Transcripts For FBC Varney Company 20170814 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FBC Varney Company 20170814

taken over the weekend, maybe kim jong un now understands that he's dealing with a very different american president. that is a plus for investors. and so is a surprise from japan. their economy hit a 4% growth rate, the best of any industrial country at the moment. the world is growing. investors like that too. welcome to the show, sit back and enjoy watching your money grow. the news is not always negative, you know. varney & company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ♪ stuart: charlottesville, virginia, chaos as neo-nazis, white supremacists group clash with counter-protestors on saturday. there is a suspect, he's accused of ramming his car deliberate rattily into a group of counter-protestors. the feds are investigating if he had help planning this attack. one person killed. 19 injured. the suspect's name is james alex fields, jr. of ohio, he has been charged with second-degree murder. there is news from venezuela and it reaches right into the united states senate. one of venezuela's most powerful leader may have put an order to kill marco rubio, liz. >> coming report from u.s. intelligence, department of homeland security circulated this among authorities. cabello, former military chief of venezuela, thought to be directing an assassination hit on senator marco rubio. so what's going on right now is rubio is in a public feud with this guy, he's called pablo escobar of venezuela, he has called him in return, quote, narco rubio. it's gotten so serious that the senator has security detail around him now. they didn't attach cabello's name to the threat but they brought up his name saying, note, there has been an order to have senator rubio assassinated. again, homeland security circulating this memo with that quote in it. stuart: so the socialist, they have taken over, it's become a dictatorship essentially, no political opposition to maduro, that's the case. president trump over the weekend would not rule out the military option that he won't rule out any option, everything is on the table. that was taken as a threat to invade, et cetera, et cetera. >> that's correct. stuart: now we have them reaching maybe -- maybe reaching over here to have a go at american senator? >> yes, we have seen latin american death threats and deaths in decades past, streets of florida have seen it. stuart: check out the futures again, please, because we bring you the good news monday morning that stocks are going straight up. 24 minutes ago -- 26 minutes, sorry, and up 100 points when the bell rings at 9:30 we also have japan's economy growing at 4% annual rate. we brought you that news. that is a surprise. john is here, market economist, important guy, aren't you? [laughter] stuart: we don't cover foreign economies much on the program, why is 4% growth in japan important? >> well, why it's important for us is one of the reasons that we expect the economy of the united states to grow by only 2% over the next ten years is because of unprecedented demographic change, the aging of the u.s. economy. stuart: whoa, whoa, wait, wait. that's one of the reasons why we are only going to get -- >> the labor force -- stuart: too many old people, that's the reason? >> too many old people and not enough young people. stuart: japan has the most extreme demographics. >> japan was supposed to grow by only 2% this quarter instead it grows by 4% for the entire year. the experts are looking for only 1.3% growth. what a big surprise. better yet, the japanese economy grew by 4% despite the fact that exports shrank in the latest quarter. when you think of japan as being export powered economy, what's going on? consumer spending grew in excess of 3%, real business investment spending took off and infrastructure spending, government spending was up by 20%. stuart: the news there is the japanese people are spending money again. think about it, though -- ashley: after 25 years almost. >> tremendously high-saving rate. they have a lot of money to spend, i would imagine. high metal prices. indication of economic growth. stuart: real fast, north korea, no rockets fired, i will not say calming down by any means but that's good news for the market. no war. >> yeah, perhaps diplomacy will prevail and so that's what the market is thinking so we could fully recover and more so this week from the last week's selloff. stuart: up over a 100. we will take that. liz: all smiles here. stuart: i will stay on north korea. president trump's hard line, this is a maybe, may have faced down kim jong un. pete hegseth with us, u.s. army veteran and fox news contributor. as i said to you this morning on "fox & friends" today, the president's policy is show them, the north korean that is you can take them and convince them that you'll do them, seems to me that's working? >> that's right, stance from the beginning is we will introduce a credible threat of military force which has not existed for decades. there was talks, there were direct talks, there were sanctions, un resolutions, there were always toothless because they never actually believed regime change or preemptive strike or strike of any kind was on the table. they've done that. aif also convinced china that now is time to play hardball at some level. so you're seeing just today a reduction announcement from china. they will reduce import from north korea hitting them in their coal industry and energy industry and things that really hurt. stuart: that's right. they put out a statement, they are going to do it. >> trump administration announced they are going to investigate mispractice of u.s. companies in china, begin to investigate that. if we find something we could have additional ledge on china. doubling down on leverage to get china to do something because we do want a diplomatic resolution there and china is the only place that can do it for us. stuart: what do you make of the left in one instance over the weekend, actually this morning, la times how president is a joke and the number two guy, dnc, keith ellison suggesting that kim jong un is more rational than president trump. that's a direct attempt to undermine our president. i don't think that's working. >> most of the media and left today are fundamentally unserious, they are not willing to look at the world the way it is, threats the way they actually are and they would rather talk about grievances, politics, the blame game than actually saying we live in a world there are islamists and they are the ones that we have to face down and nuclear dictators. it's unserious. they credit size the president who is finally standing up and saying, these are big issues, we haven't confront them and i'm going to take them head on. stuart: the moment you back away and suggest that, well, maybe we won't do this and the other, the moment that you do that, kim jong un knows he's got you. >> what happened in north korea, iran will take advantage of the runway that we have given them. the administration knows that. stronger stances on iran specially after iran showing missis capability. they want nuclear-tipped missiles just like north korea. stuart: everybody is going to be uncomfortable when you have the war talk, confrontation of this talk, america is not the kind of place that, you know, beating the drums of war. >> that's true. 20 years of perpetual blackmail. we have to make those tough calls now. stuart: i want your opinion on this, if the north koreans launch another missile, i say america will shoot it down and you say. >> i think you're likely correct. we didn't draw a formal read line but we said your ring of fury around guam is not acceptable, anything heading is internet -- interaccepted -- intercepted. >> five golfers tied at one point but thomas pulled away and won by 24 shots, 24 year's old. one of the young guys who has never won a major, you have jordan spieth, you have ricky fowler, the guys who are the new face of golf, they are exciting, they can whack those drives well over 300 yards, they are redefining what golf was after the tiger woods years, of course. liz: isn't he great? espn is going to be calling you. stuart: tilted on the edge for 12 seconds. liz: then the earth rotated for a second. [laughter] stuart: look, okay. ashley: come on. stuart: he doesn't want to jinx it. ashley: take your time. [laughter] >> that's live action television, folks. here is more good news, look at the future's market. 20 minutes to go before we open this thing. we all would be close to 100 points. robert mueller in charge of the russia investigation reportedly wants to interview current and former high-level white house staffers including former chief of staff reince priebus, what is the significance of that? napolitano will tell us. how about this one, new york city college publishing a manifesto on micro aggressions one example given by the school, normal-sized chairs are offensive to overweight students. get that. >> how do they get anything done in school? stuart: pastor robert jeff ris -- jeffires has given trump authority to take out north korea. and do you remember the scene, oj simpson leading police in a chase in bronco, oj's famous bronco is up for steal. we are talking to the pawnshop ander who is selling it. 11:00 o'clock eastern, more varney after this . . stuart: well, well, look at fiat chrysler right there up 5%. now, why would they be up 5%? well known chinese automaker reportedly interested in making an offer to the company that. comes from automotive news fiat chrysler up. how about netflix stealing a hit producer from abc for original content but netflix is down again, 1.40, down 70 this morning. robert mueller wants to interview west-wing staffers, napolitano is here. now, what's the significance of this? sound animus. >> if this is true, and i say, if, we are basing reporting on a new york times story from yesterday, sunday's times which according to times is based on numerous sources in the west wing. i'm going to assume that it's accurate. it's very animus, it basically means that reince priebus, former chief of staff has already been subpoenaed and before they subpoena you they interview you, so fbi agents have interviewed him, gone back to bob mueller and said here is what he's told us, mueller has decided the grand jury has to hear that, he gets subpoena to testify before the grand jury, there's no judge there, he doesn't have a lawyer there, there's no defense counsel there, it's a prosecutor interrogating him, an fbi agent making notes and the 23 members of the grand jury, the same will happen for staff on the west wing and here is what he's looking at, are there people in the west wing who can corroborate james comey's version of his communications with the president before he was fired and those communications address the following subject matter, can you lay off of mike flynn, question, was that an obstruction, was it a suggestion, was it the president acting as the chief law enforcement officer of the land or was it corrupt, was the president asking the fbi to lay off of mike flynn because he was considered he would say something about the president. stuart: cut right to the chase, that's it. >> it also means that he's taking -- mueller and company, the 16 lawyers there now are taking seriously comey's statements about his involvement and interaction with the president. was it bribery? you want to keep your job as head of fbi, lay off of mike flynn, was it obstruction of justice, i don't want this to come back to me. i'm mouthing words that i'm sure the president didn't say but i'm suggesting the type of words that would place the department in legal jeopardy. stuart: we are going to decide on the tone and interpretation of a few words as to whether or not the president say -- stays in office? >> yes. you and i talked about this already, the raid of paul manafort's home, that's extreme, extreme tool, predawn raid on a private residence which is only to be used when no other less offensive means can be used for gathering i evidence. stuart: russia, russia looks animus. hate speech, is direct speech protected by the constitution? >> in a word, yes, can this character, the guy that tried to give press conference started the dominoes, can he be prosecuted for this murder, no, the first amendment is broad. it protects speech that encourages violence. stuart: i seem to remember the distant past, the nazi party that we wanted to march through illinois which had a large jewish population and the american civil union defended the nazis for making that march on the grounds of free speech. >> look at the the baptist church, look at the awful things they say at funerals of military, speech protected. stuart: thanks judge. >> see you at the 11:00. stuart: elizabeth warren making campaign speech in at will nota telling democrats to move further to the left, reject centrist politics, she sure looks like she's making a run to the white house three years from now, does it not? 