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News coverage is provided. News coverage is provided. For dhs s decision to rescind daca, it fails to elaborate meaningfully on the agencies primary rationale for the decision. The judgment that the policy was unlawful and unconstitutional. He goes on to say while the memo offers several additional Policy Grounds for daca rescission, most of these simply repackage legal arguments previously made. And insufficiently independent from the Agencies Evaluation of daca legality to preclude review work to support the agencies decision. An earlier opinion the court did not say dhs lacks the Constitutional Authority to rescind the program and he says it is not with this ruling either but if dhs wants to rescind the program, they have to give a rational explanation for their decision. Saying, the last guy did it wrong is in in adequate. Doing so probably amounted to criminal activity. She admitted she had a sense that manafort lied to her about where money be transferred into his Political Consulting business was coming from. This was the first time a witness in the trial this week admitted to potential wrongdoing. The mueller team not trying to prove that manafort improperly listed millions of dollars of income as loans in order to avoid paying income tax. And it was kept hidden from the irs and illegal overseas account. Meanwhile the president creating some Russian Investigation news of his own this week. When he escalated his attacks on what he calls the mueller witchhunt. I was a he took to twitter and called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to stop the investigation right now. While this prompted immediate outcry from journalists and lawmakers on capitol hill, he accused the president of obstructing justice. He responded by doubling down. Now we are being hindered by the russian hoax. It is a hoax. Okay . I will tell you what, russia is very unhappy that trump won. The same evening he also defended his highly criticized recent trip to nato. Claiming his motives for pushing members to contribute more of their gdp is actually all about russia. Here is the president recounting a conversation with nato secretarygeneral. He said, lester alone, because of what i did the previous year, we took in 44 billion. You have to understand this is money to guard against russia. Reporter while the present host to meet with Vladimir Putin again the National Security team has put that meeting on ice until after the investigation concludes. Blake Gillian Turner in washington, thank you. Arthel President Trump sending a letter to the north korean leader, kim jongun today. Showing the Ongoing Communications between the two leaders. Since the Singapore Summit. Meanwhile, Secretary Of State, mike pompeo, attending a conference in singapore as well. Saying he believes the rogue regime will live up to its commitment to get rid of the nuclear program. This despite a new un report said that no north korea s Weapons Program continues to request the process of achieving denuclearization on the north Korean Peninsula is one that i think we have known will take some time. But i must say through my meetings here, the world is united in seeing this achieved. Arthel kitty logan has more now. Reporter hi arthel. There were tough words from north korea today. Pyongyang is angry that the u. S. Is pushing for sanctions to stay in place until denuclearization is complete. The details of this Denuclearization Deal mike pompeo wants International Community to keep up economic pressure on north korea to make sure what is agreed on an principal at Singapore Summit in june actually happens. He said he is confident of a positive outcome. Committed to doing it, chairman kim is committed to doing it. Im optimistic we will get this dumb in a timeline and the world will celebrate what the Un Security Council has demanded. Reporter they say there continue to develop weapons. Despite everything. And until that happens assumptions will not be lifted. They say they will honor the Do Notarization agreement but after this handshake he then criticized the u. S. For not relieving sanctions sooner. The u. S. Delegation also handed over a letter from President Trump for north korean leader, kim jongun. The contents of the litter were not revealed but the dialogue with north korea is expected to continue. Arthel kitty logan, thank you. Blake heading in the right direction in virginia. Flooding fears ease. People are not allowed to return to their homes after Officials Say the situation with the dam has stabilized. Folks nearby were ordered to leave their homes on thursday after heavy rains brought the overflow to dangerously close to failure for the dam. Officials not keeping the eye on water levels and will start repair work on monday. Arthel sections escalated between the u. S. And a key nato ally. As turkeys president announces retaliation for sanctions issued over the jailing of an american passenger. His latest dig at the Trump Administration. Plus, we are waiting the president s arrival in ohio as he looks to drum up votes for a republican congressional candidate. Troy balderson, could the president prove to be a Difference Maker . We will discuss that coming up next. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Blake the turkish president retaliating against United States and turkey will freeze the access of to u. S. Officials as payback for sanctions against turkeys justice and interior ministers. Sanctions stemming from the rest of the american passenger andrew brunson. He is currently being tried on espionage and terror related charges. The federal government at home, the white house all denying allegations and have demanded the pastors release. Arthel President Trump expected to land in Columbus Ohio, this hour, rallying for tuesdays Special Elections. The president is also hitting the Campaign Trail hard for republican midterm candidates as there is a possible blue way peer was a President Payoff come november . Here to discuss as we have access reporter, shannon, good to see you. Thanks for having me. Arthel is the president doing a full port crest of the campaign shall, does it mean the gop is expecting a battle or they just want to win or leave no narrow margins . Is a lastminute effort from the president and the republicans. The primary is on tuesday. It is saturday and it also is important to note that this is a district that is a reliably red district. Trump is coming and if couple days beforehand in a place where it shouldnt necessarily go to democrat in theory but the fact that it is neck and neck shows republicans will have to step up. Arthel neck and neck, challenges in ohio. Look at some of the other races, talk about the challenges there and the biggest Uphill Battle for the president in terms of his being on the Campaign Trail. In terms of where hes going, he might see as we get closer to election day he said he will go to six or seven places every week to help campaign and help republicans. He might be going to places where it is more neck and neck. Previously weve seen them go to states where he has won with a large margin. With Heidi Heitkamp and also montana where he won by double digits. Going to ohio is a little bit riskier just because he only won by 11 percent. And because Approval Rating is dipping right now. Reporter of 11 percent undivided in ohio as well. You just touched on something predoes President Trump, does the endorsement come with potential blowback . It does. And we know that if you do not get his endorsement like diane black this week in tennessee, who lost her race there, you might not be benefiting from his rhetoric. From his ability to rally the base. But we also know that with his endorsement, weve had several candidates this year win as a result. On the other hand like you mentioned, there are some potential downsides. He can sometimes wire rally and go off track from focusing on the candidate itself. Francis when he went for Luther Strachey ended up saying and indicating to voters will be okay to vote for