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Hartford, skidmore, and Washington University there in st. Louis. Ladies, thank you very much. Its great to have you on the job. Thank you. We loved it. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Steve you bet. That is a great idea. All right. The second hour of fox friends starts in 3, 2, 1. Ready to work to climate proof the world. Americas ideas throughout the world have proven to be failures. Scathing President Bidens speech at the United Nations not so much what he said but what he did not say. Joe biden is asleep at the wheel. Attorney general Merrick Garland will be on the hill for a Marathon Hearing before the house judiciary committee. He is the mob lawyer for the biden family. Concern for the g. O. P. Is whether the doj can fairly conduct an investigation of the president s son. The law abiding people of this community have had enough. Call the police. Call the police. [bleep] out of here. When these kind of car this effort happen in the Community Like this, something needs to be done. 25 governors, all republicans, have written to the president asking for, quote honest, accurate, detailed information about the ongoing Migrant Crisis. New york dont deserve this, the Asylum Seekers dont deserve. This its a shame he wont come and show his face. Truly despicable guy, Christopher Columbus. Politicians removing statues of some americas most important historical figures. Does this sound crazy . I dont know if this sounds crazy. People really care about this. We begin this hour with this irans president Speaking Condemning the u. S. What else is new. In a fiery speech at the United Nations. The alarming rhetoric comes as President Biden backs the idea of teening up with china to tackle climate change. Lawrence Jacqui Heinrich joins us live from the United Nations. Jacqui . Good morning, guys. Yeah, the iranian president really acting as a mouthpiece for russia in his speech, accusing the u. S. Of fanning the flames of violence in ukraine, claiming that any iranian drones that are hitting ukrainian cities were sold before the war. And also declaring that the days of the west are over. To endeavor to Universalize American Ideals throughout the worlds have proven to be failures. The iranian nation takes pride in having instrumental unmasked the true nature of the rulers in both the east and west through its islamic revolution. Israeli ambassador to the u. N. Was so outraged that he walked out, accusing the u. N. Of debasing itself by giving raisi a platform. Detained for detaining a kurdish woman who was killed by irans socalled more Rattle Police for not correctly wearing a hijab. Bidens imlent to rally against iran ever getting a nuclear weapon, yesterday warning along with france, germany and u. K. That iran needs to allow u. N. Nuclear inspectors back into the country. He took a far more conciliatory approach to his mentions of china. We also stand yesterday to Work Together with China On Issues where Progress Hinges on our common efforts. Nowhere is that more critical than accelerating the climate crisis. These snapshots tell an urgent story of what awaits us if we fail to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and begin to climate proof the world. Notably absent from bidens remarks was any mention of taiwan. Last year he used his u. N. General Assembly Address to warn against any violations of the u. S. Position on the One China Policy and any violations of taiwans territorial integrity. I did not hear specific mention of taiwan in the president s speech. Why was that . I think what you heard from the president was a pretty full some explanation of how we are looking at the broad challenges around the world and, in particular, the indopacific. Taiwan is certainly an issue that is tense. Its an issue where we dont always see eye to eye with the prc. Bidens speech came just one day after the ccp sent 103 jets and nine warships towards taiwan that is a new record, surpassing chinas show of force after then House Speaker nancy pelosi went to taiwan last year and scrambled their aircraft around the island. Later on today, President Biden is going to be meeting with the israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, thats his first meeting of the day and made even more interesting by these headlines this morning, guys, that saudi arabia is demanding a mutual Defense Agreement with the u. S. As a condition for these talks that they are having with israel to normalize relations. Steve bret baier has that big interview tonight with the crown prince of saudi arabia on special report. You know, jacqui as things start to wrap up with the american delegation in the next day or so there. And they look back at the reception our president got, you know, a lot of big players didnt show up. Where was russia . Well, we know where russia was. Where was china . Where was france . Where was everybody . It seems disrespectful. Jackie jackie well, you know, i talked to john kirby about that. And he told me there are Different Reasons rye u. K. And france had over obligations they were just at the G 20 In India and met biden there. In the case of china thats very interesting because china did not even send its Foreign Minister. It sent its Vice President which is really an honorary symbolic position, not anyone that really holds any political keys in china expected meeting between biden and xi at the apec summit in november. Something