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>> senatorial website. coffee mugs, she's selling t-shirts, nevertheless she persisted also -- that's a play on mitch mcconnell, you were talking too much, try to silence her during jeff sessions debate and she said, nevertheless she persisted and took the quote and making money off of that quote. temporary tattoos are sold out of the site. 10 bucks. stuart: is there a t-shirt that says make america socialist again. ugly rumor, ill not buy one. where are we going when the market opens in approximately 3 and a half, four minutes, we are going straight up, ladies and gentlemen, a hundred point higher at the very least, s&p, nasdaq all higher. it's monday morning. isn't this cool? we will be back ♪ it's a highly contagious disease that can be really serious... especially for my precious new grandchild. it's whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, .. >> there's news but not going to affect the stock price chief executive resigning from president trump manufacturing counsel this is over charlottesville and mr. trump's response to it here's the quote america's leaders must hon noir our fundamental views by rejecting expression of supremacy that's the statement and kent right there. now what does trump say in response? >> well as you can imagine he fight back. he says, quote, now that kim frasier has resigned from president manufacturing counsel he'll have more time to lower ripoff drug prices. >> right back him that's the counterpart. if i'm a share hold or of merck i'm not happy because my ceo has walked away from a seat at the table on manufacturing counsel. the interest of merck are not i don't think well served that's my opinion. lizzy? >> saying that president you yoe many, many i didn't like it. at the table is actually saying you've got that seat at the table you know bob at disney and elon musk also quit the president's counsel over the climate change of course. you may change from within by fighting for what you believe in from within. i think it's at the table. >> high places to what president trump is trying to do. and now we've got opening of the market it is monday morning let's see where we're going here. we're going up by 90 points, 95 points all a sea of green i don't see any ready on the left-hand side all 30 of the dow stocks look like they're going to open higher we've got three left to open. travelers disney, 3m left to go up. let's see what happens. but we're up 109 points. there you go almost a clean sweep across the board. all dow stocks are are up. almost all of them except disney one exception all right so we're up exactly half a percentage point. how about the s&p? up .6% a little broader base better gain for the s&p. but nasdaq i bet look at that up ladies and gentlemen we're now up back to the dow jones industrial up again up 126 points 29187 awfully close to 22,000 all over again. 11, 10 point shy that's it. that's a rally and a half from the get-go first they think on a monday morning. individual stocks some of them are move check out netflix please. they've hired away a top producer i think or for content i think -- >> that's correct. they don't like that. the market is down on that one. buck 88 lower there. how about xlf, "the wall street journal" carries story that many of the financial reforms or reform red tape mr. trump has gotten rid of to the advantage of financial companies and across the board. they are up this morning. x lf is basket and look at automakers wreath journal reports new car prices have declined. the most since the great recession. how about that? i guess they're selling less so you have to bring it in lower prices all of the stocks are up just fractionally higher although fiat chrysler talk of a chinese offer to buy in automotive news more on that in a second. [laughter] joining us ashley webster in this -- [laughter] fitzgerald and john, all right keith. is the rally back on track because there was no war declared over the weekend with north korea and japan on which you're an expert is growing 4% are those reasons for this rally? >> well experts a big word too but my take is number one hasn't been turned into a parking lot by the battle of the bomb bass and two we've got growth out of japan what is real domestic consumption is 30 years and i've witnessed it firsthand it is finally, finally taking off. >> does that mean that if they get 4% growth surely -- we with much better demographic situation can make two and a half, 3% growth right is that the theory, keith? >> i think that's a fair saiment stuart actually differences in terms of prime minister abe policies but that's not a stretch. we ought to be doing a lot better than we are and i think that is jaime diamond argument a week ago. j john you mentioned this earlier. hour demographics are much better than japan's demographics so there's hope for us. >> yes, there is especially we get a normalization of productivity that's nothing of late when we can get productivity growing by 2% trying to normalize that piece of data we can be looking at 3% growth. >> what happened if we get a tax cut? >> any tax cuts that's going to helps that a positive so would infrastructure study. that's giving big boost to japanese group. maybe we just have to go ahead to accept the fact that if we have to widen deficit a bit to pay for infrastructure spending let it be. gliewt one more for you we love the wall street story on top of all of them general reports that president trump is just chipping away at post financial crisis regulations. keith, i think that sounds like it is really good for the financial stocks this morning. what say you? >> i think so. i think that's also a fair statement because if you know, to you take away a lot of restraints that are holding these things back not complying owner regulation that's going to expand their margin so you've got rising rates to fit on top of that. to me a lot remains to be seen how but nonetheless it is good. >> all good news for financial stocks. >> good news but i forget there has been a slowing by the business sectors demand for bank loans. we see that moving in a opposite direction compared to the increase willingness on the part of banks to lend to businesses. and who -- you know that could change it we get a faster pace of domestic spend dog better with consumer spending. >> just since the election spiders look at that the financials of 25%. [laughter] who would have is thought of that? well known automaker in china has its eye reportedly on fiat chrysler this is from one of the news. >> it is really interesting -- apparently made an offer according to to this report chinese automake or made one offer this month to buy fiat chrysler, the chinese are autocompany under great pressure from their government expand around world and are ative north america market and frankly not been up to snuff but they have closed quality gap of buying something that has brands of jeep and ram trucks all of that with the acue for china apparently fiat chrysler sup for sale. >> josh -- >> i'm thinking about difference between japan and china. japan actually established world class brands toyota and so on. china has been tun able to do so. so i guess what china has decided it will is go ahead and buy these brands. try to get in world market it is that way. >> why not? what do you say, keith? >> it will, it's going to. we're going to see chinese brands on this shore on our -- in our country and detroit really is one that's in trouble here because once china guess it under control they're going to land cars faster meads and lower price than detroit could push them off the line. there's going to be a really about are real alignment pardon the pun. stuart: another story a real surprise to me this morning new car prices -- have declined the most since the great recession. a columnist tell me. >> no recession today autosales are down somewhat but let's not forgot detroit sold an awful lot of cars on lease coming off lease. new car prices are down because used prices are plunging and down by four to 5%. >> listen we've got -- über is taking out automakessers what's going on is he have not been tiebl sell as much as they want to hurt to aid this so now watch this. gm is launched a new plan to lease their rent out their own cars directly to über and lyft drivers. they're doing it in san francisco and san diego already starting in australia so trying to get in on this trend -- for the sales. : great example you know we may have a low rate of unemployment. but we also have a low rate of capacity utilization worldwide and manufacturing. so the prices of manufacturing goods ought to remain suppressed definitely we haven't the pca price index has a consumer durable goods price index that rose year to year september 1995. inflation is going no place. >> extraordinary. all right we're going on to this. look at this i think this is high of the day up 135. 21,92 a magic number over 21,100 all time high, we're not that far away again on a monday morning. investors are snapping up a new type of security sold by fanny may and fannie mae and freddie mac. without killing the -- >> these are the basket cases for the public financial class and post or child of stupid decisions sorry that's i'm quoting wall street analyst. so what they do is take in mortgage loan and resell as security and interest rate on it they wouldn't take the credit risk meaning fannie mae kept the risk of homeowners flopping on their loans. now, watch this. it's a huge -- the government was goig to restructure fannie and freddie now they're selling credit risk to hedge funds and to isn't it s so you take on whether that mortgage belly flops not taxpayers so this is the first time. they took on 1 like a fifth of the mortgage portfolio owned by private investor credit risk at mortgage upside down. >> always through that without a single buzz. that's pretty good i have to say >> for easing -- that is please. [applause] there you go get ready for netflix recruiting hit producer shanda rimes luring her away from abc this is a big deal. yourself the stock down? >> i got away from that migraine of a topic now article as race for talent this is what this is about. so -- basically she's quitting abc for net thrix remember wallet disney said we're not imoipg to use your streaming or do anything with you for stream wearing doing it on our own now shanda is a big deal she did how to get away with murder. grays anatomy scandal she's a content producer, ash and i were talking about it. armed race for content right now. amazon accept walking dead creator so this is a big deal. this we're going to watch this stock action in thet flix on this one. >> we are, get forgetting about fannie mae and freddie mac billionaire huge fund manager dan lowe dumped his stake in half. stock is down to 11 bucks share. qow touch snap with a 10 foot pole, keith? >> not even a 20-foot pole what took dan so long to realize this thing is is e-this stock is in search of a windshield described it before. but it has no business molds no sustainable business model anyway. so i'm curious why it took him so long i would like to hear that explanation . >> it went public at 17 a couple of months ago not sure of the precise date now at a 17 now it is just under 12 that's a sell off and a half. you don't invest in these. >> that facebook that's a tough competitor because they're going against so good luck . just that's right. you know what, ten minutes into the session with a high of the day i have to say gob to john and keith. >> no. great way to open is it the show thanks for being with us gee is man we appreciate it. one more time we're up 133 points for the benefit of our radio listeners on satellite radio 21 93 up 134 points as we speak. ladies and gentlemen, it is a rally. moment of silence. okay. you heard it here -- on this program a pastor who said god has given the right to take out kim jong-un. now alaska catholic priest about that. that's next on this program. and he was a mexican booze seizure over the weekend. mexican authorities stage -- they are raiding. raiding -- typo getting 31 resorts of a 10,000 gallons of the illegal stuff ceased. full story after this. (microphone feedback) listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. up 127 points 21984 that is a republicanly look u look at this big contract for lockheed martin and lauri tell me more it be. please. >> well if you're investor shared with lockheed martin you have 78 billion reasons to be happy this morning. lockheed martin extending deal with the u.s. department of defense to offer services and support for support services for the army rangers, army green buret as well as navy s.e.a.l. in extension for ten years now military as you know often relies on some of these outside contractors like lockheed martin to provide its support repair maintenance, for airplanes, vehicles, and other things. so lockheed managed to beat four other companies to skewer secure this deal back now. not bad thanks very much indeed. 