Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20200208 :

Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20200208

on west africa's atlantic coast the former british colony of ghana became infamous for its involvement in the transatlantic slave trade and also for its abundant reserves of gold which is why the english called it the gold coast. the country is rich in role materials such as oil which was recently discovered in the region and above all coca. ghana is the world's 2nd biggest producer of coca but despite the plentiful resources they rarely benefit god nations themselves. resourcefulness has become a necessity for some people white gold has replaced yellow they're not aiming to get rich many trying to survive. gonna means warrior king a fitting name that reflects the strength and resilience of its people. but i want to buy a whole bucket. they face a new battle every day. at dawn on lake volta the launches started fishel reservoir in the wild water taxes put on to the banks. 3 times a week a transport villages to the big markets in the town of tom pocket. this particular account seems to sense the getting on the boat isn't going to be an easy tops. and i'm going to sell my car at the market don't you know that way to get there risky for the car but i've got no choice. let's. put. the towel would have on down to be appreciated a ramp but a ride in the fresh air is bound to calm it down. to the next day to. the boats maybe primitive but they are vital for the region's economy without them farmers would be trapped on that island. but it was a. lot of money. and i miss you know. that warm up that i got out of. that back to the man my basket so he can bring it to me why he can't let up on. but i know what. everyone gets on to such boats any way they can they have no choice the ferries are too big to dock at these small patches of land although few of the passengers know how to swim i mainly use the lifejackets as parasol it's. everything's fine the lake is like a mill pond. where only watching the boats draft joseph the captain gets as much onto it as he can. i got a lot of things i don't know actually how many people and animals there are like honored for cows and for sheeps. what are the next moments about 1015 comes and the maximum number of people i would say is 5250. but it's very dangerous. if we're unlucky and a storm hits when we're in the middle of the lake. it's really dangerous because. i. offer a 2 hour journey the water taxi arrives at top a market for the animals getting also a boat is a much more pleasant experience in getting off. the. last of. the passengers or badly off the boats when it heads back out to cross the lake. at the top the market the scent of spices mingles with the aroma of freshly fried fridges. still it's hard to ignore the smell of petrol and fish. i. met this pop array of sense one in particular is missing the center rived from a fruit found at every market stall the cocoa fruit it sent doesn't dom fold until it has been processed. ghana is the world's 2nd biggest producer of coca hundreds of trucks transported across the country before it's exported all over the well. but most locals like biko have never tasted it. and. all the people in this village all because obama just. did it all for example if you come and work hard for me this is a right to. know what you're going to see some of its ability. to. go by my. goodness the juggling of all they do this to every middle devolved. to become shuttles between dozens of warehouses along the road he wants for the state which binds almost all of the produced by the region's finest to meet. the lord 'd. i mean a kilo is the reason i bought. 65 listen to that is the bag loose. with . cocoa sales represent 10 percent of ghana's gross domestic product but the locals rarely see any of the process. fits in that day to day lives being cut out i think. that is i. the roads leading to the warehouse is a rundown. ready to go because there's a law deemed to load and that god jews very has brains if you want to get to a dime and there would have to be laws of. the world like this you are going to got the. last big look like the 2 cars why do you think. it's a vicious cycle if of eco is late delivering the load he will lose part of his salary . in the heart of the forest of calcutta harvesters have to get a move on. i did that very. well thought of the season is coming to an end i need to gather the remaining ponds the fruit that contains the cocoa beans before they rot on the trees. my wish ain't to do the work as well as these men can but harvesting is an arduous task. they extract from hans with machetes which i nicknamed go to hell. is the pride of this country. this is the i mean. i'm not a collie it's the best quality. many other countries produce cocoa. but it's just not as good as in ghana where you got. it from here in the cocoa to go to our. government and once there i will have to europe but i don't know what its final destination with me now this and i thought you. were right. oh. around 15 families from the cocoa trees in a small forest but in the past few years production levels have dropped. the single crop funding of coca has sucked all the nutrients out of the soil the trees growing old and there's no