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Congressional medal of honor. Our metal, not mine, we all earned it. Much more on all those stories coming up but new news, watching fox and friends first on tuesday morning, 4 00 on the east coast. Lets start with a fox news dollars. We are learning about the deadly ambush that left four us soldiers dead in niger. Us officials releasing a new timeline. Griff jenkins has that. Reporter joe dunford took to the podium at the pentagon acknowledging there are Unanswered Questions what happened when troops were ambushed by islamic militants, a formal investigation is underway. We owe the families as much information as we can find out and that American People and the nation what we are doing. That is why we are out here today, to take your questions and provide as much information we can. He laid out a timeline of eventss, a group of 12 american troops in 30 Nigerian Forces came under attack by isis affiliated militants traveling 80 miles outside the capital. Within minutes of drone is sent over had. An hour after First Contact with the enemy a call for support comes, 30 minutes later french fighter jets mobilize. 30 more minutes later after responding to that call, that evening the bodies of three soldiers i recovered. On october 6th, two days after the ambush, the body of David Johnson is found by local Nigerian Forces and turned over to the United States and the government has an answer why we were there in the first place. Approximately 800 servicemembers as part of an International Effort since 2011, french and us troops have trained 5000 person west african force, 35,000 soldiers in the region to fight terrorists affiliated with isis and al qaeda. Us forces in niger are not allowed to if there was no expectation of enemy conduct, there was none on this patrol but a lot of questions remain. When they get into that investigation the first they will do is brief the families in private. We will talk about that with an expert coming up after the commercial break. Thank you. The tragic death of those four us soldiers sparking a new debate in washington as lawmakers are stunned to learn about the deployment. Colonel michael walsh, former Green Beret Commander who served in niger to the astonishment from capitol hill is absurd. A growing chorus which is a little ridiculous in my view that this is some type of covert war going on, but there is shock and surprise we have this type of presence in africa. As we talked about before, green berets, special forces are doing this type of mission in 60 to 80 countries around the world as we speak and in the case of niger, in a very bad neighborhood without hiding the neighborhood and isis as weapons pouring out of libya since that country has fallen apart. Continuing to talk about the military some in Congress Calling for more authority on military deployment. As long as radical islamic terror in the target congress does not need to sign off. Sentencing for Bowe Bergdahl delayed until tomorrow. Defense attorneys arguing Donald Trumps most recent comments are preventing a fair proceeding. I cant comment because i guess he is doing something today as we know and they are setting up sentencing so i wont comment but i think people heard my comments in the past. Reporter he faces life in prison after pleading guilty to charges of desertion for abandoning his post in afghanistan in 2009. He was held captive by the taliban for five years until being traded for five terrorists under the Obama Administration. To florida, a Florida Community coming together to try to calm fears about possible serial killer on the loose. Nobody comes into our house and does this, not now, not ever. These are our streets, our neighborhoods, your community and we are not going to let evil win this race. Reporter police in tampa stepping up patrols at School Bus Stops to keep children safe after this, a suspect caught on camera near a bus stop after the first killing, two people with no apparent leads to each other were shot to death in the same neighborhood with ten days. Emotions running high during the murder trial of the illegal immigrant accused of killing kate steinle spiking the crackdown on immigration and the push for a border wall which is about to reach a major milestone. Kelly the trial opened with deep feelings of sadness as kates father gave testimony about his daughters last day. The emotion was palpable as he spoke about the close relationship with his daughter and they spent their last day tomorrow, kate was fond of taking selfys, taking one moments before she was shot. He tearfully recalled how they fell to the ground as he told the court she looked at me with her arms out and said help me, dad. I grabbed her and held her. The incredible resolve have shown through this process and we will do what we can to bring the family justice. Juan Francisco Lopez sanchez is charged with seconddegree murder in the death of kate steinle. The defense charges that he shot her by accident. Bring me the papers and i will sign the papers, declaring himself guilty. Compounding this senseless killing of kate steinle, sanchez is an illegal immigrant from mexico who was deported five times before returning to the sanctuary city San Francisco spiking