Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150212 11:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150212 11:00:00

-- fancy valentine's day. my husband tells me every day how much he loves me. >> what do you think the president's actual is? head to our facebook page to weigh in. >> "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it is thursday, february 12. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. while you were sleeping marines guard a united states embassy ordered to destroy their weapons and abandon their posts. wait until you hear what the state department had to say about it. >> emotional testimony in the american sniper murder trial. what we're learning about eddie ray routh's condition before he murdered chris kyle. what did the v.a. know? did they release him too soon. >> a student gets in trouble for saying the words god bless america in
the morning announcements. we report, you decide. mornings are better with friends. >> hi. this is brooklyn decker and you are watching "fox & friends." >> hi everybody. welcome live from new york city studio e. time for "fox & friends" on this thursday morning. >> thanks to brick lynn decker, that was live. she can now go back to bed. >> we start this morning with the news that the president of the united states has finally asked the u.s. congress what he's done is he's sent over a draft resolution with some particular and peculiar in many ways language asking for permission to do more to kill off isis. >> this is six months after we've been bombing isis and there's contractually some worry that puts into code and word legally handcuffs for our military generals moving forward. it has a ton of limitations in it. limits military action against isis to three years.
again, a time line we see on war there. geographic questions as to where the military can actually move forward. limits military action to covering isil associated forces. apparently there's a question as to whether or not it repeals the authorization of force of 2001 two 2002. :.
:. backwards. six months into a war or offensive operation where 1900 sorties over the course of 16 months. i wonder what the strategy is to be successful. start with telling us what you want to do and then tell us how you want to do it. don't tell us what you're not going to do and when you're leaving. >> the concern is this puts a vague approach to isis and terrorism into some law which will prohibit our
military generals and officials from doing the job and defeating, really destroying isis. >> what's curious is the president has said the constitution gives him the authorization and he said military force 2001-2002 he's in the clear. clearly what's going on is he is political cover. he wants his military strategy. when you think about it it probably would be better if they continue to operate under what they have right now than handcuff the military with this new thing. >> the americans are not having it. steve, to your point, right now there is a new fox news poll released yesterday. it said americans do not believe -- 73% of voters say the white house doesn't have a clear strategy for defeating isis. how unsettling is that, and that includes 54% of democrats don't think that president has a clear plan. amazing. >> a lot of times you get leadership in before you make the announcement to tell everyone. what do you guys think
about this? am i going to have a hard time passing this? instead they get sprung on it and you have adam shif on the democratic side unhappy with and speaker boehner said there are too many questions about continuing it the same way we're doing it. i don't think it's going to happen. with senator mccain, republicans in charge of the senate, they're demanding a strategy. >> just because the white house sent to the congress draft resolution language that doesn't mean that's what congress has to pass. congress can add all the stuff they want to, so let's hope there are some changes made. in the meantime we've got a fox news alert for you. we were telling you about how the marines and embassy personnel in yemen got the heck out of town. apparently there was data and intel that said there was trouble so we left. what's interesting this morning is apparently the state department ordered the marines to destroy their weapons and evacuate yemen unarmed. what happens was the
official weapons were destroyed by the marines at the embassy and then once they got to the airport, the marines took their personal weapons took the bullets out smashed them with sledgehammers, then took the actual guns and smashed them with sledgehammers and left all of the debris behind. >> all the reports said they gave up their arms. that's untrue. these are shoo rebels. any rebels seizing armored s.u.v.'s and equipment as the americans headed to the airport. how embarrassing is that. they took our cars took our vehicles while the marines left. when we left the germans left, the british left the french let. >> the headline is the state department told the u.s. marines to disarm. when does that happen? when does that happen? and who was it at the state department? was it a bureaucrat? was it john kerry? was it somebody at the white house called the state department and said -- the marines cannot get on that airplane with
their personal weapons. nowhere. they couldn't even put them in the cargo hold. >> the marines put out a statement saying all crews' weapons were destroyed prior to movement. none of them were handed over. the destruction of the weapons at the embassy were carried out in accordance with approved destruction plans. >> if you're trying to get an image of what is going on, al qaeda and these huthas are enemies. we'll still have a military base which continues to blow up al qaeda. think hezbollah in africa and iran calling the shots. this is what jen psaki said. now she's talking about what happened yesterday. >> we expect the huthis to
respect. we expect to be able to return to the embassy in the same condition. >> why would you expect them to do that or you hope they would? >> we hope they would. they made public statements about how they have no desire to go after our interests. we expect them to abide by their own statement. >> i had to watch that about seven times because you're expecting to save people who just took our equipment. just give it back? what is it? the honor system right now? based on what? >> unless she signed over the title to the car you're going to have trouble registering it. >> we believe the people who ran us out of town are going to take care of our stuff until we return, plus the fact that the -- she's the state department spokesman. somebody is going to ask her today, so when did the state department start bossing around the u.s. marines and told them to destroy their weapons before they got on that airplane? that is a crazy story. somebody's got to do some explaining. >> we're so trust worthy, we'd rather leave the country than sit there and
take them at their word. >> now this the american sniper trial is off to one emotional start. the widow of navy seal chris kyle breaking down on the stand clutching her husband's dog tags as she faced his accused killer. >> so many revelations came out yesterday. for the first time we are sealing chilling text messages that chris kyle and his buddy sent moments before he was murdered. heather childers here now with the latest. >> this is really devastating. chris kyle's widow taya the first to take the stand, the mother of two, tearfully telling her story to the mother of two and ten men. if you just look at the video, you can see the pain in her eyes. she recalls the day two years ago when she last saw her husband before he and his best friend eddie ray -- he and his best friend took eddie ray routh to a gun range where routh is accused of killing them
both. we said we loved e.p.a. other and gave each other -- loved each other and gave each other a kiss and hug as we always do. she could tell something was wrong by her husband's voice by her last phone call. routh kept his head down the entire time. taya kyle said repeatedly that she does not boy his defense that ptsd made him kill two people. >> when he took their lives, he was in the grip of a psychosis. a psychosis so severe at that point in time that he did not know what he was doing was wrong. >> routh's lawyer revealing that weeks before the shooting doctors at a psyche facility advised that routh was likely to cause serious harm to himself and others. he was transferred to a v.a. hospital but doctors there released him days later. and for the first time we are seeing a chilling text
message that kyle sent to his friend, chad littlefield, as they drove to the gun range with routh. kyle saying this: this dude is straight up nuts. littlefield texts back, he's sitting right behind me. watch my six. that's military slang for watch my back. chad littlefield's mother also testified she told the room that it was her son's birthday. he would have been 38 years old. testimony resumes today. routh faces life in prison without parole if convicted. back to you. >> heather, thank you very much. time for the headlines other headlines. and heather has them. and sad news from "60 minutes." so many news fans across the world will know his face. the long-term 60 minutes correspondent bob simon was killed in a car crash in new york city last night. simon was riding in the back of a lincoln town car when his driver rear ended a mercedes and dramed into a concrete divider on a
busy highway in manhattan. the car was so mangled rescuers had to cut the roof to get him out. an accomplished journalist simon earned more than 40 major awards. during the gulf war in 1991, he was captured and detained by iraqi forces and held for 40 days. he went on to write a book about that. bob simon 73 years old. he leaves behind his wife and their daughter, a producer for "60 minutes." check your lottery tickets today. you could be waking up a lot richer. three winning tickets sold in north carolina, texas and puerto rico mawchg all numbers for the powrn -- powerball jackpot. it is the third-largest powerball in history. lotto officials say that the puerto rico ticket is the first powerball jackpot winner ever outside the continental united states.
that jackpot now back to $40 million. those are your headlines. see you back here in a little bit. >> at least three people aren't going to work today. >> coming up, where in the world is hillary clinton? 2016 republican cts allelp come out and talk. we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow.
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are you still getting heartburn flare-ups? time for a new routine. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. where in the world is hillary clinton? it's been 204 days since her last press conference and 186 days since her last
interview. 2016 republican hopefuls are hard at work campaigning but it appears the democratic front-runner is in hiding so is she hurting her chances with this kind of strategy? we have a fair and balanced debate. thank you both for joining us now. so how strategic is this that hillary seems to be in hiding? that's a chunk of days she's not entering the game. what's your explanation behind it? >> good morning. thanks for having me. i would not categorize strategic as being -- she has a five-month-old granddaughter and she has been in the public eye for 40 years. can't she just spend time with her granddaughter? just six months ago she was doing a huge policy tour and she did so many different interviews. if she was campaigning right now, the same people
complaining -- the r.n.c. and i think my fellow guest -- would be saying she's overexposed. >> ip to throw in here if any woman used the fact that they wanted to spend the time with their children, let alone their grandchildren, as to why they weren't campaigning, they would catch heat. it is interesting they are using this as an excuse. daniel, you say? >> she has appeared twice, both her paid addresses. so i guess the way to see her is to offer her $200,000. everything with the clintons is calculated. she has made a calculation that it helps her more politically to be behind the scenes, to not be public than it is to help her. eventually people will get the feeling that it feels more like a coronation than a campaign. that is a risk she's running. she at some point will have to make a decision to become more public and to get out there more often before these feelings begin to set in with the electorate that she's just taking things for granted. >> her poll numbers say while she is out there
campaigning, they go down. but will there be a time, any time soon that you would advise her jehmu to get out there? would it be march 3? is she going to meet with netanyahu? >> i think on march 3 she is giving a speech with emily's list. i was with her two days ago and she was with chelsea and bill clinton trying to save he will frants from being extinct. she is not a candidate yet so she has no business holding press conferences before she announces. of course we think she'll get there but i also think let her spend time with her granddaughter before the madness starts. >> daniel last word? >> i think she should meet with prime minister netanyahu, a good way to gain distance from president obama and his disastrous foreign policy. >> maybe she can bring the
grand baby there. i will offer to baby-sit. take care. >> thanks, elisabeth. a student in trouble for ending the morning announcements with the words "god bless america." should the school cave to atheists? that coming up.
