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And destroy isis. Martha these are shocking numbers we are seeing from the cia. The. Reporter the sheer number, 31,500 is the top number. Also because the experts had such a different view a little while ago. Former members of the intelligence policy says president obamas current policy of dealing with isis is lack. General Michael Hayden said the reliance on air power has all the attraction of casual sex. It seems to offer gratification but with very little commitment. The had a military back and forth about the new american ally. Reporter how does the president make the case to Speaker Boehner when the president was mock the Free Syrian Army. Not warriors. They are not. Reporter the Administration Needs to sell the strategy can where secretary of state john kerry has become a traveling salesman. The secretary says its a model for addressing extremism. But that may be extreme, especially when finding partners for nato action. Turkey has not signed on. Germany says they are out. Saudis say they will only train rebel troupes for the free syrian ally. The u. K. Yesterday said no to airstrikes in syria. Then the embassy here in washington walked that back a little bit. One could summarize their position as a definite maybe. Martha David Cameron was very strong on this issue. Well see if they put their actions where their words are. Eric president obama says isis will be destroyed and he picked the mane thinks can do that. The president picked general john allen to lead the coalition. He has experience fighting terrorism in that part of the world. He was Deputy Commander between 2008 and 2011 and he led the operations in afghanistan until just last year. Well ask retired general jack keane about the president s course and if this mission will succeed. Martha well talk to the general coming up. The president s strategy facing plenty of criticism on capitol hill. Some lawmakers questioning whether the plan goes far enough to be successful. Here is speaker of the house john boehner. An f16 is not a strategy and airstrikes alone will not accomplish what we are trying to accomplish. The president made clear he doesnt want u. S. Boots on the ground. Somebodys boots have to be on the ground. To me it wasnt a complete strategy. Thats what concerns me. This is a president , his whole Foreign Policy is bending the war on terror, now he has to find a way of winning the war on terror. Martha law makers say any action needs approval from congress. Questioning whether the action is legal. Eric secretary of state john kerry emphasize together American Public whatever the military action is, the secretary says it was not a war. Thats the wrong terminology. What we are doing is engage in a very significant Counter Terrorism operation. And its going to go on for some period of time. Somebody wants to think about it as being a war with isil they can do so. But the fact is its a major Counter Terrorism operation that will have many didnt moving parts. Eric that didnt sit well with arizona senator john mccain. Hes not buying the secretarys explanation. Its hard to find response for that. What was the president talking about . If its what a Counterterrorism Organization you just want to contain them. Then you dont have to worry about them. Eric coming up well mike mccaul about what he thinks. He thinks we can succeed. The family of american journalist james foley how know was beheaded about the isis terrorists is speaking out about the president s plan. James brother had this to say last night on the kellyfil file. It didnt sound like much of a plan to me. I would like to have seen a more involved strategy that includes an institutionalized change in the region. Eric he says he was threatened by the state department when he tried to raise fund to pay the ransom. Martha it was different if the state department had a different extra egypt. But for him to feel like he was threatened by anyone in the u. S. Government, he feels that it was. Eric it demands an investigation. Martha its been more than two years since the deadly attack on our consulate in benghazi. Despite promises from the Obama Administration for swift justice, the president said he would get to the bottom of it. They are asking for more time to prosecute the suspect in custody. The judge granting a motion to delay the trial for six more weeks. There are new concerns these delays in prosecuting him could mean this case on the whole is in jeopardy. Listen to this. You are dealing with classified information. And a terrorist who was part of al qaeda for two decade. So it doesnt surprise me we ended up in this place. When you try to force upon a terrorist a legal system that wasnt meant or intended to deal with the crimes committed that night in benghazi, libya, the results are a mess. Martha he appeared in multiple videos of the benghazi attack where he appears to be giving orders to the attackers. Hes being held without bail on terror charges in virginia. Eric Bladerunner Oscar Pistorius has been convicted of culpable homicide. He remains free on bail until he is sentenced next month. The judge said he was negligent when he opened fire on his girl friend as she cowered behind the closed door of their bathroom. But the judge said there was no proof he intended to kill reeva steenkamp. Reporter this is one of the headlines in the local papers. Will oscar walk . Maybe, maybe not. The Bladerunner Pistorius was acquitted on the charge of premeditated murder. That for the killing of model girlfriend reeva steenkamp. But he was found guilty of plan man salute were plus another minor weapons charge. Here is how the judge handled down the verdict today. Count one, 51. 1 of the amendment x. 105 of 1997. The accused is found not guilty, and is discharged. Instead hes found guilty of culpable homicide. Reporter i was behind pistorius when he heard that verdict. He took it toy i canally. His uncle saying they always believed pillser to wasnt version of the story. The Steenkamp Family cried. For them apparently justice was not served. Eric what do we expect at the sentencing next month . Reporter pistorius was grants an extension of bail. The sentencing begins october 13. He could get 13 years on that charge. but that could be reduced or he could be let free on parole. After the sentencing its possible for an appeal to be lodged. Legal experts say its a real possibility, there are concerns about the judge not finding pistorius guilty of a Second Degree murder charge when he fired those bullets into a toilet cubical door when he knew he was going to kill someone. I asked him how he was doing and he said, very well, sir. Martha news that two fa18 fighter jets crashed in the pacific ocean. The search is on for the pilot. Plus