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Do you think the performances were over the line . Log our face book page right now keeptalking. Always fun to reet your commends. Thank you for conversing with us after the show each morning. Fox friends starts right now. Bye. Good morning everyone. Today is wednesday, the 12th of november, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert. While you were sleeping a razorthin race comes to an end and the republicans add another seat to their midterm massacre. Weve got the live report. He thought he was going to die, but the hero who killed Osama Bin Laden did not care. Were going to die eventually. This is a good way to go. Its worth it to kill him, because hes going to die with us. More from Robert Oneill, the hero navy seal who took out the most wanted man in the world. Bruce springsteen headlines an antiwar song on veterans day in front of our vets. So much for hbos concert for valor. Fox friends begins right now. Good morning. Youre watching fox friends, the only morning show that wont charnl you for an extra carryon bag. Is that true . Thats true. We rack up the charges in other areas. The drinks will kill you. We have a fox news alert. While you were sleeping the g. O. P. Gaining another seat in the senate. Dan sullivan takes alaska. Good morning. The congress is going to change even more now. We were watching this race very closely because initially we thought control of the senate might swing on this before the Midterm Elections. Now this is icing on the cake for republicans set to take the senate reigns in january. Republican dan sullivan has won that senate race beating democrat mark begich. Initially they were separated by 8,000 votes or so but they had to go to absentee ballots to determine who won. Here are the final numbers. Sullivan with 49, begich with 46. This brings the republican majority in the senate to 53 for now. That may still change because were waiting still for the results of that louisiana race. That is coming down to a Runoff Election early in december. Thank you very much. Two weeks ago Fox News Channel announced we had the exclusive interview with the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. Last night we actually heard and saw from rob ert oneill, a navy seal. What is rivetting about these men who defend our nation, on veterans day is they will do anything for this country. Rob told peter they were pretty sure they were going to die. This was a Suicide Mission. And yet, they all got on that helicopter. Listen to this. Whats it like training for something so hard, so intensely when you dont think that youre going to survive the mission . Well, it was worth it pause this is it. We would have moments, wed joke around and laugh but then all of a sudden it would hit you again like all right, lets get serious again because this is going to happen and were not coming home. Was that a sad feeling . No. It was more of were going to die eventually, this is a good way to go, and its worth it to kill him because hes going to die with us. When you heard that there were some other options, did any part of you hope that the president would pick one that did not require sending to you possibly die . The thought was there, but we wanted to go. We really wanted to do this. This is why were all here now. And just to be part of something so historic, you cant ask for more. Would there have been some sort of relief . Maybe. We didnt go and they bombed it. Great. But we wanted it bad. Why . It doesnt get any better. This is it. This is why were here. Were at war because of this guy, and now were going to go get him. Retribution, pay back and closure for all those families. I love the simple way in which the navy seal heads were explaining to them the mission. Theres a bowl. Theres a thing in this bowl and it sits in another country and youre going to go get that thing out of that bowl which is very cut and dry. Can you tell me about what country it is . No. They thought it was probably qaddafi. Exactly. But they knew there was a really good chance that when they got to bin ladens house either it was going to blow up or everybody was wearing belt bombs and they would all blow up and they wouldnt make it. So when they got on those two choppers headed for Osama Bin Ladens house, it was different this time. Usually its just a fist bump or handshake, but this time something different. Instead of the usual handshake to the other seal, hey, all right, see you in a couple minutes, have a good fight, now it was hugging everyone. We all knew that the chances of dying were really high. So just hugging the other guys, looking at my brothers from the squadron, i can only imagine it is like a feeling in a tunnel for an nfl player before he is about to run on the field like it is time to do my job. We got on the helicopters and had a minute around there. We did talking, guys did what they had to do before we got on for a long ride and we got on the helicopters. We were the end, we were the nypd, we were the American People. And when president bush said freedom will be defended, he meant for everyone. We were everyone. Put yourself in his parents shoes tattoo. It is a Secretive Group so you dont always know the details. But robs father recounting the night he received that phone call before the raid. Listen. Looking back now, i really do know whats wrong. At the time im guessing. My mind is all over the place. You know, after 17 years, i think its over for him. Well, we typically say in every phone call is i tell rob how proud i am of him, to this day, that i hof love him. In this call i remember i said i wish i could go with you. Imagine when the president of the United States walks on to that podium that night and says here was the mission, we killed Osama Bin Laden and him sitting this in butte, montana, knowing his son was part of that mission must have been the proudest moment you could possibly have as a father. Certainly. But that angst and anxiety he felt, you saw it in his eyes before this raid. And it gives you a peek of what all our families have gone through and on veterans day, we got the 2,000 pictures and we thank you with those, better with vets, you get a feeling for the sacrifices the families are making. Not just the men and women in uniform. Last night was part one. Tomorrow is part two, ten p. M. Eastern time on the fox channel. How did Robert Oneill who initially was supposed to be outside the house as a leader, how did he wind up inside the house on the stairs and wound up killing Osama Bin Laden . Heres a little bit from tonights episode. How is it that you ended up the numbertwo man on the stairs to the just luck. Just the way it worked. The guys ahead of me, based on our tactics, we know that the guy in front stays in front and everyone behind him when theres other stuff going on, they need to get to that, you know, the threat and take care of the threat, which is the other people, other rooms, other doors. More importantly, we need to clear that level before we go up one more. Yeah. Not knowing, hey, were going to go on the balcony, maybe getting that tip from somebody. Where is he . We think hes on the third floor. Maybe i dont want to be downstairs. Maybe i want to be on that balcony. Part 2 airs tonight at 10 00. Tune in for that. Were going to hear why rob decided to come forward with that story and is he scared now . His face is out there. Weve seen what these grizzly terrorists can do. Is he scared or is a navy seal ever scared . Why coming up on a little over three years, why has he decided now hes going to reveal himself. Unlike that guy on 60 minutes its his face, his voice. Hes not getting paid for the interview. He doesnt have a book out. Why is he doing it now . All reeiveld to be revealed tonight. Also one hour, the young gentleman who got that exclusive interview, peter, is going to be on the couch with the big story. Is he related to you . Suddenly very closely. Great job by peter. No kidding. Lets check in with ainsley earhardt. The obamacare architect jonathan gruber backtracking this morning after calling americans stupid. This deal was written in a tortured way to make sure c. B. O. Did not [inaudible] the law which said Healthy People are going to pay in, he made explicit that Healthy People pay in and sick people get money it would not have based. Basically call it the stupidity of the American Voter whatever but basically that was critical to getting the thing passed. The comments on the video were made at an Academic Conference speaking off the cuff. I basically spoke inappropriately and i regret having made those comments. Fox news did reach out to gruber for an additional comment but he has not yet returned our calls. A fouryearold boy lucky to be alive after falling more than 200 feet down a cliff. He was at a california beach with his mom when she suddenly realized he was missing. I think something doesnt seem right. Once he ran up the hill he just face, got a scratched up face, broken arm and a leg. It is sad to see him like that. [inaudible] the boy is in critical but stable condition. This video is incredible. A boy dodging sniper bullets and even playing dead to save a little girl. It all unfolded in syria. Take a look. Thats his sister who ran out to save his life. The video posted to youtube by an antisyrian news service that releases information about the countrys ongoing civil war. And those are your headlines. Amazing video. All right, ainsley, thank you very much. Youre welcome. Coming up, the youngest secretary of the u. S. Treasury inviteed to speak to college students. So why is the dpriewp got her, theyre losing their funding for being too conservative . Bruce springsteen sings an antiwar song in front of our veterans. The outrage straight ahead. [ bubbles ] [ giggling ] again again [ giggles ] [ mom ] when were having this much fun, why quit . And bounty has no quit in it either. Its 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. Watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. Bounty. The noquit pickerupper. [ female announcer ] whats the best way to tackle football season . New bounty nfl prints. Available at walmart good morning everyone. 16 minutes after the hour. Controversy brewing at Virginia Tech after a talk about immigration advertised by this flier angers school administrators. The event, a discussion with former u. S. Treasury secretary buchanan, was funded by the school but the Latino Association complained it violated the schools principles of community and now the group has lost funding for the next two semesters. The coordinator of this eent joins us live. Thank you for being with us. You told me this event was meant to be a conversation starter but now this event has become shunned. Why is that . Well, i hosted this event with the help of the Young Americas Foundation and things the organization told us was to be bold activists. So students in the classroom all day, how do we get them to turn out . We made a bold flier. It said alien invasion, how illegal immigration hurts america. And we tried to open this conversation up, and bay buchanan came. She spoke on that topic as well as leadership, and there was a lot of upset from opposing groups who thought that we were politically incorrect and violated principles of community. I went to try to get funding for our freedom week, and all of a sudden i find out, oh, the budget board decided not to fund us for two semesters. That certainly puts a burden on you. The way i see it, though, this was q and a. You didnt lock the doors to the opposition. There was a lot of discussion from the other side; correct . Yes, the room was booked for 100 people and 300 came. And most of the q and a and the majority of the audience was from tsition and bs great. It wasnt conservatives asking conservative questions. They were hardhitting questions from the left. This is a response from the Latino Association. This is in a letter. This combination of language and imagery is offensive and sensitive and a blatant act of disrespect toward the immigrant community and the Virginia Tech community at large. So what is your response to this . Do you see where theyre coming from . Do you think maybe you pushed it too far or do you think theyre being too politically correct and should welcome the discussion . I think theyre being too politically correct . Ive always thought Political Correctness isn invention of the left kind of made to push conservatives in a corner and give them a reason not to speak. I think one of their key tactics there is kind of changing the language of a conversation. Instead of focusing on the issue. Our flier did not single out a single race or ethnicity or gender. I think theyre making this a race issue when it wasnt meant to be one. Is it a double standard . Were seeing this censorship of conservative views here. Has the same been done for liberal groups at the campus at Virginia Tech as well . Not that i know. You know, theres environmental organizations, there are prounion, antiisrael organizations. I never heard of them being silenced. Also, our classrooms, our Political Science department are infiltrated with liberals. No one has brought another side. No one has tried to silence them for preaching to the students. Lauren, thank you so much for your time. Good luck over these next two semesters figuring out how to tie things together. The Virginia Tech student budget board did not return our request for comment on this story. 