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They have been covering the thousands of Syrian Refugees flooding into europe. You think all of these refugees seeking asylum or might be looking to see Something Else . We have ilium. So what amazes me is how fast it has deteriorated. It is a mass. I was in north africa last weekend and in morocco at her security conference, there were several people who had been flown in from libya who described a scene that is pretty disordered. But im not sure that its on the brink of total disaster. These folks seem to be able to move in and out. But it might be well to put this in context. So this country is a vast area that is a thin veneer of population, write up on the coast on the mediterranean but it is a strategic location. Something else whatever it was three years ago the push to get into this country and do something lead to better judgment, what are we going to do how are we going to do it pretty logical questions that didnt seem to have good answers at the time and so now we are left with a mass. But a couple of things that might be good to recall is that this business had some antecedents precedents and that includes the longterm rain, he was a member of the western tribes and the entire time he was in power the disaffected part of the population was over in benghazi. So it should not have been a surprise that the antiqaddafi movement had its strength and beginning over there. Neil so who do we align ourselves with . Who are the guys that we can rely on . Because isis seems to be the only enemy that is organized. Im not sure how well organized they are in this country. There are two coalescing factions, one is the kind of governing quasi exile in the eastern part of the country the left tripoli do that it was unstable. And then you have this other standup group that was i wouldnt claim to be the expert here, but i know that the parties were a key part of this. How much they are inclined to like that with the Islamic State or whatever theyre going to call themselves, i do not know but i would be suspicious of that. In theory and iraq you have a lot of homegrown folks that are the foundation of that organization. Neil we dont have the expertise to sort it out like you do, but we end up seeing them take advantage of this. How much more dangerous are they than just running amok throughout the middle east . It would be a bad day if they would have to mess with the whole country, but im not so sure thats going to happen. They thrive in this area of unrest and i think that there is a major push to try to get it the officially recognized government to figure out a way to cooperate with those nonIslamic State characters to do something. The stakes are pretty high and not only is this a vast coastline but its also very wealthy that the few number of people, i think that this was in the order of 40 billion better. Neil admiral, thank you very much. Its good to see you. Fear not. To this point the white house is on the case with another is our in the works. Theyre just not calling him a terror czar rather something longer and wordier. Are you ready for this . How is this for a title on a business card. U. S. Counterterrorism special envoy. What happen to james bond . And another individual says this is not. Okay, this is how we are dealing with us we cant even get the focus right. I think that you have been right on everything you have said. The president has called those that are beheading children crucifying children in the name of islam, individuals from various religions practicing a hateful ideology. Since he has been in office he has perpetrated this all to the end of these relentlessly committed not to under the words global jihad and terrorism in the same sentence and the result has been countless innocent people have been torturously sacrificed en masse. You know, we give this title when we cant really define what they are actually going to do. That is the last question, this sort of digital czar from what i understand, he has a very difficult job. Neil he might be an interim guy but you are right. He has to articulate what the president of the United States does not have the courage to say out loud and that is an impossible job and im always astonished that this administration has had the coverage to call out combat veterans as a potential threat. And that includes those that are murdering people across the world, he cannot find this to even articulate who they are. Cant we just focus on this and invent another office . I think its just the president s way of trying to look busy. This entire summit is a way to somehow divert attention from this political expediency or Political Correctness that seems to get in the way at every turn. The real danger is if he continues to do this and he doesnt do a lot more than hes doing, thats an invitation to this evil to come to our shores. It is vital that we understand that they are considered a state in the entire model is predicated upon being able to gain and hold land and we are going to have to take that back to defeat them and they will not be defeated. Right now they hold an oilrich land mass larger than great britain. Neil congressman, thank you so much. Whatever we end up to the congressmans point i he is going to have his work cut out for him. And so adding to the growing list of transit supervisors having a devil of a time here, over two the individual that says it is time for a a terrorist registry. So senator can you explain how this would work . Taking an idea that has been successful in tracking sex offenders and making them published on a registry. The department of criminal Justice Services will take that