this. Reporter that guy is not out for a stroll in the park. That is at the white house on the lawn. Why did he take a casual stroll and how did he get over the fence. Martha a convicted School Shooter escaped from prison. How this killer got out. He was armed with a pitch fork. Here i am. Rock you like a hurricane. Fiber one now makes cookies. Find them in the cookie aisle. Eric the navy desperately searching for a pilot after two navy warplanes collide overred the pacific ocean. The first pilot was quickly recovered and returned to the u. S. S. Vincent. The pilot we are told is being treated for unspecified injuries. The second pilot currently remains missing at this hour. The two ma18c hornets have not been recovered. Martha retired marine general john allen will be selected to lead the effort to defeat isis. The president said there will be no boots on the ground. He reiterated thats times. Some critics are asking what we should call the personnel the president sent in. The president took off any boots on the ground. There are 1,600 there now. I guess they are wearing tennis shoes. Martha jack keane, the chairman of the institute of war. What do you think of this pick of general john allen and why a retired general . Is that significant . General john allen, i know personally and i spent time with him in afghanistan. Hes very experienced, highly accomplished war time general. It if this mission is being charged of the whole evident we do have a number of active duty general officers that could do it. But there is no problem with general allen. Hes extraordinary and im delighted see him taking on the mission. Martha what are your concerns about the mission hes taking on . My concerns start with the president. The speech is over. I would hope he would get personally involved in driving this coalition to give us the kind of combat capabilities we need. We are starting to hear about refusals. Some of this is tied to him, to be quite training about it. He has to convince people about his own conviction and determination to destroy isis. That hes going to see this mission through and provide all of the resources required to accomplish that mission. Even resources that are not on the table now that would be necessary when we have set backs and disappointments which always happens in war. Some of this kept i am is driven by no airstrikes in syria a year ago, not providing resources to the libya effort. They have concerns. Martha you say there is word of refusals, what do you mean . I know that we are trying to get a coalition out of europe. The u. K. Normally provides airstrikes and air support with us. They are waffling over this. The germans appear not to be able to do much of anything. Well see what comes out of our Coalition Allies in the region. This requires partial leadership on the part of the president. Martha David Cameron went on National Television and he did not mince words. He said we are going after these people. We have to kill isis and destroy this organization. Does the president say excuse me . We heard your word, sir, now we need your help. You need the kind of Margaret Thatcher leadership when she persuaded george h. W. Bush about the moral imperative to deal with the incursion into the fight against saddam hussein. Thats the moral persuasion and strength of leadership. But there is scepticism about his role. We know the Ground Campaign is what will be decisive in defeating and destroying isis. But if thats the case the president is holding back resources in the support of that campaign. No troops on the ground. Well not let our advisers go below the brigade level. They have got to go below the gra below thebrigade level. Martha im hearing from you the United States military is not even 48 hours after this speech frustrated with the poll through and the president didnt mean what he said the other night. Am i hearing you correctly . You hear me correctly. And this happened before. This is a pattern we had. When the president made the decision to escalate the war in afghanistan he only gave general mcchrystal and general petraeus 3 4 of the troops that were necessary. He had a 25 reduction in thank their minimum requirements were. And we know he didnt give general alston the forces he needed to keep in iraq. So there is a pattern here. My concern is if the ground war is what is decisive to mitigate the fact that they are not our troops fighting the war. We have the iraqi army, the peshmerga and the sunni tribes fighting it, we are not confident they will be able to win it and we should give them all the resources to mitt fate that risk. Eric have you heard about this new report that could contradict the claims by nfl commissioner roojer goodell. Commissioner Roger Goodell. Eric the heat is being turned up on the nfl. Tmz reporting Roger Goodell was told in june that rice knocked out his fiancee in that elevator. When we make a decision we want all the information thats available. Obviously that was when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened. Eric what comes next . Jonathan hund with the latest. It raises questions and the pressure on goodell. Reporter more and more pressure on the nfl commissioner to say in detail what he knew and when he knew it. Espn cites four different sources who say that ray rice told goodell in june at a meeting at the nfl headquarters that he had indeed hit his then fiancee in the elevator. One of the sources said ray didnt lie to the commissioner. He told the commissioner the truth. He made it clear he was a hitter. There was no ambiguity. These are people they describe as being close to ray rice. But the Municipal Court complaint said the following. Ray rice committed quote assault by attempting to cause Bodily Injury to janay palmer by striking her with his hand, rendering her unconscious. And if Roger Goodell says as he just did in that clip from cbs they wanted all the information before he made any decision, that criminal complaint was in the public records. That was available to him. Eric the ravens were back front and center last night. Reporter you look at the fans gathering pregame. A lot of fans showing up showing their support. Some wearing ray rices jersey. I like ray rice as a person. I think hes a good person who made one big mistake. Reporter the Domestic Violence issue caused a change to programming. They pulled a flashy promotion by rihanna. Instead they began their show with a newsbased discussion of all of these issues. This of course has been the week in Roger Goodells time as commissioner. But he said hes confident he will hang on to his job and he promised an independent investigation head by former fbi director robert mueller. Though many questioning how independent that will be given that mueller is going to be overseen by two nfl team owners who just happen to be very close to the commissioner. Eric the owners are back can the commissioner. Thank you so much. Martha its a tough play to watch as a fastball hits a beige leaguer right hits a major leaguer right in the face. Eric the midterms are less than two months away. A new pop shows the gop may be d the gop may be way ahead and the economy is the reason. You have to have people who understand what it takes to create jobs and help people come out of poverty to help the middle class have a better and more prosperous future. You have got to have that understanding. When your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. Relief that neutralizes acid on contact. And goes to work in seconds. Tum, tum tum tum tums try great tasting tums chewy delights. Yummy. Your mom cou night into day. Conquer the globe. Stop floods. 