Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20170306 :

Transcripts For FBC FBN AM 20170306

s&p.nine. nicole: japanese stocks fell. the nikkei down half of 1% after north korea launched for missiles into the sea. south korea stocks rose slightly. lauren: general motors selling to the parent company for $2.3 billion. nicole: in sports can affect current golden state warriors on the winning track as they beat the new york knicks. in golf, the number one player in the world dustin johnson went to mexico. lauren: good morning. five good morning. five of 1:00 a.m. in new york. welcome to "fbn:am." we hope you had a good weekend. your first look at morning markets and breaking news. nicole: intelligence committees to launch investigations into president trump's claim that the obama administration wiretap trump tower prior to the 26th election. republican senator tom cotten, member of the senate committee on fox news sunday. >> i see no evidence that the allegations be seen in the media, chris. whether that's a potential fisa court application or denial resubmission of an application or surveillance. that doesn't mean none of these things happen. by speaker bryant said in the league our conversation here. i would not want to speculate about media reports based on sources. i prefer to do with facts. nicole: democratic senator chris coons calling for prompt investigation. >> is a remarkable allegations. attempt by president trump to change the subject. i will agree senator cotten is in the best interest of our country for us to move forward probably mph at the bottom bottom of all of this. nicole: meanwhile, james clapper denied the allegation. >> i will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that i oversaw his dni, there is no such wiretapping dignity mounted against the president-elect at the time rice a candidate or against his campaign. nicole: for more on this, kellyanne conway will be on morning to maria at 7:30 a.m. eastern time today. don't miss it. lauren: the trump administration to announce the details of the updated executive order of the travel ban this morning. secretary of state racks tillerson, the new executive order to exclude iraq from the list of countries whose citizens will face temporary restrictions on travel to the united state. train to republican lawmakers expect it to release the text of a bill to replace obamacare this week. gop aide telling fox house speaker paul ryan health and human services secretary tom price and that this management budget your nick mulvaney took part in a conference call over the weekend to help close at outstanding issues that the bill. secretary price explaining their playing. >> what our goal is, what the president's goal is to give people choices. let them purchase the experience they want. not for washington for something to buy. this is a real important distinction between where we are right now in the individual small group market and where we want to go. increase this year by an average of 25%. lauren: meanwhile, the office of management and budget direct your nick mulvaney talking with maria bartiromo for president transplant for $54 billion increase in defense spending. >> the president set out to lunch at out to monday to sequester that's exactly what this does. we sat down with the defense department, pentagon to call for how much money to start solving these problems. the damage that has been done. we worked in close lockstep with dod to arrive at this number. the budget outline to go to congress to march 16th. the more detailed than anticipated by many. nicole: senate minority leader chuck schumer plans to block a border wall. the president made 67 votes to fund the construction of this while on the southern border. republicans hold 54 seats in the senate. some analysts say the trump administration may attach the wall of money to the spending bill. south korean officials say they flew about the eastern coast that the firings are apparently in reaction conducted by the u.s. and south korea. not immediately clear the exact type of missile fire. north korea has staged a series of test launches of various ranges and this obviously make steep on the very different. traded to the pentagon significantly increase the numbers i shall force this on in syria. the movement to prepare for an all-out assault to retake the city from the terror group. the u.s. supplying syria troops with more helicopters and artillery for that battle. lauren: let's get caught global market action. in asia stocks mostly higher. shanghai composite top 1% over the weekend. join us at the road should come in at about 6.8%. that would be less than 6.7% last year. hang seng in hong kong. cost in south korea picking up the league with the 10th of a percent gain. the nikkei down half of 1%. nicole: in europe, all down arrows after we had been merely record closes here at home on friday. the london ftse down one third of 1%. cac inference than one third of 1%. very defiant. german dax down one third 1%. deutsche bank down 5% and now is an overhaul to raise capital standardized up 6% on the deal with gm up almost 3%. lauren: this is how you start at the futures are trading. last week we had 21,000 or the first time ever that the dow up for weeks in a row. s&p down 6.5 points this morning. but six weeks and on the nasdaq down 11 points. trade to oil down two of the last three weeks. hold down last week stamped four weeks of gains. now back on track with the up arrow because gold is up over $6 at 1232 trails. oil pulls back to 26 cents at 53.07 that concern of the bill. lauren: this is how