Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Ba

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 20240706

speaker mccarthy has yet to hear from the president after passing his debt bill which he previewed right here last week. >> no, we're the only ones in washington that are actually putting a responsible plan out that will raise the debt limit. think about it, more than 80 days it's been since i sat down with the president on february 1st to negotiate, to work through this, and he's ignored it. he weakens us, his overspending -- maria: coming up, texas senate ted cruz on what happens to the debt ceiling bill when it reaches the senate. plus, cruz's take on the activists going after the supreme court with attackses on justice clarence thomas as well. then, bank records suggest suggest a compromised president as america awaits a response joe beaden to china's -- biden to china's provocation, a surveillance balloon seven ising military secrets to beijing in real i'm the, a covid-19 cover-up, chinese police stations and years of intellectual property theft all met with little response from joe biden. why? coming up, senator ron johnson on his findings of biden family influence peddling and the impact to the america's national security. then anthony if blink. en's fingerprints are all over the spies who lied letter suggesting the laptop was russian disinformation right before the presidential election. coming up, former direct director of national intelligence john ratcliffe on blinken's efforts to the mislead the american people and its impact. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with president biden's re-election campaign just as america dances with default on its debt. the president announced this week that the he will run again in 2024 just before house republicans passed a debt ceiling bill on wednesday which will raise the debt limit by $1.5 trillion while also rolling back spending to the fiscal 2022 levels. the bill is now headed to the senate where it faces an uncertain future. president biden has already threatened to the veto the bill saying any spending cut attached to a debt ceiling raise is a non-starter. >> i'm happy to meet with mccarthy but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. that's not negotiable. >> i tellth president we can sit down, no parameters, the only thing i would tell him is no clean debt ceiling's going to pass the house. maria: the national department is currently at $31.7 trillion with interest alone at over $500 billion. both numbers simply not sustainable. joining me right now in this sun morning ebb collusive interview is texas republican senator, ted cruz, a member of the senate judiciary committee. senator, it's always a pleasure. thanks so much for joining me. >> good morning, maria. thanks for having me. maria: so let's start with the debt bill because we've got lots to talk to you about this morning. what happens to this bill which passed in the house when it reaches the senate? >> well, it'll be up to chuck schumer whether to bring it up for a vote. i don't know if schumer's going to or not. i've got to say, i want to commend house republicans. they have common straited bold leadership. -- demonstrated bold leadership. they brought conference together. it wasn't easy, there are lots of factions. they have a very narrow majority in the house, yet house conservatives plaid an active role in drafting this bill, and it takes major steps to reining in spending, it takes major accepts to reining in the regulations that are killing jobs across this country, it takes major steps to getting people back to work. this bill is an exercise in being responsible. and, maria, i've got to say the contrast could not be starker. the republicans in the house are responsible, and joe biden, what is he saying? he's saying i will not talk, i will not negotiate, i will not give many on anything, think how, any way. and what is happening is joe biden is gambling. joe biden needs to stop playing roulette with the american economy and with the american credit limit. what is happening here -- there is one person on planet earth that could insure we will never, ever, ever have a default. that person's name is joseph biden jr.. why is that? because every month the federal government takes in more in tax revenue than we have in expenditures which means we can always service our debt. and here's what a responsible president would say, joe biden would look at the tv camera and say america will never if default on our debt. we will always a pay the interest on the debt, you can count on that. maria: yeah. >> but he doesn't want to say that. why? because he wants to fear fear monger, he wants to scare the equity markets, the bond markets. and what he is doing right now is wild toly irresponsible. maria: yeah. well, we'll see if markets start reacting because once confidence is broken, you get in that cycle of dropping valuations in the stock market only adding to the pressure. 70% of the people who have been polled in fox news polls say that they're unhappy with the job biden is doing on the economy. 