Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20180917

dangerous storm. downgraded over the weekend from a hurricane, tropical storm, then tropical depression unleashing more and more rain on the eastern seaboard. good morning. i'm bill hemmer in wilmington, north carolina. sandra, good morning to you. we tried and could not get out. like so many others trying to get out and trying to get back in. good morning, sandra. >> sandra: unbelievable images and rescues that played out over the weekend there. thank you for your continued reporting on the ground there. i'm sandra smith in new york this morning. take us back and tell us what it looks like there now. >> bill: listen, this state has been hit very hard and south carolina as well. not as substantial as you see here in the wilmington area. we have 17 dead blamed on the storm. that number could go higher. the waters have risen. they continue to rise throughout the day today. if you think about it, we're on the high-end of a bathtub. you have the atlantic ocean on one side and all the rivers that surround wilmington. wilmington always seems to be -- remains the high-end. you can't go anywhere from here. there have been several news crews, including our own and many from other networks that tried to get away on saturday. then again on sunday. saturday was very dicey. yesterday not much better. we tried about 6:00 in the morning and for a good four hours trying to see what route was possible. they were all closed down. maybe there is better luck today. for so many people who left, they are not coming back here for days. >> sandra: what a story playing out there. we hope to get you back in new york soon, bill. rick leventhal is live from ogden. north carolina this morning with the latest from there. >> the good news is the sun is finally out and crews and cleanup crews can get to work. bad news is there is a lot for them to do including addressing this wash-out on middle sound loop road that we came up on. a huge section of the payment there dropped off and washed away. this happened sometime after late thursday night. he had parked his vehicles right next to this chunk that's missing there. we want to give you a closer video look at it. we're tied to our position with cables but we got some video of the wash-out itself which the homeowner believes was caused by new developments that went up just west of it putting extra pressure on the water pipes. they didn't put big enough drainage pipes underneath. one of those burst and then the rest of it caved away. he is wondering when and how it will get fixed and owns a piece of the marina right next to it. he says his business will suffer and believes there could be a four or five month delay before this road is repaired. the upside is people on either side of this wash-out can get out of this neighborhood because the road does loop around in both directions. this neighborhood next to us was under water yesterday. another one in the town of leland south and west of wilmington we went to was also underwater. dozens of people were being rescued helped by fema, by the local fire department and by volunteers with high water vehicles going in, grabbing residents who could carry whatever they could, clothes, pets, that sort of thing and were ferried to safety. >> sandra: thoughts and prayers to all those affected by this. a long road ahead. stay safe. >> bill: smitty, the stories of hardship down here do not end. you will hear one after the other after the other. an update from what's happening in wilmington. with me woody white, new hanover county commissioner. you'll fly by way of airplane food and water into wilmington. >> yes, i got word a few minutes ago on the way to the set that we had 20 trucks come in from fort bragg last night. i want to take a second to thank president trump and fema personally for pre-staging those resources, food and water in fort bragg and secondly i want to thank the highway patrol and governor of north carolina for figuring out how to get them here last night. unbelievable. just teamwork. that's the story. we hear all these and we'll continue to hear pretty rough stories about human tragedies and struggles but we are also hearing incredible stories about getting things done, not a lot of talk but a lot of action. they got them in here. we're setting up the distribution points now and making announcements over the next few hours. >> bill: a little bit at a time. you almost take it hour by hour. not even day-to-day at the moment. >> it's nice that you have a sunscreen here. blue skies and sunshine. so things are looking up and we're very excited. we have a long way to go, bill. we'll be standing in waist deep water in a few days. we're still in the middle of this thing. >> bill: what are you hearing from people throughout the county? >> lots of hope and optimism. a few complaints but not many. driving around and seeing my neighbors and other neighbors coming together and moving logs, cutting trees, repairing, rebuilding. it's very inspiring. >> bill: how did you make out this weekend? >> we did okay. damage to the house. i have a chain saw and cut my way out a couple days ago. i have no complaints. i have wonderful neighbors and i live in the best community in the world and we're just very blessed. i want to also say something about the city and the county emergency staff. 350 men and women over there 24/7 answering 911 calls, responding to over 670 citizen rescues in the last 36 hours. these people are unbelievable. they haven't slept much. they've been eating and drinking water when they can but they're still mobilized going out. >> bill: it is possible this water stays here for five more days. upwards of a week. >> we're still an island. the waters are rising. it will be worse than that. thank you for guys sharing this story and talking about it. come back here in a week or two and see how we're doing. we'll be fine but we still have a lot of recovery to do. i want to say to folks that are trying to get back here give it another few days. there is not a lot of power here. food and water, i don't want to use the word shortage but it's an issue. if you're somewhere safe and you have power and food and water, stay there. >> bill: we've seen a lot of cars under water. >> sandra: a lot of houses and cars. it won't get better. this water is rising. >> bill: good luck to you, stay in contact and our team in wilmington and we'll do what we can for you. back to new york now. >> sandra: thank you. we'll get back in a minute. bret kavanaugh's future hanging in the balance after the woman accusing him of sexual assault when they were both in high school comes forward. her lawyer saying christine ford is willing to tell her side of the story under oath. >> is your client willing to testify before the judiciary committee public aand tell this story? >> she is willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forth. >> sandra: peter doocy is live on the hill. how many republican senators are calling for the vote on kavanaugh to be delayed? >> so far two, sandra. senators bob corker and jeff flake. flake is on the judiciary committee and said i'm uncomfortable moving forward with a yes vote until we hear from the accuser. two question marks become two potential swing votes murcowski and collins if the judiciary committee decides to go a head to recommend kavanaugh to the full senate. the senate can try to give him a thumbs-up or attempt confirmation even if the judiciary gives him a thumbs down. the republicans on the committee released a statement says it's disturbing these uncorroborated allegations from more than 35 years ago during high school would surface on the eve of a committee vote after democrats sat on them since july. lindsey graham says he is willing to hear from her. he just wants it to happen quickly and the white house just said that they are fine with her testifying under oath as long as judge kavanaugh gets a chance to answer the allegations under oath as well. >> sandra: do we know why dianne feinstein waited to release the details of this letter if she got it back in july? >> no, and she insists even though she had multiple opportunities to ask kavanaugh about these claims in public and behind closed doors, she has always taken the allegations seriously. her statement says from the outset i believed these allegations were serious and bear on kavanaugh's character. over the past few days they come at a price for the victim. i hope the attacks and shaming of her will stop and treated with the seriousness it deserves. these charges, these allegations don't just potentially put kavanaugh's supreme court job in jeopardy but affect his current job on the d.c. court. another democratic senator is saying if kavanaugh lied to the f.b.i. then the possibility of impeachment comes into play. sandra. >> sandra: peter doocy on capitol hill this morning. thank you. >> bill: we've never seen the water this high before. flooding of epic proportions plaguing north carolina. the deadly storm claiming 17 including a 3-month-old baby. we'll speak to the mayor in wilmington wilmington in a moment here on "america's newsroom." also in a moment a police officer killed in the line of duty. details what we're learning today. bombshell testimony from the former f.b.i. attorney lisa page revealing the bureau had not proven collusion when bob mueller was appointed to that case. >> these people are really dirty. i hope that we continue to get all this information out before the election so that people know just how sick this russia kool-aid that has been poured upon the american people, how bad it's really been. let's do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. they taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at or just say badda book, badda boom. book now at or just say badda book, badda boom. ♪ lean on me, when you're not strong ♪ ♪ and i'll be your friend ♪ ♪ i'll help you carry on ♪ ♪ lean on me. >> sandra: fox news alert on an officer killed in the line of duty. 41-year-old robert kunze was shot and killed sunday checking on a suspicion person in downtown wichita. a fight broke out and kunze's service weapon went off. they don't know if the suspect's gun was fired. both deputy and suspect were killed. he was from the sedgwick county sheriff's office and leaves behind a wife and daughter. >> we're seeing epic flooding in north carolina. this is a state that has been used to floods but we've never seen floods like this in this widespread. and a lot of people are displaced. >> bill: that's north carolina governor roy cooper. he has been out a lot and we perhaps will hear from him around 11:00 a.m. eastern time. that seems to be his pattern. we'll get the update then. mayor bill saffos is with us. what are you seeing throughout your town and what do we need to know? >> we still have the situation where people can't get into the city because of the flooded roadways. we've airlifted a lot of supplies in here last night and 20 vehicles that came in last night with the governor and highway patrol and high water vehicles got supplies to us last night and that looks like the river will crest on tuesday and roads will probably be able to be opened on wednesday. that's not all roads. they will have to inspect the bridges and roads to make sure they're safe to travel. could be sometime before we could get people back in here. >> bill: last night some traffic lights came on. that seems to be progress. >> we've had progress. our crews have gotten out here. a lot of crews clearing the roadways. duke power brought in 1,000 trucks. we have 1,000 crews in here before the rainwater started rising and getting work done now. >> bill: i described to the viewers a few moments ago sitting in a bathtub at the high-end of the bathtub and everything around you is water. you might get a half mile, mile or five miles but eventually you'll hit water. >> we're an island amongst ourselves right now. everybody is trapped in here. people trying to get back into the city. you folks are trying to get out. we're trying to get supplies into the city that's critically needed. we need fuel, medical supplies. the marines are helping us. federal assets are coming in and helping us a lot at the airport now. >> bill: one of the concerns the longer this goes on the more possibility you have of looting. we saw a little bit over the weekend. what is your sense about security throughout the city? >> the governor has assured us we have national guard coming in. we have 50 officers from the raleigh police department assigned us to. 10 additional state troopers. we're getting resources in here helping us with security. we did have some isolated looting that we took care of pretty quickly and we're not going to tolerate it. we told people if you are looting in any way, shape or form you're arrested on the spot. >> bill: floyd was 19 years ago. people were telling me that's their most vivid memory when the place was cut off at that point for about two weeks. >> correct. it came down in a cat 1, cat 2 and all of a sudden it was the rain. it was the flooding that literally cut us off from the