Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180809 04:02:0

Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180809 04:02:00

it's been more than fifty years since the state of new south wales in australia has seen a drought like this farmers pray for rain as their crops and livestock die some are forced to shoot starving cattle well others face the prospect of having to simply abandon their land on the other side of the world a similar story the french of those mountains are simply too dry about half of this farmer's corn crop has already died in the us record temperatures are fueling the worst wildfire in california history the twin blazes dubbed the mendo seen a complex have exploded to cover an area the size of la they call the trend hothouse earth i said. it's when the climate is much warmer than it is today three to four degrees. four to five degrees warmer than in the pre-industrial
climate. international climate targets aim to limit the earth's warming to two degrees celsius but scientists now think even that is too high setting in motion processes which could create a domino effect such as glacial melting researchers argue that without putting in place specific human made climate protections the seas could rise but up to sixty metres so how to curb greenhouse gas emissions scientists say we need to cut industrial carbon travel less by plane and car and eat less meat they say already the earth is on the brink of irreversible warming with severe effects like those in australia the government there has announced a multi-million dollar relief package for farmers but with dry conditions forecast to continue that may not be enough. yes severe weather around the world to talk about that i'm joined now by lutes by sure he is
it yes what those scientists look at is what happens if we don't manage to stop global warming at one point we get to tipping points it's like in a domino game you have a domino effect you tip over certain changes in the earth system and then global warming just reinforces itself and gets warmer and warmer and it's hard to stop it and it could lead up to five degrees of global warming it could lead up to ten meters of sea level rise up to sixty meters if you look over several centuries and those would be absolutely catastrophic effects even much worse than what we're experiencing now but climate scientists are not saying that we have reached a tipping point now and they're saying that there is still time to reduce c o two emissions and keep the temperature increase below two degrees celsius is that correct that's correct they're saying would really dangerously close to those first tipping points and once you took over the first domino. so you can get you know a spiraling effect and they say that first tipping point is between one and two
passed in response to a sharp spike in measles cases in italy in the past few years when now while the only hers debate rollback parents no longer have to submit a doctor's note for enrollment in the coming school year. of the government's move is causing a stir online many social media users in italy are concerned the like this ph d. student who tweets that she finds it odd that in two thousand and eighty the italian government opposes compulsory vaccination of school age children while favoring compulsory hanging of crucifixes in public schools kids will thus be at risk from perfectly preventable diseases but at least they'll be able to implore god's help i guess she writes berlusconi's opposition forces italia party chimed in as well they took to twitter to spread the message that every year two point five million people are saved by vaccination followed by an appeal to prime
minister calling to a new form of ignorance should in danger our health now concern is also coming from outside italy one englishman tweeted this this is truly nosy the price of such ignorance will be death but not the deaths of those propagating superstitious nonsense but the deaths of innocent kids exposed to deadly diseases as a consequence an american infectious disease expert warned of tourists about going to italy with the country quote in the midst of a huge measles outbreak while the government is making it easier to avoid vaccination and the world health organization reacted by tweeting this simple statement vaccines prevent deadly diseases. it is that simple over more on this story we want to bring in a couple of people tonight. the list phillip willing joins me from rome and dr c. hunted and immunisation specialist from the world health organization in europe
joins us from copenhagen to both of you welcome to the day philip when you start with you give us some of the political background here i mean how did this anti-vaccination push how did it end up on the political agenda to begin with in italy. well i think the five star movement has played a key role in this that a senior partners in the coalition government and then typically subject to influence and that by the internet they are organized political activity on internet and they believe they now bottom up. approach to politics and they also represent a strong streak in italian political life skepticism of authority and skepticism of that expertise and so i think a lot of the settlements are fed into the move by the government to change the
ruler on that vaccination. it remains to be seen know how it works out the government certainly says that the idea is. that it should set scholastic inclusion and make it simpler for parents and to get children into school that's the basic sort of positive side change trying to do let me pull in dr siddartha and dr this you know from the outside this sounds very worrying is they are able judum it medical reason to not require these vaccinations for children before they enroll in school. their. position paper into. publishing twenty seventeen actually recommending children should be checked for
vaccination history. and to make sure. they have received. not. to be not vaccinated then adequate measures need to be taken by the local government so. this is an opportunity to remember not only to look for banks but for any bets and for that matter. action has been proven to be an effective strategy in several countries or even coverage. i mean i think most people would agree with that but unfortunately we're seeing a case where the government does not agree with it and what about the danger to the general public if parents are not vaccinating their children. it's