19 minutes after the hour. Coming up, he was convicted of killing a mother of four but this terror teacher may find himself back in the classroom. A 90yearold veteran arrested for feeding the homeless. And hes not the only one. These good march tans punished these Good Samaritans punished for a good deal and now theyre fighting back. Well tell you how. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Welcome back. Headlines for you. Hed bull gives terrorists wings too. A new report reveals turkish traders are sipping the energy drink into syria every day for isis fighters. They are said to be downing huge amounts so they can stay alert and win battles. The university of illinois considering rehiring murderer and known terrorist james kilgore. He taught at the college for four years but was let go after his criminal past was revealed. Kilgore was convicted of killing a mother of four during a bank robbery in california. Steve . Being homeless is usually considered a good deed but feeding the homeless is usually considered a good deed but a city in florida is cracking down. Today opponents are firing back with a planned show down on the mayors doorstep in fort lawyered lawyered Fort Lauderdale anybody who does something for the homeless, that seems like a good thing. It seems like they crack down on certain organizations and individuals who what . Didnt have the right permits or what . The city of Fort Lauderdale and not only the city of Fort Lauderdale but across the United States theres states and cities passing laws about how you feed the homeless and making laws that you cannot feed the homeless. This is a 40 increase over the last few years. It is called criminalizeation of the homeless making it basically illegal to be homeless. There are all kinds of crazy laws. I read what the mayor put out. Here is part of the statement in Fort Lauderdale. The ordinance does not prohibit feeding the homeless. It regulates activity in order to make sure it is carried out at appropriate locations under clean, safe and healthy conditions. I get that because the people are already homeless. You want to make sure that they are in a situation where the food is clean and the people who are handing it out are, have proper hygiene as well. Correct. But in the citys case they want to hide the homeless. They made it a policy for years to get the homeless out of the city of ft. Lauderdale. They are the only city in the United States who passed so many laws in a threemonth period. Cant sleep in your car, cant pan handle, mr. Abbott has been feeding the homeless for 23 years. He not only feeds the homeless but he has a program where he knows food hygiene, safety factors. If i cant bring a bag of potato chips to a starving person, that is ridiculous. Mr. Abbott is a 90yearold guy arrested for feeding the homeless on a public beach on wednesday. Sean, tell me about your protest. Were going to bring the message to the mayors front door. If he wants to keep this ridiculous policy in order and he doesnt want to change it all were asking him to do is change a few little things. But he cant seem to do that. We want everybody to know that the city of ft. Lauderdale is basically making laws that attack Homeless People. Again its criminalization of the homeless. Sad to say, this area of our country, broward county, more attacks happened on the homeless. Research indicated when you have laws that target the homeless attacks and hate crimes on homeless go way up. We put Homeless People in jail. Youre certainly trying to draw attention to the homeless and thats terrific and youre trying to bring attention as well to your protests and the mayor and you just got his attention. Sean with the organization homeless voice, hes the executive director, thank you very much. What do you think about that . Please email, friends foxnews. Com. Do you think its okay to crack down on them where there is an outdoor situation and there are not standards . Let us know. Bruce springsteen sings an antiwar song on veterans day in front of a hot of vets. Fortunate son and unfortunate choice. What do you think . Are these singers tonedeaf for singing an antiwar song on veterans day . Well talk about that next. Representative Charlie Rangel thinks calling white people crackers is a term of endearment. Really . His twisted logic next. First happy birthday ann hathaway. 32. This season, celebrate whats new, with the bigger, better menu at red lobster try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon all topped with decadent brown butter. Or savory new lobster scampi linguini, with lobster in every bite. And, the ultimate feast. Its the ultimate ultimate with more shrimp than ever. More of what you love, our new menu. Its a bigger, better reason to celebrate. So hurry in and sea food differently. This is my grandfather. Thats terrific. Wonderful pictures. Thank you very much for sending them. As anna said, 2,000 of them yesterday. Just amazing. Clearly were the channel that loves vets. Hbo, i think their heart was in the right place. They had this great concert for valor last night out on the mall in washington, d. C. They had a lot of big stars. But there was an interesting selection, or one of the songs that fee fee featured Bruce Springsteen and zach brown. The song fort son could have been an unfortunate choice. Is it an unfortunate choice in front of this group of veterans . A lot of people criticizing saying were they tonedeaf for choosing this song . Its an antiwar, antidraft song. Couldnt they have picked a different tune for their set list . We dont have the draft anymore. So perhaps they were hitting on a point also that the song, when John Foggarty wrote this song he was criticizing the elitism in washington that one fourth of us are going to fight these wars and while the senators sons are not going to fight. He was referring to David Eisenhower at the time and nixons daughter. He said theyre not going to go fight but the rest of us are going to fight and protect us. Youre right, its antidraft but we dont have the draft anymore. But it just seems odd that it would be to pick that one. Something else that was tonedeaf was eminem saying happy mother fing veterans day. Listen. D. C. , happy [bleep] veterans day. [bleep] come on, pal, did you take a look at who was in the crowd . Veterans and their families. Waving american flags. If they hire eminem to do it, youve got to figure going to get some of that. At the same time the vets in that audience, they fought for the right for him to sing anything he want to. Great point. I was reading through the twitter stream, the response and you see veterans saying im a veteran. I fought for him to do that. If you dont like it go home. I love eminem to work out, gets you pumped up. At the same time you dont do that in front of children. But you know what youre going to get with eminem let us know your thoughts. Go to our website, go to our facebook and you can weigh in on that. President obama promising drastic emissions cut as part of a deal with china. Despite that his relationship with his chinese counterpart still under scrutiny. Were live in beijing. Good morning. The president is under a lot of pressure to get to victory on this asian trip. He did get one today. China has never agreed to any sort of caps on their Carbon Emissions. They are the Worlds Largest polluter. They did agree this time in this deal with the president to go along with caps on their Carbon Emissions. But the deadline is basically 2030, a long time away. And its not clear that china is going to follow through on that promise especially since remember the last few days they used the staterun newspapers here to suggest the president is a lame duck with not a lot of clout back in the United States. Then the president on the u. S. Side is saying hell cut Carbon Emissions by 26 to 28 by 2025 compared to what those emissions were in 2005. Of course 2025, the president will be long out of office. So theres no guarantee that the u. S. Will follow either. Nonetheless, the president very eager to sell this as a win. Listen. This is a major milestone in the u. S. China relationship l, and it shows whats possible when we Work Together on an urgent global challenge. Another potential challenge to all of this, though, is that you have a new Incoming Republican Congress that is not necessarily going to be on board with this deal. The Presumptive Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell putting out a statement that he believes this will expand the president s war on coal adding this unrealistic plan that the president would dump on his successor would ensure higher utility rates and far fewer jobs. A News Conference today, the chinese president didnt want to take questions from reporters. The president called on a reporter from the new york times. He pressed the chinese leader on why he hasnt issued more visas to allow independent journalists into this country. A little bit of a clash. The chinese president initially didnt answer that at all, sort of sloughed it off, then came around and said it is the reporter posts fault if theyre kicked out of the country and they need to obey chinas regulations. Doesnt sound like a more open chinese president hes been trying to put out there in his image in these talks with president obama in the last few days. Hes on a road trip with the president in beijing. Ed henry where it is already night falling, 739 china time. Right now well look at the other stories making headlines. Does this sound secure to you . The minneapolis airport solution to fixing an unguarded exit is not having a t. S. A. Agent standing guard . They decided to cover the glass with an opaque film so no one can see whats on the other side. It does it seem like the dplas treatment is enough like the glass treatment is enough . No. Seems like it is pretty easy to go back in this. That is the same check point where three passengers breached security and slipped through an unguarded metal detector not to mention this is the same airport where an isis terrorist used to work there before he died fighting in syria. He could have made off with all of his stuff. Brandnew video just out shows this cleaning woman rye rifling through a hotel guests stuff. She didnt wind up taking anything. The hotel guest says he sent the video to management at the, quote, wellknown american hotel. He doesnt name the hotel. No word on if the cleaning woman has been fired. He calls the tea party a bunch of white crackers. Now Charlie Rangel saying he thought it was a term of endearment. The new york democrat defending the comments he made last year when he compared Tea Party Members to the segregationists of the jim crow era. He then offered this backhanded apology. Theyre so proud of their heritage and all the things they believe in. I can tell you this, with all the feelings i have against the people that have been against justice, fair play and equality and the freedoms as we know it, if i offended them for calling them a white cracker, i apologize. Rangel went ton say that he thinks criticism for the comment is ridiculous. The video is outrageous. It is a man trapped in a wall of a mall in colorado. It appears that he was stuck inside that wall for days. It is believed that he entered from the roof. Employees said they could hear him inside the wall yelling since monday. Hes now in the hospital recovering. And those are your headlines. Well, he got out. Lets check in with maria molina. She is outside with a look at the forecast. Good morning. Good to see you. We continue to track that arctic blast thats been impacting parts of the Northern Plains over the last several days. We picked up significant snow across minnesota with more than 16 inches of snow just north of the city of minneapolis and that storm system is on the move, really a lot weaker today. Were looking at light rain across parts of the northeast early this morning like upstate new york and down into pennsylvania and very dense fog ahead of that storm system as well from parts of South Carolina all the way to maine. Temperatures are very cold behind