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plot to remake our civilization. the result is our misinformation of american theory. now a new book called battle of the american mind. in the beginning, many are concerned. [cheering] across america, churches, schools and local communities have packed theaters to show our miss education theories. it led to the first-ever box nation live summit. to further dissect. >> america is supposed to be the best. these kids deserve the best and we need to give them the best. >> ultimately our five-part miss information became one of the highest in our platform's history. our work is far from over. we need this. while international crises and economic turmoil learns over public, our current administration and their allies have enabled an all-out assault against children. ♪♪ indoctrination. critical race. spreading justice fast. worse of all, questions about gender and sexuality are being taught to children as young as five years old in your state and in mine. our youngest and most vulnerable are the target. >> we are here today because we believe in education, not indoctrination. [cheering and applause] >> courageous politicians and states are finally fighting back against western indoctrination. their corrupt and captured media are against us as our formerly beloved and now world corporations. >> the issues in florida have only gotten worse. we emphasize in the first hour western christian heritage. it is under direct attack. as a combat veteran, i know what war when i see one. our voices will not be silenced. join us as we continue to unravel miseducation of america. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> david, good to see you. >> good to see you, pete. good to be with you. >> back where it all started. we are together because of this book. david goodwin and i are the co-authors of it. it expands on what we did in the education of america and brings to light even more the 100 year progressive plot to take over america. we have done live tv hits together. what has the experience been like you helping to elevate the conversation? >> it is been timely. it is been vitally important. we see what they're doing with our schools with critical race , gender studies, it is pure indoctrination at the most primitive time. it is leaving every kid in this country. >> this is not a college thing we are talking about. not even a high school or middle school thing we are talking about. if you turn on your television we are taught hundred having debate whether six, seven or eight -year-olds are being taught about their gender identity. what is the impact down the line of a young kid who was already imprinted on their soul to have that particular view? >> that is a great question. i don't inc. we know. i don't think we can know. i don't think anyone has tried to reshape reality. we don't really want to talk about those. >> for sure. even 20 years ago or 10 years ago or two years ago, the acceleration of the indoctrination is staggering. >> that is one of the things we reveal in the book. this is not new to america. that was a big part of this book. we collaborated on the book. around the loss classical education which has been with us for thousands of years and is of vital part of who we are. >> the book in the series, we attribute the madness of today's youngest classrooms to the loss of the classical christian tradition in education conceived by these two scholars and this forgotten form of education. the gateway to the timeless wisdom of the past. the next century that followed, the educational foundation of our republic. tragically, over 100 years ago educational progressives targeted the core of this tradition replacing our western mission heritage with the godless american. this secular humanistic approach still produce patriotic citizens with the removal of god from the classroom weaving our schools wide open for another wave of wing ideologues to invade k-12 classrooms. >> the current educational pipeline today, effectively atheist and -- >> no. we talk about season one. battles of the american mind, what will they get in the book that they did not necessarily get in the first season of miseducation. >> with all complements of fox i appreciate the work they have done on this. what is in the book goes beyond the problem. it moves into expanding on how that problem can be fixed. >> that is a good point. it is basically part one of this book. in part two, it is the unauthorized history of american education which goes deeper there we did on the film. the first part altogether is a complete solution. >> we have been open about our advocacy for classical christian education. we touch a little bit i and if it on the film. is there anything more important ? is there anything more important a parent can do then get them this kind of education? >> in a way, it is the most important thing. the exercise, raising them up in the fear and admonition of the lord, what is even more exciting to me is we have the insurgency. we have a battle that we can fight. it is a battle for the littlest among us. >> advocating for return to our western christian educational tradition may seemed like a stark contrast