70% of others say hay do not want him to run for re-election. what's your take on biden running for re-election, announcing it this week the day the after susan rice steps down? i found that very curious. why did susan rice step down right before her boss was about to announce his reelection? >> look, i think the rats are fleeing the ship. joe bide, you look at the little 3-minute video he did, it obviously had to be from a teleprompter because they couldn't trust him to actually stand in front of a crowd and speak. his message -- he couldn't talk about any policy because the policy has been a mess. he couldn't talk about inflation, it's been a mess. he couldn't talk about crime, immigration, he certainly couldn't talk about foreign policy. instead his message, finish the job. this job has been disastrous. everything biden has touched has gotten worse. and and, maria, i've got some advice for joe biden on the debt ceiling. someone he should listen to the. president biden should listen to joe biden. joe biden in 2011 was the vice president. maria: yeah. >> republicans had taken the house. republicans held a hard line on the debt the ceiling, and joe biden, then-vice president, went and personally negotiated the deal that became the budget control act, a bill that was designed to cut over $2 trillion in our debt. it was the most significant fiscal restraint ever passed if modern times. and you know who didn't engage in this kind of irresponsible fear among orerring? barack obama, the president. he sent joe in and said let's reach a deal. maria: yeah. >> that joe biden from 2011 needs to come back, not the guy they got right now locked in the basement and a white house that's being run by 25-year-old radicals who figure, heck, just let it all default, what do we care? these are little marxists with no experience in the real world. we need to bring back the joe biden who's done this before, not the up one who is behaving like a terrorist, which is what biden is doing right now. maria: right. so back then senator biden agreed to what he's now calling whacko ideas the -- >> yep. maria: but what about senate republicans? do you peel that senate are republicans are united? what happens when this issue comes to the senate and you've got to have some agreement? if. >> listen, at some level, unfortunately, senate republicans are never united. there are 49 senate republicans and 52 the points of view, that's just the nature of the senate. that being said, i think what we ought to be doing in the senate is we ought to be standing up and backing up the house republicans. the house republicans are showing leadership right now, and senate republicans should stand shoulder to shoulder with the house and say, joe biden, come to the a table. chuck schumer has already said this bill is doa, dead on arrival. he doesn't want to consider it. no democrat, other than joe manchin who's facing a very tough reelect and is suddenly reasoning to his voters, other than -- listening to his voters, other than joe manchin, no democrat has any interest in passing this bill. biden is saying we must have a clean debt ceiling. kevin mccarthy cannot pass a clean debt can ceiling in the house. the votes are not there. that's not going to happen which means biden is wasting everyone's time with this brinksmanship. and you know who bears a big part of the fault of that? the corrupt corporate media because biden is counting on even if he fear mongers, takes us to the edge of the cliff, even if biden drives us over the cliff like thelma and louise with a handkerchief on his hair, he's quite confident the media will happily blame republicans and it's why he's being so reckless with your economic future and mine. maria: meanwhile, let me move on to this: three conservative supreme court justices are are under investigation for ethics. they are attacking clarence thomas. did clarence thomas do something wrong? >> no, just concern you know what justice thomas kid the wrong? he's been one of the greatest supreme court justices ever to serve on the court. he has been a principled constitutionalist, and the left despises him. democrats hate justice thomas, ask they save a special degree of hate for him because a black man x. tear view is an african-american is not allowed to be a conservative, is not allowed to disagree with left-wing orthodoxy. justice anthony anyone scalia whom i knew well was every bit as conservative as justice thomas. the left didn't heap that kind of contempt on justice saw scalia. justice thomas they view as a traitor because he is african-american and he's an extraordinary justice -- maria: that's disgusting. >> and, listen, the, quote, ethics plaint they're raising, every -- complaints they're raising, every single supreme court justice, all nine of them, take trips across the country, take trips internationally that are paid for by others. many of the liberal ion -- icons, ruth bader ginsburg took over 100 trips, stephen breyer took over 100 trips, sonia sotomayor, and all the media, all the democrats who are attacking justice thomas, hay don't care at all. heir not looking at any of the democratic judges. this is a political smear job correct thed at clarence thomas because he is an extraordinary constitutionalist, and the left hates him for it. maria: yeah. more of the same. meanwhile, you've got justice samuel alito saying he knows who leaked to dobbs draft to politico last year. he thinks he knows whos. is it surprising to you that we still do not know who leaked it? >> you know, it is surprising, ask we need to to know. the leaking of that draft was one of the great violations of the trust, of the integrity of the supreme court of the united states. of it was really an assault on the rule of law. and if they think they know, the court needs to redouble the investigation. justice alito said he didn't have enough evidence. of here's what i believe the