world for about two weeks. we have a very similar situation happening right now with florence. it will be some time before we can get people in here and all the resources we'll need to clean this place up. it is going to happen. the river will crest tomorrow and things will get better as we get more supplies in here and people to help us. it's a long haul, bill. >> bill: how did you make out this weekend? >> i'm like everybody else. we hunkered down, no power, no air, having to shave in cold water, whatever we have to do but it's been -- we'll get through it. we're resilient down here. we live on the coast because we love living here but you have to take into consideration these things will happen from time to time. >> bill: been here all your life? any plans of leaving now? >> no, this is a beautiful city. we want people to come back when we get it cleaned up. we'll be back. >> bill: talk to you later today. >> appreciate everything. >> bill: we'll get the word out for you as best you can. you need that and rely on that, too. >> appreciate it. you guys are great. >> bill: let's get back to new york and sandra. >> sandra: thank you for that. breaking news on our big story of the morning, of the day. president trump's supreme court nominee could be facing some trouble as his accuser comes forward and says she is willing to testify before congress. we'll have much more on this in a moment. south korea preparing for another big summit with north korea. what they are hoping to achieve. plus immigration and border security topping the agenda during fox news town hall america. how the two candidates vying to be the next arizona senator went at it. >> it was mcsally that guaranteed 38 billion of border security. >> we can keep our borders safe and secure and control the flow of immigration without separating families. you're headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ >> sandra: the two candidates to replace jeff flake going head-to-head in a town hall last night. they clashed over illegal immigration and border security. take a listen. >> this is extremely frustrating that the democrats have been obstructing border security. it should be a unifying issue. >> i have been leading in the house to make sure we fight for the resources and the policies to secure our border. >> we should have money for drones, night vision cameras. >> my concern about just funding a border wall is it's an 18th century solution to a 21st century problem. >> sandra: the latest poll shows a tight race. the democrat holding a three-point advantage within the margin of error. south korean president moon preparing for a big summit with north korea. he says he plans to push for permanent peace during his talks with kim jong-un. the summit begins tomorrow in pyongyang. greg palkot has more from london on this for us. greg. >> hi, sandra. this is all happening amid stalled nuclear talks between the united states and north korea. south korean president moon set to meet beginning tomorrow in pyongyang with kim jong-un. the third summit for the two. never has a meeting been more critical. comments today moon said he wants to reach a middle ground between the u.s. demand for denuclearization of the north and north korea's call for a formal end of the 70-year old korean war. that's a sticking point. kim jong-un feels he has already made concessions. white house officials want more. probably why kim in recent days has been making a pitch directly to president trump for another summit. both leaders have been talking nice to each other. trump seems to be agreeable to that. some experts question what another summit could achieve. >> sandra: there is a u.n. security council meeting today to discuss sanctions busting. what's that all about? >> yeah. this is another complication, sandra. in a little bit more than half an hour a special session of the u.n. security council dealing with a report that the u.n. has just issued and it says that north korea and concerned parties continue to break the sanction regime. that's a maximum pressure campaign the trump administration has put in place. china and russia exporting oil big time to the north. russia trying to cover it up according to the united states. north exporting coal and the charge north korea is dealing in weapons shipments. this amid other reports today, sandra, that north korea continues to build missiles and produce nuclear material violating at the very least the spirit of the message coming out of that june singapore summit declaration after the meeting between president trump and kim jong-un. more complications to come. back to you. >> sandra: greg palkot in london. thank you. >> bill: back to our top story more rain expected in north carolina. officials warning the biggest problems are yet to come. five rivers nft region reaching or approaching all-time historic flood stage. a live report from one of the harder-hit areas. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh caught up in a scandal as his own accuser is willing to go forward and public. >> let me make very clear. i've spoken with the president and senator graham and others. this woman will be heard. she is going to -- the senate judiciary committee will decide how and through which forum. to look at me now, you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. 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prudential. bring your challenges. >> my client will do whatever is necessary to make sure that the senate judiciary committee has the full story and the full set of allegations to allow them to make a fully informed decision. >> testifying in public under oath in front of the senate judiciary committee with the american people watching is pressure. is she willing to go that far. >> she is willing to do what she needs to do. >> sandra: that's the attorney for christine ford, the california college professor who has come forward with assault allegations against bret kavanaugh. the attack allegedly happened in the 1980s while both in high school. ford detailed the incident to the "washington post" saying kavanaugh tried to force himself on her at a party. now she says she is willing to testify before congress. here is reaction from south carolina republican senator lindsey graham says if the committee is to hear from miss ford it should be done immediately. chief counsel and policy director, carrie severino joins us now. >> she will get a chance to be heard. judge kavanaugh will get a chance to give his side of the story as well. and then the senate will move forward on this. what we have here i think it's important to see is this is someone who -- he has lived his whole life in the public eye. six background checks over 25 years. never a whisper of any misconduct. 65 women who knew mim back in high school and dating him says this isn't anything like the brett kavanaugh we knew and his denial. it doesn't seem to add up on top you have senator feinstein's own behavior. if she thought it was serious why did she sit on it in july. didn't ask him about it in her private meeting and senate judiciary committee testimony and special closed session for confidential inquiries didn't ask about the question then. the timing here is very suspect. i'm not sure if senator feinstein even credits these allegations herself or is she just trying to delay and use this woman as a political pawn? it doesn't add up. what it looks like is partisan politics getting dirtier in what has already been a wild confirmation hearing. >> sandra: susan collins, the republican who is critical in this vote was questioning just that when she issued this statement saying quote, what is puzzling to me is the democrats by not bringing this out earlier after having had this information for more than six weeks have managed to cast a cloud of doubt on both the professor and the judge. if they believed professor ford, why didn't they surface this information earlier so that he could be questioned about it? and if they didn't believe her and chose to withhold that information, why did they decide at the 11th hour to release it? it is really not fair to either of them the way it was handled. we have a lot more to learn about the timing of all this especially if feinstein received that letter back in july. >> sandra: absolutely. the "washington post" also had information about it in july. in all that time they haven't been able to either her or the post have not come up with corroborating information. all of this just doesn't seem to add up. what it does fit into is a pattern of politicizing that collins has been on with threats against herself, her staff in this process. they seem to be doubling down on this attack with the last-minute character smear of a judge who has served with respect and with honor in the public service for most of his life. so i hope that senate judiciary committee and senators as a whole can give both sides a chance to get heard in short order. >> sandra: that's what jeff flake the republican senator is saying. this confirmation process should not move forward until ford is heard out. he issued this statement if they push forward without any attempt hearing what she has had to say i'm not comfortable voting yes, he said. we need to hear from her and i don't think i'm alone on this. will we hear from more who feel like he does? >> there is no question the senate will hear from her. that's not the question. what is being negotiated is how it will happen. we've seen a pattern of delay on the part of the democrats before judge kavanaugh was announced as a nominee. they have to make sure they're not using it in a political move to use this woman's story as a delay tactic because if they do believe her, why are they treating it as just a political pawn is another question? i think -- she'll be heard. just a matter of how it happens. i think the key for me is this doesn't seem to add up from all of every piece of evidence we have about judge kavanaugh is going the other way now and that raises real questions. >> sandra: the white house stands this morning, kellyanne conway earlier. listen. >> this woman should not be ignored and insulted. she should be heard. judge kavanaugh, who has categorically denied these allegations will also have an opportunity to address them under oath. remember, folks, that long before this happened, there were democrats who said they would not vote for judge kavanaugh and they wouldn't vote for anybody that president trump nominated to the supreme court. let's remember that. >> sandra: conway making it clear where the white house stands leading off with the woman should not be ignored or insulted. she should be heard. >> absolutely. i think that's the right approach. and frankly i think the democrats are the ones treating her as a political pawn. in the context of this hearing i think justice ginsberg was talking about how ugly this confirmation process has become. when she and justice scalia were confirmed just about unanimously. opposite side and got universal report. the way it's being done now is not right. the way it was done before is the way it should be. she saw how ugly it was becoming at the hearings and now a new low. this is very discouraging and i don't think it's fair to anyone involved in the process. >> sandra: the vote is still scheduled for thursday. will it happen? >> you'll have a ask chairman grassley. we have to see if they'll be able to work out an opportunity. they'll try to quickly move rather than leaving it out here. let's try to get both sides heard as quickly as possible so the speculation can end. >> sandra: thank you for your time this morning. >> floodwaters are still raging across parts of our state and the risk to life is rising with the angry waters. this storm has never been more dangerous than it is right now for areas from fayetteville and lumberton across the sand hills and southern piedmont to our mountains. >> bill: north carolina governor roy cooper giving the latest describing the catastrophic flood threat facing his state. one of those cities is 77 miles north and west of here that's fayetteville, north carolina. jeff flock has made his way there over the weekend. what do you see today? what's the danger? >> i tell you, bill, the floodwaters still rising here. now at this point, you know, we've got scenes like this around the city. we were earlier this morning in downtown fayetteville. we got floodwaters racing through this city. they aren't doing catastrophic damage yet but there could be another 10 foot of rise before we're done. >> bill: wow. have those who are being told to evacuate, have they been able to escape, jeff? >> some have but you know, some people -- i'm in a community now, mary ann didn't leave. she is a mile from the river. you say this isn't as bad as it was then? >> not to me. >> this is your house. no water in there yet? >> we have no power but. >> bill: you have running water but not floodwater. >> no floodwater. thank the lord for that. no power. we want power. >> i hear that. that's like a lot of people out here. the first is the danger and then there is just the misery factor. look at this. look at