Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180218 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180218

part of a crime. you can't commit a crime or at least most crimes without the knowing part. say what you will about him. he has elevated himself to this position in the doj. he is not a bad attorney. he said not knowingly. rachel: i hope we can put up some of the crazy adds so stupid. facebook. the vice president of ads has said listen, based on the type of ads. more importantly when they were put up he doesn't think that the russians were trying to raskt the outcome of the tweet. griff: the president was pointing to these tweets. and this is what rob goldman, the head of ads for facebook says. the majority of the russian ad spend happened after the election. we shared that fact but a few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of trump and the election. very telling. he continues most of the russian meddle egg involves their affect. i have seen all of the russian ads. can i say very definitively that swaying the election was not the main goal. president trump retweeting these tweets saying hard to ignore what facebook's own ad guy is saying. >> except he is getting attacked. viciously by the way. for saying that. but, yeah. absolutely. if most of the ads were after the election. how the heck can you say that it was trying to sway the election? todd: there is a common theme that we are going to try to communicate over the course of the next four hours. it is the russians were trying to attack democracy. that needs to be your number one take away today. not that he was trying -- that russians were trying to put trump in the white house. it is clear that they were trying to attack democracy. and, folks, they still are. that's what the president is trying to point out, yet, the mainstream media tips to attack him andk off the process. this is an attack on democracy that we need to be village lengths about. the president realizes that i don't understand why the mainstream media doesn't. griff: we should apologize if we started your morning with. email us at [email protected]. and let us know what you think of it. rachel: we begin with a fox news alert. 66 people are dead after an iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight. airlines making announcement just a short time ago, flight 3704 was on its way to yasuj to tehran. bad weather was reported in the area. and more breaking news. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying the confessed teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. a new report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated the 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat, cutting himself and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmitt is live in park land, florida. and he will give us more details at 6:30. turning to extreme weather. mother nature just seeing 7 and a half inches of snow in the northeast. thswift moving system causing trouble by ground and air with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or canceled this morning. but warmer weather is expected to melt away most of the mess by the end of the weekend. the u.s.a. men's hockey coach is not a believer in miracles today. tony skipping a hand shake with russia's head coach after 4-0 blow out. he seemed furious that his russian counterpart left in his best players late in the game. despite that loss the u.s. claiming a silver in the men's skiing slope style. nic againer coming in clutch during his final run. the united states currently sitting in fifth place in the medal count with 10. norway leads with 25. and those are your headlines. todd: you don't do that thing where there is two minutes left in the game. power play. russia puts all its best players. especially in the spirit of the olympic games. that's a no-no. you don't do that. rachel: comment on that. griff: i just say go america. i haven't been watching it at all. we have to take the russians on. todd: protest against white nationalists somehow turns into a rally against cops. [chanting hey cops, hey fascists ♪ get the [bleep] off our campus] todd: that escalated quickly. democrats confident they are going to retake congress. not so fast. brand new poll numbers that may put dems on the edge. that's next ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way. ♪ todd: welcom griff: welcome back. nancy pelosi and the democrats seem confident they will retake congress in 2018. >> i think every poll now is double digit that people would vote for democrat over republican as, shall we say, inclined to support democrats. griff: not so fast, nancy. a recent 2018 generic ballot has voters preferring the g.o.p. over democrats 39% to 8%. what does this mean for 2018? here to break it down is john mclaughlin, john, tell me, the dems thought they had the advantage, now this poll changes things. >> the president's leadership. what's going on is 40% of the americans think the country is headed in the right direction. under obama we hit that number in the last term. the president number's going up his approval numbers in the 040s. americans think the economy is going to get better 56-32. that's thanks to president trump. the bad part that's holding us down is in our latest poll in february, we had mclaughlin the g.o.p. approval ratings only 37%. it's 58 disapprove. we got to get congress to vote. what's happening now is the democrats are being exposed. they complained about the president's state of the union, which, if you watched it, out of the 46 million people that watched it, 75% approved. but you had democrats sitting on their hands, couldn't even clap for policemen, marines. they basically walked out on the president. and they were exposed. they were exposed in the government shutdown. now we have got to get republican leadership in the house and senate to make them votes on things like work fair. even on term limits. make them vote on the things that the president is proposing. griff: you say that president trump has really been the factor, it's changed the advantage over to the republicans. let me ask you, mitch mcconnell, leader of the senate, saying that he expects the republicans to lose seats, the "new york times" headline wants you to believe that they could even lose the senate. >> we shouldn't, because i tell you what, and senator mcconnell when he ran senate campaign was very good at this. when we gained seats. i will tell you what, we only have 8 seats up out of the 34. the democrats are on the line and 10 of the democrats are running in seats in the senate. that donald trump carried those states. four of those states were carried double digits. so we ought to be able to gain seats like north dakota. missouri, indiana, west virginia. we're going to put the democrats. we have got to put them on defense. we have got to go after them and make them vote. senator mcconnell has to make those senators vote on popular issues so the voters can see what their choice is in november. we should not lose seats in the senate. the house will be tougher to hold, but we should be able to hold the house, too. griff: john, let's talk very quickly because we are almost out of time. independents in the latest poll 25% g.o.p. 26 democrat. 49% undecided. what do you make of the independents where they are right now. and is pelosi a factor that counts against the democrats in the independent column? >> well, there is two things. one is the mid terms we get a lower turnout. you only get between 80 and 90 people come out. democrats seem more fired up. we have to get the trump voters. when i was part of the trump campaign, president trump -- we got 9 million more voters in 2016 than 2012. he was the reason he brought them out. we have to get the trump voters back out. the second thing is the independents, we have got to turn them around. why it's so important senator mcconnell and leader ryan get the democrats to vote on things that independents agree with you us on. griff: you were a polster for president trump. where is he? >> where is he? griff: where is he on this? >> he is pushing his agenda on infrastructure. he's pushing his agenda on immigration. those are majority popular things. the house and senate need to vote on it. griff: silent trump voters in 2016, going to see them in 2018? >> if they get a choice to see their votes matter to get those passed they will be out. griff: thank you for your time. >> thanks, griff. griff: are you ready for the moment when an attack happens, a former mma fighter and green beret has a message for america. and a protest against white nationalists on campus somehow turns into a rally against cops. one student from that school is here next. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists ♪ get the [bleep] off our campus ♪ it's time for the 'ultimate sleep number event' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. plus 24-month financing. ends monday. visit for a store near you. we all want to know you know, the new, new thing. with xfinity's retail stores, you can now see the latest. want to test drive the latest devices? be our guest. want to save on mobile? just ask. want to demo the latest innovations and technology? do it here. come see how we're making things simple, easy, and awesome. plus come in today and ask about xfinity mobile, a new kind of network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. todd: 23 minutes after the hour now and sunday morning and headlines. iraq now revealing what they will do with 1500 wives and children of isis fighters after the defeat of the terror group. kids three and under will remain with their mothers in detention facilities, ages 4 to 14 will be in orphanages until they can be given to their home countries. and the u.s. navy not backing down patrols in the south china sea regardless of china's newly built islands in the region. lieutenant commander tim hawkins telling the associated press sailors will keep monitoring trade and security saying international law has allowed them to operate in those strategic waters for the past 70 years. rachel: protesters at the university of tennessee opposition to campus. quickly devolved into antipolice rhetoric. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus griff: why did they turn so quickly on those people there. correspondent for campus and student at the university of tennessee. what happened that really dissolved intdid i devolved ints quickly. >> thank you for having me. i do not agree with what this organization stands for. i do not agree with what matthew had to say. our chancellor at the university of tennessee in knoxville did an excellent job. she understood this group had a right to speak on a public university. however she took the measures necessary to bring in law enforcement officers to protect students as well as everyone on campus. griff: so election election ilexie, let me backup. he has been sympathetic to the views of adolf hitler and this group protesting obviously does not want that on their campus. what isn't clear is while the group was chanting and i watched all the video against an early part of the evening against nazis and fascists, it eventually turned into just a rally against cops who play no part in the story except for the fact that they are there to protect the group's first amendment rights. >> yes. so over at campus reform at leadership institute's campus reform, we have to deal with these cases a lot. we have to deal with left leaning students who don't understand why cops are on campus. cops are on campus to protect students because, unfortunately, we use phrases like white supremacy and neo nazi to describe people like this presidency who aren't white supremacists and who aren't nazis so students. the phrase is being watered down. so whenever an what white supremacist or nazi comes on campus we have to have law enforcement officers to protect students because they don't know what a white supremacist is. rachel: such an excellent point, lexie we are throwing that word around. it is getting diluted. a lot of students don't know what that is. we saw protesters were saying those terrible things about our cops who are there to protect us. what are they -- were they a small minority or were there other campus students there that were supporting the police officers while they were there protecting them? >> well, what you tend to see in a lot of media, what you tend to see on social media, on other news organizations are the students who are trying to protest this organization and who are trying to protest these cops now. so on campus, these are the stories that you are going to hear about mostly. you are going to hear about the students who talk about how cops -- these police officers are walking around on their campus in riot gear and appreciating students from stepping off the sidewalk. what they don't understand is wha law enforcement is doing that for their protection there are students upset that this organization was escorted into the building. but, in reality, that's for student protection. students are the top priority at that university. and, yes, this group is important because they are citizens and law enforcement is there to protect them as well. but students are getting upset that they had police officers on their campus in riot gear. in reality they needed that to protect everyone involved. griff: great point. >> we will see the officers and how the officers are protecting the nazis on campus. todd: talk about undermining your message. lexie thank you so much. that was amazing insight this morning and have a great day. attorney general jeff sessions speaking out about recusing himself from the doj russia probe. does he think he should have? that's coming up. rachel: plus a florida teacher posts about gun violence is going viral after the school shooting. her message that every parent should hear coming up. and the nx hybrid with a class beating 31 mpg combined estimate. lease the 2018 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. teddy's a pitmaster. when it comes to playing with fire, nobody does it better. he's also a volunteer firefighter. 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alert right now. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor, trying the teen who killed 17 people in a florida high school. griff: now a new bombshell report reveals the state knew about the shooter's desire to buy a gun two years ago. rachel: rob schmitt is live in parkland with the new details. thanks for joining us. rob: good morning. and better look at this disturbed young man this morning and yet another missed warning sign in this case. and there have been quite a few at this point. in 2016 nikolas cruz posted a video on snapchat that showed him cutting himself and it also stated that he wanted to buy a gun at that point. it was the snapchat video that disturbed a lot of people and it got reported. the department of children and families actually investigated that video. they found cruz was actually receiving outpatient care from a mental hospital here in broward county and that hospital had deemed him stable enough at that time two years ago to not be an inpatient, to not be hospitalized there at that mental hospital. so we have that. also a local newspaper interviewed the family that took in this young man back in november after his mother died. the couple and their son took in nikolas cruz. they said that it was very clear he is depressed about the death of his mother. he was very lonely. he wanted a girlfriend and he had this arsenal of weapons when he moved into that home. this was a gun-owning family himself. they made him get a case and lock them up. his father thought he had the only key and as it turns out they did not. they have no clue why this young man did what he did. now, looking forward to the trial now, and how this is all going to be handled by the state and by prosecutors, the prosecutor has hinted at the death penalty saying, quote, this certainly is the type of case that the death penalty was designed for. this was highly calculated and premeditated people of 17 people and the attempted murder of everyone in that school. our office will announce our formal position at the appropriate time. cruz has said he would plead guilty if the death penalty is off the table. so, we will see how that turns out. coming up here in about an hour or so, we are going to have a look at some of these kids, great kids here at this school are trying to get back to life and they did so yesterday on the football field. they lost their assistant coach who died a hero this week. we are going to talk to them and show you that story. it's something nice to see. a bit uplifting after such a terrible week. guys, we will send it back to you. griff: all right. thanks, rob. boy that community is going to have a tough time getting back. rachel: absolutely. todd: there is a facebook post from a former teacher of the year. rachel: going viral. todd: this is kelly guthrie railly, until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care in the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parental support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at the school. not my kid, what did you do to cause my kid to react that way. lack of moral values and yes, i will say it violent video games that take away all sensitivity to any compassion for others' lives as well as reality tv that makes it commonplace for people to constantly scream up in others faces and not value any other person except theirselves we will have a gun problem in school. our kids don't understand the permanency of death anymore. parents, it's time to step up. be the parent that actually gives a crap. be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. stop being their friend. rachel: wow. no wonder this has gone viral. i think she has taken what so many parents -- and some teachers see every day. i hear that all the time from teachers that, you know, they are doing the parenting at the school. she also talks about, you know, that your bedroom is not your bedroom when you are a teenager. it belongs to your parents. some of these cases we have heard of starting with the first one in columbine that these kids were, you know, creating these bombs and keeping these weapons in their room. and i always wondered how did they do that? i go into my kids' room all the time to make sure they did their bed or their closet is not a mess. how do you keep weapons? there is a lack of parenting going on. of course, in this case, this kid was an orphan, he was sending signs in my opinion. he was screaming for help at all these different cases. griff: absolutely. as a parent and a reporter, i don't shield my children from the news. and, you know, what she is getting at is th the dee dee th. --our culture has taken on int. i have gone to my daughter's school a couple of times and talked about the current events and talked about the importance of recognizing that this is not okay. rachel: i like that she brought up video games. griff: i agree. rachel: there is desentisation. that mom in newtown tried to have her son committed. there are lots of different things we are missing. todd: on the video game front bring in a ball and book every now and again and get away from the video games. send us your emails at [email protected]. obviously this is a talker. we want to hear from you. rachel: absolutely. we got to get to some headlines. thousands of people grieving a police officer. people paying respects retelling stories of self alsoness for paul bauer who was gunned down on duty. he leaves behind a wife and their 13-year-old daughter. meanwhile in georgia, police cars lining the streets for miles honoring fallen locus grove officer chase maddox. he was shot and killed while backing up deputies serving a warrant. four days after maddox was killed his wife delivered the couple's second son. makes you really think about the campus report we just did with them calling police officers fascists. horrible. attorney general jeff sessions standing by his decision to recuse himself from the federal investigation into russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do. i participated in this campaign, and under explicit regulation of the department of justice, no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. rachel: sessions' comments coming in interview with fox maria embarrassment who joins us tmaria bartiromo who ts about that. state wrestling defend his title against girls. is he transitioning to a woman and uses test testosterone which give him advantage. thrust into the spotlight last year when they tried to keep him from competing. he says he wants to compete against boys but rules prevent him from doing so. movie goers get a rather unpleasant surprise when they went to see the new movie black panther. but they ended up bein seeing te new 50 shades movie instead. i would be mad about that. rachel: packed theater in atlanta losing it during the 50 shades freed. the movie played to everyone's delight. now clear how it happened. panther is smashing box office records expecting to eclipse $10 million this weekend. i actually want to go see that one. i don't like the 50 shades movie. i would be mad. griff: i met. what a super star really nice guy. i can't wait to see this movie. i want to say one quick thing. your news week started with those officers. 10 officers now just in february have been killed in gunfire and this is a culture is troubling as we start 2018. rachel: absolutely. griff: trump administration claims the obama administration claims. >> some is attributed to the obama administration for not establishing a more forceful deterrent. griff: is he right? we will ask dennis coul kucinich next. todd: do not go anywhere. "fox & friends" continues. to most people, i look like most people. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. todd: 44 minutes after the hour now and quick headlines, philadelphia's district attorney is dropping 51 drug charges while decriminalizing marijuana possession. larry says it will free up resources for more serious crimes. but will still prosecute drug dealers. he just recently filed a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers while the city considers adding a safe injection site for drug users. and some kentucky lawmakers hoping to weed out people who don't work. proposing a new bill cut unemployment person's benefits. kentucky became the first state to add work requirement for collecting medicaid benefits. griff and rachel, down to you. griff: thanks, todd. one democrat is partially blaming the obama administration for russian meddling in the 2016 election. >> i do think though that in fairness, some of the responsibility is also attributed to the obama administration for not establishing a more forceful deterrent. i think it depose back to the korean hack of sony in which there was a minimal response. i think that others around the world watched that and determined that cyber is a cost-free intervention. rachel: is this true or just another excuse as to why democrats lost the election? former democrat ohio congressman and current candidate for ohio governor dennis kucinich joins us now. welcome, congressman. >> good morning. rachel: good morning. so a lot of people -- i know you are a democrat. a lot of republicans look at this and say hey, look, the democrats under obama didn't really seem to care about the russians until hillary lost. what do you say to that? >> well, i think it's wrong to blame president obama. he fully supported hillary clinton. and, let's face it, his legacy is at risk with president trump. but you have to remember it was 11 days before the election when the fbi director comey made an announcement that seemed to implicate hillary clinton in some activity that could be defined as criminal. that changed the outcome. that's why hillary clinton lost. the administration was monitoring russian activity. but you can't blame president obama. this is all about comey. if you take comey out of the equation, hillary clinton wins the electio. griff: let me push back on that. allegations did not effect the outcome of the election but yet started in 2014, congressman. so, you know, when we hear the headlines all day long today that president trump isn't doing enough with sanctions on russia with leading on efforts to block what happened with facebook and elsewhere, doesn't it go back to president obama, not taking a tough enough stance? >> well, again, you are talking about the outcome of an election here there were polls that were taken that measurably changed after fbi director comey had his announcement in which he seemed to finger hillary clinton. and it brought everything back up again about the emails. that changed the outcome. griff: congressman, we are not talking about the outcome. we are talking about what the president is pointing to in tweets today the ad guy for facebook saying this is about causing chaos in our political system. democrats, republicans, otherwise. not the outcome. and so the proposition that obama couldn't have done more with his not only fbi but cia, dni and elsewhere didn't do enough, didn't start that tough enough stand on russia when he was trying to do the re-set. >> well, i think you have to realize the obama administration was monitoring it. and now with the muriel the muer indictments that have come up recently, they are fingering russian involvement, at least russian nationals and we will see how the trial goes. but the whole thing about blaming president obama is filtering in to a narrative that somehow he didn't do enough to support hillary clinton. and the fact of the matter is, he put it all on the line for her. rachel: i'm not hearing that the problem is that he didn't support hillary clinton. i think you just pointed out he was monitoring the problem. i think what americans are asking if russia was such a big problem in this election and we know that it happened in 2014 under president obama, why didn't he actually do something about it versus just monitoring it? >> well, again, let's sort this out. president trump had nothing to do with this outcome. it was about comey and president obama was on top of it and he didn't say anything. i think he is going to have account for that the fact of the matter is, in the end, the election was decided on the basis of what comey did, not on anything else. rachel: let's take a look at what jerry nadler, a democrat from new york said just yesterday on msnbc. >> this is a very serious attack against the united states by hostile foreign power and attack against our election process, our entire governing process. that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republicans in the house for that matter refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from the attack. imagine if fdr had denied that the japanese attacked us at pearl harbor and didn't react? that's the equivalent. griff: congressman, more than 2,000 people died in pearl harbor, americans that is. what do you make of your former colleague's comments. >> i respect jerry nadler, i reject his analogy. i want to say it was about comey, the outcome of the election was tilted by fbi director comey. that's why hillary clinton lost. griff: all right, congressman. good luck in that race for governor out there. we look forward to following it and hearing more from you. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, congressman. griff: all right. presidents' day is tomorrow. according to joy reid, it will be a day without a real president. the new comment sparking outrage. that's coming up. earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and earn fifty thousand bonus miles after you spend three thousand dollars on purchases in the first three months from account opening plus, zero-dollar intro annual fee for the first year, then ninety-five dollars. learn more at rachel: a presiden presidents' y without a real president. monday is presidents' day and second consecutive such holiday without an american president. by the way this is according to joy reid. this is not me saying. this. griff: this is joy reid. >> he sits in the oval office when is he not golfing. he lives in the white house with his family. is he not the president of the united states. trump is a hollow vessel has there has ever been in the white house. his rule lacks even a shred of moral authority. happy presidents' day. todd: the mainstream media needs to start. this how did we start the show with how russia is attacking the democratic ideals of this country. this is playing right into the russian's hands. exactly what they want. rachel: couldn't agree more. the president isn't saying there is no russian involvement. he is just saying i didn't collude with them. griff: you know, in the larger context of things, we have as the president is pointing out the fbi struggling to get back on track with many problems. that subdenial. so comments like these with respect to ms. reid and her opinion doesn't help what is a very pressing problem in america. if you have a problem with president trump's immigration plan, with his tax reform, with something like that, then attack the policy but just an ad hominem attack against the guy. rachel: this is their strategy from the very beginning the resistance says we are not going to normalize him and accept this presidency. that's why they ran with this whole russia ridiculous story line for over a year. joy may not think he is the president. go ask people in middle america who are doing a lot better economically than they ever did under the obama administration whether they like this president. we just did that story did you earlier was so good on explaining how the numbers bumped up when the republicans deliver on policies. the american people respond. that was led by president donald trump. todd: we have a big show coming up next three hours. vice president mike pence coming under fire for his faith. just the latest victim of what's being called christian shaming. how can it be stopped? we will discuss that next hour. plus corey lewandowski, john radcliff and sebastian gorka all coming up. ♪ sometimes you need an expert. i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. 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throw our election into chaos two. groups created chaos more than the russians. that's the democrats and the mainstream media. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission. the agency confirming that it failed to follow up on the tip of the accused florida school shooter nikolas cruz. griff: very sad that the fbi missed all of the signals sent out by the florida's school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks, he will make safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> to the inside, it's elliott sadler, a photo finish. tyler reddick is going to edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. ♪ ♪ turn it up loud. todd: live look at the empire state building in no. new york city is none of our hometowns but it is the home town of "fox & friends" on the weekend. we're glad to have you in here, griff jenkins, rachel campos duffy and todd piro. rachel: welcome. i had griff yesterday. griff: we were hanging in and days of thunder. did you see that nascar. it's going to be very interesting. we have rick reichmuth down there a little bit later. rachel: we do. griff: rev your engines, it's time to go. stay in bed if you. get your cup of coffee because we have got a lot to get to. todd: the president tweeting on some major issues, obviously the shooting in florida, but, also, the information that came out from rod rosen sometime and the justice department on the russia case. let's go to florida first. he tweeted very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter. this is not acceptable, they are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the trump campaign. there is no collusion. get back to the basics and make us all proud. and, again, president trump has this uncanny way of saying exactly what the american people are thinking. we have a situation where the top levels of the fbi have been distracted for a number of months, maybe even a number of years. i am not going to make the exact connection because there is a lot of layers involved. but, the fact of the matter is, the fbi missed a lot of signs that could have saved 17 lives. rachel: right. leadership matters. you have the leadership of the fbi distracted, trying to, you know, go follow this trail of russia collusion which, by the way, the indictment now says no russia collusion. this is why the president is frustrated. we wasted a year on this. a lot of people are at home going why is the lead investigator at the fbi texting with his girlfriend about how to get an insurance policy to disrupt the election of a duly elected president when we have clear problems in this assistance of the fbi. we had a clear, credible tip to the fbi from somebody who knew nikolas cruz and it was not passed on and, boy, there were tragic, tragic reactions. if you are a parent, you andrandi are both parents. how angry about that. griff: todd has a good point the president's uncanny ability to talk about what the americans care about. this tweet, basically point to an agency in crisis. rachel: yeah. griff: whether it's missing tips that could have saved lice or whether it is a political bias at the highest level of leadership within the organization, meddling in our election. if you will, if you look at the agent strzok and page. rachel: of course. griff griff todd covered that live during the week. at the end of the day a lot of americans trust in law enforcement in this country and the fbi and their ability to do their fundamental job of protecting us has been eroded. and the president is pointing to it's time to begin to get that back. rachel: he is also saying look, the russia collusion, what came out in the indictment, this stuff started back in 2014. there was a russian company that was sort of overseeing all this disinformation. back in 2014. todd: let's get to this. the president tweets: funny how the fake news media doesn't want to say that the russian group was formed in 2014, like rachel said, long before my run for president. maybe they knew i was going to run even though i didn't. that is a huge point. let's go back to 2012, in fact. remember when mitt romney said, you know, russia is a major, major concern and president obama said the 1980s want their foreign policy back. that shows an underlying failure during the obama administration to take russian meddling, let's call it what it is, meddling seriously. consequences are being seen right there. rachel: when you see a new york headline like, this can you see. trump's silence leaves trump without a leader. i have to say that's so frustrating. just because you say you are not colluding with the russians doesn't mean you are not aware of what they tried to do. by the way, donald trump is doing much more. he is building up the military. things that frustrate the russians. we are now actual competitors in the oil market that the russians used to dominate. i mean, donald trump, president donald trump is doing more than obama did to frustrate the russians on real issues. griff: right. you and i just talking to congressman kucinich in the last hour about the obama administration had a chance in 2014. they failed to do it. they were too busy working on the rye re-set. the white house did put out a statement despite the frustration with the media put out a statement. we had on hogan gidley deputy white house press secretary weighing in on why americans should be frustrated take away from these indictments. here is what hogan said. >> i will just say this, there are two groups that have created chaos more than the russians. that's the democrats and the mainstream media who continue to push this lie on the american people for more than a year. and quite frankly, americans should be outraged by that. rachel: he said that by the way yesterday on our show. he has been getting attacked by the media, obviously, for this. but he makes such a great point. i don't think the russians that you saw the russian ads. they are pretty silly. they were not on one side or the other. their purse was really just to create discord and dissension and division in america and the people that have ran with that and have actually realized this for them because the amount of money they spent wasn't enough to do that was the democrats and their partners in the media. you saw just when we just covered right now with joy reid saying he is not our president. not wanting to normalize him. resisting. and that is what's causing the division and the russians have capitalized on that. todd: great point. to all this media of attacking trump. we are going to come back to a theme that we have so far. we will continue for the next three hours. stay in your lane, do your job. it is the president of the united states' job to focus on foreign diplomacy. it's the cia and our cyber warriors' job to worry about this russian meddling. they need to do our job so our democracy isn't impaired. imimperilled. it's the president's job for safety. when they attack him on his tweets with regard to russia, it undermines it, does exactly what russia wants. griff: you know, the headline, the news analysis in the "new york times" basically trump quiet in a u.s. war on meddling. we will see. we talked to hogan as well that said the president is considering everything on the table. you know, rachel, you mentioned joy reid. let's set that up a little bit for those that may be just joining us. and that is the fact that she said after all the context trying to give and president trying to weigh in on the agency in crisis that simply ad hominem attack he is just not our president because i hate him. rachel: we had information about anti-supremacy protester. this university had alt right supremacy group, white supremacy group on campus. the leader of the university said listen, they have a right to speak. we may not approve of what they have to say and they brought the cops on to protect the students, they wanted to protect their students. and this is what some of the students on campus were chanting after the cops were on campus to do this. so here maybe can you hear what they are saying. saying. