. then people started to regurgitate this. i asked the question, are there secret talks going on before formal talks have been choreographed between iranian and american officials. jen psaki is saying, yes. someone said, my goodness, she blew it and edit it out of the final record. when the story gets exposed. no one has a full interview of the one-on-one talks about the american and iranian officials. he didn't go back to his producer to say, i remember this question. what else did they edit? >> that's why when the editor said he doesn't remember who gave him the up instruction, either he's lying or is asked to
do it so many times he can't remember who asked him to do th this. >> would you ever someone asking you something of command? >> this was not a request, this was a digital request to edit the video. as i said, and i said it this morning to the staff, i don't find that to be an appropriate step to take. so i'm going to make sure we have the right moves in place. >> if this was edited on a state department computer and using state department software, it is notable who did it. it is logged and a permanent record. >> who called the editor to say
do it. jen psaki is now at the white house, that's what happens when you are successful, you move up. she says, i did not know anything about this. how many other people would have the power to tell an editor to edit something out of the record? >> that's what i'm getting at. this is someone so high up that you can't fire them. >> this is so revealing of the world view. ignore reality, this never will go from here. >> the glitch was not arbitrary, it was deliberate. and i just think right now every news organization has to pore through their records to compare
it to the state department records to see if they edited it out. >> why didn't they come out and say that a few weeks ago instead of saying it's "the glitch." ? >> somebody realizes this is bad. you can ner -- tucker, than you. police are closing in on two suspects who shot two police officers. one of the officers is now fighting for his life this morning. just moments ago cops throwing tear gas canisters into this house they believe the suspect is inside. it all started during a traffic stop. the suspect backed his car into one of the police officers and then shot him. that officer now is in critical condition. the suspect then he shot at another officer. that officer is expected to be
okay. this all unfolding in fremont, california. we'll keep you posted on this developing story as we get more. and then a terrifying field trip for a group of students. investigators are now trying to figure out what caused a boat filled with elementary school kids to sink, capsize in the chesapeake bay. more than a dozen students had to be pulled from their boat. all the children were wearing life vests. two people were taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries. those poor kids this morning. and from extreme flooding to bring you once again from the state of texas. that flooding and rain is pounding parts of that state. this video shows cattle swimming in the muddy swim water. it's unclear how many eventually
make it. and imagine sending your kid to school on a bus and then they pass out from the heat. >> bus driver, amaya passed out on the bus. >> fan her! >> why can we not open the window? >> because the alarms will go off! >> poor little kids. students were forced to ride home on a sweltering school bus in washington state. that little girl who passed out will be okay. the bus driver now out of a job. did you ride the bus? i remember it gets hot. >> and you have to open the windows. but they don't let you anymore.
all right. coming up, this video is terrifying of kids getting electrocuted in swimming pools. and it has happened twice in the last week, guys. what do you need to know to protect yourself and your children? mark seagle is joining us live with details. and the black lives matter rap sheet that just got a little longer.
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remember this terrifying scene that was caught on video? three children in a florida community pool shocked while they were swimming. thankfully, they were all pulled out of that water in time and all survived. but this past weekend two people, a 34-year-old man in new jersey and an 8-year-old girl in pennsylvania left in critical condition after being shocked in swimming pools. so how can you protect yourself if this happens to you or one of your children? joining us live from the new york sports club here in new york city is dr. mark seagle from the fox medical team. good morning, dr. seagle. >> reporter: good morning,
ainsley. it is a lot of fun to swim this time of the year but you have to be safe. electricity is becoming more and more a problem. the consumer safety commission said many people get hurt from the electricity. so what do you do? first question for our lifeguard at the pool is how do you keep a pool safe so that you don't get electricity in the pool? >> first of all i try to make sure when i come in that there isn't anything electric plugged into the wall and connected to the pool. so the first thing i do is come in to take the vacuum out of the water. i make sure there's no weakness and lot of water pleasuring, nothing crazy like foams or electricity devices. try to keep an eye out for those things. >> reporter: so being a lifeguard is not just about
electricity, but pool lights, make sure all electrical equipment is away from the pool. if you are swimming and feel i think tingling, if you feel cramps, then you need to get out as fast as you can. don't go to a ladder. the lifeguard may use a hook to pull you out. don't go to the metal. get out of the water as fast you can. if the lifeguards finds you not breathing, he'll put you on the ground. also, you can take your hands like this and pump and go o
one-one thousand, two-one thousand. that's a defibrillator. you don't have the to be trained. you can put that on somebody's chest and it will take over. you can do a chest bump to get the heart going again. get 911 and get the ambulances over here to save lives. if you're swimming and feel i thinkling, get out of the water. it is unlikely but prepare for it. >> we are talking about what to do when you're a lifeguard and get to the pool, what if you are a parent and you get to the pool where your child, are there things you can look for? >> reporter: what can you do if you're a parent to look for in the pool to make sure there's no electricity? >> i think it is pretty obvious when you come in to absorb the pool deck and make sure there's
nobody around and stuff like that. >> thank you, geovani. no cell phones near pools. no cell phones or radio. >> thank you, dr. seagle. coming up, this guy attacked an 80-year-old woman kicking her in the face. but what happened next he never saw coming. we'll show you that. and bernie sanders and hillary clinton are in a debt he heat, dead heat. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine ♪
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quick headlines now, get them while they are hot. pot brownies, cookies, candy, you name it. the sale of marijuana used to be banned. and now the north carolina border is being redrawn down to the centimeter using gps technology. surveyors didn't follow king's direct territory back in 2005. what were they thinking? well, we are just days away from the crucial california primary on tuesday. and the race for the white house gets even nastier, watch this. >> donald trump has disqualified himself completely. he has attacked our closest
allies, he's said let's pull out of nato, he has praised the dictator of north korea, he advocated more countries getting nuclear weapons. this is not just divisive rhetoric, my friends, this is dangerous. >> she lies. she's making a speech today and she's making another tomorrow. they sent me a copy. such lies about my foreign policy. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> that was intense. but the attacks may get better. good morning, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> the foreign policy debate is central, it looks to be central to this race. hillary's making the case that donald trump is the reckless one here. he's a danger to americans. he has his finger on the button, there could be war. what is his response to that?
>> his response is that she talks about the north korea dictator, she made the deals about the weapons and so forth. she and trump have a campaign. at the end of the day, most people don't think the clintons are honest, and certainly mrs. clinton, the state department stuff that we talked about earlier in the show is a good supporter of that. >> let's take a look at the national polls, the quinnipiac, in it clinton has a four-point lead almost within the margin of error. this tells you what? >> this tells me it's a very close race. that obviously she's been perceived as the nominee for a long period of time the independents will be the key to this case as in a first place
if she comes close to losing california, doesn't that tell you that she does not represent the future of the democratic party. >> california is the largest democratic margin, i think to a certain extend for her to be as weak as she is and bernie sanders basically now sort of on the ropes. and for him to be running dead even with her, she is goes into her convention as a looper candidate. >> how can the candidate of wall street lead a party of socialists? >> well, she can. young people traditionally support democrats and they are
going to bernie. how do you get them back? obviously, he's promised them a lot of things and doesn't live up to them. >> is trump going to hit her on everything? >> he's going to hit her on everything. >> he is a brawler. >> he is a brawler. >> she is a brawler. thank you for joining us. a black lives matter member is accused of sexual transporting. and then a 6-year-old calls the police to report his own father. >> 911, what is your energy? >> daddy went past a red light. >> yep, he narced out his dad. first, happy birthday to justin
long. the actor/comedian is 38 years old though he doesn't look like it. soon. i like the bride more than the turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited?
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do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at good morning. the shot of the morning, here it is. keep an eye on your beer, man. both fans go for a foul ball but it landed between the field and the tarp. >> the guy on the right goes down with his beer, comes up with the ball. meanwhile, the other guy refusing to come up empty handed takes the other guy's beer child behind the tarp. >> the original beer holder pretty upset about it. he even tries to strike a deal with the guy but he couldn't get his beer back. >> that's incredible. i don't know what is more valuable at this point. >> you took my ball, i'm taking your beer. >> the beer is half water anyway
even though it costs you an arm and a leg. that's a quick look at what happened with the beer and the ballas night. anything else going on? >> if my kids are with me, i ke the ball. we begin with a shocking attack on a bus. a man kicks an elderly woman in the face. warning, this video is hard to watch. well, all of that unfolding in washington state. the bus driver pulls over and pulls the man off the woman. the attacker then jumps on the driver but the driver manages to escape and get off the bus. that's when the suspect tries to take off in the bus flu the driver made sure that was not going to happen. he shut off the battery locking him inside. that guy was later arrested. well, donald trump taking a shot at the pga for moving the world golf tournament from his
miami resort to mexico. listen. >> they are moving it to mexico. they are moving it to mexico city, which by the way, i hope they have kidnapping insurance. but they are moving it to mexico city. and i'm saying, what is going on here? >> the pga said that he couldn't secure a sponsor in miami to host the event for 55 years. and do you remember the black lives matter member charged with sexual trafficking? he's an allegedly scammer, too. a woman says they lost $10,000 after wade skipped down without paying rent and he took in hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for operation help or hush, a group he co-founded in the wake of the police shooting of michael brown. well, not even family can get past this pint-sized crime fighter. the 5-year-old calling 911 on his own dad after he ran a red
light in massachusetts. but the right-hand turn was actually legal. thanks, kid. >> 911, what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> he did? is he home right now? >> yeah. >> can i talk to him? >> yeah. >> hello? >> hi, quincy police. >> just wanted to let us know you ran a red light. >> oh, no. i apologize. >> the dad got away without a ticket. those are your headlines. kids are stricklers to rules. >> i have never heard of a kid doing this. >> a lot of times you're 5 years old and realize your parents
aren't perfect. >> i thought that was 15. the first season of the fox news channel "legends & lies" brought the real life scene to your tv screens. wow. the original series is coming back for another season with a brand new twist. we'll step into the blinding glare of the sunlight with our friend michael who has a behind-the-scenes look. >> the flashlight, michael. >> you got a special sneak peek of "legends & lies."
check it out. how is this season different from the last one? >> this season is more epic in the sense it's a continuing narrative. we cover about 60 years of history from the 1760s to the 1820s and we follow a lot of our main contacters, john adams, up george -- what made you want to tackle this part of the election? >> well, we want to get back to the people that first started this country and how they conducted themselves. >> is there something audiences will be surprised to learn? >> we are trying to get the myth out of it. everybody knows george washington and john adams and thomas jefferson, but do you really know the guys after you finish watching legends of eyes you will know the guys.
>> i understand that we have to get you across the river here as you are in a pivotal scene. as general washington makes his way over here to lead the soldiers -- rolling! >> thank you for your service, your honor. >> how do i get there? >> that is a member for congress decide. good luck. down! >> i like it. good line! >> you wore a lot of layers. >> it's an epic undertaking. >> in all seriousness, the book is already number one in the country. the series will be phenomenal.
>> brian will be in some of the episodes as well. >> right, i'm playing myself. >> it start this is sunday on june 5th only on the fox news channel. make sure to check it out as well as going to foxnewsmagaz e >> good job. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. still ahead, did you know hillary clinton had to leave her secure office just so she could send e-mails on her blackberry? judge napalatano is here with more. and do you remember this brand new look? >> brian and steve 2016. >> wow! >> wow. that envoked some jealousy.
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good morning. we've got quick headlines for you. first up, america's first richest woman is now worth nothing. elizabeth holmes company is now worth nothing due to recent allegations against it. and diane hendricks is taking holmes' place worth $4.9 billion. she made her fortune the old fashioned way with roofing. she's chairman of abc supply putting oprah second on the list of the richest women. thank you so much. hillary clinton cut herself off, get this, from all ambassadors,
her colleagues for hours at a time while she was secretary of state. that's just one of the new bombshell negotiations people are talking about to add to the growing case against hillary clinton. here to speak to us is judge nep nepalatano. a couple days ago she arrived with seven lawyers to make sure she doesn't say anything -- >> they wouldn't let her answer half the questions put to her. and the questions put to her were about the buy who got immunity that was hillary's lightning cooperating with the fbi. what she did say is that she just used a blackberry. her blackberry, not a government-issued blackberry. because it was not government-issued, it was
blocked on the seventh floor where her office is. what dhauz mean? while in the office, she did not have the ability to xhup communicate. >> she had to leave her office to communicate, small or big >> or she would have one of her aides come in, you'll like this because you're a historian, 19th century technology, read the document to me. read it aloud. so when people are saying she was incompetent as secretary of state, they are absolutely correct and right on the mark because of this alone. she has ambassadors all around the world trying to communicate with her and she's cut herself off. >> all right. here are the four big things you wanted us to go through that stood out with you because you did the hard work of reading all the pages. hillary's e-mails said this,
only use to private servers. >> correct. 100% of the e-mails were used on a private serve. >> the e-mails were read on the blackberry that you just went through. the blackberry inoperable in the state department office. and e-mails not available for foia request. >> in a few press conferences that mrs. clinton has given or said this, what does this mean? all that she frustrated the ordinary operations of the debt. she knew what she was doing. >> i have been watching the
sparring going on, and hillary clinton has been called on two different shows unlike donald trump has. yunlg, she said this. colin powell did the same thing and he didn't firm up the proceed yours. >> that argument is rejected by the state department whose account was denied half a dozen times. he's not running to be president of the united states. >> you know who also, besides the investigation going on here, do you know who also has to be looked at at some level? president obama. his crystal clear thing here is
that this is a violence of the law. >> judge napalatano, thank you. more police are being attacked by criminals. and now the nypd officers are being told to step back and say, how can i help you? remember when steve and i got a brand new look? >> brian and steve 2016. >> wow! >> i just got fitted. and in just a few minutes, we'll see how she looks. i really think it's going to be very, very good.
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all right. you know what they say, look good, feel good and that's exactly what i feel. so steve and i had custom suits made by bookatailor because we wanted that feeling again. >> ready for the unveil? >> yes. >> all right, ladies and gentlemen, bookatailor, brian and steve, 2016. >> wow. wow. >> well, last time bookatailor was here they measured ainsley because she was very jealous, as you can see, tucker. as you can see, it's her turn. she's getting ready with the big reveal. >> she looks great.
but first let's talk to the ceo jacomo. >> let's look at your look. is this in? >> definitely in. a lot of people are asking us to dress like this now. summertime, hot in the city. yeah, we can make you shorts that look good. >> there's farther than i'm willing to go. but awesome. >> bill o'reilly could be wearing shorts. we have never seen his legs. for you in particular, you took a risk. you went out on your own to start a business. entrepreneurship is down in this country. why are so few americans doing that? >> i took the risk because that's the type of person i am. i want to go out, do different things. be innovative. do good for the society. however, many of the markets are very tapped these days. so it's very difficult to get in and do something correctly. for the right way. obviously people want to make money with the overhead going on today especially in new york city. very difficult. >> how does bookatailor work?
>> no overhead. >> we drive up to you. >> you open this up, you have your tape, ready to go. >> everything is automated on the tablets. the best thing about this, we're do this in 15 cities right now, however, we should be doing it in 50 cities. >> you can buy a franchise? >> yeah. we have many people contacting us and in different countries wanting to do this. >> ainsley is almost here. what have you done to and for her? >> so we measured her up. as you can see vivian has a beautiful custom made suit for women. my mother over here is walking away because she doesn't welcome back to be in it. >> that's your mom? >> and ainsley is walking out right now. >> oh, my goodness, she's walking down the hall. she does this every day. but this is different. wow. >> here we are, boys. >> hello. >> thank you. thank you. >> look at that. >> are you jealous, brian?
you did a great job. thank you. thank you. can't touch this. >> so tell me how does it feel? >> oh, i need a pocket square? it feels great. you did a great job. whatever material this shirt is, feel this. >> it's wrinkle free. we offer wrinkle free. >> what is it like to have the pockets inside? >> i didn't notice. look at this, look at the lining. >> i wrote for you love jacomo. >> thank you. >> that's really nice. >> your approach to the suit. you sized her up and you said? >> that's it. we went through the styling options, chose the fabric, anything you want. the styling options she wanted a traditional suit. she wanted to wear it both to a formal event during the day and made a beautiful pencil skirt. >> when you're on the road as a reporter it's nice to have a black suit, doesn't show stains. >> you can spill coffee on it.
doesn't show. >> exactly. >> thank you and good luck. >> another successful american story in business. jacomo, great job. to get an appointment with bookatailor, head to as if that's not enough, more police officers are being attacked by criminals openly and brazenly and now nypd officers are being told to step back and say, quote, hello, how can i help? bo dietl is not impressed. he joins us top of the hour. >> this man needs no introductions. ♪ ♪ my achy breaky heart >> did you know that billy ray cyrus is back in action? he's going to join us live with the brand-new project he's working on. >> i think he's cooking with us too. i think he's making some peanut butter. >> great.
good morning to you and your family. it is thursday, it's june 2nd, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. right now police are closing in on the man accused of shooting two officers. they're surrounding the house where he is barricaded. breaking developments are just coming in. then bernie sanders warned her, but hillary clinton never saw it coming. the two democratic candidates are now in a dead heat in the biggest state, california. the question this morning -- what happens if hillary loses? we'll bring you more. and the state department makes a stunning admission. it deliberately deleted an exchange between our own james rosen and the state department spokesperson. more shocking -- the investigation is over and we're the only ones who seem curious on what happened. let me remind you though, mornings are still better with "friends." ♪
♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> we have merged together the two musical acts. billy ray cyrus and the music of american authors. american authors will be playing later and debuting a brand-new song. they did go big or go home. >> we love them. they're great. billy ray cyrus has changed his hair though. >> i don't judge. jane krakowski from "30 rock" is here as well. >> right. she had a very interesting tweet i can't reveal. >> i love her. she's been in so many commercials. we can't wait to have her on the set with us. >> remember, she was once on "the view." >> she filled in? >> i'm not the most avid "the view" watcher but i'll take your word for it. >> is on in the afternoons. heather nauert has the headlines. breaking news out of california. a suspect who shot two police officers in that state is surrounded at this hour. one of those officers we are told is now fighting for his
life. just moments ago, cops threw a tear gas grenade into a house. they say the suspect is inside that house, refusing to come out. it all started during a traffic stop in fremont. the suspect backed his car into one of the police officers and then shot him. that officer in critical condition. the suspect then taking off and then at a second location he shot another officer. that officer expected to be okay. we'll keep you posted on this story as it continues to develop throughout this morning. a terrifying end to a field trip. investigators trying to figure out what caused a boat that was filled with elementary school kids to capsize and then sink in the chesapeake bay in maryland. more than a dozen had to be pulled from the water after the boat hit something off the maryland coast. rescuers say all the children were wearing life vests.
two people had to be treated for minor injuries but glad the kids are going to be okay. for the first time we are hearing the frantic 911 calls from the mother of the little boy who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the cincinnati zoo. the mom desperate for help as she watches that 400 pound animal drag her toddler like a rag doll. listen. >> be calm, be calm. be calm. be calm. he's dragging my son. i can't watch this. i cannot. i just can't watch this. >> cincinnati zoo officials forced to shoot and kill that gorilla in order to save the little boy's life. prosecutors could decide by the the f the week whether or not toddler's parents. and now to some extreme flooding once again. it is pounding parts of texas. incredible video this morning showing dozens of cattle, watch them as they swim up to their necks in the muddy floodwaters there. rescue crews doing their best to guide them to safety. it's not clear how many cattle made it to dry land. but remember this from yesterday. the horses that we showed you.
stranded on the front porch by the rising waters there. the owner of the horses was able to drop food from the helicopter to help keep them alive before they sent in rescue crews. those are your headlines. really scary situation down there in texas. it's not over yet. >> pretty unbelievable. >> so sad for the families. thank you. >> also some drama in the state of california. the biggest state, of course by population, the primary takes place on tuesday. it is surprisingly close between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. they're within the margin of error which is a shock to everyone watching this race. >> it's not a winner take all. hillary clinton will acquire some, but just over 70 delegates in order to walk away from june 7th with enough delegates to get the nomination. >> now if sanders does walk away with a victory it justifies him, many people are saying, in the race. now, he has said if he doesn't win in california it will make the path very hard for him. >> very hard. here he is. >> yeah.
>> and the young people are the ones that are traditionally the democrats and they're all with bernie. how is she going to get some enthusiasm there? you look at the obama victory, young people, she doesn't have the young people. for her to be as weak as she is and bernie sanders is sort of on the ropes and for him to be running dead even with her is an indictment of her. at the end of the day she goes into the convention as a woun d wounded, limping candidate. >> so why is this happening? people are still supporting bernie, why? because hillary doesn't represent a huge number of democrats. they're socialists. she's taken more money from wall street than anybody in this race. >> she got 10,000 at the event yesterday. and for a guy who's 74-year-old,
without any legislative accomplishments and a socialist, that's a rebuke to her. but since he's got a power base, she has to give him something and he wants the socialist principles that guided him throughout his entire career. it could be impossible to acquire the independents, which donald trump is already taking from her. >> from day one, she's come out -- for giving to -- giving obamacare to illegal aliens. >> and she's going after trump and trump is firing right back. >> donald trump himself is a fraud. he is trying to scam america the way he's scammed all those people at trump "u." on issue after issue, we see someone who is unqualified and unfit to be president of the united states. >> she lies. she lies. she made a speech and she's making another one tomorrow.
and they sent me a copy of the speech. and it was such lies about my foreign policy. these are crooked people. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> so she goes after trump university. and because of this judge and the problem he's having with litigation, any time you get get into business with her you have much more litigation than the average politician. but don't you think that's a political risk because of the clinton foundation and the microscope on that? you don't like the way that the trump university rolls, let's look at the clinton foundation. >> you don't have to defend donald trump university and i wouldn't. what's the bigger deal, running a shady university or killing moammar gadhafi in libya and letting it become a home base for isis? >> trump said you come after me -- >> she's got a checkered record. >> you know that the president of the united states wants to
get back into the fray. i'm not saying he wants another four years but he wants to get into the political fray, which he does so well. and being that hillary clinton has been unable to really land some solid blows against donald trump he thought he would suddenly try his hand yesterday. watch. >> we turn against each other based on divisions of race or religion. if we fall for, you know, a bunch of okey-doke just because -- you know, it -- you know, it sounds funny or the tweets are -- then we're not going to build on the progress that we've started. >> i get it. if you support trump you're an idiot, you're a moron who is supporting him because you read his tweets and find him amusing. >> isn't that what okey-dokes
means? >> i guess. there are people that are spurring people to vote for donald trump because of you, did you ever occur to you, mr. president? no. >> and clearly, i think there's going to be a need for barack obama if you're a hillary clinton on the stump. where she thought she'd use her own experience, because she left with 60, 70% approval rating and her husband she'd be fine. clearly, that's not the case. >> the polls are showing she is neck and neck with donald trump, so now she's pulling out all the stops. >> the overwhelming majority of americans are saying that america is on the wrong track and she said i'm going the keep it on the same -- >> 50% approval rating. >> but his programs are under water. she's promising more of the same. >> the voters will vote for more of the same or vote for trump.