that. haven't seen that in a while. it came out there behind that cloud for a second and you know, now hiding again. that's okay. we're on the right track. >> bill: there is hope. thank you, jeff. best to that lady there with you as well. sandra, trying to make their way through that stream there. you can go slow enough and ride the wake but you go into quarter mile or half mile or mile you'll come across another one and then another one and it is just surrounding. you call up google maps and it's chock a block of red no-go zone around the southeast. the eastern half of the state. >> sandra: everyone you talked to on the ground there, and i lived through many of these down in baton rouge, resiliency and strength of these people. they build back, they come back, they work together. it is really amazing to see in these days afterward how people come together. i'm sure you're seeing that down there. >> bill: it will be a ways to go but you're right about that. we'll keep it safe, keep it safe for now and we'll get things back up and working here in about a week or two weeks' time. >> sandra: thank you, bill. rescue teams from across the country aiding in rescue and recovery. the coast guard in action. retired four-star general jack keane is live on the federal response next. plus bombshell revelations from lisa page's closed door testimony. what it could mean for robert mueller's russia investigation moving forward. we'll have that next. >> neither she or peter strzok and the folks at the center of the trump/russia collusion investigation had any evidence of collusion with russians nearly a year into the investigation. are you a veteran, own a home, and need cash? you should know about the newday va home loan for veterans. it lets you borrow up to 100 percent of your home's value. not just 80 percent like other loans. and that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. with our military service, veterans like us have earned a valuable va benefit. the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments over 600 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explosions were given the green light to return to their homes. >> bill: back here live in wilmington. there are hundreds of coast guard members responding to hurricane florence now a tropical depression and on ward as it moves inland. air crews rescued 67 yesterday. we are told in the last five days crews saved more than 133 people and that continues. north carolina currently has 2800 national guard troops on the ground. retired four star general jack keane our fox news senior strategic analyst. good day to you. you had a lot of experience with this going back to andrew. based on your time and what you did for that storm and others like fran in 1996 that hit in north carolina. how do you think we're doing? >> we've seen what poor local leadership is like and how damaging it can be with katrina and the mayor and the governor there that made god awful judgment decisions and not mandatory evacuating the people and we lost thousands of people unnecessarily in my view. what we've got here is, as we've seen also in storms last year, we've got very good, competent local leaders. and if you don't have that you'll have problems. these people are experienced. they make good judgments. the governor has alerted the national guard ahead of time. get those guys mobilized, put them in a position where they are out of the storm and able to move right in quickly to assist. the department of defense, i was on television friday talking about hurricane relief like i'm doing right now and jim mattis, secretary of defense called in to me and said jack, look, i want you to know here is my guidance to the department. number one, we're leaning forward. number two i'm moving troops for the 10th mountain division to the storm area and from fort campbell kentucky to the storm area. i told all my local commanders you have a two-minute approval authority. in other words, you call, within two minutes we'll give you permission to go out from your military base to help the local community. by the way, bill. the highest density of military in the world is from florida to virginia where the norfolk naval station is. there is nothing that compares to it in the united states and nothing that compares to it in the world. there are lots of re inforcements there and mattis did the right thing. put everybody on notice saying look, we'll go out there, we have the storm to deal with ourselves. we have our own families. despite that we have tens of thousands of troops in these states that can tangibly assist. there is lots of capacity there. if it's needed beyond what's already taken place they're sitting there ready to go. >> bill: very impressive answer. what do you think you learned from andrew and fran when you were working out of fort bragg and some equipment came in from overnight and we'll get air drops later today for food and water at the airport. what did you learn in your experience, general? >> andrew was a major recovery operation and it is understandable local leaders, when they try to assess what's taken place, they don't recognize the scale of what it's going to take to recover. major military headquarters deal with major significant logistic operations and going to war. we understand scale. and i fought initially in andrew, we didn't get there as quickly as we could. in katrina that was pretty outrageous because it was beyond what the national guard could go initially. it takes the national guard. if you try to put mass national guard together and you don't alert them ahead of time it will take them a few days to do all of that. you have active duty soldiers down the road. the active duty soldiers -- that's what i did at fort bragg. >> bill: give our viewers -- i don't mean to interrupt you. give your viewers a sense about what the people in north carolina are in for over the coming week. what happens next? what's the next phase, general? >> well, this flooding is still ongoing and it is very dangerous situation. i think what is obviously taking place, people are going door-to-door to make certain that those who can't get out of their homes because they may be infirm or they may be taken ill and they have limited mobility problems. these are things we learned in katrina. we have to make certain what's behind that door. if somebody needs to be rescued, this is priority one. we're still in a rescue operation where there is a threat to loss of life. we're not in recovering from the storm. we're making certain that people's lives are not going to be lost unnecessarily. >> bill: great stuff, general. great to have you on today. we will be in that phase for a couple days. thanks. sandra, back to you in new york. >> sandra: rescue operations also underway elsewhere. one of the most powerful typhoons in decades battering one region. millions evacuated from their homes. dozens dead and more missing. we're live with the latest on this story plus candidate for congress alexandria ocasio-cortez is struggling to answer how she will pay for her agenda. >> it's not pie in the sky but $40 trillion is quite a bit of money. the taxes you talked about raising to pay for your agenda only account for two. >> they don't always happen with the wave of a wand but we can work to make these things happen. >> i'm assuming i won't get an answer for the other $38 trillion. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you >> sandra: another deadly storm halfway across the world, a powerful typhoon battering southern china. the storm claiming the lives of dozens when it slammed into the philippines over the weekend. benjamin hall is following this for us. >> the tie phone caused a number of surprised. it changed paths and didn't follow the models and meteorologists having a hard time to keep up with it. it is said to be over moving over land into chain yeah. it devastated china, the philippines and hong kong. the death toll is underway. it set off over 50 landslides. in one instance, 32 people in a single prayer hall were killed. the families had been invited to shelter there by the local pastor. teams are digging through the rubble hoping to find survivors. the typhoon has killed 65 people so far. body bags are still coming out. at least 50 people are still said to be missing. among them a number of children. the mayor of one town saying he no longer believes survivors will be found alive. in hong kong it was the most powerful cyclone to hit since 1979. it avoided a direct hit but winds were more than 110 miles an hour and water levels surged by almost 12 feet in various places along with 900 flights canceled at one of the world's busiest airports. officials put the number of injured at more than 200. as the typhoon heads inland over china it has weakened to a tropical storm. wind and rain are expected to continue through tuesday. 2.4 million people have been evacuated in southern china's province. if you wonder what the difference is between a hurricane and typhoon, the answer in there isn't one. just about where they originate. a typhoon starts in the northwestern pacific and the hurricane in northeast atlantic. where they start, not what they're like. the damage created by both is horrific. >> sandra: thank you, benjamin hall. >> bill: top of the hour, fox news alert. the two big stories facing the country this hour first in the carolinas in wilmington epic flooding, lack of water and food throughout the state creating a dangerous situation on the ground. the latest on that. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh hit with a big scandal days before the scheduled confirmation vote. the white house making it clear they are 100% behind him as he categorically denies the allegations. the latest on all of that top of the hour. be right with you here. so simple, so good. get the recipes at so let's promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on like this. touchdown. earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at you don't see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪ i was covered. it was awful. but i didn't give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your 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question after the woman accusing him of sexual assault while they were in high school goes public with her story and agrees to testify on capitol hill. democrats and several republicans calling for a delay in this week's committee vote as judge kavanaugh firmly denies the allegations against him. the accuser, christine ford, is a 51-year-old professor at palo alto university in california. her attorney saying she is willing to go under oath. >> is your client willing to testify before the judiciary committee publicly and they will this story? >> she is willing to do whatever it takes to get her story forward. she has taken a polygraph. she is a credible person. serious allegations and should be addressed. >> sandra: the white house is standing behind kavanaugh's denial of the allegations. >> judge kavanaugh is a man of character and integrity who has been through six f.b.i. vetings, which i can tell you firsthand are significant and thorough. he also has been lauded by women from every different aspect of his life. >> sandra: we'll have much more on this with our a-team in a few moments. president trump will get a briefing on the flooding disaster in the carolinas about one hour from now with rivers expected to rise to record levels in the coming days. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. >> bill: good morning, i'm bill hemmer live in wilmington, north carolina. we tried to get out. a lot of people tried to get out but it wasn't going to happen. for the folks who left they will be on the outside of the town for a while to come. catastrophic flooding here in north carolina could only get worse. so far cape fear, the little river, lumber, p.d. river across the south carolina border are at or above record levels which is just extraordinary to think on a monday here when the storm started rolling in last thursday that we're still dealing with it. for the people living here they'll have to deal with it for a longer time. at least a week, maybe two. if not beyond that before you get some sense of normalcy down here in the eastern half of the state. griff jenkins has been working the story for a week now. he is live in jacksonville, north carolina near the atlantic ocean 60 miles to the north and east of us. what are you seeing so far today, griff? >> hey, bill, yeah, you know, it's also the new river here in jacksonville which is almost cresting at record levels. the flood stage is 14 feet. it was at 23.77 yesterday. look at this. we're on the river in a boat with brandon watson. if you look at the shore you see cars submerged underwater. there is actually river view street ironically named most of it under water. brandon, have you ever seen anything like this before? >> no, sir, no. i haven't. it's the worst i've heard in over 18, 20 years at least. >> what do you do for a living? >> i'm a commercial fisherman. i make my living here on the water. >> how significant is this flooding? >> pretty bad. the last time was maybe hurricane hazel. i haven't seen anything like it in my 30 years. >> this is an unbelievable hazard. this is a power or telephone line crossing the river. a boater like ourselves could get tangled into that line and it could be very, very dangerous. how serious is that threat right now? >> i would say it's pretty serious. i'm sure that's an electricity line and being close to it could shock you pretty good. >> brandon, where you live along the river, how did you fare in the storm? >> we got about five foot of water in the house. so did the whole street. the whole place is under water. >> when you see hazards like that line, we don't want to get too close to that wire because of the inherent danger but for a boater coming up in the early morning hours, late night, that's something that is all over the river or you just have seen it here? >> just right here. there are logs and pieces of docks, boats floating. there is stuff everywhere. >> have you had to help people out and rescue anybody? >> i brought some of my neighbors to dry land that needed to get out. it was too deep to walk or wade and i'm about to go pick up some people in a little bit that had enough. >> we don't want to stay in your way. thanks for giving us this shot. unbelievable images. let me ask you, as this river and others take on more water, you can have the watersheds go back towards the ocean causing more flooding. is that an issue? >> yes, sir, i think we'll have to keep an eye. look, i've never -- >> bill: trying to hang on a moment to see if the signal comes back. you can imagine how difficult it is to get the signal back. the gentleman doing yeoman's work for so many people in jacksonville, north carolina. if you go to southport, north carolina, jerry dove is the mayor. >> we're having trouble with our cell phone services. if i lose you, i'm going to apologize. >> bill: you don't need to apologize. and i appreciate the time you're giving us. thank you for trying to make this work. what are you seeing in southport? >> right now i'm with alderman powell and we're in the situation where the power has been off for several days down here. however, we've got power back on to about half of the city. but our main concern now is water. our water has -- we haven't got water service and we're working on that right now. we may have to transfer some reserve water reservoirs in town to put on our main system. >> bill: you are breaking up a little bit. we'll try to hang on and reestablish the signal. if you need the water i'm curious to know what else you need and if you'll get it. what's your plan? >> we have tanker trucks. we had one that is plugged in already and made it through. taking water to the hospital. that was one of our main concerns there at the hospital because they need water for a number of different things. >> bill: mayor -- >> can you hear me? >> bill: it's a little difficult, sir. here is what i want you to know if you can hear me. give our very best to everybody you are trying to take care of and we'll get the word out you are trying to get more supplies in there. you're 20 miles south of our location in wilmington. you're near bald head aland, the mouth of the cap fear river behind me. our best to you and sir, thank you for taking the time to be with us today. it's remarkable, sandra, when you think we can even talk to these folks given the condition they're in now and the challenges they're facing. we talked to that mayor last friday during the hurricane. he hasn't left. he has stuck behind and try to be the leader in that community. so we're wishing him the best. patience. we can use a lot of that. >> sandra: a long haul ahead. we'll keep watching all this. bill, thank you. we've also got the fox news alert this morning on another major story, a startling admission by former f.b.i. lawyer lisa page. fox news has obtained a transcript of her recent closed door deposition before the house judiciary and oversight committees. she testifying investigators could not say whether there was collusion between russia and the trump campaign. by the time robert mueller was appointed special counsel in may of last year. congressman john ratcliffe. >> her testimony, i can say, is consistent with a lot of other testimony to the point that neither she or peter strzok and the folks at the center of the trump/russia collusion investigation had any evidence of collusion with russians nearly a year into the investigation. >> sandra: catherine herridge, who broke this story, is live in washington for us this morning. good morning. >> that transcript shows during her interview on capitol hill she testified collusion was still unknown nine months into the f.b.i.'s russia case when the special counsel robert mueller was appointed. quote, i think this represents that even as far as may 2017 we still couldn't answer the question. page stopped mid answer and then continued. sorry, can i consult with counsel? i'm sorry, i need to consult with f.b.i. counsel for a moment. page did not answer questions from fox news or other reporters heading into that deposition. during the session page was pressed on a may 2017 text with f.b.i. agent peter strzok where they debated the merits of joining the special counsel team. strzok was concerned there was no, quote, big there there. neither strzok for page have spobded to fresh comments on that deposition. >> sandra: there are texts about comey's firing under new scrutiny. >> this is important and i'm going to try to make it simple so it's easy to understand. two hours after director comey's termination became public on may 9, 2017 there was a series of urgent text messages are strzok telling page we need to open the case we are sitting on with andy. andrew mccabe temporarily took over after comey. page replied we need to lock in redacted in a formal chargeable way soon. fox news has learned that during her july deposition page declined to clarify that text and strzok also declined to answer questions but indicated there is a connection to mueller's probe. >> to get into that would relate to ongoing investigations which consist of the department's policy onion going investigation and based on special counsel equity's i'm not authorized to discuss ongoing investigation. p >> with page's admission there was no testimony of the russia collusion when comey was fired and special counsel was appointed three sources question about if they talk about bringing an obstruction case. the case is obstruction against the president for the firing of comey, sandra. >> sandra: catherine herridge, thank you. president trump's supreme court nominee facing sexual assault allegations as the white house and several top republicans still stand by him. >> i think the nomination will come to the floor. that will be up to senator mcconnell. i think every republican will vote for judge kavanaugh. >> sandra: our a-team is here. it will look at the kavanaugh allegations and the potential politics behind all of it and later she is the face of the rising democratic socialist movement on the left. but alexandria ocasio-cortez is struggling to talk about her price tag on the proposals. >> it's a broader agenda. we acknowledge there are political realities. they don't always happen with just the wave of a wand. in you? maybe not. maybe you can trust that during your fantasy draft, the computer won't autodraft a kicker in the 7th round. or... you could just trust duracell. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from an allergy pill? flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. flonase. >> sandra: we're learning more about a deadly shark attack in cape cod, massachusetts this weekend. a 26-year-old engineering student died after a shock bit him while boogie boarding. it has a horrific scene. >> there were many people in the water at that time. so everyone was screaming to get out, get out. there is a shark. and someone had been bitten. and that is how we knew something horrible had happened. the man was bleeding from his legs. >> sandra: this was the state's first fatal shark attack in more than 80 years. the beach remains closed until further notice. and to this breaking news coming into our newsroom now as a matter of fact. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is issuing a new statement moments ago after a woman came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct decades ago. his confirmation vote is supposed to be thursday of this week. let's bring in "america's newsroom" a-team mary ann marsh, senior advisor to john kerry, lisa boothe and david asman from fox business network. let's get to the latest statement from judge kavanaugh himself. he writes, quote, this is a completely false allegation. i have never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or to anyone. because this never happened, i had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday. i am willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation from 36 years ago and defend my integrity. your reaction, david. >> first of all i'm very happy that democrats are finally taking these charges -- charges like this seriously after dismissing broad wick's charges of rape against bill clinton she made years ago. it is incredible that charges that were 36 years old, made when -- the charges when he was in high school he did this are coming forward now at the last moment right before he was to be voted on. so your suspicious and why kellyanne conway is so anxious to get her involved in the hearings. what that says to me is that probably they have some pretty strong evidence refuting the charges against kavanaugh. >> sandra: here is kellyanne conway this morning. >> this woman should be heard. judge kavanaugh, who was categorically denied these allegations will also have an opportunity to address them under oath. remember, folks, that long before this checks. >> sandra: >> clearly she kept it to herself. >> sandra: dianne feinstein knew about six weeks ago. >> she did not want to come forward. dianne feinstein and "washington post" and anna, her congresswoman were protecting her identity. anita hill was dismissed about her allegations against now -- >> a violent rape against her by bill clinton and they dismissed it. >> a lot of people dismissed anita hill. the recollection of mark judge said he couldn't recall it. he never denied it happened. there was a lot of drinking involved. what i would say the real point that matters here, this is a debate about the truth. the truth matters here because if kavanaugh is going to be a supreme court justice his job is to determine who is telling the truth and apply the law. we have a long series of examples already that he is not willing to tell the truth from his unwillingness to release his documents from the bush administration, the questions he wouldn't answer during under oath before this and this as well. >> sandra: i want to get this in. we are getting word that brett kavanaugh is at the white house for meetings we're being told. brett kavanaugh at the white house. >> they're strategizing now. i would make one last point the roll-out of mark kavanaugh -- brett kavanaugh looks different when they put out the cyo basketball team. other women with colleagues attesting to him about his relationship and mentoring with women and now it looks different. >> sandra: 65 women have spoken on his behalf that have known him since high school and vote for his character. this attack -- >> the allegation is coming at the 11th hour right before he would be confirmed by committee and eventually confirmed by the entirety of the senate. if there are other accusers that's a different story. the "washington post" even reported that the alleged victim -- >> sandra: what do you want to see happen? kellyanne conway says she believes the senate will move forward in a reasonable way. the vote is scheduled for thursday. it will have to move fat -- fast. >> evidence beginning to trickle out. i agree the truth should come out. originally the woman did not want to come out. original statement said the individual declined to come forward or press the matter further and feinstein said i've honored that decision but somebody didn't honor the decision because they did press this forward. now that it's out, we really should get the whole truth out no matter where it goes. >> sandra: kellyanne conway made it clear. she started out. this woman should not ignored and insulted. >> she should be heard but you don't automatically necessarily need to be believed. you have to have evidence and credibility to be believed. the "washington post" article even states that she could not recall key details. yet we are supposed to believe her on the most critical detail alleging someone tried to sexually assault her. this happened 36 years ago. the first time she ever mentioned it to anyone was 30 years later in 2012. the therapist notes say there were four men and now she said there were two men. this is in question. we're talking about a husband, a father, someone's life who will be ruined. we better have the facts. you start from the beginning where you had