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Also coming up on the day a Special Report europeans who fought for Islamic State in syria and iraq and their caliph it is no more some want to come home how do we know they are not bringing terror with them. You dont want to see that the back and to be obviously dont show in feeding off of shame how strong is their influence well basically will only know when the next that that happens im afraid. We begin the day with germanys diesel gate changing gears from dirty to downright filthy three major german auto makers dialer b. M. W. Invokes wagon are facing allegations that they manipulated tests some involving monkeys and humans to hide the Harmful Health risks of Diesel Emissions pseudoscience in fake news to keep the multibillion euro Diesel Engine industry on the road well tonight there is outrage from the government here in berlin and calls for a federal probe critics saying that german carmakers have used the same tactics as Tobacco Companies to convince consumers that a harmful product is really a good deal. Here at the University Clinic in africa in Two Thousand And Thirteen and fourteen a group of twenty five Healthy People were made to inhale Nitrogen Dioxide in varying concentrations over periods of hours several times a week the Car Manufacturers wanted to use the tests to determine exactly how dangerous Nitrogen Dioxide was to humans the tests were commissioned by the European Research organization for environment and health and financed by german carmakers v. W. B. M. W. And german parts supplier bosch the study was supposed to be conducted under the cover that they were to be no negative effects on the Human Subjects but the methods which have now been revealed have let loose image. I want to bring in our word the w. Business anchor now Helen Humphrey to talk about well the story that seems to never end helen i mean the picture weve got tonight weve got a. Mission. Have always been hazardous to our health that we know as my Heart Attacks may because of cancer a great big lie appears to have been exposed is the german Auto Industry now as we heard earlier on par with big tobacco let me lay out the facts for the american evidence brant put it this way twenty twelve the un mandated Global Health body the World Health Organization came to the conclusion following investigations on the off the back of its research that Diesel Emissions were carcinogenic they cancer causing both in terms of lang and lung cancer and potentially also. Regarding the blood now w. H. O. Pulls over its evidence before it declares something carcinogenic in terms of the Tobacco Industry if you want to look at that power doll that the World Health Organization has and says direct quote i decided to declare war on the Tobacco Industry so that wasnt twenty twelve forty eight to twenty thirty that was when the g. T. Research group decided to make twenty five Healthy People inhale Nitrogen Dioxide to try and disprove the research of w. H. O. Which attracts the top scientists the trial Top Public Health professionals and you know it tried to find out whether or not stand outside was home full despite the fact that w. H. O. Had already proven that Diesel Emissions which come from the combustion. Creating not just in dioxide can cause cancer just this is a clear case then of. A company or an industry using academia using research and then trying to twist it to create a false reality. As it were held in the Auto Industry how have the car makers reacted to this latest explosion is the same narrative that weve seen since the eruption of the Diesel Gate Scandal were terribly sorry that this has happened say that the Supervisory Board of that said we did not know that it was happening that. Also what dima has said is well its a classic Risk Communications strategy as centrally you blame a cell of Rogue Employees thats what theyre trying to do now earlier in the day when i spoke to somebody who tried to give Business Advisory Consultation Advice to folks often during the diesel the emissions scandal hes also a moral philosopher and he said to me the reason that such a huge mistake such huge failings occur is when a company or an industry gets Too Big To Fail almost is this Market Dominance and that often means that these failings the systemic there from the top down on this is that they hubris the fatal flaw is this arak and of Market Dominance thats what he said to me what about the pressure now on politicians to act i think the pressure has always been that theres been accusations for a long time that the German Government and the german car industry essentially are in cahoots of course the ante has now been weve seen at that statement there from the chancellor Spokes Person saying that testing all monkeys testing on humans is apparent its clearly unacceptable with also heard from the Environment Minister of the hendricks according it abominable the question is whether that federal probe will be nor i think at the end of the day money talks in these kind of issues and it will more likely be the pressure of the german car industry to change its ways to keep up with electric car competition which perhaps makes it clean up its act and we also have to be able to theres still not a new government here in germany so everythings on hold right absolutely including just as they are now in the hopper hes always thank you good to have you can side instead of out