>> and donald trump is a one man machine especially when fighting back on multiple fronts said this yesterday to the president. >> well, if he campaigns that means i'm allowed to hit him just like i hit bill clinton, i guess, right? [ cheers and applause ] if he doesn't, i don't care. but if he campaigns, and i think he wants to because he wants to keep this terrible agenda going. >> game on. >> he's warning him. he's saying you're going after me, guess what, i'm going after you. >> so look at his party, they're rejecting his legacy. not him as a person. most democrats like barack obama, they think of him as a historic -- >> do they? >> most democrats like barack obama. but the bernie sanders phenomenon is a refutation, is an attack on the obama legacy. saying we're socialists. you're too much in the pocket of the banks. >> tucker, here's the thing. i save the economy, you're president obama, do you want to go back to the people who
destroyed the economy, that's what he said in indiana. but you i can say it was saved by the governor and they knocked down the unemployment to 4%. >> interesting to see if the bernie sanders supporters who they go for though. if they're so different from what we're -- what we already have they're not going to want to support hillary clinton. it will be interesting to see -- >> when life expectancy for huge numbers of americans is dropping it's hard for the americans to say yeah it's been a successful two terms. come on, life expectancy is dropping? that's the ultimate measure. >> yeah, if you're dead you can't vote too. 11 after the hour. >> coming up, the state department stunning admission, they expunged an exchange between our james rosen and the state department. more shocking -- that investigation isn't continuing. we will have some awesome news, and it's about you the viewer. you made some major headlines. we'll explain. [dad] can i enter the kingdom of the two fairies?
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fox news alert now. stunning admission from president obama's state department. it now says it deliberately edited out several minutes of vital footage from a briefing after it first called it a glitch. >> we warned that there was a deliberate request that this wasn't a technical glitch. this was a deliberate request to excise video and as i said -- i said it this morning to the staff, i don't find that an appropriate step to stake. >> really? but there's no investigation because everyone forgot who made the call and told everyone what to edit. that footage which has since been restored shows that the state department state person jen psaki acknowledging to james rose than the administration misled the press over the iran nuclear deal. >> is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal? >> james, i think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress.
this is a good example of that. >> really? that was edited out. here to react, rick grenell, a former adviser to four u.s. ambassadors and ambassador to the united nations. so all right, rick, your reaction to this? >> look, first of all, i'm frustrated because as someone who has been a spokesman for 20-plus years, spokes people do not lie. and if they do, they should be force out of the jobs. look admiral kirby may be a nice guy. i know my liberal friends say he's a nice guy, but there's a cover-up going on right now. you don't say to that a violation of the federal records act is a done deal. oh, we're already done, forget it, we're moving on. that's not what happens. this is about credibility of government and i'm frustrated because what's happening at the state department over the last eight years has been a complete
takeover of the political types. this would never be allowed to happen in a republican administration. the foreign service association would go crazy. they have allowed this to happen because they're innately liberal. they're allowing political types to come over and lead the state department and we're seeing the disastrous results. >> and you point out that these are two presidential candidates who became secretary of state and they're replacing condoleezza rice and colin powell who are not politicians. >> right. the democrats have appointed two secretary of states that were former presidential candidates. look what president bush did. he had subject matter experts as secretaries of state. you have people who are qualified -- yes, they're republican and yes, they're conservative. but they're actually experts. >> this is what jen psaki said. i had no knowledge nor would i have approved of any form of editing or cutting my briefing transcript of any subject while at the state department. she tweeted that out.
do you believe her? >> no. there's no way i believe her, because she either instructed someone to do it or she approved it. that's what the spokesman does. the spokesman is in charge of the transcripts. we have to make the determinations all the time whether or not something is inaudible in a question, how do you write that? what do you put on the title, how fast do you put out a transcript? this is the job of the spokesman and the team. >> if you wanted to find out who made the call to the editor to edit that out, could you do it? do you know -- isn't it a finite number of people that could have made that call? >> well, yes and as admiral kirby the reason he came out, there are a lot of people in the state department and the press office who have been talking about this issue. he was forced to do it because it's about to be leaked out. i have been talking to people at the state department. and more is coming out. people who worked there at
civil -- civil servants and foreign service officers will talk about other instances where the political types have been taking information and editing it. inappropriately. >> just so you know, not only is this inappropriate, but it involves the iranian deal, one of the most controversial deals ever cut between the enemy government and the u.s. we're not sure what it's in and now we find out that the decentships -- there are deceptions leading up to that. >> yeah. >> keep your makeup on, we might need you. coming up, more and more police officers are being attacked and instead of defending themselves, cops are being told to ask those people, excuse me, sir, how can i help you? would bo dietl say that? he's going to join us. and harry reid is telling bernie sanders, get the heck out of the race. incredible bladder protection from always discreet
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we're proud to report. thanks. >> we have the best viewers. thank you so much for that. that's awesome news. well, we have seen this type of violence against police across the country. >> get your hands out of your pocket now! now! i'm not going to do it. son of a [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> well, now there are new sensitivity rules which just took effect. they're requiring new york city comes to play therapist and to fight back with words using calming phrases when they have to handle dangerous people. is it really a good idea? we're going to ask the expert, our former nypd detective and fox news contributor bo dietl. what do you think about this, is it a good idea? >> ainsley, i -- every time i see a cop in uniform, first of all, i walk over and i shake his or her hand and say, thank you for your service. because they're out there every day. now we're at a new level. i don't understand how they could think that you can
rationalize with an emotionally disturbed person. if anyone who's making these rules ever came against them, you know you can't rationalize it. if they have a weapon on them, they might say, hey, my name is tom. you seem like you're a little stressed out, what is bothering you? >> bo is referring to the rules. one of the rules is you have to introduce yourself. you have to say, hey, i'm bo. i'm here to help you. you have to insert an emotion. like you seem distressed. when you're dealing with someone who's a potential criminal, how are they going to react to that? >> well, you have to protect the people. you have to protect yourself and you have to protect the edp -- the emotionally disturbed person. you have to get them under control as fast as they can, because they can hurt themselves or hurt you or hurt the public. so by the time you're questioning the person, asking
what happened when he was a child and what made you feel this way, which is utterly ridiculous and in the housing projects you're not supposed to question people in hallways and stairwells because that's illegal. you can't toss somebody -- toss means if you think they have a weapon on them, you have to reason. if you arrest somebody, you use any kind of force, a lieutenant or a sergeant is going to interview him and say, well, what did the cop do? did he really bother you? what is the guy going to say? oh, no, he was nice, i want to have cocktails with him. this is ridiculous. you're out on the street. trying to keep law and order going. look at what's happening in baltimore. the crime is through the roof. cops are not doing anything. cops are not getting involved. these are not children. they pay them a lousy $41,000 starting salary with a college degree and you expect them now to be a psychologist, psychiatrist? it's utterly ridiculous, ainsley. it hurts me inside. these are professional people. it all stems from this big bird de blasio and i tell you what, i can't wait until they indict him on taking money because i'll
tell you what, with all these little things that he has going on he's being investigated by the u.s. attorney. i'll come out of retirement for one day to put handcuffs on him because he's destroyed this city. i'll say it right to his face, i don't care if he hears me. >> i asked you during the commercial break what the cops think of the new rules. your response? >> they smile they just say, bo, thank you for being a voice of us, please, you're the only -- >> no, what are they saying about the rules? do they like the rules? >> it's ludicrous, ridiculous. anybody who has ever actually is out on the street wrestling with these people, with the edps, wrestling with real people that don't want to be arrested and see what you're facing out there, it's very nice to go into the classroom and now you have monitors, federal monitors, city monitor, you have a ccr who is a complete fabrication of a law -- of a law and order type situation. you know, ainsley, it just kills me inside that we're taking the heart out of our great police
officers out there. our police women and men out there. they're there to protect us. when you take the heart and soul out of them, when you question someone when you're arrested, did you like the way you're arrested, he pushed you on the ground, that do you think the person is going to say? now the cop will have a charge against him on his record. >> thanks, bo. >> it's horrible. coming up, it has been a tradition for two decades to pray during a high school graduation. but guess what, bo, those days, they're over because one person complained. and she starred on the hit show "30 rock." >> i had to eat four slices of pizza on stage at each performance. that's 32 pieces of pizza a week. >> jane krakowski is here with an awesome summer surprise, next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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♪ it's your second shot of the morning. yep. those museum signs that say do not touch are there for a reason. >> cameras catching the excruciating moment when a priceless clock crashes to the ground after a visitor insists on touching it at pennsylvania museum. >> priceless no more. the museum says this is why they beg and they plead with visitors not to paw the artifacts. >> you know what? i think we should teach the whole country a lesson, close the museums for a day. until we agree not to touch. >> i remember last time i left a thumb print on the roscoe, i felt bad about it. >> so that lady in the blue shirt, she is observing. but looks like the man on the left is the one that touched it. >> i do have one story for you. we had something in our family that was considered priceless -- hummels.
that was before the advent of the nerf ball. we thought it was a good idea to play football and we broke every single hummel. >> that's what they're for. >> we glued them back together because we didn't want to tell mom. >> we've done that before. let's hand it over to heather who has some headlines for us. good morning. >> brian, your mom never knew, right? >> it took her nine seconds to realize. yes. >> historical, good one. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the good day. a couple headlines i want to bring you right now. more signs of the democratic divide. we're talking about politics right now. harry reid all but calling for bernie sanders to drop out of the race with some harsh words for the socialist who plans to run his campaign through the convention. harry reid said i don't know that that prove, sometimes you have to give up. i've never been too good at math because i can figure that one out. i think he better do a little
mathing. just last week, reid told democrats to lay off sanders. well, does a light house count as dry land? that's what lawyers for 21 cuban migrants will argue in court later today. last month, the group climbed on the 135-year-old light house, off sugar loaf key in florida. now they're floating around in coast guard custody between florida and cuba until a decision is made where they should go. this is under the wet foot/dry foot policy we talked about before. migrants caught on land can stay while those caught on water are sent back. interesting. well, this has been a tradition for two decades. to pray at high school graduation, but those days could be over after one person complained about it. the superintendent of the school district in pennsylvania says that a parent wasn't happy because a student only focused on christianity at last year's pots grove high school graduation. listen. >> not allow the school to
provide a programmatic prayer in school related ceremonies. there are multiple supreme court decisions going back to 1963, the year i was born. >> well, there you go. public meetings is being held to review the issue next week. and you don't see this every day. a moose on the loose in the boston suburbs. the giant wild animal spotted by police running through two neighboring towns. officials somehow believe it was lost and it was last seen headed back into the woods. the moose causing such a stir it had its own twitter account, of course. called the belmont moose. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria molina, she has a look at the weather today. she probably has seen plenty of moose in her travels. hi, maria. >> hi, good morning. i want to start off across texas. that has been the big story that we have been tracking over the last couple of days because they have been dealing with some very significant flash flooding and river flooding that's ongoing. and unfortunately this morning we're dealing with more rain across the san antonio area. and also extending farther north into austin and also just
southeast of st. angelo. we have flash flood warnings out there because we have seen rainfall rates in excess of one inch per hour. a quick look at the highs today, feeling like summer out there across the southeast. now let's head over to ainsley, tucker and brian. >> thank you so much, maria. well, look who's here. when she's not starring on broadway, jane krakowski is delivering big laughs as you know in some of tv's best known comedies. >> i need your help. what's the hardest thing in the world for a trophy wife to do? >> lose the jerk but keep the perks. trademark me. >> i had to eat four slices of pizza on stage during each performance. that's 32 pieces of pizza a week. >> he's coasting on love. >> are bare feet in now or do you have your shoes off? >> wow. so it's only fitting she's the one to kick off the good humor welcome to joy tour.
>> that's right. honorary good humor woman. what does that mean? >> i'm kicking off the welcome to joy hood campaign and i'm giving away free ice cream! >> i like that program. free ice cream. >> part of a multicity tour. they're going to be in new york city for three weeks, giving away free ice cream all over the city. when you see this truck that means there's free ice cream available for everybody. then they're going to boston, washington, d.c. and miami. >> basically the sanders campaign. [ laughter ] >> it's called welcome to joy hood. why that theme? >> to me, good humor since my early childhood it represented the joys of summer. you'd hear that bell and go running and to me it brings out the joyhood of my childhood and of summer. >> i'm going to go do a background search. did you beg for ice cream? did you have to beg your parents for ice cream money as well? >> i always loved ice cream.
no, my parents were generous. they let us go to the truck when it came by. >> you were prepared. >> what's your favorite? we have our favorites. >> my favorite is strawberry shortcake. >> one of mine too. >> i love it with toasted alm d almonds, the giant king cone. >> here's the king cone. >> that is a multicultural ice cream. >> that's my favorite. >> ice cream for breakfast. >> what's the broadway series like for you? >> it's a joy. it's a home community. i can't tell you what a great time i have had working on this show. it has been such a blast. >> congratulations on your nomination. >> thank you. way more than i ever expected. >> jane, i know you said -- i won't hand out the ice cream, it's tough. we have people here. >> yeah. give it to all the crew. everyone going by. >> yeah. >> the people in the crowd. >> our cameramen can eat ice cream. >> starting to get melted. thank you. >> here you go.
>> chocolate -- >> yeah. >> vote for me.e want a king co? king cone? they're so good. >> i have had it for breakfast. jane krakowski is handing out ice cream today. all right. so great to see you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. su a pleasure to see you. >> okay, we have more ice cream to hand out. coming up next -- does everyone in america deserve a fair shot. >> you have to come together and choose the vision of america where everyone gets a fair shot. >> some say there's a problem in the president's agenda that some people here illegally are getting more benefits than the citizens. we have stunning numbers next. look at who's stopping by, it's billy ray cyrus. >> is he actually going to walk over here? >> he's an elvis impersonator. he's going to prove it, he is walking over. we have ice cream, billy. ♪
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protection with bravecto. president obama says every american ought to get a fair shot. >> we've got stop pitting working americans against each other. we'll have to come together and choose a vision of america where everybody gets a fair shot.
and everybody does their fair share and everybody plays by the same set of rules. >> but everybody does he mean american citizens, especially those in the country illegally? a new report shows illegal aliens may be getting a better deal than you're getting. these numbers are almost unbelievable. i'm assuming they're true, they're shocking. i want to put up on the screen the amount in welfare that the average illegal immigrant gets every year. $5,692 versus american families $4,431. what kind of country gives more benefits to illegal aliens than its own citizens? >> well, you know, tucker, it's all immigrant households just it's legal and illegal. they both receive very large amounts of welfare. actually, half of all immigrant households receive welfare.
you see the numbers on the screen there. it's quite large. to me the biggest take away from this is that there's something fundamentally wrong when immigrants are receiving more welfare than natives. >> so anybody who complains about this is derided immediately by the left as a racist, a nativist. attacked morally. is there another country that says come in and break our laws and we'll reward you and give you more than our own? >> no, not at all. actually i think that this is the kind of thing we need to pay attention to precisely because the president talked about coming together as a nation. i agree absolutely we should come together. and one way to do that is to help low skilled natives recover from the many problems they face right now. the worst possible way to do that is to bring in more cheap labor to compete with people who already have so many problems they're facing. i would say let's reduce some immigration, get it down to more modest levels. we can help i think unify the nation. >> and have a public debate which is not allowed at all as
you know. so the basic justification for the record high immigration levels we have right now, 3 million people in the last two years, is that our economy needs it. the engine of the economy -- it's a net plus. to america economically. but these numbers suggest the opposite. >> immigration certainly raises gdp, but almost all of that money goes to the immigrants themselves. only a small sliver that goes to natives and in exchange for that sliver a very large redistribution of money from labor to the capital. of course that doesn't begin to talk about the fiscal cost of the welfare numbers you see that were on the screen. so yes, absolutely. there are some major costs here and we should be talking about them. you know, i would credit someone like the trump campaign for bringing up some of these issues. you know, i appreciate that and, you know, whether you like him or hate him, at least we're now having a good debate about this. >> it raises a pretty deep question about government, does it serve its own citizens or
alleviate global poverty? >> that's a philosophical question. it should benefit the native people and benefit america itself. as i said, if that is the case and i think it should be, no one would sit down from scratch and write an immigration policy and say, you know what, let's have immigrants receiving more welfare than natives. that's a strong indication that we're not optimizing the system. >> anyone who points it out is attacked. thanks for come on. that was fascinating. our next guest needs no introduction at all. ♪ ♪ don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart i don't think it would understand ♪ >> billy ray cyrus, back in action and on the couch with his brand-new co-star. stay tuned. what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory
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♪ ♪ don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart ♪ ♪ i don't think it would understand ♪ from achy breaky heart to heart break hotel. playing elvis and finding out he has a 15-year-old daughter. >> lying is wrong. never lie unless it's to save someone else's feelings or helps you get what you want or makes things easier for you in one way or another. otherwise, it's wrong. >> okay, great life lesson. >> so joining us now stars of "still the king," billy ray cyrus and madison iseman. great to have you here.
>> good advice in the car there. >> yeah, playing it by ear, you know what i mean? >> congratulations. this airs not this weekend but the next sunday on cmt. >> that's right. on the 12th of june. >> you wrote this? you were one of the co-writers? >> yeah, it was a thought -- my grandfather was a pentecostal preacher, always loved elvis. i thought this was a thin line between jesus and elvis. >> how hard is it to impersonate elvis. we know it's hard to impersonate jesus. >> yeah, it takes a little bit of work. i had a good coach. wayne newton came in -- >> really? >> yeah. he's my uncle wayne, he did a great job on the show. he gave me a few pointers. i asked him, make sure i have the walk right and just a couple moves. he's my coach. my elvis coach. >> you have great idea for this series, so you do it. you're a guy coming off -- you have an alcohol problem. one hit wonder. then you find out as you sober
up you have a 15-year-old daughter, and what's your role in this? >> it's really cool because i play his daughter he never knew he had in the first place. he competegets out of jail and pay child support for the daughter he never knew about. we just met each other when we first started to shoot, so our relationship kind of grew as we were filming too. so i thought that was cool. >> you're from myrtle beach, south carolina. now you live in l.a. this is your first big role. >> yeah. >> when you got the call what was your reaction? >> oh, i started bawling. called my mom, everyone. well, everyone is so excited i would be in nashville. oh, you'll be so close to home. that was really cool. it was honestly a dream come true. i never imagined it. >> you're happy to be in america. you were in canada for a while. >> i have been all over the world. i've worked in a lot of different places but i knew nashville had the support, the talent and the film community to back this project. and worked a long time to bring, you know, a series to nashville.
we couldn't have picked a better place. >> isn't it the best? >> what's it like when you go out to breakfast in nashville? you must be mobbed. >> it's great. next week is great, it's cma festival. it will be fun. i get to do rock 'n' roll with cheap trick. >> wow. >> i'm real excited. for a boy from kentucky to get to rock with my heros there. >> do you get back to flatwoods? >> i haven't been there for a while. >> is your faith intact, your grandfather was a pent costal -- >> every day, i pray every day that the lord will give me the vision to do what i'm supposed to do and i pray for forgiveness for things i have done on the sh. >> do you also throw in god, by the way, if you have some time i have an album coming out in september. >> reading my prayers. >> absolutely. so what's it called? >> "thin line." >> it's a thin line between elvis and jesus, a thin line
between willie and the lord. kind of is. >> wow. >> madison, i heard he's like a father to you on the set. >> oh, my gosh, billy ray is the best. >> have you learned a lot? >> i have learned so much. i mean, it's awesome to see how much passion he puts into the project. that makes it so easy to work. makes everyone easy to work with. he's the best. >> congratulations and we'll be watching next weekend. >> thank you. >> beautiful person. >> have you ever -- it wasn't free, okay? >> you're not going anywhere. you're going to cook with us in the next hour. >> peanut butter sandwich. >> yeah. get your pens ready. congratulations. >> thanks. meanwhile on a serious note, the state department deliberately deleted the exchange between fox's james rosen and the state department spokesperson. more shocking, the investigation is over. admiral john kirby is here at the top of the hour to explain what happened. you know this song "best day of my life" the american authors
are here to perform their hit. that's live coming up. there they are in our greenroom. >> go big or go home, guys. allergies. and i'm doing just fine. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear. came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges
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it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. good thursday morning. tail end of the week, guys. june 2nd, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. the state department made a stunning admission -- it deliberately deleted the exchange between fox news' james rosen and the state department. the investigation is over. and john kirby is here to explain this, straight ahead. as of this hour, police are closing in on the man accused of shooting two police officers. they're surrounding a house where the suspect is believed to be barricaded. breaking details just coming in. and donald trump and hillary clinton exchanging fire. >> hillary clinton who lies -- i mean, she lies.
you remember that i started that? she lies. >> donald trump himself is a fraud. >> soon the personal attacks are going to start, trust me, i have a source is this a preview of the general election? think about that for a second while i tell you our slogan. mornings with better with "friends." ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> yeah. on the eve of our concert series comes an unbelievable appearance by american authors. one of the hottest bands playing "best day of my life." >> you're walking to work on sixth avenue and there they are. playing that song live on the streets of new york. you get a free concert in the morning if you live around this area. >> they're rolling out a new song, they'll debut it on the show which is going to be fantastic. they debut it on "go big or go home." >> so we know that brian is a
snazzy, great dresser. look at this. he's -- >> right. >> brian goes three pieces. >> three pieces. very brave, but you look good. you look great. you got this bookatailor came in several months ago -- am i making you nervous? they fit you with the suit. you look amazing. custom made suit and i got jealous. >> and? >> and they made this for one for me. feel in. right? >> it's nice. this is a great entrepreneur. this is a kid, 27 years old. he said i'm going out on my own. he comes up in a car, he measures you. >> he comes to your house. >> i'm getting one. rodney dangerfield golf outfit after this. >> that's the fun stuff. now to the serious stuff. to the fox news alert, well, first it was a glitch, remember? now in a stunning turn of events, the state department is finally admitting that it lied to you. >> administration saying it intentionally deleted an
exchange between chief washington correspondent james rosen and the department's then spokes woman jen psaki. >> don't expect anyone to be held accountable. garrett tenney, explain this. >> reporter: well, it was a state department official who specifically ordered that video to be deleted from the state department's official record. that missing video was from a state department briefing with reporters in december of 2013. when in response to questions from our own james rosen, jen psaki a spokes woman at the time admitted that the u.s. government had previously lied to reporters about the secret negotiations with iran over the secret nuclear program and then a state department official tried to cover up that admission by ordering that eight minute exchange to be deleted from the state department's website and youtube channel. you can see how it was replaced with a white flash effect. here's part of that exchange that an official didn't want you or anyone to see. >> let me try it one last way,
jen, i appreciate your indulgence. >> sure. >> is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations are concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal? >> james, i think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> yesterday spokesman john kirby said that the order to delete was made over the phone and the editor who cut that video out doesn't remember who made that specific request. and because there were no rules in effect, kirby said there will not be any further investigation. back to you all. >> thanks, garrett. >> i find that surprising, but we're lucky to have with him himself, the spokesman, john kirby. >> thanks for having me.
