Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140510 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140510

kindergarten for bullying. misdemeanor for five-year-olds slammed with a crime. is this a good idea or gone too far? "fox & friends" begins right now. >> good morning, everyone. it's megan mcdonald from "fox & friends." i want to wish my mom a happy mother's day. >> that's so nice. one of our glorious producers. >> megan is one of the great people on is show. >> happy mother's day. we have great mother's day weekend lined up for you. >> happy mother's day. >> by the way, i know men wait until the last possible second to buy gifts like did i yesterday. >> when is mother's day by the way? >> about 24 hours away. >> oh, thank god. mother's day gadgets coming up here that you can can literally go out today and pick up for moms, target and other stores today. wait until the last minute? we'll help you out. >> fantastic. headlines on this saturday morning. we have a fox news alert to tell you about. they were screaming for their lives. that they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hits a power line burst into flames and then crashes to the ground. >> they were right above the tree line at that point and they were just screang and they were leaning over the basket trying to figure out what to do and they were just screaming for anybody to help them, help me, help me. sweet jesus help me, i'm going to die. >> witnesses they saw at least two of the three people on board jump out of the basket. carolina search crews have not yet been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival that was is set to kick off today it has now been cancelled. while you were sleeping, new developments in the search for hundreds of young girls kidnapped by terrorists in nigeria. united states believes the group has been broken up and the girls may or may not still be in the country. now, senior u.s. officials saying there is some discussion about sending drones to help with the search. another u.s. team is heading to nigeria today. and a bird takes out an engine on a u.s. airways plane forcing the flight to turn around it happened shortly after taking off from new york city. the plane, heading to d.c., landed safely back at laguardia airport. about 100 people were on board. no one was hurt. this is the second bird strike near the airport just two days. wednesday a united airlines jet from chicago hit a bird before safely landing the a laguardia. and here we go again. toronto's crack-mowing mayor rob ford caught on video making a buy belligerent rant in a bar. >> kick you [bleep] >> this video posted online by the toronto sun it was reportedly filmed on april 27th, one day after ford was caught on video allegedly smoking crack in his basement. he allegedly went to rehab last week. >> poor guy can't go out without being videotaped. >> we have been following this v.a. story and bringing it to you for the last couple of weeks. bombshell to report this morning. overnight, an email surfaced from wyoming v.a. hospital that proves that employees at that hospital were gaming the system. how do we know they were gaming the system? because they admitted in this email. this is an email from david newman. he is he a nurse, a registered nurse in that hospital. and it's an email to his colleagues. and he says. this. he says we now -- we are now expected to book patients within 14 days. what this means is an actual appointment booked within 14 days. here is how i handle it. >> he breaks it all down. he has thought long and hard about how it unfolds. here is how i handle it if a patient comes in and they have a 14 day window. i want to see dr. smith. well, then i pull up the patient appointment on the screen? when would you like to see that doctor? i would like to see him on august 15th. you want to see him on august 15th. then guy back out of system, basically fung the date so that it looks like they did see that doctor on that particular day, even though they were waiting and never got an appointment. >> this health coordinator says yes it is gaming a system a bit this is straight in the email. but you have to know the rules of the game you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. he goes on to say some of the visits have already come and gone. this has happened in the past and they were late. can you call me at 7460 today. that's his extension. patient date. can you still fix this and get off the bad boy's list canceling the visit and rescheduling it during the doe sired window of the 14 days. >> this is the most telling line and tells you about the world view of the bureaucrats v.a. not coming to work every day apparently trying to serve veterans who are injured in protection of this country. they gorg work to serve themselves front office quote which doesn't help us. which is to say the permanent central employees doesn't help us. >> what do you say about the culture, right, clayton? this was blatantly in writing. hey, i have something to tell at this extension so it's off the record? what does it say about the culture. >> he has been fired though, right? >> swift action, right? you are going to get these guys canned. no, in fact, this is the secretary of affair aaron then shreky had to say about these emails. emails cheyenne veterans center employee. i immediately requested the office of inspector general conduct a thorough i have also directed that employee not be fired but be removed immediately from patient care responsibilities and placed on draive lee v.a. takes any allegations about patient care seriously. if true, the behavior outlined in the email is unacceptable. >> if this happened in your office or private sector office in america would the employee be placed on administrative leave and paid? no, he would be canned. >> secretary then seq.y, did you really find out about this on may the 9th? why have a report right here that shows there was a special counsel assigned that was in december of last year, and it is basically outlining the same sort of thing. >> did nothing this is part of the systemic issue right here. take a listen to senator john mccain. is he furious about this. town hall that he took last night. >> there are violation of law. it's not a matter of resignations. it's a matter of whether somebody goes to jail or not. >> every time my husband reached out to the v.a., they just kept telling him be patient, sir i'm here that my husband cannot be much more patient than he is today me, i'm pissed. >> about 100 there. veterans and family members all, you know, please pick me, pick me. eager to tell their stories. this isn't the first scandal. we talked about sharon helmand who was initially in spokane and there was a problem with suicides being miscounteddenned rather than lazarusing her job there, she was just moved over to phoenix. >> i remember thinking the president addressed this last year. he got up and said to a veterans group this was appalling. unacceptable, talking about another scandal in the v.a. system. he said i'm going to fix this and doing whatever it takes. i remember aspect tartd thinking he probably will fix it because the american public's to to fix it they don't want to see veterans mistreat of all groups. he didn't fix it they are either incompetent or just don't care. >> i'm glad said that thinking the same thing. the president vowed to fix this. if the president was aware of, this had his own secretary involved in this and changes here and this details and wouldn't tack tackled and fixed. somebody at the white house -- vietnam veteran victim to this arizona issue. going it talk to him about these latest issues coming up. 7:15 here on the show. if that's not enough for you this morning. we now know, of course, of the select committee has been named in the benghazi scandal. and there is room now for democrats to be a part of this bipartisan panel that could be a bipartisan panel if democrats choose to join it. so far there are seven members who are republican on this panel. don't hold your breath that democrats will get on board. >> nancy pelosi says this is a stunt. et cetera. suggest democrats may not participate. it doesn't matter whether or not democrats boycott this panel or not. if they find relevant date that that about how the benghazi lie were concocted that will be a big story, if they don't, they won't. the facts in the end will determine whether or not this story plays out. today we have not a single email or memo from hillary clinton then secretary of stateing how this lie youtube video sparked the killings got started. we don't know. if that comes out it, doesn't matter. >> john boehner saying we need people from both sides of the aisle though to be talking about this. they need to act swiftly to make sure that the economy and job creation can still, you any, romaine of utmost importance. they need to act quickly and both sides. nancy pelosi saying this is just a distant by conservatives. take a listen to her. >> the fact is is that this is a stunt. this is a political stunt damaged goods. they had to move from issa to another venue with another chairman. we have been here and done this over and over again. very sad. chris stevens, glenn daugherty, sean smith, tyrone woods, two of their families have called us and said please don't take us down this path again. it's really hard for them. it's very sad. >> has there ever been a less sincere person in public life? when you can't get answers about it it's a political stunt. if there are documents that still haven't been released, we still know there are probably more emails involved in this, can't get answers? that's a political stunt. >> let us know what you think. friends at >> vicious criminals accused of killing off an entire village. and kidnapping hundreds of little girls, why didn't hillary clinton's state department label them terrorists two years ago? >> and a routine traffic stop goes horribly wrong. how that were police officer managed to stay alive after a tree fell right on top of him. details coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. muslim group in nigeria shocked the world when the leader declared that it would sell the nearly 300 girls it has kidnapped into slavery. saying that's consistent with the precepts of islam. here is what former secretary of state hillary clinton said about it onens wednesday. >> the seizure of these young women by this radical extremist group, boca ha ram is abominable, it's criminal, it's an act of terrorism she says it's terrorism. for two years she fought to keep that group from being labeled terrorists. josh rogan joins us from washington. josh, good morning. >> good morning. >> kind of an amazing story you have here that hillary clinton fought her own cia over says dig nateed obamacare co-ha -- designated obamacare co-ha ram law enforcement agencies saw boko haram attack the building and said this is a terrorist organization we have to do something about it. not just them it was a push on chirl for two years. general carter ham said we have got to do. this we need the tools and authorities that this designation gives to us go after this group. she didn't want to do it. now she is clear that boko haram is a group of terrorists. a the lo of people have arguing that they have been terrorists for a linger time. >> this designation is not a small thing. one thing she could have done, one tool she had at her disposal she didn't use and nobody can say she wasn't urged to do it. it is gross hypocrisy. >> the idea is that everybody has a different role in fighting terrorism. the state department can do different things, this is one thing she could do. why didn't she do it? she said it would have helped the groups recruiting. given them more stature and made things worse. those things happened anyway. all those things they were trying to prevent actually did happen. all we did was lose two years of scrutiny and monitor these groups. it didn't stop them from becoming worse terrorists. what's so poignant here is this is not the first time boko haram has killed people, kidnapped girls, this has been going on for some time. hillary clinton posits herself as the defender of the world's women it's a little odd. she must have known that they had a history, this kind of behavior, no? >> yes it speaks to her claim that she is at the forefront of protecting women and girls in conflict. which is a huge part of her record at the state department which she will probably run on in 2016. it also speaks to her handling of international terrorism which again has been called into question following her handling of the attack in benghazi. the criticism in benghazi is that she didn't call it a terrorist attack soon enough. she blamed the video and that she didn't realize that al guide was me as it sizing and growing into north africa. al qaeda is on the run. apparently al qaeda is not on the run. whether or not she was right about the path of terrorism while she was secretary of state. >> very quickly because we are basically out of time. you must have had some pretty intense push back from the hillary people in this piece, i betcha. >> hillary clinton's offense didn't respond for comment. what can she say? the fact that she did this is undisputable. she hasn't come up with justification. if she runs, you can be sure the calls for her to explain herself will continue. she won't be able to remain silent on this issue forever. >> interesting. josh rogan, thanks for joining us this morning. great piece. >> any time. >> scary moment in the sky when a camouflaged drone and jetliner nearly clyde over florida. how could this happen? details coming up. welcome to the hotel sharia, you can check in but you can never leave. the man who owns the iconic beverly hills hold adopted the brutal law that says it's okay to stone people to death. that's not the kind of stoning they are used to beverly hills. we have details on the boycott coming up. passion... became your business. at&t can help simplify how you manage it. so you can focus on what you love most. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. good morning, 23 minutes after the hour and quick headlines, is he not untouchable. i will get my hands on him. an indiana man arrested for threatening to kill house speaker john boehner. the 32-year-old says he hand out of unemployment benefits five months ago and was angry the house didn't pass an emergency extension. he faces up to 20 years in prison. and a close call for a marine pilot after his jet crashes to the ground and crashes fire in arizona. he was able to safely eject before it smashed. suffering only a cut. the reason for the crash is still being investigated. >> beferlt hills hotel hit with a barrage of protests after its owner the sultan imposed cr. carry harsh penalties for homosexuality and adultery and include the punishment of death by stoning. >> hollywood is taking a stand on this with demonstrations, some even putting pressure on the government of bruin my to brunei to sever ties. fox light with michael tammero, what are you hearing? >> nothing symbolizes like beverly hills and hollywood bike the beverly hills hotel. ever since the sultan of bruin my announced they will be implementing sharia law, jay leno and others have been lining up, big agencies like cia and icm. agents and clients not to do business there the hotel. >> so no more deals in the pillow lounge? this is huge. >> until the sultan divests. >> so many events at that hotel. >> they have a lot. >> jerry lee lewis telethon meets there if i'm not mistaken all the folks from the telethon, a lot of big events. this is a big preoscar. >> good to see gay rights groups radical islam is a threat to them. good. >> absolutely. >> it seems also that shoild waking up late to the threat of sharia law. this has been going on for quite some time. we're doing a package -- i'm not really for boycotts in general. i was against kind of the whole chick-fil-a thing. >> to me you have a man worth 0 billion on one side and the hollywood on the other. the people hurt by this are the ones who can least afford it the hotel staff, the waiters. >> it's going to have a big impact on the city too. $11 million in taxes. >> in taxes. >> they are trying to get the dorchester group to sell. >> working on a package right now about 1939, 75 years ago, considered one of the best years in hollywood in film because hollywood was producing a lot of movies that expressed the hope and promise of america and they really kind of played a part in saving america against nazi fastism and everything else going on in the world. perhaps that might be a better way of combating this sort of ideology with doing movies like that. >> meanwhile, talk some nerd stuff now. had you a chance to sit down with the cast of x men. third marvel him that can be out this year. captain america. amazing spider man. sat down with the cast. >> this is a big 10 movie for fox this sumplet combines all the characters from the first three x men movie. we sat down with the cast. and they gave us a little bit of a preview of what we can expect. >> it's part time trouble movie. it's very much a story about second chances, i think. x men always deals with issues of discrimination, alienation. as well as been great fun. the action is bigger than ever. it's funny. >> i think they can expect something pretty epic. and, you know, pretty extraordinary spectacle and effects and what have you. a story that i think is deeply, you know, grounded and really moving. and just so thrilling. >> we have got history on our side. and, in this case, it's history which enlarges and expands what we have done before. >> i love patrick stuart. >> fantastic. we are attending the global premier tonight at at the vaf very gentleman vich center. >> am i gentleman vivian schiller. >> -- kinder garners headed to jail for bullying. >> clayton is showing off some of the mups-have gadgets mom will love. and you can buy them today. ♪ passenger: road trip buddy. let's put some music on. woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? i just read about a couple in miami who recently set a guinness world record by taking 365 selfies in one hour resulting in certain offenses. first offense uld get up $100 offense ticket. a second offense for bullying. >> milk money and lunch money these kids are going to be having to save up. here is who it is going to come from. their parents, obviously. the good thing that will come out of all of this is that parents would be more atten detective and paying attention. they will be paying more attention to what their kids are doing. not just bullying, but if their kid was bull idea and looking out for child predators. people are saying in is the government meddling too much. >> it's crazy. one of the reasons i don't like the white house too much at the i think they are bullies. only way to deal with a bully is to hit them hard. seriously. great advice. if you do that now, if you are in fifth grade and you punch a bully in the place. i think god approves. the school, the handcuffs because you are a bully. the problem is schools are completely in the grip of the dumbest kind of fad-based policy. like all the sudden bullying is a problem. let's make it illegal. nobody thinks for himself. total herd mentality, it's depressing. >> instruct your child if you are being bull idea go tell somebody in the school. tell the principle and tell the parents. we will deal with it accordingly. carson city, california. not talking about putting a a-year-old in jail. talking about intervening in both the bullet's life who is a person who is hurting, too, and the victims. >> why don't you teach them what year the civil war started? why don't you educate kids instead of intervening in their lives and nutrition and emotional. back off and educate them. but they don't because that's hard. it's so much easier to intervene in their lives. let parents do that. >> folks, what do you think about that? hit us up on facebook or twitter. email us at >> mystery in the skies over florida. possibly a first of its kind a near miss between a drone and a jetliner. a u.s. airways plane nearly crashing into the zone approaching tall happy airport. high above the typical altitude of a private drone. >> one pilot said that it was so close to the jet that he was sure that he had collided with it. thankfully, inspection of the airliner after lining found no damage. well, this news coming after a string of drone incidents including one this week when one crashed into a building in downtown saint lewis. >> amazon drones delivering packages? >> not my drone. >> donald sterling banned from the nba for life. named a new ceo for the los angeles clippers. dick parsons is that man will act as clippers interim ceo while they try to make him force him to sell the team. he has been a lifelong fan of the nba and committed to the values and principles it is defending. and caught on camera rotten luck for a cop caught in a routine traffic stop in iowa. officer jeremy vietch lucky to be alive after a tree crashed on top of him. he said he heard a couple cracks and next thing he knew he was on the ground calling for help. weather had nothing to do with it we're told. he did have minor injuries. the driver pulled over for not having her headlights on is said to be okay. >> what i want to know is he going to let her off? you know what? i have had a rough day. let's call this one. headlights nixed. >> when the news broke you got clemenciy. >> you got away. >> god sending a message. speaking of god sending a message, rick reichmuth is here. >> is that the god part of message? ♪ >> nice background. >> bass pro. >> we have grown some trees in the plaza since you saw us last. it's bass pro shops today. stick around to see that very good stuff, it's the camping time. you want to start to get outside and take a look at your weather as you are waking up this morning. clouds and rain across parts of the east. none of it too heavy today except for down across parts of central gulf area from new orleans to mobile. could look at flooding. now we are having some more rain there. in to parts of pacific northwest. storm moving in going to bring things much colder by the time we get to sunday and monday. denver mother's day. 43 degrees some snow sunday night into monday. 3 to 5 inches of snow in denver and foot and a half across higher areas into the rockies. today though some severe weather across the central plains. mostly looking at some wind and some hail but maybe a tornado or two across parts of northwestern missouri. southeastern parts of nebraska. tomorrow that area expands a little bit. so you see anywhere from parts of south central texas all the way up towards parts of wisconsin looking at the threat for severe weather. and monday it doesn't move very far goes from around fred distributionburg down in the hill country all the way up towards flint, michigan. three days of it it's may, the season where we see severe weather and i think we're going to be getting a little built of it the next few days. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. >> i love you, mom. >> tired of sending flowers for mother's day? we have got what you need to switch it up and let your mom know you care in a big way. >> yep. clayton has perfect last minute gadgets for us. >> today run out to target and apple stores. these are things you can get last minute. you don't have to order them online. gadgets mom will love. anna already eyeing up this first one over here from michael coors. iphone clutch keep your wallet and credit cards. shove your iphone inside of it comes in a variety of colors. stylish for the night out on the partying town like you like to do. >> schuch a purse. s are deck out your phone in a kate spade. pick them up at apple store last minute. also you want a watch. pebble watch. talking to the ceo of pebble. most successful wearable smart watch in the country. kick starter campaign. they raise $10 million. get notifications, thousands of apps now built into it it listen to pan door rarl music. >> you can watch videos. >> can't watch videos. text message. fitness tracking. the whole nine yards. it's a stylish. >> like penny's watch from go go padgett. >> there you -- go go gadget. >> blue tooth, phone calls, conference calls, other things in the room. move it outside for barbecue and picnic. streams blue tooth so music right from the phone or other device right to that. >> it's hot pink for mom. >> that's right. >> kitchen thermometer? >> so you can set, you know, chicken in the oven or whatever else you can got going on. smart phone nabledz. so you can control the temperature from the app. monitor, and send alerts. don't have to be there hovering around the oven. >> i thought that the men were supposed to cook for the women on mother's day. >> that's what our producer said you can't give up. >> your mom loves cooking maybe not this weekend. but any other time. >> this works. i had one of these. >> the company makes probably the best iphone and smart phone charges on the market. variety of colors will double your battery life. stylish colors. plug your head phone jack into it someone on the go. batteries drain pretty quickly. if you are watching video and doing other things, double your battery life with a mophie case. pick all of these up today if you waited until the last minute. >> pretty good. have any questions, ask me on twitter, clayton morris and answer them for you. >> he is great about communicating with you. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. diapers, formula and guns? a democratic lawmaker want you to be able to use food stamps for weapons. is he right? >> hilarious. guys, does this sound familiar to you? >> the bathroom is a mess. your belt doesn't match. you should probably go work out. >> whoa, it turns out nagging might actually be killing you. physically. we have details, breaking news from the health frontier. >> friendly reminders is all nagging is. 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, quarter till the top of the hour. democratic lawmakers speaking out for gun rights. here's the catch. the new hampshire representative says welfare recipients should be able to purchase guns with their ebt cards. >> the firearms ban blatant violation of second amendment. cash benefits presumably have the the same rights as the rest of us for shooting and self-defense. obviously don't have money to spend on that but they do have the right under the a second amendment to do so. >> does he have san argument here. nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you, clayton. >> does he have a valid point here that this would violate the second amendment if think are not awill youd to buy guns with these ebt cards? >> it doesn't violate the second amendment. and i can't think of an issue that would more outrage people at 6:45 in the morning than the thought that a program that is to fund people's basic needs, food, shelter, you can use it for baby formula. now allow people to use that money for many other things such as this example guns. but when you have a legislative body of 400 people. you are bound to have a few ideas that are idiotic and outrageous and this is one of them. >> well ebt card tobacco products. alcoholic beverages. tattoos and body piercings but how far could this go? i mean, what about freedom of speech, right? tattoos can be seen as art and somebody just trying to express themselves. how far could we take this? >> having talked with a number of republican legislators in new hampshire, the effort has been to bring some common sense reform to a program that's designed for the basics of life. and as you pointed out, trying to make an effort to ban use of ebt cards for things like chobz, for being able to go to strip clubs, putting, saying, look, you can't use your ebt card for that the reality though do that now, gets to the bigger issue. is how do we bring common sense reform to this so the people are using these cards, this program for what it is intended for, which is to help people when they are down and out and when they need a little bit of help. but, new hampshire being a great camp, 8 5% of ebt cards are used at atms. so people can get the cash out right now and go spend it on whatever they want. >> how do you stop that right? he says he is just protecting or defending second amendments so someone takes one of these ebt cards down to the atm cashes out a few hub dread bucks and goes and buys a gun. guns is is a as valuable as protection of my family. roof over my head what would you say to him. >> there are many ways to protect a family. where does this end? should the government then buy everyone a home security system? should everyone start buying mace for everybody? where does it end? he starts with firearms. the last time this state representative was in the news was when he was making stories about the demise of sarah palin and making sure that maybe someone end her life. this new hampshire ledge legislator is known for making outrageous statements this is another one. >> a lot of them who support the second amendment don't support. this this is a slippery slope of trying to have a national gun registry and mathay be the motive. >> coming up on the show, a bombshell email overnight reveals another veterans affair hospital was cooking the books. coming up a vietnam veteran is afraid he will die while waiting for care. is he here live. >> guys, does this sound familiar? >> the bathroom's is a mess. your belt doesn't match, you should probably go work out. >> turns out your wife's nagging might really be killing you. what about men nagging the women? ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. does this sound familiar to you? >> rogaine. >> and don't forget to use it. can i totally tell when you forget because your hair looks thinner. >> using of the rogaine, check. >> make sure to call me right when you get to the hotel, not like that conference in phoenix. >> yeah. i was the keynote speaker, i was late to the podium you are totally right. i'm sorry. >> awful as looks. nagging among spouses more than double's a man's risk of death when which he presumably looks forward to at this point. >> how can you break through. >> fight less, love more, lori pugn. >> wouldn't it be help f. the men would take out the trash without asking and put the dishes in the dishwasher isn't it their fault. >> nagger and nagy: women who report keeping their mouth shut actually have 10 times the risk of heart disease over a 10 year period. >> there has to be a middle ground then. she is frustrated did the dishes. he is tired of being nagd and he wants to go off to the golf club because is he furious about it. you say get some rational criticism. >> purpose of criticism is to motivate your mate to change for the better. instead of saying what you don't want. say what do you want. >> that's how you talk to kids. >> yeah, that's how we talk to all people. >> give us an example of that. >> you know, honey, when i come home you go straight to the computer, it's like you don't want to talk to me. why can't you just stop being addicted to your computer. >> instead of that say i really enjoy your company. how about if we meet in the living room for 15 minutes and we just chat about our days? i love talking to you. >> that's way nicer. be a cheerleader you say. what does that mean? >> well, when we get married, part of our responsibility is to cheer lead. meaning if your mate is very generous to his mother or a friend, that's your opportunity to say, you know, honey, i'm so impressed by you. you know, that was so kind of you to go out of your way for that person. that's being a cheer leader. it's like rah rah before a football game. makes us stronger and reduces stress and able to do things. cheerleading improves your marriage. if you don't cheer lead it then you are leaving that job opening for someone else. >> i guess arguing. >> the pool boy. >> they may look elsewhere. >> you say we can have a good fight. so we need to be looking for real solutions rather than just to be biting and mean. >> that's right. don't be afraid of a fighting is normal too. people have different opinions as we all know. at the same time, the goal to a fight is to find solution. if you fight about the facts of yesterday instead of how can we prevent this from happening tomorrow. you will never resolve it. >> possible have you been fighting for years, nagging for years to. >> absolutely. a lack of conflict resolution skills. fight less, love more. about learning skills. we don't learn this in school. we have got. >> might also help to not put up with it hey, don't nag me. how is that? >> you can do that but that often leads to the silent treatment or to a fight until 2:00 in the morning then it increases the stress level. somebody has got to get those communication kills and then the whole marriage can change in a day. >> lori, great book. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for not nagging us. >> coming up, playing politics with race. the democratic congressman slams congressman tim scott for being a black republican. we got the details of a that outrageous charge coming up. if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. i live in a world oi am totally blind.. i've been blind since birth. i lost my sight to eye disease. i lost my sight in afghanistan. and it doesn't hold me back. but my blindness can affect my sleep patterns. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. but i learned that my struggle was with non-24. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind and can't perceive light. talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. that's 844-844-2424. or visit now i know that non-24 is real. and i'm not alone. it's time for a new day. hey, everyone, good morning, saturday, 10th of may, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. a fox news alert. up in flames, a hot air balloon catches fire and comes crashing to the ground with three people on board. the breaking details straight ahead. >> also breaking overnight. a new veterans affair bombshell. emails v.a. hospitals in wyoming were instructed to manipulate patient records. veterans suffered as all the are. details coming up. >> playing politics with race. democratic congressman slams representative tim scott for being black and a republican outrageous charge coming up. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> good morning, what do you call mother's day eve? >> the second saturday in may. it's a beautiful day in most of the country. glad to see you this morning. >> celebrate it all weekend long and cook mom some pancakes this morning. >> don't make it just one day she works so hard. >> we have been following you here at fox news channel the treatment of our veterans and v.a. hospitals across the country. reports about employees there purposefully gaming the system. overnight a bombshell report out. a new email revealing in detail exactly how they were gaming the system out of wyoming it is outrageous. >> unbelievable. email from david newman registered nurse at this hospital in cheyenne wyoming. wrote an email to his colleagues explaining that new v.a. rules require that veterans get an appointment within otwo weeks of requesting one. >> right. he says in this email, that can be tough to do, so here's how i handle it. and he goes on to explain you save to the veteran, sure, we will give you this appointment and then you put in the book a date within two weeks so officially, you have met the requirement even if you actually haven't. >> then we now documents then shredded that say otherwise. back day it in the future, oh yeah we he was here on the 15th of april, within that 14 day window. he may never have gotten an appointment. >> don't make the service better. lie about it and pretend that you do. >> change the way it's written down essentially. he says yes it is gaming the system a bit. but you have to know the rules of the game you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. here is what gets me, too. he says some these appointments have actually come and gone already. and so he says you can still fix this and get off the bad boys list canceling the visit and rescheduling it within the desired time which is that 14 day period. what is wild to me about this not somebody recorded without him knowing. was an email. this was typed out. what does this say about the culture? >> he is totally upfront about it he said the office gets very upset, this is my favorite phrase, which doesn't help us. us is not veterans. it refers to the full-time bureaucrats there whose jobs are guaranteed because they are federal employees. >> bear in mind folks have died. veterans have died because they have had to wait and didn't get the care they need. we thought this was supposed to have been fixed. aaron shinseki you would have thought would have moved swift action when he learned about these things. he said may 9th. >> upon learning of an email by cheyenne' veteran center. >> so administrative leave, in other words, administrative leave without pay. >> as soon as i found out about this which was yesterday i took action. >> we got a report right here. also a smoking gun from december that says, hey, you know what? maybe you knew a little bit of something about this a little bit sooner. >> 2013. >> the president has been talking about this for years in public, pledging his sacred honored two veterans, we will fix this. here is one among several examples from last august. watch this. >> we're not going to let up until we eliminate the backlog once and for all. and we will keep moving ahead with paperless systems so the backlog doesn't come back. so your claims are processed right. the first time. on time. [ applause ] flush after years of military service you shouldn't have to wait for years for the benefits you have earned. >> just change the numbers. just put in fake entries into the logs and that way you look like you have met your goal and you don't have to do anything. >> the president has basically come to the side of shinseki and when there have been calls for his resignation, they have shrugged those away. >> let us know what you think about that. weigh in a little bit later on the show. a vietnam veteran on this show talked about is he worried about the care is he worried about he may not receive that he needs. 10 minutes on the show. >> next, well, you may have seen. this this is congressman clyburn of south carolina, a democrat, talking about a fellow congressman scott a and the problems that he has. there is james clyburn right there, the problems that he has with congressman tim scott of south carolina. and the problems he has are really rooted in the skin color of congressman scott. he says. this. if you call progress electing a person with a pigmentation that he has who votes against the interests and aspirations of 90% of the black people in south carolina, then i guess that's progress. so his problem is, tim scott is black but doesn't vote as he thinks black man should vote. can i tell if you a white republican said something like, this i think probably be in prison. >> reverend michael faulkner was on greta last night saying just how deplorable this type of commentary is. listen. >> greta, we applauded in the 60's, we applauded the success of any black person that we saw that was advancing the cause of democracy, the cause of our people. we applauded those successes. and now it seems that people like representative clyburn are using those -- the suffering and the struggle that we it to get here as a way of exploiting their continued political gain. and that is deplorable to me. >> you won't see this on any other channel. a famous member of congress gets up and attacks someone else because of his skin color and gets like no coverage anywhere. >> attacking people who are saying that progress is electing a person of color to congress to ho might not necessarily vote along the democratic party lines, who might have different ideology in this country? who might stand for smaller government, less taxes, getting government out of our way? that's -- that's not pro-yes, sir? >> it's really perpetuating the problem of racism by highlighting the difference and thousand should reflect on your ideology. >> tim scott didn't do anything wrong. is he black and being attacked for it? >> nobody says word one about it except us. >> et us know what -- let us knw what you think about it this is a fox news alert. they were screaming for their lives. that's what witnesses say they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hit the power line, bursts into flames and crashes to the ground. >> so it was kind of like a pop, but when that happened, the basket exploded and debris started falling to the ground. and you could hear them screaming please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us. help us. >> witnesses say they also saw at least two of the three people on board jump out of the basket. carolina county search crews have not been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival is set to kick off today. it is now cancelled. a live look in new york city. the unidentified remains of victims killed on 9/11 returned to ground zero. the remains arriving from the medical examiners office in manhattan to the world trade center site. accompanied by a procession of police and fire vehicles. some families saying they would protest today. blasting the decision to store the remains in the basement of the 9/11 museum saying they would rather see them in an above ground monument. house speaker john boehner named the seven republican members of the benghazi select committee. the lawmakers will investigate the 2012 terrorist attack that killed four americans. there is room for five democrats on the panel but don't expect them to be willing participants because according to them, this is just a political stunt. a picture of their first meeting posted on twitter at the end of the table chairman trey gowdy sur surrounded by brooks, westmoreland and robbie along with jim jordan, mike pompei owe and peter -- >> heisman winner, nfl recruit and spoiled brat? that's according to supposed new england patriots scouting report. the multi-page document described manziel as arrogant player who doesn't study the game. boston reporters and nfl experts have come out against the league says it is fake and not how the patriots one their report. >> each the team -- super nice guy when i had a chance to meet him after he won the heismanment getting up early the next morning sitting here on couch gracious, super nice guy. rick, do you remember that when we had johnny football in the studio? >> i don't remember that i wasn't here that day. >> what a nice guy. >> pretty awesome. >> flu a lounge? >> i'm in a canoe, a fishing canoe that apparently either it's got a rocking chair or it hasn't been bolted in or i'm too big for that fishing canoe. bass pro shops here today. take a look at the weather, i think a lot of people thinking right now i want to get outside and start doing some stuff. may, starting to feel good outside. and finally warm temperatures in the east. also have a little bit of rain and pretty heavy rain across parts of the deep south today, new orleans area, mobile getting heavy rain. other system pulling in across the west. this is going to be our weather maker this week. going to bring some very cold air. in so cold we are in mid may and 1 to 22 feet of snow falling across the mountains of colorado even towards denver and high plains down around pueblo. 3 to 5 inches of snow sunday night into monday. >> temperaturewise, take a look at this, another hot day across the southern plains, we're going to see those temps in the 90's around amarillo. by tomorrow that colder air moves in across parts of the midwest, east northeast. boston, 73 degrees. not seen temps like this for quite a while. monday, another warm one all the way across the east. colder air starts to move in. tuesday, show that you front moves. in cold air finally moves into the central plains and again move out across parts of the west. all right, guys. clayton are new for fishing? >> i am. i was looking at that boat. eyeing that thing up. >> pretty cool. >> so is the rocking chair. >> thanks, rick. we just told you about the become shell email revealing that yet another veterans affair hospital was cooking the books and admitting it. up next, a vietnam vet who is afraid he will die while waiting for the care he deserves. >> calling 911 after owner collapses to the ground. meet the four legged hero ahead. p. all five of you for $1. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables be a sound sleeper, or...l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. problems in veterans affairs administration wide more spread than previously thought. cheyenne reveal the staff intentionally cheated the system. quote, yes, this is gaming the system a bit. but you have know the rules of the games you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset which doesn't help us. end quote. well, secretary aaron shinseki saying he just learned about this yesterday and he requested independent investigation. it turns out the v.a. officials have known about this, the improper scheduling practices since at least december of 2013. that's the medical inspect everywhere investigated. so far they have done nothing. the personal responsible is still being paid. joining me with reaction is vietnam veteran who is speaking without his own battles with the phoenix v.a. system in trying to get treatment for liver cancer which he he has. john, thanks for joining us this morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> so, you learned that you had cancer in your liver. and you, of course, want to get treated. you went to the v.a. what happened? >> well, it started february 10th, when i couldn't get up and walk one morning. and which has nothing to do with the cancer. but i called veterans hospital after going to a chiropractor and p.t. that didn't want to see mean. they said i wasn't a patient there anymore. i needed to go to a private hospital. and i have been a patient for the veterans office since 1975. since i got out of service. apparently i didn't meet any kind of care for two years. and that put me back into some kind of a list. so i went to the scottsdale hospital, and they diagnosed me with cancer. i was there five days. i went to the veterans hospital then immediately. and asked them that i needed to see a doctor about erratic indicating this cancer on my liver. they told me i had to be -- wait on a list. a patient's list. i said why do i need a patients list? i have been seen here before. she said well you haven't been seen the last two years. so i accepted that and i waited two months. i still didn't get anything. >> two months to see a doctor? >> two months to get on the list to see a primary care doctor. primary care doctor is the doctor that tells you who you can go see at g.i. >> at this point so our viewers don't have any misunderstanding, you had already been diagnosed with liver cancer? >> absolutely. >> that's unbelievable. >> i had 1.8-centimeter lesion on my liver. first stage. but so i went there and i talked to the nurse that was in the gold clinic, she told my i wasn't still on the list primary doctor who is going to allow me see-to-see the spec gi. me and my son chandler walking down the hallway, and i started getting sick, chest pains and i ended up in the emergency room and i had some things going on with my heart, i guess it just upset me so much, i finally got into the hospital, there they diagnosis to reaffirm which i had brought them a disk from scottsdale and shae in february affirming i had this cancer and i was told well, we can't accept the disk because it's not compatible to our computer system. >> as of right now, with this diagnosis of liver cancer you have received an appointment for surgery? do you have a surgery date from a doctor at the v.a.? >> i was at the v.a. yesterday to finally see a primary care doctor. they still, at this point, did not have me scheduled for radiation treatment to irradicate the lesion. i was told by a g 8 doctor last week. gentleman i had seen there before in 2008. i have veins go into my liver they will explode and he said he was going to push this and i have 18 staples inside me. >> that is a really distressing story and our prayers are with you and i hope that you get -- we all hope that you get the attention that you have earned. john, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up, oj simpson murdered her brother and now 20 years later speaking out about the time she almost killed oj herself. kim goldman is here live. pilot dodges houses and safely lands aircraft in someone's yard. how he pulled it off coming up. ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. welcome back to "fox & friends." here are your news by the numbers. first up this morning, four out of four. that's it how many pinocchios the "the washington post" gives president obama for his claim that republicans have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation since 2007. turns it out only 133 pieces of legislation never reached a vote over the past seven years. second, 692,000. that's how many cars ford is recalling for airbag and door safety issue. 2013 and 2014 model of escapes and c-maxes are affected. one cent is how much the u.s. navy is having it dismantled and recycled. key roles in the cuban missiles crises and gulf war. there was one cuban missile crisis. >> thanks for that. hard to believe nearly two decades since the so-called trial of the century. >> we the jury, in the above entitled action find the defendant, orenthal james simpson not guilty of murder. a felony upon ronald lyle goldman a human being as charged in count 2 of the information. we the your in the above entitled action further find special circumstance that the defendant onal james simpson has in this case been convicted of at least one crime of murder of first degree, and one or more crimes of murder of the first or second degree to be not true. >> nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman killed in cold blood. o.j. simpson acquitted of their murders and since then the families are still trying to pick up the pieces. sister of ron goldman written a book "can't forgive" 20 year battle with o.j. simpson. many of us remember where we were 1995 or during the high speed chase of the ford broncho. those moments very different for you. two decades later how are you doing. >> i'm plugging along. i'm a mom to a beautiful 10-year-old boy. i run a successful business councilling teenagers. i write. i sit on the board for the national center of victims of crime. i'm doing my best. i take deep breaths every day and i'm walking strong. >> a lot of people say if you can't forgive, they would automatically assume that you this are this miserable person. when you see video like that what goes through your mind is it difficult. >> of course it's difficult. it's painful that my brother is gob. painful every day when i realize the absence of him because of all the things gone out of my life and i don't get to share it with him. through therapy and my friends and support circle. i have learned a healthy balance. i have learned to appropriately leave my anger and my hostility and my venom towards one person where it needs to be. when i need it i can call on it when i'm done i can put it back. it doesn't debilitate him to not afford him forgiveness. why should i? >> kim, you mentioned in the book. you had an opportunity where you felt like you could kill o. yourself. >> i was driving in a strip mall after the criminal case and this figure appeared before my car and i stopped and i studied it and i remembered the way he used to walk in that swagger and slight dip in his walk. i knew it was him. i revved the engine i white knuckled the steering wheel, i stopped obviously base that's not ohio am. that's not in me. i thought of my father. i would never do that to him. it evoked so much emotion in me. at the end of the day i'm not a killer. >> bizarre that circumstance even played out that way. your family and the brown family in 1996 during the civil case supposedly netted 33 and a half million dollars in damages. families have only seen 1% of that it the civil suit though did that give any sort of closure or justice do you feel? >> i felt empowered after that i felt vindicated in some way that a jury unanimously found him responsible for my brother and nicole's death. the second he got up and walked out same door that i walked, in it kind of put things back in perspective. and as you said, our judgment today is worth over $40 million and we have checked less than 1% of it we are stead fast in our pursuit of justice only because it makes him life miserable and ultimately it landed him in a jail cell in las vegas. that's great. >> two decades ago all this unfolded and we are story for your loss. it's amazing to see how you are coming. >> thank you. >> 28 minutes after the hour on saturday morning. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. what's going on at the justice department in the man in charge of overseeing public intelling it gri at this says he has no clue who is in charge of the real investigation of lois lerner. really? >> hay guys, does this sound familiar? >> the bathroom is a mess. your belt doesn't match. you should probably go work out. >> turns out your wife's nagging might really be killing you. emails and tweets. bass pro shops here with a preview of their big event. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. this is kind of scary, the white house went on lockdown for second time in three days after someone threw something over the fence. the authorities said sorry, hillary, you have to wait two and a half years to move your stuff. in you can't just toss it over the fence. >> she probably still has stuff in storage in there. >> sure. she is ready. >> under padlock. not even measuring the curtains because she knows the dimensions already. >> can you be nagged to death? new study this morning can actually take years off. men are 2. a times likelier to die early if they are nagged by their wives. women are 34% more likely to die for the same reason. >> so not as bad. if you are a nag it's not as bad as the men being nagged. you don't get increased risk of stroke and heart disease as a result of being nagged incessantly about things. >> or wanting to nag but keeping our mouth closed, too. >> but it is a vicious cycle. every time i have seen it. not a lot in our house not to brag. whenever i have seen it, men who put up with it make their wives even mad madder by putting up with it and then the nagging gets worse. >> how would you just walk away. >> say please don't speak to me like that. i don't deserve to be spoken to that way. get out of it or fix it. >> you probably knew what you were signing up for. if you lived with them. leave the toilet seat up or not putting the dishes in the dish washer. >> it's your fault. you fell in love with him. >> no. when you accepted him. tried to put a wring ton and said okay or even if you didn't live together,. >> it is better just to accept people's imperfections if you can. >> if he never picks up dish and never cleans a toilet and he knew that going into it do you think is he going to suddenly clean up dishes. >> probably not. >> greg writes us this morning. men never nag with women, we may beg on occasion. we prefer to call it creative negotiating. >> and yvonne from texas sent us an email saying this women that nag seem to feel they can tweet their husbands like children. nothing spoils a marriage more than destroying people. >> i don't know how are but you are a wise woman absolutely right. >> not out on a limb. yvonne you are a catch. >> yes, you are a catch. kim in kentucky. nagging has been described as being nibbled to death by a duck. i would state my opinion but my wife follows me on twitter. we heard from one of our producer, hey, money did, we run out of windex? why do you ask? because the bathroom mirror is so filthy. if you figured it out yourself where the windex is kept. >> isn't this addressed in proverbs. doesn't proverbs have a line about nagging being like water on stone or something? >> email us that bible verse. i don't have the concordance. >> we will ask father jonathan tomorrow on mothers' day. >> ffibility -- ff weekend on twitter. give us your thoughts on nagging. >> other stories making headlines. a massive parachute after emergency on board. crash landed the small plane in the front yard of the home managing to avoid other homes and even major power lines. rescue crews calling the thing nothing short of a miracle. four people were on the plane, no one was seriously hurt. what went wrong is still under investigation. and who is in charge of the investigation into the irs's targeting of tea party groups? the justice department should know, right? wrong. >> you can tell me who is leading the investigation? there hat got to be someone in charge. who is the point person on the investigation the service off the interrible conservative groups. >> numerous federal career prosecutors on that investigation. how many prosecutors in total i can't tell you that answer sitting here today. >> congressman jim jordan calling the investigation a joke after this exchange with eric holder's deputy in charge of, quote, public integrity. house republicans have tried for 11 months to find out who is leading the investigation and how many prosecutors are involved. >> an arizona woman clinically dead is alive and well today. and her doctor nearly speechless. >> i can only describe that with her being neurologically intact a miracle. >> she collapsed at work suffering from a heart attack. a coworker performed cpr. after arriving at the hospital. the doctor told the family her recovery was less than 1%. this morning she is just fine. >> >> call 911, saving his owner. marine veteran terry mclad says he initially got his dog major to help with ptsd and other health issues. when he collapsed from a seizure. he pulled the phone from his pocket and pushed on the screen until it auto dialed 911. the pooch then waited by the curb for emergency services and brought them back to his unconscious owner. >> and then he went home and played x box. >> he can do anything. let's get outside to rick and tucker. bass pro shops go outdoors event stores across the country. this morning a preview of what to expect. >> like snut of bash pro-shop joins us live. bass pro season again what do you got? >> you get. always a great time to go outdoors. starting next weekend. go through may 2 ath. very knowledgeable staff for everybody unfamiliar with it get familiar. >> get outdoors. >> absolutely. >> sales going on. >> plenty of sales. we have a great line of gear. camping can be anything. it can be just taking the kid does in the backyard and punishing a tent or going out on a get away for a weekend out in costa rica like i believe you went. >> it's such a cheap thing, too. you don't have to plan a big expensive vacation. great way to get out with the feel and do something cheap. these backpacks are pretty awesome? >> absolutely. thin line, exclusive to bass pro shops. high end grand but very affordable brand. which leads us to our backpack. this is a big guy. we do make them bigger but this is one of the big ones. lumbar support that you adjust. internal frame to support that weight. adjust this to the frame of your shoulders. >> a lot of people think backpacking you are going to put 0 pounds on your back and it's going to be really heavy and uncomfortable if you are going any distance, backpacks are made to support that around your body, right? >> there is an art to it. if you get three hours into five day hike and you haven't packed accordingly, it's going to hurt. you're not going to have fun. >> hurt you in a bad way. >> put the weight on your shoulders in the wrong spot. so the correct way to put this on, you start from the ground up. you want to make sure all these straps are nice and loose, good base. now, take these, come around the front. >> now it's the belt. >> all the way right on top of your helps, you want it to rest comfortably on want to hips. >> there are compartments everywhere. do you have bear spray? [ laughter ] >> yes, you do. >> for everything on there. >> perfect. >> you put it right here to the shoulder straps. pull these down, pull them to a comfortable deal. >> how does it feel? >> you don't want that weight on your shoulders. evenly distributed. that's perfect right here. but we have this added feature. the load bearing weight strap. you pull these down. you will feel that bad just suck to your back. >> i feel it. >> it's awesome. >> that's perfect? sternum strap. >> how much is this? >> under 160 bucks. >> no way. >> absolutely. >> you could put a couple kids in if there. >> it's reusable. >> that's right. can you use it all you want. you are load offed down. this is great for, you know, several days out on the trail or just a weekend get away. >> checking in with you laterren in n. the hour next hour. >> i will be here. >> anna and clayton? >> you guys look good out there. forget everything you think about veterans in the workplace. following orders is actually not their best quality. retired army paratrooper tells us what is next. >> why one chicago school district is ditching the government mandated school lunch program for one of their own. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidd fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. i'm 55 years old and i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain was terrible. um, i remember my feet hurt so bad that it felt like i had hot pins and needles coming from the inside out of my skin. when i did go see the doctor and he said, "i think i can help you" and prescribed lyrica. it helped me. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having reduced pain is great and i'm grateful for it. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of michael's story, visit it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. dso i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ired. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! happy saturday, everybody. some quick headlines for you now. a chicago area school district ditching the federal lunch programs. officials at township high school in arlington heights claim they were being forced to stop serving popular lunch items like pizza and french fries. they will come up with their own lunch menu. being blackmailed by tourists. apparently customers are trying to extort free rooms and dinners from hotels and restaurants by saying they will write a bad review. hospitality officials say the problems is on the rise. going from deploy to employed is a problem veterans are facing in droves across the country. >> here is something you don't know about those veterans looking for work. >> cheryl casone from the fox business network joins us now with some very special guests. cheryl? >> so, veteran unemployment has been decreasing over the last few years. the numbers are still too high. especially for our post 9/11 veterans. this is just one problem veterans are facing. which is shown in the brand new dock could you series coming back with more j. >> if you had a job you were sitting in a suit and tie and it who go to a cubical every day from 9 to 5, this wouldn't be good for you? >> no. >> joining me to talk more about this is producer and host of coming back, west moore. and one of the vets featured u.s. army reserve staff sergeant latrice titus. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> you took on this project because you saw what we saw here and that is that veterans are struggling to get work and to build new lives. what did you learn? >> well, you know, really, a lot of it came from this idea of when i made my own personal transition. i came back from afghanistan. i was a paratrooper with the 82nd airborne. i saw what happened with myself and my soldiers where that transition can be very very stark. you are coming back to an economy that has stalled in many ways. you are coming back to transition to it a skill set which might have nothing to do with what your skill set was while you were overseas. a lot of veterans find themselves in the mix. what we wanted to do is not just show what the complexities are but highlight the humanity and assets that these vets are bringing back. >> you are canceling vets as well? >> yes. >> what is the most common theme you are hearing from these veterans when they come in and seeking guidance about how to start a new life? >> well, you hear veterans not being able to transfer the skill sets that they have acquired in the military over into the civilian sector. finding that when they do find employment, it's difficult for them to maintain employment. >> you know, if you look at the unemployment rate of vets and the suicide rate of vets, they actually track one another. and so this is something we have to get very serious about this. not just from employment perspective but mental health perspective. i think something we can start doing to actually start moving the needle significantly and early is we have to not just have ideas of set asides for veterans in terms of employment and opportunities, which are wonderful and great, and a lot of big businesses are doing that but at the same time, we have to understand the entrepreneurial vision that some vets have. you know, the common understanding of vets and its a false conception, is that veterans about somehow these robots, the only time we can be effective is if you tell us what to do. veterans are some of the most entrepreneurial people that i have ever had a chance to be around. one thing you know in combat is that your tuesday will look nothing like your monday. wednesday will look nothing like your tuesday. so much of what we do in combat is react to contact. what's entrepreneurialism if it's not reacting to contact? >> i have never heard about the entrepreneurial side of it. do you agree with it as well? >> i do, yeah. >> i think this show is going to be great, obviously. tell us about it. it's going to be running later this month, correct? on pbs? >> correct. it's a series, we have had a great partner in pbs. it's going to be three consecutive tuesdays so may 13th, may it 20th and may 27th at 8 p.m. eastern standard time. what we want to do is not just show the challenges that veterans are having because these are real. he want to show them. at all times we want to also show that's not the whole story. vets doing some extraordinary work when they are come back home and that needs to be part of the conversation as well. >> are you ready for your turn at tv stardom? >> i am. >> thank you both so much. >> thank you, cheryl. >> thank you, glarl coming up on the show, vicious criminals accused of killing off entire ridge village and kidnapping hundreds of little girls. why didn't hillary clinton state department label them terrorists two years ago. >> do you shop online? you may be paying more for the very same item than the person living next door. we have got an expert here to tell you how you can avoid it next. it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. if you ask me about did you ever have chickenpox? 