died in that accident. four lane bridge gave way in both directions. state officials say they are looking into reports of an over sized crop that may have led the bridge to collapse. it was built in 1955 and is considered outdated. >> a shocking turn in the jodi arias case after 3 days of deliberations they could not decide whether to send her to death or life in prison. a judge declared a mistrial and dismissed the injury. 12 new jurors will be picked for the penalty phase unless prosecutors decide to take the death penalty off the table. jurors declined speaking afterward. the retrial is scheduled for july 18th. >> how does a man whose parents are devout christians turn into a muslim terrorist? we are learning more about one of the two men who murdered a british soldier in the streets of london. the man reported to be michael con virted t converted to islam back in 2003. it may not have been a loan wolf killing because police made two more arrests. the british soldier killed in the attack lee writing brigby l behind a two-year-old son. he served in afghanistan. the brave cub scout leader that's the person who confronted one of the terrorists says she wasn't scared. >> i am a mother whose children are around. >> the attacker told her she wanthe wanted to start a war in london she told him you are going to lose. >> key role in talking points in the benghazi terror attacks is getting a promotion. victoria new man will be assistant secretary of state in europe. she down-played the role terrorists played in the attack. it comes as the investigation deepens. several law americas are pushing to interview 14 top officials including former secretary of state hillary clinton. >> this memorial day weekend for george w. bush. >> ready to go? oo ready to go? here we go. >> it was the third annual wounded warrior ride. it takes off with president bush in crawford texas. 14 members of the military who were seriously wounded in afghanistan are taking part in the ride. mark seigel was there. we got an exclusive interview with the president. it will be fun to see. that is your 5@5:00. >> first she refused to testify then lois lerner refuse to do resign. the irs official has been paid -- put on paid administrative lead. patti ann has more. >> she is still on the payroll according to senator charles bradley she was only put in the status after refuse to go step down. she writes my understanding is acting commissioner she refused to resign she was put on administrative leave instead. some law americas say she shouldn't be getting any pay at all. >> i would have suspended her without pay. the other thing is we have to watch closely what they tend to do is transfer people around and change their titles. the examiner claims lerner made a substantial living at the irs. they obtained the freedom of information act. she earned more than 740,000 dollars over a 4 year period while she made the money the irs says certain agents did single out reviews because they had the word tea party or patriot in their exemption applications. she headed the department that overseed tax exempt groups. many claims she did not plead the fifth correctly when she testified before a house hearing this week. although both sides of the aisle are displeased some say it's not really worth bringing her back again. >> i have done anything wrong. i have not broken any laws. >> i would not recall her, because for one thing i know what she will do is reassert her rights under the 59 amendme -- amendment. >> the hearing was technically never concluded it was adjourned. house speaker john boehner says he hopes to bring her back and get more answers. an estimated 30 million people will hit the road for memorial day weekend. >> some parts of the country are seeing more wild weather. hi there, maria. how are things looking? >> good morning everyone. it depends where you live. if you live in the northeast very uncelted with showers and storms rolling on through and producing areas of flash flooding. the storm system still in place for today and even as we head into tomorrow. for some of you along the coast even into sunday morning. several days out here of unsettled weather continuing in place. if you are hitting the road along i 95 through parts of up state new york keep in mind you are going to have to deal with the showers and storms and we could be looking at slow downs as we try to head out for the beaches. temperature wise it will be cool. texas also dealing with showers and storms across southwestern parts of the state parts of the north central u.s. we will have to deal with unsettled weather as we head into the day and the next couple days. parts of minnesota, south dakota into this area of the country right in here. showers and storms the next several days so a very unsettled weekend. temperature wise cool across northeast. take a look at new york city 65 degrees 54 in cleveland. take a look atom kicking off the week on saturday only in the low 50s in new york city. it will be a chilly day if you are headed toward the beaches across northeast. otherwise parts of the southeast on the cool side for you in raleigh north carolina. otherwise a couple of cities here miami florida looking good temperature wise heather and patti ann in the 80s. by memorial day you could be looking at sours and storms. >> the weather is nice and warm in florida. we need to head there. >> maria thank you very much. the mystery illness and doctors in alabama has been solved. they found no new viruses and bacteria they say it was mostly cold and flu viruses. 