>> i know it was a tough day for you and it doesn't reflect on you what happened in the past but i'm surprised there isn't going to be a further investigation about who made the call to the editor to edit out that section of the public record. >> well, we took this seriously for one. and actually before i answer your question, i want to thank james rosen. your correspondent, for bringing this to my attention. because if he hadn't a couple of weeks ago i would have never known this occurred. so first of all, kudos to him. he's a journalist i have great respect for, so i thank him for that. number two, we take it seriously and we talked to the technician on duty that day and who was asked to make this cut. the call that came in to her was a call from somebody else passing on a request from another official. that's why -- it was too removed. another thing, i didn't say yesterday that everything was over.
i said that we looked at this. now, if additional information comes into light that's going to compel me to go into more detail or to look at it further i'll do that. i'm not afraid to do that at all. what i said to my staff yesterday was this was inappropriate. and this isn't the way we'll behave. what i'm focused on now as the spokesman is we're going to put in a policy yesterday, a policy that will prevent this from happening again. another thing i want to say, this video that was edited was a video we put on the youtube channel. there was still a full video of it existing on another official website, the defense information website as well as the transcript -- written transcript was never edited. i'm not mitigating or making excuses but the one that was edited was the went that on on the youtube channel. >> and james rosen found this out by accident. he asked a producer to pull it off of the website and he found it out by accident.
how many other videos have been edited under jen psaki's tenure. have you looked into that? >> the short answer to your question, i don't know. i don't know that's any way i can know. i don't have the time or the resources or the man power to go back and look at every single press briefing over the last three or four years. i don't know that's a useful use of taxpayer dollars. what i can tell you is i'm focused on going forward. and going forward we'll make sure that this kind of thing can never happen again. >> but asked the editor who -- i mean, you know the person who erased this clip. have you asked that person, did you erase anything else? >> i can't talk about the details of the discussion that was had with her. because it was done through our office of the legal adviser. our focus was really on this particular instance. and making sure that we tried to go as far as we could knowing what happened. >> in this particular case, did the editor remember who called her and directed her to do this? >> she did not. she did not know who called --
>> does that mean because she gets the calls all the time? they're too many for her to remember this one in particular? >> i don't think that's the case, no. >> why couldn't she remember? if she remembered deleting it, why couldn't she remember who gave her the direction? >> because there are only a few people who have the power to edit out the record. >> look, i was as curious about this as you were and james was. that's why i wanted the office of the legal adviser to look at this. i took this seriously. i can't speak for the memory of this individual. this happened three years ago and i just can't speak for what she remembered or didn't wren. all she remembered was it was a request passed on -- the caller was passing on the request from somebody else in my bureau, in the public affairs bureau. we don't find that acceptable. >> what do you make of jen psaki's admission in the tape, yes, sometimes you have to lie from the podium. do you agree with that? do you lie from the podium? >> no, we don't lie. that's a key tenet of being a
spokesman you can't lie. the moment you do that, your credit, you authenticity goes down the toilet. she didn't say it was okay to lie, but she said that diplomacy needs privacy sometimes to be effective. that's actually true. a lot of what our diplomats do around the world, as a spokesman coming over from the pentagon, i would love to talk about what we're doing around the world, but sometimes that has to be remain private so that result can happen. she didn't say she lied or anybody lied. >> rick grenell told us -- he's a spokesperson at the state department before. he told us this a half hour ago. >> there's a cover-up going on right now. you don't get to just say that a violation of a federal records act is a done deal, we're not moving on. this not what happens. this is about credibility of government. >> is is there a cover-up? >> no, there's no cover-up.
not at all. i think you guys know me well enough to know that i would never abide by any such thing. as i said, we interviewed this individual. we tried to find out what happened. where i am now is where i was yesterday. we just don't know who made the request and why. but if additional information were to come to life that would change our finding, i would look at it deeper. >> how firm were you when you said, i need a name, i imagine if someone said i forgot, i don't know that would suffice for you. >> listen, i did not get involved in the particular line of questioning. i wanted somebody outside the bureau to look at this. it wouldn't be done by the chain of command, that's something i brought from the military days. you want somebody unbiased to look at it and that's why i
asked the legal shop to do it for you. >> so good of you to get up and try to shed some more light on this story. thanks so much. >> i'm happy to do it. thanks. heather has some headlines for us. >> i certainly do. breaking news, take a live look at this home in fremont, california. inside, well, it is now on fire. an armed suspect is accused of shooting two police officers. we have been watching this live unfold all morning long. one of those officers this morning is fighting for his life. just moments ago, cops threw a tear gas canister into that home. >> there's been no contact and there's a lot of places -- nooks and crannies and bathrooms we still can't see into. daylight will be very helpful to us. >> this all started during a traffic stop. the suspect backed into one of the police officer's car and then he shot him. that officer is in critical condition. then at a second location he
shoot another officer. that officer is expected to be okay. we'll keep you posted on this story as it develops out in california. a field trip takes a terrifying turn. when panicked children scramble to put on life jackets as the boat they were in capsized and then sunk. the children, some of them, were just 5 years old. there were 22 people on board this boat and take a look at the picture. it was a charter boat now completely under water. this happening in the chesapeake bay in maryland. the captain radioed for help. but before the coast guard could show up a nearby boater was able to rescue all 22 passengers as we understand it and all the children will be just fine. and then some good news from the record flooding, horses are being led to safety. you can see them walk through the water up to their knees, guided by ranchers in a boat there. yesterday, they were trapped on the front porch of their owner's ranch as they were trying to
find higher ground. much different for this cattle. dozens swimming up to their necks. rescue workers are trying to guide them to safety. some of them we're told did not make it. those are your headlines. scary down in texas. >> yeah. i don't know, so awful and devastating. thank you, heather. straight ahead, less than a week away from california, from the california primary and hillary clinton and bernie sanders are still in a heated race. so what does it mean if hillary loses california? you know him from "property brothers" but he got caught in a bar fight. >> oh, no. >> oh, yes. say it ain't so. >> it is. >> so. >> so. protection
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>> january. >> that will be inauguration time, you have to wear thicker clothing. new jersey and north dakota, as well as montana and new mexico and here's the question. how bad does hillary clinton need california? >> well, she just needs 70 more delegates to take her over the edge to get the nomination. many people say mathematically speaking there's no way that bernie can win. >> right. >> bernie says if he doesn't win in california and they are neck and neck according to the poll, the latest poll clinton's getting 49% and sanders is getting 47%, he says if he can't get california, he's basically out. there's no way to go forward. >> it basically means what you mean by win. debbie wasserman schultz made sure she'll win. but he's winning the argument over who represents the actual democratic voters. it's a socialist party and hillary clinton has to move to where he is. >> why does he stay in the race
if he can't mathematically win? >> he's making a moral point. this isn't a campaign about listen to what he say, it's about morals, morality. he's fighting against the legacy of the clintons, the legacy of obama. he wants to pull that party to the left and he's done it. >> he wants to and he had a spokesperson on with us yesterday, we're going from the convention to june and july. he had 10,000 people at a rally yesterday. meanwhile, hillary clinton jetted out from new jersey to california, last minute when she possibly saw the polls. that was referred to by bernie sanders yesterday, but she's not talking about bernie sanders. she went after trump and trump university and he fired back. >> donald trump has disqualified himself completely. he has attacked our closest allies. he has said let's pull out of nato. he has praised the dictator of north korea. he's advocated more countries getting nuclear weapons. this is not just divisive
rhetoric, my friends. this is dangerous. >> she lies. she made a speech and making another one tomorrow and they sent me a copy of the speech. and it was such lies about my foreign policy. these are crooked people. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> it's amazing. so she says he praised the leader of north korea. the one that your husband tried to raise money from from the clinton foundation. >> it's up to the voter. if the voter wants change, they have to go for trump. if you want more of the same, go for hillary. >> marco rubio and ted cruz went after donald trump the same exact way and they lost. i'm pretty sure they need a plan "b." we'll see. divorce is never good, especially when there's property involved. bob massi will answer one of the biggest questions about splitting up your dream home. >> that's sad. >> a little depressing. and he's the black lives
matter leader charged with sex trafficking. wait until you hear the other charges he's facing. we have the rap sheet. stay tuned for that.
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we have some headlines for you. americans richest self-made woman is now worth nothing. her name is elizabeth holmes and her company was worth an estimated $9 billion by forbes last year. but now the magazine says the health care company is worth zero due to recent legal allegations against her. taking her place on the list, this woman. her name is diane hendrix. worth an estimated $4.9 billion. she made her fortune in roofing
with only a high school diploma. she's the chairwoman of abc supply. >> we have to get her on. meanwhile, the housing market is constantly changing and your real estate questions continue to pour in. joining us right now to answer those questions is the host of "the property man," the property man himself, bob massi. welcome back. >> thank you, sir. >> so we have three questions for you. ready? all right, here it is. this is from -- this is from an unnamed viewer. i'm interested in the wholesale real estate market. how does this work? >> one of the biggest mistakes that want to get into buying homes at short sales and foreclosures and rehabbing and selling, they don't consider it is a business. you can lose a lot of money. if you're getting into that, remember it's in the buy like in any product you'll buy. number two, you have to get good advice. you have to understand what rehab means and reference the fixing up the homes, buying it right, selling it right and getting the right marketplace. so consider it a business if you
want to get into that business. >> but what do you mean by wholesale real estate market? >> well, when you buy from a foreclosure, short sale, you're buying at a discounted situation because they're distressed properties so that's a wholesale market you're buying from. >> here's another e-mail from chris. my divorce is about to be settled. the loan on the home is $155,000 and the present value is $700,000. how do i get my name off the loan? >> well, you would think that if in fact unfortunately he went through this divorce that the way that the home was going to be disposed of should have been handled in the divorce decree. in other words, a lot of times people get divorced it has to be sold or refinanced, if you give the other spouse the deed, you're on the original deed. we did one of the stories on "the property man." i'm sure they have a competent lawyer.
if their name is on the mortgage they have to go back into the court in order to get their name off, sell the home, refinance it. otherwise that debt stays with them. even though they transferred that title to the ex-spouse, that debt stays with them until it's refinanced or sold. >> bob, last question, from john. he says my home appraisal didn't include my basement. why is that? >> i called a couple of appraisal friends of mine and i welcome any of the viewers who are appraisers to help me with this. if a basement is improved, where for example, it's a living space, they converted it into the bedroom or a bathroom it's livable as opposed to storage or a place to put your treadmill if it's improved some appraisers will put that as part of the value of the house. if in fact it's not for whatever reason, and again, i welcome our appraiser viewers to explain its more so, some of them don't put that into the actual value of the house. that could significantly at times affect the value of a
house on the appraisal. >> right. if you show up and won't buy a house -- if you have a problem. if you want a basement you've got it. nice the -- it's in the eye of the beholder. bob massi, at 12:00s and sundays at 3:00. if you have any real estate questions, write bob. you can write him on have a great weekend. >> thanks, brian. meanwhile, coming up, a 911 call one operator will never forget. >> what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> a 5-year-old calls the cops on his own dad. you have to hear what happens when his dad gets on the phone. tucker is still outraged. and we're heating things one billy ray cyrus. he is cooking with things. something so complicated you won't believe. please get your pen and paper ready. "fox & friends," elvis style, in a moment.
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helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life, my life ♪ why would we play this song? >> because, brian, they're out there on the plaza. they're going to perform for us live this morning. love that song. >> american authors are here. we'll ask them what was the best day of your life? can you be more specific? >> right. >> a good question. >> you don't have to have probing questions for rock 'n' roll bands. >> you should have asked -- seen what i asked the blue oyster cult. >> that's why we never booked
the beatles. >> and billy ray cyrus will be cooking for us. all right, heather nauert is somewhere. >> i'm over here. good morning. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the great day. we begin with a shocking attack on a city bus. a passenger kicking an 80-year-old woman right in the face. a warning, this video is hard to watch. >> oh! >> goodness. unfolded in washington state. the bus driver pulls over and then yanks the man off the woman. the attacker then jumps on that driver. the driver manages to get off the bus and that's when the suspect tries to take the bus. but the driver made sure that wasn't going to happen. she shut off the battery so the bus wouldn't start. that man was later arrested. that's in port angeles, washington. remember charles wade, the black lives matter leader who was charged with sex trafficking. well, we are now learning he's an alleged scammer as well. a lawyer for the st. louis real estate developer say they lost more than $10,000 after wade
skipped town without paying rent. some reports estimate he took in hundreds of thousands of dollars in online donations for operation help or hush. that's a group he cofounded in the wake of the police shooting of michael brown. and a wild night for property stars -- "property brothers" star jonathan scott. brand-new video shows him in the thick of a bar fight. it happened back in april. he was out with some friends and they were escorted out at closing time. he's the tall guy in the black shirt. you can sort of see in the video. he came back for round two, pushing and shoving ensues. scott was on the show last month and he said he was assaulted. officials said there's not enough evidence to prove it ivi. no charges have been filed. steve is not in that fight, nope nope nope. just that guy, jonathan. okay. who else has a 6-year-old little boy who likes to tattle? i certainly do. not even family can get past
this pint sized crime fighter. he's 5, he called 911 on his own dad after his dad ran a red light in massachusetts. but that right-hand turn was actually legal. hey, kid, learn the law. so you have to listen to this. >> 911, what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> he did? >> mm-hmm. >> is he there right now? >> yeah. >> can i talk to him? >> yeah. >> hello? >> hello, police. >> i want to apologize. that's my 5-year-old son. >> he said you ran a red light. [ laughter ] >> oh, no, i apologize. >> there's my kid, the kid made the whole thing up. well, that dad getting away without a ticket. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria molina where she has a look at the weather for us. hi, there, maria. >> good morning. all kinds of chaos out there, but we want to talk about the weather chaos that's unfortunately playing out across texas where we have been dealing
with a lot of heavy rain over the last couple of days. some areas picking up eight inches of rain and it's still coming down. look at san antonio area, even extending farther north and west to st. angelo. we have steady rain that's been coming down. some of it at an inch of rain per hour. that's a significant rate out there. you can see that again over the past week. heavy rain has fallen and because of this threat we do have flash flood warnings in effect. temperatures today are going to be warm and summer like. you'll make it into the 90s in atlanta and orlando. out west, temperatures are climbing into the 80s this afternoon in denver and in billings. let's head back inside. >> thanks, maria. in the new comedy called "still the king" billy ray cyrus plays a country music star turned elvis impersonator. >> now he's turning into the elvis inspired chef.
he's making one of the king's favorite dishes, indeed, his signature dish. thank you for coming on. >> this is the best day of my life. we're going to make a bacon peanut butter sandwich here. >> wow. >> fried. >> elvis loved this. >> he loved it. >> what do we do? >> i do too. first thing to do, get a piece of bread. >> white bread. >> yeah. it has the butter on as you can see. i'll put some extra on. what you do right now, just glop. >> i noticed you didn't clean the knife. is that part of it? >> never clean the knife. >> use one utensil. >> there will be stuff on it from yesterday that adds extra crunch. so you can take this, smear that on there. >> why not go to the edges? >> there's butter all over that knife too. i'll get a new knife. >> put a bunch of peanut butter. >> a ton. the more peanut butter -- >> the better. >> now what do we do. >> we want some of the bananas
on here. should i just grab it -- >> are these sliced by a machine or -- >> i did this myself. i came in at 5:30. >> i saw you, i didn't want to disturb you. >> thanks. kind of heap them on. >> so peanut butter and banana. >> this is the icing on the cake right here, this is pure pig. fried. this is all oink oink right here. just -- >> does it come with a heart surgeon? >> achy breaky heart, that's right. >> a lot of bacon on there. put the top on it? >> put the top on. put it in the hot butter. we have our -- the main thing is what you want to do is smash it. you know what i mean? >> really? >> you want it down. >> it's too high right now. >> then also take the bread and swoosh it around here. >> can i sample one? >> absorb every bit of butter. >> then you flip it -- >> gently flip it.
don't worry. >> did elvis make these himself? >> no, he had a helper that helped him out. >> okay. let's taste one. tucker? >> you go ahead. >> i actually eat stuff like this. >> taste it and see if you like it. >> okay. it's unbelievable. come on now. >> that actually is really good. i didn't think it would be. >> you are pretending like you know what you're doing. you are a great actor. >> yeah, yeah. a lot of times if this doesn't have the right taste, you know you can just add maybe a little bit of ketchup. >> absolutely. >> joining us live, billy ray cyrus. you're not only a great singer, actor, person, but a great cook. great job. >> thank you. >> coming up -- we have been following a breaking story. a house is on fire and inside, a man accused of shooting two police officers.
we have the breaking details live from the scene next. and some happy news for you. today is going to be the best day of your life. we can say that confidently. ♪ american authors here to debut their brand-new song. stay tuned. >> and sing that one. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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where a suspect accused of shooting two cops is holed up inside. >> now, one of those officers fighting for his life at this hour. >> we have the very latest on this very tense situation. janine, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, there is a heavy police presence here in fremont in this neighborhood which is usually a bustling business district. but behind me you can see there is a house on fire. and it seems like it's picked up and we can see smoke there and the flames in the distance. now, in the last hour, we heard what sounded like multiple flash bangs. some sort of an explosion. maybe about eight or nine of them. we haven't gotten any sort of explanation from police and we haven't seen any officers running into the house. but at this point, they believe the suspect is alive. it sounded like it was a pow, pow, pow, and now the suspect has barricaded himself in here
since 11:30 last night. in california time. firefighters have been dousing that house with water and they say the fire is contained. they're just letting it burn at this hour. they want this suspect to come out and peacefully surrender. he hasn't made any sort of demands, but he has let officers know that he is armed and he's willing to go the long haul for this. so far, he is just refusing to come out. >> all right. thanks so much. janine de la vega. straight ahead, it's going to be one of the best days of our lives. i think. >> if not the best. ♪ >> american authors here to debut their brand-new song on our plaza. don't miss it. >> right here, right now.
so does hillary clinton have a problem with bernie in california? why a former adviser to her says yes. he joins us this morning on that. and trump said hillary is crook and hadn't given a press conference in 179 days. eric trump has the latest on the campaign. and while the country grieves a gorilla dozens are shot in chicago. the reality of what's going on in the american cities that no one wants to talk about, when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life, my life ♪ you know them from one of their hit songs "best days of my
life." and now they're releasing "what we live for" in less than a man. >> joining us is zach burnett. >> good to see you guys. >> thank you for getting up with us. we appreciate it. >> it's early but we're happy to be here. >> tell us about this song. what does it mean to you? >> it was such a crazy song when we wrote it. it was a bunch of different songs that came together to form this one and it's about getting lost in the dream world and creating your own best day for yourself. >> what was it about? what was your best day? >> it's really more about escaping. we have the crazy things going on in the world every single day. there's always good things and bad things happening as well. it's about how you get through that and how you create your open best moments. >> tucker had one wish. what was that? that you'd play that live? >> and a big reveal after the break. >> yes. after the break. yeah, let's do it. "best day of my life." >> all right. thank you very much. ♪
♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud ♪ ♪ i jumped so high i touched the clouds ♪ ♪ oh oh, oh oh ♪ ♪ i stretched my hands out to the sky ♪ ♪ which danced with monsters through the night ♪ ♪ oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna look back whoa, i'm never gonna give it up ♪ ♪ no, please, don't wake me now ♪ ♪ two, three, four oh, oh this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ♪ ooh, ooh, this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life
ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh i howled at the moon with friends ♪ ♪ and then the sun came crashing in ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ but all the possibilities no limits just epiphanies ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ i'm never gonna look back, whoa, i'm never going to give it up ♪ ♪ no, just don't wake me now ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ooh, ooh ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life
♪ ♪ i hear it calling outside my window ♪ ♪ i feel it in my soul ♪ the stars were burning so bright ♪ ♪ the sun was out till midnight ♪ ♪ i say we lose control ♪ ooh ooh, ooh ooh ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ♪ this is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gonna be the
best day of my life ♪ everything is looking up, everybody up now ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life [ cheers and applause ] thank you! when you booked this trip, you didn't know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. a few weeks ago, you didn't even know where here was. now the only thing you don't know, is how you're gonna leave. expedia. technology that connects you to the people and places that matter.
