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Pink and wearing colored contacts and a face tattoo. Fox friends starts right now. Have a good day. Hi, friends. Good morning, im anna kooiman. It is memorial day, monday, may 30th, 2016. This is fox friends. The death toll rising, six people dead in texas as rains continue to slam the south. One man swept to sea trying to rescue others. And carolina is getting hammered by another storm. 8 inches of rain dumping on that region. An update on the weather that may ruin travel plans for millions. It was one of the most memorial moments from the president ial debate. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Thank you. Me too. Me too. But this morning, it sounds like Bernie Sanders wants to take it back. And with their poll numbers improving, the Libertarian Party swore this was their year and then this happened. What just happened . Did i see a man walking out without a shirt on. There he goes. Iowa. There he goes. Thats hot. Control yourself, anna. Fox friends starts right now. Beautiful. Yeah. Good morning, everybody. Playing God Bless America on this rainy memorial day. Were your right, white, and blue headquarters. We want you to send in your photos because youve been sending in a ton of them this morning and proud american. Were going to be sharing them throughout the show. Ive been in our facebook feed and looking all the world war ii era photos and vietnam era photos. Please keep sending them and well share them throughout the show. Texas forces multiple mandatory evacuationsover nightism six people are confirmed dead and including an 11yearold boy is missing. 20 inches of rain swelling rivers, floding forces, forcing tens of thousands from their home. Cowboys on horseback and crews in boats trying to heard these animals to get them in safety. On the east coast, tropical depression bonnie is now moving up the atlantic from the carolinas, putting the northeast directly in its cross hairs, but carolina residents are still reeling from the weekend flood waters. Parts of i95 shut down. Drivers, though, still trying to make it through the dangerous conditions, getting stranded in the process. Peter, the eastern seaboard now bracing for heavy rain, damaging winds and flash flooding this morning. Maria molina is live in the plaza tracking the latest. Its forecast to continue here for several more days. Across the eastern seaboard today the big story is what is left of tropical depression bonnie just impacting the region with a lot of heavy rain and the potential for some flash flooding. Damaging winds will be a concern across portions of the northeast. I want to take you now to parts of the plains. Across texas, weve been dealing with heavy rain and thats triggering river flooding and levels are forecast to stay at flood stage, possibly even moderate flood stage in some areas out there, across portions of texas and they are going to stay active with thunderstorms in the forecast for the next several days and potentially more than six inches of rain still in the way of some those areas, its a big threat out there. Severe weather a big concern as well across portions of the northern and Central Plains. Damaging winds and large hail. We have an isolated tornado threat across portions of the dakotas. Temperatures now are relatively mild from the plains to eastern u. S. Taking a look what they are going to be looking for this afternoon, very summerlike across the plains and Pacific Northwest on the cool side. 60s and 70s. Were falling some other stories. Outrage after a zoo shoots and kills a gorilla to saves a boys life when he flips into the animals exhibit. Others are putting the blame on the childs parents. And of course, peta has something to say. Even under the best circumstances, captivity is Never Acceptable for gorillas or other primates and in cases like this, its even deadly. Meanwhile, a makeshift memorial has been set up at the zoo where visitors have been putting down flowers in memory of that gorilla. On to a fox news alert, Police Shooting for a motive in a wild shooting rampage sending people running for their lives in a hun suburb houston suburb. [ sirens ] the scene leaving people in one normally quiet family friendly neighborhood shaken and shocked. Police say it all started when one of the men walked into an auto shop yesterday morning and opened fire, killing a customer and putting a community on lockdown. The gunman randomly shooting at anything and anyone in their path. Including riddling a police car with moments. One man described the chilling moment when he came facetoface with one of the suspects. Ed dude and looked and seen me across the sheet and shot at me. Police shot and killed one of the suspects and the other in custody. Four people and two officers were injured but are expected to be okay. Theres a new challenger for the white house. Former new mexico governor gary johnson winning the libertarian nomination. A fox news poll shows with johnson with 10 of the votes in a matchup with trent and clinton with trump and clinton. This is what happens when libertarian loses a race. James weeks stripping on stage in michigan. Instead of votes, he got boos from the crowd. Weeks says it was a dare. Those are your headlines. They have fun at the libertarians. Isnt that pay for view . It was on hbo last night. Donald trump using memorial day weekend to express his disgust with the va. It comes as one of his fearest campaign rivals vows to support him in cleveland. Kristen fisher is live with that story. Donald trump is slamming the va this memorial day weekend. He says the u. S. Takes better care of people here illegally than they do their own veterans. He made those remarks at the Rolling Thunders ride for freedom here in washington, d. C. Hes had a rocky relationship with veterans ever since he made that comment about senator john mccain. Yesterday, he was applauded for pledging to rebl our military and take care of our veterans. Our veterans have been treated so badly in this country. You have a secretary that last week said, no, the wait time doesnt matter, and in many cases Illegal Immigrants are taken much better care by this country, taken care of, than our veterans and not going to happen. Over the weekend, trump also picked up some support from a most unlikely former rival, marco rubio. Rubio said on sunday that he now fully supports donald trump. He even apologized for some of his more personal attacks, including that one about trumps alleged small hands. I apologize to him for that. Im sorry that i said that. Its not who i am and i shouldnt have done it. I didnt like what it reflected on me. It embarrassed my family. Its not who i am. Rubio also said that he would speak on trumps behalf at the Republican Convention in july. So this is rubio really going all in for trump just three months after making some of the most personal attacks of his political career. Peter, anna and clayton. Look at you guys looking sharp in your matching stripes and red ties. Thank you so much, kristen. Not as rainy down there as it is up here. It will be interesting to see whether or not ted cruz pulls a marco rubio. It got pretty nasty there at the end. Lets see if they can kiss and make up. Its been quite a weekend at better thannies. Bernies. On the sunday shows, yesterday, Hillary Clintons email scandal was really dominating the news, and Bernie Sanders weighed in and you are hearing a bit of a different tune from him. The Inspector General just came out with a report. It was not a good report for secretary clinton. That is something that the American People, democrats, and delegates are going to take a hard look at. They will be keeping it in mind. I dont have to tell them that. Rve in america is keeping it in mind and cerinly the super delegates are. Your job is to make sure that donald trump is defeated and defeated badly. Is this bernies last stand . Playing this card. In the fall he said im tired about hearing about these emails. Can we move on to things of more substance . Pay attention to this inspectors general report. This is a winwin for bernie. He gets to talk about the emails. He also gets to talk about these super delegates by targeting the super delegates and say i think they are going to tart to listen to the problems hillary is having with the state department. That reminds democrat super delegates that they are trying to hand it to you. Its a handful of elites who want to hand it to hillary and not bernie. It seems to be working to fire up the masses and get the crowds out. Defeat the man and defeat the establishment. Thats been working for him. On the sunday shows, he didnt say its not rigged. Its dumb the way it works. If you look at them matched up, they are almost neck and neck without the super delegates, hes going to try to court those super delegates particularly in the states where he won overwhelmly. It is the story of the week and all these clinton surrogates trying to defend clinton and her home brewed server. Well have more on the show. When it comes to campaigns, money is king. Hillary clinton has spent 4 million to defeat donald trump. Why cant she take him down . And a line they love to use against donald trump. Building walls wont do that. It wont boost our economy and it wont enhance our security. But this morning the white house wants a bigger wall . A fence . I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. 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If you spend 4 million to figure out how to deal with the problem and you dont have an answer, that leads to terror and ineptness. So wasnt defeating donald trump supposed to be easy for Hillary Clinton . Lets ask pollster john mclaughlin. He joins us now. Absolutely not. We were just talking. You think that if trump that barack obama, who has not endorsed anybody yet hes watching closely, and that if trump keeps his numbers really high, he might do something to put one of his own people in the mix. What do you think might happen . My fear is a lot of people said trump cant win and Hillary Clinton might want him and now hes ahead of hillary in the polls. They might be thinking hilt larry Hillary Clinton might be indicted and put biden to the on the ticket. The president does not like donald trump. For donald trump to come out of the field of 17 was the most anti obama candidate on the field. Hes been relentless in terms of challenging the policies. Weve seen in our last national survey. 56 of americans want to move against the policies of barack obama. Every one of those voters could vote for donald trump and over the last month youve seen trumps numbers, after he goes after obama and hillary, his negatives are coming down. His favorables are going up because Hillary Clinton cant get rid of her negatives. Its all related to character. We look at this poll number, unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton. This is a poll you guys did. 25 unfavorable with democrats. 30 with liberals. 49 with moderates. 52 among women. Now, president obamas Approval Ratings are pretty high right now. Why isnt that helping her if shes so closely tied to his record, why isnt she being floated his Approval Ratings are not great. This month we had him 50 approved, 49 disapproved. Its the first time hes passed the net negative remark since november 2012 but its still better than hers. She has these high negatives because of her character. Weve seen her for 25 years and what do you like least about Hillary Clinton . Shes dishonest, shes corrupt, she lies. People in bernie is revisiting and going back after the email scandal, the secretary of state was basically selling American Foreign policy for contributors to the Clinton Foundation. Last question as we wrap it up. If she stays so unfavorable, can bernie win . Not with the super delegates. Its definitely a rigged deck. All right. Thank you very much. Coming up, does this sound racist to you . Oh, say can you see . By the dawns early light an espn columnist says its forced patriotism. And what happens when one of holidays star hollywoods stars says something positive about conservatives. Rob lowe finds out and its not pretty. Everything youre pretty good at now, you were once, well, pretty bad at. But you learned. And got better. At experian, we believe its the same with managing your credit. You may not be good at it now. But thats okay. 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Tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Most common sideaffect is nausea. I did it. I quit smoking. Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Welcome back. Some quick headlines for you. A fire ball erupts after an incredible motorcycle crash. Watch this. Oh thats a really big accident one of the bikes flying into the air causing the fuel tank to separate from the bike and explode. This happening in spain. Somehow, no one was seriously hurt in this. And this isnt exactly a fairy tale wedding, the coast guard emergency crews sent in to rescue 150 people when a boat cruise hit a sandbar off the coast of boston. No one was hurt but the bride and groom said they hope they get a refund. Ahoy, anna. Would you call this systemic american racism . Oh, say can you see by the dawns early thats how an espn magazine columnist he sees cops and soldiers singing the National Anthem before sporting events. In his latest column, howard bryan said this why dont more athletes speak out on behalf of their communities . Perhaps more of them would if there wasnt a chilling looming force over them. What do you think . Is there some looming force thats causing athletes to not speak out about issues in their communities as this columnist says . Absolutely not. When you talk about the National Anthem, you should be able to sing and sing well and at least be able to make it past the first two segments of American Idol and be able to do our country proud. But i dont think that theres anything looming or some ghost hanging behind that thats causing athletes not to speak out. Yeah. When you sing the National Anthem and you experience this patriotism and you have critic who say it shouldnt be done. Its almost as if you cant invite someone into your own home and sing the National Anthem, what do you mean by that . Most of these stadiums are private property so you can invite whoever you want. It is mostly private property. If you look post 9 11, i guarantee you an article like this would have never gotten out or gotten any kind of traction at all. When you talk about patriotism. You got to go back to buddy ryan. When that National Anthem was sung, of course, you want to have some diversity out there singing it, but buddy ryan stayed on that sideline. If you moved, if you scratched or you turned around and did anything, he would fine you 1,000. One of the most things about growing up that made me feel the most patriotic was going to games with my mom and dad and brother and putting my hand over my heart and singing the National Anthem with tens of thousands of other people. In some schools you cant even say the pledge of allegiance and if you do you have to take the one nation under god part out. How important is it . I think we should be patriotic toward our country and nothing is perfect and there are some things that need to be fixed. I still respect this country. You talk about memorial day weekend and people who died for this country, regardless of what color you are, a lot of people have died for this country and you ought to respect it and respect it even at sporting events. Weve had a lot of outcry on our social media on this. This story came to us from news busters. I want you to hear some of our viewers are saying. Really, everything is offending . Its totally out of control. National anthem is racist now what have we become . And allen says this, the sheer level of offense taken at everything in this country, now its crazy. 2016, the year common sense died. And brad says maybe he should be fired like schilling when he said something espn didnt agree with or is espn saying they agree . How do you respond to that last one there . Well, i dont think espn has a whole should be held accountable. We need to have good dialogue and talk to individuals about what is patriotism. You can have diversity among the races and as long as you can get past one or two segments of American Idol, you should be able to sing. Anybody out there messing up the National Anthem. Should espn publish this . I think they have the right to publish it, but i also think that the general public and people who read these articles should be smart enough to understand that this is just someones opinion and definitely dont take it as gospel. Randall hill, former nfl player. Have a great memorial day with your family. Coming up on fox friends, major developments on conservatives plan to stop donald trump. Who mitt romney is talking to now. Thats ahead. The president loves to hate on Donald Trumps big wall whats with the new plan with a bigger wall around the white house . I never forget anything as devastating as d day. On the night of the 8th, germans started firing on us. And i got hit on the side and as im falling, i saw a german and i shot him. We were over there fighting for god and country. Thats what we were fighting for and our freedom. I came in the marine in 1940, i wanted to get into a fighter. The idea was you knock one off and they arpt back to bother you tomorrow. You are fighting for your life. Fooling around or trying to count on them or worrying whether you got them, i didnt know anything about getting any medial. Admirable mccain took me to the white house to get the congressional medal of honor. 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Your link to whats next. There you have it. That was the american bomb shells singing america the beautiful on this memorial day. Earlier we asked what make you proud to be an american and here are some of the photographs youve been sending. Check out Bruce Schumacher on his korean corsair bearing the name of his wife kay. And send us your photos today with the proud american. Heres producer kelly cramer. Did you see that one . Ella sue decked out in red, white, and blue. Congratulations. We miss you, kelly. We want to get over to heather now to take a look at your headlines. Good morning. Good morning. We begin with a travel headache. Imagine walking into an airport and being handed a handwritten boarding pass. Thats right. Thats exactly what happened at new yorks jfk airport this Holiday Weekend. A computer outage causing massive frustration. Travelers waiting up to 95 minutes for international flights. Up to 1,000 people on line last night. The problems expected to trickle into today. Theres no word when the issues will be resolved. Panic at the beach. A 13yearold is rushed to the hospital after he was bane by a by then by a shark while he was on his surf board. We heard a yell, oh, my god, he got bit. You saw blood dripping out. The fivefoot shark that grabbed the teens right calf at Neptune Beach at jacksonville. Meanwhile this, another shark attack on the west coast. A woman bitten on the torso. Experts warn that shark attacks make hit new records this year. There were 93 shark attacks world wide last year. Six of those people died. Actor rob lowe fending off twitter trolls for suggesting we spend memorial day honoring our heroes. This is what he wrote. We need immediate assistance. We are overrun. And Security Team that fought to save americans in benghazi. Some of lowes followers responded with vying for the number 2 slot on the trump ticket. Sounds like youre gaining support. It is a line that democrats love to use against donald trump. The point is to help ourselves we got to help others. Lets pull up the draw bridge and try to keep the world out. Building walls wont do that. It wont boost our economy and it wont enhance our security either. Well, apparently the secret service thinks that a wall will. The agency reportedly dreaming of a new 14foot white house picket fence. It comes two years after an armed man climbed over the now 7foot fence. Initially it was going to be 11 feet but now the Security Service is saying build it higher. And theres a look at your headlines back to you. Thanks heather. Im corey paven and i stand with the folds of honor. I stand with the folds of honor. This is your call to duty, the folds of Honor Foundation keeps the dream alive by awarding scholarships to spouses or children of those killed or wounded in service. I stand with the folds of honor. I stand with the folds of honor. I stand with the folds of honor. Stand with us. Donate today. And today we honor the men and women who have given their lives in service for this country. One organization that does that yearround is the folds of Honor Foundation. Thats right. And today it hosts its annual patriot cup golf event to help raise monies for the families of diseased or injured soldiers. And though join us right. The sun is coming up here in oklahoma, and i will tell you god and country is alive and well here at the patriot cup. Fox friends has been with us since our inaugural six years ago. Well have celebrity tour players come together with our military heroes and the families that folds of honor serve and we will certainly have a lot of fun today and theres a moment of reverence as we know on memorial day its not about flippingburgers and drinking bud wisers. 3 4 of a million soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Its a day to acknowledge that. Were fortunate at folds not to be in a place to say im sorry for your sacrifice or thank you for your service but stand in that gap. We have over 10,000 Scholarship Recipients, spouses and children, that were sending to school of our deceased soldiers and thanks to guy like ken march din daily martindale and rite aid who donated 6 million. This was a critical year for folds of honor. Why did rite aid want to get involved in this . Its a very special organization. The Rite Aid Foundation three years ago organized kid sense. Its all about giving our customers an opportunity to donate the change from their order to all kinds of Great Charities that support Childrens Health and wellness. About two years ago, i had the opportunity to meet dan. He introduced our foundation to the folds and all the great work that they are doing and we found there was just a terrific synergy between the two companies. Our missions are aligned and were really excited about helping take care of a lot of deserving young children. And major dan, we know one of our senior producers just got an award from you guys and our friendship with folds of honor is strong. You and i ran a marathon together and raised 50,000. How is this particular golf event different than years past that youve come on fox friends to talk about . You hit on it, anna. Number one, gaven got a big award last night and 94 million households we get to bring folds of honor but specifically the stories of those we help and every year its different because of the thousands of families that are coming to folds and were able to provide their education and the stories that have led them to that inherently very dark place through the sacrifice that those families have made, but were able to bring a ray of light which which supports these families. Weve got some of the big announcement here. Did i give this away or you have a big announcement coming up a little bit later in the show . We have a little bit of a surprise, right . Yeah. Well, its coming up. You guys obviously know as a Fighter Pilot i love to be in the air and ken came to me with an idea a few months ago called the dream ship and this is a balloon that actually will be formed by the pictures of folds of honor recipients, their dreams will take flight later this summer. It will travel 50 weeks a year from sea to shining sea, creating awareness, raising funds on behalf of folds of honor and kid sense. It keeps coming. He let the air out of the room tonight with a 6 million announcement. Anna hopefully well be in the balloon together by the end of the summer in new york city. Ill hold you to it. Thanks, dan. Ill be checking back with you later this morning. Weve got another big announcement coming up later, dan. And brussels terror attacks and more terrorists are creating bombs with household items. And Hillary Clinton getti getting by the liberal press. Well explain just ahead. Test test incredible bladder protection from always discreet that lets you move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. The always discreet double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it. Were so confident youll love it, well give you double your money back if you dont. Incredible bladder protection. Double your money back guarantee. Thats always discreet. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquois dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. Should i stay or should i go . When its go, book with Choice Hotels and get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. You always have a choice. When agerelated macular have degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And everywhere i look. Im reminded to stick to my plan. Including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. After 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Welcome back. Some quick headlines now for you. Donald trump could have a new challenger. Weekly standard Magazine Editor bill crystal tweeting this. Just a headsup over this Holiday Weekend there will be an independent candidate, an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance. Trump fired back with bill kristol. He says hes been strong for two years on an embarrassed looser but if the gop cant control their own, then they are not a party. Be tough, rs and oops the Huffington Post accidental accidentally indicts Hillary Clinton. How did that get up there . In todays world the threat of terrorism and attacks is something we live with every day but what may surprise you is the kind of everyday materials that our enemies are using, take a look. String of murderous attacks in the city of paris. Explosions outside a stadium. 129 dead. 352 injured. 