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Dont you think it but you i know want to keep. It going like you know call me for. Exposing injustice global news that matters g. W. Me for mines and action packed life. Anythings possible as long as up because he and his friends can dream up this Movie Theater in kenya as to adopt refugee camp. His life story may have grown into it 27 years ago but there is no holding back his dreams. Thank you for cinema dog starts may 27th on the w. Some 7600000000 people live on earth and a 1000 more are born every hour most of us consumer electricity around the clock. Steps of his own as i have as a vision of an all electric world where no one uses oil or gas to heat their homes its only electricity thats generated from renewable sources or else its estimated that our Electricity Needs will double by 2050 will wind and solar power be able to meet this demand. Kind of a sky become as does so hard to wind and solar power ah the Cheapest Energy sources today no one can deny that noble guidance on they cause a lot of problems you need to see that. Thats scientists on The Sun Doesnt Shine At Night sometimes the wind doesnt blow and theyre not. Its to be an energy source thats reliably available at all times thats of the push of a button so to speak thats only conventional sources like coal and natural gas can do that because lies. Around 85 percent of Global Energy production comes from fossil fuels but the reserves are finite. And even worse oil coal and gas are the biggest climate killers of. Us market we didnt want to we do with the Emissions Budget to prevent Climate Change getting out of control and just for the hell is it going to get. How can we save our climate is Nuclear Energy the future is on its own so corsica sun is our Great Nuclear fusion furnace that works beautifully through so it makes you wonder could we use it directly to us who havent tried that yet. Morocco is a country with very little fossil fuel 95 percent of its energy comes from imports. Electricity is still a luxury commodity here. Where in the oasis village of fent. So hussein de gaulle invites us into his home. He shows us what electricity means for him and his family. The 4 of them have about 100. 00 euros a month Disposable Income so they have to save money there are almost no electrical appliances in the house theyre too expensive. Many things are still done by hand. They cook with gas. A Gas Canister Costs just 4. 00 euros and it lasts usually more than a month. By Comparison Electricity costs 15 year olds a month. But they dont want to do without it completely new to this d. C. And to his son we see electricity is very important to us. People in the village want to watch t. V. And charge their fans. See connections and they want to watch football they need. To see the shows you see that way you see people stop. Just a few kilometers away from the traditional Berber Village and youre in a completely different world. The Worlds Largest Solar Power Plant is currently under construction in the desert town of. Half a 1000000 Parabolic Reflector says have been installed on the edge of the sahara. The High Tech Plant will expand 5 fold over the next few years. We have the potential renewable Energy Sources in rocco mainly the sun. All the power produced by this solar plant will go to moroccans. By 2030 we want to cover 52 percent of our Electricity Consumption with friends knew a ball energy. Across an area of 650. 00 football fields the reflectors will be constantly directed towards the sun using computers. It hardly ever rains here so its an optimal occasion for capturing sunlight on a. Really uphill. We cant even produce electricity when The Sun Goes Down with the thermal Energy Storage system. This is a chemical salt compounds that can store heat energy at a temperature of 100 degrees celsius. Its a great way to produce electricity after sunset. If this is. The newer plant which is arabic for light can still produce electricity for 3 hours after sunset. The aim is to increase this period to 7 hours. Because you belmore not we expect the nor one plant to generate 160. 00 megawatts of electricity per year that would enable us to supply 600000. 00 people. 98 percent of moroccos rule areas are connected to the National Grid which means the solar power can reach even the remotest areas like the Oysters Ability to fit. But the government has to subsidize the Energy Costs Electricity is so expensive that most people cant afford. A Development Aid project has also given village residents here in the oasis access to low cost water. A while in the village also uses solar power. If you want it done a so nice we have a good Solar Power System here transports the water from the bottom to the top so its a cheap because all we need is the sun worship borneo. A light bulb here cost the equivalent of 50. 00 euro cents. And Energy Saving lamp cost 70. 