6 people in the hospital two released two died. authorities recovered the body of a second child killed when a rock slide hit a group of 4th grards. the rain saturated soil gave way wednesday during a field trip. the popular hunting area is now closed indefinitely. >> mrs. foster posing as the disney family. he created a fake driver's license and tax forms showing he got paid by the walt disney corporation. they busted him after he handed out stolen disney land passes to charity. >> the time now 8 minutes after the hour. new developments in the case following eric holder on the decision to track james rose enand his family. what it could mane for the ag ahead. >> somebody needs to grab a mat. morgan freeman wouldn't keep his eyes open during the tv interview that was live. we will be right back. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages rves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of terry's story, visit >> if you are hitting the road for memorial day gas prices may be the heist in two years. we are live in tampa with more on the story. >> good morning to you, patti ann. i don't know if you noticed but gas prices have gone up the past couple days the gas station by my house has gone up about $0.10 the past week. we wanted to find out if that was the case statewide. here's what we found out. here in florida the price is 3.51 as of right now. about a week ago it was $0.05 cheaper. as we begin the holiday weaned prices are going up and they are going up fast. department of energy did a survey. they found out drivers they interviewed said gas prices would not impact their travel plans. aaa is expected 35 million people to travel north this weaned and most will hit the road. more research found gas prices in new york are 3.75. a week ago 3.73. not too much of an increase. don't suspect that will stop any one from hitting the road. >> reporting live for us in florida, thank you. listen to this one. there are new reports coming out of washington this morning that attorney general eric holder, listen to this, personally signed off on the search warrant that identified fox news chief washington correspondent james rose enas a possible co conspirator of violation of the espionage act. doug luzader is live with more. this escalates it to a whole new level. >> this is being reported by nbc news. it is a big deal because we didn't know how high up within the justice department this really went. apparently is went all of the way to the top. if this is true it would put attorney general eric holder of having to investigate himself to see if the justice department went too far to find a source in the leak of the state department. we know investigators targeted fox's chief washington correspondent james rose enin an extraordinary way forcing google to turn over access to the personal e-mail account and going after noinz records. court documents show it was expanded well beyond mr. rose sen's cell phone. a portion of the numbers have been redacted but some include a number of fox news extensions as well as rosen's parent home number. they responded to the growing outrage. >> journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs. our focus must be on those who break the law. that's why i have called on congress to pass a media shield law to guard against government over reach. >> the president has also stood behind holder at just about every turn. >> this is unique. it isn't just that he signed the search warrant he did something extremely wrong for the president ovenlt one hand says this should never happen but my attorney general did it so i will look into it? what is he a bystander here? he's the boss. he's the man in charge. >> the president has told eric holder he needs to meet with representatives from media organizations and then report back to the white house. heather, holder is going to get an earful. >> as he should. doug luzader from washington thank you very much. >> coming up, a booze bait and switch that will make your stomach turn. wait until you hear what they were serving instead of stoch. >> what you need to know when it comes to branding something verses the generic store brand. >> this morning we are learning the massive tornado that devastated oklahoma earlier this week did more damage than officials originally thought. craig boswell is on the ground with more details for us. good morning, craig. >> good morning to you. the numbers are mind boggling 12,000 homes damaged or destroyed. mostly destroyed. upwards of $2 billion estimates early on. last evening putting up tarps on roofs if they have roofs putting up plywood along windows and doors trying to protect what items they do have. insurance adjusters are cutting checks to homeowners talking about what they are doing next. lots of decisions have to be made decisions on where they are going to work if their