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cool. it's a brand we grew up with. you can get the brand-new song at unexpected sounds so it's musicians trying to get the music out to new fans and a maybe a new group of people that wouldn't normally hear your music. >> it shows you that madison avenue two blocks over has accepted your band, that's mainstream, baby. >> it's all good. we're happy to be out in new york city and hanging out with you guys and living the dream. >> how fast can you eat one of these? >> probably 15 seconds. >> is it the best day of your life? >> every day is. >> the brand-new album, you're going to debut it right now? >> we have a brand-new album, "what we live for" and you can preorder it. >> this is the first time we're hearing this song. >> have a great show. he's going to play us out. got that, bill o'reilly? ♪
♪ sipping champagne, i want to say my name on top of the eiffel tower ♪ ♪ the eiffel tower i'm going to hit that black jack tournament ♪ ♪ i'm doing to take that money and run right here, right here, right now ♪ ♪ but take that train, i want to catch that sign ♪ ♪ if you're not on that plane, taking off tonight ♪ ♪ all the money in the world, baby ♪ ♪ don't mean a thing to me and even if we're broke, baby ♪ ♪ don't mean a thing to me right here, right now ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, right here, right now you have been showing tokyo, on the karaoke i want the bump it
louder, a little bit louder ♪ ♪ singing along with elton john and rolling right here, right now ♪ ♪ right here, right now take that train ♪ bill: a fox news alert. the democratic leader facing problems on multiple fronts. brand-new polling shows bernie sanders hot on her heels in california as the email scandal continues to dog her campaign. martha: i'm martha maccallum. hillary clinton and bernie sanders virtually a dead heat in the golden state. bernie sanders and donald trump are sensing blood in the water. >> she has no natural talent to

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Diagram , Parallel , Writing , Number , Electronic Signage , Neon , Neon Sign , Visual Effect Lighting , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Anime , Brick , Volleyball , Net Sports , Skin , Cheek , Water Sport , Supermarket , Water Polo , Sportswear , Exercise Machine , Exercise Equipment , Treadmill , Gym , Physical Fitness , Elliptical Trainer , Astronaut , Bus , Cable Car , Hot Air Ballooning , Landmark , Official Residence , Classical Architecture , Manor House , Presidential Palace , University , Stately Home , Courthouse , Villa , Historic House , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , National Historic Landmark , Mosque , Landscape Lighting , Tower , Castle , Architecture , Byzantine Architecture , Commercial Building , Rectangle , Clip Art , Calligraphy , Spring , Petal , Magnolia , Flower Arranging , Blossom , Park , Picnic , Walking , Flowering Plant , Still Life , Wildflower , Eating , Popcorn , Jasmine , Moth Orchid , Gardenia , Amaryllis Family , Pattern , Sporting Group , Non Sporting Group , Guard Dog , Dusk , Pier , Sound , Luxury Yacht , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Wetsuit , Surfing , Boardsport , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Tide , Silhouette , Bird , Photo Shoot , Model , Scene , Eyewear , Glasses , Ear , Happy , Elbow , Vision Care , Bodyboarding , Wakeboarding , Rapid , Terrain , Science , Coasteering , Skimboarding , Wakesurfing , Action Figure , Regularity Rally , Porsche 911 , Porsche 930 , Classic Car , Convertible , Porsche 911 Classic , Porsche 912 , Porsche 959 , Hood , Ruf Ctr , Birds Eye View , Bay , Mountain Pass , Reservoir , Hill , Inlet , Gravy , Chocolate Syrup , Ice Cream , Electronics Accessory , Bar , Coffeehouse , Food Court , Fast Food Restaurant , Alcoholic Beverage , Leaf , Mower , Lawn Mower , All Terrain Vehicle , Riding Mower , Grassland , Golf Cart , Tractor , Monster Truck , Field , Rural Area , Agricultural Machinery , Agriculture , Steam Engine , Off Road Racing , Plough , Straw , Hay , Crop , Grass Family , Pasture , Dirt Road , Mountain Bike , Tread , Jeep , Radio Controlled Car , Tire Care , Downhill Mountain Biking , Mountain Biking , Freeride , Bike , Cycle Sport , Cyclo Cross , Trail , Bicycle Motocross , Military Vehicle , Rallying , Paintball , Scoreboard , Highland , Prairie , Motocross , Landing , Meadow , Harvest , Safari , Rally Raid , Jeep Wrangler , Mud , Jeep Cj , Audio Equipment , Electronic Instrument , Jungle , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Vegetation , Stream , Puddle , Plant Community , Tropics , Caribbean , Arecales , Resort , Vitis , Paddle , People On Beach , Shorts , Beach Volleyball , Ball , Vintage Car , Antique Car , Volkswagen Beetle , Classic , Custom Car , Volkswagen , Supermini , Birthday , Candle , Birthday Cake , Party , Bottle , Glass Bottle , Carnival , Fair , Amusement Ride , Entertainment , Percussion , Bowed String Instrument , Folk Instrument , Concert , Ritual , Folk Dance , Dance , Body Of Water , Cay , Island , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Grove , Underwater , Reef , Coral Reef , Coral , Fish , Cave , Coral Reef Fish , Underwater Diving , Diving Equipment , Divemaster , Invertebrate , Local Food , Botanical Garden , Plantation , Natural Foods , Nepenthes , Market , Whole Food , Vegan Nutrition , Lugger , Dinghy Sailing , Sailing Ship , Dinghy , Moscow , Schooner , Windsports , Lagoon , Yawl , Mast , Lake , Lake District , Loch , Mountain , Fjord , Reflection , Mountain Range , Cape , Fell , Crater Lake , Mount Scenery , Headland , Cliff , Peninsula , Promontory , Archipelago , Hotel , Inn , Motel , Outlet Store , Rest Area , Toy , Plastic , Comic Book , Publication , Tabletop Game , Plaid , Tartan , Textile , Dress Shirt , Jersey , Collar , Button , Bodybuilding , Concept Car , Laser , Company , Honda , General Motors , Album Cover , Fiction , Singer , Flash Photography , Cool , Lecture , Medical Assistant , Thumb , Physician , Convenience Food , Distilled Beverage , Vodka , Liqueur , Energy Drink , Chemistry , Drinking Water , Medical Equipment , Medi Cal , Flag Day Usa , Independence Day , Cheerleading , Selfie , Sugar Paste , Fondant , Sugar Cake , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Skyscraper , Cityscape , Skyline , Shopping Mall , Hill Station , Paddy Field , Artificial Turf , Cash Crop , Tundra , People In Nature , Farmworker , Grapevine Family , Amphibian , Frog , Carnivorous Plant , Farmer , Vineyard , Botany , Greenhouse , Plant Stem , Wheatgrass , Herb , Baby , Tableware , Pollinator , Insect , Honeybee , Membrane Winged Insect , Bee , Annual Plant , Bonsai , Kale , Lettuce , Turquoise , Operating System , Computer Monitor , Reading , Teacher , Taste , Kitchen , Banquet , Rehearsal Dinner , Function Hall , Wedding Reception , Tablecloth , Dinner , Quinceanera , Bride , Bridesmaid , Prom , Haute Couture , Bridal Accessory , Headpiece , Vernissage , Art Exhibition , Management , Corporate Headquarters , Ipad , Graphics Tablet , Computer , Caramel Color , Triangle , Icon , Animation , Action Film , Freestyle Bmx , Flatland Bmx , Choreography , Cross Country Running , Sports Training , Football Player , Rugby , Song , Singing , Parachuting , Parachute , Sunglasses , Paragliding , Fur , Loft , Airport Terminal , Pet , Dog , Canidae , Dog Breed , Golden Retriever , Puppy , Retriever , Labrador Retriever , Companion Dog , Nursery , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Spaniel , Mammal , Iphone , Vertebrate , Conformation Show , Picket Fence , Street Sign , Sofa Bed , Toilet , Restroom , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Portable Toilet , Box , Carton , Packaging And Labeling , Book , Shelf , Snout , Ancient Dog Breeds , Whiskers , Hovawart , Livestock Guardian Dog , Small Greek Domestic Dog , Street Dog , Gun Dog , Present , Picture Frame , Shelving , Craft , Flyer , Engineering , Technician , Construction Equipment , Machine Tool , Engineer , Electronic Engineering , School Bus , Forklift Truck , Automobile Repair Shop , Honda Element , Research , Laboratory , Health Care , Research Institute , Medical Technologist , Health Care Provider , White Coat , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Nurse , Clinic , Patient , Tooth , Woodworking , Workshop , Patio , Linens , Nativity Scene , Hobby , Cottage , Outdoor Play Equipment , Dollhouse , Log Cabin , Working Dog , Animal Shelter , Scale , Professional Wrestling , Pool , Pope , Arena , Pommel Horse , Baseball Umpire , Bat And Ball Games , Wood Flooring , Laminate Flooring , Suite , Satellite , Space Station , Leg Extension , Leg Press , Modern Art , Golf , Golf Club , Golf Course , Precision Sports , Golf Equipment , Talent Show , Horse Harness , Horse Tack , Rein , Bridle , Halter , Stallion , Animal Sports , Pack Animal , Mare , Mane , Horse Supplies , Saddle , Livestock , Equestrian Sport , Equitation , Equestrianism , Western Riding , Rodeo , Dressage , Traditional Sport , Eventing , Academic Dress , Graduation , Phd , Police Dog , Jumping , Lens Flare , Camera , Cameras Optics , Camera Operator , Camera Accessory , Cinematographer , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Camera , Videographer , Digital Slr , Filmmaking , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Film Camera , Camera Lens , Lens , Explosion , Troop , War , Military Officer , Military Person , Winter Storm , Rifle , Shooting Sport , Gun , Shooting , Air Gun , Sniper Rifle , Trigger , Peking Opera , Freezing , Blizzard , Wrinkle , Pollution , Closet , Wardrobe , Clothes Hanger , Dry Cleaning , Boutique , Blacksmith , Steel , Nail , Jewellery , Drama , Cowboy , Army , Military Uniform , Military Organization , Infantry , Tribe , Marines , Working Animal , Kiss , 3d Modeling , Digital Compositing , Adventure Game , Carpet , Memorial Day , Medal , Car Dealership , Bodyguard , Porsche Panamera , Range Rover Evoque , Range Rover , Porsche Cayenne , Spoke , Alfa Romeo , Hubcap , Bentley , Muscle Car , Moonlight , Jaguar , Jaguar Xf , Jaguar Xj , Microphone , Buzz Cut , Wrist , Leather , Foot , Alcohols , Knee , Tights , Leggings , Balance , Lunge , Stretching , Human Anatomy , Weightlifting , Gardening , Kindergarten , Kettlebell , Sari , Marriage , Selling , Backpacking , Hiking , Cycling , Outdoor Recreation , Road Bicycle , , Hybrid Bicycle , Bicycle Frame , Racing Bicycle , Bicycle Saddle , Bicycle Handlebar , Mo Ney , Cash , Banknote , Currency , Money Handling , Dollar , Graffiti , Hemp Family , Music Artist , Airline , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Martial Arts , Taekwondo , Collaboration , Rolls Royce , Swing , Dog Walking , Collection , Racket , Freestyle Motocross , Endurocross , Mother , Daughter , Sibling , Fathers Day , Campus , Almond , Citrus , Orange , Hanise , Granola , Malvales , Payment Card , Personal Computer , Software Engineering , Desktop Computer , Bob Cut , Dining Room , Coffee Table , Bedroom , Telephony , Costume , Throat , Actors , French Bulldog , Pointing Breed , Kennel Club , Comics , Housewarming Party , Sharing , Backlighting , Professor , Limousine , Electric Car , Chevrolet , Compact Mpv , Videoconferencing , Security , Nissan Leaf , Bugatti , Rolls Royce Phantom , Cadillac , Leather Jacket , Street Fashion , Fur Clothing , Denim , Manatee , Marine Mammal , Precipitation , Honda Ridgeline , Acrobatics , Tongue , Red Hair , Handwriting , Line Art , Drawing , Sketch , Figure Drawing , Coloring Book , Camel , Camelid , Arabian Camel , Llama , Stomach , Cargo Pants , Beige , Pocket , Fashion Design , Glove , Skin Care , Liquid , Gingerbread House , Gingerbread , Cuckoo Clock , Home Accessories , Lego , Thai Food , Curry , Taco , Mexican Food , Latin American Food , Flatbread , Quesadilla , Kids Meal , Italian Food , Prepackaged Meal , Full Breakfast , Pastry , Waffle , Canadian Cuisine , Big Mac , Astronomical Object , Universe , Fête , Nebula , Star , Astronomy , Outer Space , New Year , Fireworks , New Years Eve , New Years Day , Seminar , Conference Hall , Shooting Range , Supervillain , High Heels , Cruiser , Cyclocomputer , Revolver , Bicycle Part , Motorcycle Helmet , Lamp , Sad , Metro , Sphere , Hero , Rock Concert , Bichon , Toy Dog , Christmas , English Cocker Spaniel , Poker , Gambling , Card Game , Cavachon , Lhasa Apso , American Cocker Spaniel , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Deer , Chevrolet Hhr , Nissan Armada , Nissan Quest , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Ford Five Hundred , Ford , Saturn Vue , Stunt Performer , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Tropical Cyclone , Perching Bird , Tape , Freshwater Aquarium , Aquarium , Aquatic Plant , Waterfall , Animal Migration , Badlands , Glacier , Penguin , Convention , Super Bowl , Cheering , Motor Ship , Tower Block , Sports Drink , Plastic Bottle , Dietary Supplement , Football , Soccer Player , Soccer , Soccer Ball , Womens Football , American Football , Tackle , Lawn Game , Dog Agility , Kick , Flag Football , Gridiron Football , Pole Vault , Goal , Soccer Specific Stadium , Soft Drink , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Credit Card , Club , Fitness Professional , Fitness And Figure Competition , Bodybuilding Supplement , Superfruit , Cup , Windscreen Wiper , Volkswagen Transporter T4 , Chevrolet Astro , Microvan , Light Commercial Vehicle , Minibus , Baggage , Museum , Hall , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Boutique Hotel , Plaster , Bangs , Suitcase , Bag , Handbag , Hand Luggage , Luggage And Bags , Curtain , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Beer , Party Supply , Audio Engineer , Chef , Cook , Culinary Art , Coffee , Chip , Waist , Wine , Mixing Console , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Balloon , Aerostat , Satay , Karaage , Brochette , Chicken Meat , Pakora , Sate Kambing , Kebab , Frying , Souvlaki , Korokke , Fried Chicken , Ultramarathon , Half Marathon , Lumber , Plank , Pollen , Butterfly , Anemone Fish , Pomacentridae , Kettle Corn , Orchid , Cattleya , Good Friday , Tattoo , Temporary Tattoo , Netbook , Manta Ray , Rays And Skates , Truck Driver , Bus Driver , Cockpit , Pilot , Overpass , Track , Skateboard , Concrete , Skateboarding Equipment , Carmine , Plateau , Savanna , Canyon , Wadi , Cetacea , Dolphin , Whale , Killer Whale , Airliner , Fire Department , Fire Apparatus , Coupe Utility , Filling Station , Marketplace , Army Men , Flowerpot , Pottery , Pharmacy , Baby Products , Kettle , Toilet Seat , Clothes Iron , Class , Customer , Prescription Drug , Bouquet , Creative Arts , Cornales , Wolfdog , Czechoslovakian Wolfdog , Alaskan Malamute , Siberian Husky , Herding Dog , German Shepherd Dog , Obedience Training , Greenland Dog , Putter , Pitch And Putt , Baby Carriage , Flap , Bow And Arrow , Citrullus , Baby Activity , Sled Dog , Dog Sports , Wine Bottle , Sauces , Condiment , Syrup , Mulled Wine , Original Chicken Sandwich , Bungee Jumping , Tennis , Tennis Player , Tennis Court , Racquet Sport , Trampolining , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Palm Tree , Tennis Equipment , Real Tennis , Tennis Racket Accessory , Soft Tennis , Head Restraint , Rolls Royce Ghost , Group B , Dirt Track Racing , Banger Racing , World Rally Car , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Wraith , Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé , Audi Q7 , Sandal , Fashion Model , Ankle , Basic Pump , Fashion Show , Chandelier , Wallet , Outdoor Table , Cabinetry , Tile , Roller Coaster , Tall Ship , Galleon , Scaffolding , Galley , Cargo Ship , Ferris Wheel , Ferry , Solar Energy , Tugboat , Border Collie , Seabird , Parasailing , Kite Sports , Horse Racing , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Circus , Casino , Shih Tzu , Rare Breed Dog , Puppy Love , Pekingese , Chinese Imperial Dog , Tibetan Spaniel , Slot Machine , Flight Attendant , Food Truck , Gas , Trade , Air Hockey , Drawer , Gelato , Seafood , Crab , Refrigerator , Fordf Series , Fordf 550 , Ford Excursion , Fordf 350 , Ford Motor Company , Rv , Ambulance , Trailer , Tram , Double Decker Bus , Goggles , Water Park , Fluid , Buffet , Laundry Detergent , Trench Coat , Overcoat , Pleased , Elder , Dreadlocks , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Railway , Train , Truck Bed Part , Horse Trailer , Dome , Steeple , Listed Building , Artistic Gymnastics , Balance Beam , Gymnastics , Electric Guitar , Bassist , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Guitar , Guitar Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Bass Guitar , Personal Water Craft , Waterskiing , Street Stunts , Flip Acrobatic , Freestyle Walking , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Bicycle Wheel , Road Cycling , Bicycle Pedal , Bicycle Helmet , Bicycle Racing , Road Bicycle Racing , Bicycle Clothing , Cross Country Cycling , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Bicycle Fork , Dune , Banana Leaf , Projection Screen , Recruiter , Output Device , Chinese New Year , Crescent , Track And Field Athletics , Street Sports , Airport , Junction , Track Cycling , Bouldering , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Sport Climbing , Adventure Racing , Racewalking , Bean , Countertop , Fountain , Bathing , Contact Lens , Ophthalmology , Animated Cartoon , Drought , Resort Town , Seaside Resort , Cove , Parrot , Macaw , Acrylic Paint , Paint , Watercolor Paint , Canyoning , Disco , Samba , Dancer , Mythology , Jacuzzi , Milk , Milkshake , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Juice , Blender , Juicer , Smoothie , Conifer , Musical Ensemble , Drums , Drum , Idiophone , Marching Band , Bass Drum , Membranophone , Drummer , Snare Drum , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Mustang Horse , Water Buffalo , Rhinoceros , Terrestrial Animal , Bovine , Crocodile , Reptile , Great White Shark , Inflatable , Pedestrian Crossing , Spiral , Target Archery , Vortex , Archery , Colorfulness , Lighting Accessory , Lampshade , Dalmatian , Great Dane , Nightshade Family , Outdoor Shoe , Tomato , Chili Pepper , Capsicum , Tote Bag , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Movie Theater , Bracelet , Ring , Body Jewelry , Gemstone , Bead , Wedding Ring , Hug , Solvent , Bowling , Meerkat , Falconiformes , Garmon , Coca Cola , Cola , Maserati Granturismo , Maserati , Audi A5 , Maserati Quattroporte , Grille , Automotive Exhaust , Exhaust System , Tunnel , Bugatti Veyron , Audi R8 , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Nissan Gt R , Lexus Is , Bmw Z4 , Bmwm Roadster , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw M6 , Singing Bowl , Cookware And Bakeware , Comedy , Awning , Slide Guitar , Undergarment , Art Model , Sewing Machine , Bedding , Window Blind , Sea Ice , Iceberg , Plywood , Natural Material , Chest Of Drawers , Nightstand , Varnish , Office Chair , Cocktail Dress , Cutting Board , Fungus , Beam , Bmx Bike , Indoor Cycling , Computer Hardware , Brassiere , Camgirl , Feathered Hair , Pixie Cut , Family Pictures , Comfort , Loveseat , Panda , Mascot , Social Work , Bake Sale , Turkish Food , Cooking Show , Apple , Pineapple , Bromeliaceae , Hot Pot , Korean Food , Soup , Wok , Karahi , Chinese Food , Frying Pan , Chain Link Fencing , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Tree House , Shack , Hut , à La Carte Food , Greek Salad , Ceviche , Vietnamese Food , Smoking , Romance , Kung Fu , Headquarters , Touchpad , Caving , Abseiling , Moon , Battery , Ammunition , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Library , Convenience Store , Aisle , Signaling Device , Street Performance , Orchestra , Psychedelic Art , Studio Couch , Chaise Longue , Futon , Kitchen Dining Room Table , Box Spring , Armrest , Jazz Guitarist , Ukulele , Floodlight , Jazz Club , Brass Instrument , Saxophone , Woodwind Instrument , Reed Instrument , Shout , Fiddle , Violin Family , Violin , Book Cover , Wire Fencing , Marching , Cowboy Hat , Fedora , Funeral , Taxi , Practical Shooting , Drumhead , Tom Drum , Cymbal , Timbales , Gong Bass Drum , Percussionist , Repinique , Drum Stick , Banjo , Banjo Guitar , Banjo Uke , Bouzouki , Cemetery , Grave , Hand Drum , Block Party , Davul , Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments , Trampoline , Demonstration , Town Square , Carousel , Bazaar , Cellular Network , Mobile Phone Accessories , Village , Homework , Writing Implement , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , School , Academic Institution , Mohawk Hairstyle , Rickshaw , Mural , Chivito , Coca , Red Carpet , Cab Driver ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160602 10:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160602 10:00:00

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police are investigating. and the ugly, a brazilian icon takes a tumble while carrying the olympic torch getting a face full of pavement. >> hope he's okay. thank you for being here. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye-bye. good morning, it is thursday, june 2. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump and hillary clinton exchange fire. watch. >> clinton who lies, i mean, she lies, do you remember that? i started that, she lies! she lies! >> donald trump himself is a fraud. >> holy smokes! and it got more intense from there. we'll tell you what else
happened. stay tuned. wow. then a 6-year-old calls the cops on his dad. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> that kid is going to get punished. what would you do if your kid turned you into the cops? in fact, called them? grounded. mornings are better with friends. what is upsetting, your kid turns you into the cops? this is scary. >> tucker. teach the kid right from wrong. >> by the way, that dad, five years in prison. he's in jail right now. >> no, they let him go and said
it's okay, don't do it again. well, first it was a glitch. now in a stunning turn of events the state department admitted it lied to the public. >> yep, the administration says it intentionally deleted an exchange between jane rossen and then the state department spokesperson. but don't expect anyone to be held accountable. we are live in d.c. with the latest on this story with garrett. >> reporter: good morning. really a stunning admission from the state department there was no glitch behind that missing video. instead, the state department sates it was deliberately deleted at the request of a state department official. that request came after the department's briefing was reported in december of 2013 when our up james rossen asked then spokesperson jen pasaki about the administration's previous claims that the u.s. would not secretly opengage in
talks with iran. a claim that was not true. that exchange, a total of eight minutes from the briefing, was missing from the state department's website and youtube channel. instead it had been replaced with a wider flash effect. here's part of that exchange that the official ordered expunged from the official record. >> let me try it one last way and then i appreciate your indulgeness. >> sure. >> did they have to lie to achieve that goal? >> there are times when diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> yesterday spokesman john kirby told reporters he doesn't know who the official is that ordered the video to be deleted because it was given over the phone. and the editor who cut the video out doesn't remember who made the request. and because there were no rules in place at the timeto prevent
such action, there will not be any further investigation into the martyr though they are developing rules to prevent this from happening in the future. >> garrett, thank you. admiral kirby will be joining us in a little while. >> pretty game of him to come, i have to say, because it is tough to explain this. now, if you didn't see it the first time. this is a pretty amazing thing. you saw the james producer -- >> the james producer was going through the video and saw that the answer was deleted. >> can you take a step back, too? this is all built out of an article in which i think it was variety, new york or one of the big magazine articles, when the state department, the key aid o
to -- james rosen was on the five yesterday explaining how this happened. watch. >> we don't know who it was that demanded this video be edited this way. the person who fessed up within the state department to having made the editing deletion at the request of this special ed person said they can probably remember. >> ben rhodes does the story about himself praising how he uses the press and characterizes people who don't travel that
they feed stories to. they came up with the fact that we were deals with moderates in iran. then people started to regurgitate this. i asked the question, are there secret talks going on before formal talks have been choreographed between iranian and american officials. jen psaki is saying, yes. someone said, my goodness, she blew it and edit it out of the final record. when the story gets exposed. no one has a full interview of the one-on-one talks about the american and iranian officials. he didn't go back to his producer to say, i remember this question. what else did they edit? >> that's why when the editor said he doesn't remember who gave him the up instruction, either he's lying or is asked to
do it so many times he can't remember who asked him to do th this. >> would you ever someone asking you something of command? >> this was not a request, this was a digital request to edit the video. as i said, and i said it this morning to the staff, i don't find that to be an appropriate step to take. so i'm going to make sure we have the right moves in place. >> if this was edited on a state department computer and using state department software, it is notable who did it. it is logged and a permanent record. >> who called the editor to say
do it. jen psaki is now at the white house, that's what happens when you are successful, you move up. she says, i did not know anything about this. how many other people would have the power to tell an editor to edit something out of the record? >> that's what i'm getting at. this is someone so high up that you can't fire them. >> this is so revealing of the world view. ignore reality, this never will go from here. >> the glitch was not arbitrary, it was deliberate. and i just think right now every news organization has to pore through their records to compare
it to the state department records to see if they edited it out. >> why didn't they come out and say that a few weeks ago instead of saying it's "the glitch." ? >> somebody realizes this is bad. you can ner -- tucker, than you. police are closing in on two suspects who shot two police officers. one of the officers is now fighting for his life this morning. just moments ago cops throwing tear gas canisters into this house they believe the suspect is inside. it all started during a traffic stop. the suspect backed his car into one of the police officers and then shot him. that officer now is in critical condition. the suspect then he shot at another officer. that officer is expected to be
okay. this all unfolding in fremont, california. we'll keep you posted on this developing story as we get more. and then a terrifying field trip for a group of students. investigators are now trying to figure out what caused a boat filled with elementary school kids to sink, capsize in the chesapeake bay. more than a dozen students had to be pulled from their boat. all the children were wearing life vests. two people were taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries. those poor kids this morning. and from extreme flooding to bring you once again from the state of texas. that flooding and rain is pounding parts of that state. this video shows cattle swimming in the muddy swim water. it's unclear how many eventually
make it. and imagine sending your kid to school on a bus and then they pass out from the heat. >> bus driver, amaya passed out on the bus. >> fan her! >> why can we not open the window? >> because the alarms will go off! >> poor little kids. students were forced to ride home on a sweltering school bus in washington state. that little girl who passed out will be okay. the bus driver now out of a job. did you ride the bus? i remember it gets hot. >> and you have to open the windows. but they don't let you anymore.
all right. coming up, this video is terrifying of kids getting electrocuted in swimming pools. and it has happened twice in the last week, guys. what do you need to know to protect yourself and your children? mark seagle is joining us live with details. and the black lives matter rap sheet that just got a little longer.