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. rachel: police officers protecting free speech, this is their response. griff: person speaking there is alt right leader with tendencies toward adolf hitler. rachel: that guy. griff: they don't want him there. we reached out to the university of tennessee for a statement. at the end of the day, i have covered so many of the antifa and alt right rallies. the cops are getting really bad deal here because they are there to protect what spiraled out of control between passions running hot and this is a bit embarrassing for the students in my opinion. my informed opinion because, you know, those drop cops could get hit in the face with a rock. these clashes can go quickly to violence. we have seen california and elsewhere and yet, you know, protesting the speaker is one thing, to just lump cops in unfair. rachel: unfair and especially as we see all the police officers that have died in the last few months astounding. todd: 2018. the year has just started. rachel: we turn to headlines and begin with a fox news alert. 66 people are dead after iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight in yasuj. surveying the crash site. flight was on way to yasuj from tehran. bad weather was reported in the area and more breaking news. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying the confessed teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. a new report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat cutting himself. and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmitt is live in park land, florida coming up. turning now to extreme weather. mother nature dumping 7 and a half inches of snow in some parts of the northeast. the swift moving system causing some problem for travelers both by ground and by air. with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or cancelled this morning. but warmer weather, good, is expected to melt away most of the mess by the end of the week. nascar fans rejoice the daytona 500 is just hours away. it's today's race. it's not like anything like yesterday's x finity race. >> edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. rachel: the photo finish, the closest reyes in the series history. the margin of victory officially listed as 0/100ths of a second. coverage begins today on 2:30 eastern time. rick reichmuth will join us live on the tracks with a preview coming up. he has the good gig today. griff: that guy threw the hammer. he learned that in the tom cruise movie. todd: adam has been ripping the president for weeks and looks like is he getting rewarded for it. >> tax reform and the bonuses that followed. >> the bonus that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers is so pathetic. griff: but the numbers show their message isn't working and charles payne is in the house and he has the numbers to prove it charles, good morning, sir. ♪ don't bring me down the more you know the the commute is worth, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. you and that john deere tractor... so versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. nothing runs like a deere. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis was intense. my mom's pain from i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. and if that pain could mean something worse. joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have 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largely due to growing support for, you guessed it, the tax reform bill. rachel: here to weigh in the host of making money with charles payne on the fox business network is charles payne. so, what do you make of it? i mean, the democrats said this was going to be armageddon. they said this was crumbs. the american people are like i don't know. and then all of a sudden the results of this tax reform has come on really fast. >> it's really not even a scientific theory. back in december tax cuts are more popular than tax hikes. in other words, we wanted less money in our paychecks. are you kidding me? this was what they were talking about. now ar got these companies every single day and a thousand, 2,000. to goes further than that here is where democrats really have a lot of problems. a lot of things on their so-called agenda, paid maternity leave, paid sick leave. a lot of these companies have done that they are stepping up and doing that because now instead of paying 30% more in taxes they are paying 19% some of these guys. todd: when we go out to diners and interview people one of the lines i have love hearing i have never gotten a job from a poor person. i find that interesting. when you are in there talking on air and off air with the ceos, heads of business. what are they telling you? >> they are excited to be able to get back to their core competency and core knitting. there is this famous citizens united business people. they are not people but living organisms. they all want to grow and if they can grow larger, stronger, bigger. they weren't able to do that for eight years. they hunkered down and hung in there they were in survival mode. america has gone back to growth mode and we are all getting the benefits of that big time. let me tell you guys real quick. friday, the university of michigan came out with consumer sentiment number. a gem in there that was amazing. approval, favorable approval of government policies at the highest level in half a century. rachel: that's amazing. >> people are thrilled about what's going on. rachel: europe is looking at what we are doing. canada is looking at what we are doing. i talked to maria bartiromo, she said heads of companies she met, the billionaries were saying we need to talk to our leaders in our country about that. we were on a path of socialism under obama. i really think that under reported story is that president trump is bringing capitalism back and showing a new generation of kids a different way of doing it there can be results. >> i think you are spot on. two years ago we hit all time low for entrepreneurship. watch entrepreneurship improve. house formation improve. when came to america and the went back to america. everyone over there thinks they can be rich. they're nuts. guess what, we're nuts. 700 points on the dow we are not doing too bad. rachel: thank you, charles. todd: vice president pence coming under fire for his faith. >> it's one thing to talk to jesus. it'sner thing when jesus talk to us. that's called mental illness if i'm not correct. hearing voices. todd: mike pence is knot the only one, tim tebow, tony dunningying also victims of what's being called christian shaming. so, how can it be stopped? we'll discuss that next. rachel: plus corey lewandowski is here live coming up. ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: welcome back. quick headlines for you. house speaker paul ryan meeting president trump at mar-a-lago estate to talk about this year's legislative priorities. a couple of topics they will reportedly discuss immigration and gun control in a tightly contested congressional race heating up this week in a critical swing state, all eyes on pennsylvania as republican rick sar cone and democratic lamb square off in first debate tomorrow ahead of the march 13th special election. recent polling shows trump-backed state representative saccone has a narrow lead in the race. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. are christians being shamed over their faith? last week "the view" co-host joy behar mocked vice president mike pence over his beliefs. >> it's one thing to talk to jesus. it's another thing when jesus talks to you. that's called mental illness if i'm not correct. hearing voices. rachel: former nfl coach tony dungy experienced similar attacks for commending eagle's quarterback nic foley's faith. one critic quoting unbelievable you would use your employer at ntsb sports to spout this nonsense on the air. so, how can this christian shaming be stopped? here to weigh in a member of president trump's evangelical advisory board and president of the company johnny moore. welcome to "fox & friends." thanks for joining us. what can we do about this. >> thanks, rachel. rachel: -- christian shaming? >> first of all, we need to call it what it is bigotry plain and simple. that's what this is. and when i heard joy behar's comments, i mean, my jaw was on the ground. i mean, does she think people like william booth who founded the salvation army or bob pierce who founded world vision or martin luther king jr. who is inspired and sustained by his faith. john paul ii. billy graham. the list goes on and on and on. are all these people mentally ill because they were inspired by their faith, they prayed and they made a difference in the world? i mean, this is incomprehensivisincomprehensible can't let it pass by. rachel: john any, do you think -- why do you think christians are being singled out. >> there would have been an apology by the end of the program. everyone would have been screaming islamaphobia. by the way they should, in the united states of america it's unamerican thing to shame people for their religion. i mean, the first clause of the first sentence of our first amendment is all about religious freedom. for some strange reason there definite solid a double standard. it centers right in the middle of the media in this country. and, again, it's unamerican. i mean, you know, harvard, yale, six of the nine original colleges in this country where most of these people are educated. i mean, these were institutions founded in the afteaftermath of great awakening. we are proud and need to keep raising our voices. rachel: tim tebow faced christian shaming for what he would do on the field kneeling and praying and writing bible scripture quotes. what do you make of that? >> well, listen, it's foolishness, it disregards america. it's unamerican. you know, this is not in the hearts of our d.n.a. as american citizens. it's uneducated. it's all these other things. i have got to tell from you an nfl perspective or abc perspective or the media across the board, it's also bad business. there was a report that came out earlier this year that the religious community in the united states contributes $1.2 trillion to the american economy every single year. and so, you look, you wonder why the box offices are off and ratings are down and no one cares about award shows anymore. the fact is this bigotry that we're seeing get a free pass in the media, the likes of which joy behar said, it's not only an immoral thing to do and for sure it is, it's also bad business. and in america, i mean, if we raise our voice and if we raise our voice by the millions. not that we should have to. abc ought to apologize. i'm still listening. where is the apology? rachel: it's not coming. >> if they don't we can't let up. we need to keep the pressure on. rachel: it's also bad politics. they lost the heartland and middle america. it's certainly not a great strategy for all they say they want to win those people back. anyway, thank you, johnnie for insight on that, i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. rachel: the president blasting the president's narrative on russian meddling ignoring key details like the fact that the russians started before he announced his run for presidency. does he have a point? we will can corey lewandowski next. he has set slopes on fire. created explosions on the [applause] and caused a boom so loud the police showed up. well, steve spangler is back. and wait until you see what tricks he has up his sleeve this time ♪ ♪ i'm radioactive ♪ radioactive ♪ - [narrator] imagine a shirt that actually makes you feel better. introducing tommie copper's all new shoulder centric posture shirt. they're biggest breakthrough yet. advanced engineering promotes healthy posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. visit to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. they have you covered from head to toe. go to right now and find out how you can save 25% on your first purchase, plus first shipping. life hurts, feel better. plus first shipping. successful people have onthey read more.on. how do they find the time? with audible. audible has the world's largest selection of audiobooks. books like peak performance... and endurance. books that energize and 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the special counsel investigation has netted 13 russians trying to meddle in our politics. so we are bringing in corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager and co-author of let trump be trump. good morning, corey. i want to get you right to this president's tweet. he has been very active on twitter. this one in particular showing the president's frustration with the media. he says funny how the fake news media doesn't want to say that the russian group was formed in 2014, long before my run for president. maybe they knew i was going to run even though i didn't know. what do you think, corey? does the president have a point here? >> well, the president has a very important point. the point is that the previous administration, the obama administration under jim comey's lack of leadership at the fbi should have been doing something about this because if they were informed back in may of 2014 -- now, don't forget, donald trump came down that beautiful escalator in june of 2015, so, 13 months later, but what we now know, according to the indictment from rod rosenstein with a was after 13 months to donald trump even getting into the race, the russians were trying to do something to materially change the outcome of our election. where is the accountability from james comey and barack obama's administration that they should have been doing something about this? rachel: corey, i have another question for you. very early on, since the beginning of the muriel investigation. the democrats have been saying oh, donald trump is going to fire him. donald trump is going to interfere with this investigation. he is kind of held back, even though there were lots of democrats -- disproportionate number of democrats on muriel's team. now rosenstein comes out with these indictments and he says no collusion. no impact on the election. and the democrats and the media won't let donald trump feel vindicated, which i think he should from the results of this indictment i have to remember from the very beginning and i was there at the beginning of the campaign even before we officially launched the campaign, there was no collusion, there was no cooperation and coordination between us and any russians that we ever knew of. we didn't speak to any russians or anybody else for that matter. what this is a clear vinny devindication for the president and our team that said we didn't have anything to do with this. but the mainstream media doesn't want to give him the credit that he won fair and square. look, michael goodwin has a piece today in the "new york post" that talks about it. this shows donald trump won the election fair and square. the only reason why hillary clinton lost she was a terrible candidate. and what we know is one thing unequivocally, hillary clinton's campaign took $5 million, bought a false dossier to try and actually impact the outcome of this election and she's the one who attempted to collude or coordinate with the russians. not the trump campaign. her campaign is the one that needs to be held accountable. todd: corey, we have a big interview coming up on the news channel in about two and a half hours. maria bartiromo sits down with the attorney general jeff sessions. he comments on whether he regrets recusing himself. we will get your opinion first. let's take a listen to part of that interview. >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do. i participated in this campaign. and as such under explicit regulation the department of justice, no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. todd: jeff sessions thinks he did the right thing by recusing himself in the russia investigation. do you? >> i think jeff sessions, general sessions is a great man. and the work is he doing on ms-13 to disseminate them is important. with that being said, he owed the president an explanation prior to accepting the position of attorney general that he is going to recuse himself. if he had that conversation with the president, and the president chose to still move his nomination forward, that's one thing. i think where the president has been disappointed and what he said publicly is, he didn't know that jeff sessions was going to recuse himself. look, i was there for the campaign for a lot of it. jeff did come out and travel with us. but an active participant in the campaign might be a stretch other than being a surrogate every now and then to say a few words about the president. rachel: reince priebus just recently in an interview that he did said he had talked jeff sessions into not quitting his job. at one point he was going to leave. he was going to quit. he talked him into it. do you think he should have talked him into staying or do you think we would be better off right now with a different a.g. because i know among republicans there has been disappointment with him. >> i think there has been some disappointment. at the end of the day, the attorney general reports to the president of the united states and as long as president trump is happy with the work that jeff sessions is doing and continues to do at the justice department. rachel: what do you think, corey? what do you think? >> well, look, i think attorney general sessions should have disclosed to the fact that he was going to recuse himself. look, this mueller investigation has been all consuming, it's cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. what we have seen from rod rosenstein just this week is that the trump campaign had nothing to do with it. i think we need to end this investigation to prove there was no collusion no cooperation, between trump's campaign and the russians at all. let's end the investigation. let's let jeff get back to doing his job of being the attorney general. griff: corey, the investigation is ongoing as we heard from rosenstein, so we shall see what happens in the coming days and weeks. rachel: we will see if they go after the dossier collusion there as well. thank you, corey for joining us this morning. >> i appreciate it. thank you. rachel: turning now to your headlines, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell thinks president trump should back mitt romney's senate run. mcconnell telling the "new york times" the g.o.p. does not want to risk losing the utah seat. the white house wanted senator orrin hatch to seek annual eighth term to block romney's path before retiring fearing another presidential run. romney says is he willing to challenge the president. in rare public remarks, supreme court justice clarence thomas weighing in on america's exhausting culture of victim hood. >> i just get worn down. at some point we are going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. you always have to play the hand you are dealt. if you are dealt the bad hand, you still have to play it. rachel: as a minority, i can relate to that thomas crediting his grandfather for teaching him to never play the victim. that's what my mom taught me, too. from calling out the vice president to calling the olympics to ntsb openly gay u.s.a. medalist has been added as a network correspondent. he gained fame attacking vice president mike pence, accusing him as having anti-gay agenda. pence refuted the claim sharing kind words on twitter that rippon rejected. todd: ntsb loves to get a reaction. a florida teacher's post about gun violence is going viral after the school shooting. she says parents need to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. we have a parenting panel here to react next hour. griff: we have been telling you about mueller's indictment against russian nationals. does this mean clinton's can be indicted for dossier? we will ask congressman john ratcliff coming up. ♪ ♪ playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is 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come out and, like he would say ball out and give everything you had. not only just for ourselves but to support douglas high school. and our whole community. we are not going to quit. we're not going to lay down. we're going to stay strong and we are going to keep doing what we do. rob: how proud o are you of these kids? >> oh my lord, i can't even tell you how proud of these kids i am. it's hard for them to come out here. everyone in this program is one as a family. they came out here and made not only themselves proud but our school proud. rob: coach feis, tell me something you loved about him. >> he was just a great guy. he cared about everyone and everything. i don't know, i'm honestly just speechless about everything. shocked. >> expecting him when i go back but he is not going to be there. this is my outlet right here. >> we have strong young men around us. we have to keep pushing and helping each other out. >> i know coach feis wanted me to come out here. i had to come out here to support and make him. i come ball out. it was for him. rob: how was it today. >> it was good doing what we loved and he loved it too. he would have wanted us to come out here. >> i feel like is he not really gone. is he more here with us in my heart. every time i get on the field he is there. >> i came out here, kind of rethinking it. i was like, i walked out on the field and i was like, this kind of hurts because i don't see my big man standing. because he is actually supposed to come to this. rob: if he could have told you whether or not to do this, do you think he would have said get your butt on that field and go play. >> he would have said no question. if we even talked about us not going, he would have been very, very, very upset. everybody loved him. he was probably one of the greatest mental i have ever met. i will keep saying that until the day i die that he was one of the greatest men i have ever met. i want to send prayers to the families. i have every single victim on my shoe. that's coach hixon. that's our athletic director. rob: coach feis right here. >> that's joaquin oliver. his nickname was gawk. beigle. alyssa, jamie. everybody. we have all 17. rob: really great kids go to this high school here and they have had such a week to deal with. the father of the quarterback that we were just talking to pulled me aside and he said you know what? in the next week my son is going to go to more funerals than most people will go to in a lifetime. my teenage son. and he said it's so great to just see him out on the football field trying to get back to normal even for just a couple hours to see him smiling and playing the game. trying to normalize his life after what he has been through. rachel: powerful: and just the power of teachers and impact that they have. you can see that the coach really had a big influence on their life. griff: you bet. every one of us can point to teacher, coach. todd: great job rob and matt, the producer. griff: thanks, rob. the left is spinning the mueller indictments by saying the left isn't going hard enough on russia. one democrat's comparison on russia sparking outrage this morning. that's coming up. fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue... and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum tum tum tum... smoothies... only from tums on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. plus 24-month financing ends monday visit for a store near you. todd: quick headlines here on your sunday morning. emails obtained by "the washington post." revealing top military leaders' frustrations following hawaii's 38-minute long false missile threat in january. harry harris the chief of u.s. pacific command writes, quote, apparently they were getting ready to do a drill when the drill part was lost in translation. and facebook planning to mail postcards to verify people wanting to purchase political ads. contain a special code that advertisers must provide back to prove they live here in the u.s. the change is coming days after special counsel robert mueller's russian indictments for alleged roles in disrupting the 2016 presidential election. rachel: so remember what happened the last time steve spangler stopped by "fox & friends." he set adam on fire and created an explosion on the plaza. now is he back to show us some fun experiments kids and parents can do at home. i've got a lot of kids. one of them pa loma is obsessed with science. you are in town for the new york toy store. >> thank you for having me on. every year we introduce our newest toys at toy fair. steve spapg glory line of toys be amazing. we are showing some of the newest things. we love people to do things at home. rachel: so fun. >> sometimes you have to get hooked without doing it at home. hang onto the balloon. hang onto the pliewn. if you feel the balloon, it feels heavier than normal. feel this? here is what i want you to do. hang onto the balloon. take the clip off. go ahead and take the clip off, open it up. i will have you do. this you will breathe all your hair out and then suck the gas in and then i want you to look right at the camera and talk to elm. this breathe out. ready? breathe all the air in. >> i told my daughter two days ago. [speaking in deep voices. slow motion] >> the gas. >> make dry ice bubbles. >> there it is again. >> try at home. need dry ice. we need a glove. put the glove on as well. what i'm doing here is dropping the dry ice into this container. and to the container i have this little -- look at this. i have stuff everywhere. i have now got this little hose. todd: sure. >> hose is out here like this. >> here is what -- you are going to do. this dip into here like this. you just reach your hand out and hold onto the bubble. rachel: oh my gosh, that's amazing. hang on, there it is, hold your other hand out. there you go, there you go. there it is. pop them like this. when you pop, there is the putting dry ice inside here. rachel: that is so cool. >> voice using more gas called sulfur hexfloride. we have a theme going on. rachel: you have a show on, right? >> syndicated show diy sci. i love. this i have been doing this for years and years and years. griff: electrocuting people? >> kind of like that. instead of going to the wall i'm putting it through a transformer. this is 50,000 volts of electricity. griff: should we dim the lights? bring the lights down. 50,000 volts of electricity. finger. griff: 'ow. feel it actually. >> traveling through your body. you hang on here. hang on to this end of the light bulb, ready, set, nice. look at this. beautiful. todd: i'm being electrocuted. griff: making a light surface. >> traveling on your skin. >> new toy called energy stick doesn't shock you the same way but it's one that kid can be able to use. todd: get to how planes fly using toilet paper. >> take a look at this. toilet paper. hold on to toilet paper like this. take a look at the toilet paper like this. here is our toilet paper. if you blow over top of the toilet paper like, this that toilet paper will lift up. griff: can i do it? >> you have to wait. watch this. so now this is the way you do it extreme way at home. so now. rachel: quick. griff: only got 40 seconds. >> i gotcha. squeeze the trigger and go, ready, set, go. that's perfect. get that guy right there. nice. perfect. todd: more "fox & friends" when we come back. >> reloading. ♪ ♪ any way you want it, that's the way you need it. any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ any way you want it, that's the way you need it. car of your choice." 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why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. >> white house claiming vind occasion over mueller's indictment. >> 13 russians indicted for trying to throw our elections into total disarray and chaos. >> this is a clear vindication for the president and our team that said we didn't have anything to do with this. but the mainstream media doesn't want to give him the credit that he won fair and square. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission. the agency confirming that it failed to follow up on a tip about the accused florida school shooter nikolas cruz. griff: the president weighing in on the fbi. very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks, he will make the safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> to the inside, it's elliott sadler, a photo finish. tyler reddick is going to edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. >> woo hooh. ♪ ♪ hanging around ♪ i've been falling around. todd: almost like mischief night in here. see one roll of toilet paper made it up on the light following the last segment. rachel: i thought it was great. enough of that demagogue steve nigh i'm with steve spangler. glitch griff tod todd piro and rachel. twitter is blowing up on how awesome they are. rachel: forget collusion and russians. people care about the earrings. todd: what's weird is her husband is going to use them to go fly fishing after we are done. griff: we shall see. bring up the news so we must address it big story we have been talking about, two of them actually the tragic shooting in park land, florida, wells the indictments. 