chief justice should co, i believe the chief justice should call in the fbi to assist with the investigation. the marshal's office conducted the investigation, the marshal's office are very good people, but they don't have the equipment, the experience this forensic invests. the fbi does. now, the court was reluctant to do that for separation of powers reasons. you don't generally invite another branch of government into a coordinate branch, but given the severity here what i would encourage the chief justice to do is invite the fbi to work cooperatively with the march a shalls, get the ed. -- marshals. because the individual who leaked this draft opinion should be prosecuted, should go to jail. if they're a member of the bar, they should be disbarred, and the public has a right to know. maria: yeah. we'll keep a spotlight on it. senator, thanks so much. >> thanks, maria. senator senator senator ed the because this morning. coming up, the made men of the biden administration. secretary of state antony blinken misled the american people about the biden laptop just before election 2020, but in doing so, he was able to secure a top job in the biden administration. former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe says he should resign immediately. the former dni will joining me next -- will join me next live.u ♪ comes to your finances. - are you a certified financial planner™? - i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®. >> it is adam schiff, the chairman of the house intelligence committee, who as you pointed out on friday said that the intelligence community believes that hunter biden's laptop the9 and the e-mails on it are part president of some russian disinformation campaign. let me be clear, the intelligence community doesn't believe that because there's no intelligence that that supports that, and we have shared no intelligence with chairman schiff or any other member of congress that hunter biden's laptop is part of some russian disinformation campaign. it's simply not true. maria: welcome back. that was former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe back in october to 2020 just before the 2020 the presidential election when he shot down the rumor of the biden laptop being russian disinformation live on "mornings with maria" on fox business with me. clearly and definitively stating the laptop was real and not disinformation. yet hours later on that same day politico published a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials who suggested the laptop was part of a russian disinformation campaign allegedly led in part by antony blinken. the truth was revealed last week by former cia deputy director michael morrell who testified that then-biden senior campaign adviser and former head of the penn-biden center funded by china, antony blinken, called him to suggest the laptop was not real and rallied up the intelligence community to sign on to the story. recent e-mails show blinken meeting with biden at the state department in july of 2015 when blinken was serving as the deputy secretary of state and hunter biden was on the board of burisma. joining me right now is the former e director of narc intelligence john rat cliff, also former congressman and u.s. attorney the. john, it's great to see you, thanks for being here this morning. >> you bet, maria. maria: so now we know what happened. you came on as the truth teller that you have been to say, no, this is not true, but they overred rod you and came out with that -- overrode you and came out with that letter anyway, or apparently led byny blink. en. >> maria, in that clip that you played, that was a statement that i was making as the dni and unequivocally stating the intelligence community's position on the biden laptop. it was also based on conversations that i've had with the department of justice and the fbi confirming that they did have that laptop and it was part of a money laundering investigation that was ongoing. finish so antony blinken and mike morrell and the 50 former intelligence officials who didn't have access to intelligence but had put this letter out the, as you pointed out, maria, of it was 14 hours after i made those statements on national tv that they published this letter. so they knew that the letter that they were going to put out was false at that point. of it was confirmed by the ic and by the department of justice. but they decided another the it anyway. this was two weeks before a presidential election. thaw knew that the letter that they were putting out was essentially a hoax, a fraud on the american people intended to mislead them. and in the process, to frame a foreign government for something that was not taking place. you know, that is, you know, that is a fraud on the american people, it's election interference, and, you know, this was the group -- same group of people like mike morrell who tried to do it in 2016 with the steele dossier where they weren't successful, came back in 2020 and, again, knowing full well deliberately went ahead to mislead the american people and essentially said, look, we only need to keep this alive for two weeks. after that we can admit that the biden family laptop is real, but then it'll be too late, and that's exactly what happened. maria: and joe biden used it in the debate saying i have the letter here, 51 people have signed it. it seems to me as you just said the people when who abused power back in 2016 and '17 with the russian collusion lie are in power once again and abusing