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I think a lot of people learned that 6 number for unemployment couldnt mean wait feels like it means because we have under employment and other factors in there. People know that in their lives and they see that with their neighbors and friend. People have become more hawk i shall and immigration and Foreign Policy. It makes them feel like things are not under control and we would like somebody to be in control of them. You look at these fox news poll numbers and he is under water on almost everything. Every major issue including the economy which is close to peoples hearts. Its a tough road to who for folks running withlings to obama. Are they going to sit there and say echo Ronald Reagan and say you are better off now than you were 8 years ago . If you look at the polls, clearly the American People support raising the minimum wage. For democrats than republic dance but you get a majority support for raising the minimum wage. That would speak to some of the concern over Economic Issues amorning people making less than 50,000. People who are not in the stock market and not benefiting from the increase in salaries and increase in employment that we have seen off the last few quarters. The big numbers in the polls that support what Mary Katharine was saying, you are seeing an increased spread for people who show a preference of republicans over democrats especially in key states where the senate will be decided. Eric if thats the case republicans could take the senate. If you look at this fox news poll. It indicates there is a high degree of optimism among americans, you know, and sometimes we dont see that. But its there, but at the same time terrorism has now topped the economy as number one concern at a time when there is so much concern about isis. The president s speech last wednesday. People think that republicans will do a better job in dealing with the threat to american security, our national interest. Eric Mary Katharine, juan just mentioned the optimism. Your Household Incomes since 2008, 36 say its gone down. 42 per se its gone up. Yet the wt and the Democratic Party still seems to have this problem. I think americans are naturally optimistic. But there is a rational assessment of whats going none the economy. Americans will not accept this is a new normal. They want Something Better than what we have right now. A note of caution to the gop is we noticed certainly in 2012, that the president can have bad numbers and people can think hes not doing a great job and not delivering on his promises and that doesnt necessarily mean the gop is going to be their alternative they are willing to vote for. I would caution people, you have got to go out there and make that case. But these numbers are looking worse and sometimes in cases worse than 2010 which was a good case for the gop. Eric 57 are optimistic. 38 pessimistic. Its gone down since october 2012. How do you think that will impact what happens 52 day from now. We are in the stretch run. You never know. They always talk about october surprises. What else the october surprise . Will there be a rally around the flag effect if we go into combat operations, the airstrikes and have some success against isis . I dont know. Do we see any change of anything happening in terms of our economic circumstance . I dont know. I will say the only thing i would point at to contradict what looks like a favorable environment to republicans is while the president s numbers are still in the mid to low 40s in terms of approval, this fox poll shows 13 approval for the congress. So its not like people are in love with any of the folks here in d. C. Eric Mary Katherine and juan, how can congress be at the lowest levels. Just tune in again in a month. Martha this is a scary scene in im for the marlins allstar slugger. What you are about to see is graphic. Oh, man he got hit right in the face. Martha the coaches and trainers, everybody powered out to surround him. That opening between his arm and helmet is where it went in. Everybody is very concerned. Hes 24 years old. Hes a top candidate for the national mvp award. His dad was in the crowd watching this. He leads the majors in rbis 0. In rbis 0. We hope hes okay. Eric ray chapman the on Major League Player who has been killed by a pitch. 1920. Eric guns at the white house . Take a look at this. A guy in a pokeman mask. How he bypassed security. Martha we learn that isis membership is exploding by the day. Americas plan to take them out is ramping up. But john kerry says remember this is not a war. So what is it . Well have Homeland Security chairman michael mccaul. Its hard to find a response for that. What was the president talking about last night. 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See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Eric there were tense moments at the white house when a man wearing a pokemon mask was casually strolling on the white house grounds. The secret Service Agents approaching that man with their guns drawn ordering the man to get down. He was detained. The president and his family were not home at the time. There is no word on who that intruder is. It is unbelievable. Martha Top Republicans firing back at secretary of state john kerry for down playing the United States action in syria. We are engaging in a significant counterterrorism operation and it will go on for some period of time. If somebody wants to think about it as being a war with isil they can do so but the fact is its a major counterterrorism operation that will have many different moving parts. Martha war that means. Senator john mccain said this about the secretarys counter operation label. I thought the president said last night he wanted to defeat them. This is like john kerry when the president said he was going to attack syria in response to the chemical weapons issue. He