Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20190915 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20190915

it was red, white and blue -- pete: i think they're french. ed: they're waterproof. this guy says they're french. have you with heard about america? jedediah: got the red and blue socks -- pete: they look great. jedediah: they look fantastic. ed: so i have jed on my side. what do you think about the new shoes? [email protected]. pete: did you get them on instagram? ed: no, from my buddy down in florida. jedediah: you do all your shopping on instagram. pete: he does. they know what you're thinking. ed: a lot of nudes, a lot of fun as well -- a lot of news. ken burns on later, he's got a big documentary on country music, a lot of people love that. epic documentary that's going to be starting tonight. in the meantime, breaking news overnight. the president hosting the parents of otto warmbier for dinner at the white house. president mark meredith is in washington with what we know. >> reporter: the white house has not said what prompted last night's dinner between president trump and otto warmbier's parents. his death sparked national outrage. the 22-year-old college student was held captive in north korea for 17 months after accusing him and convicting him of stealing a propaganda poster. he was released in 2017 back to the united states but in a vegetative state. he died shortly after returning home. his parents, cindy and fred, have blamed kim jong un for their son's death. they spoke to "fox & friends" in 2017. >> we loved him, we're proud of him, but no mother, no parent should ever have have gone through what we went through. and the fact that otto was alone all that time with no one to comfort him, it's inexcusable. >> reporter: the white house has not provided any details of last night's dinner or if it will have any impact on the administration's efforts to convince north korea to abandon its nuclear program. the warmbiers have labeled the regime as cruel and inhumane. back to you. ed: mark meredith, appreciate you starting us off. this clearly sends a signal to north korea from the president. he's been trying to get a nuclear deal, but also saying, look, i'm with the warmbiers. it's outrageous still, and he wants to send a signal that he hasn't forgotten about that. pete: yeah. and in the past he's given some deference to kim jong un, did he know about it -- ed: the family didn't appreciate it. pete: yeah, it didn't. but this is a stalls -- stalled process with north korea. these types of symbols can be important. jedediah: yeah. if you believe the north korean leadership didn't know and wasn't aware that this was going on or wasn't responsible, i have a nice gold bridge to sell you somewhere. and president trump did take a little heat for that back in the day, so i think he's trying to correct some of that and trying to acknowledge. he's trying to negotiate these deals, and i understand you have to have some level of open communication. but, you know, kim jong un is responsible for some of the worst atrocities on the planet, this being one of them. i guarantee you that he knew about this, and it's really unfortunate. this is a young guy that was returned here in a completely vegetative state the, absolutely unacceptable. and the message should be sent that this is an american, and there will be consequences to be held. ed: absolutely. okay. a lot going on on the campaign trail as well. bernie sanders has talked about, hey, free stuff, ped care for -- medicare for all, he's talked about p wiping out student debt. pete: the green new deal. jedediah: i would like a pony, ed. ed: last night in vegas he says he wants to wipe out all debt that puerto rico has, just wipe it out, take the it off the books. it's fine for us to do that for puerto rico. he also went on to say that if he's elected president, he wants to end all deportations. anyone here illegally, bernie sanders will not deport you. watch. >> we'd like to know whether you will institute a moratorium on deportations to temporarily stop them, and what is your message for people who are currently undocumented in the country? >> we're going to end the i.c.e. raids which are terrorizing communities all across this country -- [applause] we are going to impose a mother tore rum on -- moratorium on deportations. i am supportive of the medicare for all, and that means everybody in the country has health care. including undocumented. i want to make colleges and universities i tuition-free. ed: that's like the cherry on. to i'm going to end deportations, at least have a moratorium. and also if you're here illegally, just remind everybody what happened at that first debate in miami, you're going to get free health care as well. he's serving it up for the president. jedediah: is there a contest on that side of who can say the craziest, most irrational things? honestly, everybody gets the sound bite, beto got that sound bite on weapon confiscation, and now bernie's like, oh, hold on a second, i can say something even crazier. there's going to be a moratorium on all deportations, and it's just giving so much ammunition to the trump administration to step in and say, wait, hold on a second to challenge this. pete: and on a question about moratoriums on can deportation, he somehow starts talking about medicare for all? this guy can't stop giving stuff away. [laughter] he really can't. and he's erasing the idea of our border and citizenship and legality. one guy who you might not expect chimed in yesterday, the foreman attorney general under barham marx eric holder -- barack obama, eric holder. >> it was one of the people whod had criminal records, people who posed a danger, a public safety risk. those are the people who we emphasized as, you know, deporting. democrats have to understand that we do have to have borders do mean something. ed: when you've lost eric holder, holy cow, the 2020 democrats have a problem. pete: and he's defending the obama administration. the trump administration has simply said if you're here illegally, that's a crime, and we can deport you. and the candidates in 2020 are erasing all of that. bernie's saying criminality, sanctuary -- it doesn't matter. if you're an average citizen who pays your taxes and obeys the law, it's an insult. jedediah: to sum up, we have eric holder talking about border security, and we have joe biden screaming about the constitution -- [laughter] at debates. i mean, it's truly stunning though. if you think about how far we've come, when president obama ran in 2008, so many people said, oh, my gosh, this is such a radical concept. if you now transition to what bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and beto o'rourke are saying on the stage, they have completely lost their minds and gone so into the far left hole that it's actual insanity coming out of their mouths. and you have the eric holders of the world having to step up and say, oh, wait a second. that's actually a scary reality. ed: like senator chris coons yesterday was saying what beto o'rourke said on guns was too far left and was going to hurt the democrats in the general election. they're serving a lot of fodder up for president trump. pete: they've been serving up a lot of accusations of racism, that president trump is racist or trump supporters are racist, and there have been examples in the media they've attempted to use. a former nfl player, his name is kaufman. he tried to perpetrate a hate crime hoax. now, he accused someone, anonymous, of trashing his own business and writing maga and other racial slurs on the wall. the problem is in the middle of putting graffiti and trashing his own businesses, he got caught by police fleeing the scene and was ultimately exposed for being the one who perpetrated the hoax -- ed: so a mini jussie smollett -- pete: yeah. ed: a mini version of that. it's awful. jedediah: that's interesting, because so much of the evidence was against him, and so many people were looking at him and saying, come on, you have to be kidding me with the way it was ruled. now you have to wonder if there's a whole bunch of people out there who say, well, he got away with it. so many people on his television the show, on empire defended him. you had a twitter field, almost seemed like there was no consequence. are you going to have a whole bunch of people around the country saying, oh, i can get away with this, get revered by the media and do interviews? pete: imagine if the police hadn't -- i don't know if they stumbled on to the scene, but they arrived, he fled, they followed the truck and he ultimately had to admit he trashed his own place to make trump supporters look like racists. imagine if that minute happened. now here we are today with an endless firestorm of a racial attack against a black football player by trump supporters or. ed: democrats are lucky he got caught because some of them would have put out press releases right away. another interesting story the, young people -- some of them -- responding to andrew yang. he's been crowd surfing with supporters. interesting on twitter, cassie dillon put out this tweet yesterday basically saying, here's the thing -- there's the crowd surfing -- i'm voting for trump, but with i wouldn't be friends with trump. i'm not voting for yang, but i'd definitely be his friend. interesting. we highlight it because the president retweeted it and said i'm okay with that. he's kind of teased at a rally in new hampshire. look, you may not like me, you may not like my style, but the economy's strong, i've gotten a lot done, and if you elect anybody on the other side, it's going to be a mess. jedediah: yeah. let's take a listen to trump saying just that. >> you have no choice but to vote for me because your 401(k)s down the tubes, everything's going to be down the tubes. so whether you love me or hate me, you've got to vote for me. [cheers and applause] ing. ed: so love him or hate him, is he going to get reelected? what do you think? [email protected]. jedediah: does that happen a lot? i remember everyone talking about president obama as the guy they'd want to go have a beer with, especially young voters wanting someone they really like. you have to like the guy. reagan had that power, right, to get so many democrats on his side because he was so likable. so i don't know how many people actually follow suit with this and say, well, you know what? i really wouldn't want to hang with you, but i like your policies, what do you think? pete: good question. you've got to also believe that person you want to have a beer with can do the job. robert francis o'rourke can skateboard, doesn't mean he should be commander in chief. andrew yang, just because you can dance on stage doesn't mean i want you to be my president. president trump's got his own record, and he can point to those guys. ed: yeah. also a a big story involving iran. this fox news alert. the secretary of state, mike pompeo, now blaming iran for what he calls an unprecedented attack on saudi arabia's oil plants. former cia station chief dan hoffman says iran is pushing us to the brink of a nuclear conflict. he joins us next. insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you can stream and scroll through other people's vacations, or you can be the kind of person that books their own vacation. a booker. scootin' through life at seven miles an hour. awesome. you see, bookers just go for it. they book a surfside resort, order a fourth taco even though three was plenty... 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>> it's right out of their playbook. those drones cost $10-$15,000 each to cause massive harm on the saudi economy. iran is seeking to target saudi arabia, drive up the cost of saudis' involvement in yemen where iran is supporting their proxy militant group, the the houthis. they also want to drive up the cost of oil because we have imposed such crippling sanctions on iran, and we're making it next to impossible to export their oil on which their economy depends. jedediah: how do you say this playing out in terms of potential consequences for iran? >> well, this is iran again driving up their the brinksmanship by stockpiling low grade uranium and enriching to weapons-grade level. this is another example. we, thus far, have had a three-pronged strategy; the sanctions i talked about, deterring the an iranian strike on u.s. persons and institutions in the region and then an offramp for negotiations. we haven't been able to deter them from launching against saudi arabia. the president has said he'll start negotiations without preconditions when president rouhani is ready, but so far iran hasn't been willing to do that. ed: the democrats, want to get their side in the here, they're saying and accusing secretary of state mike pompeo of going too far and assuming that it's iran. you're right, there's a proxy war here, but that he doesn't have clear evidence that iran was behind this attack. and according to the democrats anyway, chris murphy, a senator, for example, from connecticut is saying the administration is pushing this notion to bring us closer to war. how do you respond to that? >> listen, every indication this is coming from iran or its proxies. there is some scarce information about precisely where the attacks were launched. there's some reporting that perhaps they were launch. ed from iraqi territory, though the government of iraq is denying that. i would expect some discussion behind the scenes between the administration and the congress where the administration shares intelligence about this recent attack. pete: daniel, the president tweeted yesterday that we're hitting afghanistan harder than ever before, they made a big mistake in targeting americans in the middle of negotiations. where are we on that? >> we're at a standstill. the taliban is not a monolith. the deputy is the leader of the no to notorious haqqani network which has launch those suicide attacks on us and the government of afghanistan. right now we need to make sure that the threats in afghanistan aren't visited on our shores. that's why we still need those 14,000 troops and the intelligence capability. i'd be looking at a test, let's start intra-afghan dialogue which is ultimately what peace will depend on. jedediah: can you actually successfully negotiate with these people though, with the taliban? >> well, i think there are irreconcilables, and you certainly are can't negotiate with them. there's another pathway for them, and that's what the president talked about, hitting them hard. and then there are those in the taliban who probably would like to make peace. again, that's the challenge for us and why we need to have the afghans, the government and the taliban talking together. we'll need to be there in some form to make sure those threats, again, don't materialize and target us here. ed: why we appreciate your insights, thanks for getting up early on sunday. >> always a pleasure. jedediah: well, at least eight illegal immigrants arrested in one sanctuary county on sexual assault charges in the last several weeks. those angel families join us to share their message next. ♪ here i go again on my own ♪ goin' down the only road i've ever known ♪ ♪ like a drifter i was-- ♪ born to walk alone! ...barb! you left me hangin' on the high harmony there. if you ride, you get it. geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more. hi. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams. here, hello! starts mom andwith -hi!mple...rez!!! how can i help? 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"news of theini'd love for eacho briefly share the story of your life, beginning with marla, if you don't mind. >> on december 8th of 2017, my husband was driving on 270, and he was in a single-vehicle crash. he was on the shoulder when arlene's son, sander cohen, pulled behind him, saw my husband, pulled behind him, and they were both standing on the shoulder when roberto garza was in the back lane, and he went onto the shoulder and mitt and killed both of them. -- hit and killed both of them. there were no brake marks at the scene, and it was -- it's a nightmare that we have to live with every day. jedediah: yeah. arlene, what was that day like for you? >> well, it wasn't actually the day, it was the middle of the night. the fire marshal, brian drassi, and a maryland state police officer, montgomery county police officer came to my house and knocked on the door at 2:00 in the morning. and, of course, i woke up and thought, oh, my gosh, why are there police outside? so my husband and i answered the door, and that's when we found out that our only son had been killed. it was the most terrible shock of my life. jedediah: devastating. and i know the whole country as they hear this story right now is with you both. can't imagine the pain that you've been through. marla, i want to ask you though, in light of what you've experienced, what do you make of what's going on in montgomery county now, particularly with the signing of this executive order and the policies that are being instituted there? >> it adds to the, to our grief. it is so completely devastating that the laws in this county are protecting criminals, you know? he was wanted in 2015 and wanted in 2017 by i.c.e. he had a long history. he already had two duis. he had possession of cocaine. so it's a punch in the stomach to know that three months prior to the accident i.c.e. wanted him again. he was in the jail system, and i.c.e. wanted him again, and montgomery county refused to hand him over. and because of that, he was let back out -- not just let back out on the street, but allowed to drive. i can't even tell you what it's like to know that they, that their policies continue to protect and then to only issue a $280 fine? it is unbelievable. jedediah: arlene, you know, in light of that the, you know, you think about the possibility of prevention, and so many things must have run through your mind. we're now in an environment though even nationally where law enforcement officials and border patrol agents on the issue of immigration have been vilified, have been made out to be the enemy when they're just trying to do their job. they're just trying to protect the citizens of this country. what do you make of that debate that the's going on nationally? >> well, first of all, in montgomery county we have a county council executive, mark elrich, and then we have -- so a what's happening in montgomery county, which is actually very much what's happening in the whole entire country, is that there's money that's being distributed to organizations from government agencies. and they're using taxpayer money to pay the $280 fine that roberto pallacios got for killing sander and carlos, and they're paying for lawyers. he went to court, federal court to ask for amnesty, which he was denied, and he's been asked to leave the country. so we've got erlich protecting both legals and illegals. so these guys that are raping, murdering and breaking windows in montgomery county, they're being harbored in our sanctuary county. okay? jedediah: yeah. >> and then casa de maryland is paying their legal fees. so all these nice, legal people that are coming in -- and, of course, our country is built on immigrants, i'm only a second generation american citizen -- they are also protecting the illegals that are hurting all the people that are coming in here to be free. jedediah: yeah. very quickly, marla, just to close us out, what would you like to see done to address this? i would love to hear your thoughts. >> i would like to quickly say that my husband came here from venezuela when he was 8, joined the fbi when he was 25. so here we have of a legal immigrant that is working to protect america, and he is killed by an illegal. so our laws need to change immediately. our law enforcement needs to work together with i.c.e. if i.c.e. wants a particular individual, it is because they are a criminal that needs to be deported. so we need to have our law enforcement working with one another as they should do already. jedediah: well, i want to thank you both for being here and sharing your personal stories. obviously, hearing your perspective on the issue is so valuable, and you are in our thoughts and prayers for your losses. >> thank you. jedediah: one of the people who was on the boat is going to jail, that's next. plus, big brother on college campus? why alabama is watching students at football games. is that okay? ♪ our 18-year-old was in an accident. when i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. see how much you can save with usaa insurance. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, your plans can change in minutes. your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, "not today." if your current treatment isn't working, ask your doctor about entyvio. entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. entyvio has helped many patients achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. ask your doctor about the only gi-focused biologic just for ulcerative colitis and crohn's. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. relief and remission since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. ♪ ♪ pete: the university of tennessee marching band. ed: this is awe awesome, the band sporting the shirts against the vols' game against chattanooga yesterday. it went viral after a little boy was bulllied for wearing his original hand drawn version to school. jedediah: they've offered him a full ride scholarship. by the way, uc won the game 45-0. -- ut won the game. good for them. ed: they had a rough start to season concern. pete: yeah, it was wear the colors of your favorite team, so he drew it up -- jedediah: imagine how that kid must feel, so hope to see -- so happy to see that kid. ed: now he's got a full ride. speaking of college facebook this story caught our eyes because it's really more about your privacy and big tech and what's happening. the university of alabama, of course, they're in the championship game practically every year, but they're now tracking their students during football games to keep up on attendance because what happens is in the student section they get these choice tickets as students, and people really, really want those tickets, but the students leave early. what are they doing? probably going to parties. but they're also -- alabama wins the games by so much especially early in the season that it's, like, 45-0, and the students are like i'm not going to stay for the second half, and nick saban is mad and wants to now make sure that when they opt in to the app for the football team, they stick around. president it's called tide loyalty point. students are encouraged to down the app, at which point the university can see whether they stayed in the forty quarter -- ed: a little creepy. pete: it is. you get cheaper playoff tickets. it is opt-in, it sounds a lot like coercion from the university to stay, but seems a bit unnecessary. jedediah: i mean, it's voluntary, but at the same time it kind of normalizes this idea of someone watching you and that that's okay. oh, don't worry, log in, we'll check your attendance, and down the road will there be any consequences. i would personally not be part of it at all. but the coach is defending it saying i think it enhances the value of our program if the stadium is full. i always want to see the stadium full and see people stay for 60 minutes. we expect our players to compete for 60ment minutes, i'm not satisfied with the way some of our players competed in the second quarter. i'd like to see them get supported -- ed: i should add context as well that early in the season when the summer's just ending, it's very hot down in alabama, and i understand that at one of the games it was like 110 degrees, and some students and other fans were leaving because it was hot. nothing to do with abandoning the team, it was just really hot. jedediah: so what if they want to leave? isn't that the student prerogative to decide how they want to spend their -- pete: you're way ahead or way behind, they call that fourth quarter garbage. and i'm a veteran, having played college athletics, i didn't start, i didn't play much, i got in we were way ahead or way behind. he can want whatever he wants, but if i'm a fan, do i have to be there in the fourth quarter? ed: quoting a lawyer who was saying this is a big invasion of privacy, what do you think about it? [email protected]. by the waying i don't think you played garbage. i think you were a good player. jedediah: elle hold my comment until i see video. all right, some headlines for you now. a live look at hong kong where protesters are flooding the streets for a 15th straight weekend. the crowds clashing with riot police who have fired tear gas and water cannons. hundreds of protesters gathered outside the british consulate waving u.k. and american flags hoping for western support and a push for democratic reform. red sox legend david ortiz opening up about the june shooting that changed his life for, telling "the boston globe," quote, i'm not going to sit around and chill if there's somebody out there who wants to kill me. ortiz describing an angel ramming through parked cars to rush him to the hospital. four teen people have been arrested. a florida man is sentenced in a horrific case of animal cruelty leading to the death of a shark. a warning, the video is tough to watch. the man seen here dragging a live shark at high speed. the viral video sparked national outrage back in 2017 after the video surfaced online. robert bennett iii will spend five weekends in jail after accepting a plea deal. another man accepted a similar plea deal in february. and people in the beehive state could go without a buzz for a few weeks. experts say utah might face a temporary shortage. retailers are expected to sell out of the lighter beers while preparing to stock shelves with new product. those are your headlines. ed: they call that beer beer, don't they? pete: near beer's, like, not beer. and utah mandates a low percentage of alcohol by volume, and now they're getting -- jedediah: you know quite a bit about this. [laughter] finish you're well versed. pete: when you go to utah, you know what you're getting. ed: you don't spend a lot of time there, i assume. pete: i was there on a layover three days ago. ed: we could do this all day. pete: maybe we will. all right. we went to prison -- excuse me, he went to prison for killing a taliban operative. now sergeant derek miller is helping seek justice for our nation's warriors and teaming up with congress. ed: he and congressman i loui gohmert join us. ♪ ♪ that's why with dell small business technology advisors. you'll get tailored product solutions, expert tech advice and one-on-one partnership. call an advisor today at 877-buy-dell. get up to 45% off on select computers. ♪ this is the family who wanted to connect... to go where they could explore and experience adventure in unexpected places... ♪ who were inspired by different cultures ♪ and found that the past can create new memories... leading them to discover: we're woven together by the moments we share. for everywhere you go, expedia has everything you need, all in one place. these days we're (horn honking) i hear you, sister. that's why i'm partnering with cigna to remind you to go in for your annual check-up. and be open with your doctor about anything you feel. physically, and emotionally. body and mind. ♪ ♪ pete: many of our nation's warriors are finding themselves in trouble for doing the job they were hired to do, fight a war and kill the enemy. in 2011 army national guard sergeant derek miller was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison for shooting a taliban operative inside his base camp after that member of the taliban tried to take his weapon. after serving eight years in leving worth prison, miller was paroled on may e 20th. now he's teaming up with congress as executive director of the congressional justice for warriors caucus, advocating for soddiers -- soldiers convicted of murder while in combat. here with more is sergeant derek miller as well as texas congressman louie gohmert who's the co-founder of the caucus. derek and congressman, thank you very much. i should note this week you are going to leavenworth to visit many other convicted soldiers and troops who face the same thing. derek, if you would, why is there a need for justice for warriors right now? >> thank you for having us. pete: of course. >> there's a big need because the constitutional rights of soldiers on the battlefield and in the courtroom are being violated. they have no clue when they volunteer to go overseas that when they come back that there's a possibility of something improper happened, that they will be blocked from going to the supreme court. they have to fight -- excuse me? pete, no go ahead. keep going, sergeant. there's, honestly, a deficit when you go to -- [inaudible conversations] pete: absolutely. i think the congressman's audio e is not working properly, but i'll stay with you, derek. in your particular case, the prosecution didn't do fingerprint analysis on the gun, they threatened witnesses into reversing statements. as a war fighter, you assume your military will have your back. instead, they come after you. >> absolutely. and they didn't collect physical evidence. they were bugging their e-mails. there was no oversight, and there is no protections for the soldiers once they are involved in these court cases, and the justice for warriors caucus is committed to making sure there's accountability for the prosecutors and protections for the accused once they go into those courtrooms. pete: congressman gohmert, you've been an advocate for these soldiers, a lieutenant who made a tough decision on the battlefield, ultimately has been vindicated in the court of public opinion, but he's still in prison. why is there such a need for this? >> well, what shocked me is before i tested at derek miller's parole hearing, i was seeing statistics that, you know, through our world wars, korean war, vietnam war we had, like, seven people convicted of combat crimes, and then just going back to iraq and afghanistan, it's been over 200, pete. so we are so grateful you're willing to bring this out. it's just outrageous, and especially when we hear of rules of engagement where our own military especially in more recent years and president -- commander in chief obama had to wait until they were shot at so they could shoot back. which also explains why we went from about 600 fatalities of our military under commander in chief bush to three times that many under commander in chief obama. pete: yeah. >> it's just so outrageous that we would put our military in that situation. and then, by the way, and i served at fort benning for four years, i saw how the counter martial system worked -- court-martial system worked. but when the same commander who signs to require a trial of a, one of our military members, he's the same person that hand picks the jury. it's a bit of a stacked deck. and everybody knows that sits on the jury who sent them there -- pete: yeah. >> -- this commanding general and what he expects or she expects, or they wouldn't have been sent there to be on the jury. pete: absolutely. congressman, this warrior caucus is going to make recommendations to the white house, potential changes to the uniform code of military justice, help people rebuild their lives, grant letters of recommendation. derek, we don't have much time left, i want to go back to you, you're going to probably be sitting across from the first lieutenant, you were in that present up until may. what's your message to him in. >> to him and john hatley and so many other soldiers is that they're not forgotten. their lives are going to be having a chance to be rebuilt and start over. hopefully, we're going to fight to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else. for me, walking back into that building after i walked in handcuffs, it's a closure process but also a reassurance to these guys that there's hope. pete: absolutely. sergeant miller, we have to leave it right there. congressman, we're out of time, but keep us posted. >> you bet. >> and derek's been invaluable. thanks. pete: god bless you for giving back. all right. well, comedienne chelsey handler out with a book about her white privilege. >> i'm cleary the beneficiary of white privilege. i want to know how to be a better white person to people of color. let's be honest, insurance can feel a little outdated. the paperwork... the calling for everything. the searching for id cards... it's like you're stuck in the 90s. that's why esurance makes it simple with an app that has everything you need because that's how we live nowadays. rad. your id card is on a bodacious tiny future tv. wow! you're really committed to this whole 90's thing, aren't ya? no, i'm just saying what's in the script. that's true. everything we're saying's in the script. when insurance is simple, it's surprisingly painless. and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both... adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. and snoring? no problem... and done. so, i'll wake up ready for anything? oh, we've got your back. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. only at a sleep number store. now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. ♪ ♪ >> thank you for having me here tonight. my name's chelsea handler, and i am as white as they come. i'm filming a documentary, you may or may not know, about white privilege. i'm clearly the beneficiary of white privilege. i want to know how to be a better white person to people of color. pete: well, that's chelsea handler coming a long way from her stand-up days poking fun at celebrities. this now-liberal actress announcing a new documentary exploring white privilege and how it has benefited her. jedediah: michael luck joins us now to react. michael, why does everything have to get political? why? >> i don't know. obviously, chelsea's going through some very deep trauma. i think -- [laughter] she has, she's taken trump derangement syndrome to another level. she's, like, patient zero. they should examine her blood and analyze it, if maybe they can find a cure. you know how you have to get the venom from a rattlesnake to get the cure? that's where chelsea handler is. this is such a bad idea. ed: why can't comedians just be funny? there's nothing funny about what she's saying. be funny. >> no! i'm not kidding. this is, they should called this special someone at netflix is gonna get fired or hello, boring, it's me chelsea. really, so she feels bad because she's rich and successful. who wants to come home, like, who's the target demo from this? who comes home from work in construction all day and like, you know what? turn on that chelsea handler sad 'cuz she's rich show. [laughter] i would rather watch dave chapelle order office furniture, watch bill byrd take a nap, i would rather watch roseanne barr take an eye exam, it's an i, it's a z, it's the number 2. [laughter] anything would be more entertaining. pete: if your goal is to improve race relations in america, how does this do that? >> it does nothing! it does nothing! this is such, like, a liberal, lefty thing to do. you have some crazy little innocuous thing. you don't really try to find a solution, but you do a movie about it, and then she gets rich. come on! ed: well, mike love discuss, he's still funny, and that's why we have him on. >> yeah, ed henry, so good to see you. my tour starts next week, freedom to laugh. ed: we'll do the eye exam later. mike huckabee, congressman mark meadows, maria bartiromo still ahead. we've jed and. [inaudible] coming up. ♪ payfor what you need. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ [inaudible conversations] pete: at the top to have show. ed: i got these loafers, i paid full price for these, by the way. this deal comes off, so you can turn this, and you can change the color, plus they're waterproof. i put red, white and blue, and i swear that when i purchased it, i said, you know, red, white and blue, pete will like these. instead i come in and he says, says,oui, oui -- [laughter] jedediah: those aren't french shoes. i think he's a little bit jealous because usually he comes in with the patriotic gear -- pete: today i don't even have a jacket liner. you've got me beat. ed: by the way, the other day i get a call, pete hegseth's in your office taking some cuff links -- pete: i had just come back from a trip, i didn't have a tie, a lapel -- ed henry's office is like a store. [laughter] ed: and he brought it all backing and heft me a nice note. jedediah: for the record, ed, i think your views are very patriotic. ed: thanks. i won't wave them anymore. jedediah: partly to aggravate pete. ed: big news overnight, this is going to have a big impact on the markets tomorrow, oil markets, wall street as well because this fox news alert, growing tensions with iran. the trump administration blaming iran for several drone strikes on saudi oil facilities. this shut down about half of saudi arabia's oil production in the last 24 hours. pete: so there's a civil war going down in the south of saudi arabia. it's in yemen. you've got houthi -- iran iranian-back houthi rebels. ultimately, ten drones flown over these oil facilities and then triggering explosions, obviously, some sort of munitions, half of saudi arabia's oil production is now halted. and it's clear iran has been in conjunction with and alongside these rebels, but it's a bigtime escalation to go into saudi arabia with this kind of bombing. and we know that's the hoedown amongst muslim countries in the middle east. jedediah: secretary of state mike pompeo tweeting: iran is behind nearly 100 attacks in saudi arabia. while they pretend to engage in diplomacy, iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. there is no evidence the attacks came from yemen. ed: interesting, because democrats are trying to call out the administration, senator chris murphy from connecticut charging that mike pompeo is ginning this up and charging that tehran is behind the attackses when, yes, it's a proxy war, but we don't necessarily have evidence for sure that it is iran that is behind this attack even though the world knows iran is backing these rebels. pete: that's right. what we do have evidence is that iran is the world's largest state sponsor of terror whether it's attacking israel, whether it's killing american troops on the9 battlefield, i mean, hundreds by ieds and others. iran is the world's worst actor and advancer of islamism. and in this case, this is an inter-islam fight for preeminence in the middle east. and, but so you can mince about words, like, did you go too much in naming iran, but the reality is they're the ones behind us. jedediah: ben rhodes with commentary, the i houthis are not the same as iran, this is an incredibly dumb, dishonest and dangerous thing to say. ed: here's why this matters, ben rhodes was national security adviser, of course, to barack obama among other things. he admitted openly in a new york times magazine piece that he misled the press and the public, basically, about the administration's intentions and what was really going on in tehran as they sold the iran nuclear deal. the signature obama achievement on foreign policy scale, that they misled the public in order to sell that deal which president trump has now completely unraveled saying we gave tehran cash for nothing. pete: exactly. ed: how is he judging this administration? pete: dumb, dishonest and dangerous, president trump made a good point, there was a sunset timeline clause on the iran deal which means eventually they run the clock out, and they were going to -- he's trying to change that. very rich from ben rhodes. jedediah: yeah. the question for me always is what do you do about it, what about the consequence be? senator lindsey graham is saying that the united states should consider striking iranian oil refineries. this is his tweet: it is now time for the u.s. to put on the table an attack on iranian oil refineries if they continue their provocations or increase nuclear enrichment. iran will not stop their misbehavior until the consequences become more real. a lot of controversy over that, about what the consequence should be. i actually think lindsey graham has a great point. pete: you know, he's a hawkish guy. jedediah: he is. i'm not, but that honestly makes a lot of sense. pete: at some point you do have to be willing to wake up to next line with iran and saying maybe sanctions aren't strong enough, how far do we go? but the question is what changes can you make in how far you go with a -- what calculations you make. ed: obviously, we mentioned the impact on the market but also on the world, is there going to be a military conflict between the u.s. and iran? here's what daniel hoffman, former cia station chief, said last hour. >> it's right out of iran's playbook. iran is seeking to target saudi arabia, drive up the cost of saudis' involvement in yemen where iran is supporting their proxy militant group, the houthis. but they also want to drive up the cost of oil because we have imposed such crippling sanctionings on iran, and we're making it next to impossible for them to export their oil on which their economy depends. i would expect some discussion this week behind the scenes between the administration and the congress where the administration shares intelligence about this recent attack. pete: so imagine the situation if iran has a bomb. everything gets worse if they get a nuclear blackmail device against the rest of the world. we can't let that happen. ed: and there's been the tripling sanctionings from the president trump administration, the president warning going back to campaign, also warning about the threat of illegal immigration. well, guess what's going on right near the white house at a sanctuary county, montgomery county? an eighth illegal alien has been arrested, the eighth person arrested who is an illegal immigrant who was aledly involved in a sexual assault. i actually live in montgomery county, maryland. my daughter goes to high school there. and there have been a whole series of these cases. and it's shocking, and it's something the president's been pointing out for a long time, and a lot of people are not listening. jedediah: have you seen outreach from the community -- ed: there was just a rally, larry o'connor helped put together a rally, and people were speaking out saying we're tired of this being a sanctuary county. pete: people who don't have to be in that county, should have been sent home, but you did a great interview with a mother and a wife. jed yeah. i think the most important people to hear from are these angel moms and wives because they've been touched personally. we spoke with arlene cohen who recalled hearing that her son was killed. take a listen. >> it was the middle of the night. the fire marshal, brian drassi, and a maryland state police officer and montgomery county police officer came to my house and knocked on the door at 2:00 in the morning. my husband and i answered the door and that's when we found out that our only son, sanderrer cohen, had been killed. it was the most terrible shock of my life. pete: her son was killed in a crash in 2017 by an illegal who was sought by i.c.e. but was not detained because of a sanctuary city policy. jedediah: montgomery county. pete: in that same county. tragically preventable. jedediah: we also spoke to ma la wolff, an angel wife. listen to what she had to say. >> it adds to our grief. it is so completely devastating that the laws in this county are protecting criminals. my husband came here from venezuela when he was 8, joined the fbi when he was 25. so here we have a legal immigrant that is working to protect america, and he is killed by an illegal. so our laws need to change immediately. our law enforcement needs to work together with i.c.e. if i.c.e. wants a particular individual, it is because they are a criminal that needs to be deported. jedediah: her husband was killed in that same crash as arlene's son in that same county, montgomery county, that we've been talking about. and i truly believe there is nothing more powerful than hearing from these people. when you listen to stats about border security or you listen to politicians talk about border security or security in counties or how an executive order can impact citizens, it is just not the same as hearing the personal stories of people who have lost loved ones as a result of these policies. and i think it's pivotal to have them front and center. i'm greatly appreciative of their courage to come on and talk about this. the. pete: earlier in the show, we played a clip by bernie sanders. he outright said i'm going to stop deportations. ed: if i'm elected, no more deportations. jedediah: which begs the question, are they listening to these people that are coming forward -- they're not listening to the angel moms, and they're not listening to these people who have lost loved ones as a result -- ed: well, and the last one made a really important point which is that her husband who was an immigrant who was tragically killed by an illegal immigrant. he was legal, came from venezuela, did it the right way. left behind at least two kids and worked for the fbi serving america. what do you think about that? [email protected]. jedediah: some headlines in this seven a.m. hour. multiple firefighters and some children were injured in a multilevel deck collapse on the jersey shore. the cay e gross unfolding as thousands celebrated an annual firefighters convention in wildwood, a popular resort city. at least two of the victims taken to trauma centers but it's the unclear how severe the other injuries are. and now to extreme weather. tropical storm humberto is expected to become a hurricane before ultimately moving away from the coast. some areas in florida could still see strong winds and high surf. humberto not as kind to the bahamas, hitting parts of the already-devastated islands with 60 mile-per-hour winds and up to 6 inches of rain. pete: plenty of close calls and upsets this week, penn state holding off pittsburgh 17-10. i didn't know they were a rival -- ed: they played for, like, 100 years, this might be the last time they play for a while. pete: byu -- i learn something from you every time. [laughter] byu pulling off the upset against usc in overtime. [cheers and applause] >> it is intercepted! pete: cougars win 30-27. after likely losing its quarterback for the season, ninth-ranked florida pulls off a squeaker comeback, ed, over kentucky, 29-21. and the heisman front-runner, can you pronounce that? thank you very much, sir. a career high 444 passing yards in number 2 alabama's win over south carolina. i've got to refine my pronunciation. i'm going to be saying his name a lot. ed: tua. came in as a freshman and won it for the crimson tide. pete: a cool 450 yards. ed: nfl's already licking their chops. we were just talking about alabama, why would you leave those games early? [laughter] those are your headlines. pete: 2020 democrats using this week's debate stage to call president trump a racist. >> we know donald trump's a racist. >> anyone who supports this is supporting racism. >> we have a white supremacist in the white house. pete: martin luther king jr.'s niece, dr. alveda king, reacts to that nonsense next. ♪ can my side be firm? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed it can... with your sleep number setting. can it help keep me asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. was in an accident. when i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. see how much you can save with usaa insurance. see how much you can save offers free so bookers can book now... and ask their boss later. 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[definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at ♪ ♪ >> we know donald trump's a racist. >> anyone who supports this is supporting racism. >> we have a white supremacist in the white house, and he poses a threat to people of color all around this country. ed: 2020 democrats accusing the president of being racist, but our next guest, the niece of martin luther king jr., says that narrative is just not true. she is fox news contributor department alveda king. good sunday morn dog -- morning to you. >> good morning. happy sunday, everybody, and i'm glad to talk about this particular topic today. ed: excellent. quick question then, i want you to react to what they're saying and how you disagree with it, but does it ever give you pause when the president uses rhetoric like send them back, goes after the squad? democrats seem to think that he targets minorities. does any of that bother you? >> well, the president is doing so many wonderful things for america acrosses -- across the board. he just spoke to the historically black colleges and universities, and millions and millions of dollars are being moved towards the education of the african-american community. i just think that's just fascinating. and the criminal justice reform m. of those who are being returned to their families, returning citizens being reunited with their families are african-american. so he's done so many greats for all americans, and we are being impacted. i know he's not a racist. i believe that the only reason that the democratic party has to keep saying he's a racist, he's a racist, he's a racist, they don't have anything else to stand on because even with their own health care program and they're pointing out that maybe two million people have lost health care under the new shifts that are changing, but 200 million people in america under this new administration with president trump are now getting health care. the media won't ever report that. so there are so many things that the democrats could be doing, but they're not doing. and then i understand that planned parenthood, they won't talk about abortion east. well, they don't want to expose that they're supporting eugenics. ed: yeah, we've heard that many times before. i want to shift to faith this sunday morning because there's a high school, some students in mississippi, refusing to turn to class until their prayer group is allowed to continue as it has for the past 15 years. there's a statement from the school superintendent: the county school district leaders seek to uphold local policy which includes language indicating when such student organizations are allowed to meet and the requirement that student organizations are led by students. what's firing you up this morning about that story? >> what is firing me up so much is that that particular school system -- and it's happening all over america -- rather than let the children voluntarily, the young people voluntarily pray in school, this particular group has done it for 15 years, they want to shut down all extracurricular clubs within the school day. and they'll go that far to keep children from giving glory to god. and i don't blame those young people. i understand that some of the parents in the community are supporting them in that effort. they should be allowed to have their club. it's not unconstitutional, it is not illegal, and there's no reason to deny them the right to pray. but they'll give them free condoms or let somebody read about why you can change your sexuality the, but please don't sing a gospel song. it's out of balance. i think it's unfortunate. ed: your uncle, among many other things, talked so openly about how important faith was in terms of the civil rights -- >> faith is freedom of religion, freedom to speak your own voice and your own opinion, believe what you want to believe. ed: dr. alveda king, we appreciate it. >> thank you. ed: meanwhile, some sticker shock this sunday morning. michelle obama charging up to $4,000 for a ticket to her new tour. we don't know why capitalism wasn't thriving back in the obama days. we're going to talk about that. ♪ -their béarnaise sauce here is the best in town. 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[ buzzer ] or the one where we show... [ buzzer ] when he was a... [ buzzer ] plus you can watch this is us anywhere with xfinity stream app. especially the... [ buzzer ] episode. awww, that one's my favorite. catch every episode of this is us with xfinity. ♪ ♪ pete: time now for your news by the numbers. 445, that's how many ms-13 gang members border patrol has arrested so far this fiscal year. more than 900 gang members have been captured. next, 110 years old, that's the age of the nation's oldest world war ii veteran. lawrence brooks celebrating his milestone birthday at the national world war ii knew people? new orleans. congratulations to him. i've also heard that's a fantastic museum. 18 karat gold, that's what this toilet, stolen from winston churchill's boyhood home, is made of. it was snatched from an art exhibit because the toilet is connected to the building's plumbing -- [laughter] jedediah: that's how you know you've made it, are you kidding me? [laughter] all right. former first lady chel obama heading to new jersey as part of her intimate conversation multi-city tour, and it isn't cheap. pete: folks are reportedly shelling out $1300 with the most expensive $4,000. ed: good morning, governor mike huckabee. >> if you can afford a $4200 seat, you don't need to steal the toilet, you can just buy one. look, i want to be very clear about this, good for michelle obama. she is practicing capitalism in the private sector, and i say why the heck not? now, you know, my speeches never get $4200 a ticket, but for $4.20, i'll speak at a holiday inn breakfast room, and everybody just has to, you know, share their eggs and biscuits with me. that's all they need to do. but seriously, why not? why shouldn't she go out there? but it's a ringing endorsement for the trump economy, because now there are a lot more people who can afford those tickets than could when her husband was president. jedediah: she's really a force for the party. she has such a likability, so popular with so many people. do you think she'll be making appearances come 2020? let's say it's joe biden. i would think it might be more valuable to have her front and center than even president obama. >> well, my greatest fear was at some point the democrats will say we don't have a single person on here who can beat donald trump, and they bring her out, and she becomes the candidate. that would be a concern because she is immensely popular, she's very articulate and, frankly, in person, she's a very charming individual. i don't know if you've been around her, but she really is a charming person. i think she would be, you know, that candidate that would scare the daylights out of everybody. jedediah: i agree. >> but right now that's not going on, but i will say that i have no problem whatsoever with her making as much money as she can right now. and, you know, the only thing i worry about is how come bernie sanders can make so much money in public office, become a millionaire? the only thing he's ever done is have a public, government-funded job. i get it howmy -- michelle obama's making dough. what i don't get is how he has three houses and is a millionaire on a government paycheck. pete: yeah. you're talking about the folks that want to replace president trump, one of those is, on another subject, andrew yang. now, we know he likes to crowd surf -- [laughter] and he took to dancing also after the third debate in front of his supporters, so that's the crowd surfing and another one, here he is dancing on friday after that debate. [laughter] now, a conservative activist, cassie dillon, tweeted that video and then said this, she said: here's the thing, i'm voting for trump, but i wouldn't be friends with trump. i'm not voting for yang, but i'd definitely be his friend. president trump took notice, retweeting that and saying, hey, i'm okay with that. so, governor huckabee, could that be part of the approach? you may not love every part of me, but you like what i'm getting done? >> absolutely. i've told people many times that donald trump is like the doctor with maybe not the most, let's just say gentle bedside manner? [laughter] he comes in your room and barks at every member of the family, throws the wife out and says i don't have time for all those questions. but he's done the surgery many times, he gets it done, and he saves your life. you can get a doctor that comes in is nice, polite, holds your hand, gives you a hug and cries