the dollar strengthened against key currencies. the pounding canadian dollar versus the u.s. dollar today. treated to watching a 10 year bond yielded 2.46%. up from a week ago. lauren: big deal of the european auto market this morning. psa group of friends buying general motors opel brands for $2.3 billion. if you will note the combined company to second place in europe behind volkswagen. the sale allows gm to get rid of its money winning. it is not a profitable in two decades. they've had to close that therese. the financial business with psa. trying to turn the page with tax problems. the bank mapped out the supervisory board meeting yesterday and it plans to raise $8.5 billion in new capital. mr. fassett management business and overhaul the business structure. deutsche bank tried to recover from a $7.2 billion settlement reached for selling toxic mortgage-backed securities as a struggling market business. deutsche bank stock down throughout the morning over 5% in europe. true 373,000 chickens have to be killed after bird flu was detected on a tennessee farm. the firm contracted to your speech a chase ensues. chickens have to be slaughtered to stop the virus from entering the food system. the department of agriculture said this is the first confirmed case of avian influenza in the united states this year. an upgrade code 50 million birds and pushed u.s.a. prices to record highs. nicole: the economic news will be on friday with the release of the unemployment data. this would be the last chunk of economic data ahead of federal reserve policy meeting next week. another fed official has signaled they will increase interest rates at that meeting. but the employment, they will be watching friday's report for more evidence of accelerating growth. >> in the jeff bezos to announce a new plan for a space transportation company this week. the planes were blue origin may put further details at daddy g with those rockets that they make the spacecraft into earth's orbit. long-range plans may be to send both men and robotic missions to the moon and various planets. the company may eventually rifle rockets already under development but you unmask company space acts. trade figures look at headlines in today's editions of "the wall street journal." charity officials receiving million-dollar payday according to a wall street. 2700 people have seven-figure pay packages that charities. german chancellor angela merkel will testify this week of the volkswagen admissions scandal. she'll testify before parliamentary investigators looking into relationship and are lobbying. syrup makers word out more about there will stop their season. a long staff of whether it's threatening to cut short the maple syrup harvest across the midwest and northeast where it is a major revenue source for hundreds of small and independent farmers. lauren: tomorrow is national pancake day. the plan to use u.s. deal for u.s. pipeline. >> we are talking about using domestic contact that is pretty clearly in violation and other companies for doing similar things. >> adam shapiro has the story. but that does stay above 21,000. s&p down seven. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ when ♪ou have $4.95 realize the smartest investing idea, isn't just what you invest in, but who you invest with. ♪ bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea, even from thousands of feet above. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. >> good morning. 5:15 a.m. in new york or the sketchy, but it's happening. racial intelligence committees to launch investigation into president tribes claimed the apartment illustration wiretapped trump tower prior to the 26th election. trump appears to bomb officials in a series of weak but that evidence on saturday. president trump set to sign up for an executive order in travel ban today. the new plan expected to exclude iraq from the list of countries to citizens to face temporary restrictions on travel to the united states. details will be unveiled at 11:30 a.m. eastern time. general motors is selling it unit to the parent company for $2.3 billion. the deal creates a new european regional card giant with volkswagen. the money list and ask a premier appeared money list in its different era. that's a big u.s. stock market futures. for weeks and will write schemas for 900 points. s&p up six weeks in a row. this morning we start to send down aeros. now down 37 in future s&p down seven will watch for your support on friday. lauren: present trends by american mandate on the oil pipelines will be required to steal swords from within the united states. many praised the mandate for the jobs of the crew gave but others ask if it's legal in raise concerns over possible trade work. adam shapiro with details. >> or an income of lauren and nicole. this is a copy of the memorandum president trumps signage in the 24th, which says on a pipeline as well as retrograde at them repaired or expanded pipelines in the united states have to use american products like american-made steel. the ceo of united states steel says his company and other producers are capable of even most of it right now it's used overseas. president manufacturing says they will create jobs for american steelworkers. >> there are american steelworkers speakers to be called back into the milk and there are american steel makers who were eager to read the capacity to build our energy infrastructure and water infrastructure. >> resident transport at the commerce department to develop a plan to implement the american-made directive. cato institute trade policy analyst simon lester