money to replace them nowadays every penny counts . the family situated close to the border with togo geoff sells his cocoa beans to whichever country bids highest. and to. that is the border with toll roads around a kilometer from there it's. december togo is bringing one euro $0.37 a kilo maybe gone and i was paying one euro 16 friend but at the end of the month togo that price had dropped to $1.00 euro $22.00 and gone as prices rose so it was the government. not. thought. i'm going to load this onto a motorbike i'll take a shot i mean i thought my god why are you putting it on a motorbike for your fun because there's no path there's no road just tracks. and there's no road suitable for cars. well it looks. very dangerous there are lots of accidents. normally the government should have built bridges but there are no bridges now so if you're not careful you'll have an accident and you don't think you're going to fall but then you do something on the up after throughout the minutes about the effects. you're going to get the trip to the town on these old motorbikes can be very risky broken arms or legs are common although jeff's team hasn't suffered any fatalities yet. and. sadly maxwell was not so lucky he died in a car accident as he was delivering packs of cocoa beans to the town. his aunt precious is bringing his body back to the village in a coffin shaped like a coke ipod as a gesture of honor. funeral singing gonna fall from morbid to fast here death is seen last as an end as the gateway to eternal life a discourse of a celebration. believe in the all to life it's important for families to express love and respect for the deceased to ease their journey to the other assigned. sometimes burials a larger fast just like the one today. that the whole village is taking part. time. 6 for the women prepare a traditional dish of corned topped with a spicy sauce. it may seem shocking to some the body is dressed in finery and put on display before it is placed back in the coffin. that was dead. maxwell's family firmly believes that he has simply moved on to another life in one form or another he will be more powerful than those still living so each of them comes to talk to him to win his favor. safe journey you'll be reunited with your brother. and then you'll be reunited with everyone there you'll be welcomed with open arms. no child will you do in your next life. you know after all i did for you you left me. with nobody was 1 the 1st of the. remaining. presents for everybody that we face. today. one up. there was. a young. people want them to. because it's you past that and. this present dynamo for 4 months his family paid the equivalent of 300 euros for the coffee and an enormous sums of people here. to scout some schoolchildren give him a round final sendoff. that often it's. because the fight i felt before and i know. now that i might find out that found. her there by the whole. time i didn't. go on with that many of them would have that hollywood. after a 2 hour long ceremony the coffin is taken to the cemetary. i . fucked up again in. the past are a company to maxwell's final resting place where his coffin is again welcomed with scenes of joy so he can begin his new life in happiness. i. think. through the combination of the heat transfer incense and beating of drums the burial of precious his nephew is a frenzied if. i . believe. it's the way turn him this way. up. well. on the plantation away from the chaos of the burial jeff and his men head off to town to sell some of than last remaining banks of coke. the 10 men transporting 650 kilos of cocaine believes. none of them have a driver's license in any case navigating through the bush isn't something taught in driving school. it's a 50 kilometer long journey and all the drivers are a lot they want to survive face journey. 2 hours across rough terrain take a toll on their own motorbikes. all. over. their lives there's a guy got to have some broken because the road is so bumpy. haneke and jaska. and such bad shape it broke it was over because they got to step on the sand on through this and through this is just the kind of thing we have to put up with your shoes on the. motorbike is back on the road they will have to put some of the. profits from selling the cocoa towards the repair. the group is hoping to honor around $100.00 euros which would make 10 euros per passion. they've reached the final hurdle but it's not an easy one quality control carried out by the uncompromising joseph who buys cocoa for the government he's the one who sets the prices. messy. i want to take the days of the if the guy is good if this 2nd bite if you don't look good then all is not that i have to date. today joseph appears to be very satisfied with the quality he pays jeff's team 200 euros 100 more than they were hoping for. with its massive deposits of minerals and oil ghana could be very rich but its economy still relies mainly on farming and fishing. making a living in these sectors is far from easy many call on higher powers to help them get by. to get out of there with the lord we have come to our place of work this morning make your blood fall upon us and protect us lord may destroy carnival it will spirit through india amid. their urges over their. again i got people