National Outrage among opponents of century cities and illegal immigration. Donald trump launched his push for the building of the border wall. These images, those are eight prototypes to be tested for building the border wall that donald trump is seeking. The trial is expected to continue for six weeks. Heather if you think the email scandal is over, still talking about that, state department admitted it has 40,000 pages of emails to look through related to the private server she kept at home during the Obama Administration. Officials claimed it would take years to get through them but added more resources towards reviewing those documents. Did you see this . Ivanka promoting her fathers tax reform plan in pennsylvania. Tax reform couples two things, core values as a country toward supporting the american family. She sat down with sean hannity to talk about how to put more money in the pockets of hardworking americans. We have to compete against other countries and we are not competitive, the highest corporate taxes of any country in the developed world. That gets factored into pricing, factored into wages, why they stagnated over the past several decades and just now starting to see them rise. Donald trump will join Senate Republicans at the weekly policy lunch to talk about tax reform and repealing and replacing obamacare. For war hero who risked his own life to save 50 of his fellow soldiers has received the of honor. Operation tailwind in 1970, retired army captain gary rhodes ran through gunfire to treat soldiers even when he was wounded. Face down the evils of communism, defended the flag and you showed the world be unbreakable resolve of the American Armed forces. The award also belongs to his comrades. We all earned it. This brings it home. The story has been told and with this award i am convinced they have been recognized for the service they did this country. Heather calling rhodes a true american hero. Remember that story, National Anthem protests once again taking center stage on monday night football. Malcolm jenkins raising his right fist for the 26 time since last season. A few teammates joining him, the first time jenkins as demonstrated since going to the nfl meeting with Roger Caddell as team owners. Beating the Washington Redskins 3424 and it continues. It is 11 minutes after the top of the hour. Critics call the niger terror ambush Donald Trumps benghazi but is it really . Our next guest, former chief of staff here to explain why they are wrong. It is not halloween yet but liberal media pulling out all the scare tactics, the outrageous new cover in disgraceful meaning behind it. A High School Team teaching a lesson in patriotism. The awesome display of america going viral. The American People transparency, we intend to live deliver that. We have seen many times groups like isis and al qaeda pool a threat to the United States the American People and our allies we are there because isis and al qaeda are operating in that area. New details in the niger ambush getting new light on how the deadly event unfolded. Looking at four americans killed in the attack. Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff allowing transparency for the American People as the investigation moves forward. What can we expect . The president of independent research worked in the office of the us air force, doctor rebecca grant. We have roughly 800 us troops in niger, we have been there 21 years. Why are we air . That was a surprise to Many Americans that we had 800 troops there. What they are doing is providing Embassy Security and Building Logistics and putting together an airbase primarily for helicopters and drones but Number One Mission is to help the forces of niger trained to do local security and oppose isis or al qaeda elements in their region. Heather what about the timeline in this attack and how it unfolded . What are your thoughts on that . General dunford has done an amazing job giving us details on that timeline. It will be weeks before we really know what happened. Forces engaged do not take notes during a firefight and it is hard to put together a timeline and request for air support when the ambush began, but this the forces doing a Reconnaissance Mission for training. They spotted and ambushed them. An hour before they called for backup, presumably they thought they could handle it on their own. There may have been a lot of reasons. They called for an overhead drone right away, but took time for them to put the call through. Since we werent on the ground we dont know the facts but there is a general officer looking at all of this and i expect the pentagon will give us a full report. Heather they had done this 29 times without any contact over the last six months so it came as a surprise. I want to ask about the tie in to benghazi. They are saying this is Donald Trumps benghazi. Do you agree . Absolutely no comparison. This was a very experienced force, green berets with french and nigerian, they were conducting the operation. No one expected it to turn into troops incontext situation but those forces have been in contact before so this is a military force conducting a military operation as part of a larger strategy we have been carrying out for several years in this region under National Command authority with our allies and the french, very important in africa so no comparison to benghazi on military facts. Jillian general matus said for an International Defense training, went on to say the us military did not leave its troops behind. Thank you for joining us this morning. Our prayers with all those families. 