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remember this terrifying scene that was caught on video? three children in a florida community pool shocked while they were swimming. thankfully, they were all pulled out of that water in time and all survived. but this past weekend two people, a 34-year-old man in new jersey and an 8-year-old girl in pennsylvania left in critical condition after being shocked in swimming pools. so how can you protect yourself if this happens to you or one of your children? joining us live from the new york sports club here in new york city is dr. mark seagle from the fox medical team. good morning, dr. seagle. >> reporter: good morning,
ainsley. it is a lot of fun to swim this time of the year but you have to be safe. electricity is becoming more and more a problem. the consumer safety commission said many people get hurt from the electricity. so what do you do? first question for our lifeguard at the pool is how do you keep a pool safe so that you don't get electricity in the pool? >> first of all i try to make sure when i come in that there isn't anything electric plugged into the wall and connected to the pool. so the first thing i do is come in to take the vacuum out of the water. i make sure there's no weakness and lot of water pleasuring, nothing crazy like foams or electricity devices. try to keep an eye out for those things. >> reporter: so being a lifeguard is not just about
electricity, but pool lights, make sure all electrical equipment is away from the pool. if you are swimming and feel i think tingling, if you feel cramps, then you need to get out as fast as you can. don't go to a ladder. the lifeguard may use a hook to pull you out. don't go to the metal. get out of the water as fast you can. if the lifeguards finds you not breathing, he'll put you on the ground. also, you can take your hands like this and pump and go o
one-one thousand, two-one thousand. that's a defibrillator. you don't have the to be trained. you can put that on somebody's chest and it will take over. you can do a chest bump to get the heart going again. get 911 and get the ambulances over here to save lives. if you're swimming and feel i thinkling, get out of the water. it is unlikely but prepare for it. >> we are talking about what to do when you're a lifeguard and get to the pool, what if you are a parent and you get to the pool where your child, are there things you can look for? >> reporter: what can you do if you're a parent to look for in the pool to make sure there's no electricity? >> i think it is pretty obvious when you come in to absorb the pool deck and make sure there's
nobody around and stuff like that. >> thank you, geovani. no cell phones near pools. no cell phones or radio. >> thank you, dr. seagle. coming up, this guy attacked an 80-year-old woman kicking her in the face. but what happened next he never saw coming. we'll show you that. and bernie sanders and hillary clinton are in a debt he heat, dead heat. ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine ♪
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quick headlines now, get them while they are hot. pot brownies, cookies, candy, you name it. the sale of marijuana used to be banned. and now the north carolina border is being redrawn down to the centimeter using gps technology. surveyors didn't follow king's direct territory back in 2005. what were they thinking? well, we are just days away from the crucial california primary on tuesday. and the race for the white house gets even nastier, watch this. >> donald trump has disqualified himself completely. he has attacked our closest
allies, he's said let's pull out of nato, he has praised the dictator of north korea, he advocated more countries getting nuclear weapons. this is not just divisive rhetoric, my friends, this is dangerous. >> she lies. she's making a speech today and she's making another tomorrow. they sent me a copy. such lies about my foreign policy. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> that was intense. but the attacks may get better. good morning, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> the foreign policy debate is central, it looks to be central to this race. hillary's making the case that donald trump is the reckless one here. he's a danger to americans. he has his finger on the button, there could be war. what is his response to that?
>> his response is that she talks about the north korea dictator, she made the deals about the weapons and so forth. she and trump have a campaign. at the end of the day, most people don't think the clintons are honest, and certainly mrs. clinton, the state department stuff that we talked about earlier in the show is a good supporter of that. >> let's take a look at the national polls, the quinnipiac, in it clinton has a four-point lead almost within the margin of error. this tells you what? >> this tells me it's a very close race. that obviously she's been perceived as the nominee for a long period of time the independents will be the key to this case as in a first place
if she comes close to losing california, doesn't that tell you that she does not represent the future of the democratic party. >> california is the largest democratic margin, i think to a certain extend for her to be as weak as she is and bernie sanders basically now sort of on the ropes. and for him to be running dead even with her, she is goes into her convention as a looper candidate. >> how can the candidate of wall street lead a party of socialists? >> well, she can. young people traditionally support democrats and they are
going to bernie. how do you get them back? obviously, he's promised them a lot of things and doesn't live up to them. >> is trump going to hit her on everything? >> he's going to hit her on everything. >> he is a brawler. >> he is a brawler. >> she is a brawler. thank you for joining us. a black lives matter member is accused of sexual transporting. and then a 6-year-old calls the police to report his own father. >> 911, what is your energy? >> daddy went past a red light. >> yep, he narced out his dad. first, happy birthday to justin
long. the actor/comedian is 38 years old though he doesn't look like it. soon. i like the bride more than the turquois dresses... so excited. did all her exes get invited?
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do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at good morning. the shot of the morning, here it is. keep an eye on your beer, man. both fans go for a foul ball but it landed between the field and the tarp. >> the guy on the right goes down with his beer, comes up with the ball. meanwhile, the other guy refusing to come up empty handed takes the other guy's beer child behind the tarp. >> the original beer holder pretty upset about it. he even tries to strike a deal with the guy but he couldn't get his beer back. >> that's incredible. i don't know what is more valuable at this point. >> you took my ball, i'm taking your beer. >> the beer is half water anyway
even though it costs you an arm and a leg. that's a quick look at what happened with the beer and the ballas night. anything else going on? >> if my kids are with me, i ke the ball. we begin with a shocking attack on a bus. a man kicks an elderly woman in the face. warning, this video is hard to watch. well, all of that unfolding in washington state. the bus driver pulls over and pulls the man off the woman. the attacker then jumps on the driver but the driver manages to escape and get off the bus. that's when the suspect tries to take off in the bus flu the driver made sure that was not going to happen. he shut off the battery locking him inside. that guy was later arrested. well, donald trump taking a shot at the pga for moving the world golf tournament from his
miami resort to mexico. listen. >> they are moving it to mexico. they are moving it to mexico city, which by the way, i hope they have kidnapping insurance. but they are moving it to mexico city. and i'm saying, what is going on here? >> the pga said that he couldn't secure a sponsor in miami to host the event for 55 years. and do you remember the black lives matter member charged with sexual trafficking? he's an allegedly scammer, too. a woman says they lost $10,000 after wade skipped down without paying rent and he took in hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for operation help or hush, a group he co-founded in the wake of the police shooting of michael brown. well, not even family can get past this pint-sized crime fighter. the 5-year-old calling 911 on his own dad after he ran a red
light in massachusetts. but the right-hand turn was actually legal. thanks, kid. >> 911, what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> he did? is he home right now? >> yeah. >> can i talk to him? >> yeah. >> hello? >> hi, quincy police. >> just wanted to let us know you ran a red light. >> oh, no. i apologize. >> the dad got away without a ticket. those are your headlines. kids are stricklers to rules. >> i have never heard of a kid doing this. >> a lot of times you're 5 years old and realize your parents
aren't perfect. >> i thought that was 15. the first season of the fox news channel "legends & lies" brought the real life scene to your tv screens. wow. the original series is coming back for another season with a brand new twist. we'll step into the blinding glare of the sunlight with our friend michael who has a behind-the-scenes look. >> the flashlight, michael. >> you got a special sneak peek of "legends & lies."
check it out. how is this season different from the last one? >> this season is more epic in the sense it's a continuing narrative. we cover about 60 years of history from the 1760s to the 1820s and we follow a lot of our main contacters, john adams, up george -- what made you want to tackle this part of the election? >> well, we want to get back to the people that first started this country and how they conducted themselves. >> is there something audiences will be surprised to learn? >> we are trying to get the myth out of it. everybody knows george washington and john adams and thomas jefferson, but do you really know the guys after you finish watching legends of eyes you will know the guys.
>> i understand that we have to get you across the river here as you are in a pivotal scene. as general washington makes his way over here to lead the soldiers -- rolling! >> thank you for your service, your honor. >> how do i get there? >> that is a member for congress decide. good luck. down! >> i like it. good line! >> you wore a lot of layers. >> it's an epic undertaking. >> in all seriousness, the book is already number one in the country. the series will be phenomenal.
>> brian will be in some of the episodes as well. >> right, i'm playing myself. >> it start this is sunday on june 5th only on the fox news channel. make sure to check it out as well as going to foxnewsmagaz e >> good job. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. still ahead, did you know hillary clinton had to leave her secure office just so she could send e-mails on her blackberry? judge napalatano is here with more. and do you remember this brand new look? >> brian and steve 2016. >> wow! >> wow. that envoked some jealousy.
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good morning. we've got quick headlines for you. first up, america's first richest woman is now worth nothing. elizabeth holmes company is now worth nothing due to recent allegations against it. and diane hendricks is taking holmes' place worth $4.9 billion. she made her fortune the old fashioned way with roofing. she's chairman of abc supply putting oprah second on the list of the richest women. thank you so much. hillary clinton cut herself off, get this, from all ambassadors,
her colleagues for hours at a time while she was secretary of state. that's just one of the new bombshell negotiations people are talking about to add to the growing case against hillary clinton. here to speak to us is judge nep nepalatano. a couple days ago she arrived with seven lawyers to make sure she doesn't say anything -- >> they wouldn't let her answer half the questions put to her. and the questions put to her were about the buy who got immunity that was hillary's lightning cooperating with the fbi. what she did say is that she just used a blackberry. her blackberry, not a government-issued blackberry. because it was not government-issued, it was
blocked on the seventh floor where her office is. what dhauz mean? while in the office, she did not have the ability to xhup communicate. >> she had to leave her office to communicate, small or big >> or she would have one of her aides come in, you'll like this because you're a historian, 19th century technology, read the document to me. read it aloud. so when people are saying she was incompetent as secretary of state, they are absolutely correct and right on the mark because of this alone. she has ambassadors all around the world trying to communicate with her and she's cut herself off. >> all right. here are the four big things you wanted us to go through that stood out with you because you did the hard work of reading all the pages. hillary's e-mails said this,
only use to private servers. >> correct. 100% of the e-mails were used on a private serve. >> the e-mails were read on the blackberry that you just went through. the blackberry inoperable in the state department office. and e-mails not available for foia request. >> in a few press conferences that mrs. clinton has given or said this, what does this mean? all that she frustrated the ordinary operations of the debt. she knew what she was doing. >> i have been watching the
sparring going on, and hillary clinton has been called on two different shows unlike donald trump has. yunlg, she said this. colin powell did the same thing and he didn't firm up the proceed yours. >> that argument is rejected by the state department whose account was denied half a dozen times. he's not running to be president of the united states. >> you know who also, besides the investigation going on here, do you know who also has to be looked at at some level? president obama. his crystal clear thing here is
that this is a violence of the law. >> judge napalatano, thank you. more police are being attacked by criminals. and now the nypd officers are being told to step back and say, how can i help you? remember when steve and i got a brand new look? >> brian and steve 2016. >> wow! >> i just got fitted. and in just a few minutes, we'll see how she looks. i really think it's going to be very, very good.
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all right. you know what they say, look good, feel good and that's exactly what i feel. so steve and i had custom suits made by bookatailor because we wanted that feeling again. >> ready for the unveil? >> yes. >> all right, ladies and gentlemen, bookatailor, brian and steve, 2016. >> wow. wow. >> well, last time bookatailor was here they measured ainsley because she was very jealous, as you can see, tucker. as you can see, it's her turn. she's getting ready with the big reveal. >> she looks great.
but first let's talk to the ceo jacomo. >> let's look at your look. is this in? >> definitely in. a lot of people are asking us to dress like this now. summertime, hot in the city. yeah, we can make you shorts that look good. >> there's farther than i'm willing to go. but awesome. >> bill o'reilly could be wearing shorts. we have never seen his legs. for you in particular, you took a risk. you went out on your own to start a business. entrepreneurship is down in this country. why are so few americans doing that? >> i took the risk because that's the type of person i am. i want to go out, do different things. be innovative. do good for the society. however, many of the markets are very tapped these days. so it's very difficult to get in and do something correctly. for the right way. obviously people want to make money with the overhead going on today especially in new york city. very difficult. >> how does bookatailor work?
>> no overhead. >> we drive up to you. >> you open this up, you have your tape, ready to go. >> everything is automated on the tablets. the best thing about this, we're do this in 15 cities right now, however, we should be doing it in 50 cities. >> you can buy a franchise? >> yeah. we have many people contacting us and in different countries wanting to do this. >> ainsley is almost here. what have you done to and for her? >> so we measured her up. as you can see vivian has a beautiful custom made suit for women. my mother over here is walking away because she doesn't welcome back to be in it. >> that's your mom? >> and ainsley is walking out right now. >> oh, my goodness, she's walking down the hall. she does this every day. but this is different. wow. >> here we are, boys. >> hello. >> thank you. thank you. >> look at that. >> are you jealous, brian?
you did a great job. thank you. thank you. can't touch this. >> so tell me how does it feel? >> oh, i need a pocket square? it feels great. you did a great job. whatever material this shirt is, feel this. >> it's wrinkle free. we offer wrinkle free. >> what is it like to have the pockets inside? >> i didn't notice. look at this, look at the lining. >> i wrote for you love jacomo. >> thank you. >> that's really nice. >> your approach to the suit. you sized her up and you said? >> that's it. we went through the styling options, chose the fabric, anything you want. the styling options she wanted a traditional suit. she wanted to wear it both to a formal event during the day and made a beautiful pencil skirt. >> when you're on the road as a reporter it's nice to have a black suit, doesn't show stains. >> you can spill coffee on it.
doesn't show. >> exactly. >> thank you and good luck. >> another successful american story in business. jacomo, great job. to get an appointment with bookatailor, head to as if that's not enough, more police officers are being attacked by criminals openly and brazenly and now nypd officers are being told to step back and say, quote, hello, how can i help? bo dietl is not impressed. he joins us top of the hour. >> this man needs no introductions. ♪ ♪ my achy breaky heart >> did you know that billy ray cyrus is back in action? he's going to join us live with the brand-new project he's working on. >> i think he's cooking with us too. i think he's making some peanut butter. >> great.
good morning to you and your family. it is thursday, it's june 2nd, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. right now police are closing in on the man accused of shooting two officers. they're surrounding the house where he is barricaded. breaking developments are just coming in. then bernie sanders warned her, but hillary clinton never saw it coming. the two democratic candidates are now in a dead heat in the biggest state, california. the question this morning -- what happens if hillary loses? we'll bring you more. and the state department makes a stunning admission. it deliberately deleted an exchange between our own james rosen and the state department spokesperson. more shocking -- the investigation is over and we're the only ones who seem curious on what happened. let me remind you though, mornings are still better with "friends." ♪
♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> we have merged together the two musical acts. billy ray cyrus and the music of american authors. american authors will be playing later and debuting a brand-new song. they did go big or go home. >> we love them. they're great. billy ray cyrus has changed his hair though. >> i don't judge. jane krakowski from "30 rock" is here as well. >> right. she had a very interesting tweet i can't reveal. >> i love her. she's been in so many commercials. we can't wait to have her on the set with us. >> remember, she was once on "the view." >> she filled in? >> i'm not the most avid "the view" watcher but i'll take your word for it. >> is on in the afternoons. heather nauert has the headlines. breaking news out of california. a suspect who shot two police officers in that state is surrounded at this hour. one of those officers we are told is now fighting for his
life. just moments ago, cops threw a tear gas grenade into a house. they say the suspect is inside that house, refusing to come out. it all started during a traffic stop in fremont. the suspect backed his car into one of the police officers and then shot him. that officer in critical condition. the suspect then taking off and then at a second location he shot another officer. that officer expected to be okay. we'll keep you posted on this story as it continues to develop throughout this morning. a terrifying end to a field trip. investigators trying to figure out what caused a boat that was filled with elementary school kids to capsize and then sink in the chesapeake bay in maryland. more than a dozen had to be pulled from the water after the boat hit something off the maryland coast. rescuers say all the children were wearing life vests.
two people had to be treated for minor injuries but glad the kids are going to be okay. for the first time we are hearing the frantic 911 calls from the mother of the little boy who fell into the gorilla exhibit at the cincinnati zoo. the mom desperate for help as she watches that 400 pound animal drag her toddler like a rag doll. listen. >> be calm, be calm. be calm. be calm. he's dragging my son. i can't watch this. i cannot. i just can't watch this. >> cincinnati zoo officials forced to shoot and kill that gorilla in order to save the little boy's life. prosecutors could decide by the the f the week whether or not toddler's parents. and now to some extreme flooding once again. it is pounding parts of texas. incredible video this morning showing dozens of cattle, watch them as they swim up to their necks in the muddy floodwaters there. rescue crews doing their best to guide them to safety. it's not clear how many cattle made it to dry land. but remember this from yesterday. the horses that we showed you.
stranded on the front porch by the rising waters there. the owner of the horses was able to drop food from the helicopter to help keep them alive before they sent in rescue crews. those are your headlines. really scary situation down there in texas. it's not over yet. >> pretty unbelievable. >> so sad for the families. thank you. >> also some drama in the state of california. the biggest state, of course by population, the primary takes place on tuesday. it is surprisingly close between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. they're within the margin of error which is a shock to everyone watching this race. >> it's not a winner take all. hillary clinton will acquire some, but just over 70 delegates in order to walk away from june 7th with enough delegates to get the nomination. >> now if sanders does walk away with a victory it justifies him, many people are saying, in the race. now, he has said if he doesn't win in california it will make the path very hard for him. >> very hard. here he is. >> yeah.
>> and the young people are the ones that are traditionally the democrats and they're all with bernie. how is she going to get some enthusiasm there? you look at the obama victory, young people, she doesn't have the young people. for her to be as weak as she is and bernie sanders is sort of on the ropes and for him to be running dead even with her is an indictment of her. at the end of the day she goes into the convention as a woun d wounded, limping candidate. >> so why is this happening? people are still supporting bernie, why? because hillary doesn't represent a huge number of democrats. they're socialists. she's taken more money from wall street than anybody in this race. >> she got 10,000 at the event yesterday. and for a guy who's 74-year-old,
without any legislative accomplishments and a socialist, that's a rebuke to her. but since he's got a power base, she has to give him something and he wants the socialist principles that guided him throughout his entire career. it could be impossible to acquire the independents, which donald trump is already taking from her. >> from day one, she's come out -- for giving to -- giving obamacare to illegal aliens. >> and she's going after trump and trump is firing right back. >> donald trump himself is a fraud. he is trying to scam america the way he's scammed all those people at trump "u." on issue after issue, we see someone who is unqualified and unfit to be president of the united states. >> she lies. she lies. she made a speech and she's making another one tomorrow.
and they sent me a copy of the speech. and it was such lies about my foreign policy. these are crooked people. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> so she goes after trump university. and because of this judge and the problem he's having with litigation, any time you get get into business with her you have much more litigation than the average politician. but don't you think that's a political risk because of the clinton foundation and the microscope on that? you don't like the way that the trump university rolls, let's look at the clinton foundation. >> you don't have to defend donald trump university and i wouldn't. what's the bigger deal, running a shady university or killing moammar gadhafi in libya and letting it become a home base for isis? >> trump said you come after me -- >> she's got a checkered record. >> you know that the president of the united states wants to
get back into the fray. i'm not saying he wants another four years but he wants to get into the political fray, which he does so well. and being that hillary clinton has been unable to really land some solid blows against donald trump he thought he would suddenly try his hand yesterday. watch. >> we turn against each other based on divisions of race or religion. if we fall for, you know, a bunch of okey-doke just because -- you know, it -- you know, it sounds funny or the tweets are -- then we're not going to build on the progress that we've started. >> i get it. if you support trump you're an idiot, you're a moron who is supporting him because you read his tweets and find him amusing. >> isn't that what okey-dokes
means? >> i guess. there are people that are spurring people to vote for donald trump because of you, did you ever occur to you, mr. president? no. >> and clearly, i think there's going to be a need for barack obama if you're a hillary clinton on the stump. where she thought she'd use her own experience, because she left with 60, 70% approval rating and her husband she'd be fine. clearly, that's not the case. >> the polls are showing she is neck and neck with donald trump, so now she's pulling out all the stops. >> the overwhelming majority of americans are saying that america is on the wrong track and she said i'm going the keep it on the same -- >> 50% approval rating. >> but his programs are under water. she's promising more of the same. >> the voters will vote for more of the same or vote for trump.
>> and donald trump is a one man machine especially when fighting back on multiple fronts said this yesterday to the president. >> well, if he campaigns that means i'm allowed to hit him just like i hit bill clinton, i guess, right? [ cheers and applause ] if he doesn't, i don't care. but if he campaigns, and i think he wants to because he wants to keep this terrible agenda going. >> game on. >> he's warning him. he's saying you're going after me, guess what, i'm going after you. >> so look at his party, they're rejecting his legacy. not him as a person. most democrats like barack obama, they think of him as a historic -- >> do they? >> most democrats like barack obama. but the bernie sanders phenomenon is a refutation, is an attack on the obama legacy. saying we're socialists. you're too much in the pocket of the banks. >> tucker, here's the thing. i save the economy, you're president obama, do you want to go back to the people who
destroyed the economy, that's what he said in indiana. but you i can say it was saved by the governor and they knocked down the unemployment to 4%. >> interesting to see if the bernie sanders supporters who they go for though. if they're so different from what we're -- what we already have they're not going to want to support hillary clinton. it will be interesting to see -- >> when life expectancy for huge numbers of americans is dropping it's hard for the americans to say yeah it's been a successful two terms. come on, life expectancy is dropping? that's the ultimate measure. >> yeah, if you're dead you can't vote too. 11 after the hour. >> coming up, the state department stunning admission, they expunged an exchange between our james rosen and the state department. more shocking -- that investigation isn't continuing. we will have some awesome news, and it's about you the viewer. you made some major headlines. we'll explain. [dad] can i enter the kingdom of the two fairies?
