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Steve tgif. Thank goodness its fox. Thank you for joining us. Brian what kind you have world are we in, Anthony Fauci is throwing out the first pitch. Carley playing ball. Steve i thought it was computer things where they made it look awful. He has been talking about flattening the curve. That was the biggest curve ball i have ever seen in my life. Brian dr. Birx should have came in and relieved him. Ainsley oh, bless his heart. I would have been a nervous wreck. Watch this, everyone. Steve i mean he is 80 years old. Ainsley closer to first base than it was to the home plate. Im kidding, he is a good sport. Brian good athlete. Steve devote the his life public service. He hometown team. Is he on youtube forever. Thank you very much for joining us. Lets start with the news of the day. It is not good. Protests overnight outside the house of chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot. Hundreds crowding the street as the president announced that federal agents will be deployed to the windy city. He made that announcement a couple days earlier. Ainsley he did. A few streets away cranes moved into the citys grant park and they did tear down that Christopher Columbus, statue. Thats the monument that was placed on a truck and driven away following pressure from all the protesters. Brian really, the ones cops had to protect . In portland, protesters hit city streets for the 57th state night at with no end in sight. Tear gas fill the air as the police try getting the massive crowds under control. [shouting] say his name. George floyd. [chanting] brian President Trump placing tactical teams on stand by as violence is expected to he is can a flight several u. S. Cities like seattle this weekend. And seattle is going to be interesting. They have to control the crowd without any tear gas or any type of or any type of equipment. Steve traditional methods. Brian traditional methods because they dont want to do that anymore. Lets bring in florida congressman Michael Waltz former colonel in the Army National guard and former green beret commander. Lets begin if we can congressman, with whats happening in chicago. Can you imagine if you are one of the 52 cops getting hurt protecting a columbus statue and in the middle of the night they take it down while no one else is looking days later . You know, brian, i listened to that the audio and the video of the shooting outside of the funeral home a few days ago. I have been in a lot of fire fights. That sounded like something we have been n afghanistan or in iraq, not in one of americas greatest cities. I mean, that was just the amount of bullets and rounds and sustained fire was just incredible. These communities, these families deserve better than this. And, you know, at some point they are going to go to the ballot box and say enough is enough. These inner cities have been run by the same people with the same ideology with no results or worse results for way too long. And, you know, you would think that they would be welcoming all the federal help they can get. I know we are seeing other sheriffs down in florida that are asking for it and welcoming it. Steve well, you know, they didnt ask for help in portland. But the feds, under the direction of the president said 100 officers there to protect federal assets. Of course, when you listen to the speaker of the house, she doesnt look at it as something positive. She looks at it like this. Listen, congressman. The use of storm troopers under the guise of law and order is a tactic that is not appropriate to our country in any way u. Steve okay. So that has become a talking point on the political left where they say that these federal agents and officers who are in there are storm troopers whereas in reality, congressman, they are just there to protect the local federal stuff that the locals will not protect. Look, for the speaker of the house of the representatives to call these Law Enforcement agents, these heroes, storm troopers is disgusting. Its offensive, its irresponsible. And i call on her to rescind that language and to change that language. They are there on proper authority. Steve do you think she will . Brian she doubled down. Shes not. Thats just sad. And for all of those federal Law Enforcements out there, at least from my perspective, my fox hole, i have your back. And thats what they need to be hearing from their elected leaders. They are being used lawfully and within their authorities as they have been for many years when local authorities need help and they ask for it or when theyre not taking actions they should, all of the way back to the Civil Rights Movement and beyond, then there is an appropriate place for federal agents, Law Enforcement agents, Police Officers to come in. Ainsley and the conference of Jewish Affairs they criticized nancy pelosi because they said the Tropical Storm troopers were hitlers private religion you meant roundinged up jews to put them in concentration camps. Talk about the rnc because you live in the state of florida. The president moved the rnc from charlotte, North Carolina down to jacksonville and then we saw the numbers go up so the president canceled it yesterday, listen to this. Setting an example, we dont want to have people so close together. We have had such enthusiasm. Everybody uchingtsed to go there we went to North Carolina. We wanted to do it there. It was all set. We are going to build a beautiful facility and it got hit hard. And the governor then really, he could have treated us better. Democrat governor. But we are actually opening up there and then we will make our ways. It wont be your typical convention, can i say that, but its going to be very safe. Ainsley congressman, he says the timing is not right. Do you agree . I will be honest, anxiously. Im disappointed. I was on the host committee. Jacksonville is my hometown. The Business Community might have had a bourbon or two last night at the news. At the end of the day, with covid, with the economy, with violence erupting around our cities, with the race to get the vac senile and get our economy back on track, the threats were facing with china, especially, i think the president makes a tough call that commanders in chief have to make and focus on governing and will focus on governing. We will find a forum for him to walk through the Amazing Things that he has actually gotten done in just three years despite everything being thrown at him. And then his vision for the next four years. And i think when you look at the vision for our party and who is in it, those who have served and those who have sacrificed verse source the vision of the other side, the choice is going to be clear in november. Brian its pretty clear, too. The president has got this Mission Statement now is going to be disciplined attacking the virus. The discipline he showed in 2016 from september to november, he is doing it now with the virus and law and order. And seeing it every day. This is another example in my humble opinion. Now, he also talked yesterday in his press conference about the need to reopen schools not because he wants them open but because of the health and wellbeing of the kids. And knowing that the virus is very limited threat when it comes to children and needs to be handled when it comes to teachers there is a downside and thats kids arent going to learn and their productivity is going to be curtailed let alone the social distancing and what it does to kids. The cdc has released guidelines to reopen schools, implement mitigation changes. Implement good high genial. Repurpose buildings, move classes outside when possible. Keep students in pods throughout the day. Students encouraged to develop a plan when someone is sick a Quick Reaction team. He also said if you choose not to open up the school, let the money follow the kid to a private school. I dont know how that gets implemented. Your thoughts . Because your governor also wants the same thing. Teachers unions pushing back. Where do you stand, congressman . Brian, if there is one thing that we are hearing, that im hearing from constituents loud and clear, its find a way to safely open the schools, period. We have to get these kids back to school. We cant get the economy going back again unless we get kids back in school. And heres what is so frustrating for me thats getting overlooked in this conversation. Rural children out in rumor communities, they dont often have the broad band to get 30 kids on zoom. They are much more isolated and they are not being taken care of. And then the other piece is a lot of white collar families they can stay at home, work from home, have their kids at home. You cant be a brick mason or plumber and go out and work if you have kids at home. You cant afford healthcare. Brian what about the urban families . There is downside here in depression and isolation ands loss in learning that is going on here. We have to find a way. Keep these kids out of school is not an option. And we will have money in this next coronavirus stimulus package to help these schools with these costs. But its just we have to get them back in. Steve yeah. Absolutely. Because for a lot of kids, those are the only hot meals they get all day. And some of them get two meals a day and if there is no school a lot of kids are going hungry. Ainsley ends up being a full year, basically. Steve all of that because of the pandemic. Congressman, no doubt about it, the number one issue is the pandemic. And, you know, the president will be judged on how he handled it. When joe biden was asked about, you know, if you were president , what would you do differently, he spouted karl rove detailed this yesterday in the wall street journal. He recited a number of things but they are things that the federal government was already doing. Everything he said donald trump and the administration has already been doing. So, it will be interesting, every time the democrats go well, you know, the federal response was inadequate. Nonetheless, thats exactly what joe biden says he would do. Yeah. Look, i mean if we look at the race operation warp speed and the progress thats being made to get vaccine which normally takes years. We are looking at months. I am talking to a vaccine manufacturer to be located in northeast, florida to crank out over 100 million vials, what he has done in terms of surging the military, surging reserve and National Guard all of the other pieces to get ppes stood up and out to our communities that need it when we holy as a government president obama and biden became totally depend denting on china for many of these needs, look, i think he has shown absolute leadership here. There is a place for local government. So, in florida, we are seeing, in my part of the state, hospitalization rates fall in other parts the hospitalization rates go up. And those local communities and officials are taking appropriate action but the democrats want to see national mandates for everything and, you know, a rancher in wyoming doesnt get treated the same as a family in inner city, new york that, you know, you need more nuances and local approaches and i think the president is rightly looked to governors and mayors and looked to local officials to take the policy stepping that they need but then get the resources from the federal government and thats the right approach. Ainsley congressman, thanks for joining us. All right. Thanks so much. Steve have a good weekend. Ainsley hand it over to jillian she has headlines. Jillian the career felon charged with murdering Three Friends on a fishing trip is denied bail. Tony t. J. Wiggins girlfriend and brother making First Court Appearance in florida. He shot and killed damion, Kevin Springfield because he believe one of them stole his pickup truck and will sold the engine. He has a long rap sheet that includes 230 charges. Heart broken. My only soninlaw. I will never have another grandson, grand child, nothing. My life is gone. Polk county Sheriff Grady Judd will join fox friends later this hour with an update on the investigation. The family of john lewis releasing plans for his memorial overnight celebrations will start tomorrow in his hometown of troy, alabama. On sunday his body will cross the Edmund Pettus bridge in selmoselma for the last time. Laid to rest in a private funeral on thursday. The Team Formerly known as the Washington Redskins have changed their name to the washington football team. And the indian head logo is now gone as you see. Its a temporary move as the team tries to figure out what will replace redskins. The team under pressure for years to change its name. So stay tuned for i guess a final name change in the meantime. Brian am i the only one that likes it. I like it. Its the way soccer does it. Name after it the town. Cut out the controversy. Thanks, jillian. I will talk to you soon, i promise. 13 minutes after the hour. A devastating loss that never should have happened. Three members of the thin Blue Line Motorcycle Club killed after police say illegal immigrant with lengthy criminal record crashed into them. We remember the lives lost with fellow Motorcycle Club members lost next. [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. Is that if youre not wexpecting the shock,t and the markets fall dramatically, you might panic. And in the midst of that panic, you might sell and run to cash. At the very moment, you shouldnt. At the very moment, prices are at their low. Thats my fear. Im not worried about the country. Im not worried about the financial markets, because in the long run, i know theyll be fine. 