that storm system and were also expecting some lakeeffect snow to be triggered as we head into basically thursday and friday. You can see those accumulations. More than six inches, possibly 12 inches in some areas off the great lakes. Lets head back inside. Maria thank you very much. Coming up on this wednesday, its the interview with the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. The analysts told me if you want to get a shot at bin laden, hes on the third floor. General jerry boykin is here to react to Robert Oneills incredible story. Want to carry a gun in our Nations Capital . Youll need a permit for that. Wait until you see how hard it is to actually get a permit. A a a coffee be ng poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Welcome back. The navy seal who killed bin laden opens up to fox news exclusively. Initially i was going to be the team leader for external security. There was a couple of snipers and a medic and i was going to be the team leader outside. So we were going to get off our helicopter, he was going to drop us off and the rest of the guys were going to go to the rooftop. The analyst told me if you want to get a shot at bin laden hes on the third floor. I talked myself out of the team leaders spot so i could stay on the helicopter and go to the roof and then that was what we called the marytrs brigade so we were going to volunteer to get on the roof and jump into the balcony and have a shootout with bin laden from the balcony inside. The more we trained on it, the more we realized this is going to be a oneway mission. Were going to go and not going to come back. Were going to die when the house blows up, die when he blows up or be there too long and be arrested by the pakistanis and spend the rest of our short life in a pakistan prison. That is Robert Oneill says taking down bin laden that was willing to put it all on the line for something that in and that was the United States of america. I think we should be proud of this guy and i dont see what the issue is. Part 2 of the man who killed Osama Bin Laden continues on the Fox News Channel. General, thanks again for joining us this morning. Thank you. Coming up here on the show, dc just passed a law to let people get a gun. One problem, its impossible to get the necessary permit. The Second Amendment was written, it was more or less for when the british were coming. The british were coming . Wait until you see what happened when our reporter tried to exercise her Second Amendment right. Thats coming up next. The conference call. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Stunning reversal, people are allowed to carry guns in washington, d. C. , but there is one problem. You cant get the necessary permit. Well, why bother then . Well, fox 5s dc chief Investigative Reporter emily miller tried applying for one for herself and joinses from d. C emily, what happened . Good morning. Im a registered gun owner and now that its legal, i want a permit to carry. The Police Department started the process a few weeks ago issues but right now its impossible to fulfill their requirements. I want to apply for a gun carry prime minister. First of all, you have to prove that you need the conceal carry as opposed to wanting one. Prove a need for a constitutional right . Thats what dcs new law says. You have to prove your life is in danger, your family or your property. Reporter application he gave me said the fact that i live and work in a high crime area is not enough to get a carry permit. Demonstrate a special danger to your life. Whats the difference between a regular danger, like getting raped and murdered on the street, and a special danger . You have to prove youre being targeted. Do i have to give evidence . Yes, maam. Reporter okay. So i was the victim of a Home Invasion and ive gotten a threat against me. So do i just give the records . Yes, maam. Reporter so who decides whether or not myself defense needs are special . I wouldnt make the decision on whether its approved or disapproved. Thats something the chief of police will do. You have your reasons why you feel like you need it. Can the chief of police will personally decide . Its going to be some one or her staff. Proving need is just one part of the application. Then what else do i have to do . You have to do 16 hours of classroom training and then two hours at the range. Where do i go to do that . Unfortunately, i think theyre still setting up the classes. Reporter the city isnt actually abiding by the court decision. No one can apply for carry permit right now because the police havent certified any trainers for the mandatory classes. That might be partly because dc charges trainers 400 to be certified. In contrast virginia accepts any class that is certified by the nra and there is no time requirement. The Second Amendment right to bear arms doesnt fully apply here. I believe when the Second Amendment was written, that was more or less for when the british were coming. Reporter when the british were coming . The bill of rights is no longer relevant . At least i got my packet. I can start working on applying for my permit. So whats next . The police told me to keep checking in to find out when there is a certified trainer for the 18 hours of classes. I spoke to alan gather, the lawyer fort plaintiffs in the original case and says the new carry permit law is totally unconstitutional and doesnt adhere to the courts ruling. Hes requested a permanent injunction and a District Court judge will hear this argument on the issue on november 20. Back to you guys. Keep us posted. Emily miller who is a good shot, thank you very much for joining us. Yes. That was me shooting in that piece. Well done. Thank you. Coming up here on the show, a luxury home like no other. Its buried hundreds of fe below ground in an old missile silo. The reason . It can withstand a nuclear bomb and its for sale. What have they heard . U good morning. Today is wednesday, the 12th of november, 2014. Im anna kooiman. He thought he was going to die. But the hero who killed bin laden did not care. We were the end, we were the fists. We were the nypd. We were the American People. When president bush said freedom will be defended, he meant it for everyone. We were everyone. More from the navy seal who took out the most wanted man in the world. Meanwhile, an obamacare architect tries to backtrack, claiming he misspoke when he called the American Voters stupid. But if he didnt mean it, why did he say it at least twice . Youll see. The new tape and how democrats are trying to distance themselves today from that guy. Fellows, do your dance moves look Something Like this . Oh, i wish. I wish i were that good. The science is in on what women really want on the dance floor. Not that. Fox friends hour two starts right now. This is big kenny, youre watching fox friends and love everybody. Yes. The dirty dancing catch is probably not what ladies want. I would have thought you were running across the dance floor, you jump, you want a man to catch you. It was two men doing that. Okay. Most of the running at the bars ive gone to is to the actual bar. Right. Or on top of the bar. More on the Science Behind what women want on your dance moves coming up. First, while you were sleeping, the gone gaining another seat in the senate, sullivan takes alaska. Now more. Reporter yeah. Even at this late date after the Midterm Elections, were still getting some results in. Republicans put another point on the board in this alaska race. Republican dan sullivan has now been declared the winner in this race against democratic incumbent mark begich. They were separated by about 8,000 votes or so. But it took a while to count all of the mailin votes and early votes. Took a while to get those final numbers. But here they are. Not all that close ultimately. Sullivan with 49. Begich, 46. That adds one more vote excuse me, one more seat to the republican margin of victory. Were still waiting for one more race to be settled. Thats the one in louisiana. Comes down to a runoff on december 6. Back to you guys. All right. Doug luzader there on capitol hill, thank you. Meanwhile, there is an update on the senate race down in louisiana. Thats right. Weve been waiting for that as well. With that, we have headline duty today with Ainsley Earhart who joins us live here. Im fill not guilty for heather. Yes, good to be here. Thank you. Here are the headlines. The Lame Duck Congress starting today and Senate Democrats are considering a vote to approve the Keystone Pipeline to try to get Mary Landrieu reelected in louisiana. A majority of democrats have voted no on the pipeline, but landrieu cited her support as a difference between her and president obama. Landrieus challenger is also weighing in. I think its incredibly cynical. Keep in mind harry reid could have brought this up any time that he wished. But instead of bringing jobs for 40,000 people, better job, Better Benefits that would have been construction jobs related to the pipeline, he doesnt do it. The only job hes interested in forgetting is senator Mary Landrieus. The Runoff Election is set for december 6. President obama promising drastic emission cuts as part of a new climate deal with china. 26 to 28 to be cut by 2025. It will double the pace of reducing Carbon Pollution under the deal. China will set a ceiling on its co 2 emissions by 2030. This is a major milestone in the u. S. China relationship. It shows whats possible when we Work Together on an urgent global challenge. But the expected new Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell, firing back and saying this this unrealistic plan that the president would dump on his successor would insure higher utility rates and far fewer jobs. The obamacare architect, jonathan gruber, backtracking after calling americans stupid. This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure cbo did not score it as taxes. If the law said Healthy People would pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency a huge political advantage and basically call the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting this thing to pass. The comments were made in an Academic Conference. Speaking off the cuff and i spoke inappropriately and i regret having made those comments. Fox news did reach out to him for an additional comment, but he has not yet returned our calls. It is a soldiers surprise that will melt your heart. Am i dreaming . That is Sergeant Scott anderson surprising his daughter at her wisconsin middle school. He had been deployed to afghanistan since june, but returned early. Isabel didnt think she was going to see her father until next summer. Were glad hes home safe and sound. Those are your headlines. Thank you very much. A lot of us are dragging our wagons today because we stayed up way past our bedtime because peter doocy joins us right now. Peter had a big special last night. Hes the guy who got the exclusive interview with the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. Thanks for staying up late. Its a fantastic and powerful thing. And there are a lot of moments that stand out. One that stands out for me is describing the moments before he boards a helicopter for the last time. Take a listen and well get you to talk about it, peter. Watch. Instead of the usual handshake to the other seals, i now its hugging everyone. We all knew that the chances of dying were really high. So just hugging the other guys, looking at my brothers from the other squadron, i can only imagine like a feel not guilty a tunnel for an nfl player before hes about to run on the field. It is time to do my job. We drove in the helicopters and had a minute around there. We were sitting talk. Guys did their last thing before we get on for the long ride and then got in the helicopters and launched. We were the end. We were the fists. We were the nypd. We were the American People. When president bush said freedom will be defended, he meant it for everyone. We were everyone. Perfect First Episode for veterans day yesterday. Its hard for a lot of people to get their minds around it. He and the other members of his crew were willing to they believed do a Suicide Mission because this is what america needed. He says that even as hes saying goodbye to his dad, there was a very emotional phone call, he wasnt sad. He was more excited. That says a lot about rob and the rest of the guys who signed up to do this. Thinking it could be a oneway mission, even writing letters to his children. We have another clip where he details that. I wrote one to pretty much everybody. It was more of an explanation of why we went, why it was noble and why im not afraid. With the best people in the world were going on the most Important Mission since washington crossed the delaware and its worth it. Im