roy moore. Which ended up happening. Arthel i want to show on the screen now, a tweet from the president last week. On july 24 for the president saying he is quote very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming election. And that russia quote will be pushing very hard for the democrats because no president has been tougher on russia than me. Shannon, does it appear that President Trump is perhaps saying that this hacking or interference is an excuse if the gop does not wipe out the blue wave . I cannot necessarily speak to what trump is planning there in terms of what his messaging strategy is. But we do know that based on what the campaign revealed on facebook, it has not necessarily been attributed to russia but there are links to how the Internet Research agency, which was in the mueller indictment earlier this year, there are links to how they previously were trying to impact elections. On facebook. But in terms of whether that hacking is continuing or not, we are not seeing the Riposte Campaign that they had a 2016 that they are telling us right now. Well have to see how much that continues to happen this year. Arthel we will all stop to see how the races turn up here but lets talk about this for a second. If the gop loses control over the house. Will that have any impact on the presidency for mr. Trump or his policies . And what about judge kavanaugh confirmation . It actually could. If republicans lose the house and it is very possible that they do it, democrats only have to take 23 seats. They are already edging closer. We know have already been getting more and more local legislative seats. And if there are more democrats on the hill, we know that Impeachment Proceedings can begin if there is that Rallying Support there. Arthel and wrapping back up to the ohio. What does President Trump need to do today to push Troy Balderson over the top in ohio . We have seen his tweet today, kind of focusing on the democratic challenger, danny oconnor. Linking him to nancy pelosi. It is possible we will see them do that. It may have been a precursor to what he will say. A lot of what republicans have been focusing on acrosstheboard has been immigration and those type of cultural issues. If they really want to make waves, the focus democrats have been having has been on healthcare recently. We know that they have been a little bit more liberal in their messaging ever since republicans failed to repeal and replace obamacare. If they are able to develop some messaging on that it might be impactful. Arthel over to the judge singh have to reinstate it. So well see how that plays out as well. Shannon vavara, reporter for axios, thank you very much. Thank you. Blake intelligent official sounding the alarm about meddling in our elections. How can we secure the voters as the top official say we can . We will discuss next. Plus a live look in ohio tonight. 5 20 pm on saturday. The president will rally for a house candidate in a Special Election. As you probably know by now, we will take you there live. When it begins. I am certain that republicans will support Troy Balderson because he is a defender of life and support of the Second Amendment. Supporter of values that i know are represented well in this Congressional District. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Whenshe was pregnant,ter failed, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. To me, hes, phil micwell, dad. O golfer. So when his joint pain from Psoriatic Arthritis got really bad, it scared me. And what could that pain mean . 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Take another look at ohio. As we await President Trump s arrival for tonight make America Great again rally. He is helping Troy Balderson who is in a tight race with democrat, danny oconnor. For the Special Election ohio 12th District. The state tenant governor saying that she is confident Republican Voters will come out in full force. I was going to turn out the 12 Congressional District will turn out and will support Troy Balderson because ohio still supports a president s agenda. When you look at the accomplishments, 4. 1 percent gdp, you look at a state where President Trump beat Hillary Clinton by eight points. Arthel Kristin Fisher live in ohio. Weve 11 percent on decided there as well. What can you expect to hear from the president tonight . Reporter this is the president s third rally this week. He is going to be throwing his weight tonight behind a candidate in the fight for control of the house this november. He wants republican ohio state senator, Troy Balderson to win. And he gave a preview of the case you will be making tonight a series of tweets from earlier this morning. He said that Troy Balderson is quote strong on the board and loves all military vets. And the second member. His opponent is a puppet of nancy pelosi. High taxes. His opponent is democrat, danny oconnor. He has been trying to counter that very point. He says he will not support nancy pelosi for speaker if they have the majority of the midterms. Normally this race would not be getting all that much attention but it is because this is the last Special Election before the midterms. They are watching this very closely as a barometer of sorts to see how things will go in november. But it is also getting this was not supposed to be a close race. About a month ago, they had them 10 points apart. Now it is down to just one point. And it is a republican district. The present won by 11 points per the Vice President and speak of house have all come here and campaigned on his behalf. Now the president of the United States is going to be here speaking on his behalf. Well see if that is enough to sway voters come tuesday. Arthel kristin, apart from the Special Election the president is not to go off on other topics pay what you think will come up tonight . I think you will tout the new economic numbers heavily. Yesterday we learned the u. S. Added 157,000 jobs in july. And now i expect him to talk about that pretty heavily. He will also be talking about all of the tariffs that he just imposed. In fact, he tweeted about it four times on his way over to ohio from his golf club in new jersey. Here is just a small sampling of one of them. He says quote paris make our country much richer than it is today. Only fools would disagree. We are using that to negotiate fair trade deals. Remember, these have been heard in the u. S. Farmers so much that the Trump Administration gave them about 13 billion in aid. About one week ago. But at the rally on thursday, the president headlined in pennsylvania, he said u. S. Farmers can take it. Well see if he brings it up tonight and tries to rally support for his tariffs and try to rally support around u. S. Farmers. One thing to watch for, remember the Big Press Conference on thursday where all of the top u. S. , the Administration Top intelligence and Security Officials stood sidebyside and said the president had a chance to talk about that on thursday. He did not. Lets see if he does tonight. Arthel will be watching and we look forward to your report through the evening. Thank you. The russians are looking for every opportunity regardless of party, regardless of whether or not it applies to the election to continue their pervasive efforts to undermine our fundamental values. Blake that was the director of national intelligence, dan coats on thursday. Warning about Russian Election modeling. Saying the president has direct his National Security team to make sure our election process and securing it is a top priority. It comes as the administration is facing questions over whether it is doing enough to counteract moscow s metal p joining now morgan wright, a cybersecurity and terrorism analyst. Thank you for joining us. You bet. Blake i was in the room it was quite the scene. When the intelligence chiefs were lining up there, there was no mention of china. There was no mention of north korea. There is no mention of iran. It was russia, russia, russia. Do you take from it that russia is the biggest cyber threat out