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President trump traveling to a wisconsifactory is afternoon. Were go to take bold new steps to follow through on my pledge to buy american and hire american. With this action, we are sending a powerful signal to the world, were going to defend our workers, protect our jobs and finally put america first. [cheers and applause] liz president s order will crackdown on Silicon Valley tell Tech Companies making it harder for them to avoid hiring American Workers in favor of cheaper foreign labor, it the change rules and trade deals to favor americanmade goods and services, halt foreign contractors from trying to bid on government work project, latest push by Trump Administration to create new jobs, since the president has been elected, ford, chrysler sprint, walmart and others have announced they will create tens of thousands of american jobs. Joining me now, political columnism, mark steyn. We have millions of americans, still unemployed sitting at home. But you know, we also have Silicon Valley Companies Bringing in thousands of Foreign Workers from overseas to fill jobs here. Silicon valley loved Hillary Clinton, President Trump is getting to the heart of this issue with this order. You just sumded it up, at one hand American Workers are told mills and factories are never coming back. And they are told hightech job we need to have foreigners come in into to them, there is a huge disconnect. This is a nation of 300 million people, we spend more per capita than any country other than switzerland, and switzerland that something to show for it. You should be able to generate those Silicon Valley hightech workers from within your own national borders. And every americas immigration system is so come blects, icomplex it has become a corrupt racket of every level. It really does it say filthy that is long overdue for cleaning out. Liz we have a major protest plans for may 1, International Labor day. That is workers, International Workers day, this is socialist and communist day to protest for you know, things against trump. Immigration, workers. And you know, what is interesting, at the same time mcdonalds again making new moves to replace workers with things like apps on the smartphone to order food or robotics at kiosk, they dont like trump, they dont like his policies. But isnt it a fact they dont know how to create jobs, and their policy are unsustain ale. There is a huge question, the workers in developed societies over last 200 years, moved from farms and then people started mecanizing farms they moved from farms to factories, then to cheap service jobs, now the service jobs are automating. The big question is what is next . What if there is no next . I think that is a real question for social tranquility, you cant have people who you tell them they cant leave rewarding productive jobs, i believe that no Development Nation needs mass immigration. At any level, it is fine if you are a billionaire from singapore, and you want to buy a beach house in malibu and open a business there. That one thing. But the idea that advance societies, need to bring in huge numbers of foreign immigrants to work is basically some out moded Second World War theory. It is irrelevant to the world we live in now. Liz interesting, switching gear, talking about facebook and the soy called facebook killer, that suspect now dead, Steve Stephens reportedly shot himself after a police chief this morning. It has been two days since high shot and killed 74yearold grandfather in cold blood. The killer posted the video on facebook. Here is the dres desperate 911 call from a witness who spotted the victim on the ground. Okay thank you. Lord have mercy. Oh, my god. Liz facebook is being accused of making it easy to glorify violence in its failure to stop the video from being posted. This comes at same Time Facebook announced a big push to stop fake news on the web site. You are right, facebook guy zuckerberg cozies up to Angela Merkel and other political leaders who want him to clampdown on socalled hate speech, by which they mean political opinions with which they disagree. If you post this snuff video to facebook they can leave it up for hours, while people in the world watch and enjoy it. Facebook has a cynical Business Model, they indulge in ser serial level copyright fraud, you have your cat with judy garland singing over the rainbow or whatever, and the copyright holier t copy holier to that song spots it, facebook reacts, retrospectively and take it down. This is a cynical Business Model that made facebook one of the Biggest Companies in the world. That same cynical Business Model is why they snuff videos. Why they stay up for hours before anyone on facebook notices it. They will have serious questions about this. Zuckerberg can do that, but you should not be part of the civilized world, if you are enabling people t to post snuff videos dragl directly up. Our hearts go out to family and friends of robert godwin, jr. , we have a lot of work, well keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happens. Liz there have been 50 similar incidents