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that escape killer. yesterday the fugitive it was a spotted two more times in chester county and they may have got them surrounded in the 1 mile area right now hello everyone welcome to a new our "fox news live" i am eric shawn. hi arthel. survive heigh hi eric hello i am arthel neville police considered danelo cavalcante to be extremely dangerous were going to show you some brand-new video of officers at one spot along the perimeter of the search area. this. as you know he broke out of prison just after starting a life sentence for killing his ex-girlfriend. the prison guard now fired, he was on duty he missed the escape for over an hour. focusing on top of the story former washington d.c. homicide detective ted williams standing by with his tape at first it's good to nate foy on the ground in chester county where police say they could be closing in on him. they have a tighter smaller area now that they are searching? >> is exactly right, eric. we have been sort of waiting for a big breakthrough here. his been over 24 hours since troopers reported a sightseeing of fossella at longwood gardens it's the focus of a search or perimeter that is now just under one square mile. previously for the past few days between eight and 10 square miles. take a look at the surveillance images. these are the last images we have a proof of cavalcante whereabouts these are for monday night. he is purportedly senior every single day this week. but helicopters are backup right now. take a look at the new surge of video authorities are using every resource they have. horses, dogs, drones, hundreds of personnel on the ground to finish this searcher. despite growing frustration both from authorities and from people in the committee pennsylvania state police are confident they will get there guy. >> i will let you know when we catch him. i feel like we have been making a very methodical -- mike taking a very methodical approach to this whole church entrance search. one of these tactics we are using will ultimately be successful. >> meanwhile, as you said eric the tower officer on duty during cavalcante escape is now out of a job. that officer friesen put on administrative leave has since been fired after failing to report that escape or know it knew about until inmates were later counted. cavalcante is an eager illegal immigrant accusative murdering and his home country of brazil he said to serve a life in prison for murdering his girlfriend in pennsylvania in 2021. you said it, eric, we are told by pennsylvania state police troopers believe they are closing in. the official word of that capture. i'll send it back to you for. >> 's trail cameras, they really can help with the search. eric: nay we will get back to you and there's breaking news thank you. >> meanwhile, eric and nay law enforcement has booked up the search for danelo cavalcante with nearly 400 officers now working around the clock trying to catch him. for d.c. homicide detective fox news contributor ted williams joins us now. alright ted, they have got this got roped off in under a one square mile radius. cavalcante has to know his odds are getting worse for you is probably getting more desperate and does not want to go back to prison. how does this impact their approach to him? >> i got to tell you they are perhaps closing in on him in the 1 mile radius that is in discussion. we really do not know where this guy is. this guy is becoming more and more desperate. i think the more desperate that he becomes, the more likelihood he's going to make a mistake. law enforcement is what i decline as two peas. one, patients. they have got to be very, very patient when it comes to this guy. they've got to do with these 400 man forces doing out there when i say man i see men and women. they've got to continue to put pressure on and hope they can flush them out. it is more likely than not that sooner rather than later they will capture this killer. arthel: you said they have to have pat patience this guy's ben spotted by people so should they be concerned as time is closing in on him this search is closing in on him that he perhaps would not want to harm anyone if you will because he has come in contact with some residents. so what should people do though if they see this guy? >> if they see this guy or they see someone that even looks like this guy, they should immediately notify the authorities. but they should not try to capture him themselves. there is $20000 reward out. this man is extremely dangerous. he stabbed his girlfriend of 38 times. he is also wanted in the country of brazil for having killed someone there. the thing about it is this guy from what i have been told is wilderness training in brazil he knows the rain forest there he is a very dangerous person that they very well may be closing in on him. arthel: the amazon rain forest is very thick and dense he's got a lot of practice thicker than where