the system once again. jon that are turley -- jonathan turkey used the -- turley used the term made men because he referred to antony blinken running the penn biden center funded by china and then leading this letter, having the spies who lied go on the record and discredit what was a true story from the new york post. same with jake sullivan. jake sullivan was the one who tweeted out hillary clinton's lie of trump colluding with russia, now he's the national security adviser. the people who abused power are back in power. >> so many that you just mention manied, jake sullivan, there are a host of others, russ travers, others in the add administration, steve brew shedty, jeremy bash all rewarded, nick rasmussen, all rewarded for playing part of a hoax but none worse than annie blinken. so is -- antony blinken. maria, when you think about it, the current secretary of state orchestrated a hoax where he framed a foreign government for a crime or for misdeeds that he was committing. look, vladimir putin is a terrible human being. i hope he's prosecuted for, among other things, war crimes in ukraine. but when it comes to drug crimes, gun crimes and financial crimes on the biden family laptoptop, that's on joe biden and his family, not on the russian government. and as things escalate potentially many in ukraine and you have a russian government in vladimir putin threatening to use nuclear weapons, god forbid if we get to a point where that becomes a reality, the last person any of us want dealing with the russian government is antony blinken who just engaged in this and, you know, everyone knows full well what has transa spired including the russian government. maria: i want to talk a bit about china because this is a broader, bigger story in terms of the impacts on america. you've got the ccp with a serious goal in place to overtake the united states as the number one superpower. from economic strength to, you know, even issues around diplomacy, they're trying to be the power broke broker between the iranians and the saudiss, between the mexicans and ores and, of course, the russia and, the russian leadership and zelenskyy many ukraine. penn biden center at the university of pennsylvania was funded by communist china. antony blinken was running it. so we talk a lot about the potential of joe biden being can come to to hissed. ing what about antony blinken? >> well, that's a very fair question. and to this point, maria, here's my concern as the former head of the intelligence community, you know, we have a great intelligence enterprise, but we very cheerily now have individuals that were associated with the intelligence community who in 2016, you know, created russia hoax one to mislead the american people. in 2020 they did this particular hoax to help biden and hurt donald trump in that election, and they were successful. so it begs the question what's going to happen in 2024? how are they going to, you know, try and impose a false narrative? and part of that is china. i mean, the big concern here is in 2020 china had a clear preference for joe biden to win. many of us in the intelligence community said, look they're engaged in an intelligence campaign to make sure that joe biden is the president. and that has proven to be true. and if you look at what has happened in the administration with antony blinken and all of the folks that you've mentioned, folks that made a lot of money from china -- maria: yeah. >> -- you know, have now made decisions where they won't confront china on covid, they won't confront china on fentanyl, they won't confront china when a spy balloon flies over the united states with. and, you know, the bottom line is the biden administration has been very good to and good for the ccp. and one of my concerns going forward is china's going to play in 2024, they very much want joe biden to return to the white house because he's been good for chinese business. con a travis that with kevin mccarthy and republicans in the house who have shone a light now on many of the abuses that the chinese communist party has committed and continues to commit in this country. so one of the things that's going to be most important going forward is making sure that the intelligence community and the biden administration are being honest about how china's trying to play in the election going forward to insure that the biden administration which has been so helpful and friendly to them continues to be in power. maria: well, i mean, look, so what you think is that the chinese communist party will try to interfere in the election of 2024 the. >> absolutely. they played in the 20022 midterms, christopher wray said china's an unparalleled threat. chinese officials have been charged for interfering in american political processes. the idea that that's not going to continue into 2024 is very unlikely and, again, there's a lot at stake here, and the last thing the chinese communist party wants is a return to the policies that were so off on them during the trump administration. and so, you know, i think that's one of the biggest concerns that we have going forward, is to make sure that china is not influential the in trying to help the biden campaign remain in power. maria: well, these are all their men, antony blinken being funded by communist china, running the penn-biden center. did his wife also work with the biden family? st interesting to see him defend hunter bide when he probably knew better than most what was going on. finish. >> well, i think