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new jobless numbers two hours away and president obama says the economy is very strong, and so do others. but a shocking new report paints a different picture on one account. more than 46 million americans are on food stamps still costing taxpayers nearly $6 billion a month and those who collect topped $46 million for 39 straight months. is this a planned strategy by the white house to keep the handouts on high levels? let's ask stuart varney. he's from the fox business network. stuart, what do you think? the economy is getting better, there is no
strategy to get these men and women off food stamps it seems. >> certainly not. it is deliberate. this is redistribution. this is the administration taking from this group, giving from that group -- to that group, i should say, essentially buying votes. it's costing an enormous amount of money. you just pointed out 46 million americans have been on food stamps for more than 39 months now nearly $6 billion a month. look what else we're handing out, obama phones 14 million people get an obama phone. housing assistance $3 billion a month. earned-income tax credit that's a check in the mail from the treasury. that's $5 billion a month. social security disability $11 billion a month. medicaid $25 billion a month. that's redistribution. that is deliberate. that is buying votes. >> what you think congress could do is pressure to come off, you know, come off the wagon. because coming off the
recession, clearly people were forced to dip into the system. now there's got to be a push to get those who are ready to get off. >> the recession ended nearly six years ago. it ended officially march to june of 2009. now we're into 2015. the economy is supposed to be strong according to the president, but we're still redistributing all of that money. we can't afford this and we're going into more debt to pay for it. >> is that why there's no push to look into where fraud might exist, to see who's on this instead of when they shouldn't be? >> look the president wants to redistribute. he wants to give it out. he wants to hand it out because he gets votes in return. i don't think the people are fooled by this. a new poll shows that 65% of americans think the economy is still in a recession. they don't see this bright shining recovery that the president talks about. 65% feel that we are still in recession. >> where two years ago over
80% felt that same way. so the number is still extraordinarily high but is coming down. >> that is huge. six years after the end of a recession two-thirds of us still think we're in. >> stuart during your show are you going to sing musical acts? >> yesterday les paul's guitar on the show baby. >> we'll look forward to your show between 9 and 11. don't miss varney and company. he's on the fox business network he claims. to find what area go to finder. what time? >> 11 to 1 if you're using the eastern time zone which was to be my favorite. can't wait for frank underwood's return to
he's 63 today and he sings very close to the microphone. ♪ ♪fofofofor fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
this is a true story. this is a real video, home video. apparently this woman adopted a cockatoo, you know the bird. it used to live with a couple who were going through divorce because the bird keeps mimicking fights from its previous owners. you can't really understand what the bird is saying.
bird talk. tell me if it doesn't sound like a couple arguing. watch this. [applause] >> polly wants a lawyer. >> you never know what those birds are going to say. >> i know what heather nauert is going to say. >> good morning. how are you guys. it looks like a couple arguing too. >> if you listen close, you can tell the man's right. >> of course. >> funny i didn't hear that. >> brian, come on. a place where there's a lot of arguing taking place, that is on capitol hill between folks on the hill and the white house. the house and senate are in sync on this issue. congress clearing the keystone pipeline bill the clearing of the controversial bill sets up
a veto battle with president obama. it was a bipartisan vote in the house. it was 270-152. the president though has already issued plenty of veto threats over time. he now has ten days to make that decision. we will watch that story as it develops. listen to this one. this is going to have a whole bunch of you rolling your eyes this morning. there is a student at a florida high school who is in trouble for simply saying "god bless america" during the school's morning announcements. two atheist students in high school e-mailed the american humans association. that core group fired back with a letter saying quote, god bless america affirms god beliefs validates a theistic world view and is invidious towards atheists and other nonbeliever. the school is apologizing saying that statement including god bless america is not approved by the
school administration. the student has been told not to say those offending words again. the house the cards comes falling down on netflix. >> and the butcher begins. >> season three of that hit series uplopedded to netflix two weekserly. it was then quickly removed. >> then this is prap the -- perhaps the nicest story of the day. a persistent pup proves there is nothing stronger than a connection between a dog and its human. sissy walked into the lobby of a cedar rapids hospital where her owner is recovering from cancer-related surgery. that's her on the left. nancy francis's husband thought sissy ran away and then got a call from the
hospital saying sissy was in the lobby looking for the owner. >> how did the dog know she was in that hospital? >> i have no idea. >> dogs always know. they can sense everything. >> if a dog was here right now he was know it's time for maria. >> it's cold outside and about to get a lot colder across parts of the northeast and into the midwest as we head into this weekend. before we get there, we have a storm system we're tracking and it's moving out of the great lakes and into the northeast and it's going to be impacting the northeast today and also into tomorrow so you can see we have snow coming down already across portions of upstate new york, pennsylvania and even farther west, as far west as indiana. this system again is going to remain relatively weak maybe an inch of snow in areas across the northeast. it is this weekend when another storm system will be rolling through new england and that storm could potentially bring another foot of snow to the city of boston and otherathathathath
>> i've seen the preview, i think it looks great. let's find out from michael tammero. >> i did. this weekend is set to be a box office battle like we've never seen before. action versus well a different kind of action guys. >> it's brawn versus -- well -- >> is this what you want? >> in one of the weirdest box office battles. "kingsman" dukes it out with"50 shades of grey." who's going to dominate this double holiday weekend? what's "the kingsman" about? >> this is a kind of cool training program. >> take element you like from the 60's 70's movies and crank up to 11.
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>> the box office monday will be full of 50 shades of hay? they hit theaters tomorrow. follow me on or follow me on instagram. >> you've got to be honest. i heard this was a huge successful party star-studded party. true or false? did you penetrate inside that party? >> i don't know where to go. >> 50 shades of trouble. stop there. >> go to twitter. you'll find out. >> michael, thank you very much. >> 21 minutes before the top of the hour. speaking of the movie premiere everyone is talking about, the r-rated "50 shades of grey" ends up as a middle school assignment. we'll tell you who did their homework. >> there were no double-entendres there. is the president tying his own hands behind his back with his war
authorization proposal for congress? judge napolitano here with why the president's plan just ain't enough. all rise! shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. no pictures of trucks pulling boats. no photos of men working on ranches.
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when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a “selling machine!” ready for you alert, only at welcome back. quick headlines for you now. a montana lawmaker fails to ban yoga pants in public. the republican representative's proposal would have expanded the state's indecent exposure law to include tight-fitting clothing. a committee voting to kill the bill without discussing it. it's a graphic romance novel turned movie steaming up the big screen. parents want to know why on
earth would a "50 shades of grey" themed puzzle handed out to children in the classroom. the children had to find words including submissive and bondage. others were so ex-complicit we had to blur -- so explicit we had to blur them out. the school board in pennsylvania claims the teern made -- the teacher made a mistake. >> the united states has been carrying out airstrikes against isis for six months but for the first time the president is asking congress for authority to carry out military operations gens the islamic state. but has the president made his case clear? and does it do enough to end the conflict? let's ask judge napolitano. you heard what the president said yesterday. we'll put up the stuff right now if you're just waking up. it limits the military action against isis to three years. limited use of ground forces.
no geographic limits on the military campaign. blah blah blah. it talks about enduring operations -- >> it prohibits the president of an enduring operation. ask me what the legal definition of an enduring operation is. >> how long is enduring? >> it's their own terminology. it will mean one thing to barack obama. it will mean another thing to another president. the president already has authority under the 2002 declaration to use military force. i think he's trying to push this on to the republicans who controls both houses of congress. >> it's politics? >> yes. so if something goes wrong with this, he will blame them, because he already has the authority that he now claims he's looking for. and the terminology in here except for the three-year duration which doesn't tie his hands -- it ties the
hands of his successor. three years from a now another person will be president. and the no enduring operations is an amorphous phrase. there is so much compromise in this that the version the president released and described yesterday when he spoke to the nation at 3:30 in the afternoon is different than the version the white house released the night before. in the 18 hours between, they had negotiated with members of congress and tweaked the language. >> you just described bob woodward was on with chris wallace on fox news sunday talking about how the pentagon advisors were telling the pentagon what to do. you're talking about politics once again going into our national security. that's not good. >> we don't know where this is going to end up. congress declares war president wages war. once the congress unleashes the president, congress is out of the picture. they cannot tell him how to wage war.
they cannot tell him no boots on the ground. they cannot tell him how many boots on the ground. those decisions under the constitution are exclusively his and he in my view already has that power. >> if you were president of the united states, you wouldn't be going to congress with something like this, which is a blueprint to putting handcuffs essentially on the commander in chief. >> unless i wanted to trump, embarrass or put all the blame on the opposition party which controlled the congress. >> aren't you cynical. do you think that's really what's happening? >> i'm sure that is the motivating factor behind the political folks here in the white house who advise him and who have a profound influence on what he does. >> had the president had a clean authorization for the use of force, unlimited we're going to go over there and we're going to work until we kill them, you'd be okay with that? >> i think the country would be okay with that. >> just from a legal standpoint. >> this is the area where law, the constitution and
politics meet. it's a place called the white house. do we trust this president to be the focus of those three forces all at once? he is the president and he's going to be the president for the next two years. what happens after that is up to the voters in 2016. >> at the beginning of our program we had the story about how the embassy personnel were being evacuated yesterday from yemen and the marines apparently they destroyed their weapons at the embassy and then their personal weapons they had to destroy at the airport before they got on the plane at the direction of the state department. >> never heard of that. absolutely a head scratcher and almost mind mind-boggling that marines would be instructed, a, by the state department and not the defense department. b, to relieve themselves of weapons that they need to protect themselves and the civilians who they are responsible for protecting. it's a head scratcher. i hope the truth comes out. >> all right. judge, thank you very much.
coming up on this thursday the little league champs stripped of their title for cheating. now jesse jackson stepping in because he says it's not about cheating. it's about race. what do you think about that? we're going to tell you the story. and a season that promises to be bigger and better than ever. oh yeah how do the fishermen brave the north atlantic waters? two captains join us live next for a wicked good interview. "wicked tuna." ♪ ♪
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>> here he comes! get him! get him! come on, dave. take your shot. take your shot! >> yeah! >> oh yeah! >> he took the shot. hit show "wicked tuna" is back for the fourth season this weekend. the competition is tougher and the stakes are higher. >> what can we expect as the season kicks off? joining us now are two stars
captain dave carraro and dave marciano. >> give us a sneak peek of what we'll see this season. >> this year everyone stepped up their a-game and there's a lot of fish around this year. >> which is good news. >> bigger competition. >> a lot. there's a lot of drama. a lot of fun. >> biggest season yet of "wicked tuna" so far. you'll see more fish this season than the past couple seasons combined. with paul there the drama will be incredible as well. >> give us a hint on some of the drama. a conflict with the crew or with mother nature? >> with everything. you see dave next door catching fish and we're losing them. we're going out of our mind. >> it's a paycheck. >> explain the money behind it right now. >> again each fish for us is a paycheck. that's how we pay our bills. >> we don't throw them back. >> we have a 73-inch size limit.
that's a 6-foot 200-pound fish before it's big enough to keep and then under that we have to let go. >> it's worth how much money? >> from $3,000 to $10,000 depending on the quality and market. >> do you guys snuggle? that's one of the slang words. >> so if you are within a quarter mile of somebody we might call that snuggling. i wouldn't go to the extreme of calling it spooning or nothing. on the ocean, a quarter mile is close. >> what about the sleigh ride? what is that? >> i used to fish in a small boat and hook up in a small boat
to an 800-pound tuna. you go like a sleigh ride. >> my version of a cow is a fish 600 pounds or greater. anything smaller than that is a puppy. >> biggest fish you ever caught? >> 1,200 pounds. >> worth how much? >> $12,000. >> it was a big fish. >> we love "wicked tuna." returns for its fourth season on national geographic. >> happy birthday. >> there are no fish stories because they're all caught on tape. could the scandal at the va have played a role in chris kyle's death. that's coming up. and roses are red and violet violets are blue who is more romantic? the answer for you straight ahead.