a very valid question the i think you three un i think that people all of us know that amuse us is very infectious it spreads like an wildfire where they're fine either i'm vaccinate their children though those who don't get any vaccine or under vaccinated children who hasn't been received all the recommended two doses it will hit them if finds places where the measles vaccination isn't complete we have doctors we see cases of measles we see such cases happening in particularly under vaccination of pollution or wonders of the nation we also have seen parents and their. with the best part for us to remember is these deaths are preventable these cases are preventable we have a vaccine which is effective and we have to make sure that the community gets a ninety five percent of the community are protected by this vaccine and feel let
me just ask you before we run out of time i mean how is this going down with the public is there much opposition to see this plan. well as you mentioned as a very heated debate and that sometimes violent debate. and social media but there is also position that nine regional governments have said they oppose this plan and a little drew up their own rules if the government goes ahead with it teaches it met with the. health minister saying that they also are responsible for the safety of that pupils and they're extremely worried about this change and there's a meeting case of a family in the north of italy going to court because the child was kept away from school because she had low unity and there was
a chicken pox outbreak in the school and say she was denied education because of people had not had the jab and we will certainly be following this story philip whelan in rome and dr siddharta daughter with the world health organization in copenhagen to both of you gentleman thank you. well now to another story involving parents and children knowing what a mall when children separated from their parents at the u.s. border have been flown home and reunited with their forty families they were rejected under president almost trump's zero tolerance immigration policy where despite the dangers of the uncertainty many guatemalans continue to try to reach the border with the u.s. in our next report we follow a guatemalan woman and her child trying to get to the united states with hope of entering. miriam and karyn don't have much luggage they have little apart from
their children they don't know what to expect but are well aware of all the possible perils. and much of that effort of putting her in danger in so many ways her health her life. so much could happen on the journey. where she could be raped or something could happen to her in that way. i'm risking a lot that is going on which are not only my life but hers to me but i. think this is the first talk meal that miriam and phyla to be eaten since they left on generous miriam decided to escape after injuring her partner's abuse for too long she spent the little money they had as they were crossing guatemala. many more. years we escaped from having what if he'd known he would never have let us go to this is he'd have done everything to stop us. but it was unbearable. the
violence was having a clear impact on the little one. and also i mean that's you know. that's why i'm risking everything now that the yes i thought it. was someone else that is. miriam also has an eight year old son whom she left behind. she doesn't know what the she'll ever see him again. but felt that he received. what is going. it's very difficult to make such decisions. you know what no woman deserves to go through got it about. that up i'll just tell you that i have to be strong and fight for a better future for both my children. ok even if it hurts that walk is that why it's hard but i have to fight that ossie they are going to check.
the fight for a better future is what motivates hundreds of thousands to embark on this perilous journey through central america every year they have dreams of a better life in the u.s. a life without violence a life with work. try to get on freight trains in mexico then they travel thousands of kilometers. miriam and violet to collect some money in order to buy a warm breakfast before the train arrives if they manage to get on they'll have to survive without food miriam is worried that she might be separated from violet at the u.s. border like sounds of other parents and children. she thinks u.s. president donald trump is unfair. to her very precious to her and then someone comes and says only because he has
power in his country. but he's going to separate me from my daughter. and he has no right. to. finally the train arrives. this is the area where people get on the train and train. fifty mph one step aside it can mean the difference between living and dying. now miriam will hand over her daughter temporarily. miriam on a just get on the train and so. with violet. they
will soon disappear from view bound for the us full of fears and hopes at the same time. ten years ago europe's first war of the twenty first century broke out between russia and georgia and today georgia's president laid a wreath at the memorial to the hundreds killed in the conflict. people along with. the our reporter emily sure went to a closer look in the georgian town of. landfalls on the fault lines of a frozen conflict some maps show the boundary line to the russian backed breakaway region of south running straight through his farm. signs in the distance read state border a line most of the international community doesn't recognize he says russian border
guards patrol the end of his cornfield. if you cross the line they can seize you find your person. across they take them. they walk around. with dogs with weapons and. in a certain psychological state all the time. during the war several bombs fell on land his eighty four year old mother vonetta says she lost one of her three sons. that night i sometimes. because i'm afraid for my son but. still seem afraid that they will come back.
in august two thousand and eight tensions between russia and georgia escalated into a war over the breakaway regions of south. georgia moved to take control of. russia with tanks and air strikes it said it was defending russian citizens in the region. today there are russian bases in both breakaways including. the mission. and it patrols the de facto border. relatively close to it. especially where there's no common agreement on where the. this is a state border while for georgia this is
a temporary occupation but for the people who live here this is. the border simply. has swallowed some of property in the past now he's determined to stand his ground this farm has been in his family for generations. for the younger generation living on the border the war is a distant memory but with the conflict. the threat of tensions boiling over again is an ever present reality.
imaginary. visits to adama to pin future prophesies to mass surveillance in the novels that inspired a range of popular movie. a visionary of the digital age. well according to the. forty five minute. stay up to date don't miss our highlights w. program online w dot com highlights. his creations good for his brand stink of all colors gushed high cost of the fashion. look what do we really know come from man behind the dark shades

