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Tanks and heavy artillery, despite the constant denials from vladimir putin. Here is state Department Spokesperson jen psaki on new evidence of russian aggression in ukraine. We have also seen reports of separatists shelling residential areas and in coastal towns and we have seen reports of heavy fighting and shelling near the city and airport in donesk. These incursions indicate a russian directed counteroffensive is likely underway. Clearly that is of deep concern to us. You will remember putin denied any role in the attack on the Malaysian Airlines flight downed last month. 268 civilians were killed but video of a russian antiaircraft missile crossing the border and an intercepted phone conversation between rebel leaders and russian intelligence proved otherwise. Also tonight, reports that the fbi is investigating a breach of the u. S. Banking system according to those reports, Russian Hackers attacked and successfully infiltrated Jpmorgan Chase and at least one other unidentified major bank over the past two weeks. The Russian Hackers able to obtain gigabytes of sensitive data, that according to jpmorgan officials who declined to be identified. The fbi now investigating the breach as possible retaliation for western economic sanctions levied against russia. The fbi declining to comment with the investigation ongoing. An american journalist is back home in cambridge, massachusetts after two years of being held captive by an Al Qaeda Linked group in syria. Peter theo curtis made his first Public Comments outside his family home, thanking everyone who had worked to free him. I had no idea that so much effort was being expended on my behalf. And now having found out, i am just overwhelmed with emotion. Im also overwhelmed by one other thing and that is that total strangers have been coming up to me and saying hey, were just glad youre home, welcome home. Glad youre back, glad youre safe. The group that freed curtis is the al nusra front, a sunni group that is fighting Bashar Al Assads group in syria but it is also fighting against the Islamic State. Thats the group that beheaded journalist james foley and is Still Holding journalist steven sotloff. Today, sotloffs mother shirley released an emotional video asking the leaders of the Islamic State to free her son. Steven has no control over the actions of the u. S. Government. He is an innocent journalist. I have always heard that you the caliph can grant amnesty. I ask you to please release my child. The Islamic State also believed to be holding two American Humanitarian aid workers. An openended ceasefire between israel and hamas is Still Holding tonight after seven weeks of conflict in which more than 2200 people were killed. In a News Conference today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was too early to say whether the calm will endure. He also, however, threatened hamas with a more vigorous response if it resumed firing on any part of israel. To give you a sense of what the israelis have had to contend with, this is new video posted on youtube that shows israels iron dome simultaneously destroying 15 hamas rockets. Some of the more than 4500 rockets fired at israel since the beginning of the conflict. 15 rockets simultaneously destroyed. The Obama Administration pressing allies to support possible air strikes in syria with the uk and australia willing to join a coalition, that according to the new york times. Officials also asking turkey to seal off its border with syria in an effort to stop the flow of foreign jihadists to the Islamic State. For more now on the administrations Foreign Policy challenges, we are joined by retired four star army general, former army vicechief of staff, general jack keene, also fox news military analyst. General, great to have you with us tonight. Lets turn to first the purported next couple of days, a plan that is to be created for the president s consideration. Your reaction to that development . Well, i applaud it and its a new step in the right direction. We should lead a Coalition Effort to conduct air strikes in syria and obviously also in iraq, and the more we can get to participate, the better. In addition to as you mentioned, hope that they would get some of the regional allies to participate like jordan, saudi arabia, who will also be threatened by isis eventually. So this is a big step. We dont know if the president s going to make that decision. Hes walked up to decisions before and backed away. But i know from what the military is doing, they are planning an effort along those lines. That effort apparently includes looking for Financial Support from saudi arabia, qatar, the united arab emirates. Your thoughts about that, because qatar, for example, some of those countries supporting the very forces that we are about to engage. Well, i totally disagree with whats been taking place in terms of regional allies supporting radical islamic terrorists, not just this organization, but others. The saudis, their citizens have been up to this for some time. I think we have to clamp down with our allies to get this, to knock it off. Qatar as a government have supported isis, they have provided arms and funding to them, particularly in the beginning when