democrats who were automatically dismissive over whoever president trump nominated and said they were against him from the beginning before giving him a fair hearing. that's where we begin. excuse me, the democratic party basically said that someone who almost killed someone in a dui accident -- or who ignored the allegations brought against keith ellison who didn't want to engage in the conversation. >> have you ever heard of maric garland who know one would meet with who is now brett kavanaugh's boss? he wasn't worthy of it. the reason this woman did not come out and ended up coming out is because of media inquiries going to her home and job asking her colleagues about it and then she felt compelled to come forward. just because it happened 36 years ago does not mean it did not happen. >> we're not sure it happened is the point i'm making. >> sandra: kellyanne conway sent out a tweet saying judge kavanaugh is willing to add to his dozens of hours of sworn testimony. he is ready to defend his honor and integrity. we'll have much more on that. thank you to the a-team for that. and now to bill. >> bill: pretty hot debate. our coverage in the carolinas continues. a moment ago the president declaring eight counties in south carolina disaster areas. the damage has spread. florence pummeling the area. we'll talk to residents who are cut off by water in wilmington. they've lived here all their lives and few have seen it became. hillary clinton warning american democracy is in crisis? is she right or sour grapes from two years ago? the a-team comes around for that coming up a bit later. ok 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admiral. we'll do everything we possibly can to get you approved. go to, or call 1-866-551-9967. >> sandra: fox news alert. want to bring you the latest on the sexual assault allegations against judge brett kavanaugh by a california professor from their days in high school. brett kavanaugh has released a new statement saying this is completely false, the allegations against him. he has never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or to anyone. we are now hearing per hour white house reporter that bret cavanaugh is at the white house for meetings at this moment. and shortly before all of this kellyanne conway tweeted out kavanaugh is willing to add to his dozens of hours of sworn testimony and categorically denies the allegations and ready to defend his honor and integrity. it's coming ahead of the confirmation vote supposed to be this thursday. whether or not that happens is a big question at this point. we'll continue to bring you all the late-breaking details as we get them. much more coming up on the show on this. >> bill: meanwhile 10:31? wilmington. flooding in the carolina will only get worse throughout the course of the day today if you can believe that. water levels rising. rivers swelling, historic flooding here. that storm blamed for at least 17 deaths. hundreds of thousands now without power and entire communities have been trapped surrounded by water. wilmington is one of them. mike tyranny, a resident with me now. you are one of the few who stuck around. how are you? >> very good. >> bill: you decided to ride out the storm. why didn't you leave? >> we have two pets. a cat in our apartment. we didn't want to leave the cat alone and asked around with other people in the building and everybody seemed to be staying so we all stuck it out together. >> bill: that was wednesday of last week and now it's monday. how are you doing? >> we still don't have power. that's the tough part. and we have an elevator here. we're on the ninth floor and we have to go up and down nine flights to take the dog out. that's the hardest part. >> bill: wow. florence took a bite out of your town. you can look around and there is damage on every street. >> there was one thing with the construction that was going on, that just got wiped out and a bunch of trees all wrecked. it's a mess. >> bill: you will stay here because there is nowhere to go. >> right. >> bill: did you know that wilmington sits on the high-end of a bathtub? >> we're on the ninth floor and our front doors have those flood things that you put against the doors that lock -- water tight, lock it up. it's just a matter of getting down to let the dog out that we were worried about. >> bill: it's good exercise but i imagine a little annoying, right? >> a little bit. >> bill: my sense is, it will be a couple days still before you even have neighbors at a minimum. >> yeah. i think the power is the big thing that everybody is worried about. i can already smell my refrigerator. things are going bad and we have to eat. we'll stick it out. nowhere else to go. >> bill: how do you reflect on the last week of your life now? >> i've been through hurricanes before. i lived in florida for many years. this was a nasty one. i hadn't seen it -- you couldn't see five feet off the balcony it was so fast and so blurry, so watery. >> bill: how are the dogs? >> the dog is fine. she is tired of going up and down the flights. >> bill: i don't blame her. best to you. you have a lot of patience. do well. back to new york. >> $40 trillion is quite a bit of money. the taxes that you talked about raising to pay for this to pay for your agenda only count for two. >> currently we pay -- much of these costs go into the private sector. what we see is, for example, a year ago i was working downtown in a restaurant. i went around and asked how many of you folks have health insurance. not a single person did. what this is a broader agenda. we know and acknowledge there are political realities. they don't always happen with the wave of a wand. >> i'm assuming i will not get an answer for the other $38 trillion dollars. >> sandra: alexandria ocasio-cortez on defense over the $40 trillion price tag for programs. what's another $38 trillion? >> exactly. we'll have you back to talk about the other $38 trillion. she mentioned a restaurants because it has closed because of some of the policies she recommended. she wanted everybody to have a free basic income. that means money you get paid for working. free healthcare, of course, and again, quotation marks around free education. i'm for free education. i want to surprise mary anne, i'm for free education. we had an example. lango contributed money to help in providing free education for all medical students. that money came from individuals who gave the money from capitalists, dirty capitalists she would be against. she would be for eliminating the money they have. that's free education. when the government pays for it. the government is not some entity that brings mania from heaven. they are taxpayers. taxpayers pay for it. it's not free. let's stop the nonsense of free anything. we pay for it. >> sandra: she is not getting that message. she is touting free everything right now. are democrats warming up to her at all? >> ?e is popular with a lot of younger olders and democrats. i do think she would make a better case if she could make her case better in this respect. it would help. >> there is no case. she can't make it. >> let's see. we should hold donald trump to the same standard. he wanted to do an infrastructure man. gary cohen said let's leverage federal, state, local and private money to do infrastructure and he said no i'll spend trillions of dollars and we'll use other people's money which is what he did. everyone should be at the same standard. >> 4% growth. >> mary ann is being generous. i was embarrassed for her with this interview. he was being generous as he mentioned with the price tag using a lot of left leaning think tanks. he admitted it was a generous number giving her that. she could account for $2 trillion. i'm not very good at math but $38 trillion is a lot of discrepancy. i wish i lived in her fantasy land where money doesn't matter and you can just pull money from trees and come up with these programs because it sounds like a nice world to live in but it is not the facts. she maybe should step aside until she -- >> trump is spending us into a deficit at a rate greater than any president before him. >> he is creating an cone me that has job growth like we've never seen it in my or your lifetime. trump gets diverted by so many different things he shouldn't be. he should focus on the economy. the democratic argument doesn't hold water when you look at the growth figures, the job numbers. we have a booming economy right now that i haven't seen in 40 years. that's my specialty. i tell you, if he focused on that i think republicans would have a much better chance in the mid materials. >> sandra: hillary clinton published in the atlantic believes our democracy is in crisis. i want to read this to you. trump and his cronies do so many despicable things it can be hard to keep track. that may be the point to confound us so it's harder to keep our eye on the ball. the ball is protecting american democracy. at citizens that's our most important charge. right now our democracy, lisa, she writes, is in crisis. what do you think? >> i think that hillary clinton is irrelevant at this point. she lost for a reason. and quite frankly her saying that the democracy is in crisis is laughable at this point. look, hillary clinton is someone who was facing a federal f.b.i. investigation of her own making deleting tens of thousands of emails. this is not someone who has much credibility or even can be trusted. at one point 92% of americans thought she had either done something wrong or broke the law. frankly, i don't care what she has to say at this point and i think she should go back in the woods and take a vacation time. >> as robert mueller marches his way to donald trump's front door that's when we learn more about 2016. you may have to revise some of those statements. >> hillary clinton speaking about the rule of law is rich. this is a woman who we just had a draft indictment written up against her. if it wasn't for monica lewandowski. she saved hillary clinton from having an indictment for lying to federal officials about the billing records that appeared in the white house. this is a woman who very often has not only walked the line between what is legal and what is not legal but i think has fallen off of that line and at least in that case had an indictment against her. she could have been in jail for having lied to federal authorities. she is talking about the rule of law. maybe she makes points about this administration but she has to look in the mirror. >> please save this segment. when the mueller report comes out. we've seen how many people plead guilty to robert mueller. manafort cooperating. he has never been charged with one single crime and so i -- cooperation and coordination with russia. there is more to come. look at manafort. >> sandra: you are fired up. great to have all three of you. thank you very much. back to you, bill. >> bill: wow, all right, sandra. in a moment president trump expected to announce new tariffs on $200 billion of chinese imports. escalating the trade war between u.s. and china. how will it impact american businesses and your bottom line? ♪ a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. if you're waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it's time to 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would mean whether it's retailer. they're calling this the cradle to coffin tariff. the $200 billion we're talking about that john roberts reported about over the weekend and the "wall street journal" is reporting about. everything from seafood to furniture to tires to chemicals. a lot of these companies are saying look, we'll have to freeze wages. we'll have to freeze hiring. they're nervous what would it mean if the tariffs go into effect. they may go into effect. what are the chinese going to do? the president is not wrong in his stance here, they've been stealing our intellectual property for decades. forced marriages between chinese and american companies. we have to give them our technology because we want to do a relationship ordeal with a chinese company. so much of what the chinese do currency manipulation is so unfair and unjust. i think the president's plan is correct. the tariffs are going to hurt even apple tim cook has come out and said look, this will affect our business. >> sandra: markets have been jittery about this and uncertainty plays a part in the markets. the dow is about 26,000. barely moving today. up 25 points. we'll see how it plays out in the market. republican leadership appears to have a president's back. nunes talking about why these tariffs are needed. sound bite two. >> if the chinese don't come to the table number one stop stealing our intellectual property. number two, stop dumping products on the market, i don't think we have a choice. if we really wait too long, our military is not going to be able to go up against the chinese in parts of the globe. >> he made some very well spoken points to maria about the fact their practices have to stop. nobody disagrees with that in the business community. no one from any perspective is a fan of how the chinese do business. the problem is