19 minutes after the top of the hour, attorney general Jeff Sessions sending a clear message to ms 13. Ms 13, the priority for Drug Enforcement. Heather a sheriff in one of the biggest hotbeds joins us to explain how the Trump Administrations efforts are paying off. You might start to believe fit bit. But it is not. Jillian you got to stay tuned for this. Cnn getting desperate, is anyone really buying their argument . So youre looking for male customers, ages 2554, who live within five miles of your business . Like these two. And that guy. Or maybe you want to reach women, ages 18 to 34, who are interested in fitness. Namaste. Whichever audience youre looking for, well find them were the finders. We work here at comcast spotlight, and we have the best tools for getting your advertising message out there. Anywhere, any way your audience watches. Consider them found. Desperate to lose its fake news reputation cnn unveils a new ad campaign but social media isnt buying it. 24 7, carly shimkus, this is a weird one. Cnn doesnt want to be considered fake news so they released a new social media ad responding to the president s attacks, starring an apple of all things. They might scream banana, banana, banana over and over and over again. You might even start to believe it is a banana. But it is not. This is an apple. Cnn calling this their Facts First Campaign but people in social media biting back, alex says some people one to tell you this is news but it is not news, it is cnn. Is this a joke . Can cnn and fact used together in a sentence . Cnn is bananas, cnn is so much fake news, see if this garners a response from the president. Something told me he will not stop calling cnn fake news. The new yorker cover has the president as a dangerous clown. Checklist new yorker cover out said to be released the day before halloween. The artist who created this creepy clown image of the president had this to say. Im just a stunned now as i was a year ago on election night. I have been asked to work on movies about him. Most satire seems to lighten what feels like a dire situation. Hes already a cartoon infantile and strange. The present app supporters dont think so, so tired of the disrespect, what about the other half of the country that voted for trump . Doesnt the media understand that we are fed up . Matthew says i guess the new yorker had all their chips on hillary, not too late to hop on that trump trained. We will see if the president responds. Getting tired of the disrespect, he is the president whether you voted for him or not. Lets talk about respect for america, patriotic interest. Courtesy of a california Football Team going viral for this patriotic entrance at their homecoming game. You will love it. Those are players in california, that video hit facebook, has been viewed over 4 million times. Chris said learn the lesson on the nfl on purpose from these young men, you could learn a thing or two about integrity and honor. A lot of people on social media said this video made them cry. A clear need for this type of respect and gratitude. Heather keep your comments coming in on that. It is 26 minutes after the top of the hour and new fallout on the russia investigation, democrats dont want you to know about. The clintons are only a part of this. Weight do you get to attorney general lynch, Samantha Powers at the un. This will keep rolling. Heather how deep does the scandal go . We take a look next. Past tax cuts losing midterm elections, that message from donald trump as he heads to capitol hill to huddle with republicans. Will they listen . Our Political Panel on deck to debate it. I dont think anything can prepare you to hear those words from a doctor stage 2 breast cancer. I have three little kids, my babys seven years old i cant have cancer. We really wanted a cancer team, that would care about not only my cancer but you know, how is my husband doing through all of this . And what about your three kids . So we thought that we would travel to Cancer Treatment centers of america and see what they had to offer. I think the hope for us came in the form of knowing that these doctors were experts, and that they would help us decide the best course of action in the hopes of beating it. So when amy came to us, the first thing we did was discuss her case with the surgical oncologist, the radiation oncologist, the genetic counselor and came up with a treatment plan. The plan for her was to begin with preoperative chemotherapy, thereafter proceeded with surgery. One of things that we loved about ctca was that they give you a series of options. And you do whats best for you. Depending upon what decision she makes with her surgical oncologist, we then know what to offer as the Plastic Surgeon and reconstruction team. Dr. Fernandez was wonderful. He said its up to me to do whats best. Its about giving her options where amy has all the information to make a decision best for her. Rather