there . I just put that out and i said we will be talking russia, russia, russia. Exactly. Russia has been doing this for hundred years. They are masters at this. They are masters at low intensity conflict in cyberspace. There he to influence elections. There is a difference between influence and interference. But they are here to influence and also into the energy grid. Russia is looking for every advantage they can. A lot of people dont realize russia is less than half the size of the United States in terms of population. It is very important to russia that they have some kind of strategic advantage against the United States. Blake when you say low intensity conflict, what do you mean . Rather than launching an allout Nuclear Attack in cyberspace, they are doing reconnaissance activities. Breaking into the control room. As you so with the previous election and what came out, they are manipulating and influencing opinion and attempted to drive a wedge. They are just stopping short of Launching Comments is simply amazing other countries where we are proxies. They are doing this, theyre not getting it to the level with every huge response. Just getting a proportional response but there are some good things happening. We are Getting Better at detecting the activity. Blake after the intelligence chiefs were there in the breakaway white house official told me it was the president himself who instructed him to go out there and talk about this. That brings up the question, do you think they were there to talk to the American People . Do you think they were there to send a message to russia . Or both . I think both. One of the things youll see coming out, dhs has launched initiatives. If you are out there and you have not set up for the information sharing analysis, or the multistate, these are resources from dhs. Over 800 counties and all 50 states have joined. It will give them better tools must cyber standpoint. But what you can do in the influence side, facebook just did a great job. They got beat up pretty bad on stock and other things but they did a good job. Blake you mentioned facebook. I asked Christopher Wray in the Briefing Room about this incident. 32 facebook pages that were believed to be trying to sow discord with the political process. I asked the fbi director, was it russia behind it . He did not answer but i also asked about the responsibility the social Media Companies have in trying to keep our election process safe. Now versus how they acted in 2016. This was the fbi director to me. Watch. We are sharing with them actual intelligence in a way that wasnt happening before. We understand better what they need, they are Sharing Information back with us based on what they find. There are things they can do on their platforms voluntarily. Terms of use and things like that that the government does not have a role in. In turn we learn things from them and we can use that to have our investigations be more effective. I think progress is being made. We have to keep Getting Better, keep staying on the balls of your feet. I think thats what we are seeing. Blake the fbi director says they are sharing with social Media Companies and government actual intelligence information. What exactly does that mean . Is called the domestic security advisory council. There used to be an Old Organization called awareness of National Security issues and response. It morphed into this. They missed the boat in 2016. They couldve done this. It was up to a report in the uk to discover the International Research agency and we still missed the boat. It was not a fair fight in 2016. Facebook was outmatched by the russians. But now they start to Work Together and share information on an intelligence back and forth, what happens is facebook, google, twitter, all of these other folks are strangely silent. They need to get the game. As long as they share the information that we can share sources and the results of our sources and methods. And make it a better, more fine tuned machine. We can point them in a direction and have them even get better information so the intelligence community, fbi can make a better analysis. But it wont work unless theres trust and mutual cooperation. That was in short supply in 2016. Blake Christopher Wray warned that this is, it goes well beyond, it is not just an Election Cycle threat. It is something we will talk about most certainly down the line. Thank you for joining us tonight. You bet. Arthel there is the Deadly Wildfires in california. We want to update you on more Evacuation Orders issued as they continue to burn across the state. The heat and dry weather making it really difficult for fire crews to put out the flames. Jeff paul has more now from los angeles. I understand that Governor Brown is calling on the president for help. Tell us about that. Reporter touring some of the hardest hit areas in Northern California, governor jerry brown today called upon the president for help. The governor is officially requesting a major disaster declaration. Saying the relentless fires require a herculean effort. The Government Agency that tracks major fires reports at the moment firefighters are battling at least 89 wildfires across 10 states. Of the 28,000 firefighters responded to all of the fires, half right now in california. When asked about the likelihood of President Trump approving the relief requests, Governor Brown says he is hopeful. He also says right now is not the time to point fingers at what went wrong in the states response. Say the focus should be on how to act wisely and cooperate better. This is part of a trend, a new normal. We have to deal with it. Youre dealing with the humanly, financially and governmentally. These are horrible situations that bring people together regardless of the ideologies and partisan considerations. Reporter Governor Brown also thanked the firefighters for a terrific job in the face of a horrific fire. No word from the white house on any sort of decision on approving the declaration. Arthel i want to get more Ground Conditions out there. Tell us about that. How is it for the firefighters . Reporter across the state there are now 14,000 firefighters battling 17 major wildfires. There was so much smoke aand Northern California there are now warnings to stay out of Outdoor Activities with air quality being so poor. So far the book fires have burned half a million acres forcing nearly 40,000 people to evacuate. The most devastating fire, the carr fire has killed six people destroyed more than 1000 homes and is now considered one of the worst wildfires in state history. We are also hearing there was so much smoke from the ferguson fire, the air quality in parts of Yosemite National park is considered to be worse in beijing china. Smoke has forced a closure of the park for more than a week. Sections of yosemite could open if conditions improve. Arthel so such as seals images there. Thank you very much, jeff paul. Blake in the meantime the man suspected of killing a houston cardiologist is dead. They say he shot himself when he was cornered by police in houston neighborhood. Bryan llenas is live from the new york city newsroom with details. This is awful all around. How do they track this shooter down . Reporter it was thanks to Surveillance Video according to court documents. What we understand, this video shot from home caught the 62 old fleeing the murder scene on his bicycle. But even more pivotal was the video a metro bus. That caught the entire murder as it happened. Lisa show this Surveillance Video to the shooters former colleague identified him as a 62yearold Joseph Pappas. His neighbors also saw this and identified him as the shooter. For two weeks investigators look for the man responsible for shooting doctor hausknecht. A prominent cardiologist in daylight as he rode to work at houston methodist hospital. They say that he followed him for 25 miles on bike before he shot him three times and rode away. Police on tuesday raided his home. They found 22 caliber ammunition that match the bullets used to kill a dr. On