the tit-for-tat as we get for the november mid-terms is disconcerting on the political side and you have the business side. we've already had it soybean farmers. we're hoping now -- investors are showing this by not selling off the market to your point. i have think the wish is now that this is just hardball negotiating and i would love to see mnuchin and ross get in there and have conversation with the chinese. >> sandra: great to have you on the program, cheryl. watch her at 5:00 a.m. on the fox business network weekdays. big sporting events can come with a big show of patriotism. comedian bill marr has had enough. he is slamming the patriotic ceremonies. arbor. i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ (crash) some debt you plan for, some just... ...happens. putting it all on credit cards just wasn't working. but a loan through lending club was a cinch. no branch office, no stuffy suits. consolidating our debt saved us nearly $300 a month. that's not sofa change. we had enough to start saving again, and a little extra to send these two to summer camp. being outdoors was good for them? (vo) check your rate at >> sandra: we're learning the latest on judge brett cavanaugh. he is still at the white house for meetings. we got word from john roberts that he arrived at the white house near the top of this hour. he is still there for those meetings. released a statement denying what he says are false allegations of sexual assault saying he has never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or anyone. willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee and he is up for a senate vote on thursday. we'll see what happens next with all of this. judge kavanaugh still at the white house. meanwhile comedian bill marr drawing criticism after saying this on his hbo show. >> why do we have to mix football. the fly overers, baseball has two songs now. they sing the national anthem at the beginning of the seventh inning like i forgot what country i'm in in six innings. >> let's bring in carley shimkus. >> to answer his question, why not celebrate this country during a game where two american cities are playing each other in a stadium filled with americans? why not honor heroes who deserve praise and applause so much and so rarely get it? i have a feeling when bill marr walks into his studio he expects his audience to applaud him. now he is saying that the folks who are willing to die for him don't deserve that respect? >> sandra: what sort of response is he saying to this? >> a lot of folks on social media have been talking about in 2016 when it was discovered the defense department paid sports teams to host these sort of military ceremonies and then the nfl had to give $700,000 back. there is some reaction to that, of course. a lot of backlash saying that this is one of the most anti-american things that you can say. even people who kneel during the national anthems those players say we mean no disrespect to the military. that's not what this is about. it almost seems like that's exactly what bill marr was trying to do. i hope he was trying to be funny and spark conversation just to get attention, but on the week of the september 11th anniversary for him to come out and say this, there is something wrong with that narrative. >> sandra: when you think about all the things that do happen at these events whether it's fighting or bad language or things that would be worse saying you don't like but to talk about the national anthem and patriotic events and slamming those, interesting move by a comedian. we'll see how the response continues to play out. thank you. nice to see you. bill, back to you. >> bill: sandra, tragic news here in the carolinas, authorities now recovering the body of a 1-year-old boy swept away from his mother's arms by floodwaters here in north carolina. the president about to get briefed on flooding disaster. we'll have that for you as our team fox coverage continues on the ground in north carolina. that's coming up next here on "america's newsroom." but then, we were like. what are we doing? the nicodermcq patch 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make the right choice. >> sandra: fox news alert. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh now at the white house amid growing calls including from some republicans to delay his confirmation vote over decades-old allegations of sexual assault. this as we learn his accuser says she is willing to testify before the senate judiciary committee. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm sandra smith and there he is, mr. bill hemmer. >> bill: how are you, sandra. a long week ahead for the folks throughout north carolina. i'm live in wilmington. the body of a 1-year-old boy has found. we have 17 fatalities blamed on florence. last hour the president declared eight counties in south carolina to be disaster areas. the fallout from florence continues here in north carolina. all the flooding that surrounds the city, wilmington has been blocked off from the rest of the state because the rivers and ocean that surround it. so the folks who left will not be coming back for some time. the folks who stayed here have no power and they have no air conditioning and food and water needed to be stocked before this storm hit, otherwise they are going to be in for a very long road ahead. we talked to the mayor. have the governor later today and an update on what we're learning in north carolina. back to you in new york. >> sandra: the other story is reaction to the woman who has come forward publicly to accuse kavanaugh of what she considered attempted rape while they were both in high school. kellyanne conway, the counselor to president trump, weighed in earlier. >> she should not be ignored. i think the senate is headed to a reasonable approach in that it seems to me in speaking to a few senators including senator lindsey graham that allowing this woman to be heard in sworn testimony allowing judge kavanaugh to be heard in sworn testimony about these specific allegations would be added to the very considerable mountain of evidence and considerations that folks will have when they weigh whether or not to vote for judge kavanaugh to be on the supreme court. >> sandra: let's bring in john roberts live from the white house. john. >> good morning to you. a lot has been moving here at the white house since kellyanne conway made the statements earlier today. judge kavanaugh arrived here shortly after 10:00. he comes here all the time. the circumstances of his visit today are different. sources at the white house say he is in good spirits and just interested in getting it all cleared up to get on with the confirmation process. shortly after he arrived at the white house kavanaugh but out a statement saying this is a completely false allegation. i have never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or to anyone. because this never happened, i had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday. i am willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation from 36 years ago and defend my integrity. the white house strategy to deal with all of this becoming quite clear now. put kavanaugh back before the judiciary committee in some form. kellyanne conway tweeting about that saying judge kavanaugh is willing to add to his dozens of hours of sworn testimony. he denies the allegations and is ready to defend his honor and integrity. she also said christine ford should be heard. >> she should not be insulted or ignored and testify under oath and do it on capitol hill. the senate judiciary committee needs to decide the forum and judge kavanaugh should also testify. >> last week the white house sent to the senate judiciary commissiony a letter signed by 65 women who worked for kavanaugh. the letter says, quote, as former colleagues of brett's we know his commitment to equal treatment of women in the workplace and support women lawyers. more than half of his law clerks have been women and worked tirelessly to support them in their legal careers. unclear at this moment how all of this is going to unfold. clearly the white house would like to get kavanaugh and ford before the judiciary committee in some form or another as quickly as possible because that vote is scheduled for thursday. talking with someone here in the administration, the form of what appearance they make will be up to the judiciary committee. the suggestion an open-ended hearing might turn into a circus atmosphere. either a confidential setting or tightly controlled public setting might be something that they would like to see. but again, getting it all done by thursday now when that vote before the committee is scheduled. that's a big question. >> sandra: our understanding is that brett kavanaugh is still at the white house. >> he is. he comes here all the time. clearly the circumstances are different this time. they have a lot to talk about. but the bottom line is i'm told that he is eager to get before the committee and air all these allegations and have his side of the story told. clearly the white house wants the woman's side of the story told as well. >> sandra: thank you very much. john. for more let's bring in brit hume fox news senior political analyst and i want to get in the white house statement that came out a short time ago as well on friday judge kavanaugh denied this allegation. this has not changed. judge kavanaugh and the white house both stand by that statement. we'll see if we get anything else in a few minutes as he is meeting this now. your thoughts at this point. >> it looks to me like thursday is probably a pipe dream for a vote on the committee. i suspect that the republicans will want to have a hearing on this probably a public hearing. the democrats will want it to be public because it will have more impact. if they don't it will tell you a lot about how they feel this might go with this witness under cross examination by republican senators. so i think thursday is probably out of the question for a vote. if this is a public hearing make no mistake about it, sandra, through no fault of the witness it will be a circus. we saw what it was like before. i hark back here to the clarence thomas, anita hill hearings which were amazing sensation at the time to the point where there was even a sunday hearing. i can remember, sandra, being at a washington redskins football game. i wasn't officially covering the hearings. but i didn't miss a word. at the game i had the radio on with the hearing on in my ears on headphones while the game was going on because it was so tense and the suspense was so great. in the end it turned out inconclusive. thomas never waivered in his denial. she didn't waiver in her testimony and he ended up getting confirmed 52-48. remember, though, at that time the senate was controlled by democrats 56-44. a lot of centrist democrats in those days. there aren't many left, if any. that's where we are. >> sandra: interesting to think about susan collins, the republican from maine. she will be critical in all of this. she is going to be talking to her colleagues, she says. she is questioning the timing. if feinstein had this letter and knew of this six weeks ago when she received this letter back in july, what does that say about the timing of all this that we're learning this now? >> well, it looks as if feinstein didn't at the time think the allegations were credible enough happening so long ago to have brought the matter forward and something along the way changed her mind. feinstein, of course, is up for reelection and under tremendous pressure. one should not underestimate the amount of pressure on democrats on this and other matters. anything that emanates from the trump white house. so she thought better of that and decided to refer the matter to the f.b.i. but without naming the woman and now has emerged. all of that raises suspicions. i don't know the woman. i don't know brett kavanaugh. i know both their fathers, men i like very much. i can only imagine what they're going through right now. i have a feeling as we look at this, if she comes in and tells her story, the people who don't want kavanaugh to be confirmed will believe her. the people and brett kavanaugh will deny it and the people who want him to be confirmed will believe that. it is likely -- not definite, but likely it will move inconclusive. if it does, what about collins and flake and murcowski. flake has decided that the vote should be postponed. they need his vote. he is a member of the committee. that's in play now. i think we're looking at a hearing and who knows what in the aftermath. >> sandra: kellyanne conway tweeted that kavanaugh is willing to testify on those accusations and his statement said i'm willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation. a lot will have to happen in a short period of time considering the vote is planned for thursday. >> i wouldn't bet anything i own that it will happen on thursday. >> sandra: brit hume, thank you. >> bill: a busy week on that story and this one as well. another victim in the florence flooding disaster after the bodies of a 1-year-old