in the cold you dont believe thank you. Well tonight afghanistan is reeling from the latest in a string of Terror Attacks in just the last week eleven soldiers died when Suicide Bombers and gunmen attacked a Military Academy and all Security Forces in the country appear to be buckling under the pressure of ever more extremist violence but there could be a significant and no warming transformation underway as well Islamic State has claimed responsibility for yesterdays attack the telly by the apparently were not involved or were they Islamic State and the taliban while they may not be joining forces officially are coexisting in ways never noticed before the result for civilian life in afghanistan could be devastating we have this report tonight from kabul. There is no escaping the military presence on the streets of kabul for the third time within days attack is have killed victims in the afghan capital this time the target was the army itself militants including suicide bomb is stormed a bit tahlia near the martial fashion Military Academy and began an onslaught afghans are turning their fury on the government that you know its got to look at whats happening to this nation and youre not able to control the Current Situation its better that the Security Ministers resign whats kind of government at ministry is this youre not even able to secure the city. The Afghan Defense Ministry Says two gunmen were killed in the exchange of fire and two others died often detonating the suicide vests one of the was arrested. Now people want to know how the attacks keep happening in a city already under tight security measures. Are going about this in to broaden this out im joined now by you know steinberg he is a middle east Security Analyst hes a regular here on the day good to have you back here at the big table why is this happening maybe what were seeing just afghanistan first why does these attacks appear to be so bold right now why do these. Are the taliban why do they appear to be willing to attack places that are so well secured but first the government is weak and that is something we have seen for years and know with isis or with i have enough guns down there is a new professionalism we have seen all over the place in yemen in libya in egypt that this is seems to be a stronger insurgent opponent than the taliban or other organizations have been in recent years and they do attack hard targets. Stronger than the taliban i mean in itself is a Remarkable Development is it possible to say that the taliban and Islamic State are are they on a course to merge in some way in the future thats too early to tell by and large the taliban are stronger Insurgent Organization well isis is more professional terrorism wise. In perpetrating Terrorist Attacks but what we do see is that has lost its core it doesnt have a capital anymore it has lost muscle it has lost its syrian Capital Syria and might not be the money flowing from rocko or mosul to afghanistan anymore so that new we might see a new coalitions emerged. Among gone insurgents perhaps in the end even between the taliban but i think that is too early to tell let me ask you about the collapse of Islamic State in syria in iraq. The jihad is the fighters there who were fighting for Islamic State where are they now. First and foremost they are dead many of them have died in in recent months especially especially in syria many of them have escaped to turkey and the Turkish Government doesnt seem to be in control of the situation and some of them are in jail right now they have turned themselves in to jordanian authorities at the border they have turned themselves into the kurds in Northern Syria but also in iraq but i think that many of them have escaped to turkey and the big question is where do they go from there its possible that they go to afghanistan its possible that they go to north africa the problem is as always in recent years the Turkish Government that is not willing to fight i guess as it should in their people people looking at the story from the outside or maybe surprised by that why would turkey not want to seal its borders i mean why would they go well jihad has to come in well first they believe that by supporting isis and other organization at least passively supporting it by letting all the foreign fighters travel through turkey they could weaken the syrian kurds now they are fighting the syrian kurds themselves and i think one factor is revenge they have always complained to the americans but especially to the europeans that we do not personally prosecute the p. K. K. As we should and that is why they that is why they followed these policies in the past and i think thats one of the reasons why they dont prosecute is let them come through the country possibly didnt end up in europe the us but i think that european European Border controls at least in most countries in the strongest countries are better then than in previous years but they might go to other other countries where we dont expect them. Just like in north africa they might go they might even go to the caucasus we have seen examples in recent months where important personnel was able to leave syria go to go through turkey for example to georgia and nobody expected a larger Terrorist Cell over there but it was about you just one big as always we appreciate you coming on and giving us your analysis thank you. Well these are called Islamic State is facing major setbacks