wednesday they now successfully previous a Police Officer confronted him in a west houston neighborhood. A second officer showed up and Joseph Pappas took a revolver and shot himself in the head. He was wearing a bulletproof vest. Police believe he was ready for a shootout. Blake seems like it. Do we know why he killed the cardiologist . Reporter Doctor Hausknecht Practice for more than 40 years. At one point he treated george h. W. Bush. They believe Joseph Pappas murdered him because he blamed him for his mothers death. The only connection we have found and the only exponential that we can find to date, and we put a lot of work into this. Is the fact that doctor hausknecht operated on Joseph Pappas s mother 20 years ago and she died on the Operating Table. Reporter a 20 year old grudge. They found a will and testament in his home. Doctor hausknecht was 65 years old. Blake bryan llenas, live in the new york newsroom, thank you. Arthel the debate over 3d printing guns intensify. Flaring up after the Trumpet Menstruation gives a green light to release plans online. We will discuss with our legal panel up next. To be their best, kids need good nutrition. And practice. Lots of practice. Get them started right with Carnation Breakfast essentials. It has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. Carnation breakfast essentials. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or Alcohol Problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love building memories that cant be washed away. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] these fire rounds will be washington state issued a temporary Restraining Order to block blueprints for 3d printed guns from being distributed online. The government does have the power to tell people they cannot post this on the inside itsy violation of free speech. Also state law is trumped by federal law. Arthel lets bring in our legal panel. And a Defense Attorney and former prosecutor. Good to have both you be here. This is going to be a big debate. Already it is. Richard, undetectable, 3d printed guns, instructions online. Is this inevitable legal quagmire or can of worms . Absolutely. The issue is not a Second Amendment issue. It is an issue of a First Amendment. You can publish stuff on my feet if you google right now you can find how to dispose a body, make a bomb. Information is protected by the First Amendment. What they are talking about is the actual undetectable weapon. It is totally different. There is a federal act, Undetectable Fire Firearms Act in place. If the firearm cannot be detected by a Metal Detector it is illegal. So there are already laws on the book to protect against this. Arthel if youve a private company producing a product that is potentially deadly impact on National Security, what is their defense . Heres the thing, we dont have a company producing a product. We have a Company Wants to produce words that would allow other people to produce this product. But we are on the same side here. The opponents of this lawsuit are recently taking a First Amendment argument and try to turn it into a Second Amendment fight. It is not that. We can go online right now and we can discover how to build a bomb or hide a body odor if you want to do but we dont do those things because we are lawabiding citizens. This is not a gun issue. This is a First Amendment issue. Arthel but it would change argument if you have a legitimate company, distribution, their posting were advertising these instructions. It is different than going to somewhere hidden on the internet to find some sort of a Bomb Making Instructions or something. To your point, these blueprints have already been distributed. Arthel was a big deal then . Personally i think theyre trying to assert a First Amendment right. Because i know the opponents will try to turn this into a Second Amendment fight. Which its not. I think it is for their own gain. Which they are also allowed to do. Arthel what about the moral issue . Opponents of this are saying you have untraceable guns that can go through Metal Detectors. What about that . What about the responsibility of that . If it is legal it has nothing to do with as we mentioned earlier, you can find out how to dispose of a body, it is illegal. You can find ahow to make a bomb , it is illegal. The information is still out there. And that is all we are talking about. Reading information. Not talking about actually creating. It is not creating this at all. Arthel you say this is a good idea or not . I think it is illegal. Less split hairs per the actual blueprint will not you build an undetectable gun because it requires components that are detectable. It is largely undetectable but does require metal components arthel let me ask you this , do you have to register these guns . You have to have a Background Check . That is the issue. Because if someone can make one of these guns, it is not registrable. It is easy to hide. The issue is, if you make one of the guns, you are already breaking the law because under the 1988 act you already breaking the law. Do we need another law . I mean how many laws you have to break . However, if it is detectable there are people, it allows people to make their own weapons. I know people that make their it is a possibility people can make their own weapons but however, you still have to qualify being an individual that can purchase a firearm. There are some people who cannot purchase firearms. If youre going to make your own weapon you have to abide by that. Arthel we have a hard break but do you think this will go high up . Temporary is the operative word, no. No. I agree. Arthel you agree. Thank you very much. Thank you. Blake The Search For A missing Iowa College Student now stretches into his third week as investigators comb through potential evidence related to the disappearance. We are live in iowa next. Gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea can start in the colon, and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. 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Reporter Tonight Crimestoppers tells us that the reward for Molly Tibbets has no and raised 260,000. Substantial increase from a few days ago when they reward was hovering around 2000 per the family has partnered with crimestoppers to raise this morning because they believe right now Molly Tibbets is alive and being held captive somewhere. They say theyre raising the money to basically pay someone off to release her. They have not released any new information. Since she went missing on july 18. Other than to say she was last seen jogging in a small town of brooklyn, iowa. Wearing a pink top and black running shorts. Police say releasing any information could compromise their investigation or it could end up in the wrong hands. They are begging the public for patients in this investigation. Mollys mother and father telling fox news that no tip is too small. Theyre asking for anyone to call the 1800 tip line and the small town of Brooklyn Iowa is close to Interstate 80 and route six. Police and the family acknowledge that by this time, molly could be anywhere. Arthel i hope they can find her and find her well. Thank you very much, matt. Thank you for the update. Blake meanwhile is a live look at ohio as we await the president s arrival for his Campaign Style rally tonight. Looks like they have the Program Underway but the president should come up in the next hour. We will take you there live on this saturday night. Stay with us. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Caught line with his relationship with nancy pelosi who is weak on crime, borders in your Second Amendment. He wants to raise your taxes by a lot. Blake kristin is on the ground in ohio. It is now behind us. Where is the president . Out of all of the races, why is this the one that President Trump wanted to take on . And any Special Election it is about turnout, especially a Special Election in the middle of the summer. President trump is coming here to try to energize the debate, throw his star power into the race and hopefully make a difference. The fact that he is here shows how important the republicans and democrats perceive the race to be. This is the last Special Election before the midterm. Both parties will be watching it as an indication of how things will go in november. Right now, the races very close. On one side you have the republican state senator, troy. This is widely looked at his race to lose. President trump won this by double digits. But he has had trouble raising this Election Cycle and a tough time energizing the base. He has raised just over 100,000 for the latest report. His opponent has raised nearly six times that amount. If elected, oconnell would be the youngest member of congress. He has been running at saying he does not support pelosi. But, President Trump sees it differently. He said in a tweet that they are strong on crime, the border and loves our military and thats. His opponent is a puppet of nancy pelosi. Obviously they disagree on that. Just a little bit of a seen satyr, this is a Capacity Crowd. The auditorium in this high school it is at capacity. There are two overflows as well. Blake thats loud. I have been in that position where i cannot hear. People are screaming behind you. But you are hanging in there. Thank you. The republicans have helped this since 1980. This could flip according to the polls. It could flip. What is interesting is the biggest one is the Monmouth University poll. About a month ago the two candidates were ten points apart. Now, according to the poll last week, they are just one point apart. The races razor thin. That is why this is going to come down to turnout. Keep in mind, it is in the middle of the summer people are not paying attention to politics. Its about who can energize and convince the voters that this is important to stop what theyre doing and get to the polls to vote. Blake i would tell you to tell them to may be calm down but that is not going to happen. Thank you. Arthel a federal judge dealt another blow to the Trump Administrations effort to put an end to dock up. Ruling the government must fully restore the undocumented immigrants were brought to the country as children from deportation. Allison is live. The judge did not entirely close the door but he said the administration is making bad legal arguments. Heres how one analyst is explaining it. On one hand you can report somewhat fairly that this judge the area of daca. They say they are not holding that dhs cannot terminate the program. You do not give us a sufficient reason. The administration claimed president obama did not have a Constitutional Authority to start the daca program. That is not enough that claiming another policy to do a Hodgepodge Policy Assertion will not do. If the department of Homeland Security wants to rescind the program it must have a rational explanation for the decision. They said dhs provided a memo explaining the decision but it failed to elaborate meaningfully on the primary rationale for the decision. The judge that it was unlawful and unconstitutional. He said that while the memo offers several additional Policy Grounds, most of the repackage legal arguments previously made in their independent from dacas evaluation. This is a republican appointed judge. He looked at it in april and said it was unlawful. He gave the government 90 days to provide more legal justification. Fridays ruling upholds the one from april. Arthel will the Trump Administration appeal . They have 20 days to appeal the ruling. In the past they said they would defend against it. This is the third judge to rule against the administration when it comes to ending doc daca. They tried to get the Supreme Court involved, they still have the position that they think what they are doing with daca is right. So far, the three judges disagree. Arthel thank you. We believe the investigation should be brought to a close. They should render the reports. We have every reason to believe they do not have evidence. Blake the president s personal attorney say that President Trump and the legal team will decide whether to grant Robert Mueller an interview with the president. That would be potentially within a week or ten days as the president continues his criticism of the Russian Investigation. He said mueller has been examining the president s tweets as an obstruction inquiry. Lets bring in the Associate Editor of the weekly standard. When you listen to the president s attorney, they clearly are very strong a know of the president sitting down with mueller. I think the president is more than open. He is raring to talk to mueller. That is obvious because he looks to overrule what his lawyers are telling him. Defense lawyers almost always counsel the clients not to testify in court or give more information to authorities unless it is absolutely necessary. Look at trumps tweets in public statements. Its good that he views these as bogus and wants to fight them. Whether that is the best legal strategy is open. But that is something he personally wants to do. Blake one issue is the Rush Occlusion Case and if theres an obstruction of justice, and whether the president would answer questions with Robert Mueller verbally versus writing them down, written questions. That would be on the issue of obstruction of justice. Is at the crossroads . It seems they are haggling over what ground the president would be questioned on. He is willing to be questioned on rush occlusion which he denies. Obstruction, his lawyers dont want him to answer questions on. Thats what theyre fighting about. Theres also an issue about whether there would be verbal or written responses. The Obstruction Claim is tenuous and not really related to the initial matter that mueller was investigating. You can see why there is more objection to the president to answer questions. Blake is there a gray area where both sides could come together and compromise . Or are the standards so high and ramifications a high they may not be able to come to an arrangement of Written Versus facetoface . I think they will come to a compromise. The president wants to do this. Given that is the underlying fact they will make a way to make the session happen. Whether written or spoken, i am not sure. He signaled he wants to do this for his own defense. Blake there was a big tweet earlier this week, the president wrote the following which many critics said was obstruction of justice. He wrote quote, this is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this rigged witchhunt right now before it continues to stay in our country further. This was how the white house responded. The president is not obstructing, hes fighting back. He is stating his opinion and stating it clearly. Hes expressing the frustration that he has with the level of corruption we have seen from people like jim comey, peter struck, andrew mckay. Theres a reason why hes angry and most of america is angry. Theres no reason he cannot voice that opinion. Blake some say this gives a bob mueller more ammunition. Others would say he was venting his opinion, what is it . I think theres a difference between should and must. If the president is speaking from authority saying it must be stopped you have a stronger claim. Should comes into the realm of opinion. Another Factory Members the president has tweeted his unhappiness with his investigation. That has not done anything. It has just made the president look powerless and hardly obstructing justice. Blake ethan, a long way to go here. Thank you. Arthel we are moments away from President Trumps speech at a rally in ohio. He is hitting the Campaign Trail frofor a gop candidate. We will take you there live once the event starts to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength energy in just 2 weeks. Ill take that. Ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure® you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. Send you on a journey to get to your bonus cash back. 