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the traditional nuclear family do better on virtually all parameters.. >> dr. ben carson. the book. the perilous fight. he has a book about a soul, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> thank you so much, my pleasure. >> yes, sir, i hope you have a great week ahead, thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, as we say good night, a special word of thanks to those two sailed a cross an ocean to liberate a continent, especially those who did not sail back home, d-day, 80 anniversary. until next week you can find us on-line. good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ . ♪ >> hello i am joey jones with molly line, cheryl casone and charlie hurt. welcome to "the big weekend show". we have a big story tonight. trumps hot streak in hot las vegas. >> it is 110. but it does not feel it to me. we are sad here for a little while. if anybody gets tired, you will let me know. they were so worried everybody was so worried about you and they never mentioned me, i'm up here sweating like a dog. joey: i feel his pain, he made a big promise, will get rid of taxes for service workers who make tips. a new fox poll showing trump is leading biden in the batter and today trump said if he wins nevada, we will win the whole thing. fox news senior correspondent alicia acuna is live near the las vegas strip, what you got? >> really good to see you, former president trump when he was in california he raced 33 and half million dollars from private fundraisers, then he came to las vegas and made news when he made this campaign promise. >> this is the first time i've said this, for those hotel workers and people to get tips gear going to be very happy. because when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. it has been a point of attention for years and years and you do a great job of service, you take care of people. i think it's going to be something that is really deserved. more popular or unpopular i do some unpopular things they do what's right. >> the culinary union which represents 60000 hospitality workers issued a statement reading relief is definitely needed for tip earners, nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference and real solution while campaign promises from a convicted felon. during his western state swing, trump has also continued to hammer president biden's executive action to curb the number of seeking asylum. >> or could joe signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking and pro-drug dealers, it's a pro drug dealer bill this week, it's ineffective it's not what he believes signed. >> what he signed means nothing. in fact it makes it easier in my opinion it opens the border further. if joe biden truly wanted to signed an executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j trump. >> from here trump heads back to mar-a-lago. joey: thank you. cheryl, i want to go to this first, trump is leading nevada by five points, that is the smart math, seven-point swing out of the outcome from 2020 where he lost to 48%, there is a big swing and he goes out there today and says listen. i'm going to take away the tax on people earning their living through tips, carry cash just so i can tip in cash hopes they don't have the claimant. is that something that will resonate beyond the unions. cheryl: absolutely especially in a place like nevada that's a major service sector area that is tourism, the casinos, the convention center. absolutely that message is going to resonate in a place like that state. if you look at the other cases of the poll that we did, as far as feeling bad about their finances four times as many in the state of nevada say they're falling behind financially, that is 49% falling behind financially, 13% say they're getting ahead whether housing, taxes, the fact that the inflation is hitting them in the pocketbooks, all of those messages at the end of the day resonate not just in that state but across the country it is obvious. joey: seems like they would designate regardless of your partisan lien, more money in your pocket, that seems like a good idea. trump had more things to say about his opponent, not just the border policy was a bad idea that biden just sighed, this is what he had to say about this coming up with the debate were going to have. >> remember when joe said it's great to be in idaho and he was in iowa, he always does that. if i ever did that that would be over they would say that the end of his political career, he is cognitively impaired. we had a second test, i aced both of them, not easy days. biden should have a cognitive test, number one. they say it's unconstitutional, that's a good excuse. he should have a cognitive test, before the debate in two weeks he should take a drug test because i'm willing to take one. joey: what do you think about that charlie? charlie: this is a good reminder of how unpredictable trump is and how entertaining he is on the stump, you know that his decision to announce the thing about tips was not something on his focus group or a ten-point plan that his economic team came up with. he realized the value of it and jumped on it. the fact that the service unions had to put out a statement so quickly is evidence of how effective the plank could be. once again, as we've seen with a lot of the other unions shows the division between the union's leadership themselves and their members. their members are going to love this, the members don't care what their unions. joey: we say that a lot with republican candidate is especially trump, were there blue-collar work conservatives one of the topics in las vegas was immigration and not every democrat believes or is willing to acknowledge trump's immigration policy was successful, this is what chris coons had to say today. >> former president trump tried his gimmicks like building a border wall and is now threatening to nationalize and to federalize the national guard and use it to deport tens of millions of people already here in the united states. the difference between trump's approaching biden's approach is one of cruelty versus effectiveness. joey: let's look at this pull, this has 62% of respondents favor trump on the border to where 38 oppose, if you like democrats are off-base on this. molly: president trump, as we were talking about doing things that voters are appealing to like tips and place in las vegas nevada that cares about tourism, woody's going after this