information, people who are convicted of a terrorist act or a verifiable act of terrorism in which the federal government or the State Government detained you in some capacity for committing that act and then your name goes on a registry in that way we know where you are. If you do not report and if you do not register, its a felony in the state and Law Enforcement has the ability to go and get to there are a lot of guys could be on the registry. What are you going to do about that . This is a battle best five on foreign battlefields and so when we come to the United States, we cannot use those tactics. Do we have to do is we have to know that these are individuals who have committed offenses against security. Neil what about those that we havent convicted, youre going to have to talk about this. If someone is released from Guantanamo Bay and they have created an act of terrorism against the u. S. Government that is a verifiable act and we have the ability neil who do you think would be on that list in new york . Thats the problem. The fbi has said that since 9 11 there have been a million verifiable act of terrorism. So where are those individuals . In new york state we had the lackawanna six. These are u. S. Citizens who have now been tried and convicted and then released and are somewhere in western new york. Jose padilla gets out in jail seven years away. Whats going to happen to these individuals . Because obviously we have already had some bipartisan support and new yorkers are common sense and pac manic as we know. And we were disproportionately hit on 9 11 we dont want to go through that again and we need to take whatever actions we can take at the state level to make sure that we are monitoring individuals who commit these acts against our community. It is not a bad idea. I hope you make congress with it. Neil in the meantime, what happened here . We spend more time talking about it as opposed to what we do about it. You know really. If thaksin talk about this, they would have nothing else to talk about. So nobody would be talking about this islamic extremist thing, but we caught this controversy and this is not the first time. Im sure its just a matter of time before it comes out. Everything bad every time. Fox news, earthquakes, tornadoes, fox news. This goes way back to the dinosaurs were fox news obama. So what is the deal . You can email us or tweet us. Whats your response . It could be at the end of the show and would in that make your week and month and life . Meanwhile, how do we control the debt . Lets just keep working. The real question that needs to be asked is what is it that we can do that is impactful . What the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Neil here is a great way to address entitlement spending. Keep folks working, delaying and delaying but the white house wants Older Workers to keep going so as not to push the deficit to the brain. That is actually their strategy. Keep them until we can keep the spending going. Its obvious what is going on here. You dont have to be warner von braun to see what they are engineering here. And so after all they say they keep paying taxes longer and its a winwin. Is it just me, or is the administration clever with coming up at me ways to get money, not nearly as imaginative when it comes to saving money. The issue isnt the money that we are taking an but its always, always the spending we are racking up. And the money coming in keeping hiking taxes on the rich but if folks dont realize that you have these higher investment taxes, higher gas taxes to keep the funds were going. Keep the focus on the money coming in and how many times have i said thats . It is amazing to me that the closest we can get is to conclude that maybe if we keep users going on the job, maybe it will put off the financial armageddon for everyone out. Not so, not happening. Theres only so much you can put off before investors are wondering what the heck is going on and what now. And that is what will get very scary. Only the president doesnt realize it. Hes out of money and out of time and doesnt Grover Norquist know why. So when i saw this and i said surely this is like an early april fools joke its not. Its not a joke and stop calling me shirley. [laughter] is administration has done nothing to deal with the entitlement challenge and weve known for dozens of years that as we hit medicare Social Security and fewer young people were entering the workforce, we are going to have a real challenge and that spending of a percentage of the economy is going to jump from 20 to 40 if we dont do anything. So they keep saying that. But they havent offered any solution. Neil many are working longer so its a winwin. You know, in terms of making the economy work we really need to fix two kinds of entitlement. The means tested entitlement, and we know how to do that we did that with republicans three times, the third time went and signed it, we drop the cost by about a nerd. The same thing could happen if we block granted medicated we could save a trillion dollars over a decade by giving states more leeway on how to administer those programs. The bottom line is that it would have to be more draconian. And paul ryan is in trouble for just wanting to curtail the growth, to just slow it down yet he was pushing us down and you know the story. So where is the will to address this on the part of anyone . The republicans in the house is to paul ryan four times they have passed this which does deal with entitlement, it goes from 20 to 20 again and it solves the runaway growth of government. A very slight adjustment. The longer that we wait on adjusting that, they are not going to be so