with you, but the doctor every time he's done the surgery, the patient dies. now, you tell me who you'd pick, and i'm going to tell you, you want the person who's competent. what the president has done is shown us that he is competent to lead the country and to engage with the world. and i think when it really gets down to it, that's what people are going to decide. and i want to say this, and you guys know this, you've been around donald trump. he really is a very likable guy. he's a lot of fun to be with. he's got an enormous sense of humor, his personality is bigger than life, and he is one of the kindest people and the most thoughtful. i know that would shock people, but i was with him at a campaign event. i'm going to tell this story very quickly. we went into one of his properties near miami. it was 11:00 at night. everybody was exhausted. the hotel staff was kind of, you know, in the final stages of their shift. when we walk in, he goes in and says hello to every single staff person that he sees from the desk clerk to the lady vacuuming the carpets. he knows every one of their names, and he calls them by nail. by name. and before he sit down to eat a meal after 11 p.m. that night, he's making sure that he has personally greeted every single person who's an employee of that hotel. they love him p and when he walked in, they didn't look away like, oh, no, the boss is here. their faces lit up. you could tell they like this guy. that's the donald trump a lot of us know. jedediah: sign of a good boss, for sure. ed: we wish you had done some crowd surfing when you ran for president. jedediah: yeah. i want to see that. [laughter] >> i did other dumb things, yes, i did. ed: have a good sunday. pete: we appreciate it. did i just do that? that was an impression, not a good one. steve uing and family e matters could be making a comeback? that and beverly hills 90210, jed's favorite, oldies but goodies. jedediah: did i just do that? pete: that's better. ♪ ♪ (snoring) what's going on? it's the 3pm slump. should have had a p3. oh yeah. should have had a p3. need energy? get p3. with a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. ♪ ♪ ed: it is your shot of the morning, a really bizarre new beard. jedediah: the left side of his face perfectly tbroomed, but the right side, a funny facial hair design. pete: is it a j or a g or a question mark? one person tweeting mike byers looks like he glued a cat tail to his face. [laughter] another writing it looks like it belongs in a comedy movie where there's a monkey behind his head. jedediah: i have a very, see, i have -- it is a cool beard, but i like a real messy e beard. i like a beard that looks like when you look like you need to shave, that's the kind of beard i like. pete: that's not what he was going for. where did he come up with that? he came out as the starting pitcher. he only went an inning and a quarter. i feel like if you come out in that, you better have your a game. ed: you're right. if you come out with that kind of beard and stink up the joint, that beard's coming off. jedediah: is it possible that he just made a mistake? you know how guys sometimes make a mistake and you kind of don't know what to do -- ed: then you should even it out. jedediah: but that's not as cool. pete: somebody said to him, hey, why don't you try this one out. ed: [email protected], do you think we should try it? i think people are overthinking. jedediah: all right. now, you guys know that this is the year of the reboots. i love '90s reboots. well, it might be the return of uing. he was cool, in my opinion. family rematters was the -- family matters, was the show. the next successful '90s television show to get a reboot, and as the first season of 90210 wraps up, will that reboot get a second season? it was an awesome show, uing was the star -- urkel was the star. he was super, super funny. and i think they want to follow in the steps of a show like fuller house, which was the reboot of full house with, you guys know that, with candace cameron. it's amazing on netflix. so i think everyone's trying to think if everyone wants to go back to the '90s, let me pull mine out. ed: sometimes they work. jedediah: can i weigh in on 90210? can we watch a clip and then i'll tell you how i feel about it? ♪ ♪ ed: i've heard pretty good things about it. jedediah: no, no. i love that series. i've watched every single episode. what they did is instead of bringing back the characters, they brought the actors back as some sort of twisted type of reality show. it's kind of like about their lives, but it's not really. and the whole audience is like, no, i want to know what brenda and brandon and dylan are doing. not dylan, unfortunately, luke perry passed away, who is greatly missed. so many arguments, they don't -- characters, they want to know about the actors. i watched every show. by the way, you inspired me to go back and watch the original series, so i'm watching, you know, kelly and brandon's love affair every night before i prep for "fox & friends." ed: how much free time do you have? jedediah: whatever time i have goes to that. pete: i've heard the same thing. people that love it like you said it's terrible. jedediah: yeah, it's sad. i hate to say it's terrible because i love the actors, but they should have just got -- people were so in love with those characters. pete: that's the pitfall of a reboot. ed: they have to keep going back to the archives. what do you think about some of the reboots? leapt us know, [email protected]. pete: i'm waiting for saved by the bell reboot. jedediah: yes! that would be amazing. she was on 90210. i do, i love the '90s! we're going to turn to some headlines finish. [inaudible] suing two of his former lawyers, the decorated veteran accusing the attorneys and a nonprofit of purposefully delaying his cases to run up his legal bills. in july gallagher was cleared of murdering an isis fire back in 2017. one of the lawyers says he's confident the court will sort the matter out. and a high-speed police chase ending with a brutal crash and a bank robbery suspect's dead. a warning, this video might be disturbing for some viewers. you can see the vehicle losing control of his car and veering off a texas highway, hitting a power line and then a tree. police believe he died on impact. a loaded handgun and cash was found in his car. the driver was believed to be behind an armed robbery before that. an accomplice was later arrested at a houston hotel. and a 5-year-old poses for an adorable photo shoot with his great grandparents based on his favorite movie, up. >> please let me in. >> no. oh, all right. jedediah: little elijah can be see dressed as russell, and his great grandfather as carl. the two end up on a great adventure together when carl turns his house into a hot air balloon and sends it into the sky, not realizing russell still there. as more elijah's great grandmother, she's dressed up as ellie. pete: they look exactly the same. jedediah: that's an amazing, amazing movie with some great lessons. ed: i've never heard someone ganger quite as well as you. you just, like, dropped it. pete: i do actually say it quite frequently. i overi use it. i don't know why i do. ed: good word. jedediah: if you say it right. pete: who's ed henry's doppelganger? find it on the internet, send it to us, [email protected], a likenesses of the one and only ed henry. ed: moving on -- pete: we the people this week, our country celebrates the constitution, what would our founding fathers think of politics today? that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ can my side be firm? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed it can... with your sleep number setting. can it help keep me asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? bookers can book literally hundreds of daily deals... 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(vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in... enterprise makes it easy. ed: nearly two dozen people includig firefighters and kids injured in a multideck collapse on the jersey shore. jedediah: the chaos unfolding as thousands celebrating an annual fire fighters convention. we have the latest. good morning, kelly. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, this nightmare began really with a night of fun for that group of firefighters and their loved ones in up to for that convention, an annual convention that happens every year, and then it turned into a horrific scene of first responders scrambling to help first responders. you can see the scene behind me, almost looks as if it just happened. porch furniture, railings, the physical porches themselves and debris still scattered everywhere. we know this morning that 22 people were injured including firefighters and some children. according to a witness we know that two of those victims were reportedly flown to a local hospital. this is a three-story building with an overhang. the group had some people on the third floor deck, some on the second story and some on that porch below when those two top decks collapsed, sending victims slipping and sliding onto the porch and ground below, others scrambling to safety. one neighbor witnessed the slow motion destruction. let's take a listen. >> as soon as we heard the first crack, i turned and looked. i just saw it all come down. but it was very -- it wasn't like a quick bang, bang, bang. it was, like, each one came down piece by piece, showily, and everybody on it just came down with it. >> reporter: and if that isn't horrifying enough, the same witness tells us there was a 2-year-old little girl on that second story porch watching that unfold. they yelled for her to get back and stayed back, and then they came over and tried to help as best they could. we know that 22 people were injured, we are awaiting an update from police this morning to get some official information on how those victims are doing. ed: kelly rule from our affiliate in philadelphia, appreciate you coming on for us. jedediah: thank you. pete: thanks, guys. 232 years ago this week the u.s. constitution and its profound words of we the people became the supreme law of the land. how would our founding fathers feel about america and our political system today? here to weigh in is president of convention of states project, mark -- >> nice to be with you. pete: answer that question. >> i think they'd be really disturbed and mainly because what they wanted to avoid was a heavily centralized federal government. they designed a system that would give the power to the people in the states, and that system has now been flipped on its head, most of the power in d.c. pete: the federal government is only supposed to do exactly what the constitution tells them. how did we get so out of whack? >> really primarily if i had to point at one thing, it's the supreme court. the supreme court has issued numerous decisions over the last 100 years that grossly expand the power of the federal government. pete: interesting. another challenge is individual citizens don't know enough about our system, we start to lose it. here's a couple of facts that are stark to me,. literacy in america, 37% can't name any rights guaranteed under the first amendment, only 26% can name all three branches of government. you know, it's our republic if we can keep it. are we keeping it? >> well, look, i mean, you could flip the stats on your held, say you've got 67% that can, that do understand the first amendment, i think that's two-thirds. the other stat scares me, but i think we can do education, and i think we could flip that quickly. that points at our educational system that's failing. pete: absolutely. one other thing i want to get to is article v of the constitution. let's put it up on the screen. it's not well understood, but people need to learn about it quick. the congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall call for a convention of proposing amendments. you run a group called convention of states, trying to build a movement the call for a state-based convention to amend the constitution. talk about this. >> right now there are four million people involved, it takes 34 states to call a convention. so far 15 states have called for that. is citizens are involved, and the point is to propose amendments to restrain this overreach by the federal government. pete: there's a map right now of states that have passed it, looking at it, so there is a pathway to that number. you're talking about a second convention just like our founders held. >> yeah, a little bit different because they can't rewrite the whole constitution. the only thing they can do is write amendments that would restrain the federal government, then they go out to the states for ratification. it takes three-quarters of states to ratify -- pete: and what would that convention, specifically narrowly tailored, what are you trying to do? >> anything that imposes term limits, 85% of americans are many support of term limits, and anything that would limit the power and scope of the federal government. pete: the left doesn't like this very much. >> they don't like it, pretty much every group has said this would reverse 115 years of progressivism, and we say, yes -- [laughter] pete: what's the web site for it? >> convention of pete: i'm a big fan, full disclosure. mark, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me, appreciate it. pete: all right. up next we're in the kitchen with cooking smart celebrity chef george duh ran showing us the latest gadgets you can use. ♪ ♪ there's a company that's talked to even more real people than me: jd power. 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room. that's where i feel normal. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. learn more at retire your risk dot org. ♪ ♪ >> what would you like for breakfast? >> the usual. >> cereal? >> thanks, mom. >> is your father up yet? >> no. >> toast -- [laughter] >> i hate that thing! ed that was the coolest show. jedediah: remember when they were the family of the future, the jetsons? pete: well, the future's now. might not have toaster beds yet, but our homes are getting smarter. ed: here to ten us is celebrity chef george durant, you've been on before. >> absolutely. ed: i want to know about this fridge. >> it has this mechanism that has glass in front, so instead of opening up the door, knock on it twice, knock -- jedediah: oh! 'd. ed: look at that. >> you can see what's inside of it. you get to choose what's inside, so you push the button -- ed: that'll go with my french shoes. >> [inaudible] jedediah: that's an ice cube? >> it's a bunch of these, and you can put hem -- them in your little drinks. the kids would love these. it's unbelievably the first fridge, lg, that makes that. we're going to move on to the ember mug which is pretty cool because it heats your coffee, hot drinks, and -- ed: i don't know if they canning see, but it says 132 degrees. >> you can choose what temperature you want it. jedediah: oh. >> exactly. for two hours you keep your tea or coffee hot, and you can drink with it -- pete: charge it up on that pad? >> you can charge it up with that a pad. ed: and you can control it with your phone. >> very good. this is called the brava. i've stopped using my oven at home. ed: i have too, but for other reasons. >> oh, okay, very nice. you pretty much put chicken on the zone and broccoli, if you were to put this in a regular oven, it would just burn. but this knows, it's so smart, it knows that this is chicken here, it crisps it up to absolute perfection, and then -- jedediah: is there a thermometer in there? >> no, it's already programmed. you notice how there's no window? you know why? because there's an oven camera inside. jedediah: everything's cooked to perfection -- wow, look at that. >> you wallet to use the stove or an op -- ed: what's it called? >> brava, they're taking off $150 for fox viewers on braff -- we have a thermometer as well, it's called the meter, you just hook it up. it's the first truly wireless thermometer. it notifies your phone or watch to tell you exactly what the temperature inside that steak is. all over there, the meter, it's right there. so easy to do. how's that chicken? pete: tasty. >> right? jedediah: awesome stuff. thanks for being here. ed: a former nfl player accused of messing up his own business just to make the president look bad. plus, congressman mark meadows, maria bartiromo and ed burns, historian, all here, all live coming up. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. idle equipment costs you time and money. that's why united rentals is combining equipment, data, safety, and expertise to help your worksite perform better. ... you can stream and scroll through other people's vacations, or you can be the kind of person that books their own vacation. a booker. scootin' through life at seven miles an hour. awesome. you see, bookers just go for it. they book a surfside resort, order a fourth taco even though three was plenty... 