particular issue is something a lot of voters are paying attention to, they deeply deeply care about and is across the broad spectrum, what are the challenges the nevada this is for the new york times, to a mr, his weakness with hispanic voters and pessimism over handling the economy and seeing that in that particular state, pretty challenging thing. there has uppity gop nominates since george w. bush, once again this is president trump stepping into an area that isn't traditionally an area where he could win when biden one over two percentage points is definitely a battleground inward making a stop. joey: one of the calculation will be the ticket, who is going to run with him. the beefsteak succeeding up, for people that are rumored to be on the shortlist in the new york times is taking aim at one of them. north dakota governor doug burgum the liberal newspaper put out two stories a day about program, the governor fire back on the attacks of his energy policies earlier on "fox & friends" weekend. >> what were doing in north dakota is innovation not regulation. innovation is the way were going to solve any problem and part of the reason why the donors are pouring out in silicon valley, they all understand for the new things that are coming that we need for us to maintain american dominance in our economy around the world like crypto and artificial intelligence. these are huge consumers of electricity in joe biden's energy policy where we do see the amount of baseload in our country, destabilizing the grid raising the prices for america americans. joey: seems intelligent on the topic and what americans want. >> north dakota has become one of the most important energy producers on the planet and the united states and all of that is because american intervention, what is great here you know that virgo is probably a serious contender because new york times is attacking him and he can wear that as a badge of honor. joey: they invoked his green energy policy but they invoked were he invoked in response to silicon valley starting to support their policies. is doug burgum the kind of guy that can get wall street in silicon valley alike behind the trump. cheryl: absolutely and some of the things with a.i., that goes to why donald trump raised about $13 million in san francisco last week, blue san francisco. he has silicon valley behind him. i will also say as far as his energy policy he's a winner when one is come to north dakota carbon credits, the oil industry in the gas industry has been talking about that, how do you offset your environmental footprint, that is something that can be bipartisan but also economically strong and has been in a state like north dakota. he is very well-liked in that state. joey: we saw the list of candidates for vp we have jd vance, tim scott, right here we have a montage or a video that shows a reaction to some of this. >> there's no question i think we have an amazing talented republican party and a great bench. what we need to make sure that we do, have people who are ready to take this to the mat. >> we are conversations with the trump team but i'm not spoke about the vice presidential thing with the president directly and until i do is to be this is a lot of media speculation i would help donald trump get elected because it's important he becomes an ex-president. >> i think only one person knows who's on the shortlist and that would be president trump. joey: in the last minutes we heard four of the veep stakes candidates, through the montage, they're all very tightlipped, none of them will admit, jd vance says he hasn't talked to trump about it at all. >> they tried to go after tom cotton, have you filled out any documents, give me a hint, this is donald trump. we do not know what's going to happen we don't know if that'll expand, shrink, it'll be 70 that nobody is even thinking about. i would be hesitant to place a bet, that is for sure, that is what are the things going to vegas is raising money out there. joey: the one thing he's doing, all of the contenders are hot on the trail right now. i would and onto either because of trying to earn it and do him favors and even elise stefanik was strong this weekend, we have a big hour still ahead on "the big weekend show" including this. >> he got shot down in new guinea and they never found the body because there were a lot of camels for real and not part of the county. joey: biden connects is cannibal eaton uncle to his trip to france. the medias outreach reaction and outrageous reaction to the heroic from four hostages from hamas. also coming up with controversial sports columnist comments another fragrant foul on caitlin clark as she snubbed by team usa. ♪ ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. we've always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year, 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the atlantic magazine time claimed he also called the war dead dockers and losers, trump denies this. it is a story biden tells all of the time except today. >> you criticize president trump for not coming on this trip, what message are you sending the voters by being here right now? >> any other questions. >> visited biden has to be back here in western europe midweek, it's unclear why he and the first lady flew back to delaware tonight. molly: great question, i wonder what's going on in delaware. remember when biden claimed his uncle was eaten by cannibals, he brought up his famous uncle as biden wrapped up his visit today. >> i don't want to make this personal but every time i show up at a military site where veterans are buried, it brings back memories of hearing my grandfather my mother talk about the loss of their son and brother in the south pacific and i think about my son beau after a year in iraq. >> the claim that he made a few months ago is now being fact check by the new york times. >> they called and bows he, a hell of an athlete until he was a kid and he became the army air corps before the army came along this single engine planes over war zones, got shu shot down inw guinea and they never found the body because there were a lot of cannibals for real and not part of new guinea. >> cannibals, joey, what a detail. joey: the best part was immediately new guinea came out with a statement saying this is racist and horrible thing to say about us. on top of that the pentagon came out and said there's no record of that. you want to laugh at it but if he's willing to go that far to make