they entered syria. They have done some other things for us and with us, but this is one thing that weve got to stop. Once and for all, we have got to get a cooperative effort from our regional allies to pull together to work against this organization. General, qatar. We have a huge air base there. We have been building a relationship with the country. At the same time, they are supporting the very people against which we are fighting. Our allies are fighting and at some point, is it not truly the american way to kill our enemies . We seem to have lost sight that this is a super power that must exert its influence on the behalf of our values, our interests and for the good of the world. I totally agree with you, lou. We have moral principles that guide us in our actions around the world. This is the United States of america. Weve got very strong values and we believe in them. We should not be looking the other way. We know for a fact that qatar provides assistance to hamas. They have been doing that for years. Those rockets that rained on israel by the thousands are directly linked to the funding that came out of that country and we should not look the other way. We should remove those bases if this behavior doesnt change. We do a lot of business in qatar, american businessmen, we could impact on that as well, and we have to take the gloves off once and for all. And speaking of morality, how immoral is it for us to continue a form of, if you will, a detente with a regime that supports terrorism and terrorism against our allies as well as ourselves . There seems to be a time when this nation just asserts its values and if not now, when . Well, i totally agree with that. These challenges have been out there for some time, and we have been turning our head and not facing up to them. Clearly, even with what russia and iran is doing with assad and 200,000 dead now, millions of people displaced, that is a human catastrophe thats taking place there. Its off the front pages in terms of American Media but it should not be. It should never be off the table for the United States. We should have dealt with that situation sometime ago. Iran, russia, the challenges are clear. The United States is being challenged as well by china, and it seems to be a reflection of a certain passivity that has gripped our national leadership. What should we do . Well, i clearly think thats true. The fact of the matter is our adversaries have taken advantage of a situation that they have perceived that america is pulling back from its traditional role of leadership that its had since world war ii that transcended democratic and republican president s. They see this less in our words but more in our actions, and they Pay Attention to it. I think that is why these countries are considerably more assertive and aggressive than what they have been in the past, and they also take note that the United States is decimating its own military. Which makes no sense to take Ground Forces back to preworld war ii and the navy and the air force back to the 1950s status. Anybody looking at that knows that the United States is a world power and a super power and that military is needed to support our economic and global interests, and doing that kind of decimation to it clearly emboldens our adversaries. General, good to see you. Always good talking to you, lou. A ceasefire in the seven week long conflict between israel and hamas, israel consul general joins us to tell us why the deal could be made this time. Israel and hamas have agreed to an openended ceasefire, but pushing talks on more complex issues such as the disarmament of hamas wont begin until next month. For more on the ceasefire im joined by the consul general of israel here in new york. Good to have you with us. Thank you. What is different this time over the five as we count them ceasefires that were tried, attempted and broken very quickly over the preceding seven weeks . Well, actually, believe it or not, this is the twelfth attempt. Hamas initiated six of them and violated all six of them. Whats different i think is the fact that over time, we managed to severely impair the operational capabilities of hamas. 70 of the rockets and missile stockpile was destroyed or used by hamas. All the tunnels that are known to us, the offensive operational tunnels were destroyed. You look at the facts, hamas didnt get release of prisoners as they demanded, they are not getting a seaport, they are not getting an airport, they are not even getting money for the payroll. The only thing theyre getting is if they will behave in the next month, we will begin indirectly a discussion with them about the reconstruction of gaza. I think a lot of people would ask, and i think fairly, why in the world would there be any question about israel tolerating this kindof aggression on the part of hamas and a continued belligerent threat against the state of israel and its people . Its an excellent question. I wish i knew the answer. I can only just say this. We are fighting the fight of the free world. If people think theres a difference between hamas and isis or hezbollah or al qaeda, they are dead wrong. I think that the actions of hamas, executing their own people only the other day, 18 people in the city square