says the president may have no legal authority to order his american-made directive on private business. >> talking about government requirement and that is pretty clearly in violation of her international trade commitments and brought complaints against other companies for doing similar things. >> all of this grows out of the keystone maxell pipeline project which got stalled during the obama administration for which president trump has cleared the way of for construction. the pipeline five years ago would use 50% american-made steel. right now the authority bought their pipe. not to comply with the memorandum because it was grandfathered in. back to you. lauren: interesting. we'll have to follow that one. adam shapiro, thank you. nicole: coming up, seth curry put the winning on the backtrack as they beat the new york knicks. dustin johnson wins in mexico. and who one at the box office? >> i very much like you. i am not what ever it you think i am. trained to hugh jackman's slogan is an r-rated superhero at the box office. we are going to tell you all about it. u.s. stock market futures this morning. some pressure across the globe. right now down features to 35. s&p futures down seven. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. i'm going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. this is how i dress to get a mortgage. i just go to lendingtree. i calculate how much home i can afford. i get multiple offers to compare side by side. and the best part is... the banks come crawling to me. everything you need to get a better mortgage. clothing optional. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. okay! ...awkward. wheyou wantve somto protect it.e, at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. ways wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. >> maybe a quarter of it happened than this. >> the real world people died. >> logan. >> i don't want to talk about it. lauren: 20th century fox's logan smash into the weekend. v5 $.3 million. the spinoff not make some of the biggest march openings that are in tough r-rated debuts. horror film get outcomes in second with a little over $26 million. the shot takes there to 16.1 million followed by lego batman movie. open roads rounds out the top-five raking in a a little under $5 million. lauren: animals in hockey do not ask. the group criticizing the nhl pittsburgh penguins for using the penguins on the eighth before a game with the flyers last month. please send a letter to the president and ceo urging the team to never again have live animals at heinz field: the video footage disturbing. disagreeing with the view that penguins render stressful environment. the nhl however reportedly responsible for the pregame show and that the penguins franchise. i'll see what happens. nicole: now look at the latest from the world of sports. seth curry back on his game. corey broke out of a slump with a one points and golden state bounce back consecutive losses to beat the new york knicks 112-105. sitting that close to the end. to help the warriors and their first regular-season losing streak in two years. harry had 53 pointers on the nba three-point list. eight rebounds and six assists. the fifth win in his last 15 starts on the pga tour. he closed with a three under 68 for the shot of the day belonged to just anti-masonic part 313 hole. thomas was near the later when he hit a six iron friend yards away. thomas is going through the pga tour victory of the season. it had to settle for sixth place. the indiana pacers rallied the atlanta hawks with 10 seconds left. polished passer paul georgia passed the mouth on the left side of the perimeter. myles brand said who is leading for the corner, the wide-open shot. six tenths of a second remaining to beat 97-96. atlanta has led 96-90 with one minute 43 seconds remaining. lauren: raid that take a look at futures in the u.s. download four weeks in a row starting the new week with the 29th point decline. looking at the features at the features we affect routers today. the ecb can the european central bank meeting this week. s&p futures down six. nasdaq down 10 this morning. nicole: a recount outweighing worries of experts diminishing of libya. gold gained five bucks. lauren: congressional intelligence committees plan to investigate president trumps sense of wiretapping by the administration. >> i would not want to speculate based on anonymous sources. after years of losses, we are going to have the story are you. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. nicole: breaking news this morning. congressional intelligence leaders will investigate president trumps claims that the obama administration wiretapped trump tower. good monday morning. i am nicole petallides. lauren: wake up. and lauren simonetti. a busy week for president tram. the new executive order and the hospice at his take off the replacement for obamacare. nicole: the dow finished with six straight weekly gain last week as we wait for new employment data on friday. we should correct that and say that dallas forward to being in the s&p six weeks. this money come as a down arrow straight down features to 25. s&p futures on six. lauren: japanese stocks fell after north korea launched four missiles into the sea of japan. south korea stocks were slightly and in china half of 1%. nicole: sallied to the parent company for $2.3 billion. lauren: said grape as the golden state warriors back on the winning track as they beat the new york knicks. in golf, the number one player in the world of the dustin johnson wins in mexico. nicole: 5:31 a.m. and your good