Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150607 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150607

>> here it is the 37-year wait ask over. american pharaoh is finally the won! >> bob costas about to fall out of his chair. the story behind the incredible victory. "fox & friends" hour one begins right now. ♪ ♪ oh, welcome to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. this is the beginning of national safety month, and so show you can associate with safety it's "fox & friends." >> there's no other show that decides to put a pool outside. heather childers is with us this morning. we have a pool outside. we have got lots of pets. >> do i have to be dunked in the water or be in a mud race? >> we didn't ask -- answer your questions because surprise is what we're all about. it's great to see you, heather. >> did you happen to watch yesterday? hopefully we can watch history. american pharaoh won the triple crown at belmont stakes. watch bob costa's call. >> here it is the 37-year wait is over. american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> it was victor espinosa's third try. >> janice was actually there? >> what was it like? >> it was magic. i was there for california chrome last year and i think it was the most exciting 2 1/2 minutes of sports history. it's collective you are holding your breath when they start. i had read that american pharaoh was a little bit late getting out of the gate but then he took an early lead and then we just knew as he was getting progressively further ahead of the other horses that he was going to win and everybody was just like there were tears inspect people's eyes. there were a lot of people who wanted to witness history, 37 years since the last triple crown, and it was just magical. everybody is there in their finest outfits and they are all in a good mood. >> were you wearing a pink hat? >> it was red. >> bob behalf -- baffert was the trainer. >> the jockey here who rode california chrome last year he had a big disappointment. this was huge for him. and about this horse, it's something about this horse that he has just huge strides. i mean i read somewhere that you can't believe -- it's almost like he's floating on air when he is -- he's like a machine, really. a lot of people just said even john durso, the rain was good luck because this horse does very well in muddy conditions, because the preakness was very muddy. when the horse arrived at belmont it was raining and it was raining yesterday morning. it was magic in the air. >> i saw american pharaoh race at the kentucky derby where he won obviously, $800,000 he wins for winning this particular race the belmont. >> he joins an elite crowd of 11 triple crown winners. >> in the 70s, they had a lot of triple crowns. back-to-back unbelievable. >> we had a chance to talk to the owners son and bob baffort. take a listen after the win. >> wow, wow. i can only tell you, it's an amazing thing, it's unbelievable how things work out. just an amazing horse like american pharaoh. >> how did you feel when he crossed the wire? >> oh, man, it was pretty amazing. just lynning to the crowd, it was ridiculous. >> bob, what does it mean for you? >> it just means so much for the horse. i wanted to see this horse do it because he's so special and he deserved to win. >> he will be sired. >> did you take some horse selfies yesterday? >> there's pictures all over the place. twitter and facebook. this was right after the horse -- he had the horse warmer on. i got to touch that thing and it went on the winning horse and i had to snap -- of course i'm the reason why. my husband snapped this picture as the horse was doing his little laps so everybody could cheer, there i am and there's the horse warmer. >> how small are the jockeys? >> pretty tiny. with his girlfriend. >> they are incredible athletes. >> they are. >> i was explaining to my little boy, if i ever read the book "sea biscuit." she described how athletic they are. they are floating above these horses with the slightest move of their foot able to move the horse. >> i had someone tell me about the kentucky derby that the horses be the most powerful athletes in the world and you imagine these jockeys on top of them are so small and it really does take a lot of skill and athleticism in order to do that. >> how small are they? what do they weigh? >> i didn't ask them. you know i didn't talk to many of them. they were getting busy. you know what i remembered, remember last year, california chrome being upset, i'm never going to go as a triple crown in my lifetime. it's hard for these horses to run three races back-to-back and the long one, the belmont is the longest one. i remember him saying i'm never going to see one in my history. there it is. unbelievable and my kids too, they were watching at home. kids remember that seeing that race and that's history. >> look at you. >> oh, i was so excited! >> janice dean was there. >> thank you, "fox & friends" weekend. >> we'll talk to you later as well. >> yeah absolutely. first, we got some headlines. >> we sure do and a fox news alert is what we start with. two convicted murderers on the loose using an elaborate plan to escape a maximum security print in -- prison in new york. they are extremely dangerous. official say they used prison-owned power tools to drill a hole in the wall of their cells. they left behind a note with a drawing. it read this. have a nice day. it was placed next to a hole in a pipe. more than 200 officers are involved in the search. the prison is about 20 miles south of the canadian border. isis now doing all that it can to get its hands on deadly chemical weapons. a grave warning has been issued saying the terror group is recruiting highly trained professionals to make chemical weapons. isis has used chlorine bombs on the battlefield, something also claimed by kurdish fighters earlier this year. and hundreds came together to give an emotional farewell to bowe biden. >> his casket was led into a delaware church. beau died last week of brain cancer. president obama fought back tears during the eulogy calling him a man of character. >> he did in 46 years what most of us couldn't do in 146. he left nothing in the tank. he wanted you to be a better person. isn't that finally the measure of a man? >> the president hugged the vice president who he called a brother. and inspired by his commitment and humility a wounded warrior honors brantley gilbert for his work with the military. >> what you are doing for us you have no idea what you are doing for us. for me i got a gash right here. my blood and sweat and tears are on this. i would like to give you my purple heart. >> he met gilbert for the first time on memorial day weekend. that was during his motorcycle ride for the wounded warrior project. justin will join us live. that is at 9:20 this morning, to tell us how brantley is returning the thanks. that's an amazing story. >> you want to say i can't accept this but it would be an insult not to accept this. >> what would you do in this situation. >> turning it into something good. president obama descending into germany this morning for the g 7 summit. missing is vladimir putin. we're joined live from aws austria near the summit. >> reporter: what a beautiful setting, right? we're actually in telfs, austria. we're not very far from the summit site. the president arrived this morning shortly before 7:00 a.m. local time and it has been nonstop action for the president since making his way to germany for the g 7 summit. there will be much to discuss as it relates to the economy, violent extremism and the ongoing unrest in ukraine but as for the president himself, he had a chance to spend a little time with the host country's leader angela merkel. and he was in the southern bavarian town where he enjoyed some of the local fare beer and schnitzel. it should make for a very interesting day. for now, back to you and in the usa. the great kevin cork live from austria this morning. first the taliban and then the you're aguy six. is the administration turning a blind eye to threats to further its own agenda? our next guest says yes. and the clause come out when mini mouse gets into a cat fight with hello kitty. only one place it could happen. times square new york city. >> what sparked this brawl? ♪ ♪ ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. next. ♪♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. obama administration after releasing six gitmo detainees to uruguay last december the u.s. said they have not taken part in terror attacks. they are not a threat. it turns out those men were high-risk detainees, they were dangerous. they had plotted against the united states. is the white house jeopardizing national security so the president can follow through on his campaign promise to shut down guantanamo bay. do you believe his campaign promise is driving his policy? >> yes, absolutely. the uruguay government says they weren't given instructions about securing them or watching their travel or doing anything and all of a sudden we're told that these guys had prior knowledge of 9/11. one of them was an al qaeda bomb trainer. these are people who should be detained until they are dead and unfortunately the president is doing this as you said to just deliver on his campaign promise. >> there weren't many people who had prior knowledge of 9/11. that fact alone puts you in a very special category to me. this is a big story. when asked about it, the spokesperson at the state department said this isn't it at all. how can that be? >> they promised to close gitmo because it is a hot button issue for the left. they are turning these guys loose. when you look at the guys they released in the trade for bergdahl these were guys in the taliban cabinet. they are talking on their buddies cell phones in qatar and essentially back in the fight. >> it seems very reckless and crazy to me. the president is arguing that holding them without trial at gitmo is a propaganda win for the terrorists. is the only option to release them into the rest of the world? why not, if they have committed misdeeds why not put them on trial in the civil court or put them on trial in our military system? i don't understand why we wouldn't do that. >> we should have done military commissions and this should have happened a lot earlier, even during the bush administration. the fact that president obama doesn't believe in military commissions is part of the problem. he's determined that terrorism, all the jihadists are part of a criminal problem, not a national security problem. closing gitmo gives us nothing to do. we've stopped capturing terrorists now because we don't have any way to interrogate them. when we get a bad guy, we only keep them for 30 days. >> or kill them with drones which leaves us with no intelligence we might get from a living person. coming up next, the did you go gar -- duggars response to their many critics. >> christians are supposed to be perfect. you are supposed to live this perfect life. no you know what all of us as christians we struggle every day. >> what happens next? will the reality continue should it? father jonathan morris explains yes it should. a driver can't believe his eyes when he sees a little boy behind the wheel of another car. >> you can get someone killed man. >> is that for real? we'll tell you how that one ends. stay tuned. you've heard of a "win-win," right? what about a "win-win-win"? pick up the limited edition metallic droid turbo by motorola. water-repellent. up to 48-hour battery life and ballistic nylon back. that's your first "win." plus, it's only on verizon. the #1 network. there's your next "win." now for final "win." get $250 when you trade in any smartphone. and get 10 gigs of data for $80 a month and $15 per line. the win-win-win. a new way to save without settling. only on verizon. welcome back and good morning. a quick look at headlines for you. two southwest airlines jets clipped wings as one of the planes pulled away from its gate in burbank, california. no one was injured. passengers were moved to other flights. both boeings were taken out of service for inspection. caught on camera a little child behind the wheel. >> you are going to get someone killed man? >> i've got my break here. >> this video now going viral after a stunned driver confronted the man in the front seat. the man laughed it off. endangering a child. >> and the guy driving also filming. this morning, tlc executives remain tight-lipped over the future of this show. 19 kids and counting. this after the family's son josh duggar admitted to abusing four of his sisters and a fifth unnamed victim. >> people on the outside think that christians are supposed to be perfect. they are supposed to live this perfect life. no all of us as christians, we struggle every day. >> the question is has the duggar family been held to higher expectations? what do you make of all this? the family is in agony. should they pull the plug on the show? >> we should think of the victims and the five young girls who were victimized here and then look at what did they do? how was the response of the family? from what we understand they reported it. they also got professional licensed counselling. they seemed to respond to it pretty well. we don't know all the details, but that's the first thing. now, should josh still ob -- be on the show? i don't think so. it would be very inappropriate. is this family now a bad example because they had one child of 19 that did something very very wrong and i don't think we can say the whole family is some sort of a bad example. think of what's open television right now? how about the kardashians, great example? how about the real wives of hollywood or new jersey? we're hearing such outcry the duggars get them off tv it's so bad for america, this is a bad example, how can you possibly allow them to stay on? >> however, they are on tv in the first place, which is part of the problem. that they are on tv filming their lives. >> that's for them to decide as a family. a social outcry that they are somehow bad people they should not be allowed on television i don't think so. you know whether that was the cause of some sort of inappropriate -- >> pastor jeffers this week he said you know what it's time to put the cameras away focus on the family. go home and focus on the family. >> i would say that's a decision of the family. i don't know that i would have my family on tv at all. you know it's a question the family has to decide is this the right thing for their family but what's been shocking to me is all of these very secular headlines rejoiceing at the down fall of a family that never said it was perfect. >> not really concerned for the children involved. like you were saying. that should be the focus of everyone and it's not from these people that are making the comments about the family. >> that's a whole other question. how this report actually got out, to have victims' names be or at least pointed out who these people were i would like to find out who did that why did they that? >> it was leaked because people hate them because of their views. >> i don't know what the intention there was, but i do know is there are a lot of really bad examples on television. somehow to say the duggars really have to go because we as a country can't handle the duggars being on there when they have had this child who did this terrible thing, i think we would have to get rid of a lot of things on television and i don't think we're ready to do that. >> they are not heroes like bruce jenner. >> i have a prediction though that if this show were on the air, ratings would be through the roof. >> come on. >> father, good to see you. >> happy sunday. the manhunt for two murderers, convicts pulling off an incredible prison break from a maximum security prison leaving a note behind that taunted the guards. we're going to have a live report from dannemora, new york. the first triple crown winner in four decades. what's next for american pharaoh? the vice president of the belmont stakes joins us live, next. you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. turn around now? >> you can turn around now. >> oh. >> there are so many things i thought about saying to you, but i've loved you since the first day i met you. will you please make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me? ♪ ♪ >> you are wondering what you are looking at here. the incredible moment that a police officer proposes to a kindergarten teacher in front of his entire class. he said it was important for him to be in uniform when he popped the question. he had just talked to students about his job. no question they will have a happy marriage. i married a kindergarten teacher. >> congratulations to them. >> we've got a flerts -- fox news alert. this story is amazing. >> completely different story here. on the loose, two dangerous convicted murderers going to extreme lengths to escape a maximum security print in upstate new york. >> extreme, that's for sure. we're live in washington with more on the search and how this happened. elizabeth, amazing. >> amazing. the elab are rat -- elaborate plan for these two men to escape included slicing through a steel wall and navigating through under ground tunnels. the new york governor said it was an elaborate raise of -- maze of pipes and covers. the two did this while guards were checking their bunks throughout the night friday thinking that an arrangement of hoodies and blankets were men sleeping but during the headcount yesterday, they were gone. richard matt and david wet, serving three counts of murder and kidnapping of 25 years. they left a note for guards have a nice day with a smiley face. call police if you see either of these two men. >> these are two dangerous individuals. one was incarcerated for killing a sheriff, so these are dangerous people. and they are nothing to be trifled with. >> authorities are not aware how the prisoners got the power tools. it's been around since 1835. there are 2,600 inmates who live there. unbelievable. that's half the population of that city by the way. unbelievable. >> it's hard to believe that note is even real but i guess it is. >> i don't see how anyone heard anything. power tools through metal. >> it toog them 20 years to do it. meantime some other stories that we're following. the woman hit in the head by a broken bat. have you seen this? this happened at fenway park she is expected to survive. that is good news. police initially said that tonya carpenter suffered life-threatening injuries. a bat broke and hit her in the head. she's in serious condition at a boston hospital. in a statement, her family thanked everyone for their support and asked for privacy. the teenagers called a modern day bonnie and collided clyde they are in custody in west virginia after leading police on a wild chase. the pair is accused of stealing cars in ohio pennsylvania robbing a store in and dragging an officer during an escape. a real cat and mouse fight in new york city times square. two women arrested for duking it out over tip money. they were posing for a picture. the tourist gave the tip to the hello kitty for her to share. that is not a joke. that actually happened. finally, thousands of veterans families and comrades returned to the cemetery in western france to mark d-day. it was the start of the major offensive to defeat the nazis in world war ii. more than 9,000 allied soldiers were killed or wounded. those were your headlines. let's get outside to janice dean. she's standing by with a look at the forecast this morning. >> it is a beautiful day in new york city. we are still celebrating from yesterday's triple crown win! let's take a look at the maps real quick. across the nation we are seeing temperatures in the 50s here in new york. a little chilly. central u.s. that's where we're going to see the warmth and cooler than average across portions of the northwest. looking at the radar there, we had a couple of tornadoes in parts of the high plains yesterday. we are expecting more of the same today, the potential for severe weather across the central u.s. chicago you are going to have to look out for the potential of large hail damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. and this is hurricane blanca and could affect cabo san lucas as a tropical storm. american pharaoh racing into history, does the triple crown winner has a chance at the grand slam in october? let's ask. full disclosure peter and i go way back like 2003. saratoga baby. first of all, i have to tell you this he just told me that your dad wanted to name you secretariat. >> i wish my mother had gave in at that time. it would be out of control. >> american pharaoh wins triple crown. what's next? the first ever grand slam. >> it's never happened. breeders cup started in 1984. if he could stay healthy, maybe he could come back and win the breeders cup classic, it would be the first grand slam. >> how much rich? >> another $5 million purse. his stud value, i think it doubles. so literally, we have a shot at something -- he could be the best horse ever. >> what was it about this horse that you just knew? >> it's just the way he moves over the ground. he's what they call a freak in the best way possible. it's just the way he glides over. victor espinosa told me when he was over the ground he didn't know how fast he was going, he was like a ferrari, how smooth that ride is? same thing. >> why the drought? >> it's hard. mile and a half. you need a special, special horse, and we had one. >> is horse racing going to go up? s has it always been kind of the same? >> $is 10 million bet legally on horse racing in the u.s. i'm sure the ratings were the highest all week. we're in good shape. they come from all over the world for breeders' cup. >> do i get an invite to the breeders cup? yeah we're going to the breeder's cup baby! we're still celebrating! >> celebrating. we're already thinking about the first grand slam breeders cup. we're never satisfied. i'ms mesmerized by jan is dean. coming up next republican presidential hopefuls taking plenty of shots against the woman they are running again. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? now, ted cruz aiming at the candidates in his own field, saying they are all too moderate? is he right? are they liberal? fair and balanced debate coming up next. and the heat is on and your pets probably already know it. the newest ways to make sure your dog is the coolest one on the block this summer. ♪ let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to so what else are you going to throw in? 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joining us now to debate sarah westwood and taren rosencrantz. does he have a point? >> it's a common tactic for candidates to sort of lump their opponents together in one category but bush and walker and -- they are very different candidates. they bring different things to the table. few people would call walker a moderate. he took on the unions in his state. he has a very strong appeal with the tea party and you see that reflected in his poll numbers. and few people would call marco rubio a moderate as well. are his opponents too moderate? liberal as he's calling them? >> i don't think anyone in the democratic party would agree that they are moderate but i think in the scale of ted cruz's conservative there, he is showing that they may not be so far to the right as he is. sure i think he has to kind of label them that way if he wants to have any kind of stand-outs in the pack he has to lock down that 25% tea party faction and make sure he's got them and the best way to do that is to really call these folks moderates which will -- >> take a look at the new fox news poll out. take a look at the numbers here. as you are looking at this numbers. bush atop 12%, walker 12%, cruz at 8%. did he miss an opportunity to go to iowa and talk to voters there? >> certainly. this is one of the first major retailing politics events. what you are seeing is this is not 2012. there are actually quite a few conservative candidates in this race all fighting for the same votes. in 2012 we saw huckabee and santorum do some well because they were a couple really red conservative voters that the farther right voters could get behind this time you've got cruz competing with santorum huckabee and a number of others that have the same appeal and same sort of things brought to the table. a lot of them took pot shots at hillary clinton. i had a chance to speak to john kasich of ohio. he says look, republicans aren't getting anywhere attacking hirk right now. >> iagree. ing right now, it's so many people in the race. i don't know how they get traction anyother way except to go to other gop candidates and start labeling them as a moderates chinese a dirty word in this campaign for him. i think this is taking pot shots at her, that's what everybody does and that's not going to help you stand out. it's the typical same old, samed old. i don't think it takes them very far. >> you think it's a smart strategy? >> i think it is a smart strategy. she's not facing a competitive primary. she's not got to have anyone be that opposing force against her. it's not a great idea to let her go unscathe all these months until we get to the general. thanks so much for waking up with us. he tried stealing a woman's purse but didn't get so far. one of men who confronted the criminal joins us live with his amazing story. and it's national safety month. and you don't want to forget about your pets. that pool is too small. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr. clean's magic eraser ♪ ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. june is national safety month and in the dog days of summer you cannot forget about the safety of man's best friend. fido and joining us now is dr. carol os born and she has some tips on what we need to know. nice to see you, this morning. >> nice to see you too. >> who is this? >> this is rogue. he's a belgian and greatest way to keep them cool is you need a pool. dogs cannot sweat. this is called the voice. it's a wireless health monitor, it tracks your dogs vitals. the vest is called the cooler. you soak in water a couple of minutes. if we could take a look at his feet remember if it's too hot for you to walk bare foot it's too hot for your dog. one solution is a pair of booties and these are the summit trick booties very stylish. it protects from eat -- heat and cold. >> not all dogs can swim. >> exactly. we've got this shy dog. she's modeling the canine float coat. and they are lightweight, reflective and they have got a great handle in case you need to retrieve your water from the dog quickly and if you've got a dog with sensitive eyes what could be better than a stylish pair of goggles and 100% uv protection. now, heather, if any of our viewers want to set up their backyard to look like a little dog waterpark -- >> who wouldn't want to do this? >> exactly. we've got a kiddie wa wading pool and a dog water agility course. this is bogey. she's just getting used to our agility course. >> this is a little bit of shade. >> this is a little bit of shade. this little red item it's a paw activated doggie drinking fountain. >> that's a great idea. they step on this red right here. >> fresh water at all times and all those problems with dirty drinking bowls that attract garments are gone. last but not reeft, this is a beautiful, custom made canine dog house presented to us today. this company can do anything from recreating a smaller replica of your home to designing just about anything you can think of. amenities include running water, electricity, heat and air conditioning. >> wow. wow. >> they almost customize the interiors with flat screen tvs paw print wallpaper, you name it. >> a lot of people consider their pets animals like their children. i'm sure a lot of people would be interested in this. and of course the name right here. >> we want to give a special thank you because they are donating this beautiful dog house to the north shore animal league for the benefit of all the countless dogs and cats that they rescue each day. >> wonderful. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate all these tips. hopefully people at home will listen to these as we get into the warm days of summer. >> i want to thank everyone and all the wonderful people that brought their dogs today and donated these beautiful items. >> thank you. you can visit fox and what do you think, guys? >> lovely. i wish i lived there. we're following this developing story. a massive manhunt under way right now for two murderers who escaped a maximum security prison with power tools. details ahead. triple crown, we'll tell you who won in case you are the only person in america who doesn't know? it's american pharaoh. >> you ruined it. >> won the triple crown! just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. ♪ love ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ar and i'm feeling really good about the price i paid because i used the truecar app. see, truecar knows what other people in my area paid for the same car, like him. (cheerful music) and like her. ♪ and like them. it uses this data to calculate the truecar curve which gives you the price range for the car you want. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. good morning. it is sunday, june 7th. i'm heather chillers in for anna kooiman. thank you so much for joining us. we start with a fox news alert. it only took some power tools for two convicted killers to break out of a maximum security prison. a manhunt under way this hour. republican presidential hopefuls going hog wild in the state of iowa trying to rack up votes on two wheels. the pork the politics the pandering. who is standing out after this weekend's roast and ride event? we have details. a triple crown drought is finally over! >> here this is. american pharaoh is finally the one. >> bob costas i think he popped a button off his shirt. >> american pharaoh racing into the record books. more on that incredible victor at the belmont stakes. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ dogles. we've got some tips for your family. >> someone on this set may wind up in the pool. i'm not naming names, heather childers it's great to see you. >> i'm wearing white. i don't think it's a good idea. maybe one of you. >> i'll be getting out my bikini. did you watch yesterday? the craziness that unfolded in bellmont stakes. american pharaoh pulling out the triple crown victory. here is bob costas calling this amazing finish. listen. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the won! american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> unbelievable. the man astride the now famous horse, jockey victor espinosa this was his third try at the triple crown. he rode war emblem in 2002 and last year california chrome. now he's in the record books. >> this was the trainer bob baffert's fourth time going after the triple crown. last time in 2002 with war emblem. >> american pharaoh, he got $800,000. i wonder how he's going to spend it. that was this weekend alone. >> the kentucky derby and the preakness as well. >> there were people -- frofted was number two, according to odds makers of course he fell far short. this was one of the most bet--on moments in american life next to the super bowl. >> 1970s is the last time we saw a triple crown, affirmed won it in 1978 and in 1977 seattle slew and in 1973 -- we had a drought of them. this was victor espinosa yesterday talking about the ride on this incredible horse. listen to him. >> as soon as i sit in the saddle it's so much power and energy this horse he has. baffert, he trained this horse just perfect. warming up he was class, all class. he was ready. he walked into the gate and he was just perfect. >> i could just tell by the eighth pole it was going to happen and all i did was just take in the crowd, the crowd was just -- it was thundering. >> watching a brave man right there when you listen to the rider speak, the jockey victor espinosa. these guys have taken a lot of risks out there. it's not a small thing to ride one of these horses in a race like this. our own janice dean was actually there for the belmont stakes yesterday and i believe she joins us. >> here i am! >> you got to experience some of that and you heard bob baffert talk about the crowd. he just wanted to take it. you saw him take the lead. >> people were taking a breath when the horses game out of the gate and when he took an early lead and just kept going, going, going, going. we were all trans fixed on the horse and i took a look and people were popping champagne bottles before he crossed the finish line. it's 2 1/2 minutes. it's the most exciting in sports. >> you shot your own video of the winning moment. >> husband did actually. i was going around going woooh! that's what you are looking at right now, that's my husband. we fell in love watching the horses. we went on dates to belmont. so this is a big event for us. for him, he used to love going to belmont with his buddy tommy and this is a big moment. i think there was a little tear in his eye when he finally got that triple crown. a lot of people were excited. it was a moment. it brought people together. we were all looking at each other. oh my gosh we're sharing this with you. i mean it really is. it's huge. look at this. it's a human trophy. we were on for "fox & friends." i hung around. got the had you beenby -- hubby in. >> off to the breeders cup. >> i can't wait. grand slam. it's never happened ever. he can being the most famous horse in the world, ever. bigger than mr. ed. >> amazing. and thanks to "fox & friends" sending me. it was an amazing day. >> he mentioned he does do well when it rain. it's not extreme weather. we want to tell you about some of that that's going on in other parts of the country. violent storms hail heavy rains and damaging winds taking aim at millions of people from the rockies to the great lakes today. this comes after colorado is slammed with widespread flooding and tornadoes all of that leaving a path of destruction across the state. forecasters warn colorado that they could still see two more nights of rain, hail and high winds. a dramatic rescue off long island when a boat burst into flames. the three men on board noticed some smoke coming from the boat's engine compartment. they put on life vests and jumped into the water. they were picked up 15 minutes later and treated for hypothermia. tripped of the 22 world cup, he said there is so much evidence of corruption that fifa will have to find no choice but to find another another choice. prosecutors are investigating the bidding process. well heir they are. this morning, we're seeing prince george and his new baby sister for the first time. the duchess of cambridge snapped these pictures. the photos coincide with the announcement that charlotte will be kristened on july 5th. very cute pictures. >> if you have kids it's still like that. president obama in germany today as the g 7 summit gets under way. >> they are set to address the russian influence in the violence in ukraine right now. >> kevin, what a beautiful backdrop for you? >> it's spectacular. it's almost like a scene out of "the sound of music." we're just over the border from germany where the g 7 summit will be taking place. the president arrived shortly before 7:00 this morning. he did make comments as he toured this morning, he also spent a little time with the german chancellor. during comments the president talk about obviously the economy. that's going to be a major focus. he also talk about the aggression of russia in eastern ukraine. we all know about the fact that the russians have already annexed crimea but what to do now is the real question going forward, both from an economic standpoint and from a strategic standpoint. for now, back to you in new york. thank you so much kevin. we want to go to a story that's developing this morning. there's a manhunt under way for two convicted murderers both serving life sentences who escaped from a maximum security prison right near the canadian border. the plot right out of the "shaw shank redemption." >> these guys are murderers multiple time. one of them shot and killed a sheriff's deputy shotting him 22 times. >> the governor was brought in to see how they were able to escape. >> every two hours, guards check on the beds. they had stuff rolled up blankets to make it look as if they were sleeping and then they used power tools that they either may have gotten from a construction workers, contractors on site or maybe from the prison itself. manage to drill through a wall. get into some piping behind their wall. get on to a catwalk, pop up through a manhole nearby the print and make their escape. >> now more than 200 law enforcement officers are looking for them. >> there is governor cuomo looking at how they got through. >> most strikingly they left a calling card. it was a post-it note with a conical hat, have a nice day. >> richard matte is a mexican national. he has a tattoo that reads "mexico forever." residents in the town haven't seen anything like this in decades. there have been no breaks ever from the maximum security portion of the prison. >> and this prison opened in the mid 1800s. it's housed mobsters like lucky luciano. it's largely half the population. governor cuomo was supposed to do some belmont stakes stuff yesterday. he drove up there. he talk about this. >> it was an extraordinary act when you look at how it was done it was extraordinary. i mean we went through the tunnels. you look at the precision of the operation. it was truly extraordinary. these are dangerous people. and they are nothing to be trifled with. if you see them if you know anything if you've heard anything please contact the state police or your local police as soon as possible. >> governor undid another button on his shirt as a sign of concern. there they are, you are looking at the two men who broke out of prison there. >> they believe they broke out between 10:30 p.m. on friday to 5:30 a.m. on saturday. that's a large period of time. >> residents lock being the door. the whole town has change. if you google the name of the town now, this is the first major story. the name of this town associated with this breakout will leave forever. >> it will be interesting to see where it goes from here whether or not they look and see if there was any inside help involved in this. coming up next remember when president obama said this about his immigration program. >> the h 1 b should be reserved only for those companies who say they cannot find somebody in that particular field. >> what about companies who already have people working in that particular field? like disney using that program to fire americans, hire foreigners and get the current occupants of the job to train them. we'll have more on that coming up. can't afford college. one vegas business wants female graduates to strip their way to a degree. the outrage surrounding the ads when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪ my lenses have a sunset mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors indoors and in the car. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. >>visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. remember when president obama said this about the h 1 b visa program? >> the h 1 b should be reserved only for those companies who say they cannot find somebody in that particular field, so that wouldn't necessarily apply if in fact there are a lot of highly skilled american engineers in that position. >> that's what the law says but disney has fired hundreds of american tech workers and forced them to train their foreign replacements proving that statement is not true. at least not always. one democratic senator is demanding an investigation. the whole idea of h 1 b visas is to bring in highly skilled foreign workers whose presence will increase the number of jobs for americans. isn't that the concept behind it? >> yeah. that's the intent. it's really to complement the american workforce when you can't find americans for those skills. >> not to under cut the wages of american workers by bringing in people to replace competent american workers but at a lower rate. that's apparently what's happened at disney? >> that's what's happened at disney harley davidson it's what most of the program is being used for right now. >> what's so striking is that it has the support of basically everybody, liberals are in favor of it? they are in favor of increased immigration across the board but a lot of conservatives point to h 1 b and say this is immigration that actually works. have any candidates rethought their views on h 1 b? >> it's hard to tell whether any of candidates have rethought. huckabee has made some comments that i think are pretty sensible recently. hard to read where walker stands on it. bernie sanders has been opposed to it on the democratic side. interesting. bernie sanders on the hard left. we actually have a statement by huckabee. when companies are under cutting an american worker just so they can increase their profits without regard to the people who made them profitable in the first place, that's a money issue. s -- that's not a money issue. it's a moral issue. >> there's so much money on the other side it's so profitable that all of the companies have been lobbying for this and they do this in multiple ways by presenting the program through pr firms and through think tank studies and the like making it look like the program is working well when in fact it's not. >> just to be totally clear. thooe these are not jobs that americans just won't do. these are jobs that americans would love to do. >> absolutely. i spoke to some disney workers and literally they brought in the guest worker to sit there and watch them, you know and get trained by the american worker. the job didn't go overseas. it didn't go anywhere. it went to the guest worker. >> unbelievable. thanks for joining us this morning. good to see you. >> thank you for having me on. street justice, new york city style. >> somebody get a cop. give her her money. >> those aren't cops. those are good samaritans. one of whom saved this mother from a mugging. he joins us live next. rumors of a new blues brothers movie could be true. dan aykroyd coming up. ♪ ♪ we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. yes. there is math on the test today. it's time for news by the numbers. first up $5 million. that's how much liberal boil ordinary george soros has committed to expand voter i.d. laws to fight them. next 85 that was the score for tiger woods in the third round of the memorial tournament in ohio yesterday. that's a career worse for him unfortunately. finally, $11,000, a woman is suing ebay after claiming ownership of the sun. yes, she says she owns it. ebay unfairly removed her listings for plots of land on that star. it's marked as a scam. this week a mom of two, was visiting new york when her dream turned into a nightmare. a muger grabbed her backpack. he dragged her for half a block. then this happened. >> somebody get a kop. >> let it go. give her her money. >> what you are looking at is a group of good samaritans. one them joins us this morning. nice to see you. good job. >> thanks for being that good samaritan. she's there with her two kids seeing in the sites, she's holding on to her purse that's how she's going to get back where she came from. she has her i.d. to take a flight. when you saw this unfold what did you think? >> well at first, i just saw her stuff on the ground and i saw her with a little bloody lip. i was concerned what was going on. she was yelling at the guy to leave her alone and my first instinct to help her get all her stuff up. >> you thought maybe she just fell. >> i didn't know what to think. i saw someone in trouble and i wanted to help them ouxt then he grabbed her stuff and started running, and that's when i said oh this is what's happening and i ran after him and i grabbed his bag. >> you grabbed his bag and you held him down as well. >> i grabbed his book bag. when i looked at him and i realized he's bigger than me. >> he's 6'1". >> i'm 5' 10". he got a little belligerent. that's what i said okay i need to take care of myself here and i grabbed him and we wrestled for a little bit until we got on to the ground that's when people started coming over and grabbing his arms and legs. >> you hear the quote from jamie. she's the victim in all of this. she still loves new york. so many people came to my aid, civilians, who i don't know. police officers men, and whim who came over and asked me if i was all right. did you fear for your own life at that moment? >> i mean yes, but at the same time i was happy that i was helping somebody else and i was concerned about what he could do to other people too, so i don't really regret taking action when i did it. it's a split-second decision you have to decide whether or not you want to get involved in something like that. >> you are a native new yorker. >> brooklyn born and raised. >> you want people to enjoy new york and you want them to have a good feeling when they come here. >> absolutely. it's a great place to live. i know new york gets a bad rap from time to time. we're actually pretty cool. granted, most of the time we have our faces in our phones. >> as we do in most places. >> you were actually paying attention. when you saw her laying there bloodied. you didn't realize she had been dragged for a block. ginny of that? >> no i hadn't witnessed that. ij saw her with the bloody lip and her stuff on the ground and that's when i helped her. >> have you talked to her sense? >> no i've been googling her to make sure she was okay. make sure she didn't suffer any additional injuries. she just has the busted lip and scraped knee thankfully. >> we need to get the two of you together. >> be more than happy. >> see, there are good people in new york city. >> thank you for stepping in. scott walker sinks his teeth into pork and politics in iowa. who was standing out after this weekend's roast and ride event? that's up next. have you ever been on a date like this? >> i eat at all the best restaurants within a 50-mile radius. i love my mother. what else do you need to know about me? >> how to make you go away. >> that's enough guys. we have the top things you should never do on a first date. bring your mom? is that a problem? >> did you do that? >> always. ♪ ♪ ♪ usaa makes me feel like i'm a car buying expert in no time at all. there was no stress. it was in and out. if i buy a car through usaa, i know i'm getting a fair price. we realized, okay, this not only could be convenient we could save a lot of money. i was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. and it was just easy. usaa, they just really make sure that you're well taken care of. usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. online and on the usaa app. have a sunset mode. and an early morning 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serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on so how are we going to sweeten this deal? floor mats... clear coats... >>you're getting warmer... leather seats... >>and this... my wife bought me that. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. i earn $31,000 a year plus bonuses. i drive a very nice compact car. i eat at all the best restaurants in a 50-mile radius. i love my mother. what else do you need to know about me? >> how to go away. >> that's why stanford decided to put their money behind this problem, the epidemic of horrible first dates and figure out whatnot to say. >> they did a survey of men and women, hundreds of them on the first dates and find out what they really like. they like when their dates laugh along with them. not at them. >> nod pandering, allowing whatever they say have some weight. >> do you like the courtesy laugh? >> i don't really agree with a lot of these. this one, i do. lynn to the woman. interrupt them with follow up questions. >> what do you mean by that heather? what do you mean by that? >> like you are interviewing them. >> you are great. say positive or flattering things. all right. that's fantastic. would you be offended on a first date if i guy said that to you? >> no that's night. women on a first date want you to pay attention and if the conversation is good that's good. men like on their first date when women don't say things like kind of sort of maybe. don't be aloof. be direct. >> they don't like wishy-washy. they don't want women use words like i, me and myself. they don't want you to really talk about yourself. >> is that true? >> they prefer them not ask many questions about them. this is why men and women were designed for each other. >> exactly. >> make the conversation about her. i think that's good advice. >> send us your first date story. i want to hear your worst first date stories. can you email them to us this morning at fox and >> one of my friends on prom night sat down on her dog and killed the dog. >> that was one of your friends did that. >> how long have they been married? >> they didn't get married. >> janice dean is standing by. >> janice what about your bad first date? >> bad first date? well i had a lot of bad first dates before my husband came along. trying to save myself. let's talk to some of my friends. how are you? >> bernard. >> where are you from? >> missouri. >> your name? >> mary. >> dale. >> claire. >> how are you? >> good. >> what are you doing today? >> we're going on a cruise. >> can i come? >> yeah. where are you from? >> texas. and? >> clifton. >> look at that. we got everybody in today. thank you all my new friends. how is the weather here in new york? not bad. we could warm it up a little bit. let's take a look at the maps. this is actually a hurricane, this is hurricane blanca. it's weakening. we're going to bring some high surf and moisture to cabo san lucas. it's going to go into the southwest, bringing some incredible moisture early on in the season for the southwest. a quick look at the map for the last 12 hours. we could see a potential for large hail rain damaging winds. keep that in mind. i bring the crowds to you. >> great to have you here janice dean. >> you guys ready for some headline. >> they are ready to go on their cruise. >> we're going to take a ak loot your headlines. isis doing all it can to get its hands on deadly chemical weapons. a grave warning, the terror group is recruiting highly trained professionals to make chemical weapons. isis has used chlorine bombs on the battlefield. hog heaven for 2016 republican presidential candidates gop contenders riding motorcycle and a barbecue. they mixed in some politics with their pork. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed to have so many good candidates. >> the roast and ride events was organized by iowa senator joanie ernst. a las vegas strip club they are attempting to recruit new grads with members of the jury on its -- messages on its marquise now pay your way through college. >> we know the economy isn't all that great. this is an open door for young women 18 and up come in and make some money. >> it's trying to change the life of a woman. >> the club owners noticed more women are turning to stripping to work their way through college. how about this? the blues brothers are gearing up for another big gig. >> 106 miles to chicago. we got a full tank of gas. half a pack of cigarettes it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. >> hit it. >> dan aykroyd telling the "daily mail" he has a script. he's hoping to team up with the brother of john belucshi jim. ever wonder what it's like to go under cover for the cia. >> we're giving you a new identity. you will no longer be susan cooper. you are from iowa. >> the new flick "spy" just hit theaters. we're going to step right into the spotlight. our friend michael tamara. >> melissa mccarthy and jude law is in theaters right now. i got a sneak peek. let's take a look. ♪ ♪ >> i spy with my little eye a summer block buster. the guy who brought you bridesmaids, melissa mccarthy's action come my "spy" is opening in theaters this weekend. >> we have twists and turns and double agents. >> oh, dear, did i forget to knock? >> mccarthy, law, you snow their names but what about their secret spy code name. >> mine would either be katie law marissa. >> and your code name? >> i thought it would be funny to be called james bond. it's so overt it's covert. >> could you imagine me a spy? >> with a gun? >> for every great spy, there's a great gadget. >> i would want some boots that had springs on them so i can jump really high. >> and an experience count. >> i've been making weird blow darts jokes forever. >> probably have the aston martin with a ejector seat. >> this weekend, get a clue. it's no mystery, who will come out on top. >> here's to you. you may never be as wise as an owl, but you will always be a hoot to me. [ bleep ]. >> you are delightful. >> as are you. >> as are you. the film is delightful. >> very funny. it's a big weekend at the box office. it went up against the fellows at "encourage." you can catch all of my celebrity interviews at in the fox coming up it's one biggest cyber security blunders in history. we're just handing our secrets to enemy hackers. the worry is this could be the beginning. summertime this means a whole new set of dangers for your kids. some are right in your backyard. everything you need to know just in time for national safety month. that is ahead. >> michael, are you jumping in? >> i'm right in there. ♪ ♪ ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. i'm one. i'm one. i'm one. i am one of the ones who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident and i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them. they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. 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>> take a look at this list. if you work for the government you need to know that now your full name is out there. your social security number is out there. your date and place of birth is out there. your job assignments, training records, performance reviews, current and previous addresses, your friends addresses, your family's addresses. if they interviewed you for say a top national security clearance, much deeper information is in there, and that potentially is out there as well. what does that mean? it means something very big to this country. what it means is if i'm up to no good and i want to really get good at spying on the u.s. and putting an attack together through the cyber war fare kind of direction, i can develop a database and manipulate top level people inside of the government faking email to understanding where they are going to be at certain times based open pattern. it's a frightening thing ha has happened. i've got one message for people in charge here, legislatures and the white house, wake up wake up to 2015. >> maybe not a good idea to use a private server as well. >> this would be a very good reason to use a private server because you can't trust our own federal government to maintain the data. this is sloppiness all across the aisle. >> hopefully someone is listening to you. thank you so much. coming up she hit and killed a woman on a bicycle after being on her cell phone while driving. her sentence 90 days in jail and two years with no phone. does the punishment fit the crime? the judge joins us live next hour. summer beach trips, they are fun but they can be dangerous too. the new technology that could save your life just in time for national safety month. that is up next. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. it's june and that means safety. it's national safety month. i'm joined this morning by alison jacobenson. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> we've got in jien pool over my shoulder right here and we know that pools are incredibly dangerous in back yards. tell us about this fence. >> first of all, every pool should have a fence around it. kids 1 to 4, leading cause of death is drowning. so this is a self-latching self-closing gate. look at that. you can see through it but every pool needs to have a fence around it and they have dealers all around the country. so look at that getting that. really important. >> it could be a few seconds and it could be just devastating. what is the i swim band. >> it's a lifesaving device that attaches to your foevenl if your child is submerged, it will be putting a loud alarm on your phone. >> why would you have -- would you keep that on your kid -- >> it would be on your kid when they are swimming. if they are around the pool you are not paying attention, this will send a loud alarm. drowning is a silent death. >> tattoos. >> if you have a child that has an allergy or anything this will stay on. it stays on fo two weeks, it's waterproof. >> especially for summer camp. >> so wine up like me cover in poison ivy. >> and the body tag. this goes on your child with a battery. it's attached to your phone again. if your child is a few far feet from your phone, it will sound an alarm that your child is out of distance and out of range and help you locate them. we've all lost our kids sometimes. >> you want to be my buddy. >> we will find you wherever you are. >> now, this is cool. we all want to be out in the sun and we do need vitamin d, too much is not good. this is the sun friend. it has a light on it. if you've had too much sun exposure, uv it will let you know. how cool is that? then this we're going to the pool. every month is turning around and dad. this is the infant tech control monitor. she never has to turn around again. you can see your child just like in a gps monitor. how cool is that? >> because every five seconds, daddy, turn over i want to show you this. >> this drone. >> unbelievable. >> thven the one that crashed at the white house the other day. i'm afraid it's going to crash on my head but i'm told it's not. this is a new drone. invented by high school kids. it's being sold right now for commercial use for life guards it will drop a life preserver a thousand feet from shore if somebody is drowning. >> there's the life preserver underneath it. >> can you drop it? it's so cool because it will actually go and safe a life a thousand feet. >> we're going to get this drone fired up hereafter the show. we'll be right back. more "fox & friends" in just two minutes. here at td ameritrade, they're always working. yup, we're constantly making thinkorswim better. like a custom screener on your desktop, that updates to all your devices. and you can share it with one click. wow. how do you find the time to do all this? 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[jeff] i think i dropped my keys. [announcer] you work hard to build your company. wells fargo will work right alongside you, bringing the expertise your company needs to move forward. wells fargo. together we'll go far. good morning, to you. it is sunday june 7th. i'm heather childers in for anna kooiman. thank you so much for joining us. we begin with a fox news alert for you. at this hour a massive manhunt is under way after two convicted killers, you see them right there, escaped from a maximum security prison using power tools and tunnels. you will never believe the note they left behind. politicians taking on pork of a very kink kind -- different kind. republican presidential candidates participate in a roast and ride event. history made on the race track. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the won! american pharaoh has won -- >> american pharaoh breaking a 37-year drought. winning the belmont stakes and taking the triple crown. what's next? the grand slam perhaps? you never heard of it. neither have i until this morning. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> that's not back in the usa by chuck berry. something even better. good morning, it's "fox & friends" weekend and we're celebrating the end of a 37-year drought. a triple crown winner. >> we're not even talking about you got to do more do better. >> the grand slam. i never even heard of that. >> that's raising the stakes. >> i'm raising the stakes. in this country, you get this big victory like we did yesterday with the first triple crown in 37 years from american pharaoh and now i want the grand slam. >> you are not resting on your laurels. here was the call yesterday. listen to bob costas pop a corpuscle yesterday as he was announcing this going across the finish line. listen. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the one! american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> wow. it wasn't close at all. >> no right at the gate he had a little hiccup coming out of the gate at first but from there it was all uphill. it was victor espinosa's third try at the triple crown. war emblem in 2002 didn't happen. california chrome was a big letdown. >> these guys take enormous risk in riding these horses. dozens of jockeys have been killed or injured over the years. this is a very dangerous sport. it does not get the credit it deserves for the risks involved. >> if you ever read laura hiled he brand story on "sea biscuit" you learn how fantastic these jockeys are. >> this by the way was trainer bob baffert's fourth time going for the triple crown. last niem in 2002 with war emblem. >> $800,000 that was the purse for american pharaoh yesterday. but millions more bet of course across the country as people placed wagers on their favorite horses. american pharaoh was favored to win according to odds makers. >> he trains in kentucky that's where he won the kentucky derby, then add that to the purse amount and then the preakness as well. >> this is his sixth best winning time in belmont stakes history. he joins the elite group of 11 triple crown winners. by the way, his name was spelled wrong. the paperwork was filed incorrectly and they misspelled american pharaoh. >> don't let the high grammatical standards of twitter fool you. there were 90,000 people in attendance. one of them was our very own janice dean. we have some reaction from the jockey. you see him right there. we talk about how dangerous this is. listen to what he had to say. >> it's just unbelievable how things worked out with him. just an amazing horse like american pharaoh. i was coming to this race so much confidence. >> i have been extremely confident all week all week and i look at my wife in the post parade and i told her get ready to be the owner of the 12th triple crown winner. >> i was prepared for a loss but this horse has been so magical this spring it was just like magic. watching him do that. i couldn't believe i was watching it. >> unbelievable. you look at the trainer right there. he has been in this position before, but never as a victor. trainers make a huge difference. this is not a young man's game. a lot of them are older men. >> they have their 10,000 hours in and they really do have a connection with these horses. it's almost like a spiritual connection with these horses. understanding their temperament cht. >> you know who else has an understanding of these horses. janice dean. you were so excited to be there. >> i was. i love horse racing. my husband and i had one one of our first dates at belmont. it was really nice to see him. he's been going to the track for years and years with his best friend tommy and to see a triple crown actually happen. you know what it brought the country together. how we always talk about people are fighting left right, red, blue no one cared for 2 1/2 minutes. we were all like yes! >> that's so true. we're in this netflix society now where we can binge watch things big cultural events super bowl they are rare these days. >> i brought my husband to watch the race. my matthew was getting up american pharaoh. you know what it's an amazing moment for families to get together and remember something. people are going to remember this moment. >> your husband took video of this. >> he did. i was dancing around. >> he doesn't do it for a living. >> this is what he took yesterday while i was, you know kissing other people and popping champagne. >> what an historic moment. >> amazing. >> i want to correct the record. to me that sounds like bob costas calling the race. >> it might have been the belmont. it might have been the belmont. >> it was larry kalmas. >> you know what i was thinking i was going to hear. do you believe in miracles? it's one of those moments. >> i've been converted by american pharaoh. >> thank you. happening at this moment a massive manhunt for two dangerous convicted murderers who went to extreme lengths to escape a maximum security prison in upstate new york. >> elizabeth prann is live in d.c. with more. >> it's unbelievable. it's like a scene out of "shawshank redemption". the elaborate plan for these two men to escape from a maximum security prison. new york governor andrew cuomo said it was an elaborate maze of pipes into tunnels which led to a manhole cover. the two did this while guards check their bunks over night on friday. during the headcount yesterday, they were both gone. here they are, rich mate he's 48 years old serving a life sentence. and david sweat, 34. serving 25 years for three counts of murder and kidnapping. the two left a patronizing note for the guards writing have a nice day with a yellow sticky note and a smiley face. officials are saying call police and stay away. there's a massive manhunt. we heard from the governor. >> this is thefirst time from this institution's history that anyone has escaped from the maximum security portion of this facility. the facility opened in 1865. this is quite an unusual occurrence. as you heard from the commissioner it was an elaborate plot. >> authorities are not aware of how the prisoners got the tools like the governor said this particular prink has been around since 1845 but it is serviced and updated regularly. there are 2,600 inmates who live in that facility. back to you guys. going on in iowa yesterday, a meet and greet for many of the republican candidates it was hosted by iowa senator joanie ernst. she's a freshman. a lot of them got on harleys and rode them in. >> i love these events. remember john kerry doing the duck hunting outfit a few years ago. one of candidates was wearing rubber gloves to eat pork to rip it apart. scott walker marco rubio, scott walker was -- there he is he got the rubber gloves on and slicing up the food. >> a lot of these guys it turns out can ride harley davidsons. impressive. >> yes. don't put me on one of them. scott walker there he is trucking on down. >> and rick perry riding as well. he was flankd by navy s.e.a.l.s. >> we need some grand funk music going on here. >> this is going in iowa. ted cruz was in my home state of north carolina. he was there for the gop convention there. >> he was slamming his fellow candidates by the way. he was poking fun at them and saying they are too moderate and he didn't want to be a part of that event over there because he feels like this this retail strategy that they are employing is not effective and he wanted to do something different. >> most of the conversation was about the presumed democratic nominee, former secretary of state hillary clinton. watch. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed as a party to have so many good candidates. the democrats can't even come up with one. >> listen to people like hillary clinton, you would think they measure success in government by how many people are dependent on the government. we -- we not just as republicans but as americans, we should measure success by just the opposite. by how many people are no longer dependent on the government. >> that's not the metric we use in d.c. scott walker with a harley davidson shirt. >> some people can pull it off. the optic of politics. remember michael dukakis, putting on the helmet and getting in the tank. >> or cutting pizza with a fork instead of eating it. that did happen. >> the republican party is making it harder for americans to vote and doing so on purpose on the basis of race. republicans respond that she's the one dividing the country. who is right? chris wallace joins us live next. a trucker can't believe his eyes when he sees the little boy behind the wheel of a car and this was during rush hour. >> you are going to get someone killed man. >> you have to see this one to believe it and see how this ends. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you've heard of a "win-win," right? 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her top lawyer already going after the state of ohio among others and we're learning being funded by george soros in large part. >> when you say work it isn't that she has to beat the republicans on this. what she's trying to do is mobilize a part of the democratic base and a part of the base that this argument worked very effectively for barack obama back in 2012. she's trying to appeal to minorities to young people accusing republicans of trying to suppress the vote and if she can mobilize them then it will have work on her part. the one area that i think she really stubbed her toe and you heard john kasich refer to that. she referred to one of the things that republican governors are doing they are limiting the number of days of early voting in their states and there's an argument you want to make it more than just election day to allow people who can't vote on elect day, that's a perfectly legitimate argument to make. here's the problem, new york state has zero days of early voting. for instance ohio has 28 days. so john kasich can with some legitimate righteous indignation saying to me what goes on in the state of ohio. what goes on in your own state? >> black voters voted at a higher rate than white voters. that sunday like -- that doesn't sound like suppression to me. >> you are confusing me with the facts here. the point is to mobilize that part of the democratic base and maybe not so coincidenceally to change the subject which we've been talking about hillary clinton, which is benghazi and the private emails and these huge donations to the clinton foundation. >> an attempt to refocus on other issues. what are you talking about on your show today? >> we're goingst of all on this massive cyber attack at the office of personnel management. basically the hr department for the federal government. as many as 4 million current and former federal employees, key information about them from security clearances to their social security numbers, addresses, birth dates. it's believed that the chinese were able to hack this. we're going to be talking to two key congressional experts about this. steve king a member of the house homeland security committee and adam schiff who is the house democrat. part of our 2014 republicans running for president, i'm only slightly exaggerating. i'm going to talk to rick santorum who finished second. how does he get over the top and become the republican nominee this time. chris wallace, we'll be watching. coming up here on the show. she was driving and on her phone when she struck and killed a cyclist and her sentence two years without her cell phone. but is that a fair ruling? the judge who handed it down joins us next to defend his action. he is a country music star with millions of fans. brantley gilbert got a gift from a wounded war are -- warrior. a story that makes you proud to be an american. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. female announcer: want your best rest ever? then don't miss sleep train's best rest event. you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back. a quick look at your headlines now. president obama joining the leaders of canada germany, japan, among others in the g 7 summit. president obama hoping to extend sanctions against putin's regime. and thousands of veterans and visitors return to western france to mark the 71 as it anniversary of d-day. it was the start of the major offensive to defeat the nazis in world war ii. more than 9 rk thour allied soldiers were killed or wounded on those beaches that day. a michigan judge hands down an unusual sentence to a woman accused of being distracted by her cell phone when her car struck and killed a bicyclist. >> the lesson to be learned here came at too great of a price for the family. a lesson that hopefully none of us will ever have to face and none of us will ever have to think about. >> missy nelson will serve 90 days in jail and cannot use her cell phone for two years. is this a fair punishment judge stuart mcdonald joins us now. thank you for joining us. most folks watching today, they would want to understand how you come -- how you came up with this sentence. >> well the prosecutor brings the case. i guess a presentence investigation report with recommendations from the probation office. at the sentencing hearing, i hear from the defendant, the defendant's attorney the prosecutor and the victim's family. most specifically i heard from the victim's husband, jordan vilich and most of the components of the sentence were sentences -- were components recommended by the probation officer, but the cell phone ban was actually requested by mr. vilich to be considered. after i considered it i thought it was appropriate. >> so the victim's husband himself offered this up as a possibility. it's such an unusual sentence. what type of point do you hope to make to others who may see what happened here? >> well, the point is i think if you look at we americans and really worldwide, we're too dependent on -- too connected to our cell phones. everybody wants to stay connected in the world at all times, 24/7. and i just don't think it's appropriate to stay connected in that kind of way when you are driving a motor vehicle down the highway and in the blink of an eye, this is what happened to the victim and the defendant. >> in terms of jail time? how much jail time is she receiving again and why not more jail time? >> well, the legislature in michigan set up this offense to be a one-year maximum misdemeanor. the maximum sentence i imposed, it would be one-year in the county jail. if i impose that i would be ignoring the rest of the requirements punishment deterrence rehabilitation protection of society. so from that standpoint i have to balance the punishment the penalty with an opportunity to rehabilitate any defendant. in this case i imposed a six-month sentence. 90 days she will serve. the last 90 days was deferred until the end of the period of probation. she can turn -- she can earn an opportunity not to serve that last 90 days if she conforms her bafers to the requirements of probation. >> it's a serious problem. over 3,000 people killed in crashes involving cell phones. once again, we want to thank you for joining us. who is your lovely wife? what is her name? >> dorothy. >> we want to thank you her as well we understand this is your 34th wedding anniversary. >> yesterday: we were up in traverse city. >> congratulations to the two of you. our hearts go out to the family as well. a driver can't believe his eyes when he sees the little boy behind the wheel of a car during rush hour. american pharaoh ending the nearly four decade triple crown drought. upnext an expert who was at all three triple crown races this year and explains what this means for horse racing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends." >> you wear it well. >> we've got a bunch of great folks here. this would be the sobbs school. htc decided to introduce their brand-new 24 karat cold gold of their phone. the guy who took it took it an iphone. you can see the guy snapping the photo using a separate company's phone to promote it. keep in mind this is a gold telephone. >> right. . >> it's shiny. you can see the guy taking the iphone. they released the phone to celebrate the soccer championship. >> weapon to take a look at your headlines right now. and we began with something that really was unreal. if you've seen this video. a woman was hit in the head by a broken bat at fenway park but she is expected to survive. initially though police said she suffered life-threatening injuries during friday night's red sox-a's game. her family thank everyone for support and asked for privacy. two southwest airlines jets their wings clip each other as one of planes pulled away from the gate at bob hope airport in burbank, california. nobody was injured there. both of those boeing 737s were taken out of service for inspection. the cause of collision still under investigation. no laughing matter. caught on camera a little kid behind the wheel, driving his family around downtown phoenix. >> dude you are going to get someone killed man? >> can you tell what's happening there? a stunned driver could. confronted a man during rush hour traffic. the man laughing it off. saying he has his hand on the emergency brake. inspired by his commitment and humility a wounded warrior honors country singer brantley gilbert for his work with the military. >> what you are doing for us you have no idea what you are doing for us. it's amazing. for me i got a gift for you. i don't know -- like i said my blood, sweat and tears are on this. that's how i earned it. i would like to have you my purple heart. >> that is not just a gift. that is a purple heart. army veteran, justin patterson met him for the first time during the memorial day week during motorcycle ride for the wounded warrior project. that's a great story. thank you so much. we're going to turn now to janice dean who has been our point woman for all things horse-related. good morning, janice. >> how are you guys these days? >> this is savannah. >> you have a big birthday today? >> yes. >> how old are you? >> i'm 13. >> what are you going to do today? >> go on a bus tour. >> the most exciting part is? >> being here. yes. >> take a look at the maps real quick and we'll show you what your forecast is going to be here today. it's 60 in new york. 61 in rapid city we're going to set some records in the northwest this week. there's your shower activity. we should the potential for severe weather today, including large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. heads-up chicago, indianapolis and detroit. we were witness to history! belmont stake yesterday. american pharaoh did it. triple crown winner. our first since 1978. correct? cristina with me. you are a racing expert. you are so young and you are a racing expert. you were at all three. >> i was at all three. isn't that great? just watching that video again, i was crying yesterday watching it. this was the first year i went to all three triple crown races starting with the kentucky derby. he ran in the kentucky derby, beat 17 horses. comes back wins the preakness. the skies open up. it poured that day. yesterday, he made it look so easy. honestly i'm over the moon. everybody around me was crying. we're all high-fiving. it doesn't matter whether you bet on him or not, we all wanted him to win. >> it was 2 1/2 minutes where the country came together for a horse. it was incredible. what's the difference between -- you and i talked about california chrome this year what's the difference between this horse and california chrome? >> first of all, with both of these horses it's the continuity. people really do get behind it. they want to see a horse go on and perform at that level and to win. i think everybody would have been thrilled if california chrome had won. bob baffert, very recognizable. we've known him for years. bob has tried several times to win the triple crown. he got two of them. he didn't manage to get the third. yesterday, he did. i have to say, being at the track, watching bob baffert walk through a crowd it was like watching michael jackson go through a crowd. people just went absolutely insane. the press, the public, about the time -- betters, they loved it. what about the jockey? the jockey was california chrome's last year. >> victor espinosa has had two chances to win the triple crown and he finally got it done. he accomplished something that the grates jerry bailey chris mccarren, bill shoemaker, he never won the triple crown. i'll be honest not anything to knock them it's very very hard thing to do to win all three. >> how does this horse go down in history, you think? >> right now, it's almost something outside of my frame of reference. i was very young when we had our other triple crown winners in the 70s. for many of us it is brand-new territory. it's fantastic for horsing -- horse racing. we've seen it all throughout the triple crown which has been really exciting. racing i've always been a big racing fan. i love the history. also what he's going to mean to the breeding industry. >> did you guys watch the race? >> yes. >> yes. okay. back over to you, heather, clayton, tucker. >> this couple is celebrating their 20th anniversary. >> and we have a 50th. >> yes. right here. and they waited actually. they were out here early. thank you for sticking around. congratulations. coming up next the duggars respond to their many critics. >> i think as people in the outside think well christians are supposed to be perfect. they are supposed to say -- you are supposed to live this perfect life. no you know what, all of us as christians we struggle every day. >> is the family being disproportionately attacked because they are conservative and christians? the last thing you need on a family vacation is the car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. you don't want that to happen. >> we've all been there. >> we have a checklist of what you need to know before you hit the road. just in time for national safety month. >> don't be like clark griswold. ♪ ♪ ♪ when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. insurance coverage has expanded nationally and you may now be covered. contact your health plan for the latest information. welcome back to "fox & friends." thank you so much for getting up early with us. some quick headline for you. a new york man has won the lottery 16 times in the last two years. so what is his secret? he owns the pharmacy that cells the tickets. armand won 16 times. love can be complicated and in this case $2 million worth of complication. 88-year-old james greenwald is being sued by his former lover because he never divorced his wife. understand that. the 67-year-old woman says she was with him for six years and deserves payment. greenwald's wife would rather see him six feet under than grant a divorce. what do you think of that? >> thanks heather. stars of the show "19 and counting" is under the microscope. >> in josh's case he was a boy, young boy in puberty, and a little too curious about girls, and that got him into some trouble. >> the controversy refusing to die down because the show is still on the air. so is this family being unfairly ridiculed for how they handled the whole thing? we're join now for a fair and balanced debate. i want to start with you. are they being unfairly criticized because of their faith? what do you think? >> no i don't think it's that at all, clayton. here's the thing. they are a public family. they decided to make their family into a reality tv show so they entered the public arena. secondly their statements about these events are so naive and seemingly so based in denial and such a threat to the way that we understand and treat pedestrian ophelia in this country that the criticism is very warranted. >> you said evangelicals are divided on their family. what do you mean by that? >> there are two values in conflict. christians do value children. jesus said it is better to be thrown in the sea than harm a child. christians care about the well-being of children but they also believe in grace and redemption and they believe that christ came to forgive all sins and he is also change a person. that's what's going on here. these daughters, we heard friday night, they said they forgive their brother for what he did to them. they are ready to move on with their lives, and i just think it's interesting that even though the victims are the ones who are willing to forgive, many other people have trouble in forgiving and i just remind people he who refss to fore git destroys the bridge over which he may one day cross. that's why you are seeing such a division going on here in the christian community going on with this. >> do you agree with that? >> i think the pastor might agree with me that the road to forgiveness includes truth. >> yes. >> i think we're friends on this. i think the trouble that the american people are having is whether it seems as though the duggar family is being truthful. because after all, they say some things clearly wrong, he doesn't qualify as a pedophile because he was 15. the definition includes older add less cents. their stance to save their empire seems to be scripting what they are saying rather than coming from the heart and telling the whole truth which i don't think they have. >> this is all predicated on if what they are saying is true. what we heard friday night was when these parents heard about this they had their kids and licensed therapists for counselling, they had josh in counselling. they did everything they can except turn their son into law enforcement officials at 14. i can understand that. 85 to 90% of those who commit those offenses at age 14 don't do them again as an adult, and i understand why the parents took the action that they did and i think it's important not to vil i fie the parents and certainly not to revictimize these girls. there have been some studies to suggest which is about where josh may have learned this from. a growing body of evidence we talked about it here yesterday on the show that he had to learned it from somewhere. what do you make of that argument? >> well, listen part of the truth is getting to the why. i don't think josh duggar is an evil person. i think something happened that led him down a path of pathology and the why, what happened, remains to be seen. that's part of what people are sensing here. nothing the family is saying explains this in a credible way. so unfortunately, they seem to be either in denial or willful denial. >> interesting debate and this will continue if this show remains on the air. thanks for joining us this morning. coming up here on the show developing right now, the massive manhunt to find two convicted murderers, they are on the loose in a small town in upstate new york after a dramatic prison break that used power tools to escape from a super max prison. more on that bizarre note they left behind for the guards to find in the next hour. then planning to hit the road this summer? a little family road trip. don't end up like clark griswold with a broken down car. motor trend is here with tips for safe travel save ahead. ♪ ♪ when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. ar and i feel great because i used the truecar app. truecar knows what other people paid for this car so i know if i'm getting a fair price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. (cheerful music) welcome back. it's summertime officially almost and that means you're likely to be in the car a ton over the next few months. june is safety month. we want to give you tips on how to make it a safer exexperience than it might otherwise be. we have jeff lowes. he's going to show us how to make this as safe as it can be. >> first thing is with new vehicles you can look under the hood and do a bit of a visual safety check before you go but to be honest there's a lot of plastic here. they're not really meant to be serviced at home. you can do things like check your break fluid or wiper fluid and coolant but make sure you've maintained it well at the dealership. i would say the big thing to look for before -- >> you're not adjusting valves? >> no. you don't really want to get thoo these modern cars. >> but your tires you can. >> tires are hugely important. the number one cause of tire failure is underinflation. it also affects fuel economy and stopping distance. our good buddies at told us if you are half the tread wear you get 50% stopping distance. by the end of the tire's life you can have up to 100% stopping distance. >> how do i know? >> with older tires you can take a penny, stick it in. if you can see the top of his head against the tire then it's time for new tires. >> so it's only a penny but it's going to be costly. >> right. and the other thing is if you're using underinflated tires, your fuel economy goes up as well. >> and you don't go as fast. >> it's important for safety and your wallet. >> boil it down for us. have a roadside emergency, they don't happen that much but they do happen what should you have at all times? . >> especially for the summertime you should have water in the car. make sure you have gallons of water. depending on where you're going, basic tools, gloves maybe a tarp. just in case you need to get under the car to do a tire change. a blanket if you're going someplace cold. medication if you have people. >> and a charged cell phone. >> the big thing is your biggest safety item could be your mobile phone. so have an extra battery and a charging cable. >> what's the least safe and most common thing people do in the car? >> on the phone, texting, that kind of stuff. >> and that really is unsafe no kidding around. >> yes, absolutely. there are a lot of apps you can use to be a safer driver to let people know where you're going. when you're going on a road trip know where you need to go. use apps like wave. >> it also tells you where the cops are. ed lowe thank you. we'll go back inside to heather and clayton. >> coming up on the show check out this heart stopping video. a race goes wrong and a driver walks away. we'll show you that video when we come back. >> and history is made. there's the video we were talking about, clayton, and american pharoah becomes the first triple crown winner in nearly three decades. we are live from belmont park straight ahead. here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? he does. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. good morning to you. it is 9:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is sunday june 7th, 2015. thank you for joining us this morning. we begin with a fox news alert for you. a prison break straight out of a movie. two convicted murders used power tools to get out of their maximum security cells. the massive man hunt is under at this hour. >> the iraqi hour has been taken over for months. have they finally made a stand against the terror group. we have updates ahead. >> and the drought is finally over. american pharoah takes home the triple crown. >> here it is. the 37-year wait is over. american pharoah is finally -- >> we're live track side with the win nearly four decades in the making. "fox and friends" hour four begins right now. ♪ >> there it is n clayton is going to leap off the top of the building into that baby pool. don't miss that? . >> it looks deep enough sure. >> no. it's national safety month and we have safety tips for your kids. pool safety sand safety sun safety. >> and heather childers in this morning. >> this is a wild and crazy show. a lot of information. >> you're here on a wild and crazy morning. following the 37-year drought, a horse racing moment in history yesterday. american pharoah winning the belmont stakes and taking the triple crown. >> the celebration is just beginning, though for his owners, his trainer, bob baffert and victor espinoza. we are joined from belmont park with more. how exciting to be there. >> good morning. that's exactly right. the last time a horse won the triple crown was affirmed in 1978. since then 12 horses have tried. all coming up short except for yesterday. american pharoah in the number five post broke a bit slow in the start but never gave away the lead in the entire race. dashing in the last quarter mile to win the belmont stakes by 5 1/2 lengths. the 12 in history to win all three races in a grueling five-week span. a feat some said would never be done again. the crowd hugging and holding their historic tickets in the air. american pharoah with his misspelled name and unusually short tail making winners out of bob baffert -- this was his fourth try at the crown. >> i don't think it's supg in yet. i'm feeling, i have an unbelievable feeling. i told my wife, get ready to be the owner of the 12th triple crown winner. >> the jockey victor espinoza becoming the first hispanic to win the triple crown. american pharoah is headed to kentucky later today. we are expecting a press conference with the owner and the trainer in just a few moments. back to you. >> so exciting. janice dean was there to watch all the action. she was there dominating. >> do you think the horse travels an air horse one? i have a million of those. >> we have photos of you. what was the mood like on the side of the track? >> amazing. i was there in the morning when it was pouring rain and i was like oh my gosh my hair but i was talking to a spokesperson for belmont stakes and he said this is good luck. this horse loves the rain and when he came into bollelmont it was raining. he loves the sloppy track. it was like it was in the air from early on in the morning and reporters from different stations were there. it didn't matter. we were all there for the same reasons, two watch two and a half minutes of history, the most exciting two and a half minutes of history. it brought everyone together. it didn't matter where you were from or who you're with. >> even the announcer saying he was the one the watch. all eyes on american pharoah. >> and we knew very early on. some of these horses are late starters but this one was ahead very early. i heard someone say it was like a for rar ri. espinoza rides this horse and he doesn't even know how fast it's going. >> here's your video. your husband shot this. >> thank goodness for my husbands. >> and he won by such a large marge inand margin and he was the only one in this race that ran all three races. >> and that's what you have to do. remember california chrome saying i don't think i'm going to see this in my lifetime. it happened. >> it did. >> and my family has a tie to horse racing. my dad has three horses named after him, one of which is a famsz horse in england called the flying childers. history. >> wow. >> totally -- i'm totally impressed. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> we want to talk about headlines now. completely different stories to tell you about. a fox news alert. isis being stopped in its tracks after a fierce battle in anbar province. government forces and shiite militia using anti-tank weapons to repel two separate attacks. isis attempting to use car bombs and mortars before retreating hours later. at least five of the terrorists killed in the fighting. and now to the extrem weather. millions of people in the path of dangerous weather today. all of it taking aim from the rockies to the great lakes. this comes after colorado is slammed with widespread flooding and tornadoes leaving behind a path of destruction. that state would see two more nights of strong storms. hog heaven for 2016 republican candidates. gop candidates riding motorcycles. they also mixed in some politics with their pork in iowa. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed as a party to have so many good candidates. >> joni ernst organized the roast and ride event. and finally air that are. get it? you're looking at prince charlotte with her big brother. the duchess of came bridge snapped the pictures weeks after charlotte's birth. they announced charlotte will be christened next month at the same church where her late grandmother, princess dianna was baptized. >> president obama and six of the world's most powerful leaders meeting in germany today for the g 7 smim. >> and missing for the second year is vladimir putin as russia and the violence gripping ukraine is expected to take center stage. >> kevin corke joins us live this morning. >> reporter: good day to you. you're right. we are just over the border from where the summit will be taking place. earlier today we saw what is known in these circles as the family photo. it's our chance to take a look at all the world leaders in mass as they prepare for all the meetings taking place to do and tomorrow and beyond. the meetings of course have been very interesting even to this point. we learned earlier today the president and angela merkel had a chance to have a one on one meeting. but the en masse sights of all the leaders was interesting. in addition to the red carpet routine, they had a chance to stroll through the country side. the two leaders i mentioned, obama and merkel talked about the rise of islamic extremism but everyone wants to talk about what to do about russia and the ongoing situation in ukraine. that's a major part of the discussions here and for good measure before i let you go the president had a little beer today as he toured and maybe some snitsl as well. >> it's a tough job. you find relief where you find it. >> thanks kevin. let's go to upstate new york. the small down oftown is on shut down. two ibnmates have broken out. in the middle of the night they managed to use power tools to drill through the steel walls of their room climb down a cat walk into the caverns underneath the security prison and out through a manhole. now they are on the loose and the community is gripped by this. >> and these are two prisoners who have both committed murder. we can show your their picture. they were serving life without patrol for killing a sheriff's department. one of them the other 25 to live for his crime. >> one the richard matt. he has a large tattoo on his back that says mexico over. david sweat killed the sheriff's department. they've been in there for some time. when they escaped, they left behind a calling card of sorts. it's a post it note. on it there's a picture of it. underneath it says have a nice day. >> unbelievable. in the middle of the night, they do this bed check every night and the guards go through every two hours. governor cuomo went to tour the facility after this happened and he said the normal two-hour window still happened but they had stuffed things inside of the bed to make it look as if they were still sleeping. the governor addressed this and more yesterday at a prez conference. reason. >> it was an extraordinary act. and when you look at how it was done it was extraordinary. i mean we went through the tunnels. you look at the precision of the operation. it was truly extraordinary. these are dangerous people. and they're nothing to be trifled with. if you see them or know anything or if you've heard anything please contact the state police or your local police as soon as possible. >> a couple things that we don't know here. i was thinking about it as we showed the video. we talked about where did they get the power tools? how did they know where the tunnels would lead? how did they know they would be able to escape? >> questions like that suggest an inside job. power tools are not issued to prisoners, of course even in new york. and their escape apparently the result of very complex long-term planning. look at the cut right now. they cut through sheet steel on their way out. these are some of the questions authorities will be try to answer. >> and power tools in the middle of the night while people are sleeping. >> how did the guards not hear it? >> the small town of 5,000 will be dealing with this for some time. coming up next hillary clinton calling out republicans saying their keeping voters from the polls on purpose. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. >> yep. their big gots. is that actually happening? coming up is a person specializing in voting rights. and he'll tell you the real reason he believes hillary is pushing the issue right now. >> and the brawl that left mini mouse and hello kitty in handcuffs. >> did you ever think you'd say that? 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what is hillary's plan and how does this fit into her campaign for president? joining us now jay christian adams. it's great to see you this morning. in the 2012 election black voters voted at a higher rate than white voters. >> if republicans want to understand the modern democrat party and the battle plan for 2016 they need to understand this story. hillary is doing two things the democrats use to win elections. yurm one, they mobilize a racial base. they scare black voters into thinking jim crow is back and this drives racial polarization numbers up and it helps democrats win. the second thing she is doing is changing the rules of the game. the democrats are obsessed with election process vulrules, early voting. they know if they change the rules of the game it helps them win and cranks vulnerabilities into our election system. chris christie had the exact right response. he understood it. he said this will promote voter fraud and that's why she wants it. >> and it also promotes anger and division when you tell people they're hated because of their skin color. they're upset. why wouldn't they be. at the end of her speech she said i want congress right now to make voter registration automatic for everyone over the age of 18. there are a bunch of states giving licenses to illegal aliens. how under that system would we prevent unregistered people from voting. >> you can't. republicans still think you win elections by putting radio ads talking about issues. democrats now know you win elections by changing the rules. it means anybody on a government benefit database whatever gets automatically renggistered to vote. then they want early voting for two months. it helps the unmotivated get to the polls. people who don't pay attention, low information voters. the democrats know that their ideas are terrible so they try to change the rules of the game to give them 5 or the 10% in national elections. >> no one is pretending this will lead to a less corrupt government. >> coming up. a race goes wrong. the driver walks away. don't miss this. wow. >> and he's a country music star with millions of fans but he just got a gift that stands alone. >> this is my purple heart. >> up next the country star returns the favor in a big way live right here on our show. stay tuned to "fox and friends." ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. 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[announcer]our new online business planning tools will help your business thrive. wells fargo.together we'll go far. time for headlines. a delightful romp through america's news landscape. a driver lucky to be alive after a high speed crash. the car in australia was going 125 miles per hour when it lifted off the track, split in half. the driver will recover. >> in downtown waco support of the hundreds arrested in last month's deadly. they wand the judges free the innocent saying not all bikers are criminals or gang members. heather? >> all right. well country star brantley gilbert has received quite a few awards but what he just received from a wounded warrior, that definitely tops them all. >> what you're doing for us you have no idea what that's doing for us. it's like for me i got a gift for you. i don't know like i said my blood sweat and tears are on this. i'd like to give you my first purple heart. >> the vet giving gilbert his first purple heart. now justin patterson is joining us. thank you for your service and thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. it's an honor. >> can you tell me first, what has wounded warriors meant to you in your life and why did you get involved? >> wow. to be hobest with you, i got involved because my wife signed me up. but ever since i signed up it's been life-changing, therapeutic. the comrade ri and the brotherhood is back in my life again. that's pretty much what i needed. >> you needed it because apparently you said there was a period of time where you didn't even leave your house. you suffer from ptsz. >> i went to get groceries but any functions i didn't leave for about two years. >> how did you meet brantley gilbert? >> there was a wounded warrior ride called project odyssey which harley davidson collaborated to put it on for us. and at the last minute they said they had a vip guest named brantley gilbert. i had no idea who he was. i thought it was bradley gilbert. but at the last minute they said he was going to ride with us. i thought what better way to raise awareness than for him to promote his album and talk about the wounded warriors. >> not only is he doing that. he's also using what you gave to him and giving back to the community as well. we want to take a listen to what he's doing. >> what's up. just i'll never be able to thank you enough for your gift on the ride. it means more to me than you'll ever know. there's no way i'll ever be able to pay you back for that. i'm not going to be able to make it to the cmt awards this year. we have two seats that are available, and hopefully you and your wife aren't too busy to check it out. we'd love for you to be there. >> two tickets to the cmt awards for you and your wife. what do you think about that? are you a big country music fan? >> i am. >> that is going to be awesome. it's such a special thing to get a purple heart. what did you do to receive this purple heart the first type. this is the first purple heart you received? >> yes, ma'am. >> what happened? what were the circumstances? >> we were doing a vehicle rout security overwatch. it's in a tier one hot spot. it's called a small kill team. we wait for the target to present to e ratradicate it. along the way we hit a roadside bomb and received shrapnel to the face fractured skull. i don't remember too much after. it's pretty much all of it. >> thank you so much once again, for your service to our great country. because of folks like you we're able to live free an proud. we appreciate it. have fun at the cmt awards. >> thank you. >> i'm sure your wife will say yes. >> yeah. >> staff sergeant justin thank you so much justin patterson, we appreciate it. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> coming up it is the happiest place on earth unless you're one of the american workers fired and replaced by foreigners. is disney gaming the system in one lawmaker demanding answers. and street justice new york city style. >> what was going through their minds when they stepped in to help? hear from one of the good samaritans, up next. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. ken thompson. wachovia. wachovia.wachovia. wachovia. i'm a $31,000 a year plus bonuses. i have a very nice compact car. i eat at the best restaurants within a 50-mile radius. what else do you need to know about me? >> how to make you go away. >> what do you say on a first date? thankfully a team of researchers have gotten together at stanford. they set up a speed dating thing where they studied hundreds of couples and how they interacted and what were the most effective. >> you'd think they'd spend time developing flying cars but they're helping with the first date. >> they came up with ideas of what's most effective for men to reach out to women. let's start with women. >> apparently women prefer when men laugh when they laugh but not that creepy i'm copying your laugh and it sounds the same thing. just acknowledging that they said something funny. >> you're so right, heather. >> they like to be interrupted with follow up questions. >> what do you mean? >> that's an expression of their interest and concern. >> not like you're grilling them. >> and ladies you guys all like it when men say flattering things to you. >> you know why? because you're great. >> and they also like when you position phrases by saying you. it's interesting, heather, when you were talking about that you like that sauce on your meal. do you know why? you're great. >> and don't talk about yourself in the third person. that's kind of weird. >> and now to men. apparently men, they don't like it when women say things like kind of sort of maybe. >> they don't like it when you're wishy washy. >> they do like it when women talk about themselves saying i, me and myself. >> and men don't like to answer too many questions about themselves. >> really? >> in other words, women like it when the focus is on them and men like it when the focus is on the women. >> they're made for each other. >> the focus shouldn't be on men and we'll women. >> some of the responses, you've let us know what your first date disasters or things were. mickey at 3 stepping. while dancing to a slow song she asked if he was married, working and dating. i asked if the interview was ore. >> i'm dating you at the moment. >> i think those are three great questions. do you have a job? are you committing adultery? where is this going. >> i was set up on a blind date. he was an hour late and brought a friend. i thought i was on punked. i'm assuming it wasn't a joke. >> that's something women do. you have a first date with somebody you meet in a public place and you have a friend there just in case. >> show up an hour late and bring a friend. >> that's nice. >> one writes i was 15 years old when i met my ron. it must have a good date because we will be married 50 years. >> congratulations. that's wonderful. >> you shared a first date situation where someone killed a dog. your friend not you. >> sentaccidentally. my friend sat on his high school prom date's dog. >> that happened to you too? >> a friend of mine also killed a dog. they're not together anymore. >> never heard of such a thing. we're going to talk about stories we're following for you. switching gears, terrifying moments at a packed musical vest cal. this a a german music festival. lightning strikes injure more than 30 people. the first strike hit backstage areas and another one at a camp site. organizers put the festival on hold after that but the show apparently going on as planned today. disney firing hundreds of american tech workers and forcing them to train their foreign replacements. and now senator bill nelson a democrat from florida demanding an investigation of the use of the hbv 1 visa program. earlier on "fox and friends," someone explained how the program is supposed to work. >> it's really to complement the american work force when you can't find other american workers. >> it allows people with special skills to enter the country each year. >> and a group of good samaritans takes down a mugger after he attacks an arizona mother of two. >> somebody get a cop. >> the mom, all she was doing was walking around new york city when the suspect grabbed her backpack and didn't let go. he dragged her for half a block before all these people spoke in. earlier we spoke with one of the woman's rescuers. >> i just wanted to help them out and i was concerned about what he could go to other people. i don't regret it. you have to decide whether or not you want to get involved with something like that. >> the accused mugger now facing mugging and assault charges. >> and in time square two women dressed in hello kitty and minnie mouse costumes arrested. they allegedly gave to money to hello kitty for the money to share. punches were thrown and both women are facing assault charges. >> where was woody the sheriff? >> why didn't olaf step in? he was standing there too. >> you were talking about bad dates. the best date i ever had happened may -- story, not may. oh no. >> february? >> oh i've been up since yesterday. june 8th, eight years ago. that was when i married my husband, shawn. >> yeah. look at that. oh so great. >> real quick, birthday? >> right here. >> you don't look a day over 25. congratulations and a birthday here. >> i'd like to say happy birthday to my mom barbara, 67 years old. >> that's great. let's let's talk weather. there's hurricane blanca bringing moisture. we could see a couple of inches around baja california and much-needed moisture around the southwest. it's weakening. a quick look at the radar over the central u.s. the threat for large hail, damaging winds maybe isolated tornadoes in those areas. the west date of my life happened june 8th, eight years ago. happy anniversary, shawn. tomorrow. like i said this is the opportunity i had. >> awesome. >> thank you. >> the number is staggering. the federal government overpaying people on disability by $17 billion. that's your taxpayer dollars and a lot of those people aren't disabled. in fact, some of them are dead. how does this happen? >> parents, do you make your kids wear floaties to keep them safe at the pool? why experts say that you shouldn't trust them to do the job. >> floaties are terrible. >> that water is cold. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. welcome back. a shocking new government watchdog report now revealing over the past ten years social security overpaid disability benefits by $17 billion. many of them went to prisoners and dead people who could not put them to good use. how does that happen? >> it's amazing, the waste of money. >> and we've been talking about the insolvency of this program, how long until we hit the point where we're not going to be able to make the payments. this cripples it ahead of time. >> the fact that the program grew so much over the last decade during a recession, that tells right there, its own story. the fact that oh coincidentally, it grew so much and the other thing, simply moving money from the retirement to the disability fund is so easy and so common. it's a bad idea. it's a huge fight. it's two things. >> but this is the new welfare. the rest of us have not been paying attention and the disability program has grown dramatically right? >> well we're looking at the numbers. it's grown dramatically. the other thing is on the imprommer payments one analyst i was talking about this this morning with said one problem is the system makes to sense. disability is not black or white in the system. the issue is what work can one do but not necessarily, you know you're disabled or not. and this whole paying over mental issues seems to be the rule-making there seems to be just sketchy. >> in some places it's become safer, not more dangerous. how are they measuring this? there's $142 billion paid out by social security disability benefits last year alone. are there people in place to measure whether or not you're disabled or not. >> and simply moving it from retirement to disability, people are assuming this is something that's common. >> that's what i'm saying. it's so common and you have to believe that some of the rule-making around the mental issues is somewhat sketchy and so i think that needs to be looked at. the fact that you could move it from retirement to disability is wrong. this should be black or white. it's miskususe of funds. >> more of that expert analysis coming up on your show that is coming up. >> we have representative steve scalise in the studio. we'll talk about trade. that's one of the big issues. we're also going to be taking a look at the hack attack and why so many people's money was hacked in government. we're also going to get into isis and the iran talks and where we are, that june 30th deadline on the horizon. very few people think we'll have a deal. we're also talking about sam zel, the real estate titan to talk about where this market is. he's a big seller. you figure it out. >> he's also one of the greatest interview of all times. he's out of control. i love him. >> sounds great. >> you can catch maria week days. log onto your area or fox. >> my new morning show starts at 6:00 a.m. >> she's up having coffee with us now. >> coming up on the show parents, do you make your kids wear floaties? pool. huge mistake. why parents say you shouldn't trust them to do the job. we'll talk about it when we come back. what up wheels! mr. auto-mo-deal! hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. relook. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. welcome back. quick sports headlines for you. in fifa whistle-blowers say qatar will likely be stripped of the 2022 world cup. there's so much evidence of corruption that fifa will have no choice but to find another host city. and a career high marks a new low for tiger woods. he shot an 85 on saturday in a third round of the memorial tournament in ohio. that's his worst score as a professional golfer. the lowlight came on the 18th hole where he took a quadruple bogey. that sounds like me. >> not a good thing. >> all right. no bet ereter way to enjoy the summer than with time spent at the pool or beach. >> but the water can be danger if safety is not your top priority. >> here are tips every parent must know. we have the director of pool management and staff training at the imagine school of swimming. nice to see you this morning. who did you bring here? >> this is emerson. she's one of my best students. >> hi emerson. nice to see you this morning. >> she's cold. the water is a little cold. >> i'm not a helicopter parent or anything but making my kids learn how to swim at such a young age and learning these tips was most important thing i could have done. why is it so important to get these kids in the pool early to learn these tips and tricks? >> swimming is a life-saving skill. the earlier you start, the easier it is to learn. they're so much more comfortable when they're young. they just get it naturally. >> and something we mentioned earlier are these water wings we see children put on. but you shouldn't trust those. parents should not trust those. >> that's right. >> why are those a huge mistake? >> they give us all a sense of security. there's no substitute for supervision. you need an adult who has their eyes on the kids at all times. sometime when is people put flotation devices on their kids they think they can leave them. they get more relaxed. something can happen -- >> there's no time you can relax when your small kids are around a pool. >> no not at all. as long as you're watching them you can relax and keep watching them. but don't let your guard down. >> one of the really important factors about it is i think hollywood paints a picture about drowning right. arms are flailing there's a lot of yelling. you say it's a silent killer. >> that's right. we're conditioned by those tv "baywatch" drownings, but it can happen in an instant. it can happen without any splashing. drowning victims can't call out. they're struggling to breathe. they're not going to yell for help. >> and explain, what is the rule? >> if your child can't swim more than 25 yards continuously, you should stay within ten feet of them in the pool at all times. >> because they can tire quickly. >> behind us they can definitely swim. >> it's really the one thing that's worth worrying about. i think parents spend a lot of time worrying about things that aren't a threat. >> yes, drowning is the leading cause of accidental deaths among children 4 and under. >> wow. >> you have to be careful. >> what about limit the nonswimmer to swimmer ratio? three to one. what does that mean? >> three nonswimmers to each responsible swimmer in the water. even three is a little bit much. that's pushing it. chrissy in the water here is a professional. she knows what to do. but most people who don't do this day in and day out can't handle more children than they have hands. so two hands two kids is what i like to say. >> when the water is cold -- by the way, our above-ground pool is freezing. is it more threatening when it's cold? >> it can be. there are hypothermia risks. in a backyard pool that's not something you typically need to worry about. as long as you have proper barriers. you want a four-foot-high fence that can't be climbed that has an automatically shutting and latching gate. multiple layers of protection like that. >> have you ever met a kid that wasn't excited to go in a pool? >> maybe at first. but after they get in they get used to it. they learn what to do to keep themselves safe. >> if you think your child is afraid of the water and then that way, you know, you're not at risk of them going in don't count on that because they'll still be interested. >> exactly. depending on their age, they can't necessarily process what the risk really is. they might just be curious and walk over to water's edge reach over to touch t and fall in. >> brendan, thanks to you. great tips this morning. >> my pleasure. >> we want to thank walmart for this awesome pool. for more information on the pool and on imagine swimming visit you think the show is over but it's not. there's more to come, so stay tuned. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. thanks to our lovely viewers for lending me their sunglasses. >> those are lovely. tomorrow we'll have much more flair when donald trump comes. >> bye, everyone. here's looking at you. good morning. a massive hack on federal government servers, leaving many wondering just how vulnerable we are to another attack. hi everybody. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome to "sunday morning futures." chinese hackers apparently behind this. what did they learn, and just how pourous is our country's cyber system? house majority whip steve scalise will join me momentarily. plus president obama at a summit this weekend set to meet with the prime minister of iraq who criticized the u.s. for not doing enough to fight isis. but the u.s. with plenty of concerns of its own about iraqi troops. a former commander of the army's delta force will be with u

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150607 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150607