concerned it's over there where the birds are iraq. where i am also thought of here in direct competition with other boats i'm out so we have to cast our nets before they do. that there are dogs i don't want out. i'm running out of him one of them has already started fishing oh they're talking their nets too hard. they're too desperate. to send off. the crew had better hurry and 200000 boats are all competing off the khanate kind of stuff as a consequence fish stocks have steadily 25 the years. we were. little. the woman who you. know who was the one who. who. was on the phone now the low level role model there waiting go get a move on. you don't want to return home empty handed. you want to keep going don't want to if you don't work you won't get paid about how about holding. it back a man who was the quartermaster otherwise known as the head of the crew his job is to keep his man motivated. origin was as i really. never will come back yeah yeah. i do love it i love. that whenever you. feel. well that's right you. know. over the long. term i would go what i want to let me. know that are not. already up so we have time to recast the net once more. fishing won't make these men millionaires have court around $100.00 kilos at the most mainly just small fish. the methods of some captives who use dynamite and pester science to turn quick profits and forced bigger fish to retreat to deeper waters. dozens of women are keeping an eye on the horizon. but they're not waiting for the hospitals to return for see. their fishmongers. neatly left home in the morning and gather here to wait for the fishermen to come but it's the only work we can do to feed ourselves it also means i can send my children to school and i knew that we didn't put on your kids. oh. they're bound to be disappointed none of the $15000.00 separate times with an impressive. bottle of the fishmongers begins to. there isn't enough fish to go around. and i want to buy the whole basket. that i want to basket for the 2 i was i was fishing and i want some smelt. so that you know what surprised me sending them for . oh. i see always how to go when we buy. the fishermen give us a price and we negotiate if they say $100.00 we suggest 15 out they say $200.00 we say 100 there that is the follow. up so that what that is that my basket you're filling up. go ahead fill it up to the brim and. i'm going to smoke some of them and the others will be salted and drive in the sun. then sell them at the markets that the father and mother i mean for. smoking and salting the fish prevents it from having to be refrigerated fishmongers can preserve it in this way for a week or maybe more. that's why salt is finally important in africa ghana has enjoyed a good reputation for its salt since the 8 century. drivers who transport cocoa and those who transport salt share the same treacherous routes . kaunas so-called white gold is in demand and sold across the african continent. it looks. like. a lot of good luck. if. i want to load up 2000 bags of socks. 50 times he said i keep a close eye and you go yeah because if there's a prob done something about missing it i have to replace it it's not a lot of the love but. what i might. go it's a dangerous trip sometimes robbers jump onto the truck and steal the good of the roads bump and you have to slow down there and climb out of the truck i didn't know . but george has no choice he has to drive slowly on these poorly maintained roads. and. george is taking this to livery eastwards to 2200 kilometers he and his truck have been dancing to the rhythm of the part holmes as he puts it. comes to you and we like were dancing at a party because of the growth and what. i was dancing at the wheel i just got it down to brass military that's because i got roads are so badly damaged down to where i'm going to see an absolutely nothing. most coastal residents make a living from salt production i've got something that everybody looked for salt even when the women who dig down into the ground they find salt to my closet but that. salt is one of the. and of all minerals found to end up on times it's an unlimited resource that helps people living on the coast to survive. just because there's so much of it doesn't mean it's easy to harvest. not it's the men who delegate and share out the work and it's us women who have to dig for the salt. that. we're told on your on the men avoid doing it themselves because it's hard work in the morning but no no don't you know work with there are you. know i mean also it's us women who have to do it. if you can do this all with your bare hands to get covered and so. all goes well. and that's that's why mine are in such a bad state but i use this tool to hope that that gets me out of the wood and nails to break down the salt crystals. that look that much i've worked collecting salt for 20 years. it's a really tough job. you know one of. them oh yeah i've got to have awful leaks in pain so i have a bad back when i'm i like that but. my feet are crack down hard. on my. father's day the train. they are ruthless. i want that they're fed i want nice looking solid to be able to resell it i have to spread it out and examine it. if it doesn't look good i won't be able to sell it for the best trust. and now i can't be