13 months of president trump's presidency and 13 russians being indicted. rachel: three russian companies as well. griff: and certainly we have seen the media, the mainstream media the president being frustrated with the mainstream media. in particular, we want to show you this headline in the "new york times." it reads: trump's conspicuous silence leaves a struggle against russia without a leader. now, of course, we remember in that indictment from rod rosenstein it said that no american notionally participated in this. todd: knowingly key words. griff: did not impact the outcome. president trump very frustrateside tweeting just here in the last hour. here's what he says. i never said russia did not meddle in the election. i said it may be russia or china or another country or group or it may be a 400-pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer. the russian hoax was that the trump campaign colluded with russia. it never did. rachel: never said russians didn't try to get involved in our election. he said i didn't collude with them. i can understand why is he frustrated. listen, he has been vindicated and the media and the democrats do not want to give him credit for that. todd: there's a huge difference between the word collude and meddle. and the president pointed that out this morning in that tweet. it is shocking that the mainstream media hasn't figured out the distips over the last 48 hours. rachel: the democrats doubling down on the russians and their impact on the election, even though we are getting to where we will get to the facebook v.p. guy who said that didn't have that much impact. listen to what jerry nadler said on i believe it was joy reid's show -- no it was all out with chris haste on -- hayen msnbc. this is what he had to say about it. >> this is a very serious attack on the united states by a hostile power and our election process and entire governing process. that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republicans in the house for that matter, refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from a an attack. imagine if fdr had denied that the japanese attacked us at pearl harbor. that's the equivalent. griff: more than 2,000 americans died. but here's the thing. rachel: is he a progressive poster boy. even he was like really, pearl harbor? griff: let this not be lost. jerry nadler isn't just a congressman from new york. he is the ranking democrat on the judiciary committee in the house. one of many of three, actually, on on capitol hill that's investigating the entire russian meddling thing. now this indictment pointing out that there was no collusion. that his administration and no american for that matter participated knowingly in this. and, yet, he is not only acknowledging the facts laid out in the 13 indictments, but he is playing partisan politics going to an outrageous comparison of hyperbole. rachel: is he signaling look, if you elect a democrat majority house, i'm going to initiate impeachment hearings on this president. that's what i think is he doing right there. todd: look at the language that he used. imagine if fdr denied that japanese attacked us at pearl harbor. the pearl harbor reference is insulting to all the brave men and women. let's take a step back. what did we just say three days ago with the president's tweet, i acknowledge the meddling. like the mainstream media and out democrats don't make that connection. president trump understands there was meddling. and this guy says the president is not acknowledging. it he is acknowledging it. rachel: we have viewers emailing us. here is an email from roberts saying the attack on pearl harbor was an act of war. so is nadler going to push for a declaration of war defense russia for its meddling? griff: this one from ron, does he remember the horror of that day? i think not. i do. trust me, mr. nadler, you desecrate the memory of pearl harbor harr by your comparisons. todd: it's offensive to those folks but also raw. rachel: it's a strategy. what it is is that they see that there is no collusion. the investigation is not going in the way they wanted. and they have to double down on russia. by the way, democrats who before hillary lost never seemed to really care that much about russia or diminishing them as a geopolitical enemy of ours. griff: and the president, you know, also tweeting about the fbi missing serious tips. rachel: absolutely. griff: it could have saved lives. let me put this tweet out there. very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter, this is not acceptable. they are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the trump campaign. there's no collusion. get back to the basics and make us all proud. not necessarily connecting the two events with the indictments and what happened in florida. but pointing, rather, in a larger sense to an agency in crisis. rachel: also channeling where the american people are at. the american people are looking at these very credible tips missed, signs missed by the fbi. a call from somebody who actually knew this young man who said he is going to -- he is obsessed with guns. is he going to shoot up a school. they didn't pass this along and we have this situation. and american people looking back going what the heck has the fbi been doing? we know their leadership has been politicized. we know that leadership matters. we have got lead investigators calling their girlfriends about how to, you know, undo the american election in 2016. and have you got to go why aren't they focusing on the very basics? this is what the president says get back to the basics, fbi. todd: great point on what the american people want. think about the jobs the americans have. very focused jobs. they go, they do their job as part of a bigger organization on the whole. what do they do? they stay in their lane as part of a greater whole. the fbi, at least the senior leadership is not staying in its lane. what we need the fbi to do right now is protect the men and women of the united states. what we need the cia to do. we need them to protect the men and women of the united states. what we don't need them doing is wasting time going after a president. they can go after russia. that makes sense because we do see, the president admitted russia is meddling. we don't need them going after the president unnecessarily. and potentially, we have to put that caveat, exposing problems in other areas. ie, florida. rachel: you bring up the american people. the american people did their job in this case. we had lots of people sending in their tips. taking photos of their, you know, the comment that was left on the blogger. griff griff sure, see something, say something. rachel: those things weren't followed up. gosh, if you are a parent in that town across america, we're frustrated. griff: it will be interesting to see if the president's frustration leads to any announcements here in the coming days from the fbi. i had a former fbi agent that i worked with in years past saying hey, griff, you should suggest that the fbi set up a specific unit that only focuses on school shooting threat. they have one for human trafficking and this sort of thing like create a department. i don't know. maybe that's a suggestion that. rachel: what we need to do as a country, i think is, look at this wholisticly. the left go it's just about guns. it's about the fbi missing stuff. it's about parenting as the teacher who sent that facebook post sent in, and it's also about mental health and what do we do about that. griff: that's a good point. more details are developing as the community is heart broken over this devastating loss of those 17 innocent lives tragically cut short in the school shooting. rachel: new reports now suggesting that warning signs were missed about nikolas cruz's troubling past. todd: rick lesson that you live for us in parkland, florida with the very latest. >> good morning. the streets have reopened around majory stoneman douglas high school. no classes through at least wednesday. the goal is to get teachers in here before the end of the week. that building where the shooting took place is likely to be torn down and replaced because they don't want students walking the halls or sitting in classrooms where their fellow classmates were shot and killed. focus down here now of course is on the mourning. there are vigils being held day and night here in parkland to honor the lives lost and demand, in many cases, tighter gun control. the loved ones, of course, are also continuing to bury the victims. two funerals were held on friday. there was another saturday. and two more will be held today. including services for geography teacher scott beigel instead of running for his life stopped to lock kids in a classroom. he was shot and killed as the gunman walked by. beigel one of several: fbi ignoring warnings that might have prevented the massacre. the police were called to his home 20 times for disturbances. he was expelled from this school and treated for mental illness still able to purchase weapons he used to gun down two dozen teens and adults. we are hearing cruz is wanting to plead guilty to the murders in exchange for life in prison. the state's attorney says it's too soon to take the death penalty off the table as this community continues to grieve for so many young people lost way too soon, guys. rachel: thank you for that. griff: rick, thank you. i know you have covered so many of these shootings as i have occasionally with you. this one is really hitting that community hard. thank you for that report. >> sure. todd: coming up. a campus protest against white nationalists turned into a rally against cops? [chanting hey cops, hey fascisms, get the [bleep] off our campus] todd: live report ahead. griff: we have been telling you about the indictment of russian nationals. could this mean dossier. john ratcliffe joins us next. todd: we have been telling you about mueller's dintle against 13 russian nationals for meddling in our election. the question now what does this mean for the clinton campaign and can they be charged for their alleged ties to that anti-trump dossier. griff: john ratcliffe is a member of the house judiciary committee. he joins us now to weigh in. congressman, good morning. >> good morning. griff: what say you can the clinton campaign be charged for that dossier? >> well, you know, there is nothing inherently illegal about doing opposition research or even using foreign sources to do that research. i think if you want to hold the clinton campaign accountable, the greater abuses relate to how that dossier was used before the fisa court and the fact that the fisa court was not told who paid for it and that it was used as a basis to gain a warrant against -- to spy against a trump campaign associate. todd: congressman, let's go into the indictments themselves. if you watch the mainstream media over the course of the last 48 hours. you are literally getting the exact opposite of illegal education. what you are learning is absolutely incorrect. it doesn't make any sense and legally, factually inaccurate. what did these indictments show? what did they not show? and is the president completely absolved, mainly absolved? where does he fall on the scale? >> well, this particular indictment is mostly good news for the president. remember the charge to bob mueller was to investigate whether or not the russians interfered with the election, and whether or not there were any links to the trump campaign. the 37-page indictment lays out with some bega granularity how the russians interfered in the election and in the indictment and rod rosenstein's press conference they go out in great details to say no americans, including anyone associated with the trump campaign was witnessingly wit wy involved with respect to conspiracy. i do think it's good news for the president. the negative here is that bob mueller has clearly indicated in the indictment that the investigation will continue. when a prosecutor uses the term that there are others known and unknown to the grand jury that are part of the conspiracy, that's a signal that there are other, either superseding indictments to come or additional indictments about additional conspiracies. todd: congressman, as a seasoned u.s. attorney, you understand the ramifications of saying no american knowingly. that is the mens rea. that is the key part of prosecuting somebody. am i right? >> very clearly. and so, again, i think that this indictment does not deliver what a lot of the critics on the left were hoping for. that somehow bob mueller was going to issue an indictment that would lead to the impeachment of donald trump. it's clearly not in here. there is no indication that any american was involved in this larger conspiracy out of the kremlin or an association, the internet research agency associated with the kremlin. griff: congressman, we are almost out of time. quickly, your colleagues in the senate have referred christopher steele to the doj. will we see something of that nature from the house? >> i don't think you will see something out of the house. one criminal referral is probably enough. i do think that there are grounds. if someone wanted to charge christopher steele for instance, with lying to an fbi agent, that would be pretty a case that could probably be proved pretty easily. so, i think that the house will continue our investigations that are ongoing. but, again, the problem with christopher steele is the same as these indicted russians. i don't think that the brits, even though they are our allies are going to want to extradite to us a former counter intelligence official of theirs. griff: all right congressman ratcliff, thank you very much and enjoy the rest of your sunday. >> you bet, thanks. todd: from a level headed lawyer who knows what he is talking about. a florida's teacher post about gun violence going viral after the school shooting. she says parents need to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. we have an amazing parenting panel here to react next. you don't wants to miss that. we all want to know about the new thing. you know, the new, new thing. with xfinity's retail stores, you can now see the latest. want to test drive the latest devices? be our guest. want to save on mobile? just ask. want to demo the latest innovations and technology? do it here. come see how we're making things simple, easy, and awesome. plus come in today and ask about xfinity mobile, a new kind of network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. griff: we're back with headlines and fox news alert. one child is killed with the 66 people killed in plane crash after night. the airlines maded announcement after surveying the flight site. flying from tehran to yasuj where the family members are meeting to await more bad information. bad weather at the time of the crash. and vice president pence touting tax reform american people in dallas while slamming democrats who oppose it. >> nancy pelosi actually heard about the thousand dollar bonuses that millions of americans were receiving and she said it's just crumbs. when our kids were little, another thousand dollars in the paycheck in december, we had a term for that, christmas. griff: our ainsley earhardt toured the border with the vice president and sat down for exclusive interview. you can catch all of that on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning. you don't want to miss it. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. a facebook post from the teacher of a year from a florida middle school has gone viral following the tragic shooting at a high school in parkland. the teacher's message hey, it's time for parents to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. kelly guthrie raley writing until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home. horrendous lack of support when the teachers are trying to control horrible behavior at school. violent games take away sensitivity for value of other's lives we have a gun problem in schools. parents, it's time to step up, be the parent that actually gives the crap. be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. stop being your kids' friend. let's ask liz stern founder of diva mom and dr. dominic sportelli a psychiatrist focusing on kids, right? and jeanne dino a political science professor. thank you, all of you, this has been a very difficult week and people are asking what do we do about it? let's talk about mental health issues first with you. why was this child not -- nicholas, why was he not in a place where he could get the mental help he needed. >> honestly what we see in this country right now there is no question about there is a mental health crisis meaning there are no -- well, minimal child adolescent psychologists and behavioral specialists out there. there is this incredible shortage. unfortunately he fell through the cracks. when i look at a situation like him. he ticked every red flag down the line to say this kid needs intervention immediately. so, honestly, from my perspective, as a mental health professional, i don't know how he fell through the cracks there were just too many red flags. rachel: he was an orphan, other issues going on there this teacher talking about my parents were public school teachers. they said there is a lot of lack of discipline, parents wanting to be their kids' friends. >> i think we have all seen that and experienced that. and just to follow up on what dr. dominic said, even if you do identify somebody with a mental health challenge, from a public policy perspective, there are very few avenues you have for treatment. beds are scarce, cost is enormous. that hasn't been challenged or handled. to your point about parenting, there is very few resources for parents to learn how to be good parents. what you need to do -- rachel: to be fair, jeanne, people were just parenting and not trying to be their friends, flight where did we go wrong on this? >> i think things have changed. unfortunately, we need as parents now to take a step back and really say we need to be the parents and we're the ones in control. meaning that if a kid says stepping all over you and wants to do something, you say no if you feel that way. my mom is interesting. she will always say to me you, your generation needs to parent. we were the parents. when we said no. you understood what we were saying. your generation she watches and she says they walk all over you, these kids. and we as parents need to take a step back and we need to be the ones in charge. rachel: how many times have we heard that these kids had these weapons in their rooms. since when is your room your parents don't own your room? i mean, they don't go in. that teacher brought that up. >> listen, parenting unequivocally data shows a parent's parenting style will dictate the development of your child and the permanent of your child. we see this. we know this. authoritative parenting will lend towards a certain type of child's personality. rachel: more rebellious. >> more rebellious, more impulse control, things like that. cops that are helicopter parents nowadays we have helicopter parents. micromanaging parents. we call them cruise director parents. they don't allow their kids to experience adversity and understand how to deal with it on their own. if you don't -- i say this all the time and it sounds counter productive if you don't allow your child to fail, allow them to fail, allow them to learn positive coping mechanisms to overcome it. >> that's the real world. >> let's be honest though, parents have a huge role in this. we as a community and i say this as a political scientist, we have an absolute role as well. you cannot say especially things may have been better 20 or 30 years ago when we group. the reality now we have to deal with as a community. it does take a community to race particularly a mentally troubled child. >> we don't have the resources. >> the culture has changed. >> and social media. >> we as parents, something that i always come across is moms always ask me about we need to do more to teach ourselves as parents and children about social media. you know, how long they really can be on. what they should be watching. what they shouldn't be watching. how long they should be playing. we need to step up. rachel: we hear a lot about snowflakes. yesterday we had a kid from the shooting, a young junior rotc kid colton haab is his name. he led 60 sids into a classroom. he was prepared to attack the guy if he came in the room. so there are patients doing a good job. maybe we need to bring his parents in, too, to talk about what they did to raise such an amazing kids there are snowflakes but there are good ones out there, too. thank you for joining us, so helpful and again we need that insight in such a tragic week. thank you. all right, still ahead, a campus protest against white nationalists turns into a rally against cops. ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. rachel: looks like someone developed the parenting ball on those kids. a live report next. plus it's race day in daytona. rick is gearing up for the great american race with fox sports' mike joy and jamie little next. ♪ hey, hey a beautiful day ♪ and i can't stop myself from smiling ♪ life lesson. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. which is so smart on your guy's part. like fact that they'll just... forgive you... four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. that's it!girl! get it, woo, yeah! mom! my game's over. parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. todd: hundreds of protesters turning white nationalists event into a anti-cop rally in tennessee. drive griff hey, matt, good morning. >> good morning. well, more than 100 student-led protesters protested against matthew of the traditionalist workers policy here on campus of the university of tennessee. the name of the administration was no newhouse i isnazison rocky top. referring to the campus. black lives matter and antifa were in the mix. protesters chanted against matthew hinbach considered a neo nazi hate group. from the start protesters also chantinged profanity against police chanting for officers to get off their campus as police were there to monitor the event, which everyone was prepared to potentially turn sour as we have seen before. fortunately it did not. private and invite only. we were not allowed inside. it was described as a speech and question and answer. the university of tennessee tells us hinbach was not welcome from the start but the school permitted him to speak here on campus yesterday. this morning the university tells us it has no release or no comment regarding yesterday's anti-fascist, antipolice demonstration lehr on the campus of university of tennessee. back to you guys in new york. griff: all right, matt, thank you very much. rachel: thank you, finn. turning now to your headlines we now know what really happened during the nsa incident last week sparking gunfire and injuring an officer. passenger of that suv telling the a.p. that he turned the keys over to his 17-year-old friend after feeling drowsy. the teen apparently following a g.p.s. led him to the agency's gate. prompting a massive response and in turn causing him to panic and crash. no charges have been filed. all three people in the vehicle have been released. a private school will soon enforce drug testing using student's -- according to the columbus ledger enquirer drug testing will be voluntary for 8 through 12th graders. the publication saying the program will become mandatory the following years, testing students for 18 different drugs. the school saying in a statement the testing is to help the health and well-being of the students. i like this idea. drug test or they can't be in sports. movie goers get a rather unpleasant surprise when they went to see the new movie black panther but they ended up being the new 50 shades movie instead. [laughter] >> what are we doing? >> the packed theater in atlanta 10 minutes of 50 shades freed. the correct movie eventually played to everyone's delight. it's not clear how the mistake happened. black panther is smashing box office records and expected to eclipse $190 million this weekend. those are your headlines. todd: how bad do you feel for the parents in the audience have to explain a whole new thing to their kids following that movie. meantime gearing up for the great american race today. our own rick reichmuth live from daytona international speedway. griff: is he there with jamie little and race reporter mike joy. good morning, rick. >> good morning, guys. so we have been standing here for a little bit. i will tel tell you guys have been doing this for a while. 40 some years. 15, 20 some years. something like that. the enthusiasm you guys have for racing is contagious. 40-some years into this, you still love it as much as you did at the beginning it? >> it's all pent up. the most exciting race is this one and the exciting race. only major sport starts its season with biggest event. three months of anticipation building up to who will win the daytona 500. rick: between the two of you, you sit at the top of this entire course and watch everything. you can see everything. you are down at the race level with all of the drivers. what's the view like from up there? >> it's panoramic. and, thus, you have to concentrate closely on what's going on. maybe as much as a mile away over in turn 2 or turn 3. and unlike other sports, instead of one ball in play, there is 40 of them. rick: all of those 40 are just a number that you have to watch that car. that get a little bit more complicated. jamie, so you are down on the track and in the pits with everybody. when i watch, you have the best seat in the house. you are also a bit related to danica patrick in her last year. tell us what that is like for her and for you being so close to her. >> we say that race something a family. ironically danica patrick and i through family we are related. she is kind of like my sister-in-law. so today is a really special day. i know a lot of fans have followed danica's career from indycar and nascar the last five and a half years. today she is saying so long to nascar. it is a sad day for us and for the sport. it's going to be exciting. she is going to go out there and try to win it this is a great racetrack for her. all of the family is here. a lot of people with eyes on the number 7 today. rick: also new stouffers coming up. talk about what's next in nascar. >> gosh, there are so many great stories. this is our super bowl. we kick it off with our biggest race. there is a lot of changes, new drivers, new faces. bubba wallace in the one to watch. 43. driving for richard petty. now he is the full-time driver. it's his first daytona 500. i can't even imagine what he feels like, but from what we have seen, mike, he has a legitimate shot of winning this thing today. >> mike: he does. new chevrolet, three makes in the race, cheviy, ford and toyota. they all desperately want to win and they put millions in to getting ready for this day. chevy has a brand new body, the camaro, the ford, i think, has a little bit of aerodynamic peter a superiority. i will be surprised in one of those fusions doesn't win. rick: bubba wallace and richard petty are going to be on the show with me next hour. don't turn away from fox. we will be right back, jamie and rick, thank you fo mike thag with us. >> thanks. griff: my money is on kyle bush. we will see what happens. thanking adam schiff after saying the obama administration shares the blame for russian meddling. dr. sebastian gorka is here to react next. todd: how can we forget when nancy pelosi said this about tax cut bonuses. >> the bonuses that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they're giving to workers is so pathetic. todd: oh i bet she wishes you could take that back. congressman todd rokita unveiling a new bill to protect those crumbs as we go ahead. don't go anywhere. 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though that, in fairness, some of the responsibility is also attributed to the obama administration for not steab establishing a more forceful deterrent. it goes back to the korean hack of sony in which there was a minimal response. i think that others around the world watched that and determined that cyber is a cost-free intervention. griff: here to weigh in fox news central analyst and strategist dr. sebastian gorka. president trump has just tweeted something i would like to get your reaction to. president trump said finally little adam schiff the leaking monster of no control is now blaming the obama administration for russian meddling in the 2016 election. is he finally right about something. obama was president, knew of the threat, and did nothing. thank you, adam. dr. gorka, your reaction? >> look, i really don't want to talk about adam schiff. the guy is embarrassment. he leaks more than aive. his memos and attacks against the president are just absolutely shameful. look, a broken clock is right twice a day. the fact if there is any administration that has helped russia more than any other in american history it's president obama's, whether it was the re-set or practically doing nothing of the invasion of ukraine. this is a president who got in bed with our enemies. whether it was giving $150 billion to iran, whether it was doing nothing meaningful about north korea, everything the president has done, president trump, since the inauguration, has been bad for vladimir putin. we didn't have discussions in the white house about how we will be more flexible after the election. whether it's unleashing anwr, whether it's fracking, whether it's arming the ukrainians, this is a president who doesn't play nicely with our enemies. rachel: it's such a great point, sebastian, because, anyone has been frustrated by the russians it's been the donald trump agenda. what is interesting the further along we get in the trump administration. the worse the obama administration looks. >> yes. rachel: you brought up great points. his legacy has been unraveled which is probably why they are trying to bring up that you will russia stuff and change the subject. >> rachel, what is president obama's legacy? that he spied on american citizens illegally as we now know with regards to carter page? is it that he gave $150 billion to a regime in tehran that wants to destroy us and our best friends like israel? or is it the fact that he created obamacare, which was a disaster for most americans in terms of their deductibles, their premiums skyrocketing. there is no legacy for this administration. and now we're finds out just what they did to us behind the scenes with unmasking and everything else. so don't worry, the true story about what we suffered for the last 8 years it's finally going to come out. todd: dr. gorka, how many more facts does the mainstream media need before their narrative changes or is their narrative never going to change, their anti-trump view? >> i just saw "the washington post" tweet something yesterday after the indictment rolling out on friday. so we have spent millions, literally millions of taxpayer dollars, thousands of man hours under robert mueller and what's the result? nothing to do with the trump campaign. no proof of collusion between the campaign or the trump administration. and 13 people in russia who are never going to able to extradite any way are indicted. it's a bad snl skit. it's like monty python it's so absurd. let's get back to protecting america. protecting our children in our schools and finding out -- when we get warned about terrorists as was the case in san bernardino, in the boston bombing, in, look, let's just do something about it. griff: the shooting in florida, the shooting that happened in fort lauderdale that guy walked into the fbi office and said he was hearing voices. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, sebastian. remember when nancy pelosi said this about tax cut bonuses? >> the bonus that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers, it's so pathetic. rachel: congressman todd rokita is unveiling a new bill to protect those crumbs. and he joins us next live. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, 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our crumbs, as nancy pelosi says, let us keep all of them. rachel: have you been getting support on the hill for this. >> yeah. rachel: what do you expect the democrats, how they will vote on this bill? >> yeah, hi, rachel, we are getting a lot of -- it was a busy and tragic week in washington, d.c. but, you know, and unbelievably nancy pelosi doubled down by making the crumbs comment again. you know, rachel, this is a washington liberal attitude that they know how to run your life better than we do. and it's wrong. and so what the crumbs act does is says, you know what, nancy, and all you liberal washington elites, we're going to take our crumbs, we're going to get this done, and i think it's a simple bill. i think it's there is room for it in our agenda this year. rachel: is paul going to take it to the floor, speaker ryan? >> yeah, speaker. rachel: sorry. >> i don't know yet. i think the first step is to get co-sponsors so if the viewers would let their representatives know that they want them to sponsor the crumbs act. i think that would be a great start. todd: let's ask this question. nancy pelosi, have you gotten a chance to converse with her about the crumbs act? >> i thought i saw her give me a pretty good glare this week but that could be any week. i don't know if it had to deal with the crumbs act or not. president trump was right. this is the crooked hillary deplorables comment of 2018. todd: 100 percent. >> i'm calling on trump voters to use the crumbs act as a rallying cry to defeat washington liberals this year. rachel: right. a lot of people think that the republicans in congress haven't done enough to really toot their horns on the bonuses that are coming out but also the regulations that have really spurred this big, huge economic boom that we're seeing. >> yeah, i will tell you with regard to regulations that is a tax and we are doing a great job that the regulation boot off the neck of american businesses so that they can hire more people. your husband has done a great job at that and we are working on that. yeah, we are touting our horn. it's not showing in the polls perhaps but it's starting to. rachel: it's starting to. >> it will. every month that people get their paychecks and see that washington has taken less from them. todd: while we are using first names, todd, thanks so much. it's a great first name i'm strongly behind it. rachel: he approves. >> yeah. todd: after one school shooting the staff is doing more than just run, hide and fight. they are learning thousand shoot. the university president joining us live. rachel: and presidents' day is tomorrow. but according to joy reid, it will be a day without a real president. ♪ one hit wonder ♪ ve 30% at ... >> the white house claiming vindication over mueller's 37 page indictment. >> 13 russians indicted for trying to throw our elections into total disarray and chaos. >> this particular indictment is mostly good news for the president. this indictment does not deliver what a lot of the critics on the left were hoping for. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission the at say confirming that it failed the follow-up on a tip about the accused school shooter nikolas cruz. >> the president weighing in on the fbi comparing that the fbi missed all of the signals sent out by the florida school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks he will make safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> [applause] it's on the inside. what a finish. >> tyler reddick at the line. pulls it off. >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ todd: good morning, that's how country feels. rachel: that is how it feels. todd: i love it. growing up with country music and todd piro joins us and rachel is still on the show this morning, pour a cup of coffee. rachel: todd says they look like bait. griff: like fly fishing. todd: amazing stuff but we have a lot to get to here on an extremely busy weekend and extremely busy sunday morning and of course the president kicking it all off with his tweet and obviously the focus today really is on -- griff: that just one by the way. rachel: because yesterday 13 russians were indicted i'm sorry on friday, 13 russians indicted, three russian companies also indicted, but rod rosenstein saying listen, no collusion, he's the ag, saying no collusion and no impact on the election and the president is saying come on. they're laughing at us in russia griff: if it was the goal in russia to create disruption and chaos within the u.s. , then with all of the committee hearings, investigations and party hatred, they have succeed ed beyond their wildest dreams. they're laughing there i'm not going to say in case you have kids in the room, off in moscow, get smart america and boy does that statement just say it as simply as possible. rachel: right because if you were trying to if the goal was to create discordant create a situation where people start to not trust democracy or institutions, the democrats and the media have fallen hook, line and sinker, and until we end on all of the things the media is pushing the russians are winning griff: the president is pointing out the fact that americans are frustrated the way that this story is playing out. these indictments and another thing the president tweeted was the guy for facebook who was manipulated by the russians facebook being the biggest suck er. rachel: yes. griff: the president retweeting the ad guy rob goldman pointing this out here let me just show it to you right? this is facebook. the majority of the russian ads happened after the election, we shared that fact but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of trump in the election. another from goldman saying most of the coverage of russian meddling involved their attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 u.s. election. i have seen all of the russian a ds and i can say very definitively that swinging the election was not the main goal. it was otherwise, just simply throw our political system into chaos. rachel: by the way rob goldman now in the crosshairs of the resistance for saying the truth that these ads came out most of them after the election, had no impact and if you actually saw the ads, we've put a lot of them up yesterday on fox & friends they were laugh able. really silly kind of stuff. todd: if there's one takeaway i have over the course of the last 48 hours, it's this mainstream media narrative that the president does not acknowledge meddling. i want to play this sound bite for you right now this is jerry nadler, who has a horrific historical comparison and then we'll break it down here is jerry nadler, democrat congressman from new york. >> this is a very serious attack against the united states by hostile foreign power in attack against our election process, our entire governing process that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republican and the house for that matter refuse to do anything about protecting us from the attack. imagine if f f f fdr denied this in pearl harbor and didn't react rachel: this is so insane. he's saying i didn't cold you'd with them. griff: he literally said in the tweet we read two minutes ago he acknowledges the russian meddling in our democracy so this is offensive on two levels, let's take a step back thousands of people died on december 7, 1941 it is a horrific day in our history and changed the course of the world forever and to compare these two things -- todd: let's give it context here this isn't just a member of congress. this is the ranking member of the ranking democrat of the judiciary committee looking into the russian collusion story and the people that watch it believe it and so what the president is saying is that democrats are doing the job of the russians to cause chaos in our political system to further divide the partisan division that we have in this country and comments like that from congressman nadle r should be in my ovservation rightly criticized because he's speaking, there's aside from the absurd comparison which is reaching too far, considering the americans but this is a player in the process. this is a ranking democrat of the judiciary committee trying to in the president's opinion do the russians job. rachel: oh, he's signaling. if the democrats win the house in the next midterm election, this guy, congressman nadler, will be the head of the judiciary and he's signaling that he's going to initiate impeachment hearings i'm absolutely certain of that and it's really interesting too because you talk about the russians. what has trump done versus what the trump adminitration has done to frustrate the russians on the real geo-political aims or goals president trump is building up the military. president trump opening up anwar we are now major competitors in the oil market the russians, something that wasn't happening before he did that before he expanded fracking as well. we just killed 200 russian mercenaries in syria. we're absolutely pushing back on russian interest in syria so you can talk all you want about a few facebook ads that came out after the election but when you talk about russia as a geo-political there's only one administration, not the obama administration, the trump adminitration that's been doing the job against the russians. todd: great point and to that point i kind of think the democrats and the mainstream media want the president to become a hacker. the president' job literally is diplomacy. he's not sitting there at a computer trying to do counterterrorism on his computer that's the job of the cia and quite frankly we don't know what they're doing behind closed door s nor should we. that is called covert operation. it's the president's job to do diplomacy. lay off the guy, let him do his job. griff: tomorrow is president's day and this conversation of criticizing him is spreading also to another host, joy reed, who is writing, this is the headline a president's day without a real president. reed writes in her article that monday is president's day it will be the second consecutive such holiday without an american president. sure donald trump sits in the oval office when he's not golf ing. he lives in the white house at least in theory with his family but he is not the president of the united states. trump is as hollow a vessel as there has ever been in the white house. his rule lacks even a shred of moral authority. giant word salad of that attack. todd: word salad that's good. rachel: and it's the strategy of the luck right? as soon as he was elected by the way they wanted to impeach him before he even took office and then they said listen we're not going to normalize this president and we're going to do all this russia collusion stuff to try this and that's what this is about and you see that democrats are frustrated they were waiting for this mueller indictment to come down about indictment says that the president has been vindicated that there was no collusion between his campaign and the russians, and now, what are the democrats like joy reed going to do? they have nothing to run on so they go well he's not really a president because he don't have russia any more. todd: and this plays right into the hands of the russians because the democrats like joy r eid can't see past their trump derangement syndrome they can't see the truth or the fact so what is this doing, this is the undermining of democracy that the russians were trying to accomplish. rachel: and the american people aren't stupid they were never buying the russian collusion story the polls show that and also show that the american people are reacting very positively to the tax reform the deregulation that is really jump started this economy and that's what people care about. griff: we got one more hour to talk about it but first, rachel is giving you headlines. rachel: we'll turn to headlines and we begin with a fox news alert. 