slight. Thats right, we need a president that will sign this budget plan, we have the president and 51 senators, do you want bravery . You have a Republican House four times has voted which can always be mischaracterized, we dont have as anything other than what lets raise taxes on the democrat size. All of these guys have to be willing to risk losing their jobs knowing that theyre doing the right thing and it might not set well with a lot of folks but its the right thing to do. But i dont see that kind of thing. House republicans who voted for times and have been elected twice, this is not the third rail of american politics if you articulated to the american people. We are stronger than what you might think. Neil this cannot continue. But we shall see. Thank you very much. And so this keeps up. Im telling you that we are looking at a fiscal ice age. Ive been called a control freak. I like to think of myself as more of a control. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. You cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. 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This is resistant to antibiotics that we typically use its not effective towards this kind of infection. 50 of people die and this is a really big problem, we have seen outbreaks of this before and its a dangerous kind of bacteria once on these endoscopes. We really dont see this spread among the homes and schools. Its really a hospital acquired infection as we see it in people with longterm care facilities and hospitals among what happened is that these devices are intricate, they have small cameras and equipment at the end, they are difficult to clean. Bacteria gets in the nooks and crannies and you cant hit them out very easily. So must the manufacturer protocols are followed, they can potentially be used on one patient, kit infected, then transmit that down the line as they are increasingly used on more and more patients. People watching are going to say that im afraid to go to the hospital as that is where people get sick and they die. You do hear this a lot. How do you disavow them that the hospital is a bad place to end up because you might not get out remark. Thats the first part of the problem. We saw a similar outbreak were the same reason in seattle in 2012 once they are in this special area they undergo more testing and theyre not seeing any incidents. So that is what is hospital and ucla needs to do and ideally we need to increase these protocols when it comes to using these medical devices that are very difficult to clean. Overall there are about 500,000 of these procedures done every year in the United States about 100 cases of this bacteria as a result. We do need to step up these protocols when it comes to these equipments. Neil i always worry about the doctor doing it as well. [laughter] thank you very much. Meanwhile, did any of you see this story on Chris Christie . It essentially says stick a fork in it. More than a year ahead all of this money has gone elsewhere. Are you kidding me when heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with lief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Neil feeling misty for Chris Christie . The president ial primary stilley gear away and they are kicking the new jersey governors to the curb. The story, if its right, try as he might he might have already missed the big money. We are told he supports jeb bush which tells you all he needs to know. Are we to my next guest and so checking of all of the right labels. Is that right reign so this is a remarkable thing. First of all, it is great to be with you. Money is a big deal and i have to tell you that it is a first indicator of success in the race. And so if the fuel runs low, the vehicle comes to a stop. So we have to look closely at the quarterly returns because its a little bit like stock being reported at the end of the quarter. If it exceeds expectations you go up and if you fall short the market place is part of this. Politics is no different. So everyone is going to look at these quarterly returns to see who exceeded expectations but right now it is the invisible primary. Neil they are betting on the smart money and we know what happened. But often times it does protect someone and im wondering what that says about Chris Christie that this train has come and gone . It means that he probably has work to do to put points on the board, they will have a couple of opportunities and of course you will have some troubles that will take place likely in iowa. You have the iowa caucus and New Hampshire and its oldfashioned retail politicking. We worked our hearts out took third place which wasnt quite good enough based on market expectations. But if you are down and out and if you know what youre doing and you have a compelling message you can break through without a lot of resources. The money that im told is by and large committed and that cant be true. Listen, its way early and theres no question about that. But to say that you put some points on the board, in this case that he doesnt do what is expected you will see some people shuffle around will probably be the go two guy in terms of where people are placing their bets. So you already see how the big givers are and now we are getting down to real performance in the marketplace not just expectations but getting people to turn out to vote and that is going to drive the money in a real way towards the candidate will build the tank or not. Then you get New Hampshire south carolina, florida, if you dont have a lot of fuel in the tank, theres no way you can perform this and youre out. So the months ahead, particularly the primaries will be extremely