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good morning. today is thursday, february 12th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. an order may have come from the state department. >> what? >> when it comes to homegrown terror, why the disconnect between president obama and his counterterror director. listen. >> we've seen reports of sinking morale among isis fighters as they realize the futility of their cause. >> the rate of foreign fighter travel is unprecedented. >> who is telling the truth? kids, don't try this at home, please. >> let's go science.
come on, science. >> was that a garbage can built to look like a rocket? the guys behind the scientific stunts are here on "fox & friends." what could go wrong? lots. you should watch. >> you're watching "fox & friends." >> we should rhyme the entire next hour. >> go ahead, elisabeth. >> no, i will not. >> thank you very much for joining us on this busy thursday. we start with a fox news alert. u.s. marines have been forced to destroy their weapons as the u.s. embassy in yemen has been evacuated. >> yemeni rebels seizing armored suvs and equipment as the american convoys head to the airport. >> they took our stuff. does that sound familiar to you?
>> reporter: good morning. there's a lot of conflicting reports here. this is what we've been able to piece together. u.s. marines destroyed the heavy weapons they had at the compound for protection and then convoyed to the airport. the embassy itself resembles a fort with high walls and multiple levels of protection. they seized armored suvs and the like. marines arrived at the airport with personal weapons. sidearms and rifles and began destroying them by removing the firing pin and smashing the weapons. marines call this part of an approved destruction plan. it's a no usable weapon was ever turned over. one source indicates the state department ordered these moves before the marines boarded a plane that would then fly them out of yemen. the state department yesterday wouldn't say who was now guarding the u.s. embassy but were hopeful diplomats could
return. >> we expect the houthies to respect international conventions that apply to our facilities and we expect to return to the embassy in the same condition. >> why would you expect them to do that or would you hope they would? >> we hope they would. they've made public statements about how they have no desire to go after our interests. we expect them to abadeide by their own statement. >> remember it was just last year when the u.s. embassy in tripoli, libya was evacuated. didn't take long until this video showed up on social media of rebels jumping out of a second-story window in the pool there. only time will tell if something like this happens. >> all right. we thank you very much. by the way, about two hours ago earlier on "fox & friends," they reported that the marines were ordered to hand over their firearms but as you heard that's not accurate. they were forced to destroy them
or make them inoperable. >> the bolts were removed from the weapon and smashed with sledgehammers. >> not handed over. they were destroyed first. >> the headline is the state department ordered u.s. marines to destroy their weapons as they evacuated the country of yemen unarmed and centcom is absolutely outraged that the weapons were rendered inoperable because the marines were unarmed. they are taught never to be without their weapons. >> so they had to destroy them and couldn't get on an aircraft carrier with them. what's the big deal? yemen was wild west of africa any way. what's the big deal? it's a huge deal. if gives iranian a stake in the region and hezbollah in africa and could be the beginning of the end of our influence in that area and our attack on al qaeda. >> this is a strategic setback
for the united states and our partners in the region because this is all about iran. this is iran gaining influence and control over another capital and country. beirut, lebanon, baghdad, iraq and now yemen. houthies will begin to look like the hezbollah. they'll receive missiles rockets, sophisticated equipment. radical islam is on the rise. that's why this is a setback. >> it looks like we're being chased out of our embassies. three of them evacuated since 2010. big questions there and six months after we've been bombing isis we see the president asking permission to wage war. it seems it comes with a ton of restrictions. specifically limits seem to be put in language of this agreement on ground troops. a limited time really saying this is going to be done in three years. what does it say to the enemy?
outlining all we won't do. watch the president explain. >> the resolution we submitted today does not call for deployment of u.s. ground combat forces to iraq or syria. it is not the authorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. i'm convinced the united states should not get dragged back into another prolonged ground war in the middle east. that's not in our national security interest and it's not necessary for us to defeat isil. >> can you tell us what we're going to do and not tell us what we're not going to do. he's not george bush. he wants to tell us every other day. >> or tell the enemy how long to wait us out. >> it's how this guy separates. this guy this president of ours, has said for a while that he has authority to do it. what he's doing is he's handing congress this draft resolution. go ahead and enact this.
when congress probably should -- they can write thing they want. they don't have to pass this with handcuffs for the military. clearly it's just a political document. he wants political cover for his strategy. congressman mike mccaul from texas says resolution is not good. listen. >> this resolution weakens the president and the military's ability to destroy and defeat isis. i find it hard to believe that anybody that's serious about defeating isis could vote for a measure that restricts our military and ties their hands behind their backs by saying we're not going to have enduring offensive ground combat operations. that's in their words. not mine. we asked them to define what that means. they couldn't even define what that means. >> house homeland security chairman expressing concern this puts handcuffs, shackles our military leaders under a firm document based on an ambiguous
plan or strategy or lack thereof to fight isis and terrorism. >> let's hope they work this out and get together a strategy the military can sign off and say this will work. not a bad idea in three years no matter who is president to say how are we doing? let's get something together that gives people a clear idea of what our objective is. one day the president says isis not a big deal. global warming is worse. now he's telling us a grave threat. which one is it? can you have it both ways? >> it's getting worse. since the president's campaign has started, isis has grabbed twice as much land. the president says it's working you listen to the official counterterrorism people, they draw a very bleak picture. listen to this. >> the united states and our allies are increasingly concerned with more than 20,000 foreign fighters we assess have traveled to syria from over 90 different countries of origin. we assess that at least 3,400 of these fighters are from western
countries. that number includes also over 150 u.s. persons who have traveled to the conflict zone or attempted to do so. >> i would say we had it under control and i knew of every single individual traveling but i don't. i don't know every person there and i don't know everybody coming back. it's not close to being under control. >> fantastic. what he's saying is those people that go to syria and want to come home and try to put an ax in the head of a nypd wrks, we don't know who they are. >> 73% of those out there right now listening don't believe the president has a clear or firm strategy on defeating isis. >> i would be angry at that statement. what do you mean you don't know where to find these guys when they get back from syria? >> time for the headlines with heather. heather is one of the great journalist of our time. >> one who covered every war since vietnam. bob simon is dead this morning.
he was killed in a car crash in new york city last night. he was riding in the back of a lincoln towncar when his driver rear ended a mercedes and they slammed into a concrete divider. the rescuers had to cut roof out to get him out. the driver was treated for a possible heart attack. over five decades of reporting. during the gulf war, he was captured and detained for 40 days and went on to write a book about it. his final "60 minutes" report was about "selma "lma"selma." the widow of navy s.e.a.l. chris kyle crying on the stand as she recalls the last time she saw him two years ago. we also learned about the
suspected killer's condition. his attorneys saying he was insane at the time of his death and that a va hospital released routh two days before the shooting even though he was considered a danger to himself and others and his mother begged to keep him in that va hospital. also we're seeing a chilling last text that kyle sent to his friend chad littlefield as they drove to the shooting range. overseas russian president vladimir putin says a cease-fire deal has been worked out between ukraine and pro-russian rebels. all heavy weapons and troops will withdraw from the country's eastern territory starting on sunday and full control of ukraine's border will be
returned by the end of this year. a deal was struck back in the fall but that thing never held. this comes after a ukrainian woman captured the terrifying moments that rockets bombed her city. look. as they get closer and closer, you can eventually hear a baby cry in the background. that poor woman. how terrified she must have been. seven people were killed in that strike by pro-russian separatists. 21 others were seriously hurt. check your lottery ticket. you could wake up a lot richer this morning. three winning tickets sold in north carolina, texas and puerto rico matching all six numbers for $564 million powerball jackpot. 11 13 25, 39, 54 19. this is the third largest powerball in history. lottery officials say puerto rico ticket is first powerball jackpot winner outside of the
united states ever. the jackpot is now back down to $40 million. those are your headlines. see you in just a bit. i have really good news. >> did you win? >> i was one of the winners last night. do share. >> what does my sister in ohio e-mail me? >> steve your ticket won $4. >> look at you! >> i'm buying lunch. >> the irs takes half of it. that's the sad part. >> you didn't play. >> i didn't know about it until they announced it. i don't play powerball. >> you could have had $4. did you hear what the new va boss said criticizing a congressman who is also a vet? >> i have run a large company sir. the fundamental -- >> what have you done? >> a response to that exchange coming up next. little league champs stripped of their title for cheating but now jess jie jackson
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when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! >> look at this heated exchange yesterday between the new va
secretary and colorado congressman mike kaufman. >> a hospital in my district is hundreds of millions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule. >> if there's a problem in denver, you own it more than i do. if you want, i can give you my cell phone and you can take the calls. i run a large company, sir. >> what has he done? he's the only u.s. congressman to serve two tours of duty in iraq. what does this tell you about the va's new leadership? we were so hopeful for a while. so major what's your take of that exchange yesterday? >> i don't know. are we in junior high? i have run a big company, sir, what have you done? he walked into a trap of not just someone that's done two tours but in his job he's in charge of investigation and
oversight of the va and he's asking legitimate questions about a denver hospital that's hundreds of millions over budget and years late and the secretary rather than taking on that question and criticism of a culture that doesn't demand excellence and still doesn't hold people accountable he kind of says i ran proctor & gamble what do you know about what you're talking about. take my cell phone and answer phone calls and ask if they are improving. the culture at the va has not yet changed. mike kaufman got a glimpse of what it's like to be a whistle-blower. they don't engage with you. they retaliate. the secretary attacked a two-tour veteran and he should apologize for it. >> unfortunately we're still talking about the same thing we thought we would be further along. a column yesterday in "wall street journal" about how the va is a system ripe for fraud and abuse. does that play into why you're doing the sum you the you're
putting together? >> the government accountability office deemed the veteran healthcare system at risk because of lack of accountable and corrupt culture and that's why concerned vets for american is launching a summit in two weeks in washington, d.c. releasing over a 100-page report to bring accountability to the department of veteran affairs. it's not enough to say you care. you have to create a system that does care and concerned vets of america will do it. a lot of senators will come out to talk about how to fix the system. >> hopefully you walk out with some principles to move forward. we're tired of spinning our wheels here. major, thanks for joining us. coming up straight ahead, he's used to running from explosions but this time the fire was real for this action movie star overnight. details ahead. a breakfast staple you were supposed to avoid but now the egg may not be so bad after all. crack it open sunny side up.