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Three killed after illegal immigrant with a lengthy criminal record is accused of crashing into the bikers on a texas highway in san antonio this weekend. Fox news is learning the 28yearold Mexican National had protections under daca but had expired in 20156789 here to react is members of the thin blue line ricco garcia, are a and dough flirido and david reed. What can you tell us about that day . Well, it started just like any other day when we go for annual Foundation Meeting down the hill country, those are great roads to ride. Hilly, curvey roads. And so. They had gone out for a ride. Had gone to curveville to have lunch and coming back to bandera when this happened. Brian are a and dough, i understand, you guys were riding in the a typical formation that normally the group does he just crossed the line and plowed through everybody. Its really unfortunate tragedy that happened. We do ride in a formation that is staggered in order to keep us safer. But this gentleman crossed the middle line and came straight on and hit the first bike and it was a domino effect with an explosion and it was really sad scene to see this. Is something that should have never happened. This is something that should have been taken care of on its first offense while he was trying to become a citizen of this country, this great country that we live in. We are going to miss these guys. These guys are the front liners, the guys that run in when everybody is running away this is really a heart breaking event. Brian ricco as we see the men and everyone watches at home and we saw the formation of an example of you who you guys ride. How much worse is it knowing that this 28yearold shouldnt have been here . It hurts. It brings back deja vu of those New Hampshire seven, jar head Motorcycle Club also who was killed by illegal alien not paying attention to the road. And he mowed them down with that big vehicle and all of the lives that were destroyed because of some guy that should have never been here. So it brings back those pipe of memories. These guys had families that love them. They were pillars of the community. Jerry harbor wings was a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States army and he also was a retired Airline Pilot for eastern airlines. And he was our ambassador. He would go around talking to people and he made a significant difference in every life that he touched. When i see his background in 2015 was convicted of evading arrest and currently out on 65,000 bond after beating and running over a patron at a bar and biting off a portion of the victims here. If there is somebody who should have been deported this is the poster child or at least jailed. Exactly. And, you know, its i feel like we are living in a bizarre world right now with everything that has turned upside down. Something that i never thought that would happen to us. You stop and you think if that man was not on that road our guys would still be alive right now. But if we werent on that road there would be innocent people that would have died in the meantime but our guys, i know g. T. Who was at the front of the stack, he was trying to protect the others that were behind him. I have no doubt about that. Brian want to build on that at all, david . Yeah. We were told that there were several cars right behind them and, you know, if it hadnt been our guys it would have been one of those cars. And just,you know, its simple fact that this guy should have been one or two places. He should have either been in jail or he shouldnt have been in our country at the time. Brian records indicate that ivan navy holy spirit was not subjected to remove when arrested by becks sar county in 2018 due to his conditional permanent resident status. As a result, ice did not lodge a detainer on him at the time. As a result he stays in this country and juries more. Thanks for telling your story and their story. Thanks, brian. Brian coming up a group of california residents suing gavin newsom over his School Closure order. Two of those join us live. If t. Or this happens. Or this. Or this. Or even this. Weve seen and covered it. So, switch to farmers and you could save an average of three hundred ninetyfive dollars. Get a quote today. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum since youre heading off to dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. 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Pepto® diarrhea is proven effective to treat symptoms, and it also targets the cause of diarrhea. The 3 times concentrated liquid formula coats and kills bacteria to relieve diarrhea. While the leading competitor does nothing to kill the bacteria, pepto® diarrhea gets to the source, killing the bad bacteria. So, try pepto® diarrhea, and remember to have it on hand every time you travel. Also try pepto®bismol liquicaps for onthego relief. Steve well, we are still in the midst of the pandemic baseball is finally bank. The yankees beat the nationals shortened season last night out of washington. Carley shimkus is live here in the new york city area at as you can see citifield back there looking forward to a full day of baseball action, carley. Carley yeah. Hey, good morning, steve. Thats right, baseball is back. Even right here in the big apple which was once the epicenter of the coronavirus. I wish i could say this area was going to be packed with fans and cars in a few hours. Of course thats not the name of the game this year. Speaking of games, big opening day yesterday. Yankees beat the nationals 41. Dr. Anthony fauci through out the first pitch. It was a little wide but thats okay. We dont need the good doctor being good at baseball. Someone who is good at baseball stanton who made his presence known during his first at bat. Watch. Starner ton with the drive out to Left Center Field and just like that, the yankees have jumped in front 20, new york. Had there been fans in the ball park, it was a guy that bought the worst seat that would have gotten that souvenir. How about that, meantime, at the white house, President Trump celebrated opening day with marion that rivera and little leaguers. He also talked about what baseball and sports being back in general means to this country. The key is to get back to normal because nobody wants to see this. But, i think its really good that baseball is opening. It looks like football is opening. It looks like sports are opening. We have its a tremendous thing psychologically for our country. Carley he is right about that. Mets, braves, later today 4 10 p. M. Eastern time. Kicking off a whole slate of games. Tomorrow fox sports will have four of those games, three on regular fox 1 on fox sports 1. A lot has been made about all the cardboard cutout fans in the stands because, you know, you cant have people in the stands this year. Fox sports one upping that by creating cvi fans. Virtual fans. Their mood can change. If its a total blowout they will get up and leave. Funnening to see. All an effort to make the viewing experience as normal as possible, steve . Steve thats exactly right. When i was watching last night seemed a little empty with nobody in the stands. All right, carley. Carley you are right about that. Absolutely. Steve thank you. All right. Ainsley. Ainsley thank you, steve. President trump is urging schools to safely resume in Person Learning this fall as the cdc unveils no guidelines for reopening. Our strategy to safely reopen schools mirrors our approach nationwide. I hope that local leaders put the full health and well being of their students first and make the right decision for children, parents, teachers and not make political decisions. Ainsley this comes as a group of california parents are suing governor gavin newsom over his School Closure order and two of those parents, Christine Ruiz and jesse pa thrill la join us now. Good morning to you both. Good morning. Ainsley chris steinna, i will start with you, why are you part of this lawsuit. First of all, thank you for having me on. Its very important for our kids to go back. Im listening to the pediatricians and doctors across the nation saying it is a must, it is essential. And especially for my two sons who have special needs, both are diagnosed with autism, one is w. Severe and one with mild it. Is essential, imperative. Recalling regression is dangerous for them. Its something we thought we needed to fight for. Ainsley jesse, how about you . First, i would like it thank the center for american liberty as well as attorney Harmeet Dhillon filing. This they are doing it pro bono they could use your support at open california schools. Com. This is an issue that broadly effects all students across the board it doesnt matter party or demographics. Me as the father two of boys what i noticed with our 6yearold he loved going to school when he entered kindergarten last year. He definitely doesnt take after his father. I noticed as soon as the Distance Learning started, a decrease in his motivation a decrease in his enthusiasm for learning and so disheartening to see because this is a kid that would wake up and say i want to go to school. Im going to be late, dad we have seen the decline. Discipline has been lacking. Lets face it, Distance Learning is a joke and especially at that age, half of the battle is the social interaction. We seem. The reaction doesnt support. Death rate dropping. Zero deaths in children under the age of 18, thankfully. And this effects working class people the pelosi these are ohio are you going to tell a single mother who is a waitress that you have to distance learn your kids coming up or pay for day care costs. I mean, this is such an important issue that were just so thankful to be a part of the fight. I mean, we need to stand up and fight against these overreaching policies. Ainsley some of these kids dont have computers after the home to zoom. Some of these kids only hot meal they get at school. Some of these kids parents working. Some have more than one child, some have three, four, five children. Christine, i know you have three. Its hard to zoom whether you have three different schedules and kids and working and single mom. Christine, is it more dangerous to send our kids back . Thats what the governor saying right now its too dangerous and we havent reached our target goals yet and effects about 80 of our kids. Were not sending them back. Or is it more dangerous not to send them back and give them an education it . Is definitely more dangerous to keep our kids at home especially for our special needs population who have not been getting any type of services. These services are essential and critical to their learning. These are hands on learners. They are in a classroom with a highly educated teacher who specializes in special needs, behaviorallists, speech therapists, occupational their piss, when you remove from children there is no type of learning. They cannot learn from web as far as. Its definitely concerning the regression because we work so hard with our children to get them to this point. And their cognitive learning could waiver. They could regress so badly all this learning we have done so far, you know, would go away and regress so profoundly that it would be such a detriment for not only right now for this period but for their entire lifetime. Doing such a huge disservice to the special needs population who desperately need to get back in the classroom. Need to get back with their teachers and their aids and need to get back into socialization, life skills, and, you know, i definitely dont want to see the harmful effects for my children from, you know, for years to come. Ainsley i understand. Let us know how to the lawsuit turns out. Thank you so much for having us. Ainsley you are welcome. God bless those children. We reached out to governor Gavin Newsoms office we have not heard back. Chicagos columbus statue removed overnight days after being the site of violent protests were dozens of officers were injured. Colonel allen west says we need to remember history and not destroy it. Hes on deck. For my mother my father my grandmother my brothers and sisters my friends for going back to school the bbq the lake the beach my place for my neighbors my community my people my country my home for him for her for them for you. Can leave you holding your breath. But Bristol Myers squibb is working to change things. By researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. Including options that are chemofree. Because were committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. Because were committed to bringing new hope walk to end alzheimers alzheis everywhere. Tion all of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. Go to alz dot org slash walk. Ainsley back with a fox news alert. Chicagos Christopher Columbus statue torn down overnight, taken down. The giant cranes removed that massive monument from its base and then they drove it away, brian. Brian kind of odd, right . This just days after the statue was a site for violent protesters. Demonstrators seen throwing fireworks and frozen Water Bottles at Police Officers. More than a dozen policemen and women were hurt. Steve meanwhile in other news the u. S. Senate passed a 741 billion defense bill that would remove the confederate names on army bases that bill would give the pentagon three years to change the name of 10 army bases. Lets bring in retired Lieutenant Colonel allen west brand new chair of the texas republican party. Good morning to you, Lieutenant Colonel. Good morning, steve. Good morning, ainsley and brian. Pleasurable to be with you. Steve we have lots to unpack here because i know you went to fort bragg and we want to talk to you about that. First it, sounds like 3 00 this morning in chicago they took down the Christopher Columbus statue. This was apparently a unilateral decision of the mayor who, you know what . I think she has been taking a lot of heat for allowing the federal government to send a couple hundred officers in to assist with drugs and gangs and guns and things like that. And so she had to do something, next thing you know she said lets take it down and they did. What do you make of this . Without a doubt, steve, this is a big distraction. If you look at all the murders and the situation going on there in chicago. I didnt know that Christopher Columbus was responsible for that. So obviously you had to take down his statue and thats going to solve all the murders and crime that is occurring. So i think, again, you see these mayors, these democrat mayors, progressive socialists that are joining part with this mob, this cancel culture. But, i cant understand what Christopher Columbus has to do with george floyd. But, yet, i guess rahm emanuel, the previous mayor of chicago, when he said never let a good crisis go to waste we continue to see