'cause bookers don't make bucket lists. no booking way. they make memories. just like this guy right here. be a booker at the world's #1 choice for booking accommodations. ♪ ♪ [low mikes] pete: oh, you don't want that. ed: there's no other show -- pete: there it is. ed: seems like maybe in 2028 down the road. it's a pretty grim movie. pete: kind of just this here. ed: he's got this going. i don't know. jedediah: -- gillibrand working out. pete: or the pocahontas beer drinking. jedediah: yeah, this kind of guy i like it. ed: you want to talk about fun, there's no other show, morning show or anything else that would have ken burns, the historian, and mark meadows from the freedom caucus back-to-back. we'll have them this hour. ken burns has an awesome documentary on country music, he did baseball, vietnam. great work. not exactly a conservative. mark meadows, leading conservative and ally of the president. jedediah: plus we had a smart fridge where if you knock on it it lights up and that really made my day with round, circular ice cubes. pete: 90210 and andrew ed: andrew yang wants to give you you money and bernie sanders admits straight up that he's a socialist, he's talked about the green new deal medicare for all, hasn't explained how he paid for it, except raising taxes not just on the rich -- pete: college? ed: no, he's got other ideas as well. pete: he's got another idea. come up yesterday in las vegas. he's taken a few years a few days off the trail, by the way, he's got a hoarse voice. he was asked about would he continue deportations at the border. this is what he had to say. >> we'd like to know whether you will institute a moratorium on deportations, which is to temporarily stop deportations, and what is your message for people who are currently undocumented in this country? >> we're going to end the i.c.e. raids which are terrorizing communities all across this country. (applause) we are going to impose a moratorium on deportations. i as some of you you know support the medicare for all that everybody in the country has health care, including the undocumented. i want to make public colleges and universities tuition free. that also includes the undocumented. now, i hope that as soon as possible the undocumented will not be the undocumented. all right, that's the goal. ed: he made this point earlier that it wasn't enough to be radical on deportations. he said -- he didn't ask me but let's give 'em free health care, free college, free tuition if you're here illegally. he threw it all out there. jedediah: he had to make sure he touched on every possible crazy thing that you could do that's unaffordable, that middle class tax hikes are going to have to, you know, happen in order to pay for. it's a competition who can say the craziest things and i think now beto took front and center on that center stage and talked about gun confiscation. and bernie sanders is right below joe biden in most of the polls, he's the one that's right not in school on his tail but the one that would be on his tail if he got a little more -- so i think this is his moment to say as many crazy things to appeal to the left wing base as he can. pete: he's throwing everybody about the left wing kitchen wink wink. i like what he said. he said that's the goal. i hope soon this will happen. that's the goal. it's always the goal for socialists and leftists. it's the utopian future that's coming, you answer everyone has free stuff, once -- there's no such thing as citizenship and every human is legal, i hear john lennon singing "imagine" right now. of course that's the goal. we all want world peace, we all want everyone to make a hundred thousand dollars a year. the goal is not what matters. what matters is results. when you look at capitalism and how many people lifted up in our country, you look at the rule of law, when you have the rule of law you have equal justice for people who are citizens here. when you scrap that and say undocumented whatever you want, you don't have a rule of law. ed: it's not just conservatives like pete who are saying the pendulum is going too far west. you had in the debate joe biden saying, "folks, what about the constitution? some of this stuff" -- joe biden said that. after the debate, one of joe biden's friends chris coon, a democrat senator said beto is too far left and will hurt the party in the general election. now you have eric holder never accused of being a conservative saying, folks, this is going too far on deportations. >> people who had criminal records, people who pose a public safety risk, those are the people who we emphasize as, you know, deporting. you know, democrats have to understand that we do have to have -- borders do mean something. ed: lost eric holder. jedediah: and i often wonder what president obama is thinking thinking. there is some interesting gifs that have come out watching the debate. he's got to be sitting at home because not only has his legacy been under attack but he's also got to be saying my gosh, how things change since when i was in the debate, you know, some leftist things, some liberal things but not necessarily off the charts and now people are looking at the obama legacy and they're trashing that, some of the stuff coming out of bernie sanders's mouth, elizabeth warren's mouth, we're going to provide all this stuff, there's no way to pay for it. we're not going to explain that. i mean, it's really, really big government overtake of your big industries, health care industry sectors of your life, crazy stuff. pete: when you have to say borders do mean something, it means they don't mean anything amongst the frontrunners -- this is going to come down to citizenship versus illegality and capitalism versus socialism. that's what the president will play up and rightfully so. "i want to put americans first, the people that have been killed in sanctuary cities, those angel moms and wives" that we had on the program, "i'm for you the taxpayer, the legal immigrant who came here the right way." bernie sanders wants to give free stuff -- ed: members of the obama cabinet have pushed back on immigration. holder is there on deportation, saying calm down a bit and remember jeh johnson was the first voice as the obama homeland security secretary who said, folks, there is a crisis at the border. it's not manufactured. that was an obama official. pete: speaking of manufactured crises. ed: jussie smollett case, totally made up and manufactured manufactured. he got caught. there's another hate crime hoax. blaming president trump and his transporters. a former nfl player accused of trashing his own business down in georgia and writing "maga" on the walls to basically stage a hate crime. jedediah: edwin kaufman was his name. pete: that's him when he was playing for the seattle seahawks seahawks. we have a picture of his mug shot there. he owns a couple of businesses outside of atlanta. apparently he went in and destroyed them, wrote racist things on the wall, terrible things, as well as "maga" stole some tvs off the wall to make it look like it was a robbery or, you know, a trashing, and then it just so happened the police showed up so they caught a vehicle leaving the scene, followed the vehicle, and it was him, and then they realized it's him who had spray-painted his business and trashed. imagine if he hadn't been caught, imagine if they hadn't come up on that scene, this morning and every other network in this country you'd be talking about the hate crime against this former nfl player by trump supporters. instead, it's all made up. he did it to himself to try to inflame something. jedediah: the question is the jussie smollett case and the way that played out does this incentivize people so they think they can get away with it. about smollett people said this guy is guilty, he's absolutely responsible for this but you had his television show and many people defending him and initially right away, right out of the gate before it was investigated but now you wonder how is that going to spark things around the country people looking for attention or media coverage or a certain angle that's agenda driven and say i can get away with this and be beloved even if it's not true. ed: let's remember this former nfl player has been accused by the police of this. we don't have all the facts now, this is preliminary what we were hearing, a lot of twists and turns, the smollett case as well but certainly the early stages of it don't look good. we talked andrew yang crowd surfing, having a little bit of fun in this campaign, caught a lot of people's attention including some on the right. you see him right there crowd surfing. that was back at the beginning of the month, then he was dancing after the debate, went to the little after-party. there he is. that was just friday, the wee hours after thursday night's debate. well, cassie dillon is a conservative blogger and actually thinks yang is a pretty good guy. here's the thing. "i'm voting for trump but i wouldn't be friends with yang. i'm not voting for yang, but i could be his friend." president tweeted "i'm okay with that." >>do people vote for who they like or based on policy? i think people vote for whether they have more money in their pocket, whether i have enough to send my kids to supper camp, can i open my small business and have that run out fierce government regulation drowning me. so they vote for the policy, but a lot of young voters still like that element of likability. they like that relatability, that person that they could hang out with so it's going to be interesting is to see which candidate rises. i think andrew yang, though, is on to something. i like to see a candidate that has some personality that's in the moment -- ed: bernie's not the guy you'd hang out with. jedediah: no. biden is. joe biden has a likability. pete: he does. ankle a lot of voters go in there with their gut, they say, "hey, maybe i like them, maybe i think they're strong, maybe i think they're smart, you know, but ultimately if you can crowd surf well, that's not moving the needle. but the president's point is i'll take the vote either way. i'm not here to be your pastor in chief or your friend in chief chief. jedediah: the question is will joe biden now crowd surf to compete? ed: mike huckabee was on last hour and he said this is about competence and about what you have gotten done as president. watch. >> i tell people many times that donald trump is like the doctor with maybe not the most let's just say gentle bedside manner, but he's done the surgery many times, he gets it done, and he saves your life. what the president has done is shown us that he is competent to lead the country and to engage with the world. and i think when it really gets down to it, that's what people are going to decide. pete: bingo. i love that analogy. if a a doctor comes in and hugs you and makes you feel good and everything, that's the goal, i hope everything works out okay and then you die. i would rather have the person that gives you a lecture and then performs it well. jedediah: ike going to be honest though i like both. i need a doctor with bedside manner. if i walk into the office and you're not coddling me with your neurosis. ed: go to [email protected] and let us know. iran tonight accused of yesterday's drone attacks on a saudi oil facility. secretary of state mike pompeo accused iran of lying when he blamed them for unprecedented today. iran claims houthi rebels in yemen. pompeo called on all nations to unequivocally condemn iran's attack. the as you say says it's really to attack it's oil reserves. >> a wildfire tears through california. the fast moving flames threatening homes and burning about 200 acres of land. more than 200 firefighters now working to contain the horseshoe fire about 80 miles east of los angeles. no injuries have been reported. dozens of protesters marched to a microsoft store in new york city calling on the organization to cut ties with i.c.e. [crowd chanting: this is the price of business] jedediah: protesters staging a sit-in asking microsoft to cancel its data processing contract with i.c.e. >> an adorable moment as a school bus driver holds a nervous student's hands. axle was if we go to ready for his birthday at pre-k but when the bus picked him up he burst into tears. the driver stat by her and offered to hold his hand. pete: when i was that age, you know, i was so worried that we weren't going to make it to school, i sat in the front seat and i gave directions to the bus driver. jedediah: that does not surprise me at all. pete: and if there was a substitute bus driver i had tons of anxiety i didn't want to get on the bus and i had to sit up front and tell him where to go. ed: don't you love how he gets on the couch and spills everything? jedediah: i cried every day. pete: we all had our vulnerable mome.ts jedediah: i cried by the water photon. i did not want to leave my mama. she cried. and she kind of felt bad. pete: you're about to be a jedediah: there you go. pete: coming up, country music's greatest legends like you've never heard them before. >> this heart and soul that we all have. ed: the filmmaker behind country music joins us us, ken burns. ♪ i'm not very few from what i am ♪ i was born country ♪ and that's what i'll always be ♪ like the rivers and the woods you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from anyone else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief ♪ ed: former f.b.i. official, he was the number 2 there, andrew mccabe, allegedly lied to federal investigators but now highs legal team is pushing prosecutors somehow to drop the case. his attorney citing so-called rumors that a grand jury has already declined to indict him. so where do we go from here? let's ask former assistant special prosecutor for the watergate probe, mr. john sell. good morning, john. >> good ed: what is happening here and what do you see coming next for andrew mccabe? >> very quickly, any time i was on this show or others talking about the mueller report, i talked that the president should have the presumption of innocence. so should mr. mccabe. that being said here's the chronology. so the inspector general does a report. this is not the report involving fisa abuse or the origins of the russia investigation. this is a report in which the inspector general found that mr. mccabe was less than candid in talking about authorizing a leak to the wall street journal. usually those type of things are handled administratively. but here it was referred to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c., for prosecution. the u.s. attorney look 18 months which is a a long time, for a relatively simple allegation, suggests to me they were very careful. mccabe's lawyers, who were afforded the opportunity to talk to them to try and persuade not to charge, they are unsuccessful they were given the unusual opportunity to have review by the top levels of the department of justice which is highly unusual. i know because i've had that but very rarely. and they were unsuccessful. so that means they're going ahead with it. ed: all right. >> now, the notion that the grand jury declined to indict, that is merely rumor, and i'm sure you've heard -- ed: and we shouldn't be because of anything based on rumor to your point. 'cause you're right to be fair -- >> the grand jury can indict a ham sandwich so it's just not true. ed: andrew mccabe's team wrote, it's unreasonable to think a jury would find mr. mccabe guilty beyond a reasonable doubt doubt. the only fair and justice result is for you to accept the grand jury's decision and end these proceedings." look, we could talk about the legal part of it, but what our viewers care about is the fact that andrew mccabe was the number two at the f.b.i. trying to put general michael flynn and others in jail for allegedly lying to the f.b.i., lying to federal investigators. then he gets caught lying and somehow they say, "oh, you shouldn't charge." isn't that a double standard? >> nobody's saying they shouldn't charge except his lawyers. that's my point, that i think the u.s. attorney is, after causal review, going to go ahead and charge them. if the grand jury was in last week and didn't charge anything it's probably because there are going to be more witnesses presented, but i think having failed in their arguments, mr. mccabe will be charged. ed: all right. i'll see if that happens this week. john sale, all over this case, a lot of people looking for accountability for what happened at the f.b.i. and the justice department. we'll see if that comes. thank you, john. >> thanks. ed: country's greatest from garth brooks to dolly parton all speaking out like never before in a brand-new documentary. watch. >> you can dance to it. you can make love to it. you can play it at a funeral. it has something in it for everybody. ed: the film says country music is simply american history that needs to be told. he joins us on the kirby couch. ken burns is next. ♪ jolene, jolene, jolene ♪ i'm begging of you please don't take my man ♪ jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene . it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both... adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. and snoring? no problem... and done. so, i'll wake up ready for anything? oh, we've got your back. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. only at a sleep number store. now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. offers free so bookers can book now... and ask their boss later. 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[definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at ed: all right. garth brooks is just one of many country singers featured on our next guest's brand-new documentary. ed: country music comes from right in here. this heart and soul that we all have. >> you can dance to it. you can make love to it. you can play it at a funeral. it has something in it for everybody. pete: here with more behind the documentary premiering tonight is filmmaker ken burns. thanks for coming in. this is a massive project. how long does it take to put something like this together? >> eight and a half years in this case. i worked with my longtime producing partner dayton duncan who was also the write and julie duncey and a team of editors and researches to find a hundred thousand photographs to use the 3300 in the film to conduct 100 interviews, 75 hours, a thousand hours of footage. most people think when you think a film like this it's additive. it's not. it's subtractive. it's like make maple single payer. i live in new hampshire. 