sorry that youre upset. I died with the people i should have died with. Yeah. It was sad. There was a few times tears hit the pages. Its weird. Im going to call people, but the letter theyre going to get explaining why it had to happen. Did you think they wouldnt understand . They dont understand. The kids probably wouldnt. But eventually they would. Thats a piece of paper that they would have for their whole lives. Yeah. That piece of paper would be the last advice they ever got from their dad. Yes. What did you say . I talked about their weddings, wishing them happiness. Take care of their mom. There was some apologies for im sorry im not around. The first thing at this when i when i got i dont know if im happy about that, but theyre gone. Why did you shred them . I didnt want anybody reading them. Why not . It didnt happen. I thought it was instead of something horrible happening, something great happened instead hes got young kids. So having not being able to grow up with a father and having to learn that from a piece of paper, just so powerful. The whole story is very powerful. Its like what would you guys do if the boss said we need to you do something thats really hard today and youre probably not going to survive . Who do you talk to . What do you say . And in episode one that ran last night, we met his father, tom, who got the call from his son. He was in the walmart parking lot. It was very emotional. Peter, you met rob oneill a couple of years ago. I understand reading the paper today that you met at an irish pub in washington, d. C. Outside dc. There was no drinking. Of course not. Okay, good. At that point he did not want to tell his story. At this point he doesnt have a book that hes selling and were not paying him. Why is he telling the story now . That is why people need to watch tonight. Tonight there are two big things that people want to know. They want to know what was it like to meet Osama Bin Laden very quickly, and also why is he doing it . We get into both those in great detail this evening. Its the personal struggle hes had back home having come forward. Thats all tonight in part 2. We have a clip from tonight. We do. Lets look. All right. We got on the helicopter and flew out. That was midmorning because now were there, people know something happened. They know helicopters were involved and now were trying to get back a 90 minute flight. Its almost like watching a race. Its like wait a minute. We can survive. We can live. We kind of watch as we started our watches and watching it go. 80 something minutes, somebody came over the radio to everybody and said, all right, gentlemen. For the first time in your lives, youre going to be happy to hear this. Welcome to afghanistan. Everyone is like, oh, my god. We just did it. We just pulled it off and we got it and were all fine, we all lived. It was insane. So then there was high fiving it and stuff. We got Osama Bin Laden and were going to live . Amazing. Wow. That is amazing. Have you revealed where that was shot . We shot that at a Holiday Inn Express in montana. What did they think you wering into that hotel room . We told people that we were doing a documentary about the minds. But we rigged up a room where we took the beds out and the stuff out. We put a bunch of stuff prosecute walmart on the wall. They were hammering stuff from walmart into the head board from where the bed was missing. But the whole crew it a really, really good job filming it and then we had people working on this for months until yesterday. So it shows how much hard work went into this tonight. Part 2 runs tonight, 10 00 oclock eastern time. And you have met rob oneill, the man who killed Osama Bin Laden, and he is about the coolest guy in the world, isnt he . Hes done it all. And now really hes done it all. No kidding. Congratulations on getting this. This is great. Thanks. Coming up on this wednesday, obamacare architect didnt call American Voters stupid once. He did it at least twice. Its the same thing. The American Voters are pretty stupid to understand. Now democrats are trying to distance themselves. Senate republican policy chairman John Barrasso joins us live next. And so much for hbos concert of valor. Bruce springstein headlines a antiwar song on veterans day in front of our vets. The outrage straight ahead. The comments were made in an Academic Conference. I was speaking off the cuff and basically spoke inappropriately and i regret having made those comments. Okay. Well, thats one of the obamacare architects, mit professor, jonathan gruber, hes backtracking after calling americans stupid. But we just learned it wasnt the first time he said crazy stuff like that. Pretty much the same thing. What does it matter . Youll see. That tax, the American People are stupid enough. Busted now democrats are doing major damage control. Joining us right now from capitol hill is chairman of the Senate Republican policy committee and orthopedic surgeon, senator John Barrasso. Good morning to you, sir. Thanks for having me. When you heard mr. Gruber say the crazy stuff, did you think to yourself, we knew that. They wrote this bill in such tortured language, nobody knew what it was about. Well, absolutely. I find his comments very offensive. It confirms peoples greatest fear about the government. Remember, it was nancy pelosi said first you have to pass it before you get to find out whats in it. We knew it was written in a way that it was really deliberately written to deceive the American People. Now people are paying the price. We see it. There are so many unpopular components of the Health Care Law. People cant keep their doctor. Theyre paying higher premiums, higher copays, higher deductibles, which is why were trying to repeal the entire piece of legislation right now. Sure. And one of the things in one of the extended bites he explains that the reason we kind of hid the truth was because people are stupid. But its for their own good. Has it been for their own good so far . Well, i trust the people, not the government, in so many matters. This is certainly one of them. It has not been helping people. Its caused significant damage across the country to peoples health, their health care, as well as to their take home pay because of so many of the components of the Health Care Law. People knew what they wanted from health care reform. They wanted affordability, access, quality, and choice. And under the president S Health Care law, theyve lost out on so many of those things which is why as youve seen the Congressional Budget Office numbers and even the health and Human Services came out this past week and said, well, were expecting fewer people to sign up than we ever anticipated this year. The reason for that is that people think its not a good deal for them because its not a good deal for the American People. And of course, the democrats say, we did it for you. But its curious because so many of the democrats now are running away from this guy. But when you look at the record and we went into the archives, here is a very prominent u. S. Senator defending this guy, talking him up on the senate floor back in 2009. The Congressional Budget Office and professor gruber are both credible and unbiased choices. Who are not bought and sold by the insurance industry. There he is praising him. That also part of the record. Going forward really quickly, sir, what do now that the republicans are in charge of the senate, are they going to do about obamacare . We want to repeal the entire Health Care Law at a very minimum, we want to strip out the most damaging portions of the law that are impacting on peoples health, as well as their take home pay. Were going to continue to bring bills to the senate floor which have bipartisan support that have already passed the house of representatives with bipartisan support. The employer mandate, going after the individual mandate, 30hour workweek, trying restore the traditional 40 hour workweek. It looks like you have big plans. We do. And senator baucus who made that statement, he was chairman of the finance committee and back then, he said he hadnt read the bill because he had paid staffers to do it. Well, i read the entire Health Care Law and ive been telling people from the beginning we shouldnt pass this. Senator, thank you very much for joining us live from capitol hill. Thanks for having me. You bet. Wait til you see the luxury house coming up next. Hey matt, whats up . Im just looking over the company bills. Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Time for news by the numbers. First, 2 million. Thats the worth of watches stolen from a new york jewelry store. Armed thieves stormed the diamonds direct boutique in the middle of the day. Theyre still on the loose. Next, three. Thats how many calls a at this the faa is getting from Airline Pilots reporting near misses with drones. Operators must have faa permission to fly. Finally, 445 million of your tax dollars. Thats the amount being paid by medicare to test Senior Citizens for heroin, cocaine, and angel dust. This number up more than 1,000 in just five years. Thanks. Listen to this story, maybe its isis, ebola or unpredictable weather these days. For some people, the world can seem like a dangerous place. Thats why a growing number of affluent americans are taking extreme steps to keep their families safe by buying luxury bunkers, underground. This is not a joke. Larry hall is a Real Estate Developer hyped two luxury survival complexes that have sold out. Larry, great to see you this morning. Good morning. Be honest. When you first told your wife you were going to do this, what did she say . She thought i was joking. She thought it was a practical joke. As a developer, you thought okay. Im going to buy a missile silo in 2008 and how did this idea come to you to convert this thing into a luxury bunker to protect us against doomsday scenarios . Well, i owned an Internet Company in florida and originally i was going to make it a nuclear hardened data center. But there was a glut of data centers on the market and i said, well, instead of protecting computers, im going to go for people. So were look on our screen now at a graphic that shows what this underground bunker looks like. Walk us through what we can expect in this complex. Well, its designed for dual use. A lot of people have the idea that its going to be dark and cold and instead its got Rock Climbing walls and there is pool tables and an arcade for the kids. Weve got a spa and exercise levels. The ceilings are very high. Theyre nine foot in the living quarters. All the appliances are very high end. There is a movie theater. There is a bar and lounge, a pet park. There is farm not guilty there, too . Yeah. We have aquaculture and hydroponics which lets us produce our own organic food. I remember that from the epcot ride at disney. Plants with water dripping off them. I would have thought this would have been really dark. Who wants to live underground . Vitamin d deficiency. People will walk around pale. But you say you can simulate sunlight down there . Yeah. Weve got the technology now that the led lighting actually prevents depression, all that was engineered into it. We on have electronic windows so you can be sitting in your condominium over 100 feet below the surface and you have a live High Definition feed that streams to a framed tv that looks like a window and for all practical purposes, you couldnt tell if you were on the surface or 100 feet underground. Who is buying these . A variety of people. Weve got doctor, dentists. Weve had inquiries now with nfl players. Weve got race car drivers. Weve got hollywood types. Its everyone. Its across the board. Is there a common theme that they tell that you theyre scared of the future or something thats concerning them . A lot of people are concerned about the economy. A lot of people are worried about Global Climate change. With everything thats happening in the world, i think there is an underlying emphasis now on potential terrorism and people like the aspects that we can home school here. Its a blanket. Its a security blanket for people. Unbelievable. Larry hall, Real Estate Developer behind these luxury bunkers. Great to see you this morning. Fascinating. Thanks for having me. So much for the concert for valor from hbo. Some odd choices last night, songs and other things. Bruce springstein headlines an antiwar song in front of our vets. The outrage on that story straight ahead. Fellows, do your dance moves look a little Something Like this . The science is in on what women really want on the dance floor. Im proud to be an american where at least i know im free how great is that . Yesterday of course, veterans day. We had a gigantic parade in new york city. We asked you to send us pictures of your loved ones