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The republican candidate has 44 support at the moment. The democratic candidate has 33 support. We will bring that to you live when the president arrives. We expect the russians in all countries to abide by this he Un Security Council. Any violation that detracts from the worlds goal of denuclearize he north korea would be something that america would take very seriously. Arthel mike pompeo has a stern warning for russia following a report that moscow is violating un sanctions by issuing new work permits for north korean laborers. This, as President Trump and north korean leader, kim jongun Exchange Letters over some questions about pyongyang and denuclearization. Joining me as a National Security analyst. In the president of independent research. Thank you for being here. We dont expect the president to take the stage for another 15 minutes. If he does i have to jump out of the interview. You have Secretary Pompeo Issuing a stern warning to stop hiring day laborers. Meanwhile, the president not as tough on russia publicly and exchanging letters of diplomacy with kim jongun. The question is, is President Trump undermining pompeos efforts . I think the processes on track. First on the effor issue of norh koreans working abroad, thats been an important source of currency. We expect russia to clamp down on it as they have joined the u. S. With sanctions on north korea. The russians always creating a problem. To me this is why the direct engagement between trump and kim jongun is important. That is our best chance of denuclearization. That seems to be a vote of confidence. Should the americans feel confident that the National Security front line is working with the result to stop the Nuclear Aggression . Should we be confident about that . I think we should be confident torres pompeo likes to say optimistic. Its good that trump and kim jongun are exchanging letters. Everything comes down to that personal relationship. Will trump be able to cultivate kims will to denuclearize . That is an open question. Its good for pompeo to be tough on moscow. Also with the meeting in asia, many countries coming together. Pompeo is hearing from other allies that they like the stance on denuclearization. We should be confident that things are technically on track. I am impatient. I want to see spent nuclear rods coming out of north korea. I want to see nuclear test in a thousand pieces. Arthel at the moment they are not doing that. They are still working on building the program. What are we to make of that . The president said its a good idea to exchange personal diplomacy and have Secretary Of State putting pressure on cases like russia and iran. You have russia providing Financial Support and then chinas reluctance to cripple the north korean economy. Help us understand how this is on track . We are at a delicate moment. Clearly there is some Sticking Point for north korea, we dont know what it is. Its something to do with the Peace Treaty Talk or the status of u. S. Forces. We are not taking u. S. Forces out of there. North korea has technically done some of the things to show goodwill. They did take down some of the Nuclear Missile test sites. We hear their centrifuges are still running. We dont know if theyre running fast or just sticking over. We need to see kim jongun take a real valid step toward giving us an inventory or telling us how to cease Nuclear Power production. The great news is no missile test. And that keeps the usa for. You cannot discount that. Trump has plenty of options. How has this been seen outer played . I think right now that we have been giving this process time to work, remember with ukraine 20 years ago it took four years. Ukraine was a democracy. We see a lot of solidarity at the un and our Top International allies wanting this to work. It really is about the delicate negotiation between trump and pompeo and kim, and whoever kim listens to. Its a delicate and frustrating time. I would like to see more concrete evidence. Things are not moving as fast but technically still on track. I think people are hoping for positive outcome. Thank you for your analysis. We continue to keep our eyes on the offensive this evening. The president is on the ground in the area. Hes throwing himself into the area of of what is a close race for one congressional seat. We will dive into what this means after the break. Plus, we anticipate hearing from the president. Stay with us when i touch you like this its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Its in ohios 12th District. Kristin fisher is on the ground. You said the crowd has about 2700 people as they wait for the president to take the stage. There are 2700 people inside this auditorium. That is all this auditorium can fit. There are hundreds or thousands more outside. They had to fill two other rooms, overflow rooms. There are still people in the streets. A lot of folks waiting to see President Trump. Some have been here since 3 00 a. M. You never really know what you are going to get at a trump rally. One thing we know is that President Trump is going to be endorsing republican, Troy Of Alterman for this congressional seat. Its about 20 minutes this is a lively republican who has been sitting in the seat since the early 80s. This is his race to lose. He has not been doing that great in the polls. In terms of fundraising, he is way behind his democratic opponent, danny oconnor. Oconnor, if he wins would be the youngest member of congress. He has an interesting story as well. President trump is going to tie oconnor to nancy pelosi. Oconnor has been running saying that if he wins, he would not support pelosi. Expect President Trump not to Pay Attention to that. Tonight he will try to tie oconnor to pelosi no matter what. He will offer this hearty endorsement of troy. We expect him right behind me anytime. Hes running a few minutes late. A Capacity Crowd ready for President Trump. Arthel do we know why the republican is running behind . Is ahead by one point. As you said the republican stronghold, why is he having a tough time . Some republicans in the area would say that he has not been the best campaigner. He has not raised as much money as oconnor. He raise just over 100,000 while oconnor raised 600,000. You have to contend with the politics of the day. Right now, most observers believe this is a blue wave. Democrats have the wind at their backs and not republicans. That appears to be what is happening, at least in terms of the energy. On a Special Election it is about turnout. Especially in the middle of the summer when folks are not paying attention. This may have to do with the fact that a lot of people in democrats and the energy is on their side. That is what President Trump is doing. Trying to get more energy on the republican side and bring the star power. Hopefully that will energize the supporters on tuesday. Arthel the president is normally unscripted at these events. You know what he may talk about . Based on his twitter feed hell be talking about the economic numbers. Yesterday we mark that u. S. Employers had added 157,000 jobs in july. The Unemployment Rate dipped to 3. 