10,000 gallons of illegal alcohol ceasedded from 31 is resorts in mexico. now, illegal alcohol what's that moon shine? whole brew. >> moon shine making it infused with alcohol instead of usual ethanol to create a dangerous concoction unknowing and in mexico all inclusive resorts other resorts are drinking this -- concoction and passing the very quickly after one young woman 20-year-old from milwaukee had a couple of shots at the swim up bar passed out very quickly therefore and drowned in the poll a story that the state department has put out a warning about this. mexico reacting by you know raids this weekend taking this alcohol away you don't know what you're drinking be very careful. >> got it ashley thank you very much. strong words on north korea from pastor robert jeffrey on this show on friday. roll tape. >> in roman chapter 12 paul says that individually we're to priser those who wrong us. but in romans 13 he deals with a role of government. and he said government is, quote, a minister of god sent by god to punish those who practice evil. and he goes on to say that god is given government the power of the sword that means the ability to take life either to capital punishment or even through war. >> okay. i think we better be joined by father johnson a catholic priest a frequent guest on this program. big smile this morning. >> i'm a friend of pastor jeffreys very clearly to him that i think he's mistaken in -- his wording and also in his reasoning. let me explain why, yes rough maps chapter 13 gives political leaders civil leaders authority to make political, civil everyone military decisions. no doubt. it's not for the priest or pastor not for anyone else it's the political leader. has that responsibility -- but that's not the issue here. that political leader also has the obligation to make prudent choices. wise choices that's why solomon was asked by god what would you want of me i'll give you everything. he said i want wisdom. political leaders wisdom because taking out for example what pastor said was that president trump has the define right to take out kim jong-un okay that suggest that it's a very simple thing. he's got right he can do it. it's not. he has the right to make -- prudent, wise choices and sometimes just taking out a dictator -- is not necessarily the prudent thing. because there are consequences maybe it is. maybe it isn't but it's not so simple. >> one of the things that really attracts about christianity is ability to discuss and interpret the scriptures. we don't have a cogmatic view of it. it is open to interpretation. and that's what pastor jeffreys is doing and that's what we're doing we're interpreting what we believe is the word of god. >> there's not true of many other religions we're not dogmatic we discuss i think that's the fine thing. >> absolutely. but you also have to it is not just any interpretation is equally right one from the other. >> true. >> in god's word for example we're talking about scripture never contradicts human reason if our interpretation is correct. and we say president trump because he is the president of the united states of america has the devine you know permission to it take out so and so. who am a i to say that and pastor to say that? i don't think we have ability to say that and i think that's why the president needs wisdom. wisdom it's not an easy thing to get. >> let me segue, so to speak, to charlottesville president did not make a strong statement immediately about what was going on there and got it on your screen right now. what's your take on the president, his statements and charlottesville. >> anyone who knows anything about u communication president does knows that you don't kill lead by the issue with other things. the president is right that yes, of course there are people from different sides who use violence and they shouldn't have. but that's not the point. if the point is that some premise, some neonazi some radicals who believe that somehow white people are better than people of color. they're one who is started this. they started a crazy -- whatever it was. for president trump should he have said thing different at a different time? >> he knows he should have. anybody where's the person advising him to say if you don't say it like this, you're with the issue. it doesn't mean that president trump wasn't right that some people shouldn't have blame for being violent but that's not the point here. you have to lead with the lead. >> okay you're fired up this morning. you are. you really are but that was good. that was goods. appreciate that. [laughter] we have up on the screen -- [laughter] fired up. come back soon please. thank you. which can the marketses scan and the big board look at this a sea of green on the left hand side and a nice rally on the right we're a few points away from 22k. elon musk the tesla and spacex founder says, artificial intelligence is more dangerous than north korea. robots not nukes. they posed a greatest threat according to that man right will we're on that story. don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. track your pack. set a curfew, or two. make dinner-time device free. 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>> this came after one of his sponsored robots took on another robot in a game playing -- exhibition and won, and then he put out this tweet, and, i mean, he's been telling u.s. governors about this. he's gotten in a public fight with mark ducker saying we're fighting demon with capabilities are. >> that's what he was part of it. >> not saying that the fact that elon musk is a robot. just take the back off and -- circuit. separate issue. hold on a second i have this one let me introduce this one. of the new school it's in new york city they say -- that the size of a classroom seat is a form of microaggression. what say you? >> absolutely. under this new guide for this sniff, sniff private school. they also say that artwork featuring white people is also a microaggression. not sooting next to a homeless person on a subway train microaggression. there's also microinsult have you heard this one in the guide -- >> says another microinsult another example complementing females on ability to throw things that is a microinsult. who is cooking up these? ivelgt who is -- >> i'm staying mute on this. >> you are playing it safe. very good. >> how college tuition goes for -- >>50,000 o well spent. do we want to pick up on the throwing thing? >> just leave it hanging. >> men shop and women shop. jowpt outrageous how dare you say it -- you and you, i need a safe space from you. have we having fun or not? dow is up come on it is monday morning next case there's a lunatic with a nuclear weapon pointed at america and in the l.a. times, resorts to name calling critics a lot of critics of the presidency. my take on that. top of the hour. . . . . >> a lunatic with a nuclear weapon has directly threatened america. it is not a threat to say our military is on a war footing. it is positioned for a fight. at time like this we need rational discussion but that is not what we're getting. look at the headline from the "l.a. times," trump, the notorious cut-up. the president may be joke but he doesn't make jokes. i don't think we should be calling our president that kind of name when our commander-in-chief is facing down north korea's kim jong-un. there is keith ellison, second-in-command of the democrat national committee a prominent democrat. he said that north korea's leader is acting more responsibly than president trump. he is rational, our president is not. what do you think these critics are actually doing, cheerfully undermining the president, even as he deals with the threat after nuclear attack. that is playing into the enemy's hand. president's trump policy is to show the enemy we can deal with them and convince them we will pull the trigger if we have to. that is why we're flying b one bombers over the korean peninsula. that is why the commander-in-chief is standing firm, no backing down. calling the president a joke, calling him irrational, building up kim jong-un as a deliberate guy is dangerous tactic. the north koreans will seize on any sign of division in america. we should not do this a lunatic with a nuke is a serious threat. our president should be able to confront him with the backing of the country. even if you don't like him, even if you oppose all things trump, don't call him a joke and don't suggest any support for our enemy. we're all in this together. the second hour of "varney" and company is about to begin. ♪ [shouting] stuart: scenes from the rally in, riot in charlottesville this weekend. more on that coming up in a moment. deal what is happening to your money. it's a rally, holding, 30 up with minutes in. we're up 134 points, 135 points. that is about the high of the day. we're six points away from 22-k. the big tech names are all doing very well today. look at baines there. facebook up two bucks. amazon 12. apple up a buck 93. almost back up to 160. all of them up today. target acquireing a technology company. target is up 73 cents, 1.3%. china's, second biggest retailer behind alibaba lost more money on higher marketing costs. it is taking it on the chin. that is down 5%. we're almost 22,000 at the dow. right at it. back to my take, president obama did not face the ridicule president trump is being met with. lieutenant colonel ralph peters joins us this morning, fox news strategic analyst. i don't believe we should be calling our president names when he is commander-in-chief facing this guy with a nuke overseas. i think that is the wrong thing do. what says ralph peters? >> when we're faced with the possibility, even remote possibility of war certainly we should support the president on those policies. but you know you raised earlier a few minutes ago the idea, we're facing a madman with a nuke in north korea. he actually has several nukes. we also have vladmir putin, not a madman, he has 6,000 nukes and president praises him. i think while i strongly disagree with the vociferious nature of the things said by for instance, congressman ellison, claiming that north, somehow kim jong-un is more rational than president trump, that is beyond the pale. stuart: they will seize on this, ralph. they are looking at this, there is division. how much support does president trump really have? can we influence american opinion so they negotiated what president obama did and his predecessors. they're watching this. they're taking support from the left in america. >> you are absolutely right but, stuart, i think there is teacher problem here. it is deeper problem than just trump. obama did, he suffered his share of attacks too but it goes back the fundamental problem politically we have, stuart, we haven't had a serious president from either party, a fully qualified president, in a quarter of a century. we had bill clinton, a huckster who rode economic boom which he had nothing to do. then you had george w. bush, well-meaning mediocrity the worst judge of subordinates since ulysses grant. a hard left ideologue a coward unable to make a decision. now you have president trump who still praises vladmir putin and has certainly self-control issues. america deserves bert. stuart: on north korea, do you support what the president is doing? in my opinion the president is saying, he is showing the north koreans we can take you. he is trying to convince them yes we will if you push us too hard. is there something wrong with that policy. >> i'm here to delight you this morning. i think president trump is now getting it exactly right with north korea. i wish he wouldn't tweet things but what matters is that he is going after the other track, the economic track. threatening to really pursue the issue of intellecutal property theft with china. intellectual extortion with american companies. china announced, they won't live up to it, but cut off the importation of hard coal, hard coal, iron ore, north korean seafood, which doesn't tempt me very much. they will not import it. north korea that can really hurt their almost comatose economist. that tells me president trump's approach is scaring them. stuart: exactly, president trump hard-line approach convinced them we will pull the trigger. you push us too far all hell breaks loose in north korea and china. they're convinced of that so they're going along. before we close you sent a me a copy of the latest book, judgment at appomattox. i haven't quite finished but i'm almost there. it is a terrific book. has it been released to yep public or did i get a advanced copy? >> you got a very special advanced copy because you have exquisite taste in literature. the book goes on sale august 29, i hope i see you promoting it. stuart: it is good, ralph. nobody writes about the civil war and makes me understand what it was really like like you do. that is good stuff. >> thank you. stuart: we may disagree on a few things, but, ralph, you're a hell after writer. come visit us in new york. thank you. >> thank you. charlottesville, president trump is facing condemnation for tack about about far right nationalists. we have tammy bruce. >> in any situation like this there will be politics surrounding an addressing how the president behaves in this kind of a situation in a position where his statements can make a huge difference how the nation looks at serious issues. at same time i think being specific about all of what is going on in this environment, the toxic political environment, identity politics which leads to this kind of madness, whether nazis, white supremacists, black supremacists all of that we're looking at even violence against law enforcement, we've been dealing with that for years, these things have to now being dealt with specifically. i think president trump is the person who can do that. i believe he sees this as a larger construct of violence and problems in the country. that his first instinct. in order to deal with this in the heart and dealing with it specifically, we've got to name it, just like look, we've been demanding we name islamist terrorists for a reason. stuart: right. >> we have to name every single part of this. i think it can only be helpful. i suspect he will do more of that today. stuart: hold on one second. look at the big board please. we hit 22,000. we backed off a little bit. we hit 22-k. a gain of 142 points at one stage that was the high of the day. we hit it this morning. back with tammy. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, she gave what i think is campaign-style speech over the weekend. listen to this roll it. >> we're not the gate crashers of today's democratic party. we are not the a wing of today's democratic party. we are the heart an soul of the democratic party. stuart: she was speaking to progpress group and the crowd was chanting warren 2020 after the speech. look at this, senator warren selling merchandise online, t-shirts, mugs, tote bags with her name on it. tammy, i'm suggesting in no uncertain terms she is running for the democrat party as the presidential candidate in 2020. >> i think she is right. that group, that is extreme progressive group, they are the heart and soul of party. she want to become president of netroots. maybe xi will win. this is what americans rejected. numbers for democrats have gone down dramatically. they have van ineffectively farther to the left. they are going further to the left. americans next fall will want some kind moved races. when you have the horrible murder in charlottesville, steve scalise situation, you have even a committeeman in pennsylvania being shot by an anti-trumper three days ago which never made the news, shot twice in the head. it is exextrordinary environment. americans are going to want unity, understandably, honest conversations as opposed to extreme division and democrats really have to find a way to bring in the more moderate individuals. stuart: so many people said it was impossible for a businessman, millionaire like donald trump to be the president. set president. could you say the same thing about senator warren. it is impossible that someone who believes in single-payer medical system, 15-dollar minimum wage, what is the other one? ashley: free tuition. stuart: free college tuition, give them everything. you think that it is possible we'll get that in the presidency liz: astounding we're in this point in politics. we have the far left and far right. i love they say single payer, medicare for all. congress gets free health care. stuart: last word? >> we know what she is proposing. we know what fails. that is the old news. socialist tripe for the last 50 years. donald trump represented genuine which something new a business approach to government which is something that had not been approached that is the difference about why americans voted the way they did in '16 how they will vote in the midterms. stuart: i'm laughing at expression, socialist tripe. i have not heard that since my father passed away. >> we already don't like it. stuart: tammy, thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> senator marco rubio appears to be target of an assassination plot from a venezuelan official. this as president trump says all options on venezuela are on the table. we're all over that one. "national review" columnist deroy murdoch looking into study of voter fraud this election. you won't believe what he found. you are watching the second hour of "varney & company." the dow right at 22 grand. ♪ whether it's connecting one of the world's most innovative campuses. or bringing wifi to 65,000 fans. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. stuart: president trump about to land at joint base andrews. that is the air force one of course. he is filing in from bedminster, new jersey, where he spent the weekend at his golf club. he is flying, sorry, to d.c., as we speak. he will get out of the plane and get on to that chopper right there. that is marine one. then he flies over to the capitol where he will go to the white house where he will hold meetings with the chief of staff. he goes back to marine one, back to air force one, and flies to new york city. are you prepared for this, new york city. ashley: get out of town as quick as you can. >> i know he is going to south street seaport, southern manhattan. liz: good to know, avoid. ashley: at all costs. stuart: any new yorker knows when the president is in town traffic is not good. let's all remember that, rain. welcome to new york, mr. president. good to see you again. as his plane taxis towards marine one, you will like this. monday morning less than an hour into the trading session we're up 134 points, just a tad shy of 22,000. the price of gold up for the last couple of weeks, down four bucks today at 1289. billionaire hedge fund manager, his name is dan loeb, has dumped, i think dumped the entire stake in snap. ashley: he has. stuart: why is the stock up 6%? ashley: i don't know, to be honest with you, lobe with third point, that is the name of his hedge fund, they piled into the stock in the first quarter. that actually bumped stock price up in the first quarter because these well-known hedge funds for some reason were piling in. find out loeb's hedge fund, third point dissolved all of its stake in snap in the second quarter, thinking maybe not so good. stuart: the stock is up 6%. maybe they think it hit bottom. ashley: i don't know. stuart: that is some things we don't understand. ashley: that's a strange one. he dumped all his jpmorgan stock and piled into bank of america. i thought that was interesting. stuart: follow the billionaires. ashley: yeah. stuart: senator marco rubio may be the target of an assassination plot, and that plot is coming from one of venezuela's most powerful leaders. joining us vanessa newman, president of asymmetric. i don't know whether this is serious threat or not. you know more than i do. he has security detail his security detail has broken. that is how the story first broke. that send tirely possible. this is crazy cartel behavior. stuart: drug cartel. >> cartel. venezuela is being ruled by a drug cartel. this is not a government. if you look at sanctions that the u.s. government issued, referred to linked to the drug of course interesting organization which is the wife of the president. they have one of the biggest narc cokingpins. so, and everybody knows that. stuart: if the army, run by generals who are in league with the drug dealers? >> yes. the cartel of the the suns. they have little sun insignias, the generals. stuart: things will not get -- i would thought at some point army would stage a coup and things would get better. but no? >> we're having little skirmishes like smaller units of the military lower down are now fighting their senior commanders. we're having, we had several of those skirmishes flare up. the venezuelan opposition is pleading with them to help them, liberate them from this. also this talk about, will the united states go in? stuart: president trump has not ruled out, not taken it off the table. >> no. stuart: i'm not sure many people think it is going to happen but it is on the table. what do venezuelans think about that? >> there is a rather hilarious clip that the venezuela government did a poll, what do you think of the horror trump to invade. they wept live, 79% of venezuelans are yes, please. absolutely. it was hilarious. the presenter going, this can't be right. it happened. it happened. and it is hilarious, from the point of view venezuelanss we were invaded a long time ago. they have iranians and cubans. the reap venezuelans are so oppressed chavez gave them the power to rule the military in 2006. our military is ruled by foreign forces. >> there is no way around serious bloodshed. >> i don't think there is. there is talk of negotiated solution, et cetera. it hasn't gotten us anywhere. we've been negotiating for years. stuart: your company, asymmetric, you deal in political risk? >> we do a lot of political risk analysis. we specialize in a lot of latin america and sometimes in africa. do illicit trade. stuart: i have 20 seconds, should i buy venezuelan bonds? >> no, no. wait until there is transition. then you can invest. stuart: we like straightforward. that was good one. >> thank you for having me. thank you. stuart: check this out, please, horror flick, "annabelle" number one at the box office. $35 million. doesn't seem like a great deal of money. win for warner brothers after wonder woman and "dunkirk" were released the both of those winners. an nfl player taking a page out of kaepernick's book sitting during the national anthem during a preseason game. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ it's a highly contagious disease that can be really serious... especially for my precious new grandchild. it's whooping cough. every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. stuart: well, well, look at the stock price of fiat chrysler. why is it up 7.3%. well there is a well-known chinese automaker reportedly interested in the company making an offer. all of this according to automotive news. up goes the tock 7%. sports, yeah we cover that. oakland running back marshawn lynch sits during the national anthem during a nfl preseason game. what are the fans likely it think about this. liz: j.d. power survey came out, they don't like this at all. this is number one thing they don't like the nfl, above domestic violence or excessive commercials. stuart: that is president trump descending the steps from air force one. about to walk across the tarmac at joint base andrews, where he will mount on to marine one. he has a very full schedule today, a travel schedule i should say. he takes off marine one pretty much as soon as he gets inside. you can do that if you're the president, flying the president's helicopter. that goes to deliver him to the white house or very close to it. he then attend a meeting with his chief of staff and his top economic advisors. you want to come into this? liz: overtrade with china. may move on trade with china. china's intellectual property theft and the like this. comes at a time ratcheted up tensions with north korea. rex tillerson and other top officials say we don't want regime change. we want strategic accountability on that peninsula. stuart: on china he will sign, sign on to check out, investigate, china trade deals. that is another way of putting pressure on china to show willing helping us with north korea i suspect. ashley: correct. stuart: that will take place in the white house today. when that meeting is over. he getting back on board marine one which you're looking at right now, then goes to air force one. then he flies up to new york where he then motorcade into the city. that will be quite and event for new york city. ashley: about rush hour i think. stuart: this afternoon. we don't know the time. ashley: whatever time it is it is gridlock. stuart: because he going down to the southern part of manhattan, south beach seaport. some kind of meeting there. ashley: yes. stuart: can you imagine the traffic? >> we're going to this afternoon. stuart: this show end at 12 noon by the way. odds are i will be out of here. ashley: making a run for it,. stuart: you don't want to be in new york city in traffic gridlock. i have to get through the lincoln tunnel this morning. that is happening right now. busy day for the president. entire team just marched up the gangway to get on board the plane. it will be taking off very shortly. you can't start rotors going until everybody is on board and doors are closed. that is the basic safety protocol, especially when you're the president of the night. off we go. back to where we were? liz: nfl. stuart: running back marshawn lynch sits during the national anthem. your fans don't like it. they didn't like kaepernick. what is your input? >> these are businesses. big impact last year, ratings for the nfl games really plunging. some said because of the election. they have done polls, 50% of the people said yeah it, was our protesting because we don't like what we're seeing. goes down to the divisions that americans are seeing, wanting to really reject that. this could be another financial issue, another problem. not necessarily harming the raiders and their place certainly, public relations relationships with fans, ratings, advertiser dollars and impact. liz: people don't want politics in everything. bruce springsteen getting political. you pay a lot of money. you want entertainment. ashley: it is entertainment. you don't want politics. stuart: everything is political. political angle to friendships in one's family. political discourse that sun pleasant. i want to get away from that. if i want to watch a football game, i want to see a football game. ashley: be entertained. stuart: entertained. justin thomas won the pgpga championship. how old is he? ashley: 24 years old. young guns like rickie fowler and jordan spieth. 68 final round. very exciting. five golfers were tied at one point during the competition. it is great stuff. good for golf. stuart: watch this. ashley: this is the putt on number 10. don't think it goes in. wait a minute. wait a minute. wait a minute. he is laughing. >> leprechauns. stuart: oh. liz: bill murray in "caddyshack." ashley: watched the gopher. stuart: we counted. that was 12, 13 second wait on the rim there. ashley: just keep doing that. stuart: the rule you wait for 30 seconds. you have got 30 seconds for it to drop in. if it hasn't dropped in in 30 seconds you're out of luck. ashley: you have to pick it up. >> there is shadowing. you walk up to the ball, cast your shadow over it right on the lip. occasionally that is enough to get it in. ashley: you mean your shadow can push things? wow. >> change air flow what is happening in the space. stuart: if it is on a knife-edge like that. ashley: i just jump up and down a lot. stuart: he won, what did he win, 1.8 million? ashley: 1.89 million. that is good pay day. stuart: he is off and running. check the big board. where are we? the dow shy of 22,000. look at big tech names. this tells the story today. look at those percentage gains. all up 1% or more. google up .9%. that is $8 gain. apple at 159. facebook up 1.70. up two dollars. microsoft nearly a dollar higher up 1.3%. the big techs are leading the market higher and higher it is. keep on the shot on the corner of your screen. maybe we'll hit 22-k again. for benefit of our radio listeners, we just hit it. 22,000 on the dow. joining me dr. kelly ward republican candidate in arizona running against republican jeff flake, a republican senator. doctor, welcome to the program. good to see you with us. >> good morning, stuart, nice to be with you. stuart: why are you running against jeff flake? he is supposed to be a conservative. he is not a conservative is that why you're running against him? >> it, it is. unfortunately for us in arizona we don't have a conservative senator in washington, d.c. so i'm working very hard to get there to do the job some of us want down. stuart: you are disappointed with senator flake. why? >> i am. the numbers go on and on. i'll say first and foremost his joining the "gang of eight" amnesty effort in 2013 when he first got to the united states senate is appalling, not only to me but to the voters of arizona and people across america. we don't want to excuse gang members or people who are, who are, do domestic violence or are child abusers or who come back across our border after they had been deported. that is what the "gang of eight" did and we're frankly sick of it. senator flake doesn't want to build the wall. he doesn't want to support president trump. it is time for a change in washington is seems like, there is a split between president trump and republican senators in the senate. it's a pretty profound split and you're on the trump side. is that basically what is going on here? the party is split, and you're with mr. trump and you're going against the establishment republicans. that is what is going on here? >> yes it is. i think that there is a new republican party and president trump showed that when he was ehecked overwhelmingly in the country to do the things