Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20171021 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20171021

>> inaugural ball was the last thing on my mind. i'm so honored and grateful to become part of this city. >> throw by gregorius is blocked and it's all houston tonight. ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ you got to give for what you take ♪ freedom ♪ pete: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends weekend." look who are who ho is here abby huntsman. abby: of course. and look who is here jason sehorn. pete: you were inducted into the major league. abby: is there anything you can't do? jason: i just haven't tried it. abby: he already had his coffee this morning. pete: sweet. lots of cream and sugar. jason: i don't drink it to keep me awake. if it tasted bad i wouldn't drink it. it tastes good because you put cream and sugar on it. abby: makes so much sense. pete: it does. abby: what a week it has been in washington and as the media has been talking about the story that will not end. and the congresswoman fred fredericka wilson attacks the white house saying it is full of racists and white supremacists. it does not end. pete: as this controversy back and forth about the four dead in niger and phone call to the widow she said this the white house itself is full of white supremacists, they are making themselves look like fools. they have no credibility. they are trying to assassinate my character and they are assassinating their own. everything coming out is shown to be a lie. part of what has triggered john kelly and the president of racism is empty barrel. she is an empty barrel. the "new york post" did a nice piece today they did expose of the empty barrel goes back to plato apparently he was racist too. jason: i don't know what page she got to to google to make it racist. you make a lot of noise. an empty barrel when rolled makes a lot of noise. no substance to it no wine, no beer, no whatever you put in it. that's all it is. abby: you are exactly right. this after john kelly came out and did his own sort of press briefing on wednesday afternoon. jason: amazing. abby: it was really a moment. i hope if i are watching it and didn't watch it this past week with him pull it up. i got emotional watching it. pete: president accused of being insensitive in a call to gold star widow. john kelly came out and said hey i gave advice to the president what to say as someone who has had to do that. lost soldiers in combat. and, of course, lost his own son. is he a gold star father. he talks about a speech given by the naming of an fbi academy in 015 where this same congresswoman was there. and he believed, his perception was that she was grandstanding at this event. she was talking about everything that she did. he talked about funding. he may have been a little bit factually incorrect. he talked about the fact that she stood up and took a lot of credit for naming the building and being a part of it. from his perspective it looked like man, what is she doing um there we have been at events like this where a politician has taken all the credit. jason: taking the credit for something that isn't all of theirs. that's what she is saying now. somebody interjecting themselves in a situation trump did that phone call inappropriately and saying the wrong things. things, by the way that she has said herself, which is confusing to me. pete: because you watched the whole thing and you found the tape. jays jails i did. abby: part of it that has not been covered at all no. surprise here. let's play. this. >> most men and women in lawrence leave their homes for work knowing there is a possibility they may not return. jason: wait a minute, that sounds oddly familiar. pete: most men and women in law enforcement leave their homes knowing the possibility they may not return. doesn't that sound like what the president and general kelly said when they said they know what they signed up for. of course. abby: pete, you are someone who has served. i come from a military family two brothers serving in the military. i talk to them all the time and they where to go out and serve overseas. they say all the time we know what we signed up for. this is the sacrifice we make. when general kelly was up there speaking, it was so emotional. he doesn't want to be talking about what he went through with his son. he doesn't want to relive those moments. he knows what it feels like to get that phone call that your son is dead. he knows what it's like to get the phone call from the president. the people in the room don't know what that feels like. he was helping them understand the bigger picture in that situation. i think that was a really important thing for this country to hear. jason: it's not only true it's fact. something everybody is well aware of. we are only bringing up her comment because she is criticizing somebody else for saying the same thing. when in reality neither one should be criticized for their comment. it is fact and pointed out for everybody else to understand. you mentioned it, the people that go in to combat, our armed forces they understanding the consequences of what could happen, the risks involved. she is just saying like to everybody else, by the way, they know that here is what you should know, they go in knowing that they possibly won't come out. pete: the president should be lauded for the fact before making tough phone calls he went to someone with the experience and credibility of a john kelly and said how do i do this? how do you make a phone call like this? almost an impossible thick to do. it's very interesting to watch. why is it okay for her, the congresswoman to interpret what trump said on a phone call, interpret it and said this is what he must have meant. not okay for john kelly to interpret what she said at the 2015 fbi thing as that felt like grandstanding to me. i looked at her and thought who is this lady? and sarah huckabee sanders said it great. all hat, no cattle. abby: she did. take a listen to this. >> as general kelly pointed out, if you are able to make a sacred act like honoring american heroes all about yourself you are an empty barrel. if you don't understand that reference i will put it more simply. as we say in the south all hat, no cattle. abby: leave it to sarah huckabee sanders. pete: well said. abby: i thought how could anyone criticize what was just being said. maybe you could say some of the facts were wrong about that fbi meeting. okay. but the bigger picture of this who is going to attack the emotions that he just spoke, about the very real story that he wept through himself, he was talking about how he went to go walk through arlington cemetery when this was all going on because he needed to center himself. there is nothing that is sacred in this country anymore when we make people i do for this country political. pete: they always have to play the race card. we will play sound bites of msnbc and cnn hosts. trump and kelly they're all racists and she is a black woman and they're white men and that's why they are wrong. it doesn't stop. pete. jason: takes the conversation away from what it should be about. somebody died in battle. the president was simply calling to offer condolences to their family. abby: that's a great point there is a lot going on in washington that probably hasn't received the coverage that it deserves. one of those is healthcare and you have a loft republicans still saying there is a way to get some sort of reform done, including rand paul who tweeted this. he says i'm all in for tax cuts. pete: tax reform not healthcare. abby: biggest, boldest cuts possible and soon this is what we are waiting for. if we can get tax reform done, this would be huge not just for the president and the republicans but huge for the country. jason: it needs to be done for a lot of the reasons. for the progress and forward movement of our country, the savings that it will give the american people. but, also, they have accomplish something between the president and congress together. like, you can't just do everything -- pete: get together. jason: these two groups have to get together here. they all ran on these things. they all ran on repeal and replace. they all ran on tax reform. they haven't done anything so far. 10 months in and nothing has been truly accomplished. something large has to be done by the end of the year. pete: that's why rand paul portion is so important. he voted against the budget measure. only republican vote against budget measure. posh thing to pass precursor to the tax reform bill. onow he is saying of course i will push for tax cuts. rand paul has been over here. he has been supporter of the president but he is a purest wants things to be done right to his credit. sounds like there is a path forward. the president was on a friendly fellow station of ours fox business with maria bartiromo and had this to say. >> i think they should. i think they will. a lot of things are happening. it will be right after that. i don't even like them leaving. i will say. this i want to get it by the end of the year. but i would be very disappointed if it took that long. it could be substantially less than that depending on what happens when we send the bill back to the house. you know, they will send it back and people will go, you know, and make 200 suggestions as opposed to maybe no suggestions because it's a great bill. it's going to be a great bill. we are adjusting. abby: they have to prove they can get something done. mid terms are around the corner. why do people go out to the polls to vote? based on results. people they vote for are getting something done. republicans are in a tough position if they can't come together and work with the president on real tax reform, it's going to be a real struggle a year from now. jason: everything comes back to haunt you. you said all these things in the elections in the first place. you have to go back to these people. wait a minute, you said a bunch of stuff last time and none of that happened. they have got to get something done. abby: why should we believe you this time. pete: they are wise to that game. the interview will air tomorrow on future with maria bartiromo. what the president is saying is don't go on vacation if you can't get the things done. can you eat thanksgiving from your desk in the senator house chamber if you do. the rest of us deserve legislators. jason: breaks are nice. results are better. abby: amen. other headlines we are following this morning. police are now in a frantic manhunt as they believe someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have now been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days, all of them alone at the time. investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving the murder. the person as you see there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. and the hawaii federal judge blocked president trump's travel ban expanded the order. derek watson appointed by the obama administration ruling the ban is unconstitutional. and it discriminates based on nationalities. warm front son's rulings effects only the six muslim majority countries does not affect venezuela or chad. the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old girl who is now 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. the government now has until october 31st to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that doesn't happen, the case goes back to a lower court and a judge will figure that out. the houston astros shutting down yankees in game six. final showdown game seven. justin verlander, you never want to get those wrong. pitching seven. help secure the astros. they take the field one last time tonight at 8:08 p.m. eastern. they go on to face the dodgers. i should have had jason read. this what am i doing? jason: names, we don't have a pronunciation guide. pete: is there anything in better than game 7. jason: nothing especially to go to the world series. pete: loretta lynch and bill clinton meeting behind closed doors tarmac meeting. abby: hillary and bill showed up at the president's inauguration. it turns out they tried their hardest not to go. how hillary tried to avoid that trip to no avail. coming up. stay with us. ♪ nowhere to run, baby ♪ nowhere to hide ♪ nowhere to run to, baby. ♪ no where to hide ♪ how do you chase what you love with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis? do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it's proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist about humira. this is humira at work. > did you tell director comey to call the clinton email investigation a matter? >> attorney general lynch did you make a phone call before the meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac in arizona? attorney general lynch did you seek permission from anyone within the white house before you took the meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac? >> that was former attorney general loretta lynch dodging questions about the infamous tarmac meeting. jason: comes as congressional investigators meet with loretta lynch looking into russian meddling 2016 election. pete: tom fitton the president of judicial watch and digging into this topic since the story first broke and joins us now. thanks for being here this morning. >> you're welcome. pete: she was behind closed doors answering questions about the so-called russian meddling 2016 election. she didn't answer questions from our own catherine herridge. could you have any sense what she may have been talking about behind closed doors? >> i don't. i wish it weren't behind closed doors. i'm sure there will be leaks about some of the testimony. i mean, the category of information would have been presumably about whether they were properly surveying and spying on trump -- the team trump operation when he was running for president. maybe even after he was elected president. also, what about unmaskings? where they were surveying and gathering intelligence on foreign nationals. and then on deleting the names of americans picked up in those conversations and sharing them widely within the obama administration. was she aware of that? evidently it was increasing during this election year. and then going back to the tarmac meeting. i would have hoped they would have asked about whether the justice department was abused in terms of protecting hillary clinton and allowing this meeting to take place and director comey had suggested there were other things that the justice department was doing that suggested they couldn't be trusted toot least publicly handle the clinton matter. the problem for the obama administration and those trying to go after the trump administration is they can't have it both ways. they can't say this justice department was doing the right thing on the russian collusion issue with entrepreneurship and incoming trump campaign and say they were doing the right thing with hillary clinton at the same time. i don't buy it no one else buys it. so i don't see how can you separate the two. abby: are you surprised there hasn't been more courage of this? when you think how much time spent on president trump and russia and the collusion going on there doesn't seem to be any factual evidence connecting the two, as of right now. comparing the focus on that and what we are dealing with here and loretta lynch and the investigation. >> yes. especially this week whether you have news of the russians corrupting the process to award that uranium contract or uranium -- well, scam, really, that gave them 20% of our uranium assets here in the united states practically speaking. you had the justice department under loretta lynch, james comey and robert mueller investigating this and we don't know anything about that? where's the investigation of the connections to the clinton campaign and clinton operation to the russian uranium concerns? pete: not to mention where is the news coverage of this the so-called mainstream media almost completely silent on it tom fitton, judicial watch president. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. ainsley: thank you, tom. jason: it has happened again. this time the singer of the national anthem taking a knee during the performance. what she had to say about the stunt coming up. pete: keeping um her attacks against general john kelly now she is calling him a ras. is she hurting her own party and the country. we will debate that next. 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here to weigh in jim hanson president of the security studies group. wensdy is a professor and political commentator. thank you both for being here this morning. jim, i will start with you. empty barrel, john kelly's comments. is there any racism in there that you can see? >> you know, a lot of people attribute that quote to plato was what he was saying is an empty vessel makes a loudest noise just as the one with the least whit does the most ballot terring. calling her a witless blab error making a lot of noise about an empty issue is correct. nothing john kelly said is racist. everything representative wilson has done in this entire situation has been to stir up political controversy about a dignified and compassionate conversation where president trump complimented sergeant wilson for having the bravery to sign up knowing the danger he would be facing. pete: wenty, that's the question, why is it okay for her, this congresswoman to impugn what president trump said on a private phone call based on her characterization but it's not okay for general kelly to stand up and say hey, i think you are wrong from the way you see things? >> well, first of all, jim made a comment it's not sergeant wilson it's sergeant la david johnson. that's what's being lost here. what's being lost is the people who died and lost their lives in niger. since we are going to talk about this, let's talk about fred demetric can a wilson and talk about her record. she has served honorably the florida legislature since 2008. she has been a congresswoman since 2011. what she has done is she she is not witless or an empty barrel. she started 5,000 role models of excellence program in which sergeant johnson was a graduate from. so, when she talks about the death of sergeant johnson, as well as there's other individuals who have graduated from her program who have also died in the line of battle, she has coming at it from a personal place. she is speaking of it as somebody who graduated from my program who is no longer here. how can we move forward in a progressive way so that doesn't happen anymore? again, she is not a wit. pete: taking this at face value then why is she saying i mustable a rock star? >> she is politically grandstanding. she said basically the same thing as you all pointed out earlier on the show talking about law enforcement officials in miami. that these people leave their homes each night not know going they will come home. that's the exact same thing that she is claiming president trump said that was so awful. so i think to take that and even if the family at the moment misunderstood it, i think there is a decent reason to believe she was the one who stirred up this controversy by ignoring the fact that that's actually a compliment. i don't think she has been acting in good faith and whatever else she has done as a congress person, this was a low and disrespectful way to take a basically solid way for the president to thank the family for their son's service. >> no. pete: wendy, that's what john kelly was attempting to explain. joy reid took these attacks even further attacking general kelly's entire childhood as ways racist. he grew up in segregated boston in irish catholic neighborhood where women were bullied, not honored and blacks were scorned and rejected. why are we going at someone of his stature, by the way the army the least racist institutions in our country. why are we saying he has got to be a racist because he came from boston. >> you just mentioned his stature, there is no one regardless of his stature beyond reproach. pete: what has he done that has been racist? >> let me finish. whether is he reyes or not that is not for me to judge. what joy reid did present are sociological factors that say he may be racist. that's to the nor me to judge. we are talking about fredericka wilson. she was in the car with the family. the family themselves said as though they felt the president's comments were insensitive. a true leader, nibble who makes the mistake, whether it was his intent or not, they would simply say that is my apology. that was not my intent. that would have ended this whole conversation. it family is a gold star family. they are grieving. and if a family says i did not like what you said or i felt offended by it, the way that we can circumvent all of this and move forward is for the president to simply say that was not my intent and i apologize and that's what should have been done here. pete: well, the family indeed has the right to their opinion on this for sure. jim, last word on how the congresswoman reacted? >> i think in this case she could have been the one know what she said. >> she is not the president. >> she was in the car and she is the one who then went on television saying this was wrong and incentive. >> trump went on television and said other presidents did this. >> he meant to compliment his service to our country and that's what should be focused on. pete: made a statement that was true based on john kelly did not receive a phone call. these are the details that get glossed over. jim hanson and wendy thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. pete: henry and bill showed up for the president's inauguration. they did show init turns out of they tried their hardest not to go. how hillary clinton tried to avoid the trip to no avail. we know how football fans feel about the anthem protest. how do they feel about politics? we're ranking the top five teams based on political ideology from the left and the right next. you are not going to want to miss this ♪ the red, white, and blue ♪ ♪ ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's 2 for $20. by listening to an thiaudiobook on audible.ame and this guy is just trying to get through the day. keeping it together. losing it. upgrade your commute. ride with audible. so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. i was from ethnically. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at whentempur-pedic delivers.... only tempur material precisely conforms to your weight, shape and temperature. so you'll sleep deeply and wake up feeling like a champion. find an exclusive retailer at ♪ and the home of the brave. abby: what you are watching there justine scott she has a beautiful voice. she was singing the national anthem brooklyn mets game and decided to kneel at the very end of that song. not letting anyone know she was going to do that. but she obviously has the right to kneel if you want to. you were saying this, jason. there is a rule where the players have to stand for the anthem. jason: it's a policy they came up with to try to take the distraction away from the game. and put the focus on the fact that people came to watch a basketball game not a political movement. pete: she was invited as a guest. the brooklyn didn't know she was going to do it. they said let's put a policy. could have seen a big wave of kneeling in the nba further that controversy. she took to instagram saying this pretty i couldn't know easy about singing the anthem and probably won't be invited to sing it again. had to take a knee in opening game in my city we will not be silenced #black lives matter. we know where she is coming from. abby: be in this stadium how much cheering and boos as well. pete: reports are far more boos than cheers. overwhelming voice of this place was don't mix, again, protest if you want, why do it during our nation's sacred anthem. jason: difficult part here what it stands for is getting under people's skin. i'm a firm believer in our first amendment. it your freedom of speech. it's your right to do that. but it's going to have backlash. there is an issue with it i don't like it. i don't agree with it you get to make that stand as an individual, that's what you get to choose. you know what else you get to do? you get to face the consequences of your action afterwards. as she said i probably won't be invited back that's sad because she had a nice voice. taken away an opportunity. i don't know. abby: did you go through anything like this when you played? jason: no, nothing like this. this is different. i was in the league from '94 to 2003. i don't think we had anything. i know for a fact we had nothing of this magnitude affecting us as players to make a decision on. abby: the president is now continuing to double down on his stance on this. he has released an official stance. he said officially stand for the national anthem, a petition. more symbolic it seems like, pete, than anything else. let people know getting as many signatures as possible for this. pete: i believe it was put out by his campaign. ultimately they are saying if you believe our players should be standing for the anthem signed this petition to show your support. things like this happen all the time this the political world. i think it's a recognition that they want to have this conversation. do you believe they should be standing or kneeling you? hear hillary clinton saying i think they should kneel. can you see them doubling down on we're the stand party vs. the kneel party. listen, we're lit celebrating that in this country these days unfortunately. how sacred sour anthem and our flag and historical monuments and things like that. all very mixed and muddied it doesn't surprise me though that they are doubling down. jason: political sides put away, it's our freedom of speech in this country that makes us great. i talked to two military people thursday night. one a 70-year-old vet and another a marine. i fought for the right and opportunity for you to make those decisions in america to have that free speech. i do agree? no way i do not agree. i would not take a knee during the singing of the national anthem with the flag waving in my face. however, you fully believe if that's what they want to do, they get to exercise that right. petitions aside and everything, it's just one of those things where you can't start dictating when you want people to agree with you on their freedom of speech. i'm sorry, this is just one area that i think wow, we all probably on this set agree, stand. what's right. abby: what do you do if you are the owner of the nfl, if you are a coach of these teams? you have lived this. >> so here's the problem. too late now. they should have done something a year and a half ago. it's in place. you are not now going to suddenly take away that right and they will them have you got to start standing now. you are going to cause a bigger problem. pete: you could but you are going to cause a locker room problem. jason: we stick together as players. i will support my teammate in his cause. whether i believe he is going about it or not. if you tell mia, now we will bond even more. hence the reason you saw all the people criticize the players. abby: locking arm in arm. jafs jays it's a team, guys. abby: i want to bring you other news. flag flown at half staff to honor sergeant la david johnson. two processions today in broward county, florida before he is laid to rest at hollywood memorial gardens. johnson lost his life on october 4th, along with three other soldiers when they were ambushed by islamic militants in the african country of niger. we know how hillary clinton felt in the days leading up to president trump's inauguration. >> i really tried to get out of going. [laughter] >> you know, because i was going not as the candidate or the opponent but as a former first lady. we thought, okay, maybe others aren't going, so, you know, we called. [laughter] abby: how patriotic. clinton telling the graham norton show she called the bushes and carters to see if they were going before deciding if shield ultimately attend. pete: are you going? are you going? i guess i have to go. abby: dreams of being aspiring athlete are this. >> smile and nod your head and let me see your eyeballs wide like there is something wrong. yeah. do it again. give me that. abby: great movie. kids these days say they would rather be business leaders instead. dominoes pizza interviewing 1500 children as part of their team program. results 12% are choosing to be business leaders. 8% teachers. only 7% aspire to be actors and hue sessions. only 2% wanting to be athletes. pete: i want to see the methodology behind that poll. if you talk to a kid recently? >> jason: okay, dominoes, i disagree with that one. abby: what about being a weather man? how familiar want to do when you do? rick: what about scientists? come on. jason: i would like to know what all categories there were involved. rick: we need a bigger list. i bet it doesn't fit on that graphic on that screen the only reason we didn't see the rest of it i'm sure of it let's talk a little bit about the weather. this impacts all of us that's why you should want to study. this across the central plains it's really warm. another warm day. east coast as well. a bit of a cooler start but it won't last. we will warm way back up again. right across the central part of the country where the warm temperatures are, there is a storm brewing thsmght is going to bring pretty big severe weather today including the threat for a couple large tornadoes. this is all going to get going this afternoon. a little bit later. probably around the 5:00 time frame and go in throughout the overnight hours tonight. certainly some very large hail and some damaging winds. but also likely a tornado or two and along with that potentially some pretty big flooding. this is the target zone all the way up in towards parts of minnesota and wisconsin and then down towards texas. the biggest bulls eye for tornadoes parts of oklahoma and parts of north texas right along the red river valley. we do have a secondary severe season and that's right here in the fall. this is not uncommon. today someone of those days you have to watch out for it all right, guys. we save lives in meteorology by talking about this stuff and that's why it matters. abby: especially this year the hurricane season has been unreal. rick: so true. abby: have you done a fabulous job. rick: thanks. pete: why were our troops in niger in the first place. mike waltz searched in niger in 2014. he joining to us explain that mission next. jason: you know president trump loves to tweet. this morning is he revealing his true feelings about twitter and why he won't listen to people who tell him to stop ♪ get ready ♪ get ready ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ eat pete welcome pack. sara huck beal sanders faced with relentless questions of what happened in niger. >> is the president himself going to weigh this on what happened to those four special op. soldiers? >> did the president authorize exclusively the operation in niger or as that delegated down? >> is the president satisfied that that special forces unit when did went throughout that day had all the resources needed to go out there. >> as i have said several times today and will continue until that review is complete. pete: but the situation has many americans wondering why are the troops in new jersey tore begin with? let's ask former green beret commander and author of the book warrior diplomat michael waltz joins us now. indicative of many of our special operators you were in new jerseyner 2014. what is the mission there right now? >> well, it's 3r50eu78 mayor lay counter terrorism mission. so, if you look at the neighborhood that niger is in or nirge as the french say boko haram to the south if you remember them and kidnapping the girls. nigeria, al qaeda in the magrab to the northwest. they took over all of neighboring molly a few years before. they have isis and a number of groups operating out of libel i can't now now that that country completely fell apart under the obama administration and weapons from the qaddafi regime are pouring throughout the entire region. it's focused on training the nigerian army and key police forces so that they can take the fight to these groups and they can defend their territory there. pete. jason: can you explain for the viewers and myself how do they get separated like this? how are they so isolated, our american troops over there to this attack? like, when you think about our troops and what they're usually trained to do and be on the lookout, like how did this happen? >> so there is two things. one, that these teams are trained to operate in small groups and embed with local forces. so you can have 12 green berets trained up to by doctrine 1,000 to 2,000 local national forces whether they are army or police forces. the other thing is, you know, i can't overstate how massive north africa is. niger alone is the size of twice or twice the size of texas. it is just incredibly remote. and then the third thing is and this is what i think people are getting to where was the support and the dronessenned at close air support, i think we have gotten really accustomed to the wars in iraq and afghanistan where have you all of those asettle immediately available and highly concentrated. we can't do that all over the world and have a medevac just an hour away all over the world, especially in a place as big as africa. these guys are trained to operate in highly remote, highly dangerous situations. sometimes the enemy scores against us. and i think in this case what we really need to look into is not the support issue but the intelligence issue. how did we miss the indicators that we were going to be hit here? pete: that's the question. it seems their posture was a little bit, not that they're unguarded you, never, but they weren't necessarily prepared for an ambush. they didn't think they were in that kind of threat enenvironment where something like this would happen, at least on this particular mission. >> well, they didn't -- they are always in a threat environment. and they are always prepared for that but they certainly weren't prepared for something this intense and that's what we have to get to the bottom of, whether it was planning, whether the mission was compromised by the local forces or by the villagers, and exactly what happened. and those are the answers i'm looking forward to seeing. pete: absolutely. got bless these guys. 800 niger, 5 to 600 in africa working to take on growing islamic threat. >> we are in 60 to 80 countries around the world on any given single day. this is what we are doing everywhere as we speak. pete: colonel waltz, thanks for your expertise. i appreciate it. jason: coming up the group behind that fake russian dossier trying to keep you find out who bank rolled it and bank rolled them as well. jason: experts say too much time on tablets are bad for kids. i agree. up next, video games that actually make your kids smarter. kurt the cyber guy shows us next. i'm looking forward to that ♪ >> it may be the weekend that doesn't mean the learning has stopped. abby: kirk the cyberguy with education and play time. know that you are getting smarter. >> good time for you. abby: overwhelmed. jason: please leave marie alone. when you put your kids in front of technology like the screen here is the ipad and sit there and mindless and passive. no good for kids it does not do anything. interactive stuff like this changes their world. you are just putting on. it's not connected but you are just putting on the playstation vr. we will show you how it works. you can't see that on tv. what can you do is we have recorded it we can, for example, with playstation vr, this looks up to a playstation 4. and it already has like 150 amazing games but you also can use it for education. can you go inside, for example, the apollo 11 mission and learn how and feel what it really would be like to be an astronaut. imagine, this remember that awkward time on picking an instrument? we are not there yet, jason. go into an orchestra, remember picking answer instrument in school that this would take you into the orchestra and feel like what it's like to be the conductor or to have the violin or as we were talking about yesterday clarinet and i got stuck with it and hated it. this is mcconnell max. this is interactive robot that is an educational tool but it's also got art official intelligence. he is so smart. this is the erector set brought to the future. jason: do you build it or does it come like this? >> you will put it together and sort of do all kinds of stuff with him. it opens a kid's mind to engineering and building and critical thinking. jason: come with an app.? >> it does preloadable app. he is funny. abby: what's the stemasaur? >> it teaches you engineering and stem cells. it helps with you speech with joking, learning how to tell jokes. smart girl. abby: i could use that growing up. >> this is interactive doll that you control with an app. that it is made for girls to teach them about coding. this is a computer box for kids getting rave reviews. >> computer in a box. abby: there is a lot going on here we have got to run. >> we will put the whole list online ♪ oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... when you clock out, i'll clock in... sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. there. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? 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jason: lights get you going that 4:00 wake-up call is tough. abby: it this is probably nothing. pete: people talk about pressure in athletics. that's what do you. you never feel the pressure in that moment. it's what you are comfortable doing. then you get into environment like this not every day routine. then all of a sudden you feel pressure and where you are out of your element a little bit. when you are on the field playing, there is no pressure. abby: just another day for you. pete: in case you don't know, in case you are not a football fan he was the defensive back for the new york giants in the nfl. we have a video we want to play. the first highlight they made for you too many completions for the other team. how are we not putting interceptions in here because had you dozens in the nfl. jason: that's probably not the highlight film. pete: why is irving making catches? abby: lot of news as their there always is when you wake up on a saturday morning. democratic congresswoman fredericka wilson is only escalating her attacks on the white house and president trump and gold star father general kelly, the general who really gave that emotional, memorable press briefing earlier this week saying that the white house is now full of racists, they are full of white supremacists, here is a quote coming from the "new york times." she spoke to them yesterday. she said the white house is full of white supremacists they are making themselves look like fools. they have no credibility. they are trying to is aasas cincinnati nate my character and they are assassin natal their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie. pete: the president called a grieving widow, asked for advice from general kelly who himself served in the military 40 years and gold star father himself. what do i stay in the president included in that statement a recognition these guys sign up for this. very common parlance. this congresswoman was in the car and overheard this conversation and immediately attacked the white house. you see john kelly come take to the podium and explain exactly what happened. he used a phrase 'an empty barrel which we will get to in a second which apparently triggered this congresswoman and made her accuse all of them of being racists and well she also declared herself a rock star for all the attention she is getting. jason: the problem i have is we throw this word racist a lot. maybe about discriminatory. for you to call somebody racist, you better have information and facts not because you don't like their opinion or the way they phrase something. like discriminatory, fine. pete: can be that, sure. jason: to come out and call somebody a white supremacists like the white house is full of them or a racist, very strong. we just throw it out way too liberally now. abby: there is a lot behind those words. and we need to be thoughtful whenever we do decide to do them. jason: oh, is he white. and is he a racist. that's why did he. this. abby: press conference with general kelly people credit siding him talking about what he went through with including his own son in afghanistan. what it means to be a gold star family what he went through but also how we should be thinking about it and talking about it as a country. still, people found ways to criticize him coming out. pete: the resist movement has no shame and we'l will play the race based. another network. general kelly grew up in segregated boston in irish catholic neighborhood where women were bullied, not honored, and blacked scorned and rejected. if you think that's bad then, then listen to one of other colleagues o'donnell. he said this on his program. listen to this. >> john kelly never sat beside a student like fredericka wilson in his elementary school. the language about black people in john kelly's white neighborhood was exactly the same language about black people that was used at that time in white communities in the segregated south. i know the neighborhood john kelly comes from. i know the culture. it was a neighborhood in which calling someone who looked like fredericka wilson an empty barrel was the kindest thing that would have been said about her. do you know what wasn't sacred when he was a kid growing up, where he was growing up? black women. he took time, a lot of extra time to call a black woman who he doesn't know and he doesn't like an empty barrel. pete: for lawrence o'donnell it's all about a white man and black woman. that's the only lens. think about that statement. abby: do you know who he sad to in his life. he sat to the very best in this country. people serving this country. there is no color or race background for who serves this country. jason: here is what blows me away though. how does he know who john kelly sat next to in school. how does he know what his neighborhood was like stereotyping something. simply coming up what he thinks this boston neighborhood was. did he grow up there? was he raised in that neighborhood? was he going to those schools in the other thing i don't like is because you're from an environment does not mean that environment creates you. defines you forever. it doesn't make you who you are. it's where you are from. it's are where you came from. it doesn't mean if the neighborhood, you know, is discriminatory, it doesn't mean you are. pete: such a great point. isn't that what this country is about. >> he basically said all of boston is basically racist. pete: jason, this is how they see the world. they look at a trump supporter and say if you support president trump you must be a racist. you must be a white supremacists. it's a race to the bottom of stereotyping of putting people in a box. they don't like general kelly because general kelly is enabling president trump who they have been resisting from the beginning. a lot of it is out to do nothing but attack this president. this is just an extension of this. they found a nice cozy box of a black congressman and attacking a white man. if you came from a bad place you are bad forever? jason: oh, i know where he was born so i know how he is. he was born in boston. abby: born in boston but what general kelly was saying when he talked about the empty barrel and referring to the congresswoman there. he was saying that there is not much to back up what she is talking about. just another pat on the back for herself. she is making the story about herself when general kelly is saying this is about something much bigger than all of us. that is what is so heart breaking about how this week has unfolded and how the conversation has been had. it has been about this nonsense when really it's about the men and women who fight for all of us to be able to live the lives that we want to live. it's horrifying. it's the very worst of our society. jason: it was a call to a family though lost a son killed in the line of duty. that's it. move on. he called, offered condolences and now they are criticizing in the way in which he offered those condolences, no. the empty barrel comment. an empty barrel if you roll it down the road makes a lot of noise but there is nothing in it. that's all it is noise. that's it. noise. our president called somebody, offered condolences and is being criticized for the way in which he did it. no. just move on. pete: absolutely. if you are in the white house. if you are president trump. if you are general kelly, you get endlessly frustrated with a media narrative built against you. but president trump, he had an interview with maria bartiromo that's going to air on sunday morning future tomorrow. he talked about his ability to go over that media narrative with a new tool you know it, it's called twitter. take a listen. >> i doubt i would be here if it weren't for social media to be honest with you. because there is a fake media out there. i get treated very unfairly by the media. i have a tremendous platform. i think i have 125 million people between twitter and instagram and all of them and facebook. i have a tremendous platform. so when somebody says something about me, i am able to go bing, bing, bing, and i take care of it the other way i would never be able to get the word out. ainsley: i don't know if all the advisors love the bing, bing, bing. pete: i love it. abby: actually interesting to hear about him how he thinks about twitter. that's how we get much of his thoughts on things and what's going on behind closed doors at the white house. you are not always getting the truth in the media. you are not always getting the facts. jason: i'm happy to hear there are actually people telling him no to do it. i wonder is there somebody telling him pause bu button. abby: i'm sure there are. are.pete. jason: he says i don't listen to them. that's how i got elected but the bing, bing, bing. pete: do you know what the other noise is, bing, bing, bing. is heads exploding in numerous when he tweets what he believes and they have to report on it and they don't get to be the filter on it. that's wonderful. that's what middle america loves about this guy. he gets to speak his own voice. ainsley: what's hard only 147 characters. whatever it is, only so much you can put in there. when you are talking about things like north korea. pete: that's why he does dot dot dot. abby: a reporter and your job to figure out what's going on here. it's frustrating. pete: good. i love frustrate you had reporters. abby: keeps us going in the morning. pete: do you like the president's tweets? should he keep tweeting or not [email protected] or other commentary we have been talking about this morning. be aable a fox news alert. a man with a knife goes on a stabbing rampage injuring four people in germany. police now arresting a suspect working to determine if he is the attacker. six people were attacked in downtown munich. four of them have been wounded. two were able to escape. none of those victims have life-threatening injuries, thank goodness. officers now telling residents to stay inside. the motive still remains unclear. we will keep a close eye on that this morning. the federal appeals court blocks illegal immigrant teen from getting an abortion for now. the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old who is now 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. the government now has until october 31st to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that does not happen, the case goes back to a lower court judge. also this. president trump expected to block the release of classified files on former president john f. kennedy's assassination. that is according to reports by politico who say the commander-in-chief is likely to intervene before next thursday when the national archives is expected to release nearly 3100 classified documents from the 1990s about what happened on that fatal day. trump officials fear the documents could jeopardize national security operations. pete: that won't lead to more conspiracy theories. jason: just leave it alone. pete: amazing. story that never ends. remember the group behind that fake russian trump dossier? now they are trying to block you from finding out who bank rolled them and who put them up to creating it? our next guest says he was targeted by that very same g.p.s. fusion g.p.s. group. ainsley: hillary clinton finally opening up about that uranium with russian. she blames that on fox news. ♪ i fought the law and the law one ♪ i don't want to sound paranoid, but d'ya think our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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>> well, they basically try and portrayed me as the worst venezuelan criminal to come out of that country after dejack co. they said i was a pedophile. i was involved in drug trafficking. i'm also a thief. i'm also a extorgsist u homosexual irresponsibly spreading aids around. the most vicious and baseless arguments that you could possibly say about a person were said about me and all this campaign was posted online after i had a break n my apartment here in london. after which i realized that they stole my computers. they stole two laptop computers from my flat. and then after i started investigating that event, i realized that they had been following me in london and my family for months. so, obviously, this is the kind of work that fusion g.p.s. assists others doing. pete: you are saying they traffic in lies. their smears are lies and they dual anything to discredit an opponent including, you might say, gather fake facts and put them in a dossier if they were hired to do that? >> as far as i'm concerned that's all they do. they don't pedal truth, veracity, facts, they pedal propaganda. they pedal fake information. when they don't find because they are they call themselves opposition research firm. when they don't find them they invent them. make them up. pete: fake news you might call it alec boyd, thank you for sharing your side of the story. no wonder these jokers are pleading the fifth. they don't know what the truth is because they haven't been trafficking in it for a very long time. thank you for your time. we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. pete: you got it still ahead, beware of traveling to the united states. the warning that canada and other countries are giving to their citizens and wait until you hear why. and no trick or treat, no, not for you. schools across the country are canceling halloween because some students feel left out. are they going too far? you think? our parenting panel here to discuss the greatest, latest political correct nonsense next ♪ you know it's thriller ♪ thriller night ♪ you're fighting for your life ♪ inside of thriller ♪ thriller mom's got this cold #stuffynose #nosleep #mouthbreather just put on a breathe right strip it instantly opens your nose... up to 38% more than cold medicine alone go to today to request a free sample. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's 2 for $20. whoamike and jen doyle?than i thought. yeah. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me. choosing a plan can be super-complicated. but it doesn't have to be. unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. well that wasn't so bad at all. that's how we like it. aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. for years, at&t has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ pete: as the numbers fall down we bring you back to "fox & friends weekend." time for news by the numbers. 27, number of dresses worn by first ladies that are now part of the smithsonian collection in washington, d.c. first lady melania trump giving her inaugural gown this week. next five, that's how many former u.s. presidents are teeming up to raise money today: heading a hurricane relief concert called one america appeal in texas. pretty cool. and finally seven. that's how many games it's going to take to determine who is will go to the world series from the al. houston astros shutting down the new york yankees 7 to 1 in game 6. setting up the final showdown in houston. that game begins tonight at 8:08 p.m. eastern. and the final number, number 31. the number worn by jason sehorn for the new york giants. over to you. abby: a good reminder. thank you so much, pete. here is a scary thought for you. schools across the country are now canceling, halloween. why? jason: according to one principal the it is out of our ordinary peru teen and difficult for many students. parade is not inclusive of all the students and our goal each and every day to ensure all student's individual differences are respected. gone too far? abby: what do parents think about this. here to discuss is darby 230bgs and tom kersting, author of disconnected, how to reconnect our digitally distracted kids. i need to read that one. the three of you are parents. i'm soon to be parent. i'm now realizing i'm going to be raising a kid in a different world than i grew up in. because i wore halloween does tiewmsz every year to school. >> kids love it it's a pass time. it kind of bothers me when i hear these stories where does it end? are we going to ban trick or treating because someone on the street doesn't like trick or treating? >> if you don't want to do it, you shouldn't be forced to do it. there is a lot of joy, magic creativity. it's one time they get to do something outside of the normal. and that's what we need to encourage. jason: it was fun and creative. you got to come up with a design or costume or something you wanted to be. let's be honest, when you rolled down the street, if the house was dark, you didn't go to that one. they probably don't do halloween. they are not turning the lights on for reason. don't go knock on the door. >> i didn't think about that. fun and creative. that's the natural habitat of children to be fun and creative. we are taking that away from our kids now adays. halloween goes. jason: the girl what is they think of for halloween they start thinking a month ahead. abby: have you three girls. i don't know how do you that it's incredible. i do wonder if he would getting to a place where we stop celebrating holidays all together? >> there might be one or two or three people that don't celebrate that it's not fair to the rest. >> it's important to think about if you don't really like it, it's okay. you are not going to always like everything. maybe you participate anyway or you sit back and let others have the stage. but that's an important lesson to teach our kids. jason: got to stop removing things that one or two people don't agree with or enjoy. >> preach tolerance. abby: survey says parents should make their kids earn their allowance by doing chores. experts are saying the opposite. i would love all three of your advice on when do you pay your kids? like, tom, you were saying no, my kids just did chores. >> chores are you know, that's how kids learn how to be responsible in life. they should be contributing. they are part of the family. why should i do it? i'm part of the family, too. i'm out there working all day. you are going to clean up your own dishes and help take out the garbage and stuff. the story is a little convoluted in the sense where, all right. i'm going to give you $5 if you go take out the garbage, no, no. abby: teaches you unless you get paid to do it you are not going to do anything. >> we don't want to teach that. at some point it's around more like 8 or 9 you want to start to give them money to sort of teach them the value. they really don't understanding it before that they will know that it's money. but they don't have the ability to think past -- they are only in concrete term. so they don't get what that money means. so, it's -- you want to wait until they are old enough that you can understand you buy this, think about do you want that or do you need that? and there is a difference. you start to balance it that way. abby: what do you with three girls? >> i do everything. i want it done right. i'm frustrated when they make a mess. i struggle with this one. i really do like with chores and responsibilities. they have their things they have to do but for the most part i'm not very good at that. abby: a little bit of both, actually. >> you want to teach them as they get older this is how much you have and this is when it ends. i think one of them thinks that uber is like a free thing out there. you want to teach them. jason: the allowance is differently. basically, this here are the chores, if you don't do them, then you are not getting your allowance. >> good luck digesting all of that. jason: steve bannon unleading on former president george w. bush overnight. when he says it was the most destructive presidency ever. abby: hillary clinton finally owning up about that controversial uranium deal with russia. now she is blaming fox news. dan bongino says hillary was a fraud. is he fired up about this one. is he joining us next. ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7, and you don't have to see or handle a needle. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. and fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. at optum, we're partnering across the health system to tackle its biggest challenges. ♪ rock the boat ♪ ♪ oh, yeah pete: our next guest will never rock the boat, ever. he just is quiet, keeps to himself, doesn't really have any opinions. i think you know who i'm talking about former secret service agent and officer author of protecting the president, a new book coming out. dan bongino. thanks for coming on this morning. we appreciate it. abby: hi, dan. >> let the shredding shredding . let's have it. pete: have you seen it the the media in full attack mode against gold star far and general and chief of staff john kelly. give you a sense what what we're talking about. "the washington post" is demanding the white house chief of staff john kelly, they think he owes the congresswoman fredericka wilson an apology and he got it all wrong. that he did not say -- that she did not say she got money for the building she was generous and grateful and shared credit how the building was fast tracked. he needs to set the record straight. that was just one. we could go with the "new york times" and any other publications as well. what do you make of how they are attacking him right now. >> before we get to. how it is talking to jason sehorn. good catch. i grew up watching him with the giants. now to shred these idiots with the media. one, they can plant their collective lips on america's collective butt. no one is going to apologize because "the washington post" and the "new york times." the kings and queens of fake news in any way suggest apologize. apologize for what? we have a hack congresswoman down in florida who thought for the purposes of political leverage she was going to manipulate the american public in believing a condolence call from president trump that he didn't have to do, pete, now you served. you have lost friends. you know exactly what these calls mean to people. a call he did not have to make. i was a secret service agent in the white house when some of these letters were written and some of this stuff was done. and you leverage it and then you for political game and even worse, guys, then she turns around after john kelly gives an absolutely heart breaking speech where everyone in america was listening their jaws drop. and she suggests he is a racist? folks, we have to apologize according to the clowns at "the washington post"? you can kiss our butts. that is not going to happen. and i encourage president trump to give them the big double-barrell middle finger and stand back up and say no, no, no, you don't speak for america. you speak for the looney radical cookie left who has called everybody in america racist for three decades. that's why have you no seats left in congress or the senate. have you been wiped out everywhere. abby: are you awake, jason? jason: holds up military as elite class. how this elite class? new yorker kelly in defending trump like why is this a problem? why is kelly defending him a problem? >> what i find fascinating about that jason, why is the military an elite class? like the "new york times" has a tough time, gee, i don't know, the fact that for $18,000 a year a 19-year-old with a year of training will go into a foreign combat zone and stick his life in front of a bullet to preserve american freedom? jason: elite class. >> stunning. that the "new york times" has a tough time figuring out why we venerate our military people goes to show you the bubble that these people live in. just one more thing on this too, by the way. fredericka wilson with this racist thing, with every reaction there is always going to be a counter reaction. when are they going to get this strategy of calling everybody you disagree with a racist is not going to work? you have been wiped out everywhere. wake up. pete: they don't have anywhere else to go. what else do they stand for? abby: here is the new yorker headline we can read these all day long. john kelly and language of the military coup. >> what the military would look like if the military planned a coup. >> there is no plan b. this has rerunted in their faces. whether you love or hate donald trump is he a genius at making the left show its butt by the left i mean the media. it means the same thing. he did it with the nfl. with this i don't believe he even intended on this one. he was making condolence calls. i don't think he expected this to become a political matter. look, now again he has forced this counter reaction where the "new york times" and left is actually arguing that, you know, there is a military coup going on. there is some kind of -- you know, the military, we shouldn't put them on a pedestal. again, folk he is this is your liberal class. this is why people are running from these people. they are nuts. abby: dan, so moving forward, what should the white house do? you already have general kelly come out and as you said gave about the emost emotional plea to the american people and to the media to stop all of this and to take a look at the bigger picture and to be reminded of the sanctitiy of what our men and women do when they their life for us. now what do they do? >> abby, at this point, i this the best thing to do is to do nothing. the kelly speech was just sealed. this this was a slam dunk of a speech by heroic gold star father. there is nothing left to say. everything now is chatter by the far left that exjust exposes them for the fools they are. let them keep talking. it's the chatter class. they have nothing of substance to say. pete: speaking of chattering from the left. hillary clinton on her never ending what happened book tour gave an interview and talking about russia and the media has been yelling for that for the last year. if you look at uranium deal and ties to the clint foundation the so-called mainstream media take a listen. >> i would say it's the same bologna they have been pedaling for years. there has been no credible evidence by anyone. in fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. here is what they are doing and really i have to give them credit. trump and his allies, including fox news, are really experts at distraction and diversification. so the closer the investigation about real russian ties between trump associates and real russians as we heard jeff sessions finally admit to in his testimony the other day, the more they want to just throw mud on the wall and i'm their favorite target. president obama, we are the ones they always like to put into the crosshairs. so, yes, i'm not surprised but i think the real story is how nervous they are about these continuing investigations. pete: cutting a crony deal to give away u.s. uranium is fox news' problem? >> guys, i worked with hillary. i don't do this often. and i mean it for a reason. and i think people need to know she is a phony, a fake. she is a fraud. i have seen her in the course of seconds tell two separate people two completely separate things. she is a creature of politics, nothing more. she has no moral compass whatsoever. she is obsessed with the acquisition of power. and what i find nearly comical about that sound, that you just played over there, hillary clinton on one hand is claiming that $100,000 in facebook ads and a 20 minute meeting that the trump kids wanted to get out of with a russian lawyer that they thought was about adoption changed the entire course of american history. but, let's get this straight. what, millions of dollars in speaking fees given to your foundation and meetings that your husband may have had with higher up russian officials had nothing to do with it. is this woman serious? is she not embarrassed? and the answer is no. because she is a liar and she has this antisocial permanent where she just doesn't care. she sees no consequence to her actions. although cares about is saving her patterned image right now. it's disgusting to watch. pete: jason, now you can see why we call him low energy dan. >> i needed my coffee this morning. abby: dan bongino. good to have you with us. >> good to see you. you have got it. pete: still ahead, another horror story at the v.a. a vietnam veteran dies waiting for healthcare and a nurse's aide was too busy playing video games to notice. how could this happen? abby: you know and love him in growing pains. i grew up watching him. kurt cammeron putting a spotlight on something is he passionate about his faith. i cannot wait. here he is. hey, kurt. kirk. i'll have the langoustine lobster ravioli. for you, sir? the original call was for langoustine ravioli. a langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. a slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. i will have chicken tenders and tater tots. if you're a ref, you way over-explain things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. sir, we don't have tater tots. it's what you do. i will have nachos! abby: back with headlines for you. countries around the world are now warning their citizens to think twice before traveling to the u.s. just this month travel advisories were updated in canada, u.k.,new zealand and ireland over terrorism. mass shootings and natural disasters in response to recent incidents happening on u.s. soil. this despite data from the cato institute country proven to be safer than it's ever been in recent years. disturbing tweet threatening president trump's life campus reform reports iowa state university group the young democratic socialists of america tweeting this, quote: comrades stay away from needle drugs. the only dope worth shooting is in the oval office right now. secret service says they are aware of that post. that is unfortunate. jason? pete: also unfortunate any tweet that starts with comrades. a 68 vietnam veteran died last year after a nurse's aide failed to monitor him because she was, quote, and she admitted, too busy playing video games. jason: here to weigh in policy directors for america dan caldwell. pete: dan, how are you doing? >> i'm great. i wish we could be talking about something different this morning. pete: vet at massachusetts center supposed to be checked on regularly. the nurse admitted she didn't check on him because she was playing video games. what is happening to this v.a. worker? >> you know, pete, i know you and everybody else at fox have been these stories for years. unfortunately not shocking to me anymore. here's the good news, under this administration and it's important to note that this occurred a year ago under the obama administration. they are now actually able to finally fire and get rid of these people because of a bill that president trump signed into law called the v.a. accountability whistle law protection act. i was honored to stand behind the president as he signed it into law. this bill greatly shortens the amount of time it takes to fire a v.a. employee instead of sometimes years. it's now going to take weeks. secretary shulkin had said they are in the process right now of firing this individual and that is the good news. things are starting to change at the v.a. there is still a lot of work to do. i think this is a real success story, this administration. we don't hear a lot about it. but i do think we need to hear more. because they are starting to do good things they v.a. pete: why has it been so difficult? i hear all these things and read comments about it. we are looking forward to working with congress. this seems like an area where there shouldn't be any red tape in fixing the issues. these people are v. gone and laid it down for our country. and they come home to these situations that aren't even in regular hospitals. this is supposed to be for them. help me understanding why this is still going on. >> well, i think that's a great question. and these are 90/10 issues. 90% of americans think it should be easy to fire bad va employees. >> 90% of americans veterans and nonveterans alike think veterans should have the ability to go in the private sector and use their v.a. benefits if they aren't getting good care at a v.a. hospital like this veteran was. here in washington, d.c., you have a lot of special interests that benefit from the status quo at the v.a. groups like the federal employees union, the american federation for government employees that just want more money going in the v.a. system so they can get more employees and more deuce payin dues paying me. they spend a lot of money on elections. they support a lot of politicians. mainly democrats but even some republicans. they go to them and say you have to block v.a. reforms. you have to keep the status quo to protect our members. pete: dan, briefly. we don't have much time. the next is giving veterans a choice when you which you alluded to. where is congress on getting a real bill passed oso a veteran can take their money and go to the private sector? >> they are working on bills right now. they have a couple drafts. there there are positive reforms. they still need to make improvements. they have to give vets real choice not fake choice. because they chose to serve they're their country. pete: have to ask permission to go outside as opposed to making that decision yourself if you are a veteran. >> that's the best way to sum it up. the veteran should have the choice not the v.a. bureaucrat. pete: dan caldwell, thank you for your time. >> thank you. steve bannon says republicans deserve to be run out of office if they cannot get tax reform done. dr. sebastian gorka here to react next hour. jason: plus kirk cammeron has a brand new project that will inspire you this morning. he joins us next. ♪ today, the new new york is ready for take-off. we're invested in creating the world's first state-of-the-art drone testing facility in central new york and the mohawk valley, which marks the start of our nation's first 50-mile unmanned flight corridor. and allows us to attract the world's top drone talent. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit to grow your business with us in new york state, for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... producer kirk cammeron joins us now. welcome. >> great to see you. abby: we all grew up watching you. >> i'm 46. >> 1971. >> '71. abby: talk to us about this event. this has happened before. this is the second time going on. talk to us about the importance of it. >> yeah. i have got six kids. my wife and i wake up every morning with our kids saying dad, did you hear what happened last night? did you see the news? look what somebody said. we all love to talk about important issues. but right now we seem to be so divided over race, religion, politics, money, gender. what else do we have left to divide us? and i've decided to bring together thousands of people, last year 150,000 for an event of hope, of courage, and unity. and bringing some of my most brilliant friends that can give us ways to practically bring about loving, respectful conversations. we're going to pray together in 800 movie theaters across the nation on one night. we're going to sing together. and we're going to talk about how we bring real unity to this country. pause we need it right now. pete: it's called revive us 2. last year before the election it was first revive us event. it's going to be brought from a pretty cool spot. >> museum to the bible. it's in washington, d.c. we are going to be there before it opens to give people not only a sneak peek of that location, but also broadcast this message of hope, of courage, and unity from their world stage theater. jason: when you think about the division we have in our country is the message to bring people together or talk about being on the same page? you have to have a message that you are trying to get accomplished. one talking point that you want everybody in those theaters to walk away with? >> you are absolutely right. we see even on your show and other shows we so try to find some sort of common ground with people. often it's that lowest common denominator. okay. you are a human. can we start there? because we can't start with liberal or conservative often these unions end up being a catfight. the lowest common denominator is not going to work. it's the highest common denominator we need to look to. it's faith in god. the one ha who made you or me. not republican or democrat or white or black. is there a higher perspective that will help us? because we are just getting into a fight. jason: talk about some of the people coming to speak. >> robby zacarias, dr. ben carson. johnny erickson tata. filmmakers who made fireproof and war room there are going to be surprise musicians there. zach williams is going to be leading the night in worship. it will be interactive time where people type in questions on facebook. we have a panel answering specific questions about economics and poverty. about religion. about politics. abby: just a reminder that we are all in this together. >> we are. abby: so good to have you here. pete: and of course kirk will be there as well. revive stick to the channel we have a lot more coming up including sebastian gorka and the man who killed usama bin laden rob o'neill coming up. go your own way♪ once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at ♪ ♪ you nervous? 