Transcripts For DW Business 20190403 13:45:00 : comparemela.

Transcripts For DW Business 20190403 13:45:00

he said the government seychelles tries to lose revenues with more aquaculture and tourism. this is the the view of business asia. as western economies are struggling to maintain growth asia is powering ahead in its latest economic outlook the asian development bank is forecasting konami growth rates of more than five percent for the near future driven largely by india and china but analysts say where this growth there's also risk the red flags might have been waving bravely at the beginning of march in beijing but the people's congress that took place then focused at first on risks and problems chinese premier league kick young claims the united states for slowing growth around half of all his country's exports to the us have now been slapped with tariffs. china is the largest economy on the continent growth there is now hovering around six percent that's lower than at any point
since one nine hundred ninety and it's having effect all over asia. continent wide growth slid to six percent and twenty seventeen but last year it hit the skids even harder than its forecast for twenty nineteen the asian development bank predicts growth numbers will continue to drop it expects the trend to continue until at least twenty twenty. and asia is facing a range of other risks as well including potentially serious disasters caused by climate change like the record breaking flooding that hit the southern indian city of corolla last year it killed hundreds of people and destroyed the homes of over two hundred thousand more in its report the development bank also warned that these kinds of catastrophes would hit poor countries and regions hardest because their economies were especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change. and the region looks set for growing even stronger singapore's trade minister said
wednesday he was hopeful that the asia wide free trade pact our c.e.p.t. back by china and excluding the united states could be sealed by the end of the year the topic will dominate discussions at the three day meeting of finance ministers and central bank chiefs of the group of nations the group has been around for more than fifty years it's made up of ten southeast asian nations founding members include thailand singapore and indonesia together all ten member countries have a population of six hundred forty million people that's more than the entire european union as a whole has a combined economic output of two point eight trillion dollars a year and that's trillion with a t. . the region is growing fast and is expected to become the equivalent of the world's fourth largest economy by twenty fifteen so that meeting is kicking off in thailand today to find out a bit more about what's at stake there let's bring in our correspondent heartache
who joins us from bangkok will that r.c.p. free trade agreement that push in that meeting or might there even be a breakthrough. i don't think there is going to be a breakthrough just yet and i think part of the reason for that is that there is some of the major countries that are supposed to be part of this agreement there. as elections coming up for example in the next few months in india for example and also in indonesia and australia so i don't think we're going to see substantial progress until after those elections but as you said there is there are high hopes that this agreement can be signed by the end of the year after seven years of difficult negotiations and that would be important to offset the negative effects of economic disruptions like for example the ongoing trade war between the u.s. and china talk about the u.s. . isn't america pushing nations further towards china.
well i think by pulling out of the transpacific partnership the u.s. has left a vacuum in this region that other countries now are desperately trying to fill for example japan which is trying to intensify relations and trade relations with southeast asian countries it's pledged a lot of aid to countries in this region it's investing heavily in infrastructure of course to counter tyner's growing influence because you have to understand that china is poor and huge amounts of money into countries in this region especially through its belt and wrote initiative and of course by doing that it's pulling these countries into its sphere of influence economically and politically and the countries here or some of them are increasingly becoming wary of that take for example malaysia which has which has pulled out of these belt and road initiative deals and these countries of course are looking towards other players that could
that could offset that development they're looking towards japan and of course they also want the united states to increase their commitment to this region economically and also in terms of the security. thank you very much for that. in moscow german economy minister picture of my is attending the opening of a new plant of timeless luxury car brand must say these russian president vladimir putin also joined russia's car market is growing again and german carmakers are all scrambling for a slice of the cake. dimer is hitting the gas with its easy reason rush out the model is being built in moscow in this brand new factory the german car maker has pumped over two hundred fifty million euros into it soon it will be cranking out s.u.v.s as well after years in the dumps the russian car market is growing again. at a system of course this is the fifth largest market in europe so german companies
are acting consistently by investing here and building up production sites. dimer wants to profit from russia's dynamic auto market around one point eight million new vehicles were sold here in twenty eighteen and sales are speeding up. opel is also trying to get back on the russian road it left three years ago but now wants to return it's looking to open around twenty dealerships the investment climate has improved despite the fact that the country has been slapped with wide ranging u.s. sanctions. the u.s. sanctions are counterproductive because they create uncertainty in the market and aren't specific enough pretty much any company can be affected by them. and so on the. v.w. is investing in the russian market for the long term with sites like this factory in kaluga engines made here will go into models manufactured mostly in the czech republic and spain things are less positive it forward it's looking to scale back
its russian production dramatically the u.s. based company has been a loser in the price wars. gladness should have civil of sorts made a mistake was its pricing policy russians were used to cheap ford cars that they could afford then ford raised prices very quickly. that are not as damaging a move in the luxury segment perhaps b.m.w. customers are always more willing to splash out but especially in russia. it was remarked the russian market has potential we increased sales by twenty percent last year and see room for growth with new models fueling demand more and more dollar and german carmakers are only too eager to keep the customers satisfied. tourists flock to the seychelles archipelago to enjoy the island nations beautiful beaches and the clean water of the indian ocean with environmental problems rising all the local government is taking steps to ensure everything stays as pristine as
it is today but also for tourism spells trouble for the country's second biggest industry. it looks like paradise but working here gets harder every day these fisherman in the seychelles are at first snapper and grouper but most days they come back with that the back into full catches they were once used to. when i first started fishing we literally. come to boil. one one thousand kilograms of fish. sometimes. one point. but. very difficult. to get one thousand kilograms. there are now fewer fish in the sea and to ensure its future of the indian ocean nation implemented a plan for a blue economy blue as the ocean that brings interest from around the world and
money tourism is the biggest industry in the seychelles but fishing is a close second fish are practically the only exports now the blue economy stricter fishing quotas are threatening the fishermans livelihood. i fear this will be a dying industry in seychelles if the same trend continues i mean we're no longer attracting youths we're no longer trucking professionals so. we are being condemned to feel to make way for others to make way for fish farmers to make way for fish farms to make way for. the government to staying on course despite the fishermans worries the goal is to protect the so-called ocean economy valued at one point five trillion dollars globally are expected to double by twenty thirty such rapid growth brings up questions. how do we have
a call growth how do we harvest the goodness which isn't already without harming it how do you make sure we regenerate we want blue economy to give our sustainable oceans which will benefit us but also benefit our world to complex. as there are no easy solutions the plan for a blue economy pits the country's largest against a second largest industry. south korea is getting ready to turn on its five g. network the highest bidder quality will go live across the country's three mobile providers on friday some business customers have been able to use south korea's five g. since december from friday it'll be open to anyone in the same day some song will release the first five g. phone in the world as the galaxy s ten five chip. foreman is.
maybe facing a further charges part of a probe into financial misconduct japanese prosecutors are looking into a possible breach of trust related to the transfer of millions of dollars to a distributor in oman some of which was allegedly used for private purposes responding to the news going announced he'd be holding a press conference next week tweeting that he's getting ready to tell the truth about what's happening. and that's it from the media and the team in our business asia in berlin for no more business news and background stories check out our website w dot com slash business here's a quick look at global markets right now thanks for watching.
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Related Keywords

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