surrounded by hundreds of cheering people proves that point. It happened two days after isis so brutally took the life of james foley, an american citizen. The claims of the destruction, 70 of the rockets and the missiles held by hamas, are you confident that at this point, your inventory, if you will, of their arsenal is correct . What are you going to do to assure the safety of the people of israel during this ceasefire because you have nothing but history to rely upon, and it is a history that shows they will attack you in the midst of this process. Well, there are two types of rockets and mortars and missiles that theyre using. You have the midrange and the longrange supplied by syria. Most of those came in during morsis time as egypts president. Most of the damage was done during morsis presidency and we believe thats over. The other kind of weapon that theyre using is locally produced mortars that they actually manufacture within gaza itself. Thats a problem. We tried to destroy as many workshops as possible but theres no guarantee they wont be able to produce them again in the future. Positive within this is your government, working with the government of egypt, and egypt, the government of egypt serving as a negotiator and a broker in this ceasefire and attempting throughout most of the seven weeks to try to achieve what apparently has been achieved here now, what are your thoughts about the future of the relationship with egypt and israel . Certainly egypt played a very constructive role. There is a clear selfinterest on the part of the egyptians in this sense. Hamas is a bitter enemy of egypt. Reports came in before the escalation about 100 egyptian soldiers killed by Hamas Terrorists in the sinai, but hamas is the idealogical twin of islamic brotherhood which is viewed by the Current Administration in egypt as a big problem. Its worth noting that the Obama Administration worked very hard with the president of egypt now to include the Muslim Brotherhood in his government, which was rejected out of hand by this government. Good to have you with us. Thank you for having me. Appreciate it. Up next, my commentary on why the Obama White House and much of the Democratic Party shouldnt have it their way on the burger king deal. Wondering what that is . That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . And with that in mind. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. A few comments on a Company Whose stock took a beating today, and what our president likes to call economic patriotism. That patriotism is lacking in almost 50 companies that have bought businesses in Foreign Countries over the past decade. In order to create a domicile outside the United States that permits them to pay lower taxes in that foreign country. Among those companies, medtronic, chiquita brands, Applied Materials and now burger king, whose stock lost about a half billion dollars in market cap today. While Cable Networks and all forms of connectivity were ablaze with washington outrage over the burger king deal to buy canadas tim hortons fast food chain. Burger kings 11 billion acquisition would create the worlds Third Largest fast food company, one that would move its headquarters from miami, florida to oakville, ontario, just south of toronto but well north of the highest corporate taxes in the world. Politicians and media mavens immediately looked to canadas combined local, federal and state tax rate. Its 26 . Thats a third less than the u. S. Combined corporate rate of 39 . But the story is far more complicated than that, doggone it, and add to the deal the revered warren buffett, democratic donor and advocate of higher taxes, whose Berkshire Hathaway financing is putting up just about a fourth of the total deal. The same buffett who is always crowing about rich people paying more taxes, investing in america, say it isnt so. Well, actually, it isnt so. Not so simple, at least. Burger king tonight is fighting a widening backlash, a political and media backlash against a deal that almost everyone assumed was another American Company doing a socalled inversion deal, buying a Foreign Company to run from high u. S. Taxes. A lot of democrats are mad as hell. Among those, senator sharon brown, calling for a burger king boycott, by golly. This afternoon, burger king was promising that it will keep its u. S. Headquarters in miami, just move its Global Headquarters north. I think that was their intention all along. Theres another small matter here. Burger king was born in america some 60 years ago, but its growth trajectory has been sharp and mostly international. Europe, latin america, the middle east, you know, international. And there is the little matter of ownership. Burger king was bought by the global Brazilian Investment Firm 3g capital four years ago. Thats right. Burger king is brazilian owned. Its majority owned by 3g capital, headquartered in new york and Rio De Janeiro which has investments in little Companies Like ab imbev, heinz, you get the idea. Burger king long ago became a global brand, a global business, as have so Many American businesses, and they all represent the best of america, originality, hard work, innovation, entrepreneurialism, plain straightforward talk and Free Enterprise capitalism, and