66 people killed including one child after an iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight. family members now awaiting more information from the airlines. flight 3704 was flying from tehran to yasuj. bad weather was reported in the area at the time of the crash. and, a case like this is made for the death penalty. that a bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying to confess teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. in the report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated the 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat, cutting himself and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmidt is live in florida in parkland, florida coming up. turning now to extreme weather. mother nature dumping seven and a half inches of snow in some parts of the northeast. the swift-moving system causing some problems for travelers both by ground and air with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or canceled this morning. but warmer weather is expected to melt away most of it by the end of the weekend and those are your headlines. griff: warm weather is very welcome. rachel: oh, yes. todd: i'm tired of winter. i'm done with it. griff: supreme court justice clarence thomas is exhausted by america's culture. >> today, we kind of just get worn down. at some point we're going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. griff: kevin jackson has met justice thomas and he is here to react just a ahead. todd: after the florida school shooting one university is training staff to do more than just run and hide. they're learning how to shoot. the university president joins us live, next. for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ griff: following last week's school massacre staff at one florida university are beginning to be trained to do more than just run, hide and fight. todd: several staff members now carry a concealed weapon to school giving them another method to keep their campus safe rachel: southeastern university president dr. kent ingal joins us now with more. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, thanks for your invitation. rachel: you're welcome. so you think that teachers should be carrying weapons? >> absolutely at the heart of this issue is to be committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students, faculty and staff and to engage in this helps us to create a layer of safety in terms of response, rapid response to hopefully reduce loss of life. griff: you know, dr. ingal, we spoke yesterday with two members of the football team talking about that hero coach, and coach feiss is also a security guard in his own right and i asked those students whether or not fe iss would have made a difference had he had a gun or been armed and the answer they said was 100%, so i ask you as you try and push for this, to be a florida standard operating procedure, do you anticipate you'll have the support to make it happen? >> i think so. when again you get to the heart of you're trying to save lives, we want to do everything we can to create that layer and when you think about faculty and staff being armed you have to realize they're highly trained. i mean they go through 100 hours of firearm safety and actual intentional training on how to confront a killer, and then you add on top of that 32 hours of deadly force training. i mean, they are ready to engage a killer should they walk on our campus and then they're sworn in by our sheriff to actually be a volunteer special deputy, so again, we create that layer of protection, that hopefully, will engage that killer as soon as possible. todd: dr. ingal, how do you respond to critics who say adding guns to a campus really does create a slippery slope. how do you respond to that? >> well, first of all we have to go back again to the argument that it's about saving lives and then it's about the training. we're not talking about a free for all, everyone having access to guns. we're talking about enforcement officers who know exactly how to engage that active shooter and that's why we created this particular layer. we entered a contractual relationship with the sheriff right after the sandy hook incident with intention that we would actually have sheriff officers on campus setting up a command post every single day to provide that protection for our students. rachel: so what kind of feedback are you getting from people with your idea? >> well its been overwhelmingly supportive, especially from parents. i'll tell you when parents walk on our campus and they bring their sons and daughters to check out our university, you actually, when we vq and a sessions, you can actually see the fear in their eyes, and these parents the number one question they're asking, what are you doing to make sure our children are going to be safe. our young people are going to be safe and when we are able to share with them about these layers of security and especially this program, you can start to see the fear kind of dissipate out of those eyes. they know we're doing everything we can to have an impact in reducing injury and loss of life. griff: dr. ingle, thank you very much. one quick last question is has your staff by and large indicated they want to carry gun s? >> they do. they have stepped up to the plate because they know how serious this issue is and again it's all about providing safety and security. todd: contract lingle, thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. griff: a campus protest against white nationalists turns into a rally against cops. >> [crowd chanting and cheering ] griff: kevin jackson has been talking to law enforcement across the country to get their side of the story coming up next whoooo. when it comes to travel, i sweat the details. late checkout... ...down-alternative pillows... ...and of course, price. tripadvisor helps you book a... ...hotel without breaking a sweat. because we now instantly... over 200 booking sites find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. griff: quick headlines e-mails by the washington post revealed top military leaders frustrations following hawaii's 38 minute long false missile threat in january. admiral harry harris the chief of u.s. specific command writes apparently they were getting ready to do a drill when the drill part was lost in translation. and facebook is planning to mail postcards to verify people wanting to purchase political ad s, it will contain a special code that advertisers must provide back to prove they live in the u.s. , the changes coming days after special counsel robert mueller's indictments for alleged roles in the disrupting 2016 presidential election. rachel? rachel: thanks, griff. in a rare public remark, justice clarence thomas weighing in on america's exhausting culture of victimhood. >> today, we kind of just get worn down. at some point we're going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. when i was a kid, there were tons of people who were in really bad circumstances. my grandfather would not let us be in that. you always have to play the hand you're dealt. if you're dealt a bad hand you tell have toeplate. griff: here to react kevin jackson. good to see you. why is victimhood to dangerous for our society. >> clarence thomas nails it. i was with justice thomas about three years ago and he's outlin ed it. we can't all be chip & dale dancers and victoria's secret models and you know the world is going to deal you a hand like he said and you've got to play that hand and what's interesting about this is that, you know, the left is constantly looking for a reason for people to feel bad when we should be encouraging our kids, and encouraging individuals anyway. i don't even understand this mentality, no matter whether you're at a job or your parents are telling you something people should be, should feel as if they can achieve, and what we've got is this culture that says no , no matter who you are, you can be looked at as a victim. colin kaepernick, a multi- millionaire black football player, half black, is a victim, and a victim of what? you know, so he's exactly right. america is sick of it. we're to the point of exhaustion because it doesn't matter whether you're a woman. there's augend r bias. if you're black there's a color bias. if you're latino, there's a country bias that we don't want you here from mexico, something there's always going to be a bias and people are tired of it. rachel: i think people are exhausted with the victimhood narrative and it goes hand in hand with the racist one as well and it's exhausting. listen, another topic that's coming up anti-white supremacy protesters attacking the police who were there to protect free speech and calling them names. >> yeah, so we've been going around the country we've got a movie coming out on september 7 called bleeding blue. you can see it at bleedingblue and you know what's really sad about what's going on around campuses is these are the people that are breaking up the various issues that occur so they're keeping groups separate. these are police officers who are human beings that are doing their jobs and you've got kids that are being taught that the good guys are the bad guys, and who do they protect? they protect people that come into this country to do us harm whether it's bringing drugs, whether it's human trafficking, and all these different things. they will stand up for those types of people and won't even protect the men and women in blue who go out every day and run into harms way to protect these clowns. it's amazing to me that we let them get away with it. todd: kevin when i saw this video a pair of questions was in my mind. it really comes down to this. are these people this stupid or is this really part of an agenda that no matter what the cops do they're going to be anti-cop, because again these cops were there to protect them. >> exactly. it's actually both. believe it or not i get asked this question a lot. are liberals, are they really this stupid and do they really believe what they're being told about police or whatever and the short answer is yes, they are, that stupid. they do believe it and it's being taught that the police are the bad guys but, you know, the thugs that are going around committing crimes they're the good guys and what's interesting about this particular protest is they are essentially treating the police as if they are white supremities or white nationalist or whatever because when you look at what this is all centered around it's centered around the lie of the black lives matter movement and the idea that cops are beating up black people in droves. that has been dispelled with every fiber of every statistical , you know, thing, dispells that myth yet we are still talking about it and people want to make that an issue. rachel: kevin they're calling cops fascists and pigs and dehumanizing them and i think there's a connection between what we see the deaths of police officers, you talk to cops all over the country what are they saying about this? >> i would tell you that they're de moralized to a degree but they really are not and quite honestly i've said the police officers around the country i wish that everybody that objects to who you guys are you could just disappear and let them fight it out. if the police didn't show up to this campus who knows what would happen. griff great point. >> these would be the people begging for police to come. you don't have to watch a whole lot of police shows to understand these are the guys that show up in the neighborhood consoling anybody but particularly black mothers and grandmothers and fathers in disproportion at numbers rachel: we just buried a police officer whose baby died, was born four days after his funeral , so we know there's a problem. thank you for joining us. griff: got to leave it there thank you so very much. trained by the into nra, the media running wild about this claim about the florida shooter but turns out shockingly it's incredibly misleading and we've got the facts for you. rachel: plus attorney general jeff sessions said he did that right thing and he said that to our own maria bartiromo and she's here with a preview of her exclusive interview next. >> ♪ i'm hooked on a feeling, i'm high on believing ♪ >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do i participated in this campaign, and it's such under the explicit regulations of the department of justice and no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. griff: once again the host of sunday morning futures maria bartiromo has brought us a huge interview with nunes last week this week it is attorney general jeff sessions there talking about recusing himself. maria: and there's so much debate about this. should he have recused himself now that we look back and we see the wrongdoing that was happening around the hillary clinton e-mail investigation and of course the fisa court abuses. look, he did recuse himself as you just heard he's defending that decision but he also said all of this wrongdoing we will get to the bottom of it. he mentioned the inspector general and how he is going to be relentless and tough and when there are felonies which we talked about because there already have been felonies by the way the leaking of classified information is a felony, and he said he's going to make sure to get to the bottom of it even though he has recuse himself. rachel: we asked corey lewandowski earlier in the show what he thought about your interview on this topic with sessions, so let's take a look at that. >> jeff did come out and travel with us but an active participant in the campaign might be a stretch other than him being a surrogate every now and then to say a few words about the president. i think attorney general jeff sessions should have disclosed he was going to recuse himself because look this mueller investigation has been all- consuming and cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and what we seen from rod rosenstein just this week was the trump campaign had nothing to do with it so let's let jeff get back to doing this job of being the attorney general. todd: maria do you also speak about the fbi the larger problems we were talking off the air about president trump's tweet that you've got an agency in disarray. maria: we did and he was very up front admitting there were obvious failures, the fbi and now we know that a month before the actual shooting took place that they did get this tip, so, you know, he seemed to understand the issues that people are upset about around the fbi and has committed to ensure that he will get to the bottom of it or rod rosenstein will get to the bottom of it and michael had so he said look we're going to be relentless and make sure justice was served i was very impressed with him and you know i've been among the more critical people saying where is he? he's mia. griff: maria i love asking about the markets but there are things more important than money and thank you for having me on your show this week from florida to talk about the events. maria: my heart was going out to you i saw it on your face when you were live all day in that place where there was so much upset and obvious tragedy so thank you for joining us. todd: just doing my job. maria: that must have been hard reporting. todd: one woman won teacher of the year and she has a facebook post going viral. i'll read it. this is kelly guthrie. she writes until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care for the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parent trent all support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at school and then she writes oh, no not my kid, what did you do to cause my kid to react that way, again a tongue and cheek line right there. lack of moral values and yes i'll say it violent video games that takeaway all sensitivity to any compassion for others lives as well as reality tv that makes it common place for people to constantly screen up in each other's faces and not value any other person but themselves. we will have a gun problem in school. our kids don't understand the permanence of death any more. parents it's time to step up and be the parent that actually gives a crap. be the annoying mom that knows what your kid is doing, stop being their friend. a lot to unpack. i'll give it up to you. maria: no i think this is becoming an increasing worry for the american people. people want to see what is being done in terms of mentally ill and that's why we're trying to understand why it has been so easy for someone mentally ill to obtain a gun. rachel: maria you talk to so many lawmakers and we saw in the case of the young disturbed man who shot up newtown a lot of parents with disturbed kids say i tried to commit my kid and i can't and there's not enough funds. something we've got to get to the bottom of like where do we put kids like this when they're troubled? maria: you're right and i think the president is also working on this. i don't know the answers to all of this but i do know that, you know, people are asking questions as far as mentally challenged getting their hands-on weapons and i mean this is something we really do need to be looking at more serious and i don't know the answer in terms of mentally challenged but obviously this has now become front and center and it looks like we are looking at some solutions or efforts. i don't know where this goes. griff: i'll tell you what's front and center is your show because not only do you have attorney general sessions you have house speaker paul ryan. maria: there's so much debate about whether or not the conservatives have lost all fiscal responsibility and restraint with this last spending plan so paul ryan actually really expressed me. he defended the plan and the need to help the military and they had to agree to a lot of things but i will say this. there's still a question about when we're going to get our arms around the entitlement. we understand and most people know that's where the growth in spending goes we need some kind of a reform package i wouldn't expect in an election year in 2018 but it is coming. rachel: something he said he wants to attack. griff: thank you very much. rachel: turning now to your headlines, by the nra, the mainstream media running wild with this claim about the florida school shooter seen here on the cover of the new york daily news and progressive outlet progress taking it one step further tweeting the nra donated $10,000 to help train the parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle. what the media didn't tell you is that the donation went to the junior rotc program, which nikolas cruz was a member of. they also failed to mention the quick thinking junior rotc cadet s who helped save dozens of students during that where we interviewed that kid he's a hero former president bill clinton ready to weigh in on an upcoming federal court decision to unseal records related to his monica le winsky scandal. his lawyers saying clinton wants to present his position about the possible release which would include grand jury subpoenas. the secret documents stemming from the independent counsel's probe have remained private since 1998. shocking video capturing a two year old tumbling on to subway tracks seconds before a train arrives, a student heroically jumping on the tracks lifting the child to safety at one of milan's most busy subway station s. the mother is thankful for his brave actions and the child miraculously not injured. and those are your headlines. griff: boy your heart just stops there. all right this football coach hailed a hero for saving student 's living during this school shooting and his players now honoring him the only way they know how by playing their hearts out on the field. rob schmidt shares their story, next. if you, like many people, are covered by both medicare and your state's medicaid, here's something important to know. now you could get even more health benefits than you already 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tragedy struck their school but yesterday, inspired by their hero coach aaron feiss, seven members of the football team honored their coach the only way they knew how by playing their hearts out on the field. griff: our own rob schmidt spoke to the team about this amazing event and the amazing legacy of their coach. rob? >> that's right guys good morning. he was their friend and assistant football coach aaron f eis, he died a hero throwing himself in front of the bullets trying to save kids inside this high school during that rampage on wednesday and yesterday, these kids got a chance to get back on the field. they had a decision to make the night before and they said we're going to do it because that's what coach feis would have wanted. >> coach feis would have been here today. >> he was everywhere we were. if we were somewhere he was there. >> not having him here, it looks like from what i saw you guys still played your hearts out on this field. >> i think that these guys knew that's what he would want, you know? he would want them to come out and like he would say ball out and give everything you have. not only just for ourselves but to support douglas high school and our whole community, we're not going to quit. we're not going to lay down. we're going to stay strong and we're going to keep doing what we do. >> how proud of of these kids are you? >> oh, my lord i can't tell you. it was had for them today to come out here. >> every one in this program is one, is a family and they came out here and made not only themselves proud but our school proud. >> coach feis, tell me something you loved about him? >> he was a great guy, he cared about everyone. i don't know, i'm honestly speechless about everything and in shock. >> we keep expecting him when we go back but he's not going to be there. this is my outlet right here. >> we have strong young men around us and we have to keep pushing and helping each each other out. eye i knew coach fei s, so i had to come here and support and i had to make it here for him so i came out here balls out. it's for him. how was it today? >> it was good doing what we love and he loved it too, so he would have wanted us to come out here. >> i feel like he's not really gone. he's more here with us in our heart. >> i kind of came out here was rethinking it and i was like i walked out on the field and i was like oh, this kind of hurts because i don't see my big man standing, because he was actually suppose supposed to come to this. if he could have told you to do this do you think he would have said get your butt on that field and go play. >> no question and if we even talked about us not going he would have been very very very upset. everybody loved him. he was probably one of the greatest men i've ever met and i'll keep saying that until the day i die that he's one of the greatest men i've ever met. i want to send prayers to the family of every single victim. that's coach hicxson, our athletic director. this is coach feis. >> that's was queen oliver. peter, alyssa, alaina, jamie, we have everybody all 17. >> they really are some great kids at the school and on this team and it was nice to see them to be able to get out there and play football and just forget about all of this for just a couple hours, they've been really through hell over the last few days and it's nice to get away from that. the quarterback's dad told me he said his son is going to go to more funerals in the next week than most people will go to in a lifetime so for him to get away from it all in a few hours and get back to normal things was really important and it's an important event and hopefully some will get scholarships so it was important for them to be there and coach feis would have wanted them there. rachel: he seems like the kind of coach you just dream your kid gets to play under. what a also to that community. >> it certainly is, but a great guy and you can just see how warm everybody is in this community. they all care about each other so much. this is just a really great neighborhood and a great place to raise kids and have a family. that's what makes this so tough even harder. it really is a special place. griff: rob great work to you and to the producer down there. rachel: thank you, rob. todd: coming up donald trump jr. meets the mets for a fishing trip, what? griff: so why is one player apologizing this morning, that's coming up next. todd: plus it's race day at daytona. start your engines, rick is gearing up for the great american race, with nascar legend richard petty and darryl wallace jr. , next. >> ♪ ♪ mercedes-benz glc with its high-tech cameras and radar, contemporary cockpit, 360 degree network of driver-assist technologies, and sporty performance, what's most impressive about the glc? all depends on your point of view. lease the glc300 for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. griff: quick headlines right now the u.s. men's hockey coach skips a handshake with russia's head coach after a 4-0 blowout. tony grenado seemed furious that russia's best players were left in the game very very late. despite that loss the u.s. claiming a silver in the men's skiing slopestyle that's our tenth medal, staying in sports, new york mets facing backlash for fishing with donald trump jr.. those words i never expected to go together. infielder phillip evans deleting the photo on instagram of a florida run-in and evans said he did not intend for a little fishing to be a political statement, don't really know how it is but that's where we are. rachel: and we're gearing up for daytona 500 today. griff: our very own rick richmuth is live from daytona international speedway and he's there with nascar legend richard petty and current driver darryl wallace jr.. rick? rick: good morning guys yeah the 2018 race season begins today with the biggest race of the year. i've got bubba wallace and richard petty. first of all richard petty thank you for being with us we'll start with richard because he's a legend here and we have a huge crowd how does it feel like to be the legend of this sport? >> it just means i've been here longer than anybody else that's basically what it means so makes you feel good that people do recognize you, especially the racetrack. rick: urls continuing to richard petty motorsports and you'd signed bubba wallace as your driver, what was it here about bubba you thought this is a guy who i want to be on my team? >> bubba drove three or four races for us last year and every race he ran in he got better and it really worked good with the crew and he could tell the crew what the car was doing and the last part of the year we decided to change drivers and look for different things and bubba was at the top of our list and was able to talk him into coming over to richard petty motorsports and seeing what we can do. rick: so this is your first year full year with him it's also your first daytona 500. are you nervous right now? >> no, no need to be nervous . i'm more nervous talking to you than to get ready to race. rick: no need to be nervous talking to me. do you feel like you have a chance in your rookie season? >> absolutely i feel like we've shown improvement starting 7th, everybody back in the shop at rp m has done a great job of building the cars the way we need it so we're excited about it. chevies are fast, the new cam camaro runs great and i think we've got a good shot, just keep a cool head stay out of harms way and make sure we're there at the end. rick: that's kind of the key to a lot of it. you know, there's a bit of a transition going on it's danica 's last year the current legends of the sport are towards the end are gone now. you're the future of the sport. there's a lot of pressure on your shoulder how do you feel about that? >> yeah, that's big. you know, to be kind of the younger generation, younger face the youth movement in the sport is pretty impactful to i think the whole sport and whole community so we're trying to do anything and everything we can. on and off the racetrack to bring this sport back where we want it and get this fan base back growing and just change it up get a new face out here. rick: well you're that face. you're still that face. thank you guys so much for being here good luck to you today and have a safe race. >> appreciate it. rick: guys back to you. todd: my god richard petty doesn't age. unreal i want his secret and good luck bubba. we'll be watching. griff: fantastic. great stuff. todd: rick, thank you more at fox & friends moments away don't go anywhere. >> ♪ ♪ ancestrydna is only $69. and now, with more than 150 ethnic regions to connect to...'s the perfect time to find out where your greatness comes from. save 30% at he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using. tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. >> our administration has been fully cooperating with the special counsel investigation and we will continue to. there's no question that russia sought to interfere perhaps with other countries in our electoral process. there's no suggestion that there was any impact on the outcome of the election, despite what these indictments suggest. griff: and you can catch the entire interview between vice president pence tomorrow on fox & friends. you don't want to miss it that's starting at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow and it's going to be fascinating to find out what else she has in there and of course, the headlines we reported on all day long was that trump president trump and the administration wasn't doing enough on russia. i bet you -- rachel: she's on the border so we'll hear more about daca and the big immigration push coming up as well so good interview. todd: as you might imagine another big week in politics ahead trust me this isn't going to be the week that nothing happens so make sure you stay with fox news channel throughout all of it we'll get you through it and let you know what you need to know. griff: if you can't sleep todd starting us off. todd: 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning griff: and rachel is taking off. rachel: bye, everyone. maria: good sunday morning, in just moments my exclusive one on one interview with attorney general jeff sessions coming up does he regret his recusal in the russia probe plus ken star breaking down the now indictments laid out by the justice department, and in another exclusive interview house speaker paul ryan defends his spending increases to support the military and good morning everyone thanks so much for being here i'm maria bartiromo welcome to sunday morning futures . this morning we will hear from attorney general jeff sessions and get his take on everything from the immigration battle alleged corruption at the top of the fbi and the missed clue in that deadly florida high school shooting spree. where did authorities go wrong plus a closer look at the new

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20180218