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first 51% a fox news poll, shows more than half of americans leave in love at first sight. 75% are how many republicans say they are currently in love. only 62% of democrats have been bitten by the love bug according to our data and 7% is how many americans say political views are more important than a sense of humor when choosing a valentine. a whopping 80% choose somebody
with a sense of humor. like elisabeth. >> not a bad way to go. major changes could come to the labels of nearly every food that you eat. an influential federal panel expected to scrap the warnings about eating high cholesterol foods. it's no longer a nutrient of concern. you can have an extra egg of breakfast? how about two? here to figure it out is dr. marc siegel. sunny side up? >> i don't want to go that far yet. i want people to realize that cholesterol in your blood is bad for you. that causes heart disease. if you have high cholesterol level and your doctor says bad cholesterol is high, it's bad for your heart. what's this saying is you may eat an egg or shrimp and lobster and it may not end up in your arteries. only 25% of the time do we think that's the case. this is being changed because people may be able to eat an egg
and not end up with a higher cholesterol level. that's really good news. >> they say it's genetics and not food. if you fall into that 25%, you're not off the hook. that food could pose a potential danger for you. >> i look at people at high risk for heart disease like diabetics and if you have a family history. i'm more concerned about saturated fats. all of that dairy. all of that milk. all of that fatty meat. that's what i'm really worried about. >> good to keep in mind. thanks for clarifying that for us. let me ask you about this. can snorting chocolate like cocaine be good for someone? there was a sniffing device developed like a snuff shooter and some people say it has benefits. i want to know from you, doctor, what could be the benefits of this and what are potential dangers of sniffing chocolate and why not just eat it? >> i don't recommend this as
your valentine's gift out there. you don't give your loved one a chocolate sniffer. it could add sugar and you could have a high like cocaine almost. not quite as bad. you could get addicted to this thing. it can cause infections and breakdown your nasal membranes. i want to point out that dark chocolate is better than white chocolate. dark chocolate has in it anti-inflammatories, antioxidants. when you buy your hearts for valentine's day, buy dark chocolate. don't sniff it. it will work faster if you sniff it into your brain. >> chew don't sniff. dr. siegel we wish you a happy valentine's day. hope something gets you some chocolates. >> now this coming up, the little league champs stripped of their title for cheating and now
jesse jackson forced himself right into the debate. he's up at bat because he's saying it's about race taking swings there. who wrote the declaration of independence? one group saying they are a waste of time and dangerous. we'll talk about it.
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thanks again for joining us on this very busy thursday. heather has headlines. it starts with a famous person out in hollywood. >> we're just getting this information coming in overnight. he's used to running from explosions in the movies but this time the action was all too real. overnight, fire crews rushing to the malibu home of actor pierce
brosnan after his garage goes up in flames. 50 firefighters blocked down the blaze. he was spotted outside of his home talking to first responders. he was not hurt. the cause of that fire is under investigation. we first told you the story yesterday. a major league scandal in little league baseball and the reverend jesse jackson now threatening to file a lawsuit for the all blackjacky yblack black jackie robinson team after stripped of its title because of boundary rules. he's now using the race card. >> is this about boundaries or race? >> even the white house is getting involved. josh earnest saying dirt dealings by adults doesn't take away from the team's accomplishments and now a little league team from las vegas will be awarded that title.
we'll follow that story. a civics high school test fraught with danger? that's what top university group would have you believe. questions like who wrote the electric declaration of independence are "counterproductive." we believe the new policies are insufficient for educating our young people to be knowledgeable and engaged citizens. excellent civics education involves more than just memorization of facts. arizona is the first state to require students pass that test to graduate. no you can't travel first class for just $70. united airlines canceling tickets bought during a computer glitch. the error showed first class round-trip transatlantic flights for as little as $74. how great would that be? united says a vendor error occurred during this currency
conversion and so those people who bought those tickets have now been voided just eight hours later. those are your headlines. i'll see you back here in just a bit. let's head outside where it's getting really cold on the east coast today. >> hello, heather. hello everyone at home. we're looking at quiet weather across most of the country in terms of precipitation. we have a bit of a mix across southwestern texas and then we have rain across washington state but the big story is going to be located across the midwest and also into the northeast where we have several rounds of winter weather and very cold arctic air moving in. we have areas of snow as far south as parts of west virginia all of the way up to parts of upstate new york and it's going to stay pretty unsettled out here over the next 24 hours. the system will continue to move eastward and it's a relatively weak system so we're not really looking at some significant accumulations and maybe about an inch of snow, some locally higher amounts into higher elevations. this weekend another storm system will move through new england and this one could bring up to a foot of snow to the city
of boston so of course that's a huge concern. we already have feet of snow still on the ground right there. that will be a big issue with travel. otherwise, very cold arctic air is moving in. you can see today high temperatures already in the teens in chicago and as we head into your friday gets cold across the northeast and over the next few days into the weekend for valentine's day and early next week we're looking at several rounds of cold arctic air moving eastward. look at the high temperature forecast for buffalo on sunday. one below zero. over to brian now. >> all right. thank you very much. i appreciate it. some very exciting news shortly. let me tell you what's happening in the world of sports. tiger woods taking a catnap from golf. his game needs a lot of work and he won't return until he's ready. tiger withdrew from a tournament last week says after 11 holes his back was bothering him. says he's aiming to compete at the honda classic starting on february 26th. it's sad to watch it all fall
apart. football now, richie incognito signing with the buffalo bills promising he's a better person. incognito suspended by the dolphins in 2013 after being caught in a bullying scandal. now that he has a new gig with the bills, incognito says he's learned his lesson and is not a racist jerk. it's time for this story brought to you by somebody really special. i need some help from the nba 76ers cheerleaders and they happen to be here right now. is there a jessica here to help me with this story? >> nba all-star weekend kicking off tomorrow in brooklyn new york, first time there will be an nba fashion show. it's not a typical catwalk. eight players will show off a different outfit for each of the three rounds. a panel of judges will decide who advances shaq serves as
emcee and lebron james is producing the whole thing. >> now the 76er cheerleaders are here. you had a tough year on the court but off the court getting rave reviews. >> of course. >> you have exciting news. you talked to about 1,000 kids. they had 40 options when it came to mascots. who won in terms of what the children wanted the mascot for the 76ers? >> a blue dog named franklin. >> he needs to be able to see the court. congratulations, franklin. the feelings you must have winning this competition cannot be put into words by you because you can't talk. what was it like knowing that franklin won? >> i think he represents philadelphia extremely well. >> this is a dog. why do you think the kids chose the dog? >> of course the kids chose the dog. he's so fun and everyone loves
him. >> congratulations franklin. it must be a dream come true. i feel bad for the other 39 entries. >> that's okay. we're glad franklin won. >> by the way, in case you forget who he is, he's got his own jersey. congratulations. sorry to other runner-ups. you lost. thanks for coming down. best of luck into the season. have a great time in the all-star weekend this weekend. >> thank you so much. >> back inside, guys. >> how much fun. i love that franklin's number on the jersey is a paw print. great choice for the kids out there. now this coming up it's a family affair. the obama administration allowing illegal immigrants to bring over their extended family as well. what this means for your wallet next. then, this cold hearted criminal is a wanted man in pennsylvania. why the cops want to slap the cuffs on punxsutawney phil, the groundhog. first the "fox & friends" trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1968 this
actor appeared in four film franchises based on four different comic books. so is he? it's also abraham lincoln's birthday today. jack's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen.