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why do we go there? how did that get interjected in this conversation? honestly, from the outside view. why are we talking about racism because a president called a family of a fallen soldier? how did this become a racist conversation? pete: because the resist amusement has only a few talking points one of them includes white supremacists and racism. look at the pictures. it's a white male general and black female congresswoman so it's got to be about race, right? that's the way they think unfortunately. adam kinzinger made a great statement about this congresswoman. when she first came to the house she was mad there is no hats policy on the house floor she wears those counsel hats. she said because it was sexist that she couldn't wear a hat? how many counsels from texas for the last 200 years have wanted to wear a counsel hat on the house floor called it sexism. if you play identity politics. then you first look through a gender or racial lens before you actually have a conversation about, you know what? maybe it should have been a private conversation about a president fallen soldier and left it there. >> not maybe, no, it shut should have been. i have been told as a kid it's a sign respect to take your hat off when you walk in a home, period. abby: that's what general kelly was trying to get at when he came out and spoke to the press on friday afternoon. he was trying to end this. he was trying to let everybody know what happened behind closed doors there as he said he was there during the call and heard what happened. also remind us what it's like to be a gold star family because he was one. he is one. his son died in afghanistan serving in country. so sitting there listening to him i got emotional. i have two brothers in the navy that are about to begin their time overseas serving. so this is real for so many people. and my favorite part of that whole press conference at the end was i will take a few questions only if you know a gold star mother or gold star family. i was shocked how few people could raise their hand. pete: let me live in my liberal bubble where i don't know. abby: the idea he was getting at. if you know a gold star mom or know a family, you approach this conversation completely differently. jason: the fact that he had to get up and give that speech in the first place is what's wrong with this whole situation. that's the issue at hand for me. he actually had to address the conversation between the president and this family on what happened. pete: he is being attacked by fredericka wilson to your point. he stands up in his defense which was very powerful. talks about fbi swearing in facility for a new ceremony naming it after two fallen fbi officers. he was at that he talked about how he saw fredericka wilson go to the podium and make a speech about her. said it was bund b. funding. >> naming rights. pete: from where i sat it felt like she was grandstanding and making it all about her. abby: patting herself on the back. we watched the whole speech. the pesky thing is that there is tape out there. part of what we found is she actually said something that sounds a lot like what john kelly and president trump have said. take a livable to her. >> most men and women in law enforcement lee their homes from work knowing that there is a possibility they may not return. pete: most men and women in law enforcement leave their homes knowing there is a possibility they may not return. does that sound a little bit like they know weigh that signed up for? jason: all of them do. i still go back to the reason i felt it was said for the first place was for the american public to understand that these men and women understand that they are putting themselves into when they sign up in the first place. that's all. that's not disrespect. abby: that is what makes them. jason: heroes, selfless. abby: how that is the very best of who we are and how this country should be represented. they make that decision before they decide to serve. they say i'm willing to make the sacrifice. if i lose my life. i know that it was worth it because i was fighting for something better than myself. i was fighting for everybody else. pete: i wear this bracelet every single day in honor of christopher horton given to my by a gold star wife. proud of what he did. he was a sniper in the oklahoma national guard. he signed up knowing he would not only go into combat but behind enemy lines to put his rife life at risk. when he gave his life he gave it for his country. i get chills knowing what these gold star wives go through. this president has reverence for that and so does john kelly. abby: do you think this president made this call wanting to hurt someone's feelings? that's what this ultimately comes down to. you can criticize the president on a number of things. when it comes to our military and being passionate about that i think we could all say he has been pretty genuine from day one the fact that he cares about our military. making that call. he may not word everything perfectly, but it was definitely coming with the right intention. scras jays i would like to say this her saying it and him saying it shouldn't be a conversation about either one of them saying it. because it's fact. her saying it or him saying it. i'm not criticizing her for saying it and him for saying it either. that video points out the fact that one person did it, no big deal. another person does it, awe. that's the part i don't understand. pete: okay for her to interpret the phone call but not okay for john kelly to interpret her speech a certain way like she was grandstanding. as she often does sarah huckabee sanders had a great way of summing up all of this. a lot of it come down to john kelly calling her a empty barrel. she says it's a racist term. abby: means you are not backing it up with much. loudest person in the room. jason: empty barrel if you roll it down the street is very loud because there is nothing in it that's all is he saying. nothing of substance here. just a bunch of noise, period. pete: if you want further translation here is sarah huckabee sanders. >> as general kelly pointed out, if you are able to make a sacred act like honoring american heroes all about yourself, you are an empty barrel. if you don't understand that reference. i will put it a little more simply as we say in the south. all hat, no cattle. pete: a swipe there. abby: she is her father's daughter. we have mike huckabee on the show all the time. he has one of the best senses of humor of anybody we have on. pete: white house has now passed a budget and moving on to tax reform there are really big issues in this country we talk about every day. political distractions, calling people racist. you are forced to defend yourself. if you are called a racist, you have to defend yourself. even if the accusations are totally base -- abby: we asked dan bongino this. what do you do now? they don't please anybody. still the media is attacking them. leave it where it is. general john kelly the way he handled this press conference it was absolute mike drop. at this point in the white house have you got to move on and focus on things like tax reform and other things. pete: turn on any of the other fake news networks you will see this conversation going on and on and on because they will use every scrap they can to discredit and distract this white house. keep that in mind when you watching the news. like you have to watch cnn in the airport keep in mind. ainsley: abby: i think the other people are spartan smarter than that a man goes with a knife on a stabbing rampage injuring four people. police in germany arresting a suspect working to determine if he was the attacker. six people attacked in downtown munich. four of them wounded. two of them escaping. none of the victims have life threatening injuries. that motive still remains unclear. and the federal appeals court blocks an illegal immigrant teen from getting an abortion for now. u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old who is 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. government has october 31s to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that does not happen, the case goes back to a lower court judge. and another singer kneeling while performing the national anthem at this time at the brooklyn mets game last night. the crowd responding with mixed reactions to justine skye. i had to take a knee for the opening game in my city and let my voice be heard. we will not be silenced. #black lives matter. but it was a different tune at the new jersey devil's hockey game. fans rescuing a young girl who forgot the lyrics to the anthem. watch this. ♪s who broad stripes and bright stars [crowd singing] through the perilous fight ♪ for the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gal langtly streaming abby: i love that amazing show of patriotism there as the crowd joins in singing in unison. gray you up singing the national anthem that's the biggest fear. i'm sure it happens many times. >> still ahead steve bannon is warning republicans the time to get tax reform done is now. >> if we do not unite and unite not in campaign but in governing, we're going to be run out of office. jason: dr. sebastian gorka is live to react next. and the fbi once called her extremely careless. but now hillary clinton is being called wonder woman. [laughter] pete: i got to see this one. ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. applebee's 2 for $20. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. ♪ >> if we do not unite and unite not in campaign but in governing and understand we're going to have to put certain differences aside to get things done, we're going to be run out of office. and do you know what? we deserve to be run out of office. abby: that was former white house chief strategist steve bannon emphasizing his war on the g.o.p. and the importance for congress to finish tax reform. pete: some saying this type of strategy could do more harm than good. here to weigh in is former trump deputy assistant dr. sebastian gorka. doctor, thanks for being here this morning. so, steve bannon and others argue hey, if the republicans can't get this done, if they can't just not campaign but actually govern, they don't deserve to be in washington and a lot of republicans are working against this president. >doctor, what do you think? >> look, i know both of these guys. steve bannon and newt gingrich literally the two smartest political strategic minds in d.c. it goes without saying. but, one of them is an outsider, that's steve who got the outsider candidate into the white house, turned his campaign around. and the other one is the former speaker of the house. he is an establishment figure. so, newt knows a lot of people who are the key members of the swamp. they're personal friends of his. so i'm not surprised that he has made this statement. but at the end of the day, peter, you have to look at the last nine months. what has the g.o.p. done for the president? see have gotten enough confirmed to the supreme neil gorsuch to the supreme court. they have been complicit in doing absolutely nothing. look at obamacare. i understand the concerns. we can't back rebel candidates who don't have a chance of winning. but right now the g.o.p. establishment has betrayed their oath of office. and it's time to rattle their cages. abby: let's give people a sense of what you are referring to. newt gingrich on his concerns about this strategy. take a listen. >> i think it is exactly the wrong strategy. i think you will notice in the president spoke, who did the president say are the problem? the democrats. the fact is the 48 democrats consistently vote no. there are 10 democrats up for election next year in states that president trump carried. six of them are states he carried by big margins. if steve bannon would focus his energy and his drive and his fundraising on beating those six democrats, we would get virtually everything through the senate. abby: what do you make of that, dr. gorka? some people, i think democrats would say hey, this is great for us. this only strengths our party and allows us to be more successful in the elections if we have a republican party that's more divided. >> the conservative establishment has dropped the ball. since reagan left office, they have become business as usual politicians. look at mitch mcconnell. look at paul ryan. they tell us for 8 years we're going to repeal obamacare. we are going to replace it. when the president comes in to office, he is doing amazing things. whether it's with national security, the economy breaking, all kinds of records. and he says to the g.o.p. establishment, okay, guys, i got this stuff. will you do the obamacare thing have you been promising about? what do they do? complete failure. that's why people such as senator corker understand their time is numbered. their establishment interests have been challenged by the make america great again movement. that's why i joined the maga coalition to push this movement of november 9th ultimate victory on all issues, not just swamp interests. swamp interests we have had enough. abby: get out the popcorn. going to be a lot to learn. pete: a litmus test on allot. >> it will be exciting. pete: thank you very much. the man who killed usama bin laden rob o'neill about join us live. abby: larry gatlin taking the stage for concert to help the hurricane victims. here live next ♪ that's what i do for a living. ♪ bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. will people know it means they'll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom! book now at you won' if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. 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[laughter] pete: larry, you are a good sport. thanks for giving us three of your 60 minutes today. we appreciate it someone else who has done a lot of speaking in defense at least from his perspective. defense of the president john kelly, he took to the podium to defend the conversation that was had between the president and a gold grieving gold star wife. take a listen to what john kelly had to say and we want to get your reaction. >> when i was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. women were sacred. looked upon with great honor. that's obviously not the case anymore as we see from recent cases. life, the dignity of life was sacred. that's gone. religion, that seems to be gone as well. gold star families. i think that left in the convention over the summer. but i just thought the self lfs devotion that brings a man or a woman to die on the battle field, i just thought that that might be sacred. so, i still hope as you write your stories and i appeal to america that let's not let this maybe last thing that is held sacred in our society, a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country, let's try to somehow keep that sacred. but, it eroded a great deal yesterday by the selfish behavior of a member of congress. jason: so, larry, you heard those comments. when you think about it, when you talk about what's sacred. do you see that as the foundation of this country being eroded? >> well, one of my very favorite word smiths and one of my very favorite people peggy noon none said those who do not read deeply will not think deeply. well, i read deeply. dr. allen bloom said there will come a time in america when nothing is sacred. it's all relative. there is no good or bad. it will only be looked through the prism of what is politically expedient. i believe that has happened. so he mentioned the bible and religion and history. so, i read deeply. here is one of my favorites. from the girl scout handbook. a girl scout's honor is to be trusted honor. when is the last time the word honor was used in the same con dex with politician or whatever. sometimes my dear friend president trump says things that might be a little i will eloquent or inelegant. but a man of honor he is i will defend him when i agree with his policies. when i don't, i won't try to defend the indefense sin. general kellindefensible. general kelly is a man of honor. he spoke there yesterday. he spoke about this situation. they knew what president trump meant. they took it and twisted it to their own ends. it's like asking a question are you still a member of the communist party or do you still beat your wife? so, the way they framed the question. there is no honor in that thank god for an honorable american, general kelly who explained it. god bless him and those who wear the uniform and their families. and if elected i will serve. abby: larry gatlin, so well said. you are a man of honor as well. please go rest your voice. we really appreciate you taking three minutes out of your day to be with us. >> god bless you all. god bless fox. god bless america, bye. pete: folks can go to about more information about tonight's event that he and five former presidents will be at. abby: is he a funny guy. u.s. navy seal rob o'neill is with us. pete: you knew it was coming. just moments ago the president of the united states on twitter gave his newest critic the congresswoman in the counsel hat cowboyhat a nickname. you are going to want to hear it. s success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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if you want to google jason sehorn highlights. we can't show that video on the program. amazing interception tips it to himself falls over and catches it for a touchdown. jason: good times in there. pete: toughest opponent, individual. jason: teams were more difficult. teams and concepts. cowboys of the early 90's aikman and smith and two or three in the hall of fame. pretty awesome. abby: we can sit here and talk. so many questions. we want to get your thoughts on this. new study out that says being an athlete or a rock star is not number one for a child to aspire to. take a listen to this. only 2% as part of this survey say that they want to be an athlete. 2%. 12% want to be actors, will% teachers, 12% now say they want to be a business leader. this seems like the opposite of the way it used to be. jason: i think when you look at this what i like about this top one there, business leaders, teachers, can you study hard, work hard and become that. like that's attainable. abby: for jason sehorn's figure. jason: the other ones, athletic ability, you are born with it. like, i'm not going to discredit anybody who works hard, but there aren't overachievers playing in the nba, playing in the nfl. playing in major league baseball. can you overachieve and get yourself a scholarship. but be a professional, it's a genetic thing. either gifted with genes that made you big and fast and strong and you worked hard to get there. i couldn't do it without whatever i was given. pete: if you are a kid i want to be jason sehorn or be a rock star. isn't that still where your mind goes. like okay i want to be a business leader. >> it's completely obtainable. pete: do you think so? >> i think. so do i know? no. they realize i can be this. i want to be an athlete but i know for fact if i work hard and go to school and getten an education i can be a business leader and teacher without a doubt. abby: that's a great point. this could be a good sign for this next generation. jason: here is hoping. abby: that they want to be a business leader and teacher and know they can do if they work hard and go to school and figure out the right way to do it and have a real impact on society. a lot of people aspire to be athletes. at some point you wake up and i don't have the skill set to keep going. it took you four years at princeton. pete: sitting on the bench to realize i wasn't called to be an athlete. i was short and slow and playing the wrong sport. maybe it's also they want to be president of the united states. we have a businessman who is president. if you want to be president. go into business make a lot of money, have your own show and then who knows? abby: or they want to be a weather man. rick, i would think that more than 12% would want to be you. rick: maybe not me but a weather man. when i was little i wanted to be a weather man. so i'm living my dream which is a great thing. new study about what kids want to be when they grow up. what do you think? >> ahhhhhh. >> no? >> no. >> i'm going to give you 45 seconds to think about it, okay? i'm going to do the weather and we will come back and find your answer. let's find some weather. we have got some storms right across the central part of the country later on this afternoon they are going to blow up and i think we could be looking at a few tornadoes. certainly some very large hail. it's going to get started right around 4:00 to 5:00 right in the central plains. that will then consolidate into a big line of storms throughout the overnight hours moves all across this area of the central plains and brings some hail and some flooding. our biggest tornado threat a little bit earlier in the earlier afternoon. we will watch very closely for that behind that much colder air comes. in all right. have you had 45 seconds. did you figure it out? >> no. rick: that's not uncommon. it takes some people a long time to figure out what they want to be. jason: sometimes not until sophomore or junior year. we will be here to help you out. plus your dad there. pete: he is okay. plenty of time read into the survey. they quizzed folks from the age of 16 to 22. abby: rick, they're not children. that makes a lot more sense. because when you are 16 or 22 you realize you are maybe not going to make it to the nfl. rick: maybe we just started this kid's life off. give him a head start start thinking about these things early on. abby: love it thank you so much, rick. headlines we are following. a fox news alert. police are now on a frantic manhunt to say someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days. all of them alone at the time. investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving the murders. the person as you can see there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. that is so freaky and horrible. and the firm behind the unsubstantiated trump dossier is fighting to block a congressional subpoena for its banking records. lawyers for fusion g.p.s. now asking a judge approve an injunction td bank records from house intel committee. those records could tell who paid for the hit piece on then candidate donald trump. alec boyd joined us earlier on the show on his take on fusion g.p.s. take a listen. >> they pedal propaganda. peddle fake information. when they don't find -- because they call themselves opposition research firm. what they don't find facts that will cast in a negative light the topic of their research, they just invent them. they just make them up. abby: earlier this week g.p.s. representatives took the fifth on capitol hill. keep a close eye on that story. the fbi once called her extremely careless. now hillary clinton is being called wonder woman. clinton set to receive the first wonder woman award next week. the woman's media center co-founded by gloria stein ma'am says clinton inspires and protects people arranged the world with her action saying quote, her grace, grit, determination, integrity, humor and fortitude makes her worthy of that award. and i'm going to pass this headline over to jason. houston astros shutting it down. forcing that final game seven tonight in the alcs. justin verlander pitched seven shutout innings help secure the win over the yankees. nothing better than a game seven. 8:08 tonight eastern time. game seven in houston. winner advancing the world series to face who? the nl champion los angeles dodgers. my team growing up as a kid. pete: who do you have your money on tonight? jason: c.c. sabathia. investor lander went. i like the yankees. i'm here in new york. i spent a lot of time here. they are a second team for me. i'm a casual guy. my team is dodgers. i'm not leaving them just because i came to new york. steve. pete: they are in the world soar reiss. hillary clinton breaking silence about controversial uranium deal with russia. >> it's the same bologna they have been peddling for years. trump and his allies, including fox news, are really experts at distraction and diversification. pete: add fox news to the blame list. plus, the man who killed bin laden rob o'neil is here live. abby: come on, in rob. ♪ all over the world ♪ everybody got the word ♪ baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced. and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. visit and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." just like the set got more athletic when rob o'neill got here. fox news contributor and author of. rob o'neill. abby: i'm safest of all time between the three of you. pete: exchanges between congresswoman and john kelly and the president. there was an article that caught our eye that takes it to a whole another level. >> i saw that too. pete: headline of new yorker. john kelly and the language of the military coup. it says consider this nightmare scenario, a military coup. you don't have to strain your imagination at all as you -- all you have to watch is thursday's white house press briefing in which the chief of staff john kelly defended president trump's phone call to a military widow mrs. johnson. the press briefing could serve as a preview of what a military coup in this country would look like for it was the logic of such a coup that kelly advanced his core argument. what are they talking about? >> they are just making stuff up. this is the typical maneuver that the mainstream media likes to do. when you lose an argument you start name-calling. that's all it is. look at some of the interactions between the chief of staff and the congresswoman. now she is calling him racist because you lose the argument, call them misoggist. whatever i get called a misoggist i have won the argument. nothing else. military coup they are trying to say because president trump was smart enough to put these generals in places they will slowly take over and put words in his mouth. look, they are not putting words in the president's mouth. can you see that on his twitter feed. they are giving him very, very good advice. what did it take a couple months to crush isis? that's because of secretary mattis. put him in charge of people marine corps, i have always said that the marines are problem solvers and the chief of staff came out the other day and he gave a speech and it's a mike drop. this is it. that's where it needs to be. i feel horrible. i blown the gold star families they don't need to be going through. this the congresswoman was there for this reason to be there and twist it into something it's not. that's what they are trying to do. do anything they can to make sure president trump doesn't do anything right. >> do you think it's fair for the media to want to know more about what happened? you talked about gold star mothers and families who lost the person they love the most because of this. it seems like there is a little bit of a lack of understanding as to why they were there. many people didn't know that they were there to begin with. why did they not have more protection during this mission? do you feel like you need more questions answered? >> as far as the mission in niger, no, we have people doing this stuff all over the place. green berets do that. that's what they do. they go places and they build bridges. they get to know the locals. they're aware that there is bad guys in there. isis is spreading. the ideology is spreading. it's all over africa. we know that. they weren't there necessarily doing like point targets or stuff we don't know about. they are trying to build the community so that we can be a better place. that's what green berets do a lot of. i think what the media is doing right now is talking to gold star families not because they care about the military members. they want to just stain the administration. that's all they are doing. they did that thing the other day hey call us and tell us if you have had a call from the president. companies completely anonymous. it's nonsense, if it's bad, especially bad against president trump. they won't say a word against president obama. they shouldn't. it shouldn't matter what they say when they talk to. they whatever the president says, is he not going to heal. i have never lost a family member. but i have lost very, very close friends. i can't imagine what it's like. jason: quick question for you then. as the 34eur89 hears that the four or five days from this moment has all about been b. comments this young man lost his life fighting for us. the narrative is now how it was handled and what he said. how concerning is that for you guys? >> i bet these sergeants who lost their lives would be sick at what's happening right now with their names. look at them for their heroics, the mission, what they are doing. honor them and let the families grieve. pete: well said. rob, good to have you here this morning. you knew it was coming moments ago the president of the united states gave his newest critic the congresswoman in the counsel coa nickname. jason: next guest says times for players kneeling during the anthem something else. it's not just a donation. it's a warm blanket. it's a bottle of clean water. it's a roof and a bed. it's knowing someone cares. it's feeling safe. it's a today that's better than yesterday. every dollar you can spare helps so much more than you can imagine. please donate now to help people affected by hurricane harvey. your help is urgently needed. >> i would say it's the same bologna they have been pedaling for years. there has been no credible evidence by anyone. in fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. here is what they are doing and really i have to give them credit. trump and his allies including fox news are really experts at distraction and diversification. so -- abby: pete, i blame you. pete: thank you for the compliment, hillary clinton. bologna peddling is what she talks about. this is in reference to questions she has been asked during her book tour about this uranium deal that happened while she was secretary of state where the russian owned entities got 20% of our uranium supply as there were speeches and other things going on with the clinton foundation. murky waters of money passing different ways. the fbi is looking into some of those things and questions being asked. especially as the left and their enabling media accuse this president of russian collusion ever since inauguration. we had dan bongino on the program who knows a lot about things like this. he had a pretty strong take. take a listen. >> hillary clinton on one hand is claiming that $100,000 in facebook ads and a 20 minute meeting that the trump kids wanted to get out with the russian lawyer that they thought was about adoption changed the entire course of american history. let's get this straight. what, millions of dollars in speaking fees. given to your foundation and meetings that your husband may have had with high-up russian officials had nothing to do with it. is this woman serious? she just doesn't care. she sees no consequence to her action. although cares about is saving her patterned image right now. it's disgusting to watch. abby: he his cup of coffee this morning. jason: zero opinion. abby: it does lead to are we focusing on all the right things. if we are going to pay attention to president trump and collusion with russia that investigation is going on. pete: still no evidence. abby: also we should be focused on other things that have happened in the past. pete: absolutely. abby: and why they haven't happened. there hasn't been nearly the focus. that should be fair game. jason: the trays where there is smoke there is fire holds true in both of thiessen narrows, all right, there is some poke. go and investigate make thiewr there is no fire. same thing with hillary clinton. there is smoke here. go investigate. make sure there is no fire. if it's out, put it out and move on. like the russians put it out and move on. why are we still a year later still discussing this? we have pretty intelligent people they either can or can't find information. one or the other to. drag this on is like come o on. abby: to blame fox news is a distraction. pete: do you know why she blames fox news it's the only channel that has cuferred covered it if you look at the coverage of this uranium deal almost for the past year. if you don't watch fox, you don't know about it she turns into conspiracy theory as opposed to the one place talk about something where there is smoke maybe there is fire. geraldo rivera joins us next with a big update on what the president will do with those jfk files. abby: he just tweeted about it. pete: he did. ... so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. >> four of these young men and women, they are the best 1% this country produces. i was stunned and broken hearted at what i saw. >> abby: the congresswoman fredr ica wilson continues to attack the white house. >> president trump: he was so offended because he was in the room when i made the call and he said to me, sir, this is not acceptable. >> pete: former attorney general loretta lynch met with lawmakers on capitol hill. >> did you direct director comey to call the clinton e-mail investigation a matter? >> for republican leaders on capitol hill it is all systems go on tax reform. >> president trump: i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. >> lowering the business tax rate to a maximum 25%. i definitely think it's a positive. >> very positive. >> what if i told you this is actually drum's tax plan not bernies? >> these are actually trump's ideas. >> wow. >> plus plus and now into left center field, throw by grigorius is all houston tonight . >> [applause] >> abby: doesn't that make you think of carving pumpkins? >> todd: not really. >> abby: we were out carving pumpkins but not just like with a knife. these are intense drills. >> pete: pumpkins and power tools. >> todd: but i could get into that because you have the ones that you buy, no, no, give me a power tool. >> abby: we'll plead the tenth later this hour, jason. >> todd: his fingers were really close like that. >> jason: geraldo should be here too. >> todd: chatting it up before we came on air. >> i hadn't seen him since he was on the field since 2003 and had a stint at espn, where they were too political for you. >> [laughter] >> geraldo: great to see you here. >> todd: do you carve your pumpkins with power tools? >> i barely use sharp knives i'm so clumsy around the house. our walkway is lined with pumpkins. >> abby: we won't have you stick around for the carving but we do want your thoughts on politics of the day and what everyone continued to talk about including the president who was up this morning and tweeting about the this congresswoman who said she listened in on the phone call of the unfortunately the fallen soldier, in niger, the call with his mother and he's tweeting in response to some things she said yesterday calling people in the white house white supremacist and racist and he says i hope the fake news media keeps talking about who he calls now wacky congresswoman wilson in that she is a representative is killing the democratic party. >> todd: this was in response to what representative wilson said at the new york times and she said the white house itself is full of white supremacists making themselves look like fools they have no credibility trying to assassinate my character and they're assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie. geraldo, you've got, you know, the president punching back as he always does when he feels like someone calling him a white supremacist. >> geraldo: i think that is slander, it's so negative and un lengthfull to the climate of the country right now to make a charge like that first of all when i was growing up a civil rights attorney fighting the good fight, the civil rights movement and then into the anti- war movement in the early 70s, racism was a term that you preserve for someone truly who was a hateful person trying to divide on racial grounds, and in the interim it just seems to me whenever there is an argument, whenever someone gets blocked or there's a person of color as i am one who gets in a jam the easiest thing to do is say the person is a racist and what's happened as a result is that racist and race itch has lost all meaning. now, what's the difference between someone in the white house and somebody carrying a ti ki torch or a kkk shrowd? withins you eliminate that distinction you have made meaningless expression it is for the intellectually lazy and it is the slander of last resort and i totally lament it. congresswoman wilson politicized something that should have been sacred. that is the original sin in this the fact she happens to be african american has nothing to do with