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part of a crime. you can't commit a crime or at least most crimes without the knowing part. say what you will about him. he has elevated himself to this position in the doj. he is not a bad attorney. he said not knowingly. rachel: i hope we can put up some of the crazy adds so stupid. facebook. the vice president of ads has said listen, based on the type of ads. more importantly when they were put up he doesn't think that the russians were trying to raskt the outcome of the tweet. griff: the president was pointing to these tweets. and this is what rob goldman, the head of ads for facebook says. the majority of the russian ad spend happened after the election. we shared that fact but a few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of trump and the election. very telling. he continues most of the russian meddle egg involves their affect. i have seen all of the russian ads. can i say very definitively that swaying the election was not the main goal. president trump retweeting these tweets saying hard to ignore what facebook's own ad guy is saying. >> except he is getting attacked. viciously by the way. for saying that. but, yeah. absolutely. if most of the ads were after the election. how the heck can you say that it was trying to sway the election? todd: there is a common theme that we are going to try to communicate over the course of the next four hours. it is the russians were trying to attack democracy. that needs to be your number one take away today. not that he was trying -- that russians were trying to put trump in the white house. it is clear that they were trying to attack democracy. and, folks, they still are. that's what the president is trying to point out, yet, the mainstream media tips to attack him andk off the process. this is an attack on democracy that we need to be village lengths about. the president realizes that i don't understand why the mainstream media doesn't. griff: we should apologize if we started your morning with. email us at and let us know what you think of it. rachel: we begin with a fox news alert. 66 people are dead after an iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight. airlines making announcement just a short time ago, flight 3704 was on its way to yasuj to tehran. bad weather was reported in the area. and more breaking news. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying the confessed teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. a new report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated the 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat, cutting himself and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmitt is live in park land, florida. and he will give us more details at 6:30. turning to extreme weather. mother nature just seeing 7 and a half inches of snow in the northeast. thswift moving system causing trouble by ground and air with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or canceled this morning. but warmer weather is expected to melt away most of the mess by the end of the weekend. the u.s.a. men's hockey coach is not a believer in miracles today. tony skipping a hand shake with russia's head coach after 4-0 blow out. he seemed furious that his russian counterpart left in his best players late in the game. despite that loss the u.s. claiming a silver in the men's skiing slope style. nic againer coming in clutch during his final run. the united states currently sitting in fifth place in the medal count with 10. norway leads with 25. and those are your headlines. todd: you don't do that thing where there is two minutes left in the game. power play. russia puts all its best players. especially in the spirit of the olympic games. that's a no-no. you don't do that. rachel: comment on that. griff: i just say go america. i haven't been watching it at all. we have to take the russians on. todd: protest against white nationalists somehow turns into a rally against cops. [chanting hey cops, hey fascists ♪ get the [bleep] off our campus] todd: that escalated quickly. democrats confident they are going to retake congress. not so fast. brand new poll numbers that may put dems on the edge. that's next ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way. ♪ todd: welcom griff: welcome back. nancy pelosi and the democrats seem confident they will retake congress in 2018. >> i think every poll now is double digit that people would vote for democrat over republican as, shall we say, inclined to support democrats. griff: not so fast, nancy. a recent 2018 generic ballot has voters preferring the g.o.p. over democrats 39% to 8%. what does this mean for 2018? here to break it down is john mclaughlin, john, tell me, the dems thought they had the advantage, now this poll changes things. >> the president's leadership. what's going on is 40% of the americans think the country is headed in the right direction. under obama we hit that number in the last term. the president number's going up his approval numbers in the 040s. americans think the economy is going to get better 56-32. that's thanks to president trump. the bad part that's holding us down is in our latest poll in february, we had mclaughlin the g.o.p. approval ratings only 37%. it's 58 disapprove. we got to get congress to vote. what's happening now is the democrats are being exposed. they complained about the president's state of the union, which, if you watched it, out of the 46 million people that watched it, 75% approved. but you had democrats sitting on their hands, couldn't even clap for policemen, marines. they basically walked out on the president. and they were exposed. they were exposed in the government shutdown. now we have got to get republican leadership in the house and senate to make them votes on things like work fair. even on term limits. make them vote on the things that the president is proposing. griff: you say that president trump has really been the factor, it's changed the advantage over to the republicans. let me ask you, mitch mcconnell, leader of the senate, saying that he expects the republicans to lose seats, the "new york times" headline wants you to believe that they could even lose the senate. >> we shouldn't, because i tell you what, and senator mcconnell when he ran senate campaign was very good at this. when we gained seats. i will tell you what, we only have 8 seats up out of the 34. the democrats are on the line and 10 of the democrats are running in seats in the senate. that donald trump carried those states. four of those states were carried double digits. so we ought to be able to gain seats like north dakota. missouri, indiana, west virginia. we're going to put the democrats. we have got to put them on defense. we have got to go after them and make them vote. senator mcconnell has to make those senators vote on popular issues so the voters can see what their choice is in november. we should not lose seats in the senate. the house will be tougher to hold, but we should be able to hold the house, too. griff: john, let's talk very quickly because we are almost out of time. independents in the latest poll 25% g.o.p. 26 democrat. 49% undecided. what do you make of the independents where they are right now. and is pelosi a factor that counts against the democrats in the independent column? >> well, there is two things. one is the mid terms we get a lower turnout. you only get between 80 and 90 people come out. democrats seem more fired up. we have to get the trump voters. when i was part of the trump campaign, president trump -- we got 9 million more voters in 2016 than 2012. he was the reason he brought them out. we have to get the trump voters back out. the second thing is the independents, we have got to turn them around. why it's so important senator mcconnell and leader ryan get the democrats to vote on things that independents agree with you us on. griff: you were a polster for president trump. where is he? >> where is he? griff: where is he on this? >> he is pushing his agenda on infrastructure. he's pushing his agenda on immigration. those are majority popular things. the house and senate need to vote on it. griff: silent trump voters in 2016, going to see them in 2018? >> if they get a choice to see their votes matter to get those passed they will be out. griff: thank you for your time. >> thanks, griff. griff: are you ready for the moment when an attack happens, a former mma fighter and green beret has a message for america. and a protest against white nationalists on campus somehow turns into a rally against cops. one student from that school is here next. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists ♪ get the [bleep] off our campus ♪ it's time for the 'ultimate sleep number event' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? right now during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed with adjustable comfort on both sides. plus 24-month financing. ends monday. visit for a store near you. we all want to know you know, the new, new thing. with xfinity's retail stores, you can now see the latest. want to test drive the latest devices? be our guest. want to save on mobile? just ask. want to demo the latest innovations and technology? do it here. come see how we're making things simple, easy, and awesome. plus come in today and ask about xfinity mobile, a new kind of network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. todd: 23 minutes after the hour now and sunday morning and headlines. iraq now revealing what they will do with 1500 wives and children of isis fighters after the defeat of the terror group. kids three and under will remain with their mothers in detention facilities, ages 4 to 14 will be in orphanages until they can be given to their home countries. and the u.s. navy not backing down patrols in the south china sea regardless of china's newly built islands in the region. lieutenant commander tim hawkins telling the associated press sailors will keep monitoring trade and security saying international law has allowed them to operate in those strategic waters for the past 70 years. rachel: protesters at the university of tennessee opposition to campus. quickly devolved into antipolice rhetoric. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus griff: why did they turn so quickly on those people there. correspondent for campus and student at the university of tennessee. what happened that really dissolved intdid i devolved ints quickly. >> thank you for having me. i do not agree with what this organization stands for. i do not agree with what matthew had to say. our chancellor at the university of tennessee in knoxville did an excellent job. she understood this group had a right to speak on a public university. however she took the measures necessary to bring in law enforcement officers to protect students as well as everyone on campus. griff: so election election ilexie, let me backup. he has been sympathetic to the views of adolf hitler and this group protesting obviously does not want that on their campus. what isn't clear is while the group was chanting and i watched all the video against an early part of the evening against nazis and fascists, it eventually turned into just a rally against cops who play no part in the story except for the fact that they are there to protect the group's first amendment rights. >> yes. so over at campus reform at leadership institute's campus reform, we have to deal with these cases a lot. we have to deal with left leaning students who don't understand why cops are on campus. cops are on campus to protect students because, unfortunately, we use phrases like white supremacy and neo nazi to describe people like this presidency who aren't white supremacists and who aren't nazis so students. the phrase is being watered down. so whenever an what white supremacist or nazi comes on campus we have to have law enforcement officers to protect students because they don't know what a white supremacist is. rachel: such an excellent point, lexie we are throwing that word around. it is getting diluted. a lot of students don't know what that is. we saw protesters were saying those terrible things about our cops who are there to protect us. what are they -- were they a small minority or were there other campus students there that were supporting the police officers while they were there protecting them? >> well, what you tend to see in a lot of media, what you tend to see on social media, on other news organizations are the students who are trying to protest this organization and who are trying to protest these cops now. so on campus, these are the stories that you are going to hear about mostly. you are going to hear about the students who talk about how cops -- these police officers are walking around on their campus in riot gear and appreciating students from stepping off the sidewalk. what they don't understand is wha law enforcement is doing that for their protection there are students upset that this organization was escorted into the building. but, in reality, that's for student protection. students are the top priority at that university. and, yes, this group is important because they are citizens and law enforcement is there to protect them as well. but students are getting upset that they had police officers on their campus in riot gear. in reality they needed that to protect everyone involved. griff: great point. >> we will see the officers and how the officers are protecting the nazis on campus. todd: talk about undermining your message. lexie thank you so much. that was amazing insight this morning and have a great day. attorney general jeff sessions speaking out about recusing himself from the doj russia probe. does he think he should have? that's coming up. rachel: plus a florida teacher posts about gun violence is going viral after the school shooting. her message that every parent should hear coming up. and the nx hybrid with a class beating 31 mpg combined estimate. lease the 2018 nx 300 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. teddy's a pitmaster. when it comes to playing with fire, nobody does it better. he's also a volunteer firefighter. 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alert right now. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor, trying the teen who killed 17 people in a florida high school. griff: now a new bombshell report reveals the state knew about the shooter's desire to buy a gun two years ago. rachel: rob schmitt is live in parkland with the new details. thanks for joining us. rob: good morning. and better look at this disturbed young man this morning and yet another missed warning sign in this case. and there have been quite a few at this point. in 2016 nikolas cruz posted a video on snapchat that showed him cutting himself and it also stated that he wanted to buy a gun at that point. it was the snapchat video that disturbed a lot of people and it got reported. the department of children and families actually investigated that video. they found cruz was actually receiving outpatient care from a mental hospital here in broward county and that hospital had deemed him stable enough at that time two years ago to not be an inpatient, to not be hospitalized there at that mental hospital. so we have that. also a local newspaper interviewed the family that took in this young man back in november after his mother died. the couple and their son took in nikolas cruz. they said that it was very clear he is depressed about the death of his mother. he was very lonely. he wanted a girlfriend and he had this arsenal of weapons when he moved into that home. this was a gun-owning family himself. they made him get a case and lock them up. his father thought he had the only key and as it turns out they did not. they have no clue why this young man did what he did. now, looking forward to the trial now, and how this is all going to be handled by the state and by prosecutors, the prosecutor has hinted at the death penalty saying, quote, this certainly is the type of case that the death penalty was designed for. this was highly calculated and premeditated people of 17 people and the attempted murder of everyone in that school. our office will announce our formal position at the appropriate time. cruz has said he would plead guilty if the death penalty is off the table. so, we will see how that turns out. coming up here in about an hour or so, we are going to have a look at some of these kids, great kids here at this school are trying to get back to life and they did so yesterday on the football field. they lost their assistant coach who died a hero this week. we are going to talk to them and show you that story. it's something nice to see. a bit uplifting after such a terrible week. guys, we will send it back to you. griff: all right. thanks, rob. boy that community is going to have a tough time getting back. rachel: absolutely. todd: there is a facebook post from a former teacher of the year. rachel: going viral. todd: this is kelly guthrie railly, until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care in the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parental support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at the school. not my kid, what did you do to cause my kid to react that way. lack of moral values and yes, i will say it violent video games that take away all sensitivity to any compassion for others' lives as well as reality tv that makes it commonplace for people to constantly scream up in others faces and not value any other person except theirselves we will have a gun problem in school. our kids don't understand the permanency of death anymore. parents, it's time to step up. be the parent that actually gives a crap. be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. stop being their friend. rachel: wow. no wonder this has gone viral. i think she has taken what so many parents -- and some teachers see every day. i hear that all the time from teachers that, you know, they are doing the parenting at the school. she also talks about, you know, that your bedroom is not your bedroom when you are a teenager. it belongs to your parents. some of these cases we have heard of starting with the first one in columbine that these kids were, you know, creating these bombs and keeping these weapons in their room. and i always wondered how did they do that? i go into my kids' room all the time to make sure they did their bed or their closet is not a mess. how do you keep weapons? there is a lack of parenting going on. of course, in this case, this kid was an orphan, he was sending signs in my opinion. he was screaming for help at all these different cases. griff: absolutely. as a parent and a reporter, i don't shield my children from the news. and, you know, what she is getting at is th the dee dee th. --our culture has taken on int. i have gone to my daughter's school a couple of times and talked about the current events and talked about the importance of recognizing that this is not okay. rachel: i like that she brought up video games. griff: i agree. rachel: there is desentisation. that mom in newtown tried to have her son committed. there are lots of different things we are missing. todd: on the video game front bring in a ball and book every now and again and get away from the video games. send us your emails at obviously this is a talker. we want to hear from you. rachel: absolutely. we got to get to some headlines. thousands of people grieving a police officer. people paying respects retelling stories of self alsoness for paul bauer who was gunned down on duty. he leaves behind a wife and their 13-year-old daughter. meanwhile in georgia, police cars lining the streets for miles honoring fallen locus grove officer chase maddox. he was shot and killed while backing up deputies serving a warrant. four days after maddox was killed his wife delivered the couple's second son. makes you really think about the campus report we just did with them calling police officers fascists. horrible. attorney general jeff sessions standing by his decision to recuse himself from the federal investigation into russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do. i participated in this campaign, and under explicit regulation of the department of justice, no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. rachel: sessions' comments coming in interview with fox maria embarrassment who joins us tmaria bartiromo who ts about that. state wrestling defend his title against girls. is he transitioning to a woman and uses test testosterone which give him advantage. thrust into the spotlight last year when they tried to keep him from competing. he says he wants to compete against boys but rules prevent him from doing so. movie goers get a rather unpleasant surprise when they went to see the new movie black panther. but they ended up bein seeing te new 50 shades movie instead. i would be mad about that. rachel: packed theater in atlanta losing it during the 50 shades freed. the movie played to everyone's delight. now clear how it happened. panther is smashing box office records expecting to eclipse $10 million this weekend. i actually want to go see that one. i don't like the 50 shades movie. i would be mad. griff: i met. what a super star really nice guy. i can't wait to see this movie. i want to say one quick thing. your news week started with those officers. 10 officers now just in february have been killed in gunfire and this is a culture is troubling as we start 2018. rachel: absolutely. griff: trump administration claims the obama administration claims. >> some is attributed to the obama administration for not establishing a more forceful deterrent. griff: is he right? we will ask dennis coul kucinich next. todd: do not go anywhere. "fox & friends" continues. to most people, i look like most people. but on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i'm glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. for some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. and improves function. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family. talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. todd: 44 minutes after the hour now and quick headlines, philadelphia's district attorney is dropping 51 drug charges while decriminalizing marijuana possession. larry says it will free up resources for more serious crimes. but will still prosecute drug dealers. he just recently filed a lawsuit against opioid manufacturers while the city considers adding a safe injection site for drug users. and some kentucky lawmakers hoping to weed out people who don't work. proposing a new bill cut unemployment person's benefits. kentucky became the first state to add work requirement for collecting medicaid benefits. griff and rachel, down to you. griff: thanks, todd. one democrat is partially blaming the obama administration for russian meddling in the 2016 election. >> i do think though that in fairness, some of the responsibility is also attributed to the obama administration for not establishing a more forceful deterrent. i think it depose back to the korean hack of sony in which there was a minimal response. i think that others around the world watched that and determined that cyber is a cost-free intervention. rachel: is this true or just another excuse as to why democrats lost the election? former democrat ohio congressman and current candidate for ohio governor dennis kucinich joins us now. welcome, congressman. >> good morning. rachel: good morning. so a lot of people -- i know you are a democrat. a lot of republicans look at this and say hey, look, the democrats under obama didn't really seem to care about the russians until hillary lost. what do you say to that? >> well, i think it's wrong to blame president obama. he fully supported hillary clinton. and, let's face it, his legacy is at risk with president trump. but you have to remember it was 11 days before the election when the fbi director comey made an announcement that seemed to implicate hillary clinton in some activity that could be defined as criminal. that changed the outcome. that's why hillary clinton lost. the administration was monitoring russian activity. but you can't blame president obama. this is all about comey. if you take comey out of the equation, hillary clinton wins the electio. griff: let me push back on that. allegations did not effect the outcome of the election but yet started in 2014, congressman. so, you know, when we hear the headlines all day long today that president trump isn't doing enough with sanctions on russia with leading on efforts to block what happened with facebook and elsewhere, doesn't it go back to president obama, not taking a tough enough stance? >> well, again, you are talking about the outcome of an election here there were polls that were taken that measurably changed after fbi director comey had his announcement in which he seemed to finger hillary clinton. and it brought everything back up again about the emails. that changed the outcome. griff: congressman, we are not talking about the outcome. we are talking about what the president is pointing to in tweets today the ad guy for facebook saying this is about causing chaos in our political system. democrats, republicans, otherwise. not the outcome. and so the proposition that obama couldn't have done more with his not only fbi but cia, dni and elsewhere didn't do enough, didn't start that tough enough stand on russia when he was trying to do the re-set. >> well, i think you have to realize the obama administration was monitoring it. and now with the muriel the muer indictments that have come up recently, they are fingering russian involvement, at least russian nationals and we will see how the trial goes. but the whole thing about blaming president obama is filtering in to a narrative that somehow he didn't do enough to support hillary clinton. and the fact of the matter is, he put it all on the line for her. rachel: i'm not hearing that the problem is that he didn't support hillary clinton. i think you just pointed out he was monitoring the problem. i think what americans are asking if russia was such a big problem in this election and we know that it happened in 2014 under president obama, why didn't he actually do something about it versus just monitoring it? >> well, again, let's sort this out. president trump had nothing to do with this outcome. it was about comey and president obama was on top of it and he didn't say anything. i think he is going to have account for that the fact of the matter is, in the end, the election was decided on the basis of what comey did, not on anything else. rachel: let's take a look at what jerry nadler, a democrat from new york said just yesterday on msnbc. >> this is a very serious attack against the united states by hostile foreign power and attack against our election process, our entire governing process. that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republicans in the house for that matter refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from the attack. imagine if fdr had denied that the japanese attacked us at pearl harbor and didn't react? that's the equivalent. griff: congressman, more than 2,000 people died in pearl harbor, americans that is. what do you make of your former colleague's comments. >> i respect jerry nadler, i reject his analogy. i want to say it was about comey, the outcome of the election was tilted by fbi director comey. that's why hillary clinton lost. griff: all right, congressman. good luck in that race for governor out there. we look forward to following it and hearing more from you. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, congressman. griff: all right. presidents' day is tomorrow. according to joy reid, it will be a day without a real president. the new comment sparking outrage. that's coming up. earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and earn fifty thousand bonus miles after you spend three thousand dollars on purchases in the first three months from account opening plus, zero-dollar intro annual fee for the first year, then ninety-five dollars. learn more at rachel: a presiden presidents' y without a real president. monday is presidents' day and second consecutive such holiday without an american president. by the way this is according to joy reid. this is not me saying. this. griff: this is joy reid. >> he sits in the oval office when is he not golfing. he lives in the white house with his family. is he not the president of the united states. trump is a hollow vessel has there has ever been in the white house. his rule lacks even a shred of moral authority. happy presidents' day. todd: the mainstream media needs to start. this how did we start the show with how russia is attacking the democratic ideals of this country. this is playing right into the russian's hands. exactly what they want. rachel: couldn't agree more. the president isn't saying there is no russian involvement. he is just saying i didn't collude with them. griff: you know, in the larger context of things, we have as the president is pointing out the fbi struggling to get back on track with many problems. that subdenial. so comments like these with respect to ms. reid and her opinion doesn't help what is a very pressing problem in america. if you have a problem with president trump's immigration plan, with his tax reform, with something like that, then attack the policy but just an ad hominem attack against the guy. rachel: this is their strategy from the very beginning the resistance says we are not going to normalize him and accept this presidency. that's why they ran with this whole russia ridiculous story line for over a year. joy may not think he is the president. go ask people in middle america who are doing a lot better economically than they ever did under the obama administration whether they like this president. we just did that story did you earlier was so good on explaining how the numbers bumped up when the republicans deliver on policies. the american people respond. that was led by president donald trump. todd: we have a big show coming up next three hours. vice president mike pence coming under fire for his faith. just the latest victim of what's being called christian shaming. how can it be stopped? we will discuss that next hour. plus corey lewandowski, john radcliff and sebastian gorka all coming up. ♪ sometimes you need an expert. i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. 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throw our election into chaos two. groups created chaos more than the russians. that's the democrats and the mainstream media. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission. the agency confirming that it failed to follow up on the tip of the accused florida school shooter nikolas cruz. griff: very sad that the fbi missed all of the signals sent out by the florida's school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks, he will make safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> to the inside, it's elliott sadler, a photo finish. tyler reddick is going to edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. ♪ ♪ turn it up loud. todd: live look at the empire state building in no. new york city is none of our hometowns but it is the home town of "fox & friends" on the weekend. we're glad to have you in here, griff jenkins, rachel campos duffy and todd piro. rachel: welcome. i had griff yesterday. griff: we were hanging in and days of thunder. did you see that nascar. it's going to be very interesting. we have rick reichmuth down there a little bit later. rachel: we do. griff: rev your engines, it's time to go. stay in bed if you. get your cup of coffee because we have got a lot to get to. todd: the president tweeting on some major issues, obviously the shooting in florida, but, also, the information that came out from rod rosen sometime and the justice department on the russia case. let's go to florida first. he tweeted very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter. this is not acceptable, they are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the trump campaign. there is no collusion. get back to the basics and make us all proud. and, again, president trump has this uncanny way of saying exactly what the american people are thinking. we have a situation where the top levels of the fbi have been distracted for a number of months, maybe even a number of years. i am not going to make the exact connection because there is a lot of layers involved. but, the fact of the matter is, the fbi missed a lot of signs that could have saved 17 lives. rachel: right. leadership matters. you have the leadership of the fbi distracted, trying to, you know, go follow this trail of russia collusion which, by the way, the indictment now says no russia collusion. this is why the president is frustrated. we wasted a year on this. a lot of people are at home going why is the lead investigator at the fbi texting with his girlfriend about how to get an insurance policy to disrupt the election of a duly elected president when we have clear problems in this assistance of the fbi. we had a clear, credible tip to the fbi from somebody who knew nikolas cruz and it was not passed on and, boy, there were tragic, tragic reactions. if you are a parent, you andrandi are both parents. how angry about that. griff: todd has a good point the president's uncanny ability to talk about what the americans care about. this tweet, basically point to an agency in crisis. rachel: yeah. griff: whether it's missing tips that could have saved lice or whether it is a political bias at the highest level of leadership within the organization, meddling in our election. if you will, if you look at the agent strzok and page. rachel: of course. griff griff todd covered that live during the week. at the end of the day a lot of americans trust in law enforcement in this country and the fbi and their ability to do their fundamental job of protecting us has been eroded. and the president is pointing to it's time to begin to get that back. rachel: he is also saying look, the russia collusion, what came out in the indictment, this stuff started back in 2014. there was a russian company that was sort of overseeing all this disinformation. back in 2014. todd: let's get to this. the president tweets: funny how the fake news media doesn't want to say that the russian group was formed in 2014, like rachel said, long before my run for president. maybe they knew i was going to run even though i didn't. that is a huge point. let's go back to 2012, in fact. remember when mitt romney said, you know, russia is a major, major concern and president obama said the 1980s want their foreign policy back. that shows an underlying failure during the obama administration to take russian meddling, let's call it what it is, meddling seriously. consequences are being seen right there. rachel: when you see a new york headline like, this can you see. trump's silence leaves trump without a leader. i have to say that's so frustrating. just because you say you are not colluding with the russians doesn't mean you are not aware of what they tried to do. by the way, donald trump is doing much more. he is building up the military. things that frustrate the russians. we are now actual competitors in the oil market that the russians used to dominate. i mean, donald trump, president donald trump is doing more than obama did to frustrate the russians on real issues. griff: right. you and i just talking to congressman kucinich in the last hour about the obama administration had a chance in 2014. they failed to do it. they were too busy working on the rye re-set. the white house did put out a statement despite the frustration with the media put out a statement. we had on hogan gidley deputy white house press secretary weighing in on why americans should be frustrated take away from these indictments. here is what hogan said. >> i will just say this, there are two groups that have created chaos more than the russians. that's the democrats and the mainstream media who continue to push this lie on the american people for more than a year. and quite frankly, americans should be outraged by that. rachel: he said that by the way yesterday on our show. he has been getting attacked by the media, obviously, for this. but he makes such a great point. i don't think the russians that you saw the russian ads. they are pretty silly. they were not on one side or the other. their purse was really just to create discord and dissension and division in america and the people that have ran with that and have actually realized this for them because the amount of money they spent wasn't enough to do that was the democrats and their partners in the media. you saw just when we just covered right now with joy reid saying he is not our president. not wanting to normalize him. resisting. and that is what's causing the division and the russians have capitalized on that. todd: great point. to all this media of attacking trump. we are going to come back to a theme that we have so far. we will continue for the next three hours. stay in your lane, do your job. it is the president of the united states' job to focus on foreign diplomacy. it's the cia and our cyber warriors' job to worry about this russian meddling. they need to do our job so our democracy isn't impaired. imimperilled. it's the president's job for safety. when they attack him on his tweets with regard to russia, it undermines it, does exactly what russia wants. griff: you know, the headline, the news analysis in the "new york times" basically trump quiet in a u.s. war on meddling. we will see. we talked to hogan as well that said the president is considering everything on the table. you know, rachel, you mentioned joy reid. let's set that up a little bit for those that may be just joining us. and that is the fact that she said after all the context trying to give and president trying to weigh in on the agency in crisis that simply ad hominem attack he is just not our president because i hate him. rachel: we had information about anti-supremacy protester. this university had alt right supremacy group, white supremacy group on campus. the leader of the university said listen, they have a right to speak. we may not approve of what they have to say and they brought the cops on to protect the students, they wanted to protect their students. and this is what some of the students on campus were chanting after the cops were on campus to do this. so here maybe can you hear what they are saying. saying. [chanting] hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. rachel: police officers protecting free speech, this is their response. griff: person speaking there is alt right leader with tendencies toward adolf hitler. rachel: that guy. griff: they don't want him there. we reached out to the university of tennessee for a statement. at the end of the day, i have covered so many of the antifa and alt right rallies. the cops are getting really bad deal here because they are there to protect what spiraled out of control between passions running hot and this is a bit embarrassing for the students in my opinion. my informed opinion because, you know, those drop cops could get hit in the face with a rock. these clashes can go quickly to violence. we have seen california and elsewhere and yet, you know, protesting the speaker is one thing, to just lump cops in unfair. rachel: unfair and especially as we see all the police officers that have died in the last few months astounding. todd: 2018. the year has just started. rachel: we turn to headlines and begin with a fox news alert. 