to our current culture because it is. to all the parents and grandparents out there, consider this. no matter where your kids and grandkids go to school, they will be taught and ideology. overtly. in the vast majority of schools today, public, private and even religious schools, woke indoctrination has become the gospel. under the key pillars today is critical race theory. we are used to hearing about it now, but we still need to know how divisive the theory really is. >> critical race theory holds that the united states is fundamentally and iridium only racist and oppressive. >> they argue that the american principles of freedom and equality are mere camouflage for a smoke screen domination. the critical race theorists are against incremental reform. they prefer political program of what they call abolition. tearing down the fundamental structures of our society. trying to get beyond them and an almost revolutionary program to dismantle the united states as we know it and wring about a utopia in which government can't redistribute power, wealth and resources on the basis of race in order to achieve equal outcomes. critical race theorist once noble changing their meaning to fit a new leftist application. replacing the virtue of quality with the outcome of equity. most people can probably reasonably define equity. ensuring you have equal access to various programs. now like they do with lots, they have decided to redefine equity to now mean if you do not get the same outcome across racial demographics then there is some sort of white supremacy and play and you have to revive the program or just scrap it completely. we have seen this movement to get rid of ap classes, advanced classes because they are disproportionately white or disproportionately asian. meaning they are not enough black students or latino students to sign up and excel. rather than helping them get into ap courses, the conversation has been around getting rid of ap courses altogether. they are not really interested in the why, they are only interested in the what. the outcome. they will try to tinker with policies or programs. these equity crusaders are not simply destroying your child's ap courses, they are also completely imagining how kids are disciplined. there is this moving going on to adopt culturally responsible policy. a black student and a white student getting into a fight. the assumption is a black student may come from a family in which they don't have the same set of supervision then the white student. so because of that background, the black student may be deemed someone who is worthy of some additional attention versus the white student due to his or her privilege should not be allowed. that is an absurd position that if anyone outside of the school district would dare to say that, we would be rightly labeled a racist but because it is being done in terms around cultural responsiveness, we are supposed to pretend that this is a way of looking at student punishment. the end goal of the left is not to raise test scores or achieve equality. instead cultural marxists have used education to undermine the very foundations of our republic. all under the guide of social justice. critical race theory wants to use race as change in the same way. in the united states it was almost impossible for class -based marxism to become a broad-based political movement, not because of the history of very real and very significant racial injustice nest in the united states, they have been able to instruct a very effective narrative at bringing them forward, presenting them as explanatory variable where all of these severities in our society today, using it to achieve power. >> even in just the past few months since our miseducation series began, the visible signs of the left educational takeover have become obvious, overwhelming and seemingly everywhere. we convened a panel of courageous educational leaders to help us make sense of it all. joining david and i now are three great gas all of which were part of the first season of miseducation of america. thank you all for being here. the reason we convened this special episode is so much has happened so fast. why does the left continue to accelerate? >> i think that the left is trying to shift the focus, in a way. when we talked last series, i described with you the social studies answer, the new ones, now in the last few months we have the final draft. ethnic studies is front and center in a way that really was not before. what ethnic studies is about is essentially teaching kids to disrupt, dismantle and transform america's fundamental institutions. they use the word resistance all the time. we have seen in minnesota how this is now encroaching outside of civics and history into mathematics. we have new mathematic standards and the basic idea is that mathematics was invented, discovered in ancient empires of color and appropriated by the west to oppressed people of color and that they should be taught with racial storytelling and that kind of thing. who has the power to say what the right answer is. >> who can be against in the civil rights movement except for the way they teach the civil rights movement is that they