the american people want done. we want border security. we want to stop illegal immigration. we want to repeal obamacare. we want to fix the tax code. we want more gains like we're seeing today. we want to seat economy grow. people have to get to washington do to that. stuart: what is your input on the fight between president trump and republican leader mitch mcconnell? i guess you're on trump's side, right? >> i think senator mcconnell, should be, instead of concentrating attacking the president he should be working on putting forth policy that puts america first, the things that president trump was elected to do. i hate to see the rift, i do. i think 2018 will be a landslide election for conservatives, who want to support the conservative policies for the president. who want us on a better path for all people across the board. i'm looking forward to doing that once i get there. stuart: keep us informed how you're doing with this. we're very interested. dr. kelly ward, thanks for joining us. appreciate you being here. thank you. >> thanks stuart. stuart: before we go into our next guest, look at the dow. this is a big day. one hour's worth of business on new york stock exchange, around on the exchanges we're back to 22,000. now who would have thought. you walk in here on a monday morning and you've got a whopping great big rally all over again. north korea. liz: tensions. stuart: there is no war. there is no rocket fire. no gunfire in anger over the weekend. we have 4% growth at least in one quarter. ashley: in japan is japan, overseas they're starting to move up. so our market hits 22,000. that is what is going on right now. very important stuff. los angeles, they want city contractors to disclose whether or not they're helping build the border wall. come on in a former california gop vice-chair. welcome to the program. great to have you with us. >> great to be here, stuart. stuart: seems to me they're trying to intimidate anybody who has anything to do with building the wall. which side of the fence are you on, which side of the wall are you on? sorry. >> well, you know, some of these folks don't remember their history, this is exactly what we had in the mccarthy era where people were forced to declare their allegiance on certain political issues. the twist, what contractors would be doing what they're bidding on, working on the wall is entirely legal and consistent with our national interests where the l.a. city council, 13-0, how they voted want to impose the opposite view which they want to bar people from working in the city on government contracts if they want to support the national security and our president's plan with building a wall. stuart: there was a 13-0 vote in favor of naming and shaming i think the contractors on the wall. what is the general feeling in the state of california? we're used to hearing i ace very, very liberal state and walks in lockstep with the democrat party. what's your input on that? is that the true sense of feeling in california? >> not at all. you know, we have the same law by the way that is being proposed in our sacramento in our legislature. so i think there is a dichotomy between the very liberal union funded politicians who represent many urban areas like san francisco or los angeles versus the hard-working people who have businesses and who just want to get by, make sure their children are educated, be safe from crime and sanctuary city courage we have here. we are pretty divided state in that regard. those republicans in california are working very hard to try to get more of our folks elected in sacramento and washington to protect our interests. stuart: we were casting around to find a republican in california. you popped right up there. are there any others? >> there are a few of us. i represent california on the republican national committee with two early colleagues and, let's call it a challenging place. we are ininspired by the fact that ronald reagan came from here and other great american leaders. it is a beautiful state. i hope to make great again. stuart: i lived in san francisco for four or five years back in the 1970s. wonderful place. fantastic state. do you ever think in the next 20 years california will go republican in a presidential election? >> i think we can and i'm certainly here as with my other republican colleagues to work hard to achieve that goal. if i didn't feel that way i would have to give up hope. we're hopeful we can make call for great again. stuart: don't move to texas. we enjoyed it. thanks very much indeed. >> my pleasure. stuart: netflix recruiting tv writer and producer, shonda rhimes. she is behind abc hit show, "scandal." why is netflix down? liz: debt pile is there, shareholder equity. still a problem servicing debt. this is real shot across the bow to network tv. she is leaving for streaming. she is shonda rhimes, famous for "grey's anatomy", "scandal," how to get away with murder. she is big in hollywood for con 10 producer. this is arms race for content. comes a week after disney to netflix, we don't need you netflix. we'll do our own streaming. this comes a week after amazon picked of the guy who created the walking dead, and "the fear of the walking dead." ashley: content is king. if you can write scripts for tvs or movies you're golden. stuart: i guess. ashley: we need to team up. stuart: i'm getting used to brave new world. i just canceled my netflix subscription. that is why the stock's down. there you go. coming up president trump facing backlash for waiting until sunday to condemn the far right nationalists behind the riots in charlottesville. dana loesch will weigh in on that in our next hour. first, "national review" columnist deroy murdoch looking into a study of voter fraud this election. you won't believe what he found. varney rand company cop tins with the dow up 150. ♪ potsch: you each drive a ford pickup, right? (in unison) russ, leland, gary: yes. gary: i have a ford f-150. michael: i've always been a ford guy. potsch: then i have a real treat for you today. michael: awesome. potsch: i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. michael: let's do this. potsch: this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. gary: super cool. potsch: the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. jim: aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. potsch: and best of all, this new truck is actually- gary: (all laughing) oh my... potsch: the current chevy silverado. gary: i'm speechless. gary: this puts my ford truck to shame. james: i'll tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. 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(ch(baby crying)eat) ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ and let me play-- (jet engine white noise) (airline "ding") (bell mnemonic) stuart: china's is the second biggest retailer in china behind alibaba. well lost more money because of higher marketing costs. it has gone down a bit. 3% for judicial watch studied the election. deroy murdoch went through the numbers and deroy is with us this morning. tell me, what was the big deal about voter fraud in this study? the headlines please? >> amazing. 3.5 million people registered to vote in this country than eligible voters. stuart: more voters than people. >> more voters than people. 3.5 million. that is pretty big number. stuart: that is a huge number. >> enormous number. stuart: where was the overlap most common? >> biggest ones in california. 1.7 million in california. san diego has overregistration of 138%. 138% more voters than people. that is 800,000 people. l.a. county about 700,000. these are very large numbers. 1.7 million in california alone. stuart: implication these extra people are not eligible to vote but not signed up. >> these are dead not taken off the rolls. people moved out of california or colorado, elsewhere, still remain on rolls. people otherwise ineligible and shouldn't be there. people can show up say i'm bob smith, sally jones, give me my ballot. even though bob or sally are dead or moved to other state or ineligible felon or felon. >> you got to the best of it last or even a non-citizen. that is what we're talking about here, isn't it? some of those 3.5 million extra people on top of people eligible to vote. >> yep. stuart: some of them, implication some of them are green cardholders, non-citizens, right? >> in certain states you pretty much go in ask for driver's license. they register automatically. they don't ask for proof of citizenship. some nefariously do it, some do it in thely. nonetheless they're on the voter rolls anyway. stuart: are we on the way immigrant with green cards, not entitled to vote, do we have hard evidence they did vote in large numbers? or is this implication from these numbers. >> these numbers only imply that. there are studies of examples of citizens non-citizens who do vote. i don't have the numbers. the left says this isn't widespread. my question, how widespread are you willing to accept? 100 voters who shouldn't vote, a thousand, 2000, if nancy pelosi takes fraudulent. take her ballot, cancel her ballot out with fraudulent one that shouldn't be cast. should have zero ballots counted in elections by people who don't have a right to do so. stuart: hasn't the president established a commission to look at this? he is demanding for, asking voting records for many states and they are unwilling to give them records on privacy ground, i guess, but that commission could prove one way or the other if there is this voter fraud? >> that's correct. stuart: but we're not going to get the numbers. >> there is commission headed by vice president pence and co-chaired, friend of mine secretary of state kris kobach of kansas. they asked states for this information. 15 refused to turn over the information. some including new york state, we'll give you information publicly available. not everything you want, all the stuff if you walked into the voter bureaus get the voter records. they will get information available to any of us. that would be a good starts. stuart: if we could match up who voted and were they eligible to vote. you match up two things, you got a measure of voter fraud whether it exists or not. >> governor rick scott tried to do. every state is required under motor voter vote to take off the rolls dead people. he tried to do that the department of justice under obama stopped him. he wanted to remove 50,000 dead people from the voter rolls. department of justice sued in federal court to stop him from doing this. i think this president will have a different approach. if governor scott wants to clean dead people off the voter rolls i think he will let him do it. stuart: we have to settle this one way or another. >> if there turns out to no voter fraud move out to other issues. if there is, we need to have klein, honest, fair elections in this country. stuart: do you, deroy murdoch, support voter i.d. show up to the polls, have government i.d. >> i do. every time i'm go to airport, you're black you can get on the plane. somehow blacks are incapable of showing i.d. is racist, offensive. every american should be told, great, stuart varney, you want to vote, let's see our voter card or if you're somebody else. stuart: i spent 39 years with a green card. never tried to vote, never registered to vote. i didn't vote until i became a citizen of the united states. >> that is how it should be is not asking too much. stuart: deroy murdoch, you're all right. don't be such a stranger to this program. >> happy to be back, stuart. stuart: now this. tesla's chief, elon musk tweeted that there is a bigger threat than north korea. here's the tweet. if you're not concerned about ai, that would be artificial intelligence, safety, you should be. vastly more risk than north korea. emac, i guess he is worried that machines take over. is that right? liz: echoing physicist stephen hawking who said the same thing. you should be more afraid of robots, artificial intelligence than nuclear arms from north korea. he said it is a danger to humanity. watch this tweet. he said nobody likes being regulated but things that pose a danger to the public, cars, planes, food, drugs, is regulated. artificial intelligence should be regulated. that is what he is saying now. stuart: by whom and how? liz: he didn't suggest how or say whom either. stuart: once this is off and running how do you rein in it? ashley: good question. stuart: this is for you, ash. ashley: i love think, new school in new york city, says that the size of the seat in a classroom is a form of micro aggression. do it the respect it deserves. ashley: what respect. stuart: you're laughing. ashley: as you say the new school, new york city, very expensive private college. tuition is 65,700 a year, and they put out a guide entitled microaggression, why we'll not tolerate. you mentioned that example. suggesting all gender bathrooms are stupid. sitting far away from a homeless person on the subway. seats that are too small for fat people. for professors and student to fail to ask people which gender pronounce they prefer and on and on. liz: liz: what authoritarian is paid good money for dictates like this. stuart: i'm told we have to go. most famous bronco. now it is on sale, on "pawn stars," the famous white bronco for the oj chase is up for sale. the host will join us next hour. back in a second. got you outnumbered. the dinosaurs' extinction... don't listen to them. not appropriate. now i'm mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter... why don't you sit over here. find your awesome with the xfinity stream app. included with xfinity tv. more to stream to every screen. you're searching for something. whoooo. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if... ....there was a single site... ...where you could find the... ...right hotel for you at the best price? 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who is pastor jeffress to say that? i don't think we have the ability to say that i think that is why the president needs wisdom. stuart: okay. >> wisdom. not an easy thing to get. le my g as a kid... and were pumped to open my own salon. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctor about lyrica. nah. not gonna happen. that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. my name is ken. how may i help you? 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[laughter] >> wow, that's impressive. stuart: for the love of money is a root cause of all kinds of evil, okay? don't be fooled with the pejorative, money's the root of all evil. that's not the proper quote. shall we move on swiftly? yes, we shall. isn't that right? >> yes, indeed. [laughter] who are you? stuart: and we have 27 of the dow 30 on the upside. one is unchanged, who two -- home depot and mcdonald's -- are down a fraction. that's it. joining us now, the man who called it all, i mean, he's taken his tie off so that he can relax and bask in the glory of successful stock market forecasting. the capital wave strategist. okay. why is this market up? tell me why. that's a huge rally. why? >> because the underlying fundamentals are positive, they remain positive. you know, we've just gone through pretty much nine, 90% of the earnings that have come out for the last quarter, and they've been overwhelmingly positive. so that is really what's driving the market. politics aside, that's been a bit of an impediment, but the market is moving forward on solid earnings, on potentially better global growth, and the optimism remains. sentiment is still positive, and we had a little bit of a blip. right now the market's hanging in, it should hang in. if it starts to to backtrack here, stuart, i think we have a little something to worry about. if it does, then i'm going to start to get a little nest. stuart: -- a little nervous. stuart: you said yesterday it is going to hit 22,000, you were right on both counts, and you were right right after the election when you said, get out and buy, it's an opportunity. are we going to reach 23,000? if so, when? >> if we get anything positive out of washington, especially tax cuts -- and i think we can get there fairly easily, probably within a couple of quarters, maybe even sooner, but we're going to have to get something out of washington now. a lot of the good news in terms of earnings, in terms of global growth now, we know that is better, inflation is really not a problem, gas prices remain fairly low, so we've got a lot of positives already out there. the market's going to look to washington to say, all right, gotta back all this up. we've come this far in the markets, and we need something from washington. we're kind of back to let's start watching the political angle and see if that can add to the market. stuart: give me your take on the five big name technology companies which you pushed up. you said they're going to go straight up, and they did. any higher for any of them, or have they reached a peak? >> no. it's really a function of the market. i think we can make new highs fairly easily if we don't do any backtracking this week. that would mean another leg higher for the market. and all of the important stocks, the tech stocks, the big cap stocks should go higher. there's still a lot of good news ahead of them. so they, again, as i said, these are the branded stocks. these are the growth stocks. this is where the growth is coming from, this is where people are going. their marketplace is huge. there's no reason for them to back off. stuart: okay. full disclosure, which, if any, of the five big name technology stocks do you own now? >> apple. i'm just out of microsoft, i want to get back into microsoft. amazon, we're back in amazon. so those are the ones we're in right now. facebook i'm actually hoping for a little bit of a pullback to get back into facebook at this point. netflix we're not touching now, it's a little too scary for us up here. those are the primary ones we like, and we're going to continue to add to those if the market goes higher. stuart: right before, let's see if he's right again. thanks for joining us, as always, sir. see you soon. that's money, now politics. president trump in a war of words with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. come on in, please, karl rove. is the president losing this fight with senate republicans? >> i don't think that's a proper question. the proper question is, is anybody winning. and the fact is both president trump and leader mcconnell are losing this because the more there's acrimony between the republican president and the republican congress, the republican congress suffers in the short term between mow and 2018 because -- between now and 2018 because it builds the image they're not getting anything done, but the person who ultimately loses is president trump particularly if the democrats take control of the senate or the house in 2018. and in 2020 if this continues, you're the republican president. so better to knock this off. civil war does not help the republicans. stuart: okay. so break it down, what should president trump do, what should mitch mcconnell do? >> first of all, the president shouldn't be so quick to take offense at good advice. he has a problem with excessive expectations. how many times have we heard him say that something is going to be done quickly and soon or fast, and it's going to be beautiful and we love it. legislating is never done quickly. when it is, it's because a party has a dominant position many both the house and senate, and generally -- like in 2009 with the stimulus bill -- what happens quickly is generally bad. i mean, the stimulus bill failed to meet any of the targets that the administration set out for it. so this is tough business. stuart: okay. >> underpromise and overdeliver. stuart: what about the other side of the coin? what should mitch mcconnell do now? bring the senate back to d.c.? >> bring 'em back in september and ignore the president's -- don't take offense. mcconnell is smart enough to know take no visible personal offense at it and move on. because his success depends upon a strong president and a strong republican majority, albeit a narrow majority, working together to get things done. stuart: okay. can you put your finger on a big mistake that president trump has made in the last couple of weeks? >> well, i think there are two. one bigger than the other. i think the ad libbing on charlottesville was problematic. if you take the opening part of the president's statement which he talks about an egregious display of violence, hatred and bigotry, that was good. but then he undid it by ad libbing on both sides. it's been going on for a long time. not donald trump, not barack obama, it's been going on for a long time. first of all, it's nonsensical. why did he have to inject his own name and president obama's name into it? but the equivalency between the neo-nazis and kkk members who paraded through the streets of charlottesville singing anti-jewish, anti-black sentiments, repeating nazi slogans, waving nazi flags and the counterprotesters who were, by and large, mostly locals, students at the university of virginia and so forth, that just doesn't cut it. so that was a mistake. stuart: got it. i'm sorry to leave you like this, carl, but thanks for joining us this morning as always. >> you bet. stuart: come and see us again real soon. all right, more on on charlottesville, virginia. chaos as white supremacists generally, they clashed with counter-protesters at a rally on saturday. james alex fields jr. of ohio accused of ramming his car deliberately into a group of counter-protesters. the feds were investigating, did he have any help planning this attack. the suspect has been charged with second-degree murder. get this, some charlottesville protesters are now being outed on social media, at least one man was fired from his job after someone posted his name and his picture. he was involved in this, posted it online. the man's been fired. what do you think about that? congressman kathleen rice, democrat from new york, calling dana loesch a domestic security threat. dana is with us next to respond to all of this. as for the markets, high of the day right now, up 152, 153 points. 22,011. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. flonase helps block 6. most allergy pills only block one and 6 is greater than 1. with more complete relief you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6 is greater than 1 changes everything. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long™. call now and request this free decision guide. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. so call now and discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long™. ♪ stuart: take a look at this tweet from congressman kathleen rice, democrat of new york. quote: i'm just going to say it, hashtag nra and dana loesch are quickly becoming domestic security threats under president trump. we can't ignore that. here to respond, nra spokesperson dana loesch herself. domestic security threat. because you did make provocative ads for the national rifle association, and what do you make of this response to what you said? >> well, stuart, it's always good to see you, and happy monday to you. i would question provocative. i don't think it's provocative to promise to fact check media. free people do have the right to fact check their media, particularly when that media is, kind of has a habit of writing absolutely not true stories and maligning law-abiding, second amendment supporters. and that's a lot of what this is. first off, representative kathleen rice, i find this completely irresponsible and reckless. stuart, this woman sits on the committee for homeland security. she also sits on the committee for counterterrorism and intelligence. and i'm not quite sure that someone who can just, who just pops off like that online is trustworthy or is able to be trusted with the amount of power that the people invest in her with tweets like this. i mean, this -- for her to say something like this and to malign millions of law-abiding americans are irresponsible and reckless, and i would really like to hear some sort of public censure of kathleen rice, of representative rice for this, because it's irresponsible. and this is not behavior that is befit of an elected seat. stuart: how do you feel about this? because you have become the target, i suspect. i remember months ago when you first put that, when that ad first started to appear, we picked up on it because it was a vigorous defense of the second amendment. i mean, we're just going to run a little bit of it right there. >> right. stuart: that was a vigorous defense. you have become the principal target of the anti-gun people. how do you feel about that? >> well, i think it's always sort of been that way, and it's not just myself. i think it's the millions of nra members that i talk to regularly, i see every time that there's one of the nra annual meetings or any one of the other events. i think that those individuals are always going to want to have some sort of bogeyman against which to lift themselves up. i don't know, i think kathleen rice, i think representative rice is looking to go for higher seat, so she needs someone to run against, and she just picked millions of law-abiding americans, many of whom are her own constituents. there's nothing absolutely at all whatsoever wrong with a free people saying, look, we love a free press. but with a free press, a free people are going to fact check you and hold you accountable. stuart: i think public opinion is changing on the second amendment, and i think it's changing in your favor. let me move on to charlottesville. some, i think it's five, of the white supremacist protesters have been outed on social media, at least one of those people named and has been fired after their picture appeared online. now, how does this square with the freedom to express yourself, the freedom of speech, essentially? where do you stand on this one, dana? >> well, personally speaking, stuart, when i watched everything that went down in charlottes, i was out with my kids all day, and i came backing all of this on the news, and i looked online, and it was just awful. it's awful. there's a reason why i said what i said in my video, that i completely -- i loathe all forms of violence when they are presented as protected dissent. and what we saw in charlotte was absolutely no different. i am not -- let's just put it this way. the alt-right doesn't like me much. they've published photos of my house and have attacked me quite a lot. but in terms of these individuals getting fired, people have the right to their free speech no matter how ignorant and backwoods it is. but one of the things if someone sees you out there hosting a mosquito repellant torch, stuart, and screaming nonsense, they may decide they don't want you to work there anymore. i think there is a fine line, and i want to make sure we respect free speech, but at the same time people are free to say maybe i don't want you working for me. stuart: absolutely. i'm with you all the way on this one. damedana, thank you for joining. i'm going to show our viewers arriving at the white house. that's marine one. just landed, i think. he's going into the white house. he's coming from new jersey, his golf club. he flew down to d.c., landed at the white house. he's about to go insides the oval office for a meeting with his chief of staff and his top economic advisers. he's going to sign a memorandum of looking at china and their respect for our intellectual property -- >> yeah, he's really ramping up the trade pressure on china. stuart: as soon as that door opens, he will emerge, go to the white house. and as you say, liz, ramp up some pressure on china vis-a-vis trade which gives us more leverage on the north korea situation. >> chinese state newspaper now saying trump's trade probe will, quote, poison relations. that's just coming out now, just breaking. stuart: okay. when he's done in the oval office, he dose back to marine one -- he goes back to marine one, choppers back to air force one and then