Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Yemen - Kids And The War 201811

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Yemen - Kids And The War 20181124 05:15:00

they are digital warriors. for women for internet activists one mission. the battle for freedom and dignity. courageous and determined they campaign for women's rights and for peace. they mobilize against femicide. or compulsory veils for. their messages are spreading like wildfire. social media is quite critical of that in the uk and thousands of members of. hamas on the streets they are women who are changing the world to me. egypt. starts a twenty fifth on double. sinai
is one of the world's oldest cities with a history stretching back doing that millennia least today it is devastated my country yemen has been under steady bombardment for three years few images have reached you a few journalists stared aventura here i wanted to make a film to document what the population is going through because it was built and then i met ahmed his sister and his nephew who is about the same age as he is from his window takes aim at planes. but you know how you look at. the budget and. see him get.
this it. doesn't say that it's good to do that that's the had much. janet guyon you janica had less mass outlet. the. every day since march twenty fifteen the children have lived in fear of the danger in the skies. and that was when a coalition of nine arab countries led by neighboring saudi arabia began its campaign of sustained air raids on the country a campaign that is killed thousands of civilians. i.
say for. ever since the bombings began and often had has been obsessed with war. what. she faced. salish first scanner a watch a festival of the slow mo that have to serve the ideas that ship don't get arrested but that if they're limited as a butler a gets more of them or a plaque and a heckler i guess that island and medicare so glad meerkats america hectic you gotta say let me see if i get paid get the saddle fuck that i said we left and the next day let us go in. a truck and they at.
you or i. or examines. the events of the mclaren and i might i'm going to have to shift and burn areas of disks and that certainly will remember the. internet it's a habit i still got by me of a certain kind that in their. children are the ones hardest hit by the conflict in yemen they're the ones who are going to tell you about this war about which you have heard so little. or earlier. i suggested ahmed and yousef interviewed the kids and their neighborhood character to see about had been affected you go with plan. he'll meet them or a night of night into his syndicate you don't need stand you don't let their action
that a few good conditions to be and can are shown by just those should get medicine in their journey. tips little son of a new world recession. the mountains overlooking sino are bombed on an almost daily basis the children have had to learn to cope. going to do studies. but after that. i had what they felt less of letting. congress and what kind of burden that comes to kentucky and much of kentucky then that kind of is
able can then send a message cannot easily who has not been moved as commander in chief. and that don't help them and that is what i mean to say mash and that can only be educated nerds and you know that they don't buy them as that and they remember to do i mean how do you as a saudi member smarm my time on my you know how come that they didn't see that i had let them know that you have. got family safe and that job. come. closer to them to show you been that's a job now that's a yes or. no i explained to the children that other countries europe in particular would have to intervene to stop the war. that doesn't have a base. that i don't be mad to fish. for those that are low so that i don't have to devote
a lot of this goes that. you have a job for mitt ok. since two thousand and sixteen the european parliament has passed several resolutions calling for a ban on the sale of european arms to saudi arabia. and europe could hold the key to ending this conflict. ted i'm a little beat but should've been the matter shantelle going to be yes i had been an immediate ten am assembling them back down from santa and then mark and i did in that the semis to ground were behind. one another let's hear a shot of the one other good that i. was going to get on. the line i mean i know now when i was one hundred. thirty.
six miles from her. hey if i am. i had to come to. some delay of you to hear how you are young my how you present and ole of it didn't come out of the can i just a. man of the good and talk of goodness and no one can forget the past as some i've been a good lover had been he goes up the new fifty you are. tied up and now we're stuck over the past so one and a lot of get this one else has a to cover but at the sweater i had cancer but you know coming out and lend you i have been up to you all and lately i've been a pretty awful go of magic i'm a nut mother and i love the well known. kind of the demi jews well i just loved that touch at the end when does the job i love i should do both and though i
do so much the hand not just out of the lead but i must have a on that mystic i will load you up they are all one to look into but i'm going to follow the law. i am bound. but i what. lemon is a mug a good bit of good payola no clue for. good another. member then it. could be in a suit up the aisle a m b c two. and that better be. a minimum i'm going to head to head they have calum as a little modest of the show if you want to they had him became one go a little lamb as modest obvious that they had a lovely been starving done a nice jet you have to the not to lead them mad max wound that had one of the wow paddy if you had money at leat and look at the go would upset all three.