this controversy. and to then to drag in the gold star families where we have to now live through their anguish and their pain and their suffer ing, i just think that this is absolutely deplorable. we have real issues in this country and one of the issues indeed is the divisions that exist among us. we have to start talking the language of healing and you know , abbey to your point that you made prior to the top of the hour on don't we need to know when you ask rob o'neill one of our true heros the man who killed osama bin laden and people forget, don't we need to know about what's happening in n iger? i disagree with rob to the extent we have a thousand troops deployed in niger. i didn't know we had a thousand trooped deployed. i was a senior war correspondent for over 10 years. i did not know that. i want to month what the mission is and i want to know what success in the mission is defined as. i just think that it's time now and some of the language i'm hearing out there is really seeking to bring this to shatter the unity. >> abby: part of that is the administration needs to be more transparent and you saw james mattis having conversations but also what the media decides to focus on and you think about where isis is and parts of africa and southeast asia that's not the focus right? so the american people are only getting what the media is telling them so it's really a balance of how much the media knows and how much they want to focus on certain parts of that. >> jason: i absolutely agree. president bush and president obama making statements that transparently were extremely negative about president trump. don't you wish that president obama picked up the phone and said president trump, when you do this or that or i suggest you do president bush saying to president trump can't we do this why don't we have a thing or get together or go to chicago or some place, why don't we get together on hurricane relief? i lament that even now, the past presidents are getting involved in this tacky partisan bickering >> todd: you talk earlier about the lazy journalism or speech of when they say racism instead there are some people, you know, who they just discriminate and there's a difference between the discriminate and a racist and so there was a statement made by lawrence o'donnell i believe on msnbc earlier and i want you to take a look at this and tell me what you think about these kind of things that come out in the news. >> john kelly never sat beside a student like fredrica wilson in his elementary school. the language about black people in john kelly's white neighborhood is exactly the same language about black people that was used at that time, in white communities in the segregated self. i know the neighborhood john kelly comes from. i know the culture. it was a neighborhood in which calling someone who looked like fredrica wilson an empty barrel was the kindest thing that would have been said about her. you know what wasn't sacred when he was a kid growing up where he was growing up? black women. he took time, a lot of extra time to call a black woman who he doesn't know and he doesn't like an empty barrel. >> jason: does a neighborhood make you a racist? >> geraldo: no, an empty barrel i don't know a person in this country who could twist and construe that expression to be racial. >> abby: well he did. >> geraldo: but what is he smoking dope in boston? i absolutely, i have always used the expression he's an empty suit. meaning, you see a politician up there he's got nothing going on or some other representative empty suit. had nothing to do with race. empty barrel is from shakespeare and has nothing to do with race and for him to twist this is exactly what the president means when he talks about fake media. this is precisely this is now so symptomatic of what ales us as a nation that it is so dramatic. we should teach this in journalism schools. that sound bite that you just played there, that is inciting and it is shame on him. really, i mean it's so unnecessary. >> todd: supposedly in the service of shaming others, he makes it far more, it's amazing to see what they do on that program. got to get your take on something else though talk about things we don't know about. i didn't know there was a potentially release about thousands of documents about the investigation into the jfk assassination and we've had speculation will they be released or will the president release them and minutes ago the president tweeted this and said subject to the receipt of further information, i will be allowing as president the long blocked and classified jfk files to be opened. this is something you've been looking into for a very long time. >> geraldo: i have. i was the first one one to air the assassination of john f. kennedy the young and gracious 35th president of the united states in daley plaza in dallas. >> jason: you got this ball rolling. >> abby: you're here to blame for all of the conspiracy geraldo? >> geraldo: yeah, that's me and i think we joke but the airing of the film where the president 's head appears to go back when he's hit by the slug which would indicate a shooter in the front is what fueled the conspiracy theory because lee harvey oswald was in the texas book depository when he shot him with the sniper so when the president's head goes back you say there must have been a second shooter but i applaud the president, about time i don't know why these files are still classified. i know the photos of the autopsy of the slain president are pretty gruesome and i know that was one of the reasons the sensibility of the kennedy family, but it is well pastime to release everything we have on that. the human connection which i think is non existent. lee harvey oswald and his time in moscow and the rest of it and for every generation it's a mystery that renews itself well pastime. >> abby: apparently there are over 3000 pages that have not been seen before. >> geraldo: but to pete's point , people, it's like the shooter in vegas. we don't want to believe that something so momentous, the mass murderer in vegas or the slaying of camelot essentially could be the act of a now selfish punk. >> pete: you want more reason? >> gore ailed o. you want it to be a conspiracy or aliens or communists. >> jason: you want something to hold on to. >> geraldo: you want a perpetrator who is of equal stature to the monumental nature of the crime and we refuse to believe there was lee harvey oswald never did anything right in his life. >> abby: what do you think happened geraldo? >> geraldo: i think the commissioner is almost exactly right. it was a lone assassin who did it on his own. maybe there were people along the food chain who knew or should have known as in the case in vegas, but i think ultimately as in the case in vegas it will be what we were told it is, a lo ne, evil satanic assassin. >> abby: you say put it to bed. >> pete: you started this so now the president will put it to bed >> abby: good to see you geraldo >> pete: coming up next our next guest says it's time for players who are kneeling during the anthem to take a stand for something else. >> jason: plus millennials really like president trump's tax plan so long as you tell them it was bernie sanders idea. >> gore ailed o. funny. >> taxing them less makes more sense. any way we can help small businesses work and thrive is beneficial for the country. >> all these are actually trump 's ideas, it's actually trump's plan. >> wow. to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to shave my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® works like my body's insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. i'm always on call. an insulin that fits my schedule is key. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks with or without refrigeration, twice as long as the lantus® pen. 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do players even know what they're protesting any more? >> pete: two great questions our next guest says it's time for the players to take a stand for something and that is the growing epidemic of black on black crime. indiana attorney general curtis hill joins us now, curtis, thanks for being here. you know, we've heard different explanations from different players, you know we know what colin kaepernick said but other iterations about why they take a knee. you say in light of a really terrible trend in this country of black on black murdered they should be taking a stand on that >> i do and thank you for having me. when this controversy began, the concern that was voiced by nfl players was the issue of black lives being lost to police gunfire and that certainly is a critical situation that we need to address but in the course of this last season, it's questionable as to whether the protests are about police brutality, racism, or are they just upset that the president was upset with them, and i think that the concern has become muddledded. as i've looked at it i certainly first and foremost absolutely believe in the right of the nfl athletes to protest in any manner that they choose but they've chosen to protest during the national anthem and in a time when our nation is severely divided, i question whether that's the appropriate time but i don't question the right to do so, but in terms of protesting the issue of black lives lost, one of the most dramatically difficult things to fathom in this nation is the amount of life lost, black lives lost as a result of black on black violence. in the same year that we experienced about 259 police officer shootings of blacks in 2015, there were 6,000 black lives lost to murders from black people and i don't want to suggest that only black on black violence is an issue in this country. it's not. we need to see all violence but when we're talking about the issue of saving black lives that's a dramatic issue that needs to be brought to the forefront and this is an opportunity for the nfl to not just stand in silence over an issue they think is important but to rise up in unity and make sure that we're all aware of this important issue and do something about it. >> pete: you cited statistics we'll put stats up on the screen from 2014-2016 the amount of black on black crime has been rising, murders, i'm sorry black on black murders has been rising steadily, a growing problem in this country so your point is that yes we can talk about the perception of police misuse of their authority and black units but we better have an honest conversation as well about something only getting worse. >> well we have to. i was a former prosecutor for a number of years and i can tell you the vast majority of police shootings resulting in death whether black or white victim are typically determined to be justified shootings. in other words those are typically situations that involve some measure of criminal activity or violence activity. in the rare instance where a police action is unjust it tied, then we absolutely have to take action and where it's warranted police have to be held accountable and arrested and prosecuted for murder if warrant ed but in the sense of what destroying our nation and our black communities in terms of generation after generation this is a growing concern that seems to be ignored by so many people and if we look at many urban areas that have nfl franchises this would be an important area where nfl athlete s could stand up and take note. >> jason: quick question for you so not diminishing either cause, please tell me how does the narrative get changed to this which seems to be a larger issue going forward? >> well, we have a false narrative in this nation anyway that suggests that we're filling up our prisons with non-violent offenders and in reality, we have two types of offenders we send to prison, violent offender s, murders, rapers, molesters, the people that we all say you do that once and you need to go to jail and then chronic offenders. people who continually do crime after crime after crime and what we're seeing are people who continue to commit violent acts. it's important for nfl players to recognize that this is an area where they can transition into standing for something that's going to improve our communities. >> pete: curtis hill thank you very much appreciate your time sir. >> thank you. >> jason: the virginia governor 's race is tightening up and president trump's pick is now surging the polls. we'll ask them about that next. >> pete: he was fired by president trump but his former fbi director james comey coming back to try to take the president's job. you see that title down there. >> jason: i don't think so. >> ♪ you're an all-star, get your game on ♪ >> jason: quick headlines, rumors are circulating on twitter about james comey making a white house run in 2020. the former fbi director's allege ed twitter account posting this photo with a caption good to be back in iowa. a parroters back in march tied comey to a twitter act that he was secretly on social media and in 2018 senator john mccain's memoire will hit shelves and will follow senator mccain's life starting in 2008 when he lost to barack obama in the presidential election. the book's publisher hoping it will be regarded as the work of an american hero. >> pete: thank you very much. this week, former president barack obama breaking with tradition to campaign for his party after leaving the white house all for the opponent of president trump's pick for governor. >> abby: how does the president 's pick feel about that joining us the republican candidate for the virginia governor and former counselor to the president, george w. bush, ed gillespie. great to have you with us. first i want to get your thoughts in response to former president barack obama who was in your state recently campaign ing for your opponent and he said what he's really trying to deliver is fear and what he really believes is that if you scare enough voters it might score just enough votes to win an election. your response? >> well, i'm not surprised that the former president came in and used the talking points from my opponents campaign. that's what people do at political events. i'm very focused on the issues here, abbey and public safety is a concern. we have had rising gang violence in virginia and in particular in northern virginia, ms13, and my opponent and i have different policies to address that. his policies would not make the people of virginia safer and mine would and i'm going to continue to talk about the issues and i'm also talking about the need to get economic growth and job creation here in the commonwealth. our economic growth rate last year was 0.6% and under lt. governor northrop's time in office we hit the bottom 10 states in economic growth. virginia, we should be first in the nation in economic growth and i know we can be with the right policies but those are my policies. >> pete: yeah, ed you've gotten support on the other side from president trump. he tweeted this on october 14 saying the democrats in the southwest part of virginia have been abandoned by their party republican ed gillespie will never let you down. what has it meant to have the president's support and do you anticipate he will hit the trail with you here? >> let me tell you the president is exactly right about that. the fact is that ralph and the democrats as a whole in virginia have abandoned rural virginia and we need to make sure that rural virginia has opportunities just like what we call the urban crescent here and my policies will do that. my opponent again lt. governor serves on the center for rural virginia which is the commission here in virginia that is oriented toward trying to find out what can we do to expand broadband access incapable in rural virginia, create jobs there. he did not attend a single meeting of the center for rural virginia as a member of that commission during his time as lt. governor. i've got a plan to create jobs and raise take home pay and help people lift themselves out of poverty all across the commonwealth and benefit everyone and i will be a governor for all virginia so president trump highlighted something that is completely accurate here in virginia. my opponent, you no one more little thing just in terms for your viewers we have a traditional custom here the buna vista parade that's a big deal for candidates in both parties going back decades and ralph blew that off and didn't show up but the fact is he's not been showing up as lt. governor to do the job. >> pete: will president trump be on the trail with you as it comes in the home stretch? >> well, i appreciate his support very much and we don't reveal our campaign strategy to the media, but i appreciate the invitation to do so, [laughter]. >> abby: you'd welcome his visit if he were to come? >> i appreciate the president's support very much and we're all hands-on deck here, vice president mike pence was in southwest virginia just last saturday, and president former president bush as you noted was in recently so i've got governor s coming in and i'll take all the help i can get abbey. >> abby: it's neck and neck right now and the polls 48% where you are to 47% so we will be watching this race very very closely, great to have you with us good luck on the trail. >> great to be with you this morning thank you. >> pete: thank you. well hillary and bill showed up to the president's inauguration they did actually show up but it turns out they tried really hard to find every reason not to go. how hillary tried to skip the trip with no luck. >> abby: and president trump telling our maria bartiromo congress may have to work through thanksgiving, oh, no. >> pete: oh, no. >> abby: heaven forbid to veto work to get tax reform done. take a listen. >> president trump: i don't even like them leaving but i will say this. i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. >> abby: white house director of legislative affairs mark short here to react all of that coming up next. ♪ don't let me don't let me don't let me down, don't let me down, don't let me down ♪ >> president trump: well i think they should and i think they will. i think a lot of things are happening, and you know it's going to be right after that but i don't even like them leaving but i will say this. i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. it could be substantially less than that depending on what happens when we send the bill back to the house. you know they will send it back and if people have been going to make 200 suggestions as opposed to maybe no suggestions, because it's a great bill. it's going to be a great bill and we're adjusting. >> pete: those comments from president trump coming from an exclusive interview he held with our own maria bartiromo which will air in full on sunday morning futures tomorrow so stick around for that but right now we'll talk to mark short the assistant to the president of the director of the office of legislative affairs. you heard your boss saying we're going to get this done and if it means skipping a vacation we will. what's the latest about they passed the key budget measure now actually getting to tax reform? >> pete thanks for having me on. i think the process forward as we've passed it in the senate was a huge hurdle. there are obviously changes so that gets reconciled next week in the house and we expect a vote mid week and we should be moving toward markups which means we actually introduce the legislation, members of both parties and committees of jurisdiction, ways and means of the house, finance committee in the senate will have opportunities to make amendments and hopefully continue to improve the bill but as you heard the president say we're anxious to get this done before the end of the year. not because it's an artificial deadline, pete but really because we need to make sure that the tax given to the american people so we can get this economy going again. we struggled with 1.8% growth during the obama years, the worst since any president since the great depression. it's time to get americans going again with our economy bringing jobs back into america. >> jason: you talk about the economy an getting this thing done. how important is it though for this congress to get something accomplished in 2017? >> well, jason, i appreciate the question. i do think that as we look back one of the untold stories is what we've accomplished on the regular front. there's literally dozens of bills that passed that helped us rollback the regulatory burden of the obama years and we estimate it's benefiting us by roughly $18 billion a year in compliance costs. you've seen what's happened so far with the stock market and we believe much of that is attributed to the fact we've been able to pullback all of the regulatory burden on many companies in america, but you're right, jason. we're also disappointed that we haven't repealed obamacare at this point and that obviously took up much of the legislative calendar. we look forward to completing that effort in 2018 but tax reform is what we must get done between now and the end of the year. >> abby: no doubt it will have a huge impact on what happens in the midterms next year. the last time we had comprehensive tax reform was under ronald reagan and he successfully was able to bring republicans and democrats to the table. president trump wants to do the same and wants democrats to come on board. how do you see that playing out? all we're hearing is the fact they're upset his tax cuts for the rich they don't have the details yet, but do you see any democrats ultimately getting on board with this? >> abbey we certainly hope so. so just this week the president hosted a bipartisan group of senators at the white house to talk about what they want to see in the tax reform bill. as i mentioned they will all have opportunities to offer constructive amendments to help improve the bill throughout the committee process and we believe that if it's a buy bill it will be a better bill and we hope there's not political grandstand on this. we hope democrats recognize the corporate tax rate in america has fallen behind. we are no longer competitive on the international scene. as you talk about companies moving overseas, it's because corporate tax rates in ireland are below 10% yet america it's 35%. companies can't compete with that, so it's important that we do this on a bipartisan manner and we hope they will join with us. >> pete: mark as you go through the committee process a lot of the goal of the tax simply simplification of the code some talked it down to one page, can you go through the process through the swamp through the special interest and keep a tax reform bill into what it was intended to be which is a simple true reform? >> it's a great question pete and you'll know that during the campaign, the president campaign ed on this a lot to say we need to drain the swamp and simplify the tax code. i think that will be our biggest challenge in the coming weeks is that special interest will look to try to put back in the deductions we're looking to eliminate. many deductions that favor special interest that favor certain wealthy individuals who are able to take advantage of all of this. the president is trying to provide tax relief for middle income families and one of the ways of doing that is eliminating all of the deductions that usually the higher income individuals are able to take advantage of, so we hope we're able to fight off much of the special interest lobbying to put those deductions back in in the coming weeks. >> abby: quickly want your response to representative wilson who is continuing to seek out about what happened with the president's call with the gold star mother and she spoke to the new york types yesterday and now , she's saying the white house itself is full of white supremacists, she says they are making themselves look like fools they have no credibility, they're trying to assassinate my character and they're assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie and this of course comes after that emotional press briefing we saw with general john kelly earlier this week. what is your response as you see this continue to play out? >> abbey i don't think the congresswoman's remarks really dig any friday a response. i think we're incredibly blessed to work with someone like general kelly and very few people have sacrificed as much for our country has he has and i think it's really sad she has chosen to try to politicize this moment when we really should be focused on those who have sacrificed the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedoms we allen joy in this country so unfortunately it's a really sad chapter. we don't think her comments really dig any friday a response and i hope that they're able to cherish those who are serving our country. >> abby: well said. >> pete: rather than said no ones taken a vacation for thanksgiving is there any chance you get a thanksgiving and you might be the busiest guy to watch. >> pete look we love our jobs it's why we're here and we're not really worried about the vacation but just last week, leader mcconnell told senators they should expect to be here on weekends and fridays to complete the agenda between now and the end of the year so we're all committed to getting this done. >> pete: we'll be here on the weekends to watch them. >> abby: mark short great to have you with us. i want to bring weather headlines we're following starting with a fox news alert and police are now on a frantic manhunt as they believe someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have now been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days. all of them alone at the time and investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving those murders. the person seen there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. we will keep a close eye on this horrific story. also this morning, former attorney general loretta lynch meeting with congressional investigators behind closed door s that happened yesterday as part of the probe looking into russian medaling in the 2016 election is likely that she was asked behind closed doors about her infamous tarmac meeting with former president bill clinton. lynch ignored three questions from fox news on her way into capitol hill yesterday. and we now know that hillary clinton truly felt in the ways leading up to president trump's inauguration. take a listen to this. >> hillary: i really tried to get out of going. >> [laughter] >> hillary: because i was going not as the candidate or the opponent but as a former first lady. we thought okay, maybe others aren't going so we called. >> [laughter] >> abby: so patriotic and gracious well clinton saying she called the bushes and the carter s checking to see if they were going to go before deciding herself that she would attempt. >> pete: every time you're a bold leader you call everybody else to see if they are going. >> jason: you want to follow along. >> abby: well another singer kneeling while performing the national anthem this time at the brooklyn nets game last night the crowd responding with mixed reaction to taking a knee. the singer later saying on instagram, i had to take a knee for the opening game and my city and let my voice be heard. we will not be silenced, black lives matter. but it was a different tune at the new jersey devils hockey game. fans rescuing a young girl who forgot the lyrics to the anthem watch this. >> ♪ bright stars through the pe rilous flight, for the rampart s we watched were so gall antly beaming." >> abby: i love this video an amazing show of patriotism as the crowd joins in singing to help her out because nothing worse being nervous and singing the national anthem and then you hear the words. >> jason: i can't imagine. >> pete: just singing publicly in general. up next, jason will be singing it. >> jason: not bad. >> abby: let's toss it to rick richmuth. how is it feeling rick? >> rick: i just handed the mic to this girl thinking she was going to do the weather but it didn't work. i'll help her out and do it for you this time take a look at the weather map and show you what's going on we have storms across the central part of the country and loss a lot of moisture coming in across the pacific northwest rain and mountain snow but today across the central plains we'll have severe weather and by the afternoon, we could be looking at a few tornadoes. later on once the sun goes down we'll be more looking at very strong winds and a little bit of hail so i think that overnight becomes a little bit less dangerous for the tornado threat real quickly it has been warm across the east and the central plains, it eventually changes by the time you get towards tuesday , take a look at that marquette finally feeling like fall at 43 degrees guys back to you inside. >> abby: thank you rick. >> pete: appreciate it. well millennials like president trump's tax plan as long as you tell them it was bernie sanders idea. >> one of bernie sanders plans is to enhance the child tax credit. >> i think that's great. >> positive. >> what if i told you this actually is donald trump's tax plan not bernies? >> you've got me. >> pete: [laughter] the quickest retreat of all-time. the man behind that video joins us next. >> abby: and it is time to get together your halloween game. we are carving pumpkins not with knives but-- >> jason: power tools. >> abby: we're out on the plaza this morning stay tuned for that how do we say that this fall, our guests can earn a free night when they book at and stay with us just two times? fall time. badda book. badda boom. pumpkin spice cookie? i'm good. book now at >> abby: welcome back well a group of george washington university college students not so happy about president trump's tax plan. watch this. >> what were your thoughts on trump's tax plan when you saw it >> it's better for the upper class than anyone else. >> very much a horrible for the middle class especially lower class. >> not ideal. >> it's probably not the most efficient nor beneficial to the general population. >> pete: but guess what happened when students were told that plan came from bernie sanders? >> bernie is planning to lower the small business tax rate to a maximum of 25% and that's a positive or negative? >> definitely positive. >> positive. >> my family has a small business so i'd think it's positive. >> taxing them less makes more sense. >> jason: the media director and campus reform and he was the one interviewing those students and joins us now with more on this and i can't wait to hear about this. >> absolutely we saw how quickly president trump and political opponents were to shutdown the tax reform plan and they said it was evil and hateful but when the tax cuts come from a liberal candidate they're compassionate, wonderful, beautiful and once we told them this was president trump's tax plan they seem to love so much the responses were pretty fun. i think people enjoy them. >> what if i told you this actually is donald trump's tax plan? >> you've got me. >> this is the trump plan. >> these are actually trump's ideas. >> wow [laughter] that's interesting. i am shocked that i do agree with trump on certain things. >> interesting. i'm definitely happily surprised that it like sounds a lot better than i would have expected it to >> jason: i think a lot of this says people specifically call the students they may not be that opposed to conservative principles. they think they have to oppose everything from the right. that's what they're taught in class and by the media but when it's just the principles themselves not coming from conservatives they realize this actually makes sense but again they're being indoctrinated daily by the media and because they're young they have to oppose president trump. >> jason: it's that shoot the messenger basically who it's coming from. the plan the self or talking points are fine but you're saying because of who it comes from it can't be good then. >> abby: maybe you taught them a lesson maybe going forward now they will think twice about these plans and whether they like them or not and who they're coming from? >> cab ": well that's the goal to get the americans to look at the issues, it doesn't have to be a mentality look at these two decide what's best for our country and individual families is what people can decide. don't look if there's an r or d next to the name. actually the students came out and said look i understand i probably have a bias towards trump and i don't trust who it's coming from. >> abby: at least they admit it though. >> cabot: it's a start. >> pete: that's very effective to waking them up. if you love your country go to every college campus and do the same thing. >> cabot: i'll do it. >> pete: great job. >> abby: up next time to step up your game this halloween, we are carving pumpkins with power tools on the plaza. that's up next. where's gary? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. goin' up the country. later, gary' i have a motorcycle! wonderful. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. grandma's. aunt stacy's. what are the reasons you care for your heart? qunol coq10 with 3x better absorption has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. qunol, the better coq10. now what? well, after your first reaction, consider your choices. go it alone, against the irs and its massive resources. hire a law firm, where you're not a priority. call your cpa, who can be required to testify against you. or, call the tax law firm of moskowitz, llp. i went from being a cpa to a tax attorney because our clients needed more. call us, and let us put our 30 years of tax experience to work for you. >> abby: are you looking to take your pumpkin carving game to the next level? here to show us how to use your jigsaw, jv, sossano, president of mr. handyman. we've got some fun things, let's start out with the bride and the groom. let me tell you about mr. handyman it's a neighborly company and we have over 220 franchises across north america and expert technicians are ready to help customers with residential and commercial projects. this is residential needs we can do this for you. >> abby: he's so ready to get started there. >> so the first one is called the creepy bride and groom so we'll turn around so all of the pumpkins here have been cut and gutted and we use this drywall saw to cut out the mouth and nose so we'll have you guys do some eyes, this is very powerful stuff so you'll cut two eyes right there. >> abby: let's get drilling here . >> pete: don't take off the top abbey. >> abby: can i just do one big eye in the middle? >> there we go. >> pete: holy cow. >> abby: rick is a madman, love it. pete what do you have? >> pete: i don't know. >> put a single eye in the middle. >> put that in there. >> pete: look at that. we'll get it. you keep going down the line. >> i'm making a spider. now we drilled the holes for the eye. >> jason: i know how to play this game. i'm handy at home. it's all good. when i pull out the drills she's like what are you doing? i'm lick i've got this i've got this. help me out with the markings. this is where i get to like-- >> that went so fast. >> abby: so jason is obviously an expert. what are the safety tips people need to know? >> okay well justine it up there >> abby: oh, that looks great. this is like every man's dream. >> it really is. power tools? need a lobotomy? done. >> i grew up with home improvement, right? tim the tool man? >> abby: looks great. >> [laughter] >> abby: we've got more fox & friends thank you so much. >> all of the ideas are on there >> abby: thank you so much. >> abby: we had a great time this morning, [applause] >> pete: its been a lot of fun being with jason and you'll be here tomorrow as well. >> jason: for the first three hours 58 minutes i was having fun this is a whole new level. >> abby: and you're really playing. we also have scott walker, harvey levin and much more. >> dagen: the dow soaring past 23 for the first time ever this week, and all the major markets closing at record highs this week, but treasury secretary steve mnuchin is warning if congress can't cut taxes for all americans, we can all kiss this rally goodbye. is he right or wrong? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdowell , this is bulls & bears. the bulls & bears this week, gary b. smith, joan as max ferri s, john layfield, and chuck rocha. welcome to everybody. gary b., if congress doesn't pass tax cuts, could that tank this market? >> gary: absolutely dagen. i'm surprised to

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20171021 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20171021

