things. i want to share with you -- >> the medal of honor character development program launched a decade ago with secondary students and recently expanded into elementary schools. they've held teacher training sessions in 45 states as well as the district of columbia. >> he's teaching us you can't always solve things yourself and you need to have somebody else that you love. >> with additional support, the character development program can reach more children. >> i encourage you to live a life of significance. >> in tampa, florida, catherine herrid herridge, fox news. jon: those recipients are national treasures. 8200 pounds of supplies bound for the international space station. expected to get there early monday morning. the cargo will be delivered to six astronauts stationed at the iss. among the items a specially designed oven for baking cookies, zero gravity toll house anyone? a new episode of watters world coming up tonight at 8:00 p.m. herein. here's jesse with a preview >> a very very powerful watters