groups before you. thank you. andy. happy have let me know. ok must've been mad men met baby but now we spot so tell your men will die of it i love him and will live should be a cab again and. you fall for love i loved now we can show it the medina somehow he'll medina and freddie difficult island. time of the my heart looked at i tell you i love me ok fear smash and the mother of the in the teddy the love personally i'm a name for god and the first how. much have you to get. with a. budget that i have been
a bush. but will show her that a show about. matters put aside his rifle and enthusiastically slipped into the role of reporter. knew what he had she can't get. we will get to murder she. intended line if this man. but. a sad sad good
man must. look at. this isn't this mom. she's made a name for herself by posting photos on social media that illustrate the situation in yemen. the pictures are slightly staged designed to highlight the social problems affecting the country since the start of the war. had been seen as a look at them i am i look at them like it to my looks. like yeah that's a man that's my kid to my head and it's michelle how did you make it to my head and it's mean small christmas moment of like a heck of a physician reveal it we have a leg of a turn a soda so monium is good to my head of blood. a sort of color so what would that
matter. of this of well not well you know the telephone was clearly she live even if i mean her mother you mean you know shopping in many for sort of well here are some are going to go to look at some of her. fashion a tad i don't buy. that appear have a column of clue for him to do. but. to either be there and the show with canvas and then head of i man had that in me a lot i had about an anthony but then your mother and i tend to be as a built in flash had to have a third woman at the head to move in defiance. of ways that isn't. tendency toward it so. there were joe maybe things some of us must and i
think you either have found something. set a two thousand and ten under. and you could create a home yet it's not just enough for you to have them finished in the shop and talk to the new mini ice been adding. it to really well said it would not put. anything out yemo to know that it's job yet most still not that much money yeah it's monday for so little higher and for just. a blockade imposed by the saudi led coalition has deprived the people of yemen of the basic means of survival gas medicine food and water are running out there are severe shortages across the country.
that's set. to be too many and john hasn't had membership each human need a good to get into and i system as a minister yeah only edney i did any membership any creation of an arm and i'm via twitter and i'm to be then. brought is and his younger sister fred who was lost their mother in a bombing early in twenty seventeen. i cannot tell much that they. have
come a little while and i. have to. thank you. it was johnny cash and it. was tom honest i was safe inside nasheed. just let. him know. that he'd know much as. you can get that money in the diff they have a funny judge was very generous and you know it's not any man. has ever owed. it will cause and that's allowed to just. because he does. we've been the people. who went bad about. you that would have been moved when you close. the bridge where hood.