9 . On his way here he tweeted out that what he believes who are doing great things even though it has started to hurt u. S. Farmers. The Trump Administration has had to give them over A Billion Dollars in a. At a rally on thursday President Trump said they can handle it and whether it. He will probably have a similar message tonight. Arthel often times that these events, campaign rallies, the audience might come up to you and tell them what is on their minds. Have you heard anything from the folks there . People are very vocal and friendly. Folks here tonight they want to hear the president speak. A lot of these people are big supporters, big fans of President Trump. They are excited to be in the same room as him. I know the primary purpose is for him to support the republican candidate. But most of the folks i talked to say they had a have been watching President Trump in action for two years and are excited to see him tonight. Arthel we will see if the president can get them excited about their candidate. Thank you. Blake for more on the rally and what is to come on tuesday Special Election we bring in jay, a former Senior Advisor to john kasich. If the president comes in, we will have to go over to that. This is a seat that has gone red since 1980. Did you ever believe that we would have this conversation of the possibly going blue . Absolutely. This is a district that i cut my political teeth on. When i was 19 i was going to doodoor to door. This is a highly affluent republican district. A lot of suburbs of columbus. Not Strong Manufacturing base. There is no doubt the right kind of democrats in the right kind of environment could when the district. The National Media has come in recently because what you do and thats understandable. This is a Tossup District and has been. The lucky thing. Blake you say it is a Tossup District, but the outgoing congressman won by 27 40 points in the last three races. How is that a Swing District . It is this time because the environment nationally and the historical trends of the losing party. This is a solid district for republicans but it could go to the other side. Democrats have enthusiasm. The republicans have a candidate that fits the district. In the mold of john kasich when he was running before. Would you have a good candidate and hes doing grassroots and you have a Turnout Mechanism like this you can easily see a place where the blue wave crashes. Blake Monmouth University put out a pull. How closely have you been following the campaign . 24 say very closely. Somewhat closely, 42 . Those numbers were six and 35 in june. Many more people now are actually paying attention to the race. As that has occurred, the numbers have moved toward oconnors way. Do we read into that that he has the momentum . Pulling is just a way of things moving into that snapshot. You have to read into it. This is always with this race and Special Election they are a little bit weird and weve seen them around the country. They behave differently. This was always going to be a close race. I dont care who the democrat was unless they were leftwing liberal. This candidate is more of centralist. John kasich has endorsed the republican candidate. You can read things into this. Its a close race, its going to go down to the wire. The rally today, my opinion is something that helps turn out the vote. All troy needs for this rallies for republicans to vote. Because theres a higher percentage of republicans in the district he could win. Blake then republicans would say theres no such thing as a blue wave and democrats will say this was 30 plus points and now its close. If oconnor wins will say see its a blue way and republicans will say its a bad candidate. Not an indication of what will come in november. These two have to run off again. I know this might sound blasphemous, but did the race even matter . They have to go through this again and 94 days. This is a good question. A rare occurrence where you have a match a few minutes after the count. This will tell you something about the national election. Its rare that you have Realtime Data to say where the voters are in a seat like this. The National Pundits will read to much into this. So where it will make a differences with the national donors. In my opinion, it will not tell you what november will look like. Blake republicans have thrown a lot of money, if you million behind balderson in a very safe seat. If he loses on tuesday or as close as everyone feels, should they throw that money behind him again . Absolutely. The general election will be different than the Special Election. I expect Troy Balderson to be the winner. If not, he still stands a strong chance to get the seat back. Just because of the dynamics of the district. Just the whole race will change in november. Today is a Special Election. Democrats are euphoric around tell. The have already claimed victory. That could change and stop on tuesday night. The whole thing will change in november. Blake thank you for joining us as we await the president s comments. Arthel we are going to be waiting for the president to take the stage in ohio. He is campaigning for the republican candidate, Troy Balderson. We will bring that to you live when it starts. Right now we will take a quick break. Dont go anywhere claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. burke abstract accident. Seen it. Covered it. Ce music we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum welcome back. We will show you another live look in ohio. We are waiting for the president to take stage at the high school. We will take the president live once he arrives. We want to get you caught up another news. The man suspected in the shooting death of the cardiologist who treated president george h. W. Bush, instead. He shot himself when he was cornered by police in a houston neighborhood. Brian is live in our new york city newsroom with the details. The dr. Practice medicine from with in 40 years. The cardiologist at one point treated president george hw bush. They believe that joseph murdered him because he may have been seeking revenge for his mothers death. She died on the Operating Table more than 20 years ago. Two weeks ago the 62yearold followed the dr. For 25 miles on a bicycle. He rode past the dr. Who was biking to work with he shot the dr. Three times in broad daylight. The prominent dr. Was known as a generous and humble man. He was 65 years old. Police find a detailed file in the home and a list of names of employees and doctors at the hospital. They do not believe it was a hit list. Arthel talk about how police were able to track the shooter . That was thanks to Surveillance Videos. This video shot from a home caught him fleeing the murder scene on his bicycle. Even more pivotal was the video from a metro bus that caught the entire murder as it happened. They showed this to the former colleagues identified him. The neighbors also saw the video and identified him as well. Police raided his home on tuesday. They publicly identified him on wednesday. On friday it officer confronted him at home. He was wearing a bullet proof vest one a second officer arrived, patrick shot himself in the head with a revolver. I am convinced that how we not had that second officer arrived from a different angle, we may have had a shoot out. Im very thankful that the suspect, although he committed suicide. This tragic story that couldve ended more violent. Arthel very sad. Thank you. Blake we continue to keep her eyes on the Columbus Ohio area as President Trump is set to take the stage in ohio. There is a Special Election in that district. Lets bring back jay, a former Senior Advisor to john kasich get managing directo director oy llc. The president will take the stage at any moment. If you believe the latest polling is just one point between the republican and democrat in a district where democrats have held since 1980. How do we get here . I think this is a historical thing. President s when one party is in power the next cycle that party starts to lose their seats. Lets also look at this district. Hes at 46 approval which is a little bit better than the national average. Thats an important data point. I also think that going into the race right now, what Troy Balderson needs is for donald trump to say get out and vote. Thats what he needs. What he does not need is a distraction that takes a national headline. And then the local news station talking about something else, the Mueller Investigation or china. He needs it to be focused on the election and that will help republicans. Arthel how likely will the president be . Your guess is as good as mine. That could go in different directions. What are the headlines coming out of it. What are the local newscasters going to be saying . Not necessarily others who are covering this. It will be a local folk talking about it because that will be important for the turnout. How important is governors case Ache Endorsement of balderson . You talk about the president but mr. K sick is a very popular and strong governor. He represented the 