flies up to new york city where all of us are anxiously awaiting his arrival. >> are we? [laughter] stuart: well, i would like to leave first, because he's going to go down southern manhattan, traffic will be monumentally bad. >> yes. stuart: but welcome to new york, mr. president. we like to have you home. i'm serious. now this, the freedom foundation suing the city of seattle over their controversial tax the rich proposal. the freedom foundation calls it unconstitutional. later this hour we're joined by the chair on that tax the rich idea in seattle. remember this scene, the why white bronco in l.a.? o.j.'s famous bronco is now up for sale. rick harrison is selling that, and he's on the show later this hour. check this out, justin thomas thought he'd missed the putt. here it goes. oh, he thought it was just sitting there, so he walks away. we're counting, those of us who were watching counting. he turns around -- >> what it wait -- wait a minute. >> oh! stuart: seconds later, in it goes. that young man, 24 years old, first major, and he wins $1.8 million. we will be back. ♪ ♪ today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters. stuart: vice president pence answering questions on venezuela. listen in, please. >> the united states is going to continue to send a message of resolve and determination. we're going to continue to bring all of the resources of our nation to bear. the president said we have many options with regard to venezuela to ultimately make it possible for the people of venezuela to see their democracy restored. >> [inaudible] on north korea, the era of pains pains -- of patience is over finish. [inaudible] >> now for several decades the united states has embraced the failed policies of strategic patience with regard to north korea. i mean, successive administrations and both political parties have believed that negotiation and patience with north korea would achieve the long-term objective of the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. that has utterly failed. as we've continued to see, the kim regime in its headlong pursuit of ballistic missiles and usable nuclear weapons that they could mount on those missiles. and president trump made it clear early this year that the era of strategic patience is over. the united states is putting all options on the table. we're martialing the support of our allies in the region as well as china in unprecedented ways to isolate north korea economically and diplomatically. and the president will be speaking later today to prime minister abe. he spoke to president xi over the weekend. we're putting all, all of the resources of the united states and energies of this president behind an effort to resolve this present confrontation with north korea peaceably. but as the president has said, all options are on the table. and as our secretary of state has said, there is no future for the regime in pyongyang with the possession of nuclear weapons. >> on russia -- [inaudible] >> during all of my experience on the campaign, i've never witnessed any evidence of collusion or any of the allegations. i'm not aware of that ever having occurred. and the president has spoken his mind on the topic. but, look, we'll fully cooperate. and are cooperating with special counsel. we'll provide them any and all information. but the president remains focused, i remain focused on the job we were elected to advance for the american people, which is restoring america's place in the world, rebuilding our military, restoring our economy with the kind of policies that now more than a million jobs created all across our country, provide confidence among american consumers and american businesses and to just continue to stay focused. >> all right, thanks, everybody. we've got to go. >> on january 15th you said that michael flynn's conversations did not involve russia sanctions. you also said there was no contact between the russian government and the campaign. we now know both of those to be untrue. has there been any point in which you've gone back to everybody that was involved with the campaign and now with the administration and asked them to be fully transparent with you and the american people? >> i think i was very clear that what i spoke about on television is precisely what general flynn had told me, and i believe the president was right to move him out of this position in the white house. >> [inaudible] >> and i've also made it, i've also made it very clear that i'm not aware of any contact during the time that i was on the campaign between any officials of the russian government and officials with the campaign. and i stand by that. but again, we'll continue to fully cooperate with the special counsel. we'll provide them whatever information that they require. and we'll stay completely focused on the task at hand, which is to make america prosperous again, to make america safe again and, to borrow a phrase, to make america great again. [inaudible conversations] stuart: i'm glad we caught that. that's the vice president of the united states answering questions. two questions in particular were of importance. number one, he was asked about venezuela. he repeated that all options are on the table, including the military option, whatever that might be in venezuela. it remains on the table. nothing's been taken off. he then went on to say, talking about the failed policy of strategic patience with north korea, he said that had utterly failed, and he repeated the same thing he said about venezuela, all options remain on the table. he went further. he said that this afternoon president trump will be speaking with prime minister abe of japan. remember, the president spoke with china's leader, xi, on saturday. so there's a lot of diplomacy going on in the background here. there is a great deal of talk. vice president pence also said there is no future for the if regime in pyongyang with nuclear weapons. so the hard line remains on north korea, the hard line remains on venezuela. as the vice president was speaking, no response whatsoever on the stock market. it is holding onto that very solid gain. we're up 147 points. that puts us at 22,005. there you have it, statements from vice president pence on venezuela and north korea, no reaction on wall street. the rally holds. and look who's here now. this gentleman's name is anthony rinaldi, founder and president of the rinaldi group, a major construction management firm. now, you don't like the republican party and its failure to reform obamacare and give us a tax cut. how strongly don't you like 'em? >> as strong as i can be. we face right now real-life problems that are being created by the affordable care act -- stuart: you tell me your problems. you're a huge construction company. you manage construction all over the country, major projects. >> that's correct. stuart: what's your big problem that you've got with obamacare? >> the cost of insurance constantly driving up. right now we face a renewal of our own health care plan in october. i face right now a $340,000 cost increase in my health care, 17% i'm being raised. and i have very little options. i have very little places to go, if any. soother stuart this is your employees -- stuart: this is your employees within the rinaldi corporation, whatever it is, extra that you've got to spend in this coming year, that's correct? >> that's correct. one of the things that we do at rinaldi which is very unusual in all of business is i've prided myself over the last 15 years in providing 100% of the health care we pay for as a company. so we take no employee participation from our employees. whether they're single, married or family, we pay 100% of that cost. that cost right now on average is running me $2,000 per employee, per month. $24,000 a year. and i'm in an hmo. stuart: whoa. >> i'm in an hmo. stuart: those kind of numbers really bring it home. that really hurts. >> absolutely. stuart: you're spending $2,000 per employee, per month -- >> correct. stuart: -- on their health care, and you look after them 100%. you are a generous employer. >> absolutely. absolutely. stuart: if obamacare was gone, as you want it to be gone, would that situation change dramatically? >> absolutely. and one of the other things that i think would change dramatically is president trump's proposal to the start opening up the boundaries and the borders of the states and start making this across state lines -- stuart: across state lines insurance. >> exactly. give me the option. i'm not going to name who our carrier is right now -- stuart: don't. [laughter] >> we have one of the biggest brokerage houses that represent us in bringing us to different carriers. and as our renewal has been coming up in october, i went to them and said, listen, you know, we need some relief somewhere. find me another carrier. find me some other programs. they literally came back with three other options under the same carrier. so i don't even have a choice of going to another carrier -- stuart: okay. >> -- for competition. stuart: i've got to switch subjects ever so slightly. you're a major construction management firm. >> right. stuart: their proposal is to build the wall on our southern border. in los angeles they want to publicize the names of anybody who's got anything to do with building the wall. that would -- if you're involved in it, your name would be published out there. what dueck of that? -- what do you think of that? >> you want to know whatsome. [laughter] stuart: be gentle now, sir. restrain yourself. [laughter] >> listen, if our president selected the rinaldi group to participate in building that wall, i'd proudly stand on top of it. you know, as far as disclosing the names, you know what? you know, the regulations that we come across in new york city, we are full disclosure in every project that we haved to do. so -- we have to do. so i'm not against disclosure. i am against discrimination on that disclosure. stuart: where are you based? where's your -- >> well, we actually have our corporate headquarters or is just outside new york city. it's in sea caucus, new jersey, meadowlands, but we also have a satellite are office on maiden lane in downtown manhattan. stuart: are you complaining loudly to the republican party? >> 100%. stuart: real loudly? a guy who's in new jersey, anthony rinaldi, can make a lot of noise. [laughter] >> you see me sitting here. stuart: i'm backing off a fraction. [laughter] >> i don't think i look like a shy guy. [laughter] stuart: no. what you did for us, you brought it home because you gave us a real, live numbers, what a real, live person is paying and how much more he's got to pay when he's trying to be generous with his people. >> yeah. it's really frustrating and disheartening. stuart: the bottom line is they never tackled the higher, rising costs of health care. >> right. stuart: they've never got to grips with it. it just keeps going up. >> and it's getting worse and worse. as i explained to you, we're in a -- we pay $1,000 for a single employee, $3,000 a month for a family. all right? $3,000 a month. that's $36,000 a year, and i'm in an hmo where we actually have if you go to the doctors that are in our plan, we still have to have a $1,000 deductible for our single employees and a $2,000 deductible for our families. that's in the plan. so you could literally spend $36,000 insuring your employee and still not be able to offer them the best of health care possible. stuart: just what we needed. this is exactly what this program needed, more than anything else, hard numbers from someone who's tried to be generous and getting kicked in the teeth for it. >> right. stuart: that was all right. [laughter] make the trip anytime you like. [laughter] we're laughing, but, you know, i see where you're coming from. >> i'm laughing because i don't want to be crying. but it's, you know, we are a real-life example, as you just said, of a small business that's facing some really difficult decisions in the next coming months. stuart: anthony rinaldi, a restrained -- [laughter] what are you thinking? it was a/, sir. an -- a pleasure, sir. honor to have you on the show. >> same here, thank you, stuart. stuart: now this, special counsel robert mueller reportedly wants to interview west wing stafferses in the russia case. we have another gentleman from new jersey, his name is judge andrew napolitano. i hope that's all right with you. [laughter] >> we're longtime friends. stuart: oh, you are? >> yes. stuart: i didn't know that. now, mueller wants to talk to west wing staffers. it sounds very ominous to me. tell me. >> i think he probably has already dispatched the, fbi agents to speak with them, and they probably have spoken voluntarily. the reason i say that is because he has served some of them with subpoenas. the grand jury actually issues the subpoena. so he and his prosecutors have persuaded grand jury withs in sworn -- grand juries in sworn testimony they have given to the grand jury as to what they need from this person and why they need this person before the grand jury. meaning there's some kernel of criminality that these people will talk about involving somebody. paul manafort, mike flynn, reince priebus, perhaps the president himself, we don't know. stuart: they're trying to get at a conversation that the president had with james james comey? >> three conversations that the president had with james comey according to mr. comey's version. president's version is different. stuart: right. >> they're trying to determine whether or not comey's version is credible. if comey's version is credible, they are beginning to build a case against the president. stuart: so the allegation is the president, president trump used undue influence on the leader of the fbi to knock him off the case of the intelligence guy -- >> mike flynn. stuart: -- mike flynn. >> for a corrupt purpose. stuart: to interfere with the prosecution. >> for example, if the president said, jim, we have so many problems with terrorists, so many important things to do, put the mike flynn thing on the back