said the attack would be unbelievably small. This is john kerry, vintage. Martha representative mike mccaul is the chairman of the Homeland Security committee. Clearly isil has declared war on the United States and the western world, have they not . Isil hasnt gotten the memo that john kerry did. They are at war with us, i believe we are at war with this ideology. We have been at war for many years even before 9 11. There is a consistent narrative downplaying and downgrading the threat level when the threat level is real. I think why the president had such a hard time making a decision to do the right thing go into syria is he cant get his head wrapped around isis. Because isis defines his entire Campaign Narrative that he ended the war on terror. When in fact the threat level has gone up not down. Martha i remember back when libya was being discussed it was referred to by the administration as a kinetic military action. You know, i understand the inclination because so much of what got the president elected was his promise to pull out of these wars. They dont want to use the word war because it looks like he was wrong. But how significant is it to not have a clear understanding of what the mission is and what the end game is. I think word matter. Word are important. Its important how you define this to your enemy. When you pull back saying this is not a war. Its jucht just a counterterrorism mission. I think that weakens the mission and weakens what we try to do. We have seen this consistently throughout the administration. We cant use the word radical islam because that would offend the muslim world. We cant talk about caliphate. But thats what albaghdadi, the head of isis called it, a caliphate. Major hassan, you are seen a consistent pattern much trying to downplay the threat. When i was in a classified briefing and then i would hear what the president was saying, i was wondering if we were getting the same information. It defies reality and what was happening across th the globe. Martha as chairman you are briefed at a higher level than others. Is there anything you can share with us that gives us light on the situation he broad and at situation at home . Im glad the president finally came around to our way of thinking. We have been pressuring him publicly and privately to engage in syria. General dempsey came out and said early on you cant defeat isis unless you were willing to go into syria and he was almost immediately reined in for those comments. The head of the snake is in syria. If we cant address that and cut the head of the snake off in syria we cannot defeat this radical islamic force, this caliphate they call isis or isil. Thats positive news. I also like the strategy of having sunnis fighting sunni extremists rather than american conventional forces in the middle of this. The airstrikes are what ill be watching most closely. They have been reluck and the to use the word words airstrikes in syria. Thethey assured us airstrikes wl occur but i just dont know when. Martha well see you soon. Eric he was serving three life terms for killing a trio of his fellow high school students. Now that manhunt is over. Well tell what you happened. Martha a democrat and republican forced to Work Together to survive. Its a new Reality Tv Show that some hope will teach washington a lesson. I missed so many workouts, my treadmill started to dress better than i did. The problem was the pain. Hard to believe, but dr. Scholls active series insoles reduce shock by 40 and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. Amazing now, im a believer. With the top speedou compare of comcast the top speed of business dsl from the internet. 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I ron der who will win or who will survive. Eric hes serving three life terms for a high school shooting. Police say 19yearold tj lane broke out of an Ohio Institution last night but then was caught. Lane killed two fellow student. Look at what he wore in court. A shirt with the word killer on the front. Do you know how he escaped . He had help. Prison officials at the Correctional Institution 80 miles south of toledo, what he know there were several fences they had to make their way through. But they didnt get very far. After a fivehour search using helicopters with infrared detection. He was found 100 yard from the prison fence with a pitch fork in hand. He didnt put up a fight and wouldnt say anything about how he escaped. One of the other inmates was found shortly after they escaped. Officials say a Rapid Response is why the convict didnt make it further away from the prison. As soon as the call came out, there was troopers in the area along with members of the allen county sheriffs office. Im talking within minutes. I know that contributed to them not getting that far. They didnt make it as far as they thought they would because a perimeter was set up so fast. When the news came out classes were canceled at his former school. Eric the anden prison is a minimum to medium prison. Why was he there when he was convicted of murder. Reporter the prison warden says hes not sure how that happened but that will be part of their investigation. Martha the latest battle over isis may be in congress. Are the new airstrikes in iraq and syria legal . A tragic and shocking story. This new jersey teen gunned down. It appeared to be a random killing but as we are learning more some are asking is it actually a case of radical islamic terrorism here i am. Rock you like a hurricane. Fiber one now makes cookies. Find them in the cookie aisle. 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Air power alone cannot win this struggle, it is going to take boots on the ground, but they are not going to be american boots on the ground. Question is, whos are they going to be . Eric and the answer . So, the coalition may be in, but so far nobody willing to put any of their boots on the ground. That is what we are hearing those far, eric. Becoming increasingly clear isis poses a bigger military threat than we were led to believe. The cia announced the estimate this is a quote that isil can muster between 20,00035,100 across the area base any review of all Source Intelligence reports from may through august, an increase of the previous assessment of 10,000 fighters. It also has recruitments in june following battlefield assessments and greater battlefield activity and increased intelligence. You may recall in the primetime address on wednesday he said they would use basically the same strategy they have used another terrorist hotspots. Here he is suggesting that and some of the criticism. The strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines this one we have pursued in yemen and somalia four years. The president doesnt