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. this is about as sweet a thing as we've had the privilege to work.on jedediah: country music is beloved by so many across the country. what was your inspiration to do a film like this? >> i think it was just film with great stories. the music itself, harlan howard the songwriter called it three chords on the truth. it's admitting that it's not sophisticated and complicated like classical music or some forms of jazz, but the truth part is dealing with universal human emotions like love and loss, stuff we don't want to always deal with but, you know, hank williams "i'm so lonesome i could cry," there's no one on the planet that doesn't know that emotion at least for a second in their lifetime. and what i found is that all of this music has many diverse roots. like the banjos from africa, the fiddles from the -- the celtic fiddles from the british isles and europe and all of the early stars had african-american mentors; so it reminds me that we are in this country an alloy. we are stronger for our constituent parts and at any time when you say "oh, we can take out one thing and say this is purely american," you've awakened that ally. it's like removing iron from steel, it's not as strong. and i think country music is about those things that -- one of the folks in the film says, " "we're all in this together." and that's what i love is the ability to kind of transcend all of the borders. country music is related to r&b and the blues and jazz and pop and folk and rock. it's one of the parents of rock, and even classical. and now rap. i mean, it's all one big family and you don't need a passport, you don't need a visa to travel between it and the artists never do . ed: loretta lynn in fact, we've got another clip, seems to make another point. let's watch that and talk about it. >> if you write the truth and you write in song and you're writing, sitting writing about your life, it's going to be country. i mean, the songs are just life. i've seen it or i've lived it. and i never would tell my husband which one it was. [laughter] ed: stage guy dave was joking, you know what happens when you play a country song backwards, you get your job back, your wife back, your job back. they talk about heartbreak so much. >> it is. the amazing thing is this comes down to us as an essentially conservative in a broad sense medium when in fact women are central to the store from the very beginning. mother maybel carter is the original american lead guitarist and you've got strong women like loretta who in the 1960s is singing "don't come home a- a-drinking with loving on your mind." she's not calling herself a feminist but this is the same year that the national organization for women is founded, that women's liberation goes into the lexicon. and nobody in rock, nobody in folk has the courage to deal with the things that she does in that song and her next thing is the pill. i mean, she comes out for that. some country stations banned it which of course made it an even bigger hit. ed: there's a revelation about willie nelson i think in the film. >> he's a the buy who's trained in jazz; right? his phrasing is all jazz. so he doesn't fit in in nashville. at one point he gets trunk at tootsie's orchid lounge, goes lights out in the middle of broadway expecting to be run over, wakes up at two, is not run over, goes to texas and becomes the willie nelson we know. he wrote the number one jukebox tune of all time which is "quasi "quasi" which he had originally entitled "stupid" and thought better of it and it got handed to patsy cline and patsy cline turned it into her version. nobody was interested in his version and his odd phrasing. he said, "i phrase a little crazy, so to speak," he told me and then it's amazing history. ed: good stuff. >> and all of these people, when you find out the stories behind songs like why dolly parton wrote "i will always love you," her most famous song, when you learn that it was her declaration of independence from a certain circumstance, it adds to it. now, whitney houston's version is the one that crossed over was the big pop success, still raises the hair on the back of my neck. but when you hear the story behind it and then hear dolly, it's as good is not better, not taking anything away from whitney houston but now dolly's version is the one that matters because we know the story behind it. this isn't just a list of kind of k-tel, time-life buy this stuff, this is the stories of the people who made this music, the tension between commerce and creativity or the union between commerce and creativity, all the different stuff ask welcome back and country music is never one thing. it's always been from the beginning many things. jedediah: ken, i love that you did this, just hearing the story behind all these lyrics that have -- there's something about country music lyrics that's just different. >> first of all, you can hear them, but just think about the emotion in it. johnny cash has this saying "at my door the leaves are falling, a cold, wild wind will come. sweethearts walk by together, and i still miss someone." you know, or the last line of " "i'm so lonesome i could cry" the last verse is "the silence of a falling star lights up a purple sky and as i wonder where you are, i'm so lonesome, i could cry." this is poetry -- ed: talk about it all morning. >> good music with great poetry and you've got a delivery vehicle straight to the heart. ed: we could talk about it all morning. it's going to be on tonight, pbs check it out. i was in new hampshire, you were telling me me all about the a couple months ago, i interviewed you live on fox nation. thanks for coming in. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. we're getting good feedback from veterans about it. pete: congressman jerry nadler defending democrats' push for impeachment. do they really have a case? ed: congressman mark meadows weighs in next. it's the first time we've gone from burns to meadows. no daylight between them. ♪ keep it up the river ♪ steady as a clock ♪ do a little thing called the hillbilly rock 300 miles an hour, that's where i feel normal. having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. learn more at retire your risk dot org. that's why with dell small business technology advisors. you'll get tailored product solutions, expert tech advice and one-on-one partnership. call an advisor today at 877-buy-dell. get up to 45% off on select computers. ♪ people, our sales now apply to oa new low.mes. at visionworks, our sales are good on all of our frames. why are you so weird? get 60% off any pair of glasses. no exclusions. really. visionworks. see the difference. ♪ >> it is not necessarily called an impeachment inquiry. that's a made-up term without legal significance. it is, however, what we are doing. we are conducting an investigation with the purpose, among other things, of determining whether to report articles of impeachment to the entire house. that's exactly what we are doing doing. and whether you want to call it an impeachment investigation or impeachment inquiry or anything else, i'm, frankly, understand interested in the nomenclature. pete: that was nadler on friday. we have mark meadows, head of the house oversight and reform committee. >> it's great to be with you. pete: love having you. so what do you make of this? he admits it's a made-up term but continuing with featured. >> how appropriate. a made up term with made up facts for a made up investigation for a made up conclusion. it's all about political theater has nothing to do with impeachment. has had to do with trying to come after the president. they made up their mind two and a half years ago. and when the mueller report didn't provide when they needed, when adam schiff and them said there's this russian collusion for two and a half years. and you guys were bashing back and said where's the facts? where's the facts? i can tell you, jerry nadler, when we were looking into the wrongdoing and actually doing an investigation, looking into the wrong doing, he wasn't there, he didn't read the report. you know, there i was a few times when he would show up and ask a few questions, but when it's really about getting to the truth, you know, jerry nadler is awol, absent without leave. jedediah: even when i talk to democratic voters around the country, though, they're tired of hearing about this. they feel like this is going to harm them. they want the democrats to be talking about the issues. they don't want this focus on impeachment. so i don't understand the audience for this for what nadler's saying is actually quite, quite small. who does he think he's actually talking to that's going to view this favorably? >> jed, you're exactly right. when we get down to this and you go to main street when it's a democrat, unaffiliated, or republican, they're tired of hearing about this, they say it's time to get on to things that are important to them -- jobs, the economy, infrastructure, let's go ahead and focus on that. listen, there's an election in just a little over a year. if there's a mandate to remove this president, let 'em show up at the ballot box. jedediah: let 'em vote, yeah. ed: the wall street journal had an editorial, the impeachment motions. jerry nadler deserves an oscar for pretending his probe is serious. they went on to say the house judiciary chair is still trying to persuade voters that he has donald trump in his impeachment sights, and mr. nadler has evidence of genuine corruption or self-dealing, he ought to produce it. until he does the corruption claims look like more political spin to con liberal voters into believing that house democrats are serious about impeachment. react to that but also react to the idea that you mentioned trying to get the truth about how all this started with mccabe and comey and others. in fairness, are you going to be able to produce as well at some point? because we keep hearing it's coming, it's coming, the deep state's going to be exposed. and yet the last report from the i.g. at the justice department came out and comey seemed to walk away, frankly. >> well, he did walk away. and ed, by the way, welcome back back. america's been praying for you. you know debbie and i have been praying for .ou ed: i appreciate that very much. >> and i appreciate the heart that it represents, helping out your sister. ed: thank you. >> but he did walk away. and so there's two things. wall street journal is exactly right. i mean, does he deserve an oscar oscar? well, he's a poorly paid actor, but he's very consistent. you know, he'll continue to come back over and over again. but to the larger question, getting to the bottom of it, the inspector general is finished with his report, it's now being reviewed; so all of d.o.j. and those that are involved will get the chance to go back and kind of counteract or rebut some of the things the i.g. has found, but i'm going to tell you, if you thought that the original comey i.g.'s report was bad, this will be scathing. and not that i've seen, but i can tell you i've seen documents that we've given to the i.g., and i can tell you that mccabe, comey, strzok, all of the people that you've been talking about for a long time, their accountability is coming as it relates to fisa abuse and then john durham on the backside. so i've been waiting a long time time. i'm like you; i want it to be de declassified. i can tell you, when some of the things get declassified and the president is committed to doing that, i.g. barr is committed to doing that, the american people will say, "well, indeed there was spying going on." and when they start to see what was happening, this quiet coup behind the scenes, they're going to, at a minimum, say that we have to change the way that the f.b.i. works. pete: well, there's also a whole 'nother conversation going on about wanting to prosecute the president were he not president no longer likely in 2020 -- that's my editorializing. barack obama was on another network asked about the prosecution of president trump. here's what he has to say. >> do you believe that he is subject to prosecution after he leaves office? >> i don't think there's any question about that. we already have an indictment in the southern district of new york. it would seem to me that the next attorney general, the next president is going to have to make a determination. i think there is a potential cost to the nation by putting on trial a former president, and that ought to at least be part of the calculus that goes into the determination it has to be made by the next attorney general. i think we all should understand what a trial of a former president would do to the natio. pete: so we got two former obama administration officials pontificating about a trial of president trump. >> well, they're doing that because it takes some of the emphasis off of another previous president, bill clinton and hillary clinton, when you look at some of the wrongdoing or alleged wrongdoing that's there. and so it's real easy to start to look at this. what they want to do is indict this president in the court of public opinion now before 2020. and they'd say, "well, it's out there. it's waiting. it's there." and hopefully encourage people to not vote for him. again, this is all political theater. you know, this is notes from jerry nadler and their team shared with eric holder. you know, i don't know that he's the great arbiter or neutral arbiter of truth that he would like -- ed: mark meadows had a big victory in his home state of north carolina this week. thanks for coming in. jedediah: we're going to turn to some headlines for you now. edward snowden accused the u.s. intelligence community of hacking the constitution. the former nsa contractor explaining in a new memoir why he leaked classified documents on u.s. surveillance programs. the whistleblower saying the 18 years since 9/11 has been a litany of american destruction. he now lives in russia where he can avoid prosecution by the u.s. government. a 10-year-old girl is fighting for her life after contracting brain-eating amoeba. lily avant is in a medically induced coma at a texas hospital while doctors treat swelling in her brain. her family says she got sick after swimming in a river. at first they dismissed it as just a virus but two days later she woke up unresponsive. the condition is extremely rare. those are your headlines. that is terrible. ed: it really is. hopefully she makes it through. let's go to adam closs. i think he's been teasing me on social media about my shoes and i didn't do anything to me. >> you didn't do anything, but you're wearing french shoes. out out here with a lot of americans and also one european. i found this super interesting. >> i'm inez, i'm from italy. >> she's from italy and she watches every single day. >> yes, i do. it's beautiful this show. i love it. >> that is fantastic. we got a bunch of americans out here who love it also. give me a little bit of energy. [cheering] >> the forecast i have for you is for the united states. let's take a look those numbers, right around 70 years here in in new york, warmer in the middle of the country, the big story throughout the week has been tropical storm hum better off just off the coast of floor. good news this isn't really going to impact the united states, as this is going to be turning out to the atlantic. we're tossing it back in to you. what do we say, ciao from everybody, a big ciao from everybody. see you, frenchy. ed: if you pass "go" you can now collect $240, but only if you're a girl. jedediah: hasbro out with a new game of monopoly that can appeal to young feminists. pete: you might have a thing or two to say about this. ♪ aaaah! nooooo... nooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. bounty, the quicker picker upper. ♪ ed: well, president trump was hosting otto warm beer's parents for dinner last night at the white jedediah: the meeting coming nearly two years after the american student's untimely death. pete: our own mark meredith is in washington with what we know about the private dinner. >> the white house has not said what prompted last night's dinner between president trump and otto warmbeer's parents, his captivity in north korea and later death sparked national outrage. you may remember the 22-year-old college student was held captive in north korea for some 17 months, north korea imprisoned warmbeer after accusing him and convicting him of stealing a propaganda poster. he was released in 2017 back to the united states but in a vegetative state. he died shortly after returning home. otto's parents, cindy and fred have blamed north korea and its leader, kim jong-un, for his death. they spoke to fox & friends in 2017. >> we loved him, we're proud of him, but no mother, no parent should ever have gone through what we went through. and the fact that otto was alone all that time with no one to comfort him is unexcusable. >> the white house has not provided any details of last night's dinner or if it will have any impact on the administration's effort to convince north korea to abandon its nuclear program. the warmbeer family has pushed for tougher treatment of north korea. they've labeled the north korean regime as "cruel and inhumane." pete, ed, and jed, back to you guys in new york. ed: meanwhile, if you "go" you can now collect $240 but only if you're a lady. jedediah: hasbro out with a new game called "ms. monopoly" to appeal to young feminists. pete: wait. you get 240 and i only get 200? jedediah: right. pete: i have something to say about this. jedediah: here she comes and she's got the game. ♪ while i was in the navy, i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn't have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. here, hello! starts with -hi!mple... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! [ camera clicking ] wifi up there? -ahhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. ♪ >> hasbro created a game that no other game maker as ever done before, a game that features ms. whose goal is to make a difference by celebrating female inveterans and inspiring young entrepreneurs everywhere. jedediah: oh, well, hasbro rolling out a new version of monopoly called ms. monopoly focusing on female empowerment, and unlike the original game female players here can connect 240 monopoly bucks when they pass "go" while male players, they get the usual 200. here to react is fox news contributor cat. sincerely, cat on fox nation. are you rushing out to get your copy of it? >> well, they said in the advertisement that they wanted to make a difference, and let me just say that as a woman, the existence of this game has made a huge difference in my life. i mean, sexism is dead now, when you give birth it won't hurt actually because childbirth -- no -- women face a whole host of problems just because they're women, difficulties just because they're women. sexism is very much a thing. this doesn't do anything for that. no woman's life is better because there is a girl on the cover of a game. jedediah: right. i always wonder, are they trying to actually have an effect on things or is this just a good gag gift for christmas? always trying to figure out are they serious, are they not serious. >> it's so offensive to me because it's so pandering. it's like, oh, now everything's okay. this is not what i want to see happen. this is not something that's going to be make my life any better. jedediah: look how fired up they got you. >> yes, they did and they got me up early. jedediah: they did. i want to go through some of these community chest cards and get your reaction. first this one: "your article about successful women internships gets published. gets $200. if you're a man, collect 250." >> what's the statement there? i thought this was about women getting more money, fake money, that's the money that matters most to me; right? i don't care about making real dollars as long as i can make more multiply monopoly dollars and also why can't women write about anything? i only have to write about other women? jedediah: right. >> that kind of limits it. jedediah: we're going to do another one because this one's a good one. "you get a full 8 hours of sleep and you dream you are the president. and then in parentheses, it's only a matter of time. collect 20." >> so here's what's unacceptable unacceptable. what if a man can get this card; right? men can play, they can still get this card. so seems like just another man president. jedediah: right. >> so this card is not for women only; so they really messed up there. jedediah: all right. on this one you buy a new pair of high heels, and, ouch. they were probably designed by a man. pay 25. >> again, of all the problems in my life that i have, the fact that i wear heels sometimes pretty low on the list, you know know. it's almost as though they ignore the fact, a lot modern feminists ignore the fact that a lot of problems that women have are human problems. we care about things like making