on the ground in syria and iraq as we heard some say it is actually completely defeated will that means many of the fighters who flocked to join i guess are returning to their home countries many of them came from right here from europe so how are those countries dealing with them how much of a threat do they still pose these are huge questions our brussels correspondent terry shal forward their trunks to belgium the country where our u. S. Managed to find the most Terrorist Recruits in europe and she joins me now from brussels good evening to you terry so tell us tell us what did you find in belgium. Well as. Explained many of these fighters in fact are not coming back to Europe Europe had been warned for years that it would be facing the the worst Terrorist Threat ever when some of its citizens decided to leave the socalled caliphate of Islamic State and come back to their home countries some with with good intentions some with regret some very much intending to continue the violence in their homelands in fact it hasnt been an exodus at all its been more like a trickle of foreign fighters coming back but as i found when i went to speak to local communities in billboard and and lost a lot of their young people to Islamist Groups any number of return is a challenge lets take a look at that report now and listen to the people that you talk with. This park in antwerp was a hotspot for islamised recruiters luring young belgians to battlefields in syria and iraq now some of them are headed back making many communities nervous earlier return is trying to reintegrate in society are reluctant to be identified and herb City Councilor he owns there know some of them personally and ask them to share their stories with me nobody was willing to speak with many of them came back with a huge feeling of shame and they dont want to to show that up to show their name or to refuse to be on t. V. To say ok i went there and i was a fool and they came back. There are some exceptions Laura Persone was all over t. V. In Two Thousand And Sixteen publicizing her book about being an Islamic State militants bride in syria she decided to escape when her four year old son was taught to behead a teddy bear as shown in this jihadi propaganda now because so many occasionally visit schools as part of the Belgian Governments anti Radicalization Efforts but she declined our multiple requests for an interview some are attorneys have other motives for staying in the shadows those are the ones that were there and Muslim Community you dont want to see the back and to be obviously dont show any feeling of shame. About the fact that. Hes losing. Here. Thats how returning for tree seems to feel set free after receiving a suspended sentence for three also wrote a book and publicly praised Islamic State he said his only regret was coming back we couldnt speak with him as hes in prison on unrelated charges sources tell me returning is and their families are urged to keep a low profile by belgian authorities but theyre not the only ones im told the brother of a belgian fighter gave a Television Interview a couple of years ago with his identity disguised but Islamic State supporters found him and beat him up very badly a warning to others to keep quiet local communities are figuring out how to deal with people who return their boarded just north of brussels many youths left this suburb to join us mayor has been to has taken a personal interest in them he visits them in prison to make sure they understand their choices he warns them that after their release they will be under constant scrutiny but thats not all he tells them the second thing i said that is when you are free you are a free man you have had your punishment. You have to write the new the. Old you. Unities to do to give you all the opportunities to reintegrate and opposed to. Want to gives us an example of how his city supported one returning committed to being a Law Abiding Citizen by being completely transparent about the situation and the informant the employer was ready to give him a chance after all the information that we have got was transferred to the employer the same thing on the housing side. That man is still a Success Story two years later but there are more followers being groomed Peter Van Listing in one of the best known researchers of the belgian Jihad Movement says he sees no decrease in pro jihad language on social media how strong is their influence well basically with. The next that that happens are afraid however the Belgian Government appears a bit more optimistic than benoist again it has reduced to the National Terror threat level meaning an attack is no longer considered probable but rather unlikely. I mean its fascinating looking at this because what authorities have to do what neighbors have to do is basically assume and guess whats going through the minds of people. At some point every considering that. Hell have European Countries have theyve been handling this i mean can we talk about a common policy at all. No we cant talk about a common policy but whats happening in most countries brant is that anyone any rich or any who is known to be coming back and thats not all of them but if theyre known if theyve been flagged if turkey has lets you know one of the European Countries know that that its sending a fighter back that that person is is met with the highest of security at the airport that they are taken and interrogated and