than one treatment fitting all, it is a personalized approach to cancer therapy. We have so many tools. This is what attracted amy to our center all the way from new york. Cancer is what they deal with everyday. These were people who are experts in their field. And for us that was the best choice. We left the hospital on day one feeling like, this is going to be okay. Were going to beat this and this is the place thats gonna help us do it. That feeling is priceless. Learn more at cancercenter. Com Cancer Treatment centers of america. Appointments available now. Jillian welcome back. The everexpanding russia investigation is setting its sights on someone close to the clintons. Special counsels office probing whether the brother of Hillary Clintons Campaign Chairman violated federal law. Catherine herridge looks at the evidence. Special counsel Robert Muellers off is exploring whether democratic lobbyist tony podestas firm violated the registration act when it worked on behalf of ukraine. A spokesperson, the brother of Hillary Clinton, Campaign Manager john podesta said they complied with government rules and are cooperating with investigators. New development in the battle over the controversial trump dossier. The matter is in Washington District court after an emergency hearing to block a House Intelligence Committee subpoena. A federal judge, Obama Administration appointee, decided whether to provide financial records for the from behind the research revealing sources who paid for the antitrump final. They were no closer to knowing the facts after the former british spy who gather the information refused to cooperate. The committee has hit a wall. Reporter and obama era dealing with a russian backed company with that in the us, with the House Oversight committee, Hillary Clinton dismissed the story. The same thing they have been peddling for years, there has been no credible evidence by anyone. Reporter the deal, the secretary of state with some investors working to contribute to the family foundation. Calling out the president and his allies. Clinton told cspan book tv with president obama she is a favorite target. The real story is donald trump and his team are nervous about the ongoing investigation. Jenna heather the investigation into the shady uranium deal is widening and Newt Gingrich calling out the Obama Administration for signing off on a deal that was a sellout of America National security and he said the clintons involvement is just the beginning. Everything the average american has believed about corruption in washington is about to be validated. A great historian wrote me recently that by the time, every president ial scandal in American History will look trivial, the most corrupt, unbelievably unlawful administration in American History. The clintons are only part of it. Wait to you get to attorney general lynch, Samantha Powers at the un. This will keep on rolling. I think we will look back a year or two and stunned at the dishonesty and bankruptcy of the Obama Administration. Heather pay the price is the message from donald trump to House Republicans up for reelection in 2018, get tax cuts done or lose the midterm election. Here is business and finance at Kings College in new york city professor brian and former Ohio Senate Democrat minority leader, former chief of staff to senator mike lee roy to madison. Thank you for joining us very early. I will start with you. Do you think he is right . Can they get tax reform done and is it imperative that they do so . It is imperative for a number of reasons, politically for the gop, they control both chambers of commerce in addition to the white house and republicans all across the country looking to hold members of Congress Accountable if they dont come through on them kind of legislative victory which they have not been successful with particularly when you look at repeal and replace obamacare. The economy has been coming along well under the assumption tax reform is going to happen. Interesting to see if steve bannon decides to wage a war in primaries. Heather specifically 240 House Republicans are up for reelection, we have 7 Senate Republicans up for reelection and one open seat in 2018. Do they stand to lose if they cant get work done . They have shown time and again they cant come together to actually govern and that is what the American People want and what they were elected to do so you will see real challenges as things go as they have been, just trying to solve their own political problems rather than the American Peoples problem, the hardworking families across the country. We saw ivanka talking about how to help middle income families in particular, more than republicans need a civil war, they need a civil debate in front of the American People talking about how tax cuts will impact real people across the country. Heather make it more public than the obamacare conversations. How difficult will this be . Very difficult. You would think republicans can come together on an issue that is their platform, they need a resounding victory, not just get something done, they need to get it done big, talking about now, the American People have lost faith in their ability to govern. They need a huge victory, doesnt guarantee they will