he is now. but still, how much time? i know they have to be patient but how much time you police have on their side? >> they have all the time in the world. it is far far better for them to do a complete job search the area in which they believe he is in at this stage and be very patient rather than to make and slipped up and he passed by them and some more out in the state of pennsylvania and delaware and other places. they've got to be very, very patient they've got to look up what they're doing a methodical search. they as they go along and do this he is going to stop his cat and mouse game they are going to flush them out with pressure they're going to either capture him alive or kill him it's one of the two. arthel: as you know he apparently came really close contact with the resident flicking lights off and on bouncers with the resident was upstairs almost like a signal don't make any false moves and nobody gets hurt. as dangerous as this guy is though, a weird question. can he afford to kill anybody at this point? wouldn't that really put cops on his trail? >> no, he can afford to try to do whatever and use whatever means necessary to try to evade authorities. and that is up to also killing other individuals. remember he has been what we have been under he's already killed twice. he is nothing whatsoever to lose in killing again. again citizens and that westchester county pennsylvania area need to be very vigilant. because this man is extremely dangerous. we don't know if he is armed or not. i am sure the law enforcement is treating this as though he is already armed. and as a result of that they can use deadly force to bring him down. arthel: understood. ten williams, what a case. let's hope they find this guy very quickly. he is a dangerous man but really appreciate your analysis and walking us through this ted as always thank you so much. >> my pleasure, arthel. [inaudible] [inaudible conversations] support link at the remains in devastation, look at that from an earthquake that has so far killed 1300 people. this haveman and morocco struck overnight 6.8 on the richter scale. rescue crews combing through the destruction for any signs of life. christina coleman live with more on this very rare earthquake for that country, christina? >> that is right sprayed the powerful earthquake is can more than 1300 people that death toll will rise likely once rescued crews will comb through the piles of rubble now can take a look at the vahid epicenter 6.8 quake was about 46 miles southwest. the largest city just west of the atlas mountains that toppled historic buildings and walls that were not constructed to withstand a powerful earthquake. this was the strongest earthquake to hit morocco in more than 120 years. huge boulders fell under some of the roads making it tougher rescue crews to reach the mountain villages that were hit the hardest. residents coming to terms with the death and destruction. one survivor rightful no one died in his home. >> thank god there is no person here. well, only one person a stone fell on his shoulder they said he had a little injury. thank god there were no other people here. >> this video shows the moment the earthquake rocked this restaurant for people running outside of the building fearing for their lives as everything around them shook back and forth. structures toppled over throughout the city. [inaudible] >> when the earthquake happened this collapse. fortunately that did not cause any human losses only cars and bikes that weren were near the e or damage. >> unfortunately, many other places in that region there were human losses but again the death toll is expected to rise more than 1800 people were injured. character. quicksort christina, thank you. >> president biden is in new delhi, india g20 summit wrapped up today among the topics of discussion there, ukraine and democracy. president biden said the summit went well despite the absence of china's president xi jinping. russian president vladimir putin also among those who did not attend. peter doocy has more from new delhi. close here at the g20, no president xi no problem for. >> president biden has president xi asked to come to the summit? what's to be nice to have them here. [inaudible] request president biden is hoping to get tighter with india in the absence of chinese and russian leaders emphasizing the impact of the new rail project that will connect the host country, india, the middle east and europe. quick someone once said in a somewhat domestic action this is a big deal. this is a real big deal. >> this is an even bigger deal present biden could do something about gas prices back at home. he spent the end of saturday in new delhi at a dinner with some of the world's biggest oil producers including the saudi crown prince. or mbs. >> you have opportunities throughout the discussions or the g22 talk about state of economic developments around the world. he is pos post on making sure te prices