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a man arrested for identity theft after being found with his credit cards. and check out the most stylish police force in the world. dubai police department rocking a new fleet of super cars. ferraris make up part of that unit. a brand new lexus can reach 167 miles an hour. lesson here, don't run from the police in dubai. that's what i get from it. and a new hampshire police department issues a warrant for punxsutawney phil. it's not right that he's holed up in a hole warm and toasty while we're freezing. phil saw his shadow last week meaning there's six more weeks of winter. we'll continue to follow that investigation. >> phil actually lives at the library there. meanwhile, president obama expanding his border security plan to allow relatives of the illegals free access into the united states.
up to 4,000 immigrants could cross the border this year alone and not only will many be eligible for citizenship they could collect benefits too. we have editor of "refugee resettlement." thanks for being here. what's the president proposing? if you are an illegal in the country, you can bring pretty much everybody you're related to in? >> it's certain categories of residents in the united states. they can be illegal. some are semilegal i should say. they can now apply in three central american countries to bring in their children through this expansion of the refugee resettlement program. >> who is giving the president of the united states authority to do this? >> actually, no one is. this is obama's continued lawlessness on the whole subject
of immigration. this is the purview of congress. this should be done through congress. >> absolutely. we've talked at great length on this program and this channel about that. you have to do it the right way. he's got a pen and a phone. let me ask you this ann, if these folks come over here, what would they be entitled to from the government? >> one of the things people don't understand about the refugee resettlement program is that's the most desirable form in my view of immigration because those refugees who are designated refugees are given all forms of welfare virtually upon arrival in the united states. subsidized housing, food stamps healthcare, job counseling and training. >> it's because they have refugee status? >> that's exactly right. obama wants to give the children of certain immigrants in the united states refugee status from only those three countries.
we have a lot of sympathy for poor people in other countries but this will open our gates to any country in the world who says i want my poor children to come to america as a refugee. >> ann, what are those three countries where the immigrants are being granted this refugee status? >> it's tellel salvador, honduras. >> that's the story that we were covering over the last year and of course there were all those stories about those children being sick and refugee camps with so many problems. fast forward to today. those children are in this country scattered all over the place. so now the president wants those children to be able to have their parents, their siblings if they're adult children have their relatives come into the country and they would be granted the same status that they are. >> yes. the applications would come from the parent who is already in the
country to bring his or her child from those three countries to the united states as a refugee. once the child is designated a refugee, that child will anchor the whole family here legally. >> okay. ann, what's your biggest problem with this? >> well, my biggest problem is the lawlessness coming from the white house on this particular issue. i follow the refugee program for the last seven years. this is a major jump in expansion of the program. i also think that immigration is our threat in this country both the numbers and who we're bringing in. >> clearly is something that both parties have got to work on to find a solution because right now it just is not working. ann corcoran thank you very much for joining us today and explaining the problem. >> thank you. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up they served their country and now we're serving
them with a specialvalentine's day makeover fit for a veteran. that's coming up. first on this day in history back in 1963 construction started on that arch in st. louis, which is beautiful. in 2008, the hollywood writer's strike ended after 100 days and the number one song in america in 1965 the righteous brothers. >> gone, gone, gone ♪ protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? [man grunts] one wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain difficulty breathing and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 ® is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that
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the answer to today's trivia question josh brolin. congratulations, paige you'll
get a copy of brian kilmeade's book. >> i'll sign it and we'll send it. an important message right now. these brave women you're looking at served our country after years of service protecting our great nation. it's time for us to give them something back. perhaps some pampering. >> this valentine's day operation reinvent is teaming up with benefit cosmetics to give our soldiers extra attention. joining us is founder of benefit reinvention. welcome to all of you. thanks for your service. >> we do thank you. we understand your missions. we would love to hear your background. i understand your sister and friend were in the service and they joined and you saw service they were giving and you wanted to be part of it as well correct? >> my sister joined three years
before i joined the marine corps. she was in army actually. i saw great things for her. she loved it. i just wanted to do something to follow in her footsteps. >> and now what's your mission now? what are you hoping to do now? >> right now i'm in school. i'm majoring in communications. my sister actually introduced me to operation reinvent and i'm happy to be part of this. >> we thank you for your service. glad you're here and ready to kick this off. stephanie, you are incredible. your parents are also veterans and served this great nation. we wanted to let everyone know that you have two great dogs that you took with you from afghanistan. >> yes. one is from afghanistan. the other one is coming inbound. he'll be here at the end of the month. >> incredible rescues there. you spent a great amount of time
there as a combat camerawoman. i know time was intense for you. what do you hope to do now and what did you love about serving this great nation? >> my parents instilled a great deal of patriotism in me. my mother was in army and dad was in the marine corps and my mom said you know what? go be a photographer. i did. i went in the military and i served my country documenting what everybody else is doing because i think it's really important to tell the story through photos. and now i'm actually -- i got hired at a cancer center in richmond virginia so i'm telling their story now. >> great story you have. thank you for your service. >> and why did you join? >> i joined for a change of environment and just to better myself. >> you got out of this. you are also a motivational speaker now. >> yes. i'm actually running for miss veterans america 2015 and i work
with kids all over the area giving them a better path and education. >> how necessary is that especially at times when the family is not the typical nuclear family. >> well, it's important because the things that i do a lot of kids look up to it. they don't realize i'm in the military until they catch me in my uniform. it motivates them to go out and do good things. >> what are you going to do for these fine ladies? >> we're going to help them transition from military into civilian life and one of the things we do is have them reconnect with their feminineityfemininity. that's one of the reasons why we partner with benefit cosmetics today because the philosophy is the same. they are trying to make them feel confident and good about themselves. >> probably more confident going into boot camp than they do right now because you have no
idea what to expect. >> i don't know about that. >> we can't thank you enough for your service. we think you are the most beautiful women in front of us. we'll show you results in the 8:00 hour. >> twist in your chairs. when we come back, we'll twist you back. turn around. all right. back to you. tell us what's up next. >> we'll be watching. coming up, can you buy your friend's foreclosed house or move into mom's house after she dies? bob massi has answers to your questions coming up. the price to fly depends on when you buy. the magic day when you're going to get the very best price guaranteed. which one is it? we'll tell you.
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good morning. today is thursday february 12th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. marines guarding united states embassy ordered to destroy their weapons and abandon their post and that order may have come from the state department. >> that is crazy. emotional testimony in the "american sniper" murder trial. chris kyle's widow clings to his dog dog dog tags in her hand. what did the va know about his killer and was he released too soon? >> an unsuspected stunt driver takes some men on the ride of their lives. they thought they were on a normal date until she kicked it into high gear and had fun.
try to keep your cool with that. take that eharmony. mornings are better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." >> straight up at 8:01 in the east. fox news alert. marines are forced to destroy their weapons as the american embassy in yemen is evacuated. >> seizing armored suvs and equipment as the american convoy was headed for the airport. >> what is going on there? >> reporter: good morning, guys. a lot of conflicting reports. here's what we've been able to piece together as things went down over the past couple days at the u.s. embassy in yemen. in the hours before the evacuation, that's when the marines began destroying the heavy weaponry that they had there at the u.s. embassy compound for protection. they then began that convoy out
of the embassy toward the airport. the embassy itself has multiple layers of protection. the houthi rebels and perhaps others were able to seize embassy armored suvs and the like. marines arrived at the airport with personal weapons and began destroying them by removing the firing pins and then smashing them with sledgehammers. it's part of an approved destruction plan and no usable weapon was ever turned over. reports indicate and one source tells us the state department ordered these moves before the marines could board a plane that was sent by the country of oman next door. state department wouldn't say who is now guarding the u.s. embassy in sanaa but were hopeful their diplomats could return. >> we expect houthies to respect international conventions that apply to our facilities and we expect to return to the embassy
in the same condition. >> why would you expect them to do that? or you just hope they would? >> we certainly hope they would. they have made public statements about how they are not -- they have no desire to go after our interests. we expect them to abade byide by their own statements. >> reporter: last year when the u.s. embassy was evacuated in tripoli, it wasn't long before this video showed rebels taking over the compound doing belly flops into the pool. only time will tell if we see rebels driving around in our suvs. >> honor system. >> always works so well during coups. they said where are you going? we would like americans to stick around for a while. not that i necessarily believe
it, they don't want to rule by ourselves. we want a coalition government. >> the president said this is a success. a model. >> the thing that you guys are e-mailing us about is the fact that the state department told the marines -- keep in mind the way it works is when you have security at an embassy that's under the umbrella of the state department that way our marines get diplomatic immunity and that's a good thing. to have the state department tell the marines that they've got to make their personal weapons inoperable before you get on the plane that's just crazy. so they evacuated yemen unarmed. the reason i say that is marines are taught on the same day never surrender your weapon. that's what the state department said they had to do. and apparently according to one of the sources we read centcom is outraged that weapons were made inoperable. it should be a joint decision
between the pentagon and state department but instead it was just the state department saying before you marines get on that plane, you have got to destroy your weapons. >> it doesn't paint a great picture. why is it happening? why does it matter? since 2010 we've been evacuated out of three embassies right now. this is a bad picture in front of us. general last night said this one is about iran. >> this is a strategic setback for the united states and our partners in the region because this is all about iran. this is iran gaining influence and control over another capital and country. beirut lebanon, damascus syria and now sanaa, yemen. the houthies will begin to look like hezbollah. they'll receive missiles rockets, sophisticated equipment. radical islam is on the rise. that's why this is a setback.
>> there are many reasons. if you look at the map, you see iran's influence spreading. what are we talking to them about? number one exporter of terror and now they are taking over capitals. whatever you think about the last government, they were friendly to us allowing us to use that area and region as place to take out most aggressive brand of al qaeda in the world today. now what's going to happen? our people are still left in that base. how much more access will they have and how much intelligence will they gain? >> you saw the president of the united states televised from the roosevelt room and made an announcement that we're going after isis and to do it even though he has said he's got authority under the constitution and also under those resolutions from 2001 and 2002 now he's come up with this political document that is very -- it's just kind of weird. here's the president telling isis what we're not going to do to you. >> the resolution we submitted today does not call for the
deployment of u.s. ground combat forces to iraq or syria. it is not the authorization of another ground war like afghanistan or iraq. i'm convinced the united states should not get dragged back into another prolonged ground war in the middle east. that's not in our national security interest and it's not necessary for us to defeat isil. >> this is disturbing. in the document it is specifically limiting ground troops, letting enemies know when it will be over in three years and geographic limit so you have specific limits based on a vague or non-existent strategy. >> i would like to declare war kind of on a lethal group of people called isis islamic extremists, but i would like to limit myself so in the history of this country as only president says i kind of want to go to war and put all types of ledgers and restraints on the operation and by the way, i'm
going to tell when you it's over. >> so that's why we had a judge on a couple hours ago and he said if he was commander in chief he would continue to operate under the authorization from the bush years which we've been operating under. that three-year limit and the vague language karl rove wonders who is the president talking to, isis or his left base? >> a three-year time limit? what's magic about three years? it gets it into the next presidency. putting a time limit on these could be dangerous. this is cosmetics. this is to be able to say to his left wing base that i'm being true to my progressive roots. i'm the man who came to end wars and not to win wars and everybody goes home happy. >> political strategy. how scary. >> here's the thing on the political side left wing base is not happy. there's a lot who have questions. >> republican libertarians are not happy and people say can i
see a strategy that will be successful? no offense to joe biden and outgoing secretary of defense but i would love to hear someone say this is the plan. this is what i'm doing from what generals are recommending. i don't see a general. >> recent fox news poll had over 54% of them that did not believe the president has a strong plan to defeat isis. >> we all want isis dead. unfortunately this particular resolution that he has sent to congress a little vague, a little broad and now it's in congress' court. let's hope they make it tougher because they could actually do that. >> that's right. in the meantime we'll resolve right now and turn our heads to heather. so much going on this morning. >> let's start out here in new york city where the longtime "60 minutes" correspondent bob simon is now dead this morning. he was killed last night in a car crash in new york city. simon was riding in the back of a lincoln towncar when his driver rear ended a mercedes and slammed into a concrete divider.