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. guess which one i was. imagine walking into a store and paying a difference price depending on what you look like or how much money you make or where you live. if you shop online that may be happening to you. how you can prevent it? nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you, too. >> explain it this to me. if you lived next door to me you could be paying less or more than me at the same online store. >> dynamic pricing. stores can increase or decrease the price based on item grawnks. so the fact that i'm a woman, you know, maybe we live in a certain zip code but maybe i'm filing for unemployment and you just got a raise, marketers, retailers, depending on where you are going online can collect that data. where that's different from price description, it's under the guise marketing data. can't discriminate nate against people when it comes to pricing and gender, nationality, you know, their background, but when it comes to marketing data, that's where the blurred lines remain take a look at. so consumer categories breaking down, soccer moms. >> basically if you are a mom maybe you are buying a the lo of stuff at wal-mart or going to k-mart for stuff or going grocery shopping buying certain things online, even when you go into a store, they are tracking that movement as what you are buying and there is a whole basically a data that they are collecting on that. >> browser and search history. >> it's been happening for years. not a new thing. been happening for almost 10 years. >> this is also collected from internet history like how much you buy. haven't cleaned out your search history. haven't cleaned these cookies off. buying a lot of. >> what cookies are is a digital bread crumbs of where you have been. not to confuse anyone. it's easy to clear your browser go. to your browser settings, go to privacy settings hit click and clear. >> how do we stop this? >> one way is to clear your cookies. another way is continue to stall software where it actually protects from you this price dynamic pricing. the difference it's called thor, a new software that just came up. can you download it but you have to be careful because it can protect you from not getting the cheaper prices as well. so it needs what you are doing but then you have to be careful because you night not get the better prices. also, go offline, go to a store and negotiate. some people call it bargaining. you don't feel bad about that. people in europe and across the world go ahead and negotiate on prices. we don't do thatch so much in the united states. you can go ahead and do that and then online can you price match. >> i'm going to it see if that will work for me in a few minutes when i go to starbucks. 20% discount. price negotiate. great to he see you this morning. fascinating. four americans left to die in benghazi still no justice. nancy pelosi is calling the search for answers a political stunt. governor huckabee is here to weigh in on that next. everyone's favorite crack smoking mayor rob ford is back in the news this do morning. is he getting violent. sedansing in violence? 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 hello and good morning. saturday, the 10th of may, 2013. i'm anna kooiman. a horrified crowd watches as a hot air balloon crashes into a power line and bursts into flames. you could hear them screaming please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us. we're going to die. oh my god, please help us, please help us. >> breaking details as authorities continue to search for the wreckage. >> a new veterans affairs bombshell breaking overnight. it's a smoking gun, an email proving that employees knew they were gaming the system and putting our heroes at risk. they said so outloud. governor mike huckabee is here with his response. >> make bullying criminal for kindergartners? a new push to fine your a-year-old. in california, of course. good idea are or gone too far? tweets and emails this morning we will read them. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >> you are watching "fox & friends," the number one cable morning news show in america. >> that's right. when colonel hunt says so, you cannot argue. >> love the sound of that, good morning. 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. considerably earlier on the west coast and we are glad to see. >> you glad all of you joining us today. make sure do you something nice for mom today and tomorrow. mother's day weekend. >> you have only got a few shomg hours left to get mom the perfect present. we will much more on that coming up through the show. maybe tips from bass pro shops. >> excellent stuff. >> great stuff this morning. stories making headlines we want to get right to. we do have a fox news alert. they were screaming for their lives. that's what witnesses say they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hit the power line, burst into flames and crashes to the ground. >> it was kind of like pop. when that happened the basket exploded and debris started following to the ground and -- falling to the ground. upping could hear them screaming dear sweet jesus help us. help us. basket. carolina county search crews have not been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival that was set to kick off today and has now been cancelled. an attempted kidnapping of two americans forcing the united states to close its embassy in yemen. security fears were heightened after the embassy officers were visiting a barber shop which when a pair of armed kidnappers stormed. in the sphrs reported to be a cia agent and a special operations commando. is the shot would be assailant and has since left the country. potential disaster over the skies of over florida. after a drone and jet liner nearly crash into each other. a u.s. airways plane came incredibly close to the drone while aproiching tallahassee airport. the faa revealing the camouflaged color drone flying at 2300 feet. high above the altitude of a typical drone. >> i would say that it was so close to his jet that he was sure that he had collided with it thankfully, inspection of the airliner after landing found no damage this coming after a string. when one crashed into a building in downtown st. louis. and here we go again. toronto's crack smoking mayor, rob ford caught on video making a belligerent rant at a bar. >> kick you right in the [bleep], [bleep]. this video posted online by the toronto sun. reportedly filmed on april 27th. >> one day after film -- ford was caught on camera smoking crack in his sister's basement. >> i like the happy rob ford a little bit better. >> ford says he went to rehab last week. i don't think we know where rob ford is. >> have you been tracking him? >> his honing collar has gone dead. somewhere in north america we are hearing from our producers. >> there was your drone in the sky. >> we want to bring in mick puck bethis morning. >> after rob ford where do we go from here? >> we go to this story. which is a bombshell story overnight, governor, i'm sure you are aware of the breaking developments late last night on the mistreatment of our veterans at the veterans affairs and one of the hospitals out in wyoming. we had heard reports that they were, basically, fudging data records there. and not giving the care to our veterans that they needed and some veterans had died as a result of not getting the care that they needed. now we know from an email that, in fact, they were -- they laid it out specifically. and how to go in and manipulate the records so that it in that 14-day window, if you didn't match it, you know what? we just go being in and back date these records 15 days and you are fine and these veterans suffers right. what do you make of this. >> we knew what happened in arizona was just beyond disgusting. now that we see it wyoming and other places around the country, it's clear this is a systemic problem. this is not just an isolated incident within the v.a. or one system. this across the entire system. i think shin seq.y needs to go not because he is personally responsible. he is he ultimately responsible and at some point you have to say we are cleaning house. we're going to bring people, in they are going to go top to bottom. we're going to get to the heart of this. we're going to fix it it then f. they don't fix it fire that guy and get somebody who can. >> administrative leave, governor. >> how disgusting is that? you don't fire people we need to recognize this is not just about a bureaucratic mess. this is criminal behavior when you defraud a patient seeking healthcare she deserves it because he or she is a veteran serving this country, that's more than a bureaucratic snafu, that's criminal behavior. >> people can go to jail for it david newman is somebody who sparked all this bombshell smoking gun email that came out yesterday. yes, it is gaming the system a bit. you have no know the rules of the game you are playing and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. and he goes on to say that you can change it after it's happened. change it in the computer. get off the bad boys list. what does it say? he is putting this in writing. not like he is having it in a conversation. you know, really systemic problem. >> this is. this is government speak for cya cover your aspirations. tragic because we are talking about the group of people that need to be elevated to the most high level of treatment that we have. people shot at for us. people served in uniform at greatly below greatly below what their service should have been. now we owe them at least that promise fulfilled on their healthcare and we are not giving it to them. >> why is the president getting a pass on this? i understand shinseki runs the agency. he lost a foot in vietnam. a general, pretty i didn't mean progressive guy. obama is the one who runs the executive branch of government and yet he seems to have been dodging responsibility for. this how did that happen? >> it happens because the press never holds him accountable or responsible. i'm not saying that the president is standing at the white house saying let's manipulate the records at the v.a. because we know that's not true. he has some power to make things happen by putting personnel and putting his fist down on the oval office saying i want this fixed and report on my desk in 30 days. if sib anybody, you know, fails to get this to me, they are gone. >> back in august of 2013 the president said this and we knew ba it in december when that "special report" came out about the v.a. listen to the president back in august of 2013. it sounded like he was slamming his fist down on the podium this time listen. >> we're not going to let up until we eliminate the backlog once and for all. we will keep moving ahead with paperless systems so the backlog doesn't come back and so your claims are processed right, the first time on time. [ applause ] after years of military service, you shouldn't have to wait for years for the benefits you have earned. >> it's nice that you said that he was reading off the teleprompter. i will believe it more when there is action beyond the teleprompter when he actually fires some people, and he conducts a full investigation. he gets congress involved. that's one of the things that they should be doing as an oversight function. but, it's in unacceptable and inexcusable, i have a friend of mine who is a former flight surgeon in the air force. he did contract work as a medical doctor. he told me this is not something that is recent and not just something that is isolated it is threat the v.a. system. he worked in about a dozen different v.a. hospitals in the course of his life. he said this is something he constantly found. a lot of physicians who just were, you know, kind of going through the motions. they had patients who were in serious pain and they did not try to deal with pain management and some of the issues to really help them. but it like hey i get off at 5:00 and i'm done. >> so awful. how many of these stories you have seen in government. >> to be fair there are good employ yeses in the v.a. dedicated medical profession. it's not aspersion against everybody in the v.a. system. one bad apple does in this case ruined whole barrel and they need to be removed from the barrel. >> somebody should be held accountable? >> yes. >> named seven members for the select committee. we are trying to figure out what their participation will be. were ifer house speaker nannies pelosi serve football listen to what she says. >> the fact is this is a stunt. this is a political stunt. and the fact that issa is damaged goods. move from him with mother venue with another chairman. that's what this is we have been there and done this over and over again. it's very sad. chris stevens, glenn daughtery, sean smith, tyrone woods, two of their families have called us and said, please, don't take us down this path again. it's really hard for them. it's very sad. >> do you believe that? do you think the families of those four innocent people that lost their lives don't want answers? >> honest answers, i don't know. i know i have specially talked to families, two of the families who very much want us to find out what happened and tyrone woods, his father charles woods has been on the show twice. he gave me a picture of tyrone it signatures in my office as a reminder to me not to forget benghazi until we come to the truths. americans want it know. measures deserve to know frankly whether the democrats show up or not, you know what? the truth is going to come forward. i think they should show up. if they don't, it may be that we have a more realistic approach to getting to the truth. i think boehner did a good job. he appointed people who were not the best known congressman not the ones seen on television all the time. look at their background, all of them have very qualified former federal prosecutors. mike pompei owe and westmoreland both of them will be on my show tonight. this is extraordinary panel and real blue ribbon group of people one of the stories talking about. criminals killing off entire village. kidnapping hundreds of little girls. why didn't hillary clinton label them terrorists when she had the chance? could we have tracked them and actually had government involvement ahead of time? get the governor to weigh in on that in a few mommy's. >> making bullying a criminal offense for kindergartners. new push to make it a misdemeanor and slap a fine on your a-year-old for being impolite to one of his classmates. have we gone too far? there is a rhetorical question. your emails ahead. former secretary of state hillary clinton reacting with anger. and calling for action in response to the kidnapping of 3 nigerian girls boko haram. take a listen. >> the seizure of these young women by this radical extremist group, bow co-ha ram is abominable, it's criminal. it's an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible. >> terrorism? hmmm. that's how hillary clinton describes the group. for two years when she ran the state department she fought efforts to have that group labeled a terror organization, amazingly. >> back again to respond is governor mike huckabee on all of this. a the love people say governor, what does an alabel actually mean? it means quite a bit when you put government resources behind tracking these guys. we might have known ahead of time about these abductions and killings. >> if a government labels someone a terrorist group they do keep up with what they do focusing intelligence operations. understanding better where they are moving even look into phone calls and all sorts of things which what they ought to be doing rather than looking into tucker's spoken calls. -- phone calls. there is nothing to be seen there. >> i will let the nsa to reveal that. >> i lost my phone and i called nsa and they restored all of my emails. >> throw up a quote by daily brees josh rogan. state department official who worked with hillary clinton at the time he said. this the one thing she could have done. one tool she had had her disposal she didn't use. no one can say she wasn't urged to do it. it's gross hypocrisy. >> whandz in benghazi is -- we stopped it, killed bin laden, basically the world is a safe place. out of iraq, out of afghanistan pretty soon and therefore we don't have to worry anymore. now we know it's not so wonderful out there in the world. in fact, terrorism is alive, well, and growing. and it's not diminishing because radical islam is a force and it is not going away and it is not tempering. and i don't know why we can't understand that why see the hollywood people getting upset about what's going on in brunei. that's fine. do they not understand this has been the culture for radical islam for a long time. it's not new. >> and, governor, you mentioned benghazi, too. hillary clinton trying to be tough on national security also protecter of women we're seeing the tough talk from her #bring back our girls. are we going to see more of that from her or is that going to help when she has to fight her record? >> i think she will still have to answer for what happened during her record. i saw an interview with someone who was trying to defend her. i felt sorry for the person. i really did. i truly felt sorry for the person because the question was tell me what hillary did in those years as secretary of state that was so remarkable. it was all how hard she tried. bottom line is. this here is the question. can you name me one country on this entire planet with whom we have a better relationship today than we had in january of 2009? and the answer is even among obama supporters and hillary supporters, nobody has been able to name a country for me. not one can you? >> licken stein? >> no, they don't like us at all anymore. >> hold us in utter contempt. >> irony that a lot of people voted for obama in the belief that the rest of the world would like us. >> charm the snakes back into the basket because he could play the flute better than anybody. the flute is out of tune and snakes all over the landscape. >> 8 p.m. on the fox news channel huckabee. two congressman on the panel, one of my favorite people tony orlando is going to be with us. we will be tieing a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree tonight. >> thanks governor, great to have you. >> make bullying criminal for kindergartners. it's happening. a new push to slap a fine or your a-year-old. good idea or completely insane? you are weighing in? >> that's coming up next. and then this criminal suing for his right to eat ice cream? he said the jail is violating his right. are you kidding me? ♪ ♪ ♪ 23 minutes past the hour. quick headlines for you. with donald sterling banned from the nba for life. the clippers have called on dick parsons to act as interim ceo. the they are trying to force him to sell the team. inmates with horns tattooed on his head suing nevada jail over ice scream. he says the jail is violating his religious rights claiming he is only supposed to eat whole foods ice cream listed as one of those foods. the man serving 2 to 6 years for stealing a car and drug possession. what religion is eating whole foods ice cream. >> one he made up. >> i have a couple kids adherence to that faith i believe. >> breakfast as well. >> there is faith really among the a local of the scoot stration in whatever the current fad is everybody believes it it has got to be true. a new fad swept america education that was the attack on bullying, the crd that bullying was the single greateth threat. maybe some cases that's true. one in california decided to got the extra stepping ticket up to 100 buck? s. >> preliminary approving for. this first time offender could be ticketed for insphraction and fined 100 bucks and second infraction would cost 200. third time offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge. this is for a-year-olds, folks. this for kindergartners. what are they going to do safe their allowance from the nickel or dime or quarter from making their bed? >> parents will pay it, of course. >> is this t. a good thing and make parents become more involved? typing the parents for the kid's behavior in school. seven 11 on the way home from school. you can't control everything is he doing. >> schools are taking the roles that parents used to occupy. >> how to raise your children. >> of course they do. he they know what kind of food your kids ought to eat and what values your kids ought to have. they know how your kids ought to behave with your classmates. they know what politics they ought to adhere to. teach them how to add civil war. carson city mayor, he says we're not talking putting a a-year-old in jail. intervening in both the bully's life who is a person hurting and the victim's life. >> cyber bullying. >> save your sermons for sunday, man. >> get parents to become more involved and watch what they're doing on the internet a little bit more whether they are bull idea or the person bullying. in a round about way could child predators online too. getting them to be more hands on. can i see both sides of it. >> demeanor charges would solve the problem. love your neighbor as yourself. >> john write punishing 5-year-olds because they are not prepared to interact appropriately with other children is nuts. many children have no exposure to proper behavior. >> and a tweet from carol says do 5-year-olds even know how to bully or are they just being 5? great yes. >> jack the wussification of america, one city at a time. >> there is some deep stuff going on here. >> would you -- wussification of america. >> republicans are blocked -- that claim is ridiculous. how many pinocchios did it earn? he we will tell you coming up. >> bass pro shops here with what you need to look up for when you buying a kayak. that's coming up. >> sneak peek on what's coming up on cashing in at 11:00 this morning. >> president obama took the victory lap for all the jobs that is all of the above strategy was. creating providing and then the very next day he trashes that same industry. the very next day for being a polluter with his climate report. >> well all of the success that he has mentioned has nothing to do with him. ♪ get out of my dreams ♪ and into my car ♪ >> it's your shot of the morning. if you are driving the highways around boston and need to change lanes, you better use your blinkah. the massachusetts department of transportation is hoping to get that message across to drivers with the new road signs. >> officials say it's state law to use a signal changing sit lanes. drivers often ignore it in boston. use yah blinkahs. upon knicks didn't work for them. >> take more than that driving under the hub is my prediction. >> get in the car. >> good luck. >> 8:32 is the time now. on to saturday morning headlines. on just about every level this claim is ridiculous. the "the washington post" giving president obama four out of four pinocchios after saying republicans have filibustered 500 pieces of legislation since 2007. a fact checker with the post says the president was counting cloture motions which puts a time limit on a vote to consider a bill. that means only 133 legislations since 2007 never went to a vote because of filibuster. and caught on camera, a close call for a' cop during a routine traffic stop in iowa. >> officer jeremy vietch is lucky to be alive after a tree crashed on top of him. he heard a couple cracks and next thing he knew he was on the ground calling for help. each had minor injuries. we have heard it all before. prom isn't a right. it's a privilege. more than 30 high school seniors in california found that out just days before the big dance. the students along with teacher aids monitored tardiness and detention records so they could go to prom. they suspended students and teachers aids as well ensuring they will not be able to attend. and the hottest names of 2013 is out and for the first time in the 21st century we have a new number one boy's name. >> clayton? >> not clayton. >> oh. >> inspired by the bible, noah unseats jacob as last year's most popular name. in fact, jacob slips down to the third behind liam. mason and william rounding out the top five. i love that name liam. olivia, isabella and eva all in the top a the list is coming from the latest social security. >> eva. >> my little girls name is ava. birthday today. she watching. >> happy birthday ava. daddy loves you. go out to rick. birthday party today for my little girl is it going to rain? >> quick shower not ruin the day. you have the cutest kids, clayton. >> all from mommy. clearly. >> i would also agree with that. >> sorry. >> you just said that you were nervous out here because your husband was going to see you on tv he sees you every day. >> i know not on fox news. he has to distract himself from fox news to see me. >> i have to tell you you have come here many years to visit and this year your son brought. >> you yes my son brought me. my daughter is here too. she is back at the hotel. my son wanted to come and join me on fox. >> for mother's day. >> you get points your daughter not as much. >> she is watching. >> good son. nicely done. let's take a look at the weather maps as you are waking up this morning. temperatures, things are looking pretty good across the eastern part of the country. temps into the 60's, 70s this morning we have some troubles out there. very heavy rain actually across parts of the south central gulf coast area. we are going to see maybe 3 inches or so of that also have severe weather today across the central plains, severe weather tomorrow. tomorrow a bigger weather threat. omaha, wichita. kansas city. that would be kind of a prime tornado area. and then monday, just a little farther towards the east. it's the season. it's may. tornado alli. this is what happens. everybody there just heads up to be prepared. also prepared because it's also bass pro shops. >> spring and boat time. and we have luke snyder from bass pro shops coolest things they sell in the entire place, boats, which it turns out you can actually afford if you covet a boat. >> go outdoors event starting next week. >> all we are excited about. starting next weekend go through may 25th go. outdoors event. free seminars for the kids. and family friendly. but also a lot of great deals going on including this fishing kayak which is just an awesome, awesome deal. >> cool thing about bass pro shops is you can learn how to do stuff. you will teach them how? >> absolutely. our staff there is all about teaching you and just having fun with it. >> so, by the way, what is this right here? i don't know if our cameras can can see this. some kind of pully system on the side of the kayak. >> set in waiters and do everything from a sitting position on this boat. also, what's really cool about this boat. the whole design on, this since it is a fishing kayak. you can actually stand on this. and you will be stable on the water. >> hard to imagine. when i got on this earlier, in the kayak, going to tip over, fish pulling you, you are moving around, trying to get the fish out. you are not going to tip over? >> absolutely. i will tell you what, being honest, everything is possible to tip over, as far as fishing goes on kayak, this is the stablest thing on the market. >> cast right from the deck? >> that's right. this is 360-degree dhar move all around. have you got a handle right here to pull yourself up comfortably from the chair, stand on the deck. you have four rod holders right here. two out here as you are standing up here casting. >> keep your fish in. >> there water tight box. >> or lunch? >> yeah. >> you have high standards you can fly cast. >> that's right. you ought to hear some of the stories. these guys are literally taking these out in the ocean and catching big tuna and sharks with these. >> you can imagine? >> that would be a rush. >> slay ride. >> that's awesome. so you have these. you also have some fun kayaks? >> right. as you can see right here. for under had hundred dollars. you are out in the outdoors and you are kayaking. i will tell you what, can you pick this up, it's super light weight. anybody can load that. >> that's under 400 bucks? >> that's under 400 bucks. >> without all the bells and whistles on this, this is under 700 bucks. >> that's crazy. i'm actually getting one for real. >> i'm telling you, they are fun. i personally have been out on this in the ocean myself, had a great time. >> is there a two person version of this? >> absolutely we have two person, yep. >> of the fish and kayak? >> well, there is more fun friendly kayaking. if you want to get serious and catch tuna and shark. you. >> you need a witness. >> nobody is going to believe it. >> you have got the dry box put your camera in there. >> much more coming up in the next hour. send it back to you, clayton and anna. >> thanks, guys. >> did your mom always tell you not to sit too close to the tv? is that really a health issue? we're going to separate mom advice from fact and fiction. this morning. >> all right. and half of the people in connecticut and illinois watch out, so, why are they so unhappy and where are they going? we crunch the numbers next. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or let's get up and moving. 43 minutes after the hour. here are the top stories on our web site for your health. more hospitals across the united states performing c sections with women with low risk pregnancies. c section rates are up 500% since 1970. cock doctors consider c section risky because it's a major surgery and can have complication complications for otherwise healthy women. you wake one a splitting headache and squeeze j stomach. shouldn't have mixed those drinks. hangovers are related to how much alcohol you consume not what kind you mix. all right, clayton, over to you. >> took the bbc to figure that out? i could have told them that. this looking to move out of state? gallup poll. that number averages about 33% across the united states. but, in symptom states, as many as 50% say they are seeking greener pastures. why in the world is this happening. travis brown author of the new book wealth of states. there is the book. i saw the story this week that half of people in illinois and connecticut want to move somewhere else. want to get the heck out of there, why? >> it's consistent with the past evidence of how others from illinois, connecticut and maryland have voted with their feet, voted with their wallet. they know that they are in high cost of living or in some cases very high tax burdens, we're seeing that here out of all the 50 states, the states in green,ing if and pursuing other alternatives that people that are left behind look for where else could they move. >> why is this relevant for people living in connecticut? sorry for them, i don't have to worry about it? >> well, they are all part of the national economy. connecticut and something we cover a deep dive looking at connecticut and places like new jersey were once part of 11 states that never had a tax on your work. so they used to be very prosperous economies. bart of our contribution to the u.s. economy. we depend on all states to be thriving. we like to see economies more like texas and florida. contributing. that's where many of these people are choosing to move. >> let's look at the worst offender chicago and illinois. chicago specifically. you say they are bleeding badly, why? >> from the irs data we know the last 19 years, a loss of over $29 billion of taxable income going to other places. not just the region in chicago and to the neighboring states, but making big moves down to places like florida. we also know that's true in maryland and connecticut. >> let's talk about connecticut next. seconds on the list here. 49% of people want to get the heck out of connecticut? >> one very prosperous area for the insurance and financial service industries, places like fairfield county, connecticut were very popular destinations. now a lot of that move in the past 18, 19 years is also showing going south. >> being. what about new jersey or i'm sorry, what about maryland here on the list? 47% of people. >> what's interesting in the people maryland's attitude. income and transfer of wealth is that they are really speaking loudly against the policies of raising one's tax burden and raising the cost of living, yet, just last year, maryland continues to do that raising taxes on upper incomes and taxing something as ridiculous as rain. >> i guess j yeah, i was surprised to hear more about maryland and connecticut than new york. does new york dodge a bullet on. this no. they are more used to the higher cost of living or tax attitudes or different reasons to be in new york city. we know scoring out the long run evidence that they -- when he they are asked what their major reasons are in the gallup poll, new yorkers higher than anyone else in america cite cost of living and tax burden. >> brutal, okay. let's talk about the states where people don't want it move. they love being there. i see some big white patches on your board here. >> right. we are looking at places like montana. looking at some of these light states of course as we have seen before in the long run data in wealthy states. states like texas, it's really hard to see a texan want to leave texas. they have to have a very good reason not to want to be a texan. >> it's because of, what? taxes specifically. >> we can look at the overall business climate and look at the per capita income rising. moving up the economic ladder a lot of reasons for it but we know when you score it out, the evidence shows that texas is leading job growth in four straight years. >> he we always hear about texas it; but we haven't heard as much as maine. that's white on your list here too. >> that's right. maine is one of those destinations a state next door to new hampshire which doesn't tax income or state sales. so there are pretty happy attitudes when it looks at the climate, especially in the summertime for maine. we still know when you look past the gallup evidence that we're seeing a flood of income out of maine to places like florida. >> when you look at all this data, what state is reaping the rewards of most migration? >> that has to be the sunshine state. governor rick scott just cut half a billion dollars of taxes and stream lined regulations here. this notion, competition in america. national economy is really about texas vs. florida. >> can i draw on it? can can i circle? >> sure. >> can i get threw. >> there we go. florida. most people try to move there. >> $95.6 billion of income moving to the sunshine state. >> this is nun. i didn't get to do this much as a kid. thank you so much. i love the breakdown here. check out wealth of for more information. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, playing politics with race. democratic congressman slammed senator tim scott for being black and republican. the outrageous charge straight ahead. did your mom always tell you don't sit too close to the television. it's going to ruin your eyes is that really a health issue? mom advice from fiction next. may want to hide the kids, mom. ♪ come on take the money and run ♪ go on and take the money and run ♪ ♪ ♪ mwhen you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. >> i love you, mom. >> happy mother's day weekend. >> because i said so. did your mom tell that you? was she right? sometimes but not always. >> in honor of mother's day tomorrow, we are getting to the bottom of all those health tips. >> the wives' tales. emergency room and founder of mid level let's start with sitting too close to the television. we heard that growing up. it will hurt your eyes. we hear that with ipads. is that true or not? >> it's false. sitting too close to the tv or ipad doesn't cause permanent eye damage. it can cause eye strain, headache, blurry vision. that resolves quickly with rest. kids can sit closer to the tv and focus better at shorter distances than adults can. it might be that your child is sitting close to a tv or reading a book close to their face and it's not bothering their eyes. >> should moms tell kids don't sit too far back? >> choose a comfortable distance. it might be closer than comfortable for you. >> here is a so-called myth that is scientifically true, and that is gum stays in your stomach for seven years. >> absolutely does not. >> kept me from swallowing it. >> gum contains four ingredients. three are dissolved by the enzymes and acid, the fourth ingredient makes gum chewy and gets eliminated with the rest. >> mom, you were lying? >> when you're feeling nauseous, we could have soda to settle our stomach. >> have ginger ale. >> unfortunately, soda, the carbonation can make your stomach hurt. all the symptoms can make nausea and vomiting. a lot of the ginger ale on the market contains artificial flavorings. go for a ginger tea. shop in the natural foods aisle. >> what about coke syrup? >> what about snacking? will ruin your dinner. >> if you do it right, doesn't have to ruin your dinner. a lot of us view a snack as a mini meal. that can ruin your dinner. if you choose healthy foods, it can help control your blood sugar and curb the hunger so when mealtime comes you're not so starving. snacking can be done if done right. it won't ruin your dinner. >> sugar makes you hyper. i've seen kids get hyper from sugar. >> there are a large studies that show sugar and hyper is not linked. what we are seeing with the hyperactivity myth is surroundings. we eat sugar at birthday parties, holidays where kids are hyped up already. it's the environment making them hyperactive than the sugar itself. >> interesting. setting the record straight. moms were lying. thank you. >> great to see you. breaking overnight, new veterans' affairs e-mails that employees in wyoming were instructed to manipulate patients' records. >> is johnny football a brat? why it may have taken so long to get drafted. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. you should know that 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. hey, everybody, good morning, it is saturday the 10th of may, 2014. the fox news alert. a hot air balloon burst into flames and came crashing to the ground with three people onboard. a press conference has the breaking details. a new veteran affairs bombshell breaks overnight. call it the smoking gun. an e-mail that proves employees there knew they were gaming the system and putting our heros at rick. all the details. stay tuned for that. >> guys, does this sound vaguely familiar to you? >> the bathroom's a mess, you should probably go work out. >> bathroom's a mess. your wife's nagging might be killing you. what about the women? this is just for men. studies proven for men. e-mails pouring in on this one. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. you're watching fox and friends, a great way to begin your day. >> that's why bass pro shops is on the fox and friends plaza. >> if mother's day weekend means anything, it means getting your fishing rods out. >> get them dusted off. >> come on into fox and friends this saturday morning. >> we have a lot of news this morning. we have confirmation in a story we've been following the past several weeks about the v.a. system of hospitals around this country that treats our ailing veterans. there have been indications that employees of the v.a. have been breaking the law in shishging their duty to treat our veterans. we have hard proof in the form of an e-mail from a v.a. employee from a wyoming hospital that says point blank, yes, we are gaming the system. >> you have to know the rules of the game you're playing. we exceed that 14 day measure the front office gets upset. he breaks down the system how he does it. if you want a doctor's appointment august 15th, we may put that down initially in the books, when you don't get that appointment, we will back date it in the computer so it appears as if you did get that appointment when you're sitting home waiting to get care. >> this is an e-mail. this isn't proof that was inadvertently recorded and surfaced to the media. what does that say about the culture at the v.a.? is this acceptable behavior to cook the books and teach your employees how to cook the books? david newman a nurse there says some of the visits have passed but you can fix this and get off the bad's boy list cancelling the visit and reschedule it in the 14-day window to keep the guys in the office happy. >> basically our supervisors want the actual appointment booked within 14 days. that's difficult, of course. competence always is. here is how i handle it. if we don't meet this measurement, the 14-day measurement, the front office gets upset which doesn't help us. you're watching bureaucrats in the process of this. >> if this happened under your watch you would fire somebody. the secretary of veterans affair sent an e-mail or released this statement. this sounds like bureaucratic-ese. >> i immediately requested the independent office inspector general conduct a thorough investigation. i directed that the employee be removed from patient care responsibility and placed on administrative leave. underline not fired. v.a. takes any allegation of employee misconduct seriously if true, behavior outlined in the e-mail is unacceptable. >> does secretary shinseki expect us to buy that? you did know about this. several months ago. this continues to happen and nobody lost their job in this report was done in cheyenne, wyoming and ft. collins, colorado. the reason nobody was fired because there was no maliciousness. it was just a training problem. >> talk to any veteran who sought treatment and he'll tell you tons of good, dedicated, decent people there, but also very often it's like trying to wade through the bureaucratic nonsense. we interviewed a veteran who has liver cancer. he still can't manage to book the appointment with the doctor to get surgery on his liver cancer. >> even after they knew he had cancer. it was on the books he had cancer. >> that is the department of motor vehicles except a hospital. it's not like this is just happening. this has been going on a long time. is the government best administering a hospital system? putting the government in charge of health care? we are going to see a lot more of this before we see less. >> when government gets involved in any of these sectors what a problem it has. we got a report of the post office, billions of dollars in budget shortfalls. huge loss any department the government gets its hands on. we'll continue to cover this story here out of the v.a. representative james clyburn is saying senator jim scott is not doing a good job not being a black republican because he isn't vote iing toward the colof his skin, the way he should be. if you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation he has who votes against the interests and aspirations of 95% of the black people in south carolina, then i guess that's progress. isn't this perpetuating the problem highlighting the differences? because somebody who is african-american believes in less government and working hard, getting ahead and the american dream, that makes him not a good black person? >> it's the definition of racism. you're not allowed to believe something because of your skin color. if there is another definition, i'm not sure what it is. senator scott can believe whatever he wants. anyone who tells him otherwise is committing an obvious act of racism. jim clyburn, one of the most famous members of the house of representatives says a totally over the top -- attacks the guy for the color of his skin and nobody reports it except fox? >> reverend michael faulkner was on greta last night and he found the whole thing deplorable. >> when i was coming up, greta, we applauded in the '60s, we applauded the success of any black person we saw that was advancing the cause of democracy, the cause of our people, we applauded those successes. now it seems that people like representative clyburn are using those, the suffering and struggle we had to get here as a way of exploiting their continued political gain. that is deplorable to me. >> let us know your thoughts moments ago holding a press conference on a hot air balloon crash near richmond. one body has been found. police are searching for the two others onboard and the wreckage. >> witnesses tell us somehow they got out, whether they leapt on their own or the basket and condition of it they fell, we don't know that for certain. >> witnesses describe an horrific scene as they heard the people screaming for their lives as the balloon caught fire and fell to the ground. >> it was like a pop. when that happened the basket exploded and debris started falling to the ground and you could hear them screaming, please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us, we're going to die. >> the crash happening ahead of the mid atlantic balloon festival set to kick off today. it has since been canceled. an attempting kidnapping of two americans forcing the united states to close its embassy in yemen. security was heightened as the officers were visiting a barber shop when the kidnappers stormed in. they are reported to be a cia agent and special operations commando. after 15 years, is bill clinton about to apologize to hillary for this? >> i want you to listen to me. i'm going to say this again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman. ms. lewinsky. >> in the wake of monica lewinsky's sweeping "vanity fair" feature, the former president considering a public apology to his wife and former white house intern. why now? some think it may be to help hillary's potential 2016 white house run. johnny manziel, heisman winner, nfl recruit and former brat? that is according to the new england patriots scouting report. they describe him as an arrogant player who doesn't study the game. reporteders and experts have come out against the leak saying it's fake and not how the patriots won their report. you met him and thought he was super nice. >> i didn't ask him if he studied before we did our show. he was up late after having won the heisman. to look at rick, do you think he stayed up late studying? >> i just asked the question and we have fans here. you don't think he's a brat? >> no. our son went to a&m and said everybody liked him. the reason he took online classes because that's what a lot of kids do down there. >> there you go, clayton. do you buy it? >> supports my thesis. >> by the way, it's also your 30th anniversary. happy anniversary. >> thank you. >> you would think it's mother's day weekend but apparently it's anniversary weekend. we have a system moving across the eastern part of the country. not a washout for the day. scattered showers. maybe a quick thunderstorm across parts of the west we have a very potent system moving into the pacific northwest. it is going to bring snow. it is may 10th and we are talking snow. one to two feet of snow, three to five inches of snow around the denver area. take a look at temperatures. happy mother's day in denver to my sister-in-law. 43 tomorrow, snow in the afternoon. back to you inside. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you, rick. coming up, they are accused of killing an entire village and kidn kidnapping young girls. i don't think today they are labeled as terrorists. everyone's favorite crack-smoking mayor back in the news. this time he wants to knock somebody out. i see the levy's parked in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 revelations that hillary clinton's state department refused to label boko haram as a terrorist group. >> that's the same group responsible for the kidnapping of 300 nigerian girls. we can't forget the time she down played benghazi. >> the fact is we have four dead americans because of a protest or guys out for a walk decide to go kill some americans? what difference does it make? >> despite all the hearings, all the information that's been provided, some choose not to be satisfied. >> what else from her time as secretary of state deserves a closer look? joining us is national security editor for "the blaze" buck sexton. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> benghazi and this next story, 300 girls being kidnapped, an entire village killed and trying to be tough on national security. these stories don't play well for her narrative. >> especially the revelation from this week she had the opportunity and was urged from someone in the national security complex to designate this group foreign terrorist organization which comes with very specific tools that are attached to that. you can do things when someone in a group or individuals are designated. she decided not to do it. what is fascinating is the narrative doesn't stand up to scrutiny either. this looks like yet another ball dropped by hillary clinton as secretary of state. >> nigeria is an important country. it's one of the biggest countries in the world by population and it's splitting in half thanks in part to groups like boko haram. >> the rationale she gave and they won't stand up is that it would draw more attention to this group. that somehow would be a bad thing necessarily. that's one of the rationales. this group has been killing, hundreds of thousands searching back four years. they've been saying they want to wage jihad and have ties to al qaeda. this is well known. the notion not giving them attention is silly. they don't want to elevate the group's stature. there are a lot of groups nobody has heard of. terrorists aren't checking their twitter page saying i made the foreign terrorist designation, now i'm important and cool. shining path is on there. groups people haven't heard of for years are on there. she was inattentive or thought pointing this out would be contrato the narrative there are more al qaeda groups. >> let's take a broad look traveling 956,733 miles, visiting 112 different countries. she worked hard and logged a lot of miles. were her efforts fruitful or fruitless? >> i've gotten in trouble saying she used the state department largely as a personal glory vehicle. she traveled all over the world. not a single treaty, not a single international agreement, trade agreement to her name worthy of mentioning here. not one. this isn't coming from me, this comes from her own spokesperson when asked about this issue in recent weeks had nothing to say. deer in the headlights look about what has hillary clinton accomplished. she tries to hold this up as her greatest qualification for 2016 for president. >> we'll see if she runs. >> i was a cia analyst so this is near and dear to my heart. he's just 26 years old, new to the district. most of his campaign cash is coming from his own pocket. he wants you to vote for him for congress. his opponent says he is just buying the election. does this sound familiar to you? >> the bathroom's a mess, you should probably go work out. >> this is a public health crisis of staggering magnitude. your wife's nagging is killing you. e-mails, tweets pouring in. ♪ ♪ ♪ we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? 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[ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that? well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do -- sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! . quick headlines. a flight forced to make an emergency landing after a bird takes out an engine on a us airways plane. it was heading from new york to d.c. and landed safely at laguardia airport. no one was hurt. >> a win for the pledge of allegiance. massachusetts highest court ruling the words "under god" does not discriminate against atheists. the lawsuit was filed four years ago from atheists claiming it violated the rights of their three children. sean eldridge is the husband of chris hughes running for congress in new york's 19th district. so far he's contributed $965,000 of his own money to the campaign. that accounts for about 42% of the cash he raised so far. his opponent says that proves he is trying to buy the election and that's not even the worst part. his opponent is sitting congressman from that district chris gibson. he joins us this morning. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, tucker. good to be with you. >> your contention is this guy is like basically not done anything in his life, not from the district, and this is a text book example of a guy, rich guy moving in trying to buy a seat in congress. is that your position? >> the election is about two points. one is service. that is i'm working hard in the congress in a challenging period to bring people together, to get things done and there's proven results there. take a look on election day in 2010, the unemployment rate in our country was 10%. today still too high but somewhere a little over 6%. the deficit, my last year in the army was over $1.4 trillion and at the end of this year, still too high but we'll come in about $480 billion. we'll have cut the deficit by 2/3. that and also focusing on district priorities. the farm bill, flood relief, broadband expansion, fighting lyme's disease. this guy at the age of 26, after the last election he moved into our district with very little experience and absolutely no ties to the district. he is looking to use his husband fortune to buy a seat. it's not going to work. he's out of touch with the district. i believe our district, republicans, independents and a good number of democrats are going to reject him and support me for a decisive victory in november. >> you did four combat tours in iraq, a ph.d. from cornell, a college professor. what do you think the minimum threshold for life achievement ought to be to have a seat in congress? >> my personal view is you excelled in something. started a business, done really well there. made some significant contributions in business in some way. served in some leadership capacity in the military or in academia. to come in with little experience and absolutely no ties to the district, you're not in a position to empathize with those you're looking to represent, nor are you able to be effective. one example how being out of touch really is, leads to taking wrong positions. my opponent, he criticizes me for opposing energy taxes. after the winter we just went through, my folks, we had our gas and home heating costs skyrocket, we had our electricity prices double. yet my opponent criticizes me for opposing energy taxes. i will tell you that republicans, independents and democrats alike don't want their energy taxed. >> we have reached out to sean eldridge. haven't heard back but hope we will. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. >> good to be with you. what's going on with the justice department? the man in charge of overseeing public integrity there, and there are quotation marks around that phrase says he has no clue who is in charge of the criminal investigation of lois lerner. really? fans will be saying good-bye to stephen colbert when he takes over for letterman. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. to get a long way from boring. with models up to 62 horsepower or room for four. go rugged. go big. go gator. the shot of the morning. a 2-year-old watches in complete awe as he cease-fire works the very first time. >> it's terror at first then he gets excited. >> his name is connor and his dad took him to a wwe smackdown event which opens up with fireworks. >> dad told him to plug his ears for the loud noises, connor couldn't contain his excitement. >> that is a great dad, taking him to a pro wrestling event at that age? >> i react that way to this day at age 44. >> even when we open the show. >> every fourth of july or new year's eve, i tell baxter, you're going to enjoy, cover your ears but he runs under the bed or in the bath tub. >> can you really be nagged to death? many of you weighed in on this. we have actual science. team of researchers that put all this together. it's probably the largest study conducted on human nature and found out men are likely to die 2.5 times more likely to die if they have a wife who nags them. science, guys. >> this is mother's day weekend, guys. >> it shows the profound impact women have on men. women have a lot of power. >> there is a word for that called blaming the victim. >> i think there are a lot of lazy men out there. nagging could flat-out kill you. it's more deadly than second hand smoke. it's up there with land mines. >> 1,000 tiny cuts. >> a viewer said it's like being nibbled to death by a duck. >> men who put up with it, it's hard to feel sorry for them, too. >> leave. you get beat down for so long, get out of there. don writes and says my wife is not a nag. she is a motivational speaker. >> i hear you. thomas says proverbs 27:15, a continual dripping and a very rhaney day and a contentious woman are alike. >> at what point does it become nagging? the first time i ask or the 27th? >> no benefit from nagging. just remember all you men out there, do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? happy wife, happy life. >> sometimes men deserve it. >> you knew that he doesn't clean. you knew he didn't put his dishes away when you fell in love with him, did you think he would change? >> we are not dogs, we can't be trained. let us know your thoughts. this other story is making your headlines this saturday morning. who is in charge into the investigation of the irs targeting tea party groups? the justice department should know, right? wrong. >> can you tell me who is leading the investigation? there's got to be someone in charge. who is the point person on the investigation targeting the internal revenue service of conservative groups. >> numerous career prosecutors on this investigation. how many prosecutors in total? i can't tell that you answer sitting here today. >> congressman jim jordan calling the investigation a joke after this. house republicans have tried for 11 months to find out who is leading the investigation and how many prosecutors are involved. here we go again. crack-smoking mayor ford making a belligerent rant in a bar. >> i'll kick you right in the [ bleep ]. >> this video posted online by the "toronto sun" was reportedly filmed april 27th after ford was caught on video allegedly smoking crack in his sister's basement. he went to rehab last week. stephen colbert headed to the "late show" next year. "the daily show" larry wilmore is taking over. he has been a main stay on the "daily show" for eight years. those are your headlines. >> those are your headlines. here's rick. >> how many people are here for mother's day? take a look at your weather map as you're waking up this morning. we have rain across the eastern part of the country. this is the next storm that is going to bring us some pretty severe weather this weekend across the central plains. today that is anywhere you see the yellow from omaha to cape gerardo to oklahoma city. tomorrow it moves a little bit of a bigger area. a better chance of a tornado or two across the central part of that country from omaha to wichita, kansas city to the east for monday. that's your weather. it's also bass pro shops time. go outdoors event starts next week. this morning we get a preview of what you can expect. >> this is fantastic. this is prepackaged food. you can take this on the camping trail. nice to see you this morning. >> tell us about the outdoors event. >> it's great. we are hoping people discover how easy it is to go outdoors and how fun it is. we have a great line. today we are highlight iing the tents. backpacks, walking sticks, boots. >> this is a one-man tent? >> anywhere from the one-man tent, you have a sleeping pad in there, the big, spacious four-man tent. this is great. you remember the tent back in the old days. you breathe in there all night long. it's going to be wet and damp. with these new lines, you can see a breathable vent here. >> the food, you carry a big line of food. a little cooking segment this morning. >> absolutely. >> when you're on the backpacking trail, i saw guys add water and it's done. >> this is the jet boil. you can literally boil a cup of water in 90 seconds and eat like a king out there. >> why don't we have this in our own home? >> like a microwave. >> it's amazing. >> you carry a full line of food. 90 seconds with that thing. that lasts a week? >> absolutely. it will last a little over a week in the woods. everything you eat, you have to pack in. this is easy. you eat it out of the bag. this is chicken teriyaki. you have to pack the water. right out of the stream, right out of the pond. >> this removes everything. >> 99.99%. >> scrambled eggs with bake job? >> right now we'll send it in. >> you guys are so lucky. at 16 she graduated from high school and college in the same week. how did she do it? she joins us with her amazing story. >> very cool. four americans left to die in benghazi. now ann coulter is calling it a political stunt. >> holy smokes. first a look at what's coming up on "the cost of freedom business block." >> forget the nation's debt. democrats and republicans found one thing they can agree on, pork spending. are they kidding? >> someone wants to hit you with a tax on every mile you drive. >> what is the one thing for landing a job? . six republicans who will be joining chairman gowdy on the benghazi committee. democrats are calling it a political stunt. >> the fact is this is a stunt. this is a political stunt. i mean, issa is damaged goods. they had to move him to another venue with another chairman. we've done this over over again. >> author of "never trust a liberal over 3" ann coulter. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> democrats are split on participation on this. you see this as a political stunt at all? >> i never understand this argument that something congress or anyone in washington is doing is political. yeah. they're politicians. it's one thing to call an art installation. it's political. the "vanity fair" article, this is just political. to denounce something a politician is doing as political, i don't know. >> nancy pelosi says democrats wouldn't have a voice here. boycott this. we are outnumbered. >> for those who can read. back when democrats held congress for 40 years without -- until 1994 when republicans finally won majority, democrats would hold hearings on votes without telling republicans about the hearings. they were totally shut out. that's why newt gingrich was tough when he came in because republicans have been living under this fascist oppression for 40 years. this is always the way the house operates. just to say 7-5 is pretty fair. >> there are a bunch of republicans including the house speaker who worried this could boomerang and hurt the republican party saying they are overplaying their hand with benghazi. is that a possibility? >> not really. the media will be -- the non-fox media will be hysterical and denounce it as political. i can see a lot of americans not being as interested as the boston marathon bombing. that happened here. this was far away and generally foreign stories don't tend to attract as much. look at oscar pestoris. four americans died. they lied about the cause of it. the facts are the facts, at least to that extent. now we want to know why they ignored the warnings and why they blamed it on americans making a video. >> and why are documents trickling out at a snail's pace. want to get your take on in hollywood. a number of celebrities taking a stand against the beverly hilton who has implemented sharia law in his own country. a lot of events take place there. what do you make of all this? >> i love when hollywood celebrities develop a conscience. it's so much fun. i am wondering where they were during the war with iraq. that's right. they were protesting it. you all remember saddam hussein women being raped and killed in front of their children. many of these same people were out, not only screaming and protesting a war for which there were many other reasons to go in. we weren't going in because of the rape rooms. we were going in for about 17 reasons. regime change, take out a horrible dictator who attempted to assassinate presidents of the united states and shelter 9/11 terrorists. now as long as there is no american national security interest now they notice. >> these are gay right groups mad because sharia law prescribes death for people who are entering gay relationships. as far as i'm concerned, good for them. why has it taken so long for gay rights groups to get mad about sharia law? >> i know it's been blown off. many of these people, including hillary clinton, said women were bet are off under samad. various democrat senators wanted to bring saddam hussein back when we had a military that is going to fight against something they should be against. jayle jayleno was very big standing up for women's rights up until the war with iraq. suddenly all these groups went silent. >> the beverly hills hotel brings in $11 million. law makers are trying to rally behind this. at least hollywood is bringing attention to it finally. ann coulter, thank you very much. >> it is a great hotel, by the way. high school, check. college, check. graduated from both in the same week at 16. her awesome story. stay tuned. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. welcome back. listen it this story. that time of year, again, when students across the country will graduate high school and college and one florida girl, well she just managed them all. she earned her high school diploma and bachelor's degree in the same week. she's 16 years old. joining us now is grace bush with her incredible story. welcome to the show, nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> help me understand this because i'm not too bright. you managed to get your college degree before your high school diploma. help me out here, how did that happen? >> well, it just so happened that my college graduation was a week before my high school graduation. that was kind of just something that happened. >> no, it's not. it's not something that just happened. now, you managed to get, how did you manage to get a college degree while in high school and actually graduate before you received your high school diploma? what enabled you to do that? >> i started at broward college when i was 13 and then transferred to llowed to take c courses in place of high school courses. >> take advanced college classes in your high school and then actually grad wait from high school. what did you did get your degree in? >> criminal justice. >> what do you want to grow up to be? >> i would like to be the chief supreme court justice of the united states. >> i think you're well on your way for your advanced age. i don't know if they ever had a justice at 18 years old. what's remarkable to me is that you were able to graduate high school, also, at 16 years old. i think i was 18. how did you manage to skip ahead so far and so fast? >> well, my mother pushed me forward. i was home schooled before i started college and so my mother pushed me forward a grade and then when i was in high school i got pushed forward another grade and i was able to graduate when i was 16. >> we hear stories of young kids these days just lazy. what do you say to those stories young kids your age, you are just lazy, you don't want to work hard. >> well, i didn't quite get your question. >> what do you say to the stories we hear about that young kids are so lazy and they just want to sit on the couch and not work hard these days. what do you want to say? >> i'm kind of lazy myself, i can't really blame other kids. but it's just i have had my mother behind me to push me forward and that's been a great help. >> you have a long summer ahead of you. what are you going to do right now? get your master's degree and then your doctorate. what are your plans? >> i'm planning on studying for the lsat. >> well, your family must be so proud of you and great story, grace. congratulations to you and i hope you're able to graduate high school. i don't know, keep us updated. maybe something will happen, we're not sure yet. good to see you this morning and congr c good luck to you being the next supreme court justice. more "fox & friends" when we come back. it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. welcome back. ann is gearing up. we're heading out. tomorrow coming up on "fox & friends" it's mother's day and we'll have a full show in thanking our mothers. and we may have some here. the white house staying silent, a brand-new report on that. it costs an average $18,000 a year to spend to attend school, so, is it worth it? the top alternatives to college. we well celebrate mothers all morning long. >> bringing in our mothers and talking about mothers. some tapping camps after the show. >> we'll be right back. going wild in washington. as our debt keeps climbing, a new study exposing $2.7 billion in pork barrel spending this fiscal year and that was a ban. now, a growing number of democrats and republicans are looking to lift that ban and bring on even more pork. >> i have been a fan of earmark since i got here the first day. keep in mind, that's what the country has done for more than 200 years except for the brief period of time in recent years. >> i liked earmarks and i don't like the policy of no earmarks. i think it's not

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140510 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140510