will come now for the american consumers. he's taking steps to shore up global supply and what that means coming into the strategic derby. >> too much or chag as agreed at russia's war on ukraine. to put together any kind of condemnation in the g20 joint statement. they watered things down from last time. it is no longer a war against ukraine. it is the war in ukraine. in new delhi, peter doocy fox news. arthel: what's behind that semantics? will discuss that was much more a little later this hour with general jack keane will join us. stick around for that for sure. >> link forge the general taken i would its politics and pigskin's t today but several republican presidential candidates attending a big tailgate in amesbury that is for the iowa hawkeyes are facing off against the iowa state cyclones. former president trump stopped stop by atailgate party at the a gamma fraternity house pretty spoke with the students on he even did a bit of grilling we are told himself. vivek ramaswamy he also spoke at a tailgate rally earlier. spoke about the second amendment and what he said sets him apart from the rest of the field. he is on the six white house hopefuls who for nalco qualified for the second primary debate that will be aired on the foxbusiness network just over three weeks from now for the next showdown september 27, it will be live from the ronald reagan presidential library in southern california with a trio of our hosts. of course looking forward to watching round number two, arthel. arthel: ran to indeed strong words and the governor of texas after reports the white house is looking to force migrants to stay in the lone star state after crossing the southern border but will have more on that coming up soon. get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. i'll always take care of you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be by your side... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> on to state hundreds of protested in staten island near a former catholic school which has been turned into this 300 bed makeshift shelter. people have repeatedly protested here demanding the shelter be shut down. temporarily banned up migrants are being housed there. the city that appealed the ruling was overturned. now republican lawmakers have filed a lawsuit try trying to t the shelter shut down. one of the lawmakers says he wants the city to reevaluate its right to shelter mandate. that's even if you shut off the valve from texas there is an overwhelming faucet in the bottom line is unless new york city is willing to change the right to shelter dissent to create and challenge that we will continue to see this downward spiral broker sneered state gop lawmakers have been calling for a special session to deal with the crisis. this there's a democratic governor kathy hopefuls hedged while she is entertaining all options, she feels the white house needs to provide more resources. other democratic leaders have echoed a similar message eric. super rights to be thank you, arthel? arthel: back in washington the president taking some heat from voters over his handling of the border. at least to some recent polling. meanwhile texas governor greg abbott wants to send a more more migrants to her nation's capitol white house reportedly weighs a possible change to its immigration policy was go to lucas tomlinson he is live at the white house with more. lucas, give us the details please. >> arthel, the economy according to a new wall street journal poll the majority of americans say it's gotten worse under president biden. they also think immigration has gotten worse as well for only 25% of americans think the economy's gotten better. then there is the head to head battle that is alarming some white house officials it shows 73% of voters say that biden is too old to seek a second term. 47% of voters say donald trump is too old to be president at 77 years old. also concerning is the potential rematch right on the wall street journal shows donald trump on a dead heat with president biden potential rematch of 2020 election. there's about eight other gop candidates who love the opportunity to swear off one on one against bite and the general election buried some polls have nikki haley beating biden. some more from the wall street journal poll neither joe biden nor donald trump is honesty. there's the issue of immigration another area president biden does not pull welts forward a plan for migrants to remain in texas a far cry from donald trump's are made in mexico. this to recoup a fire at response in texas governor greg abbott who's been shifting tens of thousands of migrants to new york and here in the nation's capitol. abbott taking to twitter this scam was tried years ago and was shot down by a judge. we will send biden same swift justice even more buses of migrants to washington d.c. but speaking of remaining in texas the federal appeals court said late this week that 1000-foot floating a