8 dead attackers. Seven blown up with their own explosives strapped to them. The suicide vests worn by terrorists were designed to inflick the maximum number of casualties. They are made of a compound of tapt. Its nickname, the mother of satan. Belgium under siege in what appears to be a series of coordinated terror attacks. A possible homicide bomb ripped through the brussels airport. Explosions rock at least two metro stations. Smoke. 34 people killed. 270 wounded. The signature of these devices at the airport will fit the same signature of the devices we saw in paris. Two undetonated bombs contain 20 to 30 pounds of the deadly and unstable tatp. And while searching a house used by the bombers, investigators discover a trove of explosive material, 40 gallons of acetone. 8 gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide. The ingredients to produce tatp. What might startle you is more anyone may buy these materials on line or in local shops. What do we have here . We have common chemicals that can be found in supply stores, hardware stores, gun shops and sporting stores. All of these have legitimate uses but also they have some sinister uses and thats what were going to demonstrate today. Fire in the hole the fbi Newark Division and department of Homeland Security are training bomb technicians, First Responders and members of the private sector on how these common chemicals can be turned into deadly explosives. How easily we could mix two chemicals together to make an explosive. How concerned are you when you see events like San Bernardino play out and brussels and paris and turkey . I think not only myself but all of fbi is concerned every single day for our safety. Not specifically because of those events but because of the events, but because of the nature of the world we live in today. The growing trend is people are getting radicalized on line and oftentimes, they are u. S. Citizens that why it becomes more important that if someone sees something suspicious, that they Say Something. Its a great motto, see something, Say Something. Does it work. In the San Bernardino attack, a neighbor reportedly noticed suspicious activity at the home of sayyed farook but did not want to, quote, profile him. Investigators found roughly 4,500 rounds of ammunition. 12 pipe bomb type devices and bomb making devices inside his home and garage. So is Political Correctness putting us at the next commander in chief has to remove Political Correctness from the threat assessment. You dont have to carry a badge or a gun or wear a uniform. All americans are on the front lined and cannot be afraid of being called isla sa phon wasla when they started searching the apartments associated with the bombers they found 40 gallons of acetone and 8 gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide which is used to make tatp. Thats why the fbi is going around to even Beauty Supply stores and Home Improvement stores and saying if you see something, Say Something, if people are buying large quantities of these everyday items. That would be a red flag. Thanks. Coming up on the show, we told you the story yesterday and the video is even more terrifying after a 4yearold boy attacked by that gorilla at the zoo. Now the parents are the ones getting the backlash. And a handwritten note seems like a simple gesture but it can send a powerful message of support this memorial day. How you can show your gratitude to those american heroes next. Suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. 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They send more than 150,000 care packages a year, and theyve teamed up with pilot pen for the red, write, and Blue Campaign. Are a riane is here to tell us all about it. Nice to see you. Pilot pens headquarters is jacksonville, florida. A number of military bases nearby. This was a natural partnership. Absolutely. Five military bases. The military community is our community. Operation gratitude is such a wonderful organization. Tell us about how this works. If youre serving overseas right now to receive a care package with handwritten notes. Exactly. Operation gratitude sends out care packages that have up to 50 items in them and it has entertainment items, personal items, handmade items, and up to nine handwritten letters. You say that these are some of the most things. Exactly. Operation gratitude has been told by Service Members they love getting these. Its great to hear from people at home, people they have never seen but that theyre protecting. And you know what i love about it too . Pilot pen, its a natural relationship because this idea of technology, were communicating with facetime or sending Text Messages but having that handwritten letter can be more powerful. Absolutely. The thing about skype or facetime is wonderful, you get to see somebody. But when its done, its over. With a handwritten letter, its tangible, its substantial, it gives loved ones at home something they can touch and hold and it gives Service Members the real words of the people theyre speaking to to go back to over and over again. Wonderful. So for people who want to get more information and participate, you can go to foxandfriends. Com. We will have a link to pilot pen and operation gratitude. Vel a link to the website as well. The red, quite, and Blue Campaign on this memorial day. Great to see you this morning. Gate to see you. Thanks so much. Coming up, Establishment Republicans have a new plan to stop donald trump, recruiting a thirdparty candidate. Dr. Ben carson is here to react to all of this next. Tree that most rare and magical fruit. Which provided for their every financial need. And then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. But with their Raymond James financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. And they danced. See what a Raymond James advisor can do for you. And i quit smoking with chantix. I always came back to smoking. I was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. I did not think chantix would work as well as it did. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after sto. Some had seizures while taking chantix. 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Bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. Dont worry, princess, well settle the score. Tonight we ride, with bravecto ask your vet about 12week protection with bravecto. This. I try hard to get a great shape. I can do easily. Benefiber® healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree daily supplement. Thats clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This, i can do. Find us in the fiber aisle. Good morning, my friends. Its memorial day monday, the 30th of may, 2016. This is fox friends. The death toll rising to six people in texas as rains continue to slam the south. One man swept out to sea attempting to rescue others. And the carolinas getting hammered by another storm. Eight inches of rain already dumping on the region. The weather that may ruin your travel plans as millions of americans prepare to head home. And Hillary Clintons email headache about to get even worse as the Mainstream Media gets suspicious of the campaigns number one excuse. And hes polling higher than anyone expected. Former governor gary Johnson Landing the libertarian nomination for president , but then he got overshadowed by this guy. But i just want you to know if its not could you watch that all day . Sorry if youre eating breakfast right now and you had to witness that. The nominee is here live this morning. That guy though, the naked guy, is not going to be here. Fox friends hour two starts right now. That is the u. S. Navy band northeast playing stars and stripes forever. Welcome in on this memory ideal day this morning. Weve been sharing your photos all morning long using the hash tag proud american. This is what its all about. This is kevin pictured on a river patrol boat from his time serving in the navy in the cold war. And William Miller with president Ronald Reagan who served together in world war ii. Another picture from world war ii, this is ben herd on his motorcycle. He served in the u. S. Army. Send us your photos with the hash tag proud american. You can post them on instagram and twitter. Well get right now though to that deadly weather thats threatening millions this memorial day weekend. Texas forcing mandatory ev evacuations overnight. Recordbreaking flooding in the southeastern part of the state and kansas. Rescue workers going out on horseback to save stranded cattle following 20 inches of rain near houston. Now tropical depression bonnie is moving up the atlantic from the carolinas putting the northeast directly in its crosshairs. All of this happening on this Holiday Weekend. Maria is live on the plaza tracking the latest and its raining here, maria. You know what . Good morning. A lot of crazy weather. Lets start out with parts of the eastern u. S. Rain as far north as portions of new england. So it will be a soggy day for some of you, and you are also looking at the threat for some storms that could potentially bring the risk for damaging winds and some flash flooding out there, and that threat extends even into portions of the northeast. Stay safe out there. Otherwise were tracking storms across portions of texas, and the concern isnt just for additional rain today but even over the next several days. So youre looking at the threat for more than six inches of rain coming up. We have a number of watches in effect out there, and river flooding that continues because of this weekends heavy rain. So, again, looking at that threat to continue out there. Severe storms are another big concern across portions of the northern and Central Plains with even a marginal risk to see some isolated tornadoes. Isolated to parts of the dakotas. The rest of the region will be looking at strong winds and even large hail from some of the storms. Temperatures right now anywhere from the plains to the eastern u. S. Are very spring or summerlike for some of you. Youre waking up to temperatures in the 70s. As we head into the afternoon, the temperatures will keep climbing. Take a look at the Pacific Northwest. Thats where we have temperatures a little on the cooler side. Only forecast to reach the 60s and 70s for some of you. Lets head back inside. Thanks so much, maria. Right now the time is four minutes after the hour and heather is in with a look at your headlines. Good morning, heather. Good morning to you and to everyone at home. Outrage after a zoo shoots and kills a gorilla to save a little boys life. Mommy is right here. The cincinnati zoo defending their decision to kill the gorilla after the toddler slipped into the exhibit. Some blaming the animals death on the childs parents calling them neglectful, and, of course, peta is chiming in on this one saying even under the best circumstances captivity is Never Acceptable for gorillas or other primates and in cases like this, its even deadly. Meantime, visitors are remembering the gorilla with flowers and a makeshift memorial at the zoo. And in the neck hour well be joined by jack hannah director of the columbus zoo and aquarium. Now a fox news alert for you. Police searching for a motive in a wild shooting rampage sending people running for their lives in the suburbs. The scene leaving people in a normally quiet familyfriendly houston neighborhood shaken and shocked. Police say that this all started when one of the men walked into an auto shop yesterday morning and opened fire killing a customer and putting a community on lockdown. The gunman allegedly arming themselves with ar15s, randomly shooting at anything and anyone that came into their path, including riddling a police car and helicopter with bullets. One man describing the chilling moment when he came facetoface with one of the suspects. The dude looked and seen me across the street and shot at me. Police shot and killed one of the suspects. The other is in custody. All four people and two officers, they were injured, but they are expected to be okay. And here is a new challenge for the white house. Former new mexico governor gary johnson winning the libertarian nomination at the partys Convention Last night in orlando. Johnson hopes to sway voters frustrated with both donald trump and Hillary Clinton, and a fox news poll shows johnson with 10 of the votes in a matchup with trump and clinton. The governor will join us at 7 45. And a rookie comes out of nowhere to win the greatest spectacle in racing. Californias Alexander Rossi to the checkered flag, and hes done it checkered flag. You just won the indy 500, baby oh, my god. Alexander rossi overwhelmed with emotion after winning the 100th indy 500. His car was running on fumes as it crossed the finish line. This, by the way, his first indy 500 race ever. Celebrating with the traditional bottle of milk. Hes the first rookie to win since 2001 and he will join us on fox friends tomorrow, and those are a look at your headlines. Got milk. Thank you. Ten minutes after the hour. Turning to the race for the white house and donald trump using memorial day weekend to express his disgust with the va. And marco rubio putting his foot in his mouth over this comment about trumps hands. You know what they say about men with small hands. You cant trust them. You cant trust them. Yeah. The