the continued actions and activities from the left regarding that mantra. Ainsley james dickey in the state of texas was running for a second full term as head of the rnc and you defeated him this week there was a virtual state convention. First of all, congratulations. Thank you, ainsley. Ainsley we want to get your reaction to that how did the Virtual Convention go . It was a little rough. I will tell you that the final decision on the vote came about 3 00 in the morning on monday morning. There were a lot of problems with that thursday the system was pretty much so crashed, same with friday. We had a lot of our delegates that did not not get their in until late. Important lesson to learn from this and the same we learned in the United States military is before any operation, before any endeavor you have to rehearse all your systems and test those systems. I dont know if was that done effectively. But we still have to reconvene and deal with a couple of other issues that we had. Our passing of our rules and also our platform, so we will have a 10person committee that will come back and review that im going to try to steer a away from something virtual and do it in pinner. Brian imagine if you are one of the Police Officers who took bottles to the head and found yourself in a hospital protecting a statue that your mayor takes down two days later. Fantastic. Meanwhile, you are a guy thats spent decades in the military. How do you feel as an africanamerican, how do you feel about them renaming these bases eventually, because they are named after confederate officers . Well, first of all, brian, i will tell you that i never met a confederate general that offended me. I served on fort bragg, North Carolina. I also final duty station was fort hood, texas, which is the Worlds Largest military installation named after John Bell Hood also a confederate general. I didnt think about them being confederate generals. What i was thinking about when i was serving on those installation whats was at fort bragg airborne paratrooper and air commander stationed there at that time. So, again, we are just responding to this mob, this cancel culture. And as long as we continue this belief that we can acquiesce, apiece and compromise with them it just elm bolteddens them. I would say sit in the corner, shut up and get out of business of worrying about the names of military installations and its appalling to me that the United States military would acquiesce or take a knee to these people. Im sick and tired of it. Secretary of defense mark h espr you need to cowboy up and not allow them to chalk up a win in their column. Steve we will see what happens. Colonel, thank you very much have. A good weekend. Brian congratulations. Thank you very much. Steve 14 minutes before the top of the hour. Jillian joins us from the mezzanine with some news. Jillian two british isis terrorists nicknamed the beatles have finally admitted their role in Holding American aide worker Kayla Mueller hostage u. S. Military custody in iraq. They have previously denied ever meeting muriel. They came clean in an new interview taped by nbc news detailing what her life was like before herr brutal murder. In a room by herself that no one would go in. The case against the two has been held up in court with a British Court ruling the u. S. Wont get evidence from british investigators unless the Death Penalty is off the table. The mayor of kansas city, missouri, unveiling a plan to make doxxing Police Officers illegal. Mayor Quinton Lucas says he met with officers families last weekend and it was one of their biggest concerns. The Police Department said several officers have had their private information posted online recently. Mayor do you cass says police and public works have a right to get home safely. The measure now heads to the city council. Okay. So watch as this guy quite literally flips out. A florida man tries to avoid being arrested by cart wheeling away from officers. He tried to cart wheel await a minute he does multiple flips orlando. Officers took him down for blocking traffic. The man was able to wiggle out of their grasp. He was arrested and charged with battery on a Law Enforcement officer and resisting arrest. The wall street journal is responding to complaints from hundreds of staffers about his opinions section, the workers sent a letter to the publisher calling for more factchecking and transparency between the news and opinion sections. The Editorial Board writing, quote it was probably inevitable that the wave of progressive cancel culture would arrive at the journal as it has at every other cultural business, academic and journalistic institution. We are not the New York Times. Most journal reporters attempt to cover the news fairly and down the middle. Our opinion page dominate nearly all of todays media. Look at your headlines. Back to you. Brian at least somebody is standing up. Janes. Ainsley thank you, jillian. Steve making it clear there is an opinion and a news department. They will make it more clear on the website. Ainsley a lot of people are watching this weather. Storms out there. Janis, tell us the latest. Janice we have Tropical Storm hanna that formed last night is set to move into the texas gulf coast, the lower coast on saturday into sunday. So we arent expecting a hurricane but we are expecting a Tropical Storm and with that the potential for heavy rain, especially for south texas, isolated amounts of over 8 inches of rainfall and then have you got those Tropical Storm force winds. Further out we are talking about the pacific. This is hurricane during also a. Dangerous category 4 storm that will threaten the Hawaiian Islands this weekend. We could get a cat 1 storm moving through the islands and bringing the potential for not only heavy rain but Hurricane Force winds and the storm surge and then Tropical Storm began zol low expected to become the first hurricane of the atlanta basin. We will certainly have to monitor this storm as we get into next week. Happy friday my friends, steve, ainsley and brian, back the to you. Brian thank you very much, janis. She has a wild weekend planned. Three suspects including a career criminal charged in the fishing trip. One victi suspect seen talking e victim minutes before the murder. He joins us soon. Its something that i would recommend. Steve this is one of the worst cases our next guest has ever seen in his long Law Enforcement career. Two brothers and a woman charged in the massacre of three best friends on a fishing trip down in florida. A suspect caught on Surveillance Video with one of the victims just minutes before the brutal murders. The alleged gunman tony t. J. Wiggins is a career criminal with more than 230 felonies on his record. Polk county sheriff brady judd who was with us earlier in the week when they were trying to figure it all out joins us live from florida. Sheriff, what was. What cracked the case for you. Steve, when we were working the crime scene we noticed in one of the victims vehicles there was a bag from a local store. So we took the receipt, went back to the store. It was Dollar General who was totally cooperative with us. Very helpful. They gave us the video. And there stood in the line to cash out our victim. And would you know just behind the victim were the two suspects standing in line to cash out as well. Steve do you believe it was a happenstance they were in line or did they see the victims and decide to go up behind them . No. Its just a fluke. In fact, all three of the suspects were in the store. Its a small community. They all know each other. In fact, the one victim had a casual conversation not. Anna mated conversation with the shooter while they were standing in line to check out. Steve oh, man. Apparently there was some conversation, according to the brother of the shooter, that it was some kind of a truck deal gone wrong, right . Absolutely. The our victim damion he told the clerk he said kevin and i are going fishing tonight. And so when he checked out. Thats when t. J. Said is that kevin . Hes the one that took the engine from my car or from my truck. And so he directed robert there and massacred the three of them. Steve about 10 minutes later and there are the suspects right there. T. J. Wiggins has 230 felony charges. He is the man far left. He is accused of being the shooter. How was this guy out on the street with 230 felony charges . Well, interestingly enough, he started being arrested after the 12 years of age. A lot of them were juvenile charges. You know, they dont like to lock up juveniles. Here is a guy who was breaking into dozens of cars, committing criminal mischiefs and he elevated up. Our prosecutor, who is simply the very best has kept him in jail six of the last eight years and he is still out on bond today or before the three murders for breaking someones arm in a fight. Steve unbelievable. It is so frustrating. And im sure the family, you know, in some measure is grateful that they finally are able to connect the dots and perhaps these are you know, justice will be done. But, still, three lives lost. Sheriff, thank you very much for joining us today. Thanks, steve. Have a good day. Steve a terrible story. All right. We are going to step aside. More right after this. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Even if youre on a statin . Are you still at risk for a heart attack or stroke . Statins may lower some risks, but may not be enough. Thats why science delivered vascepa. For people who have persistent Cardiovascular Risk Factors and take a statin only vascepa is clinically proven to provide 25 lower risk from heart attack and stroke. 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Ainsley yall dont know what happens behind the scenes but when there is video i can look at brian and say are you talking next . Steve are you talking next . So much easier than it was when we had separate studios. Steve they just told us we have to get to the news. Brian meanwhile a fox news alert comes your way. Protests erupting overnight outside the home of chicagos mayor Lori Lightfoot. Hundreds crowding the streets as the president announces federal agents will be deployed to the windy city. But she he called her first. Steve meanwhile, just a number of blocks away, cranes moving into the citys grant park to take down a statue of Christopher Columbus. The monument placedden a truck and driven away following pressure from protesters. There have been protests around that. There were people who were for taking it down. There were people for keeping it up. Nonetheless, at 3 00 arm this montgomery, there went columbus the mayor ordered that in portland the hit the streets 57th straight night. Protests filling the air again as police tried getting the massive crowds under control. [chanting] as escalates. City leaders support all they have to do is ask. We want to go in and help the cities. We want to help chicago. We want to help all of them. Put in 50,000, 60,000 people that really know what they are doing. And they are strong, they are tough. As you know, we have to be invited in. Ainsley the president has placed tactical teams on stand by as riots are expected in cities like seattle over the weekend. The president sending in a tactical u. S. Customs and Border Protection team. They are standing by. They say they theyre and they will be deployed as needed, guys. Steve thats right. For the president of the United States to say what he did from the hannity program last night, you know, he has sent out 100 officers here, 200 there. Things like that. But, for him to suggest that if violence spirals out of control and if the mayors ask us in, we could put 50, 60, 75,000 federal agents on the street to restore law and order. That is quite a ratcheting up of how much the federal government is willing to help because so many local leaders are reluctant to. Senator biden what an embarrassment, he comes out and criticizes the president for trying to help out in portland, oregon, after 50plus days of riots now you speak out as 50 people who decide to disrupt their lives, answer the president s order and go there under the Homeland Security division. Now, they are the problem. Which is an absolute joke. Think should be embarrassed whats happening in their own state. But they dont seem to do it. Hopefully the people at home are smarter than that very significant the president of the United States picked up the phone, talked to mayor lightfoot says, listen, this is what i would like to do. This is the help you need, after all, they have 117,000 gang members. 55 known gangs. Of those gangs there are 747 factions. They are shooting each other at funerals, shooting back and forth. This is a gang operation. And she is rejecting the president that hes the problem. Congressman Michael Waltz joined us earlier. And he just talked about as the mayor removes statues what the real issues are. I listened to that the audio and video of the shootings outside the funeral home a few days ago. I have been in a lot of fire fights, that sounded like something we have been n afghanistan or in iraq. Not in one of americas greatest cities. These communities, these families deserve better than. This and, you know, at some point, they are going to go to the ballot box and say enough is enough. These inner cities have been run by the same people with the same ideology with no results or worse results for way too long. Ainsley lets bring in hogan gidley the National Press secretary for the Trump Campaign 2020. Good morning to you. Good morning. Ainsley with all of this unrest, how is this going to impact the 2020 election . We saw yesterday there was a poll and it said was it 62 , steve . 