00 euros too much for the devoted family. The only important thing for them right now is to get electricity. They dont care where it comes from as long as its cheap. The world bank and other european lenders have invested 2200000000 Euros in the moroccan Solar Power Plant. Was becoming a pioneer in the energy revolution. This High Tech Project is already setting an example for other countries. Egypt tunisia and saudi arabia are planning to build similar Solar Power Plants the vision here is to harness the abundant sunshine in the sahara and export electricity to europe. In Theory Solar Radiation alone could easily meet the needs of the entire human race. Konstantinos bellew horse is a professor of Energy Technology in zurich he knows the potential of solar power in the long 50 and itll far outperform wind power in the long term to move it if i was when i was quicker to become competitive against the other energies and its still cheaper than solar. But solar power has huge potential its constantly getting cheaper and fast well and it can be installed almost anywhere with relatively little resistance from the public doesnt bother people there are no moving parts and no noise. But Central Europe doesnt even have half the sunlight hours of north africa. Will sunshine be the new luxury raw material of the future. Could it make barack obama rich. Diesel end of these or the countries that have sun are ones that can sell solar power very well for the teeth to produce energy they need investors to build solar plants for that is the question is who are these investors are they the developed industrialised countries because im worried theyll try and take the lion share for themselves because its a question of Power Politics and perspective from the market from polity perspective it. Providing the whole world with solar power from the desert was also a vision of the desert tech project. That launched in 2009 but never came to fruition. It lacked the necessary european cooperation. Theres also no power line from africa to europe which would be technically possible but would mean very high Investment Costs for all countries involved. In the Different Countries have different priorities of us for what were now seeing from various european projects is that some countries simply dont have the Financial Resources Money Lender Shift and theyre still in financial crisis or they still have a much lower level of Economic Development again which of slieve oh it is very hard to convince them to make investments when they have 30 percent unemployment. And theres no coordination with the e. U. Has to do a balancing act between including the nations in Decision Making and the kind of top down decisions that would let me and the out for the top down into i do. Is wind up Better Energy source the massage. We move from the sunny south of morocco to the windy north of germany to the baltic sea. Leaving from. Bottle of harbor we board a ship that takes mechanics out to the baltic one Offshore Wind Farm. The 115 meter high Wind Turbines are located 16 kilometers off the shore. Windows currently the most promising Renewable Energy after solar power more and more wind farms are being built especially at sea as a cop loves his job as a Wind Turbine Mechanic but its not without its challenges. Its optics its buried its not always the same its like youve got Electrics Mechanics Hydraulics you have a bit of everything is on the floor we sail out we have to train to make sure were able to work at heights and we do survival training. The body im standing to swim off and i saw what happens if the ship sinks obsolete how do we behave in the water with a Survival Suit a life jacket without a life jacket which it can happen when its one of us there so you dont need to be scared you just need to respect your environment. Thats big. For them. Lars and his colleagues have 8 hours of work ahead of them at dizzying heights a sensor in a wind turbine has stopped working they need to find the fault and repair it. Every hour working at sea costs 3 times as much as on land but offshore Wind Turbines generate twice as much elektras city. The old boy down i thought it harvesting wind is more efficient at seeing it will you make up kind of no obstacles like lorries or hills so the wind blows mostly im kind of the end of it better for the turbines because there are no Cross Currents i wind is constant in the same direction for long periods you know lies and lows like the gusts you hear blowing against your house you dont get out over the sea so its better for the materials and over the years is consistent winds give you a Higher Energy you need a new board and i think. The mechanics always Climate Turbine in pairs in case one of them needs help its switched off while they work on it for Safety Reasons so it cant Harvest Power during that time. Its to september october after september or october we dont do maintenance its almost as if you we have a limited period in summer say 4 or 5 months where we try to do all the necessary work there also official requirements we fulfill in that time he said tests on the letters and Crane Systems are yields are highest from September On Morris when the Autumn Storms come and later during a spring storm so we need the systems to work then and not require maintenance. This Offshore Wind Farm cost 200000000. 00 euros every single part had to be brought here on special ships 21. 