florida senator now throwing his support behind his biggest campaign rival. Kristin fisher is live in washington with more on these developments. Good morning, kristin. Good morning. So donald trump delivered a speech yesterday tailor made for veterans and the thousands of bikers that ride into the Nations Capital every memorial day weekend. Trump pledged to rebuild our military, he promised to protect the second amendment, and he blasted the va over those long wait times for veterans in need of medical care. Trump even proposed allowing vets to see a private doctor while the government foots the bill. These Illegal Immigrants are taking much care, really are taken much better care by this country, taken care of than our veterans, and thats not going to happen. Something else many thought would never happen, marco rubio supporting trump, but yesterday rubio announced he was all in. He even said hed be willing to spoke on trumps behalf at the Republican Convention. My policy differences with donald trump, i spent 11 months talking about them, so i think theyre well underzostood that said, i dont want Hillary Clinton to be president. If theres something i can do to help that from happening and its helpful to the cause, id most certainly be honored to be considered for that. Rubio said hed apologize to trump about making that comment about his small hands. Rubio says its not who i am and i shouldnt have done it and it embarrassed his family. Hard to believe they were trading such personal jabs just less than three months ago. Its politics. Two weeks is old news. Thanks, kristin. Great to see you this morning. If you watched a lot of the sunday shows you see the clinton surrogates out trying to defend her and this whole email scandal. It was probably her worst week ever. Did you see adam schiff on chris wallace. Chris wallace pressed him yesterday when he tried to say this is a lot like what colin powell did. Comparison with secretary powell can he forgive me. Im sorry, Hillary Clinton is running for president. Colin powell is not running for president. The rules in 2004 were completely different. I know you dont want to talk about colin powell. Its irrelevant to the issue. Its not irrelevant in this sense. How can she say it was secure when they had to turn off the server was there were attacks . Theres no interest in anyone here but secretary clinton. That to me really . Because shes the only one running for president. Yes, but does that mean other secretaries didnt use the same practices . I think, first of all, weve shown it is different and secondly i think its a red herring, sir, and i would expect more from you. Chris wallace says lets compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges. Last week was a bad week for Hillary Clinton. Its sunday shows often set the tone for the week ahead. The difference though, i dont know that democrats can necessarily use this colin powell comparison anymore because now with the state department email, the difference becomes intent. We have not seen an email from colin powell where he writes to an aide and says, you know what . I dont want to have a state department account because i want to be protected from future freedom of information act. We do have that from Hillary Clinton. She alludes to that in an exchange with huma abedin. Adam schiff is on the house intel committee, you would think he might be a little more worried about this, is that Hillary Clintons excuse was never about, oh, we wanted to make sure the classified stuff was safe and i thought i could do a better job. It was about convenience. She said she didnt want to have two phones. She said that on the first day at the u. N. And shes frustrated having to walk out to the hallway to have communications on a regular basis. Major developments this morning on the conservatives plan to run a thirdparty candidate against donald trump. Has mitt romney finally found his challenger to trump . Dr. Ben carson is going to join us live. There he is. To react next. And listen to this, a driver is so outraged over a 200 speeding ticket, that hes paying the whole thing in pennies. Take that. Why he says they deserve that ahead. Here you go. Goodbye icky sunscreen. Hello new coppertone sport. Its reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. New coppertone sport. Hello sunshine. Looktry align probiotic. Our digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Live 24 7. With 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the 1 ge recommended probiotic. p. That, you haveit, wait yoto rinse it first like. Thats baked on alfredo. Bakedon . Its never gonna work. Dish issues . Cascade platinum. Powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. So let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. See . Told you it would work. Cascade. Know how to pack uber flavor into ultra thin. Sargento ultra thin slices, the same taste, just thinner and 45 calories a slice. Thats 45 reasons to layer, fold, mix, match, beg, stack, sneak, peek, tease, taunt, like, love. Because real cheese people bite with abandon. Hold the sacrifice, no compromise. Sargento ultra thin slices, were real cheese people. 16 minutes after the top of the hour. The trump critic leading the efe effort to find an independent candidate claiming he found one. Bill kristol saying, just a heads up over this Holiday Weekend. There will be an independent candidate, an impressive one with a strong team and real chance. This after kristol met with romney. Here to weigh in, former gop candidate, now a trump supporter, dr. Ben carson. Good morning, dr. Carson. Good morning, and happy memorial day. Thank you. Same to you. So bill kristol, who once predicted that marco rubio would win the New Hampshire primary and once predicted that barack obama would not beat hillary clinton in a single primary state now says that an independent candidate with a good record is going to come on and run. Is there anybody out there who would be more impressive than the crop of republican candidates that have already run this cycle . Like yourself. Well, i think what bill kristol and many others like him need to recognize is america right now is like a cruise ship that is about to go off of Niagara Falls with tremendous carnage and death. What you have to do first a recognize the problem, stop the ship, turn it around, and then move in the other direction. They want to push a button and all of a sudden all of that is done. We have to make progress, and remember this, a quarter of a century ago another clinton was running for the white house, and it was the entrance of a thirdparty candidate, ross perot, that made it possible for him to win. Right. Now, wouldnt it be ironic if the same thing happened again this time . Wouldnt we be smart to be able to learn from things that have happened in the past . Well, you know, of course doesnt matter who the candidate is. True, but then, of course, you have gary johnson who is going to be joining us a little later. Former new mexico governor, he jest got the libertarian nod and that could also hurt Donald Trumps chances of getting into the white house. Have you heard i mean, mitt romney, weve been hearing the courting between bill kristol and romney. Do you know who this potential thirdparty candidate will be . I have heard rumors like everyone else has, but im hoping that whoever that thirdparty candidate is will just stop for a moment and think about what the implications are of allowing Hillary Clinton or someone like her to get in there, and they get two to four Supreme Court picks and completely change the nature of this country and destroy the prospects for their children and their grandchildren to have the same opportunities that they had. They need to think about the big picture and stop worrying about their petty little differences. Stop the ship, and then well turn it around, and then well move it in the other direction. Its not all going to happen in one fell swoop. Since we have you here, there was a report in the New York Times out this week saying there was some infighting going on with the Trump Campaign. Paul manafort and Corey Lewandowski were pitted against each other some sources were telling them they were on sunday shows saying thats not the case. Is there growing papes going on in the Trump Campaign as they turn their attention to a general election . What is clear is that there are individuals who are attempting to create conflict and who are concerned, you know, about their own power. Now, whether theyre inside or outside doesnt particularly matter. What we need to be concentrating on is winning the white house again and stopping the destruction of our nation, and i would appeal to all of those people who are attempting, you know, to create this conflict to stop. We dont need it. But i dont see any terrible thing going on with the people that im talking to in the Trump Campaign. Okay. Dr. Ben carson, thank you very much. Okay. A pleasure. Coming up, have you seen this poll . Libertarian nominee gary johnson actually a player in the race for president. Were going to ask him about his shot at the white house ahead. And does this sound racist to you . O say can you see an espn columnist says the National Anthem at sporting events when Police Officers or First Responders sing it is fake and staged patriotism. Former nfl player randall hill sets the record straight on that next. Whose broad stripes and bright stars my mom loves giving me advice. She even gives me advice. About my toothpaste and mouthwash. But shes a dentist so. I kind of have to listen. She said jen, go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Advance to healthier gums. And stronger teeth from day one. Using crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my. Whole mouth feel awesome. And my teeth are stronger too. Crestpro health advanced. Is superior to colgate total. In these 5 areas dentists check. This check up . So good. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Moms right. Again i smbut ended up nowhere. A lot now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. And welcome back on this memorial day. We have some headlines for you. A touching trib bud at chikfila. Several restaurants reserving a whites table to remember lost soldiers. One alabama location has a note reading in part, quote, you are not forgotten so long as there is one left in whom your memory remains. And coke cans are going red, white, and blue. The company launching a new patriotic design on its 12 and 16 ounce cans to celebrate its 75th Year Partnership with the uso. You can find them in stores through the fourth of july. And a custom gibson guitar inspired by american sniper chris kyle is up for action. The front is painted in the same camouflage as his seal uniform. On the back is his portrait. Charity buzz runs this charity this auction through next week. Theyre hoping it sells for at least 100,000. All right. Very cool. Following this story with howard brian, that espn columnist there he is. Hes writ an column and its causing quite a backlash for his take on soldiers and Police Officers who sing national an themselves. He says its staged patriotism arguing that it signals an authoritarian shift at the ballpark. This story is coming to us from news busters. Its something that hasnt been published on espn on their website yet shall and theres been a major outcry on social media, particularly from our viewers who are all fired up about it. Here is what part of the article says. It says why dont more athletes speak out on behalf of their communities . Perhaps more of them would if there wasnt a chilling force looming over them. This is obviously a very inflammatory liberal leaning perspective. You know, hes entitled to his opinion, he wrote, it but espn recently fired Curt Schilling for a controversial statement that he made from a conservative perspective. So now lets see what espn does. Ball is in espns court. Lets see if theres a druoue standard. We had randall hill on the sh show. He said we cant have espn be responsible for everything their employees say, but it will be interesting to see what if they remove that post or if they end up not publishing it or theres some other of other suspension for something else. Our producers gave us some info yesterday that this same columnist has written things in the past. Terrible timing on memorial day weekend too when patriotism should be, you know, running strong and red, white, and blue flying through the air. So its the timing is not good. Wu one thing that bothers me is i feel so patriotic when im at an nfl game or a Major League Baseball became or basketball game. When you put your hand over your heart and sing the National Anthem and its something thats important for our kids to learn when theyre young and in many schools you arent even hearing the pledge of allegiance and if you are you arent hearing one nation under god. I remember being at Yankee Stadium one week after the 9 11 attacks, everyone was singing, Police Officers included. Its a great way to unify us especially when were so divided. Let us know your thoughts. Theres a thread on our Facebook Page. Coming up, if youre dreading your trip to the airport, things just got a whole lot worse. The glitches that have airlines given out handwritten boarding passes. Thats next. And on this memorial day we talk with the man who changed the war on terror forever. The man who killed osama bin laden, rob oneill joins us with his thoughts on memorial day. Thats next. I dont think about islands or treaties or swamps. I just think about people, people i knew. People who went to war and who saved this nation. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. 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Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. I grew up in a patriotic family, but no different than most anybody else. Small town minnesota, and we would always go to the memorial day parade. You blink and you miss it, but its one of the most powerful five minutes that ive ever had as a kid, and it woke me up to true patriotism. Youd have the world war ii vets and their uniforms didnt quite fit so well and the korean vets and the vem nam vvietnam veterad the gulf war veterans who were younger. There would be men who were saluted those who served in true gratitude for what they had given. Every town in america is like my hometown in minnesota. It comes back to the families and the faith and the communities we serve for because in america you dont fight because you hate whats in front of you. You fight because you love whats behind you. Share your pride on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Proudamerican. [ playing taps ] powerful. This was u. S. Air force honor guard demonstrating the sixman ceremonial flag fold on this memorial day. A somber ceremony. Unbelievable. Thank you for waking up with fox friends today. Right now were going to hand it to heather who has a look at what else is making News Headlines today. Good morning, heather. Good morning and thank you to all of our troops who have given the ultimate sacrifice. That was emotional. These are some other stories were following. Walking into an airport and being handed this, a handwritten boarding pass. That is what happened at jfks airport this Holiday Weekend. A computer outage causing massive frustration. More than 1,000 people online at one point. Officials say that the outage was not a tsa issue. The computers are back up and running this morning, but as you can imagine, there will be more problems. Panic at the beach. A 13yearold is rushed to a hospital after he was written by a shark while he is on his surf board. We hear a yell of someone saying, oh, my god, he got bit. All you see is blood dripping and dripping out for about 50 feet. Police say the fivefoot shark grabbed the teens right calf. This happened at Neptune Beach near jacksonville. Hes expected to be okay though. Meantime, another possible shark attack, this one on the west coast. A woman bitten in the torso forcing evacuations on a beach south of los angeles. All of this comes as experts warn that shark attacks may hit new records this year. There were 98 shark attacks worldwide last year and 6 of those people died. And a man gets some serious payback after being pulled over for speeding. Bret sanders got a 220 ticket. Yep, for going 39 in a 30mileperhour zone in texas. Well, obviously wasnt too happy about that, so he got 22,000 pennies from a bank, filled up a few buckets, and then went to court. And you take exact change . Yes, sir. Okay. Youre in luck. I found exact change. Yeah. And after all of that, turns out he overpaid by 7. Sanders told the clerk, you can keep the change. And finally take a look at this. This is amazing. A College Quarterback is making some incredible plays off the field this Holiday Weekend. Watch this. Can you tell whats happening . Oklahoma states Mason Rudolph launches a perfect pass to his friend buzzing by on a jet ski. Yep. The Cowboy Football Team tweeting out this incredible video claiming their athlete is consistent in any environment. Do you see right there . Watch, watch, watch. Watch him catch it. Thats pretty impressive. There he goes. Perfect. No hands on the wheel. And that is a look at your headlines. 10 and 2. I wonder how many times they practice that. If he drops one now at any point during the season, its going to be a major disappointment. If youre on a jet skill, you can do it, but not on a football field. The folds of Honor Foundation celebrating memorial day with its annual golf cup, the patriot cup in oklahoma. They are teaming up with selects and athletes and veterans and their families to benefit the children of those lost or wounded in combat. Folds of honor founder and ceo major dan rooney is back and joined by the man who killed osama bin laden, rob oneill. Good morning. Good morning, gentlemen. Good morning. And, rob, start with you. I remember the decision that you made to go public and do an interview with us about two years ago came after we went to the 9 11 museum, and you had a chance to meet the family members of some of the victims of 9 11. You saw how moved they were by your story. What kind of a feeling are you getting from some of the folks that youre meeting out there in oklahoma this weekend . Good morning, peter. Yeah, the reason i came out with the story at first was because of the families, the reaction to the closure for some of what theyve gone through, their worst nightmare. Theres a feeling here too of true patriots out here. We all realize were here for memorial day but theres more to it than having a cheeseburger and playing golf. Every day at 1 00 p. M. They play taps and the bell goes off 13 times and its just a minute and a half where you can really remember the people that gave us the right to do this, great reflection, but also remembering that the fallen dont want us to necessarily mourn them. They want us to do this. They would do this with us if they were still here. A lot of patriots here, a lot of veterans, a lot of active duty here. Patriots on both sides, in uniform and those who have never worn a uniform. The feel something outstanding. Major dan rooney, tell us about the message of folds of honor on this memorial day now that the sun has come up and getting ready for the big golf tournament. Yeah, the sun is shining here. Were going to have a great day. But to robs point, you know, i have always said some of the greatest patriots i ever met never put on a uniform, and thats whats so special about this day is we bring together, you know, amazing heroes like rob oneill, how humbled we are to have him with us, but our sponsors, our recipient families, the donors that make it possible for us to award last year over 13 million in scholarships to spouses and children who have lost a loved one, and theyre here and so you get a real deep appreciation and sense of that sacrifice, but as rob mentioned, theres also a celebration, and the ones that have gone, over threequarters of a Million People have made that ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. They want us to celebrate today as well. So well have a great day and combining the reverence that this day represents and the fact that without memorial day this country has no other holidays. Thats a good point. And we know that its not justces that are serving. Its really their entire family and thats what folds of honor is all about, making sure that no families are left behind on the battlefield. Rob, have you been able to meet me of the Scholarship Recipients and if so, what are they saying to you . Yes, i have. A met few of the recipients yesterday. Theyre incredible, young kids that have lost their father and, you know, they got up and give public speeches, and just the pride that they have and, you know, its obviously the most devastating loss you can imagine, but just the recipients here totally grateful. Its such a great program. And its just a reminder too that someones father, someones mother is out there right now. The fight is not over. Theyre in there. Theyre in iraq, theyre in syria, whether or not we believe theyre fighting now and this is to remember them as well. The families are being affected and this is why this day is so important. Rob and major dan, i understand you both have an announcement to make about something you are doing with Outback Steakhouse this memorial day. Yeah. So im holding, peter, the folds of honor outback coin and outback has launched a program across this country. They sell these for 20 a piece and literally selling thousands of americans to americans to benefit folds of honor, and they can bring it back in for a cocacola product, who is another great supporter, who has donated nearly 1 million. So a great way to get america into the tradition of the military. Yeah. Wonderful. Dont mind those blooming onions or the potato skins either. Oh, yeah, of course. I know, the way you look, you do not eat blooming onions. Every morning for breakfast. I however and rob eats a lot of blooming onions. Folds of honor. Org is the place to go and donate. Coming up here on the show, have you seen this poll . Libertarian nominee gary johnson actually a player in the race for the presidency, but isnt he just helping Hillary Clinton . Thats the argument. Libertarian nominee gary johnson will join us live next. Fact. Will join us live next. For fast relief that goes to work in minutes. The only advil with a rapid release formula for rapid relief of tough pain. Look for advil filmcoated in the white box relief doesnt get any faster than this. Advil. What aremaking a cake ht now . Ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. Uh oh. I dont see cake, i just see mess. Its like awful. It feels like i am not actually cleaning it up whats that make mommy do . doorbell whats that . Swiffer wetjet. So much stuff coming up. This is amazing woah. Wow. Now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. Stop cleaning. Start swiffering. 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The Libertarian Party nominating former new mexico governor gary as as its president ial candidate. In 2012 johnson barely got 1 of the popular vote but a pop shows 10 of voters prefer him as their pick for president. Could he be a deciding factor in 2016 . Lets ask him. Libertarian Party President ial nominee gary johnson. Good morning. Good morning, sir. Good morning. Thanks for having me on this morning. So, governor johnson, i live out in washington. There are a lot of reporters and people who talk about the race all the time. Youre known the most famous position that you have is that you want to legalize pot. Do you think that thats why you got 10 this time . Oh, no way. Look, im fiscally conservative. Im the small government guy. If you want small government, ive really got a proven record, and bill weld was also nominated this weekend as my Vice President ial candidate, so we are two governors that have curved in heavily blue states as republicans, so were small government guys, but were also socially liberal. And i think thats the makeup of most people in this country, and i think the Libertarian Party actually represents most people in this country, but they just dont know that theyre libertarian. This is going to be a race to watch because take a look at this new fox news poll. 2016 president ial voter preference. You now with 10 , donald trump, 42 , 39 for Hillary Clinton. Of course, weve been talking about its unfavorables among donald trump and Hillary Clinton. These two presumptive nominees have both very high unfavorables. What separates you from those two individuals, and do you think that you could be the big disrupter . Well, really libertarians kind of the best of both parties, or at least what the parties are supposed to be about. Arent republicans supposed to be about small government . Arent democrats supposed to be about civil liberties, people being able to make choices in their own lives as long as those choices doesnt adversely affect others . And, look, with regard to these military interventions, how about some skepticism at the table when it comes to the fact that we have boots on the ground, were dropping bombs, were flying drones that are killing thousands of innocent people that at the end of the day its having the unintended consequence of making the world less safe than more safe. You know what . Weve got 69 treaties with Foreign Countries where we are obligated to defend their borders, and these are treaties that were not negotiated by congress. They were negotiated by the president and the military. Involve congress in all this. Theyve abdicated their responsibility. Because of those low favorability numbers for clinton and trump, theres a concern among both parts that some voters are just going to stay home on election day. What are you going to do to try to court voters that are disenchanted with their own parties on the democratic side and the republican side specifically . Well, to court is just being able to be in the polls. I mean, its really a selffulfilling prophecy. You point out a poll where im at 10 , but guess what . There have been 40 other polls where my name hasnt appeared. I believe if my name were just to be included in the polls, i think the scrutiny that would go along with myself my record and bill welds record, and we are running here really as a partnership. I think we have strengths that complement one another and that we really, really like i say, two former republican governors serving in heavily blue states. Isnt that kind of the makeup of most people . Fiscally conservative, small government. And, look, shouldnt we be able to make decisions in our own lives, always come down on the side of choice when it comes to individual freedom and liberty. Well, this race just got a whole heck of a lot more interesting, governor gary johnson. We appreciate you joining us this morning. Libertarian president ial candidate for 2016. Thanks so much for joining us on this memorial day. Thanks a lot. Thank you. And it is memorial day. Hey, for those that have given the ultimate sacrifice and i heard your earlier guest saying, hey, if it werent for this holiday, there wouldnt be any other holiday. Thank you so much. Memorial day deals are coming up next. Rin, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry. Strawberry. Salad with chicken. At panera. Food as it should be. Dont let dust and allergies get and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. 