Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas News HQ 20110529 : comparem

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas News HQ 20110529

and, survivors are now left digging through this rubble. whatever survivors there are. they are dealing with the reality that those who are missing may never come home. casey steegel live in joplin, missouri. casey, tell us about the president's trip. >> reporter: well, jamie, he's going to be here and then, speak at that memorial service, at 2:00, local time, that is 3:00, eastern. and, immediately following that, he will tour all of this damage first hand and meet with some of the are advisors, we understand. i want to show you around here, because, again on day 7 of this, and the pictures still difficult to wrap your mind around, here this is greenbriar nursing home that has been pretty much blown apart. you can see there are wheelchairs and medicine carts, medical supplies, strewn throughout the parking lot. according to the official state list, five of its residents remain unaccounted for, four of them have actually been found alive, and two of them are confirmed dead. and, when you talk about an ef-5 tornado that blew through here and dealing with winds of more than 200 miles per hour, look at the giant piece of shrapnel. this is very, very heavy. and you can see, where it literally wrapped itself around the tree, and that is one of the reasons the fatalities were so high. because of the flying debris. the residents here over the last several days, have told me the tornado hugged the ground, if you will, typically, when we see storms of this caliber, the tornado will touch down, and will go back up into the sky and will touch down in another spot. and this one, hugged the ground is the words they are using and traveled miles east doing a significant amount of damage. jamie? >> jamie: just showing that really, gives us perspective. it takes your breath away, when you imagine what those folks have been through and what else does the president plan to do when he's there and what other aid can be provided? what do they need? >> reporter: well, they need toiletries and they need simple things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, deoderant according to the american red cross and perhaps the biggest way the american public can help, if you are watching this in your living room in iowa, for example, is to send money. to reputable organizations, and as far as the president's visit, he is going to be touring certain areas, although, the specifics of his route have not yet been made public. but, later today, there is also going to be a moment of silence, at 5:41 local time, that is 6:41 eastern, marking the exact time where one week ago today, this community was quite frankly changed forever, jamie. >> chris: we'll take a moment to remember everyone there. thank you, casey, very much and if you want to watch the memorial service we'll have it here live on the fox news channel beginning at 3:00 p.m., eastern. eric? >> eric: alaska's former governor rolling to the beltway today as she launches what some think is a mysterious national bus tour. sarah palin's first stop is at the annual rolling thunder memorial ride in washington, d.c. it is the first stop of what is considered several other places, gets burger and other historic places on the trip? what is she doing and what could it mean? peter doocy is live from the pentagon parking lot. the staging area for today's event. peter, when do we expect to see sarah palin and will she be speaking? >> reporter: she's not expected to speak, she's not going to speak but she'll ride and we are told, look behind me, look at how maybe bikes there are, the huge north parking lot across the speak from the pentagon, bike-to-bike-to-bike as far as the eye can see from our vantage point and it will take three hours to clear out the parking lot, starting at noon and we expect sarah palin to get here shortly before that and to right in front where dignitaries will be leaving from so she can get out quicker than people at the back of the pack and though they will not hear from governor p l pal palin, once they make their way across the bridge into d.c., all of participants will hear from out going secretary of defense robert gates who will be retiring at the end over june as well as the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, admiral mike mullen. >> eric: a lot of speculation whether governor palin tries to run again this year, what are the organizers saying about the fact that she is taking part in the today? >> it is interesting, because they are clear it's not a sarah palin campaign event and she's not going to speak. that is why we don't know exactly when she's coming or where he's going to be. but, they are saying, it's not a democratic event, not a republican event and she's welcome to ride, just like everybody else and they are happy to have her, as long as the focus, the national media attention, continues to be on what the rolling thunder is all about, which is, bringing awareness to servicemen and women who are captured or still missing in action, and, so, they are saying as long as the focus does not all go to governor palin, they are happy to have her here. eric? >> eric: such an important cause and we'll wait to see sarah palin on a harley in a few minutes. peter, thanks. >> reporter: that's right. >> jamie: there are promise intents republicans now added to the list -- prominent republicans now added to the list of contenders, rick perry says he's considering it after months of denying any interest. we'll have to wait and see and former new york city mayor, rudy giuilani and former new york governor george pataki saying they might be mulling a campaign run. could it help light the g.o.p. fire, or do republicans still need to go shopping? david drucker, staff writer forethe capitol hill newspaper, "roll call" if it were only that easy you would have a candidate ordered up on the internet. thanks for joining us for your perspective. when governor perry says, i'm not interested in being president, i'm thinking about it, is that a game-changer? >> not at all. i think governor perry has been urge in some circles to run, because among some republicans primary voters, they are looking for a more provocative, forceful advocate, if you will for conservative policies and someone who is not shy but criticizing president obama but i don't expect him to run. it sounds a lot like what happens when somebody doesn't want to run and, so many people ask, they say, okay, fine. i'll consider it. i'll think about it. and we find out, really, they didn't want to run and are not going to run and what governor