cherry pick and therapies heroic blacks. if you wanted to teach that accurately, you would show that it was a correlation of whites and blacks and people across religious lines that came together. it is a positive story, but the way it is being taught is not a positive story. >> that add some clarity as to why florida had to -- >> exactly. it also means that they are doing harm and injury to minority children. you had to be skilled in real mathematics. >> they draw their lineup math. [laughter] >> the parents are not on board with it. the minority children, they are not on board with it. >> who is on board with it? the school district in georgia or anybody in the educational world for 10 minutes in k-12 nose lesson plans are hard. you do them every day, you do them for every class. everyone of them has to have diversity and inclusion objectives. >> all of us heard about diversity, equity and inclusion. almost all the major businesses. that does not mean diversity in the sense that this is a diverse panel. they want people to identify as victims. their inclusion does not mean everyone getting along and being on the same page. they are taking advantage of them and using them to push the radicalism. >> up next. our panel dissects the obsession of sexualizing our young children. we will uncover the biden administration to permanently alter america's schools. all of this special episode of the next education of america. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. oh, hey. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, straight up great cars. right from your phone to your driveway. go to and pick your favorite. wooo. oh yeah, she digs it. buy your car on vroom. get in. (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. buy your car on ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. as if using the immutable characteristics of skin color to endless future marks of his were not enough the agenda has now moved to the biology of our youngest kids. creating yet another victim class they can mobilize. >> a few months ago i published an op-ed that crt was just the tip of the iceberg and there were other critical theories that were just as dangerous. this causes children to really question if i'm a little boy or really a little girl. >> even the youngest most vulnerable children. they can be enlisted early on. my daughter is a former teacher. she said kids when they are young, they believe in the tooth fairy. right. [laughter] it is deeply, deeply confusing to them. >> disorienting the. >> totally disorienting. you have them in the palm of your hand making them think that is how the world works. >> you cannot change your mind of an adult. little children can be manipulated easily. especially when you have them for seven hours a day and you start telling them things like your parents don't know better, they are old-fashioned. and the children love their teachers. they respect their teacher so much. they are set up to be brainwashed. >> they also manipulate children that is a major focus. a beautiful quality that children have. you can steer it in this way and use it as a technique or mind control. >> i have to add to that. people who become teachers are generally very caring people with a lot of empathy. they say this one little child who was transgender. we have to make this child feel included. so now we have to make a whole curricula and indoctrinate everyone and the teachers all for it because they want to protect that little child. they love that little child. >> i have a 6-year-old son. sometimes he wears army uniforms. in the course of two hours. he also genuinely believes he has a genuine shot of being a madman. [laughter] all of those things are true at one time and yet he is supposed to figure out what his gender expression or gender identity is thankfully we pulled him out of a school where he would have to confront that. you wonder what the future will look like 10-15 years down the road. how people will identify and how that cascades. >> covers a little bit in the book. if you want people to go along, make them do the actions. when you make them do their thing repeatedly, liturgy in the church, in the world of our school system, the liturgy is tell us what it your pronouns are. you a boy or girl. by doing the liturgy they embezzled the narrative and then try to get that out. >> just like critical race theory, this sex and gender agenda did not spring up out of nowhere. it is been cultivated so effectively that activists now feel emboldened to press their advantage believing it cannot be stopped. we covered some of the earliest founders of america's sex -- promoted sexual liberation above all else. out was critical gender spread throughout the country it has impacted communities in ways that are unimaginable just a few years ago. >> there is a middle school in washington that decided to fund a drag show for middle schoolers. that is so far beyond what should be acceptable. it is sexualized. some people upset of course the people in charge, the adults in the room will not allow these middle school kids to get to sexual. really? have you seen any of what they've done in the classroom. you trust that these adults