business is destroyed where they are going to stay while they get the work done. talked to several homeowners. here's what some of them had to say. >> right now it's trying to find somewhere to go maybe an apartment or something. get back to work. all we can do is keep moving forward. >> decisions will also have to be made about rebuilding of the school. huge discussion about safety and storm shelters the two schools demolished by the ef-5 tornado did not have the storm shelters. they were built in 65 plaza towers and briarwood built in 85. they are going to be raising private money likely to build some of the shelters. discussions also about retrofitting the older schools so that it doesn't happen again. police are urging people to stay off the roads again today so families can get back. also they need to bring in heavy equipment to begin moving in the larger debris. we are hoping for clearer weather today we had so many storms that hindered all of the cleanup efforts. >> craig becauoswell thank you much. >> it is 22 minutes after the hour. anthony weiner for mayor of pittsburgh? small over site for someone who just announced the mayor of new york city. the backdrop on the campaign web site featured a picture of the bridge in pittsburgh. the marketing firm that designs the site took the responsibility for the mix-up. >> a mid air scare for prince charles and his wife camilla. the helicopter forced to make an emergency landing. a technical fault caused the pilot to land the helicopter prematurely. all 7 people on board were okay. the malfunction is now under investigation. thanks heather. we told you about americans feeling the pain at the pump this memorial day weekend. this morning the new national average for a gallon of gas is $3.65. that is up quite a bit in the past month. that is not the only driving news that we have for you this long weekend. lauren simonetti from fox business network joins us now. >> gas prices are up and so are car sales. they are really going gang busters. in may analysts started expecting a rise between 6-8 percent bringing the nearly average to 15 million or more. at this point they are being driven by pickup truck sales that's what the construction firms used to bring materials to the site. great signs for the economy. because of this we are seeg auto makers say we are going to stay open all summer. they are not having the traditional two-week vacations. gm is not having ford and chrysler cutting back the vacations. >> that will help keeping the economy going as well. >> sunscreen a topic for some people this weekend. not what you think in terms of price matching up with quality. >> sometimes cheaper is better. consumer reports looked at 12 different sunscreens. this is what they find were the most effective. target 6.97 cents. wal-mart equate $7.60 number two. high grades to copper tone water babies and hawaiian sheer touch. here's the deal with sunscreen. you should always apply after you go in the water don't always look for the hire spf number. you should go for the baud spectrum protection. >> uva and uvb. >> you also want to check the ingredients on the sunscreen. some have more safe ingredients. >> those prices were good. every time i go shopping for sunscreen it's $16. >> you are not getting what you paid for. good to know, lauren. >> target up and up here i come. >> heather? >> people don't use baby oil any more? >> that was a long time ago. coming up for the first time we are hearing from the mistress who forced general petraeus to resign as the chief of the cia. paula broadwell sharing her side of the story about the affair. here's what not to do in a live television interview. that is morgan freeman. he can't stay awake. snoozing right there. taking a little nap. we will be right back. the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. even the back of your legs. remember only at this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. oh! there it is. thanks son. hey! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less. and it's four times stronger versus the leading value brand. charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear clean. we all go. why not enjoy the go th charmin ultra strong? >> good morning. welcome to "fox & friends first". i am heather nauert. >> i am patti ann browne. time for your 5@5:30 as we begin with a fox news alert. we have learned that three people who were pulled from their cars after a bridge collapse in washington state are in stable condition this moing. they plunged from 50 feet high into the river just after last night's rush hour. this happened about an hour north of seattle. luckily no one was killed. state officials believe an over sized truck hit the bridge causing the collapse. the bridge which was built in 1965 is considered outdated. we now know that attorney general eric holder personally signed off on the search warrant that had identified fox news chief washington correspondent james rose enas a possible, quote, co conspirator in violations of the espionage act and had his private e-mail take evenlt holder authorized t -- tn holder authorized. state department advisor accused of leaking information about north korea. karl rove