officials are being very careful not to say has ever been scheduled but people are going fine but you notice that beijing didnt send illustrates people here you have to wonder how fine things are. Brian jacqui, if you can, can you list how many illegal immigrant cities that President Biden will go to today . Go ahead and run through the whole list. Steve pretty easy. Jacqui pretty easy one, its zero. Its zero. Ainsley front cover of the New York Post you should see this jacqui, it says lost your way, joe . Roosevelt hotel this way with an arrow. Is he going to ignore the Migrant Crisis. Brian 46,000 Illegal Migrants here. Jacqui six blocks away from where the president is saying. Kathy hochul was at the leadership session attended. He gave her a shoutout in the crowd but didnt address the elephant in the room which is why there have not been any meetings between state and city leaders and the Biden Administration. They have been in new york pleading for help and in the case of mayor eric adams casting aspersions about the federal governments responsibility for all of this and urging them to reflect on how much they bear of that. So, the way that the Biden Administration puts it, they say that they are going to continue to do their engagement. They always talk about what they have done, you know, the millions of dollars they have sent to support the city. Of course the issue thats that keeps being raised here is these numbers are not stopping. You are seeing the crossings at the border surpassing numbers that we have seen before. We are expecting august to be probably the record of 20203. And bill melugin tells that story better than anyone else. Brian right. Because, as well as griff, right . 12 billion over the next two years its going to cost new york city and they give us a couple million. Thank you so much, jacqui, appreciate it. Steve kicks off two weeks of United Nations general assembly. A lot of World Leaders have security. I was this morning if you were in central park a couple days ago who was that guy who just ran by. He sure looked like prince william. Prince william went running on central park. Just on the jog. Just felt like it. He is here for a climate thing. Lawrence he has fans but his brother. Ainsley happening in new york today. Lets go down to washington, d. C. That is where Merrick Garland will go before the house judiciary committee, thanks to jim jordan. There are allegations that the doj has been political, has been weaponized, influenced by politics. In the Hunter Investigation and in the raid at maralago. Brian if you think about that, too. And the lack of enthusiasm, or information about the Robert Hur Investigation into joe bidens leaks, the lack of investigation or curiosity, in what President Biden or hunter biden was up to overseas, they are not really putting anybody on that. Thats not what robert hur seems to be doing. They are not following the hunter situation. When the whistleblowers come forward and say that investigation that you said was divorced from the department of justice was not divorced. David weiss came out, who is running the investigation said i dont have final say. And i cant get Special Prosecutor status, which i want to go into los angeles and d. C. Where a lot of these transactions with hunter biden took place. And after that came forward, and the blew up. Suddenly Merrick Garland has a Press Conference to say david weiss, even though no one has faith in you at this point, republicans or democrats, you now have the power, Special Prosecutor power. Steve so late yesterday we actually got fox news got a copy fox news digital that is to say got a copy of his Opening Statement. We got a really good idea. We see essentially his road map for today. Is he going to say in part regarding the politicization, there is not one set of laws for the powerful and another for the powerless. One for the rich and another for the poor. One for democrats, another for republicans. He goes on to say our job is not to do what is politically convenient. Our job is not to take orders from the president , from congress, from anyone else about who or whether a to criminally investigate. Brian we dont believe that. Steve he is going to be on the hot seat. I hope he has his asbestos coat on. He is also expected to denounce the escalating threats against the prosecutors involved in the Special Counsel deals. And fbi agents by various people that have prompted significant increases security around the prosecutors and around federal law enforcement. Lawrence no one wants any threats against our federal institutions. But we have to acknowledge the disparities that are in the system. We can go all the way Bac Baccalaureate that Lynch Hillary clinton a matter and not an investigation. The fact that they were targeting political opponents, using disinformation that were provided from political opponents to get a fisa warrant. There has just been investigation after investigation when you look at the reports from the inspector general, i mean, we can go on and on and on. And i would think that someone who wanted to be a Supreme Court justice, that used to be a federal judge, would say look, we have to have some integrity in our system. Im not responsible for it all but i plan on cleaning it up. I think it would get a lot of kudos from republicans and democrats today if he were to do it. Steve he has a lot of explaining to do. Ainsley right is right, wrong is wrong. When you see what is