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Science feature of our elementary and secondary education curriculum and thats a challenge. Weve got to have intelligent people coding and creating algorithms that work for all people. Not just one sector of society. And youve got to have a Diverse Workforce to create output that creates a diverse kind of embedded Technology Community that were all going to be living in in the next decade. It starts at home. It starts at the youngest ages. It starts with letting my daughters play on the computer probably more than anybody thinks is appropriate on the weekends. But you know, they sit and they say mom i want to be able to program this game. I want to learn how to do this. So, well be looking for coding camps this summer, in the d. C. Area. But its about attitudes. Its about education. And its about you know, being aware of this the words youre choosing when youre talking to your young people. In your house and in school. I think the other thing is they we all go out and do a lot of this kind of talking, but i know way up there somewhere theres a lot of Women College students, way cooler than we are, we should be using their time, as well, going back and to k through 12 and talk to them about their journey and whats happening. And you know these coding camps are really helping. And by the way, stanford runs some of them. So, thank you. Terrific. Terrific. I have were almost out of time. Let me just raise one last question. Its a big question, though. What are you hearing internationally from foreign governments, regulators, about cybersecurity . I just came back from a long trip in the middle east and africa and europe and india, and cybersecurity is on everybodys mind. In multiple ways. The first way is to protect the way were talking right now. The other one is the fear of what i call the balkanization of the effort in this space. Theres this increasing nationalistic chauvinism which i think is a real concern. Jeff talked about it when he was up here speaking about the need to find ways that data could move cross border and that we can keep our competitive advantage in terms of the computers and the Payment Systems and the phones and so on. I consider that to be a bigger issue that is floating around right now in addition to all the factors that we have to get our act together on the rules of the road in terms of justice and law pursuing criminals where they are. Thats what needs to happen government to government. But theres this other issue percolating of nationalistic chauvinism that i think weve got to be very careful of. I completely agree with that. I, too just returned from i think i must have followed you guys through india and europe, and i have expressed this concern. Im very concerned about this trend. I think its and its under the guise of Data Protection privacy and emotional issues. When i think its really a very big economic issue for us. Peter do you have any last comments . I think i just echo that we operate in about 90 countries and a key part of the history of this company that was started in china 95 years ago is its ability to reduce the fear of interacting across borders. And the fear has grown in a way that i think inhibits world trade, and growth, and it really, i think, has to be balanced by a collaborative dialogue between governments. I think the private sector can only go so far in building bridges between societies that have really different views on privacy and the opportunities of innovation that come from a more open data society. Brian . Its complex because its obviously we have a tough time just in the United States. Now think of all that time, times whatever number countries times all the different things. I think youre seeing an enhanced effort to do it. But i agree with ajay that theres a protectionism developed around this that has other motives, mores but it is really real. And you see it affect the ability for Global Companies to operate. Youve got to use these providers, youve got to use this technology you cant have it outside if you think about a Global Financial system a Global Delivery of any product in the world this is actually working very much against it but i think it takes governments to sit down and cooperate and say its okay to have multinational companies. It also ruins the potential for the internet to be this great collaborative enabler. This place where people can express themselves freely and communicate across societies and cultures. I mean the promise of the internet is a truly global, you know, way to help people all around the world create a better life for themselves and their families. Well as you can tell we could spend another 45 minutes just talking about this challenge. But lets give our panel a real round of applause. [ applause ] thank you. That was terrific. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen to introduce the president of the United States please welcome Stanford University president john hennessy. [ applause ] welcome back everyone. It is now my great privilege to introduce our nations 44th president , barack obama. President obama came to office just after the Global Financial crises in 2008. His presidency has been marked by the complexity and challenges of governing at a time when people are more interconnected than ever, sometimes in ways we dont even realize. And the idea of Community Extends far beyond physical boundaries. So many aspects of our lives have been digitized and technology is central to almost everything we do. But our increasing reliance has been accompanied by growing vulnerability, and as many of us have seen and heard in the panels just prior to this, the situation is getting much more at an increasing rate. President obama understands this. In fact, he has personal experience with the challenges of cybersecurity. An avid blackberry user, and the first u. S. President to be always connected he had to face the challenge of losing forfeiting his blackberry or having its security improved. Luckily, the security was enhanced, and president obama could remain always connected. Throughout his administration from the early issuance of the cyberspace policy review to the 2011 International Strategy for cyberspace to todays white house summit on cybersecurity and Consumer Protection president obama has made worked to make