bad entitlement waste has become. "fox & friends" hour one. we haven't had an hour before this. that would have been zero. this is the first hour of "fox & friends," it starts right now. >> welcome heather. nice to see you. >> you are on top of things this morning. >> oh, yeah. it's the vat of coffee we have had this morning. you said 16 days until the election? >> yeah, that's right. >> you can believe that? >> i know. it has gone by so quickly. you talk to folks in a the will of those swing states and they are getting phone call after phone call already. they are tired of it and ready for this thing to be over. >> and the ads? if you are a swing state viewer this morning call us. >> you folks in ohio i'm sure you are tired of the ads. >> meanwhile we talk about this 16 days out. and we continue to talk about what happened in benghazi, how the administration handled it. this yearly will be the focus of tuesday's final debate. and you open up the "new york post" and you read this: they watched them die. what are they talking about? now, we know there was unmanned drone above the attack in benghazi in the final hours of the attack. not before it started. that means we were actually watching in realtime as this all went down. >> you can imagine watching this as it is happening. and here is what some folks are starting to say. we heard from gary berne citizen, a former cia operative. he said we could have gotten our military on the ground there before some of our u.s. citizens died. >> especially with they went over to the cia outpost after the initial consulate attack. >> up there in the sky with this drone looking down at the end of this military strike or i'm sorry this protest strike, whatever it was. gary says we were watching this. we could have rolled the military in. weighs on jeanine pirro show last night. take a listen. >> another piece of this that's not being discussed and the president is a master of deflecting and changing the subject. they could have at least put a team on the ground to help. they must have been screaming for help those people out there. >> of course they were screaming. >> and there was an option. there were options for them to help and interscreen. they could have asked for a machine gun one crowd would have beaten the crowd past. then they could have asked for quick reaction force. there is no discussion. >> now the investigation aimed squarely at the white house. darrell issa out with the report. he has had this 166 pages of documents that they are now releasing. democrats are upset about it saying you are playing politics releasing these politics. darrell issa is saying this to the president. the president has not been straightforward with the american people in the aftermath of the attack. the issue of who knew what and went after the attack has been a source of partisan sparring on libya saying it's made intelligence public as it became available. >> democrats are basically saying that republicans have released too much sensitive information that it could compromise some of our assets over there. some folks who this been working with us in libya. you didn't hear that when we were talking about usama bin laden and the doctor who helped americans get usama bin laden in pakistan. basically rotting in a prison in pakistan now as a result because his information was cawfd up. >> strong suit of obama administration. it is john kerry blasting this investigation saying it is a moment of incompetence to release the names of these libyan officials. peter king not taking his foot off the gas. he wants to continue his investigation. he wants all documents and cables released from what happened. here is what he told geraldo last night. >> here is what the administration should do and i'm calling on them now. they should release and take any names they want for security reasons. all of the cables, all of the correspondence, all of the emails and contacts that went back between benghazi and washington. everything within the cia which was known and also whether or not several days prior to that they did have any advanced notice that this attack was coming. >> and you know, guys, of course, the president was on the daily show the other night, it was not a funny show on the daily show. he was very poignant in saying as information came out we have released it we have been forth right with the american people as we have gotten information we have released. representative chaffets said that's not been the case. buck mckee hand says the coverup has been getting worse because we haven't been getting the information. >> let's remember there is cia operatives who say they had this information within 24 hours of that attack. was furnished to the administration which runs contrary to what susan rice had been saying. >> right. we could go back and forth on this for a while. there is some cia talking points that apparently were the guiding force for what susan rice said. woulder going to ask mike baker about this who was in the cia for 17 years. why if the station chief knew about this being a terrorist attack why the talking points several days later. back on the buck mostly cloudy keen take mckean attack on this is what he had to say. >> all the problems that erupt in washington when there is a coverup it's always worse than the incident itself. they ought to just come clean, tell us what happened. admit that mistakes were made and make corrections for the future. because this is just going to be a deeper and bigger hole that they are digging. >> don't people in washington get it? coverups and. >> that's a hard word to say at 6:00 in the morning. >> coverups and misdirection i'm going to try to say another word. go back to history and jfk after the bay of pigs invasion. his father said you need to come out and take responsibility. he comes outs in front of a press conference and says the buck stops with me. i made a mistake, it won't happen again. the american people have responded. governor huckabee has talked about this. when politicians take responsibility for these actions and they say the fog of war things happen. we were wrong about certain information, but here is what happened, the american people are forgiving. >> the american people we're all grown ups, right? we know we were attacked on 9/11. we have seen attacks on u.s. interests. had obama said this is a terror attack and tried to rally america behind the administration, we're might have done that there is a very good chance that we would have been on board with that. >> well over a month ago, this might have been put to rest. >> dana perino we have her on the show later on. we will ask her about white house. >> how does it unfold in the white house? did the white house ever get this information or was it only at the state department? we'll talk to dana later. >> three congressional investigations as a result of what happened in benghazi so far. >> the focus of that big debate but you have got some headlines. >> okay. i will get right to the headlines. a freightening warning for drivers in michigan. there is a serial gunman who appears to be on the loose there. cops say that there have been 16 reports of someone shooting from a dark car at oncoming traffic. this happening in wicksham and livingston county also in lion township. i hope i said that correctly. no one has been hurt but there has been a number of close calls. this is sparking fears of repeat of that 2002 sniper shooting? washington, d.c. >> skill and accuracy, this, you know, at first blush looks like somebody who is randomly shooting at people in cars. >> as a precaution, some folks are keeping their kids home from school in order to keep