happening to the president s son, when he gets charged, and then immunity is slipped in to paragraph, what is it 15 . Paragraph 15 . They slide that n those gun charges. Thankfully that judge has the wherewithal to ask the prosecutor. Has this ever happened before in the Prosecutor Says no. Are you expecting more investigations in the future with hunter biden . Yes, we are. Well then, okay. This Sweetheart Deal is going to blow up. He is not going to get immunity going forward. Brian some of the questions brought up about jack mitt. Why is he the right guy. With senator menendez, mcdonald that blew up. With the case with john edwards blew up. All overcharged and aggressive. Even see them flipping trump attorneys and making them testify against him. See the pressure putting on maralago grounds keepers to what they saw. Should donald trump being imprisoned if he is convicted of these charges in the status of the robert hurd investigation. We have not heard anything at all good bad or indifferent. We dont know what is going on . Are they just waiting for after election day . What actions is the Justice Department taking to deal with the drastic crime surge in the Nations Capital or how about new york city or anything else . What steps is the Justice Department taking to alleviate massive backlog in the Immigration Courts . If you walk in right now you get a little tag that says see you in two and a half years. Steve if that. There are going to be a lot of questions. He will be on the hot seat. Do you know who you will see on fox. Lawrence is going outside. You have lots of questions for gen z panel. Lawrence i will see you guys in a second. Ainsley In The Meantime Carley is over here. Carley pass it off. Pass the baton. I have some more headlines to get. To say starting with a fox news alert. Russian president Vladimir Putin meeting with chinas Foreign Minister in st. Petersburg russia later today. Putin formally accepted invite to visit china in october. This high level meeting comes just days after north korean dictator kim jong un visits russia as well. Putin gifting his ally Bullet Proof Vest and drones as a parting gift. Time is winding down for House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy to secure enough votes to fund the government and avoid a federal shutdown. Recent memo shared by the white house warned if an agreement isnt reached the country could see a series of consequences including depleted fema funding, stalled Cancer Research and delayed Food Inspections by the fda. And hallmark and Great American family releasing their new Christmas Movie lineup that will air before halloween. Steve wait, what . Carley both networks will start spreading christmas cheer on october 20th. Mark it on your calendar, with tons of new movies and classics. But we do have a question to ask. Do you think this is too soon . Steve yes. Carley email us your thoughts at friends foxnews. Com. Steve one holiday at a time and there is halloween and there is thanksgiving between that. Carley i think its cuspy but you are already wearing turtle necks on october 20th so i say its okay. Brian have you done your shopping already . Carley my Christmas Shopping . Last weekend i wrote in my calendar whether to start and its going to be in october. Im thinking about doing it. Ainsley Christmas Cards now it. Takes a long time to get Christmas Cards. Carley now that i have a baby i have to do real adult things. Thats another thing to do. Your friends are going to want to see the baby. Carley merry christmas, everybody. Brian thats the problem with having kids. Steve email us and let us know. You have got thanksgiving, you have got halloween between now and christmas. You also have columbus day. Now, columbus, there is a great big. Ainsley segue. Great big statue Columbus Circle there at the top of it is Christopher Columbus. Here in new york city, the democrat Led City Council is advancing a proposal to remove any statues or artwork featuring figures with controversial pasts Like Washington and Thomas Jefferson and peter, they all owned slaves. Christopher columbus accused of cruelly treating native americans. They could also perhaps not just remove it but put up a plaque. Nonetheless, it sounds like there is a move in new york city to get rid of these figures from American History. Ainsley there is a town out on long island, its close to you, brian . Brian when this controversy happened in the museum of Natural History the Town Of Oyster Bay where Teddy Roosevelt has his home i will take the statute. You dont want it there American Indian on the ground when he is on a horse . All right, we will take it. Number two, that was a disaster. They boxed it up in the middle of a pandemic and moved it out like that was a priority. Now with columbus it was safe because Governor Cuomo is reportedly italian he know what is columbus day means to the italian people and what columbus does, too, hence the district of columbia, columbus, ohio. Columbia is everywhere. Change at love names. Take that statue out. The town of brookhaven says if you have a problem with this, we will take them all. The quote is you know, i didnt want to comment on this whether it was right or wrong with the decision. If you want to do that, hey, we will take the statues. That includes five by the way, that includes five George Washington statues. So this is so important. Donald trump said it. You want he goes you want to start taking down all these confederate