boy has been found as thousands remain stranded in waterlogged neighborhood. rick leventhal is live in a suburb of wilmington. what have you found there? >> bill, we're on one of hundreds of roads in new hanover county that have been washed out, flooded out or badly damaged. this is middle sound loop road in the town of ogden 10 miles outside of wilmington. wilmington itself is cut off from the rest of the state. they are talking about flying in food and water because of roads being blocked by floodwaters. this road is out. the neighborhood is not cut off. people can get out on this side and the other side. this is a mess that will have to be cleaned up. there is a drainage pipe right here that was overwhelmed by the floodwaters according to a neighbor here. he believes the subdivision on the other side may have contributed to all the water that had nowhere to go and came through here and just leveled this stretch of road. if you look here there is a marina right next door. the guy who lives here owns part of the marina and really concerned he will lose a lot of his livelihood because it will take a long time to clean up. as this -- they're dealing with this, they're also dealing with rescues across the state include in new bern where hundreds of people were rescued the other day. the water has risen again and more rescues that need to be carried out again in new bern today. we also got video from the coast guard that carried out rescues with a jayhawk helicopter in rocky point, we're told 26 adults, 11 kids, 7 dogs, 4 cats were plucked from a flooded neighborhood using the jayhawk helicopter. down the road here in the ogden area we saw a ridiculously long gas line. the power is slowly coming back on to some neighborhoods a few days after florence hit and that means services are coming back slowly, including fuel stations. but people are having to wait 30 minutes, 40 minutes, an hour or more to get their fuel and to get food at the few grocery stores that are now starting to open their doors. >> bill: it's an amazing thing to see especially in daylight. you've been here all week. terrific job again just about five miles from downtown historic wilmington. we'll see you later today. back to sandra in new york. >> sandra: new revelations on the testimony from former f.b.i. lawyer lisa page. what it says about the origins of the russia investigation and what happens now? >> the texts really underscore that what lisa page and peter strzok were doing there was not trying to control the leaks but to get information out that they wanted to influence this narrative. so it's very troubling. welcome to the place where people go to learn about their medicare options... before they're on medicare. come on in. you're turning 65 soon? yep. and you're retiring at 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of collusion in may of 2017. i would add to that peter strzok's text from may of 2017 when he said i'm reluctant to join the mueller probe because there is no there there with regard to collusion. there was no evidence of collusion but nevertheless you have peter strzok talking about -- talking to lisa page about now is the time to launch this investigation with andy while he is the acting head of the f.b.i. now is the time to bring a chargeable offense. you see really confusing messages that raise a lot of questions. >> sandra: what does happen now? >> i think it's time for congress to keep asking questions. real heroes like devin nunes trying to get documents and find answers. every day, sandra, it looks more and more like the federal bureau of investigation was weaponized against the president of the united states. leaking information to the press just so that you would have a pretext for interviewing trump campaign officials. the phony dossier used to get wiretaps and fisa warrants to listen on conversations. these are violations of civil liberties. a probe that was baseless from the get go. we have to ask questions. >> sandra: here is nunes over the weekend. >> the carter/page fisa wasn't just that they used the clinton dirt to -- as a basis to go get the fisa, they also used planted news stories to corroborate the dossier in front of the court. they matched in dossier never telling the court that those were planted news stories by the clinton campaign and the f.b.i. these people are really dirty. >> sandra: let me get your thoughts on that from the weekend. >> devin nunes hits a very important point that shouldn't be lost upon viewers here. as you recall, sandra, we were told this dossier was used as the basis of the fisa warrant, completely phony dossier not disclosed to the fisa court it was funded by democrats. at the time we found out that information, democrats on the left said to us it wasn't just the dossier that was the basis of the information to get the fisa warrant, there were also news stories corroborating it. to learn that those news stories were planted. this is a huge violation of the civil liberties of carter page and others in the trump campaign. this is a very big deal and each and every day we find out a new troubling piece of information. >> sandra: the president continues to call it a witch hunt. as far as speaking on behalf of the rnc and looking at the white house and the president's handling of all this, could the president have handled this in any differently that maybe we would be looking at a different situation today? >> i don't think so. i think the president is spot on to call it a witch hunt. look at the fact that paul manafort was charged with one of the crimes for not registering as a foreign agent. we learn on friday that one of his friends, a clinton ally, tony podesta failed to register as a foreign agent. he said think of the president of ukraine as our client. it diminishes his claim he didn't know he needed to register. why didn't mueller go off podesta. that's the definition of a witch hunt and the president is right to point it out. >> sandra: good to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> bill: smitty, florence cutting a path of destruction through the carolinas. we have seen it. hitting one coastal community especially hard. the mayor of atlantic beach how things are going today. a u.s. border patrol supervisor arrested and suspected killing spree. what's the story on the southwest border? hi i'm joan lunden. today's senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. and there's never been an easier way to get great advice. a place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. a place for mom. you know your family we know senior living. together we'll make the right 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carolina are still underwater. waterlogged at the moment. fears of more flooding with thousands already stranded. emergency responders and officials working around the clock to get to them and get them the help they need. on the phone is the mayor of atlantic beach, north carolina, trace cooper. thank you for your time. you're 80 miles up the coastline. florence has come and gone for your beach and island. what remains there, sir? >> we still have -- there is no power here. we have a lot of downed power lines. a bunch of debris, trees, most of the roads are passable now and we're about -- this was a slow-moving storm. we are oef a day or two ahead of you in wilmington. over the past couple of days we've been able to pump an amazing amount of water to get some of the flooding out. our streets are getting dry now and we're starting to recover. >> bill: what do you need? >> you know, we've been getting an amazing outpouring of support from our residents for our first responders and we're all well provisioned. our partners at the county and state have been working with us and when the time comes i'm sure fema will as well. right now we're doing pretty well. we're no stranger to storms. we have a plan and we prepare well and we're working through our recovery plan now. >> bill: are you letting people back on the island or is it too soon? >> the only people that can get back on the island are people who own property or residents or business owners. we've still got no power here. there are buildings with doors and windows out. if you don't own property here there is no reason for you to be here right now. we have checkpoints at the bridge that don't allow anyone other than property owners to come back into town. >> bill: how are you doing, mayor? >> you know, i'm all right. i was able to get some sleep last night. able to be at my house. again, no power, but it was nice to be there. i'm fine and our first responders and our town manager and public works and water guys, some of the people that you don't hear a lot about but they work just as hard as everyone else. they have just put in heroic effort and so i'm just doing what i can to make their lives good so they can keep doing the amazing things they're doing. >> bill: thank you for your time. great attitude. what you need around here, trace cooper is the mayor in atlantic beach. a beautiful part of the world, sandra, but they're dealing with it right now as we can see. >> sandra: trying to keep it positive. that always helps. thank you. north carolina reeling from the impact from hurricane florence. forecasters expecting the floodwaters to get worse. straight ahead we'll hear from another mayor whose town was ravaged by the storm and see what the people there are facing now. >> i will say this to the people of north carolina. eventually the skies will clear and the floodwaters will recede, and when they do, we're ready to take on the challenge of rebuilding our communities. u have served our 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following it for you. meanwhile floodwaters from florence bringing misery to much of north carolina and south carolina shutting down highways and cutting off entire towns. emergency officials things could get worse as rivers reach peak flood stage which could be days away. ellison barber is live in dylan, south carolina. what are you seeing there? >> this is an area that is prone to flooding and you can see right here that they certainly have their fair share of it. when we traveled through this area we will see maybe 100 yards that are flooded just like this and then a drier area. some cars are trying to make their way here through the city block. that is not something that officials want to see people doing. a lot of people have been cooped up for days and trying to leave their houses if they can. there are homes where that is not an option. around the corner i spoke to one woman who was cleaning up some debris that had fallen in her yard. her first question to me is do you know when the power is going to come back on? that is a concern for people in this area and across the state of south carolina. they do not have power right now. we've seen two power trucks come through in the last 10 minutes and working on getting it back up. at the height of the storm 170,000 people across the state of south carolina were without power. officials have lowered that number now and now it's less than 20,000 people without power. that woman said to me she looked up at me picking up all the things in her yard and said it's a mess but thank god we're living. that seems to be a lot of the message here. people who aren't necessarily doing well but they know in north carolina others have been hit harder and they seem more worried about those people than they are about what is happening here. for now they're staying put waiting out and hoping the power will eventually come back on. >> sandra: amazing seeing that. is the national guard evacuating people in that area? >> there wasn't an evacuation order but 3400 national guardsmen have been employed to south carolina. we spent time with them in the community yesterday and seeing what they've been seeing. 