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kindergarten for bullying. misdemeanor for five-year-olds slammed with a crime. is this a good idea or gone too far? "fox & friends" begins right now. >> good morning, everyone. it's megan mcdonald from "fox & friends." i want to wish my mom a happy mother's day. >> that's so nice. one of our glorious producers. >> megan is one of the great people on is show. >> happy mother's day. we have great mother's day weekend lined up for you. >> happy mother's day. >> by the way, i know men wait until the last possible second to buy gifts like did i yesterday. >> when is mother's day by the way? >> about 24 hours away. >> oh, thank god. mother's day gadgets coming up here that you can can literally go out today and pick up for moms, target and other stores today. wait until the last minute? we'll help you out. >> fantastic. headlines on this saturday morning. we have a fox news alert to tell you about. they were screaming for their lives. that they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hits a power line burst into flames and then crashes to the ground. >> they were right above the tree line at that point and they were just screang and they were leaning over the basket trying to figure out what to do and they were just screaming for anybody to help them, help me, help me. sweet jesus help me, i'm going to die. >> witnesses they saw at least two of the three people on board jump out of the basket. carolina search crews have not yet been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival that was is set to kick off today it has now been cancelled. while you were sleeping, new developments in the search for hundreds of young girls kidnapped by terrorists in nigeria. united states believes the group has been broken up and the girls may or may not still be in the country. now, senior u.s. officials saying there is some discussion about sending drones to help with the search. another u.s. team is heading to nigeria today. and a bird takes out an engine on a u.s. airways plane forcing the flight to turn around it happened shortly after taking off from new york city. the plane, heading to d.c., landed safely back at laguardia airport. about 100 people were on board. no one was hurt. this is the second bird strike near the airport just two days. wednesday a united airlines jet from chicago hit a bird before safely landing the a laguardia. and here we go again. toronto's crack-mowing mayor rob ford caught on video making a buy belligerent rant in a bar. >> kick you [bleep] >> this video posted online by the toronto sun it was reportedly filmed on april 27th, one day after ford was caught on video allegedly smoking crack in his basement. he allegedly went to rehab last week. >> poor guy can't go out without being videotaped. >> we have been following this v.a. story and bringing it to you for the last couple of weeks. bombshell to report this morning. overnight, an email surfaced from wyoming v.a. hospital that proves that employees at that hospital were gaming the system. how do we know they were gaming the system? because they admitted in this email. this is an email from david newman. he is he a nurse, a registered nurse in that hospital. and it's an email to his colleagues. and he says. this. he says we now -- we are now expected to book patients within 14 days. what this means is an actual appointment booked within 14 days. here is how i handle it. >> he breaks it all down. he has thought long and hard about how it unfolds. here is how i handle it if a patient comes in and they have a 14 day window. i want to see dr. smith. well, then i pull up the patient appointment on the screen? when would you like to see that doctor? i would like to see him on august 15th. you want to see him on august 15th. then guy back out of system, basically fung the date so that it looks like they did see that doctor on that particular day, even though they were waiting and never got an appointment. >> this health coordinator says yes it is gaming a system a bit this is straight in the email. but you have to know the rules of the game you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. he goes on to say some of the visits have already come and gone. this has happened in the past and they were late. can you call me at 7460 today. that's his extension. patient date. can you still fix this and get off the bad boy's list canceling the visit and rescheduling it during the doe sired window of the 14 days. >> this is the most telling line and tells you about the world view of the bureaucrats v.a. not coming to work every day apparently trying to serve veterans who are injured in protection of this country. they gorg work to serve themselves front office quote which doesn't help us. which is to say the permanent central employees doesn't help us. >> what do you say about the culture, right, clayton? this was blatantly in writing. hey, i have something to tell at this extension so it's off the record? what does it say about the culture. >> he has been fired though, right? >> swift action, right? you are going to get these guys canned. no, in fact, this is the secretary of affair aaron then shreky had to say about these emails. emails cheyenne veterans center employee. i immediately requested the office of inspector general conduct a thorough i have also directed that employee not be fired but be removed immediately from patient care responsibilities and placed on draive lee v.a. takes any allegations about patient care seriously. if true, the behavior outlined in the email is unacceptable. >> if this happened in your office or private sector office in america would the employee be placed on administrative leave and paid? no, he would be canned. >> secretary then seq.y, did you really find out about this on may the 9th? why have a report right here that shows there was a special counsel assigned that was in december of last year, and it is basically outlining the same sort of thing. >> did nothing this is part of the systemic issue right here. take a listen to senator john mccain. is he furious about this. town hall that he took last night. >> there are violation of law. it's not a matter of resignations. it's a matter of whether somebody goes to jail or not. >> every time my husband reached out to the v.a., they just kept telling him be patient, sir i'm here that my husband cannot be much more patient than he is today me, i'm pissed. >> about 100 there. veterans and family members all, you know, please pick me, pick me. eager to tell their stories. this isn't the first scandal. we talked about sharon helmand who was initially in spokane and there was a problem with suicides being miscounteddenned rather than lazarusing her job there, she was just moved over to phoenix. >> i remember thinking the president addressed this last year. he got up and said to a veterans group this was appalling. unacceptable, talking about another scandal in the v.a. system. he said i'm going to fix this and doing whatever it takes. i remember aspect tartd thinking he probably will fix it because the american public's to to fix it they don't want to see veterans mistreat of all groups. he didn't fix it they are either incompetent or just don't care. >> i'm glad said that thinking the same thing. the president vowed to fix this. if the president was aware of, this had his own secretary involved in this and changes here and this details and wouldn't tack tackled and fixed. somebody at the white house -- vietnam veteran victim to this arizona issue. going it talk to him about these latest issues coming up. 7:15 here on the show. if that's not enough for you this morning. we now know, of course, of the select committee has been named in the benghazi scandal. and there is room now for democrats to be a part of this bipartisan panel that could be a bipartisan panel if democrats choose to join it. so far there are seven members who are republican on this panel. don't hold your breath that democrats will get on board. >> nancy pelosi says this is a stunt. et cetera. suggest democrats may not participate. it doesn't matter whether or not democrats boycott this panel or not. if they find relevant date that that about how the benghazi lie were concocted that will be a big story, if they don't, they won't. the facts in the end will determine whether or not this story plays out. today we have not a single email or memo from hillary clinton then secretary of stateing how this lie youtube video sparked the killings got started. we don't know. if that comes out it, doesn't matter. >> john boehner saying we need people from both sides of the aisle though to be talking about this. they need to act swiftly to make sure that the economy and job creation can still, you any, romaine of utmost importance. they need to act quickly and both sides. nancy pelosi saying this is just a distant by conservatives. take a listen to her. >> the fact is is that this is a stunt. this is a political stunt damaged goods. they had to move from issa to another venue with another chairman. we have been here and done this over and over again. very sad. chris stevens, glenn daugherty, sean smith, tyrone woods, two of their families have called us and said please don't take us down this path again. it's really hard for them. it's very sad. >> has there ever been a less sincere person in public life? when you can't get answers about it it's a political stunt. if there are documents that still haven't been released, we still know there are probably more emails involved in this, can't get answers? that's a political stunt. >> let us know what you think. friends at >> vicious criminals accused of killing off an entire village. and kidnapping hundreds of little girls, why didn't hillary clinton's state department label them terrorists two years ago? >> and a routine traffic stop goes horribly wrong. how that were police officer managed to stay alive after a tree fell right on top of him. details coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ my dad has aor afib.brillation, he has the most common kind...'s not caused by a heart valve problem. dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. muslim group in nigeria shocked the world when the leader declared that it would sell the nearly 300 girls it has kidnapped into slavery. saying that's consistent with the precepts of islam. here is what former secretary of state hillary clinton said about it onens wednesday. >> the seizure of these young women by this radical extremist group, boca ha ram is abominable, it's criminal, it's an act of terrorism she says it's terrorism. for two years she fought to keep that group from being labeled terrorists. josh rogan joins us from washington. josh, good morning. >> good morning. >> kind of an amazing story you have here that hillary clinton fought her own cia over says dig nateed obamacare co-ha -- designated obamacare co-ha ram law enforcement agencies saw boko haram attack the building and said this is a terrorist organization we have to do something about it. not just them it was a push on chirl for two years. general carter ham said we have got to do. this we need the tools and authorities that this designation gives to us go after this group. she didn't want to do it. now she is clear that boko haram is a group of terrorists. a the lo of people have arguing that they have been terrorists for a linger time. >> this designation is not a small thing. one thing she could have done, one tool she had at her disposal she didn't use and nobody can say she wasn't urged to do it. it is gross hypocrisy. >> the idea is that everybody has a different role in fighting terrorism. the state department can do different things, this is one thing she could do. why didn't she do it? she said it would have helped the groups recruiting. given them more stature and made things worse. those things happened anyway. all those things they were trying to prevent actually did happen. all we did was lose two years of scrutiny and monitor these groups. it didn't stop them from becoming worse terrorists. what's so poignant here is this is not the first time boko haram has killed people, kidnapped girls, this has been going on for some time. hillary clinton posits herself as the defender of the world's women it's a little odd. she must have known that they had a history, this kind of behavior, no? >> yes it speaks to her claim that she is at the forefront of protecting women and girls in conflict. which is a huge part of her record at the state department which she will probably run on in 2016. it also speaks to her handling of international terrorism which again has been called into question following her handling of the attack in benghazi. the criticism in benghazi is that she didn't call it a terrorist attack soon enough. she blamed the video and that she didn't realize that al guide was me as it sizing and growing into north africa. al qaeda is on the run. apparently al qaeda is not on the run. whether or not she was right about the path of terrorism while she was secretary of state. >> very quickly because we are basically out of time. you must have had some pretty intense push back from the hillary people in this piece, i betcha. >> hillary clinton's offense didn't respond for comment. what can she say? the fact that she did this is undisputable. she hasn't come up with justification. if she runs, you can be sure the calls for her to explain herself will continue. she won't be able to remain silent on this issue forever. >> interesting. josh rogan, thanks for joining us this morning. great piece. >> any time. >> scary moment in the sky when a camouflaged drone and jetliner nearly clyde over florida. how could this happen? details coming up. welcome to the hotel sharia, you can check in but you can never leave. the man who owns the iconic beverly hills hold adopted the brutal law that says it's okay to stone people to death. that's not the kind of stoning they are used to beverly hills. we have details on the boycott coming up. passion... became your business. at&t can help simplify how you manage it. so you can focus on what you love most. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. good morning, 23 minutes after the hour and quick headlines, is he not untouchable. i will get my hands on him. an indiana man arrested for threatening to kill house speaker john boehner. the 32-year-old says he hand out of unemployment benefits five months ago and was angry the house didn't pass an emergency extension. he faces up to 20 years in prison. and a close call for a marine pilot after his jet crashes to the ground and crashes fire in arizona. he was able to safely eject before it smashed. suffering only a cut. the reason for the crash is still being investigated. >> beferlt hills hotel hit with a barrage of protests after its owner the sultan imposed cr. carry harsh penalties for homosexuality and adultery and include the punishment of death by stoning. >> hollywood is taking a stand on this with demonstrations, some even putting pressure on the government of bruin my to brunei to sever ties. fox light with michael tammero, what are you hearing? >> nothing symbolizes like beverly hills and hollywood bike the beverly hills hotel. ever since the sultan of bruin my announced they will be implementing sharia law, jay leno and others have been lining up, big agencies like cia and icm. agents and clients not to do business there the hotel. >> so no more deals in the pillow lounge? this is huge. >> until the sultan divests. >> so many events at that hotel. >> they have a lot. >> jerry lee lewis telethon meets there if i'm not mistaken all the folks from the telethon, a lot of big events. this is a big preoscar. >> good to see gay rights groups radical islam is a threat to them. good. >> absolutely. >> it seems also that shoild waking up late to the threat of sharia law. this has been going on for quite some time. we're doing a package -- i'm not really for boycotts in general. i was against kind of the whole chick-fil-a thing. >> to me you have a man worth 0 billion on one side and the hollywood on the other. the people hurt by this are the ones who can least afford it the hotel staff, the waiters. >> it's going to have a big impact on the city too. $11 million in taxes. >> in taxes. >> they are trying to get the dorchester group to sell. >> working on a package right now about 1939, 75 years ago, considered one of the best years in hollywood in film because hollywood was producing a lot of movies that expressed the hope and promise of america and they really kind of played a part in saving america against nazi fastism and everything else going on in the world. perhaps that might be a better way of combating this sort of ideology with doing movies like that. >> meanwhile, talk some nerd stuff now. had you a chance to sit down with the cast of x men. third marvel him that can be out this year. captain america. amazing spider man. sat down with the cast. >> this is a big 10 movie for fox this sumplet combines all the characters from the first three x men movie. we sat down with the cast. and they gave us a little bit of a preview of what we can expect. >> it's part time trouble movie. it's very much a story about second chances, i think. x men always deals with issues of discrimination, alienation. as well as been great fun. the action is bigger than ever. it's funny. >> i think they can expect something pretty epic. and, you know, pretty extraordinary spectacle and effects and what have you. a story that i think is deeply, you know, grounded and really moving. and just so thrilling. >> we have got history on our side. and, in this case, it's history which enlarges and expands what we have done before. >> i love patrick stuart. >> fantastic. we are attending the global premier tonight at at the vaf very gentleman vich center. >> am i gentleman vivian schiller. >> -- kinder garners headed to jail for bullying. >> clayton is showing off some of the mups-have gadgets mom will love. and you can buy them today. ♪ passenger: road trip buddy. let's put some music on. woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? i just read about a couple in miami who recently set a guinness world record by taking 365 selfies in one hour resulting in certain offenses. first offense uld get up $100 offense ticket. a second offense for bullying. >> milk money and lunch money these kids are going to be having to save up. here is who it is going to come from. their parents, obviously. the good thing that will come out of all of this is that parents would be more atten detective and paying attention. they will be paying more attention to what their kids are doing. not just bullying, but if their kid was bull idea and looking out for child predators. people are saying in is the government meddling too much. >> it's crazy. one of the reasons i don't like the white house too much at the i think they are bullies. only way to deal with a bully is to hit them hard. seriously. great advice. if you do that now, if you are in fifth grade and you punch a bully in the place. i think god approves. the school, the handcuffs because you are a bully. the problem is schools are completely in the grip of the dumbest kind of fad-based policy. like all the sudden bullying is a problem. let's make it illegal. nobody thinks for himself. total herd mentality, it's depressing. >> instruct your child if you are being bull idea go tell somebody in the school. tell the principle and tell the parents. we will deal with it accordingly. carson city, california. not talking about putting a a-year-old in jail. talking about intervening in both the bullet's life who is a person who is hurting, too, and the victims. >> why don't you teach them what year the civil war started? why don't you educate kids instead of intervening in their lives and nutrition and emotional. back off and educate them. but they don't because that's hard. it's so much easier to intervene in their lives. let parents do that. >> folks, what do you think about that? hit us up on facebook or twitter. email us at >> mystery in the skies over florida. possibly a first of its kind a near miss between a drone and a jetliner. a u.s. airways plane nearly crashing into the zone approaching tall happy airport. high above the typical altitude of a private drone. >> one pilot said that it was so close to the jet that he was sure that he had collided with it. thankfully, inspection of the airliner after lining found no damage. well, this news coming after a string of drone incidents including one this week when one crashed into a building in downtown saint lewis. >> amazon drones delivering packages? >> not my drone. >> donald sterling banned from the nba for life. named a new ceo for the los angeles clippers. dick parsons is that man will act as clippers interim ceo while they try to make him force him to sell the team. he has been a lifelong fan of the nba and committed to the values and principles it is defending. and caught on camera rotten luck for a cop caught in a routine traffic stop in iowa. officer jeremy vietch lucky to be alive after a tree crashed on top of him. he said he heard a couple cracks and next thing he knew he was on the ground calling for help. weather had nothing to do with it we're told. he did have minor injuries. the driver pulled over for not having her headlights on is said to be okay. >> what i want to know is he going to let her off? you know what? i have had a rough day. let's call this one. headlights nixed. >> when the news broke you got clemenciy. >> you got away. >> god sending a message. speaking of god sending a message, rick reichmuth is here. >> is that the god part of message? ♪ >> nice background. >> bass pro. >> we have grown some trees in the plaza since you saw us last. it's bass pro shops today. stick around to see that very good stuff, it's the camping time. you want to start to get outside and take a look at your weather as you are waking up this morning. clouds and rain across parts of the east. none of it too heavy today except for down across parts of central gulf area from new orleans to mobile. could look at flooding. now we are having some more rain there. in to parts of pacific northwest. storm moving in going to bring things much colder by the time we get to sunday and monday. denver mother's day. 43 degrees some snow sunday night into monday. 3 to 5 inches of snow in denver and foot and a half across higher areas into the rockies. today though some severe weather across the central plains. mostly looking at some wind and some hail but maybe a tornado or two across parts of northwestern missouri. southeastern parts of nebraska. tomorrow that area expands a little bit. so you see anywhere from parts of south central texas all the way up towards parts of wisconsin looking at the threat for severe weather. and monday it doesn't move very far goes from around fred distributionburg down in the hill country all the way up towards flint, michigan. three days of it it's may, the season where we see severe weather and i think we're going to be getting a little built of it the next few days. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. >> i love you, mom. >> tired of sending flowers for mother's day? we have got what you need to switch it up and let your mom know you care in a big way. >> yep. clayton has perfect last minute gadgets for us. >> today run out to target and apple stores. these are things you can get last minute. you don't have to order them online. gadgets mom will love. anna already eyeing up this first one over here from michael coors. iphone clutch keep your wallet and credit cards. shove your iphone inside of it comes in a variety of colors. stylish for the night out on the partying town like you like to do. >> schuch a purse. s are deck out your phone in a kate spade. pick them up at apple store last minute. also you want a watch. pebble watch. talking to the ceo of pebble. most successful wearable smart watch in the country. kick starter campaign. they raise $10 million. get notifications, thousands of apps now built into it it listen to pan door rarl music. >> you can watch videos. >> can't watch videos. text message. fitness tracking. the whole nine yards. it's a stylish. >> like penny's watch from go go padgett. >> there you -- go go gadget. >> blue tooth, phone calls, conference calls, other things in the room. move it outside for barbecue and picnic. streams blue tooth so music right from the phone or other device right to that. >> it's hot pink for mom. >> that's right. >> kitchen thermometer? >> so you can set, you know, chicken in the oven or whatever else you can got going on. smart phone nabledz. so you can control the temperature from the app. monitor, and send alerts. don't have to be there hovering around the oven. >> i thought that the men were supposed to cook for the women on mother's day. >> that's what our producer said you can't give up. >> your mom loves cooking maybe not this weekend. but any other time. >> this works. i had one of these. >> the company makes probably the best iphone and smart phone charges on the market. variety of colors will double your battery life. stylish colors. plug your head phone jack into it someone on the go. batteries drain pretty quickly. if you are watching video and doing other things, double your battery life with a mophie case. pick all of these up today if you waited until the last minute. >> pretty good. have any questions, ask me on twitter, clayton morris and answer them for you. >> he is great about communicating with you. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. diapers, formula and guns? a democratic lawmaker want you to be able to use food stamps for weapons. is he right? >> hilarious. guys, does this sound familiar to you? >> the bathroom is a mess. your belt doesn't match. you should probably go work out. >> whoa, it turns out nagging might actually be killing you. physically. we have details, breaking news from the health frontier. >> friendly reminders is all nagging is. 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, quarter till the top of the hour. democratic lawmakers speaking out for gun rights. here's the catch. the new hampshire representative says welfare recipients should be able to purchase guns with their ebt cards. >> the firearms ban blatant violation of second amendment. cash benefits presumably have the the same rights as the rest of us for shooting and self-defense. obviously don't have money to spend on that but they do have the right under the a second amendment to do so. >> does he have san argument here. nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you, clayton. >> does he have a valid point here that this would violate the second amendment if think are not awill youd to buy guns with these ebt cards? >> it doesn't violate the second amendment. and i can't think of an issue that would more outrage people at 6:45 in the morning than the thought that a program that is to fund people's basic needs, food, shelter, you can use it for baby formula. now allow people to use that money for many other things such as this example guns. but when you have a legislative body of 400 people. you are bound to have a few ideas that are idiotic and outrageous and this is one of them. >> well ebt card tobacco products. alcoholic beverages. tattoos and body piercings but how far could this go? i mean, what about freedom of speech, right? tattoos can be seen as art and somebody just trying to express themselves. how far could we take this? >> having talked with a number of republican legislators in new hampshire, the effort has been to bring some common sense reform to a program that's designed for the basics of life. and as you pointed out, trying to make an effort to ban use of ebt cards for things like chobz, for being able to go to strip clubs, putting, saying, look, you can't use your ebt card for that the reality though do that now, gets to the bigger issue. is how do we bring common sense reform to this so the people are using these cards, this program for what it is intended for, which is to help people when they are down and out and when they need a little bit of help. but, new hampshire being a great camp, 8 5% of ebt cards are used at atms. so people can get the cash out right now and go spend it on whatever they want. >> how do you stop that right? he says he is just protecting or defending second amendments so someone takes one of these ebt cards down to the atm cashes out a few hub dread bucks and goes and buys a gun. guns is is a as valuable as protection of my family. roof over my head what would you say to him. >> there are many ways to protect a family. where does this end? should the government then buy everyone a home security system? should everyone start buying mace for everybody? where does it end? he starts with firearms. the last time this state representative was in the news was when he was making stories about the demise of sarah palin and making sure that maybe someone end her life. this new hampshire ledge legislator is known for making outrageous statements this is another one. >> a lot of them who support the second amendment don't support. this this is a slippery slope of trying to have a national gun registry and mathay be the motive. >> coming up on the show, a bombshell email overnight reveals another veterans affair hospital was cooking the books. coming up a vietnam veteran is afraid he will die while waiting for care. is he here live. >> guys, does this sound familiar? >> the bathroom's is a mess. your belt doesn't match, you should probably go work out. >> turns out your wife's nagging might really be killing you. what about men nagging the women? ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. does this sound familiar to you? >> rogaine. >> and don't forget to use it. can i totally tell when you forget because your hair looks thinner. >> using of the rogaine, check. >> make sure to call me right when you get to the hotel, not like that conference in phoenix. >> yeah. i was the keynote speaker, i was late to the podium you are totally right. i'm sorry. >> awful as looks. nagging among spouses more than double's a man's risk of death when which he presumably looks forward to at this point. >> how can you break through. >> fight less, love more, lori pugn. >> wouldn't it be help f. the men would take out the trash without asking and put the dishes in the dishwasher isn't it their fault. >> nagger and nagy: women who report keeping their mouth shut actually have 10 times the risk of heart disease over a 10 year period. >> there has to be a middle ground then. she is frustrated did the dishes. he is tired of being nagd and he wants to go off to the golf club because is he furious about it. you say get some rational criticism. >> purpose of criticism is to motivate your mate to change for the better. instead of saying what you don't want. say what do you want. >> that's how you talk to kids. >> yeah, that's how we talk to all people. >> give us an example of that. >> you know, honey, when i come home you go straight to the computer, it's like you don't want to talk to me. why can't you just stop being addicted to your computer. >> instead of that say i really enjoy your company. how about if we meet in the living room for 15 minutes and we just chat about our days? i love talking to you. >> that's way nicer. be a cheerleader you say. what does that mean? >> well, when we get married, part of our responsibility is to cheer lead. meaning if your mate is very generous to his mother or a friend, that's your opportunity to say, you know, honey, i'm so impressed by you. you know, that was so kind of you to go out of your way for that person. that's being a cheer leader. it's like rah rah before a football game. makes us stronger and reduces stress and able to do things. cheerleading improves your marriage. if you don't cheer lead it then you are leaving that job opening for someone else. >> i guess arguing. >> the pool boy. >> they may look elsewhere. >> you say we can have a good fight. so we need to be looking for real solutions rather than just to be biting and mean. >> that's right. don't be afraid of a fighting is normal too. people have different opinions as we all know. at the same time, the goal to a fight is to find solution. if you fight about the facts of yesterday instead of how can we prevent this from happening tomorrow. you will never resolve it. >> possible have you been fighting for years, nagging for years to. >> absolutely. a lack of conflict resolution skills. fight less, love more. about learning skills. we don't learn this in school. we have got. >> might also help to not put up with it hey, don't nag me. how is that? >> you can do that but that often leads to the silent treatment or to a fight until 2:00 in the morning then it increases the stress level. somebody has got to get those communication kills and then the whole marriage can change in a day. >> lori, great book. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for not nagging us. >> coming up, playing politics with race. the democratic congressman slams congressman tim scott for being a black republican. we got the details of a that outrageous charge coming up. if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. i live in a world oi am totally blind.. i've been blind since birth. i lost my sight to eye disease. i lost my sight in afghanistan. and it doesn't hold me back. but my blindness can affect my sleep patterns. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. but i learned that my struggle was with non-24. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind and can't perceive light. talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. that's 844-844-2424. or visit now i know that non-24 is real. and i'm not alone. it's time for a new day. hey, everyone, good morning, saturday, 10th of may, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. a fox news alert. up in flames, a hot air balloon catches fire and comes crashing to the ground with three people on board. the breaking details straight ahead. >> also breaking overnight. a new veterans affair bombshell. emails v.a. hospitals in wyoming were instructed to manipulate patient records. veterans suffered as all the are. details coming up. >> playing politics with race. democratic congressman slams representative tim scott for being black and a republican outrageous charge coming up. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> good morning, what do you call mother's day eve? >> the second saturday in may. it's a beautiful day in most of the country. glad to see you this morning. >> celebrate it all weekend long and cook mom some pancakes this morning. >> don't make it just one day she works so hard. >> we have been following you here at fox news channel the treatment of our veterans and v.a. hospitals across the country. reports about employees there purposefully gaming the system. overnight a bombshell report out. a new email revealing in detail exactly how they were gaming the system out of wyoming it is outrageous. >> unbelievable. email from david newman registered nurse at this hospital in cheyenne wyoming. wrote an email to his colleagues explaining that new v.a. rules require that veterans get an appointment within otwo weeks of requesting one. >> right. he says in this email, that can be tough to do, so here's how i handle it. and he goes on to explain you save to the veteran, sure, we will give you this appointment and then you put in the book a date within two weeks so officially, you have met the requirement even if you actually haven't. >> then we now documents then shredded that say otherwise. back day it in the future, oh yeah we he was here on the 15th of april, within that 14 day window. he may never have gotten an appointment. >> don't make the service better. lie about it and pretend that you do. >> change the way it's written down essentially. he says yes it is gaming the system a bit. but you have to know the rules of the game you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. here is what gets me, too. he says some these appointments have actually come and gone already. and so he says you can still fix this and get off the bad boys list canceling the visit and rescheduling it within the desired time which is that 14 day period. what is wild to me about this not somebody recorded without him knowing. was an email. this was typed out. what does this say about the culture? >> he is totally upfront about it he said the office gets very upset, this is my favorite phrase, which doesn't help us. us is not veterans. it refers to the full-time bureaucrats there whose jobs are guaranteed because they are federal employees. >> bear in mind folks have died. veterans have died because they have had to wait and didn't get the care they need. we thought this was supposed to have been fixed. aaron shinseki you would have thought would have moved swift action when he learned about these things. he said may 9th. >> upon learning of an email by cheyenne' veteran center. >> so administrative leave, in other words, administrative leave without pay. >> as soon as i found out about this which was yesterday i took action. >> we got a report right here. also a smoking gun from december that says, hey, you know what? maybe you knew a little bit of something about this a little bit sooner. >> 2013. >> the president has been talking about this for years in public, pledging his sacred honored two veterans, we will fix this. here is one among several examples from last august. watch this. >> we're not going to let up until we eliminate the backlog once and for all. and we will keep moving ahead with paperless systems so the backlog doesn't come back. so your claims are processed right. the first time. on time. [ applause ] flush after years of military service you shouldn't have to wait for years for the benefits you have earned. >> just change the numbers. just put in fake entries into the logs and that way you look like you have met your goal and you don't have to do anything. >> the president has basically come to the side of shinseki and when there have been calls for his resignation, they have shrugged those away. >> let us know what you think about that. weigh in a little bit later on the show. a vietnam veteran on this show talked about is he worried about the care is he worried about he may not receive that he needs. 10 minutes on the show. >> next, well, you may have seen. this this is congressman clyburn of south carolina, a democrat, talking about a fellow congressman scott a and the problems that he has. there is james clyburn right there, the problems that he has with congressman tim scott of south carolina. and the problems he has are really rooted in the skin color of congressman scott. he says. this. if you call progress electing a person with a pigmentation that he has who votes against the interests and aspirations of 90% of the black people in south carolina, then i guess that's progress. so his problem is, tim scott is black but doesn't vote as he thinks black man should vote. can i tell if you a white republican said something like, this i think probably be in prison. >> reverend michael faulkner was on greta last night saying just how deplorable this type of commentary is. listen. >> greta, we applauded in the 60's, we applauded the success of any black person that we saw that was advancing the cause of democracy, the cause of our people. we applauded those successes. and now it seems that people like representative clyburn are using those -- the suffering and the struggle that we it to get here as a way of exploiting their continued political gain. and that is deplorable to me. >> you won't see this on any other channel. a famous member of congress gets up and attacks someone else because of his skin color and gets like no coverage anywhere. >> attacking people who are saying that progress is electing a person of color to congress to ho might not necessarily vote along the democratic party lines, who might have different ideology in this country? who might stand for smaller government, less taxes, getting government out of our way? that's -- that's not pro-yes, sir? >> it's really perpetuating the problem of racism by highlighting the difference and thousand should reflect on your ideology. >> tim scott didn't do anything wrong. is he black and being attacked for it? >> nobody says word one about it except us. >> et us know what -- let us knw what you think about it this is a fox news alert. they were screaming for their lives. that's what witnesses say they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hit the power line, bursts into flames and crashes to the ground. >> so it was kind of like a pop, but when that happened, the basket exploded and debris started falling to the ground. and you could hear them screaming please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us. help us. >> witnesses say they also saw at least two of the three people on board jump out of the basket. carolina county search crews have not been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival is set to kick off today. it is now cancelled. a live look in new york city. the unidentified remains of victims killed on 9/11 returned to ground zero. the remains arriving from the medical examiners office in manhattan to the world trade center site. accompanied by a procession of police and fire vehicles. some families saying they would protest today. blasting the decision to store the remains in the basement of the 9/11 museum saying they would rather see them in an above ground monument. house speaker john boehner named the seven republican members of the benghazi select committee. the lawmakers will investigate the 2012 terrorist attack that killed four americans. there is room for five democrats on the panel but don't expect them to be willing participants because according to them, this is just a political stunt. a picture of their first meeting posted on twitter at the end of the table chairman trey gowdy sur surrounded by brooks, westmoreland and robbie along with jim jordan, mike pompei owe and peter -- >> heisman winner, nfl recruit and spoiled brat? that's according to supposed new england patriots scouting report. the multi-page document described manziel as arrogant player who doesn't study the game. boston reporters and nfl experts have come out against the league says it is fake and not how the patriots one their report. >> each the team -- super nice guy when i had a chance to meet him after he won the heismanment getting up early the next morning sitting here on couch gracious, super nice guy. rick, do you remember that when we had johnny football in the studio? >> i don't remember that i wasn't here that day. >> what a nice guy. >> pretty awesome. >> flu a lounge? >> i'm in a canoe, a fishing canoe that apparently either it's got a rocking chair or it hasn't been bolted in or i'm too big for that fishing canoe. bass pro shops here today. take a look at the weather, i think a lot of people thinking right now i want to get outside and start doing some stuff. may, starting to feel good outside. and finally warm temperatures in the east. also have a little bit of rain and pretty heavy rain across parts of the deep south today, new orleans area, mobile getting heavy rain. other system pulling in across the west. this is going to be our weather maker this week. going to bring some very cold air. in so cold we are in mid may and 1 to 22 feet of snow falling across the mountains of colorado even towards denver and high plains down around pueblo. 3 to 5 inches of snow sunday night into monday. >> temperaturewise, take a look at this, another hot day across the southern plains, we're going to see those temps in the 90's around amarillo. by tomorrow that colder air moves in across parts of the midwest, east northeast. boston, 73 degrees. not seen temps like this for quite a while. monday, another warm one all the way across the east. colder air starts to move in. tuesday, show that you front moves. in cold air finally moves into the central plains and again move out across parts of the west. all right, guys. clayton are new for fishing? >> i am. i was looking at that boat. eyeing that thing up. >> pretty cool. >> so is the rocking chair. >> thanks, rick. we just told you about the become shell email revealing that yet another veterans affair hospital was cooking the books and admitting it. up next, a vietnam vet who is afraid he will die while waiting for the care he deserves. >> calling 911 after owner collapses to the ground. meet the four legged hero ahead. p. all five of you for $1. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables be a sound sleeper, or...l you a mouth breather? well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. problems in veterans affairs administration wide more spread than previously thought. cheyenne reveal the staff intentionally cheated the system. quote, yes, this is gaming the system a bit. but you have know the rules of the games you are playing. and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset which doesn't help us. end quote. well, secretary aaron shinseki saying he just learned about this yesterday and he requested independent investigation. it turns out the v.a. officials have known about this, the improper scheduling practices since at least december of 2013. that's the medical inspect everywhere investigated. so far they have done nothing. the personal responsible is still being paid. joining me with reaction is vietnam veteran who is speaking without his own battles with the phoenix v.a. system in trying to get treatment for liver cancer which he he has. john, thanks for joining us this morning. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> so, you learned that you had cancer in your liver. and you, of course, want to get treated. you went to the v.a. what happened? >> well, it started february 10th, when i couldn't get up and walk one morning. and which has nothing to do with the cancer. but i called veterans hospital after going to a chiropractor and p.t. that didn't want to see mean. they said i wasn't a patient there anymore. i needed to go to a private hospital. and i have been a patient for the veterans office since 1975. since i got out of service. apparently i didn't meet any kind of care for two years. and that put me back into some kind of a list. so i went to the scottsdale hospital, and they diagnosed me with cancer. i was there five days. i went to the veterans hospital then immediately. and asked them that i needed to see a doctor about erratic indicating this cancer on my liver. they told me i had to be -- wait on a list. a patient's list. i said why do i need a patients list? i have been seen here before. she said well you haven't been seen the last two years. so i accepted that and i waited two months. i still didn't get anything. >> two months to see a doctor? >> two months to get on the list to see a primary care doctor. primary care doctor is the doctor that tells you who you can go see at g.i. >> at this point so our viewers don't have any misunderstanding, you had already been diagnosed with liver cancer? >> absolutely. >> that's unbelievable. >> i had 1.8-centimeter lesion on my liver. first stage. but so i went there and i talked to the nurse that was in the gold clinic, she told my i wasn't still on the list primary doctor who is going to allow me see-to-see the spec gi. me and my son chandler walking down the hallway, and i started getting sick, chest pains and i ended up in the emergency room and i had some things going on with my heart, i guess it just upset me so much, i finally got into the hospital, there they diagnosis to reaffirm which i had brought them a disk from scottsdale and shae in february affirming i had this cancer and i was told well, we can't accept the disk because it's not compatible to our computer system. >> as of right now, with this diagnosis of liver cancer you have received an appointment for surgery? do you have a surgery date from a doctor at the v.a.? >> i was at the v.a. yesterday to finally see a primary care doctor. they still, at this point, did not have me scheduled for radiation treatment to irradicate the lesion. i was told by a g 8 doctor last week. gentleman i had seen there before in 2008. i have veins go into my liver they will explode and he said he was going to push this and i have 18 staples inside me. >> that is a really distressing story and our prayers are with you and i hope that you get -- we all hope that you get the attention that you have earned. john, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up, oj simpson murdered her brother and now 20 years later speaking out about the time she almost killed oj herself. kim goldman is here live. pilot dodges houses and safely lands aircraft in someone's yard. how he pulled it off coming up. ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. welcome back to "fox & friends." here are your news by the numbers. first up this morning, four out of four. that's it how many pinocchios the "the washington post" gives president obama for his claim that republicans have filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation since 2007. turns it out only 133 pieces of legislation never reached a vote over the past seven years. second, 692,000. that's how many cars ford is recalling for airbag and door safety issue. 2013 and 2014 model of escapes and c-maxes are affected. one cent is how much the u.s. navy is having it dismantled and recycled. key roles in the cuban missiles crises and gulf war. there was one cuban missile crisis. >> thanks for that. hard to believe nearly two decades since the so-called trial of the century. >> we the jury, in the above entitled action find the defendant, orenthal james simpson not guilty of murder. a felony upon ronald lyle goldman a human being as charged in count 2 of the information. we the your in the above entitled action further find special circumstance that the defendant onal james simpson has in this case been convicted of at least one crime of murder of first degree, and one or more crimes of murder of the first or second degree to be not true. >> nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman killed in cold blood. o.j. simpson acquitted of their murders and since then the families are still trying to pick up the pieces. sister of ron goldman written a book "can't forgive" 20 year battle with o.j. simpson. many of us remember where we were 1995 or during the high speed chase of the ford broncho. those moments very different for you. two decades later how are you doing. >> i'm plugging along. i'm a mom to a beautiful 10-year-old boy. i run a successful business councilling teenagers. i write. i sit on the board for the national center of victims of crime. i'm doing my best. i take deep breaths every day and i'm walking strong. >> a lot of people say if you can't forgive, they would automatically assume that you this are this miserable person. when you see video like that what goes through your mind is it difficult. >> of course it's difficult. it's painful that my brother is gob. painful every day when i realize the absence of him because of all the things gone out of my life and i don't get to share it with him. through therapy and my friends and support circle. i have learned a healthy balance. i have learned to appropriately leave my anger and my hostility and my venom towards one person where it needs to be. when i need it i can call on it when i'm done i can put it back. it doesn't debilitate him to not afford him forgiveness. why should i? >> kim, you mentioned in the book. you had an opportunity where you felt like you could kill o. yourself. >> i was driving in a strip mall after the criminal case and this figure appeared before my car and i stopped and i studied it and i remembered the way he used to walk in that swagger and slight dip in his walk. i knew it was him. i revved the engine i white knuckled the steering wheel, i stopped obviously base that's not ohio am. that's not in me. i thought of my father. i would never do that to him. it evoked so much emotion in me. at the end of the day i'm not a killer. >> bizarre that circumstance even played out that way. your family and the brown family in 1996 during the civil case supposedly netted 33 and a half million dollars in damages. families have only seen 1% of that it the civil suit though did that give any sort of closure or justice do you feel? >> i felt empowered after that i felt vindicated in some way that a jury unanimously found him responsible for my brother and nicole's death. the second he got up and walked out same door that i walked, in it kind of put things back in perspective. and as you said, our judgment today is worth over $40 million and we have checked less than 1% of it we are stead fast in our pursuit of justice only because it makes him life miserable and ultimately it landed him in a jail cell in las vegas. that's great. >> two decades ago all this unfolded and we are story for your loss. it's amazing to see how you are coming. >> thank you. >> 28 minutes after the hour on saturday morning. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. what's going on at the justice department in the man in charge of overseeing public intelling it gri at this says he has no clue who is in charge of the real investigation of lois lerner. really? >> hay guys, does this sound familiar? >> the bathroom is a mess. your belt doesn't match. you should probably go work out. >> turns out your wife's nagging might really be killing you. emails and tweets. bass pro shops here with a preview of their big event. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. this is kind of scary, the white house went on lockdown for second time in three days after someone threw something over the fence. the authorities said sorry, hillary, you have to wait two and a half years to move your stuff. in you can't just toss it over the fence. >> she probably still has stuff in storage in there. >> sure. she is ready. >> under padlock. not even measuring the curtains because she knows the dimensions already. >> can you be nagged to death? new study this morning can actually take years off. men are 2. a times likelier to die early if they are nagged by their wives. women are 34% more likely to die for the same reason. >> so not as bad. if you are a nag it's not as bad as the men being nagged. you don't get increased risk of stroke and heart disease as a result of being nagged incessantly about things. >> or wanting to nag but keeping our mouth closed, too. >> but it is a vicious cycle. every time i have seen it. not a lot in our house not to brag. whenever i have seen it, men who put up with it make their wives even mad madder by putting up with it and then the nagging gets worse. >> how would you just walk away. >> say please don't speak to me like that. i don't deserve to be spoken to that way. get out of it or fix it. >> you probably knew what you were signing up for. if you lived with them. leave the toilet seat up or not putting the dishes in the dish washer. >> it's your fault. you fell in love with him. >> no. when you accepted him. tried to put a wring ton and said okay or even if you didn't live together,. >> it is better just to accept people's imperfections if you can. >> if he never picks up dish and never cleans a toilet and he knew that going into it do you think is he going to suddenly clean up dishes. >> probably not. >> greg writes us this morning. men never nag with women, we may beg on occasion. we prefer to call it creative negotiating. >> and yvonne from texas sent us an email saying this women that nag seem to feel they can tweet their husbands like children. nothing spoils a marriage more than destroying people. >> i don't know how are but you are a wise woman absolutely right. >> not out on a limb. yvonne you are a catch. >> yes, you are a catch. kim in kentucky. nagging has been described as being nibbled to death by a duck. i would state my opinion but my wife follows me on twitter. we heard from one of our producer, hey, money did, we run out of windex? why do you ask? because the bathroom mirror is so filthy. if you figured it out yourself where the windex is kept. >> isn't this addressed in proverbs. doesn't proverbs have a line about nagging being like water on stone or something? >> email us that bible verse. i don't have the concordance. >> we will ask father jonathan tomorrow on mothers' day. >> ffibility -- ff weekend on twitter. give us your thoughts on nagging. >> other stories making headlines. a massive parachute after emergency on board. crash landed the small plane in the front yard of the home managing to avoid other homes and even major power lines. rescue crews calling the thing nothing short of a miracle. four people were on the plane, no one was seriously hurt. what went wrong is still under investigation. and who is in charge of the investigation into the irs's targeting of tea party groups? the justice department should know, right? wrong. >> you can tell me who is leading the investigation? there hat got to be someone in charge. who is the point person on the investigation the service off the interrible conservative groups. >> numerous federal career prosecutors on that investigation. how many prosecutors in total i can't tell you that answer sitting here today. >> congressman jim jordan calling the investigation a joke after this exchange with eric holder's deputy in charge of, quote, public integrity. house republicans have tried for 11 months to find out who is leading the investigation and how many prosecutors are involved. >> an arizona woman clinically dead is alive and well today. and her doctor nearly speechless. >> i can only describe that with her being neurologically intact a miracle. >> she collapsed at work suffering from a heart attack. a coworker performed cpr. after arriving at the hospital. the doctor told the family her recovery was less than 1%. this morning she is just fine. >> >> call 911, saving his owner. marine veteran terry mclad says he initially got his dog major to help with ptsd and other health issues. when he collapsed from a seizure. he pulled the phone from his pocket and pushed on the screen until it auto dialed 911. the pooch then waited by the curb for emergency services and brought them back to his unconscious owner. >> and then he went home and played x box. >> he can do anything. let's get outside to rick and tucker. bass pro shops go outdoors event stores across the country. this morning a preview of what to expect. >> like snut of bash pro-shop joins us live. bass pro season again what do you got? >> you get. always a great time to go outdoors. starting next weekend. go through may 2 ath. very knowledgeable staff for everybody unfamiliar with it get familiar. >> get outdoors. >> absolutely. >> sales going on. >> plenty of sales. we have a great line of gear. camping can be anything. it can be just taking the kid does in the backyard and punishing a tent or going out on a get away for a weekend out in costa rica like i believe you went. >> it's such a cheap thing, too. you don't have to plan a big expensive vacation. great way to get out with the feel and do something cheap. these backpacks are pretty awesome? >> absolutely. thin line, exclusive to bass pro shops. high end grand but very affordable brand. which leads us to our backpack. this is a big guy. we do make them bigger but this is one of the big ones. lumbar support that you adjust. internal frame to support that weight. adjust this to the frame of your shoulders. >> a lot of people think backpacking you are going to put 0 pounds on your back and it's going to be really heavy and uncomfortable if you are going any distance, backpacks are made to support that around your body, right? >> there is an art to it. if you get three hours into five day hike and you haven't packed accordingly, it's going to hurt. you're not going to have fun. >> hurt you in a bad way. >> put the weight on your shoulders in the wrong spot. so the correct way to put this on, you start from the ground up. you want to make sure all these straps are nice and loose, good base. now, take these, come around the front. >> now it's the belt. >> all the way right on top of your helps, you want it to rest comfortably on want to hips. >> there are compartments everywhere. do you have bear spray? [ laughter ] >> yes, you do. >> for everything on there. >> perfect. >> you put it right here to the shoulder straps. pull these down, pull them to a comfortable deal. >> how does it feel? >> you don't want that weight on your shoulders. evenly distributed. that's perfect right here. but we have this added feature. the load bearing weight strap. you pull these down. you will feel that bad just suck to your back. >> i feel it. >> it's awesome. >> that's perfect? sternum strap. >> how much is this? >> under 160 bucks. >> no way. >> absolutely. >> you could put a couple kids in if there. >> it's reusable. >> that's right. can you use it all you want. you are load offed down. this is great for, you know, several days out on the trail or just a weekend get away. >> checking in with you laterren in n. the hour next hour. >> i will be here. >> anna and clayton? >> you guys look good out there. forget everything you think about veterans in the workplace. following orders is actually not their best quality. retired army paratrooper tells us what is next. >> why one chicago school district is ditching the government mandated school lunch program for one of their own. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right, no hidd fees. it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. i'm 55 years old and i have diabetic nerve pain. the pain was terrible. um, i remember my feet hurt so bad that it felt like i had hot pins and needles coming from the inside out of my skin. when i did go see the doctor and he said, "i think i can help you" and prescribed lyrica. it helped me. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having reduced pain is great and i'm grateful for it. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of michael's story, visit it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. dso i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ired. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! happy saturday, everybody. some quick headlines for you now. a chicago area school district ditching the federal lunch programs. officials at township high school in arlington heights claim they were being forced to stop serving popular lunch items like pizza and french fries. they will come up with their own lunch menu. being blackmailed by tourists. apparently customers are trying to extort free rooms and dinners from hotels and restaurants by saying they will write a bad review. hospitality officials say the problems is on the rise. going from deploy to employed is a problem veterans are facing in droves across the country. >> here is something you don't know about those veterans looking for work. >> cheryl casone from the fox business network joins us now with some very special guests. cheryl? >> so, veteran unemployment has been decreasing over the last few years. the numbers are still too high. especially for our post 9/11 veterans. this is just one problem veterans are facing. which is shown in the brand new dock could you series coming back with more j. >> if you had a job you were sitting in a suit and tie and it who go to a cubical every day from 9 to 5, this wouldn't be good for you? >> no. >> joining me to talk more about this is producer and host of coming back, west moore. and one of the vets featured u.s. army reserve staff sergeant latrice titus. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> you took on this project because you saw what we saw here and that is that veterans are struggling to get work and to build new lives. what did you learn? >> well, you know, really, a lot of it came from this idea of when i made my own personal transition. i came back from afghanistan. i was a paratrooper with the 82nd airborne. i saw what happened with myself and my soldiers where that transition can be very very stark. you are coming back to an economy that has stalled in many ways. you are coming back to transition to it a skill set which might have nothing to do with what your skill set was while you were overseas. a lot of veterans find themselves in the mix. what we wanted to do is not just show what the complexities are but highlight the humanity and assets that these vets are bringing back. >> you are canceling vets as well? >> yes. >> what is the most common theme you are hearing from these veterans when they come in and seeking guidance about how to start a new life? >> well, you hear veterans not being able to transfer the skill sets that they have acquired in the military over into the civilian sector. finding that when they do find employment, it's difficult for them to maintain employment. >> you know, if you look at the unemployment rate of vets and the suicide rate of vets, they actually track one another. and so this is something we have to get very serious about this. not just from employment perspective but mental health perspective. i think something we can start doing to actually start moving the needle significantly and early is we have to not just have ideas of set asides for veterans in terms of employment and opportunities, which are wonderful and great, and a lot of big businesses are doing that but at the same time, we have to understand the entrepreneurial vision that some vets have. you know, the common understanding of vets and its a false conception, is that veterans about somehow these robots, the only time we can be effective is if you tell us what to do. veterans are some of the most entrepreneurial people that i have ever had a chance to be around. one thing you know in combat is that your tuesday will look nothing like your monday. wednesday will look nothing like your tuesday. so much of what we do in combat is react to contact. what's entrepreneurialism if it's not reacting to contact? >> i have never heard about the entrepreneurial side of it. do you agree with it as well? >> i do, yeah. >> i think this show is going to be great, obviously. tell us about it. it's going to be running later this month, correct? on pbs? >> correct. it's a series, we have had a great partner in pbs. it's going to be three consecutive tuesdays so may 13th, may it 20th and may 27th at 8 p.m. eastern standard time. what we want to do is not just show the challenges that veterans are having because these are real. he want to show them. at all times we want to also show that's not the whole story. vets doing some extraordinary work when they are come back home and that needs to be part of the conversation as well. >> are you ready for your turn at tv stardom? >> i am. >> thank you both so much. >> thank you, cheryl. >> thank you, glarl coming up on the show, vicious criminals accused of killing off entire ridge village and kidnapping hundreds of little girls. why didn't hillary clinton state department label them terrorists two years ago. >> do you shop online? you may be paying more for the very same item than the person living next door. we have got an expert here to tell you how you can avoid it next. it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. if you ask me about did you ever have chickenpox? 