get reelected but the prerequisite to them getting healthcare reform done so they can actually make a legitimate case to the American People they can keep their promises. They have not done that. Paul ryan said he hopes to pass the revised version of the bill this week to increase chances the tax reform plan would be enacted by the end of the year. In terms of all across the country not just the impact on House Republicans and Senate Republicans. It trickles to local races and the gubernatorial race, 36 gubernatorial races up for grabs. Honestly, the National Debate only has so much impact on more localized races. Democrats for better or worse, not a very strong strategy will try to tie republicans to the Trump Administration and turn it into a negative, democrats need to show what we stand for to win elections. Republicans, in my home states of ohio, the folks on both sides of the aisle running for governor which is an open seat because we have term limits are more focused on their individual track record, leaving washington out of it because washington is ineffective and cannot govern. Heather i mentioned paul ryan and one of your thoughts is he could make things worse. It will be interesting to see if he does too much with the resolution portion but they will get that through in terms of the house but the bigger issue is we saw them spike the ball early when it came to health care reform. We are just at the beginning of the beginning, no one is seeing the details, this is a framework, a long way to go. Do they have a vision . Too many in washington have a vision of themselves in office and not a vision for the American People. They have got to get back to that. Heather final thoughts. Cant talk about hope anymore. The time for hope on tax reform is done. Get it done by thanksgiving and moved to other problems like healthcare. Jillian that was great to have you with us today. Have a great day. It is 20 minutes until the top of the air. Midair emergency, terrifying moments when a bird takes out an engine forcing a plane to dump fuel from the air. A tire a titer on refugees and tougher settings, big announcement for donald trump as his travel ban is about to expire. The worst city to live in in america just revealed. We do . I took the trash out. I know and thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . Whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. I did a little research. With a Medicare Supplement plan, youll be able to stay with your doctor. Oh you know i love that guy. Mmmmhmmm. These types of plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. And, there are no networks. Is this a onesize fits all kind of thing . No. There are lots of plan options. It all depends on what we need. And how much we want to spend. Call now to request your free [decision guide]. It could help you find an aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. What happens when we travel . The plans go with us. Anywhere in the country. I like that. You know what else . Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has years and years of experience. What do you say . Im in. Join the millions already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance. Plans endorsed by aarp. Remember, all Medicare Supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could really save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. And with these plans, there could be low or no copays. You do your pushups today . Prepare to be amazed. Dont wait. Call today to request your free [decision guide], and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan to go the distance with you. Go long. Heather turning to extreme weather, strong storms and tornadoes leaving a trail of destruction in spartanburg, south carolina, dramatic video and fierce winds flipping planes and cars at north carolinas hickory regional airport. And pounding the streets of asheville causing some flooding, 85,000 homes and businesses still without power. Tense moments on board a jetblue plane overnight. The flight was from boston to las vegas and made an Emergency Landing after hitting a flock of seagulls shortly after takeoff. The plane was diverted to new york city where it landed safely and no one was injured but im sure they were scared. Foxbusiness alert donald trump promising there will be no change to your 401 k if his tax cut plan passes. Is that true . Reporter there were reports the gop tax reform plan would include changes to the way you save for retirement was the report said gop leaders were considering a on the money that could be placed in your 401 k , the president set the record straight, heres what he tweeted there will be no change to your 401 k , this has been a great and popular middleclass tax break that works and stays so there you have it. Heather we are talking about christmas and it is not even halloween yet but target may have to compete with amazon, walmart and offering Free Shipping. Doing something great for Holiday Shoppers on november 1st, offering Free Shipping and no minimum purchase required. You can order something small, Something Big and get it shipped to you for free. Heather not so good if you live in one of these cities, the 50 worst American Cities to live in was revealed. Reporter