that really just underscores the whole point. you know, antony blinken wheren was very familiar with all of the pops, all of the demons that hunter biden was facing, you know? curl his time as deputy secretary of state. so the idea that when he became aware of a story that hunter biden was engaged in, you know, illicit drugs and prostitution and, you know, gun crimes, financial crimes, all of these things, the idea that he thought none of this is true and it's the russian government really is just disingenuous. so i think they realized what was at stake, they needed to address it. they came up with a narrative that was false. they cot got caught and were told that it was false, but they went ahead with it anyway which is why i think antony blinken, you know, he should resign. if he doesn't resign, you know, i think republicans should move forward and try and impeach him. maria: well, we'll see9 if the calls get louder for antony blinken to a also ten down given his relations with china as well, as well as with all of this, the 51 spies who lied. john, it's always a pleasure to see you, thanks so much. >> you bet. maria: former director of national intelligence, john ratcliffe. quick break and then the extent of the biden family's business deals with communist china. >> right now we have 9, but i believe in the end that number will be at least 12. i mean, this was the biden family influence peddling scheme. maria: wisconsin republican senator ron johnson is here with more on his finds and the national security -- findings and the national security implications as china continues its march towards global dominance. stay with us. ♪ health insurance commercial. take 1. cut! cut! one more. i got this. cut! take 37. cut! i don't actually play tennis. i'm just an actor in a 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this program on what his committee has uncovered in their invest into the biden family business dealings and influence peddling. on wednesday attorneys for hunter biden met with officials from the justice department amid an ongoing criminal investigation into the first son's taxes and purchase of a gun. meanwhile, biden has been ordered to the appear in an arkansas courtroom tomorrow for a hearing into his ongoing paternity case involving his 4-year-old daughter who he so far will not acknowledge. joining me right now with more on all of this is wisconsin republican senator ron johnson. he was first in investigating the biden family business deals in the senate along with senator chuck grassley back in 2018. senator, it's great to see you. thanks very much for being here this morning. >> morning, maria. maria: your investigation into hunter biden and his business dealings began when? because i want to get into the antony blinken situation now that we heard from john ratcliffe -- >> right. maria: your investigation began, when, 2018? or even earlier than that? >> really focusing on the bidens probably the ail the end of 2019 and then into 2020 where, obvious, we had the pandemic outbreak so that didn't make things easier. quite honestly, i didn't have the fullport of my committee or the conference to subpoena the bidens. so we invited all of them to come in and testify to proclaim their innocence. what is interesting, maria, antony blinken finally did come in and sit down the for a voluntary, transcribed interview in december of 20 20 to 20 because he wanted to be sec tear of state k. and now we know that he lied bold-face to congress about never e-mailing hunter biden. my guess is he told a bunch of other lies that thing hopefully, we'll be able to bring him and his wife of back in, or tell them to preserve their records. you cannot trust joe bide, hunter biden, you can't trust the biden family, so many of the people that they have surrounded themselves with. maria: this is unbelievable. >> made men, i basically agree with that statement. s the, here's the problem, what do you do when you have, in effect, co-conspirators of the biden family inside the agencies, inside our intelligence agencies? the department of justice, the fbi, and you have the political party of the accurates who couldn't care less, have no interest whatsoever in the corruption that is being uncovered bit by bit as we pull back the layers of the onion here. maria: unbelievable. to be clear, you just said you believe antony blinken lied to you urn oath. >> yes, he did. he said he did not e-mail hunter biden, and now we have those e-mails. we also know that his wife, using her private e-mail address when she was in the state department, was basically a conduit between her husband and hunter biden as well. is so, again, i think there's so much more to uncover here, there's so much more investigation. he needs to be subpoenaed. i don't have the subpoena power. he ought to come in just sol is. tearily if he wants to proclaim his innocence. he mustshe must preserve their words, concern records, the personal e-mails. we need to show how corrupt these individuals are. maria: i'm wondering where this stands in 'em deses of james comer's investigation in the house. you just told the us that antony blinken committed a felony, lying under oath to the senate. >> well, hopefully james comer does is have those subpoenas. we're working with those folks as well, so we'll urn the over, you know, certainly our transcript, we'll make that public next week, and, you know, again, there's a lot of truth that has to be uncovered here that's being covered up by the deep state. the