telling. Neil what you make of these who tend to gravitate to candidates who cannot reach across the aisle and they are people that do that sort of thing because it is seen as a weakness . I think you have a lot of the givers and republican politics who say they have lost last two election cycles and they know they have to calculate based on somebody who can get through the primary and also a viable player at the general election level. Theyre going to pick out certain personalities leaving some of the Players Behind with not a lot of funding. But all you need is one big funder to be able to do that. Neil you are big on everyone going the on the traditional labels. We have the no labels movement which says to republicans and democrats that dont jettison here everyone has the worldview and thats fair. But lets get the big things done for this country. We have assembled this on capitol hill and its the thirdlargest on capitol hill, the republicans and democrats and now we have the problem solvers and then we have joe lieberman, my cochair and we have almost 80 members on capitol hill. And they say that we are tired of doing small ball stuck. And that includes the big stuff. It is about time and the voters deserve it. Neil no one is going to get everything they want. But we have to get something done. How is your dad . Hes doing great, hes an optimist and fighter and entrepreneur and i love him because of that. Thank you for helping to promote his book. Neil i dont know whatever happened to you. [laughter] governor, thank you so much. You know, it is not the number of students with loans that scares me. If the number of what does it mean to have an unlimited Mileage Warranty on a certified preowned rcedesbenz . What does it mean to drive far as you want. For up to three years. And be covered . It means your odometer. 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Students are graduating college, they are not finding jobs and they are not able to pay their debt back. So its truly affecting a lot of people. Do they really think i will never be able to pay this back . What is the mindset and what is going on two. I cannot speak for everyone but i think that there is a little bit of an unrealistic expectation. They are graduating with massive amounts of student loan debt, expecting to make a ton of money and when they get out its the real world. And that doesnt always happen. Neil the wrath against her fine generation is that its all for instant gratification and they want the top job right away. So how is that affecting this hold the liquid seeping . Is that part and parcel of the problem . I think a lot of them the will is good they graduate in want to pay the bills, but again im going to have to work twice as hard as i ever thought i was onto and its just difficult. I think that the map explains it and they dont have the money to pay it. So i always encourage them to get on a plan. A lot of them are wanting to be a part of this and theres a lot that goes into this formula. So live like youre in your 20s and not like youre in your 50s and find a job. Neil what is wrong with being in your 50s . [applause] nothing is wrong with it. [laughter] but youre not getting paid unless youre in your 50s. Neil i hear what you are saying and its all good advice. Rachel cruz. Meanwhile, a lot of you are freezing, but thank god f you get sick you cant breathe through your nose. Ddenly. Youre a mouthbreather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Neil in our business blitz. It is cold out, while temperatures are dropping, the cost warm us up is down. So lets talk about this. We could be a lot worse off. Certainly there are other factors affecting why the oil prices are down we have created an economy for our country and i think that the people out there are saying oil prices are down we are going to continue to move forward with it. It is a testament to the success of this. This is what it created and that is the thing American Consumers saving 750 a year. Meanwhile, 800000 healthcare. Gov customers. Many are not happy or surprised. Many have to amend. We almost could have seen this coming. You knew that they were going to screw this up. And so you get this and you take the information from that form and put it on your tax return. And they messed that up they messed up the numbers and they got the numbers wrong. And so the original calculation is all wrong and they say that the Supreme Court had a bite obamacare is essentially the tax. Some of us are going to get penalties. Unfortunately still have health care through my parents. It is again helping. The lower middle class people he is screwing them yet again because he wont be able to file for the refund. Neil on issue number three. Talk about this issue of american sniper. Some consider this being able to be part of a blockbuster. And they dont like that because they actually skew towards which return film. Thats exactly right, taking a look at the message. This is a patriotic southern war hero who is using guns to kill the bad guys. Thats about the worst plot you can think of. It is the highest grossing war movie ever. It is about how gross jesus and mel gibson. Neil why is it suffering possibly for success . Now they are picking on the poor baby. And the baby wasnt real it if they are poking holes in everything they can [talking over each other] spongebob is not on the list of. Neil he came down a little too late. But there is a method to some of the madness in a lot of films that you dont see that maybe if you did see you would think twice or now. I think what we saw coming out of the mouth of the seth rogan and Michael Moore saying that the snipers are what did he