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She has the hottest memorial day deals that youre going to find right here in our studio. Lets just get through as many as we can. First these coins. Game stop is offering 25 off of new games when you trade in a qualified old game, but more importantly this weekend they have these call of duty black ops 3 challenge coins you can get for 5. 99. All the proceeds go to fund the call of duty em do yndowment. We like that. Sears has a fourpiece ty Pennington Parkside seating set. We have the love seat and the table here. Theres a couple chairs. This is 36 off this weekend. Its regularly 1,099. 99. Its not too late to get a good deal. And if in the season you also want a great grill for your cookout, a thnd this kenmore six burner grill is regularly 399. 99. You can get it for 299. 99. Is it today only . Its through the end of the week. If theres a National Holiday theres probably a mattress sale going on. Mattress firm has some great deals. This is 38 off. This is regularly 799. 99. Its only 499. 99. You can even top it off with a nice red, white and blue nautica bed spread. Great time to buy appliances in may. Since may is may tag month theyre offering 36 off of their extra large capacity washer and dryer set at best buy. These are regularly 999. Theyre only 639. If you buy them both this week you can get an additional 50 rebate. This is for home and you have something for anybody planning a trip. Hilton is offering up to 20 off of their best available rates worldwide. This applies to all their brands. To get the discount you have to book directly at hilton. Com. Make sure you do that and it will cover your travel up through the beginning of september. Thank you. Thats the most deals youre going to get in three minutes anywhere. Coming up, it was one of the most memory i cant believe moments fr moments from the president ial debates. The American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Thank you. Me too, me too but this morning sounds like Bernie Sanders wants to take it back. Next. I asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. He said sure. But dont get just any one. Get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. Flea bites can mean misery for your cat. Advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. Fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. Advantage® ii. Fight the misery of biting fleas. Millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you hi, friends. Good morning. Im anna coinman. Today is memorial day. This is fox friends. Deadly wet weather, storms pummeling much of the country causing a holiday headache for the millions of people expected to travel. What to expect as you head home. And it was one of those memorable moments from the president ial debates. That the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. Thank you. Me too me too but now Bernie Sanders going back on his word. Are desperate times calling for Desperate Measures . And its a line the president loves to use against donald trump. Building walls wont do that. It wont boost our economy and it wont enhance our security. But this morning word that the white house wants a bigger wall. Before the trump family possibly moves in. How about that . More on that because mornings are better with friends. The u. S. Navy band northeast playing anchors away, a mini version. Thank you so much for being here. Making us proud to be an american this morning. Weve been asking you to send in your pictures with the hash tag proud american and teri sent us this picture of her father bill sumner who was in the air force with his brother carl who was in the navy. This fourlegged f eged flag saluted vets in cape cod, massachusetts. A little spray paint . I dont know what that is. Food coloring . Larry sends in this picture of his son Staff Sergeant madden reenlisting in the u. S. Air force while deployed in afghanistan. And three allamerican brothers late lieutenant john douglas stark, william stark, and james stark serving in the u. S. Marine corps and one in the army. A family truly devoted to our country. Send us your photos with the hash tag proud american. But first lets get straight to some deadly weather threatening millions this memorial day weekend. Texas forcing mandatory evacuations overnight. Six people are dead and two missing there after recordbreaking flooding in the southeastern part of that state and in kansas. And rescue crews going out on horseback trying to save some cattle that could barely breathe and followed nearly 20 inches of rain near houston. And now tropical depression bonnie is putting the northeast directly in its crosshairs. Maria is live on the plaza tracking the very latest. Good morning, maria. Good morning. And the official start of the atlantic Hurricane Season isnt until june 1st. Yet weve been seeing some action. The first named storm was earlier this year in january, but now we have a depression named bonnie thats spilling in a lot of moisture all across parts of the eastern seaboard across the u. S. , and in the northeast were feeling the impacts as well and some of that moisture could actually be firing up some storms that could bring some isolated Severe Weather out there. So were watching closely for that. Otherwise in texas and oklahoma this morning dealing with the rain and thunderstorms rolling through, and more heavy rain is on the way for parts of texas. Keep in mind we got hit hard over the weekend with a lot of heavy rain out there and flash flooding across portions of the southern portions of that state and the forecast is for potentially another six inches or more of rain out there. Severe weather concern as well across the northern and Central Plains with damaging winds, large hail, and theres even a tornado threat. Its very localized though across parts of the dakotas, but nonetheless, still in place. Its not a zero threat of a tornado out there. Otherwise, we do have temperatures on the warm side already this morning from the plains to the eastern u. S. The cool spot across the nation today on this memorial day will be in the northwestern part of the u. S. Where temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s this afternoon. Leads head back inside. Thanks, maria. Four minutes after the hour and heather has a look at whats making headlines. Good morning, heather. Good morning to you and to everyone at home. A story thats been troubling people all morning long. Outrage after a zoo shoots and kills a gorilla to save a little boys life. Oh, my god really scary. The cincinnati zoo defending their decision to kill the gorilla after the toddler slipped in the exhibit saying that it was the only way to save the boys life. That little boy is now home and doing okay. But some are blaming the animals death on the childs parents calling them neglectful and, of course, peta chiming in saying even under the best circumstances, captivity is Never Acceptable for gorillas or other primates and in cases like this its even deadly. Visitors are remembering the gorilla with flowers and a makeshift memorial at the zoo. Jack hannah, director of the columbus zoo and aquarium joins us in a few minutes to talk a little bit more about this. Police searching for a motive in a wild shooting rampage sending people running for their lives in the suburbs. Get in your house the scene leaving people in a normally quiet familyfriendly houston neighborhood shaken and shocked obviously. Police say that it all started when one of the men walked into an auto shop yesterday morning, opened fire killing a customer and putting a community on lockdown. The gunmen allegedly arming themselves with ar15s randomly shooting at anything and anyone that came into their path, including riddling a police car and a helicopter with bullets. One man describing the chilling moment when he fame facetoface with one of those suspects. The dude looked and seen me across the street and shot at me. Police shot and killed one of those suspects. The other is in custody. And all four people and two officers were injured but theyre all expected to be okay. And a travel nightmare at jfk airport. A computer outage causing massive and frustrating checkin delays. Were learning that service has been restored but up to 1,000 people online at one point last night as Airline Staff were forced to hand write baggage claims. The airport expects normal operations today. And those are a look at your headlines. Arent you glad youre not flying today . Actually i have this boarding pass that says i need to go back to washington later but i guess i could just write in somewhere you can just write in somewhere its not raining. Im official. How about miami . Do you want to go to miami. Now youre official. Thank you, clayton. Security. On to the race for the white house. Donald trump using memorial day weekend to express his disgust with the va. It comes as one of his fiercest campaign rivals vows to support him in cleveland. Kristin fisher is live with more on the latest developments. Good morning. Good morning. Trump has had a relatively rocky relationship with veterans ever since he made that comment about senator john mccain. Remember, trump said, i like people who werent captured, referring to the time mccain spent as a prisoner of war. Its a sensitive subject given the fact that yesterdays Rolling Thunder ride is all about honoring our p. O. W. S, but organizers of the event still invited trump to speak and he was applauded for his plan to rebuild our military and revamp the va. Of our vets, our most cherished people, thousands of people are dying waiting in line to see a doctor. That is not going to happen anymore, and if theres a wait, were going to give the right for those people to go to a private doctor or even a public doctor and get themselves taken care of and were going to pay the bill. Over the weekend trump also scooped up support from one of his fiercest former rivals, rub rubio. Rubio announced hed apologized for some of his more personal attacks against trump. I apologized to him for that. I said im sorry i said that. Its not who i am and i shouldnt have done it. I didnt like what it reflected on me. It embarrassed my family. Its not who i am. Rubio also said that hed be willing to speak for trump at the Republican Convention but he ruled out becoming trumps running mate though trump would say, in fact, hes already said that rubio is not even being considered. Peter, anna, and clayton. Thank you. Ted cruz could be next. Bill kristol, what a development that could be unfolding over this Holiday Weekend. Bill kristol saying, look, watch out because guess what . A thirdparty candidate is in the mix, that there is going to be an impressive thirdparty candidate with a strong team and a real chance to take on donald trump. We had on one of Donald Trumps supporters, former gop contender dr. Ben carson. Hes supporting donald trump now, and he says this is a big mistake. I think what bill kristol and many others like him need to recognize is america right now is like a cruise ship that is about to go off of Niagara Falls with tremendous carnage and death. Im hoping that whoever that thirdparty candidate is will just stop for a moment and think about what the implications are of allowing Hillary Clinton or someone like her to get in there and they get two to four Supreme Court picks and completely change the nature of this country and destroy the prospect for their children and their grandchildren to have the same opportunities that they had. They need to think about the big picture and stop worrying about their petty little differences. Something really interesting about kristol saying theres going to be an impressive conservative with a good record coming forward. Didnt conservatives already have an impressive list . A huge list. They had their allstar team, bush, christie, rubio cruz. They had these people who already ran for president this year. Now its probably going to be somebody else on this