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>> inaugural ball was the last thing on my mind. i'm so honored and grateful to become part of this city. >> throw by gregorius is blocked and it's all houston tonight. ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ you got to give for what you take ♪ freedom ♪ pete: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends weekend." look who are who ho is here abby huntsman. abby: of course. and look who is here jason sehorn. pete: you were inducted into the major league. abby: is there anything you can't do? jason: i just haven't tried it. abby: he already had his coffee this morning. pete: sweet. lots of cream and sugar. jason: i don't drink it to keep me awake. if it tasted bad i wouldn't drink it. it tastes good because you put cream and sugar on it. abby: makes so much sense. pete: it does. abby: what a week it has been in washington and as the media has been talking about the story that will not end. and the congresswoman fred fredericka wilson attacks the white house saying it is full of racists and white supremacists. it does not end. pete: as this controversy back and forth about the four dead in niger and phone call to the widow she said this the white house itself is full of white supremacists, they are making themselves look like fools. they have no credibility. they are trying to assassinate my character and they are assassinating their own. everything coming out is shown to be a lie. part of what has triggered john kelly and the president of racism is empty barrel. she is an empty barrel. the "new york post" did a nice piece today they did expose of the empty barrel goes back to plato apparently he was racist too. jason: i don't know what page she got to to google to make it racist. you make a lot of noise. an empty barrel when rolled makes a lot of noise. no substance to it no wine, no beer, no whatever you put in it. that's all it is. abby: you are exactly right. this after john kelly came out and did his own sort of press briefing on wednesday afternoon. jason: amazing. abby: it was really a moment. i hope if i are watching it and didn't watch it this past week with him pull it up. i got emotional watching it. pete: president accused of being insensitive in a call to gold star widow. john kelly came out and said hey i gave advice to the president what to say as someone who has had to do that. lost soldiers in combat. and, of course, lost his own son. is he a gold star father. he talks about a speech given by the naming of an fbi academy in 015 where this same congresswoman was there. and he believed, his perception was that she was grandstanding at this event. she was talking about everything that she did. he talked about funding. he may have been a little bit factually incorrect. he talked about the fact that she stood up and took a lot of credit for naming the building and being a part of it. from his perspective it looked like man, what is she doing um there we have been at events like this where a politician has taken all the credit. jason: taking the credit for something that isn't all of theirs. that's what she is saying now. somebody interjecting themselves in a situation trump did that phone call inappropriately and saying the wrong things. things, by the way that she has said herself, which is confusing to me. pete: because you watched the whole thing and you found the tape. jays jails i did. abby: part of it that has not been covered at all no. surprise here. let's play. this. >> most men and women in lawrence leave their homes for work knowing there is a possibility they may not return. jason: wait a minute, that sounds oddly familiar. pete: most men and women in law enforcement leave their homes knowing the possibility they may not return. doesn't that sound like what the president and general kelly said when they said they know what they signed up for. of course. abby: pete, you are someone who has served. i come from a military family two brothers serving in the military. i talk to them all the time and they where to go out and serve overseas. they say all the time we know what we signed up for. this is the sacrifice we make. when general kelly was up there speaking, it was so emotional. he doesn't want to be talking about what he went through with his son. he doesn't want to relive those moments. he knows what it feels like to get that phone call that your son is dead. he knows what it's like to get the phone call from the president. the people in the room don't know what that feels like. he was helping them understand the bigger picture in that situation. i think that was a really important thing for this country to hear. jason: it's not only true it's fact. something everybody is well aware of. we are only bringing up her comment because she is criticizing somebody else for saying the same thing. when in reality neither one should be criticized for their comment. it is fact and pointed out for everybody else to understand. you mentioned it, the people that go in to combat, our armed forces they understanding the consequences of what could happen, the risks involved. she is just saying like to everybody else, by the way, they know that here is what you should know, they go in knowing that they possibly won't come out. pete: the president should be lauded for the fact before making tough phone calls he went to someone with the experience and credibility of a john kelly and said how do i do this? how do you make a phone call like this? almost an impossible thick to do. it's very interesting to watch. why is it okay for her, the congresswoman to interpret what trump said on a phone call, interpret it and said this is what he must have meant. not okay for john kelly to interpret what she said at the 2015 fbi thing as that felt like grandstanding to me. i looked at her and thought who is this lady? and sarah huckabee sanders said it great. all hat, no cattle. abby: she did. take a listen to this. >> as general kelly pointed out, if you are able to make a sacred act like honoring american heroes all about yourself you are an empty barrel. if you don't understand that reference i will put it more simply. as we say in the south all hat, no cattle. abby: leave it to sarah huckabee sanders. pete: well said. abby: i thought how could anyone criticize what was just being said. maybe you could say some of the facts were wrong about that fbi meeting. okay. but the bigger picture of this who is going to attack the emotions that he just spoke, about the very real story that he wept through himself, he was talking about how he went to go walk through arlington cemetery when this was all going on because he needed to center himself. there is nothing that is sacred in this country anymore when we make people i do for this country political. pete: they always have to play the race card. we will play sound bites of msnbc and cnn hosts. trump and kelly they're all racists and she is a black woman and they're white men and that's why they are wrong. it doesn't stop. pete. jason: takes the conversation away from what it should be about. somebody died in battle. the president was simply calling to offer condolences to their family. abby: that's a great point there is a lot going on in washington that probably hasn't received the coverage that it deserves. one of those is healthcare and you have a loft republicans still saying there is a way to get some sort of reform done, including rand paul who tweeted this. he says i'm all in for tax cuts. pete: tax reform not healthcare. abby: biggest, boldest cuts possible and soon this is what we are waiting for. if we can get tax reform done, this would be huge not just for the president and the republicans but huge for the country. jason: it needs to be done for a lot of the reasons. for the progress and forward movement of our country, the savings that it will give the american people. but, also, they have accomplish something between the president and congress together. like, you can't just do everything -- pete: get together. jason: these two groups have to get together here. they all ran on these things. they all ran on repeal and replace. they all ran on tax reform. they haven't done anything so far. 10 months in and nothing has been truly accomplished. something large has to be done by the end of the year. pete: that's why rand paul portion is so important. he voted against the budget measure. only republican vote against budget measure. posh thing to pass precursor to the tax reform bill. onow he is saying of course i will push for tax cuts. rand paul has been over here. he has been supporter of the president but he is a purest wants things to be done right to his credit. sounds like there is a path forward. the president was on a friendly fellow station of ours fox business with maria bartiromo and had this to say. >> i think they should. i think they will. a lot of things are happening. it will be right after that. i don't even like them leaving. i will say. this i want to get it by the end of the year. but i would be very disappointed if it took that long. it could be substantially less than that depending on what happens when we send the bill back to the house. you know, they will send it back and people will go, you know, and make 200 suggestions as opposed to maybe no suggestions because it's a great bill. it's going to be a great bill. we are adjusting. abby: they have to prove they can get something done. mid terms are around the corner. why do people go out to the polls to vote? based on results. people they vote for are getting something done. republicans are in a tough position if they can't come together and work with the president on real tax reform, it's going to be a real struggle a year from now. jason: everything comes back to haunt you. you said all these things in the elections in the first place. you have to go back to these people. wait a minute, you said a bunch of stuff last time and none of that happened. they have got to get something done. abby: why should we believe you this time. pete: they are wise to that game. the interview will air tomorrow on future with maria bartiromo. what the president is saying is don't go on vacation if you can't get the things done. can you eat thanksgiving from your desk in the senator house chamber if you do. the rest of us deserve legislators. jason: breaks are nice. results are better. abby: amen. other headlines we are following this morning. police are now in a frantic manhunt as they believe someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have now been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days, all of them alone at the time. investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving the murder. the person as you see there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. and the hawaii federal judge blocked president trump's travel ban expanded the order. derek watson appointed by the obama administration ruling the ban is unconstitutional. and it discriminates based on nationalities. warm front son's rulings effects only the six muslim majority countries does not affect venezuela or chad. the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old girl who is now 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. the government now has until october 31st to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that doesn't happen, the case goes back to a lower court and a judge will figure that out. the houston astros shutting down yankees in game six. final showdown game seven. justin verlander, you never want to get those wrong. pitching seven. help secure the astros. they take the field one last time tonight at 8:08 p.m. eastern. they go on to face the dodgers. i should have had jason read. this what am i doing? jason: names, we don't have a pronunciation guide. pete: is there anything in better than game 7. jason: nothing especially to go to the world series. pete: loretta lynch and bill clinton meeting behind closed doors tarmac meeting. abby: hillary and bill showed up at the president's inauguration. it turns out they tried their hardest not to go. how hillary tried to avoid that trip to no avail. coming up. stay with us. ♪ nowhere to run, baby ♪ nowhere to hide ♪ nowhere to run to, baby. ♪ no where to hide ♪ how do you chase what you love with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis? do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it's proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist about humira. this is humira at work. > did you tell director comey to call the clinton email investigation a matter? >> attorney general lynch did you make a phone call before the meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac in arizona? attorney general lynch did you seek permission from anyone within the white house before you took the meeting with bill clinton on the tarmac? >> that was former attorney general loretta lynch dodging questions about the infamous tarmac meeting. jason: comes as congressional investigators meet with loretta lynch looking into russian meddling 2016 election. pete: tom fitton the president of judicial watch and digging into this topic since the story first broke and joins us now. thanks for being here this morning. >> you're welcome. pete: she was behind closed doors answering questions about the so-called russian meddling 2016 election. she didn't answer questions from our own catherine herridge. could you have any sense what she may have been talking about behind closed doors? >> i don't. i wish it weren't behind closed doors. i'm sure there will be leaks about some of the testimony. i mean, the category of information would have been presumably about whether they were properly surveying and spying on trump -- the team trump operation when he was running for president. maybe even after he was elected president. also, what about unmaskings? where they were surveying and gathering intelligence on foreign nationals. and then on deleting the names of americans picked up in those conversations and sharing them widely within the obama administration. was she aware of that? evidently it was increasing during this election year. and then going back to the tarmac meeting. i would have hoped they would have asked about whether the justice department was abused in terms of protecting hillary clinton and allowing this meeting to take place and director comey had suggested there were other things that the justice department was doing that suggested they couldn't be trusted toot least publicly handle the clinton matter. the problem for the obama administration and those trying to go after the trump administration is they can't have it both ways. they can't say this justice department was doing the right thing on the russian collusion issue with entrepreneurship and incoming trump campaign and say they were doing the right thing with hillary clinton at the same time. i don't buy it no one else buys it. so i don't see how can you separate the two. abby: are you surprised there hasn't been more courage of this? when you think how much time spent on president trump and russia and the collusion going on there doesn't seem to be any factual evidence connecting the two, as of right now. comparing the focus on that and what we are dealing with here and loretta lynch and the investigation. >> yes. especially this week whether you have news of the russians corrupting the process to award that uranium contract or uranium -- well, scam, really, that gave them 20% of our uranium assets here in the united states practically speaking. you had the justice department under loretta lynch, james comey and robert mueller investigating this and we don't know anything about that? where's the investigation of the connections to the clinton campaign and clinton operation to the russian uranium concerns? pete: not to mention where is the news coverage of this the so-called mainstream media almost completely silent on it tom fitton, judicial watch president. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. ainsley: thank you, tom. jason: it has happened again. this time the singer of the national anthem taking a knee during the performance. what she had to say about the stunt coming up. pete: keeping um her attacks against general john kelly now she is calling him a ras. is she hurting her own party and the country. we will debate that next. 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here to weigh in jim hanson president of the security studies group. wensdy is a professor and political commentator. thank you both for being here this morning. jim, i will start with you. empty barrel, john kelly's comments. is there any racism in there that you can see? >> you know, a lot of people attribute that quote to plato was what he was saying is an empty vessel makes a loudest noise just as the one with the least whit does the most ballot terring. calling her a witless blab error making a lot of noise about an empty issue is correct. nothing john kelly said is racist. everything representative wilson has done in this entire situation has been to stir up political controversy about a dignified and compassionate conversation where president trump complimented sergeant wilson for having the bravery to sign up knowing the danger he would be facing. pete: wenty, that's the question, why is it okay for her, this congresswoman to impugn what president trump said on a private phone call based on her characterization but it's not okay for general kelly to stand up and say hey, i think you are wrong from the way you see things? >> well, first of all, jim made a comment it's not sergeant wilson it's sergeant la david johnson. that's what's being lost here. what's being lost is the people who died and lost their lives in niger. since we are going to talk about this, let's talk about fred demetric can a wilson and talk about her record. she has served honorably the florida legislature since 2008. she has been a congresswoman since 2011. what she has done is she she is not witless or an empty barrel. she started 5,000 role models of excellence program in which sergeant johnson was a graduate from. so, when she talks about the death of sergeant johnson, as well as there's other individuals who have graduated from her program who have also died in the line of battle, she has coming at it from a personal place. she is speaking of it as somebody who graduated from my program who is no longer here. how can we move forward in a progressive way so that doesn't happen anymore? again, she is not a wit. pete: taking this at face value then why is she saying i mustable a rock star? >> she is politically grandstanding. she said basically the same thing as you all pointed out earlier on the show talking about law enforcement officials in miami. that these people leave their homes each night not know going they will come home. that's the exact same thing that she is claiming president trump said that was so awful. so i think to take that and even if the family at the moment misunderstood it, i think there is a decent reason to believe she was the one who stirred up this controversy by ignoring the fact that that's actually a compliment. i don't think she has been acting in good faith and whatever else she has done as a congress person, this was a low and disrespectful way to take a basically solid way for the president to thank the family for their son's service. >> no. pete: wendy, that's what john kelly was attempting to explain. joy reid took these attacks even further attacking general kelly's entire childhood as ways racist. he grew up in segregated boston in irish catholic neighborhood where women were bullied, not honored and blacks were scorned and rejected. why are we going at someone of his stature, by the way the army the least racist institutions in our country. why are we saying he has got to be a racist because he came from boston. >> you just mentioned his stature, there is no one regardless of his stature beyond reproach. pete: what has he done that has been racist? >> let me finish. whether is he reyes or not that is not for me to judge. what joy reid did present are sociological factors that say he may be racist. that's to the nor me to judge. we are talking about fredericka wilson. she was in the car with the family. the family themselves said as though they felt the president's comments were insensitive. a true leader, nibble who makes the mistake, whether it was his intent or not, they would simply say that is my apology. that was not my intent. that would have ended this whole conversation. it family is a gold star family. they are grieving. and if a family says i did not like what you said or i felt offended by it, the way that we can circumvent all of this and move forward is for the president to simply say that was not my intent and i apologize and that's what should have been done here. pete: well, the family indeed has the right to their opinion on this for sure. jim, last word on how the congresswoman reacted? >> i think in this case she could have been the one know what she said. >> she is not the president. >> she was in the car and she is the one who then went on television saying this was wrong and incentive. >> trump went on television and said other presidents did this. >> he meant to compliment his service to our country and that's what should be focused on. pete: made a statement that was true based on john kelly did not receive a phone call. these are the details that get glossed over. jim hanson and wendy thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. pete: henry and bill showed up for the president's inauguration. they did show init turns out of they tried their hardest not to go. how hillary clinton tried to avoid the trip to no avail. we know how football fans feel about the anthem protest. how do they feel about politics? we're ranking the top five teams based on political ideology from the left and the right next. you are not going to want to miss this ♪ the red, white, and blue ♪ ♪ ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's 2 for $20. by listening to an thiaudiobook on audible.ame and this guy is just trying to get through the day. keeping it together. losing it. upgrade your commute. ride with audible. so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. i was from ethnically. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it's a hat, but it's like the most important hat i've ever owned. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at whentempur-pedic delivers.... only tempur material precisely conforms to your weight, shape and temperature. so you'll sleep deeply and wake up feeling like a champion. find an exclusive retailer at ♪ and the home of the brave. abby: what you are watching there justine scott she has a beautiful voice. she was singing the national anthem brooklyn mets game and decided to kneel at the very end of that song. not letting anyone know she was going to do that. but she obviously has the right to kneel if you want to. you were saying this, jason. there is a rule where the players have to stand for the anthem. jason: it's a policy they came up with to try to take the distraction away from the game. and put the focus on the fact that people came to watch a basketball game not a political movement. pete: she was invited as a guest. the brooklyn didn't know she was going to do it. they said let's put a policy. could have seen a big wave of kneeling in the nba further that controversy. she took to instagram saying this pretty i couldn't know easy about singing the anthem and probably won't be invited to sing it again. had to take a knee in opening game in my city we will not be silenced #black lives matter. we know where she is coming from. abby: be in this stadium how much cheering and boos as well. pete: reports are far more boos than cheers. overwhelming voice of this place was don't mix, again, protest if you want, why do it during our nation's sacred anthem. jason: difficult part here what it stands for is getting under people's skin. i'm a firm believer in our first amendment. it your freedom of speech. it's your right to do that. but it's going to have backlash. there is an issue with it i don't like it. i don't agree with it you get to make that stand as an individual, that's what you get to choose. you know what else you get to do? you get to face the consequences of your action afterwards. as she said i probably won't be invited back that's sad because she had a nice voice. taken away an opportunity. i don't know. abby: did you go through anything like this when you played? jason: no, nothing like this. this is different. i was in the league from '94 to 2003. i don't think we had anything. i know for a fact we had nothing of this magnitude affecting us as players to make a decision on. abby: the president is now continuing to double down on his stance on this. he has released an official stance. he said officially stand for the national anthem, a petition. more symbolic it seems like, pete, than anything else. let people know getting as many signatures as possible for this. pete: i believe it was put out by his campaign. ultimately they are saying if you believe our players should be standing for the anthem signed this petition to show your support. things like this happen all the time this the political world. i think it's a recognition that they want to have this conversation. do you believe they should be standing or kneeling you? hear hillary clinton saying i think they should kneel. can you see them doubling down on we're the stand party vs. the kneel party. listen, we're lit celebrating that in this country these days unfortunately. how sacred sour anthem and our flag and historical monuments and things like that. all very mixed and muddied it doesn't surprise me though that they are doubling down. jason: political sides put away, it's our freedom of speech in this country that makes us great. i talked to two military people thursday night. one a 70-year-old vet and another a marine. i fought for the right and opportunity for you to make those decisions in america to have that free speech. i do agree? no way i do not agree. i would not take a knee during the singing of the national anthem with the flag waving in my face. however, you fully believe if that's what they want to do, they get to exercise that right. petitions aside and everything, it's just one of those things where you can't start dictating when you want people to agree with you on their freedom of speech. i'm sorry, this is just one area that i think wow, we all probably on this set agree, stand. what's right. abby: what do you do if you are the owner of the nfl, if you are a coach of these teams? you have lived this. >> so here's the problem. too late now. they should have done something a year and a half ago. it's in place. you are not now going to suddenly take away that right and they will them have you got to start standing now. you are going to cause a bigger problem. pete: you could but you are going to cause a locker room problem. jason: we stick together as players. i will support my teammate in his cause. whether i believe he is going about it or not. if you tell mia, now we will bond even more. hence the reason you saw all the people criticize the players. abby: locking arm in arm. jafs jays it's a team, guys. abby: i want to bring you other news. flag flown at half staff to honor sergeant la david johnson. two processions today in broward county, florida before he is laid to rest at hollywood memorial gardens. johnson lost his life on october 4th, along with three other soldiers when they were ambushed by islamic militants in the african country of niger. we know how hillary clinton felt in the days leading up to president trump's inauguration. >> i really tried to get out of going. [laughter] >> you know, because i was going not as the candidate or the opponent but as a former first lady. we thought, okay, maybe others aren't going, so, you know, we called. [laughter] abby: how patriotic. clinton telling the graham norton show she called the bushes and carters to see if they were going before deciding if shield ultimately attend. pete: are you going? are you going? i guess i have to go. abby: dreams of being aspiring athlete are this. >> smile and nod your head and let me see your eyeballs wide like there is something wrong. yeah. do it again. give me that. abby: great movie. kids these days say they would rather be business leaders instead. dominoes pizza interviewing 1500 children as part of their team program. results 12% are choosing to be business leaders. 8% teachers. only 7% aspire to be actors and hue sessions. only 2% wanting to be athletes. pete: i want to see the methodology behind that poll. if you talk to a kid recently? >> jason: okay, dominoes, i disagree with that one. abby: what about being a weather man? how familiar want to do when you do? rick: what about scientists? come on. jason: i would like to know what all categories there were involved. rick: we need a bigger list. i bet it doesn't fit on that graphic on that screen the only reason we didn't see the rest of it i'm sure of it let's talk a little bit about the weather. this impacts all of us that's why you should want to study. this across the central plains it's really warm. another warm day. east coast as well. a bit of a cooler start but it won't last. we will warm way back up again. right across the central part of the country where the warm temperatures are, there is a storm brewing thsmght is going to bring pretty big severe weather today including the threat for a couple large tornadoes. this is all going to get going this afternoon. a little bit later. probably around the 5:00 time frame and go in throughout the overnight hours tonight. certainly some very large hail and some damaging winds. but also likely a tornado or two and along with that potentially some pretty big flooding. this is the target zone all the way up in towards parts of minnesota and wisconsin and then down towards texas. the biggest bulls eye for tornadoes parts of oklahoma and parts of north texas right along the red river valley. we do have a secondary severe season and that's right here in the fall. this is not uncommon. today someone of those days you have to watch out for it all right, guys. we save lives in meteorology by talking about this stuff and that's why it matters. abby: especially this year the hurricane season has been unreal. rick: so true. abby: have you done a fabulous job. rick: thanks. pete: why were our troops in niger in the first place. mike waltz searched in niger in 2014. he joining to us explain that mission next. jason: you know president trump loves to tweet. this morning is he revealing his true feelings about twitter and why he won't listen to people who tell him to stop ♪ get ready ♪ get ready ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ eat pete welcome pack. sara huck beal sanders faced with relentless questions of what happened in niger. >> is the president himself going to weigh this on what happened to those four special op. soldiers? >> did the president authorize exclusively the operation in niger or as that delegated down? >> is the president satisfied that that special forces unit when did went throughout that day had all the resources needed to go out there. >> as i have said several times today and will continue until that review is complete. pete: but the situation has many americans wondering why are the troops in new jersey tore begin with? let's ask former green beret commander and author of the book warrior diplomat michael waltz joins us now. indicative of many of our special operators you were in new jerseyner 2014. what is the mission there right now? >> well, it's 3r50eu78 mayor lay counter terrorism mission. so, if you look at the neighborhood that niger is in or nirge as the french say boko haram to the south if you remember them and kidnapping the girls. nigeria, al qaeda in the magrab to the northwest. they took over all of neighboring molly a few years before. they have isis and a number of groups operating out of libel i can't now now that that country completely fell apart under the obama administration and weapons from the qaddafi regime are pouring throughout the entire region. it's focused on training the nigerian army and key police forces so that they can take the fight to these groups and they can defend their territory there. pete. jason: can you explain for the viewers and myself how do they get separated like this? how are they so isolated, our american troops over there to this attack? like, when you think about our troops and what they're usually trained to do and be on the lookout, like how did this happen? >> so there is two things. one, that these teams are trained to operate in small groups and embed with local forces. so you can have 12 green berets trained up to by doctrine 1,000 to 2,000 local national forces whether they are army or police forces. the other thing is, you know, i can't overstate how massive north africa is. niger alone is the size of twice or twice the size of texas. it is just incredibly remote. and then the third thing is and this is what i think people are getting to where was the support and the dronessenned at close air support, i think we have gotten really accustomed to the wars in iraq and afghanistan where have you all of those asettle immediately available and highly concentrated. we can't do that all over the world and have a medevac just an hour away all over the world, especially in a place as big as africa. these guys are trained to operate in highly remote, highly dangerous situations. sometimes the enemy scores against us. and i think in this case what we really need to look into is not the support issue but the intelligence issue. how did we miss the indicators that we were going to be hit here? pete: that's the question. it seems their posture was a little bit, not that they're unguarded you, never, but they weren't necessarily prepared for an ambush. they didn't think they were in that kind of threat enenvironment where something like this would happen, at least on this particular mission. >> well, they didn't -- they are always in a threat environment. and they are always prepared for that but they certainly weren't prepared for something this intense and that's what we have to get to the bottom of, whether it was planning, whether the mission was compromised by the local forces or by the villagers, and exactly what happened. and those are the answers i'm looking forward to seeing. pete: absolutely. got bless these guys. 800 niger, 5 to 600 in africa working to take on growing islamic threat. >> we are in 60 to 80 countries around the world on any given single day. this is what we are doing everywhere as we speak. pete: colonel waltz, thanks for your expertise. i appreciate it. jason: coming up the group behind that fake russian dossier trying to keep you find out who bank rolled it and bank rolled them as well. jason: experts say too much time on tablets are bad for kids. i agree. up next, video games that actually make your kids smarter. kurt the cyber guy shows us next. i'm looking forward to that ♪ >> it may be the weekend that doesn't mean the learning has stopped. abby: kirk the cyberguy with education and play time. know that you are getting smarter. >> good time for you. abby: overwhelmed. jason: please leave marie alone. when you put your kids in front of technology like the screen here is the ipad and sit there and mindless and passive. no good for kids it does not do anything. interactive stuff like this changes their world. you are just putting on. it's not connected but you are just putting on the playstation vr. we will show you how it works. you can't see that on tv. what can you do is we have recorded it we can, for example, with playstation vr, this looks up to a playstation 4. and it already has like 150 amazing games but you also can use it for education. can you go inside, for example, the apollo 11 mission and learn how and feel what it really would be like to be an astronaut. imagine, this remember that awkward time on picking an instrument? we are not there yet, jason. go into an orchestra, remember picking answer instrument in school that this would take you into the orchestra and feel like what it's like to be the conductor or to have the violin or as we were talking about yesterday clarinet and i got stuck with it and hated it. this is mcconnell max. this is interactive robot that is an educational tool but it's also got art official intelligence. he is so smart. this is the erector set brought to the future. jason: do you build it or does it come like this? >> you will put it together and sort of do all kinds of stuff with him. it opens a kid's mind to engineering and building and critical thinking. jason: come with an app.? >> it does preloadable app. he is funny. abby: what's the stemasaur? >> it teaches you engineering and stem cells. it helps with you speech with joking, learning how to tell jokes. smart girl. abby: i could use that growing up. >> this is interactive doll that you control with an app. that it is made for girls to teach them about coding. this is a computer box for kids getting rave reviews. >> computer in a box. abby: there is a lot going on here we have got to run. >> we will put the whole list online ♪ oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... when you clock out, i'll clock in... sensing and automatically adjusting to your every move. there. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? 