62 percent said they were not going to they didnt feel comfortable talking. Steve kato study. Ainsley im wondering if this is going to help or hurt the president. Its hurting real americans across the country thats for sure. Our hearts goat out to those deeply impacted by the deaths that have gone on in towns devolved into lawlessness. Sad part is you dont have to guess what our city streets and what kind of danger our families would be in if joe biden were president of the United States. He has not said anything about, you know, getting a handle, getting a grip. And trying to protect the people in these cities. Its absolutely egregious. When he does pipe up out of his heidi hole he areporters shouldnt reredirect funds. If anyone thinks redirect is different than defund, then let me ask you, ainsley, if its okay, your next paycheck can i redirect money out of your bank account and put it into mine . Thats defunding. Thats cutting. Ainsley no. Thats right. No is the answer. We need that money. The police, the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every single day who stand up to these rioters and looters and people who burn churches and burn police buildings, those are the real heroes out there. And the president supports them and joe biden doesnt. Thats a serious, serious difference. Brian hogan, almost all polls, the president is trailing in the battleground states. In the fox poll trailing significantly in pennsylvania and slightly more than he was in april and michigan same thing trailing by 9. Minnesota, a place he really thought he vekd won last time a few Percentage Points away he is trailing big. One of the things people look to for incumbent president happened with bush 41. Use Different Things to close the gap. And that was the convention. They have a Big Convention speech and they sprint to the fall and see what happens come november. The convention is not going to happen now. What went into that decision and what can you use to propel yourself to close that gap . The number one priority of the president of the United States, donald trump, is the safety and security of the American People. You saw that yesterday with his bold decisive leadership from that podium. He talked to the scientists. He talked to the health experts. He talked to the medical experts. He talked to his political team. And he said no. We are not having this. Because we dont want to risk any more infections to the state of florida. Any more infections across this country. And im proud to know him. Im proud to have worked for him and to be on the campaign right now. Because this is the type of leadership we need. You touched on some polls. Most of those are fake. They oversample democrats. We have had more than 1. 1 billion views across our social media platforms for donald trump. Hes not even really on those social media platforms all that much. Joe biden, however, comes out the other day for a q a he promotes it. He is on camera. And he has 19 people watching it at one time. I think 17 of those were a network news anchors and reporters just trying to figure out how to donate. The other two were staffers. The fact is the enthusiasm, the excitement is all on our side. And we know this. Our supporters will stand through rain, sleet, snow, hail, and crawl across broken glass to vote for donald trump. Joe biden supporters wont even click on a link to watch him do a q a. Its absolutely embarrassing. We have the momentum and know we will do well in november. Brian i know the people that do the polls. They dont do it fake. They may not be accurate in the end i dont know. Doesnt accuracy determine. People are great doesnt accuracy determine how great it. They are professionals. Dont call the fox news polsters fake. The methodology is flawed at the very least. Steve that is what the president has said before because he has complained that they have a smaller sample of republicans that is not indicative of the number of people who voted last time. And so that is where that comes from. All right. Meanwhile, you were talking about enthusiasm. You are right. Joe biden has had very little enthusiasm until this week when somehow he slipped out of his basement. He went to Barack Obamas office iin the west end of washington, d. C. And they did a socially distanced conversation. There you can see there, they are about a dozen feet apart. And one of the themes was, they are trolling the president on his pandemic response. Heres a sample. This guy is in court in the middle of a pandemic trying to take away the protection for 100 Million People that have preexisting conditions. I dont think he has any sense of empathy or any i dont think he can associate at all. I couldnt be prouder of what we got done. 20 Million People had Health Insurance that have it because of what we did. The thing i have got confidence, in joe, is your heart and your character and the fact that you are going to be able to reassemble the kind of government that cares about people and brings people together. Steve i got a feeling with that music the end was near. Obviously they are trying to have joe biden ride on Barack Obamas coat tails. But they are talking about the pandemic. And when you look joe biden walls asked the other day by somebody over on msnbc what he would do differently regarding the pandemic if he were president. He listed a bunch of things that sounded great. And as it turns out. The president and the administration have already done all of them. So, if it does come down to coronavirus, and that is the number one issue, what does joe think that he could do that this administration and this federal government have not . Well, lets put together the overscripted massively edited back and forth that the Vice President had with the former president for just a moment, if we can. What joe biden did leave out of that long list of things he would do, that, of course, this president , this administration has already done, what he left out was the criticism of that he levy idea on donald trump calling him xenophobia and racist. All the left did that the media did that the as well when donald trump made the bold decisive actions necessary to protect 2. 2 Million Deaths from ever occurring in this country which is what the experts said would happen. Those flights got shut down. Joe biden was wrong. And in the end had to come out and say yeah, you know, im sorry, donald trump was right again. Another thing he left out was he has already been faced with a pandemic when he was Vice President. We know what his administration was doing. You dont have to guess how he would respond. He just decided mid pandemic, h1n1, swine flu, to shut down testing. And said we dont want to, quote, unquote, waste the resources on testing. He decided to stop it, stop counting. He said we know we are infected. We have 60 million or so that has the virus. It doesnt matter, we are going to stop testing. Can you math outcry from the Mainstream Media if donald trump said im going to copy joe biden. Im going to stop testing. They would lose their minds. The fact is this president has taken something unforeseen, unprecedented, straight out of china and has led us through this in a way that i think the American People can rally around because his message is unifying, its uplifting, its patriotic. And we will get through this together because of Donald Trumps leadership. Ainsley hogan gidley. Thanks so much for joining us. Thanks, yall. Ainsley have a good weekend. Hand it over to jillian who has headlines on the mezzanine level. You. Jillian china ordering the shut down consulate. One of five u. S. Consulates in the country. Titfortat as the u. S. Demands china shut down houston consulate today calling it the epicenter of American Research theft. Secretary of state mike pompeo calling on every nation to demand transparency from beijing. We want to have a free, 21st century and not the chinese century of which xi jinping dreams, the old paradigm of blind engagement with china simply wont get it done. When it comes to the ccp, i say we must distrust and verify. Jillian china has until 4 00 p. M. To close the houston consulate. The cdc releases new guidelines for schools to savely reopen strongly suggesting in Person Learning this fall. The recommendations include face masks for both teachers and students. Social distancing, regular classroom cleaning and repurposing unused spice spaces. Vice president mike pence is expected to discuss Opening Schools with College Leaders today in indiana where he served as governor. Two best friends who defied the odds just reached a major milestone together. Jordan grand berry and jordan frost both given 2 chance of survival because of complications at birth. They met when they were 3 years old. 15 years later, they graduated high School Together in texas. [cheers and applause] way to go. Look at that frosts dad posting the photos of them side by side after the ceremony. Tens of thousands times amazing and obvious reasons. Congrats to them. Best friends forever. Brian all right, jillian, see you soon. 14 minutes after the hour. Next Coronavirus Relief bill set to be released next week. Nancy pelosi claims it doesnt go far enough. What does congressman doug collins think. 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What we have seen so far falls very short of the challenge that we face in order to defeat the virus and to open in order to open our schools and to open our economy. We have to act and what they are proposing falls far short. Steve she would like about 2 billion more. There you have got House Speaker nancy pelosi speaking out against the Senate Republicans stimulus plan. The only problem the Senate Republicans have not yet even released it. Brian well, that would be a problem. Here to react Georgia Senate candidate and current congressman from georgia, he is doug collins, congressman, you saw the speaker yesterday. Good morning. Brian say things like state troopers, calling federal agents storm troopers, federal president s handling of the pandemic is the worst in the history of our country and that really got under your skin. Yeah. I mean, look, when you see the speaker of the house, she is not the speaker of the house she is the head of the Democratic Party running a campaign. I have never seen nancy pelosi actually really concerned about spending money on everything that would eventually put people under government control. She does have problems wanting to spend money and never spending november Border Security and doing things like that. When it comes to giving out money she has never had problem running up a debt that she has no idea how to pay that this all goes back to one thing, brian, this obsession with defeating this president. They have no desire no, plan of anything else except to defeat the president. And nothing is ever enough for Speaker Pelosi unless its a bigger government and a government agenda. Steve congressman, one of the things made clear yesterday payroll tax cut doesnt look like that he that is going to work out. Okay, we dont need that this time. But he really wants 105 billion that would go to the schools. One of the suggestions is if the schools arent going to open and parents cannot send their kids to school, give the Parents Money so that they can take them to a school that is open. What a great idea. Actually educating our youth is something that is one of the vital essential things we need to do as a country. As the husband of a teacher who taught for over 30 years and just retired in k through 5. Those young minds need teacher and interaction of social learning they need to be in there so they can get the knowledge that they need. Whats really going to be concerning is if we keep these cities and everybody is keeping these kids away from in Person Learning. Two or three years from now you will see the results of these very flawed policies. Come out with guidelines for reOpening Schools and see the president wanting us to give money so we can do it safely and protect these young minds. These young minds need to be stimulated. They need the teacher in their life. Some can get by without it. Most need that teacher. Think about it in your own minds. Teacher means the most to you not just in textbooks but in life. Those are the things we need. Ainsley tell us about these documents that show an fbi agent use those briefings in 2016, the election interference briefings as a cover to go and question donald trump or his team at least. Well. I wish i could say wow, a shock to no, im not. We have been talking about this for over two and a half years. I was releasing transcripts last year showing they had already put this in play before the Convention Last year. And what really just hideous part about this going after the president the way they did. They went in supposedly to give a defensing briefing in which they would have told the president about other attacks or possible russians trying to be involved. They didnt do any of that what they did is classified it under the crossfire hurricane. They classified it under the investigation of Michael Flynn and what they did was they said we are going to see what they ask about the russian federation, strzok, mccabe, comey, page, all these folks up to brennan and clapper ought to answer. Im so hopeful durham gets this out. It shows corruption at its deepest level. Im so sick of comey and page and struck that it just makes me sick, because they have corrupted people into thinking that our department of justice is corrupt. And under them it was. Brian congressman, spilker this, christie, flynn, trump in a room being briefed about security for 15 minutes. The rest of the time was a wave getting information about possible collusion with russia. Thats what the fbi was doing. Why did it take John Radcliff two years to get that position in three weeks and release that . Why didnt we know this right away . Thats a question we have been trying to ask up here and for many of us fighting for this and fighting for what the president said it should never happen to any can dad or president. We have been fighting for this. So happy John Radcliff is there is he a good friend we have worked on this hand and glove. Is he getting to the point where he is saying no, we are not going to tolerate. This this country needs transapparently. They need to know what they did. And they need to know how they came very close to subvert an election. Thats why its important to get it out now during this election while would you have joe biden sleeping in the basement and still attacking this president. Brian what did biden know and what did president obama know. Exactly. Brian thats who you could be putting back in the white house. Steve congressman, i love the fact that the department of justice