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fox news alert now. stunning admission from president obama's state department. it now says it deliberately edited out several minutes of vital footage from a briefing after it first called it a glitch. >> we warned that there was a deliberate request that this wasn't a technical glitch. this was a deliberate request to excise video and as i said -- i said it this morning to the staff, i don't find that an appropriate step to stake. >> really? but there's no investigation because everyone forgot who made the call and told everyone what to edit. that footage which has since been restored shows that the state department state person jen psaki acknowledging to james rose than the administration misled the press over the iran nuclear deal. >> is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal? >> james, i think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress.
this is a good example of that. >> really? that was edited out. here to react, rick grenell, a former adviser to four u.s. ambassadors and ambassador to the united nations. so all right, rick, your reaction to this? >> look, first of all, i'm frustrated because as someone who has been a spokesman for 20-plus years, spokes people do not lie. and if they do, they should be force out of the jobs. look admiral kirby may be a nice guy. i know my liberal friends say he's a nice guy, but there's a cover-up going on right now. you don't say to that a violation of the federal records act is a done deal. oh, we're already done, forget it, we're moving on. that's not what happens. this is about credibility of government and i'm frustrated because what's happening at the state department over the last eight years has been a complete
takeover of the political types. this would never be allowed to happen in a republican administration. the foreign service association would go crazy. they have allowed this to happen because they're innately liberal. they're allowing political types to come over and lead the state department and we're seeing the disastrous results. >> and you point out that these are two presidential candidates who became secretary of state and they're replacing condoleezza rice and colin powell who are not politicians. >> right. the democrats have appointed two secretary of states that were former presidential candidates. look what president bush did. he had subject matter experts as secretaries of state. you have people who are qualified -- yes, they're republican and yes, they're conservative. but they're actually experts. >> this is what jen psaki said. i had no knowledge nor would i have approved of any form of editing or cutting my briefing transcript of any subject while at the state department. she tweeted that out.
do you believe her? >> no. there's no way i believe her, because she either instructed someone to do it or she approved it. that's what the spokesman does. the spokesman is in charge of the transcripts. we have to make the determinations all the time whether or not something is inaudible in a question, how do you write that? what do you put on the title, how fast do you put out a transcript? this is the job of the spokesman and the team. >> if you wanted to find out who made the call to the editor to edit that out, could you do it? do you know -- isn't it a finite number of people that could have made that call? >> well, yes and as admiral kirby the reason he came out, there are a lot of people in the state department and the press office who have been talking about this issue. he was forced to do it because it's about to be leaked out. i have been talking to people at the state department. and more is coming out. people who worked there at
civil -- civil servants and foreign service officers will talk about other instances where the political types have been taking information and editing it. inappropriately. >> just so you know, not only is this inappropriate, but it involves the iranian deal, one of the most controversial deals ever cut between the enemy government and the u.s. we're not sure what it's in and now we find out that the decentships -- there are deceptions leading up to that. >> yeah. >> keep your makeup on, we might need you. coming up, more and more police officers are being attacked and instead of defending themselves, cops are being told to ask those people, excuse me, sir, how can i help you? would bo dietl say that? he's going to join us. and harry reid is telling bernie sanders, get the heck out of the race. incredible bladder protection from always discreet
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we're proud to report. thanks. >> we have the best viewers. thank you so much for that. that's awesome news. well, we have seen this type of violence against police across the country. >> get your hands out of your pocket now! now! i'm not going to do it. son of a [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> well, now there are new sensitivity rules which just took effect. they're requiring new york city comes to play therapist and to fight back with words using calming phrases when they have to handle dangerous people. is it really a good idea? we're going to ask the expert, our former nypd detective and fox news contributor bo dietl. what do you think about this, is it a good idea? >> ainsley, i -- every time i see a cop in uniform, first of all, i walk over and i shake his or her hand and say, thank you for your service. because they're out there every day. now we're at a new level. i don't understand how they could think that you can
rationalize with an emotionally disturbed person. if anyone who's making these rules ever came against them, you know you can't rationalize it. if they have a weapon on them, they might say, hey, my name is tom. you seem like you're a little stressed out, what is bothering you? >> bo is referring to the rules. one of the rules is you have to introduce yourself. you have to say, hey, i'm bo. i'm here to help you. you have to insert an emotion. like you seem distressed. when you're dealing with someone who's a potential criminal, how are they going to react to that? >> well, you have to protect the people. you have to protect yourself and you have to protect the edp -- the emotionally disturbed person. you have to get them under control as fast as they can, because they can hurt themselves or hurt you or hurt the public. so by the time you're questioning the person, asking
what happened when he was a child and what made you feel this way, which is utterly ridiculous and in the housing projects you're not supposed to question people in hallways and stairwells because that's illegal. you can't toss somebody -- toss means if you think they have a weapon on them, you have to reason. if you arrest somebody, you use any kind of force, a lieutenant or a sergeant is going to interview him and say, well, what did the cop do? did he really bother you? what is the guy going to say? oh, no, he was nice, i want to have cocktails with him. this is ridiculous. you're out on the street. trying to keep law and order going. look at what's happening in baltimore. the crime is through the roof. cops are not doing anything. cops are not getting involved. these are not children. they pay them a lousy $41,000 starting salary with a college degree and you expect them now to be a psychologist, psychiatrist? it's utterly ridiculous, ainsley. it hurts me inside. these are professional people. it all stems from this big bird de blasio and i tell you what, i can't wait until they indict him on taking money because i'll
tell you what, with all these little things that he has going on he's being investigated by the u.s. attorney. i'll come out of retirement for one day to put handcuffs on him because he's destroyed this city. i'll say it right to his face, i don't care if he hears me. >> i asked you during the commercial break what the cops think of the new rules. your response? >> they smile they just say, bo, thank you for being a voice of us, please, you're the only -- >> no, what are they saying about the rules? do they like the rules? >> it's ludicrous, ridiculous. anybody who has ever actually is out on the street wrestling with these people, with the edps, wrestling with real people that don't want to be arrested and see what you're facing out there, it's very nice to go into the classroom and now you have monitors, federal monitors, city monitor, you have a ccr who is a complete fabrication of a law -- of a law and order type situation. you know, ainsley, it just kills me inside that we're taking the heart out of our great police
officers out there. our police women and men out there. they're there to protect us. when you take the heart and soul out of them, when you question someone when you're arrested, did you like the way you're arrested, he pushed you on the ground, that do you think the person is going to say? now the cop will have a charge against him on his record. >> thanks, bo. >> it's horrible. coming up, it has been a tradition for two decades to pray during a high school graduation. but guess what, bo, those days, they're over because one person complained. and she starred on the hit show "30 rock." >> i had to eat four slices of pizza on stage at each performance. that's 32 pieces of pizza a week. >> jane krakowski is here with an awesome summer surprise, next. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece
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♪ it's your second shot of the morning. yep. those museum signs that say do not touch are there for a reason. >> cameras catching the excruciating moment when a priceless clock crashes to the ground after a visitor insists on touching it at pennsylvania museum. >> priceless no more. the museum says this is why they beg and they plead with visitors not to paw the artifacts. >> you know what? i think we should teach the whole country a lesson, close the museums for a day. until we agree not to touch. >> i remember last time i left a thumb print on the roscoe, i felt bad about it. >> so that lady in the blue shirt, she is observing. but looks like the man on the left is the one that touched it. >> i do have one story for you. we had something in our family that was considered priceless -- hummels.
that was before the advent of the nerf ball. we thought it was a good idea to play football and we broke every single hummel. >> that's what they're for. >> we glued them back together because we didn't want to tell mom. >> we've done that before. let's hand it over to heather who has some headlines for us. good morning. >> brian, your mom never knew, right? >> it took her nine seconds to realize. yes. >> historical, good one. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the good day. a couple headlines i want to bring you right now. more signs of the democratic divide. we're talking about politics right now. harry reid all but calling for bernie sanders to drop out of the race with some harsh words for the socialist who plans to run his campaign through the convention. harry reid said i don't know that that prove, sometimes you have to give up. i've never been too good at math because i can figure that one out. i think he better do a little
mathing. just last week, reid told democrats to lay off sanders. well, does a light house count as dry land? that's what lawyers for 21 cuban migrants will argue in court later today. last month, the group climbed on the 135-year-old light house, off sugar loaf key in florida. now they're floating around in coast guard custody between florida and cuba until a decision is made where they should go. this is under the wet foot/dry foot policy we talked about before. migrants caught on land can stay while those caught on water are sent back. interesting. well, this has been a tradition for two decades. to pray at high school graduation, but those days could be over after one person complained about it. the superintendent of the school district in pennsylvania says that a parent wasn't happy because a student only focused on christianity at last year's pots grove high school graduation. listen. >> not allow the school to
provide a programmatic prayer in school related ceremonies. there are multiple supreme court decisions going back to 1963, the year i was born. >> well, there you go. public meetings is being held to review the issue next week. and you don't see this every day. a moose on the loose in the boston suburbs. the giant wild animal spotted by police running through two neighboring towns. officials somehow believe it was lost and it was last seen headed back into the woods. the moose causing such a stir it had its own twitter account, of course. called the belmont moose. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria molina, she has a look at the weather today. she probably has seen plenty of moose in her travels. hi, maria. >> hi, good morning. i want to start off across texas. that has been the big story that we have been tracking over the last couple of days because they have been dealing with some very significant flash flooding and river flooding that's ongoing. and unfortunately this morning we're dealing with more rain across the san antonio area. and also extending farther north into austin and also just
southeast of st. angelo. we have flash flood warnings out there because we have seen rainfall rates in excess of one inch per hour. a quick look at the highs today, feeling like summer out there across the southeast. now let's head over to ainsley, tucker and brian. >> thank you so much, maria. well, look who's here. when she's not starring on broadway, jane krakowski is delivering big laughs as you know in some of tv's best known comedies. >> i need your help. what's the hardest thing in the world for a trophy wife to do? >> lose the jerk but keep the perks. trademark me. >> i had to eat four slices of pizza on stage during each performance. that's 32 pieces of pizza a week. >> he's coasting on love. >> are bare feet in now or do you have your shoes off? >> wow. so it's only fitting she's the one to kick off the good humor welcome to joy tour.
>> that's right. honorary good humor woman. what does that mean? >> i'm kicking off the welcome to joy hood campaign and i'm giving away free ice cream! >> i like that program. free ice cream. >> part of a multicity tour. they're going to be in new york city for three weeks, giving away free ice cream all over the city. when you see this truck that means there's free ice cream available for everybody. then they're going to boston, washington, d.c. and miami. >> basically the sanders campaign. [ laughter ] >> it's called welcome to joy hood. why that theme? >> to me, good humor since my early childhood it represented the joys of summer. you'd hear that bell and go running and to me it brings out the joyhood of my childhood and of summer. >> i'm going to go do a background search. did you beg for ice cream? did you have to beg your parents for ice cream money as well? >> i always loved ice cream.
no, my parents were generous. they let us go to the truck when it came by. >> you were prepared. >> what's your favorite? we have our favorites. >> my favorite is strawberry shortcake. >> one of mine too. >> i love it with toasted alm d almonds, the giant king cone. >> here's the king cone. >> that is a multicultural ice cream. >> that's my favorite. >> ice cream for breakfast. >> what's the broadway series like for you? >> it's a joy. it's a home community. i can't tell you what a great time i have had working on this show. it has been such a blast. >> congratulations on your nomination. >> thank you. way more than i ever expected. >> jane, i know you said -- i won't hand out the ice cream, it's tough. we have people here. >> yeah. give it to all the crew. everyone going by. >> yeah. >> the people in the crowd. >> our cameramen can eat ice cream. >> starting to get melted. thank you. >> here you go.
>> chocolate -- >> yeah. >> vote for me.e want a king co? king cone? they're so good. >> i have had it for breakfast. jane krakowski is handing out ice cream today. all right. so great to see you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. su a pleasure to see you. >> okay, we have more ice cream to hand out. coming up next -- does everyone in america deserve a fair shot. >> you have to come together and choose the vision of america where everyone gets a fair shot. >> some say there's a problem in the president's agenda that some people here illegally are getting more benefits than the citizens. we have stunning numbers next. look at who's stopping by, it's billy ray cyrus. >> is he actually going to walk over here? >> he's an elvis impersonator. he's going to prove it, he is walking over. we have ice cream, billy. ♪
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protection with bravecto. president obama says every american ought to get a fair shot. >> we've got stop pitting working americans against each other. we'll have to come together and choose a vision of america where everybody gets a fair shot.
and everybody does their fair share and everybody plays by the same set of rules. >> but everybody does he mean american citizens, especially those in the country illegally? a new report shows illegal aliens may be getting a better deal than you're getting. these numbers are almost unbelievable. i'm assuming they're true, they're shocking. i want to put up on the screen the amount in welfare that the average illegal immigrant gets every year. $5,692 versus american families $4,431. what kind of country gives more benefits to illegal aliens than its own citizens? >> well, you know, tucker, it's all immigrant households just it's legal and illegal. they both receive very large amounts of welfare. actually, half of all immigrant households receive welfare.
you see the numbers on the screen there. it's quite large. to me the biggest take away from this is that there's something fundamentally wrong when immigrants are receiving more welfare than natives. >> so anybody who complains about this is derided immediately by the left as a racist, a nativist. attacked morally. is there another country that says come in and break our laws and we'll reward you and give you more than our own? >> no, not at all. actually i think that this is the kind of thing we need to pay attention to precisely because the president talked about coming together as a nation. i agree absolutely we should come together. and one way to do that is to help low skilled natives recover from the many problems they face right now. the worst possible way to do that is to bring in more cheap labor to compete with people who already have so many problems they're facing. i would say let's reduce some immigration, get it down to more modest levels. we can help i think unify the nation. >> and have a public debate which is not allowed at all as
you know. so the basic justification for the record high immigration levels we have right now, 3 million people in the last two years, is that our economy needs it. the engine of the economy -- it's a net plus. to america economically. but these numbers suggest the opposite. >> immigration certainly raises gdp, but almost all of that money goes to the immigrants themselves. only a small sliver that goes to natives and in exchange for that sliver a very large redistribution of money from labor to the capital. of course that doesn't begin to talk about the fiscal cost of the welfare numbers you see that were on the screen. so yes, absolutely. there are some major costs here and we should be talking about them. you know, i would credit someone like the trump campaign for bringing up some of these issues. you know, i appreciate that and, you know, whether you like him or hate him, at least we're now having a good debate about this. >> it raises a pretty deep question about government, does it serve its own citizens or
alleviate global poverty? >> that's a philosophical question. it should benefit the native people and benefit america itself. as i said, if that is the case and i think it should be, no one would sit down from scratch and write an immigration policy and say, you know what, let's have immigrants receiving more welfare than natives. that's a strong indication that we're not optimizing the system. >> anyone who points it out is attacked. thanks for come on. that was fascinating. our next guest needs no introduction at all. ♪ ♪ don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart i don't think it would understand ♪ >> billy ray cyrus, back in action and on the couch with his brand-new co-star. stay tuned. what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory
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♪ ♪ don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart ♪ ♪ i don't think it would understand ♪ from achy breaky heart to heart break hotel. playing elvis and finding out he has a 15-year-old daughter. >> lying is wrong. never lie unless it's to save someone else's feelings or helps you get what you want or makes things easier for you in one way or another. otherwise, it's wrong. >> okay, great life lesson. >> so joining us now stars of "still the king," billy ray cyrus and madison iseman. great to have you here.
>> good advice in the car there. >> yeah, playing it by ear, you know what i mean? >> congratulations. this airs not this weekend but the next sunday on cmt. >> that's right. on the 12th of june. >> you wrote this? you were one of the co-writers? >> yeah, it was a thought -- my grandfather was a pentecostal preacher, always loved elvis. i thought this was a thin line between jesus and elvis. >> how hard is it to impersonate elvis. we know it's hard to impersonate jesus. >> yeah, it takes a little bit of work. i had a good coach. wayne newton came in -- >> really? >> yeah. he's my uncle wayne, he did a great job on the show. he gave me a few pointers. i asked him, make sure i have the walk right and just a couple moves. he's my coach. my elvis coach. >> you have great idea for this series, so you do it. you're a guy coming off -- you have an alcohol problem. one hit wonder. then you find out as you sober
up you have a 15-year-old daughter, and what's your role in this? >> it's really cool because i play his daughter he never knew he had in the first place. he competegets out of jail and pay child support for the daughter he never knew about. we just met each other when we first started to shoot, so our relationship kind of grew as we were filming too. so i thought that was cool. >> you're from myrtle beach, south carolina. now you live in l.a. this is your first big role. >> yeah. >> when you got the call what was your reaction? >> oh, i started bawling. called my mom, everyone. well, everyone is so excited i would be in nashville. oh, you'll be so close to home. that was really cool. it was honestly a dream come true. i never imagined it. >> you're happy to be in america. you were in canada for a while. >> i have been all over the world. i've worked in a lot of different places but i knew nashville had the support, the talent and the film community to back this project. and worked a long time to bring, you know, a series to nashville.
we couldn't have picked a better place. >> isn't it the best? >> what's it like when you go out to breakfast in nashville? you must be mobbed. >> it's great. next week is great, it's cma festival. it will be fun. i get to do rock 'n' roll with cheap trick. >> wow. >> i'm real excited. for a boy from kentucky to get to rock with my heros there. >> do you get back to flatwoods? >> i haven't been there for a while. >> is your faith intact, your grandfather was a pent costal -- >> every day, i pray every day that the lord will give me the vision to do what i'm supposed to do and i pray for forgiveness for things i have done on the sh. >> do you also throw in god, by the way, if you have some time i have an album coming out in september. >> reading my prayers. >> absolutely. so what's it called? >> "thin line." >> it's a thin line between elvis and jesus, a thin line
between willie and the lord. kind of is. >> wow. >> madison, i heard he's like a father to you on the set. >> oh, my gosh, billy ray is the best. >> have you learned a lot? >> i have learned so much. i mean, it's awesome to see how much passion he puts into the project. that makes it so easy to work. makes everyone easy to work with. he's the best. >> congratulations and we'll be watching next weekend. >> thank you. >> beautiful person. >> have you ever -- it wasn't free, okay? >> you're not going anywhere. you're going to cook with us in the next hour. >> peanut butter sandwich. >> yeah. get your pens ready. congratulations. >> thanks. meanwhile on a serious note, the state department deliberately deleted the exchange between fox's james rosen and the state department spokesperson. more shocking, the investigation is over. admiral john kirby is here at the top of the hour to explain what happened. you know this song "best day of my life" the american authors
are here to perform their hit. that's live coming up. there they are in our greenroom. >> go big or go home, guys. allergies. and i'm doing just fine. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear. came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. so we asked them... are you completely prepared for retirement? okay, mostly prepared? could you save 1% more of your income? it doesn't sound like much, but saving an additional 1% now, could make a big difference over time. i'm going to be even better about saving. you can do it, it helps in the long run. prudential bring your challenges
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it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber® healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. good thursday morning. tail end of the week, guys. june 2nd, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. a fox news alert. the state department made a stunning admission -- it deliberately deleted the exchange between fox news' james rosen and the state department. the investigation is over. and john kirby is here to explain this, straight ahead. as of this hour, police are closing in on the man accused of shooting two police officers. they're surrounding a house where the suspect is believed to be barricaded. breaking details just coming in. and donald trump and hillary clinton exchanging fire. >> hillary clinton who lies -- i mean, she lies.
you remember that i started that? she lies. >> donald trump himself is a fraud. >> soon the personal attacks are going to start, trust me, i have a source is this a preview of the general election? think about that for a second while i tell you our slogan. mornings with better with "friends." ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life ♪ >> yeah. on the eve of our concert series comes an unbelievable appearance by american authors. one of the hottest bands playing "best day of my life." >> you're walking to work on sixth avenue and there they are. playing that song live on the streets of new york. you get a free concert in the morning if you live around this area. >> they're rolling out a new song, they'll debut it on the show which is going to be fantastic. they debut it on "go big or go home." >> so we know that brian is a
snazzy, great dresser. look at this. he's -- >> right. >> brian goes three pieces. >> three pieces. very brave, but you look good. you look great. you got this bookatailor came in several months ago -- am i making you nervous? they fit you with the suit. you look amazing. custom made suit and i got jealous. >> and? >> and they made this for one for me. feel in. right? >> it's nice. this is a great entrepreneur. this is a kid, 27 years old. he said i'm going out on my own. he comes up in a car, he measures you. >> he comes to your house. >> i'm getting one. rodney dangerfield golf outfit after this. >> that's the fun stuff. now to the serious stuff. to the fox news alert, well, first it was a glitch, remember? now in a stunning turn of events, the state department is finally admitting that it lied to you. >> administration saying it intentionally deleted an
exchange between chief washington correspondent james rosen and the department's then spokes woman jen psaki. >> don't expect anyone to be held accountable. garrett tenney, explain this. >> reporter: well, it was a state department official who specifically ordered that video to be deleted from the state department's official record. that missing video was from a state department briefing with reporters in december of 2013. when in response to questions from our own james rosen, jen psaki a spokes woman at the time admitted that the u.s. government had previously lied to reporters about the secret negotiations with iran over the secret nuclear program and then a state department official tried to cover up that admission by ordering that eight minute exchange to be deleted from the state department's website and youtube channel. you can see how it was replaced with a white flash effect. here's part of that exchange that an official didn't want you or anyone to see. >> let me try it one last way,
jen, i appreciate your indulgence. >> sure. >> is it the policy of the state department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations are concerned to lie in order to achieve that goal? >> james, i think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. this is a good example of that. >> yesterday spokesman john kirby said that the order to delete was made over the phone and the editor who cut that video out doesn't remember who made that specific request. and because there were no rules in effect, kirby said there will not be any further investigation. back to you all. >> thanks, garrett. >> i find that surprising, but we're lucky to have with him himself, the spokesman, john kirby. >> thanks for having me.
>> i know it was a tough day for you and it doesn't reflect on you what happened in the past but i'm surprised there isn't going to be a further investigation about who made the call to the editor to edit out that section of the public record. >> well, we took this seriously for one. and actually before i answer your question, i want to thank james rosen. your correspondent, for bringing this to my attention. because if he hadn't a couple of weeks ago i would have never known this occurred. so first of all, kudos to him. he's a journalist i have great respect for, so i thank him for that. number two, we take it seriously and we talked to the technician on duty that day and who was asked to make this cut. the call that came in to her was a call from somebody else passing on a request from another official. that's why -- it was too removed. another thing, i didn't say yesterday that everything was over.
i said that we looked at this. now, if additional information comes into light that's going to compel me to go into more detail or to look at it further i'll do that. i'm not afraid to do that at all. what i said to my staff yesterday was this was inappropriate. and this isn't the way we'll behave. what i'm focused on now as the spokesman is we're going to put in a policy yesterday, a policy that will prevent this from happening again. another thing i want to say, this video that was edited was a video we put on the youtube channel. there was still a full video of it existing on another official website, the defense information website as well as the transcript -- written transcript was never edited. i'm not mitigating or making excuses but the one that was edited was the went that on on the youtube channel. >> and james rosen found this out by accident. he asked a producer to pull it off of the website and he found it out by accident.
how many other videos have been edited under jen psaki's tenure. have you looked into that? >> the short answer to your question, i don't know. i don't know that's any way i can know. i don't have the time or the resources or the man power to go back and look at every single press briefing over the last three or four years. i don't know that's a useful use of taxpayer dollars. what i can tell you is i'm focused on going forward. and going forward we'll make sure that this kind of thing can never happen again. >> but asked the editor who -- i mean, you know the person who erased this clip. have you asked that person, did you erase anything else? >> i can't talk about the details of the discussion that was had with her. because it was done through our office of the legal adviser. our focus was really on this particular instance. and making sure that we tried to go as far as we could knowing what happened. >> in this particular case, did the editor remember who called her and directed her to do this? >> she did not. she did not know who called --
>> does that mean because she gets the calls all the time? they're too many for her to remember this one in particular? >> i don't think that's the case, no. >> why couldn't she remember? if she remembered deleting it, why couldn't she remember who gave her the direction? >> because there are only a few people who have the power to edit out the record. >> look, i was as curious about this as you were and james was. that's why i wanted the office of the legal adviser to look at this. i took this seriously. i can't speak for the memory of this individual. this happened three years ago and i just can't speak for what she remembered or didn't wren. all she remembered was it was a request passed on -- the caller was passing on the request from somebody else in my bureau, in the public affairs bureau. we don't find that acceptable. >> what do you make of jen psaki's admission in the tape, yes, sometimes you have to lie from the podium. do you agree with that? do you lie from the podium? >> no, we don't lie. that's a key tenet of being a
spokesman you can't lie. the moment you do that, your credit, you authenticity goes down the toilet. she didn't say it was okay to lie, but she said that diplomacy needs privacy sometimes to be effective. that's actually true. a lot of what our diplomats do around the world, as a spokesman coming over from the pentagon, i would love to talk about what we're doing around the world, but sometimes that has to be remain private so that result can happen. she didn't say she lied or anybody lied. >> rick grenell told us -- he's a spokesperson at the state department before. he told us this a half hour ago. >> there's a cover-up going on right now. you don't get to just say that a violation of a federal records act is a done deal, we're not moving on. this not what happens. this is about credibility of government. >> is is there a cover-up? >> no, there's no cover-up.
not at all. i think you guys know me well enough to know that i would never abide by any such thing. as i said, we interviewed this individual. we tried to find out what happened. where i am now is where i was yesterday. we just don't know who made the request and why. but if additional information were to come to life that would change our finding, i would look at it deeper. >> how firm were you when you said, i need a name, i imagine if someone said i forgot, i don't know that would suffice for you. >> listen, i did not get involved in the particular line of questioning. i wanted somebody outside the bureau to look at this. it wouldn't be done by the chain of command, that's something i brought from the military days. you want somebody unbiased to look at it and that's why i
asked the legal shop to do it for you. >> so good of you to get up and try to shed some more light on this story. thanks so much. >> i'm happy to do it. thanks. heather has some headlines for us. >> i certainly do. breaking news, take a live look at this home in fremont, california. inside, well, it is now on fire. an armed suspect is accused of shooting two police officers. we have been watching this live unfold all morning long. one of those officers this morning is fighting for his life. just moments ago, cops threw a tear gas canister into that home. >> there's been no contact and there's a lot of places -- nooks and crannies and bathrooms we still can't see into. daylight will be very helpful to us. >> this all started during a traffic stop. the suspect backed into one of the police officer's car and then he shot him. that officer is in critical condition. then at a second location he
shoot another officer. that officer is expected to be okay. we'll keep you posted on this story as it develops out in california. a field trip takes a terrifying turn. when panicked children scramble to put on life jackets as the boat they were in capsized and then sunk. the children, some of them, were just 5 years old. there were 22 people on board this boat and take a look at the picture. it was a charter boat now completely under water. this happening in the chesapeake bay in maryland. the captain radioed for help. but before the coast guard could show up a nearby boater was able to rescue all 22 passengers as we understand it and all the children will be just fine. and then some good news from the record flooding, horses are being led to safety. you can see them walk through the water up to their knees, guided by ranchers in a boat there. yesterday, they were trapped on the front porch of their owner's ranch as they were trying to
find higher ground. much different for this cattle. dozens swimming up to their necks. rescue workers are trying to guide them to safety. some of them we're told did not make it. those are your headlines. scary down in texas. >> yeah. i don't know, so awful and devastating. thank you, heather. straight ahead, less than a week away from california, from the california primary and hillary clinton and bernie sanders are still in a heated race. so what does it mean if hillary loses california? you know him from "property brothers" but he got caught in a bar fight. >> oh, no. >> oh, yes. say it ain't so. >> it is. >> so. >> so. protection
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it's easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. love your laxative. miralax. all right. january 7th, among the states that are in play are -- >> june 7th. >> june 7th. what did say?