understand the difference with somalians in al qaeda or somalians in yemen, then he is oblivious to this size, shape, strength and ability of isis. Others are criticizing the president s strategy because he is simply telegraphing it, which is not advantageous whatever the strategy is should be left out of public view and of the enemy because the longer they become aware of the strategy, the better they can get inside various Population Centers and be out of range of various targeting strategies here. Eric they have been telegraphing this for weeks now. Any word now on when this could possibly start . We should be hearing more obvious from the the pentagon today. The latest we have heard is increased air operations may be stepped up as early as next week. In syria, could be as much as a month from now. Eric thanks. Martha as the u. S. Gears up to span the fight against isis, lawmakers are asking if this action is legal area did the Obama Administration says they do not need the approval because it has the authority under the existing law against al qaeda back in 2001, shooting first and asking Congress Later legal . Fox news digital editor. You could also look at the war powers act. He has 60 days to ask congress for approval and the funding that goes with it, right . Well, yes. Already halfway into the 60 days the president laid out a years long war. Talking about fighting a campaign against this particular group of islamic militants for years beyond his presidency even, that is far outside the purview designed the president have the authority to act swiftly to combat an immediate threat to the United States, not to wage a longterm war and nationbuilding effort evidently in syria because o president sad the leadership is not legitimate. Way more that could be done in terms of quick strikes. Martha so who is expressing this . Is it democrats dont want to go back to war or republicans as well . Among the left democrats, on the right rooted in constitutional sense, does the president have the power to take the country into a war, escalate a war into iraq where they are bombing the targets under the ages of the request from the iraqi government, and alan has asked the United States to bomb some targets in the country after fending off an immediate threat. If you escalate and take over another International Border you are now fighting in syria, does the white house need authorization . They say they have the authorization because of the a for mentioned authorization by al qaeda. How can isis be al qaeda . The two groups are at war with each other. Martha w know a lot of al qaeda members who have left and moved over to fight over with isis. The growing numbers evident in the cia report. It is hard to see, is this why the white house is calling it a war . They are not calling it a war because they dont want it to be a war. Their base, that is who john kerry was talking to, he says this is a Police Action or counterterrorism or whatever. The president said isis is not islamic, the Islamic State he said is not islamic. The challenges the president s rhetoric says this really isnt about radical islam, this isnt really about islamist groups. What it is about is thisrticula. Whatstogether with this group is they are both militant radical islamist groups. That would probably be his best legal defens defense and he maye forced to resort to it, keeping authorization from congress. Martha they consider themselves to be the Islamic State, so they are not mixing words in what their motivation is here. Thank you very much. Eric australia has now raise the terror levels the second highest warning they have in response to the threat posed by the radical terrorists of isis. Normal life in australia can and must go on. But we need to be aware there are people who wish to do us harm and preparing to do us ha harm, but we think our Security Intelligence and Police Organizations are smarter than them and one step ahead of them and can protect us. Eric australia estimates 60 citizens are fighting alongside the jihadist. Britain has put the number at about 500, the u. S. Says about 100 americans have joined. Martha the European Union slapping new sanctions on russia for the meddling in ukraine and these sanctions believed could hurt. Some of the largest countries being targeted including the biggest oil producer, 24 individuals hit with new sanctions including rebel leaders and senior russian lawmakers. Ukraine and rebel swapping dozens in a ceasefire deal reached earlier in the month. Eric nfl commissioner Rodger Goodell facing criticism of the handling of the ray rice elevator video. What theyre saying about his future. Martha dozens of children at a Day Care Center leaving parents in shock. We will play what is going on there. Eric a new york radio person says domestic terrorist are already here. We will talk to the radio host coming up. Why would an active domestic terrorism is committed in my neighborhood in a town i live in on a kid my kid knows, dry take this personally . Youre damn right. There is nothing being done, nobody is talking about it. Martha more than two dozen children rushed to the hospital after drinking a mixture of bleach and water. At a new jersey Day Care Center. How does that happen . The Fire Department says a substitute teacher aide was giving up water when using a bottle that contained a bleach for cleaning. The state is investigating, see what happens. When we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened. What was ambiguous about her lying unconscious on the floor and being dragged out by her feet. That was the result we saw. We did not know what was led up to that. Eric ambiguous announcing a new question about those statements roger caddell. Telling team owners he went easy on ric rice after the investigan because he believes his then fiance and now wife, she had fallen and passed out during the scuffle in the elevator. The tape showed her being dragged out while a source close to rice tells espn he didnt lie to the commissioner, he told the full truth and made it clear he hit her and told him he was sorry and that it wouldnt happen again. So what does this mean . Nfl reporter joining us now. We have to go different stories. Ambiguous, it seems ray rice people are very clearly commissioner change the story. The ravens owners, the ravens president and Rodger Goodell say ray rice told ambiguous story, and telling espn he told the whole truth. So what will happen . Probably no recording of the meeting. It is going to be he said, she said game going forward. We will never know the truth. Eric this is going to be investigated, should we get to the bottom of this . Rodger goodell should have to go to congress, if you change the story now it would be very bad. They told the story publicly