monday, march 6. we welcome you to "fbn:am," said chad lauren: so much politics break in this. congressional intelligence committee to launch an investigation into president trumps cleaned the apartment industry should wiretapped tram tower prior to the 2016 presidential election. tom cotton, a member of the senate intelligence committee was on fox news sunday. >> i see no evidence of the allegations received in the media, chris, whether that's a potential fisa court application or a denial of the application a resubmission of an an application or surveillance. that doesn't mean at these things have been predicted that means i haven't seen that yet speaker wright said in the leap into our conversation here. i would not want to speculate about media reports on anonymous sources. chris koontz on fox news sunday calling for prompt investigation. >> is a remarkable allegations. another attempt by president tram to change the subject. this deserves full investigation and that larger point i will agree with senator cotten is it is in the best interest of our country for us to move forward probably and get to the bottom of all of this. lauren: james clapper denied the allegation. >> i will say that for the part of the national security apparatus that they oversaw as he and i come that there is activity mounted against the president elect at the time or as a candidate or against this campaign. lauren: fbi director james called me asking the department of justice to reject president trumps claim. kellyanne conway on one of the maria at 7:30 a.m. eastern time this morning. nicole: the trump administration to announce the details of the updated executive order of the travel ban this morning. secretary of state rex tillerson, john kelley and attorney general jeff sessions plan to unveil a revised travel ban at 11:30 a.m. eastern time today. they are expected to include iraq -- exclude iraq from the list of countries whose citizens will face temporary restrictions on the travel to the united states. lauren: wiretapping, immigration and now this. the text of their bill to replace obamacare this week. gop aides on fox news that paul ryan health and human services tom price and office of management and budget nick mulvaney took place in a conference call. secretary price explaining their plans. >> what our goal is, the president's goal is to give people choices, let them purchase the insurance they want for themselves and for their family. now that washington forces in to buy. this is a distinction between where we are right now an individual small group market of where we want to go. lauren: premiums increase this year by an average of 25%. nicole: officer of management and budget are nick mulvaney on sunday morning features talking about president transplant for a $54 billion increase in defense spending. spirit the. spirit the president set out to undo the military sequester. we sat down at the pentagon took over how much money they needed to start solving some problems. we will not undo damage that has been done in just one year. this is the first step of several years of additional defense spending this president wants to see. we were to impose lockstep with dod to arrive at this number. nicole: budget outline to go to congress by march 16th with a more detailed plan anticipated by may. lauren: some political experts say chuck schumer plans to buy president trumps plan to build a border wall. the president and 60 senate votes to fund construction of this wall along the southern border. republicans has 54 seats. the trump administration may attach the wall funding to defense spending bill. nicole: north korea fired for their ballistic missiles yesterday and south korean officials say they flew about 600 miles into the ocean of north korea's eastern coast. pirates are apparently in reaction to huge military chose been conducted by the u.s. and south korea. it is not immediately clear the exact type of missile fired. north korea has staged a series of missile test launches of various ranges in recent months. lauren: a lot of geopolitical risks. the u.s. beefing up forces in the fight to take the iss. the pentagon significantly increasing special forces on the ground. but that mentor prepare for an all-out assault to take the city of acre for the terror group. the u.s. supplied syrian troops of more attack helicopters and artillery for the battle. we just mentioned the north korea missiles and that really put a damper on trading in japan in particular. the nikkei in japan down half of 1%. the shanghai composite index up 1%. korea's cost%. korea's cost at one 10th of 1%. hong kong hang seng up two tenths of 1%. lauren: deutsche bank, the chairman paid to race the salespeople dax down 30 points. which is based on 5.6%. that's in london on 20 points. cac in paris on 24. nicole: the child support on friday, dow futures this morning done 33 after four weeks of gains. s&p up six weeks. both of those are to the downside down about one quarter of 1% this morning. lauren: oil is trading at $53.2 a barrel. gold at five bucks. train to one in the making and here the making in the everyday spit a big deal of european auto market announced this morning. psa group parent of france. the make or a peugeot is by general motors and vauxhall brand for $2.3 billion. the deal when the combined company into second place in europe behind volkswagen print this sale is general motors to get rid of the money-losing division. opel has not been profitable since the 1990s. tsn have to close factories, cut jobs. gm selling european financial service to psa. train to the company trying to turn patron of past problems. during the supervisory board meeting yesterday plans to raise capital. the overhaul business structure. the $7.2 billion settlement for salé and toxic securities. the string of scandals has impacted the ballot sheet since 2012. nicole: more than 73,000 chickens live to be killed after strain of bird flu detected a chicken burger fact that a tennessee farm. the farm is tracked to a u.s. food giant to the u.s. food giant tyson foods and the chickens have to be slaughtered. this is the first confirmed case of avian influenza in commercial poultry in the united states this year. an outbreak in 2014 and 2015 killed 50 million birds. push the united states take prices to record highs. trips remember that. on friday, said three put in !