up a story about cannibals to connect himself to world war ii and take a step back, look at the soundbite right before that he says every time he goes to a military graveyard to honor those that were falling in line of duty, he things about his son who spent a year in iraq. the reason he brings atopy was to convince people that his son was killed in combat, he brings that up in his cross the line before his son tragically died from cancer, there is no proof that that was connected to anything and it really does bother me, it upsets me that he's willing to take the tragedies within his own family and pastor dies them so he can score some weird political points was certain demographics. molly: on the subject on his uncle who passed during the war, papa new guinea's leader as you mentioned came forward with this story was told back in april, this is not the first time that the president has talked about his uncle. biden does love to tell stories, sometimes he tries to connect with whatever crowd he is talking in front of so we cut them down to size, this from the new york times article, his suggestion that mr. finnigan was shot down and cannibalized in new guinea is not supported by military records or anthropologist, mr. finnigan would've been an unlikely victim of cannibalism in new guinea, studies of cannibalism in the country have noted that victims tend to be from enemies from warring tribes and active revenge or deceased relatives as part of a morning ritual, rather creative tactic that is taking or telling the particular story, that is the new york times calling them out as people and by the way to be clear, the pentagon has said he was a passenger on aircraft that crashed into the ocean on the north course of new guinea in may 1944, the engines on aircraft failed, three men including mr. biden's uncle lost in that. i would go with the pentagon's version of events and not president biden's version of events. i don't understand why the white house press officer, somebody's advisors, he has been fact checked over and over, the fire at the delaware home he goes on to talk about they almost died and we almost lost our house it was terrific, it was a small kitchen fire. his been repeatedly debunked fire officials in the town said it is not what happened. somebody needs to stop him. all this does is make him look bad and i'm a little nervous about what is going to say and do at the g7. we solve these gaffes during the d-day celebration. that is one issue but world leaders, the world stage, the business of our country at the g7 i am a little nervous. molly: that raises a great point, the mix up of the country names is also happened before but i want to bring you in here before we run out of time, the storytelling and the mixups. charlie: anytime you have to bring an anthropologist to a political story you are probably in deep trouble, the greatest honor that he could do for uncle posey would to get the story right until the correct story. i love it when the new york times decides to weigh in and do a fact check of joe biden and they say the story that biden makes up, these are a way for him to connect with voters and emphasize the middle class joe persona and charm the audience, what i would love is for the new york times to find a member of the audience who is charmed by these stories or to find anyone other than the media itself who thinks that joe biden is somehow a middle class joe kind of guy, that is a lie that the biden campaign has perpetrated in the media picks up. molly: the swanky digs with amenities in a café in the gym that the homeless will be getting in los angeles, will this all the homeless crisis? ♪ [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. psoriatic arthritis is tough. symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. hi grandpa. next, it's on your skin. it's painful. i couldn't move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it 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tells the new york times that were trying to make our little corner of the world look in feel little bett better. the homeless crisis is the only problem for california governor gavin newsom, business owners are calling him out for raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour, they took out a full-page ad to show the country the real cost of the minimum wage hike, the business owners claim nearly 10000 jobs have been cut since governor newsom signed the bill into law. including 1200 pizza hut delivery drivers who had to be laid off. cheryl, you are far smarter about business and i will ever be. when you talk about jacking up the minimum wage and giving free luxury housing to homeless people, who does not hurt the most? cheryl: that would hurt the academy and also the taxpayers. that's the thing about california, they lead the nation when it comes to one-way moves out of the state. the tax base is shrinking, newsom is sitting on a 45 million-dollar budget deficit. he now wants to cut money from the prison system, cut money from law enforcement and the courts. but let's build a tower skews and prime l.a. property, $600,000 is the unit cost for each of these, each of the tower, you cannot tell me that that makes fiscal sense because it does not. they are desperate, desperate, it's good to be more taxes, it could be worse for the taxpayer. charlie: if you're a young person trying to get in the housing market that would make it the climb steeper to get into the housing market. look at some of the things that they're going to talk about defending the police, they say were not really in favor of defunding the police, yes they are they want to cut $97 million to child court operation 80 million from the department of correction, 10 million from d.o.j. vision of law enforcement, is going to make quality-of-life in l.a. better? joey: the libertarian in me wants to say some are not too bad kept the federal spending in the federal pork but these are also part of the government that are constitutional protection of our rights as citizens we have a right to go to court and defend ourselves and our proper representation and have proper adjudication of things that we are concerned about. if you start cutting the courts, the ripple effect of how people's lives are rocked, look at what president trump is going to if his conviction is appealed he's an innocent man. what if there were the resources that hangs over for ten years instead of two, put yourself in that situation