rescuers had to cut the roof off to get him up. simon's 44-year-old driver survived and is being treated for a possible heart attack. an accomplished journalist, simon earned more than 40 major awards over five decades of reporting. during the gulf war in 1991, he was capture and detained and went onto write a book about that ordeal. his final "60 minutes" report aired just four days ago. bob simon was 73 years old and leaves behind his wife and daughter, a preoducer for "60 minutes." the widow of chris kyle crying on the stand. she recalled the last time she saw her husband alive two years ago this month. attorneys for kyle's suspected killer say that their client was "in psychosis" when he shot and killed chris kyle and chad littlefield and place blame on the va for releasing routh two
days before that shooting even though he was considered a danger to himself and others. we're also getting our first look at chris kyle's lasts at the -- text message while the two were riding together to the gun range. kyle said this dude is straight up nuts. littlefield responded to him writing he's sitting right behind me. watch my six. that's military slang for watch my back. happening overnight overseas russian president vladimir putin says a cease-fire deal has been worked out between ukraine and pro-russian rebels. all heavy weapons and troops will withdraw from the country's eastern territory and full control of ukraine's border will be returned by the end of this year. do you believe that one? a deal was struck back in the fall but that thing never held either. this comes just days after ukrainian woman captured this terrifying video during the moments that rockets struck her city. watch.
>> you can see those explosions as it gets closer and closer. they had seven people killed during that strike by pro-russian separatists. 21 others were seriously hurt. good news to bring you. some people are waking up richer this morning. three winning powerball tickets were sold in north carolina, texas and puerto rico matching all six numbers for the $564 million jackpot. here are the winning numbers. 11 13, 25 39, 54 and 19. it's the third largest powerball in history. so somebody is buying a beach house today. >> beach houses. >> exactly. >> they can buy a beach. >> i won four bucks. >> they will be fine with that. >> it was supposed to be a fun
assignment for middle school kids and then handcuffs and leather got involved. let's just say their parents are not pleased. >> 50 shades of steamed. >> they served our country and now we serve them with a special valentine's day makeover. these veterans were beautiful before. they need not a lick of makeup. wait until you see them after. the big reveal for you coming up next. oh i'm on the cookie air diet. you just... and that's it. i prefer real food fruit, nuts, and whole grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. let's get real.
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the trial of eddie routh continues, the man accused of killing chris kyle and his friend, chad littlefield. >> kyle's widow breaking down on the stand yesterday recalling the last conversation she had with chris kyle. >> we now learned that weeks before the shooting a va hospital determined that routh was a danger to himself and to others but they still released him in two days so will the insanity defense work? he was labeled as schizophrenic. >> peter, what do you think? >> this is a case where heroism and national scandal at the va doing too little for veterans
comes together in a dramatic way and so the insanity defense in the state of texas is being tested. in this case, the defense says he was psychotic, that he had a break. he was delusional. he was hearing things. he told his girlfriend things the night before. the same girlfriend that he had a conflict with weeks before and the same girlfriend involved in his hospitalization and the same kind of activity that his mother said he belonged in a hospital and should not be removed because doctors there said that he was a serious threat of causing injury to others. >> they labeled him a serious threat. transferred him to the va medical center and released him in two days over the mom's objection but she still picked up the phone and said, chris, do me a favor and take my son out and he grabbed littlefield and they went out shooting. >> it's an interesting point. what the prosecution is saying, even depression, even all of the things that he was allegedly
suffering from at the time of this killing, that's not enough under texas law that he knew right from frontwrong and that's the law. the most important testimony may be -- i'm not a juror on this case -- it struck me in a very dramatic way. the text that was sent by both of the victims in this case. >> let's look at those texts. >> chris kyle basically says that he's straight up nuts. >> and then his buddy chad says watch my six. watch my back. he's sitting right behind me. >> so if i'm on the defense team, i'm saying that under the laws of the state of texas and every state in the union, regular people have an ability to determine whether someone is with it or not with it or insane. and so they're saying this is
evidence from the victims that they believed -- >> it helps the defense. >> however, if you say that in texas if you know right from wrong, you still have responsibility. the burden of proof on the prosecution is where he decided right from wrong. >> burden of proof is on the defendants to show that he did not understand right from wrong. >> even if he did understand right from wrong, he had an irresistible impulse. >> this is the example. he drove to his sister's house in chris' truck and said he was going to oklahoma. when police showed up he sped away. that's showing he knows right from wrong. >> that's after the offense. no winners. >> thank you for the analysis. up next, the best legal advice money can buy and it's free. bob massi dipping into the mail back. bag. >> they thought they were going on a date with a beautiful woman
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>> a controversial bill moving forward in arizona would ban police departments from releasing names of officers involved in shooting until 90 days after the incident. happening today ashton carter expected to be confirmed by the senate and a senior defense official saying carter's first full day on the job will be tuesday, the 17th of february. home is where the heart is but figuring out some of the questions behind home ownership can be confusing.
fox news analyst bob massi is here to answer our questions. joining us from the city of vegas, baby. all right. we got an e-mail from sandra in texas. my friend is going to let his friend go into foreclosure. i would like to buy it but don't think it is worth what he owes. i would like to inquire before foreclosure. how should i proceed, bob? >> the only way she's going to find out about what's going on with foreclosure is her friend has to call because they are owner of the home still and get the information that she knows. however, lenders will not sell to somebody before foreclosure. if she wants to buy this home if it goes in foreclosure, she has to be a bidder to end up with ownership of the home. >> it sounds like she thinks she could get a good deal on it so she'll deal directly.
the bank is looking for as much money as they can possibly get. >> exactly. >> go to the bid and bid as much as you can. >> chris in your state of nevada writes "if you have a home with a mortgage only in your name, if you pass away, what happens to the house? who gets it?" >> if you have a will or trust or even if you don't have a will or trust the question will be who are the heirs to that particular property. let's say there's a will or trust that says these are heirs. if they go through a probate process or a living trust that says who it goes to they will get title to that property. practically speaking, you could continue to make payments on that property or you could decide to sell that property and the proceeds will go according to what we call testamentary document, the will of the trust. even if there isn't a will, you can go through the process. bottom line is that you personally are the heirs will not be held responsible for that debt. in other words if there's a
deficiency on that home. that will pass to the estate. basically whatever the will or trust says, that's who it will pass to. >> our final question today comes from tim down in florida. he writes, my mother-in-law passed away and we can't find a will, which is common. we want to move into her home which was talked about before she died. what should we do? >> first of all, verbal inheritances generally are never enforceable. in other words, someone even on their deathbed can't say you will have a home. what will control is a will. if she doesn't have a will or she can't find a will, you can probate the estate but that home is going to go according to the laws of that state to the heirs of that estate. even though mother-in-law said you can have the home. that in and of itself is never going to be enforceable in every state in the union. you have to look to the estate and who are heirs of the estate and that's how it will pass. you can't just move in and take possession and say, geez, i now own the home.
title has to be passed to those people who are legal heirs. that's the way it works. >> if it's no will they wind up in probate and sort it out. >> people have tonds understand, if you have a will there has to be probate. people think if they have a will, there's no probate. that will has to be probated which we'll talk about in a few weeks. >> if anybody has a question for bob, logon to and you can submit a question for bob massi and who knows, he might answer your question on this program in the future. bob, thank you very much. have a great day. >> thanks, steve. here's a great way to make money. rent your house to kids who need a place to smoke pot. it's happening. is it legal? then they serve their country and now we're serving them up a special valentine's day makeover. these female vets reveal their new look. the big reveal after the break. stick around.
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we've got a fox news alert right now. the labor department releasing brand new jobless numbers moments ago. with them, nicole joins us from the new york stock exchange. what are they? >> reporter: good morning. we saw our jobless claims more than expected. you don't want claims over 300,000. that's what we got this week. 304,000. the estimates from the economists were 285,000. so weekly jobless claims coming in more than expected. you remember last week we talked about the monthly jobs report. we saw jobs added. some wage growth and some re-entering the workforce but the big picture here and we can't lose sight we saw wage
growth peak up a bit but we have 17, 18 million people unemployed or underemployed taking jobs that are part-time jobs rather than full-time jobs and you still are with that labor force participation rate near the 30-year lows. a lot of people are still sitting out and not looking for the jobs. things are improving slightly. i never want to lose sight of that. big news here expedia buying orbitz and carl icahn says apple is worth 216 bucks. >> per share? >> per share. just getting close to 125 yesterday and that was a record high. carl icahn has a $6.5 million investment in apple. >> he wants it to double. if you want to know where nicole is on fox business network, go to you can see nicole over thursday
with us. 27 minutes now before the top of the hour. i saw you typing away. did you put anything together for the news? >> a lot of news. good morning to you all. hope you're off to a great day. the man accused of shooting and killing a muslim family in chapel hill, north carolina supposedly had a long simmering feud with them. police say that krig stephen hicks pulled the trigger over a parking dispute but the family of the victims claim that he targeted them for their religion and was "a hateful neighbor who had menaced them before." >> we are still in a state of shock and we'll never be able to make sense of this horrendous tragedy. we ask that authorities investigate the senseless and heinous murders as a hate crime. >> there are local reports that he didn't like any religion at all and maligned other religions. hicks is charged with three counts of first-degree murder. remember the hardest working man in america? he was on our show just last
week. james robertson has been forced to move from his michigan home. the 56 year old told police he no longer felt safe with his new found fortune. he won the hearts of america after we all learned that he walked 21 miles to and from his factory job each and every day in detroit. supporters ended up raising more than $350,000 in donations for him and he was given a free new car. we asked him what he plans to do with the money. here's what he said. >> i haven't figured it out yet. i'll figure it out when the time comes. >> robertson will meet with a financial planner. steaming up the big screen.