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jason: lights get you going that 4:00 wake-up call is tough. abby: it this is probably nothing. pete: people talk about pressure in athletics. that's what do you. you never feel the pressure in that moment. it's what you are comfortable doing. then you get into environment like this not every day routine. then all of a sudden you feel pressure and where you are out of your element a little bit. when you are on the field playing, there is no pressure. abby: just another day for you. pete: in case you don't know, in case you are not a football fan he was the defensive back for the new york giants in the nfl. we have a video we want to play. the first highlight they made for you too many completions for the other team. how are we not putting interceptions in here because had you dozens in the nfl. jason: that's probably not the highlight film. pete: why is irving making catches? abby: lot of news as their there always is when you wake up on a saturday morning. democratic congresswoman fredericka wilson is only escalating her attacks on the white house and president trump and gold star father general kelly, the general who really gave that emotional, memorable press briefing earlier this week saying that the white house is now full of racists, they are full of white supremacists, here is a quote coming from the "new york times." she spoke to them yesterday. she said the white house is full of white supremacists they are making themselves look like fools. they have no credibility. they are trying to is aasas cincinnati nate my character and they are assassin natal their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie. pete: the president called a grieving widow, asked for advice from general kelly who himself served in the military 40 years and gold star father himself. what do i stay in the president included in that statement a recognition these guys sign up for this. very common parlance. this congresswoman was in the car and overheard this conversation and immediately attacked the white house. you see john kelly come take to the podium and explain exactly what happened. he used a phrase 'an empty barrel which we will get to in a second which apparently triggered this congresswoman and made her accuse all of them of being racists and well she also declared herself a rock star for all the attention she is getting. jason: the problem i have is we throw this word racist a lot. maybe about discriminatory. for you to call somebody racist, you better have information and facts not because you don't like their opinion or the way they phrase something. like discriminatory, fine. pete: can be that, sure. jason: to come out and call somebody a white supremacists like the white house is full of them or a racist, very strong. we just throw it out way too liberally now. abby: there is a lot behind those words. and we need to be thoughtful whenever we do decide to do them. jason: oh, is he white. and is he a racist. that's why did he. this. abby: press conference with general kelly people credit siding him talking about what he went through with including his own son in afghanistan. what it means to be a gold star family what he went through but also how we should be thinking about it and talking about it as a country. still, people found ways to criticize him coming out. pete: the resist movement has no shame and we'l will play the race based. another network. general kelly grew up in segregated boston in irish catholic neighborhood where women were bullied, not honored, and blacked scorned and rejected. if you think that's bad then, then listen to one of other colleagues o'donnell. he said this on his program. listen to this. >> john kelly never sat beside a student like fredericka wilson in his elementary school. the language about black people in john kelly's white neighborhood was exactly the same language about black people that was used at that time in white communities in the segregated south. i know the neighborhood john kelly comes from. i know the culture. it was a neighborhood in which calling someone who looked like fredericka wilson an empty barrel was the kindest thing that would have been said about her. do you know what wasn't sacred when he was a kid growing up, where he was growing up? black women. he took time, a lot of extra time to call a black woman who he doesn't know and he doesn't like an empty barrel. pete: for lawrence o'donnell it's all about a white man and black woman. that's the only lens. think about that statement. abby: do you know who he sad to in his life. he sat to the very best in this country. people serving this country. there is no color or race background for who serves this country. jason: here is what blows me away though. how does he know who john kelly sat next to in school. how does he know what his neighborhood was like stereotyping something. simply coming up what he thinks this boston neighborhood was. did he grow up there? was he raised in that neighborhood? was he going to those schools in the other thing i don't like is because you're from an environment does not mean that environment creates you. defines you forever. it doesn't make you who you are. it's where you are from. it's are where you came from. it doesn't mean if the neighborhood, you know, is discriminatory, it doesn't mean you are. pete: such a great point. isn't that what this country is about. >> he basically said all of boston is basically racist. pete: jason, this is how they see the world. they look at a trump supporter and say if you support president trump you must be a racist. you must be a white supremacists. it's a race to the bottom of stereotyping of putting people in a box. they don't like general kelly because general kelly is enabling president trump who they have been resisting from the beginning. a lot of it is out to do nothing but attack this president. this is just an extension of this. they found a nice cozy box of a black congressman and attacking a white man. if you came from a bad place you are bad forever? jason: oh, i know where he was born so i know how he is. he was born in boston. abby: born in boston but what general kelly was saying when he talked about the empty barrel and referring to the congresswoman there. he was saying that there is not much to back up what she is talking about. just another pat on the back for herself. she is making the story about herself when general kelly is saying this is about something much bigger than all of us. that is what is so heart breaking about how this week has unfolded and how the conversation has been had. it has been about this nonsense when really it's about the men and women who fight for all of us to be able to live the lives that we want to live. it's horrifying. it's the very worst of our society. jason: it was a call to a family though lost a son killed in the line of duty. that's it. move on. he called, offered condolences and now they are criticizing in the way in which he offered those condolences, no. the empty barrel comment. an empty barrel if you roll it down the road makes a lot of noise but there is nothing in it. that's all it is noise. that's it. noise. our president called somebody, offered condolences and is being criticized for the way in which he did it. no. just move on. pete: absolutely. if you are in the white house. if you are president trump. if you are general kelly, you get endlessly frustrated with a media narrative built against you. but president trump, he had an interview with maria bartiromo that's going to air on sunday morning future tomorrow. he talked about his ability to go over that media narrative with a new tool you know it, it's called twitter. take a listen. >> i doubt i would be here if it weren't for social media to be honest with you. because there is a fake media out there. i get treated very unfairly by the media. i have a tremendous platform. i think i have 125 million people between twitter and instagram and all of them and facebook. i have a tremendous platform. so when somebody says something about me, i am able to go bing, bing, bing, and i take care of it the other way i would never be able to get the word out. ainsley: i don't know if all the advisors love the bing, bing, bing. pete: i love it. abby: actually interesting to hear about him how he thinks about twitter. that's how we get much of his thoughts on things and what's going on behind closed doors at the white house. you are not always getting the truth in the media. you are not always getting the facts. jason: i'm happy to hear there are actually people telling him no to do it. i wonder is there somebody telling him pause bu button. abby: i'm sure there are. are.pete. jason: he says i don't listen to them. that's how i got elected but the bing, bing, bing. pete: do you know what the other noise is, bing, bing, bing. is heads exploding in numerous when he tweets what he believes and they have to report on it and they don't get to be the filter on it. that's wonderful. that's what middle america loves about this guy. he gets to speak his own voice. ainsley: what's hard only 147 characters. whatever it is, only so much you can put in there. when you are talking about things like north korea. pete: that's why he does dot dot dot. abby: a reporter and your job to figure out what's going on here. it's frustrating. pete: good. i love frustrate you had reporters. abby: keeps us going in the morning. pete: do you like the president's tweets? should he keep tweeting or not or other commentary we have been talking about this morning. be aable a fox news alert. a man with a knife goes on a stabbing rampage injuring four people in germany. police now arresting a suspect working to determine if he is the attacker. six people were attacked in downtown munich. four of them have been wounded. two were able to escape. none of those victims have life-threatening injuries, thank goodness. officers now telling residents to stay inside. the motive still remains unclear. we will keep a close eye on that this morning. the federal appeals court blocks illegal immigrant teen from getting an abortion for now. the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old who is now 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. the government now has until october 31st to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that does not happen, the case goes back to a lower court judge. also this. president trump expected to block the release of classified files on former president john f. kennedy's assassination. that is according to reports by politico who say the commander-in-chief is likely to intervene before next thursday when the national archives is expected to release nearly 3100 classified documents from the 1990s about what happened on that fatal day. trump officials fear the documents could jeopardize national security operations. pete: that won't lead to more conspiracy theories. jason: just leave it alone. pete: amazing. story that never ends. remember the group behind that fake russian trump dossier? now they are trying to block you from finding out who bank rolled them and who put them up to creating it? our next guest says he was targeted by that very same g.p.s. fusion g.p.s. group. ainsley: hillary clinton finally opening up about that uranium with russian. she blames that on fox news. ♪ i fought the law and the law one ♪ i don't want to sound paranoid, but d'ya think our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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>> well, they basically try and portrayed me as the worst venezuelan criminal to come out of that country after dejack co. they said i was a pedophile. i was involved in drug trafficking. i'm also a thief. i'm also a extorgsist u homosexual irresponsibly spreading aids around. the most vicious and baseless arguments that you could possibly say about a person were said about me and all this campaign was posted online after i had a break n my apartment here in london. after which i realized that they stole my computers. they stole two laptop computers from my flat. and then after i started investigating that event, i realized that they had been following me in london and my family for months. so, obviously, this is the kind of work that fusion g.p.s. assists others doing. pete: you are saying they traffic in lies. their smears are lies and they dual anything to discredit an opponent including, you might say, gather fake facts and put them in a dossier if they were hired to do that? >> as far as i'm concerned that's all they do. they don't pedal truth, veracity, facts, they pedal propaganda. they pedal fake information. when they don't find because they are they call themselves opposition research firm. when they don't find them they invent them. make them up. pete: fake news you might call it alec boyd, thank you for sharing your side of the story. no wonder these jokers are pleading the fifth. they don't know what the truth is because they haven't been trafficking in it for a very long time. thank you for your time. we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. pete: you got it still ahead, beware of traveling to the united states. the warning that canada and other countries are giving to their citizens and wait until you hear why. and no trick or treat, no, not for you. schools across the country are canceling halloween because some students feel left out. are they going too far? you think? our parenting panel here to discuss the greatest, latest political correct nonsense next ♪ you know it's thriller ♪ thriller night ♪ you're fighting for your life ♪ inside of thriller ♪ thriller mom's got this cold #stuffynose #nosleep #mouthbreather just put on a breathe right strip it instantly opens your nose... up to 38% more than cold medicine alone go to today to request a free sample. ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's 2 for $20. whoamike and jen doyle?than i thought. yeah. time for medicare, huh. i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me. choosing a plan can be super-complicated. but it doesn't have to be. unitedhealthcare can guide you through the confusion, with helpful people, tools and plans. including the only plans with the aarp name. well that wasn't so bad at all. that's how we like it. aarp medicare plans, from unitedhealthcare. for years, at&t has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ pete: as the numbers fall down we bring you back to "fox & friends weekend." time for news by the numbers. 27, number of dresses worn by first ladies that are now part of the smithsonian collection in washington, d.c. first lady melania trump giving her inaugural gown this week. next five, that's how many former u.s. presidents are teeming up to raise money today: heading a hurricane relief concert called one america appeal in texas. pretty cool. and finally seven. that's how many games it's going to take to determine who is will go to the world series from the al. houston astros shutting down the new york yankees 7 to 1 in game 6. setting up the final showdown in houston. that game begins tonight at 8:08 p.m. eastern. and the final number, number 31. the number worn by jason sehorn for the new york giants. over to you. abby: a good reminder. thank you so much, pete. here is a scary thought for you. schools across the country are now canceling, halloween. why? jason: according to one principal the it is out of our ordinary peru teen and difficult for many students. parade is not inclusive of all the students and our goal each and every day to ensure all student's individual differences are respected. gone too far? abby: what do parents think about this. here to discuss is darby 230bgs and tom kersting, author of disconnected, how to reconnect our digitally distracted kids. i need to read that one. the three of you are parents. i'm soon to be parent. i'm now realizing i'm going to be raising a kid in a different world than i grew up in. because i wore halloween does tiewmsz every year to school. >> kids love it it's a pass time. it kind of bothers me when i hear these stories where does it end? are we going to ban trick or treating because someone on the street doesn't like trick or treating? >> if you don't want to do it, you shouldn't be forced to do it. there is a lot of joy, magic creativity. it's one time they get to do something outside of the normal. and that's what we need to encourage. jason: it was fun and creative. you got to come up with a design or costume or something you wanted to be. let's be honest, when you rolled down the street, if the house was dark, you didn't go to that one. they probably don't do halloween. they are not turning the lights on for reason. don't go knock on the door. >> i didn't think about that. fun and creative. that's the natural habitat of children to be fun and creative. we are taking that away from our kids now adays. halloween goes. jason: the girl what is they think of for halloween they start thinking a month ahead. abby: have you three girls. i don't know how do you that it's incredible. i do wonder if he would getting to a place where we stop celebrating holidays all together? >> there might be one or two or three people that don't celebrate that it's not fair to the rest. >> it's important to think about if you don't really like it, it's okay. you are not going to always like everything. maybe you participate anyway or you sit back and let others have the stage. but that's an important lesson to teach our kids. jason: got to stop removing things that one or two people don't agree with or enjoy. >> preach tolerance. abby: survey says parents should make their kids earn their allowance by doing chores. experts are saying the opposite. i would love all three of your advice on when do you pay your kids? like, tom, you were saying no, my kids just did chores. >> chores are you know, that's how kids learn how to be responsible in life. they should be contributing. they are part of the family. why should i do it? i'm part of the family, too. i'm out there working all day. you are going to clean up your own dishes and help take out the garbage and stuff. the story is a little convoluted in the sense where, all right. i'm going to give you $5 if you go take out the garbage, no, no. abby: teaches you unless you get paid to do it you are not going to do anything. >> we don't want to teach that. at some point it's around more like 8 or 9 you want to start to give them money to sort of teach them the value. they really don't understanding it before that they will know that it's money. but they don't have the ability to think past -- they are only in concrete term. so they don't get what that money means. so, it's -- you want to wait until they are old enough that you can understand you buy this, think about do you want that or do you need that? and there is a difference. you start to balance it that way. abby: what do you with three girls? >> i do everything. i want it done right. i'm frustrated when they make a mess. i struggle with this one. i really do like with chores and responsibilities. they have their things they have to do but for the most part i'm not very good at that. abby: a little bit of both, actually. >> you want to teach them as they get older this is how much you have and this is when it ends. i think one of them thinks that uber is like a free thing out there. you want to teach them. jason: the allowance is differently. basically, this here are the chores, if you don't do them, then you are not getting your allowance. >> good luck digesting all of that. jason: steve bannon unleading on former president george w. bush overnight. when he says it was the most destructive presidency ever. abby: hillary clinton finally owning up about that controversial uranium deal with russia. now she is blaming fox news. dan bongino says hillary was a fraud. is he fired up about this one. is he joining us next. ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7, and you don't have to see or handle a needle. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. and fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. at optum, we're partnering across the health system to tackle its biggest challenges. ♪ rock the boat ♪ ♪ oh, yeah pete: our next guest will never rock the boat, ever. he just is quiet, keeps to himself, doesn't really have any opinions. i think you know who i'm talking about former secret service agent and officer author of protecting the president, a new book coming out. dan bongino. thanks for coming on this morning. we appreciate it. abby: hi, dan. >> let the shredding shredding . let's have it. pete: have you seen it the the media in full attack mode against gold star far and general and chief of staff john kelly. give you a sense what what we're talking about. "the washington post" is demanding the white house chief of staff john kelly, they think he owes the congresswoman fredericka wilson an apology and he got it all wrong. that he did not say -- that she did not say she got money for the building she was generous and grateful and shared credit how the building was fast tracked. he needs to set the record straight. that was just one. we could go with the "new york times" and any other publications as well. what do you make of how they are attacking him right now. >> before we get to. how it is talking to jason sehorn. good catch. i grew up watching him with the giants. now to shred these idiots with the media. one, they can plant their collective lips on america's collective butt. no one is going to apologize because "the washington post" and the "new york times." the kings and queens of fake news in any way suggest apologize. apologize for what? we have a hack congresswoman down in florida who thought for the purposes of political leverage she was going to manipulate the american public in believing a condolence call from president trump that he didn't have to do, pete, now you served. you have lost friends. you know exactly what these calls mean to people. a call he did not have to make. i was a secret service agent in the white house when some of these letters were written and some of this stuff was done. and you leverage it and then you for political game and even worse, guys, then she turns around after john kelly gives an absolutely heart breaking speech where everyone in america was listening their jaws drop. and she suggests he is a racist? folks, we have to apologize according to the clowns at "the washington post"? you can kiss our butts. that is not going to happen. and i encourage president trump to give them the big double-barrell middle finger and stand back up and say no, no, no, you don't speak for america. you speak for the looney radical cookie left who has called everybody in america racist for three decades. that's why have you no seats left in congress or the senate. have you been wiped out everywhere. abby: are you awake, jason? jason: holds up military as elite class. how this elite class? new yorker kelly in defending trump like why is this a problem? why is kelly defending him a problem? >> what i find fascinating about that jason, why is the military an elite class? like the "new york times" has a tough time, gee, i don't know, the fact that for $18,000 a year a 19-year-old with a year of training will go into a foreign combat zone and stick his life in front of a bullet to preserve american freedom? jason: elite class. >> stunning. that the "new york times" has a tough time figuring out why we venerate our military people goes to show you the bubble that these people live in. just one more thing on this too, by the way. fredericka wilson with this racist thing, with every reaction there is always going to be a counter reaction. when are they going to get this strategy of calling everybody you disagree with a racist is not going to work? you have been wiped out everywhere. wake up. pete: they don't have anywhere else to go. what else do they stand for? abby: here is the new yorker headline we can read these all day long. john kelly and language of the military coup. >> what the military would look like if the military planned a coup. >> there is no plan b. this has rerunted in their faces. whether you love or hate donald trump is he a genius at making the left show its butt by the left i mean the media. it means the same thing. he did it with the nfl. with this i don't believe he even intended on this one. he was making condolence calls. i don't think he expected this to become a political matter. look, now again he has forced this counter reaction where the "new york times" and left is actually arguing that, you know, there is a military coup going on. there is some kind of -- you know, the military, we shouldn't put them on a pedestal. again, folk he is this is your liberal class. this is why people are running from these people. they are nuts. abby: dan, so moving forward, what should the white house do? you already have general kelly come out and as you said gave about the emost emotional plea to the american people and to the media to stop all of this and to take a look at the bigger picture and to be reminded of the sanctitiy of what our men and women do when they their life for us. now what do they do? >> abby, at this point, i this the best thing to do is to do nothing. the kelly speech was just sealed. this this was a slam dunk of a speech by heroic gold star father. there is nothing left to say. everything now is chatter by the far left that exjust exposes them for the fools they are. let them keep talking. it's the chatter class. they have nothing of substance to say. pete: speaking of chattering from the left. hillary clinton on her never ending what happened book tour gave an interview and talking about russia and the media has been yelling for that for the last year. if you look at uranium deal and ties to the clint foundation the so-called mainstream media take a listen. >> i would say it's the same bologna they have been pedaling for years. there has been no credible evidence by anyone. in fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. here is what they are doing and really i have to give them credit. trump and his allies, including fox news, are really experts at distraction and diversification. so the closer the investigation about real russian ties between trump associates and real russians as we heard jeff sessions finally admit to in his testimony the other day, the more they want to just throw mud on the wall and i'm their favorite target. president obama, we are the ones they always like to put into the crosshairs. so, yes, i'm not surprised but i think the real story is how nervous they are about these continuing investigations. pete: cutting a crony deal to give away u.s. uranium is fox news' problem? >> guys, i worked with hillary. i don't do this often. and i mean it for a reason. and i think people need to know she is a phony, a fake. she is a fraud. i have seen her in the course of seconds tell two separate people two completely separate things. she is a creature of politics, nothing more. she has no moral compass whatsoever. she is obsessed with the acquisition of power. and what i find nearly comical about that sound, that you just played over there, hillary clinton on one hand is claiming that $100,000 in facebook ads and a 20 minute meeting that the trump kids wanted to get out of with a russian lawyer that they thought was about adoption changed the entire course of american history. but, let's get this straight. what, millions of dollars in speaking fees given to your foundation and meetings that your husband may have had with higher up russian officials had nothing to do with it. is this woman serious? is she not embarrassed? and the answer is no. because she is a liar and she has this antisocial permanent where she just doesn't care. she sees no consequence to her actions. although cares about is saving her patterned image right now. it's disgusting to watch. pete: jason, now you can see why we call him low energy dan. >> i needed my coffee this morning. abby: dan bongino. good to have you with us. >> good to see you. you have got it. pete: still ahead, another horror story at the v.a. a vietnam veteran dies waiting for healthcare and a nurse's aide was too busy playing video games to notice. how could this happen? abby: you know and love him in growing pains. i grew up watching him. kurt cammeron putting a spotlight on something is he passionate about his faith. i cannot wait. here he is. hey, kurt. kirk. i'll have the langoustine lobster ravioli. for you, sir? the original call was for langoustine ravioli. a langoustine is a tiny kind of lobster. a slight shellfish allergy rules that out, plus my wife ordered the langoustine. i will have chicken tenders and tater tots. if you're a ref, you way over-explain things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. sir, we don't have tater tots. it's what you do. i will have nachos! abby: back with headlines for you. countries around the world are now warning their citizens to think twice before traveling to the u.s. just this month travel advisories were updated in canada, u.k.,new zealand and ireland over terrorism. mass shootings and natural disasters in response to recent incidents happening on u.s. soil. this despite data from the cato institute country proven to be safer than it's ever been in recent years. disturbing tweet threatening president trump's life campus reform reports iowa state university group the young democratic socialists of america tweeting this, quote: comrades stay away from needle drugs. the only dope worth shooting is in the oval office right now. secret service says they are aware of that post. that is unfortunate. jason? pete: also unfortunate any tweet that starts with comrades. a 68 vietnam veteran died last year after a nurse's aide failed to monitor him because she was, quote, and she admitted, too busy playing video games. jason: here to weigh in policy directors for america dan caldwell. pete: dan, how are you doing? >> i'm great. i wish we could be talking about something different this morning. pete: vet at massachusetts center supposed to be checked on regularly. the nurse admitted she didn't check on him because she was playing video games. what is happening to this v.a. worker? >> you know, pete, i know you and everybody else at fox have been these stories for years. unfortunately not shocking to me anymore. here's the good news, under this administration and it's important to note that this occurred a year ago under the obama administration. they are now actually able to finally fire and get rid of these people because of a bill that president trump signed into law called the v.a. accountability whistle law protection act. i was honored to stand behind the president as he signed it into law. this bill greatly shortens the amount of time it takes to fire a v.a. employee instead of sometimes years. it's now going to take weeks. secretary shulkin had said they are in the process right now of firing this individual and that is the good news. things are starting to change at the v.a. there is still a lot of work to do. i think this is a real success story, this administration. we don't hear a lot about it. but i do think we need to hear more. because they are starting to do good things they v.a. pete: why has it been so difficult? i hear all these things and read comments about it. we are looking forward to working with congress. this seems like an area where there shouldn't be any red tape in fixing the issues. these people are v. gone and laid it down for our country. and they come home to these situations that aren't even in regular hospitals. this is supposed to be for them. help me understanding why this is still going on. >> well, i think that's a great question. and these are 90/10 issues. 90% of americans think it should be easy to fire bad va employees. >> 90% of americans veterans and nonveterans alike think veterans should have the ability to go in the private sector and use their v.a. benefits if they aren't getting good care at a v.a. hospital like this veteran was. here in washington, d.c., you have a lot of special interests that benefit from the status quo at the v.a. groups like the federal employees union, the american federation for government employees that just want more money going in the v.a. system so they can get more employees and more deuce payin dues paying me. they spend a lot of money on elections. they support a lot of politicians. mainly democrats but even some republicans. they go to them and say you have to block v.a. reforms. you have to keep the status quo to protect our members. pete: dan, briefly. we don't have much time. the next is giving veterans a choice when you which you alluded to. where is congress on getting a real bill passed oso a veteran can take their money and go to the private sector? >> they are working on bills right now. they have a couple drafts. there there are positive reforms. they still need to make improvements. they have to give vets real choice not fake choice. because they chose to serve they're their country. pete: have to ask permission to go outside as opposed to making that decision yourself if you are a veteran. >> that's the best way to sum it up. the veteran should have the choice not the v.a. bureaucrat. pete: dan caldwell, thank you for your time. >> thank you. steve bannon says republicans deserve to be run out of office if they cannot get tax reform done. dr. sebastian gorka here to react next hour. jason: plus kirk cammeron has a brand new project that will inspire you this morning. he joins us next. ♪ today, the new new york is ready for take-off. we're invested in creating the world's first state-of-the-art drone testing facility in central new york and the mohawk valley, which marks the start of our nation's first 50-mile unmanned flight corridor. and allows us to attract the world's top drone talent. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit to grow your business with us in new york state, for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. honey, do we have like a super creamy cheese with taco spice already in it? oh, thanks. bon appe-cheese! okay... producer kirk cammeron joins us now. welcome. >> great to see you. abby: we all grew up watching you. >> i'm 46. >> 1971. >> '71. abby: talk to us about this event. this has happened before. this is the second time going on. talk to us about the importance of it. >> yeah. i have got six kids. my wife and i wake up every morning with our kids saying dad, did you hear what happened last night? did you see the news? look what somebody said. we all love to talk about important issues. but right now we seem to be so divided over race, religion, politics, money, gender. what else do we have left to divide us? and i've decided to bring together thousands of people, last year 150,000 for an event of hope, of courage, and unity. and bringing some of my most brilliant friends that can give us ways to practically bring about loving, respectful conversations. we're going to pray together in 800 movie theaters across the nation on one night. we're going to sing together. and we're going to talk about how we bring real unity to this country. pause we need it right now. pete: it's called revive us 2. last year before the election it was first revive us event. it's going to be brought from a pretty cool spot. >> museum to the bible. it's in washington, d.c. we are going to be there before it opens to give people not only a sneak peek of that location, but also broadcast this message of hope, of courage, and unity from their world stage theater. jason: when you think about the division we have in our country is the message to bring people together or talk about being on the same page? you have to have a message that you are trying to get accomplished. one talking point that you want everybody in those theaters to walk away with? >> you are absolutely right. we see even on your show and other shows we so try to find some sort of common ground with people. often it's that lowest common denominator. okay. you are a human. can we start there? because we can't start with liberal or conservative often these unions end up being a catfight. the lowest common denominator is not going to work. it's the highest common denominator we need to look to. it's faith in god. the one ha who made you or me. not republican or democrat or white or black. is there a higher perspective that will help us? because we are just getting into a fight. jason: talk about some of the people coming to speak. >> robby zacarias, dr. ben carson. johnny erickson tata. filmmakers who made fireproof and war room there are going to be surprise musicians there. zach williams is going to be leading the night in worship. it will be interactive time where people type in questions on facebook. we have a panel answering specific questions about economics and poverty. about religion. about politics. abby: just a reminder that we are all in this together. >> we are. abby: so good to have you here. pete: and of course kirk will be there as well. revive stick to the channel we have a lot more coming up including sebastian gorka and the man who killed usama bin laden rob o'neill coming up. go your own way♪ once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪go your own way get your first prescription free at ♪ ♪ you nervous? 