and i dont think they can change it now. This going to get very ugly. Eric first that video of the horrific, shocking video of the punch in the elevator saying we didnt see it, others say lawenforcement gave it it back in april and a voicemail from someone who is an x nfl staff. They said we did not know about this tape until it was leaked. We knew he was unaware of the tape ever being available. There are two coowners overseeing the investigation, they insist theyre trying to get the truth, not trying to protect anybody but dealing with nfl owners there will be a little bit of bias at the very least. If the tape was in the building, they will find out and release it to the public. Eric see if they have a signature for that. Try that. Goodell has been highly praised and raised billions and billions more in revenue for the nfl teams. In order to get him out, you need 24 out of the 32 owners to agree, that is a big smoking gun. The nfl owners love Rodger Goodell and think he is trustworthy and will not believe he is lying or there was a coverup until there is proof. They have said we have to go anonymous people talking right now, on first meant official and nfl employee. Until their names are out or until Rodger Goodell says i knew there was a tape, they will not believe, certainly not 24 owners when will i have said he will keep his job. Eric are the circling the wagons horse . Or would they have him walk the plank . Nfl owners love the status quo. Tv revenue has never been higher. I want to experiment unless they have to. Rodger goodell is an important figure to these owners. These are all billionaires and have made a lot of money in business. They feel they are being dragged through the mud, but i think it will take a lot. Eric it is very disturbing the pattern we see in the nfl, hopefully they are dressing that. We will see. Kevin clark of the wall street journal. Martha scotland could make history once again and it could happen soon if people are preparing to vote to break away from the united kingdom, why are the stakes so big for everybody including us in the United States . Eric and a teacher takes a gun to school and accidentally shot herself. Should she get in trouble . As part of the concealed weapons process, employers are not necessarily notified if the concealed weapon permit holder has a weapon on them or not and no obligation to notify us they are a permit holder. Eric i teacher Utah Elementary School accidentally shot herself in the leg. Officials sa to the teacher was licensed to carry a concealed weapon. In fair condition at the hospital. Martha scotland and ready to head to the ballot box next week on the referendum on whether they should declare independence and break away from the united kingdom. It is a stroll privatization with extraordinary history and incredible people. A nation that has chosen for the last 300 years to be part of a family of nations so i would be heartbroken if this family of nations that we have put together and we have done such Amazing Things together, if this family of nations was torn apart. Martha lets bring in correspondent for the times of london, he is begging scotland to vote no on this. Why is this so important to David Cameron . A fundamental point for David Cameron and the conservative party, the unionist party, the union about 300 year union tickled to their whole being. The way they have viewed Northern Ireland and the union, huge personal stakes for David Cameron. Overseas the breakup ending 300 years union. Martha it could mean cameron to lose his Prime Minister position potentially but what does it mean for the world, why are they so concerned about this outside in the market . The market all kinds of concerns around the potential for people to pull money away not just the uk, for the moment pullback investment in the uk. A number of other big banks saying there will be impact this happens. It would take in the 18 months. Huge uncertainty. If you look back at the politics or woul whatever, if scotland sd yes, shockwaves all over europe because countries like spain helping in some regards in the identity, capitalize, they have been appreciating aggressively. The spanish president said no, we wont give you one. It would lead to further pressure for them and all of the rest of europe for the pockets of people. It could send shockwaves all over the place. The big issue is what happens to a nuclear deterrent. Britain nuclear arms opposed to scotland. Scotland said they would be Nuclear Power nor new career arms. One would assume remaining British Government would move those to one of the other naval bases. Maybe the french would volunteer, it would change britains position in the world. Martha how do you think it is going to go . These polls are tightening up dramatically. A lot of complacency and arrogance in the Political Parties in london. Ultimately scotts would solve the problem are trying to fix here. But i moved last sunday showing indeed for the first time. But that was the first lead, a week of panic. Martha it was like high in the sky, it will never happen. Thank you very much. Eric president obama waited three years to arm the Syrian Rebels. Just last month president obama said there were doctors and farmers and pharmacists and weapons. Now it is becoming a reality. Will it work . Martha the u. S. Government spending your tax dollars to get monkeys drunk. This is an actual program. The monkeys are having a pretty good time. We will explain when we come back. Eric president obama pinning his hopes on Syrian Rebels to carry out the battle against radical islamic terrorists of isis on the ground. But with a sharp turnaround from the last three years and just a few weeks ago in chief White House Correspondent ed henry asked what about the sudden aboutface did the president was knocking the syrian army. I would not describe the president s words that way. They are not. Joining us now from washington. Good to see you in your fight for freedom in the country. Said it is not 10,000 but 30,000. Why do you think the Free Syrian Army can take them on an win there is a proof of concept. Launch a campaign against the isis terrorist forces with little to no outside force. This is really a david versus goliath scenario. Increasing army in Northern Syria hold the line against all odds as if the isis forces come in from iraq, flushed the new weapons and ammunition caption from ira iraqi much a basis. Helping the syrian fighters hold the line against the terrorists and eradicate them. Eric what do you need . You need a significant section of military aid, United States will take the lead with regional allies, led by the department of defense and ultimately airstrikes against isis. Any airstrikes have to be coordinated with the moderate forces