i am for all of that. I am for economic patriotism. But i believe we should all understand that theres nothing more patriotic in this country than honoring the values and traditions of this great nation that has nurtured the creation of business, small and large. Millions of jobs created and sustained. A middle class that is still the envy of the world. Thats my idea of economic patriotism. Its all about america and what weve stood for for so long. And i mention burger king stock lost half a billion in market cap today. Its only fair that i point out that its still up about a billion and a half dollars from fridays close on the worlds leading stock exchange. The new York Exchange. And i should also mention that the new York Exchange is american owned. I couldnt help but add that. The Obama White House has succeeded in the irs scandal. So says our guest tonight. He says the Obama Administration has managed to delay, derail and deceive. Is in court to make certain the Obama Administration fails the Obama Administration fails ultimately in its stonewall. Denturthan real teeth. Erent theyre about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria n multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odorcausing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me zero heartburn. Annc prilosec otc the number one doctor recommend frequent heartburn medicine for nine straight years. One pill each morning 24 hours zero heartburn. The former Federal Reserve chairman ben bernanke says the 2008 financial collapse was actually worse than the 1930s great depression. Thats found in Court Documents in which bernanke says five years ago, 12 of the 13 most important Financial Institutions were at risk of failure within a period of a week or two. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office offering a mixed forecast of our economy. The cbo says the combined deficit over the next decade will amount to about 400 billion less than the forecast back in april. For this fiscal year, however, the cbo forecasts a deficit of 506 billion, smaller than in previous years but still hefty. Real gdp growth this year projected at 1. 5 down from a february estimate of 3. 1 . Turning to the irs targeting scandal now, my next guest represents more than 40 organizations in a federal lawsuit against the irs and says the Obama Administration is doing everything it can to stall its phony investigation. Joining us is jay sakalow, chief counsel for the American Center for law and justice. Good to have you with us. Thanks for having me back. Our pleasure. Let me start with this back and forth nonsense about missing emails which we had said, by the way, on this broadcast from the outset, according to our experts, they were retrievable, they were not lost and its pure bunk whats been spewed and to find out that lois lerners blackberry was destroyed, was wiped clean. I mean, somebody needs to go to jail here, right . Well, look, youre talking about a classic case of obstruction of justice. By the way, her blackberry was cleared out after litigation had been filed in a companion case alleging targeting and after the congressional investigations had already started, lou, so the irs, department of justice, fbi, everybody was on notice but amazingly, her computer crashes as they said, they then say her documents are not retrievable, then of course you have the admission earlier in the week, this week, where pursuant to a freedom of information act request, there was discussions that in fact, there is a mass backup unit which we all know exists but they said it was too burdensome to get to. Then this miraculously, for lois lerner and the fbi and the department of justice and i might add, the president , her emails are wiped off of her blackberry, too. Theres nothing there. No one can believe this. Its lying, its lying under oath to congress and ill tell you something. When you look at the transition that took place between the lawyer that was litigating the case the cases were involved in, there was a companion case where a proisrael group that was targeted, the lawyer that was representing the irs had actually been involved in the targeting when he worked for treasury, then went over to the white house counsels office, where he worked for the president , then over to the department of justice and now hes also mysteriously no longer involved. So this is a coverup and obstruction of justice of really proportions we havent seen in my lifetime. What is it going to take to get to the heart of this case . Because now the evidence is conclusive. I mean, to me, at least, as a layman. Im not talking in legal terms but the head of the irs who is supposed to be clean is as dirty as he can be. Youre right, he went to Congress Just a couple weeks back at the end of july saying we did everything we could to retrieve it, we werent able to do it. That was not true. What its going to take which is not going to happen initially, that is a call for a special counsel, where there has been congressional hearings on it, i have testified on it. Its the classic case of when you need one. The department of justice is incapable of investigating itself. In fact, their involvement in this other scandal as part of the irs mess where they were part of an