in belgium for example they are automatically presumed to be going into prison and then they kick in the interviews they find out that truly this person had nothing to do with any violence didnt commit any you know any any murders didnt significantly contribute to Islamic State activities perhaps they can have a suspended sentence but most of the people in belgium are going to jail and that increasingly includes women as well and im told by experts that women generally were not prosecuted and they found to be posing as much a threat as the men and so now the women also routinely routinely go to jail and what about the people. Or kept for example in iraq what will happen if they stay there. Well thats a big issue right now and european governments are in a bind because some of them have said publicly and some of them just think it privately they dont really want these people back these are some of the fighters who stayed on so they clearly hadnt had A Change Of Heart and wanted to come back and start a new life and many of them hundreds of them are now rounded up in iraq and are expected to face a rocky justice now this is a problem for europe because europe is against the Death Penalty and this people are very likely to face the Death Penalty in court in iraq so governments are being asked what are you going to do about these citizens who are there and at the moment we dont have an answer in fact the iraqi ambassador here in belgium is said that they dont plan to send them back they very much want to try them there in iraq theres an issue with there Something Like Eight Hundred children who are believed to be belgian. That are being held in this camps and they pose another question of course and now belgium is looking at proving the belgian heritage of these children and bringing them back so there are a lot of very difficult questions facing not only return ease but facing the people that have been that are stuck basically rounded up after the Islamic State collapsed. The children who do come back if they are theyre under the age of ten then they can come back but even if they are lets see nine to ten years old if they were with Islamic State theyve already been indoctrinated in murder havent they. Thats right there woman that you saw in my piece Laura Persone she came back when her four year old had been taken off to a Training Program and came back and showed her how he had been taught to saw the head off a teddy bear so they are starting the indoctrination the tendency toward violence the hatred at such a young age that even these ten year olds who are are being brought back will have certainly suffered suffered a lot of trauma in this way and theyre going to take a very a lot of work to reintegrate them both for society to accept them and for the children themselves too to realize theres another way to live back here in europe its a difficult situation for everyone involved on regardless of where they happen to be or where they end up teri schultz on the story for us tonight from brussels terry thank you very much. All the stars of the Music Business descended on New York City for the industrys annual Grammy Awards last night a surprise winner of the night was bruno mars who beat up some tough competition the likes of jay z. And Kendrick Lamar to take home since the boards but music was not the only item on the bill following the lead of the Golden Globes many participants and attendees wore white roses as a visible show of solidarity with the times up movement confronting Sexual Misconduct in show business. Where politics is definitely or was definitely center stage at the grammys and perhaps the most memorable moments was when hos james corden got a bunch of celebrities to read aloud from that bestselling Book Fire In Fury A behind the scenes to tell all about the Donald Trump White House now it was supposed to be an old dish and for reading the audio book and guess who won. Down by tech well they had a long time fear of being boys i mean i. Thought thats the way you think. In the back of the grammys in the back of the head segment might have got a big laugh at the grammys but not everyone found it funny the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley tweeted that shed always likes the grammys but reading fire in fury killed it for dont ruin great music with trash she said and is from the president s son downloaded trunk jr. Getting to read a fake News Book Excerpt at the grammys seems like a great Consolation Prize for losing the presidency. All right the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at news or you can write directly to me t. V. Dont forget to use that hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. To our own to do next d w. Daily basis going to his rescue people from the mediterranean sea. Oh theyre playing into the hands of People Smugglers oh they encouraging more if you choose to risk the perilous crossing the critics say that. Hello relief organizations responding to the Education Needs help or hindrance n. G. O. S see this moose. In the five minutes d w. Fly in dortmund shell to leipzig a big got to pay for it seems weve got all the best goals weve got all the action the job is the whole of germany but all share the experience of every match if someone does league on the weekend here on t. W. Enter the Conflict Zone confronting the powerful coverage on the jingoes

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