going on the record saying the whole thing is outrage gugs. gus. >> i think the administration took it too far. it was plain bad judgment and a chilling effect on a free press. we should be condemning them as strong as possible. the free press ought to back it up by taking action to either discipline or criticize his own attorney general for having done this. >> this news comes as president obama says the justice department is going to review the policy under which it obtains journalist records. investigations in the leak of -- leaking of government secrets. >> for the first time since her affair with david petraeus paula broadwell is speaking out. she says i have remorse for the harm that this has caused,ed sadness it has caused my family and other families. broadwell went on to say she turns to faith and volunteer to go get her through. despite the affair she thanked her husband for staying by her side. >> brand new details being released about new jersey bars that have switched out expensive food for the really cheap stuff. we now know that one of those places was mixing, listen to this, food die with rubbing alcohol and serving it as scotch. police not revealing the name of the wbar yet but they say no health issues were reported. 13 of the 29 places sited were tgi fridays. look out for that. >> morgan freeman not one for early morning wake up calls. he falls asleep during a live interview. he was there to promote the new movie "now you see me" he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. free man says he wasn't actually sleeping he was testing a new product google eyelids. >> i am not so sure about that. >> he is so advanced in age i believe he deserves a nap every now and then. >> thank you very much patti ann. >> 3 million people will hit the road for the weekend. some ralready seeing wild weather. maria molina is tracking it for us. how is the weekend weather look sng>> it is looking a little unsettled. if you are in the northeast you are looking at showers and storms. they have been in place since yesterday. actually new york city has been under a flash flood warning multiple times you were under one multiple times throughout the day yesterday and today doesn't look much better. showers and storms again in place the storm system if you are hitting the road ways after work or through out the day today we have the day off expect to see a slow down and be careful out there. temperatures will be chilly. if you are headed out to new jersey or other areas along the coast in new england you are looking at temperatures a little bit below average finally by monday you are looking a little better with temperatures warming up and the sunshine returning. southeast looking good warm and sunny out here through out the weekend even into monday. cool temperatures will be in place. below average and in parts of the pacific northwest are dealing with showers and higher elevations could see snow. otherwise taking a look at the temperatures for today very quickly 60s in new york city, 63 for the high in cleveland and heather as we want to mention the national hurricane center did issue their outlook for the atlantic hurricane season this year forecasting it to be above average 13-20 storms expected 7 to 11 should be hurricanes. >> fishings crossed. thank you maria. check in with you later. >> new developments in the london terror attack. how did the man who's parents are devout christians turn into a muslim terrorist? we will learn more about the two men who viciously attacked in the streets of london. >> the police investigation still continuing. so many eyewitness couldn't tells the day the attack happened here in the streets in south london. many with mobile phones in what appears to be a confession on tape. we know the two men arrested by police are being questioned. t the two 29-year-old british men of nigerian as sent. no charges they are still in the hospital after being shot by police who attended the scene here on wednesday afternoon. one of the men lived they have been searched and police are executing warrants two 29 yearlied were arrested for the killing of lee rigby. it happened in broad daylight in a street in london. >> live for us in london, thank you so much. back here at home now the irs official at the center of the targeting scandal refuses to resign. now she is being paid to put on leave? elizabeth prann is live in washington with more on lois lerner. >> she denies involvement in the targeting and focuses on those in the agency cincinnati field office. now we are learning of a series of cover letters published by national review on-line that shows she may have been more involved than we know. her name is on cover letters from organizations represented by the american center for law and justice. you can see on the letter sent to the ohio liberty council it shows the irs is unable to make a final determination on it a number of detailed questions the tle treasury and secretary general may be appropriate. lerner stepped down. she is still on the payroll according to senator charles grassley she is refuse to go step down. grassley rights my understanding as acting irs commissioner asked for lerner's resignation and she