mixed up with any cent or what's going to be the sand mixes with the salt and i know i will know. so it is funny. i said i'd sell it for $200.00 no that's too much that of how much would you pay for it again we have $100.00 satan all the money no no do you owe no deal oh yes. come on please. i'm not compromising. so i left my starters nice and white washing it's white but times are hard people just aren't buying any more i'll take it for one today but not this. 120 isn't enough. so no matter what i do not yesterday someone bought it for 150 no line no one question if you don't agree i'll go buy somewhere else ok all right i'm happy today my children and i will be able to eat we'll have 1st comics flying. over you know my she bought everything off me and i have money to count up how that here's the money you thank you for buying my salt may god bless you and protect you on your journey back. to. the equivalent of 21 europe's the money will last and her 2 children a week any animal she can catch a supplement to bamiyan. was. helpful might see that this is my house it's where i live all my riches are here if you know. who adamle i make everything myself with my own hands these buckets are mine. where i can get my secrets to one side for funerals. or actually we work i thought i. learned. now sure got that. one hands are damaged from the hard work i do dos. is starting to look like the hands of a liberal. now as. john always tries to keep us anything is possible with a bit of will power and not something that god names appear to have an ample supply no matter how obvious the top. of. the. georgian taser systems have now been saying in that truck our. jim will do it i like my job. i was destine about iraq and my dad taught me to drive that bike on my driving since i was young. when i was 12 i could already drive i've been the gonna vote mccain a fossil hybrid published molly nigerian easy area. all these years of driving have taught george patience lots of it especially when it comes to crossing borders. about this that we have to go and check in. here george and his assistant to arrive in a fall a town on the border with togo. as. it will be defeated by the customs officers will check the goods on the condition that area they want to check their stuff hasn't caught often won't make people sick if it was that there. was some level but. george takes his place among the hundreds of other trucks waiting to be inspected some have been stuck here for weeks the customs officers work at their own pace as drivers wait patiently 5 along it may take everything will get to where it needs to go. back at the cocoa plantation jeff is also preparing to go to tokyo he's located much closer to the border and so he's making the journey on foot. with the full if you will flow. you know. 1000. these are the last few bags i'm going across the border i need some c.f.a. frags that's a currency managed in the village i want to go to i needed that is that i'm taking the last few bags to say. i miss you the quality of the cocoa isn't good it will be spoiled or the rain that ruined all the cocoa that did pull so that. these cocoa beans on and good enough to be sown to kanye and bind us but in turn go jeff knows a trader who doesn't scrutinise goods to foreign aid. he . said that under most of the religion is an hour's walk away carrying the cocoa on our heads. this is when we arrive at the border we'll cross or don't head to the front. of the carriers it's a far from gentle stroll. around 30 kilos on the heads. so as i want of i thought of this another little riff that marks the border that i may not have crossed the border between are gonna do we go now we're in total misery once you cross it you're into it with the world so now i've made it and i just see. oil gold and other mineral resume says could make ghana one of the world's fastest growing economies. instead it's gone iran's described their country as a sick child. who has only recovered because of the tenacity of its workforce. 2 researchers in stuttgart are playing ball the hard right. but it's what's inside these concrete spheres that counts. the hollow moments for construction carving ingenious and economical than their surprisingly durable. tomorrow to do it. 30 minutes on d w. i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist one day. everyone is talking about artificial intelligence and we are too. good computers and algorithms one day surpass them in creativity. art on the edge. or talk it global media forms from both parts 2100. 60 minutes earlier. southern napalm 250 blind people are about to see again lassie is more of them who are the from an improvised clinic is being set up in the tunnel complex. and to the next day. can you see me see anything that a reporter on the move with a police officer most just stopped to really to seeing the light starts february 8th on t w. plane . disease d.w. news lives for the better team chancellor angela merkel's party is in turmoil over a scathing criticism involving the far right nationwide outrage in germany puts conservative and liberal policies on the huge pressure off to regional leaders broke a decades long to boot against working with foreign policies coming out.

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