0 the -- talks if you want to. the problem is no one has seen kim jong g un since april 1. steve: today will they wind up sending off that rocket as is expected? because the grandson has not been seen on the world stage for the last two weeks, there's been some suggestion, has there been a coup? is something going on behind the scenes? has the military taken over? actually they figure since there's been no unusual military movement, the answer is probably no. but the question is: has north korea been forced to tone down the rhetoric against the united states and south korea? and not do anything? >>gretchen: i think it's part of the overall strategy of when you're a nut you behave like a nut and you go into hiding to have people talk a little last week which i think is important to point out once again which is is this all a ruse to keep away the real attention on the way in which north korea treats its own people? to me, that was the one thing that stuck in my head from last week. yeah, he can make all these threats and fireworks and where is he and has there been a coup? but the bottom line is there is a tremendous amount of atrocities going on in that country, and is this a way to cast attention in other directions about whether or not he's going to fire off a missile instead of paying attention to the human failures. >>brian: the biggest story was february when they had their nuclear test which everybody agrees was more sophisticated than the first one. it shows they have the ability to minimum tourize their -- miniaturize their nuclear technology. that is the big oeft story. whether they shoot a missile over to japan or not, we can knock it down or not, this is only going to get worse from here if this isn't resolved. >> the technology is there. whether or not it is reliable, look out below. a fellow in california, a media critic and described as a social analyst as well, what he did is he went out on a nice day along the beach and he asked a number of different people to sign the petition. you can see the clip board right there -- for a gun ban. you think the people of california would go along with that? do they know what's going on in the news? here's a little of the action. >> we're trying to repeal the second amendment to make sure only the criminals have the guns and get them out of the hands of the law-abiding citizens. repealing the second amendment, door to door gun confiscations. that way only the unregistered guns will be o.u. it will be much safer that way. thank you for that. only the police and the military need to have guns. we can trust them. they've never done anything wrong. we're just going to get the legal registered guns off the street. >> you don't have to convince us, my friend. >> this will remove all the law abiding registered gun owners. the criminals won't turn their guns in, so they'll still have their guns after we repeal the second amendment. thanks for supporting that. you can call the police. you don't need to defend your family yourself. so we're just repealing the second amendment. you just supported repealing the second amendment. thank you so much. >>gretchen: that shows that people -- are they ill-informed? we've talked a lot about it on the show. we can go to times square and put up a picture of vice president biden and maybe 30% of the people will know who he is. or maybe people aren't listening, trying to help somebody out. they're not hearing what he's saying. let's take away all your rights, something you're born into with the second amendment. >>brian: that will be the big debate this week, a big debate on gun rules when they talk about background checks, limiting magazines. it will be interesting to see what happens. because joe manchin admits nothing in that bill would have prevented newtown. so let's sign it. >> what did you think of that video made in california? why exactly were those californiaans going along with it? were they clueless in california or the guy asked to sign so i signed it? e-mail us [email protected]. we'll share your comments later on on the tax day edition of "fox & friends." >>gretchen: while you're being taxed to the max, what is the president paying in his taxes? is it a fair number? stuart varney with the numbers. >>brian: baby, baby, baby, did justin bieber mess up this time? wait till you hear the message he left in a guest book in holland at the home of anne frank.