who are vets with a betterwithvets. We received 2, 3,000. Ellen on instagram wrote this, so proud to be the daughter of a marine. Great. Another one writes, my son, private tim, at his basic training graduation, seeing his big brother, sergeant daniel. Courtney writes, my son, jamison, Colorado Air National guard, returning from iraq in 2009. And fox news cameraman chris chulo, who normally runs the camera were looking at right here, that is his father, peter. He served in korea and hes going to be celebrating his 81st birthday this month. Congratulations, everybody. And thank you very much for your service. Where would we be without those guy. We love our veterans and you clearly do too with your overwhelming response of sending in the pictures. Something that was disturbing on veteran day last night, tens of thousands of folks gathered on the National Mall in honoring our veterans and this song didnt seem to fit. Lets listen to this. Hail to the chief these are some of my favorite entertainers. Zach brown, Bruce Springstein, singing fortunate son. What could perhaps is unfortunate is that it is lightly recorded as antiwar and antidraft and for them to be performing it in front of a crowd that largely volunteered to fight in afghanistan and iraq, that has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Yeah. Some people saying that it was tone deaf for them to be playing that song. But others say, wait a second. It was really about the elitism of the time. It was written john fogarty wrote it in the late 60s and he was talking about that the 1 of the people that were going to be fighting are going to protect the rest of us. He was writing it about really elites in washington not having to go off and fight where the other people were going to have to fight and protect us. Many of our viewers are reminding us that Bruce Springstein has a long history of this. The song born in the usa, being an anthem about america, but its an antivietnam anthem. Diana says this on facebook, they should have been run off the stage. Mary on facebook says, the song was more about the politicians. Not the service members. Dawn on facebook writes, totally disrespectful. Their play list is planned out. So it was an intentional slap across the face. Thats a great point. Obviously they knew the they saw this. They knew well ahead of time what songs were going to be played. So maybe if there is some criticism, they should direct it at hbo, which have the sponsor and the broadcaster as well of last nights festivities live from the u. S. Mall. It was a greatat show aside from that. Yeah. We have some of the folks here said they watched up. And new acts kept coming up and i stayed up and watched it. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. Ainsley has headline duty today with us. Yes. Im going to start with a heartbreaking story. This is out of california. A threeyearold and her family about to buy ice cream from the ice cream man from the truck when a suspected illegal immigrant plows right into them and kills the little girl. Police say the driver had no license and was drunk. When i got across the street, i found the mother with the baby in her arms. Its not fair that these people have to go through that. The 18yearold suspect driving away from the scene, police later arresting him. We showed you this shocking video, a mom caught on camera punching a fellow shopper who asked her to quiet her screaming child and this morning we have an update. That woman, the puncher, is under arrest. 27yearold terry elsey is being held on a 50,000 bail. For the past three years, arizona woman has honored her veteran father by proudly flying this marine corps flag off her balcony at her apartment complex. But this morning, the rotc student is being told she has to remove it or shell face eviction. I want to fly it on our porch because were proud of it. We should be allowed to. The apartment complex manager says its against the rules to hang anything visibly from the exterior. If youre look for love, you might want to avoid moves like this. Turns out its not the best way to woo the ladies, gentlemen. Scientists in the u. K. Pinpointed the most attractive dance moves for guys. So the video were going to show you thats on the left, those are the good moves. You can move the hips, the arms, the feet. The ones on the left, you know. The ones on the right, stiff arms, theyre saying thats bad. A definite nono. Both of them dont look too bad. The worst is elaine. Remember elaine . From seinfeld, sure. You dont want your guy to be a better dancer than you. Were going to do the hustle. Remember this . No idea. All i snow when i like to dance, there is so little movement. This is kind of about as crazy as i got. Why is scotty running away from me . I dont get it. Is this the hustle . Thats not the one i remember. You know what were going to do tomorrow . Were going to bring in a dance instructor to show us guys how we should really be dancing. The dance instructor is right here in case you didnt notice. That is not the hustle. Thats something else. Maria molina is smartly outside. Trying to avoid the scenario here. But great moves, you guys. Not really. Many people across the country are dancing this morning trying to stay warm across portions of the Northern Plains because out there, it is cold. We have our arctic blast that moved in and take a look at this time lapse. This is out of minnesota. They picked up to 16 inches of snow, or a little bit more than that north of the city of minneapolis. That storm system is on the move. Today, not so much snowfall across parts of the east. We are seeing light drizzle and areas of rain across portion of upstate new york and through pennsylvania and ahead of that system, very dense fog stretching from areas as far south as South Carolina all the way up to parts of maine. So we do have advisories in effect because of that. As we get the cold arctic air, were anticipating lake effect snow as we head through friday with many areas potentially receiving more than six inches of snow and locally more than a foot will be possible. There is a look at those current windchill temperatures. It feels like 16 below zero in denver. 24 below zero in rapid city. Your high temperatures are going to be a little better than what the windchill reads. But not that much. Only a high of 5 degrees in the city of denver. Lets head back inside. Thank you very much. I just revealed during the segment to clayton and also to anna that i think that was the first time ive danced in the last 20 years where i did not have the benefit of an adult beverage. Me, too. You know what . The more adult beverages you have, the kind of more loose you get. And the better you get. I notice. And the better you think you are. All right. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, 50,000 illegal kids storm through our southern border this summer. You know that. Where are they now . Well, theyre in your schools. But dont expect the feds to help pay for it. New york state educational official says this is a big problem for taxpayers. Shes here next. And a new message for the u. S. Navy, stop training to protect american waters or else . Its the environmental lawsuit that will make you sick, next. First, here is your trivia question of the day. Born on this day in 1980, this a list actor got his start on are you afraid of the dark . Be the first to email us with the correct answer. We got some headlines for you on this wednesday morning. So much for justice. A brandnew investigation into the department of justice revealing rampant cases of nepotism. The focus was one, three top level officials at the executive office for immigration review who have been giving jobs to their kids since 2005. Okay. Environmentalists are taking the u. S. Navy to court. The group says hundreds of whales, dolphin and other marine life will die during drills off the coast of california from explosions set off by the u. S. Navy. The navy insists the claims are overblown and the exercises are necessary and safe and part of our national defense. Anna . Thanks. Folks, remember these pictures . Thousands of unaccompanied children escorted into the United States from mexico and central america. We gave them food, shelter, and free flights to cities across the country. And while they wait, were giving them an education. Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors are now enrolled in the United States School System stretching local budgets to the limit. Our guest is here with us. The federal government largely the policies of the white house, the reasons why these children have come in and are strapping these School Budgets even more, but who is left paying for it . Well, its a complicated question. 66,000 children crossed the border between october 2013 and august 2014. Now, the federal government found sponsors for many of these children and they ended up in School Districts, very High Need School districts across the state. In suffolk and nassau county, there are 3,000 of the students who showed up on the day of enrollment. The School Districts do their budgets in april and may. They didnt know how many kids were coming. The feds didnt know how many were coming in, these local School Systems didnt either. Now you have these increased class sizes and a lot of these students dont speak english. What kind of needs do these students have that are more pertinent or taking priority over American Children . I wouldnt say that theyre taking priority. The constitution of new york state and the federal law says that if you are between this age and that age, you are allowed into our public School System. It is actually a law. So its not that they dont deserve it. Its just that how do we not take resources away from our children in High Need School districts to accommodate students who come in . These children are coming from very complicated circumstances and they need more. Not less. Our class sizes are going to increase. Oftentimes these students do not speak english. Their emotional, social needs. This is a time also when our School Districts are raising standards. So they are spending money on math coaches, professional development, reading coach, all of the extra capacity the students at the top could be excelling even more are being bogged down, you say. Also, some programs like sports are being threatened right now . When i was in one School District, very high needs School District that has struggled, the superintendent, wonderful woman who is actually doing a great job accommodating these students, said to me, im going to have to cut out our sports programs, our art programs, our music programs to accommodate these students because i want to do a really good job with them. These kids need us. The United States has a long history of accommodating immigrants and here we are in a crisis and i think it is really incumbent on the federal government and the State Government to collectively come across with an emergency stipend to these really complicated, high needs School Districts who are taking in these youngsters. I think its very important, i want to show that map if we can, or that chart that shows this is not just border states. Its new york and several other states that are dealing with this issue. So the trickle down were really starting to see now that school is in session. Thank you so much. We appreciate your time. Chancellor of new york state board of regents. 