since Facebook Live debuted last year, is zuckerberg sincere in saying he is really doing all he can. It seems they say this all of the time, does facebook really want the word killer next to its brand name. No, they dont. But they want do be able to continue growing the company, turning everyone into his own cbs or nbc or abc, is part of the strategy. And we if we know one thing, it is that killers, particularly spree killers, people who kill for kicks, like publicity. So, the idea that is not he sun aware if you have this he is unaware if you have this technology it wont be used by gangs who are tortures someone or socalled refugees in europe who are gang raping a victim or a guy killing someone for kicks, this is something that the technology automatically invites. I find most disturbing about this story, is that the number of people who watched this video, before without anyone thinking, i should not watch this, and i should be calling 911. Liz right. That is what is creepy there is a huge Global Market for people who to look who want to look at one guy killing another guy, that is a terrible indictment of who we are and where were head snood dheaded. Liz do you think it is a form of porn. I think it is, i put it in same category 10 years ago they beheaded western hostages in iraq and afghanistan, and snuff videos used to circulate in the bizarres. On all fashion videotape. Zuckerberg is enabled the decaptation videos to go global in minutes. And that is a disturbing sign for civilization. Liz we have known about this, because what did Margaret Thatcher say, you need to starve terrorists of their oxygen of publicity. Right. Liz i am sorry i must move on. 4 bodies of teenage boys found brut brutally beaten, in a soccer field on islip by the mcircumstanc ms13 gangs. We have tremendous criminals out of this country, im talking about Illegal Immigrants here that caused crime, that have murdered people, raped people. They are getting wil the hell out or they are going to prison, so many towns and cities are thanking me. Liz president is getting really blasted for blaming it on president obama. Ms13 are in all 50 states, they are out of central america, this has been a problem for decades, do you think that president is choke out this mudderrous gang. I you have change the terms in which we frame this issue, this is welcome a problem at ridiculous that a problem at southern border leads to bodies in suburban parks in long island, that is how far north the southern border goes now, in my state, new hampshire, 3 small towns, boutique communities of a thou thousand people, voted at a town meeting to declare themselves sanctuary villages, they should be called to account for that, if you are an ms13 gang member and you find it to competitive in massachusetts, drive up to the picture pequannock perfect new england small towns, take up there and do your killings and rapings to your hearts contempt, as long as liberal progressives fetishize this, the corps count will rise. Liz their lack of common sense and their vanity is killing people. Yeah, i think that is what it. And essentially, these three little boutique communities, where the average price of a home is 350,000. But they are basically saying, that to make ourselves feel better, we will cause more mayhem and murder and rape throughout all of the less fortunate communities this is why the right cant afford to surrender the language on this issue. The cost of this is paid in real lives, it is extraordinary to me, something that would b csidere you know Suffolk County new york that has nothing to to with the Mexican Border but it does because of liberal vanity. Liz thank you, mark steyn. Thank you, liz. Liz media big on pushing a Conspiracy Theory, still doing this. That trump and putin orchestrated the syrian Chemical Attacks as a distraction from the probe to russia and trum trump collusion, my next guest said that it was president obama who was really helping the russians, he and has prove, he is rich lowy dont go away. A few months ago you were asked biggest geopolitical threat facing america you said rucchin, russia, not al qaeda, you said russia. 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Investigation to potential links. Specifically, i think it means a federal judge found that people in trumps organization were colliding with the russians. Was there someone in the Trump Campaign working with them, did the president know about that . And were they successful. Liz members of congress, and media still asking questions and pushing conspiracy theories from President Trumps collusion with russia president putin. The first couple talking about a Conspiracy Theory, off the wall, about using chemical weapons in syria, they colluded to do that to throw the russian probe off track. My next guest, said, take a look at president obama. He was the one who was working to help out russia. He is here with the proof, National Review editor rich lowry. So glad you are here. Thank you. Liz what do you mean . If you look objectively at amas policy toward russia, you would nclude icould have been bought and pd for, it