Related Keywords

State , Evidence , Increase , Ticking Point Kitchens , Frequency , Phenomena , Thirty , Climate Change , Remembering Europe S , Signs , Beginnings , Scheme , People , War , Border , Russia , Armed Conflict , Law , Ten , Twenty , Some , Line , Property , Ground , Animals , Boundary Line , Prison , India , Drought , Farmers , Australia , New South Wales , Crops , Livestock , Pray For Rain , Fifty , World , Others , Story , Side , Land , Prospect , Half , Mountains , Cattle , French , Record , Area , Wildfire , America , Size , Blazes , History , Temperatures , Trend , La , Have , California , Farmers Corn Crop , Mendo , Climate , Earth , Three , Five , Four , Scientists , Warming , Setting , Climate Targets , Motion Processes , Two , Place , Domino Effect , Greenhouse Gas Emissions , Human , Climate Protections , Seas , Glacial Melting Researchers , Sixty , Government , Industrial Carbon Travel Less , Car , Effects , Brink , Meat , Weather , Relief Package , Conditions , It , System , Domino , Points , Changes , Point , Domino Game , One , Sea Level , Tipping Point , Emissions , Temperature , Tipping , Effect , Parents , Move , Cases , Italy , School Year , Doctor , Note , Spike , Enrollment , Hers Debate Rollback , Response , Vaccination , Social Media , Phd Student , It Odd , School Age , Users , Stir , Italian , Two Thousand And Eighty , Diseases , Kids , Schools , Crucifixes , Hanging , Risk , God , Prime Minister , Help , Appeal , Message , Berlusconis Opposition Forces Italia Party Chimed , Five Million , Form , Danger , Deaths , Ignorance , Health , Death , Price , Concern , Calling , Englishman , Infectious Disease , American , Expert , Tourists , Consequence , Nonsense , Country Quote , Midst , Measles , Vaccines , Statement , Outbreak , World Health Organization , Rc Hunted , Specialist , Couple , Immunisation , List , Rome , Phillip Willing , Both , Agenda , Background , Copenhagen , Partners , Coalition Government , Role , Five Star Movement , Politics , Internet , Activity , Life , Lot , Skepticism , Expertise , Settlements , Authority , Streak , Idea , Ruler , Children , School , Inclusion , Sort , Siddartha , Dr , Reason , Vaccinations , Judum , Publishing , Position Paper , Seventeen , Opportunity , Measures , Banks , Bets , Coverage , Action , Countries , Strategy , Matter , Case , Public , Question , Un , Vaccine , Hasn T , Karyn Don T , Places , Doses , Measles Vaccination Isn T , Who , Doctors , Pollution , Nation , Wonders , Community , Part , Their , Feel , Ninety Five , Plan , Opposition , Governments , Debate , Nine , Rules , Little , Health Minister , Safety , Child , Family , Meeting , Pupils , North , Unity , Daughter , Chicken Pox Outbreak , Jab , Education , Philip Whelan In Rome , Siddharta , Mall , President , Immigration Policy , Dangers , Families , Guatemalans , Home , Uncertainty , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Forty , Miriam , Woman , Report , Luggage , Guatemalan , Hope Of Entering , All , Journey , Perils , Ways , Effort , Way , Something , Partner , Abuse , Phyla , Talk Meal , Everything , Money , More , Crossing Guatemala , Impact , Someone Else , Yes , Violence , Little One , Son , Felt , Eight , Decisions , Walk , Future , Hundreds Of Thousands , Fight , Dreams , Central America , Violet , Freight Trains , Thousands , Kilometers , A Life Without Violencea With Work , Mexico , Train , Order , Breakfast , Sounds , Food Miriam , Someone , Donald Trump , Right , Country , Power , Difference , Hopes , View , Fears , Conflict , Georgia , Memorial , Hundreds , Wreath , Emily Sure , Fault Lines , Slandfalls , Look , Town Of , South , Region , Farm , Breakaway , Most , Distance , The International Community Doesn T , Maps , Russian , Border Guards , Person , Cornfield , The End , Dogs , Weapons , Vonetta , Sons , Bombs , Eighty Four , Citizens , Tensions , Regions , Control , Tanks , Air Strikes , Two Thousand And Eight , Breakaways , Mission , De Facto Border , Bases , Agreement , State Border , This , Occupation , Generations , Memory , Generation , Threat , Reality , Visits , Visionary , Age , Novels , Movie , Range , Adama To Pin Future Prophesies Mass Surveillance , Forty Five , Dot Com Highlights , Our Highlightsw Program Online W , Man , Colors , Brand Stink , Creations , Cost , Fashion , Shades ,

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