66 people are dead after iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight in yasuj. surveying the crash site. flight was on way to yasuj from tehran. bad weather was reported in the area and more breaking news. a case like this is made for the death penalty. that bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying the confessed teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. a new report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat cutting himself. and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmitt is live in park land, florida coming up. turning now to extreme weather. mother nature dumping 7 and a half inches of snow in some parts of the northeast. the swift moving system causing some problem for travelers both by ground and by air. with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or cancelled this morning. but warmer weather, good, is expected to melt away most of the mess by the end of the week. nascar fans rejoice the daytona 500 is just hours away. it's today's race. it's not like anything like yesterday's x finity race. >> edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. rachel: the photo finish, the closest reyes in the series history. the margin of victory officially listed as 0/100ths of a second. coverage begins today on 2:30 eastern time. rick reichmuth will join us live on the tracks with a preview coming up. he has the good gig today. griff: that guy threw the hammer. he learned that in the tom cruise movie. todd: adam has been ripping the president for weeks and looks like is he getting rewarded for it. >> tax reform and the bonuses that followed. >> the bonus that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers is so pathetic. griff: but the numbers show their message isn't working and charles payne is in the house and he has the numbers to prove it charles, good morning, sir. ♪ don't bring me down the more you know the the commute is worth, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. you and that john deere tractor... so versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. nothing runs like a deere. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis was intense. my mom's pain from i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us which is kinda, a lot. and if that pain could mean something worse. joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop further damage enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have 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largely due to growing support for, you guessed it, the tax reform bill. rachel: here to weigh in the host of making money with charles payne on the fox business network is charles payne. so, what do you make of it? i mean, the democrats said this was going to be armageddon. they said this was crumbs. the american people are like i don't know. and then all of a sudden the results of this tax reform has come on really fast. >> it's really not even a scientific theory. back in december tax cuts are more popular than tax hikes. in other words, we wanted less money in our paychecks. are you kidding me? this was what they were talking about. now ar got these companies every single day and a thousand, 2,000. to goes further than that here is where democrats really have a lot of problems. a lot of things on their so-called agenda, paid maternity leave, paid sick leave. a lot of these companies have done that they are stepping up and doing that because now instead of paying 30% more in taxes they are paying 19% some of these guys. todd: when we go out to diners and interview people one of the lines i have love hearing i have never gotten a job from a poor person. i find that interesting. when you are in there talking on air and off air with the ceos, heads of business. what are they telling you? >> they are excited to be able to get back to their core competency and core knitting. there is this famous citizens united business people. they are not people but living organisms. they all want to grow and if they can grow larger, stronger, bigger. they weren't able to do that for eight years. they hunkered down and hung in there they were in survival mode. america has gone back to growth mode and we are all getting the benefits of that big time. let me tell you guys real quick. friday, the university of michigan came out with consumer sentiment number. a gem in there that was amazing. approval, favorable approval of government policies at the highest level in half a century. rachel: that's amazing. >> people are thrilled about what's going on. rachel: europe is looking at what we are doing. canada is looking at what we are doing. i talked to maria bartiromo, she said heads of companies she met, the billionaries were saying we need to talk to our leaders in our country about that. we were on a path of socialism under obama. i really think that under reported story is that president trump is bringing capitalism back and showing a new generation of kids a different way of doing it there can be results. >> i think you are spot on. two years ago we hit all time low for entrepreneurship. watch entrepreneurship improve. house formation improve. when came to america and the went back to america. everyone over there thinks they can be rich. they're nuts. guess what, we're nuts. 700 points on the dow we are not doing too bad. rachel: thank you, charles. todd: vice president pence coming under fire for his faith. >> it's one thing to talk to jesus. it'sner thing when jesus talk to us. that's called mental illness if i'm not correct. hearing voices. todd: mike pence is knot the only one, tim tebow, tony dunningying also victims of what's being called christian shaming. so, how can it be stopped? we'll discuss that next. rachel: plus corey lewandowski is here live coming up. ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: welcome back. quick headlines for you. house speaker paul ryan meeting president trump at mar-a-lago estate to talk about this year's legislative priorities. a couple of topics they will reportedly discuss immigration and gun control in a tightly contested congressional race heating up this week in a critical swing state, all eyes on pennsylvania as republican rick sar cone and democratic lamb square off in first debate tomorrow ahead of the march 13th special election. recent polling shows trump-backed state representative saccone has a narrow lead in the race. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. are christians being shamed over their faith? last week "the view" co-host joy behar mocked vice president mike pence over his beliefs. >> it's one thing to talk to jesus. it's another thing when jesus talks to you. that's called mental illness if i'm not correct. hearing voices. rachel: former nfl coach tony dungy experienced similar attacks for commending eagle's quarterback nic foley's faith. one critic quoting unbelievable you would use your employer at ntsb sports to spout this nonsense on the air. so, how can this christian shaming be stopped? here to weigh in a member of president trump's evangelical advisory board and president of the company johnny moore. welcome to "fox & friends." thanks for joining us. what can we do about this. >> thanks, rachel. rachel: -- christian shaming? >> first of all, we need to call it what it is bigotry plain and simple. that's what this is. and when i heard joy behar's comments, i mean, my jaw was on the ground. i mean, does she think people like william booth who founded the salvation army or bob pierce who founded world vision or martin luther king jr. who is inspired and sustained by his faith. john paul ii. billy graham. the list goes on and on and on. are all these people mentally ill because they were inspired by their faith, they prayed and they made a difference in the world? i mean, this is incomprehensivisincomprehensible can't let it pass by. rachel: john any, do you think -- why do you think christians are being singled out. >> there would have been an apology by the end of the program. everyone would have been screaming islamaphobia. by the way they should, in the united states of america it's unamerican thing to shame people for their religion. i mean, the first clause of the first sentence of our first amendment is all about religious freedom. for some strange reason there definite solid a double standard. it centers right in the middle of the media in this country. and, again, it's unamerican. i mean, you know, harvard, yale, six of the nine original colleges in this country where most of these people are educated. i mean, these were institutions founded in the afteaftermath of great awakening. we are proud and need to keep raising our voices. rachel: tim tebow faced christian shaming for what he would do on the field kneeling and praying and writing bible scripture quotes. what do you make of that? >> well, listen, it's foolishness, it disregards america. it's unamerican. you know, this is not in the hearts of our d.n.a. as american citizens. it's uneducated. it's all these other things. i have got to tell from you an nfl perspective or abc perspective or the media across the board, it's also bad business. there was a report that came out earlier this year that the religious community in the united states contributes $1.2 trillion to the american economy every single year. and so, you look, you wonder why the box offices are off and ratings are down and no one cares about award shows anymore. the fact is this bigotry that we're seeing get a free pass in the media, the likes of which joy behar said, it's not only an immoral thing to do and for sure it is, it's also bad business. and in america, i mean, if we raise our voice and if we raise our voice by the millions. not that we should have to. abc ought to apologize. i'm still listening. where is the apology? rachel: it's not coming. >> if they don't we can't let up. we need to keep the pressure on. rachel: it's also bad politics. they lost the heartland and middle america. it's certainly not a great strategy for all they say they want to win those people back. anyway, thank you, johnnie for insight on that, i really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. rachel: the president blasting the president's narrative on russian meddling ignoring key details like the fact that the russians started before he announced his run for presidency. does he have a point? we will can corey lewandowski next. he has set slopes on fire. created explosions on the [applause] and caused a boom so loud the police showed up. well, steve spangler is back. and wait until you see what tricks he has up his sleeve this time ♪ ♪ i'm radioactive ♪ radioactive ♪ - [narrator] imagine a shirt that actually makes you feel better. introducing tommie copper's all new shoulder centric posture shirt. they're biggest breakthrough yet. advanced engineering promotes healthy posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. visit to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. they have you covered from head to toe. go to right now and find out how you can save 25% on your first purchase, plus first shipping. life hurts, feel better. plus first shipping. successful people have onthey read more.on. how do they find the time? with audible. audible has the world's largest selection of audiobooks. books like peak performance... and endurance. books that energize and 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the special counsel investigation has netted 13 russians trying to meddle in our politics. so we are bringing in corey lewandowski, former trump campaign manager and co-author of let trump be trump. good morning, corey. i want to get you right to this president's tweet. he has been very active on twitter. this one in particular showing the president's frustration with the media. he says funny how the fake news media doesn't want to say that the russian group was formed in 2014, long before my run for president. maybe they knew i was going to run even though i didn't know. what do you think, corey? does the president have a point here? >> well, the president has a very important point. the point is that the previous administration, the obama administration under jim comey's lack of leadership at the fbi should have been doing something about this because if they were informed back in may of 2014 -- now, don't forget, donald trump came down that beautiful escalator in june of 2015, so, 13 months later, but what we now know, according to the indictment from rod rosenstein with a was after 13 months to donald trump even getting into the race, the russians were trying to do something to materially change the outcome of our election. where is the accountability from james comey and barack obama's administration that they should have been doing something about this? rachel: corey, i have another question for you. very early on, since the beginning of the muriel investigation. the democrats have been saying oh, donald trump is going to fire him. donald trump is going to interfere with this investigation. he is kind of held back, even though there were lots of democrats -- disproportionate number of democrats on muriel's team. now rosenstein comes out with these indictments and he says no collusion. no impact on the election. and the democrats and the media won't let donald trump feel vindicated, which i think he should from the results of this indictment i have to remember from the very beginning and i was there at the beginning of the campaign even before we officially launched the campaign, there was no collusion, there was no cooperation and coordination between us and any russians that we ever knew of. we didn't speak to any russians or anybody else for that matter. what this is a clear vinny devindication for the president and our team that said we didn't have anything to do with this. but the mainstream media doesn't want to give him the credit that he won fair and square. look, michael goodwin has a piece today in the "new york post" that talks about it. this shows donald trump won the election fair and square. the only reason why hillary clinton lost she was a terrible candidate. and what we know is one thing unequivocally, hillary clinton's campaign took $5 million, bought a false dossier to try and actually impact the outcome of this election and she's the one who attempted to collude or coordinate with the russians. not the trump campaign. her campaign is the one that needs to be held accountable. todd: corey, we have a big interview coming up on the news channel in about two and a half hours. maria bartiromo sits down with the attorney general jeff sessions. he comments on whether he regrets recusing himself. we will get your opinion first. let's take a listen to part of that interview. >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do. i participated in this campaign. and as such under explicit regulation the department of justice, no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. todd: jeff sessions thinks he did the right thing by recusing himself in the russia investigation. do you? >> i think jeff sessions, general sessions is a great man. and the work is he doing on ms-13 to disseminate them is important. with that being said, he owed the president an explanation prior to accepting the position of attorney general that he is going to recuse himself. if he had that conversation with the president, and the president chose to still move his nomination forward, that's one thing. i think where the president has been disappointed and what he said publicly is, he didn't know that jeff sessions was going to recuse himself. look, i was there for the campaign for a lot of it. jeff did come out and travel with us. but an active participant in the campaign might be a stretch other than being a surrogate every now and then to say a few words about the president. rachel: reince priebus just recently in an interview that he did said he had talked jeff sessions into not quitting his job. at one point he was going to leave. he was going to quit. he talked him into it. do you think he should have talked him into staying or do you think we would be better off right now with a different a.g. because i know among republicans there has been disappointment with him. >> i think there has been some disappointment. at the end of the day, the attorney general reports to the president of the united states and as long as president trump is happy with the work that jeff sessions is doing and continues to do at the justice department. rachel: what do you think, corey? what do you think? >> well, look, i think attorney general sessions should have disclosed to the fact that he was going to recuse himself. look, this mueller investigation has been all consuming, it's cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. what we have seen from rod rosenstein just this week is that the trump campaign had nothing to do with it. i think we need to end this investigation to prove there was no collusion no cooperation, between trump's campaign and the russians at all. let's end the investigation. let's let jeff get back to doing his job of being the attorney general. griff: corey, the investigation is ongoing as we heard from rosenstein, so we shall see what happens in the coming days and weeks. rachel: we will see if they go after the dossier collusion there as well. thank you, corey for joining us this morning. >> i appreciate it. thank you. rachel: turning now to your headlines, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell thinks president trump should back mitt romney's senate run. mcconnell telling the "new york times" the g.o.p. does not want to risk losing the utah seat. the white house wanted senator orrin hatch to seek annual eighth term to block romney's path before retiring fearing another presidential run. romney says is he willing to challenge the president. in rare public remarks, supreme court justice clarence thomas weighing in on america's exhausting culture of victim hood. >> i just get worn down. at some point we are going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. you always have to play the hand you are dealt. if you are dealt the bad hand, you still have to play it. rachel: as a minority, i can relate to that thomas crediting his grandfather for teaching him to never play the victim. that's what my mom taught me, too. from calling out the vice president to calling the olympics to ntsb openly gay u.s.a. medalist has been added as a network correspondent. he gained fame attacking vice president mike pence, accusing him as having anti-gay agenda. pence refuted the claim sharing kind words on twitter that rippon rejected. todd: ntsb loves to get a reaction. a florida teacher's post about gun violence is going viral after the school shooting. she says parents need to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. we have a parenting panel here to react next hour. griff: we have been telling you about mueller's indictment against russian nationals. does this mean clinton's can be indicted for dossier? we will ask congressman john ratcliff coming up. ♪ ♪ playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is 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come out and, like he would say ball out and give everything you had. not only just for ourselves but to support douglas high school. and our whole community. we are not going to quit. we're not going to lay down. we're going to stay strong and we are going to keep doing what we do. rob: how proud o are you of these kids? >> oh my lord, i can't even tell you how proud of these kids i am. it's hard for them to come out here. everyone in this program is one as a family. they came out here and made not only themselves proud but our school proud. rob: coach feis, tell me something you loved about him. >> he was just a great guy. he cared about everyone and everything. i don't know, i'm honestly just speechless about everything. shocked. >> expecting him when i go back but he is not going to be there. this is my outlet right here. >> we have strong young men around us. we have to keep pushing and helping each other out. >> i know coach feis wanted me to come out here. i had to come out here to support and make him. i come ball out. it was for him. rob: how was it today. >> it was good doing what we loved and he loved it too. he would have wanted us to come out here. >> i feel like is he not really gone. is he more here with us in my heart. every time i get on the field he is there. >> i came out here, kind of rethinking it. i was like, i walked out on the field and i was like, this kind of hurts because i don't see my big man standing. because he is actually supposed to come to this. rob: if he could have told you whether or not to do this, do you think he would have said get your butt on that field and go play. >> he would have said no question. if we even talked about us not going, he would have been very, very, very upset. everybody loved him. he was probably one of the greatest mental i have ever met. i will keep saying that until the day i die that he was one of the greatest men i have ever met. i want to send prayers to the families. i have every single victim on my shoe. that's coach hixon. that's our athletic director. rob: coach feis right here. >> that's joaquin oliver. his nickname was gawk. beigle. alyssa, jamie. everybody. we have all 17. rob: really great kids go to this high school here and they have had such a week to deal with. the father of the quarterback that we were just talking to pulled me aside and he said you know what? in the next week my son is going to go to more funerals than most people will go to in a lifetime. my teenage son. and he said it's so great to just see him out on the football field trying to get back to normal even for just a couple hours to see him smiling and playing the game. trying to normalize his life after what he has been through. rachel: powerful: and just the power of teachers and impact that they have. you can see that the coach really had a big influence on their life. griff: you bet. every one of us can point to teacher, coach. todd: great job rob and matt, the producer. griff: thanks, rob. the left is spinning the mueller indictments by saying the left isn't going hard enough on russia. one democrat's comparison on russia sparking outrage this morning. that's coming up. fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue... and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum tum tum tum... smoothies... only from tums on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. plus 24-month financing ends monday visit for a store near you. todd: quick headlines here on your sunday morning. emails obtained by "the washington post." revealing top military leaders' frustrations following hawaii's 38-minute long false missile threat in january. harry harris the chief of u.s. pacific command writes, quote, apparently they were getting ready to do a drill when the drill part was lost in translation. and facebook planning to mail postcards to verify people wanting to purchase political ads. contain a special code that advertisers must provide back to prove they live here in the u.s. the change is coming days after special counsel robert mueller's russian indictments for alleged roles in disrupting the 2016 presidential election. rachel: so remember what happened the last time steve spangler stopped by "fox & friends." he set adam on fire and created an explosion on the plaza. now is he back to show us some fun experiments kids and parents can do at home. i've got a lot of kids. one of them pa loma is obsessed with science. you are in town for the new york toy store. >> thank you for having me on. every year we introduce our newest toys at toy fair. steve spapg glory line of toys be amazing. we are showing some of the newest things. we love people to do things at home. rachel: so fun. >> sometimes you have to get hooked without doing it at home. hang onto the balloon. hang onto the pliewn. if you feel the balloon, it feels heavier than normal. feel this? here is what i want you to do. hang onto the balloon. take the clip off. go ahead and take the clip off, open it up. i will have you do. this you will breathe all your hair out and then suck the gas in and then i want you to look right at the camera and talk to elm. this breathe out. ready? breathe all the air in. >> i told my daughter two days ago. [speaking in deep voices. slow motion] >> the gas. >> make dry ice bubbles. >> there it is again. >> try at home. need dry ice. we need a glove. put the glove on as well. what i'm doing here is dropping the dry ice into this container. and to the container i have this little -- look at this. i have stuff everywhere. i have now got this little hose. todd: sure. >> hose is out here like this. >> here is what -- you are going to do. this dip into here like this. you just reach your hand out and hold onto the bubble. rachel: oh my gosh, that's amazing. hang on, there it is, hold your other hand out. there you go, there you go. there it is. pop them like this. when you pop, there is the putting dry ice inside here. rachel: that is so cool. >> voice using more gas called sulfur hexfloride. we have a theme going on. rachel: you have a show on, right? >> syndicated show diy sci. i love. this i have been doing this for years and years and years. griff: electrocuting people? >> kind of like that. instead of going to the wall i'm putting it through a transformer. this is 50,000 volts of electricity. griff: should we dim the lights? bring the lights down. 50,000 volts of electricity. finger. griff: 'ow. feel it actually. >> traveling through your body. you hang on here. hang on to this end of the light bulb, ready, set, nice. look at this. beautiful. todd: i'm being electrocuted. griff: making a light surface. >> traveling on your skin. >> new toy called energy stick doesn't shock you the same way but it's one that kid can be able to use. todd: get to how planes fly using toilet paper. >> take a look at this. toilet paper. hold on to toilet paper like this. take a look at the toilet paper like this. here is our toilet paper. if you blow over top of the toilet paper like, this that toilet paper will lift up. griff: can i do it? >> you have to wait. watch this. so now this is the way you do it extreme way at home. so now. rachel: quick. griff: only got 40 seconds. >> i gotcha. squeeze the trigger and go, ready, set, go. that's perfect. get that guy right there. nice. perfect. todd: more "fox & friends" when we come back. >> reloading. ♪ ♪ any way you want it, that's the way you need it. any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ any way you want it, that's the way you need it. car of your choice." 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why wait? ask your doctor about prolia. >> white house claiming vind occasion over mueller's indictment. >> 13 russians indicted for trying to throw our elections into total disarray and chaos. >> this is a clear vindication for the president and our team that said we didn't have anything to do with this. but the mainstream media doesn't want to give him the credit that he won fair and square. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission. the agency confirming that it failed to follow up on a tip about the accused florida school shooter nikolas cruz. griff: the president weighing in on the fbi. very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks, he will make the safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> to the inside, it's elliott sadler, a photo finish. tyler reddick is going to edge him out and tyler reddick at the line pulls it off. >> woo hooh. ♪ ♪ hanging around ♪ i've been falling around. todd: almost like mischief night in here. see one roll of toilet paper made it up on the light following the last segment. rachel: i thought it was great. enough of that demagogue steve nigh i'm with steve spangler. glitch griff tod todd piro and rachel. twitter is blowing up on how awesome they are. rachel: forget collusion and russians. people care about the earrings. todd: what's weird is her husband is going to use them to go fly fishing after we are done. griff: we shall see. bring up the news so we must address it big story we have been talking about, two of them actually the tragic shooting in park land, florida, wells the indictments. 