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. guess which one i was. imagine walking into a store and paying a difference price depending on what you look like or how much money you make or where you live. if you shop online that may be happening to you. how you can prevent it? nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you, too. >> explain it this to me. if you lived next door to me you could be paying less or more than me at the same online store. >> dynamic pricing. stores can increase or decrease the price based on item grawnks. so the fact that i'm a woman, you know, maybe we live in a certain zip code but maybe i'm filing for unemployment and you just got a raise, marketers, retailers, depending on where you are going online can collect that data. where that's different from price description, it's under the guise marketing data. can't discriminate nate against people when it comes to pricing and gender, nationality, you know, their background, but when it comes to marketing data, that's where the blurred lines remain take a look at. so consumer categories breaking down, soccer moms. >> basically if you are a mom maybe you are buying a the lo of stuff at wal-mart or going to k-mart for stuff or going grocery shopping buying certain things online, even when you go into a store, they are tracking that movement as what you are buying and there is a whole basically a data that they are collecting on that. >> browser and search history. >> it's been happening for years. not a new thing. been happening for almost 10 years. >> this is also collected from internet history like how much you buy. haven't cleaned out your search history. haven't cleaned these cookies off. buying a lot of. >> what cookies are is a digital bread crumbs of where you have been. not to confuse anyone. it's easy to clear your browser go. to your browser settings, go to privacy settings hit click and clear. >> how do we stop this? >> one way is to clear your cookies. another way is continue to stall software where it actually protects from you this price dynamic pricing. the difference it's called thor, a new software that just came up. can you download it but you have to be careful because it can protect you from not getting the cheaper prices as well. so it needs what you are doing but then you have to be careful because you night not get the better prices. also, go offline, go to a store and negotiate. some people call it bargaining. you don't feel bad about that. people in europe and across the world go ahead and negotiate on prices. we don't do thatch so much in the united states. you can go ahead and do that and then online can you price match. >> i'm going to it see if that will work for me in a few minutes when i go to starbucks. 20% discount. price negotiate. great to he see you this morning. fascinating. four americans left to die in benghazi still no justice. nancy pelosi is calling the search for answers a political stunt. governor huckabee is here to weigh in on that next. everyone's favorite crack smoking mayor rob ford is back in the news this do morning. is he getting violent. sedansing in violence? 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 hello and good morning. saturday, the 10th of may, 2013. i'm anna kooiman. a horrified crowd watches as a hot air balloon crashes into a power line and bursts into flames. you could hear them screaming please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us. we're going to die. oh my god, please help us, please help us. >> breaking details as authorities continue to search for the wreckage. >> a new veterans affairs bombshell breaking overnight. it's a smoking gun, an email proving that employees knew they were gaming the system and putting our heroes at risk. they said so outloud. governor mike huckabee is here with his response. >> make bullying criminal for kindergartners? a new push to fine your a-year-old. in california, of course. good idea are or gone too far? tweets and emails this morning we will read them. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >> you are watching "fox & friends," the number one cable morning news show in america. >> that's right. when colonel hunt says so, you cannot argue. >> love the sound of that, good morning. 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. considerably earlier on the west coast and we are glad to see. >> you glad all of you joining us today. make sure do you something nice for mom today and tomorrow. mother's day weekend. >> you have only got a few shomg hours left to get mom the perfect present. we will much more on that coming up through the show. maybe tips from bass pro shops. >> excellent stuff. >> great stuff this morning. stories making headlines we want to get right to. we do have a fox news alert. they were screaming for their lives. that's what witnesses say they heard as a hot air balloon in virginia hit the power line, burst into flames and crashes to the ground. >> it was kind of like pop. when that happened the basket exploded and debris started following to the ground and -- falling to the ground. upping could hear them screaming dear sweet jesus help us. help us. basket. carolina county search crews have not been able to find any wreckage. the crash happening ahead of the mid-atlantic balloon festival that was set to kick off today and has now been cancelled. an attempted kidnapping of two americans forcing the united states to close its embassy in yemen. security fears were heightened after the embassy officers were visiting a barber shop which when a pair of armed kidnappers stormed. in the sphrs reported to be a cia agent and a special operations commando. is the shot would be assailant and has since left the country. potential disaster over the skies of over florida. after a drone and jet liner nearly crash into each other. a u.s. airways plane came incredibly close to the drone while aproiching tallahassee airport. the faa revealing the camouflaged color drone flying at 2300 feet. high above the altitude of a typical drone. >> i would say that it was so close to his jet that he was sure that he had collided with it thankfully, inspection of the airliner after landing found no damage this coming after a string. when one crashed into a building in downtown st. louis. and here we go again. toronto's crack smoking mayor, rob ford caught on video making a belligerent rant at a bar. >> kick you right in the [bleep], [bleep]. this video posted online by the toronto sun. reportedly filmed on april 27th. >> one day after film -- ford was caught on camera smoking crack in his sister's basement. >> i like the happy rob ford a little bit better. >> ford says he went to rehab last week. i don't think we know where rob ford is. >> have you been tracking him? >> his honing collar has gone dead. somewhere in north america we are hearing from our producers. >> there was your drone in the sky. >> we want to bring in mick puck bethis morning. >> after rob ford where do we go from here? >> we go to this story. which is a bombshell story overnight, governor, i'm sure you are aware of the breaking developments late last night on the mistreatment of our veterans at the veterans affairs and one of the hospitals out in wyoming. we had heard reports that they were, basically, fudging data records there. and not giving the care to our veterans that they needed and some veterans had died as a result of not getting the care that they needed. now we know from an email that, in fact, they were -- they laid it out specifically. and how to go in and manipulate the records so that it in that 14-day window, if you didn't match it, you know what? we just go being in and back date these records 15 days and you are fine and these veterans suffers right. what do you make of this. >> we knew what happened in arizona was just beyond disgusting. now that we see it wyoming and other places around the country, it's clear this is a systemic problem. this is not just an isolated incident within the v.a. or one system. this across the entire system. i think shin seq.y needs to go not because he is personally responsible. he is he ultimately responsible and at some point you have to say we are cleaning house. we're going to bring people, in they are going to go top to bottom. we're going to get to the heart of this. we're going to fix it it then f. they don't fix it fire that guy and get somebody who can. >> administrative leave, governor. >> how disgusting is that? you don't fire people we need to recognize this is not just about a bureaucratic mess. this is criminal behavior when you defraud a patient seeking healthcare she deserves it because he or she is a veteran serving this country, that's more than a bureaucratic snafu, that's criminal behavior. >> people can go to jail for it david newman is somebody who sparked all this bombshell smoking gun email that came out yesterday. yes, it is gaming the system a bit. you have no know the rules of the game you are playing and when we exceed the 14 day measure, the front office gets very upset. and he goes on to say that you can change it after it's happened. change it in the computer. get off the bad boys list. what does it say? he is putting this in writing. not like he is having it in a conversation. you know, really systemic problem. >> this is. this is government speak for cya cover your aspirations. tragic because we are talking about the group of people that need to be elevated to the most high level of treatment that we have. people shot at for us. people served in uniform at greatly below greatly below what their service should have been. now we owe them at least that promise fulfilled on their healthcare and we are not giving it to them. >> why is the president getting a pass on this? i understand shinseki runs the agency. he lost a foot in vietnam. a general, pretty i didn't mean progressive guy. obama is the one who runs the executive branch of government and yet he seems to have been dodging responsibility for. this how did that happen? >> it happens because the press never holds him accountable or responsible. i'm not saying that the president is standing at the white house saying let's manipulate the records at the v.a. because we know that's not true. he has some power to make things happen by putting personnel and putting his fist down on the oval office saying i want this fixed and report on my desk in 30 days. if sib anybody, you know, fails to get this to me, they are gone. >> back in august of 2013 the president said this and we knew ba it in december when that "special report" came out about the v.a. listen to the president back in august of 2013. it sounded like he was slamming his fist down on the podium this time listen. >> we're not going to let up until we eliminate the backlog once and for all. we will keep moving ahead with paperless systems so the backlog doesn't come back and so your claims are processed right, the first time on time. [ applause ] after years of military service, you shouldn't have to wait for years for the benefits you have earned. >> it's nice that you said that he was reading off the teleprompter. i will believe it more when there is action beyond the teleprompter when he actually fires some people, and he conducts a full investigation. he gets congress involved. that's one of the things that they should be doing as an oversight function. but, it's in unacceptable and inexcusable, i have a friend of mine who is a former flight surgeon in the air force. he did contract work as a medical doctor. he told me this is not something that is recent and not just something that is isolated it is threat the v.a. system. he worked in about a dozen different v.a. hospitals in the course of his life. he said this is something he constantly found. a lot of physicians who just were, you know, kind of going through the motions. they had patients who were in serious pain and they did not try to deal with pain management and some of the issues to really help them. but it like hey i get off at 5:00 and i'm done. >> so awful. how many of these stories you have seen in government. >> to be fair there are good employ yeses in the v.a. dedicated medical profession. it's not aspersion against everybody in the v.a. system. one bad apple does in this case ruined whole barrel and they need to be removed from the barrel. >> somebody should be held accountable? >> yes. >> named seven members for the select committee. we are trying to figure out what their participation will be. were ifer house speaker nannies pelosi serve football listen to what she says. >> the fact is this is a stunt. this is a political stunt. and the fact that issa is damaged goods. move from him with mother venue with another chairman. that's what this is we have been there and done this over and over again. it's very sad. chris stevens, glenn daughtery, sean smith, tyrone woods, two of their families have called us and said, please, don't take us down this path again. it's really hard for them. it's very sad. >> do you believe that? do you think the families of those four innocent people that lost their lives don't want answers? >> honest answers, i don't know. i know i have specially talked to families, two of the families who very much want us to find out what happened and tyrone woods, his father charles woods has been on the show twice. he gave me a picture of tyrone it signatures in my office as a reminder to me not to forget benghazi until we come to the truths. americans want it know. measures deserve to know frankly whether the democrats show up or not, you know what? the truth is going to come forward. i think they should show up. if they don't, it may be that we have a more realistic approach to getting to the truth. i think boehner did a good job. he appointed people who were not the best known congressman not the ones seen on television all the time. look at their background, all of them have very qualified former federal prosecutors. mike pompei owe and westmoreland both of them will be on my show tonight. this is extraordinary panel and real blue ribbon group of people one of the stories talking about. criminals killing off entire village. kidnapping hundreds of little girls. why didn't hillary clinton label them terrorists when she had the chance? could we have tracked them and actually had government involvement ahead of time? get the governor to weigh in on that in a few mommy's. >> making bullying a criminal offense for kindergartners. new push to make it a misdemeanor and slap a fine on your a-year-old for being impolite to one of his classmates. have we gone too far? there is a rhetorical question. your emails ahead. former secretary of state hillary clinton reacting with anger. and calling for action in response to the kidnapping of 3 nigerian girls boko haram. take a listen. >> the seizure of these young women by this radical extremist group, bow co-ha ram is abominable, it's criminal. it's an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible. >> terrorism? hmmm. that's how hillary clinton describes the group. for two years when she ran the state department she fought efforts to have that group labeled a terror organization, amazingly. >> back again to respond is governor mike huckabee on all of this. a the love people say governor, what does an alabel actually mean? it means quite a bit when you put government resources behind tracking these guys. we might have known ahead of time about these abductions and killings. >> if a government labels someone a terrorist group they do keep up with what they do focusing intelligence operations. understanding better where they are moving even look into phone calls and all sorts of things which what they ought to be doing rather than looking into tucker's spoken calls. -- phone calls. there is nothing to be seen there. >> i will let the nsa to reveal that. >> i lost my phone and i called nsa and they restored all of my emails. >> throw up a quote by daily brees josh rogan. state department official who worked with hillary clinton at the time he said. this the one thing she could have done. one tool she had had her disposal she didn't use. no one can say she wasn't urged to do it. it's gross hypocrisy. >> whandz in benghazi is -- we stopped it, killed bin laden, basically the world is a safe place. out of iraq, out of afghanistan pretty soon and therefore we don't have to worry anymore. now we know it's not so wonderful out there in the world. in fact, terrorism is alive, well, and growing. and it's not diminishing because radical islam is a force and it is not going away and it is not tempering. and i don't know why we can't understand that why see the hollywood people getting upset about what's going on in brunei. that's fine. do they not understand this has been the culture for radical islam for a long time. it's not new. >> and, governor, you mentioned benghazi, too. hillary clinton trying to be tough on national security also protecter of women we're seeing the tough talk from her #bring back our girls. are we going to see more of that from her or is that going to help when she has to fight her record? >> i think she will still have to answer for what happened during her record. i saw an interview with someone who was trying to defend her. i felt sorry for the person. i really did. i truly felt sorry for the person because the question was tell me what hillary did in those years as secretary of state that was so remarkable. it was all how hard she tried. bottom line is. this here is the question. can you name me one country on this entire planet with whom we have a better relationship today than we had in january of 2009? and the answer is even among obama supporters and hillary supporters, nobody has been able to name a country for me. not one can you? >> licken stein? >> no, they don't like us at all anymore. >> hold us in utter contempt. >> irony that a lot of people voted for obama in the belief that the rest of the world would like us. >> charm the snakes back into the basket because he could play the flute better than anybody. the flute is out of tune and snakes all over the landscape. >> 8 p.m. on the fox news channel huckabee. two congressman on the panel, one of my favorite people tony orlando is going to be with us. we will be tieing a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree tonight. >> thanks governor, great to have you. >> make bullying criminal for kindergartners. it's happening. a new push to slap a fine or your a-year-old. good idea or completely insane? you are weighing in? >> that's coming up next. and then this criminal suing for his right to eat ice cream? he said the jail is violating his right. are you kidding me? ♪ ♪ ♪ 23 minutes past the hour. quick headlines for you. with donald sterling banned from the nba for life. the clippers have called on dick parsons to act as interim ceo. the they are trying to force him to sell the team. inmates with horns tattooed on his head suing nevada jail over ice scream. he says the jail is violating his religious rights claiming he is only supposed to eat whole foods ice cream listed as one of those foods. the man serving 2 to 6 years for stealing a car and drug possession. what religion is eating whole foods ice cream. >> one he made up. >> i have a couple kids adherence to that faith i believe. >> breakfast as well. >> there is faith really among the a local of the scoot stration in whatever the current fad is everybody believes it it has got to be true. a new fad swept america education that was the attack on bullying, the crd that bullying was the single greateth threat. maybe some cases that's true. one in california decided to got the extra stepping ticket up to 100 buck? s. >> preliminary approving for. this first time offender could be ticketed for insphraction and fined 100 bucks and second infraction would cost 200. third time offense could bring a criminal misdemeanor charge. this is for a-year-olds, folks. this for kindergartners. what are they going to do safe their allowance from the nickel or dime or quarter from making their bed? >> parents will pay it, of course. >> is this t. a good thing and make parents become more involved? typing the parents for the kid's behavior in school. seven 11 on the way home from school. you can't control everything is he doing. >> schools are taking the roles that parents used to occupy. >> how to raise your children. >> of course they do. he they know what kind of food your kids ought to eat and what values your kids ought to have. they know how your kids ought to behave with your classmates. they know what politics they ought to adhere to. teach them how to add civil war. carson city mayor, he says we're not talking putting a a-year-old in jail. intervening in both the bully's life who is a person hurting and the victim's life. >> cyber bullying. >> save your sermons for sunday, man. >> get parents to become more involved and watch what they're doing on the internet a little bit more whether they are bull idea or the person bullying. in a round about way could child predators online too. getting them to be more hands on. can i see both sides of it. >> demeanor charges would solve the problem. love your neighbor as yourself. >> john write punishing 5-year-olds because they are not prepared to interact appropriately with other children is nuts. many children have no exposure to proper behavior. >> and a tweet from carol says do 5-year-olds even know how to bully or are they just being 5? great yes. >> jack the wussification of america, one city at a time. >> there is some deep stuff going on here. >> would you -- wussification of america. >> republicans are blocked -- that claim is ridiculous. how many pinocchios did it earn? he we will tell you coming up. >> bass pro shops here with what you need to look up for when you buying a kayak. that's coming up. >> sneak peek on what's coming up on cashing in at 11:00 this morning. >> president obama took the victory lap for all the jobs that is all of the above strategy was. creating providing and then the very next day he trashes that same industry. the very next day for being a polluter with his climate report. >> well all of the success that he has mentioned has nothing to do with him. ♪ get out of my dreams ♪ and into my car ♪ >> it's your shot of the morning. if you are driving the highways around boston and need to change lanes, you better use your blinkah. the massachusetts department of transportation is hoping to get that message across to drivers with the new road signs. >> officials say it's state law to use a signal changing sit lanes. drivers often ignore it in boston. use yah blinkahs. upon knicks didn't work for them. >> take more than that driving under the hub is my prediction. >> get in the car. >> good luck. >> 8:32 is the time now. on to saturday morning headlines. on just about every level this claim is ridiculous. the "the washington post" giving president obama four out of four pinocchios after saying republicans have filibustered 500 pieces of legislation since 2007. a fact checker with the post says the president was counting cloture motions which puts a time limit on a vote to consider a bill. that means only 133 legislations since 2007 never went to a vote because of filibuster. and caught on camera, a close call for a' cop during a routine traffic stop in iowa. >> officer jeremy vietch is lucky to be alive after a tree crashed on top of him. he heard a couple cracks and next thing he knew he was on the ground calling for help. each had minor injuries. we have heard it all before. prom isn't a right. it's a privilege. more than 30 high school seniors in california found that out just days before the big dance. the students along with teacher aids monitored tardiness and detention records so they could go to prom. they suspended students and teachers aids as well ensuring they will not be able to attend. and the hottest names of 2013 is out and for the first time in the 21st century we have a new number one boy's name. >> clayton? >> not clayton. >> oh. >> inspired by the bible, noah unseats jacob as last year's most popular name. in fact, jacob slips down to the third behind liam. mason and william rounding out the top five. i love that name liam. olivia, isabella and eva all in the top a the list is coming from the latest social security. >> eva. >> my little girls name is ava. birthday today. she watching. >> happy birthday ava. daddy loves you. go out to rick. birthday party today for my little girl is it going to rain? >> quick shower not ruin the day. you have the cutest kids, clayton. >> all from mommy. clearly. >> i would also agree with that. >> sorry. >> you just said that you were nervous out here because your husband was going to see you on tv he sees you every day. >> i know not on fox news. he has to distract himself from fox news to see me. >> i have to tell you you have come here many years to visit and this year your son brought. >> you yes my son brought me. my daughter is here too. she is back at the hotel. my son wanted to come and join me on fox. >> for mother's day. >> you get points your daughter not as much. >> she is watching. >> good son. nicely done. let's take a look at the weather maps as you are waking up this morning. temperatures, things are looking pretty good across the eastern part of the country. temps into the 60's, 70s this morning we have some troubles out there. very heavy rain actually across parts of the south central gulf coast area. we are going to see maybe 3 inches or so of that also have severe weather today across the central plains, severe weather tomorrow. tomorrow a bigger weather threat. omaha, wichita. kansas city. that would be kind of a prime tornado area. and then monday, just a little farther towards the east. it's the season. it's may. tornado alli. this is what happens. everybody there just heads up to be prepared. also prepared because it's also bass pro shops. >> spring and boat time. and we have luke snyder from bass pro shops coolest things they sell in the entire place, boats, which it turns out you can actually afford if you covet a boat. >> go outdoors event starting next week. >> all we are excited about. starting next weekend go through may 25th go. outdoors event. free seminars for the kids. and family friendly. but also a lot of great deals going on including this fishing kayak which is just an awesome, awesome deal. >> cool thing about bass pro shops is you can learn how to do stuff. you will teach them how? >> absolutely. our staff there is all about teaching you and just having fun with it. >> so, by the way, what is this right here? i don't know if our cameras can can see this. some kind of pully system on the side of the kayak. >> set in waiters and do everything from a sitting position on this boat. also, what's really cool about this boat. the whole design on, this since it is a fishing kayak. you can actually stand on this. and you will be stable on the water. >> hard to imagine. when i got on this earlier, in the kayak, going to tip over, fish pulling you, you are moving around, trying to get the fish out. you are not going to tip over? >> absolutely. i will tell you what, being honest, everything is possible to tip over, as far as fishing goes on kayak, this is the stablest thing on the market. >> cast right from the deck? >> that's right. this is 360-degree dhar move all around. have you got a handle right here to pull yourself up comfortably from the chair, stand on the deck. you have four rod holders right here. two out here as you are standing up here casting. >> keep your fish in. >> there water tight box. >> or lunch? >> yeah. >> you have high standards you can fly cast. >> that's right. you ought to hear some of the stories. these guys are literally taking these out in the ocean and catching big tuna and sharks with these. >> you can imagine? >> that would be a rush. >> slay ride. >> that's awesome. so you have these. you also have some fun kayaks? >> right. as you can see right here. for under had hundred dollars. you are out in the outdoors and you are kayaking. i will tell you what, can you pick this up, it's super light weight. anybody can load that. >> that's under 400 bucks? >> that's under 400 bucks. >> without all the bells and whistles on this, this is under 700 bucks. >> that's crazy. i'm actually getting one for real. >> i'm telling you, they are fun. i personally have been out on this in the ocean myself, had a great time. >> is there a two person version of this? >> absolutely we have two person, yep. >> of the fish and kayak? >> well, there is more fun friendly kayaking. if you want to get serious and catch tuna and shark. you. >> you need a witness. >> nobody is going to believe it. >> you have got the dry box put your camera in there. >> much more coming up in the next hour. send it back to you, clayton and anna. >> thanks, guys. >> did your mom always tell you not to sit too close to the tv? is that really a health issue? we're going to separate mom advice from fact and fiction. this morning. >> all right. and half of the people in connecticut and illinois watch out, so, why are they so unhappy and where are they going? we crunch the numbers next. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or let's get up and moving. 43 minutes after the hour. here are the top stories on our web site for your health. more hospitals across the united states performing c sections with women with low risk pregnancies. c section rates are up 500% since 1970. cock doctors consider c section risky because it's a major surgery and can have complication complications for otherwise healthy women. you wake one a splitting headache and squeeze j stomach. shouldn't have mixed those drinks. hangovers are related to how much alcohol you consume not what kind you mix. all right, clayton, over to you. >> took the bbc to figure that out? i could have told them that. this looking to move out of state? gallup poll. that number averages about 33% across the united states. but, in symptom states, as many as 50% say they are seeking greener pastures. why in the world is this happening. travis brown author of the new book wealth of states. there is the book. i saw the story this week that half of people in illinois and connecticut want to move somewhere else. want to get the heck out of there, why? >> it's consistent with the past evidence of how others from illinois, connecticut and maryland have voted with their feet, voted with their wallet. they know that they are in high cost of living or in some cases very high tax burdens, we're seeing that here out of all the 50 states, the states in green,ing if and pursuing other alternatives that people that are left behind look for where else could they move. >> why is this relevant for people living in connecticut? sorry for them, i don't have to worry about it? >> well, they are all part of the national economy. connecticut and something we cover a deep dive looking at connecticut and places like new jersey were once part of 11 states that never had a tax on your work. so they used to be very prosperous economies. bart of our contribution to the u.s. economy. we depend on all states to be thriving. we like to see economies more like texas and florida. contributing. that's where many of these people are choosing to move. >> let's look at the worst offender chicago and illinois. chicago specifically. you say they are bleeding badly, why? >> from the irs data we know the last 19 years, a loss of over $29 billion of taxable income going to other places. not just the region in chicago and to the neighboring states, but making big moves down to places like florida. we also know that's true in maryland and connecticut. >> let's talk about connecticut next. seconds on the list here. 49% of people want to get the heck out of connecticut? >> one very prosperous area for the insurance and financial service industries, places like fairfield county, connecticut were very popular destinations. now a lot of that move in the past 18, 19 years is also showing going south. >> being. what about new jersey or i'm sorry, what about maryland here on the list? 47% of people. >> what's interesting in the people maryland's attitude. income and transfer of wealth is that they are really speaking loudly against the policies of raising one's tax burden and raising the cost of living, yet, just last year, maryland continues to do that raising taxes on upper incomes and taxing something as ridiculous as rain. >> i guess j yeah, i was surprised to hear more about maryland and connecticut than new york. does new york dodge a bullet on. this no. they are more used to the higher cost of living or tax attitudes or different reasons to be in new york city. we know scoring out the long run evidence that they -- when he they are asked what their major reasons are in the gallup poll, new yorkers higher than anyone else in america cite cost of living and tax burden. >> brutal, okay. let's talk about the states where people don't want it move. they love being there. i see some big white patches on your board here. >> right. we are looking at places like montana. looking at some of these light states of course as we have seen before in the long run data in wealthy states. states like texas, it's really hard to see a texan want to leave texas. they have to have a very good reason not to want to be a texan. >> it's because of, what? taxes specifically. >> we can look at the overall business climate and look at the per capita income rising. moving up the economic ladder a lot of reasons for it but we know when you score it out, the evidence shows that texas is leading job growth in four straight years. >> he we always hear about texas it; but we haven't heard as much as maine. that's white on your list here too. >> that's right. maine is one of those destinations a state next door to new hampshire which doesn't tax income or state sales. so there are pretty happy attitudes when it looks at the climate, especially in the summertime for maine. we still know when you look past the gallup evidence that we're seeing a flood of income out of maine to places like florida. >> when you look at all this data, what state is reaping the rewards of most migration? >> that has to be the sunshine state. governor rick scott just cut half a billion dollars of taxes and stream lined regulations here. this notion, competition in america. national economy is really about texas vs. florida. >> can i draw on it? can can i circle? >> sure. >> can i get threw. >> there we go. florida. most people try to move there. >> $95.6 billion of income moving to the sunshine state. >> this is nun. i didn't get to do this much as a kid. thank you so much. i love the breakdown here. check out wealth of for more information. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, playing politics with race. democratic congressman slammed senator tim scott for being black and republican. the outrageous charge straight ahead. did your mom always tell you don't sit too close to the television. it's going to ruin your eyes is that really a health issue? mom advice from fiction next. may want to hide the kids, mom. ♪ come on take the money and run ♪ go on and take the money and run ♪ ♪ ♪ mwhen you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh... [ tires squeal, brakes screech, horn honks ] ooh, ooh! [ back-up beeping, honking ] a truckload of discounts for your business -- now, that's progressive. >> i love you, mom. >> happy mother's day weekend. >> because i said so. did your mom tell that you? was she right? sometimes but not always. >> in honor of mother's day tomorrow, we are getting to the bottom of all those health tips. >> the wives' tales. emergency room and founder of mid level let's start with sitting too close to the television. we heard that growing up. it will hurt your eyes. we hear that with ipads. is that true or not? >> it's false. sitting too close to the tv or ipad doesn't cause permanent eye damage. it can cause eye strain, headache, blurry vision. that resolves quickly with rest. kids can sit closer to the tv and focus better at shorter distances than adults can. it might be that your child is sitting close to a tv or reading a book close to their face and it's not bothering their eyes. >> should moms tell kids don't sit too far back? >> choose a comfortable distance. it might be closer than comfortable for you. >> here is a so-called myth that is scientifically true, and that is gum stays in your stomach for seven years. >> absolutely does not. >> kept me from swallowing it. >> gum contains four ingredients. three are dissolved by the enzymes and acid, the fourth ingredient makes gum chewy and gets eliminated with the rest. >> mom, you were lying? >> when you're feeling nauseous, we could have soda to settle our stomach. >> have ginger ale. >> unfortunately, soda, the carbonation can make your stomach hurt. all the symptoms can make nausea and vomiting. a lot of the ginger ale on the market contains artificial flavorings. go for a ginger tea. shop in the natural foods aisle. >> what about coke syrup? >> what about snacking? will ruin your dinner. >> if you do it right, doesn't have to ruin your dinner. a lot of us view a snack as a mini meal. that can ruin your dinner. if you choose healthy foods, it can help control your blood sugar and curb the hunger so when mealtime comes you're not so starving. snacking can be done if done right. it won't ruin your dinner. >> sugar makes you hyper. i've seen kids get hyper from sugar. >> there are a large studies that show sugar and hyper is not linked. what we are seeing with the hyperactivity myth is surroundings. we eat sugar at birthday parties, holidays where kids are hyped up already. it's the environment making them hyperactive than the sugar itself. >> interesting. setting the record straight. moms were lying. thank you. >> great to see you. breaking overnight, new veterans' affairs e-mails that employees in wyoming were instructed to manipulate patients' records. >> is johnny football a brat? why it may have taken so long to get drafted. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. you should know that 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. hey, everybody, good morning, it is saturday the 10th of may, 2014. the fox news alert. a hot air balloon burst into flames and came crashing to the ground with three people onboard. a press conference has the breaking details. a new veteran affairs bombshell breaks overnight. call it the smoking gun. an e-mail that proves employees there knew they were gaming the system and putting our heros at rick. all the details. stay tuned for that. >> guys, does this sound vaguely familiar to you? >> the bathroom's a mess, you should probably go work out. >> bathroom's a mess. your wife's nagging might be killing you. what about the women? this is just for men. studies proven for men. e-mails pouring in on this one. "fox and friends" hour four starts right now. you're watching fox and friends, a great way to begin your day. >> that's why bass pro shops is on the fox and friends plaza. >> if mother's day weekend means anything, it means getting your fishing rods out. >> get them dusted off. >> come on into fox and friends this saturday morning. >> we have a lot of news this morning. we have confirmation in a story we've been following the past several weeks about the v.a. system of hospitals around this country that treats our ailing veterans. there have been indications that employees of the v.a. have been breaking the law in shishging their duty to treat our veterans. we have hard proof in the form of an e-mail from a v.a. employee from a wyoming hospital that says point blank, yes, we are gaming the system. >> you have to know the rules of the game you're playing. we exceed that 14 day measure the front office gets upset. he breaks down the system how he does it. if you want a doctor's appointment august 15th, we may put that down initially in the books, when you don't get that appointment, we will back date it in the computer so it appears as if you did get that appointment when you're sitting home waiting to get care. >> this is an e-mail. this isn't proof that was inadvertently recorded and surfaced to the media. what does that say about the culture at the v.a.? is this acceptable behavior to cook the books and teach your employees how to cook the books? david newman a nurse there says some of the visits have passed but you can fix this and get off the bad's boy list cancelling the visit and reschedule it in the 14-day window to keep the guys in the office happy. >> basically our supervisors want the actual appointment booked within 14 days. that's difficult, of course. competence always is. here is how i handle it. if we don't meet this measurement, the 14-day measurement, the front office gets upset which doesn't help us. you're watching bureaucrats in the process of this. >> if this happened under your watch you would fire somebody. the secretary of veterans affair sent an e-mail or released this statement. this sounds like bureaucratic-ese. >> i immediately requested the independent office inspector general conduct a thorough investigation. i directed that the employee be removed from patient care responsibility and placed on administrative leave. underline not fired. v.a. takes any allegation of employee misconduct seriously if true, behavior outlined in the e-mail is unacceptable. >> does secretary shinseki expect us to buy that? you did know about this. several months ago. this continues to happen and nobody lost their job in this report was done in cheyenne, wyoming and ft. collins, colorado. the reason nobody was fired because there was no maliciousness. it was just a training problem. >> talk to any veteran who sought treatment and he'll tell you tons of good, dedicated, decent people there, but also very often it's like trying to wade through the bureaucratic nonsense. we interviewed a veteran who has liver cancer. he still can't manage to book the appointment with the doctor to get surgery on his liver cancer. >> even after they knew he had cancer. it was on the books he had cancer. >> that is the department of motor vehicles except a hospital. it's not like this is just happening. this has been going on a long time. is the government best administering a hospital system? putting the government in charge of health care? we are going to see a lot more of this before we see less. >> when government gets involved in any of these sectors what a problem it has. we got a report of the post office, billions of dollars in budget shortfalls. huge loss any department the government gets its hands on. we'll continue to cover this story here out of the v.a. representative james clyburn is saying senator jim scott is not doing a good job not being a black republican because he isn't vote iing toward the colof his skin, the way he should be. if you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation he has who votes against the interests and aspirations of 95% of the black people in south carolina, then i guess that's progress. isn't this perpetuating the problem highlighting the differences? because somebody who is african-american believes in less government and working hard, getting ahead and the american dream, that makes him not a good black person? >> it's the definition of racism. you're not allowed to believe something because of your skin color. if there is another definition, i'm not sure what it is. senator scott can believe whatever he wants. anyone who tells him otherwise is committing an obvious act of racism. jim clyburn, one of the most famous members of the house of representatives says a totally over the top -- attacks the guy for the color of his skin and nobody reports it except fox? >> reverend michael faulkner was on greta last night and he found the whole thing deplorable. >> when i was coming up, greta, we applauded in the '60s, we applauded the success of any black person we saw that was advancing the cause of democracy, the cause of our people, we applauded those successes. now it seems that people like representative clyburn are using those, the suffering and struggle we had to get here as a way of exploiting their continued political gain. that is deplorable to me. >> let us know your thoughts moments ago holding a press conference on a hot air balloon crash near richmond. one body has been found. police are searching for the two others onboard and the wreckage. >> witnesses tell us somehow they got out, whether they leapt on their own or the basket and condition of it they fell, we don't know that for certain. >> witnesses describe an horrific scene as they heard the people screaming for their lives as the balloon caught fire and fell to the ground. >> it was like a pop. when that happened the basket exploded and debris started falling to the ground and you could hear them screaming, please, dear god, sweet jesus, help us, we're going to die. >> the crash happening ahead of the mid atlantic balloon festival set to kick off today. it has since been canceled. an attempting kidnapping of two americans forcing the united states to close its embassy in yemen. security was heightened as the officers were visiting a barber shop when the kidnappers stormed in. they are reported to be a cia agent and special operations commando. after 15 years, is bill clinton about to apologize to hillary for this? >> i want you to listen to me. i'm going to say this again. i did not have sexual relations with that woman. ms. lewinsky. >> in the wake of monica lewinsky's sweeping "vanity fair" feature, the former president considering a public apology to his wife and former white house intern. why now? some think it may be to help hillary's potential 2016 white house run. johnny manziel, heisman winner, nfl recruit and former brat? that is according to the new england patriots scouting report. they describe him as an arrogant player who doesn't study the game. reporteders and experts have come out against the leak saying it's fake and not how the patriots won their report. you met him and thought he was super nice. >> i didn't ask him if he studied before we did our show. he was up late after having won the heisman. to look at rick, do you think he stayed up late studying? >> i just asked the question and we have fans here. you don't think he's a brat? >> no. our son went to a&m and said everybody liked him. the reason he took online classes because that's what a lot of kids do down there. >> there you go, clayton. do you buy it? >> supports my thesis. >> by the way, it's also your 30th anniversary. happy anniversary. >> thank you. >> you would think it's mother's day weekend but apparently it's anniversary weekend. we have a system moving across the eastern part of the country. not a washout for the day. scattered showers. maybe a quick thunderstorm across parts of the west we have a very potent system moving into the pacific northwest. it is going to bring snow. it is may 10th and we are talking snow. one to two feet of snow, three to five inches of snow around the denver area. take a look at temperatures. happy mother's day in denver to my sister-in-law. 43 tomorrow, snow in the afternoon. back to you inside. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you, rick. coming up, they are accused of killing an entire village and kidn kidnapping young girls. i don't think today they are labeled as terrorists. everyone's favorite crack-smoking mayor back in the news. this time he wants to knock somebody out. i see the levy's parked in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 revelations that hillary clinton's state department refused to label boko haram as a terrorist group. >> that's the same group responsible for the kidnapping of 300 nigerian girls. we can't forget the time she down played benghazi. >> the fact is we have four dead americans because of a protest or guys out for a walk decide to go kill some americans? what difference does it make? >> despite all the hearings, all the information that's been provided, some choose not to be satisfied. >> what else from her time as secretary of state deserves a closer look? joining us is national security editor for "the blaze" buck sexton. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> benghazi and this next story, 300 girls being kidnapped, an entire village killed and trying to be tough on national security. these stories don't play well for her narrative. >> especially the revelation from this week she had the opportunity and was urged from someone in the national security complex to designate this group foreign terrorist organization which comes with very specific tools that are attached to that. you can do things when someone in a group or individuals are designated. she decided not to do it. what is fascinating is the narrative doesn't stand up to scrutiny either. this looks like yet another ball dropped by hillary clinton as secretary of state. >> nigeria is an important country. it's one of the biggest countries in the world by population and it's splitting in half thanks in part to groups like boko haram. >> the rationale she gave and they won't stand up is that it would draw more attention to this group. that somehow would be a bad thing necessarily. that's one of the rationales. this group has been killing, hundreds of thousands searching back four years. they've been saying they want to wage jihad and have ties to al qaeda. this is well known. the notion not giving them attention is silly. they don't want to elevate the group's stature. there are a lot of groups nobody has heard of. terrorists aren't checking their twitter page saying i made the foreign terrorist designation, now i'm important and cool. shining path is on there. groups people haven't heard of for years are on there. she was inattentive or thought pointing this out would be contrato the narrative there are more al qaeda groups. >> let's take a broad look traveling 956,733 miles, visiting 112 different countries. she worked hard and logged a lot of miles. were her efforts fruitful or fruitless? >> i've gotten in trouble saying she used the state department largely as a personal glory vehicle. she traveled all over the world. not a single treaty, not a single international agreement, trade agreement to her name worthy of mentioning here. not one. this isn't coming from me, this comes from her own spokesperson when asked about this issue in recent weeks had nothing to say. deer in the headlights look about what has hillary clinton accomplished. she tries to hold this up as her greatest qualification for 2016 for president. >> we'll see if she runs. >> i was a cia analyst so this is near and dear to my heart. he's just 26 years old, new to the district. most of his campaign cash is coming from his own pocket. he wants you to vote for him for congress. his opponent says he is just buying the election. does this sound familiar to you? >> the bathroom's a mess, you should probably go work out. >> this is a public health crisis of staggering magnitude. your wife's nagging is killing you. e-mails, tweets pouring in. ♪ ♪ ♪ we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? 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[ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that? well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do -- sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! . quick headlines. a flight forced to make an emergency landing after a bird takes out an engine on a us airways plane. it was heading from new york to d.c. and landed safely at laguardia airport. no one was hurt. >> a win for the pledge of allegiance. massachusetts highest court ruling the words "under god" does not discriminate against atheists. the lawsuit was filed four years ago from atheists claiming it violated the rights of their three children. sean eldridge is the husband of chris hughes running for congress in new york's 19th district. so far he's contributed $965,000 of his own money to the campaign. that accounts for about 42% of the cash he raised so far. his opponent says that proves he is trying to buy the election and that's not even the worst part. his opponent is sitting congressman from that district chris gibson. he joins us this morning. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, tucker. good to be with you. >> your contention is this guy is like basically not done anything in his life, not from the district, and this is a text book example of a guy, rich guy moving in trying to buy a seat in congress. is that your position? >> the election is about two points. one is service. that is i'm working hard in the congress in a challenging period to bring people together, to get things done and there's proven results there. take a look on election day in 2010, the unemployment rate in our country was 10%. today still too high but somewhere a little over 6%. the deficit, my last year in the army was over $1.4 trillion and at the end of this year, still too high but we'll come in about $480 billion. we'll have cut the deficit by 2/3. that and also focusing on district priorities. the farm bill, flood relief, broadband expansion, fighting lyme's disease. this guy at the age of 26, after the last election he moved into our district with very little experience and absolutely no ties to the district. he is looking to use his husband fortune to buy a seat. it's not going to work. he's out of touch with the district. i believe our district, republicans, independents and a good number of democrats are going to reject him and support me for a decisive victory in november. >> you did four combat tours in iraq, a ph.d. from cornell, a college professor. what do you think the minimum threshold for life achievement ought to be to have a seat in congress? >> my personal view is you excelled in something. started a business, done really well there. made some significant contributions in business in some way. served in some leadership capacity in the military or in academia. to come in with little experience and absolutely no ties to the district, you're not in a position to empathize with those you're looking to represent, nor are you able to be effective. one example how being out of touch really is, leads to taking wrong positions. my opponent, he criticizes me for opposing energy taxes. after the winter we just went through, my folks, we had our gas and home heating costs skyrocket, we had our electricity prices double. yet my opponent criticizes me for opposing energy taxes. i will tell you that republicans, independents and democrats alike don't want their energy taxed. >> we have reached out to sean eldridge. haven't heard back but hope we will. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. >> good to be with you. what's going on with the justice department? the man in charge of overseeing public integrity there, and there are quotation marks around that phrase says he has no clue who is in charge of the criminal investigation of lois lerner. really? fans will be saying good-bye to stephen colbert when he takes over for letterman. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. to get a long way from boring. with models up to 62 horsepower or room for four. go rugged. go big. go gator. the shot of the morning. a 2-year-old watches in complete awe as he cease-fire works the very first time. >> it's terror at first then he gets excited. >> his name is connor and his dad took him to a wwe smackdown event which opens up with fireworks. >> dad told him to plug his ears for the loud noises, connor couldn't contain his excitement. >> that is a great dad, taking him to a pro wrestling event at that age? >> i react that way to this day at age 44. >> even when we open the show. >> every fourth of july or new year's eve, i tell baxter, you're going to enjoy, cover your ears but he runs under the bed or in the bath tub. >> can you really be nagged to death? many of you weighed in on this. we have actual science. team of researchers that put all this together. it's probably the largest study conducted on human nature and found out men are likely to die 2.5 times more likely to die if they have a wife who nags them. science, guys. >> this is mother's day weekend, guys. >> it shows the profound impact women have on men. women have a lot of power. >> there is a word for that called blaming the victim. >> i think there are a lot of lazy men out there. nagging could flat-out kill you. it's more deadly than second hand smoke. it's up there with land mines. >> 1,000 tiny cuts. >> a viewer said it's like being nibbled to death by a duck. >> men who put up with it, it's hard to feel sorry for them, too. >> leave. you get beat down for so long, get out of there. don writes and says my wife is not a nag. she is a motivational speaker. >> i hear you. thomas says proverbs 27:15, a continual dripping and a very rhaney day and a contentious woman are alike. >> at what point does it become nagging? the first time i ask or the 27th? >> no benefit from nagging. just remember all you men out there, do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? happy wife, happy life. >> sometimes men deserve it. >> you knew that he doesn't clean. you knew he didn't put his dishes away when you fell in love with him, did you think he would change? >> we are not dogs, we can't be trained. let us know your thoughts. this other story is making your headlines this saturday morning. who is in charge into the investigation of the irs targeting tea party groups? the justice department should know, right? wrong. >> can you tell me who is leading the investigation? there's got to be someone in charge. who is the point person on the investigation targeting the internal revenue service of conservative groups. >> numerous career prosecutors on this investigation. how many prosecutors in total? i can't tell that you answer sitting here today. >> congressman jim jordan calling the investigation a joke after this. house republicans have tried for 11 months to find out who is leading the investigation and how many prosecutors are involved. here we go again. crack-smoking mayor ford making a belligerent rant in a bar. >> i'll kick you right in the [ bleep ]. >> this video posted online by the "toronto sun" was reportedly filmed april 27th after ford was caught on video allegedly smoking crack in his sister's basement. he went to rehab last week. stephen colbert headed to the "late show" next year. "the daily show" larry wilmore is taking over. he has been a main stay on the "daily show" for eight years. those are your headlines. >> those are your headlines. here's rick. >> how many people are here for mother's day? take a look at your weather map as you're waking up this morning. we have rain across the eastern part of the country. this is the next storm that is going to bring us some pretty severe weather this weekend across the central plains. today that is anywhere you see the yellow from omaha to cape gerardo to oklahoma city. tomorrow it moves a little bit of a bigger area. a better chance of a tornado or two across the central part of that country from omaha to wichita, kansas city to the east for monday. that's your weather. it's also bass pro shops time. go outdoors event starts next week. this morning we get a preview of what you can expect. >> this is fantastic. this is prepackaged food. you can take this on the camping trail. nice to see you this morning. >> tell us about the outdoors event. >> it's great. we are hoping people discover how easy it is to go outdoors and how fun it is. we have a great line. today we are highlight iing the tents. backpacks, walking sticks, boots. >> this is a one-man tent? >> anywhere from the one-man tent, you have a sleeping pad in there, the big, spacious four-man tent. this is great. you remember the tent back in the old days. you breathe in there all night long. it's going to be wet and damp. with these new lines, you can see a breathable vent here. >> the food, you carry a big line of food. a little cooking segment this morning. >> absolutely. >> when you're on the backpacking trail, i saw guys add water and it's done. >> this is the jet boil. you can literally boil a cup of water in 90 seconds and eat like a king out there. >> why don't we have this in our own home? >> like a microwave. >> it's amazing. >> you carry a full line of food. 90 seconds with that thing. that lasts a week? >> absolutely. it will last a little over a week in the woods. everything you eat, you have to pack in. this is easy. you eat it out of the bag. this is chicken teriyaki. you have to pack the water. right out of the stream, right out of the pond. >> this removes everything. >> 99.99%. >> scrambled eggs with bake job? >> right now we'll send it in. >> you guys are so lucky. at 16 she graduated from high school and college in the same week. how did she do it? she joins us with her amazing story. >> very cool. four americans left to die in benghazi. now ann coulter is calling it a political stunt. >> holy smokes. first a look at what's coming up on "the cost of freedom business block." >> forget the nation's debt. democrats and republicans found one thing they can agree on, pork spending. are they kidding? >> someone wants to hit you with a tax on every mile you drive. >> what is the one thing for landing a job? . six republicans who will be joining chairman gowdy on the benghazi committee. democrats are calling it a political stunt. >> the fact is this is a stunt. this is a political stunt. i mean, issa is damaged goods. they had to move him to another venue with another chairman. we've done this over over again. >> author of "never trust a liberal over 3" ann coulter. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> democrats are split on participation on this. you see this as a political stunt at all? >> i never understand this argument that something congress or anyone in washington is doing is political. yeah. they're politicians. it's one thing to call an art installation. it's political. the "vanity fair" article, this is just political. to denounce something a politician is doing as political, i don't know. >> nancy pelosi says democrats wouldn't have a voice here. boycott this. we are outnumbered. >> for those who can read. back when democrats held congress for 40 years without -- until 1994 when republicans finally won majority, democrats would hold hearings on votes without telling republicans about the hearings. they were totally shut out. that's why newt gingrich was tough when he came in because republicans have been living under this fascist oppression for 40 years. this is always the way the house operates. just to say 7-5 is pretty fair. >> there are a bunch of republicans including the house speaker who worried this could boomerang and hurt the republican party saying they are overplaying their hand with benghazi. is that a possibility? >> not really. the media will be -- the non-fox media will be hysterical and denounce it as political. i can see a lot of americans not being as interested as the boston marathon bombing. that happened here. this was far away and generally foreign stories don't tend to attract as much. look at oscar pestoris. four americans died. they lied about the cause of it. the facts are the facts, at least to that extent. now we want to know why they ignored the warnings and why they blamed it on americans making a video. >> and why are documents trickling out at a snail's pace. want to get your take on in hollywood. a number of celebrities taking a stand against the beverly hilton who has implemented sharia law in his own country. a lot of events take place there. what do you make of all this? >> i love when hollywood celebrities develop a conscience. it's so much fun. i am wondering where they were during the war with iraq. that's right. they were protesting it. you all remember saddam hussein women being raped and killed in front of their children. many of these same people were out, not only screaming and protesting a war for which there were many other reasons to go in. we weren't going in because of the rape rooms. we were going in for about 17 reasons. regime change, take out a horrible dictator who attempted to assassinate presidents of the united states and shelter 9/11 terrorists. now as long as there is no american national security interest now they notice. >> these are gay right groups mad because sharia law prescribes death for people who are entering gay relationships. as far as i'm concerned, good for them. why has it taken so long for gay rights groups to get mad about sharia law? >> i know it's been blown off. many of these people, including hillary clinton, said women were bet are off under samad. various democrat senators wanted to bring saddam hussein back when we had a military that is going to fight against something they should be against. jayle jayleno was very big standing up for women's rights up until the war with iraq. suddenly all these groups went silent. >> the beverly hills hotel brings in $11 million. law makers are trying to rally behind this. at least hollywood is bringing attention to it finally. ann coulter, thank you very much. >> it is a great hotel, by the way. high school, check. college, check. graduated from both in the same week at 16. her awesome story. stay tuned. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. welcome back. listen it this story. that time of year, again, when students across the country will graduate high school and college and one florida girl, well she just managed them all. she earned her high school diploma and bachelor's degree in the same week. she's 16 years old. joining us now is grace bush with her incredible story. welcome to the show, nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> help me understand this because i'm not too bright. you managed to get your college degree before your high school diploma. help me out here, how did that happen? >> well, it just so happened that my college graduation was a week before my high school graduation. that was kind of just something that happened. >> no, it's not. it's not something that just happened. now, you managed to get, how did you manage to get a college degree while in high school and actually graduate before you received your high school diploma? what enabled you to do that? >> i started at broward college when i was 13 and then transferred to llowed to take c courses in place of high school courses. >> take advanced college classes in your high school and then actually grad wait from high school. what did you did get your degree in? >> criminal justice. >> what do you want to grow up to be? >> i would like to be the chief supreme court justice of the united states. >> i think you're well on your way for your advanced age. i don't know if they ever had a justice at 18 years old. what's remarkable to me is that you were able to graduate high school, also, at 16 years old. i think i was 18. how did you manage to skip ahead so far and so fast? >> well, my mother pushed me forward. i was home schooled before i started college and so my mother pushed me forward a grade and then when i was in high school i got pushed forward another grade and i was able to graduate when i was 16. >> we hear stories of young kids these days just lazy. what do you say to those stories young kids your age, you are just lazy, you don't want to work hard. >> well, i didn't quite get your question. >> what do you say to the stories we hear about that young kids are so lazy and they just want to sit on the couch and not work hard these days. what do you want to say? >> i'm kind of lazy myself, i can't really blame other kids. but it's just i have had my mother behind me to push me forward and that's been a great help. >> you have a long summer ahead of you. what are you going to do right now? get your master's degree and then your doctorate. what are your plans? >> i'm planning on studying for the lsat. >> well, your family must be so proud of you and great story, grace. congratulations to you and i hope you're able to graduate high school. i don't know, keep us updated. maybe something will happen, we're not sure yet. good to see you this morning and congr c good luck to you being the next supreme court justice. more "fox & friends" when we come back. it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. welcome back. ann is gearing up. we're heading out. tomorrow coming up on "fox & friends" it's mother's day and we'll have a full show in thanking our mothers. and we may have some here. the white house staying silent, a brand-new report on that. it costs an average $18,000 a year to spend to attend school, so, is it worth it? the top alternatives to college. we well celebrate mothers all morning long. >> bringing in our mothers and talking about mothers. some tapping camps after the show. >> we'll be right back. going wild in washington. as our debt keeps climbing, a new study exposing $2.7 billion in pork barrel spending this fiscal year and that was a ban. now, a growing number of democrats and republicans are looking to lift that ban and bring on even more pork. >> i have been a fan of earmark since i got here the first day. keep in mind, that's what the country has done for more than 200 years except for the brief period of time in recent years. >> i liked earmarks and i don't like the policy of no earmarks. i think it's not

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