irs attempt to make criminal cases out of what they called lets piece together false claim cases, false application cases. Of course, no evidence of any false applications there. But they were going they were participating so the idea is absurd. We are in federal court, i will tell you this also. This is some good developments here. In a companion case, very similar fact situation, u. S. District court judge there has allowed the case to move forward, has ordered discovery and also in other cases, the irs is being put on notice that no one, including federal court judges, are buying this destruction of evidence accident that the irs seems to still and the president seems to still maintain. As you say, that is good news, and its progress and its positive, yet we have been now, the next development has been pushed off as i understand it to the month of october. Still, the American People have it staring at them straight in the face that this government is corrupt, that the Internal Revenue service has been used as a political tool, a hammer. Absolutely. Against innocent people whose only problem was that they were on a different side of the political spectrum than the people running the Internal Revenue service. I mean, this is the only problem is they exercised their First Amendment rights to free speech. That was the governments problem with what they did. But lou, this points to a deeper problem. How are they getting away with this . And the fact of the matter is, ill tell you this, if theres a change in the senate and the senate could Start Holding hearings as well and you got the house and the Senate Making demands, that could change the entire scope of what happens here because i dont think then that attorney general holder can just ignore the reality of what would be bearing in on his department of justice. Right now hes not acting like an attorney or a general, frankly. We have been talking about this it seems for years. A year and a half. But the reality is nothing here has changed. The facts are the same. We are just discovering more of them. The administration continues to cover them up, as you say. At what point does this dam break and the truth flow into the public . When we get our first discovery orders, and that may be months ahead yet. But when the discovery starts and lois lerner is put under oath and she again asserts the fifth amendment, the problem is, in a criminal case you can do it and its not an admission of liability. In a civil case, you assert the fifth amendment that means what we have alleged is true and i think you see a domino effect. I would really be looking at giving her some form of immunity to get to the bottom of this because i dont believe for a moment, my first job out of law school was a long time ago but it was in the office of chief counsel of the irs, the lawyers that are involved in this. I was proud of the agency when i was there. Its changed a lot over time, obviously. Ill tell you something. The reality is this isnt stting and stopping with lerner. I think this connect between this lawyer that was at the white house, the department of justice, and at irs, i think that speaks volumes and all these people need to be put under oath. If they all start asserting the fifth amendment, we know what weve got. Thanks very much. We will be following you as we have throughout very very carefully. Thanks, lou. Ukraine says russia has invaded a day ahead of a meeting between its president and vladimir putin. The former president of georgia joins us here next. How about over there . What does it mean to have an unlimited Mileage Warranty on a certified preowned mercedesbenz . What does it mean to drive as far as you want. For up to three years. And be covered . It means your odometer. Is there to record. The memories. During the mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event now through september 2nd, youll get complimentary prepaid maintenance and may qualify for a twomonth payment credit. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. For more now on ukraine and the rebellion, i am joined by the former president of georgia. He served as president from 2004 to 2013. He is senior statesman at Tufts University Fletcher School of law and diplomacy. Great to have you here. Nice to be back. You are going to be heading to ukraine tomorrow. This is a peculiar moment given the convoy that the government says is an invasion by the russians and the meeting between the two leaders set for tomorrow. Do you think that meeting goes ahead . Yeah, i think this meeting, the whole thing is scheduled for that meeting. Its the whole setting for the meeting and its very much like looks like Vladimir Putins style. Hes doing the same things over and over again, trying to get it right. So like the movie groundhog day. So when the hero relives the same thing over and over again until he gets it. So putin has been doing the same thing all the way through and basically people are getting at this invasion, its not an invasion, well, what else is it . You have russian tanks, russian soldiers, captured in quite some numbers by the ukrainians. They show them to the world. There is artillery bombing from russia. Poroshenko, what should he do . Hes faced with an Awesome Force that he cant