wasn t but it could have been. Russia invaded georgia, president obama said, its okay we reset, pulled out of european country, and whispered in med er, he was passive in his response to ukraine. And passive in syria. And we have played along with this deception that russians had forced a chemical weapons deal with syria, you want to talk about a conspiracy. Liz and helping russias ally iran with the nuke deal. Lets get that sound bite, president obama said to then russia president Dmitry Medvedev in 2012 he would be morflexible lets listen to that. Liz do you see any evidence like that supporting theory of trump and putin on coo looting on syria. No. If we have a hot tape like that he would be impeached. There a bizarre conspiracy theories that putin somehow wanted to help trump by staging this gas attack. I do believe it likely that russians were complicit because they had personnel at the airbase, they are not doing it to help trump, they are doing it to swash squash opposition in syria, they have been trying that for years. Liz your opinions and thoughts are not facts. Message, the fbi and other probes into this case about russian collusion with President Trump, still ongoing with quick paid to the lie about what in a said we know carter page had a fisa warrant against him, and marginal to the Trump Campaign. Liz do the probes, it is okay. Yes. Liz get to the facts. Switching topics, a new report, u. S. Sending two additional aircraft carriers to the Korean Peninsula as President Trump warns that north korean leader, he has got to behave. This a brandnew liberal Conspiracy Theory emerges, a democrat congressman said that the president is pushing back and bombing to boost his poll numbers. I could w i think we have to be sure that the president understands the implications of this military action. I fear he got a political bump from the syrian strike, we dont want the president making decisions where he just thinks more bombs are wait to build up his popularity, but they make decisions based on National Security interest of the united states. Liz bombing your way to better approve at ratings. What do you say that congressman is trump troops in harms way for better polls . And also sounds like he says it okay if nor korea is able to launch a nucar strike that will kill milon diswhrs thimillions. This is crazy. President obama told trump, you will focus more on north korea than you know, it such a brewing crisis, i looked at trumps Foreign Policy speech last april, he said north korea is out of control, we need to measure china to pressure north korea. What were seeing now, some to get kims attention, and a lot to get attention of china. Liz you doubt that south korea and chinaing let it ge will let it get out of hand. If we hit north korea, it could spinout of control. It lead to collapse of north korean regime, it might be better for the humanity but not chinese, trump sending a message to chinese, better if you deal with them, then i have to resort to military action. Liz rich lowry come back soon thank you. Thank you. Liz yesterday we showed you a video of a disabled war veteran, accused by a liberal rioter at a pro trump rally in california last weekend of being afternoon american th antiamerican. Diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. Bring amlp into the game. Before investing, consider the Funds Investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. Read the prospectus carefully at alpsfunds. Com amlp whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. Ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. 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It is outrageous, they dont understand the consequences of what they are doing or understand what they are trying to driven for, neomarxism and communism instead of capitalism in our standy behind our constitution. So. The other thing, as far as antiamericannism, i tell you what is antiamerican is having only to be able to vote for two candidates, from one party in the state of california. That has led to these corrupt policies at the rally had essentially stand down order from the police officers. Which allowed 6 hours of unrelenting violence after stripping the free speech protesters insides of the field, from in allowing the protesters or agitators who are trying to have a lot of as much violence and disruption as possible. That isnamerican to have that masked kid, sitting there and attacking that american war veteran ideal for that veteran is just, so off base. They just dont want to have any kind of actual discussion. Liz a good point, veterans like you. And the one called antiamerican fought for free speech right of kids like, that but they are so intolerant, they try to shut down speech, when is on your jacket . About on my jacket is record of violence, the time i never hit anyone or was hit you know from a fist, i was in perimeter preventing and defending anti disruption, what they would do is use long range attacks whether it wa m80s, or they struck me in the head with an egg, i left it on hijac my jacket, we dont want violent, you dont have to be a veteran to be a