00 turbines produce on average enough electricity 450000 homes every year. The huge Wind Turbines stand on steel Tube Foundations that are rammed into the seabed up to 30 meters below the surface. The turbines still sway noticeably in the constant wind. Destruction gonchar it really wobbles sometimes and so they get it if it keeps wobbling for too long you get seasick as me happens to me too i get queasy as this would float. The Electricity Providers control center is located 16 kilometers away on land all the companys renewable Energy Sources are monitored here including the baltic one wind farm employees are in Radio Contact with the mechanics outside at all times and they know which Wind Turbines are faulty and which are not. They can also see when ships sail through the wind farm without permission. They say there are no collisions with Migratory Birds as environmentalist and fear. It helps the Cornish School when there are cranes and geese which migrate and autumn but i dont think they pass through these routes here. These authorities check this before the wind farms were proved Migration Routes Dont Cross the bridge farms food and with these of in parks. After 3 or 4 years weve established that wind farms are harmful to the environment so that they can actually have a positive effect for example the great Artificial Reefs that are very popular with marine life and get on the fish use them as breeding grounds and feeding spots with stones that are laid down in containers food for all kinds of a secret child with. The Offshore Wind Farms will continue to expand in the north sea and baltic sea. But there are still problems with wind power. Its not always available when you need it and the electricity cant be stored for long. So as a result wind energy with billions goes to waste better infrastructure is needed to use it more efficiently. Plans for a gigantic wind island are already underway at the headquarters of Electricity Grid operations for tenet in berlin. For most of. You have to think big its not about providing just one platform for each individual Wind Farm Operator we need to develop the infrastructure together thats how we came up with the idea of a win diamond as a mitten off the north sea the waters not that deep in the middle of the north sea you could build an Artificial Island there with an Airport Hotels and ports. And thered be Converter Stations that collect the electricity and transported to germany Denmark Norway england or the netherlands. And that has the huge advantage that you can over produce because you can send it in Different Directions on. The 2nd advantage is the huge cost savings offshore is expensive because you have to constantly go out there by boat or helicopter. Every working hours 3 times more expensive these are cost the same and its possible to reduce these costs with this kind of communal infrastructure. Siemens executive centric nika says networking is key for the future of green energy. One of his responsibilities is Energy Management and asia. Is in the tradition of the senate but in germany the electricity produced in the north sea and baltic sea is actually needed on the south and all of us cities and thats a bone if we dont build networks we have a big problem so the Business Energy worth over a 1000000000 euros is produced in the north sea thats never used for profit to take a shot thats good news 1st we didnt. Place if the Electricity Price Falls or even goes into minus then we are obliged to switch off wind farms to reduce their output. In the list and so we do see and we do that from here. This usually happens on the days around Bank Holidays because you like christie consumption is lower. So the output can and has to be reduced to this little couldnt get chills was and worse. When turbines arent in operation it might not be because theres no wind there might already be too much green energy the plan is to put it to good use in the future. To get bone in them in that were building more and more connections to england norway portugal and france to optimize the network as an example if youre anglin has a time difference of just one hour but it means televisions they are go on at a different time to ours so we can optimize the Electricity Consumption between these 2 countries. The exchange of electricity between germany and norway is also to be improved. A project called not doing is installing one of the biggest power lines in europe. A 516 kilometer long underwater cable will transport norwegian hydro power to germany in exchange for german wind and solar power. Indeed different sections of the cable have gradually been in storage in 20192020 will install the land cable and by 2020 the north Lng Interconnect it will be in operation going to the modeling to keep it. Under water cable starts in vista in the german state. That stretches from Northern Germany through the north sea to 20 in norway. We can supply more than 3600000 homes in germany with Renewable Energy. The north of the connection should also make supply more reliable and improve grid stability. The extra capacity in the norwegian Hydro Power Plants could also be used to store excess Energy Produced by germany. This would also help norway during dry spells. You know they can and since he was told the norwegians use a lot of electricity 5 times more than germany on average and are there every 7 years or so gets very dry and norway has and when its dry the prices go up and the prices were lower in germany we could export either solar or wind power it could also come from other neighboring countries and order on all of them apart. A similar project is causing controversy within germany. The plans youd link connection with transport wind power to the southern german states. But its now on hold having faced fierce opposition from the public. Our next stop is china. This land of superdelegates is also the front runner in Renewable Energy. At 3000 kilometers it has the longest power cable in the world its home to the largest Hydroelectric Power Plant its the biggest fault of all take cell producer and now it has the worlds 1st