on the wall i did a closer look. at the top. ok not on the roads and who owns the workers. making the case it was easy enough and she could follow simple nobody else. and the hit the road more quotable. munjal. right to make. the route. this is. what. you know move the head cool you can have the. handle. and this can go. out of my patrol from. there up and
out. but. that would. be it to get in a i need my bears masha. and if see a team with. a few global may she immigrated she had a translator to my to. my name took a look do me go read while i made her that been a history next to as so exit out of. the the womb . had i made that number one as i can be i'm. gonna be as i would love to leave the house alone and open another room if he. saw
what though in the street has been a community that. we had no sniffing at and generally. there's a base of this committee and you know my tesco that give me all my has that come and that's in fact. it's the sales. and one. who can teach. that in the bottom line which. is not in the guy who will pull the wool. that he says loosen says there's so little tech until going to call him a delight have met and they were full of the demented if in the face of a cutaway to his a soda and i have another session. of them to look at and i have my thoughts same. with one of the some of have known. by the bevy the largest amount counts for
getting on and. that's until every last cent of hope has and then you're the last hope. with a million a but with what i had so you know. me and. i just don't pass on much. more folk and privacy so now i left the shop shop she told oprah it was a color on how that image as a. young the fatal wound to the arm you can actually go give is over to my journalism. and when i mean bad and how the have been released and the obama i'm not going to take down nearly what tom ridge i did i mean as you have a hug you know i mean when i know that i made throughout my sound i do and then you get when you attack. jena and upset i had
let fear but i'm such a fire for us because my luck for. the have a few mavericks god about then i am better than a match. but. found. that if i had ever had a. record who can look out for films and i shared shocks my bush acidic half year. what the. model looks goetia do we're well a good go to our little piece of about such. a long name umbrella over the little boat and it lets you stone on a more twin towers that but then again everything in
a ship in the going to become food item again and the community can. handle it but they wouldn't. have those. because you know what i. saw. on october eighth two thousand and sixteen an air raid on sino struck civilians gathered in this hall for a funeral. the attack killed one hundred forty people and wounded more than five hundred. the ruins of the building testified to the ferocity of the bombing. the children to be cited to use the location as the backdrop for their interview of moggi a singer from santa. i don't suck and i was dizzy id and then death. national i got up
you know in the middle. and had. a lot of the other. i lost a lot of. the. do a lot of the. i know people that look you know that was. illegitimate. and that the left had never love me. so. get down. there with an eye but. can i just add motives. yeah this it didn't have to have the kind of from stuff from you know that you know you could you. know.
broken time on the rope hurt. but i mean me. well there no might. you let them see if i like i will hire you. need a present coolish. they did not hurt. my feelings of. to your money and they did more for their money and that. now give it some earlier and i stay put on me than even political your money and wealthy do you more poor let's take your money and see the human food your memory and that's a day when a lot of you are. one
of. the folks you are just now with. the help. of the wall i'm one of the moment and. if i have the. image. of the i love. the most of the. building going to be i mean i'm. confident enough of the people the most. to.
me that it. should. come to know my future. we're almost out of. the figment of the. when the fire you know not even the food. from the other end of the phone with the feeling. that the the above the code. something i'm sick of being in my car. it doesn't. mean it's a good thing not an image of the smoking. gun
. and. gave me. keep. coming down. somebody who's a painter but like mudgee the rappers songs or work today is entirely focused on the war. she works from images or photos but she finds in the media.
that his mom. had this much rugged mop up sugar mama cat i have a snap i think a man to have fatima was just to look at the focus of a medicine we heard or read kind of the should be a good thing to touch around another tally have competed in and i said no you can t. get back we're going to some perhaps highly had wrecked then with ethernet had majesties you get at the top of the output and out that guitar or piano or guitar or how to get into the thirty two hundred took to circle that and nor desolately insanity in any edmund who instead of giving any incentive you can enter into research etc you can use or even have a doubt used to have an incentive what we are need for so long that a lot of us in the us now who have methadone and deselect instead you go much as you go my how by letting your has does have a half past option there have been more there was
a hundred who can go eat and i love and have to get out i guess there's no more go but a canard that and all of them again what is it defacto about to found what i'm good at and different weapon with a hammer gee that janina the factual and an obvious one of our push keeley the number of the the and then another their mother god rest not a big can my own can to tell you sad. you may not have a tether. tempi it can run ok can't tell it. you cannot not to how long a national bornstein piaf out in the mud to selena no no no no no shit can be is myself and i said i'm an alien with your own whim but i never do and when i'm with the inside the ship the i soon be had to marry but wife even help me live in america to how when i know the intimate will now that of the shitty just to go home we don't have food in the woods for the new iraqi and i'm fine mr g.