12th District for 18 years. That was a huge endorsement because it shows he can unify the Republican Party when there are two people what some perceive as a civil war. Most Republican Voters respect both leaders. Its very different in the voters mine. It shows that all these republican leaders who are doing good things in our nation back in track, troy king unite both of them. Youre not giving governor k sick a lot of he did and add a few weeks ago. That has been helpful for balderson. John k sick is extremely popular in the state and those who want to cross the aisle. This is a big deal to get the endorsement. Blake when you look at the Monmouth University poll as a coin flip 62 of the people said its important to show that their vote is for the president or against. It does this race. I think the folks voting for oconnor are going to be voting because of whats going on in washington. I think that is going to have another effect after the rally. That number will increase. There will be more republicans that cohere the president and will be for him. That number will increase. We have a polarized country. The 12th think aggression will district is polarized. We are at war on many things. Blake it is also a district that has a double the amount of republicans than democrats. That is true. What kind of republicans are we talking about . If you want to go into the nittygritty, it is a highly affluent district. Income around 60000. A lot of educated republicans. A different type of republican district. Even in other conversations you have different types of democrats and republicans. That is where the differences. That is why this is a place where there could be turnover. Blake Chuck Schumer was making an argument last year, one argument was to republicans who live in suburban areas, much of what this district is. He said the Agenda Doesnt Align with you. Some would say maybe Chuck Schumer is right. The counter to that is the economy is roaring right now. People are seen that. Youre talking about suburban republicans and those benefiting from the economy. There is a counter to what Chuck Schumer is trying to say. I expect Troy Balderson to win. The cause of the make of the district it is different than others. They are just strange. You cannot drop too many conclusions. I expect Troy Balderson to win. We are looking right now around jim jordan. A congressman from ohio, a member of the House Freedom Congress Wants to be the next speaker of the house. He is putting some work in. I think everyone in the Political Class i may be the only one in the studio. Arthel you going the president s way would be going baldersons way. The ohio economy was doing well before President Trump. When we took office in 2010, the right track a wrong track was about 30 . Thats in the last several years has changed to where people feel they have done better. It is now 60 30. I think they largely credit that two republican policies. That will bring good things for this tuesday. Arthel having said that, it seems to what you just laid out is that alderson would have the wind at his back. Why is this a tight race . Special elections are strange when you pour lots of money into it you can have strange outcomes. National democrats have been on the Ground Spending Money for weeks. What their message is and their enthusiastic. They want to take back the house house, you will have a tossup. When you have a primary in this race if you do not pick the right type of republican it will swing the other way. Thankfully for balderson he has a hold of the district. Blake when you look at the president schedule this week he was in for to campaigning, then pennsylvania pennsylvania campaigning. And now in ohio. Looking ahead to 2020, if you were advising the president on where he should go, is this a pattern we should see from the president going to ohio, florida, pennsylvania, to help candidates in those states . I dont think the president will be spending much time in massachusetts, california or places that will be completely blue. He will stay with what one him the race the last time. That is smart scheduling. Conversely, on the democrat side when they start to campaign they will go to places they think they will get the most votes worried that is what you do. This is not a surprise. I expect to see the president in ohio many times over the next two years. Arthel we know the president is popular there. He is still a strong candidate there, not that he is a candidate. There you have in this audience 2700 people. Kristin fisher is reporting there several hundred others in overflow rooms. They are there, i asked if they had a chance to talk to the folks. They are enthusiastic about seeing and meeting and listening and hearing President Trump in person. So, how do we know those trump enthusiast, how do we know that enthusiasm for President Trump will transfer to balderson . They had to move this to a bigger venue earlier. That is always a good thing for a campaign. You cannot ever guarantee it, but that is how you create enthusiasm. You are not going to keep it so attracted a lot of voters to come over to your side. Theyre not going to switch their votes in the last few days. All you can do is say i need to turn out the vote. I need you to go to the polls and grabbed three friends. Its what the democrats and republicans too. This is a big megaphone. Arthel how do you get the 11 on decided to do that . The 11 on decided its just going to be a raw numbers game. More republicans in the district by a wide margin. You are not really worried about influencing those, youre worried about getting your own base out. If you do that you win. The democrats are trying to influence the undecided and also get their base out. Blake you mention margin, regardless of who gets the winner loss, how important are the margins . I think it will be close regardless. Whether thats a couple points here there. Arthel shouldnt you Pay Attention to that . I dont think so. Its a Special Election. If it was a a regular election i think you could pay more attention to it. The Special Elections are so weird. Just factors go into it. I dont think the margins are as important. I think the president is on the scene at the high school. We do expect him at a moment. Some of the telltale signs we will see the president. Earlier he was talking about tariffs. The Monmouth University poll shows that may not necessarily be a political winner in this district. We know what the president thinks about tariffs, he likes them, his administration believes they are a powerful and successful tool. For this district would you advise him to bring up the issue or just let it slide . I think you want to let it slide here. This is a highly affluent district. What people sometimes a Country Club Republicans and executives. Fortune 500 executives and look, not to say that there are people who believes that its a good thing, but i tend to think this is a district that doesnt plan as well. Blake i have one final question, ill throw some pop culture in here, the president had some unflattering things to say. He is ohios native son. He represents the country well in the olympics he is an upstanding citizen. The president s comments against lebron, will that play into that audience or the race . I dont think it is the wisest thing to pick a fight with him in ohio. He brought a championship to a city that was once labeled a mistake. They reformed their whole image. I do not think it is the wisest move to attack him. Arthel this is definitely part of the conversation this weekend. We are at the one minute mark. How long do you think the president will go tonight . Over or under 45 minutes. How much will the president talk about the president and how much we talk about the candidate . More than 50 on the president. I think that is fine with troy. I think you just need to make sure he says get out and vote. Arthel is balderson there . I think he is there at the rally speak to do you think they will come out and do a sidebyside shot

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