>> january. >> that will be inauguration time, you have to wear thicker clothing. new jersey and north dakota, as well as montana and new mexico and here's the question. how bad does hillary clinton need california? >> well, she just needs 70 more delegates to take her over the edge to get the nomination. many people say mathematically speaking there's no way that bernie can win. >> right. >> bernie says if he doesn't win in california and they are neck and neck according to the poll, the latest poll clinton's getting 49% and sanders is getting 47%, he says if he can't get california, he's basically out. there's no way to go forward. >> it basically means what you mean by win. debbie wasserman schultz made sure she'll win. but he's winning the argument over who represents the actual democratic voters. it's a socialist party and hillary clinton has to move to where he is. >> why does he stay in the race
if he can't mathematically win? >> he's making a moral point. this isn't a campaign about listen to what he say, it's about morals, morality. he's fighting against the legacy of the clintons, the legacy of obama. he wants to pull that party to the left and he's done it. >> he wants to and he had a spokesperson on with us yesterday, we're going from the convention to june and july. he had 10,000 people at a rally yesterday. meanwhile, hillary clinton jetted out from new jersey to california, last minute when she possibly saw the polls. that was referred to by bernie sanders yesterday, but she's not talking about bernie sanders. she went after trump and trump university and he fired back. >> donald trump has disqualified himself completely. he has attacked our closest allies. he has said let's pull out of nato. he has praised the dictator of north korea. he's advocated more countries getting nuclear weapons. this is not just divisive
rhetoric, my friends. this is dangerous. >> she lies. she made a speech and making another one tomorrow and they sent me a copy of the speech. and it was such lies about my foreign policy. these are crooked people. we don't need another four years of clinton, believe me. >> it's amazing. so she says he praised the leader of north korea. the one that your husband tried to raise money from from the clinton foundation. >> it's up to the voter. if the voter wants change, they have to go for trump. if you want more of the same, go for hillary. >> marco rubio and ted cruz went after donald trump the same exact way and they lost. i'm pretty sure they need a plan "b." we'll see. divorce is never good, especially when there's property involved. bob massi will answer one of the biggest questions about splitting up your dream home. >> that's sad. >> a little depressing. and he's the black lives
matter leader charged with sex trafficking. wait until you hear the other charges he's facing. we have the rap sheet. stay tuned for that.
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we have some headlines for you. americans richest self-made woman is now worth nothing. her name is elizabeth holmes and her company was worth an estimated $9 billion by forbes last year. but now the magazine says the health care company is worth zero due to recent legal allegations against her. taking her place on the list, this woman. her name is diane hendrix. worth an estimated $4.9 billion. she made her fortune in roofing
with only a high school diploma. she's the chairwoman of abc supply. >> we have to get her on. meanwhile, the housing market is constantly changing and your real estate questions continue to pour in. joining us right now to answer those questions is the host of "the property man," the property man himself, bob massi. welcome back. >> thank you, sir. >> so we have three questions for you. ready? all right, here it is. this is from -- this is from an unnamed viewer. i'm interested in the wholesale real estate market. how does this work? >> one of the biggest mistakes that want to get into buying homes at short sales and foreclosures and rehabbing and selling, they don't consider it is a business. you can lose a lot of money. if you're getting into that, remember it's in the buy like in any product you'll buy. number two, you have to get good advice. you have to understand what rehab means and reference the fixing up the homes, buying it right, selling it right and getting the right marketplace. so consider it a business if you
want to get into that business. >> but what do you mean by wholesale real estate market? >> well, when you buy from a foreclosure, short sale, you're buying at a discounted situation because they're distressed properties so that's a wholesale market you're buying from. >> here's another e-mail from chris. my divorce is about to be settled. the loan on the home is $155,000 and the present value is $700,000. how do i get my name off the loan? >> well, you would think that if in fact unfortunately he went through this divorce that the way that the home was going to be disposed of should have been handled in the divorce decree. in other words, a lot of times people get divorced it has to be sold or refinanced, if you give the other spouse the deed, you're on the original deed. we did one of the stories on "the property man." i'm sure they have a competent lawyer.
if their name is on the mortgage they have to go back into the court in order to get their name off, sell the home, refinance it. otherwise that debt stays with them. even though they transferred that title to the ex-spouse, that debt stays with them until it's refinanced or sold. >> bob, last question, from john. he says my home appraisal didn't include my basement. why is that? >> i called a couple of appraisal friends of mine and i welcome any of the viewers who are appraisers to help me with this. if a basement is improved, where for example, it's a living space, they converted it into the bedroom or a bathroom it's livable as opposed to storage or a place to put your treadmill if it's improved some appraisers will put that as part of the value of the house. if in fact it's not for whatever reason, and again, i welcome our appraiser viewers to explain its more so, some of them don't put that into the actual value of the house. that could significantly at times affect the value of a
house on the appraisal. >> right. if you show up and won't buy a house -- if you have a problem. if you want a basement you've got it. nice the -- it's in the eye of the beholder. bob massi, at 12:00s and sundays at 3:00. if you have any real estate questions, write bob. you can write him on have a great weekend. >> thanks, brian. meanwhile, coming up, a 911 call one operator will never forget. >> what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> a 5-year-old calls the cops on his own dad. you have to hear what happens when his dad gets on the phone. tucker is still outraged. and we're heating things one billy ray cyrus. he is cooking with things. something so complicated you won't believe. please get your pen and paper ready. "fox & friends," elvis style, in a moment.
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helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life, my life ♪ why would we play this song? >> because, brian, they're out there on the plaza. they're going to perform for us live this morning. love that song. >> american authors are here. we'll ask them what was the best day of your life? can you be more specific? >> right. >> a good question. >> you don't have to have probing questions for rock 'n' roll bands. >> you should have asked -- seen what i asked the blue oyster cult. >> that's why we never booked
the beatles. >> and billy ray cyrus will be cooking for us. all right, heather nauert is somewhere. >> i'm over here. good morning. good morning to you. i hope you're off to the great day. we begin with a shocking attack on a city bus. a passenger kicking an 80-year-old woman right in the face. a warning, this video is hard to watch. >> oh! >> goodness. unfolded in washington state. the bus driver pulls over and then yanks the man off the woman. the attacker then jumps on that driver. the driver manages to get off the bus and that's when the suspect tries to take the bus. but the driver made sure that wasn't going to happen. she shut off the battery so the bus wouldn't start. that man was later arrested. that's in port angeles, washington. remember charles wade, the black lives matter leader who was charged with sex trafficking. well, we are now learning he's an alleged scammer as well. a lawyer for the st. louis real estate developer say they lost more than $10,000 after wade
skipped town without paying rent. some reports estimate he took in hundreds of thousands of dollars in online donations for operation help or hush. that's a group he cofounded in the wake of the police shooting of michael brown. and a wild night for property stars -- "property brothers" star jonathan scott. brand-new video shows him in the thick of a bar fight. it happened back in april. he was out with some friends and they were escorted out at closing time. he's the tall guy in the black shirt. you can sort of see in the video. he came back for round two, pushing and shoving ensues. scott was on the show last month and he said he was assaulted. officials said there's not enough evidence to prove it ivi. no charges have been filed. steve is not in that fight, nope nope nope. just that guy, jonathan. okay. who else has a 6-year-old little boy who likes to tattle? i certainly do. not even family can get past
this pint sized crime fighter. he's 5, he called 911 on his own dad after his dad ran a red light in massachusetts. but that right-hand turn was actually legal. hey, kid, learn the law. so you have to listen to this. >> 911, what's your emergency? >> daddy went past a red light. >> he did? >> mm-hmm. >> is he there right now? >> yeah. >> can i talk to him? >> yeah. >> hello? >> hello, police. >> i want to apologize. that's my 5-year-old son. >> he said you ran a red light. [ laughter ] >> oh, no, i apologize. >> there's my kid, the kid made the whole thing up. well, that dad getting away without a ticket. those are your headlines. let's head outside to maria molina where she has a look at the weather for us. hi, there, maria. >> good morning. all kinds of chaos out there, but we want to talk about the weather chaos that's unfortunately playing out across texas where we have been dealing
with a lot of heavy rain over the last couple of days. some areas picking up eight inches of rain and it's still coming down. look at san antonio area, even extending farther north and west to st. angelo. we have steady rain that's been coming down. some of it at an inch of rain per hour. that's a significant rate out there. you can see that again over the past week. heavy rain has fallen and because of this threat we do have flash flood warnings in effect. temperatures today are going to be warm and summer like. you'll make it into the 90s in atlanta and orlando. out west, temperatures are climbing into the 80s this afternoon in denver and in billings. let's head back inside. >> thanks, maria. in the new comedy called "still the king" billy ray cyrus plays a country music star turned elvis impersonator. >> now he's turning into the elvis inspired chef.
he's making one of the king's favorite dishes, indeed, his signature dish. thank you for coming on. >> this is the best day of my life. we're going to make a bacon peanut butter sandwich here. >> wow. >> fried. >> elvis loved this. >> he loved it. >> what do we do? >> i do too. first thing to do, get a piece of bread. >> white bread. >> yeah. it has the butter on as you can see. i'll put some extra on. what you do right now, just glop. >> i noticed you didn't clean the knife. is that part of it? >> never clean the knife. >> use one utensil. >> there will be stuff on it from yesterday that adds extra crunch. so you can take this, smear that on there. >> why not go to the edges? >> there's butter all over that knife too. i'll get a new knife. >> put a bunch of peanut butter. >> a ton. the more peanut butter -- >> the better. >> now what do we do. >> we want some of the bananas
on here. should i just grab it -- >> are these sliced by a machine or -- >> i did this myself. i came in at 5:30. >> i saw you, i didn't want to disturb you. >> thanks. kind of heap them on. >> so peanut butter and banana. >> this is the icing on the cake right here, this is pure pig. fried. this is all oink oink right here. just -- >> does it come with a heart surgeon? >> achy breaky heart, that's right. >> a lot of bacon on there. put the top on it? >> put the top on. put it in the hot butter. we have our -- the main thing is what you want to do is smash it. you know what i mean? >> really? >> you want it down. >> it's too high right now. >> then also take the bread and swoosh it around here. >> can i sample one? >> absorb every bit of butter. >> then you flip it -- >> gently flip it.
don't worry. >> did elvis make these himself? >> no, he had a helper that helped him out. >> okay. let's taste one. tucker? >> you go ahead. >> i actually eat stuff like this. >> taste it and see if you like it. >> okay. it's unbelievable. come on now. >> that actually is really good. i didn't think it would be. >> you are pretending like you know what you're doing. you are a great actor. >> yeah, yeah. a lot of times if this doesn't have the right taste, you know you can just add maybe a little bit of ketchup. >> absolutely. >> joining us live, billy ray cyrus. you're not only a great singer, actor, person, but a great cook. great job. >> thank you. >> coming up -- we have been following a breaking story. a house is on fire and inside, a man accused of shooting two police officers.
we have the breaking details live from the scene next. and some happy news for you. today is going to be the best day of your life. we can say that confidently. ♪ american authors here to debut their brand-new song. stay tuned. >> and sing that one. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
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duracell quantum lasts longer so kevin jorgeson can power through the night. sfx: duracell slamtones find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion? with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. breaking right now, you are taking a live look at a home in flames. this is in fremont, california,
where a suspect accused of shooting two cops is holed up inside. >> now, one of those officers fighting for his life at this hour. >> we have the very latest on this very tense situation. janine, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, there is a heavy police presence here in fremont in this neighborhood which is usually a bustling business district. but behind me you can see there is a house on fire. and it seems like it's picked up and we can see smoke there and the flames in the distance. now, in the last hour, we heard what sounded like multiple flash bangs. some sort of an explosion. maybe about eight or nine of them. we haven't gotten any sort of explanation from police and we haven't seen any officers running into the house. but at this point, they believe the suspect is alive. it sounded like it was a pow, pow, pow, and now the suspect has barricaded himself in here
since 11:30 last night. in california time. firefighters have been dousing that house with water and they say the fire is contained. they're just letting it burn at this hour. they want this suspect to come out and peacefully surrender. he hasn't made any sort of demands, but he has let officers know that he is armed and he's willing to go the long haul for this. so far, he is just refusing to come out. >> all right. thanks so much. janine de la vega. straight ahead, it's going to be one of the best days of our lives. i think. >> if not the best. ♪ >> american authors here to debut their brand-new song on our plaza. don't miss it. >> right here, right now.
so does hillary clinton have a problem with bernie in california? why a former adviser to her says yes. he joins us this morning on that. and trump said hillary is crook and hadn't given a press conference in 179 days. eric trump has the latest on the campaign. and while the country grieves a gorilla dozens are shot in chicago. the reality of what's going on in the american cities that no one wants to talk about, when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ this is going to be the best day of my life, my life ♪ you know them from one of their hit songs "best days of my
life." and now they're releasing "what we live for" in less than a man. >> joining us is zach burnett. >> good to see you guys. >> thank you for getting up with us. we appreciate it. >> it's early but we're happy to be here. >> tell us about this song. what does it mean to you? >> it was such a crazy song when we wrote it. it was a bunch of different songs that came together to form this one and it's about getting lost in the dream world and creating your own best day for yourself. >> what was it about? what was your best day? >> it's really more about escaping. we have the crazy things going on in the world every single day. there's always good things and bad things happening as well. it's about how you get through that and how you create your open best moments. >> tucker had one wish. what was that? that you'd play that live? >> and a big reveal after the break. >> yes. after the break. yeah, let's do it. "best day of my life." >> all right. thank you very much. ♪
♪ ♪ i had a dream so big and loud ♪ ♪ i jumped so high i touched the clouds ♪ ♪ oh oh, oh oh ♪ ♪ i stretched my hands out to the sky ♪ ♪ which danced with monsters through the night ♪ ♪ oh oh, oh oh oh oh, oh oh ♪ ♪ i'm never gonna look back whoa, i'm never gonna give it up ♪ ♪ no, please, don't wake me now ♪ ♪ two, three, four oh, oh this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ♪ ooh, ooh, this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life
ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh i howled at the moon with friends ♪ ♪ and then the sun came crashing in ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ but all the possibilities no limits just epiphanies ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ i'm never gonna look back, whoa, i'm never going to give it up ♪ ♪ no, just don't wake me now ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ooh, ooh ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life
♪ ♪ i hear it calling outside my window ♪ ♪ i feel it in my soul ♪ the stars were burning so bright ♪ ♪ the sun was out till midnight ♪ ♪ i say we lose control ♪ ooh ooh, ooh ooh ♪ ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪ ♪ my life ♪ this is gonna be, this is gonna be, this is gonna be the
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cool. it's a brand we grew up with. you can get the brand-new song at unexpected sounds so it's musicians trying to get the music out to new fans and a maybe a new group of people that wouldn't normally hear your music. >> it shows you that madison avenue two blocks over has accepted your band, that's mainstream, baby. >> it's all good. we're happy to be out in new york city and hanging out with you guys and living the dream. >> how fast can you eat one of these? >> probably 15 seconds. >> is it the best day of your life? >> every day is. >> the brand-new album, you're going to debut it right now? >> we have a brand-new album, "what we live for" and you can preorder it. >> this is the first time we're hearing this song. >> have a great show. he's going to play us out. got that, bill o'reilly? ♪
♪ sipping champagne, i want to say my name on top of the eiffel tower ♪ ♪ the eiffel tower i'm going to hit that black jack tournament ♪ ♪ i'm doing to take that money and run right here, right here, right now ♪ ♪ but take that train, i want to catch that sign ♪ ♪ if you're not on that plane, taking off tonight ♪ ♪ all the money in the world, baby ♪ ♪ don't mean a thing to me and even if we're broke, baby ♪ ♪ don't mean a thing to me right here, right now ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, right here, right now you have been showing tokyo, on the karaoke i want the bump it
louder, a little bit louder ♪ ♪ singing along with elton john and rolling right here, right now ♪ ♪ right here, right now take that train ♪ bill: a fox news alert. the democratic leader facing problems on multiple fronts. brand-new polling shows bernie sanders hot on her heels in california as the email scandal continues to dog her campaign. martha: i'm martha maccallum. hillary clinton and bernie sanders virtually a dead heat in the golden state. bernie sanders and donald trump are sensing blood in the water. >> she has no natural talent to