on the ground that are already doing the fighting. As the president alluded to, the boots on the ground or the Freedom Fighters taking the fight directly to the heart of where isis operates. Eric in june he said you cannot play whack him all, now it is an imminent threat. He called it a fantasyland. Just a bunch of farmers and pharmacists and doctors and so forth calling it a fantasy that anyone could actually win. Last year i interviewed a general who at that time was the head of the Free Syrian Army, this guy wasnt an amateur. He was a phd, speaks five languages. One of the top generals for assad. Is this the type of military strategies and personnel you have on the ground now that are not people picking up and going out for your cause . The military strategist once said difficult is not impossible. If Rodger Goodell to allow the opportunity to consolidate the president in syria, that will be a direct threat to the United States. It may not be immediate, but you cannot allow isis to savage the kind of presence in pakistan and afghanistan. When it comes to the capability and proficiency of the Free Syrian Army, this was a revolution. The assad revolution launch a strike against the serious syrie you have had thousands of professional officers from the Syrian Regime now fighting with the Freedom Fighters on the ground. Everyday joes defending their homes. The United States has had a pretty close relationship with the Syrian Opposition and Freedom Fighters on the ground. In the region. This is a known quantity. Thousands of moderate fighters going through Training Programs some level of proficiency there. Eric we are out of time. The airstrikes calling for need and help basically coming. Martha government watchdogs are kissing the fed of wasting taxpayer money on this one in the name of scientific research. The National Institutes of health spend 3. 2 million to get monkeys drunk, they must want top shelf liquor. The editor of the daily caller. Good morning. This is the city i live in, it wastes money almost by the definition. Theres a lot of waste because nobody ever gets fired for wasting money, people are rewarded. The morgue or budget is for the next year, so theres no incentive at all not to waste money be an of things they do, this is on the low end of the scale. The idea you can get free booze from uncle sam. Honestly the downside of studies like this, medical research is funded by the federal governme government, probably worth doing. This makes people cynical, i think, both science and resear research. You read studies of how animals, dogs for example are tortured pointlessly. The net result is frivolous, wasteful or cruel and a disservice. Martha obviously everybody wants them to find a care for cancer, a cure for alzheimers, Heart Disease and they have done tremendous work. But if you have the budget, there is a need to continue to spend the budget so doesnt go away. One of them was done for two years, 154,000 where they give college kids alcohol and had them gamble to see if they could discern when they were drunk and lost more money. Seriously, that is a fact. Unbelievable. My cell phone is pretty widely available, they could have just called me or anybody else went to college. It might be useful to have some sort of informal rule at nih to not do studies for which you already know the answer. Martha the drunk monkeys are having a great time, but that has paris not much. Do some offline research, shall we say . We will see you this weekend on fox and friends. Eric coming up on the fox news channel, severe storms pounding parts the nation. Leaving some major damage behind. A roof collapsed at a shopping mall. We will sho show you the latest. Martha and apparent series of jihadist murder revenge. You have not heard much about it. Is there a campaign of islamic terrorism underway in the homeland . Browar brown went on to say e murder of the 19yearold who had his entire life in front of him in his own words was made just killed because he was alo alone, an adult male without any children or elderly people in the car. One of the miller twins has a hearing problem. And shes fed up with the daily hassle of her old hearing aid. So she got a lyric in her life and everything changed. Which one . Youll never know because the lyric is in her ear. 100 invisible. You cant see it, and its the only device that works round the clock with zero daily hassle. 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Martha there is growing outrage a possible act of jihadist on u. S. Soil is getting precious little attention bid in 19yearold brendan was shot to death in west orange new jersey in july. Not too many headlines over this mans desk. Death. They thought maybe some drugs were involved, which are absolutely were not. Some people bought a robbery was the first motive, which it absolutely was not. They charged this man, brown, with the murder. After his arrest he said some very interesting things to the detective. He said his motive for this attack was revenge for u. S. Military action in the middle east. That was his motive, he made it clear himself. This led to a new york radio host sounding off saying the evidence shows domestic terror in his opinion is already here. Take a listen. If there were ever a reason to write and scream in the name of humanity, it would be for this case. That hasnt happened . No. And im nuts just hit should. What do the family and friends do . They have a candlelight vigil. What should happen is this should be talked about and written about and the American People should know why are they not visiting the family . Why didnt they mention him tonight . Why was he killed for being an american . Martha todd joins us now, thank you very much and obviously your statement is getting a huge amount of attention that has brought even more attention to this story that we have covered here as well on americas newsroom. I know you have been involved in this story early on. It was an outrage to me. Here is a man i hesitate to use that word, an individual who admits after being arrested he is on jihad, was looking to kill an american and admittedly in his own words when he was arrested and that doesnt become national news. I do a comedy Morning Music radio show, i have been to have a personal connection in that my daughter knew the family, that is how i first found out about it. Maybe i wouldnt have even found out had it not been for her because the coverage of the story up until now, thank you for picking this up and i know you have been an early advocate for the family, but where is the outrage . Wheres the outrage for a young man 19 years old who was killed because he was an american. There are no two sides to this story. You cannot say well, but, to anything about this story because