great american. Chapman, there is a lot of great americans in there earlier you said, i heard, you know about facebook stepping in and not really facilitating true americanism. I think they should stop shutting off accounts like susan welsh and other patriots who dont violence in america. Liz you show up with no masks, these guys show up with masks and commit violent, that is against the law, they are not supposed to show up with their faces like, that darrel tempesta, thank you for your services. And thank you for coming on. Liz influences Georgia Special election run off. And republican town hall disruption, there is no coverage of democrats booing at Democrat National Committee New gathering, they are booing the new leader tom perez, we have that coming up, dont go away. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. The Resistance Continues to show up at republican town halls held by members of congress. Interesting to see senator tom cotton of arkansas at a town hall, trying to defend the president. Some lawmakers are being shouted down at town halls over trumps taxes. As far as im aware a lot of headlines and Media Coverage about a socalled revolt against the republicans at town halls. Got that. Media reporting that democrats are in revolt their own. Here is the proof, head of Democrat National committee tom perez, got booed when he was announced at a dnc gathering. Two minutes left, come on, maybe you came because you want to know about the new dnc chairman and future of democratic policy liz fiscal times columnist liz peak liz peak, this is not our parents Democratic Party. They do appear to be in disaway. Interesting there is a lot of attention paid too the scism in Republican Party between Trump Supporters and conservatives, but the democrats have their problem too rivalry between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders pointed that out, it has not gone away. Not just because hillary lost but because Bernie Sanders supporters were burned that there was cheating between the dnc and Hillary Clinton, i think they were felt they were not given a proper burial. Well say, not given the fair treatment they deserved, there is a lot of enmity. Tom perez ran for the head of the party against keith ellison, a lot of progressive, like liz warren came out in favor of ellison, but the policies of both men are similar, there is a difference because ellison is a muslim and he is black. But truth is perez as a hispanic is also a minority candidate. Liz lets talk about their policies, will you see Larry Odonnell or Chris Matthews reporting on the booing of tom perez, that hey, america didnt want these policies, that is why President Trump basically destroyed the Democrat Party president obama destroyed the Democrat Party. No you will not see that. I think policies that destroyed th Democratic Party under president obama are still embraced if not exaggerated under the progressives, they have not learned a thing. I wrote a column about how they will give up socalled blue collar democrats forever, they are those who cost them the election in states like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, ohio. Liz you talk about Union Factory workers. Absolutely, union workers, do they think that those people are going to be attracted by Bernie Sanders or tom perez for example and what they are pushing not at all. Liz police arrestedded a suspect after he allegedly killed three people in downtown fresno, california, a shooting spree, allegedly shot aat act bad before opening fire, and he specifically targeted white males and posted on facebook. He was also wanted in murder of an unarmed Security Guard at a motel 6 last week, police say possible terror as a cause. It sounds like terror. I think that really disturbing thing is that people can go to facebook, to be fair other places in social media world, and celebrate themselves publicize their hatred and awful acts, then there will be more and more, Everyone Wants attention. Into doing something like, that posting to facebook, posting a murder on facebook as just happened is well see more of, that i think that facebook, mark zuckerberg, earlier this year posted a 6,000 word essay on responsibilities and ambitions of facebook, a lot had to do with thin like this. Things like this, preventing use of the social media institutions, which facebook is now for nefarious purposes for spreading hate and et cetera. They will have to do better, his fix, using artificial intelligence, is quite a far way in the distance. And he it is not working. It is not. Liz and i dont think he wants th the word killer next to facebook. Thank you. Liz ladies of the view not all in, now they are. Finding fault in yesterdays white house easter egg roll, criticize it blasting President Trump over the national anthem. I dont know any adult that liz president obama made the same mistake. Well show you that. And trending on internet. White house easter egg roll, he photo bombs a cnn broadcast. He appears to yell behind there, fake news. Look after this. I dont know any adult that here liz white house easter egg roll. The videos