this was done by a group called 24 seven wall street looking at things like prime rates, education, attractions, housing and found the top 5 worst cities to live in, detroit, birmingham, flint, st. Louis and memphis, two of those are in michigan. Heather thanks so much. Jeff sessions sending a clear message to the killer game ms 13. Our next guest is a sheriff, one of the biggest hotbeds joins us live to explain how the Trump Administrations efforts are already paying off. Heather donald trump is expected to announce a titer on refugees and call for stricter vetting for those coming to the us. That and more international headlines. As you say donald trump will announce those new refugee limits and tougher vetting of refugees than the original 120 day suspension today, tuesday and under the proposed rule refugee admissions after 45,000 a year, these restrictions have been met with protests, unlikely to be challenged in courts. The Trump Administration is pushing a deal between the boeing airline the only American Company announcing direct access, 110 planes, all that since the Us Government taking a tougher stance on iran and during an Upcoming Trip to south Korea Donald Trump might not be visiting the Demilitarized Zone on the border with north korea, he may not have time in his schedule, this comes with tensions with north korea, and visiting china, it is expected he will talk with chinas leadership about more pressure on pyongyang. Heather thank you. Back at home making america safe again. Attorney general Jeff Sessions cracking down on Illegal Immigrants and the street gang known as ms 13. A component of the streets with tax laws. We will use whatever laws we have to get ms 13 off the streets. Suffolk county new york is ground 0 for the brutal violence with one third of the murders committed by the gang since 2016 and here to discuss, a man who knows how bad the problem is, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. You heard Jeff Sessions say whatever it takes. What will it take . He announced he is authorizing federal taskforces to deal with organized crime and Drug Enforcement to attack ms 13 and that will be a powerful strategy because transnational criminal gangs are similar with the crime organization, they have defined leadership, cultural ties and a code of conduct that forms the bond between membership that is very effective taking down the mafia and ms 13. Heather brian gill needs went with you on a ride along looking for the gang members, rob schmidt did as well. Why is the problem so prevalent . A lot of unaccompanied minors, some who have ties to ms 13 when they come to the United States, they know who to pray on, they dont speak the language, they are impoverished and they know what to do. Heather lets look at the numbers when they do recruit these kids, 10,000 members inside the us, 253 members arrested this year, 40 states dealing with ms 13 and 17 murders in Suffolk County in the past 18 months. What more can be done . The justice department, attorney general Jeff Sessions announced they arrested 3800 gang members with cooperation from el salvador, honduras and guatemala and the lot were arrested in central america. That is international cooperation. It not get a lot of coverage in the media. Jillian operation regional shield, why did not get a lot of coverage . People are more focused on his personality then policies. Heather a lot of positive things have not gotten coverage. The difference between the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration, have you noticed a difference . Yes, listening to attorney general sessions speak yesterday, we stand behind you, that means a lot to law enforcement, motivated by justice and doing our jobs. There is a perception the Obama Administration did not do a good job. Heather you deserve to be told that going out with your lives on the line, takes a special person to do that. Thank you so much to everyone that served under you. The time is 6 minutes until the top of the hour. Do you think you have a good idea who ivanka is . People dont realize it is our hidden skill. Heather what she just revealed is up next. Love is in the air heather a big surprise for middle school students, a visit from first lady melania trump, promoting the antibullying program no one eats alone. The event kicking off the week of inclusion as part of National Bullying prevention and ivanka revealing something on sean hannity last night. Our secret talents. People dont realize it is our hidden skill come we are matchmakers. 7 marriages, 0 divorces, god willing that continues. Heather this started after the revelation that sean hannity tried setting up one of his assistants. That wraps it up for the 4 00 am our. Fox and friends continues, see you back later. Goodbye. Rob it is tuesday, october 24th. Harrowing new details about the deadly attack in niger on four us soldiers. When the call for help was made and how long it took for that help to arrive. The illegal immigrant accused of killing kate steinle goes on trial, her father breaks down on the stand. Rob controversy in the classroom, parent or two schools angry over antitrump halloween decorations. Fox and friends first continues right now

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