deep state knows what out it kid. these co-conspirators inside the agencies, they know exactly what they did. they know how to hide things, they know how to slow-roll everybody. maria: and that is why this keeps happening and people do not trust any of these federal agencies. the media has also just taken the word from these agencies and run with it, and all of this goes viral and, ultimately, misleads the american people. we learned that through the twitter files. >> well, here's another example. so a business association of -- association of hunter biden e-mails him in early 2017, hey, hunter, you didn't report $400,000 of your burisma income. it isn't until october 2021 where hunter biden, i guess, writes a check where around $2 the million to the pay off his back taxes and poem is, a loan from his west coast attorney who now we know is the managing director of the business that held hunter's 10% stake in bhr partners which he said is he key vests himself of. so again, we don't know what these folks are doing. i mean, it is sleazily city, it is consistent -- can corrupt, tear dishonest and, unfortunately, the media is co-conspirators along with the rest of the folks. maria: it's amazing that we keep seeing this happen given the enormous threat that is communist china. joe biden walked into the white house, and he makes it harder for congress to access the suspicious activity reports. finally now james comer and his team has been able to go to the treasury and view those reports to actually indicate the amount of money that the biden family has taken in from communist china. the other thing was he came in and canceled the trump initiative, the china initiative which was actually indicting people who were complicit, accepting money from the chinese communist party, for selling intellectual property here. it's very tough no not ask the question of whether or not joe biden is compromised and yet this week he acts as if nothing is going on. he announces a reelection campaign. >> well, maria, senator grassley and i had those records through 2019, okay? and we laid out the vast network of financial transactions, we showed millions of collars. james comer is getting new records from 2020 and forward. so the bidens, think of this, the bidens knew they were under investigation by the justice the department and congress in 2019, and yet they continue their grifts. and more and more biden family members took part in the grifts, that's how brazen they were, how confident therm that their cospear ors inside the agencies, inside the media would continue to cover up for them. if they had covered the laptop the, joe biden would not be president, and our can country wouldn't be down to be this path of destruction that his a administration's put us on. maria: well, or policies speak for themselves. they are having a negative impact on american families, and american families are reacting saying we don't approve of the way he's handling economy, we don't want him to run again. and yet i guess the gravy train, they want it to keep on going. do you believe there is influence peddling underway right now as the sitting president? >> i guess. hunter is certainly selling his art, right? yeah, they haven't come clean, they haven't been honest. the media hasn't held hem to contract account and now joed joe biden wants to finish the job. what job, destroying america? that's what path he's put this country on. this is a sleazily family, a corrupt family, they node to be the held accountable. maria: what's your take on susan rice deciding to leave the white house the day before joe biden announces his election campaignsome why would she step down the day before he announces his re-election campaign? >> i don't have any greater insight. i think it might just be rats fleeing the ship. maria: well, we'll see. all think he would want the support of the democratic party. she is an obama confidant, for sure. senator, you said you're going to release lease that information next week on antony blinken and him lying to you. what else should we look forward to in termses of your investigation and making those things public? when? >> well, again, or we'll make those transcriptses of his interview with us public so people can see exactly how he lied to congress. and, again, we will request interviews. we'll tend she could them a letter for their personal e-mails and educateses. we want to understand exactly what they were doing with hunter 25 and 2016. anthony blink. en became secretary of state. he knew all of this stuff. he denied knowing any of it and he, of course concern obviously, or was aware of it. maria: great to to see you this morning, senator, thank you. >> have a good day. maria: ron johnson in wisconsin. quick break, president biden throws his hat into the ring for 2024 despite 70% of voters giving him the thumbs down. former speaker of the house, fox news contributor, newt gingrich is here on biden's bid for a second term. that's muck. ♪ ♪ and spend their money with chase. freedom for kids. hungry? thank you, chef. control for parents. nice. one bank for both. chase. make more of what's yours. pods biggest sale of the year is now extended! save up to 30% on moving and storage. and see why pods has been trusted with... 