money, having successful relationships. my cat, things like that, are the things that are probably the top three for me. so it's just so hack and pandering. and i just -- i don't understand why, with all of the issues that we face as women and as people, why this is something that anybody took the time to actually focus on. jedediah: they make money off of it; right? >> right. jedediah: think about it. they do something like this, somebody like you gets fired up, we do a segment about it, and people go out and buy it. so from their perspective isn't this just good internship? >> i guess but i do have to say -- this might not be very nice -- if anybody is buying this, i feel bad for you. i really i feel bad for you. who's going to -- first of all, monopoly takes forever to play. any kind of monopoly. i have never finished a game of monopoly. who's got that kind of time? jedediah: i was more of a hungry hungry hippo kind of girl. >> bam, bam, in and out. jedediah: exactly. thanks for being here. i know they do the monopoly for socialists, they do the millennials -- you can catch cat who is one of the funnest people i know on fox nation on her show called "sincerely kat." thanks for bringing that fire to the table. >> it's what i do. jedediah: a fox news alert. growing tensions with iran as the united states blames the country for an unprecedented attack on saudi oil plus act cbp director mark morgan and maria bartiromo are coming up. ♪ . . this fall, book two, separate qualifying stays at ...and earn a free night. because when your business is rewarding yourself, our business is you. book direct at wayfair's got your perfect mattress. whether you're looking for a top-brand at a great price. ready to upgrade. moving in. moving on up. or making big moves. deliveries ship free and come with a 100-night free trial. no matter your budget. or your sleep style. we have quality options for everyone. so search and shop. save and snooze. and rest easy, knowing that we've got your back. literally. that's what you get, when you've got wayfair. so shop now. ♪ pete: great song. jedediah: he was going to come -- pete: pete closes his eyes. ed: pete closes his eyes. pete: we may disagree. you made a cool documentary about music. music speaks to your soul. jedediah: if i'm feeling down, i dance around my apartment with my multi-poo i felt better,. pete: do you dance around with your multi-poo? jedediah: there is video my husband did. i making us feel better. pete: if you want to feel depressed, you feel depressed more quickly. ed: i love the '90s. jedediah: i do. i do. ed: we're happy. we're not depressed this morning maria bartiromo will come in. i will see what she thinks. she is a style icon. i brought the red white blue looked american. pete thinks i look like the french flag. people calling me frenchy-poo online. the idea that the trump administration is blaming iran directly for those attacks you see there, 10 drone attacks on the saudi oil sites led to saudi arabia cutting about half of its oil production. it will have a big impact on the markets. it will raise questions whether we're edging closer to war. jedediah: secretary of state mike pompeo weighing in on twitter, iran is behind nearly 100 attacks on saudi arabia. rouhani tries to engage in diplomacy while much. there is no evidence that the attacks came from yemen. ed: no one is calling for all-out war with iran. what the administration is pointing out. let's be clear who our foes are at this point in this world. tehran wants a nuclear bomb. we can't let them have it. they hate saudi arabia. saudi arabia allied closely with us. they recognized israel's right to exist. it's a civil war going on down in the south. it's a proxy war. iran like they killed american soldiers on the battlefield. they're number one state sponsor of terrorism. they're an evil regime. calling them out is important when they go into saudi airspace to bomb oil wells. we're not as dependent on saudi arabian oil. ed: there is another view. senator chris murphy are charging that the secretary of state mike pompeo went too far. we don't have the evidence iran is behind this. this will be debated in the days ahead. former obama speechwriter, national security advisor ben rhodes, even he is weighing in calling out secretary pompeo. called hit statement about iran dumb. remember, he did that on twitter. ben rhodes is the man, he is questioning the honesty, here he is, houthis are not the same as iran. the saudis are fighting a war against them in yemen. this is an incredibly dumb, dishonest, dangerous thing to say. highlight that, because ben rhodes openly admitted in a "new york times" piece some years ago that he and president obama were selling the iran nuclear deal, by lying by misleading what was really happening on the ground in tehran because they wanted to tell a better story. they're questioning honesty of the trump administration. admin. pete: basically handling pallets of cash. one thing we want talked about the tweet from president trump, between him and bibi netanyahu about the mutual defense agreement came out of that. after iran deal we figured out who our friends are. ben rhodes had that completely backwards. they made the totally dumb deal that made the world more dangerous. jedediah: we talked to daniel hoffman, the former cia station chief why he believes iran is behind the attacks and what comes next in the whole process. >> this is out of iran's playbook. they're seeking to target saudi arabia. drive up the cost of saudi involvement in yemen where they are supporting the houthis. they want to disrupt the price of oil, drive up the price of oil, because we imposed crippling sanctions on iran. we're making it next to impossible for iran to ex-poverty their oil which their economy depends. i expect that the administration shares intelligence about this recent attack. pete: more of an an on to put even more pressure on iran. ire pune countries have gone soft. they want to continue european relationships. if there is a reason to ratchet it up even more on the iranian regime -- ed: good example on the world stage, the obama administration says we need to friends with iran. president trump said no, we need the boot on the throat, get tough with sanctions and other matters. same with immigration. president says we need to be tough. he is mocked by immigrants cracking down on the wall. look what is happening no montgomery county, maryland, eight illegal immigrants, not accused, arrested sexual assault chars. i know about this. i live in montgomery county, maryland. my daughter goes to high school there. there are eight sexual assaults by illegal immigrants. you have democrats who run montgomery county, we don't have a illegal immigrant crisis. they say that. pete: the reason it is newsworthy, should be newsworthy across the board, 8th one announced. montgomery county is sanctuary county. the policies prevent the local officials cooperating with i.c.e. they had i.c.e. detainers. should have been reported to. never were. you had a interview with angel mom. listen to this clip. her son was killed in 2016 by an illegal sought by i.c.e. listen. >> it was middle of the night. he, the fire marshal, brian jarasi and maryland state police officer of montgomery county police officer came to my house and knocked on the door at 2:00 in the morning. my husband and i answered the door. we found out our only son sander cohen had been killed. it was the most terrible shock of my life. jedediah: these are the people that you need to hear from in these stories. these people whose lives horrifically touched. marla wolf, she is an angel wife. she slammed the sanctuary policies. take a listen. >> it adds to our brief. it is so completely devastating that the laws in this county are protecting criminals. my husband came here from venezuela when he was 8. joined the fbi when he was 25. so here we have a legal immigrant working to protect america. and he is killed by an illegal. so our laws need to change immediately. our law enforcement needs to work together with i.c.e. if i.c.e. wants a particular individual, it is because they are a criminal that needs to be deported. ed: by the way, her house, you see him, he emigrated from venezuela, did it legally. jedediah: a legal immigrant. ed: a legal immigrant. not illegal. worked at the fbi. served in america as a law enforcement official. here he dies -- pete: one. leading candidate, bernie sanders out in new interview saying he wants to stop deportations? ed: give out free health care to illegal immigrants. pete: he talked about the terror of i.c.e. raids. if you know what i.c.e. does they enforce immigration laws especially internal. can't give the names. ed: did a angel wife felt terror when -- jedediah: both women loss loved ones as a result of the policies. you wonner if any of the candidates on debate stages talking about immigration they want to appeal to the far left base are they listening to people grossly affected by this, lost people as a result of these policies. all these women see are politicians in large part ignoring them, not being really diligent about this issue. ed: something else the 2020 democrats ignored on the debate stage thursday knight, impeachment the "i" word. pete: abc didn't want to ask hem about about. moderators could have brought it up. ed: jerry nadler is pushing forward. jerry nadler is doubling down, pushing down, defending impeachment push, even some in his party are saying what are we doing? >> not necessarily called impeachment inquiry. that is made-up term without legal significance. it is however what we're doing. we're conducting an investigation with the purpose among other things determining whether to report articles of impeachment to the entire house. that is exactly what we're doing. and whether you want to call it impeachment investigation or impeachment inquiry or anything else, frankly not interested in the nomenclature. pete: are they doing it or not doing it? jedediah: he doesn't know what they're doing. we're not doing it, but we're kind of doing it. they lost on this issue some times. they lost on collusion. they lost on obstruction. ed: russia. jedediah: what is amazing they're pushing through. even though -- pete: russia. russia. to your point, i was emphasizing that. jedediah: why even democratic voters across the country, stop, please stop talking about this. you're talking to very small percentage of people, most of them are in washington, most are politicians. they get fired up on impeachment. people say focus on taxes, health care, issues we care about. this will not dot party and not do the nominee any favors. ed: or the nation any favors. pete: we had the chair of freedom caucus, live in studio, marked most. he has a deal with jerry nadler in the house. here is what he had to say about this. >> made-up term, for made-up facts for a for a madeup investigation. this has not nothing to do with impeachment. they're trying to come after the president. they made up their mind 2 1/2 years ago. it is about getting to the truth. jerry nadler is awol, be a bent without leave. jedediah: not about the truth. this is not about the truth. this is about sound bites. they don't know where to go. they are afraid to talk about issues. pete: you can't handle the truth. jedediah: we'll turn to headlines for you. two boss people including multiple firefighters and some children injured in multilevel debt collapse on the jersey shore. witnesses describing a chaotic scene as thousands he will celebrate ad firefighter convention in a resort city. >> i heard a crack. saw it all come down. it wasn't like a quick, bang, bang. it was like each one came down piece by piece slowly. everybody on it just came down with it. jedediah: at least two of the victims were taken to trauma is a centers. now to a fox news alert. dramatic video out of hong kong this morning where protesters flooded the streets for a 15th straight weekend. the crowds clashing with riot police who fired tear gas and water cannons. hundredhundred of protesters fathered outside the british consulate, waving uk and british flags hoping for western support and democratic reform. mandatory evacuations are ordered as a wildfire tears through california. the fast-moving flames threatening homes, burning about 200 acres of land. 200 firefighters working to contain the horseshoe fire. it is south of los angeles. no injuries reported. d.c. comics put spotlight, enemy of the people, features low which is lean, reporting on white house. the story includes lois losing her press pass. russia controversy. the writer says the reflection of issues faced by current journalists. we have to get dean cain to weigh in on this one. superman himself. politics is in everything. people need a break. they don't get it. pete: watch cnn if you don't want it. ed: beto o'rourke first wanted to confiscate our guns. another 2020 dem speaking out. slamming the supreme court war on the right to bear arms. it is after the break. ♪ 's the retirement plan. with my annuity, i know there 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allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like me-ow. jedediah: joe biden coming out against a supreme court decision protecting an individual's right to bear arms in common use by law-abiding citizens claiming he would not have made that ruling if he were on the court. stanley greenberg, former senior pollster for president clinton, author of, rest in peace, gop, how the new america is dooming the republicans. he joins me. welcome to the show. >> thank you, jedediah. thank you for doing this book and tolerance to do this book. i'm not a big fan of pc. so thank you. jedediah: there you go. what do you make of the decision by joe biden to come out against the heller rule? >> what i think is going on, we learn in this book, that the trends, what the democrats are fighting is producing a party that is more for activist government, more for immigration. more for embracing an immigrant and multicultural country and i think it is browned in the tea party. that is really the starting point for this book. i appreciate the congressman meadows was on here this morning. believe it or not, he is, was boss some buddies with my wife, liberal congresswoman rosa delauro they are buddies in arm in liberal congress, you should ask him. he and the tea party really began this take over, the party was dominated now from 2010 wave on by a tea party, evangelical coalition that was fighting the social liberalization of the country. was against immigration, against government. and -- jedediah: you're saying against immigration, we have to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration on this matter, right? i don't know anyone opposed to legal immigration but i i know people say you have to draw the lines and follow laws. >> that is true but if you follow the data and also the politics, the president proposed policies to reduce legal immigration. the principle legislation he supported in the congress reduces legal immigration but underlying attitude is what is critical here because you had a revolt in 2010, it was against government. it was for a government pro-life that would sufficient cokate the activist government coming at time. but the tea party was the core of the party. jedediah: tea party was for limited government, advocating limited government. >> it was for limited government. they wanted to stop big government but it was the most anti-immigrant block within the republican party. jedediah: i don't know i would agree with that. i want to ask you, a section on guns. i want to ask you about that, there seems to be competition among democrats about democrats to be extremely radical in rhetoric, talking about gun confiscation and talking about that, is joe biden talking about that now? >> what i saw was diversity view on guns and immigration, health care. i still think you're looking at a debate in the democratic party on that. but you are right, because you had a president trump who governed as a tea party evangelical president, it produced a reaction, series of reactions which accelerated. it pushed out mccain moderate republicans. it has made the public much more supportive of activist government, 60%. jedediah: populist. >> pro-immigration to 65%. from 60%. jedediah: we don't have time. people should checkbook out. we can debate. more "fox & friends" coming up on the other side. >> okay. and be open with your doctor about anything you feel. physically, and emotionally. body and mind. yeah...yeah, this is nice. hmm. how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh it's a philadelphia-- family recipe. can i see it? no. philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. it's how we care for our patients- like job. his team at ctca treated his cancer and side effects. so job can stay strong for his family. cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. ♪ ed: quick headlines lines look at week ahead tomorrow, president trump holding a maga rally in new mexico. the state has democratic leanings, but the president campaign hopes recent economic gains could swing voters. on tuesday, republicans and democrat square off in the 21st congressional basketball game. tipoff for 7:30 p.m. eastern. if you happen to be in d.c., it's free! on thursday a senate committee will hold a hearing on eugene scalia's nomination to serve as labor secretary for the president. the post was vacated by alexander acosta in july. scalia is the son of the late supreme court justice antonin scalia. interesting. pete: bernie sanders taking his progressive immigration to a another level. >> we'll endize raids. a moratorium on deportations. "medicare for all," that means everybody in the country has health care including undocumented. i want to make public colleges and universities tuition free. that also includes undocumented. ed: former obama attorney general eric holder is schooling democrats a little bit on the rule of law when it comes to the border. >> the emphasis was on people who had criminal records, people who posed a danger, public safety risk. democrats have to understand that we do have to have borders do mean something. jedediah: here to react, acting commissioner of u.s customs & border protection mark morgan. >> good morning. thank you. jedediah: we're now at a point where eric holder has to come out and try to restore sanity. he is the one actually talking about why borders matter. what has happened to the democratic party? >> so jedediah, first of all, you know, it is interesting, i hope people now are actually listening to what former attorney general eric holder said, if this happens, if we put a moratorium on deportations, you are going to see the numbers of people illegally in this country, in unbelievable numbers. it is absolutely give the signal we have open borders. if the american