refuse to do resign. she was put on administrative leave instead. some law americas say she shouldn't be getting any compensation at all. >> i would have suspended her without pay. we have to watch closely because what they tend to do is they transfer people around and change their titles. >> as you said she is still getting paid. lerner made a substantial living at the irs. according to data obtained from freedom of information act she earned more than 740,000 dollars over a 4 year period. lawmakers try her and exactly with a if any role she had after making the statement she took the 5th and testified before a house hearing giving no new information. both sides of the aisle say they are displeased. some say it's not really worth bringing her back. >> elizabeth prann sounds like a good deal you get paid to sit around and do nothing. 37 minutes after the hour. coming up just when you thought the jodi arias case couldn't get any crazeyer it did. they are deadlocked on life or death, what is next for the case? that's coming up next. >> woman are you trying to get another date? it may not be you, your job is to blame. [ man ] on december 17, 1903, the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ ( crowd clapping ) ♪ say cheese! shouldn't the photos you share from your smartphone be photos actually worth sharing? introducing the nokia lumia 928, only on verizon 4g lte. easily capture vibrant photos in near-darkness. even without the flash. sharing photos from the best low-light smartphone camera around. that's powerful. verizon. allahu akbar. >> 19 until the top of the hour. here are quick headlines. days before we honor our country's veterans a bill to protect war heros is waiting for president obama's signature. the stolen valor act of 2013 targets those who killed the military members. it passed in both the house and senate this week. could your job be the reason you can't get a date? stress hormones make women less attractive to men. no stress in our jobs, right? >> right. that's for sure. a stunning turn of events in the penalty phase of theodi arias trial. an arizona jury deadlocking on whether to sentence the convicted killer to life or death. >> the state of arizona vorces jodi arias. we the jury sworn in the above entitled action upon our vote unanimously find having considered all of the facts and circumstances the defendant should be sentenced -- no unanimous agreement signed fore person. >> that raising a whole lot of eyebrows. that is next? let's ask defense attorney david schwartz. >> a new jury has to be i am panelled. >> most jurors will be familiar with the case. can the jury be partial. can the jury give the death penalty? the lawyers will be looking for the most impartial jurors as possible. >> you have to be willing to give the death penalty in order to give that. >> do you think there will be a change of venue? >> i don't believe there will be a change of venue. the case is so national no matter where you put the case it could be pred dish shall. it will stay in the county for the phase. >> they have to do a mini trial again to get jurors up to speed? >> you have to do a voer deer and jury selection that could take weeks to find death penalty authorized jurors to sit there then you go through a mini trial. you have the opening statement. >> it could take months and months? >> yeah, from here. we are not going to do that. >> if the jury is hung again the judge cannot give a death sentence. it will be a life sentence. >> the judge could also decide parole possibly down the road. >> the judge could decide a real life sentence or a life sentence with eligibility of parole. >> the family of travis, they have been through so much already. do you think the prosecutors are going to try to cut a deal with arias and might arias be open to that? >> she has no leverage at this point. but the one leverage is the victim's family. they can go to the prosecution and say cut a deal and the prosecution would bebly would do something. >> if the state verses jodi arias because the family has been through so much he was killed in such a mohorrific manr think might give the family a final call on that. >> you have a jury already hung on this issue. you have one jury already that was hung on it there has been a mistrial as far as the penalty phase goes. it could possibly happen or it may not. >> what do you think caused the hung jury? >> it is very tough to give a death penalty. it is very tough. she can be a little sympathetic at times but -- >> don't get us going on that one. survivor of domestic violence. >> compared to other death p sentences compared to the connecticut case. you have to put it all in perspective. a life sentence is tough. >> that's why we have you here david schwartz criminal defense attorney. thank you very much. >> it is now 45 minutes after the hour. still ahead don't pay your taxes? now the government doesn't want to hire you. shouldn't that already be the case? unemployment rate for veterans much higher than the national average. as we head into this memorial day we are going to talk to cheryl casone who are doing good things to help get our heros hired. first let's check in with brian kilmeade with what's