list. Maybe we could put it up on our Facebook Page and our viewers will weigh in. Who do you think it will be . They say it will be somebody impressive and somebody to take on donald trump. Next up, on the sunday shows the thing that was dominating the headlines there was Hillary Clintons email scandal. She just cant get away from it. She had a bad week last week with the Inspector Generals report coming out. You remember when Bernie Sanders was first face to face with her and he said nobody cares about your damn emails . Hes starting to change his tune a limb bit. Listen to this. The Inspector General just came out with a report. It was not a good report for secretary clinton. That is something that the American People, democrats and delegates, are going to have to take a hard look at. They will be keeping it in mind. I dont have to tell them that. I mean, everybody in america is keeping it in mind and certainly the superdelegates are. Your job is to make sure that donald trump is defeated and defeated badly. So is it desperation time for Bernie Sanders . As senator feinstein and others have called for him to hang it up and get out of the race. Hes saying maybe this is his only play to go after the superdelegates and remind them of the email scandal. In january he said theres a Legal Process playing out. I dont want to interfere. As soon as this report comes out there he is saying, you know what . Superdelegates, have a look. By mentioning the superdelegates who he thinks should Pay Attention to this, its a win win for him because hes reminding democratic voters that no matter how bad the news is about hillary, there are these party elites who cannot be shaken from supporting her. And one thing that bernie backers have been getting really energyized about is saying this system is rigged and the establishment is trying to coronate Hillary Clinton and its not fair against Bernie Sanders. Well, he was on one of the sunday shows and he said its not a rig system but it is a dumb system and i will try to do things the fair way. I will try to court the superdelegates in states where i won overwhelmingly, not in the states where Hillary Clinton did because he thinks thats the fair way to do it. Maybe he was reading that Huffington Post report that said an indictment was about to come down for Hillary Clinton and then tthe Huffington Post pulled it off the website. Did they know something they ined inadvertently published early . Oh, man. More on the horrific story at the zoo. A 3yearold child has fall noon the gorilla cage and the gorilla is slamming the child into the wall and the child is in the water. Critics saying the zoos decision to kill the gorilla was inhumane. Did they make the right call . Jack hannah weighs in next. And lee brice will give the son of a fallen hero the surprise of his life live from his father. Thats coming up. Dont go anywhere. Youre watching fox friends. This is going to be great. I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me that i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Everyone is talking about this story. Terrifying encounter for a 4yearold boy at the cincinnati zoo. The toddler calling into a gorilla exhibit forcing zoo officials to kill the endangered animal. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Everybody back up. Looks like hes dragging him through the water but some witnesses say the gorilla was trying to protect the boy. So did the zoo officials make the right call . Here to weigh in is the director emeritus of the columbus zoo and aquarium jack hanna. Great to see you. Welcome back to the show. Did the zoo make the right call here in putting down this gorilla . They did, but let me say ten seconds to Say Something if i could. Remember something, the hanna family, the columbus zoo, the zoo world, we love this animal. However, weve also given millions and millions to the gorillas to save these animals. This gorilla, when you look at what happened at the cincinnati zoo could really happen anywhere whether its a zoo or a water park or Amusement Park. What happened here what they had to do had to be done. If people watched what happened, they heard the screaming going on. This is a silverback male, not a female. The silverback has a kind of responsibility to take care of his family. I have a home right next to gorillas in rwanda, i have seen the gorillas since 1982. Both lowland and mountain gorillas. The silverback males, the power they have, they can take a green coconut and bust it like a marshmall marshmallow. Their power is beyond ba loaf. Six fullgrown men cannot handle a chimpanzee full grown. With all that screaming going on, the thing plops in there, which is the young child, what is this, what is this . He runs him through there like that. That was a dead give away. Youre talking milliseconds. I have seen other animals when it pops them, like getting a shot. You jump and obviously it takes five to ten minutes for a gorilla to go to sleep. Thats an important point. People are saying why not a tranquilizer, youre saying because it would have maybe made him angrier and could have killed the boy . Yes. More than likely. What would you do if you had a shot come up as you were sitting there and somebody pops you in the butt with a big old shot. Youre going to jump, arent you . I hope you would. Especially if you hit a nerve. This isnobrainer. There was not a millisecond to waste. Theres animal life and human life involved here, everyone. Obviously some might say, well, can the cincinnati zoo or columbus zoo or any of our zoos do better . Safety is the number one priority. The visitor, the animal, the employees. We practice hours and hours every week. We are required to practice safety all the time. I dont know what happened here. I dont know where the mother was. I cant blame it on her or anybody. I dont know what happened but, you know, how safe can we build a racetrack or a water park or an Amusement Park . How safe do we have to go . We have responsibility, all of us do with our families and we do the best we can. Yeah. Were almost out of time. Five seconds, ten seconds here. I mean, unfortunately, i wish we could talk about this all morning long. This idea that the parents maybe were neglectful. Where do you come down on that . I dont know. We have children hundreds of children in our zoos and summer camps. We monitor the children. Maybe the mother was distracted by something. I dont know. But as a parent you go to the zoo or a Shopping Center or a water park or whatever, you have to take care of them. Jack hanna, great to see you. More fox friends coming up in a few moments. Thanks so much, jack. Thank you. 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Where did you get this idea, john, to do this. I know its tough to be away from your family and this was the first time you were going to be deployed and have to leave your son behind. What gave you that idea . I just enjoy spending time with him and i knew that i didnt want to wait until the end, so i was actually just sitting at work and it came to me out of completely nowhere and i came home and told her this is what i want to do. And bryce, little buddy, can you hear me . Can you say hi . Hi. What did that mean to you to get to go trickortreating and dress up and your dad got to take you to all the neighbors houses . What did that mean to have your dad next to you and holding your hand . Did you get some candy from the neighbors . Did you get candy . No chocolates, please. No chocolate candies. Mom, did this make you fall in love even more with your husband . You know watching him it sure did. Yep. And then i watched the video and over and over and over again. Are you surprised, dad, about how the internet has just taken this and run with it and how many times its been viewed . Yeah. It was actually funny because we were like, oh, my god, 700,000, 800,000. All of a sudden four days later, 21 million, all right. So we werent expecting it. What about your comrades . What do they think of it . Is it something they may consider doing with their children too . Yeah. Well, that was the one they think i saw in the comments was people were tagging people and saying, hey, we should do this for our kid. There were people i didnt know, so what made me happy was knowing that other families are going to hopefully do the same idea and that child will have just as much fun as bryson did. How did you pull each of them off . I know with the trickortreating you say you gave about ten of your neighbors candy so that bryson could go over and say trickortreat and they wouldnt go what is this kid doing in a costume . Its not october 31st . How did you pull the others off . How did you pull off christmas . Well, christmas was the easy one. I just had to put a tree together. And wrap presents which is like my least favorite thing to do, but it was all worth it. The only thing the only holiday we werent able to get to was the fourth of july because we lost the sparklers. We found them yesterday though. I found them yesterday in my house so were going to do that tonight. Well, its nice that you can have memorial day weekend with your family too. Maybe you can use the sparklers today. Thank you so much. What a great video. Thank you. Have a nice memorial day. 27 minutes after the hour. Wow. Summer isnt here yet, but we have our first shark attack of the season, and it could get much worse. The new warning out for those headed to the beach this summer. And its the fleet week food fight. Members of the navy, marines, and coast guard getting into a memorial day cook off. So who makes the best burger . This side of the mess hall or that side of the mess hall . But first, more from the american bombshells this memorial day. Im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died and gave that right to me and i proudly stand up next to you because there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the usa with usaa is awesome. Homeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Can we please stop with the lectures on smoking already . Ive heard it all. And i want to stop. But cold turkey doesnt sound that hot, unless its between two slices of bread. Cant we take this one cigarette at a time . Cause one less cigarette feels pretty big to me. Thats how zonnic helps me quit. With zonnic nicotine gum, every cigarette you dont smoke is a victory. 3 great flavors. 4. 99 or less wherever cigarettes are sold. Zonnic. Every victory counts. Hey, everybody. Earlier in the program we asked what you makes you proud to be an american. Kathy sends us this one of her son zachary laying flags at Garrison Forest Veterans Cemetery in maryland. This is from jeff, this is of his dad, ken copen, a veteran of the korean and vietnam wars. And our tech manager don sent us these photos of his uncles, joseph, mickey, felix and vincent. Send us our photos with the hash tag proud american. We love seeing them. Heather is in with a look at whats making headlines. Good morning to you and to everyone at home. We begin with panic at the beach. A 13yearold is rushed to the hospital after hes bitten by a shark while he is on his surf board. All of a sudden we hear a yell of someone saying, oh, high g my god he got bid. You see blood dripping out for about 50 feet. Officials say the shark grabbed the teenagers leg. This happened at Neptune Beach near jacksonville but hes expected to be okay. In the meantime, another possible attack, this one on the west coast. Police helicopters searching for a shark there this morning are a a woman is bitten on her torso south of l. A. Experts now warning that shark attacks may hit new records this year. There were 98 shark attacks worldwide last year and 6 of those people died. The libertarians have their man. Former new mexico governor gary johnson winning the partys nomination last night at their convention in orlando. His running mate is former Massachusetts Governor bill weld. Johnson joined us earlier to explain why they are the Winning Ticket in november. Two governors that have served in heavily blue states as republicans, so were small government guys, but were also socially liberal, and i think thats the makeup of most people in this country, and i think the Libertarian Party actually represents most people in this country but they just dont know theyre libertarian. And a fox news poll shows johnson with 10 of the votes in a matchup with trump and clinton. And its a line that democrats love to use against donald trump. Building walls wont do that. It wont boost our economy and it wont enhance our security. Apparently the secret service thinks that it will though. The agency is reportedly dreaming of a new 14foot white house picket fence. This comes two years after you may remember an armed man climbed over the now sevenfoot fence. Initially it was going to be 11 feet, about you now the security service is saying build it higher. And finally talk about a big oops. The Huffington Post accidentally indicts Hillary Clinton . The liberal news site quickly pulling a blog post that said the fbi plans to pursue charges against her. The article also calling the Clinton Foundation a, quote, criminal enterprise