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>> here it is the 37-year wait ask over. american pharaoh is finally the won! >> bob costas about to fall out of his chair. the story behind the incredible victory. "fox & friends" hour one begins right now. ♪ ♪ oh, welcome to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. this is the beginning of national safety month, and so show you can associate with safety it's "fox & friends." >> there's no other show that decides to put a pool outside. heather childers is with us this morning. we have a pool outside. we have got lots of pets. >> do i have to be dunked in the water or be in a mud race? >> we didn't ask -- answer your questions because surprise is what we're all about. it's great to see you, heather. >> did you happen to watch yesterday? hopefully we can watch history. american pharaoh won the triple crown at belmont stakes. watch bob costa's call. >> here it is the 37-year wait is over. american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> it was victor espinosa's third try. >> janice was actually there? >> what was it like? >> it was magic. i was there for california chrome last year and i think it was the most exciting 2 1/2 minutes of sports history. it's collective you are holding your breath when they start. i had read that american pharaoh was a little bit late getting out of the gate but then he took an early lead and then we just knew as he was getting progressively further ahead of the other horses that he was going to win and everybody was just like there were tears inspect people's eyes. there were a lot of people who wanted to witness history, 37 years since the last triple crown, and it was just magical. everybody is there in their finest outfits and they are all in a good mood. >> were you wearing a pink hat? >> it was red. >> bob behalf -- baffert was the trainer. >> the jockey here who rode california chrome last year he had a big disappointment. this was huge for him. and about this horse, it's something about this horse that he has just huge strides. i mean i read somewhere that you can't believe -- it's almost like he's floating on air when he is -- he's like a machine, really. a lot of people just said even john durso, the rain was good luck because this horse does very well in muddy conditions, because the preakness was very muddy. when the horse arrived at belmont it was raining and it was raining yesterday morning. it was magic in the air. >> i saw american pharaoh race at the kentucky derby where he won obviously, $800,000 he wins for winning this particular race the belmont. >> he joins an elite crowd of 11 triple crown winners. >> in the 70s, they had a lot of triple crowns. back-to-back unbelievable. >> we had a chance to talk to the owners son and bob baffort. take a listen after the win. >> wow, wow. i can only tell you, it's an amazing thing, it's unbelievable how things work out. just an amazing horse like american pharaoh. >> how did you feel when he crossed the wire? >> oh, man, it was pretty amazing. just lynning to the crowd, it was ridiculous. >> bob, what does it mean for you? >> it just means so much for the horse. i wanted to see this horse do it because he's so special and he deserved to win. >> he will be sired. >> did you take some horse selfies yesterday? >> there's pictures all over the place. twitter and facebook. this was right after the horse -- he had the horse warmer on. i got to touch that thing and it went on the winning horse and i had to snap -- of course i'm the reason why. my husband snapped this picture as the horse was doing his little laps so everybody could cheer, there i am and there's the horse warmer. >> how small are the jockeys? >> pretty tiny. with his girlfriend. >> they are incredible athletes. >> they are. >> i was explaining to my little boy, if i ever read the book "sea biscuit." she described how athletic they are. they are floating above these horses with the slightest move of their foot able to move the horse. >> i had someone tell me about the kentucky derby that the horses be the most powerful athletes in the world and you imagine these jockeys on top of them are so small and it really does take a lot of skill and athleticism in order to do that. >> how small are they? what do they weigh? >> i didn't ask them. you know i didn't talk to many of them. they were getting busy. you know what i remembered, remember last year, california chrome being upset, i'm never going to go as a triple crown in my lifetime. it's hard for these horses to run three races back-to-back and the long one, the belmont is the longest one. i remember him saying i'm never going to see one in my history. there it is. unbelievable and my kids too, they were watching at home. kids remember that seeing that race and that's history. >> look at you. >> oh, i was so excited! >> janice dean was there. >> thank you, "fox & friends" weekend. >> we'll talk to you later as well. >> yeah absolutely. first, we got some headlines. >> we sure do and a fox news alert is what we start with. two convicted murderers on the loose using an elaborate plan to escape a maximum security print in -- prison in new york. they are extremely dangerous. official say they used prison-owned power tools to drill a hole in the wall of their cells. they left behind a note with a drawing. it read this. have a nice day. it was placed next to a hole in a pipe. more than 200 officers are involved in the search. the prison is about 20 miles south of the canadian border. isis now doing all that it can to get its hands on deadly chemical weapons. a grave warning has been issued saying the terror group is recruiting highly trained professionals to make chemical weapons. isis has used chlorine bombs on the battlefield, something also claimed by kurdish fighters earlier this year. and hundreds came together to give an emotional farewell to bowe biden. >> his casket was led into a delaware church. beau died last week of brain cancer. president obama fought back tears during the eulogy calling him a man of character. >> he did in 46 years what most of us couldn't do in 146. he left nothing in the tank. he wanted you to be a better person. isn't that finally the measure of a man? >> the president hugged the vice president who he called a brother. and inspired by his commitment and humility a wounded warrior honors brantley gilbert for his work with the military. >> what you are doing for us you have no idea what you are doing for us. for me i got a gash right here. my blood and sweat and tears are on this. i would like to give you my purple heart. >> he met gilbert for the first time on memorial day weekend. that was during his motorcycle ride for the wounded warrior project. justin will join us live. that is at 9:20 this morning, to tell us how brantley is returning the thanks. that's an amazing story. >> you want to say i can't accept this but it would be an insult not to accept this. >> what would you do in this situation. >> turning it into something good. president obama descending into germany this morning for the g 7 summit. missing is vladimir putin. we're joined live from aws austria near the summit. >> reporter: what a beautiful setting, right? we're actually in telfs, austria. we're not very far from the summit site. the president arrived this morning shortly before 7:00 a.m. local time and it has been nonstop action for the president since making his way to germany for the g 7 summit. there will be much to discuss as it relates to the economy, violent extremism and the ongoing unrest in ukraine but as for the president himself, he had a chance to spend a little time with the host country's leader angela merkel. and he was in the southern bavarian town where he enjoyed some of the local fare beer and schnitzel. it should make for a very interesting day. for now, back to you and in the usa. the great kevin cork live from austria this morning. first the taliban and then the you're aguy six. is the administration turning a blind eye to threats to further its own agenda? our next guest says yes. and the clause come out when mini mouse gets into a cat fight with hello kitty. only one place it could happen. times square new york city. >> what sparked this brawl? ♪ ♪ ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. next. ♪♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. obama administration after releasing six gitmo detainees to uruguay last december the u.s. said they have not taken part in terror attacks. they are not a threat. it turns out those men were high-risk detainees, they were dangerous. they had plotted against the united states. is the white house jeopardizing national security so the president can follow through on his campaign promise to shut down guantanamo bay. do you believe his campaign promise is driving his policy? >> yes, absolutely. the uruguay government says they weren't given instructions about securing them or watching their travel or doing anything and all of a sudden we're told that these guys had prior knowledge of 9/11. one of them was an al qaeda bomb trainer. these are people who should be detained until they are dead and unfortunately the president is doing this as you said to just deliver on his campaign promise. >> there weren't many people who had prior knowledge of 9/11. that fact alone puts you in a very special category to me. this is a big story. when asked about it, the spokesperson at the state department said this isn't it at all. how can that be? >> they promised to close gitmo because it is a hot button issue for the left. they are turning these guys loose. when you look at the guys they released in the trade for bergdahl these were guys in the taliban cabinet. they are talking on their buddies cell phones in qatar and essentially back in the fight. >> it seems very reckless and crazy to me. the president is arguing that holding them without trial at gitmo is a propaganda win for the terrorists. is the only option to release them into the rest of the world? why not, if they have committed misdeeds why not put them on trial in the civil court or put them on trial in our military system? i don't understand why we wouldn't do that. >> we should have done military commissions and this should have happened a lot earlier, even during the bush administration. the fact that president obama doesn't believe in military commissions is part of the problem. he's determined that terrorism, all the jihadists are part of a criminal problem, not a national security problem. closing gitmo gives us nothing to do. we've stopped capturing terrorists now because we don't have any way to interrogate them. when we get a bad guy, we only keep them for 30 days. >> or kill them with drones which leaves us with no intelligence we might get from a living person. coming up next, the did you go gar -- duggars response to their many critics. >> christians are supposed to be perfect. you are supposed to live this perfect life. no you know what all of us as christians we struggle every day. >> what happens next? will the reality continue should it? father jonathan morris explains yes it should. a driver can't believe his eyes when he sees a little boy behind the wheel of another car. >> you can get someone killed man. >> is that for real? we'll tell you how that one ends. stay tuned. you've heard of a "win-win," right? what about a "win-win-win"? pick up the limited edition metallic droid turbo by motorola. water-repellent. up to 48-hour battery life and ballistic nylon back. that's your first "win." plus, it's only on verizon. the #1 network. there's your next "win." now for final "win." get $250 when you trade in any smartphone. and get 10 gigs of data for $80 a month and $15 per line. the win-win-win. a new way to save without settling. only on verizon. welcome back and good morning. a quick look at headlines for you. two southwest airlines jets clipped wings as one of the planes pulled away from its gate in burbank, california. no one was injured. passengers were moved to other flights. both boeings were taken out of service for inspection. caught on camera a little child behind the wheel. >> you are going to get someone killed man? >> i've got my break here. >> this video now going viral after a stunned driver confronted the man in the front seat. the man laughed it off. endangering a child. >> and the guy driving also filming. this morning, tlc executives remain tight-lipped over the future of this show. 19 kids and counting. this after the family's son josh duggar admitted to abusing four of his sisters and a fifth unnamed victim. >> people on the outside think that christians are supposed to be perfect. they are supposed to live this perfect life. no all of us as christians, we struggle every day. >> the question is has the duggar family been held to higher expectations? what do you make of all this? the family is in agony. should they pull the plug on the show? >> we should think of the victims and the five young girls who were victimized here and then look at what did they do? how was the response of the family? from what we understand they reported it. they also got professional licensed counselling. they seemed to respond to it pretty well. we don't know all the details, but that's the first thing. now, should josh still ob -- be on the show? i don't think so. it would be very inappropriate. is this family now a bad example because they had one child of 19 that did something very very wrong and i don't think we can say the whole family is some sort of a bad example. think of what's open television right now? how about the kardashians, great example? how about the real wives of hollywood or new jersey? we're hearing such outcry the duggars get them off tv it's so bad for america, this is a bad example, how can you possibly allow them to stay on? >> however, they are on tv in the first place, which is part of the problem. that they are on tv filming their lives. >> that's for them to decide as a family. a social outcry that they are somehow bad people they should not be allowed on television i don't think so. you know whether that was the cause of some sort of inappropriate -- >> pastor jeffers this week he said you know what it's time to put the cameras away focus on the family. go home and focus on the family. >> i would say that's a decision of the family. i don't know that i would have my family on tv at all. you know it's a question the family has to decide is this the right thing for their family but what's been shocking to me is all of these very secular headlines rejoiceing at the down fall of a family that never said it was perfect. >> not really concerned for the children involved. like you were saying. that should be the focus of everyone and it's not from these people that are making the comments about the family. >> that's a whole other question. how this report actually got out, to have victims' names be or at least pointed out who these people were i would like to find out who did that why did they that? >> it was leaked because people hate them because of their views. >> i don't know what the intention there was, but i do know is there are a lot of really bad examples on television. somehow to say the duggars really have to go because we as a country can't handle the duggars being on there when they have had this child who did this terrible thing, i think we would have to get rid of a lot of things on television and i don't think we're ready to do that. >> they are not heroes like bruce jenner. >> i have a prediction though that if this show were on the air, ratings would be through the roof. >> come on. >> father, good to see you. >> happy sunday. the manhunt for two murderers, convicts pulling off an incredible prison break from a maximum security prison leaving a note behind that taunted the guards. we're going to have a live report from dannemora, new york. the first triple crown winner in four decades. what's next for american pharaoh? the vice president of the belmont stakes joins us live, next. you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. turn around now? >> you can turn around now. >> oh. >> there are so many things i thought about saying to you, but i've loved you since the first day i met you. will you please make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me? ♪ ♪ >> you are wondering what you are looking at here. the incredible moment that a police officer proposes to a kindergarten teacher in front of his entire class. he said it was important for him to be in uniform when he popped the question. he had just talked to students about his job. no question they will have a happy marriage. i married a kindergarten teacher. >> congratulations to them. >> we've got a flerts -- fox news alert. this story is amazing. >> completely different story here. on the loose, two dangerous convicted murderers going to extreme lengths to escape a maximum security print in upstate new york. >> extreme, that's for sure. we're live in washington with more on the search and how this happened. elizabeth, amazing. >> amazing. the elab are rat -- elaborate plan for these two men to escape included slicing through a steel wall and navigating through under ground tunnels. the new york governor said it was an elaborate raise of -- maze of pipes and covers. the two did this while guards were checking their bunks throughout the night friday thinking that an arrangement of hoodies and blankets were men sleeping but during the headcount yesterday, they were gone. richard matt and david wet, serving three counts of murder and kidnapping of 25 years. they left a note for guards have a nice day with a smiley face. call police if you see either of these two men. >> these are two dangerous individuals. one was incarcerated for killing a sheriff, so these are dangerous people. and they are nothing to be trifled with. >> authorities are not aware how the prisoners got the power tools. it's been around since 1835. there are 2,600 inmates who live there. unbelievable. that's half the population of that city by the way. unbelievable. >> it's hard to believe that note is even real but i guess it is. >> i don't see how anyone heard anything. power tools through metal. >> it toog them 20 years to do it. meantime some other stories that we're following. the woman hit in the head by a broken bat. have you seen this? this happened at fenway park she is expected to survive. that is good news. police initially said that tonya carpenter suffered life-threatening injuries. a bat broke and hit her in the head. she's in serious condition at a boston hospital. in a statement, her family thanked everyone for their support and asked for privacy. the teenagers called a modern day bonnie and collided clyde they are in custody in west virginia after leading police on a wild chase. the pair is accused of stealing cars in ohio pennsylvania robbing a store in and dragging an officer during an escape. a real cat and mouse fight in new york city times square. two women arrested for duking it out over tip money. they were posing for a picture. the tourist gave the tip to the hello kitty for her to share. that is not a joke. that actually happened. finally, thousands of veterans families and comrades returned to the cemetery in western france to mark d-day. it was the start of the major offensive to defeat the nazis in world war ii. more than 9,000 allied soldiers were killed or wounded. those were your headlines. let's get outside to janice dean. she's standing by with a look at the forecast this morning. >> it is a beautiful day in new york city. we are still celebrating from yesterday's triple crown win! let's take a look at the maps real quick. across the nation we are seeing temperatures in the 50s here in new york. a little chilly. central u.s. that's where we're going to see the warmth and cooler than average across portions of the northwest. looking at the radar there, we had a couple of tornadoes in parts of the high plains yesterday. we are expecting more of the same today, the potential for severe weather across the central u.s. chicago you are going to have to look out for the potential of large hail damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. and this is hurricane blanca and could affect cabo san lucas as a tropical storm. american pharaoh racing into history, does the triple crown winner has a chance at the grand slam in october? let's ask. full disclosure peter and i go way back like 2003. saratoga baby. first of all, i have to tell you this he just told me that your dad wanted to name you secretariat. >> i wish my mother had gave in at that time. it would be out of control. >> american pharaoh wins triple crown. what's next? the first ever grand slam. >> it's never happened. breeders cup started in 1984. if he could stay healthy, maybe he could come back and win the breeders cup classic, it would be the first grand slam. >> how much rich? >> another $5 million purse. his stud value, i think it doubles. so literally, we have a shot at something -- he could be the best horse ever. >> what was it about this horse that you just knew? >> it's just the way he moves over the ground. he's what they call a freak in the best way possible. it's just the way he glides over. victor espinosa told me when he was over the ground he didn't know how fast he was going, he was like a ferrari, how smooth that ride is? same thing. >> why the drought? >> it's hard. mile and a half. you need a special, special horse, and we had one. >> is horse racing going to go up? s has it always been kind of the same? >> $is 10 million bet legally on horse racing in the u.s. i'm sure the ratings were the highest all week. we're in good shape. they come from all over the world for breeders' cup. >> do i get an invite to the breeders cup? yeah we're going to the breeder's cup baby! we're still celebrating! >> celebrating. we're already thinking about the first grand slam breeders cup. we're never satisfied. i'ms mesmerized by jan is dean. coming up next republican presidential hopefuls taking plenty of shots against the woman they are running again. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? now, ted cruz aiming at the candidates in his own field, saying they are all too moderate? is he right? are they liberal? fair and balanced debate coming up next. and the heat is on and your pets probably already know it. the newest ways to make sure your dog is the coolest one on the block this summer. ♪ let's take a look at your credit. >>i know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to so what else are you going to throw in? 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(vo) stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free, thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. tom hanks wanted by british police for trashing a hotel room. chad hanks ripped a television set off the wall and left broken glass scattered across the floor. jenny from the block socked with a lawsuit for a raunchy performance broadcast on television last month. she -- they claim the performance tarnished women's honor and respect. top gop's hopefuls coming together in 2016. one candidate was missing, ted cruz. he's already calling out his competition for being too moderate. does he have a case? joining us now to debate sarah westwood and taren rosencrantz. does he have a point? >> it's a common tactic for candidates to sort of lump their opponents together in one category but bush and walker and -- they are very different candidates. they bring different things to the table. few people would call walker a moderate. he took on the unions in his state. he has a very strong appeal with the tea party and you see that reflected in his poll numbers. and few people would call marco rubio a moderate as well. are his opponents too moderate? liberal as he's calling them? >> i don't think anyone in the democratic party would agree that they are moderate but i think in the scale of ted cruz's conservative there, he is showing that they may not be so far to the right as he is. sure i think he has to kind of label them that way if he wants to have any kind of stand-outs in the pack he has to lock down that 25% tea party faction and make sure he's got them and the best way to do that is to really call these folks moderates which will -- >> take a look at the new fox news poll out. take a look at the numbers here. as you are looking at this numbers. bush atop 12%, walker 12%, cruz at 8%. did he miss an opportunity to go to iowa and talk to voters there? >> certainly. this is one of the first major retailing politics events. what you are seeing is this is not 2012. there are actually quite a few conservative candidates in this race all fighting for the same votes. in 2012 we saw huckabee and santorum do some well because they were a couple really red conservative voters that the farther right voters could get behind this time you've got cruz competing with santorum huckabee and a number of others that have the same appeal and same sort of things brought to the table. a lot of them took pot shots at hillary clinton. i had a chance to speak to john kasich of ohio. he says look, republicans aren't getting anywhere attacking hirk right now. >> iagree. ing right now, it's so many people in the race. i don't know how they get traction anyother way except to go to other gop candidates and start labeling them as a moderates chinese a dirty word in this campaign for him. i think this is taking pot shots at her, that's what everybody does and that's not going to help you stand out. it's the typical same old, samed old. i don't think it takes them very far. >> you think it's a smart strategy? >> i think it is a smart strategy. she's not facing a competitive primary. she's not got to have anyone be that opposing force against her. it's not a great idea to let her go unscathe all these months until we get to the general. thanks so much for waking up with us. he tried stealing a woman's purse but didn't get so far. one of men who confronted the criminal joins us live with his amazing story. and it's national safety month. and you don't want to forget about your pets. that pool is too small. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr. clean's magic eraser ♪ ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. june is national safety month and in the dog days of summer you cannot forget about the safety of man's best friend. fido and joining us now is dr. carol os born and she has some tips on what we need to know. nice to see you, this morning. >> nice to see you too. >> who is this? >> this is rogue. he's a belgian and greatest way to keep them cool is you need a pool. dogs cannot sweat. this is called the voice. it's a wireless health monitor, it tracks your dogs vitals. the vest is called the cooler. you soak in water a couple of minutes. if we could take a look at his feet remember if it's too hot for you to walk bare foot it's too hot for your dog. one solution is a pair of booties and these are the summit trick booties very stylish. it protects from eat -- heat and cold. >> not all dogs can swim. >> exactly. we've got this shy dog. she's modeling the canine float coat. and they are lightweight, reflective and they have got a great handle in case you need to retrieve your water from the dog quickly and if you've got a dog with sensitive eyes what could be better than a stylish pair of goggles and 100% uv protection. now, heather, if any of our viewers want to set up their backyard to look like a little dog waterpark -- >> who wouldn't want to do this? >> exactly. we've got a kiddie wa wading pool and a dog water agility course. this is bogey. she's just getting used to our agility course. >> this is a little bit of shade. >> this is a little bit of shade. this little red item it's a paw activated doggie drinking fountain. >> that's a great idea. they step on this red right here. >> fresh water at all times and all those problems with dirty drinking bowls that attract garments are gone. last but not reeft, this is a beautiful, custom made canine dog house presented to us today. this company can do anything from recreating a smaller replica of your home to designing just about anything you can think of. amenities include running water, electricity, heat and air conditioning. >> wow. wow. >> they almost customize the interiors with flat screen tvs paw print wallpaper, you name it. >> a lot of people consider their pets animals like their children. i'm sure a lot of people would be interested in this. and of course the name right here. >> we want to give a special thank you because they are donating this beautiful dog house to the north shore animal league for the benefit of all the countless dogs and cats that they rescue each day. >> wonderful. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate all these tips. hopefully people at home will listen to these as we get into the warm days of summer. >> i want to thank everyone and all the wonderful people that brought their dogs today and donated these beautiful items. >> thank you. you can visit fox and what do you think, guys? >> lovely. i wish i lived there. we're following this developing story. a massive manhunt under way right now for two murderers who escaped a maximum security prison with power tools. details ahead. triple crown, we'll tell you who won in case you are the only person in america who doesn't know? it's american pharaoh. >> you ruined it. >> won the triple crown! just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. ♪ love ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ar and i'm feeling really good about the price i paid because i used the truecar app. see, truecar knows what other people in my area paid for the same car, like him. (cheerful music) and like her. ♪ and like them. it uses this data to calculate the truecar curve which gives you the price range for the car you want. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. good morning. it is sunday, june 7th. i'm heather chillers in for anna kooiman. thank you so much for joining us. we start with a fox news alert. it only took some power tools for two convicted killers to break out of a maximum security prison. a manhunt under way this hour. republican presidential hopefuls going hog wild in the state of iowa trying to rack up votes on two wheels. the pork the politics the pandering. who is standing out after this weekend's roast and ride event? we have details. a triple crown drought is finally over! >> here this is. american pharaoh is finally the one. >> bob costas i think he popped a button off his shirt. >> american pharaoh racing into the record books. more on that incredible victor at the belmont stakes. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ dogles. we've got some tips for your family. >> someone on this set may wind up in the pool. i'm not naming names, heather childers it's great to see you. >> i'm wearing white. i don't think it's a good idea. maybe one of you. >> i'll be getting out my bikini. did you watch yesterday? the craziness that unfolded in bellmont stakes. american pharaoh pulling out the triple crown victory. here is bob costas calling this amazing finish. listen. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the won! american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> unbelievable. the man astride the now famous horse, jockey victor espinosa this was his third try at the triple crown. he rode war emblem in 2002 and last year california chrome. now he's in the record books. >> this was the trainer bob baffert's fourth time going after the triple crown. last time in 2002 with war emblem. >> american pharaoh, he got $800,000. i wonder how he's going to spend it. that was this weekend alone. >> the kentucky derby and the preakness as well. >> there were people -- frofted was number two, according to odds makers of course he fell far short. this was one of the most bet--on moments in american life next to the super bowl. >> 1970s is the last time we saw a triple crown, affirmed won it in 1978 and in 1977 seattle slew and in 1973 -- we had a drought of them. this was victor espinosa yesterday talking about the ride on this incredible horse. listen to him. >> as soon as i sit in the saddle it's so much power and energy this horse he has. baffert, he trained this horse just perfect. warming up he was class, all class. he was ready. he walked into the gate and he was just perfect. >> i could just tell by the eighth pole it was going to happen and all i did was just take in the crowd, the crowd was just -- it was thundering. >> watching a brave man right there when you listen to the rider speak, the jockey victor espinosa. these guys have taken a lot of risks out there. it's not a small thing to ride one of these horses in a race like this. our own janice dean was actually there for the belmont stakes yesterday and i believe she joins us. >> here i am! >> you got to experience some of that and you heard bob baffert talk about the crowd. he just wanted to take it. you saw him take the lead. >> people were taking a breath when the horses game out of the gate and when he took an early lead and just kept going, going, going, going. we were all trans fixed on the horse and i took a look and people were popping champagne bottles before he crossed the finish line. it's 2 1/2 minutes. it's the most exciting in sports. >> you shot your own video of the winning moment. >> husband did actually. i was going around going woooh! that's what you are looking at right now, that's my husband. we fell in love watching the horses. we went on dates to belmont. so this is a big event for us. for him, he used to love going to belmont with his buddy tommy and this is a big moment. i think there was a little tear in his eye when he finally got that triple crown. a lot of people were excited. it was a moment. it brought people together. we were all looking at each other. oh my gosh we're sharing this with you. i mean it really is. it's huge. look at this. it's a human trophy. we were on for "fox & friends." i hung around. got the had you beenby -- hubby in. >> off to the breeders cup. >> i can't wait. grand slam. it's never happened ever. he can being the most famous horse in the world, ever. bigger than mr. ed. >> amazing. and thanks to "fox & friends" sending me. it was an amazing day. >> he mentioned he does do well when it rain. it's not extreme weather. we want to tell you about some of that that's going on in other parts of the country. violent storms hail heavy rains and damaging winds taking aim at millions of people from the rockies to the great lakes today. this comes after colorado is slammed with widespread flooding and tornadoes all of that leaving a path of destruction across the state. forecasters warn colorado that they could still see two more nights of rain, hail and high winds. a dramatic rescue off long island when a boat burst into flames. the three men on board noticed some smoke coming from the boat's engine compartment. they put on life vests and jumped into the water. they were picked up 15 minutes later and treated for hypothermia. tripped of the 22 world cup, he said there is so much evidence of corruption that fifa will have to find no choice but to find another another choice. prosecutors are investigating the bidding process. well heir they are. this morning, we're seeing prince george and his new baby sister for the first time. the duchess of cambridge snapped these pictures. the photos coincide with the announcement that charlotte will be kristened on july 5th. very cute pictures. >> if you have kids it's still like that. president obama in germany today as the g 7 summit gets under way. >> they are set to address the russian influence in the violence in ukraine right now. >> kevin, what a beautiful backdrop for you? >> it's spectacular. it's almost like a scene out of "the sound of music." we're just over the border from germany where the g 7 summit will be taking place. the president arrived shortly before 7:00 this morning. he did make comments as he toured this morning, he also spent a little time with the german chancellor. during comments the president talk about obviously the economy. that's going to be a major focus. he also talk about the aggression of russia in eastern ukraine. we all know about the fact that the russians have already annexed crimea but what to do now is the real question going forward, both from an economic standpoint and from a strategic standpoint. for now, back to you in new york. thank you so much kevin. we want to go to a story that's developing this morning. there's a manhunt under way for two convicted murderers both serving life sentences who escaped from a maximum security prison right near the canadian border. the plot right out of the "shaw shank redemption." >> these guys are murderers multiple time. one of them shot and killed a sheriff's deputy shotting him 22 times. >> the governor was brought in to see how they were able to escape. >> every two hours, guards check on the beds. they had stuff rolled up blankets to make it look as if they were sleeping and then they used power tools that they either may have gotten from a construction workers, contractors on site or maybe from the prison itself. manage to drill through a wall. get into some piping behind their wall. get on to a catwalk, pop up through a manhole nearby the print and make their escape. >> now more than 200 law enforcement officers are looking for them. >> there is governor cuomo looking at how they got through. >> most strikingly they left a calling card. it was a post-it note with a conical hat, have a nice day. >> richard matte is a mexican national. he has a tattoo that reads "mexico forever." residents in the town haven't seen anything like this in decades. there have been no breaks ever from the maximum security portion of the prison. >> and this prison opened in the mid 1800s. it's housed mobsters like lucky luciano. it's largely half the population. governor cuomo was supposed to do some belmont stakes stuff yesterday. he drove up there. he talk about this. >> it was an extraordinary act when you look at how it was done it was extraordinary. i mean we went through the tunnels. you look at the precision of the operation. it was truly extraordinary. these are dangerous people. and they are nothing to be trifled with. if you see them if you know anything if you've heard anything please contact the state police or your local police as soon as possible. >> governor undid another button on his shirt as a sign of concern. there they are, you are looking at the two men who broke out of prison there. >> they believe they broke out between 10:30 p.m. on friday to 5:30 a.m. on saturday. that's a large period of time. >> residents lock being the door. the whole town has change. if you google the name of the town now, this is the first major story. the name of this town associated with this breakout will leave forever. >> it will be interesting to see where it goes from here whether or not they look and see if there was any inside help involved in this. coming up next remember when president obama said this about his immigration program. >> the h 1 b should be reserved only for those companies who say they cannot find somebody in that particular field. >> what about companies who already have people working in that particular field? like disney using that program to fire americans, hire foreigners and get the current occupants of the job to train them. we'll have more on that coming up. can't afford college. one vegas business wants female graduates to strip their way to a degree. the outrage surrounding the ads when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪ my lenses have a sunset mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors indoors and in the car. this is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis from the inside out... with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing humira for nearly 10 years. >>humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. >>visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. remember when president obama said this about the h 1 b visa program? >> the h 1 b should be reserved only for those companies who say they cannot find somebody in that particular field, so that wouldn't necessarily apply if in fact there are a lot of highly skilled american engineers in that position. >> that's what the law says but disney has fired hundreds of american tech workers and forced them to train their foreign replacements proving that statement is not true. at least not always. one democratic senator is demanding an investigation. the whole idea of h 1 b visas is to bring in highly skilled foreign workers whose presence will increase the number of jobs for americans. isn't that the concept behind it? >> yeah. that's the intent. it's really to complement the american workforce when you can't find americans for those skills. >> not to under cut the wages of american workers by bringing in people to replace competent american workers but at a lower rate. that's apparently what's happened at disney? >> that's what's happened at disney harley davidson it's what most of the program is being used for right now. >> what's so striking is that it has the support of basically everybody, liberals are in favor of it? they are in favor of increased immigration across the board but a lot of conservatives point to h 1 b and say this is immigration that actually works. have any candidates rethought their views on h 1 b? >> it's hard to tell whether any of candidates have rethought. huckabee has made some comments that i think are pretty sensible recently. hard to read where walker stands on it. bernie sanders has been opposed to it on the democratic side. interesting. bernie sanders on the hard left. we actually have a statement by huckabee. when companies are under cutting an american worker just so they can increase their profits without regard to the people who made them profitable in the first place, that's a money issue. s -- that's not a money issue. it's a moral issue. >> there's so much money on the other side it's so profitable that all of the companies have been lobbying for this and they do this in multiple ways by presenting the program through pr firms and through think tank studies and the like making it look like the program is working well when in fact it's not. >> just to be totally clear. thooe these are not jobs that americans just won't do. these are jobs that americans would love to do. >> absolutely. i spoke to some disney workers and literally they brought in the guest worker to sit there and watch them, you know and get trained by the american worker. the job didn't go overseas. it didn't go anywhere. it went to the guest worker. >> unbelievable. thanks for joining us this morning. good to see you. >> thank you for having me on. street justice, new york city style. >> somebody get a cop. give her her money. >> those aren't cops. those are good samaritans. one of whom saved this mother from a mugging. he joins us live next. rumors of a new blues brothers movie could be true. dan aykroyd coming up. ♪ ♪ we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. yes. there is math on the test today. it's time for news by the numbers. first up $5 million. that's how much liberal boil ordinary george soros has committed to expand voter i.d. laws to fight them. next 85 that was the score for tiger woods in the third round of the memorial tournament in ohio yesterday. that's a career worse for him unfortunately. finally, $11,000, a woman is suing ebay after claiming ownership of the sun. yes, she says she owns it. ebay unfairly removed her listings for plots of land on that star. it's marked as a scam. this week a mom of two, was visiting new york when her dream turned into a nightmare. a muger grabbed her backpack. he dragged her for half a block. then this happened. >> somebody get a kop. >> let it go. give her her money. >> what you are looking at is a group of good samaritans. one them joins us this morning. nice to see you. good job. >> thanks for being that good samaritan. she's there with her two kids seeing in the sites, she's holding on to her purse that's how she's going to get back where she came from. she has her i.d. to take a flight. when you saw this unfold what did you think? >> well at first, i just saw her stuff on the ground and i saw her with a little bloody lip. i was concerned what was going on. she was yelling at the guy to leave her alone and my first instinct to help her get all her stuff up. >> you thought maybe she just fell. >> i didn't know what to think. i saw someone in trouble and i wanted to help them ouxt then he grabbed her stuff and started running, and that's when i said oh this is what's happening and i ran after him and i grabbed his bag. >> you grabbed his bag and you held him down as well. >> i grabbed his book bag. when i looked at him and i realized he's bigger than me. >> he's 6'1". >> i'm 5' 10". he got a little belligerent. that's what i said okay i need to take care of myself here and i grabbed him and we wrestled for a little bit until we got on to the ground that's when people started coming over and grabbing his arms and legs. >> you hear the quote from jamie. she's the victim in all of this. she still loves new york. so many people came to my aid, civilians, who i don't know. police officers men, and whim who came over and asked me if i was all right. did you fear for your own life at that moment? >> i mean yes, but at the same time i was happy that i was helping somebody else and i was concerned about what he could do to other people too, so i don't really regret taking action when i did it. it's a split-second decision you have to decide whether or not you want to get involved in something like that. >> you are a native new yorker. >> brooklyn born and raised. >> you want people to enjoy new york and you want them to have a good feeling when they come here. >> absolutely. it's a great place to live. i know new york gets a bad rap from time to time. we're actually pretty cool. granted, most of the time we have our faces in our phones. >> as we do in most places. >> you were actually paying attention. when you saw her laying there bloodied. you didn't realize she had been dragged for a block. ginny of that? >> no i hadn't witnessed that. ij saw her with the bloody lip and her stuff on the ground and that's when i helped her. >> have you talked to her sense? >> no i've been googling her to make sure she was okay. make sure she didn't suffer any additional injuries. she just has the busted lip and scraped knee thankfully. >> we need to get the two of you together. >> be more than happy. >> see, there are good people in new york city. >> thank you for stepping in. scott walker sinks his teeth into pork and politics in iowa. who was standing out after this weekend's roast and ride event? that's up next. have you ever been on a date like this? >> i eat at all the best restaurants within a 50-mile radius. i love my mother. what else do you need to know about me? >> how to make you go away. >> that's enough guys. we have the top things you should never do on a first date. bring your mom? is that a problem? >> did you do that? >> always. ♪ ♪ ♪ usaa makes me feel like i'm a car buying expert in no time at all. there was no stress. it was in and out. if i buy a car through usaa, i know i'm getting a fair price. we realized, okay, this not only could be convenient we could save a lot of money. i was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. and it was just easy. usaa, they just really make sure that you're well taken care of. usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. online and on the usaa app. have a sunset mode. and an early morning 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laugh along with them. not at them. >> nod pandering, allowing whatever they say have some weight. >> do you like the courtesy laugh? >> i don't really agree with a lot of these. this one, i do. lynn to the woman. interrupt them with follow up questions. >> what do you mean by that heather? what do you mean by that? >> like you are interviewing them. >> you are great. say positive or flattering things. all right. that's fantastic. would you be offended on a first date if i guy said that to you? >> no that's night. women on a first date want you to pay attention and if the conversation is good that's good. men like on their first date when women don't say things like kind of sort of maybe. don't be aloof. be direct. >> they don't like wishy-washy. they don't want women use words like i, me and myself. they don't want you to really talk about yourself. >> is that true? >> they prefer them not ask many questions about them. this is why men and women were designed for each other. >> exactly. >> make the conversation about her. i think that's good advice. >> send us your first date story. i want to hear your worst first date stories. can you email them to us this morning at fox and >> one of my friends on prom night sat down on her dog and killed the dog. >> that was one of your friends did that. >> how long have they been married? >> they didn't get married. >> janice dean is standing by. >> janice what about your bad first date? >> bad first date? well i had a lot of bad first dates before my husband came along. trying to save myself. let's talk to some of my friends. how are you? >> bernard. >> where are you from? >> missouri. >> your name? >> mary. >> dale. >> claire. >> how are you? >> good. >> what are you doing today? >> we're going on a cruise. >> can i come? >> yeah. where are you from? >> texas. and? >> clifton. >> look at that. we got everybody in today. thank you all my new friends. how is the weather here in new york? not bad. we could warm it up a little bit. let's take a look at the maps. this is actually a hurricane, this is hurricane blanca. it's weakening. we're going to bring some high surf and moisture to cabo san lucas. it's going to go into the southwest, bringing some incredible moisture early on in the season for the southwest. a quick look at the map for the last 12 hours. we could see a potential for large hail rain damaging winds. keep that in mind. i bring the crowds to you. >> great to have you here janice dean. >> you guys ready for some headline. >> they are ready to go on their cruise. >> we're going to take a ak loot your headlines. isis doing all it can to get its hands on deadly chemical weapons. a grave warning, the terror group is recruiting highly trained professionals to make chemical weapons. isis has used chlorine bombs on the battlefield. hog heaven for 2016 republican presidential candidates gop contenders riding motorcycle and a barbecue. they mixed in some politics with their pork. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed to have so many good candidates. >> the roast and ride events was organized by iowa senator joanie ernst. a las vegas strip club they are attempting to recruit new grads with members of the jury on its -- messages on its marquise now pay your way through college. >> we know the economy isn't all that great. this is an open door for young women 18 and up come in and make some money. >> it's trying to change the life of a woman. >> the club owners noticed more women are turning to stripping to work their way through college. how about this? the blues brothers are gearing up for another big gig. >> 106 miles to chicago. we got a full tank of gas. half a pack of cigarettes it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. >> hit it. >> dan aykroyd telling the "daily mail" he has a script. he's hoping to team up with the brother of john belucshi jim. ever wonder what it's like to go under cover for the cia. >> we're giving you a new identity. you will no longer be susan cooper. you are from iowa. >> the new flick "spy" just hit theaters. we're going to step right into the spotlight. our friend michael tamara. >> melissa mccarthy and jude law is in theaters right now. i got a sneak peek. let's take a look. ♪ ♪ >> i spy with my little eye a summer block buster. the guy who brought you bridesmaids, melissa mccarthy's action come my "spy" is opening in theaters this weekend. >> we have twists and turns and double agents. >> oh, dear, did i forget to knock? >> mccarthy, law, you snow their names but what about their secret spy code name. >> mine would either be katie law marissa. >> and your code name? >> i thought it would be funny to be called james bond. it's so overt it's covert. >> could you imagine me a spy? >> with a gun? >> for every great spy, there's a great gadget. >> i would want some boots that had springs on them so i can jump really high. >> and an experience count. >> i've been making weird blow darts jokes forever. >> probably have the aston martin with a ejector seat. >> this weekend, get a clue. it's no mystery, who will come out on top. >> here's to you. you may never be as wise as an owl, but you will always be a hoot to me. [ bleep ]. >> you are delightful. >> as are you. >> as are you. the film is delightful. >> very funny. it's a big weekend at the box office. it went up against the fellows at "encourage." you can catch all of my celebrity interviews at in the fox coming up it's one biggest cyber security blunders in history. we're just handing our secrets to enemy hackers. the worry is this could be the beginning. summertime this means a whole new set of dangers for your kids. some are right in your backyard. everything you need to know just in time for national safety month. that is ahead. >> michael, are you jumping in? >> i'm right in there. ♪ ♪ ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. i'm one. i'm one. i'm one. i am one of the ones who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident and i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them. they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. 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(vo) stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free, thrity-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. ♪ music plays love you by the free design ♪ ♪ attendant: welcome back. man: thank you. it's not home. but with every well considered detail . . . it becomes one step closer. no wonder more people. . . choose delta than any other airline. welcome back to "fox & friends." a massive cyber attack in the u.s. possibly hitting every government agency. 4 million current and former federal workers all at risk. the feds blame china but the chinese government says it has nothing to do with it. could more secrets be exposed? that's kurt the cyber guy, good to see you here. >> you see the scaffolding around the capitol there and he with need that kind of scaffolding around the information architecture of our cyber security in this country because it's just plain old sloppy at this point. it's unbelievable. 4 million plus federal workers who did all the right things they worked for the government and, and they gave their background checks especially people who are putting their lives at risk thr out there and they have provided this information and it's in the hands of a government that could be building a database. >> it actually happened months ago. >> and the federal government holding back the information until well after the fact. take a look at these warning signs. right now, november they learned about it but we didn't learn about it until they started to come out in april and may and finally here we are in june they are going oh, yeah, oopsie. you cannot hold this informing back from the american people. you've got to be transparent and get this out there. the antiquated environment of the computers inside of the government are what people inside the federal government are saying. it's simply not up to date. even 11 out of the 47 computer systems that were in there had no security protection for reauthenticating people coming back into the systems. it was just a candy store is open for any hacker to come in. >> and what type of information were they able to get? >> take a look at this list. if you work for the government you need to know that now your full name is out there. your social security number is out there. your date and place of birth is out there. your job assignments, training records, performance reviews, current and previous addresses, your friends addresses, your family's addresses. if they interviewed you for say a top national security clearance, much deeper information is in there, and that potentially is out there as well. what does that mean? it means something very big to this country. what it means is if i'm up to no good and i want to really get good at spying on the u.s. and putting an attack together through the cyber war fare kind of direction, i can develop a database and manipulate top level people inside of the government faking email to understanding where they are going to be at certain times based open pattern. it's a frightening thing ha has happened. i've got one message for people in charge here, legislatures and the white house, wake up wake up to 2015. >> maybe not a good idea to use a private server as well. >> this would be a very good reason to use a private server because you can't trust our own federal government to maintain the data. this is sloppiness all across the aisle. >> hopefully someone is listening to you. thank you so much. coming up she hit and killed a woman on a bicycle after being on her cell phone while driving. her sentence 90 days in jail and two years with no phone. does the punishment fit the crime? the judge joins us live next hour. summer beach trips, they are fun but they can be dangerous too. the new technology that could save your life just in time for national safety month. that is up next. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. welcome back. it's june and that means safety. it's national safety month. i'm joined this morning by alison jacobenson. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> we've got in jien pool over my shoulder right here and we know that pools are incredibly dangerous in back yards. tell us about this fence. >> first of all, every pool should have a fence around it. kids 1 to 4, leading cause of death is drowning. so this is a self-latching self-closing gate. look at that. you can see through it but every pool needs to have a fence around it and they have dealers all around the country. so look at that getting that. really important. >> it could be a few seconds and it could be just devastating. what is the i swim band. >> it's a lifesaving device that attaches to your foevenl if your child is submerged, it will be putting a loud alarm on your phone. >> why would you have -- would you keep that on your kid -- >> it would be on your kid when they are swimming. if they are around the pool you are not paying attention, this will send a loud alarm. drowning is a silent death. >> tattoos. >> if you have a child that has an allergy or anything this will stay on. it stays on fo two weeks, it's waterproof. >> especially for summer camp. >> so wine up like me cover in poison ivy. >> and the body tag. this goes on your child with a battery. it's attached to your phone again. if your child is a few far feet from your phone, it will sound an alarm that your child is out of distance and out of range and help you locate them. we've all lost our kids sometimes. >> you want to be my buddy. >> we will find you wherever you are. >> now, this is cool. we all want to be out in the sun and we do need vitamin d, too much is not good. this is the sun friend. it has a light on it. if you've had too much sun exposure, uv it will let you know. how cool is that? then this we're going to the pool. every month is turning around and dad. this is the infant tech control monitor. she never has to turn around again. you can see your child just like in a gps monitor. how cool is that? >> because every five seconds, daddy, turn over i want to show you this. >> this drone. >> unbelievable. >> thven the one that crashed at the white house the other day. i'm afraid it's going to crash on my head but i'm told it's not. this is a new drone. invented by high school kids. it's being sold right now for commercial use for life guards it will drop a life preserver a thousand feet from shore if somebody is drowning. >> there's the life preserver underneath it. >> can you drop it? it's so cool because it will actually go and safe a life a thousand feet. >> we're going to get this drone fired up hereafter the show. we'll be right back. more "fox & friends" in just two minutes. here at td ameritrade, they're always working. yup, we're constantly making thinkorswim better. like a custom screener on your desktop, that updates to all your devices. and you can share it with one click. wow. how do you find the time to do all this? 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[jeff] i think i dropped my keys. [announcer] you work hard to build your company. wells fargo will work right alongside you, bringing the expertise your company needs to move forward. wells fargo. together we'll go far. good morning, to you. it is sunday june 7th. i'm heather childers in for anna kooiman. thank you so much for joining us. we begin with a fox news alert for you. at this hour a massive manhunt is under way after two convicted killers, you see them right there, escaped from a maximum security prison using power tools and tunnels. you will never believe the note they left behind. politicians taking on pork of a very kink kind -- different kind. republican presidential candidates participate in a roast and ride event. history made on the race track. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the won! american pharaoh has won -- >> american pharaoh breaking a 37-year drought. winning the belmont stakes and taking the triple crown. what's next? the grand slam perhaps? you never heard of it. neither have i until this morning. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> that's not back in the usa by chuck berry. something even better. good morning, it's "fox & friends" weekend and we're celebrating the end of a 37-year drought. a triple crown winner. >> we're not even talking about you got to do more do better. >> the grand slam. i never even heard of that. >> that's raising the stakes. >> i'm raising the stakes. in this country, you get this big victory like we did yesterday with the first triple crown in 37 years from american pharaoh and now i want the grand slam. >> you are not resting on your laurels. here was the call yesterday. listen to bob costas pop a corpuscle yesterday as he was announcing this going across the finish line. listen. >> here it is! the 37-year wait is over! american pharaoh is finally the one! american pharaoh has won the triple crown! >> wow. it wasn't close at all. >> no right at the gate he had a little hiccup coming out of the gate at first but from there it was all uphill. it was victor espinosa's third try at the triple crown. war emblem in 2002 didn't happen. california chrome was a big letdown. >> these guys take enormous risk in riding these horses. dozens of jockeys have been killed or injured over the years. this is a very dangerous sport. it does not get the credit it deserves for the risks involved. >> if you ever read laura hiled he brand story on "sea biscuit" you learn how fantastic these jockeys are. >> this by the way was trainer bob baffert's fourth time going for the triple crown. last niem in 2002 with war emblem. >> $800,000 that was the purse for american pharaoh yesterday. but millions more bet of course across the country as people placed wagers on their favorite horses. american pharaoh was favored to win according to odds makers. >> he trains in kentucky that's where he won the kentucky derby, then add that to the purse amount and then the preakness as well. >> this is his sixth best winning time in belmont stakes history. he joins the elite group of 11 triple crown winners. by the way, his name was spelled wrong. the paperwork was filed incorrectly and they misspelled american pharaoh. >> don't let the high grammatical standards of twitter fool you. there were 90,000 people in attendance. one of them was our very own janice dean. we have some reaction from the jockey. you see him right there. we talk about how dangerous this is. listen to what he had to say. >> it's just unbelievable how things worked out with him. just an amazing horse like american pharaoh. i was coming to this race so much confidence. >> i have been extremely confident all week all week and i look at my wife in the post parade and i told her get ready to be the owner of the 12th triple crown winner. >> i was prepared for a loss but this horse has been so magical this spring it was just like magic. watching him do that. i couldn't believe i was watching it. >> unbelievable. you look at the trainer right there. he has been in this position before, but never as a victor. trainers make a huge difference. this is not a young man's game. a lot of them are older men. >> they have their 10,000 hours in and they really do have a connection with these horses. it's almost like a spiritual connection with these horses. understanding their temperament cht. >> you know who else has an understanding of these horses. janice dean. you were so excited to be there. >> i was. i love horse racing. my husband and i had one one of our first dates at belmont. it was really nice to see him. he's been going to the track for years and years with his best friend tommy and to see a triple crown actually happen. you know what it brought the country together. how we always talk about people are fighting left right, red, blue no one cared for 2 1/2 minutes. we were all like yes! >> that's so true. we're in this netflix society now where we can binge watch things big cultural events super bowl they are rare these days. >> i brought my husband to watch the race. my matthew was getting up american pharaoh. you know what it's an amazing moment for families to get together and remember something. people are going to remember this moment. >> your husband took video of this. >> he did. i was dancing around. >> he doesn't do it for a living. >> this is what he took yesterday while i was, you know kissing other people and popping champagne. >> what an historic moment. >> amazing. >> i want to correct the record. to me that sounds like bob costas calling the race. >> it might have been the belmont. it might have been the belmont. >> it was larry kalmas. >> you know what i was thinking i was going to hear. do you believe in miracles? it's one of those moments. >> i've been converted by american pharaoh. >> thank you. happening at this moment a massive manhunt for two dangerous convicted murderers who went to extreme lengths to escape a maximum security prison in upstate new york. >> elizabeth prann is live in d.c. with more. >> it's unbelievable. it's like a scene out of "shawshank redemption". the elaborate plan for these two men to escape from a maximum security prison. new york governor andrew cuomo said it was an elaborate maze of pipes into tunnels which led to a manhole cover. the two did this while guards check their bunks over night on friday. during the headcount yesterday, they were both gone. here they are, rich mate he's 48 years old serving a life sentence. and david sweat, 34. serving 25 years for three counts of murder and kidnapping. the two left a patronizing note for the guards writing have a nice day with a yellow sticky note and a smiley face. officials are saying call police and stay away. there's a massive manhunt. we heard from the governor. >> this is thefirst time from this institution's history that anyone has escaped from the maximum security portion of this facility. the facility opened in 1865. this is quite an unusual occurrence. as you heard from the commissioner it was an elaborate plot. >> authorities are not aware of how the prisoners got the tools like the governor said this particular prink has been around since 1845 but it is serviced and updated regularly. there are 2,600 inmates who live in that facility. back to you guys. going on in iowa yesterday, a meet and greet for many of the republican candidates it was hosted by iowa senator joanie ernst. she's a freshman. a lot of them got on harleys and rode them in. >> i love these events. remember john kerry doing the duck hunting outfit a few years ago. one of candidates was wearing rubber gloves to eat pork to rip it apart. scott walker marco rubio, scott walker was -- there he is he got the rubber gloves on and slicing up the food. >> a lot of these guys it turns out can ride harley davidsons. impressive. >> yes. don't put me on one of them. scott walker there he is trucking on down. >> and rick perry riding as well. he was flankd by navy s.e.a.l.s. >> we need some grand funk music going on here. >> this is going in iowa. ted cruz was in my home state of north carolina. he was there for the gop convention there. >> he was slamming his fellow candidates by the way. he was poking fun at them and saying they are too moderate and he didn't want to be a part of that event over there because he feels like this this retail strategy that they are employing is not effective and he wanted to do something different. >> most of the conversation was about the presumed democratic nominee, former secretary of state hillary clinton. watch. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed as a party to have so many good candidates. the democrats can't even come up with one. >> listen to people like hillary clinton, you would think they measure success in government by how many people are dependent on the government. we -- we not just as republicans but as americans, we should measure success by just the opposite. by how many people are no longer dependent on the government. >> that's not the metric we use in d.c. scott walker with a harley davidson shirt. >> some people can pull it off. the optic of politics. remember michael dukakis, putting on the helmet and getting in the tank. >> or cutting pizza with a fork instead of eating it. that did happen. >> the republican party is making it harder for americans to vote and doing so on purpose on the basis of race. republicans respond that she's the one dividing the country. who is right? chris wallace joins us live next. a trucker can't believe his eyes when he sees the little boy behind the wheel of a car and this was during rush hour. >> you are going to get someone killed man. >> you have to see this one to believe it and see how this ends. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you've heard of a "win-win," right? 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her top lawyer already going after the state of ohio among others and we're learning being funded by george soros in large part. >> when you say work it isn't that she has to beat the republicans on this. what she's trying to do is mobilize a part of the democratic base and a part of the base that this argument worked very effectively for barack obama back in 2012. she's trying to appeal to minorities to young people accusing republicans of trying to suppress the vote and if she can mobilize them then it will have work on her part. the one area that i think she really stubbed her toe and you heard john kasich refer to that. she referred to one of the things that republican governors are doing they are limiting the number of days of early voting in their states and there's an argument you want to make it more than just election day to allow people who can't vote on elect day, that's a perfectly legitimate argument to make. here's the problem, new york state has zero days of early voting. for instance ohio has 28 days. so john kasich can with some legitimate righteous indignation saying to me what goes on in the state of ohio. what goes on in your own state? >> black voters voted at a higher rate than white voters. that sunday like -- that doesn't sound like suppression to me. >> you are confusing me with the facts here. the point is to mobilize that part of the democratic base and maybe not so coincidenceally to change the subject which we've been talking about hillary clinton, which is benghazi and the private emails and these huge donations to the clinton foundation. >> an attempt to refocus on other issues. what are you talking about on your show today? >> we're goingst of all on this massive cyber attack at the office of personnel management. basically the hr department for the federal government. as many as 4 million current and former federal employees, key information about them from security clearances to their social security numbers, addresses, birth dates. it's believed that the chinese were able to hack this. we're going to be talking to two key congressional experts about this. steve king a member of the house homeland security committee and adam schiff who is the house democrat. part of our 2014 republicans running for president, i'm only slightly exaggerating. i'm going to talk to rick santorum who finished second. how does he get over the top and become the republican nominee this time. chris wallace, we'll be watching. coming up here on the show. she was driving and on her phone when she struck and killed a cyclist and her sentence two years without her cell phone. but is that a fair ruling? the judge who handed it down joins us next to defend his action. he is a country music star with millions of fans. brantley gilbert got a gift from a wounded war are -- warrior. a story that makes you proud to be an american. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. female announcer: want your best rest ever? then don't miss sleep train's best rest event. you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back. a quick look at your headlines now. president obama joining the leaders of canada germany, japan, among others in the g 7 summit. president obama hoping to extend sanctions against putin's regime. and thousands of veterans and visitors return to western france to mark the 71 as it anniversary of d-day. it was the start of the major offensive to defeat the nazis in world war ii. more than 9 rk thour allied soldiers were killed or wounded on those beaches that day. a michigan judge hands down an unusual sentence to a woman accused of being distracted by her cell phone when her car struck and killed a bicyclist. >> the lesson to be learned here came at too great of a price for the family. a lesson that hopefully none of us will ever have to face and none of us will ever have to think about. >> missy nelson will serve 90 days in jail and cannot use her cell phone for two years. is this a fair punishment judge stuart mcdonald joins us now. thank you for joining us. most folks watching today, they would want to understand how you come -- how you came up with this sentence. >> well the prosecutor brings the case. i guess a presentence investigation report with recommendations from the probation office. at the sentencing hearing, i hear from the defendant, the defendant's attorney the prosecutor and the victim's family. most specifically i heard from the victim's husband, jordan vilich and most of the components of the sentence were sentences -- were components recommended by the probation officer, but the cell phone ban was actually requested by mr. vilich to be considered. after i considered it i thought it was appropriate. >> so the victim's husband himself offered this up as a possibility. it's such an unusual sentence. what type of point do you hope to make to others who may see what happened here? >> well, the point is i think if you look at we americans and really worldwide, we're too dependent on -- too connected to our cell phones. everybody wants to stay connected in the world at all times, 24/7. and i just don't think it's appropriate to stay connected in that kind of way when you are driving a motor vehicle down the highway and in the blink of an eye, this is what happened to the victim and the defendant. >> in terms of jail time? how much jail time is she receiving again and why not more jail time? >> well, the legislature in michigan set up this offense to be a one-year maximum misdemeanor. the maximum sentence i imposed, it would be one-year in the county jail. if i impose that i would be ignoring the rest of the requirements punishment deterrence rehabilitation protection of society. so from that standpoint i have to balance the punishment the penalty with an opportunity to rehabilitate any defendant. in this case i imposed a six-month sentence. 90 days she will serve. the last 90 days was deferred until the end of the period of probation. she can turn -- she can earn an opportunity not to serve that last 90 days if she conforms her bafers to the requirements of probation. >> it's a serious problem. over 3,000 people killed in crashes involving cell phones. once again, we want to thank you for joining us. who is your lovely wife? what is her name? >> dorothy. >> we want to thank you her as well we understand this is your 34th wedding anniversary. >> yesterday: we were up in traverse city. >> congratulations to the two of you. our hearts go out to the family as well. a driver can't believe his eyes when he sees the little boy behind the wheel of a car during rush hour. american pharaoh ending the nearly four decade triple crown drought. upnext an expert who was at all three triple crown races this year and explains what this means for horse racing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends." >> you wear it well. >> we've got a bunch of great folks here. this would be the sobbs school. htc decided to introduce their brand-new 24 karat cold gold of their phone. the guy who took it took it an iphone. you can see the guy snapping the photo using a separate company's phone to promote it. keep in mind this is a gold telephone. >> right. . >> it's shiny. you can see the guy taking the iphone. they released the phone to celebrate the soccer championship. >> weapon to take a look at your headlines right now. and we began with something that really was unreal. if you've seen this video. a woman was hit in the head by a broken bat at fenway park but she is expected to survive. initially though police said she suffered life-threatening injuries during friday night's red sox-a's game. her family thank everyone for support and asked for privacy. two southwest airlines jets their wings clip each other as one of planes pulled away from the gate at bob hope airport in burbank, california. nobody was injured there. both of those boeing 737s were taken out of service for inspection. the cause of collision still under investigation. no laughing matter. caught on camera a little kid behind the wheel, driving his family around downtown phoenix. >> dude you are going to get someone killed man? >> can you tell what's happening there? a stunned driver could. confronted a man during rush hour traffic. the man laughing it off. saying he has his hand on the emergency brake. inspired by his commitment and humility a wounded warrior honors country singer brantley gilbert for his work with the military. >> what you are doing for us you have no idea what you are doing for us. it's amazing. for me i got a gift for you. i don't know -- like i said my blood, sweat and tears are on this. that's how i earned it. i would like to have you my purple heart. >> that is not just a gift. that is a purple heart. army veteran, justin patterson met him for the first time during the memorial day week during motorcycle ride for the wounded warrior project. that's a great story. thank you so much. we're going to turn now to janice dean who has been our point woman for all things horse-related. good morning, janice. >> how are you guys these days? >> this is savannah. >> you have a big birthday today? >> yes. >> how old are you? >> i'm 13. >> what are you going to do today? >> go on a bus tour. >> the most exciting part is? >> being here. yes. >> take a look at the maps real quick and we'll show you what your forecast is going to be here today. it's 60 in new york. 61 in rapid city we're going to set some records in the northwest this week. there's your shower activity. we should the potential for severe weather today, including large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. heads-up chicago, indianapolis and detroit. we were witness to history! belmont stake yesterday. american pharaoh did it. triple crown winner. our first since 1978. correct? cristina with me. you are a racing expert. you are so young and you are a racing expert. you were at all three. >> i was at all three. isn't that great? just watching that video again, i was crying yesterday watching it. this was the first year i went to all three triple crown races starting with the kentucky derby. he ran in the kentucky derby, beat 17 horses. comes back wins the preakness. the skies open up. it poured that day. yesterday, he made it look so easy. honestly i'm over the moon. everybody around me was crying. we're all high-fiving. it doesn't matter whether you bet on him or not, we all wanted him to win. >> it was 2 1/2 minutes where the country came together for a horse. it was incredible. what's the difference between -- you and i talked about california chrome this year what's the difference between this horse and california chrome? >> first of all, with both of these horses it's the continuity. people really do get behind it. they want to see a horse go on and perform at that level and to win. i think everybody would have been thrilled if california chrome had won. bob baffert, very recognizable. we've known him for years. bob has tried several times to win the triple crown. he got two of them. he didn't manage to get the third. yesterday, he did. i have to say, being at the track, watching bob baffert walk through a crowd it was like watching michael jackson go through a crowd. people just went absolutely insane. the press, the public, about the time -- betters, they loved it. what about the jockey? the jockey was california chrome's last year. >> victor espinosa has had two chances to win the triple crown and he finally got it done. he accomplished something that the grates jerry bailey chris mccarren, bill shoemaker, he never won the triple crown. i'll be honest not anything to knock them it's very very hard thing to do to win all three. >> how does this horse go down in history, you think? >> right now, it's almost something outside of my frame of reference. i was very young when we had our other triple crown winners in the 70s. for many of us it is brand-new territory. it's fantastic for horsing -- horse racing. we've seen it all throughout the triple crown which has been really exciting. racing i've always been a big racing fan. i love the history. also what he's going to mean to the breeding industry. >> did you guys watch the race? >> yes. >> yes. okay. back over to you, heather, clayton, tucker. >> this couple is celebrating their 20th anniversary. >> and we have a 50th. >> yes. right here. and they waited actually. they were out here early. thank you for sticking around. congratulations. coming up next the duggars respond to their many critics. >> i think as people in the outside think well christians are supposed to be perfect. they are supposed to say -- you are supposed to live this perfect life. no you know what, all of us as christians we struggle every day. >> is the family being disproportionately attacked because they are conservative and christians? 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he owns the pharmacy that cells the tickets. armand won 16 times. love can be complicated and in this case $2 million worth of complication. 88-year-old james greenwald is being sued by his former lover because he never divorced his wife. understand that. the 67-year-old woman says she was with him for six years and deserves payment. greenwald's wife would rather see him six feet under than grant a divorce. what do you think of that? >> thanks heather. stars of the show "19 and counting" is under the microscope. >> in josh's case he was a boy, young boy in puberty, and a little too curious about girls, and that got him into some trouble. >> the controversy refusing to die down because the show is still on the air. so is this family being unfairly ridiculed for how they handled the whole thing? we're join now for a fair and balanced debate. i want to start with you. are they being unfairly criticized because of their faith? what do you think? >> no i don't think it's that at all, clayton. here's the thing. they are a public family. they decided to make their family into a reality tv show so they entered the public arena. secondly their statements about these events are so naive and seemingly so based in denial and such a threat to the way that we understand and treat pedestrian ophelia in this country that the criticism is very warranted. >> you said evangelicals are divided on their family. what do you mean by that? >> there are two values in conflict. christians do value children. jesus said it is better to be thrown in the sea than harm a child. christians care about the well-being of children but they also believe in grace and redemption and they believe that christ came to forgive all sins and he is also change a person. that's what's going on here. these daughters, we heard friday night, they said they forgive their brother for what he did to them. they are ready to move on with their lives, and i just think it's interesting that even though the victims are the ones who are willing to forgive, many other people have trouble in forgiving and i just remind people he who refss to fore git destroys the bridge over which he may one day cross. that's why you are seeing such a division going on here in the christian community going on with this. >> do you agree with that? >> i think the pastor might agree with me that the road to forgiveness includes truth. >> yes. >> i think we're friends on this. i think the trouble that the american people are having is whether it seems as though the duggar family is being truthful. because after all, they say some things clearly wrong, he doesn't qualify as a pedophile because he was 15. the definition includes older add less cents. their stance to save their empire seems to be scripting what they are saying rather than coming from the heart and telling the whole truth which i don't think they have. >> this is all predicated on if what they are saying is true. what we heard friday night was when these parents heard about this they had their kids and licensed therapists for counselling, they had josh in counselling. they did everything they can except turn their son into law enforcement officials at 14. i can understand that. 85 to 90% of those who commit those offenses at age 14 don't do them again as an adult, and i understand why the parents took the action that they did and i think it's important not to vil i fie the parents and certainly not to revictimize these girls. there have been some studies to suggest which is about where josh may have learned this from. a growing body of evidence we talked about it here yesterday on the show that he had to learned it from somewhere. what do you make of that argument? >> well, listen part of the truth is getting to the why. i don't think josh duggar is an evil person. i think something happened that led him down a path of pathology and the why, what happened, remains to be seen. that's part of what people are sensing here. nothing the family is saying explains this in a credible way. so unfortunately, they seem to be either in denial or willful denial. >> interesting debate and this will continue if this show remains on the air. thanks for joining us this morning. coming up here on the show developing right now, the massive manhunt to find two convicted murderers, they are on the loose in a small town in upstate new york after a dramatic prison break that used power tools to escape from a super max prison. more on that bizarre note they left behind for the guards to find in the next hour. then planning to hit the road this summer? a little family road trip. don't end up like clark griswold with a broken down car. motor trend is here with tips for safe travel save ahead. ♪ ♪ when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. ar and i feel great because i used the truecar app. truecar knows what other people paid for this car so i know if i'm getting a fair price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. (cheerful music) welcome back. it's summertime officially almost and that means you're likely to be in the car a ton over the next few months. june is safety month. we want to give you tips on how to make it a safer exexperience than it might otherwise be. we have jeff lowes. he's going to show us how to make this as safe as it can be. >> first thing is with new vehicles you can look under the hood and do a bit of a visual safety check before you go but to be honest there's a lot of plastic here. they're not really meant to be serviced at home. you can do things like check your break fluid or wiper fluid and coolant but make sure you've maintained it well at the dealership. i would say the big thing to look for before -- >> you're not adjusting valves? >> no. you don't really want to get thoo these modern cars. >> but your tires you can. >> tires are hugely important. the number one cause of tire failure is underinflation. it also affects fuel economy and stopping distance. our good buddies at told us if you are half the tread wear you get 50% stopping distance. by the end of the tire's life you can have up to 100% stopping distance. >> how do i know? >> with older tires you can take a penny, stick it in. if you can see the top of his head against the tire then it's time for new tires. >> so it's only a penny but it's going to be costly. >> right. and the other thing is if you're using underinflated tires, your fuel economy goes up as well. >> and you don't go as fast. >> it's important for safety and your wallet. >> boil it down for us. have a roadside emergency, they don't happen that much but they do happen what should you have at all times? . >> especially for the summertime you should have water in the car. make sure you have gallons of water. depending on where you're going, basic tools, gloves maybe a tarp. just in case you need to get under the car to do a tire change. a blanket if you're going someplace cold. medication if you have people. >> and a charged cell phone. >> the big thing is your biggest safety item could be your mobile phone. so have an extra battery and a charging cable. >> what's the least safe and most common thing people do in the car? >> on the phone, texting, that kind of stuff. >> and that really is unsafe no kidding around. >> yes, absolutely. there are a lot of apps you can use to be a safer driver to let people know where you're going. when you're going on a road trip know where you need to go. use apps like wave. >> it also tells you where the cops are. ed lowe thank you. we'll go back inside to heather and clayton. >> coming up on the show check out this heart stopping video. a race goes wrong and a driver walks away. we'll show you that video when we come back. >> and history is made. there's the video we were talking about, clayton, and american pharoah becomes the first triple crown winner in nearly three decades. we are live from belmont park straight ahead. here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? he does. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. good morning to you. it is 9:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is sunday june 7th, 2015. thank you for joining us this morning. we begin with a fox news alert for you. a prison break straight out of a movie. two convicted murders used power tools to get out of their maximum security cells. the massive man hunt is under at this hour. >> the iraqi hour has been taken over for months. have they finally made a stand against the terror group. we have updates ahead. >> and the drought is finally over. american pharoah takes home the triple crown. >> here it is. the 37-year wait is over. american pharoah is finally -- >> we're live track side with the win nearly four decades in the making. "fox and friends" hour four begins right now. ♪ >> there it is n clayton is going to leap off the top of the building into that baby pool. don't miss that? . >> it looks deep enough sure. >> no. it's national safety month and we have safety tips for your kids. pool safety sand safety sun safety. >> and heather childers in this morning. >> this is a wild and crazy show. a lot of information. >> you're here on a wild and crazy morning. following the 37-year drought, a horse racing moment in history yesterday. american pharoah winning the belmont stakes and taking the triple crown. >> the celebration is just beginning, though for his owners, his trainer, bob baffert and victor espinoza. we are joined from belmont park with more. how exciting to be there. >> good morning. that's exactly right. the last time a horse won the triple crown was affirmed in 1978. since then 12 horses have tried. all coming up short except for yesterday. american pharoah in the number five post broke a bit slow in the start but never gave away the lead in the entire race. dashing in the last quarter mile to win the belmont stakes by 5 1/2 lengths. the 12 in history to win all three races in a grueling five-week span. a feat some said would never be done again. the crowd hugging and holding their historic tickets in the air. american pharoah with his misspelled name and unusually short tail making winners out of bob baffert -- this was his fourth try at the crown. >> i don't think it's supg in yet. i'm feeling, i have an unbelievable feeling. i told my wife, get ready to be the owner of the 12th triple crown winner. >> the jockey victor espinoza becoming the first hispanic to win the triple crown. american pharoah is headed to kentucky later today. we are expecting a press conference with the owner and the trainer in just a few moments. back to you. >> so exciting. janice dean was there to watch all the action. she was there dominating. >> do you think the horse travels an air horse one? i have a million of those. >> we have photos of you. what was the mood like on the side of the track? >> amazing. i was there in the morning when it was pouring rain and i was like oh my gosh my hair but i was talking to a spokesperson for belmont stakes and he said this is good luck. this horse loves the rain and when he came into bollelmont it was raining. he loves the sloppy track. it was like it was in the air from early on in the morning and reporters from different stations were there. it didn't matter. we were all there for the same reasons, two watch two and a half minutes of history, the most exciting two and a half minutes of history. it brought everyone together. it didn't matter where you were from or who you're with. >> even the announcer saying he was the one the watch. all eyes on american pharoah. >> and we knew very early on. some of these horses are late starters but this one was ahead very early. i heard someone say it was like a for rar ri. espinoza rides this horse and he doesn't even know how fast it's going. >> here's your video. your husband shot this. >> thank goodness for my husbands. >> and he won by such a large marge inand margin and he was the only one in this race that ran all three races. >> and that's what you have to do. remember california chrome saying i don't think i'm going to see this in my lifetime. it happened. >> it did. >> and my family has a tie to horse racing. my dad has three horses named after him, one of which is a famsz horse in england called the flying childers. history. >> wow. >> totally -- i'm totally impressed. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> we want to talk about headlines now. completely different stories to tell you about. a fox news alert. isis being stopped in its tracks after a fierce battle in anbar province. government forces and shiite militia using anti-tank weapons to repel two separate attacks. isis attempting to use car bombs and mortars before retreating hours later. at least five of the terrorists killed in the fighting. and now to the extrem weather. millions of people in the path of dangerous weather today. all of it taking aim from the rockies to the great lakes. this comes after colorado is slammed with widespread flooding and tornadoes leaving behind a path of destruction. that state would see two more nights of strong storms. hog heaven for 2016 republican candidates. gop candidates riding motorcycles. they also mixed in some politics with their pork in iowa. >> hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because there's a crowd that may ask her a question. >> mrs. clinton, what else don't we know? >> we're very blessed as a party to have so many good candidates. >> joni ernst organized the roast and ride event. and finally air that are. get it? you're looking at prince charlotte with her big brother. the duchess of came bridge snapped the pictures weeks after charlotte's birth. they announced charlotte will be christened next month at the same church where her late grandmother, princess dianna was baptized. >> president obama and six of the world's most powerful leaders meeting in germany today for the g 7 smim. >> and missing for the second year is vladimir putin as russia and the violence gripping ukraine is expected to take center stage. >> kevin corke joins us live this morning. >> reporter: good day to you. you're right. we are just over the border from where the summit will be taking place. earlier today we saw what is known in these circles as the family photo. it's our chance to take a look at all the world leaders in mass as they prepare for all the meetings taking place to do and tomorrow and beyond. the meetings of course have been very interesting even to this point. we learned earlier today the president and angela merkel had a chance to have a one on one meeting. but the en masse sights of all the leaders was interesting. in addition to the red carpet routine, they had a chance to stroll through the country side. the two leaders i mentioned, obama and merkel talked about the rise of islamic extremism but everyone wants to talk about what to do about russia and the ongoing situation in ukraine. that's a major part of the discussions here and for good measure before i let you go the president had a little beer today as he toured and maybe some snitsl as well. >> it's a tough job. you find relief where you find it. >> thanks kevin. let's go to upstate new york. the small down oftown is on shut down. two ibnmates have broken out. in the middle of the night they managed to use power tools to drill through the steel walls of their room climb down a cat walk into the caverns underneath the security prison and out through a manhole. now they are on the loose and the community is gripped by this. >> and these are two prisoners who have both committed murder. we can show your their picture. they were serving life without patrol for killing a sheriff's department. one of them the other 25 to live for his crime. >> one the richard matt. he has a large tattoo on his back that says mexico over. david sweat killed the sheriff's department. they've been in there for some time. when they escaped, they left behind a calling card of sorts. it's a post it note. on it there's a picture of it. underneath it says have a nice day. >> unbelievable. in the middle of the night, they do this bed check every night and the guards go through every two hours. governor cuomo went to tour the facility after this happened and he said the normal two-hour window still happened but they had stuffed things inside of the bed to make it look as if they were still sleeping. the governor addressed this and more yesterday at a prez conference. reason. >> it was an extraordinary act. and when you look at how it was done it was extraordinary. i mean we went through the tunnels. you look at the precision of the operation. it was truly extraordinary. these are dangerous people. and they're nothing to be trifled with. if you see them or know anything or if you've heard anything please contact the state police or your local police as soon as possible. >> a couple things that we don't know here. i was thinking about it as we showed the video. we talked about where did they get the power tools? how did they know where the tunnels would lead? how did they know they would be able to escape? >> questions like that suggest an inside job. power tools are not issued to prisoners, of course even in new york. and their escape apparently the result of very complex long-term planning. look at the cut right now. they cut through sheet steel on their way out. these are some of the questions authorities will be try to answer. >> and power tools in the middle of the night while people are sleeping. >> how did the guards not hear it? >> the small town of 5,000 will be dealing with this for some time. coming up next hillary clinton calling out republicans saying their keeping voters from the polls on purpose. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. >> yep. their big gots. is that actually happening? coming up is a person specializing in voting rights. and he'll tell you the real reason he believes hillary is pushing the issue right now. >> and the brawl that left mini mouse and hello kitty in handcuffs. >> did you ever think you'd say that? 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what is hillary's plan and how does this fit into her campaign for president? joining us now jay christian adams. it's great to see you this morning. in the 2012 election black voters voted at a higher rate than white voters. >> if republicans want to understand the modern democrat party and the battle plan for 2016 they need to understand this story. hillary is doing two things the democrats use to win elections. yurm one, they mobilize a racial base. they scare black voters into thinking jim crow is back and this drives racial polarization numbers up and it helps democrats win. the second thing she is doing is changing the rules of the game. the democrats are obsessed with election process vulrules, early voting. they know if they change the rules of the game it helps them win and cranks vulnerabilities into our election system. chris christie had the exact right response. he understood it. he said this will promote voter fraud and that's why she wants it. >> and it also promotes anger and division when you tell people they're hated because of their skin color. they're upset. why wouldn't they be. at the end of her speech she said i want congress right now to make voter registration automatic for everyone over the age of 18. there are a bunch of states giving licenses to illegal aliens. how under that system would we prevent unregistered people from voting. >> you can't. republicans still think you win elections by putting radio ads talking about issues. democrats now know you win elections by changing the rules. it means anybody on a government benefit database whatever gets automatically renggistered to vote. then they want early voting for two months. it helps the unmotivated get to the polls. people who don't pay attention, low information voters. the democrats know that their ideas are terrible so they try to change the rules of the game to give them 5 or the 10% in national elections. >> no one is pretending this will lead to a less corrupt government. >> coming up. a race goes wrong. the driver walks away. don't miss this. wow. >> and he's a country music star with millions of fans but he just got a gift that stands alone. >> this is my purple heart. >> up next the country star returns the favor in a big way live right here on our show. stay tuned to "fox and friends." ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it's time to plan for your family's future we're here for you. we're legalzoom, and for over 10 years we've helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you're ready start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. [phone rings] [man] hello,totten designs. sales department? yes...i can put you right through. sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold please. [announcer]you work hard to grow your business. [man] yes!i can totally do that for you. [announcer]our new online business planning tools will help your business thrive. wells fargo.together we'll go far. time for headlines. a delightful romp through america's news landscape. a driver lucky to be alive after a high speed crash. the car in australia was going 125 miles per hour when it lifted off the track, split in half. the driver will recover. >> in downtown waco support of the hundreds arrested in last month's deadly. they wand the judges free the innocent saying not all bikers are criminals or gang members. heather? >> all right. well country star brantley gilbert has received quite a few awards but what he just received from a wounded warrior, that definitely tops them all. >> what you're doing for us you have no idea what that's doing for us. it's like for me i got a gift for you. i don't know like i said my blood sweat and tears are on this. i'd like to give you my first purple heart. >> the vet giving gilbert his first purple heart. now justin patterson is joining us. thank you for your service and thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. it's an honor. >> can you tell me first, what has wounded warriors meant to you in your life and why did you get involved? >> wow. to be hobest with you, i got involved because my wife signed me up. but ever since i signed up it's been life-changing, therapeutic. the comrade ri and the brotherhood is back in my life again. that's pretty much what i needed. >> you needed it because apparently you said there was a period of time where you didn't even leave your house. you suffer from ptsz. >> i went to get groceries but any functions i didn't leave for about two years. >> how did you meet brantley gilbert? >> there was a wounded warrior ride called project odyssey which harley davidson collaborated to put it on for us. and at the last minute they said they had a vip guest named brantley gilbert. i had no idea who he was. i thought it was bradley gilbert. but at the last minute they said he was going to ride with us. i thought what better way to raise awareness than for him to promote his album and talk about the wounded warriors. >> not only is he doing that. he's also using what you gave to him and giving back to the community as well. we want to take a listen to what he's doing. >> what's up. just i'll never be able to thank you enough for your gift on the ride. it means more to me than you'll ever know. there's no way i'll ever be able to pay you back for that. i'm not going to be able to make it to the cmt awards this year. we have two seats that are available, and hopefully you and your wife aren't too busy to check it out. we'd love for you to be there. >> two tickets to the cmt awards for you and your wife. what do you think about that? are you a big country music fan? >> i am. >> that is going to be awesome. it's such a special thing to get a purple heart. what did you do to receive this purple heart the first type. this is the first purple heart you received? >> yes, ma'am. >> what happened? what were the circumstances? >> we were doing a vehicle rout security overwatch. it's in a tier one hot spot. it's called a small kill team. we wait for the target to present to e ratradicate it. along the way we hit a roadside bomb and received shrapnel to the face fractured skull. i don't remember too much after. it's pretty much all of it. >> thank you so much once again, for your service to our great country. because of folks like you we're able to live free an proud. we appreciate it. have fun at the cmt awards. >> thank you. >> i'm sure your wife will say yes. >> yeah. >> staff sergeant justin thank you so much justin patterson, we appreciate it. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> coming up it is the happiest place on earth unless you're one of the american workers fired and replaced by foreigners. is disney gaming the system in one lawmaker demanding answers. and street justice new york city style. >> what was going through their minds when they stepped in to help? hear from one of the good samaritans, up next. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. ken thompson. wachovia. wachovia.wachovia. wachovia. i'm a $31,000 a year plus bonuses. i have a very nice compact car. i eat at the best restaurants within a 50-mile radius. what else do you need to know about me? >> how to make you go away. >> what do you say on a first date? thankfully a team of researchers have gotten together at stanford. they set up a speed dating thing where they studied hundreds of couples and how they interacted and what were the most effective. >> you'd think they'd spend time developing flying cars but they're helping with the first date. >> they came up with ideas of what's most effective for men to reach out to women. let's start with women. >> apparently women prefer when men laugh when they laugh but not that creepy i'm copying your laugh and it sounds the same thing. just acknowledging that they said something funny. >> you're so right, heather. >> they like to be interrupted with follow up questions. >> what do you mean? >> that's an expression of their interest and concern. >> not like you're grilling them. >> and ladies you guys all like it when men say flattering things to you. >> you know why? because you're great. >> and they also like when you position phrases by saying you. it's interesting, heather, when you were talking about that you like that sauce on your meal. do you know why? you're great. >> and don't talk about yourself in the third person. that's kind of weird. >> and now to men. apparently men, they don't like it when women say things like kind of sort of maybe. >> they don't like it when you're wishy washy. >> they do like it when women talk about themselves saying i, me and myself. >> and men don't like to answer too many questions about themselves. >> really? >> in other words, women like it when the focus is on them and men like it when the focus is on the women. >> they're made for each other. >> the focus shouldn't be on men and we'll women. >> some of the responses, you've let us know what your first date disasters or things were. mickey at 3 stepping. while dancing to a slow song she asked if he was married, working and dating. i asked if the interview was ore. >> i'm dating you at the moment. >> i think those are three great questions. do you have a job? are you committing adultery? where is this going. >> i was set up on a blind date. he was an hour late and brought a friend. i thought i was on punked. i'm assuming it wasn't a joke. >> that's something women do. you have a first date with somebody you meet in a public place and you have a friend there just in case. >> show up an hour late and bring a friend. >> that's nice. >> one writes i was 15 years old when i met my ron. it must have a good date because we will be married 50 years. >> congratulations. that's wonderful. >> you shared a first date situation where someone killed a dog. your friend not you. >> sentaccidentally. my friend sat on his high school prom date's dog. >> that happened to you too? >> a friend of mine also killed a dog. they're not together anymore. >> never heard of such a thing. we're going to talk about stories we're following for you. switching gears, terrifying moments at a packed musical vest cal. this a a german music festival. lightning strikes injure more than 30 people. the first strike hit backstage areas and another one at a camp site. organizers put the festival on hold after that but the show apparently going on as planned today. disney firing hundreds of american tech workers and forcing them to train their foreign replacements. and now senator bill nelson a democrat from florida demanding an investigation of the use of the hbv 1 visa program. earlier on "fox and friends," someone explained how the program is supposed to work. >> it's really to complement the american work force when you can't find other american workers. >> it allows people with special skills to enter the country each year. >> and a group of good samaritans takes down a mugger after he attacks an arizona mother of two. >> somebody get a cop. >> the mom, all she was doing was walking around new york city when the suspect grabbed her backpack and didn't let go. he dragged her for half a block before all these people spoke in. earlier we spoke with one of the woman's rescuers. >> i just wanted to help them out and i was concerned about what he could go to other people. i don't regret it. you have to decide whether or not you want to get involved with something like that. >> the accused mugger now facing mugging and assault charges. >> and in time square two women dressed in hello kitty and minnie mouse costumes arrested. they allegedly gave to money to hello kitty for the money to share. punches were thrown and both women are facing assault charges. >> where was woody the sheriff? >> why didn't olaf step in? he was standing there too. >> you were talking about bad dates. the best date i ever had happened may -- story, not may. oh no. >> february? >> oh i've been up since yesterday. june 8th, eight years ago. that was when i married my husband, shawn. >> yeah. look at that. oh so great. >> real quick, birthday? >> right here. >> you don't look a day over 25. congratulations and a birthday here. >> i'd like to say happy birthday to my mom barbara, 67 years old. >> that's great. let's let's talk weather. there's hurricane blanca bringing moisture. we could see a couple of inches around baja california and much-needed moisture around the southwest. it's weakening. a quick look at the radar over the central u.s. the threat for large hail, damaging winds maybe isolated tornadoes in those areas. the west date of my life happened june 8th, eight years ago. happy anniversary, shawn. tomorrow. like i said this is the opportunity i had. >> awesome. >> thank you. >> the number is staggering. the federal government overpaying people on disability by $17 billion. that's your taxpayer dollars and a lot of those people aren't disabled. in fact, some of them are dead. how does this happen? >> parents, do you make your kids wear floaties to keep them safe at the pool? why experts say that you shouldn't trust them to do the job. >> floaties are terrible. >> that water is cold. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. welcome back. a shocking new government watchdog report now revealing over the past ten years social security overpaid disability benefits by $17 billion. many of them went to prisoners and dead people who could not put them to good use. how does that happen? >> it's amazing, the waste of money. >> and we've been talking about the insolvency of this program, how long until we hit the point where we're not going to be able to make the payments. this cripples it ahead of time. >> the fact that the program grew so much over the last decade during a recession, that tells right there, its own story. the fact that oh coincidentally, it grew so much and the other thing, simply moving money from the retirement to the disability fund is so easy and so common. it's a bad idea. it's a huge fight. it's two things. >> but this is the new welfare. the rest of us have not been paying attention and the disability program has grown dramatically right? >> well we're looking at the numbers. it's grown dramatically. the other thing is on the imprommer payments one analyst i was talking about this this morning with said one problem is the system makes to sense. disability is not black or white in the system. the issue is what work can one do but not necessarily, you know you're disabled or not. and this whole paying over mental issues seems to be the rule-making there seems to be just sketchy. >> in some places it's become safer, not more dangerous. how are they measuring this? there's $142 billion paid out by social security disability benefits last year alone. are there people in place to measure whether or not you're disabled or not. >> and simply moving it from retirement to disability, people are assuming this is something that's common. >> that's what i'm saying. it's so common and you have to believe that some of the rule-making around the mental issues is somewhat sketchy and so i think that needs to be looked at. the fact that you could move it from retirement to disability is wrong. this should be black or white. it's miskususe of funds. >> more of that expert analysis coming up on your show that is coming up. >> we have representative steve scalise in the studio. we'll talk about trade. that's one of the big issues. we're also going to be taking a look at the hack attack and why so many people's money was hacked in government. we're also going to get into isis and the iran talks and where we are, that june 30th deadline on the horizon. very few people think we'll have a deal. we're also talking about sam zel, the real estate titan to talk about where this market is. he's a big seller. you figure it out. >> he's also one of the greatest interview of all times. he's out of control. i love him. >> sounds great. >> you can catch maria week days. log onto your area or fox. >> my new morning show starts at 6:00 a.m. >> she's up having coffee with us now. >> coming up on the show parents, do you make your kids wear floaties? pool. huge mistake. why parents say you shouldn't trust them to do the job. we'll talk about it when we come back. what up wheels! mr. auto-mo-deal! hey, it's the wheel deal! hey, hey, the duke of deals! i know a few guys in the rental car biz. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. relook. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow's feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me... in the eyes... and see what's possible... botox® cosmetic. it's time to take a closer look. welcome back. quick sports headlines for you. in fifa whistle-blowers say qatar will likely be stripped of the 2022 world cup. there's so much evidence of corruption that fifa will have no choice but to find another host city. and a career high marks a new low for tiger woods. he shot an 85 on saturday in a third round of the memorial tournament in ohio. that's his worst score as a professional golfer. the lowlight came on the 18th hole where he took a quadruple bogey. that sounds like me. >> not a good thing. >> all right. no bet ereter way to enjoy the summer than with time spent at the pool or beach. >> but the water can be danger if safety is not your top priority. >> here are tips every parent must know. we have the director of pool management and staff training at the imagine school of swimming. nice to see you this morning. who did you bring here? >> this is emerson. she's one of my best students. >> hi emerson. nice to see you this morning. >> she's cold. the water is a little cold. >> i'm not a helicopter parent or anything but making my kids learn how to swim at such a young age and learning these tips was most important thing i could have done. why is it so important to get these kids in the pool early to learn these tips and tricks? >> swimming is a life-saving skill. the earlier you start, the easier it is to learn. they're so much more comfortable when they're young. they just get it naturally. >> and something we mentioned earlier are these water wings we see children put on. but you shouldn't trust those. parents should not trust those. >> that's right. >> why are those a huge mistake? >> they give us all a sense of security. there's no substitute for supervision. you need an adult who has their eyes on the kids at all times. sometime when is people put flotation devices on their kids they think they can leave them. they get more relaxed. something can happen -- >> there's no time you can relax when your small kids are around a pool. >> no not at all. as long as you're watching them you can relax and keep watching them. but don't let your guard down. >> one of the really important factors about it is i think hollywood paints a picture about drowning right. arms are flailing there's a lot of yelling. you say it's a silent killer. >> that's right. we're conditioned by those tv "baywatch" drownings, but it can happen in an instant. it can happen without any splashing. drowning victims can't call out. they're struggling to breathe. they're not going to yell for help. >> and explain, what is the rule? >> if your child can't swim more than 25 yards continuously, you should stay within ten feet of them in the pool at all times. >> because they can tire quickly. >> behind us they can definitely swim. >> it's really the one thing that's worth worrying about. i think parents spend a lot of time worrying about things that aren't a threat. >> yes, drowning is the leading cause of accidental deaths among children 4 and under. >> wow. >> you have to be careful. >> what about limit the nonswimmer to swimmer ratio? three to one. what does that mean? >> three nonswimmers to each responsible swimmer in the water. even three is a little bit much. that's pushing it. chrissy in the water here is a professional. she knows what to do. but most people who don't do this day in and day out can't handle more children than they have hands. so two hands two kids is what i like to say. >> when the water is cold -- by the way, our above-ground pool is freezing. is it more threatening when it's cold? >> it can be. there are hypothermia risks. in a backyard pool that's not something you typically need to worry about. as long as you have proper barriers. you want a four-foot-high fence that can't be climbed that has an automatically shutting and latching gate. multiple layers of protection like that. >> have you ever met a kid that wasn't excited to go in a pool? >> maybe at first. but after they get in they get used to it. they learn what to do to keep themselves safe. >> if you think your child is afraid of the water and then that way, you know, you're not at risk of them going in don't count on that because they'll still be interested. >> exactly. depending on their age, they can't necessarily process what the risk really is. they might just be curious and walk over to water's edge reach over to touch t and fall in. >> brendan, thanks to you. great tips this morning. >> my pleasure. >> we want to thank walmart for this awesome pool. for more information on the pool and on imagine swimming visit you think the show is over but it's not. there's more to come, so stay tuned. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? 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