solar highway. As china rose to become the worlds 2nd largest economy its demand for energy soared. It now consumes more energy than any other country in the. Us you know another ghost of these years ago china was still one of the great Environmental Centers but you know the economy grew but china had very little oil or natural gas and you know they mostly had whole gun and the Air Pollution in beijing and shanghai was extremely high thats when china decided it wanted to change its now on the 13th 5 year plan to create a more beautiful healthier environmentally friendly china which is you know its done so i knuckled down and focused on going down the renewable route and thats the no problem with Renewable Energy though of us and it is that it usually isnt where the people are in again my sense in china is they have lots of sun and water 3 or 4000 kilometers away from cities and a fear that i told them a few 1000 but that doesnt bother them why they decided to produce Renewable Energy there and transported 3000 kilometers to cities like shanghai eventually but i 1000 kilometer thing in the state of the shanghai. China built. The worlds biggest Hydroelectric Power Plant about 700 kilometers from shanghai the 3 gorges dam. Annually it produces the same amount of electricity as burning nearly 50000000 tons of coal. The hydroelectric power is transported thousands of kilometers to the big cities through high voltage cables. Because it is of the woman then here were well on the way to generating 100000000000 kilowatt hours. I think thats enough energy to supply beijing for 11 years one thing that they will get you know youll see you. Know the for what is how to produce this amount it would normally take 340000000. 00 Tons Of Traditional Culture was volatility so every year our plant helps reduce Coal Consumption in china by 340000000 tonnes fundamental weve helped to reduce c o 2 emissions by 95000000 times just on electricity is transferred to locations within a 1000 kilometer radius so that the full budget battle of. The 3 gorges dam is 185. 00 metres high and 2398 hours long it took 18000. 00 workers 17 years to build this mammoth construction at a cost of around 75000000000 dollars. So you know the water flows through this opening into the plant and passes through the hydroelectric system also into generators rotate with incredible force under the immense pressure from the water this converts hydraulic energy into Mechanical Energy which is then transported upwards which turns a system of rotors and thats what eventually combats the energy into electricity talented. In china projects are decided upon by the government alone. This helps to explain the determination of the chinese. Have also on some have been to Construction Work on the 3 gorges dam began in 1903 the final touches were finally a slide in 2009 it took 17 years until finally it is that people in china already had plans for the dam 100 years ago and 2018 months the dream became a reality by a monster. The. Long term thinking is the asian way something china really allows itself to do is set a strict framework theres an enormous competition between the companies its not like the government says Companies Pay does that in company b. Does that the framework is set and it applies for 20 to 30 years. That means the economy can adapt the competition is harsh there are winners and these win is a big. So its a Security Measure to stop the investments disappearing in 10 years or so because the framework has changed. And. The losers in this mega project are the almost 2000000 residents who are addicted from their homes along began to see river to make way for the dam. Some of them relocated far away. Many did not receive compensation and were left unemployed after the forced resettlement. 13 towns were destroyed in the dams week. China is huge but its cities are densely populated. To make space for Green Electricity scientists have devised a solar highway. One of the big disadvantages of solar power is the space you need to set up the modules. And that space is hard to find in chinas overcrowded cities. Only the streets after some potential. Now informants come surely on the pole in a typical chinese city streets take up about 40 percent of the usable space but thats a huge resource im sure that means it about its also right next to where we live and use electricity. And if the city streets could be turned into producers of green energy. They could be used immediately by the surrounding areas. The worlds 1st Solar Highways on the ring road surrounding the eastern chinese city of gene on. The panels cover an area of 5800 square meters and should be able to generate 1000000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. Enough to supply 800 households. To even want to. Meet. You want to eat. Our Current Energy yield on the roughly one kilometer test section that was injured on cross 2 lanes on the highway. Supply a medium sized housing complex with electricity. So sure there are more than 4000000 kilometers of road in our country. Or lets. Imagine if we paved over 2 lanes with photovoltaic ground for this. Or that it would generate more energy than the whole country does right now what i am and the 50 percent more i better go. But these futuristic streets arent easy to build the photovoltaic covering has to be Strong Enough to withstand traffic and still let sunlight through there are still setbacks. And sure not that ship it out save all that material is