generals . You want to have that argument. [what about slave owner all our Founding Fathers they all had slaves. We should get rid of our entire past and take down all the statues and get rid of it. Everyone laughed. Trump is talking in extreme. Hence, two years ago idiot mayor de blasio moved everson out of city hall and now taking washington out of new york city. Ainsley brookhaven said they have already picked out the spots and going to cover the spots. They know the importance of history what it brings to this place today. If we look through the eyes today and try to judge them for what they did years ago as some people may do, they come away with a different view. I look at their correction to history overall. I look at what they have done. I know they did this in texas and they put Little Plaques. Lawrence was telling me earlier how do you feel about this, lawrence . We will go to lawrence in a minute. He said they put Little Plaques on the bottom of the statues yes they did own slaves some of the other things they did as well. Steve they might do that here. I think its great idea. The city of new york can do anything they want. Its a sanctuary city. Very woke city. If they decide, you know what . We are are going to get rid of the statues at least they would go to place that would appreciate them. Brian they dont have any right to get rid of American History in a city. They dont have any right to do it. Not up to this generation of city leaders to decide that the american revolution, much of which was fought in occupied new york city that washington took back the first white house, the first president ial building was in new york city. His tavern is still there where he said goodbye to his troops. They are going to decide to take out his statues . They have no right to mess with our history. No right at all. You should not tolerate that, democrats or republicans. There is no Perfect People in this world that ever lived or walked the planet one guy who did they crucified. We will be a nation of pedestals if thats what you want. Ainsley lawrence is outside asking them how they feel about this. Lawrence lawrence so true, ainsley. You were talking about some of the stuff happening in texas when we had our civil war monument, we added history to correct it but we didnt remove the actual statue. The far left agenda is hitting our nations classroom as math and reading scores plunged to a record low under President Biden. So, what do the millennials, as well as gen z voters think about it statues as well as our education . Lets go to the millennials. I want to go to you, kristin, because youre a college student. You have already talked about there is so much focus on social issues as well as, you know, the things that just dont matter to us on a daytoday basis. How do you feel because your generation is leading this movement about removing the statues . Absolutely, lawrence. First of all, removing these statues is a blatant violation of the first amendment, right to freedom of speech. Secondly, with each day that passes it appears as if the Biden Administration is using George Orwells 1984 dystopian novel as an instruction manual, instead of something to shy away from. And result a matily, its not just about removing the statue. Its more symbolic than that its symbolic of rewriting history. Trying to change the facts. Its exactly what the Biden Administration wants to do. Lawrence alexandria, you are saying you are an independent voter. Where do you fall on this debate . Especially in new york city, i deal like there is a lot more important issues that legislators should be tackling overall. Statues are historic fabric of not only our city but our country there should be credence to what they mean. Lawrence Michael You Report for Campus Reform there are stories every day about removing statues, renaming buildings, where do you fall in this debate . Its just one simple point. Its disgraceful. Its ruining history. Its neglecting history. Its lying point and true. What do we tell people whose heritage, especially Christopher Columbus, we have many Italian Americans in new york. What are we telling Italian Americans in new york when we remove Christopher Columbus because we have a woke ideology demanding in our politics what do we tell them . Its disgraceful, its wrong. We should stop it. Lawrence dennis, where do you fall in this debate because for some folks its complicated. Some of these folks did do hurtful things but where is the line . Where is the line of folks . Sure. Lawrence, we have to understand that in america its often challenging to be able to find the fine line but the fact is the fact. We have folks who are in the schools right now. Educators who are trying their hardest with plummeting numbers. Our students, many of them, are failing. We have matt matt particular scores that are plummeting. We have reading scores that are plummeting. We need to know what is going on. Instead of folks focusing on history and whether or not we should be tackling statues we need to worry about raising the students scores up. The covid19 pandemic whether folks want to believe how it got here or what happened with that did happen. And because of it, many of our students are behind. So, as a country, we are never going to be where we should be until we focus on our students. Lawrence thats such a good point. It can be quite emotional when it comes to this debate. But what about the things that matter to our