coming up on "fox & friends." >> it is december concert series. that's the first one. who better to start it off with than michael bolton. i have no idea if he is here yet. now that he has his hand on my shoulder i will ask the question "how can we be loves if we can't be friends" you will answer that later. i am not asking you i am quoting a fradz. if you need further deaf significance from the words of a song mike will define it. >> that's correct. >> we are talking to richard petty and peter justin yr separately they are in a rivalry. wait until i tell them the food is free. >> it's free? humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. >> introducing a bill the federal government to hire people tax dead beat. 3.5 billion in unpaid taxes according to the irs it's time to shape up or ship out. troubled actress amanda burn will be in a new york city courtroom this morning after het possession at her midtown apartment last night. sources tell tmz a building official saw her in the lobby with a joint but by the time cops arrived she was in her apartment and let officers in. that's when they spotted a bong that she allegedly tossed out of the window from her 36th floor. not a good idea. thank goodness nobody was hurt. >> and it is the start of memorial day weekend, a time to remember the men and women who fought for this country. today we're recognizing companies that are helping our veterans transition to jobs back home. cheryl casune joins us. >> these are nonprofits in a way and their sole mission is to help and assist veterans get into the work force. they're not companies hiring veterans but are trying to assist them. it's called the vets program, v-e-t-s. it stands for education and training. they train them on software, they take the veterans they trained to do software testing and hook them up with a company. the veterans get paid, they get a vocation, training involved, all that good stuff. they will have a new york initiative in july. >> they say veterans are ideally situated to take on these kinds of jobs, the skill set they learn. >> even if they have just some experience, just some technical skills. it doesn't have to be the whole enskwreu -- enchilada. american corporate partners, 37 years investment banker decided i'm going to do something that feels good. he decided to start this initiative. it's basically a way to mentor and get advice and help to veterans as they try to navigate through corporate america. being in the military and being in corporate america are two different cultures and there is a tough transition a lot of vets are struggling with. he has a mentorship program. it's one on one. one of the mentors, new york city mayor michael bloomberg -- also our boss rue perd murdoch -- rupert murdoch was one of the mentors. a lot of veterans came and got to mingle. any way, they have an advisement platform. you sign on to the website and you can sit there and hook up virtually with people in the business community across the country to give you advice. how does my resume look? am i asking the right partners. >> that is called american corporate partners. last, virtual jobs fair run by >> "fox & friends" and kevin o'brien, this has been a great partnership with him. kevin has been on the show and talked about virtual career fairs. many veterans are disabled. many can't afford to travel to go to job interviews for jobs they're looking for. he set up virtual career fairs. he is somebody who has done amazing things and helped thousands of veterans get jobs. >> three great initiatives. cheryl casone, thank you. where can people find you? >> casone i'm going to put the specifics and you can reach out to these groups yourself. >> also ffjobhunt at it is five minutes till the top of the hour. what you need to know before you leave the house for memorial day weekend including the weekend weather forecast.'d it go? well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work. >> two minutes before the top of the hour. before you leave the house, here's what's happening today. the i.r.s. official at the center of the targeting scandal, lois lerner, is refusing to step down from her job so she's been put on paid administrative leave. according to reports, u.s. attorney general eric holder personally signed off on the search warrant that identified chief washington correspondent james rosen as a possible coconspirator. if you're hitting the roads this memorial day weekend we've got bad news. memorial day gas prices may be the highest in about two years, around $3.66 a gallon. >> before we go, let's get a check of your memorial day forecast. maria molina has that. hi, maria. >> if you're hitting the roads, more bad news. unfortunately if you're hitting the roads across the northeast we're looking at showers and storms not just early this morning but they're expected to fire up again this afternoon and even into tomorrow. temperature-wise across the northeast very chilly. by tomorrow the high temperature in new york city just 53 degrees. only in the 40's across parts of new england, parts of the southeast and also the south looking warmer with temperatures well into the 80

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