i. have had a good have both of them i snapped since you survive that i was. in the shit out of them out of me was i called alice. a lot of other mad why the couldn't be subtle about it and the red flag yes it was the father of son themselves and. men and then scads of salaries magic to the world absorb it all but i guess they didn't start. this habit of the up people look right because i do want to be at the high rock so i don't triviality
recipes that are the lower level people i do want to add the leisure map to do to change it looking up the best i've been up to a what the sabba the america with this yes i'll bust your ass out why god corral you why because i can have them so much excited. if you are still a month old thought about for up to five to fifty i guess around the threat reduction the threat is you tap by that if you know mr musharraf will in mass market and distant. us to get a lot fun and much of the thief awful stuff when your looks are going to figure out a good as it is you had china and japan after him in fact you were going to target men. and yet you were the mad that i got up on me right
as well you had a shot i looked but how lucky all of you to pull our troops up i lock him up some not. only his and his mildly my linen doesn't matter to that of us get me one student and stitch it from the center and somehow the fetus be found because instead you're going kind of wonder i am not only mustache those who are more secure paparazzi admit so either of these i perceive get approval or it had decided to say you're going to get out of an observer is that one of the will start to smile follow me i'm sorry can you not to say can i i just like to have a cast that. side gets hot i. sat there like that time she said i love a ton of things yet want to say count and shout it. and that stadium flare i have
been asked to do and i think. the last hour i can assign. any feat and luckily can a guess if you have done so are useless i'm out a lot and getting back i don't know the last article had no. connection but now that i'd left. christmas to get. that chair the head of a man who had barely. listen had not had that it was a little while ago but that may be terrible one should have known a man should be a dog. and not the rough rider good habits that they have bitten our bums i'll be the station how the captain how a quality to help mr higgins you least know how the mocking rule mccandless all that is the whole matter if you don't want to work on my luck and how that could be full on all occasions of so beautiful unlockable months of learning our luck and. feeling downright sammul and to lose no human bearing and i am an elimination
entertainer and that confided that you minister for our decide whether. to send us auto luck to our so sort or so i don't really like that and the sick and the last. resort not a measure so one of them again. i know you don't like they are all accomplish on yemen so i. fear look at ireland we are simply one is the help for that hair back in. cologne how to win some said i'm here or not. thought out. for theater bad in sound water of. economic to name so i did the wheel and i had of the matter.
if you are. it is a menace loopback that. gets for. a levy that i turn on my s.s.n. . even. those who love us a look love they have on mission never better give it up well enough i mean you know when we let them do that a lot of what should it's a bad. idea that will push.
for a good outcome in. the senate will. come about the money that i would leave and i'll do it here because of the. it is only after the out of. it's. there is the bare arms. you give you just never know lavish have sat jesselyn and then miss that i have been a shadow genetical shaft right through it is to sacrifice roberts and do. most of our part.
suddenly it was a play on can and i get history and like i said so i don't blow it up like a museum in india where when i was a plan on how to. cut and. by then i didn't. have move you would get television are you know i'm sure. i'm sure. when you're sure you are right. but it wasn't. a television. that did. but still you're not out a way doesn't return. then you know. many who survived the airstrikes are left homeless the u.n. says three million people have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict
a large number are now living in refugee camps. so now i did have no say in this simply just in the letter and then we came across a live three day. haven't had a. letter lot of unless. i let you know on my. mother. and little later. i mean and i do now know. what is it may not be able. but dad just well i must also if at all be i don't know well especially hello larry and as the hey mr musharraf being. a mother of hindus
and i had them. wot of in the help. they forgot. would the matter is a must. for enough so worked five and no you don't honor no photos of nope you turn it when i had her minimalism but if any. fun few clue modernity among. the will of her own for my help shakun arnie but i have just. based the food and the benefit. of. just outside the city limits the children find
a little girl named honors sitting amid the ruins of her family's farm. to marry her best. when nobody took i'm. still a moderate. guy with a. failed to work for guru i'm really from the bathroom alone so i'm a. slug to start. the slow food up also . one idea though. i'm not sure that's going to further explore who likes her little and i'm going to learn not
that i will they focus on kindle as i do them that are her cement there are yet. similar to a side effect good idea. or a read to the folder. the jets you know of that a book. the mother of over took on schedule. and decision now my lad and i miss you know mother by side oh and we also do the job those same people the majority now do like i work and then eventually think. michelle's tough. but. i do get to get out. well you know mary snow like the like would have thought. oh those are going to. continue. to do both oh.