kids . And thats getting them to pass in school so they can get a quality education as well as quality jobs so they can provide for their future families. Panel, you are all going to be here all morning. Thank you so much for weighing in on this. Im going to throw it over to steve. Steve great discussion. Thank you very much, lawrence. All right, now to americas crime crisis. Our next guest and her son were violently carjacked right in front of their own home as suspects as the suspects stole her suv. Get the [bleep] out of here. Call of the police. Call the police. Call the police. Well, they did call the police. Eventually. Enough to residents in one minnesota town are packing city hall rallying around that family. We, the law abiding people of this community, have had enough. When these kind of car thefts and with guns and this is happening and the Community Like this, something needs to be done. This could have happened to anyone in this room. Any person sitting anywhere, this could have happened. You, you, you. I know this because it happened in my driveway. It happened in the driveway of this family. Kelly and her husband craig beeson join us right now. Good morning to both of you. Good morning. Good morning, steve. Steve kelly, we just saw you, one of the worst moments of your life. Tell us what happened. I saw a couple guys run up our driveway and i ran out to the garage to see what was going on and one was in my husbands car. One was in my car. The one took off running when he saw me. And i chased him. Then we were out in the street. I managed to get their cell phones out of their car. Thats me getting the cell phones out of their car. And then they came and attacked me. By this time my son was there. He was calling 911. And one of them went over and also attacked him. Then when they were leaving. They drove at us with both stolen cars. Both cars that they had were stolen. Man, you know, this wasnt like it happened at midnight or 3 00 a. M. , in some part of town you have never been to. This is your driveway. At 10 45 in the morning. Thats correct. Yep. They followed us home, i think, from the grocery store. Me and my 9yearold daughter. Steve in your town, that is a very nice town. You know, when i think about it, i dont think about a carjacking problem, kelly. No, i wouldnt either. But then as after this happened. We did hear a lot of from other people that this had happened to them. Things had been broken into. It seems like it was becoming more common. Kelly, when you look at that video, where the guy is you know, come and accost you outside the car, im sure in your head you can think this could have gone so bad, could have gone so sideways and by The Grace Of God im sitting here today. Yeah. I think once i saw my son out there. That kind of really brought things to light how serious it was. And especially when they went over and tried to take his phone and attacked him. That was when i the severity of it really came true. Absolutely. Craig, its your family. Its your wife. Its your son. And that is why you called on your town to snap out of it. The only way things are going to get better if you all get together. How did you make that plea to your town . Well, i think, you know, i have learned more about the criminal Justice System the last month more than i care to know. I think all signs point back to the d. A. Maria ottey, she stood on this position that she was not going to prosecute for crimes like this which i think is it irresponsible at best. And i think when i found that out and i started highlighting that. People started stepping up. They started saying yeah, this happened to me or this happened to my neighbor. I think people are just infuriated. Steve we just showed some video of people stepping up to microphones in your area talking before the town council did how things have got change. Do you feel like things are changing or was this just a blip on the radar . No. I dont feel that things are changing. Every elected official that i have reached out to has sat down and talked to kelly and myself about this, except the county d. A. Only person that can do Something Like that is the hennington county d. A. I do want to say someone was arrested yesterday. One of these guys was arrested yesterday. Steve is the person in jail . Correct. Hes in jail. As of yesterday afternoon he was arrested. Steve how many in all are they looking for . There were four guys total. So there is still three out there. Steve do you feel safe . I do. Im a lot more cautious now. We make sure the doors are locked. I dont leave my car outside of the garage anymore. Which i really do on the do it that much anyway. We are take a lot more precautions than we used to. Thats for sure. Steve yesterday, we were showing some video. Somebody in connecticut simply opened the garage door, drove in, and thats when the bad guys came in and carjacked him. You just dont know. Everybody has got to be so careful. Right. Right. And it can happen. It can happen again. Especially if they follow you and you dont know they followed you. Steve no kidding. We are glad you are okay, kelly. Kelly and craig beeson, thank you very much for joining us live. Good luck to you. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Steve keep us posted on if they find the other three guys. We are curious if theyre really looking. We hope they are. 7 28 now here in the east. Come up, horror in the stands. A patriots fan reportedly dead after being punched in the head twice at a game. The investigation into that fight that ended in his death coming up. Plus, attorney general Merrick Garland going to face the music today in front of congress. Ssol wisenburg says there will e a lot of dodging and is he going to preview that coming up next here on fox friends live from new york. A perfect storm at typical insurance, youre just another senior. Thats the third Health Insurance commercial with seniors at a farmers market. Right . Dont get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but its like those Companies Think were all the same. Thats why i chose humana. Before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. She told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental. All in my budget. I finally feel in control. What are you doing . 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I was surprised that sticking to the golo plan and taking release, the weight just kept coming off. soft music brian Massachusetts Police are investigating the death of a lifelong new England Patriots fan after a fight in the stands in foxborough. Now his family is demanding answers. Carley shimkus is here with the latest. Carley . Carley yeah, brian. We ever getting a better idea of the events leading up to dale mooneys death. Witnesses say the 53yearold taunted by a group of dolphins fans before being hit several times. More looked like people just grabbing and pulling at each other. At some point a guy in a Dolphins Jersey punched the victim twice in the face and thats when the victim fell behind he fell into his seat unconsciousness. The guy got hauled away by police in the Dolphins Jersey and i think thats when everybody kind of noticed something was wrong. Carley First Responders did perform cpr on mooney for 10 minutes at the stadium before rushing him to the hospital. He was later pronounced dead. His wife now demanding answers saying quote, numb. I just feel numb. I just cant even believe this is for real. I want to know what happened. What caused this . Gillette stadium officials issued a statement to fox news digital saying they are, quote heart broken to learn of the tragic passing of dale mooney, a lifelong Patriots Fans and 30 year season ticket member. We continue to work with local authorities to assist them with their Ongoing Investigation. Mooney is survived by his wife and their two adult sons. Brian, over to you. Brian that is absolutely amazing. Carley so tragic. Brian we will find out more on that, carley. Thank you. Ainsley, take it away. Ainsley that is so sad you go to games like that to escape that is happening in our crazy world right now and you dont make it back home. Brian beat up and die ainsley its almost that time a. G. Garland has questions to answer as his doj is accused of Being Weaponized for political use. Garlands Opening Statement says there is not one set of laws for the powerful and one for the powerless. One for democrats and one for republicans. Our job is not to do what is politically convenient. Our job is not to take orders from the president , from congress, or from anyone else about who or what to criminally investigate. Joining us now, former white water deputy independent counsel sol wisenburg. Hey, sol. Hey, good morning. Ainsley what can we expect today . The usual bobbing and waving. He is going to try to deflect and not answer anything and say there is an Ongoing Investigation this is with respect to both the Hunter Biden Investigation and indictment and donald trump indictments. But there are things they should be able to ask him about because both garland and David Weiss In Delaware have made many public statements about who did what during the investigation. Not about what the investigators are finding but what kind of Authority Weiss was given. For example, garland said very clearly weiss had this is before he was named Special Counsel, weiss has always had more authority than Special Counsel. Well, if thats true, how did you convey that to him . Was he a Special Attorney . Special attorney to the attorney general if you are appointed or designated that you can bring a case in any district in the country, not just in your own district if thats what you meant mr. Attorney general, how did you convey that . I mean, that has to be in writing. So, did you have a conversation with him if it wasnt in writing that said im going to let you do this and how do you square that with the fact that the uncontested fact that weiss told a room full of agents from October Of 2022 im not the person with ultimate authority. Weiss has never had to explain the fact that he told a room full of agents that. If you are the person with ultimate authority, which you said, then why would you tell agents that . So there is a lot that they can actually do that he should have to answer garland because he has already made statements about it. Ainsley when it comes to the Hunter Investigation, its been five years. Why such a slowwalk . Why did it take so long . And in some cases the statute of limitations has expired. He couldnt be charged with some of the more serious tax crimes. He is simply not going to answer that and, of course, thats one of the key points of contention with the irs whistleblowers that the department allowed and weiss people allowed the statute of limitations on the most important Tax Evasion Crime that hunter allegedly committed. They let that lapse. Thats important thing that should not be