weak. To solve this problem we worked with manufacturers who specialize in making solar modules designed to withstand earthquakes and other stress factors. China has a lot of overloaded trucks on a problem. But now imagine a world where the roads themselves store energy to refuel the cars. Will not let an Electricity Grid would become a giant charger we could use on the highway. Its a gamble this technology would change transport fundamentally shit. For her to totally change the transport of the future. European cities also want to build solar highways but it will be some time before the technology is fully developed and the concept works properly. Green energies are on the rise but lignite also known as brown coal is still the worlds main Energy Source for generating electricity because its independent of the whether. Around 9000000000. 00 tons of coal or mind every year without it many countries would not have a reliable Electricity Grid especially if they dont use Nuclear Energy. The gots via the mine is in the Lignite Mining Area of germanys rhineland region 1500 people work here in shifts around the clock. There are 6 Power Shovels some of the biggest in the world to collect Brown Coal Day and night. The coal is transported on to Conveyor Belts over 100 kilometers long and on to trains which take it into the nearby power plant to be converted into electricity. We mined 90 to 95000000 tonnes of lignite every year on the field last year that generated 74000000 kilowatts of electricity and covered around 13 percent of germanys domanick and therefore help to guarantee supply in other words we supplied some 23000000 homes. Since 2011 germany has taken 10 Nuclear Power stations off the grid with 7 more to follow. The electricity generated by sun and wind is not enough to compensate. Green energy takes priority when electricity is fed into the grid but if there isnt enough then coal fired Power Stations must do whats necessary to ensure power is available at all times. You know shifting i need to make sure we employ meteorologists who systematically and continuously evaluate and track Weather Patterns and they might Say Something like look bad weather is approaching thats moving over east germany the Wind Turbines in elms land might fail because theres too much wind gusts and they dont you know you might have to turn them away from the wind. So lets move to fuse in this kind of sign and so we urgently need conventional energy dense thing and its to make sure the power plant is connected to the grid within half an hour it seemed perfect block on that side. Coal fired Power Stations will need to become more flexible in the future the most modern ones can reduce their output by almost half within 30 minutes. Older less flexible stations are closing down. It used to be about output producing as many megawatt hours as possible you know the future Energy Market will be about generating electricity the minute you need it. Ignite the myths around 1150 grams of c o 2 for every kilowatt hour making it one of the most environmentally harmful Energy Sources. Natural gas produces about a 3rd as much c o 2 is called. So is gas a good alternative. And how can we phase out lignite entirely. We need a plan on how fast can we replace coal and what with. What the next 10 years will be about which we cant wait until everything is solar when we dont want to. Leave and so we need to make a switch from coal to gas phone call that of god it will make a big change in the next 10 to 20 years thats which alone will save more than half the c o 2 emissions from coal fired Power Stations if there are gas fired Power Stations but theyre not profitable yet. Switzerland and austria also import cheap electricity produced in german coal powered plants. That electorate its product to on how the c o 2 prices for electricity production arent high enough for the e. U. Sets the price per ton of c o 2. 00 emitted but its only around 3 euros per time and you havent heard it in price for the i what you need is a price more like 100. 00 euros per tonne understanding in place then coal fired Power Stations would automatically not be competitive anymore how to live it to gas and Renewable Energies to get new book is put on the. Internet in the. If we could store clean wind and solar energy could it be a way to switch to green energy. The found hope for institute for Chemical Technology in southwestern germany is home to germanys largest redux flow battery. Here researchers want to find out if villages or companies could reliably supply themselves with electricity without being connected to the grid. Consumers would produce their own energy and store it in their own large scale batteries. And here in that invent we store the wind power as direct current but the understand we feed it into the battery that is new. To special wind turbine its the 1st one that allows us to feed direct current into a Mass Storage Unit without converting it. Caused by brains actually could supply up to 1000 homes each with 4 people. We could supply a whole village or an Industrial Park as all the canals closed off and this is the kind of magnitude were imagining for this battery indys are going on doing it is about early. The 2 megawatt Battery System can provide around 10 hours of electricity for the institute in fact theres almost selfsufficient. With these Wind Turbines be conceivable for private households. Taken is technically its possible if you had a very large Storage Battery