48 minutes after the hour. Thats yao ming youre about to see and yes, thats an elephant. But what is the 7 1 2foot former nba star doing with it . Hes here to explain. Look at him good morning. Good morning. The answer to todays trivia question, born on this day in 1980, this a list actor got his start on the tv show are you afraid of the dark. The answer, ryan gosling. Our winner will get a copy of Brian Kilmeades book George Washingtons secret six. At 7 6, yao ming is on a mission to save africas giants, the elephants and the rhinos. Take a look. It is very urgent. We have to do it sooner or later. I want to do it now. The trip to africa is more for me to see the evidence and also to see that relationship with animal and gave me more motivation to help them. Yao ming is here. Hes in our studio and to tell us more about his life changing trip to africa and his crusade against animal poaching. Great to see think morning. Thank you. You are the tallest man who has ever been in the studio. The doors dont even accommodate we have some lights in the back we cant reach. Why did you decide you talk about this is a life changing mission to africa. Why did you decide to make this journey there . In recent years weve seen so many reports about how many number of animals being poached because the product. Ivory . Ivory, rhino horns or utters. The marketing is really its good and bad. Marketing is good. They can really make our life better. But we have to consider the animals life, too. And in fact, while there are still seemingly plenty of elephants, rhinos for the most part have almost been wiped off the planet. Yes. 33,000 elephant being killed each year. 33,000 elephants killed . Yes. Its mainly for the ivy. For the tusks. What a waste. Thats 15 minutes. We know from you your talent on the court. But youre very soft spoken and have a nice, sweet demeanor about you. Shaquille oneal said he didnt know you spoke gush for a few years until after he had been playing with you and you said nice shot in perfect english. What about this cause made you decide to use your voice for that . I think its worth to do. I just cannot live with that, animals dying out. Maybe sometimes when you read the reporter and the numbers on there, the pictures on there, still not enough. But when you visit there, you see the animal with your own eye and you experience the with the animal and the local people, you know how important those animals are for us. To see the rhinos up close must have been incredible. The special airs november 18 at 10 00 p. M. On animal planet. Set your tivo. Watch it live. The great yao ming, great to see you. Thank you. It is five minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, look at this. This is how much, clayton that is how much weed you can carry in new york city and not be arrested. Is this a good idea . And could your city be next . Thats up to 60 joints. Wait, is that real . Chulo, well give this back to you. Dont worry. Good morning. Today is wednesday, the 12th of november, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. He thought he was going to die, but the hero who killed bin laden didnt care. Were going to die eventually. This is a good way to go and its worth it to kill him cause hes going to die with us. More from the navy seal who took out the most wanted man in the world. Meanwhile, one of the obamacare architects tries to backtrack, claiming he misspoke when called the American Voters stupid. But if he didnt mean it that time, why did he say it another time . I said thats pretty much the same thing. Youll see. That fax. America is stupid enough to understand. The new tape and how democrats are now trying to run away from that guy. And an spire School District caving to the complaints of a few. Theyve removed some holidays from the calendar because its offensive to muslims . Fox friends hour three starts right now. Hi, this is yao ming. Welcome to fox friends. He is the tallest man who has ever been in the studio. Seriously. Its weird looking up. He touched the lights on the ceiling. I asked him when he flies, it must be difficult. Im 6 2 and i thought the seats were always bang my knees. He said no, i fly commercial. I thought he would have flown in a private plane. I feel for the person next to him. Great for him to drop by and you as well on this very busy wednesday. We start this hour with a fox news alert. Republicans gained another seat in the senate. Dan sullivan is the winner in alaska. Doug luzader is the winner in d. C he joins us with details. Reporter good morning. You thought the Midterm Elections were over. Republicans it turned out, picked up another seat overnight. We were waiting for a long time for these results to come in. They were not that many votes separating these two. About 8,000 votes separated republican dan sullivan from democratic incumbent mark begich. Now that race has been decided after theyve gone through some of the outstanding mailin votes and some of the early vote results. Ultimately the results werent all that close. 4946. So republicans expand their majority and they may not be through yet. When the new Congress Comes in, there may be yet one more republican, well see because were waiting for the results from that Louisiana Senate race that will come down to a senate race on december 6. For republicans, this is really kind of icing on the cake. We thought this alaska seat might determine during the Midterm Election whether republicans won control. It turns out they easily won control of the senate. This simply expands their majority. Back to you guys. All right. Doug luzader in front of the u. S. Capitol dome, which is being fixed up and renovated. Thank you very much. Talk about the special that aired last night on Fox News Channel and part 2 will air tonight. Really a remarkable look at the man who killed Osama Bin Laden, who came facetoface with the worlds most wanted terrorist. There he is, rob oneill, who really was emboldened to take part and become a part of the u. S. Military watching and then seeing 911 unfold before his eyes as an affront to our freedom. He talked about going on this mission last night in this special and he said he didnt mind dying for this mission, that this was his calling. Listen. Whats it like training for something so hard, so intense when you dont think that youre going to survive the mission . Well, it was worth it because this is it. We would have wed joke around and laugh and all of a sudden it hits you again like, all right, lets get serious again. cause this is going to happen and were not coming home. Was that a sad feeling . No. It was more of a were going to die eventually. This is a good way to go and its worth it to kill him. cause hes going to die with us. When you heard that there were some other options, did any part of you hope that the president picked one that did not require sending you to possibly die . The thought was there, but we wanted to go. We really wanted to do this. This is why were all here now. Just to be part of something so historic, you cant ask for more. Would there have been some sort of relief . Maybe. Okay, we didnt go and they bombed it, great. But we wanted it. Bad. Why . Thats it. It doesnt get any better. This is it. This is why were here. Were at war because of this guy and now were going to go get him. The special will make you feel proud to be an american without a doubt. Peter lets rob outline some of the training they went through during hell week. They got four hours of sleep at the maximum. They run some 200 miles, he says. They get tied up and thrown into water blindfolded to drown proof them. For 45 minutes. Unbelievable that the things that these people go lieu. But theyre not just warriors. You have to remember, theyre people, too. They have families at home. Rob talks about writing a letter to everybody who is important to him, including his children. Fortunately, they didnt have to read those letters. Lets listen. I wrote one to pretty much everybody. It was more of an explanation of why we went, why it was not only and why im not afraid. We were going on the most Important Mission since washington crossed the delaware and its worth it. Im sorry that youre upset, but i died with the people i should have died with. Yeah. It was sad. There was a few times when tears hit the pages. Its weird to im going to doll people, but this is a letter theyre going to get from me explaining why it had to happen. Did you think they wouldnt understand . No, they would understand. The kids wouldnt. But eventually they would. That is the piece of paper theyd have for their whole lives. Yeah. That piece of paper would be the last thing they ever got from their dad. Yes. What did you say . I talked about their weddings, wishing them happiness. Take care of their mom. There were some apologyies for im sorry im not around. The first thing at this when i got home was shred them. I dont know if im happy about that, but theyre upon. Why did you shred them . I didnt want anybody reading them. Why not . It didnt happen. And i thought it was going instead of something horrible happening, something great happened instead. So he left some letters for some of the loved ones who he did not call. He did call a couple of people who were very important to him, including his father, tom. And tom oneill picked up the focus his cell phone. He was at walmart. In butte, montana. There was something about that conversation rob seemed different this time. He didnt say where he was or what he was about to do, but he called his father last. Listen. Looking back now, i really do know whats wrong. At the time im guessing. My mind is all over the place. After 17 years, i think its over for him. What we typically say in every phone call is, i tell rob how proud of him i am and that i love him. In this call, i remember i i wish i could go with you. Can you imagine, not only given that phone call, but getting the phone call . And so Many American families have gotten that phone call because their loved ones are going out on a mission and they cant they just want to say goodbye in case. You dont want to forget about the sacrifices that the family members make. So many. And enough ono that the president will walk out to the podium to know that your son is connected with that mission to capture this guy. Part 2 is tonight, when the whole shooting match starts. Thats when it gets really exciting, when you get to see when he comes facetoface with Osama Bin Laden and his personal battles back here at home now that the story is out. That continues tonight. Take a look at a sneak peek right now. Two minutes out, the doors open and its not a training site in the mountains in the United States. I knew there would be a hallway. I knew there would be rooms to the side and a stairwell at the end. Standing on two feet in front of me with his hands on his wife was the face that i had seen thousands of times. My first thought was we got him. We got him. We just ended the war. It would be irresponsible of me not to give everyone else closure. I remember a guy standing up in front of me telling me, explaining to his friends daughter, why did god do this . Every single day, he said, god didnt do this. The devil did this. You killed the devil wanting to give the families closure was one of the reasons he decided to come forward. Well ask him what his other reasons are and is he scared right now . His face is out there and his family members. Or is a navy seal ever scared . I have read some of the things in the press that have been accurate and some have been wrong. Tonight when you watch, 10 00 p. M. Eastern time, all your questions are going to be answered. It is a great second hour. It is an unbelievable documentary. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden tonight, only here on the Fox News Channel. Lets get over to Ainsley Earhart who is in for heather with your headlines. Good to see you and good to be with you in your living rooms or kitchens. Obamacare architect doing major damage control trying to backtrack after calling the American Voters stupid. The comments were made were at an Academic Conference, i was speaking off the cuff and i basically spoke inappropriately and i regret having made those comments. The only problem . Moments after jonathan gruber claimed his comments were off the cuff, a new tape surfaced. And guess what . He says the same thing again. Thats pretty much the same thing. What does it matter . Youll see. That tax. If the American People are too stupid to understand. Wow. Earlier on fox friends, we did speak to the leader of the Senate Republican policy committee, senator John Barrasso. It confirms peoples greatest fear about the government. Remember, it was nancy pelosi said first you have to pass it before you get to find out whats in it. We knew it was written in a way that it was really deliberately written to deceive the American People. Fox news reached out to gruber for an additional comment. He has not yet returned our calls. Are Senate Democrats having a change of heart as the Lame Duck Congress starts today . They are considering a vote to aproven the Keystone Pipeline. The reason . They want to keep louisiana senator Mary Landrieu in her seat. The majority of the dems and president obama are against that project, but landrieu does support it. And has made that part of her platform to get reelected. Landrieus challenger weighing in on this sudden change. I think its incredibly cynical. Harry reid could have brought this up any time that he wished. But instead of bringing jobs for 40,000 people, better jobs, Better Benefits that would have been construction jobs related to the pipeline, he doesnt do it. The only job hes interested in forgetting is senator Mary Landrieus. The reelection runoff between landrieu and representative bill cassidy is set for december 6. This video is outrageous. A man trapped in a wall of a mall in colorado. He was stuck inside there for days. Since monday, in fact. Employees say they heard him screaming from inside. They couldnt figure out what was going on. Its believed that he entered from the roof and then he got stuck between the two walls. There is no word on why. Those are your headlines. Clayton, do you have a theory. He wants to get a jump on black friday deals. Those are door busters. That was a wall buster. Thats right. Hes between a rock and a hard place. Were going to be here all night. We will indeed. Coming up on the show, you heard from the hero who killed bin laden. We were the fists. We were the nypd. We were the American People. And when president bush said freedom will be defended, he meant it for everyone. We were everyone. Up next, the man who invented war stories, colonel ollie north reacts. So much for hbos concert for valor. Bruce springstein headlines an antiwar song on veterans day in front of our veterans. The outrage straight ahead. Instead of the usual handshake to the other seals, id seen a now were hugging everyone. We all knew that the chances of dying were really high. So just hugging the other guys, looking at the other, my brothers from the other squadron, i can only imagine its like a feel not guilty a tunnel for an nfl player before hes about to run on the field. It is time to do my job. We drove in the helicopters and then we had a minute around there. We were sitting there talking, guys did their last things they need to do do before we get on for a long ride. Then we got in the helicopters and launched. We were the end. We were the fists, we were the fdny. We were the nypd. We were the American People. When president bush said freedom will be defended, he meant it for everyone. We were everyone. They were. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden sharing his story exclusively with fox news. What does the military Community Think about this interview . Joining us military analyst, colonel oliver north. Good morning to you. What did you think . Well, i think that first of all, what john finley and peter put together is a magnificent testimony to the humble heros who were on that raid. I think rob comes across not as a swaggering braggart or anything other than being a humble hero. Second, i think its a great recruiting poster for the u. S. Navy seals. No kidding. And those who serve in the military. Kudos for that. There are some down sides, however. And the reality of it is because his face is now all over the world and because his hometown is right there, the acknowledgment that hes got a family, they are going to be at increased risk. I know about that. We live with federal agents for the better part of many, many months after my name came out and a bunch of overseas newspapers and my true identity came out because i traveled as william paul goode, my picture in the passport, but alias passport. So when it came out, we ended up with the National Press corps on our front lawn. It did not bode well for my family because they did threaten them and we did have to live with federal agents. But ollie, knowing him, he has taken that into consideration and he decided to go forward with it anyway. I understand. But there is also the friction hes going to get from his quite frankly, with this administration in town, he is at risk of having inadvertently divulged classified information that they could go after him. Thats part of the reality of what life is like in washington today. Im not saying that rob is naive because i dont think he is. I do believe hes a humble person. As you know, i know a lot of the guys who are on that team and many of those who died in august of 2011 on extortion 17. His team commander. I know the overall commander well. And i know the kinds of friction he faces from them. I also know not to tease tonights episode too much, but i know why hes done that and i cannot challenge those reasons. Im just saying those are the realities of life when people watch this wrapup episode tonight that they ought to know that, that the risk to him, the risk of being chased after by this crazy administration, and the risk to his family from nut cases out there and look, the u. S. Military is being targeted by isis today. They now know exactly what he looks like. They know where he lives. And so those things are a big risk. Finally, the friction from his mates. Regarding the classified information, there have been a bunch of movies made, a bunch of books written, a bunch of people have already told the stories. This episode 2 that runs tonight has been vetted by a bunch of people. So were pretty sure we got that covered. We appreciate your point of view because nobody knows the business better than you do. Thank you. Youre kind to say so. Great job. It was a great job. Watch episode 2 tonight. Coming up on this wednesday, congressman Charlie Rangel thinks calling white people crackers is a term of endearment. You got to hear his twisted logic coming up. And take a look at this. This is how much weed you can carry in new york city. Wait, thats weed . And not be arrested. Is it really a good idea and could your city be next . Its really oregano. Do you want some pizza . Hi, everyone. Quick consumer headlines now. Free money for anyone who shops at target . The Discount Store now offering a 10 off gift cards on black friday. Its a move to bring shoppers back after last years data breach. Weve also struggled to get the last drop of ketchup out of the bottle. Not anymore. Starting next year, bottles will contain a special coating invented by engineers at m. I. T. , to make that glass a little bit more slippery. Clayton . Thanks. How much marijuana can you carry in new york city without getting arrested . The question plagued a lot of people, i guess. This much. What hes holding up right there. Beginning november 19, anyone caught with less than 25 grams of marijuana will only be given a ticket, like a parking ticket. Is that a good idea . Is your city next . A former nypd inspector and founder of the Cordero Group joins us with his thoughts on it this morning. First your reaction to this change in the way in which we go after these guys or drug dealers . Well, the actual change is one of public view. Having 25 grams or less marijuana, possessing 25 grams or less of marijuana has always been a violation. Not necessarily a crime. Except in public view. So the change is even in publicr violation and no arrest will be made, unless youre smoking marijuana in public. If youre smoking it, which is probably one joint, then you could get arrested. But if youre holding on your person a bag of marijuana, which this is the equivalent that were talking about here, what he was holding up, the same amount, then you could be you could get a ticket, like a parking ticket . Thats correct. The problematic part of that is just recently the New York Post reported that the nypd was suspending buy and bust operations which is targeting the dealers, the marijuana dealers on the street. So on one hand were saying if you smoke marijuana, were going to arrest you. But if you sell marijuana, were going to ignore you. Thats problematic. First is it assumes that communities are okay with the idea of people setting up shop and selling marijuana in their street corners or front of their home. And second, that marijuana operations are alike. And theyre not. Some marijuana dealers and operations are conducted by people with a propensity for violence and marijuana investigations are the way into investigations to prevent that violence. Its still illly at the end of the day. Its still illegal to sell marijuana. Still illegal to smoke marijuana. So what is the Police Commissioner saying . Were just going to look the other way here, were too busy with other crimes now to deal with these low level criminals. On one hand, issuing a ticket instead of making an arrest for low level narcotics possession makes sense because you have prioritize your resources. On the other hand, however, sort of legit mazing marijuana in general by not enforcing the laws pertaining to sell marijuana, to me, thats much more problematic. Are we going to see this sweeping the country . Weve seen cities and states across the country legalizing marijuana. Is this just the other shoe to fall now . And that may be. Several states recently approved ballots to legalize marijuana and if new york city and state wants to do a sting, that is something that needs to be legislated and perhaps on the ballot where you have a wider public. And input into whether new yorkers really want this legalized. Instead of using the nypd as a punching bag to sort of, you know, get to the point of where youre legit mazing marijuana. Joe cordero, we appreciate you joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. Coming up, he was convicted of killing a mother of four, so why is he about to teach kids at a Prestigious University . And so much for concert for valor. Bruce springstein headlines an antiwar song on veterans day in front of our veterans and families. And there are kids in the audience, too. Your comments are pouring in. Well read them. Here at fidelity, we give you the most Free Research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed 1second trades. And at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price just 7. 95. In fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and etrade. Im monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. Call or click to open your fidelity account today. Hesomething awesome. Dinner . Cool. Wisest kid, i need something awesome. To make it awesome, make it mini. Like campbells® mini chicken pot pies. Awesome, mom. Get recipes at campbellskitchen. Com thank you for sending us your veterans day pictures. We got nearly 2,000 already. Betterwithvets. Carol writes in to say my favorite vet, my dad, was hired, but never quit. Rachel tweets, my veterans, four generations. My brother from iraq. My dad and grandpa from world war ii and great grandpa, world war 1. And katherine tweets, my uncle, vice admiral, u. S. Navy commander of the 7th fleet and department chief of navy operations. Check out this mother and child. Sergeant first class tweeted this photo of her son, private mac. She retired the same year her son. And this picture is of Staff Sergeant thomas carney, his daughter, beth, sent it to us. He was a world war ii veteran. He was stationed in europe as part of a medical detachment. Great portraits, everybody, of american patriots. We thank you very much. You may have stayed up late last night and may have been watching hbo for their big veterans day concert in honor of the veterans on the National Mall. But maybe something might have rubbed you the wrong way as it did many veterans who were there when Bruce Springstein, david grol and zach brown performed fortunate son from the 1960s. I remember back in the day when credence, clearwater revival did this and this is a great rendition of it. But some are going, wait a minute. This is all about the vets and that particular song was intended to be an antiwar anthem. And also talked about antidraft. Is it really appropriate to be performing that in front of so many vets who volunteered to fight in iraq and afghanistan. We asked you what you thought. Were those great musicians tone deaf . Here are some of your comments. One says on facebook, i would have walked out. Cindy says, the song is more about the rich and the politicians dodging the draft than antiwar. But still wrong place, wrong time. Sharon on facebook, poor choices for the concert. The concert organizers should have known better. Some of our viewers have remind us that Bruce Springstein has a history of doing this and you think about the song born in the usa, you think its an american anthem. But its critical he used it during barak obamas campaign without asking. Im sort of torn because the song really is about the elites. Its written in the late 1960s and when john fogarty wrote it, it was really about those politicians who he saw their sons and daughters were not going to go off and fight in war and that the rest of the country was going to have to fight to save the rest of us and help the rest of us. If they were going to book end it with that historical context, that would have been great. But i dont think they did that. They just sang a song that is deemed to be antiwar by many, antidraft, and that rubbed a bunch of people antimusician now. Yeah. Youre doing this for an audience of veterans and its almost a slap in the face, is what many have said. These producers should have known their audience and known what they were getting with people like Bruce Springstein and eminem. Eminem dropping a dozen f bombing. There are so many shows out there, so many concerts, maybe hbo said, lets have them do that. It will create some controversy. Well get a bunch of buzz on wednesday morning. If that was their intent, they got it. I would have rather heard chicken fried by the zach brown band. Go to our facebook page. Ainsley will be fill not guilty this