overcome. He cant even truly meet the force without being overtaken. What are his options here . Well, look, tomorrows talks take part on the 26th of august, thats the day when russia recognized socalled independence for First Time Since second world war, they created the precedent that they tried to change european borders through force. So thats the anniversary. Now, the reason i mention it is there are things we should learn about russia. First that we should never underestimate and the west always underestimates how uncivilized putin can get. He can go as far as it takes in his behavior. Second, unchecked aggression creates other unchecked aggression. It was unchecked in georgia, it created crimea. Crimea created east of ukraine. If they are not checked now, it will spread to other parts of ukraine. So poroshenko is in a tough situation because putins record is using these kind of talks for his own agenda and his own agenda is basically getting back the territory but also killing the idea of Ukrainian Democracy ever being successful and basically from his standpoint, we are talking about middle east now, but he fought war in syria and won it. Now he thinks hes fighting with america in ukraine and hes winning it. We just put up pictures of poroshenko and angela merkel. She seems to be standing up, at least that is the appearance. Is it the reality . Well, the messages were rather ambiguous. The reason why it happened this way is that americas Attention Span went somewhere else, isis tried to mobilize and quite successfully after some time, european allies to do sanctions which really do work. But now merkel shows up incidentally on the day of the old pact for which they divided also parts of ukraine. Im not comparing her in any way to old style germany, but some critics might do that. I would not go that far. But the reality is that there is this country, big country, largest country in europe, ukraine, stranded in place between russia and germany on the other side, and this longstanding story. The problem is that germanys overwhelmed with economic issues. I remember Ronald Reagan used to tell them and my friends reminded me, dont build this pipeline. Dont get dependent upon russian gas and oil. Its going to haunt you. And reagan had the point. He was so right, when you look at what is happening now. Basically merkel comes and says we dont want russia to be defeated, because it will humiliate them so much that we will have unpredictable sort of country but if russia is not defeated, we are dealing with huge consequences for western civilization, democratic world. Defeated. Militarily, economically, diplomatically or all of the above, or some percentage thereof, the reality is that this administration doesnt seem to be making any overt moves, taking any overt action, to blunt either the russian maneuvers or the ukrainian, providing support to the ukrainian government. Well, there was lots of discussion as to whether to arm syrian rebels. I understand it. But here you have european country that is fighting 100 for u. S. Values, for freedom. Freedom is at stake. U. S. Strategic interests are at stake. U. S. Fought several wars in europe and won them. And here, its automatically excluded even considering arming ukraine. The problem is u. S. Cannot abdicate world leadership. There is need for u. S. Leadership. You say it cant. It cannot afford i understand what youre saying. But the fact of the matter is, there are those who say this president has abdicated that leadership. If u. S. Abdicates than what we see is ambiguous european, the behavior becomes unhelpful and we see everything going to hell. It will harm u. S. Interests. I think there is awareness of this in washington. Now, too many bad things are happeng at the same time but thats what leadership is all about. You deal with all these things but in ukraine, you dont need much, you just need to stand by them, you know. Dont demoralize them by giving them mixed messages and also do small things like precision weapons. Ukrainians have enough weapons but they need precision. They want more precision, they need more intelligence and just pushing for ceasefire. When putins end game is very clear, he wants to kill that state all together, he wants to kill idea of democracy all together. This ceasefire is not going to help ukrainians in any way. The ukrainians dont want war. Nobody wants war. But they want freedom. If you want to end this war, they are not willing to surrender and poroshenko is not in position to surrender. So tomorrows talks are not going to result in anything except that it will create more ambiguity and putin will use it as a pretext for more attacks. I think the pattern of behavior is clear and the west should be much better prepared for the followup. You would think the u. S. Administration, given putins record, would have understood the strategy he would employ. We thank you for being with us. Safe travels tomorrow. Good to be back. Good luck in kiev. A disengaged and scandalridden white house dragging democrats down. Ahead of the november midterm elections. We will take that up with Pulitzer Prize winning columnist michael goodwin. Introducing danceallyouwant bladder leak protection from the experts in feminine protection. New