barrier on the rio grande is allowed to remain in texas and remain in place the white house claims its border policies are working. >> the president has done more to secure the board and to deal with this issue than anybody else. >> last month so the most migrant families ever crossing the us-mexico border into the united states illegally. >> lucas tomlinson live from the white house think you lucas. >> and the fed stopped the buses heading north up from that lone star state texas governor greg abbott's office and the customss and border protection agency says so far more than 35000 migrants have been busted from texas to northern sanctuary cities in addition the number border encounters have surpassed 1.6 million since october 1. it's more than 20000 illegal immigrants have been expelled they say and the last four months. former border patrol chief deputy commissioner also former acting isa director joins us now. do you think president biden has the power, did the feds have te ability to block governor abbott's buses? >> i don't believe they do. let's think what they're asking for here. the people being sent by governor abbott to new york, washington d.c. every single that we're going to go well over 2 million encounters it. let's just say well over 2,035,000 were sent from texas specifically to new york. they were in cbp custody. humanitarian reasons. they are free to go into the united states was some level of status they were set up for asylum or an immigration hearing. they are typically free to go. many go wherever they want including new york without assistance to texas. you think about place like eagle pass or real grand valley they do not have the infrastructure jewel thousands and thousands of people coming across the border every night. every 24 hours half the border is in texas. about 3000 people coming into the border illegally by the brick in the lot to come into the united states. counter by the border patrol about one third of being released. the cities and towns along the southwest border don't have the infrastructure you take care of this people the way they need to be taken care of. let's face it new york asked for this a problem for they bragged for years about being a sanctuary city. this of files under the category of be careful what you wish for. you said it didn't matter people coming to the united states are here illegally. they get arrested for crimes in new york you do not contact ice or immigration. let's agree a large surge of illegal migrants across the southwest border is eight burgett it's a burden on the home and it's a burden on the cities and towns there going to it is also a burden on the board in states like texas, arizona. >> we are seeing a video of the roosevelt hotel that is a grand old hotel in midtown manhattan. so far there been 41 arrest it's a migrant center. just the other night six migrants arrested some attacked police over trying to confiscate their mopeds and motorcycles. one migrant has been arrested six times in your city committing allegedly 14 crimes including attacking strangers grabbing a woman by her hair and dragging them. new york mayor eric adam says this could destroy new york what is your advice to the democratic politicians in new york who are seeing some on the southern border have seen for so long? >> agreed it. what eric adam needs duties of the big city mayors city to insist the white house find a solution. instead of leveraging texas by making migrants stay and wait for their hearing what are we leveraging a mexico or venezuela or the northern triangle for the third country agreements we had the migrant protection protocol in place before this president took over. that was working. it does not let people get released into the night sits and go to places like new york, l.a., et cetera. there are solutions here. short term they could reinstitute the micro protection protocols and get mexico to do it they need to do to provide a safe third world country for these folks that ended the last surge load the other things in ministration did but they can do that right now that is what eric adam's until the white house to do. i'll be in new york. >> certainly being felt in new quirks of governor abbott's strategy seems to be working at least here in this blue state for now. thank you very much for your insight we will continue to cover this very pressing story. >> thank you for inviting eric. arthel: intense rescue operation is underway for an american researcher trapped 3000 feet underground. why it could take days to save him. n personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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besides india which countries think they have too much at stake to fully condemn? >> it's pretty shameful and disappointing. kind of an indication of where you are here. russia and china are members of the g20. even though their leader is not there all of the representatives are said they do not want