weekend, right . Filling in for you. Right now shes got the news headlines. All those people that were watching hbo, they should have been watching us to watch peter doocys special. Excellent part 2 tonight. We were all up late watching it. Just how secure is the minneapolis airport . Instead of putting a tsa agent at an unguarded exit door which three passengers recently breached, the glass is now just covered with an opaque film. You can see it there. The thinking . If people cant see through the door, they wont go through it. Thinking its an exit. Does it seem like the glass treatment is enough . No. Seems like its pretty easy to go back in there, right . It is. Its been done. This is the same airport where an isis terrorist worked before he died fighting in syria. He wasnt just battling depression and parkinsons disease. A new report reveals the late robin williams was also suffering from louis body dementia months before he committed suicide. This condition commonly associated with parkinsons. It causes unusual behaviors and even hallucinations. He called the tea party a bunch of white crackers. Now Charlie Rangel claims that he thought it was a term of endearment. The new york democrat just defended the comments that he made comparing Tea Party Members to segregationists of the jim crow era. He then offered this explanation. Theyre so proud of their heritage and all the things they believe in. I can tell you this with all of the feelings i have against the people that have been against justice, fair play and equality and the freedom as we know it, if i offended them for calling them a white cracker, i apologize. Rangel added, criticism for the comment is ridiculous. This video is the most incredible thing that youll probably see all day. A boy dodging sniper bullets and even playing dead all to save his sister. It all unfolded in syria. Take a look. That video posted on youtube by an antisyrian news service which releases information about the countrys ongoing civil war. Now were going to hand it over to maria molina who has extreme weather for all of us. Thats right. Good morning. Good to see you. Hello, everyone. We want to start off by showing you this incredible video out of minnesota that shows a truck driver losing control. This area has been hit hard by the arctic blast and we also saw some significant snowfall out there, more than 16 inches picked up in some areas. You can see that truck losing control, then hitting a Police Officer who was pulled over helping another driver. Miraculously, the officer will be okay. Very, very scary scene there. Again, you can see the truck losing control and hitting an officer. Now again, that area hit hard by snow and an arctic blast and that storm system really now has moved over parts of canada and kind of fizzled out and leaving behind just light showers across portions of the northeast. We are going to look at much colder air moving in through portions of the northeast as we head into tonight and tomorrow. As this cold air moves over the relatively warmer great lakes, you are going to be looking at significant lake effect snow being triggered as we head into late tonight and also into early tomorrow morning. Some areas could be looking at locally up to a foot of snow. Take a look at some of these current windchill temperatures. Feels like 17 below zero in denver. 20 below in rapid city. And only 15 in chicago. Lets head back inside. Those are january temperatures. Turn them off thats right. Thank you. Coming up, an entire School District caving to the complaints of a few. They removed christmas, easter and the jewish holidays from the School Calendar because apparently it was offensive to muslims . Were going to talk about that. President obama cuts a deal with the president of china to curb global warming. And you can guarantee this will affect your power bill. Maria bartiromo is here with the details. Welcome back. Some headlines. Red bull is terrorists swings. A new report reveals turkish trainers are shipping up to five trucks of the energy drink into p c c stay alert and win battles. Illinois, a rehire murderer and known terrorist, james kilgore. He taught for four years and let go when his criminal past was revealed and supporters rallying to bring him back. He was convicted of killing a mother of four in 1975 during a bank robbery in california. As the worlds two largest economies, Energy Consumers and emitters of Greenhouse Gasses, we have a special responsibility to lead the global effort against Climate Change. President obama striking a climate deal with china that would cut Greenhouse Gas emissions in the u. S. By a third. Great. But is the agreement just a sign that china has a hold on us . Joining us now from our sister network, maria bartiromo. Good morning to you. Good morning. So the president is in china, talking about Climate Change and all that stuff. Hes going to the right place. Theyre the big polluters absolutely. They are the producers of products for the world and all of that churning of Greenhouse Gasses is really whats doing it. Absolutely. Thats where its happening. Youre seeing the press this morning, its being praised that theyve been working on this for nine months now, that theyve gone back and forth. It started with president obama with a phone call and letter then to the president of china saying weve got to make changes here on Climate Change and you guys are a big polluter. So it was seen as a big victory, no . Look, i think its a victory in that youre dealing with something that really exists and its coming out of china. But the fact is there are other major issues. American business has been for a long time, urging the president to discuss with china the Cyber Security threats that theyre the worst. We know hackers have been breaking into our bank systems and breaking into just two days ago, the u. S. Postal service, and by the way, that was tracked directly back to china. So there are major issues. Not to mention the stealing of intellectual property from the media and our designers and making fake bags and all of this. But lets also talk about the opportunity to do business in china. Youre talking about 1. 3 billion people in china, a Huge Population for American Business want to go sell their products there. However, china has deemed Certain Industries off limits to foreigners. If you even want to get your wares into the chinese population, the best you can do as an American Company is do a joint venture and own 49 of it. There are so Many Companies and industries that are off limits. So we dont have really what we need. It seems like the president has done this backwards. You want to talk about Climate Change . First lets talk about how youre stealing everything from us correct. And for some reason, were not getting any traction on any of that. Add to that the complete breakdown in confidence of president obama and you see these cold looks that are being exchanged between putin and the president and then you are reminded that the president of russia just did a huge gas deal with china. And a huge deal with iran for nuclear weaponry. And as a result, youre realizing that there is a breakdown in conference not just in the u. S. , but also by foreign leaders. Youre talking big picture. How is this going to be affecting americans power bills . Obviously were going to see prices move higher. At some point, somebody has to pay the piper. At the end of the day, typically it means the companies that are supplying the electricity will raise prices. Oh, man. Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news. When you wake up in the mornings in china, you can open your windows. They maybe able to breathe for the first time. I dont know about that. You get off the plane and immediately you see that stench and you smell that. You cant even escape it because there is such smog and smoke and pollution in the air because they are the producers of products to the world and they will not turn off those factories. You saw all the marathoners running on the wall wearing the masks. Unreal. Maria host opening bell on the fox business channel. Go to foxbusiness foxbusiness. Com channelfinder. Were talking about mortgages and how easy is it to get a mortgage these days . Largest mortgage maker will be with us. Wells fargo. Thats the same one as the song, right, about the wells fargo wagon is coming down the street . I dont know. Is it . Probably. Steve hes musical hour will start. Thats right. Coming up on this wednesday, an entire School District caving to the complaints of a few. Theyve removed christmas and easter and all the jewish holidays from the School Calendar because apparently it is offensive to some muslims. That story is coming up next. First were going to check in with Martha Mccallum for whats coming up at the top of the hour. Good morning. The strange outcomes in many ways of the president s trip to china. Odd runins with putin and a one sided deal, many say, on climate change. Stuart varney is here on that. And americans are too stupid to understand health care. Part 2 on that one today. Unbelievable story. And why harry reid now seems pretty hot to do a deal on keystone. Could the answer lie in the last outstanding senate race . Bill and i will see you right here at the top of the hour for most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. But theres a new card in town. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. Thats cash back twice. Its cash back with a side of cash back. 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Joining us now with the bill of Rights Institute and former teacher, whitney neil. Good morning to you. Good morning. no audio no audio no audio it is. And here is something interesting. The district has an interfaith calendar and on that interfaith calendar there are more than 50 days where students can miss school for religious reasons with no penalty at all. So theyre going to have students missing days on these random times on the calendar anyway. It doesnt make sense f youre going to be off of school, say why youre going to be off. Be honest about the dates and reasons, and if youre closing for operational reasons only, i guess were not taking religion into consideration and its only days where students will be missing school in large numbers, congratulations, class of 2015, senior skip day is now a School Holiday . Do we have any idea how many muslim kids go to that School District . The district themselves said that there is no statisticcal difference in absences on those holidays for their district. Versus for the jewish holidays, they started having in the 70s because there was such a marked number of absences on those days. Rather than take everybodys holiday off, wouldnt it make sense just to include everybody . They have an interfaith calendar with everybodys holidays on there. There is no penalty to students for missing on their holiday. So i think that by he willing religion all together off of the School Calendar, were taking away the freedom of religion of those students whose holidays were mentioned. Well, its going to cause problems for some problems who look at the calendar and wondering, when is easter this year, cause were going on vacation. Theyll have to deal with it in Montgomery County outside of washington, d. C. Thank you so much. What do you think about that . Email us. Meanwhile, do you know what hotel maids do with your stuff while youre not there . Oh, man, look at this. Hidden camera video, guess what she did. Youll find out next. Im over the hill. My body doesnt work the way it used to. Past my prime . Im a victim of a slowing metabolism . I dont think so. Great grains protein blend. Protein from Natural Ingredients like seeds and nuts. It helps support a healthy metabolism. Great grains protein blend. One for the road. One of my favorite pieces of video, she could have made off with his stuff. A maid rifling through luggage. They played with his ipad, went on his tablet, on his computer. He filmed the whole thing. No word if shes been fired. Thats embarrassing. Meanwhile, we do invite you to take a look at this. One more picture. This is my grandfather, doc kooiman, served in the navy. And we did the betterwithvets yesterday and we got over 2,000 photos from you. Thanks for those. Speak of the navy, watch the navy seal who killed Osama Bin Laden tonight at 10 here on the Fox News Channel. Architect of the obamacare saying the white house had to deceive the American People on the law saying they didnt know what was good for them. Now hes make an apology. The comments were made at an Academic Conference and i regret making those comments. Bill a second video emerges but he goes even further. Martha grouper played a key role in designing

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