13 months of president trump's presidency and 13 russians being indicted. rachel: three russian companies as well. griff: and certainly we have seen the media, the mainstream media the president being frustrated with the mainstream media. in particular, we want to show you this headline in the "new york times." it reads: trump's conspicuous silence leaves a struggle against russia without a leader. now, of course, we remember in that indictment from rod rosenstein it said that no american notionally participated in this. todd: knowingly key words. griff: did not impact the outcome. president trump very frustrateside tweeting just here in the last hour. here's what he says. i never said russia did not meddle in the election. i said it may be russia or china or another country or group or it may be a 400-pound genius sitting in bed and playing with his computer. the russian hoax was that the trump campaign colluded with russia. it never did. rachel: never said russians didn't try to get involved in our election. he said i didn't collude with them. i can understand why is he frustrated. listen, he has been vindicated and the media and the democrats do not want to give him credit for that. todd: there's a huge difference between the word collude and meddle. and the president pointed that out this morning in that tweet. it is shocking that the mainstream media hasn't figured out the distips over the last 48 hours. rachel: the democrats doubling down on the russians and their impact on the election, even though we are getting to where we will get to the facebook v.p. guy who said that didn't have that much impact. listen to what jerry nadler said on i believe it was joy reid's show -- no it was all out with chris haste on -- hayen msnbc. this is what he had to say about it. >> this is a very serious attack on the united states by a hostile power and our election process and entire governing process. that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republicans in the house for that matter, refuse, refuse to do anything about protecting us from a an attack. imagine if fdr had denied that the japanese attacked us at pearl harbor. that's the equivalent. griff: more than 2,000 americans died. but here's the thing. rachel: is he a progressive poster boy. even he was like really, pearl harbor? griff: let this not be lost. jerry nadler isn't just a congressman from new york. he is the ranking democrat on the judiciary committee in the house. one of many of three, actually, on on capitol hill that's investigating the entire russian meddling thing. now this indictment pointing out that there was no collusion. that his administration and no american for that matter participated knowingly in this. and, yet, he is not only acknowledging the facts laid out in the 13 indictments, but he is playing partisan politics going to an outrageous comparison of hyperbole. rachel: is he signaling look, if you elect a democrat majority house, i'm going to initiate impeachment hearings on this president. that's what i think is he doing right there. todd: look at the language that he used. imagine if fdr denied that japanese attacked us at pearl harbor. the pearl harbor reference is insulting to all the brave men and women. let's take a step back. what did we just say three days ago with the president's tweet, i acknowledge the meddling. like the mainstream media and out democrats don't make that connection. president trump understands there was meddling. and this guy says the president is not acknowledging. it he is acknowledging it. rachel: we have viewers emailing us. here is an email from roberts saying the attack on pearl harbor was an act of war. so is nadler going to push for a declaration of war defense russia for its meddling? griff: this one from ron, does he remember the horror of that day? i think not. i do. trust me, mr. nadler, you desecrate the memory of pearl harbor harr by your comparisons. todd: it's offensive to those folks but also raw. rachel: it's a strategy. what it is is that they see that there is no collusion. the investigation is not going in the way they wanted. and they have to double down on russia. by the way, democrats who before hillary lost never seemed to really care that much about russia or diminishing them as a geopolitical enemy of ours. griff: and the president, you know, also tweeting about the fbi missing serious tips. rachel: absolutely. griff: it could have saved lives. let me put this tweet out there. very sad that the fbi missed all of the many signals sent out by the florida school shooter, this is not acceptable. they are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the trump campaign. there's no collusion. get back to the basics and make us all proud. not necessarily connecting the two events with the indictments and what happened in florida. but pointing, rather, in a larger sense to an agency in crisis. rachel: also channeling where the american people are at. the american people are looking at these very credible tips missed, signs missed by the fbi. a call from somebody who actually knew this young man who said he is going to -- he is obsessed with guns. is he going to shoot up a school. they didn't pass this along and we have this situation. and american people looking back going what the heck has the fbi been doing? we know their leadership has been politicized. we know that leadership matters. we have got lead investigators calling their girlfriends about how to, you know, undo the american election in 2016. and have you got to go why aren't they focusing on the very basics? this is what the president says get back to the basics, fbi. todd: great point on what the american people want. think about the jobs the americans have. very focused jobs. they go, they do their job as part of a bigger organization on the whole. what do they do? they stay in their lane as part of a greater whole. the fbi, at least the senior leadership is not staying in its lane. what we need the fbi to do right now is protect the men and women of the united states. what we need the cia to do. we need them to protect the men and women of the united states. what we don't need them doing is wasting time going after a president. they can go after russia. that makes sense because we do see, the president admitted russia is meddling. we don't need them going after the president unnecessarily. and potentially, we have to put that caveat, exposing problems in other areas. ie, florida. rachel: you bring up the american people. the american people did their job in this case. we had lots of people sending in their tips. taking photos of their, you know, the comment that was left on the blogger. griff griff sure, see something, say something. rachel: those things weren't followed up. gosh, if you are a parent in that town across america, we're frustrated. griff: it will be interesting to see if the president's frustration leads to any announcements here in the coming days from the fbi. i had a former fbi agent that i worked with in years past saying hey, griff, you should suggest that the fbi set up a specific unit that only focuses on school shooting threat. they have one for human trafficking and this sort of thing like create a department. i don't know. maybe that's a suggestion that. rachel: what we need to do as a country, i think is, look at this wholisticly. the left go it's just about guns. it's about the fbi missing stuff. it's about parenting as the teacher who sent that facebook post sent in, and it's also about mental health and what do we do about that. griff: that's a good point. more details are developing as the community is heart broken over this devastating loss of those 17 innocent lives tragically cut short in the school shooting. rachel: new reports now suggesting that warning signs were missed about nikolas cruz's troubling past. todd: rick lesson that you live for us in parkland, florida with the very latest. >> good morning. the streets have reopened around majory stoneman douglas high school. no classes through at least wednesday. the goal is to get teachers in here before the end of the week. that building where the shooting took place is likely to be torn down and replaced because they don't want students walking the halls or sitting in classrooms where their fellow classmates were shot and killed. focus down here now of course is on the mourning. there are vigils being held day and night here in parkland to honor the lives lost and demand, in many cases, tighter gun control. the loved ones, of course, are also continuing to bury the victims. two funerals were held on friday. there was another saturday. and two more will be held today. including services for geography teacher scott beigel instead of running for his life stopped to lock kids in a classroom. he was shot and killed as the gunman walked by. beigel one of several: fbi ignoring warnings that might have prevented the massacre. the police were called to his home 20 times for disturbances. he was expelled from this school and treated for mental illness still able to purchase weapons he used to gun down two dozen teens and adults. we are hearing cruz is wanting to plead guilty to the murders in exchange for life in prison. the state's attorney says it's too soon to take the death penalty off the table as this community continues to grieve for so many young people lost way too soon, guys. rachel: thank you for that. griff: rick, thank you. i know you have covered so many of these shootings as i have occasionally with you. this one is really hitting that community hard. thank you for that report. >> sure. todd: coming up. a campus protest against white nationalists turned into a rally against cops? [chanting hey cops, hey fascisms, get the [bleep] off our campus] todd: live report ahead. griff: we have been telling you about the indictment of russian nationals. could this mean dossier. john ratcliffe joins us next. todd: we have been telling you about mueller's dintle against 13 russian nationals for meddling in our election. the question now what does this mean for the clinton campaign and can they be charged for their alleged ties to that anti-trump dossier. griff: john ratcliffe is a member of the house judiciary committee. he joins us now to weigh in. congressman, good morning. >> good morning. griff: what say you can the clinton campaign be charged for that dossier? >> well, you know, there is nothing inherently illegal about doing opposition research or even using foreign sources to do that research. i think if you want to hold the clinton campaign accountable, the greater abuses relate to how that dossier was used before the fisa court and the fact that the fisa court was not told who paid for it and that it was used as a basis to gain a warrant against -- to spy against a trump campaign associate. todd: congressman, let's go into the indictments themselves. if you watch the mainstream media over the course of the last 48 hours. you are literally getting the exact opposite of illegal education. what you are learning is absolutely incorrect. it doesn't make any sense and legally, factually inaccurate. what did these indictments show? what did they not show? and is the president completely absolved, mainly absolved? where does he fall on the scale? >> well, this particular indictment is mostly good news for the president. remember the charge to bob mueller was to investigate whether or not the russians interfered with the election, and whether or not there were any links to the trump campaign. the 37-page indictment lays out with some bega granularity how the russians interfered in the election and in the indictment and rod rosenstein's press conference they go out in great details to say no americans, including anyone associated with the trump campaign was witnessingly wit wy involved with respect to conspiracy. i do think it's good news for the president. the negative here is that bob mueller has clearly indicated in the indictment that the investigation will continue. when a prosecutor uses the term that there are others known and unknown to the grand jury that are part of the conspiracy, that's a signal that there are other, either superseding indictments to come or additional indictments about additional conspiracies. todd: congressman, as a seasoned u.s. attorney, you understand the ramifications of saying no american knowingly. that is the mens rea. that is the key part of prosecuting somebody. am i right? >> very clearly. and so, again, i think that this indictment does not deliver what a lot of the critics on the left were hoping for. that somehow bob mueller was going to issue an indictment that would lead to the impeachment of donald trump. it's clearly not in here. there is no indication that any american was involved in this larger conspiracy out of the kremlin or an association, the internet research agency associated with the kremlin. griff: congressman, we are almost out of time. quickly, your colleagues in the senate have referred christopher steele to the doj. will we see something of that nature from the house? >> i don't think you will see something out of the house. one criminal referral is probably enough. i do think that there are grounds. if someone wanted to charge christopher steele for instance, with lying to an fbi agent, that would be pretty a case that could probably be proved pretty easily. so, i think that the house will continue our investigations that are ongoing. but, again, the problem with christopher steele is the same as these indicted russians. i don't think that the brits, even though they are our allies are going to want to extradite to us a former counter intelligence official of theirs. griff: all right congressman ratcliff, thank you very much and enjoy the rest of your sunday. >> you bet, thanks. todd: from a level headed lawyer who knows what he is talking about. a florida's teacher post about gun violence going viral after the school shooting. she says parents need to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. we have an amazing parenting panel here to react next. you don't wants to miss that. we all want to know about the new thing. you know, the new, new thing. with xfinity's retail stores, you can now see the latest. want to test drive the latest devices? be our guest. want to save on mobile? just ask. want to demo the latest innovations and technology? do it here. come see how we're making things simple, easy, and awesome. plus come in today and ask about xfinity mobile, a new kind of network designed to save you money. visit your local xfinity store today. griff: we're back with headlines and fox news alert. one child is killed with the 66 people killed in plane crash after night. the airlines maded announcement after surveying the flight site. flying from tehran to yasuj where the family members are meeting to await more bad information. bad weather at the time of the crash. and vice president pence touting tax reform american people in dallas while slamming democrats who oppose it. >> nancy pelosi actually heard about the thousand dollar bonuses that millions of americans were receiving and she said it's just crumbs. when our kids were little, another thousand dollars in the paycheck in december, we had a term for that, christmas. griff: our ainsley earhardt toured the border with the vice president and sat down for exclusive interview. you can catch all of that on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning. you don't want to miss it. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff. a facebook post from the teacher of a year from a florida middle school has gone viral following the tragic shooting at a high school in parkland. the teacher's message hey, it's time for parents to step up when it comes to their kids' behavior. kelly guthrie raley writing until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home. horrendous lack of support when the teachers are trying to control horrible behavior at school. violent games take away sensitivity for value of other's lives we have a gun problem in schools. parents, it's time to step up, be the parent that actually gives the crap. be the annoying mom that pries and knows what your kid is doing. stop being your kids' friend. let's ask liz stern founder of diva mom and dr. dominic sportelli a psychiatrist focusing on kids, right? and jeanne dino a political science professor. thank you, all of you, this has been a very difficult week and people are asking what do we do about it? let's talk about mental health issues first with you. why was this child not -- nicholas, why was he not in a place where he could get the mental help he needed. >> honestly what we see in this country right now there is no question about there is a mental health crisis meaning there are no -- well, minimal child adolescent psychologists and behavioral specialists out there. there is this incredible shortage. unfortunately he fell through the cracks. when i look at a situation like him. he ticked every red flag down the line to say this kid needs intervention immediately. so, honestly, from my perspective, as a mental health professional, i don't know how he fell through the cracks there were just too many red flags. rachel: he was an orphan, other issues going on there this teacher talking about my parents were public school teachers. they said there is a lot of lack of discipline, parents wanting to be their kids' friends. >> i think we have all seen that and experienced that. and just to follow up on what dr. dominic said, even if you do identify somebody with a mental health challenge, from a public policy perspective, there are very few avenues you have for treatment. beds are scarce, cost is enormous. that hasn't been challenged or handled. to your point about parenting, there is very few resources for parents to learn how to be good parents. what you need to do -- rachel: to be fair, jeanne, people were just parenting and not trying to be their friends, flight where did we go wrong on this? >> i think things have changed. unfortunately, we need as parents now to take a step back and really say we need to be the parents and we're the ones in control. meaning that if a kid says stepping all over you and wants to do something, you say no if you feel that way. my mom is interesting. she will always say to me you, your generation needs to parent. we were the parents. when we said no. you understood what we were saying. your generation she watches and she says they walk all over you, these kids. and we as parents need to take a step back and we need to be the ones in charge. rachel: how many times have we heard that these kids had these weapons in their rooms. since when is your room your parents don't own your room? i mean, they don't go in. that teacher brought that up. >> listen, parenting unequivocally data shows a parent's parenting style will dictate the development of your child and the permanent of your child. we see this. we know this. authoritative parenting will lend towards a certain type of child's personality. rachel: more rebellious. >> more rebellious, more impulse control, things like that. cops that are helicopter parents nowadays we have helicopter parents. micromanaging parents. we call them cruise director parents. they don't allow their kids to experience adversity and understand how to deal with it on their own. if you don't -- i say this all the time and it sounds counter productive if you don't allow your child to fail, allow them to fail, allow them to learn positive coping mechanisms to overcome it. >> that's the real world. >> let's be honest though, parents have a huge role in this. we as a community and i say this as a political scientist, we have an absolute role as well. you cannot say especially things may have been better 20 or 30 years ago when we group. the reality now we have to deal with as a community. it does take a community to race particularly a mentally troubled child. >> we don't have the resources. >> the culture has changed. >> and social media. >> we as parents, something that i always come across is moms always ask me about we need to do more to teach ourselves as parents and children about social media. you know, how long they really can be on. what they should be watching. what they shouldn't be watching. how long they should be playing. we need to step up. rachel: we hear a lot about snowflakes. yesterday we had a kid from the shooting, a young junior rotc kid colton haab is his name. he led 60 sids into a classroom. he was prepared to attack the guy if he came in the room. so there are patients doing a good job. maybe we need to bring his parents in, too, to talk about what they did to raise such an amazing kids there are snowflakes but there are good ones out there, too. thank you for joining us, so helpful and again we need that insight in such a tragic week. thank you. all right, still ahead, a campus protest against white nationalists turns into a rally against cops. ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. rachel: looks like someone developed the parenting ball on those kids. a live report next. plus it's race day in daytona. rick is gearing up for the great american race with fox sports' mike joy and jamie little next. ♪ hey, hey a beautiful day ♪ and i can't stop myself from smiling ♪ life lesson. and don't worry i have everything handled. i already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. which is so smart on your guy's part. like fact that they'll just... forgive you... four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. that's it!girl! get it, woo, yeah! mom! my game's over. parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. ♪ hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. hey cops, hey fascists get the [bleep] off our campus. todd: hundreds of protesters turning white nationalists event into a anti-cop rally in tennessee. drive griff hey, matt, good morning. >> good morning. well, more than 100 student-led protesters protested against matthew of the traditionalist workers policy here on campus of the university of tennessee. the name of the administration was no newhouse i isnazison rocky top. referring to the campus. black lives matter and antifa were in the mix. protesters chanted against matthew hinbach considered a neo nazi hate group. from the start protesters also chantinged profanity against police chanting for officers to get off their campus as police were there to monitor the event, which everyone was prepared to potentially turn sour as we have seen before. fortunately it did not. private and invite only. we were not allowed inside. it was described as a speech and question and answer. the university of tennessee tells us hinbach was not welcome from the start but the school permitted him to speak here on campus yesterday. this morning the university tells us it has no release or no comment regarding yesterday's anti-fascist, antipolice demonstration lehr on the campus of university of tennessee. back to you guys in new york. griff: all right, matt, thank you very much. rachel: thank you, finn. turning now to your headlines we now know what really happened during the nsa incident last week sparking gunfire and injuring an officer. passenger of that suv telling the a.p. that he turned the keys over to his 17-year-old friend after feeling drowsy. the teen apparently following a g.p.s. led him to the agency's gate. prompting a massive response and in turn causing him to panic and crash. no charges have been filed. all three people in the vehicle have been released. a private school will soon enforce drug testing using student's -- according to the columbus ledger enquirer drug testing will be voluntary for 8 through 12th graders. the publication saying the program will become mandatory the following years, testing students for 18 different drugs. the school saying in a statement the testing is to help the health and well-being of the students. i like this idea. drug test or they can't be in sports. movie goers get a rather unpleasant surprise when they went to see the new movie black panther but they ended up being the new 50 shades movie instead. [laughter] >> what are we doing? >> the packed theater in atlanta 10 minutes of 50 shades freed. the correct movie eventually played to everyone's delight. it's not clear how the mistake happened. black panther is smashing box office records and expected to eclipse $190 million this weekend. those are your headlines. todd: how bad do you feel for the parents in the audience have to explain a whole new thing to their kids following that movie. meantime gearing up for the great american race today. our own rick reichmuth live from daytona international speedway. griff: is he there with jamie little and race reporter mike joy. good morning, rick. >> good morning, guys. so we have been standing here for a little bit. i will tel tell you guys have been doing this for a while. 40 some years. 15, 20 some years. something like that. the enthusiasm you guys have for racing is contagious. 40-some years into this, you still love it as much as you did at the beginning it? >> it's all pent up. the most exciting race is this one and the exciting race. only major sport starts its season with biggest event. three months of anticipation building up to who will win the daytona 500. rick: between the two of you, you sit at the top of this entire course and watch everything. you can see everything. you are down at the race level with all of the drivers. what's the view like from up there? >> it's panoramic. and, thus, you have to concentrate closely on what's going on. maybe as much as a mile away over in turn 2 or turn 3. and unlike other sports, instead of one ball in play, there is 40 of them. rick: all of those 40 are just a number that you have to watch that car. that get a little bit more complicated. jamie, so you are down on the track and in the pits with everybody. when i watch, you have the best seat in the house. you are also a bit related to danica patrick in her last year. tell us what that is like for her and for you being so close to her. >> we say that race something a family. ironically danica patrick and i through family we are related. she is kind of like my sister-in-law. so today is a really special day. i know a lot of fans have followed danica's career from indycar and nascar the last five and a half years. today she is saying so long to nascar. it is a sad day for us and for the sport. it's going to be exciting. she is going to go out there and try to win it this is a great racetrack for her. all of the family is here. a lot of people with eyes on the number 7 today. rick: also new stouffers coming up. talk about what's next in nascar. >> gosh, there are so many great stories. this is our super bowl. we kick it off with our biggest race. there is a lot of changes, new drivers, new faces. bubba wallace in the one to watch. 43. driving for richard petty. now he is the full-time driver. it's his first daytona 500. i can't even imagine what he feels like, but from what we have seen, mike, he has a legitimate shot of winning this thing today. >> mike: he does. new chevrolet, three makes in the race, cheviy, ford and toyota. they all desperately want to win and they put millions in to getting ready for this day. chevy has a brand new body, the camaro, the ford, i think, has a little bit of aerodynamic peter a superiority. i will be surprised in one of those fusions doesn't win. rick: bubba wallace and richard petty are going to be on the show with me next hour. don't turn away from fox. we will be right back, jamie and rick, thank you fo mike thag with us. >> thanks. griff: my money is on kyle bush. we will see what happens. thanking adam schiff after saying the obama administration shares the blame for russian meddling. dr. sebastian gorka is here to react next. todd: how can we forget when nancy pelosi said this about tax cut bonuses. >> the bonuses that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they're giving to workers is so pathetic. todd: oh i bet she wishes you could take that back. congressman todd rokita unveiling a new bill to protect those crumbs as we go ahead. don't go anywhere. 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though that, in fairness, some of the responsibility is also attributed to the obama administration for not steab establishing a more forceful deterrent. it goes back to the korean hack of sony in which there was a minimal response. i think that others around the world watched that and determined that cyber is a cost-free intervention. griff: here to weigh in fox news central analyst and strategist dr. sebastian gorka. president trump has just tweeted something i would like to get your reaction to. president trump said finally little adam schiff the leaking monster of no control is now blaming the obama administration for russian meddling in the 2016 election. is he finally right about something. obama was president, knew of the threat, and did nothing. thank you, adam. dr. gorka, your reaction? >> look, i really don't want to talk about adam schiff. the guy is embarrassment. he leaks more than aive. his memos and attacks against the president are just absolutely shameful. look, a broken clock is right twice a day. the fact if there is any administration that has helped russia more than any other in american history it's president obama's, whether it was the re-set or practically doing nothing of the invasion of ukraine. this is a president who got in bed with our enemies. whether it was giving $150 billion to iran, whether it was doing nothing meaningful about north korea, everything the president has done, president trump, since the inauguration, has been bad for vladimir putin. we didn't have discussions in the white house about how we will be more flexible after the election. whether it's unleashing anwr, whether it's fracking, whether it's arming the ukrainians, this is a president who doesn't play nicely with our enemies. rachel: it's such a great point, sebastian, because, anyone has been frustrated by the russians it's been the donald trump agenda. what is interesting the further along we get in the trump administration. the worse the obama administration looks. >> yes. rachel: you brought up great points. his legacy has been unraveled which is probably why they are trying to bring up that you will russia stuff and change the subject. >> rachel, what is president obama's legacy? that he spied on american citizens illegally as we now know with regards to carter page? is it that he gave $150 billion to a regime in tehran that wants to destroy us and our best friends like israel? or is it the fact that he created obamacare, which was a disaster for most americans in terms of their deductibles, their premiums skyrocketing. there is no legacy for this administration. and now we're finds out just what they did to us behind the scenes with unmasking and everything else. so don't worry, the true story about what we suffered for the last 8 years it's finally going to come out. todd: dr. gorka, how many more facts does the mainstream media need before their narrative changes or is their narrative never going to change, their anti-trump view? >> i just saw "the washington post" tweet something yesterday after the indictment rolling out on friday. so we have spent millions, literally millions of taxpayer dollars, thousands of man hours under robert mueller and what's the result? nothing to do with the trump campaign. no proof of collusion between the campaign or the trump administration. and 13 people in russia who are never going to able to extradite any way are indicted. it's a bad snl skit. it's like monty python it's so absurd. let's get back to protecting america. protecting our children in our schools and finding out -- when we get warned about terrorists as was the case in san bernardino, in the boston bombing, in, look, let's just do something about it. griff: the shooting in florida, the shooting that happened in fort lauderdale that guy walked into the fbi office and said he was hearing voices. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. rachel: thank you, sebastian. remember when nancy pelosi said this about tax cut bonuses? >> the bonus that corporate america received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers, it's so pathetic. rachel: congressman todd rokita is unveiling a new bill to protect those crumbs. and he joins us next live. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. in a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. applied the day of chemo, neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to neulasta or neupogen (filgrastim). ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, 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our crumbs, as nancy pelosi says, let us keep all of them. rachel: have you been getting support on the hill for this. >> yeah. rachel: what do you expect the democrats, how they will vote on this bill? >> yeah, hi, rachel, we are getting a lot of -- it was a busy and tragic week in washington, d.c. but, you know, and unbelievably nancy pelosi doubled down by making the crumbs comment again. you know, rachel, this is a washington liberal attitude that they know how to run your life better than we do. and it's wrong. and so what the crumbs act does is says, you know what, nancy, and all you liberal washington elites, we're going to take our crumbs, we're going to get this done, and i think it's a simple bill. i think it's there is room for it in our agenda this year. rachel: is paul going to take it to the floor, speaker ryan? >> yeah, speaker. rachel: sorry. >> i don't know yet. i think the first step is to get co-sponsors so if the viewers would let their representatives know that they want them to sponsor the crumbs act. i think that would be a great start. todd: let's ask this question. nancy pelosi, have you gotten a chance to converse with her about the crumbs act? >> i thought i saw her give me a pretty good glare this week but that could be any week. i don't know if it had to deal with the crumbs act or not. president trump was right. this is the crooked hillary deplorables comment of 2018. todd: 100 percent. >> i'm calling on trump voters to use the crumbs act as a rallying cry to defeat washington liberals this year. rachel: right. a lot of people think that the republicans in congress haven't done enough to really toot their horns on the bonuses that are coming out but also the regulations that have really spurred this big, huge economic boom that we're seeing. >> yeah, i will tell you with regard to regulations that is a tax and we are doing a great job that the regulation boot off the neck of american businesses so that they can hire more people. your husband has done a great job at that and we are working on that. yeah, we are touting our horn. it's not showing in the polls perhaps but it's starting to. rachel: it's starting to. >> it will. every month that people get their paychecks and see that washington has taken less from them. todd: while we are using first names, todd, thanks so much. it's a great first name i'm strongly behind it. rachel: he approves. >> yeah. todd: after one school shooting the staff is doing more than just run, hide and fight. they are learning thousand shoot. the university president joining us live. rachel: and presidents' day is tomorrow. but according to joy reid, it will be a day without a real president. ♪ one hit wonder ♪ ve 30% at ... >> the white house claiming vindication over mueller's 37 page indictment. >> 13 russians indicted for trying to throw our elections into total disarray and chaos. >> this particular indictment is mostly good news for the president. this indictment does not deliver what a lot of the critics on the left were hoping for. >> the fbi under pressure after a stunning admission the at say confirming that it failed the follow-up on a tip about the accused school shooter nikolas cruz. >> the president weighing in on the fbi comparing that the fbi missed all of the signals sent out by the florida school shooter. get back to the basics and make us all proud. >> when president trump meets with our nation's governors in just a few short weeks he will make safety of our nation's schools our top administration priority. >> [applause] it's on the inside. what a finish. >> tyler reddick at the line. pulls it off. >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ todd: good morning, that's how country feels. rachel: that is how it feels. todd: i love it. growing up with country music and todd piro joins us and rachel is still on the show this morning, pour a cup of coffee. rachel: todd says they look like bait. griff: like fly fishing. todd: amazing stuff but we have a lot to get to here on an extremely busy weekend and extremely busy sunday morning and of course the president kicking it all off with his tweet and obviously the focus today really is on -- griff: that just one by the way. rachel: because yesterday 13 russians were indicted i'm sorry on friday, 13 russians indicted, three russian companies also indicted, but rod rosenstein saying listen, no collusion, he's the ag, saying no collusion and no impact on the election and the president is saying come on. they're laughing at us in russia griff: if it was the goal in russia to create disruption and chaos within the u.s. , then with all of the committee hearings, investigations and party hatred, they have succeed ed beyond their wildest dreams. they're laughing there i'm not going to say in case you have kids in the room, off in moscow, get smart america and boy does that statement just say it as simply as possible. rachel: right because if you were trying to if the goal was to create discordant create a situation where people start to not trust democracy or institutions, the democrats and the media have fallen hook, line and sinker, and until we end on all of the things the media is pushing the russians are winning griff: the president is pointing out the fact that americans are frustrated the way that this story is playing out. these indictments and another thing the president tweeted was the guy for facebook who was manipulated by the russians facebook being the biggest suck er. rachel: yes. griff: the president retweeting the ad guy rob goldman pointing this out here let me just show it to you right? this is facebook. the majority of the russian ads happened after the election, we shared that fact but very few outlets have covered it because it doesn't align with the main media narrative of trump in the election. another from goldman saying most of the coverage of russian meddling involved their attempt to affect the outcome of the 2016 u.s. election. i have seen all of the russian a ds and i can say very definitively that swinging the election was not the main goal. it was otherwise, just simply throw our political system into chaos. rachel: by the way rob goldman now in the crosshairs of the resistance for saying the truth that these ads came out most of them after the election, had no impact and if you actually saw the ads, we've put a lot of them up yesterday on fox & friends they were laugh able. really silly kind of stuff. todd: if there's one takeaway i have over the course of the last 48 hours, it's this mainstream media narrative that the president does not acknowledge meddling. i want to play this sound bite for you right now this is jerry nadler, who has a horrific historical comparison and then we'll break it down here is jerry nadler, democrat congressman from new york. >> this is a very serious attack against the united states by hostile foreign power in attack against our election process, our entire governing process that we know that the attack is continuing. the president and the republican and the house for that matter refuse to do anything about protecting us from the attack. imagine if f f f fdr denied this in pearl harbor and didn't react rachel: this is so insane. he's saying i didn't cold you'd with them. griff: he literally said in the tweet we read two minutes ago he acknowledges the russian meddling in our democracy so this is offensive on two levels, let's take a step back thousands of people died on december 7, 1941 it is a horrific day in our history and changed the course of the world forever and to compare these two things -- todd: let's give it context here this isn't just a member of congress. this is the ranking member of the ranking democrat of the judiciary committee looking into the russian collusion story and the people that watch it believe it and so what the president is saying is that democrats are doing the job of the russians to cause chaos in our political system to further divide the partisan division that we have in this country and comments like that from congressman nadle r should be in my ovservation rightly criticized because he's speaking, there's aside from the absurd comparison which is reaching too far, considering the americans but this is a player in the process. this is a ranking democrat of the judiciary committee trying to in the president's opinion do the russians job. rachel: oh, he's signaling. if the democrats win the house in the next midterm election, this guy, congressman nadler, will be the head of the judiciary and he's signaling that he's going to initiate impeachment hearings i'm absolutely certain of that and it's really interesting too because you talk about the russians. what has trump done versus what the trump adminitration has done to frustrate the russians on the real geo-political aims or goals president trump is building up the military. president trump opening up anwar we are now major competitors in the oil market the russians, something that wasn't happening before he did that before he expanded fracking as well. we just killed 200 russian mercenaries in syria. we're absolutely pushing back on russian interest in syria so you can talk all you want about a few facebook ads that came out after the election but when you talk about russia as a geo-political there's only one administration, not the obama administration, the trump adminitration that's been doing the job against the russians. todd: great point and to that point i kind of think the democrats and the mainstream media want the president to become a hacker. the president' job literally is diplomacy. he's not sitting there at a computer trying to do counterterrorism on his computer that's the job of the cia and quite frankly we don't know what they're doing behind closed door s nor should we. that is called covert operation. it's the president's job to do diplomacy. lay off the guy, let him do his job. griff: tomorrow is president's day and this conversation of criticizing him is spreading also to another host, joy reed, who is writing, this is the headline a president's day without a real president. reed writes in her article that monday is president's day it will be the second consecutive such holiday without an american president. sure donald trump sits in the oval office when he's not golf ing. he lives in the white house at least in theory with his family but he is not the president of the united states. trump is as hollow a vessel as there has ever been in the white house. his rule lacks even a shred of moral authority. giant word salad of that attack. todd: word salad that's good. rachel: and it's the strategy of the luck right? as soon as he was elected by the way they wanted to impeach him before he even took office and then they said listen we're not going to normalize this president and we're going to do all this russia collusion stuff to try this and that's what this is about and you see that democrats are frustrated they were waiting for this mueller indictment to come down about indictment says that the president has been vindicated that there was no collusion between his campaign and the russians, and now, what are the democrats like joy reed going to do? they have nothing to run on so they go well he's not really a president because he don't have russia any more. todd: and this plays right into the hands of the russians because the democrats like joy r eid can't see past their trump derangement syndrome they can't see the truth or the fact so what is this doing, this is the undermining of democracy that the russians were trying to accomplish. rachel: and the american people aren't stupid they were never buying the russian collusion story the polls show that and also show that the american people are reacting very positively to the tax reform the deregulation that is really jump started this economy and that's what people care about. griff: we got one more hour to talk about it but first, rachel is giving you headlines. rachel: we'll turn to headlines and we begin with a fox news alert. 