-exclamation-mark on a rate hike. talking about that in economic news this week on friday with release of the february jobs report. last chunk of economic data ahead of the policy meeting next week. janet yellen and other fed officials said reese raised that this meant meeting. still if unemployment low 4.8%, watching friday's report for more evidence of accelerating wage growth. we can to the type of jobs created. nicole: chairman jeff baeza is to announce a new plans for his space transportation company this week. the plan for the company on babies does they include further details of the strategy to create a family of three is the rocket. the rockets may take time and take tourists on suborbital voyages and then whose spacecraft into earth's orbit. the plan may be to send both demand and robotic missions to the moon and various planets. the company may eventually rival rocket already under development by elon musk spacex. lauren: today's headlines in today's edition of "the wall street journal." charity officials at million-dollar paydays. according to repeal the searchable irs data, 2700 people had seven-figure pay packages of charities. german chancellor janet yellen will testify this become testify this week on the vw admissions scandal. she will testify before investigators looking into in a relationship between her lobby and i'm not scandal. syrup makers for that warm weather in the winter full text they seized him. a long stretch of weather threatening to cut short. the harvest across the northeast and midwest for is a major source of revenue for hundreds of farmers. nicole: coming up, why are republicans suing donald trump? we will help the campaign to bring the american people to see president time. doug mcelwee is on that story. thus chicken on u.s. [-left-bracket futures where we saw the dow up for weeks in a row. this morning and looking down seven. we are going to watch for earnings as well. jaycees, analogic and also some others did the chamber effect router. checking in on oil, right now 53.02 a barrel down 31 cents. you are watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ lauren: good monday morning. let's get you caught up on what's happening right now. congressional committee to launch investigation into president trumps claimed the obama administration wiretap trump tower prior to the election. trump accused obama officials in a series of truth without evidence of the weekend. president nicole: senator braynon executive order and the travel ban today. the new plan to exclude iraq from the list of countries that citizens will face temporary restrictions on travel to the u.s. details unveiled 11:30 a.m. eastern time. general motors sign mussina to the parent company for $2.3 billion. the deal creates new european regional car giant to challenge the market leader there, volkswagen. the money-losing exit from europe. they are out of 90 years. u.s. stock market futures now. done 35. nasdaq down 12. nicole come and look at what's happening now. state attorney general take in the trump administration to court and that is perfectly fine with the president and other republicans. turns out there's a method to the apparent meanness. doug mcelwee tells us all about it. >> feature for president trump hosting with republican attorneys general in tuesday, many of whom i buy nuclear suing his administration. >> sometimes the best way to help president trump is to bring relief to the american people is to sue president trump. >> their intention to block federal regulations. the legal tech tech centers on a fish that has outlived the dinosaurs, the pallid sturgeon reproduces in river shallows which have become fewer. to resurrect the population, and abundant era amendment to the endangered species act unless the government to designate areas where the fish has been been been observed. the amendment's implementation is one of the most controversial and confusing aspects of the act. >> this is the key point. even if there's no endangered species on the land. for missouri, where an agricultural state. farmers and ranchers could find themselves unable to find them and, unable to develop land. absolutely killer for small businesses and farms in our state. >> one of 18 republicans suing to overturn that they are combining forces in other ways to challenge the obama air waters of the united states planned as well as overtime rules in the clean power plant would try plant would trick the coal industry. >> at west virginia we suffered acutely because thousands upon thousands of people were put out of work. a number of those people that the state pursuing other employment. >> the strategy not unique to republican ag's. mobilizing in the same way trying to preserve up on the air climate change regulations and most recently targeting president trumps travel