burner and devote your energies to getting rid of terrorism, a perfectly lawful conversation and perfectly lawful instruction. on the other hand, if he said lay off of mike flynn because flynn's got some stuff about me, that's a corrupt interwith the fbi -- interference with the fbi. so mueller has the difficulty of trying to prove, if he wants to go after the president, what the president's purpose was. and mueller doesn't have a window into the president's brain, so he's going to prove it from the circumstantial evidence around him. what did he say to others? what did he say to comey? is comey's version verifiable by others that were in the room? stuart: that's the real threat at this point. >> yes. what has the president stopped doing in the past two weeks? calling it a witch hunt. his lawyers have told him don't taunt these alligators until after you cross the stream, to use a new jersey phrase. [laughter] stuart: i've got this, this is breaking news, judge. san francisco's suing the department of justice over the sanctuary city law. this is just coming this to us. this is another city suing? >> i haven't seen the litigation because it was just filed this morning on the west coast. but this is very similar to chicago. basically saying -- stuart: it's other conditions placed on grant funding due to the sanctuary city policy. >> correct. here's san francisco's argument, and it's a valid one, the money coming to san francisco was budgeted by the obama people. when they did, there were no conditions that we comply with the immigration, therefore, you cannot retroactively impose those provisions. that's very sound constitutional law, san francisco will win. but in the first trump budget, if they ever pass one, they can put whatever conditions they want -- stuart: and they will. stuart: and san francisco and chicago will take the money. they never turn down the money. [laughter] stuart: you're so cynical. stay right there. after the break we're going to want to -- i want your take on this story, and here it is. the freedom foundation suing the city of seat because of that controversial -- seattle because of their controversial proposal to tax the rich. some people call that unconstitutional, and no doubt, you'll join in. next up we're joined by the washington state republican party chair, and the judge will respond. remember this famous scene? i watched it, like the rest of the world. >> i was behind it on that friday afternoon. stuart: you got stuck on the freeway. >> yep. stuart: the famous bronco is up for sale at auction. it's going to be on "pawn stars," rick harrison -- [laughter] he's on the show later because he's the guy selling the bronco. yeah, we got that right. look at this, the dow is still holding onto a nice, solid rally just shy of 22,000. we will be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good morning, everybody, live from the floor of the new york stock exchange, i'm lori rothman with your fox business brief, and the folks down here buzzing about the big pga championship won by justin thomas, 24 years old, $1.8 million richer this morning. this putt on the 10th hole, look, it gets hung up on the lip there. watch it, watch it. 12 seconds later, justin turns his back, but it drops in. all right, let's take a look at some of justin's sponsors, they're all up on the win. this is the owner of titleist golf balls, they make golf shoes and gloves. also ralph lauren, citigroup all higher today. again, they do sponsor justin thomas. so he now joins his pal, jordan spieth, as the youngest winner of a major currently on tour. all right, let's get you back now to "varney & company." stuart: seattle is facing three lawsuits over the proposed new tax, an income tax on wealthy residents. susan hutchison joins us now, washington state republican party chair. susan, have i got this right? you are telling residents, do not pay? is this a tax revolt somewhere's your pitchfork? [laughter] >> good morning, stu. i just think that it's important for our, your audience to understand that we are a heavily taxed state despite the fact we don't have an income tax x. this new law that was passed in seattle is unconstitutional, it's illegal by state law, and nine times the voters have determined they don't want to be taxed on their income. so for those reasons, it's justified for us to say don't comply, don't file, don't pay. stuart: what's going on in seattle? you've got this move to a sharply higher minimum wage, you're proposing to tax the rich, and yes, seattle is an extraordinarily wealthy part of the country. what's going on? >> and it's done extremely well during these latter years of the great recession that we had starting in 2008. and a lot of that is because we had amazon here, we have microsoft here, we have boeing, nordstrom, costco, all of them are here and providing jobs. and one of the things that the seattle city council is doing is they just are a monster, a voracious monster for more money -- stuart: hold on a second, super. what do they want to spend all this extra money on? >> well, that's a good question. and, in fact, their new law that passes this income tax doesn't really have a provision for how the money is spent. and the budget for the city has gone with up 35% in just four years, which is higher than anybody's revenues anywhere. and so it's kind of absurd to think that they need more money. but we've got a burgeoning homelessness problem, in fact, one of the worst in the country which, in my opinion, has been fosteredded by the policies of the city. stuart: isn't the heart of this income inequality? >> absolutely. stuart: and the city council thinks you can do something about it by taxing the rich. it's a political move rather than an economic move, isn't it? at heart it's beat 'em up, tax the rich because we don't like them. >> that's exactly right. and the city council is led by an avowed socialist, a marxist. she does a lot of yelling. she has a team, what i call rent-a-mob that follows her around wherever they need to be heavy-handed, and they'll shout down people. they shouted down me when i was trying to explain after the vote was taken why this was a bad deal for seattle and the state. what our concern is and, of course, as you mentioned at the top there, there are three lawsuits filed in this case because it is intended to go all the way to the supreme court in hopes that they can overturn the state law. but it's bad policy for everyone. stuart: okay. susan, thanks very much for joining us. keep in touch, please. i want to know how this turns out. susan hutchison. >> thank you. stuart: judge napolitano still with us. we just heard these three -- they really want to take it, whatever that is, to the supreme court. >> well, they have a very interesting argument which is that the washington state constitution, state constitution requires that any tax that is imposed be imposed across the board and at the same tax rate. so that would make a tax just on the rich and not on anybody else on its face unconstitutional. stuart: so they want to say that rule is unconstitutional, overturn it so we can tax whomsoever we please at whatever rate. >> correct. stuart: that's what they want. >> both sides want it to go to the supreme court for that reason. now, it would be extremely unlikely for the supreme court of the united states to find a clause in the state constitution unconstitutional. it's happened before, but it's extremely unlikely that this will happen. i think that she will prevail, and the tax will be are invalidated. but i have to tell you this, it's dangerous to tell other people not to pay their taxes. finish. stuart: ah, yes. >> one could end up as a defendant in a criminal case for interfering with the tax collectors' work. stuart: susan hutchison, i think you're still on mic, you're listening to that. >> i am. stuart: are you aware you may be a defendant in a lawsuit if you say don't pay your taxes? >> well, i think that's a long time down the road. at this point it's a way we are making the point that this law is unconstitutional, illegal and voted down nine times by the voters. stuart: okay. come back and give us a progress report, please. susan hutchison. >> okay, thank you. stuart: take a look at the stock price of snap, a bigtime hedge fund manager dumped his entire stake in that company. but the stock is still up. that's because t. price raising its stake by 9.5 million shares. so one billionaire hedge fund guy gets out, another fund gets in, and the stock goes up 6%. okay. i think we found an amazon story of the day. >> ah, finally. stuart: look at this. they're looking at military technology to make food last longer without refrigeration. remember meals ready to eat by amazon? the stock is getting back close to $1,000 a share. >> look at that. stuart: again. now this, we've been teasing it all hour, in fact, all day. much of last week as well, to be honest with you. it's the famous white ford bronco o.j. simpson used in a slow chase back in the 1990s. it's up for sale. how much? find out in a moment, because "pawn stars" rick harrison is selling it. he's on the show next. he's got a big smile. must be a very, very big price there. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm... i'm so in love with you. ♪ ♪ whatever you want to do... ♪ alright with me. ♪ ooo baby let's... ♪ ...let's stay together... and life's beautiful moments.ns get between you flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. it helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. flonase changes everything. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. >> this isn't just any suv, it's the suv. >> the o.j. bronco. >> are you kidding me? stuart: no, we're not, and that man there is the man who said it. tonight's episode of "pawn stars," okay, rick harrison right there, going to auction off the famous white bronco. all right, first question, how much are you expecting? >> well, no, it's on the show. on the show it shows me negotiating to buy it. and you'll find out tonight if i actually bought it. no, i mean, he caught -- the person who currently owns the car contacted me, so on the episode tonight you'll see me buying it. stuart: look, i'm sorry, i thought you were putting this thing up for auction. that's not the case. >> no -- stuart: you've been negotiating to buy it, and we're going to find out tonight whether you bought it or not and at what price, is that correct? >> yeah. and it's the o.j. bronco and, you know, i thought it would get a little buzz. i didn't think it would be this insane media. stuart: well, here you are on "varney & company," you've hit the bigtime, let me tell you that. [laughter] is this a kind of publicity stunt? i hate to call it a stunt, but that's what it is -- >> no, i mean, no, he call me, he wanted to know if i wanted to buy it. i said, yeah, if we can make a deal, let's put it on the show. there's a lot of problems with this car. i mean, you -- when you start having customers who buy cars for half a million dollars or more, you get really rarefied air, then you have to slice off a big chunk of those who wouldn't own this car in a million years. it's interesting economics. stuart: i've got to say, i would not be interested in buying this for $10. i don't think that plays a particularly honorable role in america's culture and its race relations, and i wouldn't want to touch it with a 10-foot pole. how do you deal with people like me? >> i understand. i had my issues with it too. and usually i just completely stay away from thing like this, but it is a bizarre, important piece of american history. it was -- that car chase had better ratings than the super bowl. stuart: i'm told that kim jong un, the current leader of north korea, his father, kim jung-il, was actually watching this chase because he had satellite tv -- [laughter] and he was watching that ford bronco which you may or may not now own during the chase. any reflections on that? [laughter] >> that is, that's bizarre. [laughter] stuart: that is very true. now, did you drive it? you test drove the thing? >> i actually drove it at 35 miles an hour on the freeway and had somebody sit in the backseat. [laughter] stuart: did anybody know that it was the ford white bronco being driven along? >> i don't think anyone knew it was us. they -- they might have known because we had a camera truck right next to us following us. but, like i said, i mean, i had issues even putting the thing on the show, but it is a very, it's the most infamous car in american history, i imagine you could say. stuart: rick, let's be honest, you knew this would create incredible buzz. >> oh, yeah, i knew -- yeah. stuart: that's why you did it. and we understand these things. >> i mean, like i say all the time, making money's like my third or fourth favorite thing in the world. [laughter] stuart: dear lord. rick, thanks for joining us. we'll probably see you tonight. >> thanks, man. stuart: more "varney" after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ we asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ♪ now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. prudential. bring your challenges. . . . . stuart: let me ask a hon heft question, requiring an honest answer. when we walked into work were you expecting to report on great big whopping rally like this. liz: not at all. >> i thought we would be moving sideways, not up 150 points. stuart: to rockets fired -- no rockets fired i was not expecting. you see what i'm giving you? david asman in for neil cavuto. david: i didn't expect this. david asman in for neil cavuto. critics continue to hit the president's reaction to charlottesville. the attorney general defending the president's response a little earlier. take a listen. >> he said what happened in charlottesville is unacceptable. we need to find out what happened. it is wrong. we need to study it see as nation we can do to be more effective against this kind of extremism and evil, really. i thought, it was a pret

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