will keep these kids from getting to sexualized? we have gone way too over the line. eleven -year-olds dressing up as different genders and then performing on stage. that is just odd. before you shrug this story off as an isolated incident, activists have been promoting drag queen story hours to help them become more inclusive. purple states like pennsylvania have played host to organizations that push radical proposals introducing critical gender theory even in the classroom. >> the younger children starting in pre-k, we talk about their bodies. about the parts they were born with. whether it makes somebody a boy or a girl. but also their feelings. do they feel like a boy or girl? >> our children's innocent and impressionable minds, not to mention their souls are being poisoned by the sick and twisted. with joe biden at the helm it is only getting worse. they are now truly running the show. >> president biden's first day in office he rescinded critical race. and passing another executive order making those principles and making them mandatory across his administration. some suggested that biden would be in turn to a moderate presidency he would try to tamp down the culture wars. what we have seen is just the opposite. >> there are many dark moments. not just slavery and racism in our history. systemic racism still impacting society today. he believes as i believe that kids should learn about our history. >> not just shaming political opponents, they are now charging full speed ahead with fundamental transformation of the american mind. now they want an army of middle school activists. >> another big focus on the biden administration is action civics. it means course credit for protesting, lobbying and working for left wing advocacy groups. creating a whole new generation. there is something called the civics act which would put aside a billion dollars over this action and civics. the biden administration would get to decide who gets these for history and civics. what this would do is create a national curriculum. this is the way obama got common core. this is common core two-point oh. >> sounds like the education industrial complex. >> the logical next step, total student devotion to transgender indoctrination. >> committing to advancing transgender quality in the classroom to the parents of transgender children, one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe. >> the action of this white house are difficult to understand. once you understand the 100 year agenda to take over the america classrooms in the american mind. >> attachment to the old world traditional ideas whether it is god or the nuclear family or men and women and mothers and fathers, all of that had to be pushed over here. to the point where we have a supreme court nominee, now supreme court justice that was asked to define what is a woman and would not define what a woman is. >> i cannot. >> you can't? >> not in this context. >> that was insane. >> she was groomed. she was groomed to do what she is doing. they could have had a black woman qualified in a different way to carry forward the progressive agenda. >> up next. we explore how the radical union present existential threats to our republic. >> welcome to fox news live. i am in new york. the eyes of the nation will once again focus on capital hill tomorrow. investigating the january 6 capital crying. this time the panel will focus on donald trump's alleged efforts to spread lies about a stolen election. his 2020 campaign managers due to testify. lawmakers claim they have enough evidence for the doj to consider an unprecedented criminal indictment against the president starting today, flying into the u.s. no longer required to have a negative covid test. airlines have been pressing the white house for month saying the requirement discourage people from traveling but the administration will reevaluate the need for testing every 90 days. back to miss education of america battle for the american mind. ♪♪ the national education association has a policy playbook and the biden administration is playing it. what are they doing? >> they are trying to eviscerate charter schools. they don't want parents to have any choice. you name it. if it's on the list of the teacher union policy that the biden administration is pushing. i'd like to help people understand it is bigger than education. it's not just focus on education their focus on undermining our entire country. it is on the list. they want open borders. biden is pushing that. national education association. they don't want to have to show their id when they vote. you can trace them back. >> every movement has a high priest. every activist. there as is obvious. >> i think somebody like randi weingarten the president of the federation of teachers would be described as one of the greatest oppressors of american children in our nation today. those are not words that i use lightly. the reality is that the teachers union, randi weingarten thought to close down schools for almost nine years. they muzzled children with masks against all scientific evidence. they fought to install critical race and gender theory as a keystone ideology. what they have done over the past