ban. the multistate attack were chewing ag bob said that a federal judge to temporarily block the travel ban nationwide. >> weary nation of laws. as i've said -- as we've said from day one that they apply to everybody that includes the president of the united states. >> there is an added benefit to the tactic hoping to restore the concept of federalism, empowering states and restoring the balance of power against the executive branch. lauren, nicole, back to you. >> thanks, doug. says curry puts the golden state warriors back on the winning track. the number one player in the world. dustin johnson went to mexico. lauren: who won at the box office? hugh jackmanslogan is an r-rated superhero. we will tell you about it. let's check in come and see how markets open up this monday morning. february jobs report comes down friday morning. features down 34-point nasdaq down 12. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ the future of business in new york state is already in motion. companies across the state are growing the economy, with the help of the lowest taxes in decades, a talented workforce, and world-class innovations. like in plattsburgh, where the most advanced transportation is already en route. and in corning, where the future is materializing. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today at >> we've got ourselves a nightstand. a quarter of it happening. >> of the real world before die. >> satellite talk about it. >> looking. >> just. >> and meet the girls. girl. lauren: logan flashed into the box office with an impressive $85.3 million. the spinoff show ranking among the biggest march openings in history and top r-rated debuts. in second with a little over $26 million. followed by the lego batman movie before it's all rounded out the top five a little under $5 million. nicole: peter says animals in hockey do not mix with the animal rights group has criticized the nhl pittsburgh penguins were using real penguins on the ice before a game at the fires. they send urging the team to mandrake and have live animals at heinz field. peter said the video footage was disturbing. a spokeswoman for the pittsburgh zoo disagreed with the view that the penguins used on the ice last month were under a stressful environment. you can see them right there. nhl reportedly responsible for the pregame show and it wasn't the penguins franchise. a look at the latest in sports. says curry back on his game broke out of his scoring slump with 31 points. golden state bounce back from consecutive losses 112-105. 29 points helped the warriors and their first regular-season losing streak in nearly two years. five three-pointers for 10th place on the nba's career three-point ice and added eight rebounds. dustin johnson when the mexico chip yesterday for the last that starts on the pga tour at three under 68. what's the best shot of the day. if i'm to justin thomas on the par 313th hole. thomas is near the later when he had 238 yards away. the exciting es. right into the cup for a whole game one. per the fourth pga tour of the area. he has to settle for sixth place. tyler at the phoenix suns may be small, but he had a big shot against the celtics. eric bledsoe tied up with assets of the reverse layup with four seconds left to play. isaiah thomas turned it over on the inbound pass concert up as the buzzer sounded 109-106 boston celtics. listed at 5.10 inches. he scored 20 points as a career best of the second in a row. nicole: coming up, if you've ever dreamed about wasting away in margaritaville, you may be a month. we will have the details for you. you are watching "fbn:am." a little bit of pressure this morning. ♪ when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed and-ta-dah-paid twice as fast for free. visit quickbooks-dot-com. when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance i'm going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. this is how i dress to get a mortgage. i just go to lendingtree. i calculate how much home i can afford. i get multiple offers to compare side by side. and the best part is... the banks come crawling to me. everything you need to get a better mortgage. clothing optional. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. okay! ...awkward. lauren: wishful thinking. if you've always wanted to live in mark ray vega -- margaritaville. jimmy buffett building a string of entire mac community is inspired by a margaritaville. the first in daytona beach, florida offering fitness facilities, lap pools, spas, live entertainment and personal beachfront access. the two or three bedroom home stop it below 200 to $350,000. nicole: my dad to sign up for that. he loved jimmy buffett's margaritaville. after four weeks of gains over 900 points to the upside for the doubt, we see markets under a little bit of pressure, taking a cue from europe where we see down arrows and deutsche bank in particular to the downside. thanks for watching "fbn:am." lauren: will send it over to mornings with maria. good morning, maria bartiromo. maria: good morning to you. we are happier with us. i maria bartiromo. your top stories right now. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. president trump lashes out at president obama claiming his predecessor wiretapped trump tower during the transition to the election. director of national intelligence under president obama james clapper denied those claims this weekend. >> at the fbi for instant that a fisa court order, without the information you would know or not know? >> yes, i would know that.

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