people think what we're experiencing right now is a crisis, it will make this look like an day going forward. it is incredulous somebody would say that at this time. pete: border apprehensions dropped, enforcement goes up. we do have a fox news alert. a border patrol agent was shot an injured friday night conducting a traffic stop near the texas-mexico border. another agent shot and killed the gunman are the news reports. there are still incidents going on in the border, how is our cooperation with mexico going overall? >> i want to make sure everybody understands that the agents, we had an agent that was shot, he actually survived because he was wearing a ballistic vest. i really want to encourage all the men and women of law enforcement make sure they're wearing their ballistic vest going forward. that absolutely saved his life. i talked to both agents yesterday. they're both doing okay at this time. government of mexico stepped up in unprecedented ways. this president, this current administration, negotiations with not just the government of mexico but northern triangle countries got them to step up, acted as true partners. see this as regional crisis that it is. not just a united states crisis. they're doing a tremendous job. we still need them to continued workforce to sustain this, continue efforts to support the migrant protection protocol. make no mistake they're doing incredible job supporting us. that is significant reason why we have seen a 57% reduction in apprehensions just over the the 90 days. ed: we've seen the reports, your agency as well as u.s. army corps of engineers constructing a 65 miles of new border wall. i saw a report suggesting there is another 20 miles that was supposed to be constructed that has been put on hold because you don't have the money for it. what is fact, what is fiction? >> ed, i'm so glad you asked this question. the latter part of that is complete fiction. it's a complete false narrative. right now now 5 miles of new wall you just mentioned. every single mile of wall that is being built exponentially increases border patrols capacity to safeguard this country. right now, with the recent supreme court decision and secretary of defense authorizing additional money, we're full on board. we're starting projects in multiple locations simultaneous. nothing has been put on hold. by the end of 2020 we're still looking to be on track for over over 4 new miles of border wall. pete: briefly, mr. commissioner. the ruling on supreme occur we denied a asylum to people who went through mexico first, what impact will this have. >> we're able to implement this immediately on the southwest border. here is what the american people need to understand, what this rule says if you're fleeing a country because of persecution, violence or another legitimate asylum claim, we want to you seek help and relief from the first country you get to. don't give your money, don't mortgage your home, and give that money to the cartels, risk your lives to traverse over multiple countries to get relief this rule telling vulnerable population, stop at the first country you come to, get relief there. that is what this rule is about. pete: important stuff. add it all together, looks lick pretty emphasis securing that border. mr. commissioner. we appreciate it. >> thank you. jedediah: a billionaire investor moving his business to florida. why? reportedly to escape the high taxes of course. ed: of course. could more businesses do the same? maria bartiromo has the scoop. she is coming up next. ♪ ed: welcome back. a fox news alert. secretary of state mike pompeo blaming iran squarely or i will attacks on world's largest oil producing facility forcing the kingdom to shut down half of its production yesterday. jedediah: how will it mean for production of oil and how will it affect your wallet. pete: we have maria bartiromo. >> good morn. pete: we're more independent than we have but what impact will this have? >> a story out in the journal saying u.s. is energy independent, it will not dent our economy. having said, that oil has already begun to spike. we'll see oil prices to higher tomorrow. that is what speculators do. the fact the saudis shut down half of the oil production is a huge deal for the oil market. would you expect tomorrow oil prices to spike. that is going to impact stocks. it may very well be a negative for the stock market, with oil prices up but certainly, it is going to obviously impact all oil in terms of gasoline, we're going to see gas prices spike as well. we'll see. it may well be short-lived because of what you said, you're spot on in terms of the u.s. being energy independent. i think this is a short-term move. you will see a move higher tomorrow but i don't think this will be a negative longer term. jedediah: one story that really caught my attention, that interested me, this story of a billionaire investor moved his business from new york to florida. obviously what immediately comes to mind, oh, lower taxes. this is a trend among a lot of business owners around the country. what do you make of this move and the impact it is going to have? >> this is exactly why he is moving. there is no income tax or no estate tax in miami. don't forget you're talking about a person who has billions, multibillions of dollars in wealth. he moving all the wealth in miami. there is no estate tax in miami. you can look at local taxes. no income tax he will stay there the income is less important than the estate. because he has a multibillion-dollar estate. pete: someone like carl icahn has been an institution in this city. a stadium named after him. >> good point. pete: is this part of a bigger trend? >> absolutely, more people are moving out of new york going to either florida or texas than ever before than we've seen this is a significant move because the taxes here in new york are strangling the rich and you're seeing all of these policies coming out of the democrats right now, that they just want to raise it, should they get into the white house in 2020. so yeah, you're going to see more of this. people moving from high-taxed states to lower-taxed states. ed: we'll see more of maria. >> we have a big show this morning. we have kevin mccarthy coming on, kevin mclien nan, acting homeland security secretary. we're talking about impact of saudi situation. what it means for the homeland. what will it mean post-9/11. the department of homeland security was created after september 11th, 18 years ago. we'll speak to him about that. kevin mccarthy head of the gop. representative mccarthy is in new york this morning. he will talk about the priorities for the party. he is one of the gang of eight. he is high-end in terms of security issues that this country faces. we'll talk about that as well. then we have representative slotkin coming on. big story on trade. we want to know when nancy pelosi will bring this to the floor. also marsha blackburn. jedediah: red sox legend david ortiz opening up about the june shooting that changed his life forever. big papi telling "boston globe." i want to find out who did this. i am not going to chill with someone trying to kill me. an angel coming out of rammed parked cars to rush ortiz to the hospital. ortiz is expecting to recover. 14 people have been arrested. the world's oldest new parents facing health scarce after delivering newborn twins in india. "the times of london" reporting that the 74-year-old mom has been been intensive care since giving birth last week. the dad in the icu, suffering a heart attack after the healthy baby girls were born. 2020 presidential candidate bernie sanders wants to cancel puerto rico's debt worth more than $70 billion. >> puerto rico is incredibly poor. it can no the pay back the debt. that is simple fact f your your is is do i think we should forgive that debt, yes i do. jedediah: vermont senator making bold promise to latino voters at las vegas town hall. the island nation's debt has grown rapidly over the next decade. everything is free. money doesn't matter. this guy is too much for me. pete: run for president of mow no poly. give away money. ed: adam klotz has a big crowd building out there on fox square. >> good morning, guys. i'm getting hyped up like i'm a boxer about to take on a very tough forecast. temperatures not too bad here in new york city. but the big story continues to be a tropical storm spinning off the coast of florida. let's take a look at where the storm currently sits. 60 mile-an-hour winds, 70 mile-an-hour gusts. good news it is off the coast. nothing more than rip currents. it become as category 2 storm working towards bermuda in the middle of the week. good news it will not run into the states. we'll think about the folks in bermuda. we'll throw it back into you. what do we say, everybody? >> back to you! >> back to you. high-fives. ed: thursday is constitution day in america. yes, happy constitution day. stunning survey finds most americans can't identify basic about the constitution like three branches of the government. jedediah: sounds like a constitutional crisis. so pete is heading to the street. pete on the street. whoo! ed: there he is. pete on the street. coming up. you're not going to want to miss it. he is getting ready for prime time. look at him. ♪ having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. now, i know how happy i am. there was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. i wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. at aspen dental, we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes, whenever you're ready to get started, we are too. call now at 1-800-aspendental. this is the family who wanted to connect... to go where they could explore and experience adventure in unexpected places... ♪ who were inspired by different cultures ♪ and found that the past can create new memories... leading them to discover: we're woven together by the moments we share. for everywhere you go, expedia has everything you need, all in one place. you get more than yourfree, you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, i'll take that. wait honey, no. when you want it. you get a delivery experience you can always count on. you get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. you get fast and free shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. that's what you get when you've got wayfair. so shop now! wit looks like jill heading offe on an adventure. jill has entresto, a heart failure medicine that helps her heart so she can keep on doing what she loves. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. it helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto, for heart failure. where to next? entrust your heart to entresto. ed: good morning again. more headlines starting with chik-fil-a. their goal to servant bottom tick-free chicken at every single. the no antibiotics initiative began in 2015. they will begin with labels on chik-fil-a packaging. avocado prices plummeting ahead of national avocado today. usda price of one avocado, $1.16. she loves avocados. after a spike fueled by growing demand and smaller crop. very nice. jedediah: that is good. ♪ jedediah: is this latest constitutional crisis? ahead of constitution day, a new study finds one in five americans can't name a single branch of the government. ed: there may be congresswoman who had trouble with that i bet pete remembers. pete is on the street to test people's knowledge. good morning again, pete. pete: good morning. sounds like guacamole. good morning, everybody. first of all, sir what is your name, where are you from? >> brian, louisiana. pete: do you know what happens next week? >> united nations general assembly. pete: not answer we're looking for but probably correct. does anybody know what holiday is tuesday next week? >> constitution day. pete: yes. also u.n. general assembly day. she is our american citizen. he is our citizen of the world this morning. i'm kidding, sir. there are surveys. it is constitution day on tuesday. the anniversary of the signing of the constitution. do you know what year the constitution was signed on? >> 1776? pete: 1776? what happened in 1776? , anybody else? >> declaration of independence? pete: when was the constitution signed? >> i learned that i was nine. pete: learned it at nine. where are you from. >> i'm from the philippines. pete: you're except from the constitution. who was america's first president of the united states? >> i don't know. pete: george washington. man, we tried. where are you from? >> from hawaii. pete: let me go back to that. from the survey, we asked very few people could name the three branches of government laid out in the constitution, can you sir, name the three branches of our federal government? >> executive, judiciary and legislative. pete: bingo. all three there. well-done, sir. i want to go back to the original question of the when the constitution, what your name, where are you from. >> rochester minnesota. pete: are you viking fan? >> i am. pete: we're already friends. do you know what year the con much con constitution was signed ultimately became law of the land. >> i would have said 1776. pete: anybody shout it out? 78, no. 88, no. i heard it 1789 absolutely. where are you from. >> rochester, minnesota. pete: you two are together. i should have figured that out. how many amendments in the original bill of rights? >> 18. pete: incorrect. may come back to you. sir, what is your name, where are you from. >> dave from new jersey. pete: dave, do you know how many amendments are in the original bill of rights? i've got a clue for you if you don't get it. >> 14. pete: no. one more time. what is your name. >> patty. pete: where are you from? >> new jersey. pete: give you a clue. the same number in original bill of rights that moses took down from mount sinai? >> 10. pete: 10. there we go. a little biblical reference helps folks. who is this little one? what is your name, crawford. >> crawford. pete: ma'am, little girl, not ma'am yet. do you know what the amendments are in the constitution? >> no. pete: doing it now, first one. who are you? >> bud from florida, low taxes. pete: you like, do you know what amendment pertains to state rights? >> fifth amendment port. pete: i told you it was in the teleprompter. >> i told you i didn't cheat. pete: it is the tenth amendment. it is not just constitution day, it is citizenship. does any school celebrate constitution day? do you know in local high schools? no hands going up. a lot of earth day celebrations. not a lot of constitution day celebrations. i will quiz adam klotz, we'll see how many we can get as well. ed: citizen of the world. pete hegseth. looks like there is a constitutional crisis. jedediah: there is a little bit of one. the little nugget in my belly is almost here. i've enlisted pros to help me get ready. america's test kitchen is on deck. we're learning their tips for making the best baby. you don't want to miss it. ♪ ♪. pete: welcome back to "fox & friends." i just got back to the street where i said 1789 for the constitution. i should get that right from the constitution. we'll make sure we got it right. signed by members of the constitution in 1787. sent to the states to be ratified in 1789 and ratified in 1791. jedediah: you got to get it right. baby bila is on the way. we're bringing in a pro to show me the ropes. ed: with easy to make baby food from the complete baby toddler cookbook, host of america's test kitchen, julia davidson. jedediah: these are the cutest babies. ed: we have madison, mckenzie. >> they are eating foods they never been before. look how happy they are. first time she is -- bunny, it is okay. this is mckenzie. pete: getting after it. >> that is sweet pea mango puree. this is the point. the point is to have babies experience food, learn to feed themselves. look at variety of textures, colors, most importantly flavor. that was our number one goal doing the recipes. ed: love the mango. >> you said you're not much of a cook. jedediah: i'm not. i'm not. >> this is mango sweet pea. take peas steam them five minutes, you can use fresh or frozen mangoes. put it in blender. there is flavor in there. half a cup. then you blend it up. jedediah: oh, wow. >> it is that easy. jedediah: i can do that. >> blend it up. this one has a little fiber. you can always strain it to make it smoother if you want. textures are good. that is what we have right here. this is a sweet potato. mckenzie. ed: fruit salad. >> this one is a beet quinoa. jedediah: you introduce one flavor at a time. >> experiment with flavors, colors. this is what we did. this is how we tested flavor. store-bought purees are fine. pete: kind of bland. >> no salt, no sugar. no salt, no sugar. pete: i never had food without salt or sugar. >> no salt. puree for babies under 12 months. they can't process. jedediah: not just about baby food. it goes into toddler food. >> this is just a quick fruit salad. these are soft foods that they can pick up. they will make a mess. it is fine. it is all about feeling and learning how to grasp. start feeding solids again as soon as they're ready. this is mckenzie, she is a bit older so she is really ready. jedediah: she loves the pasta. >> cut up avocado? jedediah: i do. >> cut it in half, use a butter knife. a, not a sharp knife. do crosshatches like that. take a spoon, you pop out of the pieces. >> this is beautiful. harass berry, avocado and watermelon. >> put lime dressing on. the thing -- ed: all kinds of cool stuff to do. jedediah: pasta. ed: thank you for that. thank you bye, bye, baby, sending over awesome mom highchairs. for mom the highchairs are called. >> for older kids. let's not forget the young chef cook club. ed: more "fox & friends." >> oh, no. ♪ ♪ dad: oh, hey guys! mom (on speakerphone): hi! son (on speakerphone): dad, i two goals today! vo: getting to a comfortable retirement doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thought. see how lincoln can help. ever since you brought me home, that day. i've been plotting to destroy you. sizing you up... calculating your every move. you think this is love? this is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. and if you have the wrong home insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. so get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like me-ow. .. >> good sunday morning, joining me exclusively on sunday morning futures kevin mccarthy is here on the trump administration blaming iran for the attacks on the world's largest oil facility in saudi arabia, it is rattling global markets, raising questions how it could impact the price of gasoline and how the us should respond. republican leaders and what comes next now that william barr has a grasp at the justice department ig report on the origins of the russia probe. will nancy pelosi bring usmc a

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