66 people killed including one child after an iranian commercial plane crashed into a mountain overnight. family members now awaiting more information from the airlines. flight 3704 was flying from tehran to yasuj. bad weather was reported in the area at the time of the crash. and, a case like this is made for the death penalty. that a bold statement coming from the prosecutor in charge of trying to confess teen killer who gunned down 17 people in a florida high school. in the report now revealing just 17 months ago a state agency investigated the 19-year-old nikolas cruz after he posted videos to snapchat, cutting himself and saying he wanted to buy a gun. our own rob schmidt is live in florida in parkland, florida coming up. turning now to extreme weather. mother nature dumping seven and a half inches of snow in some parts of the northeast. the swift-moving system causing some problems for travelers both by ground and air with dozens of flights reportedly delayed or canceled this morning. but warmer weather is expected to melt away most of it by the end of the weekend and those are your headlines. griff: warm weather is very welcome. rachel: oh, yes. todd: i'm tired of winter. i'm done with it. griff: supreme court justice clarence thomas is exhausted by america's culture. >> today, we kind of just get worn down. at some point we're going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. griff: kevin jackson has met justice thomas and he is here to react just a ahead. todd: after the florida school shooting one university is training staff to do more than just run and hide. they're learning how to shoot. the university president joins us live, next. for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ griff: following last week's school massacre staff at one florida university are beginning to be trained to do more than just run, hide and fight. todd: several staff members now carry a concealed weapon to school giving them another method to keep their campus safe rachel: southeastern university president dr. kent ingal joins us now with more. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, thanks for your invitation. rachel: you're welcome. so you think that teachers should be carrying weapons? >> absolutely at the heart of this issue is to be committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students, faculty and staff and to engage in this helps us to create a layer of safety in terms of response, rapid response to hopefully reduce loss of life. griff: you know, dr. ingal, we spoke yesterday with two members of the football team talking about that hero coach, and coach feiss is also a security guard in his own right and i asked those students whether or not fe iss would have made a difference had he had a gun or been armed and the answer they said was 100%, so i ask you as you try and push for this, to be a florida standard operating procedure, do you anticipate you'll have the support to make it happen? >> i think so. when again you get to the heart of you're trying to save lives, we want to do everything we can to create that layer and when you think about faculty and staff being armed you have to realize they're highly trained. i mean they go through 100 hours of firearm safety and actual intentional training on how to confront a killer, and then you add on top of that 32 hours of deadly force training. i mean, they are ready to engage a killer should they walk on our campus and then they're sworn in by our sheriff to actually be a volunteer special deputy, so again, we create that layer of protection, that hopefully, will engage that killer as soon as possible. todd: dr. ingal, how do you respond to critics who say adding guns to a campus really does create a slippery slope. how do you respond to that? >> well, first of all we have to go back again to the argument that it's about saving lives and then it's about the training. we're not talking about a free for all, everyone having access to guns. we're talking about enforcement officers who know exactly how to engage that active shooter and that's why we created this particular layer. we entered a contractual relationship with the sheriff right after the sandy hook incident with intention that we would actually have sheriff officers on campus setting up a command post every single day to provide that protection for our students. rachel: so what kind of feedback are you getting from people with your idea? >> well its been overwhelmingly supportive, especially from parents. i'll tell you when parents walk on our campus and they bring their sons and daughters to check out our university, you actually, when we vq and a sessions, you can actually see the fear in their eyes, and these parents the number one question they're asking, what are you doing to make sure our children are going to be safe. our young people are going to be safe and when we are able to share with them about these layers of security and especially this program, you can start to see the fear kind of dissipate out of those eyes. they know we're doing everything we can to have an impact in reducing injury and loss of life. griff: dr. ingle, thank you very much. one quick last question is has your staff by and large indicated they want to carry gun s? >> they do. they have stepped up to the plate because they know how serious this issue is and again it's all about providing safety and security. todd: contract lingle, thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. griff: a campus protest against white nationalists turns into a rally against cops. >> [crowd chanting and cheering ] griff: kevin jackson has been talking to law enforcement across the country to get their side of the story coming up next whoooo. when it comes to travel, i sweat the details. late checkout... ...down-alternative pillows... ...and of course, price. tripadvisor helps you book a... ...hotel without breaking a sweat. because we now instantly... over 200 booking sites find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. griff: quick headlines e-mails by the washington post revealed top military leaders frustrations following hawaii's 38 minute long false missile threat in january. admiral harry harris the chief of u.s. specific command writes apparently they were getting ready to do a drill when the drill part was lost in translation. and facebook is planning to mail postcards to verify people wanting to purchase political ad s, it will contain a special code that advertisers must provide back to prove they live in the u.s. , the changes coming days after special counsel robert mueller's indictments for alleged roles in the disrupting 2016 presidential election. rachel? rachel: thanks, griff. in a rare public remark, justice clarence thomas weighing in on america's exhausting culture of victimhood. >> today, we kind of just get worn down. at some point we're going to be fatigued with everybody being a victim. when i was a kid, there were tons of people who were in really bad circumstances. my grandfather would not let us be in that. you always have to play the hand you're dealt. if you're dealt a bad hand you tell have toeplate. griff: here to react kevin jackson. good to see you. why is victimhood to dangerous for our society. >> clarence thomas nails it. i was with justice thomas about three years ago and he's outlin ed it. we can't all be chip & dale dancers and victoria's secret models and you know the world is going to deal you a hand like he said and you've got to play that hand and what's interesting about this is that, you know, the left is constantly looking for a reason for people to feel bad when we should be encouraging our kids, and encouraging individuals anyway. i don't even understand this mentality, no matter whether you're at a job or your parents are telling you something people should be, should feel as if they can achieve, and what we've got is this culture that says no , no matter who you are, you can be looked at as a victim. colin kaepernick, a multi- millionaire black football player, half black, is a victim, and a victim of what? you know, so he's exactly right. america is sick of it. we're to the point of exhaustion because it doesn't matter whether you're a woman. there's augend r bias. if you're black there's a color bias. if you're latino, there's a country bias that we don't want you here from mexico, something there's always going to be a bias and people are tired of it. rachel: i think people are exhausted with the victimhood narrative and it goes hand in hand with the racist one as well and it's exhausting. listen, another topic that's coming up anti-white supremacy protesters attacking the police who were there to protect free speech and calling them names. >> yeah, so we've been going around the country we've got a movie coming out on september 7 called bleeding blue. you can see it at bleedingblue and you know what's really sad about what's going on around campuses is these are the people that are breaking up the various issues that occur so they're keeping groups separate. these are police officers who are human beings that are doing their jobs and you've got kids that are being taught that the good guys are the bad guys, and who do they protect? they protect people that come into this country to do us harm whether it's bringing drugs, whether it's human trafficking, and all these different things. they will stand up for those types of people and won't even protect the men and women in blue who go out every day and run into harms way to protect these clowns. it's amazing to me that we let them get away with it. todd: kevin when i saw this video a pair of questions was in my mind. it really comes down to this. are these people this stupid or is this really part of an agenda that no matter what the cops do they're going to be anti-cop, because again these cops were there to protect them. >> exactly. it's actually both. believe it or not i get asked this question a lot. are liberals, are they really this stupid and do they really believe what they're being told about police or whatever and the short answer is yes, they are, that stupid. they do believe it and it's being taught that the police are the bad guys but, you know, the thugs that are going around committing crimes they're the good guys and what's interesting about this particular protest is they are essentially treating the police as if they are white supremities or white nationalist or whatever because when you look at what this is all centered around it's centered around the lie of the black lives matter movement and the idea that cops are beating up black people in droves. that has been dispelled with every fiber of every statistical , you know, thing, dispells that myth yet we are still talking about it and people want to make that an issue. rachel: kevin they're calling cops fascists and pigs and dehumanizing them and i think there's a connection between what we see the deaths of police officers, you talk to cops all over the country what are they saying about this? >> i would tell you that they're de moralized to a degree but they really are not and quite honestly i've said the police officers around the country i wish that everybody that objects to who you guys are you could just disappear and let them fight it out. if the police didn't show up to this campus who knows what would happen. griff great point. >> these would be the people begging for police to come. you don't have to watch a whole lot of police shows to understand these are the guys that show up in the neighborhood consoling anybody but particularly black mothers and grandmothers and fathers in disproportion at numbers rachel: we just buried a police officer whose baby died, was born four days after his funeral , so we know there's a problem. thank you for joining us. griff: got to leave it there thank you so very much. trained by the into nra, the media running wild about this claim about the florida shooter but turns out shockingly it's incredibly misleading and we've got the facts for you. rachel: plus attorney general jeff sessions said he did that right thing and he said that to our own maria bartiromo and she's here with a preview of her exclusive interview next. >> ♪ i'm hooked on a feeling, i'm high on believing ♪ >> i believe i did the right thing, the only thing i could do i participated in this campaign, and it's such under the explicit regulations of the department of justice and no one can participate in the investigation of a campaign in which they were an active participant. griff: once again the host of sunday morning futures maria bartiromo has brought us a huge interview with nunes last week this week it is attorney general jeff sessions there talking about recusing himself. maria: and there's so much debate about this. should he have recused himself now that we look back and we see the wrongdoing that was happening around the hillary clinton e-mail investigation and of course the fisa court abuses. look, he did recuse himself as you just heard he's defending that decision but he also said all of this wrongdoing we will get to the bottom of it. he mentioned the inspector general and how he is going to be relentless and tough and when there are felonies which we talked about because there already have been felonies by the way the leaking of classified information is a felony, and he said he's going to make sure to get to the bottom of it even though he has recuse himself. rachel: we asked corey lewandowski earlier in the show what he thought about your interview on this topic with sessions, so let's take a look at that. >> jeff did come out and travel with us but an active participant in the campaign might be a stretch other than him being a surrogate every now and then to say a few words about the president. i think attorney general jeff sessions should have disclosed he was going to recuse himself because look this mueller investigation has been all- consuming and cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars and what we seen from rod rosenstein just this week was the trump campaign had nothing to do with it so let's let jeff get back to doing this job of being the attorney general. todd: maria do you also speak about the fbi the larger problems we were talking off the air about president trump's tweet that you've got an agency in disarray. maria: we did and he was very up front admitting there were obvious failures, the fbi and now we know that a month before the actual shooting took place that they did get this tip, so, you know, he seemed to understand the issues that people are upset about around the fbi and has committed to ensure that he will get to the bottom of it or rod rosenstein will get to the bottom of it and michael had so he said look we're going to be relentless and make sure justice was served i was very impressed with him and you know i've been among the more critical people saying where is he? he's mia. griff: maria i love asking about the markets but there are things more important than money and thank you for having me on your show this week from florida to talk about the events. maria: my heart was going out to you i saw it on your face when you were live all day in that place where there was so much upset and obvious tragedy so thank you for joining us. todd: just doing my job. maria: that must have been hard reporting. todd: one woman won teacher of the year and she has a facebook post going viral. i'll read it. this is kelly guthrie. she writes until we as a country are willing to get serious and talk about mental health issues, lack of available care for the mental health issues, lack of discipline in the home, horrendous lack of parent trent all support when the schools are trying to control horrible behavior at school and then she writes oh, no not my kid, what did you do to cause my kid to react that way, again a tongue and cheek line right there. lack of moral values and yes i'll say it violent video games that takeaway all sensitivity to any compassion for others lives as well as reality tv that makes it common place for people to constantly screen up in each other's faces and not value any other person but themselves. we will have a gun problem in school. our kids don't understand the permanence of death any more. parents it's time to step up and be the parent that actually gives a crap. be the annoying mom that knows what your kid is doing, stop being their friend. a lot to unpack. i'll give it up to you. maria: no i think this is becoming an increasing worry for the american people. people want to see what is being done in terms of mentally ill and that's why we're trying to understand why it has been so easy for someone mentally ill to obtain a gun. rachel: maria you talk to so many lawmakers and we saw in the case of the young disturbed man who shot up newtown a lot of parents with disturbed kids say i tried to commit my kid and i can't and there's not enough funds. something we've got to get to the bottom of like where do we put kids like this when they're troubled? maria: you're right and i think the president is also working on this. i don't know the answers to all of this but i do know that, you know, people are asking questions as far as mentally challenged getting their hands-on weapons and i mean this is something we really do need to be looking at more serious and i don't know the answer in terms of mentally challenged but obviously this has now become front and center and it looks like we are looking at some solutions or efforts. i don't know where this goes. griff: i'll tell you what's front and center is your show because not only do you have attorney general sessions you have house speaker paul ryan. maria: there's so much debate about whether or not the conservatives have lost all fiscal responsibility and restraint with this last spending plan so paul ryan actually really expressed me. he defended the plan and the need to help the military and they had to agree to a lot of things but i will say this. there's still a question about when we're going to get our arms around the entitlement. we understand and most people know that's where the growth in spending goes we need some kind of a reform package i wouldn't expect in an election year in 2018 but it is coming. rachel: something he said he wants to attack. griff: thank you very much. rachel: turning now to your headlines, by the nra, the mainstream media running wild with this claim about the florida school shooter seen here on the cover of the new york daily news and progressive outlet progress taking it one step further tweeting the nra donated $10,000 to help train the parkland shooting suspect to use a rifle. what the media didn't tell you is that the donation went to the junior rotc program, which nikolas cruz was a member of. they also failed to mention the quick thinking junior rotc cadet s who helped save dozens of students during that where we interviewed that kid he's a hero former president bill clinton ready to weigh in on an upcoming federal court decision to unseal records related to his monica le winsky scandal. his lawyers saying clinton wants to present his position about the possible release which would include grand jury subpoenas. the secret documents stemming from the independent counsel's probe have remained private since 1998. shocking video capturing a two year old tumbling on to subway tracks seconds before a train arrives, a student heroically jumping on the tracks lifting the child to safety at one of milan's most busy subway station s. the mother is thankful for his brave actions and the child miraculously not injured. and those are your headlines. griff: boy your heart just stops there. all right this football coach hailed a hero for saving student 's living during this school shooting and his players now honoring him the only way they know how by playing their hearts out on the field. rob schmidt shares their story, next. if you, like many people, are covered by both medicare and your state's medicaid, here's something important to know. now you could get even more health benefits than you already 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tragedy struck their school but yesterday, inspired by their hero coach aaron feiss, seven members of the football team honored their coach the only way they knew how by playing their hearts out on the field. griff: our own rob schmidt spoke to the team about this amazing event and the amazing legacy of their coach. rob? >> that's right guys good morning. he was their friend and assistant football coach aaron f eis, he died a hero throwing himself in front of the bullets trying to save kids inside this high school during that rampage on wednesday and yesterday, these kids got a chance to get back on the field. they had a decision to make the night before and they said we're going to do it because that's what coach feis would have wanted. >> coach feis would have been here today. >> he was everywhere we were. if we were somewhere he was there. >> not having him here, it looks like from what i saw you guys still played your hearts out on this field. >> i think that these guys knew that's what he would want, you know? he would want them to come out and like he would say ball out and give everything you have. not only just for ourselves but to support douglas high school and our whole community, we're not going to quit. we're not going to lay down. we're going to stay strong and we're going to keep doing what we do. >> how proud of of these kids are you? >> oh, my lord i can't tell you. it was had for them today to come out here. >> every one in this program is one, is a family and they came out here and made not only themselves proud but our school proud. >> coach feis, tell me something you loved about him? >> he was a great guy, he cared about everyone. i don't know, i'm honestly speechless about everything and in shock. >> we keep expecting him when we go back but he's not going to be there. this is my outlet right here. >> we have strong young men around us and we have to keep pushing and helping each each other out. eye i knew coach fei s, so i had to come here and support and i had to make it here for him so i came out here balls out. it's for him. how was it today? >> it was good doing what we love and he loved it too, so he would have wanted us to come out here. >> i feel like he's not really gone. he's more here with us in our heart. >> i kind of came out here was rethinking it and i was like i walked out on the field and i was like oh, this kind of hurts because i don't see my big man standing, because he was actually suppose supposed to come to this. if he could have told you to do this do you think he would have said get your butt on that field and go play. >> no question and if we even talked about us not going he would have been very very very upset. everybody loved him. he was probably one of the greatest men i've ever met and i'll keep saying that until the day i die that he's one of the greatest men i've ever met. i want to send prayers to the family of every single victim. that's coach hicxson, our athletic director. this is coach feis. >> that's was queen oliver. peter, alyssa, alaina, jamie, we have everybody all 17. >> they really are some great kids at the school and on this team and it was nice to see them to be able to get out there and play football and just forget about all of this for just a couple hours, they've been really through hell over the last few days and it's nice to get away from that. the quarterback's dad told me he said his son is going to go to more funerals in the next week than most people will go to in a lifetime so for him to get away from it all in a few hours and get back to normal things was really important and it's an important event and hopefully some will get scholarships so it was important for them to be there and coach feis would have wanted them there. rachel: he seems like the kind of coach you just dream your kid gets to play under. what a also to that community. >> it certainly is, but a great guy and you can just see how warm everybody is in this community. they all care about each other so much. this is just a really great neighborhood and a great place to raise kids and have a family. that's what makes this so tough even harder. it really is a special place. griff: rob great work to you and to the producer down there. rachel: thank you, rob. todd: coming up donald trump jr. meets the mets for a fishing trip, what? griff: so why is one player apologizing this morning, that's coming up next. todd: plus it's race day at daytona. start your engines, rick is gearing up for the great american race, with nascar legend richard petty and darryl wallace jr. , next. >> ♪ ♪ mercedes-benz glc with its high-tech cameras and radar, contemporary cockpit, 360 degree network of driver-assist technologies, and sporty performance, what's most impressive about the glc? all depends on your point of view. lease the glc300 for just $449 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. griff: quick headlines right now the u.s. men's hockey coach skips a handshake with russia's head coach after a 4-0 blowout. tony grenado seemed furious that russia's best players were left in the game very very late. despite that loss the u.s. claiming a silver in the men's skiing slopestyle that's our tenth medal, staying in sports, new york mets facing backlash for fishing with donald trump jr.. those words i never expected to go together. infielder phillip evans deleting the photo on instagram of a florida run-in and evans said he did not intend for a little fishing to be a political statement, don't really know how it is but that's where we are. rachel: and we're gearing up for daytona 500 today. griff: our very own rick richmuth is live from daytona international speedway and he's there with nascar legend richard petty and current driver darryl wallace jr.. rick? rick: good morning guys yeah the 2018 race season begins today with the biggest race of the year. i've got bubba wallace and richard petty. first of all richard petty thank you for being with us we'll start with richard because he's a legend here and we have a huge crowd how does it feel like to be the legend of this sport? >> it just means i've been here longer than anybody else that's basically what it means so makes you feel good that people do recognize you, especially the racetrack. rick: urls continuing to richard petty motorsports and you'd signed bubba wallace as your driver, what was it here about bubba you thought this is a guy who i want to be on my team? >> bubba drove three or four races for us last year and every race he ran in he got better and it really worked good with the crew and he could tell the crew what the car was doing and the last part of the year we decided to change drivers and look for different things and bubba was at the top of our list and was able to talk him into coming over to richard petty motorsports and seeing what we can do. rick: so this is your first year full year with him it's also your first daytona 500. are you nervous right now? >> no, no need to be nervous . i'm more nervous talking to you than to get ready to race. rick: no need to be nervous talking to me. do you feel like you have a chance in your rookie season? >> absolutely i feel like we've shown improvement starting 7th, everybody back in the shop at rp m has done a great job of building the cars the way we need it so we're excited about it. chevies are fast, the new cam camaro runs great and i think we've got a good shot, just keep a cool head stay out of harms way and make sure we're there at the end. rick: that's kind of the key to a lot of it. you know, there's a bit of a transition going on it's danica 's last year the current legends of the sport are towards the end are gone now. you're the future of the sport. there's a lot of pressure on your shoulder how do you feel about that? >> yeah, that's big. you know, to be kind of the younger generation, younger face the youth movement in the sport is pretty impactful to i think the whole sport and whole community so we're trying to do anything and everything we can. on and off the racetrack to bring this sport back where we want it and get this fan base back growing and just change it up get a new face out here. rick: well you're that face. you're still that face. thank you guys so much for being here good luck to you today and have a safe race. >> appreciate it. rick: guys back to you. todd: my god richard petty doesn't age. unreal i want his secret and good luck bubba. we'll be watching. griff: fantastic. great stuff. todd: rick, thank you more at fox & friends moments away don't go anywhere. >> ♪ ♪ ancestrydna is only $69. and now, with more than 150 ethnic regions to connect to...'s the perfect time to find out where your greatness comes from. save 30% at he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using. tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. >> our administration has been fully cooperating with the special counsel investigation and we will continue to. there's no question that russia sought to interfere perhaps with other countries in our electoral process. there's no suggestion that there was any impact on the outcome of the election, despite what these indictments suggest. griff: and you can catch the entire interview between vice president pence tomorrow on fox & friends. you don't want to miss it that's starting at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow and it's going to be fascinating to find out what else she has in there and of course, the headlines we reported on all day long was that trump president trump and the administration wasn't doing enough on russia. i bet you -- rachel: she's on the border so we'll hear more about daca and the big immigration push coming up as well so good interview. todd: as you might imagine another big week in politics ahead trust me this isn't going to be the week that nothing happens so make sure you stay with fox news channel throughout all of it we'll get you through it and let you know what you need to know. griff: if you can't sleep todd starting us off. todd: 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning griff: and rachel is taking off. rachel: bye, everyone. maria: good sunday morning, in just moments my exclusive one on one interview with attorney general jeff sessions coming up does he regret his recusal in the russia probe plus ken star breaking down the now indictments laid out by the justice department, and in another exclusive interview house speaker paul ryan defends his spending increases to support the military and good morning everyone thanks so much for being here i'm maria bartiromo welcome to sunday morning futures . this morning we will hear from attorney general jeff sessions and get his take on everything from the immigration battle alleged corruption at the top of the fbi and the missed clue in that deadly florida high school shooting spree. where did authorities go wrong plus a closer look at the new

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