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why do we go there? how did that get interjected in this conversation? honestly, from the outside view. why are we talking about racism because a president called a family of a fallen soldier? how did this become a racist conversation? pete: because the resist amusement has only a few talking points one of them includes white supremacists and racism. look at the pictures. it's a white male general and black female congresswoman so it's got to be about race, right? that's the way they think unfortunately. adam kinzinger made a great statement about this congresswoman. when she first came to the house she was mad there is no hats policy on the house floor she wears those counsel hats. she said because it was sexist that she couldn't wear a hat? how many counsels from texas for the last 200 years have wanted to wear a counsel hat on the house floor called it sexism. if you play identity politics. then you first look through a gender or racial lens before you actually have a conversation about, you know what? maybe it should have been a private conversation about a president fallen soldier and left it there. >> not maybe, no, it shut should have been. i have been told as a kid it's a sign respect to take your hat off when you walk in a home, period. abby: that's what general kelly was trying to get at when he came out and spoke to the press on friday afternoon. he was trying to end this. he was trying to let everybody know what happened behind closed doors there as he said he was there during the call and heard what happened. also remind us what it's like to be a gold star family because he was one. he is one. his son died in afghanistan serving in country. so sitting there listening to him i got emotional. i have two brothers in the navy that are about to begin their time overseas serving. so this is real for so many people. and my favorite part of that whole press conference at the end was i will take a few questions only if you know a gold star mother or gold star family. i was shocked how few people could raise their hand. pete: let me live in my liberal bubble where i don't know. abby: the idea he was getting at. if you know a gold star mom or know a family, you approach this conversation completely differently. jason: the fact that he had to get up and give that speech in the first place is what's wrong with this whole situation. that's the issue at hand for me. he actually had to address the conversation between the president and this family on what happened. pete: he is being attacked by fredericka wilson to your point. he stands up in his defense which was very powerful. talks about fbi swearing in facility for a new ceremony naming it after two fallen fbi officers. he was at that he talked about how he saw fredericka wilson go to the podium and make a speech about her. said it was bund b. funding. >> naming rights. pete: from where i sat it felt like she was grandstanding and making it all about her. abby: patting herself on the back. we watched the whole speech. the pesky thing is that there is tape out there. part of what we found is she actually said something that sounds a lot like what john kelly and president trump have said. take a livable to her. >> most men and women in law enforcement lee their homes from work knowing that there is a possibility they may not return. pete: most men and women in law enforcement leave their homes knowing there is a possibility they may not return. does that sound a little bit like they know weigh that signed up for? jason: all of them do. i still go back to the reason i felt it was said for the first place was for the american public to understand that these men and women understand that they are putting themselves into when they sign up in the first place. that's all. that's not disrespect. abby: that is what makes them. jason: heroes, selfless. abby: how that is the very best of who we are and how this country should be represented. they make that decision before they decide to serve. they say i'm willing to make the sacrifice. if i lose my life. i know that it was worth it because i was fighting for something better than myself. i was fighting for everybody else. pete: i wear this bracelet every single day in honor of christopher horton given to my by a gold star wife. proud of what he did. he was a sniper in the oklahoma national guard. he signed up knowing he would not only go into combat but behind enemy lines to put his rife life at risk. when he gave his life he gave it for his country. i get chills knowing what these gold star wives go through. this president has reverence for that and so does john kelly. abby: do you think this president made this call wanting to hurt someone's feelings? that's what this ultimately comes down to. you can criticize the president on a number of things. when it comes to our military and being passionate about that i think we could all say he has been pretty genuine from day one the fact that he cares about our military. making that call. he may not word everything perfectly, but it was definitely coming with the right intention. scras jays i would like to say this her saying it and him saying it shouldn't be a conversation about either one of them saying it. because it's fact. her saying it or him saying it. i'm not criticizing her for saying it and him for saying it either. that video points out the fact that one person did it, no big deal. another person does it, awe. that's the part i don't understand. pete: okay for her to interpret the phone call but not okay for john kelly to interpret her speech a certain way like she was grandstanding. as she often does sarah huckabee sanders had a great way of summing up all of this. a lot of it come down to john kelly calling her a empty barrel. she says it's a racist term. abby: means you are not backing it up with much. loudest person in the room. jason: empty barrel if you roll it down the street is very loud because there is nothing in it that's all is he saying. nothing of substance here. just a bunch of noise, period. pete: if you want further translation here is sarah huckabee sanders. >> as general kelly pointed out, if you are able to make a sacred act like honoring american heroes all about yourself, you are an empty barrel. if you don't understand that reference. i will put it a little more simply as we say in the south. all hat, no cattle. pete: a swipe there. abby: she is her father's daughter. we have mike huckabee on the show all the time. he has one of the best senses of humor of anybody we have on. pete: white house has now passed a budget and moving on to tax reform there are really big issues in this country we talk about every day. political distractions, calling people racist. you are forced to defend yourself. if you are called a racist, you have to defend yourself. even if the accusations are totally base -- abby: we asked dan bongino this. what do you do now? they don't please anybody. still the media is attacking them. leave it where it is. general john kelly the way he handled this press conference it was absolute mike drop. at this point in the white house have you got to move on and focus on things like tax reform and other things. pete: turn on any of the other fake news networks you will see this conversation going on and on and on because they will use every scrap they can to discredit and distract this white house. keep that in mind when you watching the news. like you have to watch cnn in the airport keep in mind. ainsley: abby: i think the other people are spartan smarter than that a man goes with a knife on a stabbing rampage injuring four people. police in germany arresting a suspect working to determine if he was the attacker. six people attacked in downtown munich. four of them wounded. two of them escaping. none of the victims have life threatening injuries. that motive still remains unclear. and the federal appeals court blocks an illegal immigrant teen from getting an abortion for now. u.s. court of appeals in d.c. giving the 17-year-old who is 15 weeks pregnant more time to find a way to get the procedure. government has october 31s to release the teen into the custody of an approved sponsor who could help her go through with that abortion. if that does not happen, the case goes back to a lower court judge. and another singer kneeling while performing the national anthem at this time at the brooklyn mets game last night. the crowd responding with mixed reactions to justine skye. i had to take a knee for the opening game in my city and let my voice be heard. we will not be silenced. #black lives matter. but it was a different tune at the new jersey devil's hockey game. fans rescuing a young girl who forgot the lyrics to the anthem. watch this. ♪s who broad stripes and bright stars [crowd singing] through the perilous fight ♪ for the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gal langtly streaming abby: i love that amazing show of patriotism there as the crowd joins in singing in unison. gray you up singing the national anthem that's the biggest fear. i'm sure it happens many times. >> still ahead steve bannon is warning republicans the time to get tax reform done is now. >> if we do not unite and unite not in campaign but in governing, we're going to be run out of office. jason: dr. sebastian gorka is live to react next. and the fbi once called her extremely careless. but now hillary clinton is being called wonder woman. [laughter] pete: i got to see this one. ♪ i'm every woman ♪ ♪ hungry eyes ♪ one look at you and i can't disguise ♪ ♪ i've got hungry eyes ♪ applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. applebee's 2 for $20. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. ♪ >> if we do not unite and unite not in campaign but in governing and understand we're going to have to put certain differences aside to get things done, we're going to be run out of office. and do you know what? we deserve to be run out of office. abby: that was former white house chief strategist steve bannon emphasizing his war on the g.o.p. and the importance for congress to finish tax reform. pete: some saying this type of strategy could do more harm than good. here to weigh in is former trump deputy assistant dr. sebastian gorka. doctor, thanks for being here this morning. so, steve bannon and others argue hey, if the republicans can't get this done, if they can't just not campaign but actually govern, they don't deserve to be in washington and a lot of republicans are working against this president. >doctor, what do you think? >> look, i know both of these guys. steve bannon and newt gingrich literally the two smartest political strategic minds in d.c. it goes without saying. but, one of them is an outsider, that's steve who got the outsider candidate into the white house, turned his campaign around. and the other one is the former speaker of the house. he is an establishment figure. so, newt knows a lot of people who are the key members of the swamp. they're personal friends of his. so i'm not surprised that he has made this statement. but at the end of the day, peter, you have to look at the last nine months. what has the g.o.p. done for the president? see have gotten enough confirmed to the supreme neil gorsuch to the supreme court. they have been complicit in doing absolutely nothing. look at obamacare. i understand the concerns. we can't back rebel candidates who don't have a chance of winning. but right now the g.o.p. establishment has betrayed their oath of office. and it's time to rattle their cages. abby: let's give people a sense of what you are referring to. newt gingrich on his concerns about this strategy. take a listen. >> i think it is exactly the wrong strategy. i think you will notice in the president spoke, who did the president say are the problem? the democrats. the fact is the 48 democrats consistently vote no. there are 10 democrats up for election next year in states that president trump carried. six of them are states he carried by big margins. if steve bannon would focus his energy and his drive and his fundraising on beating those six democrats, we would get virtually everything through the senate. abby: what do you make of that, dr. gorka? some people, i think democrats would say hey, this is great for us. this only strengths our party and allows us to be more successful in the elections if we have a republican party that's more divided. >> the conservative establishment has dropped the ball. since reagan left office, they have become business as usual politicians. look at mitch mcconnell. look at paul ryan. they tell us for 8 years we're going to repeal obamacare. we are going to replace it. when the president comes in to office, he is doing amazing things. whether it's with national security, the economy breaking, all kinds of records. and he says to the g.o.p. establishment, okay, guys, i got this stuff. will you do the obamacare thing have you been promising about? what do they do? complete failure. that's why people such as senator corker understand their time is numbered. their establishment interests have been challenged by the make america great again movement. that's why i joined the maga coalition to push this movement of november 9th ultimate victory on all issues, not just swamp interests. swamp interests we have had enough. abby: get out the popcorn. going to be a lot to learn. pete: a litmus test on allot. >> it will be exciting. pete: thank you very much. the man who killed usama bin laden rob o'neill about join us live. abby: larry gatlin taking the stage for concert to help the hurricane victims. here live next ♪ that's what i do for a living. ♪ bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels, and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. will people know it means they'll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom! book now at you won' if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. 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[laughter] pete: larry, you are a good sport. thanks for giving us three of your 60 minutes today. we appreciate it someone else who has done a lot of speaking in defense at least from his perspective. defense of the president john kelly, he took to the podium to defend the conversation that was had between the president and a gold grieving gold star wife. take a listen to what john kelly had to say and we want to get your reaction. >> when i was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country. women were sacred. looked upon with great honor. that's obviously not the case anymore as we see from recent cases. life, the dignity of life was sacred. that's gone. religion, that seems to be gone as well. gold star families. i think that left in the convention over the summer. but i just thought the self lfs devotion that brings a man or a woman to die on the battle field, i just thought that that might be sacred. so, i still hope as you write your stories and i appeal to america that let's not let this maybe last thing that is held sacred in our society, a young man, young woman going out and giving his or her life for our country, let's try to somehow keep that sacred. but, it eroded a great deal yesterday by the selfish behavior of a member of congress. jason: so, larry, you heard those comments. when you think about it, when you talk about what's sacred. do you see that as the foundation of this country being eroded? >> well, one of my very favorite word smiths and one of my very favorite people peggy noon none said those who do not read deeply will not think deeply. well, i read deeply. dr. allen bloom said there will come a time in america when nothing is sacred. it's all relative. there is no good or bad. it will only be looked through the prism of what is politically expedient. i believe that has happened. so he mentioned the bible and religion and history. so, i read deeply. here is one of my favorites. from the girl scout handbook. a girl scout's honor is to be trusted honor. when is the last time the word honor was used in the same con dex with politician or whatever. sometimes my dear friend president trump says things that might be a little i will eloquent or inelegant. but a man of honor he is i will defend him when i agree with his policies. when i don't, i won't try to defend the indefense sin. general kellindefensible. general kelly is a man of honor. he spoke there yesterday. he spoke about this situation. they knew what president trump meant. they took it and twisted it to their own ends. it's like asking a question are you still a member of the communist party or do you still beat your wife? so, the way they framed the question. there is no honor in that thank god for an honorable american, general kelly who explained it. god bless him and those who wear the uniform and their families. and if elected i will serve. abby: larry gatlin, so well said. you are a man of honor as well. please go rest your voice. we really appreciate you taking three minutes out of your day to be with us. >> god bless you all. god bless fox. god bless america, bye. pete: folks can go to about more information about tonight's event that he and five former presidents will be at. abby: is he a funny guy. u.s. navy seal rob o'neill is with us. pete: you knew it was coming. just moments ago the president of the united states on twitter gave his newest critic the congresswoman in the counsel hat cowboyhat a nickname. you are going to want to hear it. s success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... 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if you want to google jason sehorn highlights. we can't show that video on the program. amazing interception tips it to himself falls over and catches it for a touchdown. jason: good times in there. pete: toughest opponent, individual. jason: teams were more difficult. teams and concepts. cowboys of the early 90's aikman and smith and two or three in the hall of fame. pretty awesome. abby: we can sit here and talk. so many questions. we want to get your thoughts on this. new study out that says being an athlete or a rock star is not number one for a child to aspire to. take a listen to this. only 2% as part of this survey say that they want to be an athlete. 2%. 12% want to be actors, will% teachers, 12% now say they want to be a business leader. this seems like the opposite of the way it used to be. jason: i think when you look at this what i like about this top one there, business leaders, teachers, can you study hard, work hard and become that. like that's attainable. abby: for jason sehorn's figure. jason: the other ones, athletic ability, you are born with it. like, i'm not going to discredit anybody who works hard, but there aren't overachievers playing in the nba, playing in the nfl. playing in major league baseball. can you overachieve and get yourself a scholarship. but be a professional, it's a genetic thing. either gifted with genes that made you big and fast and strong and you worked hard to get there. i couldn't do it without whatever i was given. pete: if you are a kid i want to be jason sehorn or be a rock star. isn't that still where your mind goes. like okay i want to be a business leader. >> it's completely obtainable. pete: do you think so? >> i think. so do i know? no. they realize i can be this. i want to be an athlete but i know for fact if i work hard and go to school and getten an education i can be a business leader and teacher without a doubt. abby: that's a great point. this could be a good sign for this next generation. jason: here is hoping. abby: that they want to be a business leader and teacher and know they can do if they work hard and go to school and figure out the right way to do it and have a real impact on society. a lot of people aspire to be athletes. at some point you wake up and i don't have the skill set to keep going. it took you four years at princeton. pete: sitting on the bench to realize i wasn't called to be an athlete. i was short and slow and playing the wrong sport. maybe it's also they want to be president of the united states. we have a businessman who is president. if you want to be president. go into business make a lot of money, have your own show and then who knows? abby: or they want to be a weather man. rick, i would think that more than 12% would want to be you. rick: maybe not me but a weather man. when i was little i wanted to be a weather man. so i'm living my dream which is a great thing. new study about what kids want to be when they grow up. what do you think? >> ahhhhhh. >> no? >> no. >> i'm going to give you 45 seconds to think about it, okay? i'm going to do the weather and we will come back and find your answer. let's find some weather. we have got some storms right across the central part of the country later on this afternoon they are going to blow up and i think we could be looking at a few tornadoes. certainly some very large hail. it's going to get started right around 4:00 to 5:00 right in the central plains. that will then consolidate into a big line of storms throughout the overnight hours moves all across this area of the central plains and brings some hail and some flooding. our biggest tornado threat a little bit earlier in the earlier afternoon. we will watch very closely for that behind that much colder air comes. in all right. have you had 45 seconds. did you figure it out? >> no. rick: that's not uncommon. it takes some people a long time to figure out what they want to be. jason: sometimes not until sophomore or junior year. we will be here to help you out. plus your dad there. pete: he is okay. plenty of time read into the survey. they quizzed folks from the age of 16 to 22. abby: rick, they're not children. that makes a lot more sense. because when you are 16 or 22 you realize you are maybe not going to make it to the nfl. rick: maybe we just started this kid's life off. give him a head start start thinking about these things early on. abby: love it thank you so much, rick. headlines we are following. a fox news alert. police are now on a frantic manhunt to say someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days. all of them alone at the time. investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving the murders. the person as you can see there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. that is so freaky and horrible. and the firm behind the unsubstantiated trump dossier is fighting to block a congressional subpoena for its banking records. lawyers for fusion g.p.s. now asking a judge approve an injunction td bank records from house intel committee. those records could tell who paid for the hit piece on then candidate donald trump. alec boyd joined us earlier on the show on his take on fusion g.p.s. take a listen. >> they pedal propaganda. peddle fake information. when they don't find -- because they call themselves opposition research firm. what they don't find facts that will cast in a negative light the topic of their research, they just invent them. they just make them up. abby: earlier this week g.p.s. representatives took the fifth on capitol hill. keep a close eye on that story. the fbi once called her extremely careless. now hillary clinton is being called wonder woman. clinton set to receive the first wonder woman award next week. the woman's media center co-founded by gloria stein ma'am says clinton inspires and protects people arranged the world with her action saying quote, her grace, grit, determination, integrity, humor and fortitude makes her worthy of that award. and i'm going to pass this headline over to jason. houston astros shutting it down. forcing that final game seven tonight in the alcs. justin verlander pitched seven shutout innings help secure the win over the yankees. nothing better than a game seven. 8:08 tonight eastern time. game seven in houston. winner advancing the world series to face who? the nl champion los angeles dodgers. my team growing up as a kid. pete: who do you have your money on tonight? jason: c.c. sabathia. investor lander went. i like the yankees. i'm here in new york. i spent a lot of time here. they are a second team for me. i'm a casual guy. my team is dodgers. i'm not leaving them just because i came to new york. steve. pete: they are in the world soar reiss. hillary clinton breaking silence about controversial uranium deal with russia. >> it's the same bologna they have been peddling for years. trump and his allies, including fox news, are really experts at distraction and diversification. pete: add fox news to the blame list. plus, the man who killed bin laden rob o'neil is here live. abby: come on, in rob. ♪ all over the world ♪ everybody got the word ♪ baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced. and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. visit and see how easy it is to switch and save on renters insurance. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." just like the set got more athletic when rob o'neill got here. fox news contributor and author of. rob o'neill. abby: i'm safest of all time between the three of you. pete: exchanges between congresswoman and john kelly and the president. there was an article that caught our eye that takes it to a whole another level. >> i saw that too. pete: headline of new yorker. john kelly and the language of the military coup. it says consider this nightmare scenario, a military coup. you don't have to strain your imagination at all as you -- all you have to watch is thursday's white house press briefing in which the chief of staff john kelly defended president trump's phone call to a military widow mrs. johnson. the press briefing could serve as a preview of what a military coup in this country would look like for it was the logic of such a coup that kelly advanced his core argument. what are they talking about? >> they are just making stuff up. this is the typical maneuver that the mainstream media likes to do. when you lose an argument you start name-calling. that's all it is. look at some of the interactions between the chief of staff and the congresswoman. now she is calling him racist because you lose the argument, call them misoggist. whatever i get called a misoggist i have won the argument. nothing else. military coup they are trying to say because president trump was smart enough to put these generals in places they will slowly take over and put words in his mouth. look, they are not putting words in the president's mouth. can you see that on his twitter feed. they are giving him very, very good advice. what did it take a couple months to crush isis? that's because of secretary mattis. put him in charge of people marine corps, i have always said that the marines are problem solvers and the chief of staff came out the other day and he gave a speech and it's a mike drop. this is it. that's where it needs to be. i feel horrible. i blown the gold star families they don't need to be going through. this the congresswoman was there for this reason to be there and twist it into something it's not. that's what they are trying to do. do anything they can to make sure president trump doesn't do anything right. >> do you think it's fair for the media to want to know more about what happened? you talked about gold star mothers and families who lost the person they love the most because of this. it seems like there is a little bit of a lack of understanding as to why they were there. many people didn't know that they were there to begin with. why did they not have more protection during this mission? do you feel like you need more questions answered? >> as far as the mission in niger, no, we have people doing this stuff all over the place. green berets do that. that's what they do. they go places and they build bridges. they get to know the locals. they're aware that there is bad guys in there. isis is spreading. the ideology is spreading. it's all over africa. we know that. they weren't there necessarily doing like point targets or stuff we don't know about. they are trying to build the community so that we can be a better place. that's what green berets do a lot of. i think what the media is doing right now is talking to gold star families not because they care about the military members. they want to just stain the administration. that's all they are doing. they did that thing the other day hey call us and tell us if you have had a call from the president. companies completely anonymous. it's nonsense, if it's bad, especially bad against president trump. they won't say a word against president obama. they shouldn't. it shouldn't matter what they say when they talk to. they whatever the president says, is he not going to heal. i have never lost a family member. but i have lost very, very close friends. i can't imagine what it's like. jason: quick question for you then. as the 34eur89 hears that the four or five days from this moment has all about been b. comments this young man lost his life fighting for us. the narrative is now how it was handled and what he said. how concerning is that for you guys? >> i bet these sergeants who lost their lives would be sick at what's happening right now with their names. look at them for their heroics, the mission, what they are doing. honor them and let the families grieve. pete: well said. rob, good to have you here this morning. you knew it was coming moments ago the president of the united states gave his newest critic the congresswoman in the counsel coa nickname. jason: next guest says times for players kneeling during the anthem something else. it's not just a donation. it's a warm blanket. it's a bottle of clean water. it's a roof and a bed. it's knowing someone cares. it's feeling safe. it's a today that's better than yesterday. every dollar you can spare helps so much more than you can imagine. please donate now to help people affected by hurricane harvey. your help is urgently needed. >> i would say it's the same bologna they have been pedaling for years. there has been no credible evidence by anyone. in fact, it's been debunked repeatedly and will continue to be debunked. here is what they are doing and really i have to give them credit. trump and his allies including fox news are really experts at distraction and diversification. so -- abby: pete, i blame you. pete: thank you for the compliment, hillary clinton. bologna peddling is what she talks about. this is in reference to questions she has been asked during her book tour about this uranium deal that happened while she was secretary of state where the russian owned entities got 20% of our uranium supply as there were speeches and other things going on with the clinton foundation. murky waters of money passing different ways. the fbi is looking into some of those things and questions being asked. especially as the left and their enabling media accuse this president of russian collusion ever since inauguration. we had dan bongino on the program who knows a lot about things like this. he had a pretty strong take. take a listen. >> hillary clinton on one hand is claiming that $100,000 in facebook ads and a 20 minute meeting that the trump kids wanted to get out with the russian lawyer that they thought was about adoption changed the entire course of american history. let's get this straight. what, millions of dollars in speaking fees. given to your foundation and meetings that your husband may have had with high-up russian officials had nothing to do with it. is this woman serious? she just doesn't care. she sees no consequence to her action. although cares about is saving her patterned image right now. it's disgusting to watch. abby: he his cup of coffee this morning. jason: zero opinion. abby: it does lead to are we focusing on all the right things. if we are going to pay attention to president trump and collusion with russia that investigation is going on. pete: still no evidence. abby: also we should be focused on other things that have happened in the past. pete: absolutely. abby: and why they haven't happened. there hasn't been nearly the focus. that should be fair game. jason: the trays where there is smoke there is fire holds true in both of thiessen narrows, all right, there is some poke. go and investigate make thiewr there is no fire. same thing with hillary clinton. there is smoke here. go investigate. make sure there is no fire. if it's out, put it out and move on. like the russians put it out and move on. why are we still a year later still discussing this? we have pretty intelligent people they either can or can't find information. one or the other to. drag this on is like come o on. abby: to blame fox news is a distraction. pete: do you know why she blames fox news it's the only channel that has cuferred covered it if you look at the coverage of this uranium deal almost for the past year. if you don't watch fox, you don't know about it she turns into conspiracy theory as opposed to the one place talk about something where there is smoke maybe there is fire. geraldo rivera joins us next with a big update on what the president will do with those jfk files. abby: he just tweeted about it. pete: he did. ... so tell us your big idea for getting the whole country booking on choice four words, badda book. badda boom... let it sink in. shouldn't we say we have the lowest price? nope, badda book. badda boom. have you ever stayed with choice hotels? like at a comfort inn? yep. free waffles, can't go wrong. i like it. promote that guy. get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. when you book direct at book now. >> four of these young men and women, they are the best 1% this country produces. i was stunned and broken hearted at what i saw. >> abby: the congresswoman fredr ica wilson continues to attack the white house. >> president trump: he was so offended because he was in the room when i made the call and he said to me, sir, this is not acceptable. >> pete: former attorney general loretta lynch met with lawmakers on capitol hill. >> did you direct director comey to call the clinton e-mail investigation a matter? >> for republican leaders on capitol hill it is all systems go on tax reform. >> president trump: i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. >> lowering the business tax rate to a maximum 25%. i definitely think it's a positive. >> very positive. >> what if i told you this is actually drum's tax plan not bernies? >> these are actually trump's ideas. >> wow. >> plus plus and now into left center field, throw by grigorius is all houston tonight . >> [applause] >> abby: doesn't that make you think of carving pumpkins? >> todd: not really. >> abby: we were out carving pumpkins but not just like with a knife. these are intense drills. >> pete: pumpkins and power tools. >> todd: but i could get into that because you have the ones that you buy, no, no, give me a power tool. >> abby: we'll plead the tenth later this hour, jason. >> todd: his fingers were really close like that. >> jason: geraldo should be here too. >> todd: chatting it up before we came on air. >> i hadn't seen him since he was on the field since 2003 and had a stint at espn, where they were too political for you. >> [laughter] >> geraldo: great to see you here. >> todd: do you carve your pumpkins with power tools? >> i barely use sharp knives i'm so clumsy around the house. our walkway is lined with pumpkins. >> abby: we won't have you stick around for the carving but we do want your thoughts on politics of the day and what everyone continued to talk about including the president who was up this morning and tweeting about the this congresswoman who said she listened in on the phone call of the unfortunately the fallen soldier, in niger, the call with his mother and he's tweeting in response to some things she said yesterday calling people in the white house white supremacist and racist and he says i hope the fake news media keeps talking about who he calls now wacky congresswoman wilson in that she is a representative is killing the democratic party. >> todd: this was in response to what representative wilson said at the new york times and she said the white house itself is full of white supremacists making themselves look like fools they have no credibility trying to assassinate my character and they're assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie. geraldo, you've got, you know, the president punching back as he always does when he feels like someone calling him a white supremacist. >> geraldo: i think that is slander, it's so negative and un lengthfull to the climate of the country right now to make a charge like that first of all when i was growing up a civil rights attorney fighting the good fight, the civil rights movement and then into the anti- war movement in the early 70s, racism was a term that you preserve for someone truly who was a hateful person trying to divide on racial grounds, and in the interim it just seems to me whenever there is an argument, whenever someone gets blocked or there's a person of color as i am one who gets in a jam the easiest thing to do is say the person is a racist and what's happened as a result is that racist and race itch has lost all meaning. now, what's the difference between someone in the white house and somebody carrying a ti ki torch or a kkk