this morning parents in pennsylvania want to know why on earth a "50 shades of grey" themed puzzle was handed out to their children in class. what? the eighth graders had to search for dozens of words including submission and bondage. others were so explicit we had to blur them out. the school claims the teacher made a mistake. can you imagine your kids coming home with that? oh boy. these boys thought they were going on a date with a beautiful woman but the men are about to get a ride of their lives. >> where are we going? >> the men ended up being at a loss for words as they are slumped back in their seats with speeds up to 120 miles an hour. the woman behind the wheel admits she's a professional stunt driver. ford created the video to
advertise its new mustang. nice. those are your headlines. what a surprise. she takes off and spins around. >> in her profile her favorite movie was "smoky and the bandit." the guy has enough guts to go on a date and then he's crying. let's go outside. elisabeth is with some very special women with a very special treat. >> we're outside steve. what a treat it is right now for those who served our country. earlier in the show we offered three lucky female veterans makeovers by benefit cosmetics and here are their before pictures. we'll do a big reveal. i want to introduce to you jared. he's joining me now. he's the captain of the transformation going on all hour. we'll start right here. turn around right now. it's exceptional that you are here. marine corps veteran and we are thrilled about what we're seeing right here.
how do you feel? walk us through. >> we focused on complexion perfection. we started out with a nice smooth effect and then we moved on with a little bit of lip and cheek stain and it gives her that nice natural glow. >> how do you feel? >> i feel great. i feel great. really beautiful. >> with all of the time that you really dedicated to others, how does it feel to have pampering today? >> i feel like this is my spa today actually. i never had anything like this done for me before. i'm really thankful for it and for operation reinvent and benefit taking the time out to do this for us. >> incredible to see your smile. you have a great look. and we'll look at your before right now. and then the reveal. >> i'll reveal her.
>> okay. >> this is the first time she's seen herself. >> stephanie what do you think? >> i'm without words. i feel like a woman again. >> you are beautiful. >> thank you. >> exceptional work in afghanistan. your used to being behind the camera. >> i am used to being behind the camera. >> now you look ready to be on camera. >> i can't thank julie and her team and benefit for what they're doing. my gosh. biggest thing for me when i got out of the military was how do i navigate as a civilian woman. they are helping me feel like a woman again. >> you look gorgeous. thank you. >> awesome. thank you. >> we absolutely cannot wait to see your reveal. we'll get your before right now. and now the after. if you could walk us through --
fantastic. are you ready to look at your after. go for it, my friend. >> are we allowed to cry? >> no crying. we took her from cameo to glammo instantly. her biggest focus was eyes. what we did is we actually used a liner with a mascara on top to give her a nice length and volume and then we went and filled in her eyebrows which is going to mimic the look of real hair. it's really natural and easy to apply. >> how do you feel? >> i feel beautiful. you don't have enough time to do simple things like this. i don't take time. i get up and go. >> so many young boys and girls in your community each and every day. you get there and speak with motivation for them. we cannot thank you all for your service. we want to let everyone know that we'll put on our website for the veterans out there who want to get a treat right here
with operation reinvent. there are over 700 locations. we'll put it on our website today. we thank all three of you for joining us today. we appreciate all you do. we're glad you had a day to get some service. take a look at yourselves again. my favorite part is how you feel. thank you all. steve, we're going to enjoy our smiles out here. toss it inside to you. >> worked out great. if people want more information, go to our website. 19 minutes before the top of the hour. straight ahead, secret major airlines didn't want to reveal. how to trick their airline system and how you can wind up with the cheapest rate guaranteed. we have that around the corner. a fox news alert. just moments ago brand new fallout from the u.s. embassy shutdown in yemen. we'll break the news just for you.
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some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need... ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. 15 minutes before the top of the hour. brand new fallout from closing of the u.s. embassy in yemen yesterday. the cia now forced to scale back their own presence in that country. >> fox news chief intelligent correspondent is live in guantanamo bay with the latest. >> this decision to close the embassy in yemen, this also means there was a decision to withdraw 200 u.s. government personnel and there's no way other than to look at this and conclude it's a major setback
for counterterrorism operations in that country. the u.s. government's most senior intelligence officer on the ground is known as the cia chief of base and in almost every circumstance they operate out of the u.s. embassy and given the fact that we've had the military pullout, without that military backup, the cia is less able to move around the country. the reason that matters is that the u.s. government has invested millions of dollars in the last six years to contain the al qaeda affiliate there known as aqap. if you listen to the white house, given the events this week, they still maintain everything is going to be okay. >> because of our diplomatic work, because of our strong counterterrorism partnership, but also because of this president's own determination and willingness to order u.s. military operations in that region. we have succeeded in applying significant pressure to the aqap leadership operating in yemen.
>> reporter: here's the problem. one of the key elements of this group in yemen is this man who is seen within the u.s. intelligence community as probably one of the best bombmakers working today. this was the guy who was behind three plots to bring down u.s. aircraft with nonmetallic explosives. what's clear here is they have shared their best practices and capabilities with this al qaeda group in syria. soles you're able to effectively contain al qaeda in yemen, you can look for spillover not only in other parts of north africa but also in syria itself. back to you. >> all right. you know, the white house response that we ran with josh earnest because of diplomatic work because of the counterterrorism, things will be fine there. our diplomats are now gone. cia is now gone.
that place is the wild west. >> we always found a way to keep that government in power. they were far from perfect but they were on our side. how will intelligence drop to the point where we weren't able to predict and stop these houthies from coming in and taking over. they seem surprised how easy it was last week and now they are in control and ready to fortify their relationship. buzzing around with government officials and fanning out across the country. we lost a big ally. >> unsettling for sure. what if your neighbors started a new business renting out their house for strangers to smoke pot. it's happening. is it legal? we'll debate it over and over again. what makes thermacare different? two words: it heals. how? with heat. unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing.
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john mccain has a big agenda and is here with his reaction to the president's plan to destroy
isis. guess what. the inspector general found that missing 80 irs e-mails they claim were gone so what's in there? senator ron johnson is here with that story for us today and the text message kyle sent before he was killed. all that coming up at the top of the hour. back to you, steve. time for news by the numbers. 29. 29 transasian airline pilots suspended from their jobs after failing safety exams ordered in the wake of last week's crash in taiwan. remember that? 105 bucks could be the new ticket price at disney world. the magic kingdom rumored to raise the rates to 105. 47 is the magic number of days before your trip to book your flight to the cheapest possible rate. 47 days. flights purchased on that day are an average of $200 cheaper
so run to the calendar. a woman has been cashing in on colorado's marijuana laws by renting short-term rental properties just for pot smokers. >> it turns into nonstop marijuana smoke. many times i can't have my kids outside. >> what we don't want is a hotel in the neighborhood. >> you think? since recreational pot is legal in colorado, is it okay for her to keep renting to marijuana smokers for a short-term situation? joining us now to debate it, an attorney and also manager of public policy. i understand neighbors are unhappy. do they have a legal case? >> they'll have a legal case. this is an example of colorado not anticipating the problems. you have a woman who is renting out a home and she tells you i
bought these homes to rent to people to come to the establishments to smoke marijuana using it as a business but trying to avoid creating a commercial establishment. >> do you have to feel as though they had to be pushing the envelope with this new pot law and the rental, don't you think? >> this is really no different than if someone was renting out a property in a neighborhood for the great american beer festival that attracts thousands of tourists every single year. this is really a zoning issue more than a marijuana issue. it will be dealt with that way. this highlights the need to have establishments where tourists are able to go and use marijuana not being in the neighborhood but more like being in a war. >> the pot smokers are less loud and obnoxious than drinkers.
does we ahe have a point? >> the point is taken. you talk about a beer festival but there's a lot of planning that goes into a beer festival. when you are going to display alcohol in certain neighborhoods, there's licensing requirements and you have to get approval. using your b & b to sell space for people to smoke marijuana you need a commercial license. >> you are talking about a big holiday. every day is a holiday for pot smokers in colorado. >> every day is a huge booze fest if colorado as well. if people were leaving beer cans all over their porches these people would be upset with that too and that's a valid concern. it's a fact that alcohol does result in aggressive and violent and dangerous behavior and marijuana has never been found to contribute to that. >> if someone rented a house next door to you and you knew they were renting it for a day and they would consume tremendous amounts of alcohol,
that would be the same problem. really the same issue and it shouldn't be happening. >> one of the many issues that come up when you legalize pot state by state. everyone else take notice. >> and alcohol, which is legal, thanks to prohibition which is over. lisa and mason thank you very much. >> as is marijuana prohibition in colorado. >> always have to get the last word. must be frustrating to argue with. and more "fox & friends" in just a moment. captain obvious: i probably wouldn't stay here tonight. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed.