perry, it is important to note, two of his closest political advisors are working for newt gingrich on his presidential campaign and i don't think anybody in perry world really expected him to run, or thinks he's going to run. >> jamie: interesting, because he's a long-serving governor. who has never lost a race. let's talk about some of the others whose names have come up in the past week. so many from new york. former new york city mayor, rudy giuliani, and, former new york governor, george pataki. do they have what it takes? >> can i yawn on television? is that acceptable? i think in all seriousness, governor pataki is probably thinking about it, because, it is something he always wanted to do and maybe thinks the field is weak enough to give him room to play. i think with mayor giuliani, the only problem is that in 2008, he turned out to be a very weak performing candidate, despite his national notoriety and i think it is well deserved and his strong leadership of the city of new york and he has a great record and could not translate all of the fund rations and all -- fund-raisingo a significant amount of votes and i don't see why he'd be able to do that this time, considering, especially, he's in some ways a moderate republican. and, it is questionable, right now, how successful a moderate republican candidate could be in the 2012 primary. >> jamie: imagine that rudy giuliani will be very visible, as we look toward ten years after 9/11, which he is often associated with, the aftermath of that horrible tragedy but you raise the fund-raising issue which is interesting, because when you look at someone like ron paul and the grassroots effort that he woulds so successful in the past, in getting attention, but, not successful -- he was so skillful in the past in getting attention, but not successful in winning the race for president. any difference this time? >> i don't think so, i think you have a number of candidates potentially in the race, whether ron paul or michelle bachmann from minnesota, herman cain who may be able to raise a lot of money and score a lot of points at the debates and yet it is unclear whether these are going to translate into a significant number of votes in the key primary states, iowa caucuses and new hampshire, south carolina, florida, you have to not only get a lot of coverage, from people like me but you need votes, and, so, i think for some of these people, the jury is still out, and they might be able to accomplish things some of us are not expecting but, jamie, you have a key point. it is about votes and not necessarily the buzz and there are things we don't know yet and i'm skeptical people like ron paul will be able to translate that to votes. >> jamie: it doesn't sound like anyone has you excited enough to write about them yet. is there a name we haven't heard yet, you want to throw out as a possibility? >> first of all, i have written just about all of them and i think they are all interesting characters in their own right and a couple of them can win the nomination and are capable of being president, beating president obama, if things align, if they run a good campaign, the economy doesn't recover and people are unhappy with the president's leadership? >> jamie: witch ones, david, which ones do you think could beat him. >> mitt romney and tim pawlenty have it within them to do it if they garnered sufficient support, run smart campaigns and presents their strengths to the american people in a way that sells. i think they could do it and i think newt gingrich, who i don't think so can do it, is such an idea factory in terms of the thinking that he brings to the table, he'll be a very interesting candidate. i don't think you need a white knight and any white knight kate people think of, chris christie or paul ryan or anybody else, has to go through a campaign where people look into their background and trash everything in their record that ever existed and they will not be as good in the end. >> jamie: not that you trash but folks like you will be looking carefully. we'd love to have you back again, david to talk about anyone new in the race and those who stay in, thank you, have a great day. >> thanks, jamie. >> jamie: coming up, next hour, new york republican congressman peter king will join us, live, and he's going to give us his thoughts on the new field of republican contenders, that -- we'll ask as well about his political aspirations, right now. is he going to join the race? coming up in our next hour. >> eric: now to iran, where tehran is declaring international sanctions have no impact on the disputed nuclear program. after the european union extended sanctions and expanded them a few days ago. a recent u.n. report claims the freezes on assets and travel by iranian officials and some other companies managed to slow down iran's nuclear and ballistic programs but the iranians deny that. so are sanctions working? or is it a matter of time before iran possibly has a nuclear bomb? joining us from washington, as he does every sunday, is fox news contributor and former ambassador to the united nations, john bolton. good morning, ambassador. >> good morning. glad to be here. >> eric: do you think sanctions are working? >> well i think they've had some effect on iran's economy. but not that much. and, not at all on the nuclear program or the ballistic missile program. for sanctions to work, they have to be applied massively, and unexpectededly, and that has not happened. you can't slowly sanction a regime like iran's into submission. look at north korea, the most heavily sanked regime on the planet and it already exploded two nuclear devices, focuses on sanctions objective ig giving iran a path to continue the nuclear weapons efforts. >> eric: what are the issues? for example, passing resolution at the u.n. and the u.s. has sanctions, look at china. what, $38 billion in trade with tehran, it has gone up to $50 billion? how do you stop that? >> sanctions are limited and focus on the ballistic missile and nuclear programs but iran has been evading them successfully with the help of hugo chavez of venezuela and other and other restriction on financial transactions aeasily evaded. so the result is, there is some incremental cost to iran, but, it's not being felt by the nuclear ballistic missile programs and i think we can see iran remains very confident of its ability to cause trouble in its region and around the world it's is doing now, disrupting the arab spring. >> eric: if they continue to evade the sanctions, how do we stop them? >> i think the most likely outcome now, frankly is iran will get nuclear weapons. that is a very disturbing result. but, i think our fecklessness, our