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Road Vehicle , Pickup Truck , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Ford Super Duty , Chevrolet Silverado , Truck , Gmc , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Street Light , Windshield , Emergency Service , Supercar , Lamborghini , Police Van , Police Officer , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Van , Commercial Vehicle , Emergency , Highway , Executive Car , City Car , Freeway , Nonbuilding Structure , Rear View Mirror , Road Surface , Aerial Photography , Geological Phenomenon , Soil , Disaster , Natural Disaster , Open Wheel Car , Indycar Series , Personal Protective Equipment , Auto Race , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Aircraft , Air Force , Airplane , Flight , Air Show , Aviation , Aerobatics , General Aviation , Ground Attack Aircraft , Air Racing , Atmosphere Of Earth , Helicopter Rotor , Wing , Fighter Aircraft , Light Aircraft , Air Sports , Biplane , Motorcycling , Motorcycle , Drag Racing , Crash , Water , Boat , Watercraft , Boating , Wave , Sea , Naval Architecture , Ocean , Sailing , Wind Wave , Organism , Windsurfing , Sailboat , Sail , Skiff , Yacht , Water Transportation , Ship , Surface Water Sports , Cruise Ship , Tsunami , Fishing Vessel , Storm , Submarine , Nightclub , Video Game Software , Animal , Wildlife , Geology , Herd , Sand , Crocodilia , Fault , Earth , Ice , Wildebeest , Lion , Felidae , Big Cats , Hippopotamus , Marine Biology , Food , Cuisine , Firearm , Dish , Recipe , Meat , Weapon , Grilling , Cooking , Bull , Seal , Adaptation , Bear , Grizzly Bear , Carnivore , Formation , Landslide , Home , Neighbourhood , Estate , Human Settlement , Suburb , Land Lot , Urban Design , Grass , Mansion , Condominium , Lawn , Apartment , Scale Model , Landscaping , Shrub , Town , Tourist Attraction , Flood , Led Display , Atmosphere , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Cloud , Meteorological Phenomenon , Haze , Spacecraft , Drink , Social Group , Blazer , Net , Stadium , Leisure Centre , Swimmer , Swimming , Hospital , Swimming Pool , Service , Lighting , Square , Nose , Beard , Moustache , Head , Office , Recliner , Circle , Symbol , Macro Photography , Label , Classroom , Outerwear , Zoo , Trousers , Garden , Jacket , Backyard , Farm , Horse , Yard , Sculpture , Chainsaw Carving , Senior Citizen , Stone Carving , Branch , Carving , Woodland , History , Memorial , Statue , Family , Forest , Stock Photography , National Park , Peach , Human , Headgear , Cap , Top , Hunting , Chainsaw , Arborist , Power Tool , Wilderness , Squirrel , Longboard , Beaver , Brown Bear , Collage , Painting , Style , Visual Arts , Guitarist , Outdoor Power Equipment , String Trimmer , Guitar , Play , Musical Instrument , Jeans , String Instrument , Playground , Sports Gear , Plucked String Instruments , Baseball , Softball , Baseball Glove , Baseball Protective Gear , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Field , Sports Equipment , Lacrosse , Stick And Ball Sports , Love , Sports Car , Bmw M3 , Bmw , Hatchback , Coupé , Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution , World Rally Championship , Sedan , Lexus , Mitsubishi , Kia Forte Koup , Speedometer , Gauge , Measuring Instrument , Odometer , Tachometer , Tool , Mercedes Benz , Steering Wheel , Trip Computer , Suzuki , Hardware , Full Size Car , Mazda3 , Vehicle Door , Automotive Mirror , Thoroughfare , Road Trip , Mini , Porsche , Darkness , Off Roading , Volvo Cars , Nissan Juke , Pontiac Vibe , Mazda Cx 5 , Volvo C30 , Trademark , Emblem , Material Property , Metal , Artwork , Nissan , Saudi , Ingredient , Roasting , Pork Loin , Beef Tenderloin , Sausage , Beef , Animal Fat , Venison , Churrasco Food , Pork , Charcuterie , Asian Food , Flesh , Roast Beef , European Food , Produce , Steak , Brisket , Lamb And Mutton , Ribs , Sirloin Steak , Veal , Barbecue , Baking , Patty , Breakfast , Meal , Rib Eye Steak , Snack , Staple Food , Finger Food , Kitchen Appliance , Outdoor Grill , Smoke , Barbecue Grill , Fire , Charcoal , Street Food , Heat , Grillades , Pork Chop , Galbi , Carne Asada , Short Ribs , Kobe Beef , Chocolate , Bakery , Dessert , Chocolate Brownie , Flavor , Baked Goods , Yakiniku , Side Dish , Horumonyaki , Home Appliance , Salisbury Steak , Rendang , Iranian Cuisine , Bistek , Pot Roast , Middle Eastern Food , Fried Food , Meat Carving , Spanish Cuisine , Chocolate Cake , Junk Food , Flame , Fast Food , Red Meat , Flat Iron Steak , Meat Chop , Corned Beef , Rinderbraten , Steak Au Poivre , Ham , Rump Cover , Pastrami , Boeuf à La Mode , Morning , Sunlight , Sunrise , Calm , Horizon , Evening , Dawn , Sun , Sunset , Spice Mix , Seasoning , Spice , Ras El Hanout , Mixed Spice , Meat And Bone Meal , Fish Meal , Indian Cuisine , Garam Masala , Baharat , Caucasian Cuisine , Vegetable , Vegetarian Food , Leaf Vegetable , Root Vegetable , Comfort Food , Greek Food , Brunch , Superfood , Salad , Cruciferous Vegetables , Chistorra , Falukorv , Bratwurst , Sujuk , Idiot , Kielbasa , Loukaniko , Vienna Sausage , Longaniza , Choucroute Garnie , Yakitori , Knackwurst , Andouille , Skewer , Shashlik , Mediterranean Food , Breakfast Sausage , Cake , Frozen Dessert , Cheesecake , Sweetness , Strawberries , Cupcake , Buttercream , Cream , Icing , Tres Leches Cake , Bavarian Cream , Raspberry , Fruit Cake , Fruit , Strawberry , Berry , Whipped Cream , Cream Cheese , Mascarpone , Mousse , Pâtisserie , Dairy , Sponge Cake , Cake Decorating , Torte , Meringue , Cranachan , Food Group , Hawaiian Food , Appetizer , Supper , Lunch , Delicacy , Brazilian Food , Swedish Cuisine , Cold Cut , Delicatessen , Houseplant , Floral Design , Floristry , Flower , Bed , Desk , Molding , Hamburger , Buffalo Burger , Veggie Burger , Cheeseburger , Burger King Premium Burgers , Breakfast Sandwich , Slider , Sandwich , Baconator , American Food , Salmon Burger , Whopper , Cemita , Bun , French Fries , Daytime , Red Sky At Morning , Afterglow , Plain , Celestial Event , Sleeve , Standing , Shirt , Fixture , Deck , Garden Buildings , Home Fencing , Shade , Stairs , Walkway , Home Door , Clock , Door Handle , Major Appliance , Small Appliance , Hardware Accessory , Security Alarm , Dead Bolt , System , Portable Media Player , Ipod , Media Player , Laptop , Tent , Triathlon , Canopy , Smartphone , Mobile Phone , Communication Device , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Tablet Computer , Public Space , Hand , Finger , Drinkware , Website , Telephone , Automated Teller Machine , Gps Navigation Device , Automotive Navigation System , Steering Part , Car Seat , Tesla Model S , Electric Vehicle , Tesla , Web Page , Software , Multimedia Software , Computer Program , Mobile Device , Computer Icon , Online Advertising , Place Of Worship , Basilica , Clothing , Hat , Helmet , Groom , Gown , Wedding Dress , Pianist , Bridal Clothing , Coat , Portrait , Portrait Photography , Metropolis , Mixed Use , Night , Plaza , Alley , Ancient History , Historic Site , Temple , Archaeological Site , Ruins , Column , Egyptian Temple , Monument , Giraffe , Arch , Giraffidae , Middle Ages , Château , Cathedral , Palace , Church , Religion , Theatre , Performance Art , Auditorium , Music Venue , Light Fixture , Midnight , Musical Theatre , Performing Arts , Synagogue , Chapel , Tradition , Waterway , Bayou , Watercraft Rowing , Canoe , Bank , Bridge , River , Canal , Pond , Rowing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Nature , Nature Reserve , Water Resources , Watercourse , State Park , Riparian Zone , Suspension Bridge , Wetland , Riparian Forest , Water Feature , Swamp , Pigeons And Doves , Still Life Photography , Rat , Boot , Black , Black And White , Sidewalk , Cobblestone , Shadow , Monochrome Photography , Monochrome , Street Art , Brickwork , Shrine , Double Bass , Beach , Summer , Travel , Spring Break , Honeymoon , Sun Tanning , Holiday , Coast , Natural Environment , Ecoregion , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Cumulus , Steppe , Aeolian Landform , Channel , Biome , Desert , Sahara , Panorama , White , Mist , Fog , Texture , Design , Document , Paper , Paper Product , Diagram , Parallel , Writing , Number , Electronic Signage , Neon , Neon Sign , Visual Effect Lighting , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Anime , Brick , Volleyball , Net Sports , Skin , Cheek , Water Sport , Supermarket , Water Polo , Sportswear , Exercise Machine , Exercise Equipment , Treadmill , Gym , Physical Fitness , Elliptical Trainer , Astronaut , Bus , Cable Car , Hot Air Ballooning , Landmark , Official Residence , Classical Architecture , Manor House , Presidential Palace , University , Stately Home , Courthouse , Villa , Historic House , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , National Historic Landmark , Mosque , Landscape Lighting , Tower , Castle , Architecture , Byzantine Architecture , Commercial Building , Rectangle , Clip Art , Calligraphy , Spring , Petal , Magnolia , Flower Arranging , Blossom , Park , Picnic , Walking , Flowering Plant , Still Life , Wildflower , Eating , Popcorn , Jasmine , Moth Orchid , Gardenia , Amaryllis Family , Pattern , Sporting Group , Non Sporting Group , Guard Dog , Dusk , Pier , Sound , Luxury Yacht , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Wetsuit , Surfing , Boardsport , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Tide , Silhouette , Bird , Photo Shoot , Model , Scene , Eyewear , Glasses , Ear , Happy , Elbow , Vision Care , Bodyboarding , Wakeboarding , Rapid , Terrain , Science , Coasteering , Skimboarding , Wakesurfing , Action Figure , Regularity Rally , Porsche 911 , Porsche 930 , Classic Car , Convertible , Porsche 911 Classic , Porsche 912 , Porsche 959 , Hood , Ruf Ctr , Birds Eye View , Bay , Mountain Pass , Reservoir , Hill , Inlet , Gravy , Chocolate Syrup , Ice Cream , Electronics Accessory , Bar , Coffeehouse , Food Court , Fast Food Restaurant , Alcoholic Beverage , Leaf , Mower , Lawn Mower , All Terrain Vehicle , Riding Mower , Grassland , Golf Cart , Tractor , Monster Truck , Field , Rural Area , Agricultural Machinery , Agriculture , Steam Engine , Off Road Racing , Plough , Straw , Hay , Crop , Grass Family , Pasture , Dirt Road , Mountain Bike , Tread , Jeep , Radio Controlled Car , Tire Care , Downhill Mountain Biking , Mountain Biking , Freeride , Bike , Cycle Sport , Cyclo Cross , Trail , Bicycle Motocross , Military Vehicle , Rallying , Paintball , Scoreboard , Highland , Prairie , Motocross , Landing , Meadow , Harvest , Safari , Rally Raid , Jeep Wrangler , Mud , Jeep Cj , Audio Equipment , Electronic Instrument , Jungle , Rainforest , Old Growth Forest , Vegetation , Stream , Puddle , Plant Community , Tropics , Caribbean , Arecales , Resort , Vitis , Paddle , People On Beach , Shorts , Beach Volleyball , Ball , Vintage Car , Antique Car , Volkswagen Beetle , Classic , Custom Car , Volkswagen , Supermini , Birthday , Candle , Birthday Cake , Party , Bottle , Glass Bottle , Carnival , Fair , Amusement Ride , Entertainment , Percussion , Bowed String Instrument , Folk Instrument , Concert , Ritual , Folk Dance , Dance , Body Of Water , Cay , Island , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Grove , Underwater , Reef , Coral Reef , Coral , Fish , Cave , Coral Reef Fish , Underwater Diving , Diving Equipment , Divemaster , Invertebrate , Local Food , Botanical Garden , Plantation , Natural Foods , Nepenthes , Market , Whole Food , Vegan Nutrition , Lugger , Dinghy Sailing , Sailing Ship , Dinghy , Moscow , Schooner , Windsports , Lagoon , Yawl , Mast , Lake , Lake District , Loch , Mountain , Fjord , Reflection , Mountain Range , Cape , Fell , Crater Lake , Mount Scenery , Headland , Cliff , Peninsula , Promontory , Archipelago , Hotel , Inn , Motel , Outlet Store , Rest Area , Toy , Plastic , Comic Book , Publication , Tabletop Game , Plaid , Tartan , Textile , Dress Shirt , Jersey , Collar , Button , Bodybuilding , Concept Car , Laser , Company , Honda , General Motors , Album Cover , Fiction , Singer , Flash Photography , Cool , Lecture , Medical Assistant , Thumb , Physician , Convenience Food , Distilled Beverage , Vodka , Liqueur , Energy Drink , Chemistry , Drinking Water , Medical Equipment , Medi Cal , Flag Day Usa , Independence Day , Cheerleading , Selfie , Sugar Paste , Fondant , Sugar Cake , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Skyscraper , Cityscape , Skyline , Shopping Mall , Hill Station , Paddy Field , Artificial Turf , Cash Crop , Tundra , People In Nature , Farmworker , Grapevine Family , Amphibian , Frog , Carnivorous Plant , Farmer , Vineyard , Botany , Greenhouse , Plant Stem , Wheatgrass , Herb , Baby , Tableware , Pollinator , Insect , Honeybee , Membrane Winged Insect , Bee , Annual Plant , Bonsai , Kale , Lettuce , Turquoise , Operating System , Computer Monitor , Reading , Teacher , Taste , Kitchen , Banquet , Rehearsal Dinner , Function Hall , Wedding Reception , Tablecloth , Dinner , Quinceanera , Bride , Bridesmaid , Prom , Haute Couture , Bridal Accessory , Headpiece , Vernissage , Art Exhibition , Management , Corporate Headquarters , Ipad , Graphics Tablet , Computer , Caramel Color , Triangle , Icon , Animation , Action Film , Freestyle Bmx , Flatland Bmx , Choreography , Cross Country Running , Sports Training , Football Player , Rugby , Song , Singing , Parachuting , Parachute , Sunglasses , Paragliding , Fur , Loft , Airport Terminal , Pet , Dog , Canidae , Dog Breed , Golden Retriever , Puppy , Retriever , Labrador Retriever , Companion Dog , Nursery , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Spaniel , Mammal , Iphone , Vertebrate , Conformation Show , Picket Fence , Street Sign , Sofa Bed , Toilet , Restroom , Bathroom , Plumbing Fixture , Portable Toilet , Box , Carton , Packaging And Labeling , Book , Shelf , Snout , Ancient Dog Breeds , Whiskers , Hovawart , Livestock Guardian Dog , Small Greek Domestic Dog , Street Dog , Gun Dog , Present , Picture Frame , Shelving , Craft , Flyer , Engineering , Technician , Construction Equipment , Machine Tool , Engineer , Electronic Engineering , School Bus , Forklift Truck , Automobile Repair Shop , Honda Element , Research , Laboratory , Health Care , Research Institute , Medical Technologist , Health Care Provider , White Coat , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Nurse , Clinic , Patient , Tooth , Woodworking , Workshop , Patio , Linens , Nativity Scene , Hobby , Cottage , Outdoor Play Equipment , Dollhouse , Log Cabin , Working Dog , Animal Shelter , Scale , Professional Wrestling , Pool , Pope , Arena , Pommel Horse , Baseball Umpire , Bat And Ball Games , Wood Flooring , Laminate Flooring , Suite , Satellite , Space Station , Leg Extension , Leg Press , Modern Art , Golf , Golf Club , Golf Course , Precision Sports , Golf Equipment , Talent Show , Horse Harness , Horse Tack , Rein , Bridle , Halter , Stallion , Animal Sports , Pack Animal , Mare , Mane , Horse Supplies , Saddle , Livestock , Equestrian Sport , Equitation , Equestrianism , Western Riding , Rodeo , Dressage , Traditional Sport , Eventing , Academic Dress , Graduation , Phd , Police Dog , Jumping , Lens Flare , Camera , Cameras Optics , Camera Operator , Camera Accessory , Cinematographer , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Camera , Videographer , Digital Slr , Filmmaking , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Film Camera , Camera Lens , Lens , Explosion , Troop , War , Military Officer , Military Person , Winter Storm , Rifle , Shooting Sport , Gun , Shooting , Air Gun , Sniper Rifle , Trigger , Peking Opera , Freezing , Blizzard , Wrinkle , Pollution , Closet , Wardrobe , Clothes Hanger , Dry Cleaning , Boutique , Blacksmith , Steel , Nail , Jewellery , Drama , Cowboy , Army , Military Uniform , Military Organization , Infantry , Tribe , Marines , Working Animal , Kiss , 3d Modeling , Digital Compositing , Adventure Game , Carpet , Memorial Day , Medal , Car Dealership , Bodyguard , Porsche Panamera , Range Rover Evoque , Range Rover , Porsche Cayenne , Spoke , Alfa Romeo , Hubcap , Bentley , Muscle Car , Moonlight , Jaguar , Jaguar Xf , Jaguar Xj , Microphone , Buzz Cut , Wrist , Leather , Foot , Alcohols , Knee , Tights , Leggings , Balance , Lunge , Stretching , Human Anatomy , Weightlifting , Gardening , Kindergarten , Kettlebell , Sari , Marriage , Selling , Backpacking , Hiking , Cycling , Outdoor Recreation , Road Bicycle , , Hybrid Bicycle , Bicycle Frame , Racing Bicycle , Bicycle Saddle , Bicycle Handlebar , Mo Ney , Cash , Banknote , Currency , Money Handling , Dollar , Graffiti , Hemp Family , Music Artist , Airline , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Martial Arts , Taekwondo , Collaboration , Rolls Royce , Swing , Dog Walking , Collection , Racket , Freestyle Motocross , Endurocross , Mother , Daughter , Sibling , Fathers Day , Campus , Almond , Citrus , Orange , Hanise , Granola , Malvales , Payment Card , Personal Computer , Software Engineering , Desktop Computer , Bob Cut , Dining Room , Coffee Table , Bedroom , Telephony , Costume , Throat , Actors , French Bulldog , Pointing Breed , Kennel Club , Comics , Housewarming Party , Sharing , Backlighting , Professor , Limousine , Electric Car , Chevrolet , Compact Mpv , Videoconferencing , Security , Nissan Leaf , Bugatti , Rolls Royce Phantom , Cadillac , Leather Jacket , Street Fashion , Fur Clothing , Denim , Manatee , Marine Mammal , Precipitation , Honda Ridgeline , Acrobatics , Tongue , Red Hair , Handwriting , Line Art , Drawing , Sketch , Figure Drawing , Coloring Book , Camel , Camelid , Arabian Camel , Llama , Stomach , Cargo Pants , Beige , Pocket , Fashion Design , Glove , Skin Care , Liquid , Gingerbread House , Gingerbread , Cuckoo Clock , Home Accessories , Lego , Thai Food , Curry , Taco , Mexican Food , Latin American Food , Flatbread , Quesadilla , Kids Meal , Italian Food , Prepackaged Meal , Full Breakfast , Pastry , Waffle , Canadian Cuisine , Big Mac , Astronomical Object , Universe , Fête , Nebula , Star , Astronomy , Outer Space , New Year , Fireworks , New Years Eve , New Years Day , Seminar , Conference Hall , Shooting Range , Supervillain , High Heels , Cruiser , Cyclocomputer , Revolver , Bicycle Part , Motorcycle Helmet , Lamp , Sad , Metro , Sphere , Hero , Rock Concert , Bichon , Toy Dog , Christmas , English Cocker Spaniel , Poker , Gambling , Card Game , Cavachon , Lhasa Apso , American Cocker Spaniel , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Deer , Chevrolet Hhr , Nissan Armada , Nissan Quest , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Ford Five Hundred , Ford , Saturn Vue , Stunt Performer , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Tropical Cyclone , Perching Bird , Tape , Freshwater Aquarium , Aquarium , Aquatic Plant , Waterfall , Animal Migration , Badlands , Glacier , Penguin , Convention , Super Bowl , Cheering , Motor Ship , Tower Block , Sports Drink , Plastic Bottle , Dietary Supplement , Football , Soccer Player , Soccer , Soccer Ball , Womens Football , American Football , Tackle , Lawn Game , Dog Agility , Kick , Flag Football , Gridiron Football , Pole Vault , Goal , Soccer Specific Stadium , Soft Drink , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Credit Card , Club , Fitness Professional , Fitness And Figure Competition , Bodybuilding Supplement , Superfruit , Cup , Windscreen Wiper , Volkswagen Transporter T4 , Chevrolet Astro , Microvan , Light Commercial Vehicle , Minibus , Baggage , Museum , Hall , Bed Frame , Bed Sheet , Mattress , Boutique Hotel , Plaster , Bangs , Suitcase , Bag , Handbag , Hand Luggage , Luggage And Bags , Curtain , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Beer , Party Supply , Audio Engineer , Chef , Cook , Culinary Art , Coffee , Chip , Waist , Wine , Mixing Console , Disc Jockey , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Balloon , Aerostat , Satay , Karaage , Brochette , Chicken Meat , Pakora , Sate Kambing , Kebab , Frying , Souvlaki , Korokke , Fried Chicken , Ultramarathon , Half Marathon , Lumber , Plank , Pollen , Butterfly , Anemone Fish , Pomacentridae , Kettle Corn , Orchid , Cattleya , Good Friday , Tattoo , Temporary Tattoo , Netbook , Manta Ray , Rays And Skates , Truck Driver , Bus Driver , Cockpit , Pilot , Overpass , Track , Skateboard , Concrete , Skateboarding Equipment , Carmine , Plateau , Savanna , Canyon , Wadi , Cetacea , Dolphin , Whale , Killer Whale , Airliner , Fire Department , Fire Apparatus , Coupe Utility , Filling Station , Marketplace , Army Men , Flowerpot , Pottery , Pharmacy , Baby Products , Kettle , Toilet Seat , Clothes Iron , Class , Customer , Prescription Drug , Bouquet , Creative Arts , Cornales , Wolfdog , Czechoslovakian Wolfdog , Alaskan Malamute , Siberian Husky , Herding Dog , German Shepherd Dog , Obedience Training , Greenland Dog , Putter , Pitch And Putt , Baby Carriage , Flap , Bow And Arrow , Citrullus , Baby Activity , Sled Dog , Dog Sports , Wine Bottle , Sauces , Condiment , Syrup , Mulled Wine , Original Chicken Sandwich , Bungee Jumping , Tennis , Tennis Player , Tennis Court , Racquet Sport , Trampolining , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Palm Tree , Tennis Equipment , Real Tennis , Tennis Racket Accessory , Soft Tennis , Head Restraint , Rolls Royce Ghost , Group B , Dirt Track Racing , Banger Racing , World Rally Car , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Wraith , Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé , Audi Q7 , Sandal , Fashion Model , Ankle , Basic Pump , Fashion Show , Chandelier , Wallet , Outdoor Table , Cabinetry , Tile , Roller Coaster , Tall Ship , Galleon , Scaffolding , Galley , Cargo Ship , Ferris Wheel , Ferry , Solar Energy , Tugboat , Border Collie , Seabird , Parasailing , Kite Sports , Horse Racing , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Circus , Casino , Shih Tzu , Rare Breed Dog , Puppy Love , Pekingese , Chinese Imperial Dog , Tibetan Spaniel , Slot Machine , Flight Attendant , Food Truck , Gas , Trade , Air Hockey , Drawer , Gelato , Seafood , Crab , Refrigerator , Fordf Series , Fordf 550 , Ford Excursion , Fordf 350 , Ford Motor Company , Rv , Ambulance , Trailer , Tram , Double Decker Bus , Goggles , Water Park , Fluid , Buffet , Laundry Detergent , Trench Coat , Overcoat , Pleased , Elder , Dreadlocks , Engine , Automotive Engine Part , Railway , Train , Truck Bed Part , Horse Trailer , Dome , Steeple , Listed Building , Artistic Gymnastics , Balance Beam , Gymnastics , Electric Guitar , Bassist , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Guitar , Guitar Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Bass Guitar , Personal Water Craft , Waterskiing , Street Stunts , Flip Acrobatic , Freestyle Walking , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Bicycle Wheel , Road Cycling , Bicycle Pedal , Bicycle Helmet , Bicycle Racing , Road Bicycle Racing , Bicycle Clothing , Cross Country Cycling , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Bicycle Fork , Dune , Banana Leaf , Projection Screen , Recruiter , Output Device , Chinese New Year , Crescent , Track And Field Athletics , Street Sports , Airport , Junction , Track Cycling , Bouldering , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Sport Climbing , Adventure Racing , Racewalking , Bean , Countertop , Fountain , Bathing , Contact Lens , Ophthalmology , Animated Cartoon , Drought , Resort Town , Seaside Resort , Cove , Parrot , Macaw , Acrylic Paint , Paint , Watercolor Paint , Canyoning , Disco , Samba , Dancer , Mythology , Jacuzzi , Milk , Milkshake , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Juice , Blender , Juicer , Smoothie , Conifer , Musical Ensemble , Drums , Drum , Idiophone , Marching Band , Bass Drum , Membranophone , Drummer , Snare Drum , Elephant , Elephants And Mammoths , Mustang Horse , Water Buffalo , Rhinoceros , Terrestrial Animal , Bovine , Crocodile , Reptile , Great White Shark , Inflatable , Pedestrian Crossing , Spiral , Target Archery , Vortex , Archery , Colorfulness , Lighting Accessory , Lampshade , Dalmatian , Great Dane , Nightshade Family , Outdoor Shoe , Tomato , Chili Pepper , Capsicum , Tote Bag , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Movie Theater , Bracelet , Ring , Body Jewelry , Gemstone , Bead , Wedding Ring , Hug , Solvent , Bowling , Meerkat , Falconiformes , Garmon , Coca Cola , Cola , Maserati Granturismo , Maserati , Audi A5 , Maserati Quattroporte , Grille , Automotive Exhaust , Exhaust System , Tunnel , Bugatti Veyron , Audi R8 , Mercedes Benz Slr Mclaren , Nissan Gt R , Lexus Is , Bmw Z4 , Bmwm Roadster , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw M6 , Singing Bowl , Cookware And Bakeware , Comedy , Awning , Slide Guitar , Undergarment , Art Model , Sewing Machine , Bedding , Window Blind , Sea Ice , Iceberg , Plywood , Natural Material , Chest Of Drawers , Nightstand , Varnish , Office Chair , Cocktail Dress , Cutting Board , Fungus , Beam , Bmx Bike , Indoor Cycling , Computer Hardware , Brassiere , Camgirl , Feathered Hair , Pixie Cut , Family Pictures , Comfort , Loveseat , Panda , Mascot , Social Work , Bake Sale , Turkish Food , Cooking Show , Apple , Pineapple , Bromeliaceae , Hot Pot , Korean Food , Soup , Wok , Karahi , Chinese Food , Frying Pan , Chain Link Fencing , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Tree House , Shack , Hut , à La Carte Food , Greek Salad , Ceviche , Vietnamese Food , Smoking , Romance , Kung Fu , Headquarters , Touchpad , Caving , Abseiling , Moon , Battery , Ammunition , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Library , Convenience Store , Aisle , Signaling Device , Street Performance , Orchestra , Psychedelic Art , Studio Couch , Chaise Longue , Futon , Kitchen Dining Room Table , Box Spring , Armrest , Jazz Guitarist , Ukulele , Floodlight , Jazz Club , Brass Instrument , Saxophone , Woodwind Instrument , Reed Instrument , Shout , Fiddle , Violin Family , Violin , Book Cover , Wire Fencing , Marching , Cowboy Hat , Fedora , Funeral , Taxi , Practical Shooting , Drumhead , Tom Drum , Cymbal , Timbales , Gong Bass Drum , Percussionist , Repinique , Drum Stick , Banjo , Banjo Guitar , Banjo Uke , Bouzouki , Cemetery , Grave , Hand Drum , Block Party , Davul , Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments , Trampoline , Demonstration , Town Square , Carousel , Bazaar , Cellular Network , Mobile Phone Accessories , Village , Homework , Writing Implement , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , School , Academic Institution , Mohawk Hairstyle , Rickshaw , Mural , Chivito , Coca , Red Carpet , Cab Driver ,

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