forgotten. Its not the stuff about relationship with his father is unimportant. But these are real alleged crimes that the whistleblowers said with some credibility we typically investigate a certain way and we werent allowed to do that he will not answer those tim questions. He will not get into the details of why something was done. Thats why congress has to focus on things he has already spoken about. Of course they should talk about the plea debacle that happened where the plea brew up with hunter biden in delaware, which you had mentioned earlier because the judge asked some questions. They need to ask about that, because thats unprecedented. Ainsley unprecedented. If this had happened to us, oh my word, we would be thrown behind bars. When it happens to the president s son it seems, to it just appears that there are different rules for this influential family. Sol, thank you so much. We will be watching. It comes on at 10 00 and we will be covering it here on fox. Thank, sol. Thanks for having me. Ainsley you are welcome. Tensions heating up biden might be in new york city but he isnt meeting with mayor adams over the Migrant Crisis. 2024 president ial candidate nikki haley is going to join us. She takes questions from our live gen z and millennial voter panel in the next hour generalized Myasthenia Gravis made my life a lot harder. But the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. Vyvgart is for adults with generalized Myasthenia Gravis who are antiachr antibody positive. In a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. Most participants taking vyvgart also had less Muscle Weakness. And your Vyvgart Treatment Schedule is designed just for you. In a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. Vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. Vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Oh, oh, oh. Ill be the judge of that. Oh, thats nice. Oh searchable, verified reviews. Thats better than the ham, and ive never said that. Booking. Com booking. Yeah lawrence were back with a fox news alert. Law enforcement under attack. New York Police Officer hurt overnight after a protest turned violent outside a Migrant Shelter in Staten Island. Brian yeah. They dont want them there. Sources say there are about 75 people at the demonstration. Police stepped in when protesters attempted to block a bus from bringing migrants into the facility because the people of Staten Island said no way, no how. Steve it sounds like 10 people were arrested and charged with Disorderly Conduct and one man, a protester, is expected to face Assault Charges after an officer suffered a knee injury while trying to arrest him. Ainsley so what happened out on Staten Island, there is this school, used to be a school st. John villa. Its now a shelter. There are three other schools on this same street or in that area. And the parents are upset. One school is st. Joseph hill. Its an elementary and Middle School coed and all girls high school. They spent 10 to 15,000 to build fend fencing around the school. Saint Dorothy School down the block. Public school ps 39 also in that area. Parents have been out there protesting. You have people of all ages protesting. Some of the people arrested were older. So, they are upset. Parents are telling us that they have to go 30 minutes earlier than they normally would to pick up their children because of road blocks, Police Officers arent letting everyone to go certain ways because they are trying to shelter the people who are migrants and here illegally. Steve right. This particular demonstration outside the former Senior Living facility in Staten Island on tuesday night. I was just talking to a new york city Police Officer about whether or not the person who was arrested was a migrant. He told me that apparently this person was actually thats the person we are talking about at the end of that about potential charges, was a protester, reportedly, because the question was if a migrant is involved in an assault on a cop here in new york city, what would happen to him . Would they be deported . I dont know. Brian no. Lawrence tensions are running high because this is new for new york. If you are a texan like myself, we have been experiencing this for a while. Our shelters are done. Our food pantries, they have no food. The local businesses are still suffering. They have bought all the blankets they can. The border is overrun but for new yorkers this is something new. They havent seen anything like this before. Brian well, lawrence, in Staten Island, its extremely republican. They want nothing to do with the policies that this administration and they are not consulted. They just jam these people in, one day its an empty school, assisted living, nursing home. Homeless shelter. The next day filled with Illegal Immigrants and right in the middle of towns. Right across the street from a school. And we dont know who these people are. Who in your life, in your neighborhood, would be okay with 300 people coming across the street from you, living in one facility. Ainsley not vetted. Brian nothing to do. With no Background Checks at all. Is that why you pay a ridiculous amount of taxes . They show up to protest and cops are put in impossible situation. You know in your heart they are not for this. They are there for the new yorkers. Not for people from another country taking advantage of the worse border policies. Ainsley the sisters had to sell it for millions of dollars to