has said we dont have those records anymore. We dont have them. Oh, they are right there. Surprise. Yeah, there it is. Look, if it hadnt been for us and folks like myself and others and reporters actually talking about this and Sidney Powell in the flynn case actually going to court. Think about what we we knew it was there now we have actually got it put out there and the American People can judge for themselves how corrupt these folks were. Steve they will be talking about it from now until november 3rd. Congressman, thanks for joining us live. Great. Good to see you all. Steve ainsley, whats coming up . Chicago is not the only city seeing increase in violence. Homicides are up 29 in detroit. What will stop the rise in crime . Detroits police chief joins us next. I wish i had more time to talk to you, brian, when you talk about what driving detroit but in major cities across this country. We talk about covid. We talk about bail reform. I could take a half hour on your show, brian, tell you my thoughts as a practitioner of 44 years. Brian i cant give you a half hour, chief, james craig but we can have you back today to finish up what you were talking about yesterday. You are running things in detroit. We novi lens is up 7 . Have you had weeks of protests there and challenges. Unlike other cities i think there has been a lot of partisan politics involved we dont have whats going on in portland and seattle. I understand that. Going into nine weeks nothing like have you seen in other cities in this country. What we do have and what we have entered into with this administration is late december i stood with general barr and all the heads of the doj and we focused in called in for this pursuit. Whats going on now is just an enhancement. We know that the uptick in violence is not unique, isolated to detroit. But we are seeing it in all the major cities, chicago, los angeles. And so this is an opportunity to really address whats going on and whats eerily similar when you look across the country, with the rise in crime, its no surprise talked about it on your show yesterday very briefly. Bail reform. Thats not working out very well my colleagues in other cities are talking about it. Early release because of covid. You know, they are reintroducing very violent suspects into our neighborhood. Its no surprise that we are having the level of violence. Just last night another gang member trying to shoot one of my officers, fatality involved a week before that another officer involved shooting this suspect shot at our officers. Its becoming very violent and not to mention that detroit Police Department has been very assertive about taking illegal guns off the street. We are averaging anywhere between 80 and 100 ccw arrests. 80 to 100, our officers are doing what we need them to do. But believe it, they are in harms way. Brian you mention there is that antifa like presence there. Much like in portland thats been identified. Where they drop off weapons whether its bats or broiks to do it. Having said that fundamentally for the people that want to change their lives that race might play an issue in where they get in life that you see generations living through the same type of class structure, how do we break that cycle . Well, you know, thats an interesting question. Let me start by saying these individuals are truly outsiders. Im talking outside the state of michigan and certainly out of detroit. This is not what detroiters want. We have rebuilt as you know this is a city that had the largest municipal bankruptcy now seven years ago. And so there have been a lot of positive efforts made to move this city forward and so these individuals call them antifa, ogerloo whoever they are coming into our cities are not welcome. The other part of this talk about rise in crime, we have to manage these protests every single night. Brian unbelievable. Every night. And so we have to redeploy our staff. Where does the staff come from . It comes from our neighborhoods. And so but now in addition to the nightly protests, now we are dealing with Early Morning school protests. So were handling two protests a day, brian. Brian its unbelievable. Its unbelievable. Brian you need more coming on the street. You need to be a job that is looked up to and rewarded. And, number two, you have to stop this outside force that is all over seattle. Its going to merge this weekend. All over portland going to emerge this weekend. Seen in new york before. There is a separate issue where people dont want to make it country better. Frustrated. They want to destroy what this country is. And hopefully people in these cities will identify and weed them out so we can get to the heart of the issue and make everything and make the country better. Put us on the right track. Have the racial justice. The reason why you put that uniform on. We cant do it with these other clowns showing unjust to destroy. And again, chief, it was great gaining your perspective today. I appreciate it always, brian. I look forward to the next time. Brian stay safe this weekend it. Was a violent weekend last weekend. Hopefully it will be better this one. Absolutely. Thank you. Brian we appreciate what your men and women are doing every day. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. Promising it can be done and keeping kids safe. We believe Many School Districts can open safely. The decision should be based on the data and facts on the ground in each community. Brian yep. And new cdc guidelines appear to support the president s calls for in Person Learning. Our Education Panel here next to react. 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Our Education Panel is here to react. We have fox news medical contributor dr. Nicole saphier. Partnership School Superintendent Kathleen Corder mcgee and education reform advocate darryl. Good morning. Ainsley thanks for being here. Dr. Saphier, i will start with you since you are the medical expert. Is it safe for from a medical standpoint for our kids to go back to school . Ainsley, the case for opening up schools for in Person Education is quite compelling. When you take in account the social, developmental long term consequences of keeping the schools closed, yes, of course, you want to get these children back in person. You cant look at the country as a whole. Its a very diverse nation. You cant compare our diverse nation to any other country much larger with a much broader demographic. You have to look at it not just by individual states but by individual municipalities. The cdc guidelines that went out yesterday and President Trump talking, he gave flexibility and freedom to governors as well as educational administrators to do what they felt is right for their community. One big caveat that he mentioned that you and i have talked about many times on this show, ainsley, is, yes, in person schooling about be successful as long as Community Transmission of the virus is low and that is on us as adults, as communities to make sure that there is decreased virus transmission when our kids go back to school. Ainsley the president said yesterday that he is throwing out a proposal that possibly schools, if they dont reopen, they wont get federal funding. Is he also saying the money should follow the kids. If the Childs School doesnt reopen like in california 80 of the kids schools are closed then those children should go to private schools or schools that are reopening and that money should follow them. Kathleen, do you agree with is that . I absolutely agree with that that should be the policy regardless of the situation it. Should definitely be the policy when parents, otherwise, would have no opportunities or no options to send their children to any school at all. And so i think its really smart and i think its time to think about that very seriously. Ainsley when you look at the polls, 68 of americans, they want to reopen. Some say open as usual. Some say minor adjustment. Some say major adjustments. When you add up those three first numbers the majority of people 46 . 31 say dont open at all. What do you say. Lots of interests intersect in schools the and right now the conversation doesnt hold them all coequal. Certainly the health and safety interest of teachers matter a great deal but if you are a low income mom, you know, in central brooklyn, you need to go back to work this fall. And that requires somebody to help you with that and that person would be watching your kid and hopefully teach them as well. And those concerns are real and genuine and they need to be at the center of the conversation as much as Opening School facilities up safely. Ainsley dr. Saphier, there have been 36 children under the age of 15 that have died from covid19. Numbers not high but, still, 36 families without their children because of this. And we dont want anyone else to experience that loss. Is there a safe way to do this so that children dont get it or do you think there are underlying conditions here . Ainsley, its a very Important Message that you are making, ainsley, no one is immune to the severity of covid19 although, yes, the most vulnerable are the elderly and those are comorbidities, anyone can get sick and anyone can wind up on a ventilator and die from. This make sure to decrease transmission through social distancing and mask oil wearing when appropriate. And we also need to do everything we can to get these kids back in school. More children get sick with the flu, die every year from the flu and we dont take the same measures. So, maybe we should have been doing this all along because children are very vulnerable to every seasonal flu. So moving forward, yes, we wanting to make sure that our children are safe. All of these efforts that we are talking about right now increased hand hygiene, more social distancing, improved ventilation, that is good not just for covid19, thats also good for flu, for strep throat, for all the other things that can be detrimental to our children. Ainsley kathleen, as a superintendent i know you didnt have the summer off. You are working probably around the clock frying to figure out how to open schools safely what are you doing . We are. Its been a crazy 2020 for sure. We were actually very heartened when we saw the cdc guidelines come out yesterday they look a lot like the mitigation strategies that were working to put in place for our schools. Partnership schools we run we are a Nonprofit Organization that runs nine Catholic Schools. Seven in harlem and the south bronx and two in cleveland so urban communities where sometimes the virus has hit harder than anywhere else in the country. Getting the mitigation strategies right is our top priority. And so we are doing exactly some of the things that the doctor said. We are making sure we are purchasing masks so that every Single Person coming into our building, children, faculty, staff and visitors have the opportunity to have a mask and have a clean maverick every day. We are improving venting labor relation in all of our rooms and all of our classrooms. We are actually renting tents for outdoor space so that we can use for outdoor classrooms so we can make sure that children have recess time. They still need to be kids, even while we are implementing these mitigation strategies in the classroom. And we are also working on social distancing and making sure especially that our teachers are safe. About a third of our teachers are veterans some of them who have comorbidities. We need to make sure we are keeping them safe along with the children. Ainsley darryl, how about you . Lou is it affecting you and your children and education reform. I just want to say i allegedly have the antibodies and had covid. So i take it seriously. But, its interesting just to watch this whole thing play out from a political standpoint because, in the spring, when you know, kids are going virtual if you want to call it kind of like the schools status quo basically making this point awful. Best thing possible is in person because they didnt want to lose any kids. Now, suddenly, Distance Learning is the only thing they can do. Like either of those things were true in the spring or not true now. And most of those folks spent none of the summer Getting Better at Distance Learning. So we have this situation now where like some teachers rightly are worried about their safety. Lots of parents and kids are worried about returning to work and improving their learning and like if a district isnt going to offer an in person option to a family that needs one, well, you know, im going to support a family finding that wherever they can find it. If its at a Catholic School or school at neighboring province or Online School some place i think money has got to follow the kid to make that happen. Ainsley thanks to all three of you for being on. Good to see yall have a good weekend. Thanks. Ainsley 46 minutes after the tom of the hour. After two months of living in fear of the violent protests in portland. A marine veteran marched into all that chaos with an American Flag in hand. Watch. If you stand for justice, come here, stand with me. Stand with me because im here for justice. Ainsley hours after that speech, the veteran was followed home by members of antifa. He shares his story next. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Janice hello, everyone, im janice dean, happy friday. We have a lot going on in the tropics. Lets take a look. This is Tropical Storm hanna. We are expecting this storm to make landfall some time tomorrow evening into sunday as a Tropical Storm, perhaps 60 to 60 mileperhour sustained winds. And its going to bring quite a bit of rainfall in some areas we could get isolated amounts of over 8 inches and of course Tropical Storm force winds. The potential for severe storms as well. Keeping an eye on hanna this weekend. Keeping this is hurricane douglas. Cat 4 storm, major hurricane making a bee line towards hawaii. How we do expect the storm to weaken over the cooler waters over the pacific. But we are still, you know, a close call here for some of those Tropical Storm force winds or Hurricane Force winds as heavy rainfall moves in to the area as well. That will happen saturday, sunday, into monday. And Tropical Storm began zal low 60 mileperhour sustained winds going to become a hurricane first in the atlantic basic moving toward the Lesser Antilles and watch it as it moves toward the caribbean next week. Steve, ainsley and brian back to you. Steve thank you very much. Meanwhile, after 8 weeks of unrest in portland a local vet decideed to march right into the chaos hoping to talk sense into the protesters if you stand for justice come here and stand for me. Im here for justice. Im not hear to tear down not here to spray paint. Its going on every day. Steve the portland native says his call for unity was only joined with more violence. Retired marine gabriel johnson. Gabriel, good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Steve in that introduction they said you there were to talk sense into the protesters. Is that what you were trying to do. What i was actually trying to do is just take the American Flag and use its symbol of unity so bridge the divide. Possibly start a conversation with some of the protesters that are down there to let them know that what is going on is beyond the message. I think the message has been lost at this point with the onslaught of antifa their tactics. This has to stop. Steve i know thats how you feel. So, gabriel. You walked out with the American Flag and you thought you were going to get one response from the people there. And what do they do to you . What do they say . I was called the n word. I was called a coon. I was called uncle tom all by blacks. I was attacked and when i say attacked, not only verbally but with a baseball bat. Steve you were attacked with a baseball bat . Yes. I had antifa members come at me with a baseball bat and two civilians stepped in the way. I was very, very surprised. Probably the most inspiring thing was i saw that whole night was the fact that these two people came to my call for turn they came and protected me. Steve calls for social justifiable in the wake of the george floyd killing. But since then and you saw this with your own two eyes, you feel that antifa has infiltrated this movement and you see the coordination and you see that these are anarchists and they are not they are usin using this moment and this movement to do what they do. I wouldnt call them anarchists. I would call them terrorists thats exactly what they do. They have infiltrated black lives mattered antifa woman that followed me that showed me the video all day long was in a black lives matter tshirt. Black lives matter face mask and hoodie with antifa pin on her sweatshirt and radio in hand. If that isnt a coordinated effort and if those people arent infiltrated, involved coopted this moment then, i dont know what else to say. Steve there you go. The president has sent some federal officers into your town to protect the assets there. You know, every morning we wake up and we show these images of the protests and, you know, tear gas and stuff like that. Have you thought about moving out of portland . This is my city. I was raised here. I will not let a bunch of terrorist thugs run me out of my city. I completely understand you tried to make a Statement Last week with the American Flag and the baseball bat and antifa, what a story you have got. Gabriel johnson, a retired marine, thank you for your service and thanks for getting up early to tell us your story. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Steve good luck. All right. Were going to step aside. 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Possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. Proven by science, fda approved. Vascepa can reduce your risk and add cardio protection. Call your doctor about vascepa today. All right. Day one of baseballs in the books as the nationals were unable to defend their title. They might as well throw in the towel because they lost to the yankees 41 in a rainshortened game. Lets go over to steve. Were excited because baseballs back, steve, without fans. Im very anxious to see what fox does, because the word is theyre going to put superimposed people, virtual people in the stands. Steve right. Brian the murmur that we heard yesterday. Just some type of noise or birds chirping or crickets. Steve that was the problem with the nationals game yesterday. On the first play, you know, there was a homer hit x nobody was there to pick up the ball. It took, like, five minutes to the highlight, though, buried the lead was dr. Fauci. Holy cow, that guy is great doctor, but when it comes to baseball, he is a super fan. Brian what kind of world are we in when Mariano Rivera rah by the way, while the president talks about the virus, and the guy who is in charge of the virus was throwing out pitches at baseball. Ainsley i thought that was cute with a lot of kids in baseball uniforms. Were glad baseballs back. Brian fox news alert, protests erupting outside the home of chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot. Hundreds crowding the streets as the president announces federal agents will be deployed to the windy city, but he did call her first. Steve and nearby cranes moved into grant park in chicago and temporarily removed a statue of Christopher Columbus. The mayor released a statement saying there will now be a formal review of the monuments before importantly, he said, they were moving it in the interest of Public Safety because so many officers and people were injured on monday. Ainsley look at that image. There it goes. Meanwhile, in portland protesters hit city streets for the 57th straight night with no end in sight. Demonstrators using leaf blowers to blow clouds of tear gas back at the Police Officers. [background sounds] [cheers and applause] brian as dangerous violence escalates, the president says city leaders ors have his sport, all they have support, all they have to do ask for it. But right now the police are not allowed to interact with the federal agents. Meanwhile, the president has placed tactical teams on standby as riots are expected in cities like seattle this weekend. Steve lets bring in geraldo rivera, he joins us from ohio. Geraldo, good morning. Good morning, good morning. Steve you know, the story that were leading with is the fact that at 3 00 this morning Lori Lightfoot in chicago ordered them to take down the columbus statue. She says it was in the interest of Public Safety, but ever since she okayed a couple hundred federal agents going into chicago, shes been taking heat that she would cooperate with the trump administration. And then youve got these protests at her house. Next thing you know she unilaterally decides weve got to take that thing down. Do you understand that . Do you think she did take it down in the interest of Public Safety . Well, i dont know about that. I do know that many of my italianamerican friends are very displayed by the displayed by the disappearing of Christopher Columbus. Like st. Patrick, my irish pals always enjoy the occasion of suddenly in the rewriting of history, Christopher Columbus becomes bad guy number one. In South Chicago again yesterday, at least six shots, and thats the very preliminary report, at least two more dead. The day before that at least ten shot, at least three dead, a 3yearold shot on wednesday also. I mean, it is a situation in which this great city, a city where really, you know, i was based there for 14 years with my daytime talk show, al capones vault, i have a dear connection with the windy city, and to see the deplorable escalation of violence. You know, david brown, the Police Superintendent there, is a proud black man. Day before yesterday he explained to people that there were ten times as many gangbangers as there are chicago cops. Thats what mayor lightfoot should concentrate on, the 117,000 who are in one of the 55 gangs. I think the feds gotta move in there, theyve got to break them up just like they do these organized criminal syndicates. I think theres a lot more going on than Chris Columbus losing his perch in grant park. Ainsley whatd you think about the president canceling the rnc in florida in he says the timing just not right because of the increase in covid. You know, ainslee, i remember fondly you, me and sean hannity on inauguration night. We all had our best duds on, sean and i had our tuxedos, one of the first people to speak to the president when he was inaugurated in his victory celebration. I know that he is very disheartened and very disace pointed. He wanted jacksonville to be a huge, huge party. You know, hes great in those large crowds. But he, ultimately, the dream was felled by the reality of this awful virus that is affecting everything. And i think even affecting in a very malignant way the president s chances for reelection. So hes trying to mitigate the damage. You know, he moved from North Carolina to go to jacksonville because he wanted a party, he wanted a wide open, you know, lets celebrate, you know, the second term or the quest for the second term, and now its gonna be virtual. Its very disappointing. Jacksonville canceled, i think, is a appropriate idea. Blart its got a hot spot, its horrible. The deaths are mounting, and weve got to find a cure for this thing. Brian brian right now the president s looking for a pivot to change this momentum. Hes showing the discipline in his messaging, the virus as well as haw and order law and order that shows that discipline that maybe he had from september to november in 2016. Starting to take shape. Maybe the imprint of Kellyanne Conway moving up and the change at the top with the new, with the reelection committee. Meanwhile, the wall street journal take on the cancel culture and, thankfully, theyre not backing off. You know the story. Essentially, they got a note from some of the staffers that say lets start, yeah, lets start and some of the readers lets start, i guess, editing out some of the columns in the news to make sure its on one note, almost like the New York Times has done. And a note to the readers reads like this from the Editorial Board. It was probably inevitable that the wave of cancel culture would arrive at the journal as it has at nearly every other academic and journalistic institution. But we are not the New York Times. Most journal reporters attempt to cover the news fairly and down the middle and offer an alternative to the uniform progress i views that dominate nearly all of todays media. Are you heartened that the wall street journal took a stand . I am indeed, brian. Our corporate cousins, our roommates in 1211 avenue of the americas stood up to what is, i think, a horrifying drive toward mediocrity and conformity. What happened is happening in in the New York Times is something i think historians will point back to, how that once great newspaper chickened out and became, you know, a mouthpiece for a oncethin sliver of the liberal community. One line that i loved in the wall street journal defiant editorial is these columns will continue to promote the principles of free people and free markets. Thats what the wall street journal does. Good on them. Stand up to the bullies. Thats the way to beat the bullies, with courage, with firmness. You stand up, you dont let them push you around, you dont mush mush your history, you dont make it a pablum, you make it something only that conforms with the most radical elements of our society. Im very proud of the wall street journal. I hope that this is the beginning where other Media Outlets will stand up. For instance, black lives matter dominating our culture. You saw what happened in the baseball games yesterday. Everybody kneeling, at least prior to the national anthem. Okay, good on them. I, i people are motivated sincerely to do that, thats fine. But if not, if you want to stand, you should not be ridiculed, you should not be driven out, you should not be i cowered. Weve got to stand up for what we believe in and not let these people mush mosh us into a conformity that was predicted in books like 1984. Something that is, to me, infuriating. I cant stand it. Steve how about this . You were there in cleveland, and the famous rock and roll hall of fame right there on the lake has announced that theyre going to open a social justice exhibit tomorrow. And what its going to do, its going to spotlight how Musical Artists is have channeled rock and roll to respond to racism throughout the rock and roll era. What do you think about that . Well, you know, rocks always been a kind of progressive leader. Everybody from dylan to tupac to beyonce, you name it, chuck berry, james brown, nat king coal, sam cook, theyve all made statements during their lives or their lives are examples of people who have been exploited by this business. Im delighted. Let them do whatever they want to do. If you dont like that particular exhibit, you move on to the next one. I spend a lot of time in that building. Its a beautiful place. I. M. Pei designed it. This is the home of rock and, you know, im honored. The fact that theyve got an exhibit extolling the virtues of progressive activism, you know, thats what they do. Its music. Ainsley yeah. I remember seeing the sergeant pepper band when i was in middle school and i got to high school, and i [laughter] steve geraldo and i got it on vinyl. Ainsley i saw the beatles costumes. And we were there with you, heal doe, in 20 geraldo, in 2016. Steve little did we know she was house shopping . She moved you there. She did. We saw the museum, and that was it. Awps auction i dont blame you, its a beautiful place. All right, thanks so much. Well, youre welcome. Anytime. Anytime. Ainsley thank you. Gillian is upstairs with some headlines for us. Jillian good morning to you, fox news alert, china ordering the United States to shut down a consulate in the southwestern region, its one of five u. S. Consulates in the country. The tit for tat move comes as the u. S. Demands china shut down its houston consulate today calling it the epicenter of American Research theft. Secretary of state mike pompeo calling on every nation to demand transparency from beijing. We want to have a free 21st century e and not the chinese century of which xi jinping dreams. The whole paradigm of trying to engage with china simply wont get it done. I say it, we must distrust and verify. Jillian china has until 4 p. M. To close the houston consulate. Today Michael Cohen will be released from prison again, a federal judge ordering him to serve the remainder of his threeyear sentence in home confinement in manhattan. President trumps former lawyer was put back in prison earlier this month after being furloughed because of the pandemic. The judge ruling the federal government threw him back behind bars in retaliation because hes writing a tellall book on President Trump. The cdc releases new guidelines for schools to safely reopen, strongly suggesting inPerson Learning this fall. The recommendations include face masks for both teachers and students, social distancing, regular classroom cleaning and repurposing unused spaces. Georgia representative doug collins joined us earlier stressing the importance of reOpening Schools. Educating our youth is something that is one of the vital, essential things we need to do as a country. Those young minds need that teacher, that interaction of social learning, they need to be in there so they can get the knowledge that they need. Jillian Vice President pence will discuss reOpening Schools with College Leaders today in indiana. Well, a handshake is a handshake. Friends split a 22 million Powerball Jackpot honoring a yearsold agreement. Whenever the big winner comes, were going to split it. So we buy every week not thinking it would happen. That happened many years ago almost 20. Handshake to hand shack. Tom cook won the jackpot in wisconsin, and as promised, hes splitting it with his friend, joe feeney. Both will get around 5. 