inability to deal with this over a ten-year period, leads us to this conclusion and the only thing now that stops iran from nuclear weapons, is somebody, the u.s. or israel, decides to use military force against the program and i think that is very unlikely. so the best bet is get ready for a nuclear iran. >> eric: as you say it is highly unlikely and could unleash something the world wouldn't want to see and what would the consequences of that potentially be? and you don't think it would happen? >> i think, say, israel, if they used military force against the iranian program, actually, the result would not be the catastrophe many people predict. i think it would be -- would risk retaliation against israel and i think that is obviously a critical part of their calculus. but i don't think iran is going to do some of the things people have suggested, like trying to close the straits of hormuz and, in any event i think we could break through that and i think the real issue is whether the obama administration is content with though nuclear iran because they think they can contain and deter it and i think that is the real problem, and i think that is the administration's plan b and i don't think that is going to work at all. >> eric: that may be the plan b, here's the plan a of the iranians, they continue to bluster. here's what the envoy to the iaea, the u.n. iaea said. and, the guy says, none of the sanctions has affected the nuclear activities, no matter what and the iranian people are more determined to continue. we -- are we hiding anything? no, man oh, man they do not change their tune, do they? >> a good rule of thumb is never take at face value anything the regime says and the last line about not hiding anything but don't mistake their determination, it is real and their progress is consistent and they've overcome obstacles and are getting closer and closer to the nuclear weapons capability and, once they get it, the middle east and in fact the world as a whole is going to change forever. >> eric: u.s. ambassador john bolton with a chilling analysis. we thank you so much for coming on this memorial day weekend and we'll see you next sunday, thank you. >> thank you. >> eric: jamie. >> jamie: as we remember those who bravely served this country in memorial day weekend we'll talk live to the parents of one fallen navy s.e.a.l. and the sacrifice they will describe to us that earned him the first med of honor for a u.s. navy member, since the vietnam war. >> i wants to wish everybody a happy memorial day and, my dad, a happy father's day, and hope to see you guys soon! time in every bag of kingsford charcoal. kingsford. slow down and grill. buit's our job to make them say something interesting. so how about this weekend we learn some new tricks of the trade... then break out our doing clothes and get rolling. let's use some paint that helps us get the job done in record time and makes a statement when we're finished. we're lowering the cost of a new farite color. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get five dollars off galon cans of our top paint brands, now through memorial day only. ♪ i've seen the sunrise paint the desert. witnessed snowfall on the first day of spring. ♪ but theost beautiful thing i've ever seen was the image on a screen that helpeour doctor see my wife's cancer was treatable. [ male announcer ] ge technologies help doctors detect cancer early so they can save more lives. bringing better health to more people. ♪ >> jamie: welcome back, everybody, the fight for libya, triggering political battles in washington, over the president's handling of the crisis and level of u.s. involvement, chris wallace speaks with the ranking member of the armed services committee, senator john mccain, in an exclusive sit down. >> people are dying on the ground in libya and they wouldn't have to if we were using all of the u.s. air power and the ability, unique capabilities the u.s. military has, and unfortunately we're not. >> jamie: joining me the angry ch -- anchor of fox news, chris wallace. what does john mccain say we should do. >> chris: he says we should get the attack aircraft like the war-hogs that can fire at close range on ground forces, because what happened to some degree, the qaddafi forces medaled in wi-- melded in with the population and, he says, hit them at close quarters, not ground troops but low-flying attack aircraft and try to take them out and his feeling is, that the worst thing that can happen is the continued stalemate we see, and, that if the u.s. were to push harder, from the -- not from behind as part of the nato coalition, they could take qaddafi out. >> jamie: for how long? does he think we should pursue the effort. >> chris: he feels it will be over quicker if we are more forceful in it. >> jamie: did you have a chance to speak to him about anything else he or his committee are planning to do to move the idea forward? >> chris: no, we didn't talk about that. we talked of a lot of other issues, afghanistan and giving help to tunisia and egypt and the one other thing he said about libya, is that he believes, the u.n. should recognize the tni as the legitimate government, the rebels' ruling group that's legitimate government of libya and that would make it easier for the u.s. to shifted those billions in frozen assets, over to them, and, now, defense secretary gates has said that he thinks -- worries that there are some extremist elements in the ruling group of rebels, and john mccain's answer to that, he says there is nothing that will increase the likelihood that the extremists will take over, and, the -- than the lack of support we are giving them now and the longer it goes on the better chance the extremists have to fill the vacuum. >> jamie: it is interesting he has confidence in who the rebels are. that is the remaining question, who is part of the group and we look forward to the interview, chris. that is a big question. >> chris: we have a great debate between two of the young guns in congress, alan west, tea party favorite and liberal democratic congresswoman donna edwards, about the debt limit and medicare and taxes, you'll want to see that, too. >> jamie: issues keeping washington so busy now and you as well, chris, thanks, great to see you, have a good holiday weekend. >> chris: thank you, jamie, same to you. >> jamie: don't miss the interview, an exclusive with senator john mccain about libya and other issues. including afghanistan. which is on the minds of many, this weekend. fox news sunday, today, 6:00 p.m. eastern and also, check your local listings. >> eric: there's new talk this weekend about big n

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