the fact is he was killed because he was an american. Martha there were questions about the motive and initially the police said it was a targeted killing and you know what, everybody who heard that, perhaps understandably so thought maybe this kid was buying some pot from somebody and it went bad. That is absolutely not the case, there were no drugs involved in this, it was not about that, the police subsequently made very clear, but now we know it was targeted and he was targeted precisely because of what you just said because he was a white man alone in his car. This person, Mohammed Brown, is also a suspect in three other targeted killings. When you look at the facts of this case, it looks more like an act of serial terrorism that has spanned the country at this point, has it not . And people should know why is there such a hesitancy to talk about things when the man admitted himself, brought up such an important point, i only went on the radio with permission of his mom. I called her the night before and said is it okay to discuss this because i am outraged and the word targeted was really an important point for them. Even people who knew the family, this was the kind of kid you want your kid to grow up and be had a moment where they said i wonder if he was involved in something. Nothing would be further from the truth. This kid was murdered because he was an american and that is where the story should begin. That is where the discussion should take place because domestic terrorism is here, it happened, it happened in new jersey and a family not only has to try to go on for the three other kids and somehow try to put their lives back together, but they also have to worry people might believe because the word targeted was used he was involved in something he shouldnt have been, and nothing could be further from the truth. Martha this should be taken in the context of the summer of brown, his family suffered as well, michael brown. They lost their son as well. There should not be any less attention than what is brought to this story as you point out. You look at the facts some people say he was outrage, outraged about the military action, United States military action, there is no sign he is connected to any terrorism. We dont know who he listen to, we dont know those questions yet, it reminds me in some ways acting independently, but had been following a number of terrorists in his own way. And reminds me of the military recruitment shooting, driveby shooting in the roc little rock, arkansas, motivated by Islamic Jihad essentially. You cannot look at this Mohammed Brown and say he is a robber, a rapist. If it is motivation, what does that make him if not a terrorist . If you research this story, this man was also arrested for what they are bank fraud. If you look at this story, it says he was raising money and filtering it to terrorist organization. Back to me tells me a lot about this individual. It simply said an act of domestic terrorism, this guy went on a killing spree, he fled seattle, he avoided Law Enforcement officers to come back to new jersey where he had groups and laid in wait to attack an american. That is what he did, plain and simple. I hope more people will use the hashtag, go to facebook and check out the page dedicated to him, and i think that this be the faith that brings this topic to life. 19 years old living a good, decent life and play bagpipes for funerals for other people who have lost their lives. Let this be the face they see and no domestic terrorism already sees. Martha todd pettengill, thank you for being here today, we continue to help you speed everybody and get the word out. Eric incredibly important story for us to expose. New details from ic ices in q and syria and what the u. S. Tends to do about it. Why are not more arab countries helping what it might mean for the midterm elections, that covered plus sanctions in ukraine. Eric minutes from now bidding is about to take place in vintage muscle cars. He will not be driving them anywhere because he faces 25 years behind bars. In new jersey filling us in. The owner was david nicholl, he made 33 million off of schemes causing doctors to order unnecessary tests. He spent much of the money on cars including these nine very rare muscle cars. Now 150 bidders in the room, dozens more online spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on these vehicles including this 1957 gt500 ford mustang. That could be one of the best bargains in the room who say they have held plenty of auctions but not one like this. We have sold cars, sold even horses but never in the history have we had this much horsepower being sold in one event. 3702horsepower combined in nine cars. The bidding starts in a few minutes. Eric what cars will bring the biggest bid . They say these supercars are pretty awesome and should sell for a lot of money. This camaro has 28 miles on it. Let me show you the 69 right here, 427 the eight with 425horsepower twodoor coupe, one of only tw two cogreen onen the world. And 1971 plymouth hemi. It is sold in pieces, sold as is could bring 500 600,000. A lot of people come to the auctions because they think they will get a bargain. Some they do, some they dont. This particular one will be tough, a lot of interest. Just so you know the fed are not keeping the money. Eric jumpn one of those things. Martha alarming report from the cia on how big and strong it has become. One day after the president outlines his strategy to wipe out this Group Details on how that threat is growing, we will be right back. If youre suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. For gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. Ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. Dulcolax, for relief you can count on. Dulcolax, for relief you can count on. Could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today that is it for us today on americas newsroom. Thanks eric, for being here this week. Thanks have fog me. Have a great weekend. Happening now starts right now. Jon the terror group isis growing faster than anyone previously believed as the u. S. Gears up to launch a bigger battle. Good morning, welcome to this issue of happening now. Im jon scott. Shannon im Shannon Bream in for jenna lee. The cia is reporting that isis tripled in size in recent months from 10,000 extremist fighters to more than 30,000 across iraq and syria. This news revealed one day after president obama outlined his plan to weaken and wipe out isis. It is a plan that focuses on air power including strikes in syria for the first time. Mike emanuel following story from the washington newsroom. Hi, mike. Reporter latest figures from the cia suggest isis is becoming

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