with very high capacity you could charge it in the spring with the wind and then use it over the summer and autumn immense argued back up during the autumn storm was going to weaken. But its not a viable option yet. Its me i get it it costs a lot more money to store this large amount of electricity and such a big storage unit. The Storage Space has to be huge to cover the long 5 or 6 month summer period i had several 100 megawatt hours building down for just a few households wouldnt be worth it its much cheaper to buy it from the grid so a few good to go. Cost is still the Biggest Issue for Battery Storage on this scale its just too expensive for private use. The 2nd problem is that Renewable Energy cant be stored for very long without huge losses. Than listen to it over the top when youre talking days or weeks or even months then you cant avoid chemical changes like power to heat but mainly politick gas so that reduces efficiency why didnt you mean. You lose 50 or 60 percent. During the conversion change from the electricity you put in back into the electricity use this is really a biased woman. The aim is to use more Renewable Energy and to move away from Nuclear Energy but could we use Nuclear Power in a different way. After all the sun gets its energy from Nuclear Fusion. At the Max Planck Institute in crowds followed the venda 7 x. Fusion device is being used to test whether Nuclear Fusion could work in a power plant. This is just i didnt know you its a new primary Energy Source its an Energy Source that people dont use yet its a recreating the process that happens in the sun thats the very basic physical process that releases the energy just as its you know the fight and the conditions in the sun cant be created on earth theyre far too extreme was certainly extreme just absolutely thats why theyre better up there in the middle of the sun on earth we try to create much friendlier conditions but it was the same process of generating energy. Researchers are trying to gain energy from the fusion of 2 Atomic Nuclei in a power plant. On earth they fused 2 Hydrogen Atoms which released large amounts of usable energy. One gram of fuel could be used in a power plant to produce 90000 kilowatt hours of energy. The same combustion heat as a lemon tons of coal. Just in time of conflict its a thermal power plant and its a gas about if you but its an oven that uses a fusion of nuclei and not the chemical question of ghanas gossip that he would its still a gas oven and it generates heat which is used to create steam and the steam power is turbines and they drive generators for times you dont have to be in between the heat can be used elsewhere for Heating Homes for example if im a high its. On the downside Nuclear Fusion is expensive and complex. The project in cost followed cost 1000000000 euros and will require decades of research. But in return he could deliver an Energy Source that solves. All of our energy problems. Just thats what i can see its why it emits no c o 2 at all and go and there are no storage issues and if theres no Nuclear Waste that would have to be stored in a protected for a very long time so i dont what it is Nuclear Technology and. Radiation protection one must be provided as highs almost as long as you adhere to the Radiation Protection and everythings under control and there can be no major disasters go get searched theyre just not physically possible for us in this country cant get out of hand and all that i can tell you exactly why then Jesus Last Night was this then gas is in such a delicate state to nick us bringing it up to these high temperatures is so difficult that if you make the slightest mistakes it cools down and goes out. With you any human error or technical error would just automatically shut the whole thing down. Shuttle. The Research Project has taken over 20 years and it will be 3 more decades before this type of Nuclear Fusion is ready for commercial use. I make enough thats one 4th generation of research plants still needs to be built if we have the big Flagship Project in Southern France which follows a slightly different principle but as ultimately a fusion plant why do we get out and we still need another generation of plants to demonstrate that this power plant principle works in sequence and then well build the 1st prototypes of x. Point side then well be in the middle of the 21st century cough and theres a role for me to disown whats. The electricity of the future will have to come from renewable sources if were to combat the Destructive Forces of Climate Change. Every step in this direction is a step toward saving the planet or. Were. Country God International talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of. Seizures or rattling once again in the middle east as the standoff between the u. S. And iran intensifies could u. S. Pressure produce a new and Better Nuclear Deal as washington claims or result in the war thats our country join us. Sometime in the 26. My great granddaughter of people. Like me the world be like in your lifetime and around half a century. When i was born there were 3 people you will share the planet with 9000000000. You were to be around 2 degrees more. Never to believe sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. Were going to have some climate impacts return greater than what we see already cut thats really frightening thought. Why arent people more concerned. For the 1st

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