shrowd? withins you eliminate that distinction you have made meaningless expression it is for the intellectually lazy and it is the slander of last resort and i totally lament it. congresswoman wilson politicized something that should have been sacred. that is the original sin in this the fact she happens to be african american has nothing to do with this controversy. and to then to drag in the gold star families where we have to now live through their anguish and their pain and their suffer ing, i just think that this is absolutely deplorable. we have real issues in this country and one of the issues indeed is the divisions that exist among us. we have to start talking the language of healing and you know , abbey to your point that you made prior to the top of the hour on don't we need to know when you ask rob o'neill one of our true heros the man who killed osama bin laden and people forget, don't we need to know about what's happening in n iger? i disagree with rob to the extent we have a thousand troops deployed in niger. i didn't know we had a thousand trooped deployed. i was a senior war correspondent for over 10 years. i did not know that. i want to month what the mission is and i want to know what success in the mission is defined as. i just think that it's time now and some of the language i'm hearing out there is really seeking to bring this to shatter the unity. >> abby: part of that is the administration needs to be more transparent and you saw james mattis having conversations but also what the media decides to focus on and you think about where isis is and parts of africa and southeast asia that's not the focus right? so the american people are only getting what the media is telling them so it's really a balance of how much the media knows and how much they want to focus on certain parts of that. >> jason: i absolutely agree. president bush and president obama making statements that transparently were extremely negative about president trump. don't you wish that president obama picked up the phone and said president trump, when you do this or that or i suggest you do president bush saying to president trump can't we do this why don't we have a thing or get together or go to chicago or some place, why don't we get together on hurricane relief? i lament that even now, the past presidents are getting involved in this tacky partisan bickering >> todd: you talk earlier about the lazy journalism or speech of when they say racism instead there are some people, you know, who they just discriminate and there's a difference between the discriminate and a racist and so there was a statement made by lawrence o'donnell i believe on msnbc earlier and i want you to take a look at this and tell me what you think about these kind of things that come out in the news. >> john kelly never sat beside a student like fredrica wilson in his elementary school. the language about black people in john kelly's white neighborhood is exactly the same language about black people that was used at that time, in white communities in the segregated self. i know the neighborhood john kelly comes from. i know the culture. it was a neighborhood in which calling someone who looked like fredrica wilson an empty barrel was the kindest thing that would have been said about her. you know what wasn't sacred when he was a kid growing up where he was growing up? black women. he took time, a lot of extra time to call a black woman who he doesn't know and he doesn't like an empty barrel. >> jason: does a neighborhood make you a racist? >> geraldo: no, an empty barrel i don't know a person in this country who could twist and construe that expression to be racial. >> abby: well he did. >> geraldo: but what is he smoking dope in boston? i absolutely, i have always used the expression he's an empty suit. meaning, you see a politician up there he's got nothing going on or some other representative empty suit. had nothing to do with race. empty barrel is from shakespeare and has nothing to do with race and for him to twist this is exactly what the president means when he talks about fake media. this is precisely this is now so symptomatic of what ales us as a nation that it is so dramatic. we should teach this in journalism schools. that sound bite that you just played there, that is inciting and it is shame on him. really, i mean it's so unnecessary. >> todd: supposedly in the service of shaming others, he makes it far more, it's amazing to see what they do on that program. got to get your take on something else though talk about things we don't know about. i didn't know there was a potentially release about thousands of documents about the investigation into the jfk assassination and we've had speculation will they be released or will the president release them and minutes ago the president tweeted this and said subject to the receipt of further information, i will be allowing as president the long blocked and classified jfk files to be opened. this is something you've been looking into for a very long time. >> geraldo: i have. i was the first one one to air the assassination of john f. kennedy the young and gracious 35th president of the united states in daley plaza in dallas. >> jason: you got this ball rolling. >> abby: you're here to blame for all of the conspiracy geraldo? >> geraldo: yeah, that's me and i think we joke but the airing of the film where the president 's head appears to go back when he's hit by the slug which would indicate a shooter in the front is what fueled the conspiracy theory because lee harvey oswald was in the texas book depository when he shot him with the sniper so when the president's head goes back you say there must have been a second shooter but i applaud the president, about time i don't know why these files are still classified. i know the photos of the autopsy of the slain president are pretty gruesome and i know that was one of the reasons the sensibility of the kennedy family, but it is well pastime to release everything we have on that. the human connection which i think is non existent. lee harvey oswald and his time in moscow and the rest of it and for every generation it's a mystery that renews itself well pastime. >> abby: apparently there are over 3000 pages that have not been seen before. >> geraldo: but to pete's point , people, it's like the shooter in vegas. we don't want to believe that something so momentous, the mass murderer in vegas or the slaying of camelot essentially could be the act of a now selfish punk. >> pete: you want more reason? >> gore ailed o. you want it to be a conspiracy or aliens or communists. >> jason: you want something to hold on to. >> geraldo: you want a perpetrator who is of equal stature to the monumental nature of the crime and we refuse to believe there was lee harvey oswald never did anything right in his life. >> abby: what do you think happened geraldo? >> geraldo: i think the commissioner is almost exactly right. it was a lone assassin who did it on his own. maybe there were people along the food chain who knew or should have known as in the case in vegas, but i think ultimately as in the case in vegas it will be what we were told it is, a lo ne, evil satanic assassin. >> abby: you say put it to bed. >> pete: you started this so now the president will put it to bed >> abby: good to see you geraldo >> pete: coming up next our next guest says it's time for players who are kneeling during the anthem to take a stand for something else. >> jason: plus millennials really like president trump's tax plan so long as you tell them it was bernie sanders idea. >> gore ailed o. funny. >> taxing them less makes more sense. any way we can help small businesses work and thrive is beneficial for the country. >> all these are actually trump 's ideas, it's actually trump's plan. >> wow. to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i need to shave my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® works like my body's insulin. releases slow and steady. providing powerful a1c reduction. i'm always on call. an insulin that fits my schedule is key. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ i can take tresiba® any time of day. so if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as there's at least 8 hours between doses. once in use, it lasts 8 weeks with or without refrigeration, twice as long as the lantus® pen. 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do players even know what they're protesting any more? >> pete: two great questions our next guest says it's time for the players to take a stand for something and that is the growing epidemic of black on black crime. indiana attorney general curtis hill joins us now, curtis, thanks for being here. you know, we've heard different explanations from different players, you know we know what colin kaepernick said but other iterations about why they take a knee. you say in light of a really terrible trend in this country of black on black murdered they should be taking a stand on that >> i do and thank you for having me. when this controversy began, the concern that was voiced by nfl players was the issue of black lives being lost to police gunfire and that certainly is a critical situation that we need to address but in the course of this last season, it's questionable as to whether the protests are about police brutality, racism, or are they just upset that the president was upset with them, and i think that the concern has become muddledded. as i've looked at it i certainly first and foremost absolutely believe in the right of the nfl athletes to protest in any manner that they choose but they've chosen to protest during the national anthem and in a time when our nation is severely divided, i question whether that's the appropriate time but i don't question the right to do so, but in terms of protesting the issue of black lives lost, one of the most dramatically difficult things to fathom in this nation is the amount of life lost, black lives lost as a result of black on black violence. in the same year that we experienced about 259 police officer shootings of blacks in 2015, there were 6,000 black lives lost to murders from black people and i don't want to suggest that only black on black violence is an issue in this country. it's not. we need to see all violence but when we're talking about the issue of saving black lives that's a dramatic issue that needs to be brought to the forefront and this is an opportunity for the nfl to not just stand in silence over an issue they think is important but to rise up in unity and make sure that we're all aware of this important issue and do something about it. >> pete: you cited statistics we'll put stats up on the screen from 2014-2016 the amount of black on black crime has been rising, murders, i'm sorry black on black murders has been rising steadily, a growing problem in this country so your point is that yes we can talk about the perception of police misuse of their authority and black units but we better have an honest conversation as well about something only getting worse. >> well we have to. i was a former prosecutor for a number of years and i can tell you the vast majority of police shootings resulting in death whether black or white victim are typically determined to be justified shootings. in other words those are typically situations that involve some measure of criminal activity or violence activity. in the rare instance where a police action is unjust it tied, then we absolutely have to take action and where it's warranted police have to be held accountable and arrested and prosecuted for murder if warrant ed but in the sense of what destroying our nation and our black communities in terms of generation after generation this is a growing concern that seems to be ignored by so many people and if we look at many urban areas that have nfl franchises this would be an important area where nfl athlete s could stand up and take note. >> jason: quick question for you so not diminishing either cause, please tell me how does the narrative get changed to this which seems to be a larger issue going forward? >> well, we have a false narrative in this nation anyway that suggests that we're filling up our prisons with non-violent offenders and in reality, we have two types of offenders we send to prison, violent offender s, murders, rapers, molesters, the people that we all say you do that once and you need to go to jail and then chronic offenders. people who continually do crime after crime after crime and what we're seeing are people who continue to commit violent acts. it's important for nfl players to recognize that this is an area where they can transition into standing for something that's going to improve our communities. >> pete: curtis hill thank you very much appreciate your time sir. >> thank you. >> jason: the virginia governor 's race is tightening up and president trump's pick is now surging the polls. we'll ask them about that next. >> pete: he was fired by president trump but his former fbi director james comey coming back to try to take the president's job. you see that title down there. >> jason: i don't think so. >> ♪ you're an all-star, get your game on ♪ >> jason: quick headlines, rumors are circulating on twitter about james comey making a white house run in 2020. the former fbi director's allege ed twitter account posting this photo with a caption good to be back in iowa. a parroters back in march tied comey to a twitter act that he was secretly on social media and in 2018 senator john mccain's memoire will hit shelves and will follow senator mccain's life starting in 2008 when he lost to barack obama in the presidential election. the book's publisher hoping it will be regarded as the work of an american hero. >> pete: thank you very much. this week, former president barack obama breaking with tradition to campaign for his party after leaving the white house all for the opponent of president trump's pick for governor. >> abby: how does the president 's pick feel about that joining us the republican candidate for the virginia governor and former counselor to the president, george w. bush, ed gillespie. great to have you with us. first i want to get your thoughts in response to former president barack obama who was in your state recently campaign ing for your opponent and he said what he's really trying to deliver is fear and what he really believes is that if you scare enough voters it might score just enough votes to win an election. your response? >> well, i'm not surprised that the former president came in and used the talking points from my opponents campaign. that's what people do at political events. i'm very focused on the issues here, abbey and public safety is a concern. we have had rising gang violence in virginia and in particular in northern virginia, ms13, and my opponent and i have different policies to address that. his policies would not make the people of virginia safer and mine would and i'm going to continue to talk about the issues and i'm also talking about the need to get economic growth and job creation here in the commonwealth. our economic growth rate last year was 0.6% and under lt. governor northrop's time in office we hit the bottom 10 states in economic growth. virginia, we should be first in the nation in economic growth and i know we can be with the right policies but those are my policies. >> pete: yeah, ed you've gotten support on the other side from president trump. he tweeted this on october 14 saying the democrats in the southwest part of virginia have been abandoned by their party republican ed gillespie will never let you down. what has it meant to have the president's support and do you anticipate he will hit the trail with you here? >> let me tell you the president is exactly right about that. the fact is that ralph and the democrats as a whole in virginia have abandoned rural virginia and we need to make sure that rural virginia has opportunities just like what we call the urban crescent here and my policies will do that. my opponent again lt. governor serves on the center for rural virginia which is the commission here in virginia that is oriented toward trying to find out what can we do to expand broadband access incapable in rural virginia, create jobs there. he did not attend a single meeting of the center for rural virginia as a member of that commission during his time as lt. governor. i've got a plan to create jobs and raise take home pay and help people lift themselves out of poverty all across the commonwealth and benefit everyone and i will be a governor for all virginia so president trump highlighted something that is completely accurate here in virginia. my opponent, you no one more little thing just in terms for your viewers we have a traditional custom here the buna vista parade that's a big deal for candidates in both parties going back decades and ralph blew that off and didn't show up but the fact is he's not been showing up as lt. governor to do the job. >> pete: will president trump be on the trail with you as it comes in the home stretch? >> well, i appreciate his support very much and we don't reveal our campaign strategy to the media, but i appreciate the invitation to do so, [laughter]. >> abby: you'd welcome his visit if he were to come? >> i appreciate the president's support very much and we're all hands-on deck here, vice president mike pence was in southwest virginia just last saturday, and president former president bush as you noted was in recently so i've got governor s coming in and i'll take all the help i can get abbey. >> abby: it's neck and neck right now and the polls 48% where you are to 47% so we will be watching this race very very closely, great to have you with us good luck on the trail. >> great to be with you this morning thank you. >> pete: thank you. well hillary and bill showed up to the president's inauguration they did actually show up but it turns out they tried really hard to find every reason not to go. how hillary tried to skip the trip with no luck. >> abby: and president trump telling our maria bartiromo congress may have to work through thanksgiving, oh, no. >> pete: oh, no. >> abby: heaven forbid to veto work to get tax reform done. take a listen. >> president trump: i don't even like them leaving but i will say this. i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. >> abby: white house director of legislative affairs mark short here to react all of that coming up next. ♪ don't let me don't let me don't let me down, don't let me down, don't let me down ♪ >> president trump: well i think they should and i think they will. i think a lot of things are happening, and you know it's going to be right after that but i don't even like them leaving but i will say this. i want to get it by the end of the year but i'd be very disappointed if it took that long. it could be substantially less than that depending on what happens when we send the bill back to the house. you know they will send it back and if people have been going to make 200 suggestions as opposed to maybe no suggestions, because it's a great bill. it's going to be a great bill and we're adjusting. >> pete: those comments from president trump coming from an exclusive interview he held with our own maria bartiromo which will air in full on sunday morning futures tomorrow so stick around for that but right now we'll talk to mark short the assistant to the president of the director of the office of legislative affairs. you heard your boss saying we're going to get this done and if it means skipping a vacation we will. what's the latest about they passed the key budget measure now actually getting to tax reform? >> pete thanks for having me on. i think the process forward as we've passed it in the senate was a huge hurdle. there are obviously changes so that gets reconciled next week in the house and we expect a vote mid week and we should be moving toward markups which means we actually introduce the legislation, members of both parties and committees of jurisdiction, ways and means of the house, finance committee in the senate will have opportunities to make amendments and hopefully continue to improve the bill but as you heard the president say we're anxious to get this done before the end of the year. not because it's an artificial deadline, pete but really because we need to make sure that the tax given to the american people so we can get this economy going again. we struggled with 1.8% growth during the obama years, the worst since any president since the great depression. it's time to get americans going again with our economy bringing jobs back into america. >> jason: you talk about the economy an getting this thing done. how important is it though for this congress to get something accomplished in 2017? >> well, jason, i appreciate the question. i do think that as we look back one of the untold stories is what we've accomplished on the regular front. there's literally dozens of bills that passed that helped us rollback the regulatory burden of the obama years and we estimate it's benefiting us by roughly $18 billion a year in compliance costs. you've seen what's happened so far with the stock market and we believe much of that is attributed to the fact we've been able to pullback all of the regulatory burden on many companies in america, but you're right, jason. we're also disappointed that we haven't repealed obamacare at this point and that obviously took up much of the legislative calendar. we look forward to completing that effort in 2018 but tax reform is what we must get done between now and the end of the year. >> abby: no doubt it will have a huge impact on what happens in the midterms next year. the last time we had comprehensive tax reform was under ronald reagan and he successfully was able to bring republicans and democrats to the table. president trump wants to do the same and wants democrats to come on board. how do you see that playing out? all we're hearing is the fact they're upset his tax cuts for the rich they don't have the details yet, but do you see any democrats ultimately getting on board with this? >> abbey we certainly hope so. so just this week the president hosted a bipartisan group of senators at the white house to talk about what they want to see in the tax reform bill. as i mentioned they will all have opportunities to offer constructive amendments to help improve the bill throughout the committee process and we believe that if it's a buy bill it will be a better bill and we hope there's not political grandstand on this. we hope democrats recognize the corporate tax rate in america has fallen behind. we are no longer competitive on the international scene. as you talk about companies moving overseas, it's because corporate tax rates in ireland are below 10% yet america it's 35%. companies can't compete with that, so it's important that we do this on a bipartisan manner and we hope they will join with us. >> pete: mark as you go through the committee process a lot of the goal of the tax simply simplification of the code some talked it down to one page, can you go through the process through the swamp through the special interest and keep a tax reform bill into what it was intended to be which is a simple true reform? >> it's a great question pete and you'll know that during the campaign, the president campaign ed on this a lot to say we need to drain the swamp and simplify the tax code. i think that will be our biggest challenge in the coming weeks is that special interest will look to try to put back in the deductions we're looking to eliminate. many deductions that favor special interest that favor certain wealthy individuals who are able to take advantage of all of this. the president is trying to provide tax relief for middle income families and one of the ways of doing that is eliminating all of the deductions that usually the higher income individuals are able to take advantage of, so we hope we're able to fight off much of the special interest lobbying to put those deductions back in in the coming weeks. >> abby: quickly want your response to representative wilson who is continuing to seek out about what happened with the president's call with the gold star mother and she spoke to the new york types yesterday and now , she's saying the white house itself is full of white supremacists, she says they are making themselves look like fools they have no credibility, they're trying to assassinate my character and they're assassinating their own because everything they say is coming out and shown to be a lie and this of course comes after that emotional press briefing we saw with general john kelly earlier this week. what is your response as you see this continue to play out? >> abbey i don't think the congresswoman's remarks really dig any friday a response. i think we're incredibly blessed to work with someone like general kelly and very few people have sacrificed as much for our country has he has and i think it's really sad she has chosen to try to politicize this moment when we really should be focused on those who have sacrificed the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the freedoms we allen joy in this country so unfortunately it's a really sad chapter. we don't think her comments really dig any friday a response and i hope that they're able to cherish those who are serving our country. >> abby: well said. >> pete: rather than said no ones taken a vacation for thanksgiving is there any chance you get a thanksgiving and you might be the busiest guy to watch. >> pete look we love our jobs it's why we're here and we're not really worried about the vacation but just last week, leader mcconnell told senators they should expect to be here on weekends and fridays to complete the agenda between now and the end of the year so we're all committed to getting this done. >> pete: we'll be here on the weekends to watch them. >> abby: mark short great to have you with us. i want to bring weather headlines we're following starting with a fox news alert and police are now on a frantic manhunt as they believe someone may be terrorizing a tampa neighborhood. three people have now been shot and killed within one mile of each other in 11 days. all of them alone at the time and investigators releasing this surveillance video of a person who could be key to solving those murders. the person seen there walking alone was spotted down the street from one of those shootings. we will keep a close eye on this horrific story. also this morning, former attorney general loretta lynch meeting with congressional investigators behind closed door s that happened yesterday as part of the probe looking into russian medaling in the 2016 election is likely that she was asked behind closed doors about her infamous tarmac meeting with former president bill clinton. lynch ignored three questions from fox news on her way into capitol hill yesterday. and we now know that hillary clinton truly felt in the ways leading up to president trump's inauguration. take a listen to this. >> hillary: i really tried to get out of going. >> [laughter] >> hillary: because i was going not as the candidate or the opponent but as a former first lady. we thought okay, maybe others aren't going so we called. >> [laughter] >> abby: so patriotic and gracious well clinton saying she called the bushes and the carter s checking to see if they were going to go before deciding herself that she would attempt. >> pete: every time you're a bold leader you call everybody else to see if they are going. >> jason: you want to follow along. >> abby: well another singer kneeling while performing the national anthem this time at the brooklyn nets game last night the crowd responding with mixed reaction to taking a knee. the singer later saying on instagram, i had to take a knee for the opening game and my city and let my voice be heard. we will not be silenced, black lives matter. but it was a different tune at the new jersey devils hockey game. fans rescuing a young girl who forgot the lyrics to the anthem watch this. >> ♪ bright stars through the pe rilous flight, for the rampart s we watched were so gall antly beaming." >> abby: i love this video an amazing show of patriotism as the crowd joins in singing to help her out because nothing worse being nervous and singing the national anthem and then you hear the words. >> jason: i can't imagine. >> pete: just singing publicly in general. up next, jason will be singing it. >> jason: not bad. >> abby: let's toss it to rick richmuth. how is it feeling rick? >> rick: i just handed the mic to this girl thinking she was going to do the weather but it didn't work. i'll help her out and do it for you this time take a look at the weather map and show you what's going on we have storms across the central part of the country and loss a lot of moisture coming in across the pacific northwest rain and mountain snow but today across the central plains we'll have severe weather and by the afternoon, we could be looking at a few tornadoes. later on once the sun goes down we'll be more looking at very strong winds and a little bit of hail so i think that overnight becomes a little bit less dangerous for the tornado threat real quickly it has been warm across the east and the central plains, it eventually changes by the time you get towards tuesday , take a look at that marquette finally feeling like fall at 43 degrees guys back to you inside. >> abby: thank you rick. >> pete: appreciate it. well millennials like president trump's tax plan as long as you tell them it was bernie sanders idea. >> one of bernie sanders plans is to enhance the child tax credit. >> i think that's great. >> positive. >> what if i told you this actually is donald trump's tax plan not bernies? >> you've got me. >> pete: [laughter] the quickest retreat of all-time. the man behind that video joins us next. >> abby: and it is time to get together your halloween game. we are carving pumpkins not with knives but-- >> jason: power tools. >> abby: we're out on the plaza this morning stay tuned for that how do we say that this fall, our guests can earn a free night when they book at and stay with us just two times? fall time. badda book. badda boom. pumpkin spice cookie? i'm good. book now at >> abby: welcome back well a group of george washington university college students not so happy about president trump's tax plan. watch this. >> what were your thoughts on trump's tax plan when you saw it >> it's better for the upper class than anyone else. >> very much a horrible for the middle class especially lower class. >> not ideal. >> it's probably not the most efficient nor beneficial to the general population. >> pete: but guess what happened when students were told that plan came from bernie sanders? >> bernie is planning to lower the small business tax rate to a maximum of 25% and that's a positive or negative? >> definitely positive. >> positive. >> my family has a small business so i'd think it's positive. >> taxing them less makes more sense. >> jason: the media director and campus reform and he was the one interviewing those students and joins us now with more on this and i can't wait to hear about this. >> absolutely we saw how quickly president trump and political opponents were to shutdown the tax reform plan and they said it was evil and hateful but when the tax cuts come from a liberal candidate they're compassionate, wonderful, beautiful and once we told them this was president trump's tax plan they seem to love so much the responses were pretty fun. i think people enjoy them. >> what if i told you this actually is donald trump's tax plan? >> you've got me. >> this is the trump plan. >> these are actually trump's ideas. >> wow [laughter] that's interesting. i am shocked that i do agree with trump on certain things. >> interesting. i'm definitely happily surprised that it like sounds a lot better than i would have expected it to >> jason: i think a lot of this says people specifically call the students they may not be that opposed to conservative principles. they think they have to oppose everything from the right. that's what they're taught in class and by the media but when it's just the principles themselves not coming from conservatives they realize this actually makes sense but again they're being indoctrinated daily by the media and because they're young they have to oppose president trump. >> jason: it's that shoot the messenger basically who it's coming from. the plan the self or talking points are fine but you're saying because of who it comes from it can't be good then. >> abby: maybe you taught them a lesson maybe going forward now they will think twice about these plans and whether they like them or not and who they're coming from? >> cab ": well that's the goal to get the americans to look at the issues, it doesn't have to be a mentality look at these two decide what's best for our country and individual families is what people can decide. don't look if there's an r or d next to the name. actually the students came out and said look i understand i probably have a bias towards trump and i don't trust who it's coming from. >> abby: at least they admit it though. >> cabot: it's a start. >> pete: that's very effective to waking them up. if you love your country go to every college campus and do the same thing. >> cabot: i'll do it. >> pete: great job. >> abby: up next time to step up your game this halloween, we are carving pumpkins with power tools on the plaza. that's up next. where's gary? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. goin' up the country. later, gary' i have a motorcycle! wonderful. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. grandma's. aunt stacy's. what are the reasons you care for your heart? qunol coq10 with 3x better absorption has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 to support heart health. qunol, the better coq10. now what? well, after your first reaction, consider your choices. go it alone, against the irs and its massive resources. hire a law firm, where you're not a priority. call your cpa, who can be required to testify against you. or, call the tax law firm of moskowitz, llp. i went from being a cpa to a tax attorney because our clients needed more. call us, and let us put our 30 years of tax experience to work for you. >> abby: are you looking to take your pumpkin carving game to the next level? here to show us how to use your jigsaw, jv, sossano, president of mr. handyman. we've got some fun things, let's start out with the bride and the groom. let me tell you about mr. handyman it's a neighborly company and we have over 220 franchises across north america and expert technicians are ready to help customers with residential and commercial projects. this is residential needs we can do this for you. >> abby: he's so ready to get started there. >> so the first one is called the creepy bride and groom so we'll turn around so all of the pumpkins here have been cut and gutted and we use this drywall saw to cut out the mouth and nose so we'll have you guys do some eyes, this is very powerful stuff so you'll cut two eyes right there. >> abby: let's get drilling here . >> pete: don't take off the top abbey. >> abby: can i just do one big eye in the middle? >> there we go. >> pete: holy cow. >> abby: rick is a madman, love it. pete what do you have? >> pete: i don't know. >> put a single eye in the middle. >> put that in there. >> pete: look at that. we'll get it. you keep going down the line. >> i'm making a spider. now we drilled the holes for the eye. >> jason: i know how to play this game. i'm handy at home. it's all good. when i pull out the drills she's like what are you doing? i'm lick i've got this i've got this. help me out with the markings. this is where i get to like-- >> that went so fast. >> abby: so jason is obviously an expert. what are the safety tips people need to know? >> okay well justine it up there >> abby: oh, that looks great. this is like every man's dream. >> it really is. power tools? need a lobotomy? done. >> i grew up with home improvement, right? tim the tool man? >> abby: looks great. >> [laughter] >> abby: we've got more fox & friends thank you so much. >> all of the ideas are on there >> abby: thank you so much. >> abby: we had a great time this morning, [applause] >> pete: its been a lot of fun being with jason and you'll be here tomorrow as well. >> jason: for the first three hours 58 minutes i was having fun this is a whole new level. >> abby: and you're really playing. we also have scott walker, harvey levin and much more. >> dagen: the dow soaring past 23 for the first time ever this week, and all the major markets closing at record highs this week, but treasury secretary steve mnuchin is warning if congress can't cut taxes for all americans, we can all kiss this rally goodbye. is he right or wrong? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdowell , this is bulls & bears. the bulls & bears this week, gary b. smith, joan as max ferri s, john layfield, and chuck rocha. welcome to everybody. gary b., if congress doesn't pass tax cuts, could that tank this market? >> gary: absolutely dagen. i'm surprised to

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