in a state like california where they have a ban on everything it a code against everything and you have to argue to live your life freely. charlie: last week gavin newsom was boasting california has more fortune 500 companies than any state in the country even if as it's impossible for the lower the income the worse it is for people in california. molly: not just in california but the big cities, chicago, boston, housing affordability issue. it is not just the people at the very bottom, the homeless that needs a place to live, it's well above that, you talked about young couples, citywide living close to the poverty line, they cannot afford a home. this is an issue for cities, they have been trying to work and address this. the crisis with the migrants coming in, this is affecting cities, city budget and this is among the creative things that cities and states are doing to house migrants but in boston and massachusetts, the baystate correctional center, an old present is expected to be open later this month to migrants to house hundreds of people. the creativity is going in all directions and many of the states are suffering. charlie: that's important point, as young voters go to the polls this year, they should remember when you bring in 6 million illegals and you put them in free housing all over the country, do you know what that's going to do you do your housing prices? cheryl: the number one issue is for gen z he is housing affordability or lack thereof, nine out of ten of gen z the voters say that it. molly: and what are the reasons are clean cities. charlie: coming about "the big weekend show", dramatic new video shows the idf's heroic rescue, four hostages from hamas in the media how did outrageous reaction to the rescue. that is next. ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. 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israeli hostages for being held by hamas since october 7. one of the hostages, noah argo moni is revealing the horrors of being held captive by hamas, she said she thought she was going to die four times in hamas dressed her as a palestinian woman to move her from house to house, this is an image of the room where she was held in a terrorist home, fox news correspondent trey yingst had an update on the deering rescue from tel aviv tonight. >> good evening a significant development out of israel tonight as were cabinet members benny and resigned from the government. >> is a major blow to benjamin netanyahu who can still say empower but will be more reliant on far right ministers in his coalition. the development comes as we have good news to report, for former israeli hostages are now home, they were rescued yesterday morning in a complex multipart operation in central gaza, reports indicate special forces storm two buildings in the new refugee camp, there they were engaged in firefights with thomas cadman. ultimately completed the mission. >> this was a high risk mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight. in two separate buildings, deep inside of gaza. >> while under fire inside the buildings, under fire on the way out from gaza, armed forces rescued our hostages. >> one officer was killed in the fight against hamas during the rescue message that brought the hostages home. in the tel aviv hostages reunited with loved ones, even received a visit from the country's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, instead of gaza palestinians comb through the aftermath of the raid, the hamas run palestinian helped ministry said more than 200 people were killed, the majority civilians. with the operation took place, one of the interesting part of the story, american involvement, the new york times reports a team of american hostage recovery officials stationed in israel assisted the israeli military effort to rescue the four captives by providing intelligence and other logistical support. the story illustrates how complex the work can be for the palestinian people death and destruction for the israelis. cheryl: thank you very much, the mainstream media is drawing scrutiny over the way it's reacting to the heroic rescue of the four hamas hostages in gaza. cnn saying the hostages were released when in fact they were rescued, the washington post choosing to highlight the palestinians killed during the operation, saying the mission left scores of palestinians de dead. cheryl: if you want to give cnn the benefit of the doubt, find maybe a mistake, a young producer but it looked like it was pretty deliberate to me. i watched it live. charlie: exactly, you would think if they made a mistake like that it would be something you would correct right away and say i use the wrong word but that was not forthcoming, it's also a much larger pattern of the press here and around the world telling the story from the perspective of hamas which is kind of insane. i think it is interesting news that trey reported on on the u.s. hostage officials participating. wait until the lunatic wing of joe biden's party find that there was u.s. officials advised on this. also in order to get an idea of just how jaundiced much of the reporting on all of this is, noa argamani who was rescued was stained at the home of a gaza journalist. and you want to talk about three way house of mirrors, this is what we dealing with their, unfortunately too many american media file for. cheryl: the other thing, it is hamas we have a hard time believing what they tell us to civilian casualties, this is them telling us how many people died, yes people in gaza are dying, absolutely. but the numbers is something else but the washington post picks right up on that. joey: is an easy way to stop people dying, give up the hostages. no one on the left says that because it's easier to point to israel because of the military power over hamas but that does not make sense, one single say about the separation the most famous and executed and high-stakes and high-stakes that we've ever done is bin laden raid. without a planet in technology that the united states has, years of intelligence data and we lost a helicopter, it turned organized chaos is what combat is. everything that you train for full the minute you get off the bird, get off the boat or get out of the vehicle. that's the way combat happens. i'm very impressed by this. but they would not of had the opportunity had they not gotten into rafah to begin with in our president said. cheryl: israel lost every respected commander, he died