whoopie taking aim at trump over that moment, we get it, first lady appeared to gently nudge the president to cover his heart. Guess what, whoopie and gang, guess what you missed out on, why didnt you report this in 2007, then senator obama, is holding his hands in front of him. Not putting his hand over his heart. Ford, i know we have bigger problems. But there was not a peep from liberals at the view, when president obama then senator obama did that. You are right, but this did you not surprise me, whoopie goldberg and most of the ladies of the view reviewed a special place in headline for trump, they will take over opportunity to spoke hot liberal hate for donald trump. Let me tell you something elsewhere respect to whoopie goldberg, she does not have a leg to stand on when it comes to national anthem, she gave a full throttle defense of colin kaepernick. That tick off many people. Liz according to u. S. Flag code, obama and others on sting with him stage with him, they should have faced flag. You are right, u. S. Code. Liz i hate being nit picky. You are right. Obama did was incorrect. You are meant to face the flag. Put our hand on the heart, if you are military, you can salute. This is a technicality. The bigger issue is why are we pillerring these people are expressions and nonexpressions of pay the patriot implement obama did not wear a flag pin i in 2008 and the right got bad at him. Liz there is something lurid about just dwelling on little things, when we have huge problems to deal with, im sorry ford, i want to get to this story and your reaction, look at this, young boy at white house, easter fessivities, he photo bombs, anchor. He appears to be mouthing the words fake news. I dont know if he is mousing fake news, i will feel better about Younger Generation joining republican ranks. The kid is 10 years old, i could not have told you difference between cnns white house correspondent, jim acosta and fox news john roberts. I am hopeful for generation of republican voters. A sense of optimism, your thoughts on this. Donald trump jr. , he took a jab at Mainstream Media posting this photo of himself wearing a grin green shirt that reads very fake news, im going to have to buy 5,000 to 10,000 of these to pass around to our buddies in Mainstream Media, in the meantime ill model it for him. We need to be careful, families have always been a little bit respectful about their positions, we didnt see sasha and malia with outrage about the birther conki conspiracy. All right. Thank you so much, well have more after the break. Thank you. D jones. Im glad i caught you. 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Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Liz in college. In Arizona State University Professor reportedly letting her human right class, hold an antitrump protest, instead of taking a final exam, giving students option of take a test or creating a group project. Students deciding a human wall, chanting wall gain the hate. Against hate. Emily hall taxpayer dollars well spent . What do you think. I dont think they were well spent. I think they would have been better spent on something they could have been tested on, another example, students indoctrinated by their liberal professors. Instead of reading about human righting violations, they speak out about current violations that are happening. Do you need a class on how to protest . You need to skip class to protest . I dont think you need to skip class, i highly doubt that this professor. Opening a prayer group outside of a an abortion clinic. Liz student noticing, she noted that admitted gender specific pronounces like words, him, her, she, he, using nongender specific terms, they, their and them, this person did not like it, brown saying, this is a gram a gend erier mutual inclusive option. Grammar is not around to be elitist or confusing it is there to make things clear, the placeshere you are supposed to learn how to write, read and ar take late yourself articulate yourself in best way you can, abandon gram o grammar in favor of political correctness, then dont whe when i dont know what the universities are doing. Liz thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. Liz breaking news, george h. W. Bush against back in the hospital, we have details coming in, breaking news story, well have more after this. Liz president george h. W. Bush once again in the hospital. We have a statement saying he is hospitalized for a pe per is and the cough for a persistent cough. His spokesperson says he is in good spirits. We wish our 41st president a speedy and good recovery. Charles payne is here with making money. Charles big earnings from big companies. President trump signing an executive order in wisconsin. Not long ago titled buy american, hire american. President trump starting the push by ordering federal agencies to overhaul t h1b visarogram. American workers have long called for reforms to end these visa abuses. And today sthir calls are being answered for the first time. That includes taking the step to set in motion a long overdue

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