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need she says. >> pascal says if people were nice to each other in hollywood it won't work. >> there you go. i agree. >> we love being nice. >> we love having you. we'll see you back here tomorrow. vladimir putin announces a cease-fire in the ukraine as some of the world's worst fighting erupts across the nation. so what is that all about? good morning, everybody. >> new word this morning that notwithstanding, fighting is continuing in eastern ukraine. >> we're joined live now in kiev this morning with the latest. greg, what is this deal and does anyone think it's going to >> i think the best thing we can say for it is that there is

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Skyway , Motocross , Artificial Hair Integrations , Hair Accessory , Water Feature , Dune , Lion , Big Cats , Grizzly Bear , Erg , Sahara , Singing Sand , Beige , Crossover Suv , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Bmw , Mitsubishi Pajero , Hatchback , Drifting , Snowmobile , Winter Sport , Desert Racing , Dust , Depression , Stunt Performer , Concrete , Column , Clock , Digital Clock , Alarm Clock , Radio Clock , Health Care , Credit Card , Debit Card , Payment Card , Fashion Design , Boutique , Art Exhibition , Vernissage , Leggings , Blazer , Hairdresser , Little Black Dress , Bob Cut , Plywood , Peach , Saluki , Companion Dog , Golden Retriever , Borzoi , Retriever , Conformation Show , Animal Sports , Labrador Retriever , Dog Sports , Beagle , Hound , Pomeranian , Whole Food , Greengrocer , Shopkeeper , Grocer , Convenience Food , Chef , Food Group , Preserved Food , Hawker , Cliff , Escarpment , Ruins , Waterfall , Rainbow , Nature Reserve , Vegetation , Rainforest , Hill Station , Natural Landscape , River , Jungle , Fjord , Stream , Old Growth Forest , Bird , Duck , Water Bird , Beak , Ducks Geese And Swans , Waterfowl , Shorebird , Charadriiformes , Seabird , Kung Fu , Martial Arts , Striking Combat Sports , Folk Dance , Shaolin Kung Fu , T Ai Chi Ch Uan , Karate , Painting , Watercolor Paint , Incandescent Light Bulb , Plant Stem , Flame , Modern Dance , Dinosaur , Tyrannosaurus , Elephants And Mammoths , Elephant , Mustang Horse , Newfoundland , Old World Monkey , Portuguese Water Dog , Ape , Caving , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Branch , Erosion , Arch , Muridae , Cat , Pest , Whiskers , Rat , Digital Compositing , Zebra , Tiger , Terrestrial Animal , Zoo , Mast , Snooker , One Day International , Humour , Baseball Player , Baseball Uniform , College Baseball , Catcher , College Softball , Baseball Positions , Cricketer , Fan , Softball , Choir , Marching Band , Musical Ensemble , Baseball Park , Pitcher , Pitch , Flap , Wide Body Aircraft , Aircraft Engine , Boeing 737 , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Airbus A320 Family , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Boeing , Airbus A330 , Airbus , Boeing 767 , Boeing 777 , Boeing 757 , Jet Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Jet Engine , Takeoff , Landing , Boeingc 40 Clipper , Boeingc 32 , Business Jet , Twinjet , Boeing 747 , Airbus A380 , Propeller , Light Aircraft , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Boeingp 8 Poseidon , Roller Coaster , Racket , Marching , Cheerleading , Line Dance , Majorette Dancer , Autocross , Car Dealership , Parking , Gridiron Football , Football Gear , American Football , Football Equipment , Tang Soo Do , Taekwondo , Vovinam , Combat Sport , Judo , Hapkido , Japanese Martial Arts , Jujutsu , Black Belt , Cap , Christmas , Marathon , Christmas Eve , Chinese New Year , Mascot , Santa Claus , Rhinoceros , Boot , Mud , Track , Agriculture , Railway , Agricultural Machinery , Marsupial , Koala , Marmot , Bear , Nissan , Nissan Leaf , Beanie , Knit Cap , Steeple , Clock Tower , Spire , Church , National Historic Landmark , Castle , Bride , Veil , Bridal Accessory , Liquid , Crossword , Puzzle , Dietary Supplement , Nail , Juice , Ghee , Sports Car Racing , Drag Racing , Muscle Car , Bugatti , Concept Car , Sports Prototype , Maserati Mc12 , Lexus , Formula One Car , Lamborghini Aventador , Mclaren Automotive , Mclaren Mp4 12c , Tunnel , Fixed Link , Bugatti Veyron , Nissan Gt R , Chevrolet Hhr , Chevrolet Ssr , Procyonidae , Squirrel , Horse Racing , Horse , Police Dog , Police Van , Ambulance , Microvan , Chevrolet Silverado , Gmc , General Motors , Chevrolet , Chevrolet Astro , Honda Element , Card Game , Rubiks Cube , Hat , Peking Opera , Mobile Device , Portable Media Player , Reflection , Broccoli , Cruciferous Vegetables , Leaf Vegetable , Herb , Moss , Dishware , Cutlery , Plate , Chopsticks , Kitchen Utensil , Porcelain , Fork , Spoon , Bowl , Flute , Fitness Professional , Gym , Weights , Strength Training , Weight Training , Barbell , Dumbbell , Press Up , Weightlifting Machine , Personal Trainer , Circuit Training , Bodybuilding , Plank , Bodypump , Biceps Curl , Crossfit , Balance , Deadlift , Aerobic Exercise , Library , Prescription Drug , Pharmacy , Public Library , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Medical Assistant , Cage , Parakeet , Lovebird , Budgie , Parrot , Pet Supply , Hamster , Perching Bird , Mesh , Composite Material , Carrot , Culinary Art , Pilates , Aerobics , Zumba , Yoga , Stretching , Mat , Ankle , Yoga Mat , Blender , Juicer , Citrus , Malus , Countertop , Kitchen Stove , Cuisine Classique , Cupboard , Door Handle , Toe , Sole , Wrist , High Heels , Bangs , Feathered Hair , Drawing , Line Art , Sketch , Cool , Sleeveless Shirt , War , Cg Artwork , Stalactite , Birch Family , Stalagmite , Flash Photography , Paratrooper , Naval Ship , Warship , Suzuki , Fender , Engine , Chest Of Drawers , Drawer , Nightstand , Tablecloth , Coffee Table , Studio Couch , Kitten , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Great Dane , Weimaraner , Greyhound , Pointing Breed , Italian Greyhound , Siberian Husky , Sled Dog , Alaskan Malamute , Alaskan Klee Kai , Wolfdog , American Shorthair , Tabby Cat , Canis , Boston Terrier , Pointer , Staffordshire Bull Terrier , Boxer , Basket , Wicker , Gift Basket , Northern Inuit Dog , Tamaskan Dog , Comics , Animated Cartoon , Grandparent , Flag Day Usa , Independence Day , Memorial Day , Red Carpet , Carpet , Boxing Ring , Boxing Equipment , Baggage , Lens , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Digital Camera , Reflex Camera , Digital Slr , Teleconverter , Hubcap , Cucumber , Chili Pepper , Tomato , Bell Peppers And Chili , Solanum , Nightshade Family , Cucumis , Capsicum , Dinner , Homemaker , Wedding Reception , Supper , Banquet , Polish Food , Eastern European Food , Casserole , Food Storage , Basil , Legume , Award , Hardware Accessory , Automotive Engine Part , Bmw X5 , Bmw X5 E53 , Bmw X1 , Volvo Cars , Steering Wheel , Volvo Xc90 , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Mercedes Benz Viano , Regularity Rally , Bmw X3 , Mini Suv , Bmw X6 , Bmw Concept X6 Activehybrid , Automotive Fog Light , Loft , Tap , Brass , Saxophone , Pillow , Trophy , Bronze Sculpture , Silver , Bronze , Gold , Ring , Moisture , Bling , Drop , Penthouse Apartment , Flare , Cosplay , Mural , Ford Mustang , Dirt Track Racing , Tesla , Steering Part , Chrysler Crossfire , Boss 302 Mustang , Shelby Mustang , Bicycle Motocross , Longboard , Auto Race , Billiard Ball , Billiard Room , Internet Meme , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Swat , Skiing , Snowboarding , Fog , Sari , Scarf , Breakfast Cereal , Granola , Cereal , Muesli , Arbor Day , Vascular Plant , Conifer , Pine Family , Gas Mask , Mask , Groom , Courthouse , Lace Wig , Mitsubishi , Safari , Powder , Body Of Water , Rapid , Lake , Goose , Heron , Wetland , Pond , Pelecaniformes , Reptile , Frog , Amphibian , Rock Climbing , Freestyle Motocross , Sofa Bed , American Cocker Spaniel , Spaniel , Puppy , Cavachon , Laminate Flooring , Double Bass , Carmine , Family , Taste , Handwriting , Swiss Ball , Seat Belt , Microwave Oven , Star , Honda , Toyota Prius , Toyota , Mazda Cx 7 , Mazda Mazda5 , Race Track , Scion , Pontiac Vibe , Scion Iq , Honda Fit , Scion Xa , Porsche Panamera , Hyundai Genesis Coupe , Underwater , Wig , Ipad , Air Hockey , Poster Session , Porch , Brickwork , Flowering Plant , Hemp Family , Cannabis , Herbal Medicine , Rosales , Terrestrial Plant , Hemp , Annual Plant , Perennial Plant , Seed Plant , Coral Reef , Vitis , Palm Tree , Arecales , Elaeis , Coca Cola , Cola , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Baby Shower , Valentines Day , Birthday , Bag , Handbag , Luggage And Bags , Fashion Model , Crab , Cephalopod , Syngnathiformes , Coral , Deck , Marina , Chicken Meat , Pakora , Chicharrón , Buffalo Wing , Korean Food , Thai Food , Indonesian Food , Graduation , Academic Dress , Phd , Mortarboard , Weightlifting , Mountaineering , Ferrari 599 Gtb Fiorano , Prison , Flood , Bodyguard , Water Park , Playground Slide , Bank , Bayou , Reservoir , Floodplain , Riparian Forest , Riparian Zone , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Lacustrine Plain , Swamp , Plant Community , People In Nature , Trail , Hiking , Romance , Orienteering , Backpacking , Nordic Walking , Swing , Baby Products , Outdoor Shoe , Sandal , Sneakers , Athletic Shoe , Sweater , Cardigan , Wool , Runway , Fashion Show , Tango , Latin Dance , Ballet , Quinceanera , Agapanthus , Wildflower , Bellflower Family , Herbaceous Plant , Star Thistle , Violet Family , Crocus , Scilla , Iris Family , Creative Arts , Cornales , Botanical Garden , Rhododendron , Blossom , Gardening , Lavender , Viola , Lamiales , Hydrangea , Delphinium , Lupin , Bellflower , Plantation , Bus Driver , Hair Iron , Baby Carriage , Suitcase , Hand Luggage , Backpack , Diaper Bag , Rv , High Speed Rail , Rolling Stock , Costume Design , Smoke , Formula One , Indycar Series , Assault Rifle , Soccer Player , Supervillain , Software Engineering , Scion Xd , Chevrolet Uplander , Lexus Lfa , Lexus Is , Infiniti , Kia Forte Koup , Kia Forte , Honda Civic Hybrid , Hyundai Elantra , Toyota Venza , Toyota Camry Solara , Hyundai Accent , Lexus Es , Transformers , Tobacco Products , Guitar Amplifier , Hit Man , Special Agent , Business Card , Air Racing , Submarine , Electricity , Walt Disney World , Cathedral , Byzantine Architecture , Medieval Architecture , Listed Building , Fan Convention , Glove , Doll , Barbie , Dollhouse , Canoe , Bowed String Instrument , Cooking Show , Soup , Minestrone , Clam Chowder , Chowder , Ribollita , Tripe Soup , Magiritsa , Ciorbă , Drinking Water , Beer , Drinking , Fencing ,

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