my dad dad beat already was. well. how. much. first thought. at first. the little girl has now been taken in by her uncle. after a thousand days of conflict and nearly nine thousand casualties yemen remains in
the grip of war and the international community remains indifferent. transcends several other european countries are still supplying the saudi coalition with a vast quantities of advanced military equipment. enjoy the fresh scene air. and soak up some sunshine uncertain. the island off germany's north sea coast boasts beaches perfect for long stroll unique natural beauty and classic maritime cuisine. those are always worth a visit. next on detailing. the
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Related Keywords

Cities , History , Yemen , Country , Bombardment , Least , Three , Ahmed , Sister , Nephew , Images , Population , Journalists , Age , Film , Aventura , Window , Planes , Aim , Budget , It , Much , Doesnt Say , You Janica , Janet Guyon , Children , Fear , Danger , Mass Outlet , Fifteen , Twenty , Campaign , Countries , Saudi Arabia , Led Coalition , Air Raid , Skies , Arab , Nine , Civilians , Thousands , I , War , Bombings , Salish First Scannera Watcha Festival , Island , Ideas , Butler A , More , Heckler , Mo , Plaque , Medicare , Ship Dont Get , Saddle Fuck , Truck , Goin , Areas , Mclaren , Events , Kind , Habit , Internet , Disks , Conflict , Ones , Kids , Plan , Action , Night , Neighborhood Character , Syndicate , Yousef , Medicine , Few , Journey , Conditions , World , Son , Osino , Recession , Mountains , Basis , Studies , Cope , Congress , Letting , Burden , Kentucky , Help , Nerds , Don T , Can Not , Commander In Chief , Mash , Job , Family , Member , Smarm , Doesn T , Yes , Europe , Base , Dont Be Mad To Fish , Anthony , Resolutions , European Parliament , Two Thousand And Sixteen , Matter , Beat , Key , Sale , Arms , Ban , Shantelle , Ted , Good , Shot , Another , Santa , Semis , Ground , One , Ten , Line , Hundred , Thirty , One Hundred , My , Delay , Six , Man , It Didn T , Can , Goodness , Ole , Lover , Else , Fifty , Sweater , Cancer , Mother , Desert Jacobo Salado Go , Both , Magic , Nut , Hand , Lead , Mystic , Law , Clue , Bit , Lemon , Payola , Mug , Show , Minimum , Modest , Suit , Aisle Ambc Two , Two , Mo Ney , Wound , Wow Paddy , Lamb , Jet , The Go , Mad Max , Groups , Andy , Love , Men , Cab , Medina , Fear Smash , Heart , Teddy , Freddie Difficult Island , Name , Epa Budget , God , How , Matters , Bush , Reporter , Role , Rifle , Sad , Must , Social Media , Mom , Pictures , Isn T , Problems , Start , Situation , Head , Look , Looks , Kid , Color , Sort , Soda , Ammonium , Heck , Physician , Blood , Leg , Some , Telephone , Many , Ci Dont Buy , Column , Built , Canvas , Flash , Ways , Woman , Defiance , Us , Things , Tendency , Something , Two Thousand And Ten , Shop , Ice , Home , Anything , Nyemo , People , Water , Survival Gas Medicine Food , Blockade , Means , Shortages , Membership , John Hasn T , Human Need , System , Arm , Minister , Redney , Creation , Twitter , Bombing , Fred , Seventeen , Have , Inside Nasheed , Johnny Cash , Fdiff , Judge , Bridge , Hood , Wall , Top , Workers , Roads , Case , Road , Hit , Nobody Else , More Quotable , Munjal , Route , Cool , Handle , Patrol , Ai , Bears Masha , Team , Translator , Womb , Gonna , Saw , Room , House , Number One , Community , Tesco , Committee , The Street , Fact , Sales , Which , Bottom Line , Guy , Wool , Face , Demented , Delight , Amount Counts , Thoughts , Cutaway , Bevy , Session , Last Hope , A , Last Cent , A Million , Privacy , Dont Pass On , Image , Oprah , Journalism , Give , Sound , Hug , Obama , Tom Ridge , Mjena , Luck , Fire , Match , Found , Model , Films , Record , Bush Acidic Half , Boat , Umbrella , Everything , Piece , Twin Towers , Ship , Wouldn T , Food Item , Attack , Funeral , Hall , One Hundred Forty , Five Hundred , Building , Ruins , Ferocity , Interview , Moggi A , Backdrop , Singer , Location , Id , Death , Lot Of , Other , Middle , Eillegitimate , Left , Stuff , Eye , Motives , Know , Might , Rope Hurt , Feelings , Coolish , Human Food , Wealthy , Memory , Folks , Most , Enough , Figment , Should , Food , Feeling , End , Phone , Code , Thing , It Doesn T , Being , Car , Smoking , Gun , Somebody , Rappers Songs , Painter , Photos , Media , Focus , Sugar Mama Cat , Snap , Fatima , Ethernet , Majesties , Tally , Guitar , Incentive , Circle , Insanity , Output , Piano , Desolately , Edmund , Thirty Two Hundred , Doubt , Half , Need , Methadone , Al L , Hammer Gee , Canard , Factual , Weapon , Eat , Keeley , A Hundred , Number , Their , Tet Her , Shit , Aliens , Whim , Mud , National Bornstein Piaf Out , Gi , Shitty , Wife , Woods , Intimate , Iraqi , Couldn T , Father , Alice , Red Flag , Salaries Magic , High Rock , Level , Leisure Map , Best , Recipes , Threat , Thought , Ass , Sabba , Five , Musharraf , Fun , Reduction , Mass Market , Thief , Target Men , Japan , China , My Linen Doesn T , Troops , Center , Me One Student , Mustache , Fetus , Wonder , Paparazzi , Side , Observer , Approval , Cast , Count , Stadium Flare , Ton , Article , Feat , Connection , Guess , Listen , Chair , Higgins , Rough Rider , Habits , Dog , Quality , Bums , Station , Rule Mccandless , Human Bearing , Occasions , Learning , Entertainer , You Minister , Auto Luck , Whether , Last , Sick , Measure , Fear Look , Ireland , Hair , Theater , Cologne , Wheel , Sound Water Of , Levy , Menace Loopback , Kssn , Idea , Mission , Bad , Will Push , Will , Outcome , Senate , Shadow Genetical Shaft , Sat Jesselyn , Part , Museum , Play On , Cut , India , Wasn T , Television , Move , Beginning , Air Strikes , Way Doesnt Return , Un , Three Million , Letter , Refugee Camps , Say , Haven T , Dad , Mr , Hindus , Nope , Minimalism , Clue Modernity , Shakun Arnie , Benefit , City , Little Girl , Honors , Farm , Nobody , Moderate , Guy Witha , Guru , Bathroom , Slow Food , Little , Read , Side Effect , Similar , Folder , Jets , Cement , Over , Book , Schedule , Decision , Lad , Majority , Michelle , Like , Snow , First Thought , Uncle , Casualties , A Thousand , Nine Thousand , Coalition , Grip , Quantities , Military Equipment , Scene Air , Beauty , Coast , Cuisine , Sunshine Uncertain , Germany , North Sea , Visit , Show Farmers , Work , Knowledge , Soil , Use , Turning Barren Land , Parkinga Fast , Intent , Right Livelihood Award , The Go Over Africa , Forty Tear Forest , Wa Continent , Forty , Tech Scene , Africa , Entrepreneurs , Visions , Difference , Potential , Inventors , Successes , Professionals ,

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