any part of a statement like that. brazil, also india, south africa they are also there. and yes, what we have here russia has invaded a democratic independent nation and has been making more for 18 months tens of thousands of soldiers have been killed in ukraine and hundreds and hundreds of civilians. there is genocide and crimes against humanity taking place as a result of this war. the countries of the world here at this meeting cannot find it among themselves to condemn it. that's kind of where we are. i understand jake solvent trying to find less or stronger statement than what they had last year. but it also indicates where these countries really are. look at india. we can work with india against china. but india who most of its weapons and ammunition all come from russia. it has done nothing to help ukraine. certainly is not pushback on russia whatsoever. that is an independent democracy now the largest democracy in the world. arthel: which is exactly what they said they feel they have too much to lose. let's move on to this. you've got 10 pentagon officials calling senator tommy tuberville of alabama. its hold on military appointments because of his personal views on abortion. it is having a growing significant impact on military personnel. i have always said when people hear generals are not going to get to their assignments when they went to many people's eyes probably roll about that. when you recognize your holding people's promotions up at the top and they are not moving into the positions they should be moving into, that cascades all the way down. you have hundreds and hundreds of officers now being affected. and also their families are being affected. i think it should be removed to be frank about it with the senator. the issue is if the pentagon had thought through this thing a little bit and abortion issue in this country we know politically this is the third rail and it has been for 50 years. so if you are going to change a policy as it pertains to abortion based on recent laws and you are going to fund soldiers ability to go into a state where they can get an abortion versus a state where they may be residing and cannot. you are going to spend taxpayer money to do that, that the third rail but with the pentagon should have done is kick that over into the congress as a part of a budget and safety of approval. let them vote on it represent the people of the united states. therefore we get a vote and democratic support for it or against it. one or the other. i think that would've been far better than where we are right now. arthel: before these opponents were approved by a sweeping vote approval with all 100 senators, event multiples the hundreds you areyou're talking about and beig held up. that's okay it now was what they're proposing with some of the senators saying one by one part that could take months we've already lost a lot of time. >> that process would just tie up the senate. nothing else is going to get done by that process. that is the reality of it. it was the pentagon would work with the senate and that leaders in the senate and see if they can put forth a piece of legislation to let them vote on it. and move this thing on. some kind of compromise has to be made and maybe they have tried that behind closed doors and we just don't know the results. but i do know this is impacting our people this is impacting readiness that is a fact. arthel: yes, of course our military certainly is not weak. not weak. however a center tab erbil political play involving the military creating vulnerabilities general? >> as it goes on and the numbers increase and people are not getting into the positions they are experience and rank deserves, yes there is no doubt about it there's a huge process as a result of it. and the evidence hasn't been there. there has been an op-ed written by all three service secretary sing just that there's been public testimony think much of the same thing. they are dealing with it every single day. and may have impact on retention as younger officers look at that and they are being affected by it. they are on the edge of my going to stay? am i going to go that has some impact on them as well. a major issue forming as it continues to grow in terms of the readiness of the force. >> if i could grab 20 seconds or they tell me too wrap. you've got 99 out of 100 senators ready to move forward, why can't they just pulled her colleague on the side and say listen we have got to unclog the situation here, why don't they do that? >> i'm sure they have. but remember this is an individual senators prerogative. they all have that prerogative and many have use the prerogative on other issues holding back nominations and approval of those nominations. they do not to tread on the prerogative but i am confident the senators have approached their colleagues and tried to talk to them through all of this. and then if he says no i'm sticking to my guns, then back off. arthel: oh boy, it is a conundrum for sure. general jack keane thank you for joining us as always. >> great talking to you, arthel thank you. eric: went to mob boss to bestseller that former head of the crime family in pennsylvania who i met and interviewed as part of a jimmy hoffa series that is now streaming on fox nation, has become a celebrity. his featured in the latest episode of our show riddle, the search for james r hoffa streaming on fox nation. in the show would reveal details or unknown about the hoffa case. stories that are also included in his just released a biography of her that is how we went from mafia boss to signing autographs at the barnes & noble. he signed books of this recent of parents in pennsylvania at the mall for his book. that book is the life we chose william big ability and the last secrets of america's most powerful mafia family. its author is met. >> we were signing for three and half hours bill is a very popular guy in these parts and they all came out very quick to see them on tv 80 hear about them all of the time. and all of this but to see them in person was a priceless. >> is of the we all grew up with. have a past centers have a future that is god's work. >> some of people lined up to meet in purpose and get a copy of a book. new line we are told right at the door to reach a real mob boss in person local legend in the flesh and hear about it story firsthand. you can hear more about him and our investigation the show riddle the search for james r hoffa. all six episodes are streaming right now and fox nation in his book is on the bookshelf. t. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. 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[applause] that night surrounded by vietcong troops and facing almost certain death the four men radioed in for help. then first lieutenant taylor responded. flying his cobra attack helicopter commanding a second cobra gunship into heavy enemy fire. >> on duty called leary did everything, did everything to answer. and because of that we wrote the rate of four families for generations to come. that is valor. that is valor projects flying perilously close low f altitude when w wind fired aerial rockets machine gun fire for 45 minutes while running out of time and ammunition first lieutenant taylor was ordered to return to base. >> 's response was just as directed. i am getting my men out. i am getting my men out progress under heavy enemy fire first lieutenant taylor landed to cedar cobra helicopter the fortman clung onto the helicopter skids and rocket pods. taylor lived in them to safety 55 years ago. all in all taylor flew more than 2000 combat missions. earning 43 air medals and now he can add our nation's highest military honor. captain taylor did not see some of the men he saved until decades later at army reunions. they were shocked he had not been recognized for his heroic actions but took a six year campaign for captain taylor was ultimately awarded with a metal of honor. new york city, fox news. arthel: thank you sir. well, dangerous or fed rip current on the east coast as hurricane lee moves toward the u.s. but will take a look over the major storm is heading. that is coming up next. d great . (crowd cheers) here, take mine. (farmers mnemonic) directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at arthel: hurricane earl's toward the east coast for the national hurricane center it is now a category three storm. officials do warn though it can cause dangerous surf and rip current this week is still too early to know if it will make landfall. of course you can monitor the storm by the hour with our "fox weather" app downloaded and check it out. eric: we will turn back out to the race for the white house the focus this week at an iowa bird handful of republican canids are visiting the hawkeye state this weekend. mark president trump among those to stop by a tailgate party. met with student at the alpha gamma fraternity house where he signs of footballs and we are told he also flipped some burgers, made lunch for the frat boys other candidates also campaigning in the state including ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy, hutchinson. one of the candidates who is not there today chris christie but he will be on fox news channel tomorrow with howie kurtz on media buzz former governor chris christie just before our program 12:00 p.m. eastern here. campaigning in iowa burgers hot dogs, corndogs, the butter cow. fried oreos, fried, i can go on and on.d. i can go on and on.d. campaigning is tough. 