say . He called them cowards. But others like Clint Eastwood should stand with their heads held high. The conversation going on around the country that wasnt before in these types of movies often do not even get a non, at least they got a nod. Neil everything goes back to that, it is incredible. Interesting. They are looking for two high viewership. If we look at movies in general, movies are not grossing as much as they did. You arent seeing a blockbuster. Neil okay maybe eric holder is right. Maybe it really is just a fox thing, creating controversy and have it everywhere we go is the way that we roll. And we just need to admit that we havent been doing this for years, but fox has been doing this since you, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Introducing danceallyouwant bladder leak protection. New always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. From always, the experts in feminine protection. Only always discreet underwear has soft dual leakguard barriers to help stop leaks where they happen most. Plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. You barely feel it. New always discreet underwear. Now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. Because, hey, pee happens. Curious . Go to alwaysdiscreet. Com for coupons and your free sample. Whats the deal, neil . What is the deal with the white houses constant obsession with fox . Eric holder latest. You cant forget other. These things keep on your fasting because you and your tv station will promote them. I was watching fox news and they said this was horrible. Perhaps fox news. It is fair to say i dont always get my most favorable coverage on fox. Neil busted. I fessed up to say the administration is right, fox is to blame pretty much for everything. This tepid economic recovery, sorry, fox news. The housing meltdown that preceded it . Fox news started it. The internet bubble. Fox news created it. Then we burst it so we could keep milking it. Energy crisis back in the 1970s. Fox news. Which is amazing because we werent even around in the0s. But that didnt stop us from having a role in the jfk as nation. That was a fox news guy on grassy knoll. Titanic. See the captain . Rupert murdoch with a bird dont you think . Why do you think the movie was so good. We damn near wrote the script pearl harbor, fox news knew that japanese were coming. Potato famine fox news irish anchors did nothing to stop it from coming. Theyre the culprits. Tsunamis fox news. Earthquakes. Fox news. Tornadoes, fox news. That meteor hit in russia, blasted buildings a couple hits back. Fox with a little payback. This goes way back to the dinosaurs. Fox news, killed them off. And the big bang . Fox news, started to light itself up. Only the toy with all living creatures since. Im glad i got that off my chest. John, you had me in tears. Greatly relieved to see the fox did not perpetrate the lipped berg baby kidnapping. Well. Mr. Cavuto, you had knee shooting coffee out my nose. Great work. Ruth missouri, thanks heavens i can stop blaming bush for everything. Holder must be doing a slow boil to exposure to his illegitimate sy. Great job, neil. Fox news did it. Lol. Laugh out loud . A lot of laughs. Any way write me aol. Killing off dinosaurs was a mean thing. Too bad you couldnt kill off most of inhabitants from washington d. C. How do you know were not trying . Rp in cleveland, i know what is wrong with the world keep eye on fox news. We should watch fox news every minute to make sure youre not causing more problems for the left. Good point your life hay very well depend on it. I appreciated the dinosaurs. I can hardly wait for this administration go the way of the dinosaurs, extinct. Rhonda in nebraska. You forgot about aliens mr. Cavuto. Everything is your fault. Blow me, if ufos landing say take me to your leader i would definitely bring them to you as our supreme leader. Far too embarasses to bring them to the white house. I thought of one thing you left out. Fox news and fbn are behind successful computer hacking attacks . Busted again john. That one is on us too. Marshall in phoenix not buying any of this. Neil, you claim fox news was behind the oil crisis of 70s really . Medicalry serves me right, fox news wasnt even around then. You really stretched truth you said you guys were covering jfk assassination. Idiot, we didnt even have cable news back then. Marshall, nothing going by you. By the way marshall, it was a tag where do you think i was with the dinosaur thing and big bang all right . Pay attention. I dont watch you as viewer. Smarten up a little bit. Carol in sacramento not so sure about any of this. Neil, you dont have to tell me that fox moves in strange and mysterious ways. I saw it for myself saw you in person covering a Big Tea Party rally a here a few years back. You were dressed so casually not to be caught. But i was instantly recognizing that alien cranium a mile away. Especially when we chatted briefly, before you boarded your spaceship back to who knows. Youre on to me. Touche. My work here is not done, on this planet or in this solar system or in this milky way . Galaxy . Im not done. And neither is fox. Anything bad, fox. Thanks for watching. See welcome to the west of imus in the morning on the fox business network. In new york city fox business network, good to have you with us as we line up some of the best interviews, light and laughs as we move through the hour. Were going to get started with meat loaf who dropped by to talk about the old days and everything up to the present day. Meat loaf, fun and good talk about music with imus. That will start us off. You may

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