few years as they have i hundred revealed themselves. all of this still begs the question, how did this happen. how do we take our eye off the ball so badly that we are now relying on tiktok to reveal that teachers are doing this to our five -year-olds. >> our most conservative colleges. with one notable exception, the education department. every one of those colleges are problem. >> that is absolutely correct. the lowest incoming scores as well. >> the reflection is 100 graduates. they all go to work at the same school. there are 45 want to. the rest of them trained either system not to push back. >> i am ashamed of academia. a lot of colleagues that i know, they do know right from wrong and they do see what is happening to our country and they are not onboard with it but they are such cowards. this is a moment where everyone needs to come together to save our country and save our children. >> up next. politicians and parents find the courage to fight back against the indoctrination of our children. oh, hey. buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, 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today at or amazon. ♪ ♪ for parents on issues of k-12 education. he passed the stop woke act which band principles of critical race theory indy also passed the parental rights in education act which said we would not sexualize kids between the ages of kindergarten and third grade. no one structure non-radical gender theory or teaching kids that they may be gender queer pansexual or whatever the latest fads may be and these are two very commonsense pieces of legislation. thankfully, the most important issue in our country is the education of our most precious resource. it has finally become a top political issue. >> and yet we have seen the left wing of this country really has derek lease strike out again that. smearing him as censoring history or censoring lgbtq issues. neither of these charges are true at all. the governor's curriculum teaches a full history of the united states including racial injustice. they said they don't say gay bill which is absurd. nothing in the bill says you cannot say gay. it just says you are restrict adult government employees from talking to other peoples children about about their sexuality. i think that perhaps it should raise a red flag. this holds true for adults of all sexual orientations. predictably, the biden administration has smeared to santos and every other educational sanity advocate at every turn. >> anti-transgender state laws attacking you and your families is wrong. this administration is standing up against all of these hateful bills. >> and disney a company we have entrusted our children to four generations. they feel it is important for our students to learn the importance of gender pronouns. >> the legislation becomes law it could be used to unfairly target gay, lesbian, non-binary families. >> most importantly capturing the classroom. it is time to completely rethink how we do education. reorient how we teach our kids and grandkids. that is what our book battle for the american mind is all about. in the meantime, parents are fighting back. >> he wants explicit bias and antiracism taught in schools. these ideas are themselves racist at the very core. >> apparent deciding enough is enough. showing up and giving a passionate speech. that is not easy to deal. seventeen conservatives. whenever apparent and up, they don't even have to be conservative, moderate democrats or independents realize how far left our schools have gotten. currently, seven states have banned critical race theory outright from entering the classroom. we are playing catch up after decades of focusing on other issues keeping the issue of education to democrats and bureaucrats. up next, the panel and i give our final thought on the future and the american classroom. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ the reason we talk about this is when we are facing a complex as big as the educational success, we can reset standards. we have the time to do it. i don't think parents know what they are written for. >> that is our take away. we are not trying to be pessimistic. pull your kids out of government schools and put them into classical homeschool solar educating kids to be citizens and re- thinkers. otherwise they're just coming out of survivors. we are not in a moment where we can just have survivors, we have to have warriors and survivors. the teachers need to get out, to come out the good ones. what is it? from my perspective it is the teachers. they are not abusing our children, turning them against their own parents, at least people are finally awakening. >> 1922, they tried to legalize christian education. they gave us a case that guaranteed us to recognize. the late 1980s michael farris led a fight to legalize homeschooling across the state. very few people realize that. you've got options. we should be grateful. >> we all stand on the shoulders of this group. thank you for being a part of this. season one of miseducation in america. i think you are probably on the hook for more. we learned so much we get a chance to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thank you to our fox audience for engaging with this topic. you can order our new book. it can be found in hardcopy, digitally digitally or naughtily old book. our miseducation of america series is still available to stream any time at fox nation. remember education is our most righteous. ♪♪ or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. ♪♪ hello, i am mark levin and this is life, liberty. you seem to spectacle, i want to dig into this and the threat of assassination against the supreme court justice. you heard these words off in the past few days, insurrection