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, Leave , Cavalcante Escape , The Tower , Life , Brazil , Home Country , Girlfriend , Immigrant , Inmates , Accusative Murdering , 2021 , News , S Trail Cameras , Capture , Word , Nay , Law Enforcement , Fox News , U S , Clock , D C , 400 , Square Mile Radius , Odds , Alright Ted , Discussion , Approach , Likelihood , Oman , Men And Women , Patients , Forces , Peas , Pat Patience , Hope , Killer , Guy S Ben Spotted , Anyone , Someone , Residents , Contact , Reward Out , 0000 , 20000 , Thing , Country , 38 , Person , Wilderness Training , Rain Forest , Lot , Practice , The Amazon Rain Forest , Side , The Time In World , Stage , Places , State Of Pennsylvania , Delaware , Game , Mouse , Cat , President , Anybody , Bouncers , Signal Don T , Nobody , Moves , Flicking Lights Off , Weird Question , Use , Wouldn T , Whatever , Trail , Point , Cops , Nothing , Individuals , Citizens , Westchester County , Result , Force , Case , Ten , Ted , Analysis , Pleasure , Earthquake , Link , Devastation 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Opportunities , Crown Prince , Developments , Pos , Saudi , Mbs , Kind , Joint Statement , Supply , Condemnation , Consumers , Chag , War On Ukraine , Derby , War , Things , Jack Keane , The General , Politics , Little , Sure , Semantics , Link Forge , Pigskin S T Today , Donald Trump , Candidates , Tailgate , A Gamma Fraternity House , Atailgate Party , Amesbury , Iowa State Cyclones , Iowa Hawkeyes , White House , Vivek Ramaswamy He , Bit , Rest , Students , Tailgate Rally , Amendment , The Field , Six , Nalco , Hopefuls , Debate , Network , Trio , Foxbusiness , Southern California , Ronald Reagan Presidential Library , 27 , Three , September 27 , Migrants , Governor , Course , Texas , Words , Hosts , Iran , Border , Care , Difference , Back To School , Visionworks , Gonna , I Ll Be There , Symptoms , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Take Control , Vraylar , Adults , Medicines , Episodes , Studies , Relief , Saw , Manic , Doctor , Reaction , Children , Fever , Muscles , Thoughts , Changes , Weight , Dementia , Stroke , Behavior , Antidepressants , Confusion , Risk , Issues , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Restlessness , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , George , Walk In Bath , Way , Kohler , Bathing Experience , Possibility , Comfort , Step Ins , Spa , Door , Stability , Handrails , Entry , Walk In Baths , Surfaces , Exit , Mobility , Hydrotherapies , Whirlpool Jets , Bubblemassage , Help , Feet , Legs , Installer , Feel , Advantage , Stay , Payment Financing , Call , 1000 , 000 , School District , Parent , Sweeper , Schools , Protest , Put , Classes , Temperate Migrant Shelter , Cb Cotton , Protesters , Parents , Community Members , Message , Demand , Migrant Shut Shelter , Heisey B , Shelter , Front , Streets , Migrant Men , Adult , Capacity , Megaphones , Queen Street , Others , School , Doing , Father , School Eating , Catholic School , School Prayer , Street , State Hundreds , Fine , Staten Island , Bed Makeshift Shelter , Lawmakers , Right , Lawsuit Try , Mandate , Ruling , Line , Challenge , Valve , Faucet , Dissent , Calling , Downward Spiral Broker , Session , Crisis , Options , Democratic , Gop , Voters , Heat , Rights , Handling , Polling , Least , Resources , Washington , Greg Abbott , Lucas Tomlinson , Immigration Policy , Nation , Change , Capitol , Details , More , Economy , Immigration , Majority , Wall Street Journal , 25 , Head , Battle , 47 , 73 , Biden Potential Rematch , Election , One On , Opportunity , Bite , Wall Street Journal Shows , 2020 , 77 , Issue , Honesty , Polls , Nikki Haley , Abbott , Tens Of Thousands , Plan , Fire , Response , Welts , Mexico , Far Cry , Judge , Buses , Scam , Swift Justice , Texas The Federal Appeals Court , Place , Border Policies , Barrier , Rio Grande , Families , Board , Us Mexico Border , Anybody Else , Fed , Office , Customss , Border Protection Agency , 35000 , Immigrants , Number , Addition , Texas To Northern Sanctuary Cities , October 1 , Four , 1 6 Million , Power , Chief Deputy Commissioner , Acting Isa Director , Te Ability , Feds , Border Patrol , Single , It , 2035000 , 2 Million , Status , Level , Reasons , Cbp Custody , Immigration Hearing , Assistance , Asylum , Eagle Pass , Grand Valley , Thousands , Infrastructure Jewel Thousands , 3000 , Towns , Cities , Counter , Infrastructure , Southwest Border Don T , Brick , Care Of , Crimes , A Problem , Category , Sanctuary City , Files , Matter , Careful What You Wish For , Burden , Ice , States , Hotel , Arrest , Midtown Manhattan , Roosevelt Hotel , Arizona , 41 , Migrant , City , Mopeds , Motorcycles , Migrant Center , Eric Adam , Advice , Strangers , Woman , Hair , 14 , Politicians , Big City Mayors , Duties , Leveraging Texas By Making Migrants , Solution , Hearing , Triangle , Migrant Protection Protocol , Country Agreements , Venezuela , Term , Micro Protection Protocols , Solutions , Et Cetera , L A , Folks , Load , Ministration , Third World , Blue State , Strategy , Quirks , Insight , Researcher , Intense Rescue Operation , Feet Underground , Erosion , Cavities , Defense , Investments , Advisors , Advisor , Connect , Goals , Wealth Management , David , J P Morgan , Product , Liberty Mutual , Gamechanger , Enamel , Shield , Car Insurance , Pronamel , Walking , Money , Dog Walking Business , Bunny , Dog Barks , Calm Down Taco , Sit Duchess , Walter Don T , Sesame , Pay , Ahhhh , Ahhhhh , Archie , Shiv , Orlando , Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Injections , Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Reactions , Liver Problems , Ingredients , Depression , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Mental Health Concerns , Tiredness , Treatment Appointments , I M Good To Go , Caper , Eric , Expedition , Bleeding , Dickies , Serving , Rescue Efforts , 40 , Teams , Work , It Rescue , Rescue Effort , Stretcher , Trapped American Caper , Passageways , Experience , Mission , Market Dickie , Cave In Southern Turkey , Hungary , Dickie , Rescuers , Order , Cave , Condition , Site , All Over The World , Cape , Turkey , Sections , Camps , Deepest , Shafts , Turkey A Cave , Officials , Mark Dickey , Wwe , Rescue Mission , Spot , Idea , Turkish , 16 , Explosives , Room , The Very Best , Part , Declaration , International Law , Principles , Common Ground , Invasion , Statement , Jake Solvent , Law , Integrity , Sovereignty , Peace , Multi Lateral System , Perspective , Principal , Acquisition , Cannot , General , Combination , Hesitation , Countries , Indication , Members , Stake , Representatives , Leader , South Africa , 18 , Soldiers , Genocide , Civilians , Crimes Against Humanity Taking , Meeting , Ammunition , Weapons , Pushback , Tommy Tuberville , Abortion , Appointments , Views , Military Personnel , Alabama , Eyes , Generals , Holding , Assignments , Promotions , Positions , Pentagon , Third Rail , 50 , Policy , Laws , Estate , Taxpayer Money , Residing , Safety , Kick , Congress , Budget , Vote , Approval , Mother , Support , Senators , Opponents , Event , Beig , 100 , Process , Senate , Reality , Legislation , Piece , Readiness , Fact , Results , Compromise , Behind Closed Doors , Military , Vulnerabilities , Play , Center Tab Erbil , Doubt , Numbers , Rank , Hasn T , Secretary , Testimony , Op Ed , Retention , Edge , 20 , Colleague , Why Don T , Situation , 99 , Prerogative , Many , Nominations , Colleagues , Conundrum , Guns , Oh Boy , Crime Family , Mob Boss , Talking , Bestseller , Show , Show Riddle , Series , Episode , Fox Nation , Celebrity , Jimmy Hoffa , Hoffa , The Search For James R , Stories , Biography , Mafia Boss To Signing Autographs , Books , Hoffa Case , Barnes Noble , Book , Author , Family , Bill , Secrets , Mafia , Mall , Met , William Big Ability , Parts , Priceless , Tv , 80 , Future , Centers , Copy , Purpose , In The Flesh , It Story , Investigation , Bookshelf , James R Hoffa , Mom , Dry Skin , Aveeno , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Same , Creamy , Delicious Fage , Yogurt , Money Manager , Fees , Commissions , Investment Products , Trades , Fisher , Clients , Most , Dog , Food , Step , Farmer , Coats , Pep , Magic , Protein , Effects , Dog Bark , Energy , Pet Food , 30 , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , Medal Of Honor , Squad , Pilot , Fire Favorite Captain Taylor , Wrist , Recon Team , Vietnam War Army , Captain Taylor , Team , Saving , Brian , Army Helicopter Pilot , Captain Taylor S Incredible Act Of Heroism , Men , Troops , Applause , Vietnam War , Vietcong , June 18 68 , 68 , Cobra Attack Helicopter Commanding A Second Gunship Into Heavy Enemy Fire , Generations , Valor , Valor Projects , Rate , Altitude , Aerial Rockets Machine Gun Fire , Wind , 45 , S Response , Base , Men Out Progress Under Heavy Enemy Fire , Cedar Cobra Helicopter , Fortman , Rocket Pods , Helicopter Skids , 55 , Army Reunions , Air Medals , Military Honor , 43 , Actions , Campaign , Metal Of Honor , Storm , Rip Current , Sir , Dangerous , East Coast , Hurricane Lee , Sports Central , Come On , D Great , Directv , Crowd Cheers , Terry Doesn T Have Directv , Farmers Mnemonic , Barbecue , Sports , Redzone , 1 800 Directv , 800 , Thyroid Eye Disease , Vo , Restoration , Tedhelp Com , Hurricane Earl , Surf , National Hurricane Center , Landfall , Fox Weather , Handful , Race , Canids , Bird , Alpha Gamma Fraternity House , Student , Tailgate Party , Burgers , Lunch , Footballs , Chris Christie , Frat Boys , Vivek Ramaswamy , Hutchinson , Ron Desantis , Corndogs , Program , Butter Cow , Iowa Burgers Hot Dogs , On Media Buzz , Howie Kurtz , 00 , 12 , Laughter , Flavor , On D , On D Campaigning , Fried Twinkies Er , Fried Oreos , Skin , Skin Tags , Dr , Remover , Scholl S , Fda , Boost Com Tv , Opinion , Cost , Innovation Refunds , Treatment , Tax Refund , Coughs , Small Business Wouldn T , Erc , Small Business , Go , Walls Gotta , Hats , Jobs , Grad Cap , Degree , Hands , Five , Circus , The Five , Dana Perino , Hi , Greg Gutfeld , Circus Atte , Jeanine Pirro , Jesse Watters , Kamala Harris , Vice President , Presidency , Girl , Readyt , Fear Of God , Strutting Like Girl Boss , 2024 ,

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