7 million after taxes. Although today it would be the elbow bump ainsley did they buy the ticket together, or hes just being generous . Jillian they said years ago they were going to split it. Ainsley wow. I hope they have a great life together, travel a lot, maybe give some to charity. Steve good for them. Brian hopefully, well track them. Jillian get on that, brian. Steve im sure they are going to hear from a lot of people. Ainsley right. Theyre going to have so many relatives they didnt know they had. Brian gillians going to follow them for the rest of the show. Ainsley i thought you were. Brian straight ahead, tensions with china rising sharply. A place weve been before as beijing shut down one u. S. Consulate just hours before being evicted from houston. Fox news strategic analyst, retired general jack keane joins us next. Whether its bribes. 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Lets bring in fox news senior strategic analyst, retired fourstar general jack keane. General, the significance of this closure, and should we be wondering or worried about the fact they havent left yet . We gave them 72 hours, and theyre still there. Well, they wanted to make certain they shut down. They have shut down. When they leave, they will leave, definitely. China will abide by that, i dont think we need to be concerned about it. The fact that theyre retaliating by closing one of our consulates tells you its reciprocal. Listen, this has been coming for some time. The espionage operation inside the United States is significant, its prolific, its very comprehensive. The fbi director said about ten days ago hes got about 5,000 counterintelligence operations that hes conducting and over half of them are chinese, and he gets a new chinese target every 10 hours in this country. That is absolutely extraordinary. And one of the hubs for doing that, as you pointed out in the introduction, is the houston area because energy firms and medical Research Firms as well. It is a spying platform. As are all the other consulates as well. This is trying to get chinas attention that were not going to sit on our hands any longer, were going to push back. Brian why dont you think theyre just going to say im going to wait this administration out . I think theyre going to ill see who wins before i do anything . Well, i think they, certainly, our adversaries are doing that. Irans doing that, north korea, thats why theres no negotiations. The iranians want, are unwilling to negotiate with President Trump to see if theres going to be another president. So, yeah, thats happening. But at the same time, china is taking advantage of u. S. Interests and those of our allies. And given, given what has happened recently with their spreading the epidemic into a pandemic and crushing the autonomy of hong kong, every country in the world particularly those in the region, but across the planet are reassessing their relationship with china. And what i see happening here, the administration has got a whole of government, comprehensive i approach to build a Broad Coalition with our partners and allies to stitch together a grand strategy to deal with china throughout the rest of the 21st century. We cannot keep going along the way we have been which is appeasement, looking at them as a competitor only or an opponent and not recognizing that they really are an adversary, they really are a predator, they really do want to replace the United States as the global power in the world, and they truly want to dominate and control the asiapacific region. Brian right. That is, those are their objectives. Theyre in writing, and president xi talks about it all the time. Brian right. Now weve got to use our allies to confront it. Brian for the record, theres a new outbreak in the far west in china. We never get the details of it. But theyre not out of the woods in the virus that they started. When you look at huawei over in the u. K. , you look at, i think france is revisiting whether its going to walk away from huawei or not. When you see that australias reconfigured their entire military strategy against a china threat, you wonder if this is, indeed, a unique window for americans to come together. Would you call for a Group Meeting and a joint statement . Would that really get chinas attention . Well, i think we already have chinas attention. I mean, there is bipartisan support in the congress for all the sanctions that have been imposed against chinas banks and chinas officials, which is unheard of in the sanction business against another country. The degree that were doing that. So, yes. Chinas very much aware given their presence in this country of what is taking place in the body politic with the United States. And very much aware that japan has got a defense buildup going on, tie e wan does, australia as you mentioned, vietnam is reaching out to the United States to partner with them. Yes, there is a shift thats taking place which is good news. Countries are recognizing we no longer can sit on our hands and deal with this because chinas got a very ambitious, aggressive and maligned strategy to dominate and control. Weve never had a leader like president xi since mao tsetung, and hes put his ambitions on a fast track. And weve got to be able to stand up to it. Brian hey, general, now theyre trying to take advantage of the virus, and i hope we stand up to it. The u. S. Space force genre vealed that the russian general revealed that a russian satellite fired a missile into space last week. Whats your reaction to that . Well, this is a path that the world is heading towards, and its an unfortunate one. But, you know, space is going to be weaponizedded. And what were really talking about here is that everybody has an antisatellite strategy. Why . Because satellites control brian everything. Intelligence, communications, navigation, and all of our weapons telemetry is guided by satellite technology. So what how you take out a satellite is with a rocket, with a missile, with lasers or with another satellite. Thats what this is about. And thats why this is so threatening to everyone. To have that kind of technology is truly weaponizing space where satellites are firing weapons at other satellites to destroy them. Its ineffable that inevitable that technology would move in this direction. The only way to deal with Something Like this, we know how to do that, is you have to have effective deterrence, you have to have effective capabilities to stop that from happening. Brian general, its always great to talk to you, especially at a time with such consequential things happening between two world superpowers, you have it all in perspective. General jack keen, you had a great jack keane and you had a great segment and your yankees won. Baseball is back. Good luck, everybodys team. Brian meanwhile, the regular season has officially kicked off for major league baseballs. The nationals and yankees last night. This weekend were going the take you to citi field where carly Carley Shimkus has been scrambling to replay her college days. This year, the Alzheimers Association walk to end alzheimers is everywhere. All of us are raising funds for one goal a World Without alzheimers and all other dementia. Because this disease isnt waiting, neither are you. Go to alz dot org slash walk. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. She said it was like someone else was controlling her mouth. Her doctor said she has tardive dyskinesia, which may be related to important medication she takes for her depression. Td can affect different parts of the body. [narrator] in todays trying times, were here to help you manage td. Visit talkabouttd. Com for a doctor discussion guide to prep for your next appointment in person, over the phone, or online. We were so relieved to learn there are treatments for td. [cheers and applause] ainsley baseball is back, finally. Yankees beating the nationals, officially kicking off the mlbs shortened season, and Carley Shimkus is live at citifield in new york looking ahead to a full day of baseball action. Reporter hey, ainsley. You know, i was thinking, from a patriotic standpoint, it was really appropriate to have game one in washington, d. C. At nationals park. And the first person on the mound was dr. Anthony fauci who threw out the first pitch. It went a little wide. Of hes a doctor, hes not a baseball player, thats aokay. But also equally appropriate is that day two is going to open here in new york city. Even though it was the epicenter of the coronavirus for so long, thats why i am here in front of citifield where the mets will take on the Atlanta Braves later today, 4 10 p. M. Eastern time. There was so much anticipation. Leading into opening day. Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not comply. It rained, it poured. The dugout flooded. An example of how bad the weather got, just take a listen to this electric interview i from mlb commissioner rob manfred. Look, alex and i are hey, wow, weve got an electrical show going on over or your right shoulder, theres lightning in the area. [laughter] i dont think i want to turn around and look at that right now. [laughter] reporter how about that . Okay. They wound up calling that game early. Yankees beat the Washington Nationals 41. Meantime, President Trump celebrated opening day at the white house with Mariano Rivera and some little leaguers, and he also revealed a very interesting scheduling detail. Check it out. Yes. He asked me to throw out the first pitch, and i think im doing that august 15 isth at yankee stadium. Reporter how about that . Potus throwing out the first pitch next month. A lot has been made about no fans in the stands. Of course, all of the safety protocols. And some people feel like that could be a little weird x it was a little strange not to have fans in the stands yesterday with watching the opening game. Fox sports has a fix for that. They have created cgi fans, virtual fans. They will be dressed according to the weather. They can show emotion, they can do the wave, anything to make this as normal as possible. So big day tomorrow, fox sports will have four games, three on regular fox, one on fox sports 1. So park it on your couch, watch some baseball and have some fun. Ainsley . Ainsley ill be watching the yankees 7 00 standard night. Thanks so much, carley. Steve giving us a preview of that quadrupleheader, ken rosenthal. Ken, thanks for joining us from your dugout. Thanks, steve. Steve you know, i watched the game last night. The yankees nats, and it was great to see the players back and hit the ball and great pitching. But the fact that the entire stadium, nat park, was empty, it just kept reminding me, you know, in the gunning it kind of looked in the beginning it kind of looked like a spring training game down in florida or Something Like that where nobody showed up, but it just kept reminding me why were in the midst of a pandemic, and thats why fox sports is going to add some action, right in. Right. Theyre trying to normalize it as much as possible. Obviously, when you see empty stands,es it is jarring. It is not the usual sensory experience you get from watching a baseball game. Certain people is have various opinions on this, whether its the right thing to do or not, but its just about making it look more normal. Its a television show, face it, thats the idea. Steve indeed. I understand first time ever, i think, it was announced you would have a triple header on fox broadcast tomorrow and then a fourth game on fox sports 1. I think all the added inventory ad inventory pretty much flew off the shelf immediately because you know that every eyeball in america thats got nothing else to do other than watching the Fox News Channel is going to be watching one of those four games. Steve, im not a rating expert, but at the same time from what weve heard early on, people are watching this game, these games. They were watching the exhibition games, and people are very excited for baseball. They want to see sports again. Even though you cant go to the game yourself, even though you cant experience it personally, you certainly can watch it on tv. And i do expect that after about a week all the weirdness is going to wear off, and people are going to be electrified by the 60game season because every game counts almost three times as much as it normally does in a 162game season. It is, as people is have said, a sprint to the finish. And its going to make for some very exciting pep significant races. Steve pennant races. Steve baseball is so important, it is americas pass time, and its great to see it e going again. But as a professional, weve got some video of the first pitch yesterday. How would you describe exactly that pitch from dr. Fauci . Well, it wasnt the best pitch weve ever seen for a first pitch. Weve seen worse, weve seen a lot better, but i dont know thats dr. Faucis specialty. Steve but its what everybodys talking abouted today. And that baseball is back. [laughter] we thank you very much, ken. Saturdays quadruple header starts at 1 00 tomorrow on fox. Ken, thank you very much. Have a great weekend. Meanwhile, as we move on on this friday, department of justice is taking the fight to big tech, now preparing to sue google. A live report on how this compares to the biggest antitrust cases in u. S. History. Plus, texas sees a massive surge in covid cases but the number of deaths, thankfully, is now falling. Governor greg abbott joins us from texas coming up. Especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. At aetna, were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always time for care. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. 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Head to golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. Find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. At chevy wed like to take you there. Now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15 of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. Thats over fiftyseven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. Its time to find new roads, again. Steve listen to this. Its a tech takedown. The department of justice is preparing to sue google. Ainsley it would be the largest antitrust suit against big tech since microsoft settled with the doj nearly 20 years ago. Brian Hillary Vaughn from fox business joins us with more. Hillary, can you update us . Reporter yeah. Good morn, brian, ainsley and steve, the takedown of microsoft took over ten years and cost taxpayers, according to estimates back in 2001, 35 million. But the question is now, is doj getting ready, were expecting towards the end of the summer, to make their final decision whether or not they will file this antitrust lawsuit google, how is that shaping their attempted takedown of google over this . Attorney general barr has made it clear that he does not like googles dominance over ad and search. Right now google brings in about 50 of all digital ad spending combined with facebook, and they also have a huge dominance over search. They require that their Android Devices and some smartphone makers use google on those devices as defaults. But theres also a concern about the dominance they have and the way they use their power to crush not only their competitors, but competing viewpoints that they dont i grew with on their agree with on their site. And this is what barr has signaled as a way to enforce or make changes to a company that he sees as abusing their power. I talked to one man who was involved in the microsoft lawsuit back then, hes now advising google. Heres what he had to say about what google and the doj have to expect. So i think its, you know, its going to be a much more difficult case for government to bring. You know, it was a very hard case, as you point out, it was ten years, a tremendous strain on resources. But i think this is going to be more difficult. Reporter and one other key part of advice, i talked to an antitrust expert, he says that the doj needs to take a rifle shot approach to nail down google, move fast and have all the evidence in order. Back to you guys. Steve Hillary Vaughn on the streets of washington d. C. If people would like more information, go to foxbusiness. Com or, of course, you can google out. All right. 17 minutes before the top of the hour, and jillian joins us with only news about a longtime felon. Jillian yeah. Lets start with this story. A career felon charged with user murdering Three Friends on a fishing trip is denied bail. Tony wiggins making his First Court Appearance, police say he shot and killed the three men because he believed one of them stole his pickup truck and sold the engine. Wiggins has a long rap sheet that includes 230 charges. Polk county Sheriff Grady Judd joined us to explain why he was out on the streets. A lot of them were juvenile charges. You know, they dont like to lock up juveniles, but heres a guy who was breaking into dozens of cars, creating criminal mischiefs x he elevated up. Jillian wiggins girlfriend and brother are also charged in the murders. Incredible video shows a Police Officer avoid getting hit by a pickup truck. Watch this. [background sounds] jillian the officer was helping a driver who got into a crash when the truck slammed into the officers cruiser. Police say the trucks driver didnt see it. Take a look at this, the cruiser was turned into a mangled pile of metal. Amazingly, no one was seriously hurt. A former Student Government Senate President at Florida State University Says he was ousted after sharing his views on the aclu in a private message. He says the groups dont align with his religion. His employer says he was never given the right to appeal his removal. So much for nap time. This little girl swinging from the chandeliers literally. Watch as little elsie climbs onto her bed, grabs the chandelier and starts swinging. Elsies mom said she heard some noise coming from the room during nap time, checked the monitor and saw this. Mom says the chandelier was immediately removed and, quote, this is why we cant have nice things anymore. I mean, that is probably the Worst Nightmare of parents. Steve what do you think the kids are doing in there anyway . Brian as long as you say, okay, if you see her in your room and they say i have some video to show you, thats okay. Ainsley mom if, sign her up for gymnastics. Brian im not sure thats an event, the chandelier hang. A perfect 10. Ainsley maybe it will be now. J. D. , take it away. Ive heard of swinging from the chandeliers before. [laughter] ainsley not the way you did it, janice, in college. Right. Back in the day, okay. Lets take a look at the tropics, shall we . We have quite a few things happening here. Category four doug la las, hannah in the gulf of mexico and gonzalo in the atlantic. Hannah is going to make landfall over the next 24 hours across south texas. Its going to be a topical storm, not a hurricane, but its going to bring the potential for heavy rainfall along the coast. And then, of course, well watch douglas that could impact hawaii sunday into monday. So watching all the tropics. Back to you, steve, ainsley and brian. Happy friday to you. Ainsley happy friday. Have a good weekend, janice. Brian a grim milestone for texas, recording its highest singleday spike in coronavirus cases earlier this week. Texas above greg abbott Governor Greg Abbott next. Just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. The shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. 49i found you good job. Now im gonna stay here and you go hide. Watch your favorites from anywhere in the house with the Xfinity Stream app. Free with your xfinity service. Now any room can be a tv room. Stream live tv, on demand shows and movies even your dvr recordings. Download the Xfinity Stream app today to stream the entertainment you love. Xfinity. The future of awesome. But what if you could startdo better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver. In new ways. To new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. But bounce forward. And now, were committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. Call or go online today. Brian the u. S. Navy deploying to texas to help hospitals handing a rise in coronavirus cases. Steve the state seeing a slight decline yesterday after reaching record highs earlier this week. Ainsley here with an update on his strategy, texas gop Governor Greg Abbott. Good morning, governor. Good morning, ainsley. How you doing . Ainsley were doing well. Sorry e to hear the numbers are up in texas. 69 of the folks in that great state approve of how you handle this virus. Republicans, exactly. What do you make of the jump . Why the jumpsome. Well, its because of this, and that is we had a great downturn in april, in may as we began to open up. It looked like we had conquered covid, and a lot of people let down their guard and didnt follow the protocols to make sure we would not transmit it. And it took people a while to come to grips with the reality that covid is still here in the astronaut of texas. It hasnt been eliminated, and as a result, we all need to get back to best practices to make sure that we, first, recognize covid is real and, second, make sure we use the appropriate measures to reduce the spread. What texas has begun to do is exactly what sean hannity preaches every night, and that is to wear masks. You might be surprised more than 80 of texans agree that wearing a face a mask is the best thing to do. Theyre now adopting that strategy, and thats why the past week or so we have begun to see a decline in the number of people testing positive. Brian so its personal behavior, you think, thats doing it. You said i roughly the stats read theres 11,500 hospital beds available in the entire state of texas. Did you misjudge this virus . You know, if you look at our Hospital Capacity overall, our capacity we have plenty of beds. One reason why early on you all mentioned the navy coming in, u. S. Military coming in, we need additional staff for the hospital beds to make sure that we will be able to care for everybody who tests positive for covid. So our goal is, first, to make sure that everybodys going to be cared for and every bed will be staffed and then, second, to make sure that we continue to employ these practices that will continue to reduce the spread of covid19 until such time as we have medications become available to begin to treat it. Steve sure. And, governor, we know so much more now than we did at the beginning. One of the first loud voices about reopening his e business was elon musk out in the california. He wanted to reopen, but the state of california wouldnt allow him, and he said, you know what . Im fed up to here with california, im going to move someplace else. Turns out his second plant is going to be outside of austin, texas. Congratulations. Why is he going to texas . You know, ive had the opportunity to really get to know elon musk very well. Weve communicated frequently, and he really embraces the ethos of texas. First of all, he rejects the heavy hand of government in california. He really appreciates the freedom and the opportunity that texas provides. He has a grand vision for what he wants to accomplish in the taut of texas. Part in the state of texas. Part of it is his plant, there could be some other things. And hes been in texas for a while now with his spacex program, so elon musk is really at heart a a real texan. Ainsley yeah. Remember his well, they were threatening to close his shop in l. A. , not in l. A. , where was it steve california. Ainsley yeah, it was in california, and they said hes going to have to keep his shop closed, but he said theyre going to have to arrest me. Thats when he started looking at nevada and texas. What was the final, what went into the final decision for him . Well, youd have to leave it to him to say, but i will tell you my perception, and that is before he made his final decision, he and i had one last conversation, and he really wanted to get a feel for what he could expect by doing business in texas. I explained to him what i explain to all businesses that come here and, by the way, texas ranks number one for businesses relocating to our state. And the reason for that is because in texas we embrace all businesses. We act as though the state is in partnership with these businesses because we want them to succeed, we want to help them succeed because we know when they succeed, our state will succeed. Brian i dont have much time, but right now the president s in a flatfooted tie with joe biden in the state. Are you one of the many republicans who dont believe that, or do you think the president s e in trouble there . Listen, youve seen these polls before, what happened four years ago. I think the president s going to be fine in the state of texas. I know that they strongly support so much of what hes helped accomplish for this country especially economically, especially what hes doing to insure Public Safety across our state and across the entire country, so i think the president s going to be just fine. Steve well, over 100 days between now and november 3rd. Governor, thank you very much for joining us. We know youve got your hands full, may be a Tropical Storm, hannah, could be heading your way. Thank you for spending your friday with fox friends. Thank you so much. You all be safe. Steve all right. Indeed. We say the same thing. Were going to step aside, back in a couple minutes. Dont just think about where youre headed this summer. Think about how youll get there. And now that you can lease or buy a new lincoln remotely or in person. Discovering that feeling has never been more effortless. Accept our summer invitation to get 0 apr on all 2020 lincoln vehicles. Only at your lincoln dealer. Is that if youre not wexpecting the shock,t and the markets fall dramatically, you might panic. And in the midst of that panic, you might sell and run to cash. At the very moment, you shouldnt. At the very moment, prices are at their low. Thats my fear. Im not worried about the country. Im not worried about the financial markets, because in the long run, i know theyll be fine. Im worried about you. Im worried about how you will personally respond to this crisis. And even if you dont panic, you may. I dont like to tell you what to do but on behalf of on behalf of stephen ainslie, set your dvr for 6 00 a. M. Every afternoon. A couple of times. Run to the radio, it starts at nine. [singing] protesters cheering as city workers remove a Christopher Columbus statue from grant park overnight. The monument loaded onto a truck and hauled away following pressure from demonstrators as protests gripped the city. Good morning and happy friday every morning, i am melissa francis. Will is that, its great to be with you as we get to set to pull the rep accord on

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