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re-election next year, he will lead the oval office in 2027 at the age of 86. it comes as a fox news poll shows the president receiving negative marks on immigration, china and the economy. the president's' re-election announcement also coming just one day after susan rice can decided to depart the white house. is it a gains dense? joining me right now is former speaker of the house and fox news contributor, newt gingrich. newt, thanks for being here. >> it's good to be with you. i actually thought -- maria: yeah, go ahead. >> no, i was going to say, i actually thought the post amazing video of the week for biden was when he could not remember that he had been in ireland. maria: right. >> he's stumbling around, where was it that i was at? i mean, he seems to be steadily getting more forgetful, and that's a pretty weak base on which to run for president. maria: yeah. we're all watching it. it's not just the age. the number is not what's important, it's his mental capacity, ask we are all watching it decline every single day. i want to get your take on antony blinken as well in a a second, but do you believe that susan rice leaves the white house the day before biden makes this announcement is a coincidence? i feel that this is very significant. i don't know if she's going to be managing somebody else's campaign, if she's going to run to challenge biden? what do you think's going on here in clearly, democrats are divided over biden's reelection bid. >> well, i think at a minimum it probably is a sign that she said don't do it and he said i'm doing it anyway, and i think he u.s -- she just didn't want to be part of a biden re-election. i also think that -- i was very struck when mark halperin and his -- ran the video of michelle obama on stage with bruce springsteen. she recently had 9,000 people at an event with oprah in los angeles. i think republicans had better pay significant attention to michelle obama. i hadn't believed that until i saw her on stage with bruce springsteen and i thought, you know, this is not a person who's hiding. it's conceivable that susan rice and others are beginning to say they're not going to be part of some kamikaze re-election campaign with a guy who can't remember what he did yesterday. maria: apparently, they're traveling with -- [inaudible] and his wife. i want to take a break, but when we come back, i've got to get your take on anthony blinken, he was running the penn-biden certain, and then the i want your take on the debt deal in the house of representativeses. stay with us. we're with newt gingrich this morning. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach 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guys do thingh and in his case he clearly broke the law.e, h and if you told the senate, no, i never kind candidated with hunter biden and then it urnst tuout knowledge only did you communicate, but using your wife as a cutout, she was communicating, i mean, this is such blatant dishon honesty that it's staggering, and i don't know of any american presidency that rivals the biden presidencn for just sheer corruption and c dishonesty. and i thinork at some point the country's going to respond to that. maria: well, the house republicans have beeton doing their best to try to investigate and get to the bottom of these things. they're having a victories, they even had victories on oil with kevin mccarthy's debt dealed last week. what do they need to do? >> well, look, i think they're doing exactly the right things.t speakehir m mccarthy, i think, was dramatically underestimated. think about this in, in one wei he brought mit experts down, put on a democrat and republican briefing on artificial as wellhh as, he hosted the president of south korean for the a joint session, k he then passed the dt ceiling, the only debt ceiling bill that has hassed -- passed isth the mccarthy bill which has $4.1 trillion in cuts and is the first significant step towards avoiding default, and then he left tdo become the first speakr in 5o thebe years to address te denecessary se to t in israel oe 75th anniversary of the founding of israel. that's jus t one week in the lie of speaker mccarthy.eake and in the process concern and, by then th way, this congressioa delegationl includes a number om ocdemocrats. so he's working very hard to build a bipartisan momentum inti the direction ofsa real reform. maria: yeah. >> and nowth i think it's goingo be up to the senate and biden to respond to the reality. maria: and he follows you being the first speaker to do former speaker of the house newt gingrich, great to seesp you. thank you, sir. >> goo td to see you. maria: have a great sunday, everybody. i'll see you again tomorrow. detour yeah. school isn't gonna be easy. i know. what i think you're gonna do great death. kia movement that inspires. i'm mr wonderful and i'm chef. wonderful i recently introduced the e r. c program to chef wonderful here, which is a program created towards small businesses like mine for retaining their employees during the pandemic, well done , and most of this money is still available. if there's one thing wonderful is never do, it's leave money on the table. chew this guy is smart. go to wonder trust .com now to see if you're eligible for this cash, nice hat. when you see all the people who work at shriners hospitals for children. you might see everyday people just doing their job. but to me and other kids. they aren't just receptionist, therapists or doctors. they're superheroes. but this superheroes are only able to help all of us kids because of the monthly support of people just like you who empower their abilities. so we get the care. 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