help with, i guess, their causes. They sold it to the city, with the promise from the city were going to turn this into a school. And they didnt. Now it is a shelter for Illegal Immigrants. Right next to all these children. Steve sure, keep in mind, this particular crisis caused by man caused by joe biden and the Biden Administration policy starting on day one of his administration. Joe biden has been in new york city there are Migrant Shelters all over the place. Steve. Lawrence not one tour. Steve cover of the New York Post lost your way, joe . It points to one of the Migrant Shelters. Its the Roosevelt Hotel five blocks from where we are sitting right now. We know exactly where they are. The president of the United States you have to wonder if his motorcade drove by one of them. Ainsley why doesnt he want to go . Doesnt want to address the problem. Steve to him, its not a crisis its part of his business plan. Lawrence when you have the Homeland Secretary saying they have operational control and this nonsense happening. I dont know how this cant be an impeachable offense. Ainsley in new york we have laws on the books where you have to find shelter for anyone here who is homeless or give them that option. In california they dont have that. Thats why gavin newsom says come here if you are homeless, can you set up a tent on the street. You are not allowed to you do that here in new york. Steve people do lots of them. Ainsley 10 minutes to the top of the hour. Coming up, the real cost of a mothers love. Parents hiring mom Concierge Services for their children that are in college. Its a new trend and its taking over. Brian but, first, erasing history as the Migrant Crisis strains the big apple budget. The new York City Council is addressing it . No. They are considering using Taxpayer Funds to take down George Washington statues and other Great American colonists and leaders and Founding Fathers. Lets talk about it. Sing steve hello, columbus. Chr or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. Botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. Its the 1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. So far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand chronic migraine patients. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. Dont receive botox® if theres a skin infection. 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Heavy rain along the coast and flooding possible. This area of low pressure toward midatlantic, keep that is mind. Showers for Mississippi River valley and area of low pressure move across the west bringing Heavy Rain And Snow for the colorado rockies. Potential for stronger storms. What is your name . Jean and dave from fremont, ohio. Mary joe and tony. Janice do you like Brian Kilmeade . Yes. Janice we love brian. Good you said you love him. Over to you. Brian i dont love this city. Council committee debating new bill that would remove statues of Founding Fathers from city property. George washington, Thomas Jefferson, columbus. Here to react is head of the her staneling foundation, kevin roberts. What is the big deal . Is it a big deal . Its a huge deal, im an used to run Historic House museums, way to handle difficult chapters in histories recognize every human being was flawed. We ought not be tearing down statues, build new statues that celebrate america. This is huge distraction from other problems the new York City Council ignores. Brian you cant say were exceptional if you dont know where we came from and america is why everybody wants to get here. Other thing that happened that i find embarrassing and aggravating is yesterday republicans put together resolution with most conservative, which Heritage Foundation played a role with chip roy and the speaker and put cr and it failed because norman, andy biggs, bishop, rosendale and ken buck decided it is not good enough, thatten moos Government Shutdown will happen and republicans get blamed. What were they thinking . Key thing is there is still a deal to be had. Kevin hern of oklahoma late yesterday created a wonderful opportunity for us to move forward, cut spending and nail down Border Security and defund one or two components of the Ridiculous Department of justice. If members can focus on that, there are dealings to be had. Heritage foundation would not lose sleep over the government being shut down. Government is too big. We will never, our side will never win the messaging war on Government Shutdown. In my lifetime, that never happened. We need to strike this deal, make conservative deal to get 218 votes and live to fight early 2024 about really good concerns that good members of congress have, that is what we need to focus on today. Brian they are talking about moderates teaming up. Dont people understand there is a play after their play if your secondary deal doesnt happen. It is important to play chess here. Always seem to play 3d chess and were playing checkers. We need to fund the government through early 2024 and lets as United Conservative Movement have a conversation about cutting spending and locking down the southern border. If we lose this issue, we will lose political credibility with American Voters who are ready for that conversation. Brian ken buck will not vote for it and he wants a contract at cnn, maybe not for best interest of america, but for his own future, which is totally unacceptable. Kevin, keep working hard

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