engaged in Money Laundering and soliciting bribes for political favors. And those are a look at your headlines, and now to anna. All right. Heather, thank you so much. Im going to hand it out to the guys on the plaza. Were trying to figure out who makes the Better Burger on the barbecue. Good morning. Were going to try to settle this. Its fleet week in new york city and we know the brave men and women our mirtime services are physically strong but who is the toughest in the kitchen . We have three food specialists. All three of them competing. Well start with david. Nice to see you this morning from the navy. Whats the secret to your best burger . I just like to just try different things. Sometimes i will just do freestyle and put whatever i want in it or sometimes ill try something new and find a recipe that i havent done in a while and try and fill it out. Okay. So today though youre making what are you guys making . This is a bleu cheese bacon burger. Bleu cheese bacon burger. Whats the key to the bacon . Jur cooking it ahead of time or chopping it up raw it was cooked ahead of time and then i mix it in with the bleu cheese and the seasonings. I take the meat and form the patty and im getting ared to form the patty. When you form the patty, what is the key . I just do it with my hands and try to make it a little bit thinner so its easier to cook and its not doesnt take as long. Well see if your burger stacks up against, peter, who do you have over there . We have coast guard food specialist michael. Charred avocado bison burger. You started cooking inspired by your grandfather who landed on normandy beach. He served in world war ii. I wanted to carry on the tradition. They definitely inspired me to join the service. What do you have on the grill . Bison burgers. Grilling up avocados. Caramelized onions. A whole mix of things. Thank you very much for this. It smells great. All right, peter. Third unp is jermaine cleary. This smells fantastic. Thank you very much. Smoked bacon burger. Apple smoked bacon. Jot junot just regular bacon. Simple ingredients, staying inside the box. Do what you know best. Stick to the basics. I also see some onions. Caramelized onions right there. A little sweeter. Are you confident up against these guys . Very confident. Does this smell pretty good . It smells great. Its going to be a stiff competition. We want to thank fairway market for donating fantastic meat and home depot for firing up the grills for us. The fantastic weber grills. Ready for it . Definitely. Im ready to eat. Well bring some in for anna. We have a great crowd, if you feed them, they will come. 38 minutes after the hour. Dont go away. Lee brice is here with a memorial day surprise for a family who actually inspired one of his songs. Thats next. Goodbye icky sunscreen. Hello new coppertone sport. Its reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. New coppertone sport. Hello sunshine. The call just came in. Shes about to arrive. And with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. But with the help of at t, and a network that scales up and down ondemand, this hospital can be ready. Giving them the agility to be flexible reliable. Because no one knows like at t. What knee pain . . What sore elbow . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. Hi, friends. Good morning. 41 minutes after the hour. Today we pause to remember the brave men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Here with a special message is fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. As a boy i always looked forward to memorial day to celebrate the first real summer day. My father would take my brother chris and i to sears and we would swing the newest baseball bats. So much ahead of us. One year as we entered the store my father, a marine veteran who loved poetry, looked up at an American Flag over the door and recited these lines. In Flanders Fields the poppies blow between the crosses row on row. I asked him what that meant and he told me that it was memorial day, and that flanders field in belgium was the final resting place of many allied soldiers in world war i. He pointed to a man sitting just inside the store with a vfw hat holding a box full of red paper poppies. They nodded to each other with the recognition of shared service, and then he then told us about his own service. I never had the privilege or the pain of military service, but we learned at our house at an early age the importance of remembering those who died for us. I heard about marines who missed their mothers and wives more than words could express who were smart and talented and funny and strong and whose lives ended far away at 18 or 19 tenders years. Politicians and pundits call theirs the ultimate sacrifice. The price of our freedom. But for the loved ones who survive the sacrifice of korea, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, and so many other places, there is little poetry in their pain. And that is why and who we remember today, the men and women who died because they were proud to be americans. Our obligation today is to be as proud of them as they were of a future they could not live to see but died building. I know that my own father who was a drill instructor and a platoon leader wounded in battle felt proud in life but responsible in death for the men he couldnt bring home from eiw ji jima. For him memorial day came on most days and some nights until he rejoined his lost platoon a few years ago. At sears that day my father wanted to buy a color tv, so that night we could see america walk on the moon. When he asked where it was made, the salesman quietly told him japan. I could see in his face that he was disappointed, and we left the store. On the way out he gave a dollar to the man from the vfw and chris and i each got poppies. My brother chris saluted him and he was saluted back. On that day we forever learned about service, about duty, about americans loved and lost, and about country, but most of all about remembering all of those things at once. In the poem the souls of the war dead enlist us from the beyond. It says take up our quarrel with the foe. To you from failing hands we throw, the torch be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep though poppies grow in flanders field. Today and always america proudly holds your torch high. Thank you, peter. Pewter johnson, jr. There. Coming up on fox friends, we all know Country Music superstar lee brice. I drive your truck i roll every window down Country Music star is here with a big memorial day surprise for a family who actually inspired one of his songs. Dont miss it. With the right steps, 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. I drive your truck i roll every window down and i burn up every back road in this town i find a field i tear it up till all the pain is a cloud of dust in 2006 f16 pilot Major Troy Gilbert was killed in combat leaving behind his wife and five children. Before his last deployment, gilbert sold his thirdgeneration family truck. Nearly ten years later with the help of folds of honor and lee brice, the truck was found and given back to his family. Back with us this morning is major dan rooney of folds and honor and Country Music singer dan brice joined by major gi gilbe gilberts sons troy and austin. Major dan, tell us about this story. I think you hit it right on the head. I always say in life if you tell someone a fact, they might learn it. You tell them the truth, they probably believe you, but if you tell them a story and its a powerful story, thats what lives in peoples hearts and minds. This weekend is about the stories of the families that folds of honor supports, 10,000 recipients across this country. I have guys like lee in supporting us means the world. But this story really hits close to home for me as an f16 Fighter Pilot myself. I wear troys ki bracelet on my wrist and troy sold his truck before he deployed in 2007 and didnt return and left five children behind and his wife ginger, and we were able to locate the truck through gingers new husband, colonel rovella and its just awesome to be here to share this story with fox nation. And, lee, whats your connection to this family . Well, i was just a blessed individual to be able to go hang out and do an event for folds, and we were there to be there for the whole support, and then i just kind of randomly in the process i got to meet ginger, and a part of her story that she tells a lot isnt told in public a lot, and she just we just got to talking about this truck, and i have this song i drive your truck and just a little personal connection to that. And so that just lit a little spark in our minds to kind of to take this truck and find it, you know, and bring it back into this family. And i didnt know how to do that, you know, but what we found a bunch of folks that help and dig in and we thought it would just be so special to be able to try to bring it back into the lives of a family. So thats really what we did. Im just literally a blessed bystander to be able to be a part of a story and a song was a big part of it. The song was a massive success. We just heard about the tragic true story behind it, and major dan, i understand that you guys have a surprise for austin and Grayson Gilbert this morning. So boston and grayson, if you could join us over here and ginger and this guy just got his drivers license so its super cool. This one is headed off to smu to play soccer, and when we got this truck, it was barely drivable, and a good friend of ours, troy bundy at iron cross motors took this as his own project, and has put it back together, and this is the first time these guys are going to see it. But i told lee it will ultimately end up being the oldest truck in america because this thing will be around for 100 years and unbelievable. Beauty. And Third Generation truck. Were so proud to be able to here it comes. Major dan, what did you guys do to this truck . Oh, my gosh. We did nothing. Iron cross did it all, but its got troys squadron on the front, the triple nickel. It has his stereo system for the boys. Stereo system from kicker. Troys silhouette is on the back tailgate of this truck with the f16, and its his legacy, right . And these guys are going to be able to have piece of troy and were blessed to provide scholarships for their education for the family, but were so happy and, lee, the song that he wrote inspired all this, and the good lord working through him and the tentacles that come out of this, what a blessing for all of us. So you guys will have to fight who gets to take it im wondering and who has it in san antonio. Maybe ginger gets to drive it for a while. Here we go. Major dan, ask we want to see them get into the car and ask them what they think about. Major dan, if you can do that, get close to them so we can hear them on the microphone. So what do you think . I mean when you look at this right now, well flip around. I mean i dont even have words honestly. Lee, what does this mean you cant you cant put that into words. Yeah. Its a tough thing to kind of take in and an awesome thing to take in at the same time. Your song. Yeah. And you cant hear, but, you know, i drive your truck is playing on the stereo system in there which any 16yearold would be proud to have because this thing will blast the windows out, but, yeah just awesome, brother. Oh, my goodness. You just have to imagine whats going through their minds, all the memories that they made with their dad when he was still around and all the great memories theyre going to be able to make because of folds of honor and lee brice. His legacy lives on in that truck, of course, and so touching. Lee brice, major dan rooney out there at the folds of honor, the patriot cup. Thanks so much, guys. Go to folds of honor. Org and you can touch lives that way by making donations on this memorial day. vo if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what its like to deal with high. And low blood sugar. 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Some people may develop severe joint pain. Call your doctor if this happens. Using januvia with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. To reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. Your doctor may do blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. If you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. Side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, and headache. For help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia. Thank you so much for watching fox friends this morning on this memorial day. Spend some time with your family today and take a pause and remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice today. Like the gilbert family who you just met. Gregg donald trump reaching out to veterans, telling thousands of bikers at the annual Rolling Thunder rally that Illegal Immigrants are often treated better than vets who served our country. Ask. Abby im abby huntsman. Donald trump making it clear he has their back. Well we build our military and take care of our veterans. In many cases the illegal immian

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