3400 national guardsmen are deployed in south carolina. that's land and air. they also have some members of the national guard from pennsylvania down here helping. you can see this entire part of dylan heavily flooded but pockets of flash flooding. there is a car stuck and submerged. officials are warning people to stay inside. for the most part this area is not under evacuation. we see people in this community in their homes just trying to wait out all of these waters. this is a flood-prone area. this national guard team we've been traveling with have been on missions trying to help people stuck get out. for the most part a lot of people in this community seem to be just waiting it out hoping and praying that eventually all of these waters will dry up. right now, though, more rain is expected and officials say statewide they are expecting river flooding. the big warning remains flash flooding. the sheriff is working with the national guard the try to get people out if they want to. people out of homes like this. a lot of people have chosen to stay in their homes and wait the waters out. >> sandra: ellison barber, thank you for your continued reporting. we wish the best for everyone in that area. hard-hit community, thank you. >> bill: you'll hear a lot about lumberton, north carolina and fayetteville, north carolina as the river basin, has reached flood stage. the mayor of fayetteville is on the line. we hope the best for you. cape fear, little river, lumber. pd river. >> we're fortunate in spite of. we're trying to continue to get our citizens to safety. we have gone door-to-door in the areas in and around the river with mandatory evacuation and stressing the importance to get to higher ground. >> bill: do you think the river is still rising at this hour? >> yes, sir. the national weather service has predicted it will actually crest tomorrow morning at around 62 feet, which is almost 10 feet higher than we had a couple years ago with hurricane matthew. hurricane matthew left significant flooding damage around our city and community. so people are taking that seriously. those impacted remember those times very well. >> bill: did you say 62, 6-2? >> yes, sir, 62. flood stage is 50 for this particular river. we surpassed that earlier yesterday. and 62 will be the feet that they're estimating. >> bill: wow, my, oh my. you mentioned matthew from two years ago. were you able to do anything around your area to prepare for the he >> we learned a lot. we did things differently. we made more shelters available earlier. set up transportation to work with our county officials and our city bus system to move people to safety to get to these shelters. we were prepared as an organization could be. with these things you can never fully prepare. we'll have to review and see what we can do better the next time. right now as an organization we're performing pretty good. >> bill: how are you holding up, mayor? >> doing good. thoughts and prayers go out to those that are impacted around us so this is something that will take a while to recover from but we appreciate you all helping us get the word out to keep our citizens safe. >> bill: good luck to you and your family and everyone in your community. thank you for your time. fayetteville, north carolina. we were given a warning late last week, sandra, that was one of the main places to look early this week and again the waters have come back to fayetteville. >> sandra: devastating pictures there. we'll see you in a bit. the murder trial of a chicago police officer charged with fatally shooting a black teenager gets underway today in chicago. officer jason van dyk's attorney requests for a change of venue in the trial was just denied. matt finn is live at the courthouse in chicago. what was the judge's reasoning for no change of venue? >> sandra, the judge said that all of the jurors went through extensive questioning beginning with a 27-page questionnaire and interviews with the prosecution, judge and defense and ruled that the 12 jurors selected said they could give a fair and impartial trial to van dyk. since the tape was released year's ago the attorney argued the jury pool is tainted because there is so much negative publicity towards this officer. his attorney said from the start he would ask for a change of venue. it was denied a short while ago. to refresh everyone, this is the case where chicago police officer van dyk was caught on police dash cam video shooting mcdonald 16 times killing him. the shooting and that tape is widely considered what has caused so much civil unrest and protests here in the city of chicago for years. there is even a popular "chicago tribune" columnist who said this tape ended emmanuel's career in chicago. a lot riding on this case. the judge ruled during the extensive jury selection each one said they could put aside their opinions and give jason van dyk a free trial. opening arguments happening right now. the defense saying that jason van dyk acted in self-defense that day. the prosecution saying not a single shot had to be fired especially 16 shots. if the officer is found guilty of first degree murder it would be the first time in decades a chicago police officer was found guilty of murder on the job. if he is found not guilty it would perhaps set a precedent in chicago. we expect a very large response to this case because if this white officer is found not guilty we accept there could be riots and found guilty many people will feel justice has been served. >> sandra: matt finn. thank you. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is at the white house today as he makes it clear the allegations against him are completely false. lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are reacting. judge andrew napolitano will be here to weigh in on all of it in just moments. >> we respect the process that they put in place. everything else is going on, those calling for delay in the vote were saying so absent her testimony, his testimony to the 36 year old allegations. they'll say it because they'll vote against him no matter what. & the staff needs to know, they will & they'll drop everything can you take a look at her vitals? & share the data with other specialists yeah, i'm looking at them now. & they'll drop everything hey. & take care of this baby yeah, that procedure seems right. & that one too. at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that's the power of &. & when your patient's tests come back... your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? i did mom. wanna try it? yes. it intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you flake free. manolo? look at my soft hair. i should be in the shot now too. try head and shoulders two in one. you shouldn't 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nicely and the democratic stunts, we all know they were against him during the judiciary committee hearing fell flat even with many democrats. so there is a number of issues here now. it all boils down to this. there will be a hearing and anita hill/clarence thomas-type hearing dr. ford will come in and make her case. republicans have to decide how aggressively do they want to pursue her. i don't think they can engage in the type of destructive cross examination the late senator ar lan specter, former district attorney if philadelphia before he was a senator from pennsylvania did to anita hill. this #metoo era we teal these allegations more gingerly. law enforcement would say this event happened 35 years ago? dr. ford said it was so horrific i repressed it and popped out during a therapy session. ask the therapist if the therapist believed that i had repressed it. the other side of this is judge kavanaugh who says this did not happen. it absolutely did not happen. if it's a she said/he said. all things are equal. this is not a court of law. in a court of law she would have to prove her case by more evidence, a preponderance of the evidence than he would have to disprove it. this is the court of public opinion. the question is, are these allegations and the manner in which she will present them sufficient to dislodge several republican votes. i agree with our colleague brit hume who told you a few minutes ago if any republicans are dislodged don't count on any democrats to take their place. >> sandra: what about earlier the morning you were making the point that brett kavanaugh had to go through six federal background checks even to get to this point. >> i kiddingly referred to the fact that these are extremely thorough. i've been through two of them. i know that. i'm not going to say on -- they're extremely thorough. to work for george w. bush, three in the white house for his various levels of security clearance and to become the judge and in preparation for joining the supreme court. not a whiff of this even though it was revealed in 2012 just to the therapist and to her husband. dianne feinstein, why did she sit on this since july? she'll say i was protecting the reputation and identity of this woman who didn't want me to reveal it who wanted me to know about it. it comes out suddenly and here we are. we'll see these hearings. it is an awful thing to have to go through for dr. ford and for judge kavanaugh. and the senate -- members of the senate will have to make up their minds if this sufficiently tarnishes his candidacy or a last minute stunt. >> sandra: susan collins brought up the timing of this that dianne feinstein had the letter in july. six weeks now. the timing of bringing this up now. your point about these allegations are 35 years old from when he was 17 and in high school. >> and there is according to dr. ford and alleged witness. the witness denies it emphatically saying he wasn't there or it didn't happen. >> sandra: i wanted to get in this sound bite on the allegations. >> most americans are looking at this, mainstream americans and they're thinking that congress has hit rock bottom and started to dig. they've had this stuff for three months. if they were serious about it they should have told us about it. >> sandra: wanted to get your thoughts. >> very good point. it's a legitimate criticism of senator feinstein. she will say i was protecting the confidentiality of one of my constituents at her request. the senate will decide this. he can still be voted on by the senate even if the senate judiciary committee does not endorse his candidacy. we'll watch where it goes. good to see you. >> bill: sandra, back to our top story of the hour. more rain expected in the carolinas as we learn for the search for a toddler swept away from floodwaters has come to a tragic and saddened. we're here from wilmington and across the state of north carolina in just a moment. experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. 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sandra: a white knuckle moment at a circus in pittsburgh when a spooked camel goes on a wild rampage hurting several children there. you can see someone holding onto the animal as it went through a crowd of people. handlers chasing it down and regaining control in about 10 seconds. circus officials still don't know what startled the camel. >> bill: back here in wilmington fox news alert on a saddened to one search and rescue mission here in north carolina. deputies saying the body of a 1-year-old boy swept away in the floodwaters has been found. jonathan hunt live in new salem where it happened. jonathan, what do you have on that? >> we're just outside the small town of monroe in north carolina and over the past 18 hours that terrible tragedy has unfolded here. a mother was driving with her 1-year-old son this direction along north carolina 218 which is what this road is and this creek you see beyond us still flowing very quickly indeed, at that point was raging. the rivers of water coming right across this road. as you go slightly to the left here you can see where it even swept out a part of the road. the woman's car got swept off the road itself. she got out. she was trying to get her 1-year-old son kaden out of his car seat. she did that but he slipped from her grasp and was swept away by those raging waters. bill, just in the last few minutes i can tell you that the coroner's van has left this scene literally two minutes ago with the body of 1-year-old kaden lee welsh inside. a tragic story, bill, a story of a mother desperately trying to get to safety but in her desperation, driving directly into danger and as a result, losing her 1-year-old son, kaden lee welsh, bill. >> bill: awful tragedy. jonathan hunt as we continue to track it. i think the death toll is 23 as a result of this storm. what has your week been like. you've been moving to different areas on the outskirts of the flooding. what has been like there? >> it's been an incredible week, bill. what i can tell you was perhaps the most startling part of it for us. our journey from near myrtle beach yesterday through the heart of the storm as we headed toward charlotte. some of the most terrifying driving conditions i've been anywhere. with respect to our cameraman and producer who were both driving separate cars, very expertly and safely. for anybody who had to be on the roads yesterday and was on them, an absolutely terrifying experience. i have never seen conditions like it, bill. i'm sure you haven't, either. >> bill: flash flooding was intense just about everywhere. jonathan hunt, thank you. good to be back with you today here in north carolina. thank you, sir. back to sandra now in new york. >> sandra: nice to see jonathan as well. a new twist in the showdown over brett kavanaugh's confirmation of capitol hill. explosive allegation surfacing days ahead of a scheduled vote by the senate judiciary committee. kavanaugh's response next. come to newday usa first. a hom there's no 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committee and the judiciary committee. his accuser now saying she is willing to testify before congress. judge kavanaugh the white house today as he issues another very strong denial. this is "outnumbered" and i'm melissa francis. here today as a host of kennedy on the fox business network, kennedy. a town hall editor and fox news contributor katie pavlich. democratic strategist of fox news contributor jessica tarlov in joining us on the couch today, former white house press secretary under george w. bush

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