always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because hey, pee happens. Visit alwaysdiscreet. Com for coupons and your free sample. Joining us now, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist michael goodwin, columnist for the new york post. Fox news contributor. Great to have you here. Thank you. Today in ferguson, we heard reverend al sharpton as i said in my commentary stand up and talk about i think incredibly eternal decent values that have been absence from the discussion in ferguson over these tragic two weeks, little over two weeks since Michael Brown was shot. What did you think of the reverends departure at least from my expectation . Look, i agree. I thought he was in danger of becoming an outside agitator, that phrase from the 60s thats been trotted out again, by being just like a 60s outside agitator which is what he was doing i think largely there. I think today was more of a grownup moment for him. A moment where he talked about issues that werent just related to this case but to the larger urban culture and to the issues there. I wish he would continue that vein of thought when he comes back to new york, because in new york, for example, the naacp is fighting Charter Schools along with the Teachers Union. The Teachers Union of course is responsible for the worst schools in new york city. The Charter Schools are breaking the mold with black and latino children, yet the naacp is resisting Charter Schools. Thats the sort of thing i think whe the rubber meets the road with a lot of these cultural issues. The nonsense that emanates, whether it be in the New York School district, with many challenges, no question about it. From washington, d. C. , from this president who should be a natural ally of improving education for all kids, because i have said for decades look, the great equalizer in this society is not the government. Its not all of us, you know, all of these initiatives and programs, its public education. Public education is what makes this a meritocracy, it gives every poor kid a chance and why in the world there cant be agreement about that is beyond me. Thats one of the great tragedies, frankly, the Teachers Union has become a regressive force in American Education and too many democrats, too many black democrats, frankly, are walking step by step with the Teachers Union, which is holding back these inner city kids. The Teachers Union is all about the seniority, all about protecting the teachers. The kids are suffering and too many black politicians are going right along with that. President obama can be accused of a lot of things, the democrats accused of a lot of things, but they are not lacking when it comes to the ability to raise money. They have outraised, i think a lot of people will be surprised to hear this, they outraised the republicans so far in the midterm elections. Is that going to have an influence on the outcome . We could never discount or underestimate the power of money. Its interesting, of course, now the election after labor day begins a new phase. This is the crucial phase. I think the president , if hes going to do something on immigration, will do it to time to the election. It is all about the fall election now. I think thats all he will be talking about, is everything for him now i think is going to be about the senate, can he hold the senate. Because if he doesnt, i think the terrible time hes had these two years is about to get worse. Is there anything that suggests to you on the near horizon of likely events that would be helpful to this president and the Democratic Party before those midterm elections . Well, look, i think if he were to be a more attendant president show up . Just show up and attendant or attending . Attending to the problems. This is what hes not doing. I think this argument over golf, its not the optics. I think optics is a demeaning phrase the white house would want to use to say its just how it looks. Its not how it looks. Its what hes doing with his time. We know what hes not doing. Now we see what hes doing. Its a mismatch to the reality of the world. Hes got to work harder. Work and obama. A curious juxtaposition. Michael, thanks so much. Theres a book in there. Michael goodwin. Time for a few of your comments. We have seen president obamas agenda. There is no surprise of how he is handling foreign affairs, lead from behind. And john emailed me, one of the reasons we are losing the war on poverty is we allow mexico and Central American countries to export their poverty to us. A free copy of border wars shipped to the authors of tonights comments. Email me as always, follow us on twitter. Neil in britain they raised terror threat, in america, we are assessing if we have a threat. As Prime Minister, extremism in britain, focusing on all types of extremism. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. Neil welcome, everybody. Confused . Im neil cavuto. Its not so much the world passing us by im worried about. More like dangerous folks stopping by. Thats what im really worried about. The images of isis rebels parading syrian troops little more than a week after the beheading of an american journalist leads me believe to the bad guys are not slowing

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