them off the road. a deadly revenge attack by the taliban in afghanistan. insurgents killing the children of an afghan police officer because he refdz to join their ranks. the officer's 9-year-old daughter and 18-year-old son were outside their home when they were both gunned down. imagine that, 9-year-old and 18-year-old. despite the vicious attack the officer says he will continue his police work for the safety of his country. this comes, of course, two weeks after the taliban shot a 14-year-old pakistani girl in the head because she was simply out spoken for women's education. she is currently recovering in a british hospital. emergency crews spending hours searching a plane at lang international airport after someone called in a bomb threat. they didn't find anybody on board the floor flight. they are looking for the person who made that phony threat. that plane was bound for london. the 16th just named seven people to the catholic church's highest honor saint hood. ♪ >> thousands gathering in st. peters square to attend the masses ceremony there among the two new saints are two american women. bear with me on this name please. katiraka, an native american name. she is the first to be declared a saint. how about that? we will ask jonathan about her name later on. i bet he knows the pronunciation. mother mary ann left syracuse, new york to head to hawaii to care for lepers. >> father john is busily preparing. >> the pressure is on. >>, would on her name. thanks, heather. >> coming up on the show since the cia knew within 24 hours that deadly attack on the consulate was an act of terror, why wasn't that said upfront. >> we will ask mike baker next about that. >> imagine riding on the train and seeing this. a man pulls out a sword. to break up a fight. >> there he is. or a lifesaver. 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joining us to break this all down, former cia covert operations officer president of diligence llc, a global intelligence and security firm mike baker. good to see you as always in boston this morning. >> thank you. >> look, it is difficult to figure out. now that we know that the cia station chief there in libya identified exactly what this was within 24 hours. and, yet, there has been cia talking points from september 15th that apparently guided sowfn rice in what she said saying that these demonstrations in benghazi with were inspired at the protests in cairo. it's difficult to make out how this happened. do you now have some insay? >> well, you know, there is the information that gets reported into langley. and then there is the information that comes out the other end once it gets into the mess that is washington. and sort of the all the various agendas that exist. so, this situation started to develop. and there is absolutely no doubt that the intelligence that was coming from the ground and, mind you, you know, what's happening in benghazi at the time of the attack, you know, through the that period, it's chaos. and you have got individuals scrambling to save their lives and save the lives of others and they are woefulfully underresourced. they are not kidded out the way they need to be. there is not the security capability think need to have. so, yes, you talk about putting a drone in place overhead at a certain point, you are getting some information. you have to remember it's not like the film. not like jack ryan and you are getting this amazing amount of insight into knowing what's going on. but you are getting screaming at langley saying give us some information. give us some insight. so your sources on the ground, you know, if they are available, you are getting all that intel. it's going back to washington. this is my point, it's going to the white house. the white house knew essentially as soon as as the information was landing in lapgly what the agency had. so for them to say they didn't know what was going on, to the degree that anyone knew what was going on. >> now we are learning from the state department documents, 166 payments released the other day some interesting revelations there let's go through them as quickly as we can back in june of 2012. we had ambassador stevens saying quote libya's fragile security deteriorates as power plays and extremism intensify in august stevens writes the state department and says what we have seen is not random plans of opportunity but plans of attack. september 11th warning about growing problems with the security situation there. why might these pleas have been ignored? >> well, because, again, it didn't fit the narrative and ever since the very beginning of our involvement in libya, and, you know, can you argue well, what were we doing in libya? supposedly it was an effort to save civilians, you know from, qaddafi. okay. never mind the fact that we have been silent in syria. but, it was very hands off. you know, it was air support. it was take control of the air and allow the libyan rebels and others to get in there and overthrow qaddafi. i think that's what you get when you have got sort of incon sis tense inconsistencies coming out of washington. they jumped in but they didn't jump. in they never committed the sort of resources that were required in a chaotic high threat operating environment. that really is the problem here. that's -- but that's not what the white house wants to discuss. so they are focusing on let's get everybody talking about what was the intel just after what led to this discussion about the video. that's ridiculous. set that aside and talk about what a serious -- it was from the very beginning. they didn't have a contingency plan when things went south. once a balloon goes up and you have got a problem like this attack, not as simple as saying send in the air force. have you got to have plans in place and you have got to have a counter assault team available. more than that, you should have had that security locked down months and months ago. >> is there not much going back to what you said about the drone overhead watching the final hours of this. is there much we could have done in the way of the military response? what should we have done in the wake of all of this. lastly, we know the man who was behind this attack just walking around benghazi, walking around libya. chatting with a "new york times" reporter just the other day. so disuls the options in terms of military action initially and now. >> what should we have done? we should have done everything humanly possible. even though we didn't have a contingency plan apparently. even though we didn't have immediately available rapid response team, what should have happened is the military should have been unleashed, do whatever is possible. get any resources available there immediately. whether it's air assets or whether it's it personnel on the ground. and i didn't, it's chaotic and yes there wasn't clear insight into, you know, the extent of the problem, you didn't really know where the movements were going. but just do whatever is possible. and that's an interesting point because, let's find out what was authorized. in terms of katalla, in erms of it the fellow in charge of al sharery the group likely behind some of this, that's a group that operates openly in benghazi for the most part. you know, maybe 200 or 300 people depending who you talk to in that organization. and he is the leader of it and they have. >> we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us from boston this morning. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. don't go away. >> with a low national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go forails. 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