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Domination , Reform , Abolition , Society , Structures , Power , Government , Race Theorist , Outcomes , Order , Resources , Meaning , Basis , Wealth , Utopia , Noble , People , Quality , Outcome , Equity , Leftist Application , Access , Virtue , Programs , Demographics , Lots , Classes , Movement , Ap , Sort , Play , White Supremacy , Courses , Students , Excel , Asian , Policies , Why , What , Child , Equity Crusaders , Moving , Student , Fight , Set , Family , Policy , Assumption , Supervision , Background , Someone , School District , Position , Privilege , Attention , Student Due , Student Punishment , Terms , Responsiveness , Left , Foundations , Goal , Test Scores , Marxists , The End , Guide Of Social Justice , Political Movement , Change , Marxism , Injustice , Narrative , Variable , Nest , Severities , Signs , Panel , Sense , Obvious , Takeover , Overwhelming , Everywhere , Leaders , Reason , Joining David , Episode , Gas , Three , Focus , Social Studies , Ones , Studies , 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Crt , Op Ed , Boy , Theories , Tip , Iceberg , Teacher , Daughter , Little Girl , Tooth Fairy , Disorienting The , Adult , Works , Hand , Palm , Teachers , Them , Lot , Technique , Mind Control , Empathy , Indoctrinate , Feel , Transgender , Curricula , Course , Son , Army Uniforms , 6 , Madman , Shot , Gender Expression , Road , Cascades , 15 , Liturgy , Actions , Church , School System , Pronouns , Girl , Activists , Sex , Founders , Nowhere , Gender Spread , Ways , Liberation , Else , Schoolers , Drag Show , Washington , Adults , Charge , Room , Genders , Stage , Dressing , Drag Queen , Incident , Pennsylvania , Gender Theory , Organizations , Pre K , Bodies , Host , Proposals , Parts , Somebody , Feelings , Minds , Souls , Executive Order , Office , Show , Some , Opposite , Presidency , Culture Wars , Racism , Slavery , Transformation , Opponents , Speed , Army , Wing , Action Civics , Lobbying , Advocacy Groups , Generation , Course Credit , Action , Fact , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Curriculum , Obama , Common Core , Sounds , Step , Student Devotion , Education Industrial Complex , Indoctrination , Safe , White House , Ideas , Attachment , Men , Woman , Supreme Court , Women , Fathers , Mothers , Nominee , Context , Union , Threats , Nation , Eyes , Fox News Live , New York , Capital Hill , Capital , Donald Trump , Lawmakers , Efforts , Election , Campaign Managers , Lies , 2020 , January 6 , Evidence , Covid Test , Starting Today , Doj , Indictment , Airlines , Requirement , Need , America Battle For The American , 90 , National Education Association , Policy Playbook , List , Charter Schools , Teacher Union Policy , Choice , Borders , Id , Randi Weingarten , Activist , High Priest , Words , Teachers Union , Oppressors , Federation , Masks , Keystone Ideology , Nine , Eye , Colleges , Exception , Ball , Tiktok , Education Department , Graduates , Reflection , Scores , System , Rest , 45 , Colleagues , Academia , Cowards , Courage , Kardia Mobile , Heart Health , Heart , Doesn T , Device , Doctor , Heart Conditions , Pocket , Fda , Peace Of Mind , 30 , Tachycardia , Health , Heart Rhythm , Hands , Stroke , Atrial Fibrillation , Causes , Anywhere , Independence , Moon , Amazon , Rights , Kindergarten , Ages , Education Act , Stop Woke Act Which Band Principles Of Critical Race Theory Indy , Legislation , Teaching , Whatever , Pansexual , Fads , Grade , Gender Queer , Structure , Pieces , Issue , Resource , Lease Strike , Charges , Governor , Censoring , Lgbtq , Say Gay Bill , Gay , Bill , Nothing , Peoples , Sexual Orientations , Employees , Red Flag , Families , Sanity Advocate , State Laws , Santos , Company , Bills , Generations , Gender Pronouns , Importance , Disney , Four , Lesbian , Law , Book Battle For The American , Bias , Antiracism , Speech , Conservatives , Conservative , Democrats , Independents , Seventeen , Bureaucrats , Thought , Up Next , Tech Vo , Service , Tech , Schedule , Replacement , Let S Go , Pascal , Nice To Meet You , Singers , Safelite Com , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Complex , Standards , Success , Government Schools , Homeschool , Re Thinkers , Solar , Survivors , Warriors , Perspective , Michael Farris , Case , 1980 , 1922 , Stand , Homeschooling , Group , Options , Shoulders , Chance , More , Hook , Book , Audience , Topic , Hardcopy , Fox Nation , Fun , Life , Liberty , Mark Levin , Threat , Assassination , Insurrection , Spectacle , Supreme Court Justice ,

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