during the raid. i want to get your take on the politics of all of this. the war has been politicized repeatedly in this country, here is what kamala harris said about the rescue. molly: before i began, i want to say a few words about the boarding that i know weighs heavily on all of our hearts on october 7 hamas committed a brutal massacre of 1200 innocent people and objected to a 50 hostages. thankfully four of the hostages were reunited tonight and we mourn all of them innocent lives that are been lost in gaza and those tragically killed today. both sides of the issue. molly: also jake sullivan said we know innocent people were tragically killed in this operation he told cnn state of the union on sunday that is heartbreaking and tragic. the gaza health ministry that cannot be trusted over 200 palestinians were killed. the hostages were held amongst the civilian population which is one of the reasons if you are going to go in there to rescue your hostages, it makes it more challenging to get these people out. this bracket listened they were able to do that. as you mentioned the numbers given out, this is a hero that lost his life as part is this great mission to bring their people home. if the people were not being held there, the deering daytime grades to rescue them would not be necessary. the death toll that the gazan health ministry creates anytime anything's going on that would not be reported either. the hostages were home you have to going to get them. it was heartening to hear that the army could officials offering advice because there are american hostages still being held. cheryl: seven of the hostages have been rescued, seven but to your point a cease-fire possible intellect all of them go. were you to take a quick break, a fragrant trowel of a sports commentator close at caitlin clark's olympics knob. tomorrow, by the way jd vance is going to join "fox & friends" 8:20 a.m. to talk about trump's big weekend, the fundraising hall in the vp that entered betty, dvr the show if you cannot catch it live. ♪ switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more. much more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. ♪ ♪. charlie: welcome back to "the big weekend show" wba start caitlin clark finds herself in the middle of another hoops controversy as team usa decides not to center to the olympics. fox news correspondent christina coleman is in los angeles with clark's reaction to the snub. >> charlie today at practice caitlin clark told reporters she's not disappointed about not making the team she says it's motivation and hopefully for years she can be there, she was very positive about the situation. >> i know it's a most competitive team in the world and i know i could've gone either way of me being on the team are not be on the team. i'm excited for them. no disappointment, it gives you something to work for, it's a dream, hopefully one day i can be there and a little bit more motivation. fans and sports analysts it criticized to not have clark on the olympic team, considering the wa mva number one draft pick's all-time leading scorer in ncaa division i history and the fastest wba player to reach to a point in 40 assist in the lease history, millions of new fans have tuned into clark's games to watch her compete. >> you could argue that caitlin clark is the most talked about, discuss, most popular to putting in the seat single most basketball and tabasco player in the world, and you leave off the olympics team, it's not only a showcase for her but the sport in the other wba players who were on the team. how dumb, how brain-dead, how idiotic do the people running this thing have to be. >> the athletic is reported that these are the 12 players who made the olympic team, nine of the athletes have competed in the olympics before, including brianna stewart and two-time wba mvp. the list indicates veteran players were preferred, the roster was chosen by the women's basque about committee. at some sports analyst note the 22-year-old will likely have more opportunity in the future. charlie: controversial sports commentator tomorrow on chetumal hill posting on x, caitlin clark not being on this year of the big team is a good thing for her. in the span of weeks, she went from playing college ball to becoming a professional to having the grind of a schedule, all multi week break is probably not the worst thing in the world she will eventually make the olympics team. i've got to say i'm not your world's greatest expert on the wba and we have to get to her in a minute but what is the point of having an olympics team if it's not have the best players so you win. molly: you're not the only critic on that level, i certainly am not a sports commentator at all but in usa today kristi brennan saying leaving th caitlin clark off the team is a missed opportunity and that's the idea of the intention that she could've brought not only the sport but the limbic team and everyone else on the other 15. she's been real classy about this not being her time saying shelby bit back and motivated, she's been class act about the whole thing. charlie: i can honestly tell you i cannot name is single mva wt name but she was classy about it. cheryl: the fever most people can name that. the other thing about caitlin clark, at this point, the commissioner of the wnba needs to sit down until these coaches in these players and off is enough with going after caitlin clark, she's been criticized by the media and she's been criticized by other players, she is the best thing to happen to women's basketball, i would argue, ever and this is a big missed opportunity. it is a shame she did not make the olympics team but i understand, i'm an athlete as well but resting her body if she could take a month off now and there will be no wnba games and she can actually heal up, she didn't go from college ball to pro ball, that cannot be easy physically for her. charlie: you're an expert. joey: there are some stats, 13th in scoring in the league she leads in turnovers, her team is 3 - 9 she's won three games so far, she came in a superstar in waiting but she has not met the superstar mantra yet. i don't mind that she's left out but understand this is one aspect of a bigger conversation, the real caitlin clark conversation is how she's been received by the wnba and treated by opponent players. in that context, that does look bad. charlie: it's remarkable people are actually watching. stick around the big four is next. ♪ home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? it's engineered for performance. because with leaffilter's patented filter technology, there's no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. leaffilter is a permanent solution we install on your existing gutters. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. our installation process is simple and easy. just give us a call and set up an appointment today. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if your gutters are sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local trusted pros will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. and the best part? leaffilter comes with a lifetime transferable no-clogs guarantee! 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damages they cause while breaking the law. this is in response to all the damage we have seen on college campuses, to personal property to retail stores, pick your right with his rights in 2020, writes this year if you're going to go out that you're going to cause havoc in a damaging government buildings. you know what kids, get out your checkbook you are going to be held accountable financially. i love the senate bill 267 ohio more cities will follow. >> wises even debatable question work it is common sense. we have got to make at the law, i love it. >> is on spine lieutenant colonel retired yesterday after more than 20 years as a pilot in the nicest air force. he flew combat missions in afghanistan, iraq and syria with over 4000 hours of flight in multiple aircraft including refueling operations with the big casie 135 are they call it the strata tanker. lacey spent the majority of his time as an instructor pilot molding some of the most skilled pilots in the united states air force and beyond. lacey is a good friend of mine historian is one of perseverance, overcoming struggles early on his life he is living proof a life of the service can help us become the best version of ourselves he will now move on to helping veterans heal and transition zac brown campus of the ground there in georgia you can read it lacey story of my book on broken bonds a battle lacey, and good luck brother. thank you for the decades of leading our best and sacrificing for our freedom. but that is awesome but this is a letdown from that. check out this footage mountain pass outside of teton pass outside of jackson, wyoming. the road has completely collapsed what is interesting about this is this is the road that connects jackson hole, the playground of billionaires with eastern idaho the only place you can afford to live out there. looks like this summer bunch of them billionaires are going to have to learn how to do their own yardwork. >> will this survive? hard to say it. [laughter] tough work. before we go do not forget to follow the big weekend show on x, on facebook, on instagram at the big weekend show but that doesn't for us but thank you for joining us we see it next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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Places , Conditions , Music , This Little Light Of Mine , Buzz Cut , Snow , Tread , Tire Care , Synthetic Rubber , Baby , Life , Child , Suffering , Houtcast , Surgery , Forty Five , Drama , Bangs , Jungle , Nature Reserve , Forest , Rainforest , Rural Area , Wildlife , State Park , Orienteering , Playground , Surgeon , Medical Assistant , Operating Theater , Emergency , Medical Procedure , Medical Equipment , Health Care Provider , Birth , Bedtime , Sleep , Barechested , Baby Activity , Nap , Bathing , Patient , Kindergarten , Cap , Hair Accessory , Fashion Accessory , Hat , Beanie , Call , Scan , Thousands , Waiting , Knit Cap , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Racket , Ping Pong , Racketlon , Paddle Tennis , Matkot , Ice Cream Cone , Gelato , Ice Cream , Frozen Dessert , Dondurma , Sorbetes , Dairy , Soft Serve Ice Creams , Middle Eastern Food , Telephony , Feature Phone , Cordless Telephone , Cellular Network , Satellite Phone , Hot Air Balloon , Ecoregion , Air Sports , Hot Air Ballooning , Deck , Orangery , Plaid , Tartan , Gardener , Crop , Sowing , Plant Stem , Icon , Bed , Bed Sheet , Bedroom , Mattress , Bed Frame , Bedding , Linens , Gown , Coat , Clothing , Fur Clothing , Trench Coat , Home Cinema , Dress Shirt , Box Spring , Jeans , Overcoat , Photo Shoot , Blouse , Elbow , Boutique Hotel , Personal Protective Equipment , Denim , Shelf , Beige , Box , Chest Of Drawers , Nightstand , Corded Phone , Electronics Accessory , Caller Id , Countertop , Cabinetry , Answering Machine , Remote Control , Fixture , Recliner , Sofa Bed , Family Pictures , Slipcover , Fruit , Diet Food , Apple , Drawer , Tomato , Output Device , Symptoms , Psoriatic Arthritis , Joints , Grandpa , Next , Hi , Cosentyx , Joint Pain , Waist , Stomach , Shorts , Leggings , Chip , Tights , Knee , Ring , Jewellery , Engagement Ring , Wedding Ring , Luxury Vehicle , Sunglasses , Animal Shelter , Lingerie , Handrail , Leather , Runway , Fashion Show , Airport Terminal , Damage , Swelling , Infections , Back Pain , Stop , Tenderness , Tuberculosis , Ability , Boot , Ankle , High Heels , Baby Products , Undergarment , Performance Art , Dance , Choreography , Motorcycle , Motorcycling , Chocolate , Artichoke , Shopping , Doctor , Cough , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Reactions , Skin Reactions , Chills , Fevers , Infection , Vaccine , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Eczema , Paintball , Motorcycle Accessories , Cruiser , Chopper , Fender , Automotive Lighting , Golf Cart , Wetsuit , Driving , Tableware , Soup , Lighting , Light Fixture , Indoor Games And Sports , Tabletop Game , Moves , Rheumatologist , Manicure , Nail Care , Scooter , Horse Tack , Vespa , Horse , Horse Harness , Musical Theatre , Club , Performing Arts , Anime , Nightclub , Theatre , Aurora , Star , Astronomical Object , Outer Space , Astronomy , Universe , Celestial Event , Galaxy , Nebula , Constellation , Milky Way , Petal , Triangle , Liberal L A , Luxury Living , Umbrella , Kia Motors , Apartment Building , Middle , Art Studio , Skidrow , Transformers , Gavin Newsom , Wage , Business Owners , Corner , Owners , Cost , Jobs , Bill Into Law , Minimum Wage Hike , Pizza Hut , Drivers , Most , Homeless People , Taxpayers , Academy , Nation , Truck Bed Part , Ram , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Nissan Titan , Ford Super Duty , Courts , Law Enforcement , Tax Base , Shrinking , Prison System , Budget Deficit , Tower Skews , 45 Million , Peach , Sense , Unit Cost , Prime L A Property , The Tower , 600000 , 00000 , Housing Market , Taxpayer , Climb , Vision , Favor , Department Of Correction , 7 Million , 97 Million , 80 Million , 10 Million , Coupon , Government , Rights , Citizens , Libertarian , Protection , Pork , Right , Ripple Effect , Representation , Adjudication , Lives , Situation , Resources , Conviction , Oman , Companies , Code , Ban , Fortune 500 , Cities , Housing Affordability Issue , Income , Bottom , Boston , Chicago , Migrants , Couples , Poverty Line , City Budget , Citywide Living , Captain America , Superhero , Public Transport , States , Baystate Correctional Center , Massachusetts , Creativity , Polls , Directions , Illegals , 6 Million , Reasons , Housing Affordability , Housing Prices , It , Thereof , Gen Z , Nine , Rescue , Idf , Avengers , Dome , National Historic Landmark , Steeple , Place Of Worship , Basilica , Spire , Listed Building , Teeth , Shades , Patients , Sensitivity Protection , Hollywood , 24 7 , Wing , Eyelash Extensions , Cg Artwork , Medical Technologist , Clinic , Optometry , Radiology , Skin Care , Cream , Cosmetic Dentistry , Dentistry , Nail Polish , Glitter , Artificial Nails , Tooth Bleaching , Dentures , Water Cooler , Animation , Flare Ups , Breztri , Breathing , Lungs , My Copd , Mouthwash , String Instrument , Chef , Cook , Lung Function , Machine Tool , Rv , Travel Trailer , Trailer , Bus , Wilderness , Highland , Mountain Range , National Park , Fjord , Hill Station , Lake , Hill , Mount Scenery , Watercourse , Valley , Terrain , Canyon , Geological Phenomenon , Mammal , Vertebrate , Dog Breed , Dog , Canidae , Sporting Group , Non Sporting Group , Dog Walking , Working Dog , Livestock Guardian Dog , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Pneumonia , Bridge , Painting , Steering Wheel , Truck Driver , Steering Part , Bus Driver , Vintage Car , Mountain Pass , Alps , Road Trip , Rear View Mirror , Windscreen Wiper , Automotive Mirror , Summit , Glacier , Cumulus , Winter , Massif , Ice , Meteorological Phenomenon , Glacial Landform , Chest Pain , Medication , Astrazeneca , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Vision Changes , Paragliding , Earth , Fish , Arch , Longboard , Skateboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Skateboarding , Moon , Moonlight , Full Moon , Guitarist , Plucked String Instruments , Concert , Bassist , Digital Compositing , Hobby , Grassland , Prairie , Song , Afro , Music Artist , Jheri Curl , Entertainment , Lighting Accessory , Lampshade , Personal Computer , Computer , Laptop , Computer Monitor , Computer Hardware , Desktop Computer , Netbook , Dining Room , Brick , Plywood , Street Stunts , Reinforced Concrete , Brickwork , Palm Tree , Arecales , Active Pants , Calf , Stretching , Window Blind , Little Black Dress , Yoga Pant , Aeolian Landform , Dune , Desert , Pilates , Trunks , Sandal , Perennial Plant , Plant Community , Resort , Bay , Shrubland , Calm , Calligraphy , Handwriting , Crossover Suv , Lexus , Frying Pan , Wok , Sauté Pan , Saucepan , Caquelon , Cup , Pan Frying , Computer Keyboard , Grille , Mesh , Recording Studio , Gas , Frying , Roasting , Chicken Meat , Spinach , Legume , Barbecue , Grilling , Barbecue Grill , Steak , Outdoor Grill , Rib Eye Steak , Sirloin Steak , Churrasco Food , Beef , Ribs , Meatloaf , Pork Loin , Loaf , Kobe Beef , Beef Tenderloin , Yakiniku , Rump Cover , Roast Beef , Meat Chop , Pork Chop , Motorcycle Helmet , Goggles , Lamb And Mutton , Cutlery , Kitchen Knife , Filipino Food , Tennis Player , Sports Training , Bottled Water , Chemistry , Drinking Water , Water Bottle , Family Reunion , Puppy , Shih Tzu , Toy Dog , Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Companion Dog , Japanese Chin , King Charles Spaniel , Domestic Short Haired Cat , Savannah , British Shorthair , Bengal , Tabby Cat , Singapura , Russian Blue , Maine Coon , Polydactyl Cat , Tile , Spaniel , Obedience Training , Snout , Rare Breed Dog , Puppy Love , Fawn , French Bulldog , Bulldog , Boston Terrier , Toy Bulldog , Bullmastiff , Boxer , Guard Dog , Pug , American Pit Bull Terrier , Veterinarian , Great Dane , Boerboel , Pit Bull , Puggle , Cane Corso , Molosser , Giant Dog Breed , Stock Pot , Homemaker , Dinnerware Set , Ceramic , Porcelain , Bowl , Solanum , Nightshade Family , Strawberries , Berry , Cherry Tomatoes , Cranberry , Fruit Salad , Cherry , Frutti Di Bosco , Strawberry , Mozzarella , Egg , Fried Egg , Egg Yolk , Poached Egg , Egg White , Guitar , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Cage , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Guitar , Electric Guitar , Bass Guitar , Buttercream , Handbag , Fondant , Bag , Mixer , Turquoise , Dutch Oven , Clock , Refrigerator , Hardware Accessory , Israeli , Noah Argo Moni , October 7 , Feathered Hair , Humour , Image , House To , Woman , Horrors , Photobombing , Trey Yingst , Development , Update , Terrorist Home , Cabinet , Tel Aviv , Members Benny , Poker , Military Uniform , Marines , Military Organization , Security , Report , Benjamin Netanyahu , Ministers , Blow , Coalition , Customer , Non Commissioned Officer , Infantry , Military Vehicle , Combat Vehicle , Dust , Army Men , Camel , Camelid , Working Animal , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Military Helicopter , Boeing Ch 47 Chinook , Tank , Disaster , Aviation , Buildings , Mission , Central Gaza , Firefights , Refugee Camp , Complex Multipart Operation , Special Forces , Thomas Cadman , Natural Disaster , Skiing , Alpine Skiing , Freestyle Skiing , Winter Storm , Winter Sport , Biathlon , Downhill , Eski , Slopestyle , Slope , Ski Cross , Blizzard , Ski Equipment , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Ground Attack Aircraft , Assault Rifle , Tropical Cyclone , Storm , Freezing , Tsunami , Precipitation , Smoke , Space Shuttle , Aerospace Engineering , Astronaut , Intelligence , Under Fire , Deep Inside , Rocket , Officer , Armed Forces , Column , Track , Train , Rolling Stock , Railway , Raid , Visit , Aftermath , Gaza Palestinians , Loved Ones , Fitness Professional , Riot , Demolition , Explosion , Pollution , Earthquake , Slum , Rubble , Waste , Construction , Bricklayer , Foundation , Operation , Gaza Health Ministry , Run Palestinian , Civilians , Involvement , Hostage Recovery Officials , Columbus Day , Work , Captives , Death , Support , Destruction , Israelis , Cnn , Mainstream Media , Drawing Scrutiny , Hostages In Gaza , Hug , Palestinians , Scores , Left , Doubt , Washington Post , Benefit , Palestinians De Dead , Producer , Press , Perspective , Hostage , Order , Reporting , Noa Argamani Who , American Media , Mirrors , File , Numbers , Civilian Casualties , Single , Power , Separation , Data , Bin Laden , Chaos , Bird , Opportunity , Commander , Boarding , Words , Hearts , Politics , Kamala Harris , Massacre , Sides , Jake Sullivan , Population , Tragic , State Of The Union , On Sunday , Hero , Bracket , Elephants And Mammoths , Elephant , Grades , Death Toll , Deering , Cease Fire , Point A , Advice , Fragrant Trowel , Intellect , Sports Commentator , Olympics Knob , Dvr , Show , Fundraising Hall , Betty , Academic Conference , Traffic , Plaza , Traffic Congestion , Town Square , Rings , Acrobatics , Artistic Gymnastics , Pole Vault , Gymnastics , Airplane , Air Show , Stealth Aircraft , Northrop Grumman B 2 Spirit , Lens Flare , Pianist , Supervillain , Prison , Shopify , Academic Dress , Graduation , Phd , Mortarboard , Haute Couture , Fiction , Valentine S Day , Disc Jockey , Neon , Neon Sign , Disco , Lecture , Shelving , Beer Pong , Party Supply , Drinking Game , Tablet Computer , Bookcase , Collection , Sewing Machine , Sewing , Craft , Pool , Billiards , Cue Stick , Tent , Camera Operator , Cinematographer , Videographer , Optical Instrument , Weight Training , Strength Training , Crossfit , Warehouse , Outlet Store , Hall , Toy , Supermarket , Banana Leaf , Capsule , Hot Dog , Corn Dog , American Food , Hot Dog Bun , Finger Food , Frankfurter Würstchen , Sausage , Gravy , Indian Cuisine , Caramel Color , Briefs , Underpants , Navel , Oval , Line Art , Drawing , Coloring Book , Sketch , Clip Art , Figure Drawing , Cylinder , Handgun Holster , Flash Photography , Honeymoon , Engagement , Kiss , Hearing , Crystal , Mineral , Gemstone , Diamond , Silver , Bling , Body Jewelry , Crown , Tiara , Headpiece , Button , Bottle Cap , Bead , Emblem , Drum Machine , Action Adventure Game , Adventure Game , Dungeon , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Tattoo , Collage , Necklace , Visual Arts , Costume Design , Stained Glass , Modern Art , Pendant , Picture Frame , Locket , Christmas Tree , Christmas Ornament , Christmas , Christmas Decoration , Scrapbooking , Nativity Scene , Comics , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Doll , Barbie , Slot Machine , Landscape Lighting , Laundry Room , Sink , Dishwasher , Plumbing Fixture , Filing Cabinet , Bathroom , Infant Bed , Stocking , Sole , Toe , Barefoot , Bathtub , Plaster , Sneakers , Outdoor Shoe , Scale , Architecture , Inflatable Boat , Office Equipment , Battery Charger , Power Supply , Solar Charger , Wireless Router , Computer Component , Nike Free , Walking Shoe , Athletic Shoe , Running Shoe , Treadmill , Balance , Vacuum Cleaner , Elliptical Trainer , Carpet , Swiss Ball , Ball , Massage Chair , Baggage , Water Transportation , Speedboat , Litter Box , Solar Energy , Port , Air Racing , General Aviation , Olympics , Wba , Hoops Controversy , With Clark , Correspondent Christina Coleman , Motivation , Snub , Reporters , Darts , Disappointment , Dream , Interview , Fans , Scorer , Sports Analysts , Draft Pick , Olympic , Wa Mva , Net Sports , Contact Sport , Basketball Court , Field House , 3x3 Basketball , Into Clark , Seat Single , Popular , Ncaa Division I , Decathlon , Heptathlon , Basketball Official , Netball , Players , Olympics Team , Sport , Showcase , Tabasco , Athletes , Athletic , Brianna Stewart , Sports Analyst , Mvp , Roster , The Women S Basque About Committee , Sports Uniform , Greco Roman Wrestling , Freestyle Wrestling , Wrestling , Posting , Grind , Professional , Schedule , Sex , Chetumal Hill , College Ball , Expert , Disease , Usa Today , Critic , Level , Kristi Brennan , Sports Game , Everyone , Intention , Bit , Leaving Th , Mva Wt Name , Fever , Class Act , Commissioner , Coaches , Wnba , Big , Women S Basketball , Stats , League , Superstar , Turnovers , She , Coach , Mind , Opponent Players , Context , Aspect , Big Four , Superstar Mantra , General Contractors , Kinds , Recommend Leaffilter , Roofers , Chinese New Year , Shooter Game , Strategy Video Game , Gaps , Openings , Ladder , Patented Filter Technology , Shade , Molding , Handle , Scientific Instrument , Installation Process , Gutter Inspection , Appointment , Shape , Sagging , Quilting , Patchwork , Freeride , Paint , Light Commercial Vehicle , Guarantee , Climbing , Identity Document , Mattress Pad , Hotel , Loft , Angel , Wedding Dress , Baby Sleeping , Nursery , Scale Model , Ferris Wheel , Amusement Ride , Amusement Park , Morning , Balloon , Aerostat , Freestyle Walking , Fashion Model , Bridal Clothing , Bride , Ruins , Reading , Tool , Comb Over , Media Player , Gps Navigation Device , Map , Automotive Navigation System , Ipad , Colorfulness , Visual Effect Lighting , Laser , Race Car , Open Wheel Car , Motorsport , Formula One Car , Auto Racing , Magic , Musical Ensemble , Marine Biology , Underwater , Hindu Temple , Sherbet , I Ll Go First Biden Homeland Security , Impact , Entry , Secretary , Individuals , Intent , Risk Calculus , Spin , Weight , Stage Implementation , Rioters , Youbuy At Ohio Law Me Legislation , Law , Stores , College Campuses , Havoc , Checkbook , Bill , Financially , Kids , Senate , Wises , General Motors , Lieutenant Colonel , Combat Missions , Pilot , Common Sense , Is On Spine , Syria , Afghanistan , Lacey , Operations , Pilots , Majority , Strata Tanker , Refueling , Beyond , Instructor Pilot Molding , United States Air Force , Big Casie 135 , Jet Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Military Aircraft , Fighter Aircraft , Lockheed Martin , Airliner , Airline , Supersonic Aircraft , Northrop Grumman , Friend , Perseverance , Mine Historian , Overcoming , Transition Zac Brown , Aircraft Carrier , Ground , Freedom , Battle Lacey , Bonds , Luck , Decades , Georgia , Business Jet , Jackson Hole , Letdown , Teton Pass Outside Of Jackson , Footage Mountain Pass , Wyoming , Billionaires , Looks , Yardwork , Summer Bunch , Eastern Idaho , Doesn T , Big Weekend Show On X , Laughter , Instagram , On Facebook , Casino , Headquarters , Mythology , Dinosaur , Bald Eagle , Beagle , Bird Of Prey , Accipitriformes , Beak , Accipitridae , Sea Eagle , Falconiformes ,

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