cybersecurity a National Priority to protect consumers and their data and to strengthen our laws and our policies. We are honored to have him with us today. Please join me in giving a warm stanford welcome to president obama. [ applause ] welcome mr. President. Thank you. Hello stanford hello president obama thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you everybody. Have a seat. Have a seat. Yes, we can. [ applause ] first of all let me thank president hennessy for not just the introduction but for your outstanding leadership at one of the great universities of the world. Ive got to admit, like i kind of want to go here. I was trying to figure out why it is that a really nice place like this is wasted on young people. Who dont fully appreciate what you got. Its really nice. And everybody here is so friendly and smart and its beautiful and whats there not to like . I want to thank you and everyone at stanford for hosting this summit especially amy zagard, george tarrantis and someone who served as a great adviser to me at the white house and as an outstanding ambassador to russia before coming back to the farm, mike mcfall. [ applause ] it is great to be here at Leyland Stanford junior university. And im pleased to be joined by members of my team who bleed cardinal red. Weve got were infiltrated with stanford people. Weve got Senior Adviser valerie jarrett. National security adviser susan rice. Secretary of Commerce Penny pritzker. And, lets face it, i like stanford grads. I notice steve chu who was around here who helped lead our Energy Department for awhile. And hes now hanging out im pleased to be joined by members of my cabinet our secretary of Homeland Security jeh johnson is here and our Small Business administrator Maria Contreras sweet. And i want to acknowledge my tireless Homeland Security adviser who helped and continues to shape our cybersecurity efforts, lisa monocle. So thank you, lisa. [ applause ] so id always heard about this campus, and everybody is riding bikes, and people hopping into fountains, and the current holder of the ax. This is a place that made nerd cool. I was thinking about wearing some blackrimmed glasses and tape in the middle. I guess thats not what you do anymore. Ambassador mcfall told me if i came to stanford, youd talk nerdy to me. But im not just here to enjoy myself. As we gather here today, america has seen incredible progress that we can all be proud of. We just had the best year of job growth since the 1990s. Over the past 59 months over the past 59 months our businesses have created nearly 12 million new jobs which is the longest streak of private sector job growth on record. And in a hopeful sign for middleclass families, wages are beginning to rise again. Meanwhile, were doing more to prepare our young people for a competitive world. Our High School Graduation rate has hit an alltime high and more americans are finishing college than ever before. Here at stanford and across the country, weve got the best universities, weve got the best scientists, the best researchers in the world. Weve got the most dynamic economy in the world. And no place represents that better than this region. Make no mistake, more than any other nation on earth, the United States is positioned to lead in the 21st century. And so much of our economic competitiveness is tied to what brings me here today, and that is americas leadership in the digital economy. Its our ability, almost unique across the planet. Our ability to innovate and to learn and to discover and to create and build and do Business Online. And stretch the boundaries of whats possible. Thats what drives us. And so when we had to decide where to have this summit, the decision was easy, because so much of our Information Age began right here, at stanford. It was here where two students bill hewitt and dave packard, met and then in a garage not far from here started a company that eventually built one of the first personal computers weighing in at 40 pounds. It was from here in 1968 where a researcher, Douglas Engelbart astonished an audience with two computers connected online and hypertext, you could click with something called a mouse. A year later, a computer here received the first message from another computer 350 miles away, the beginnings of what would eventually become the internet. And by the way, its no secret that many of these innovations, built on governmentfunded research, is one of the reasons that if we want to maintain our Economic Leadership in the world, america has to keep investing in basic research in science and technology. Its absolutely critical. [ applause ] so here at stanford, pioneers developed the protocols and architecture of the internet dsl, the first web page in america. Innovations for cloud computing, student projects became yahoo and google. Those are pretty good student projects. Your graduates have gone on to help create and build thousands of companies that have shaped our Digital Society from cisco to sun microsystems, youtube, to instagram instagram, stubhub. According to one study, if all the companies traced back to stanford graduates formed their own nation you would be one of the largest economies in the world and have a pretty good football team, as well. [ applause ] and today with your cuttingedge Research Programs and cyber initiatives, you are helping us navigate some of the most complicated cyber challenges in the nation. And thats why were here. I want to thank all of you whove joined us today. Members of congress, representatives from the private sector. Government. Academia. Privacy and consumer groups. And especially the students who are here. Just as we are all connected like never before, we have to Work Together like never before, both to seize opportunities but also meet the challenge of this Information Age. And its one of the great paradoxes of our time that the very technologies that empower us to do great good, can also be used to undermine us and inflict great harm. The same Information Technologies that help make our military the most advanced in the world are targeted by hackers from china and russia who go after our defense contractors and systems that are built for our troops. The same social media we use in government to advocate for human rights around the world can be used by terrorists to spread hateful ideologies. So these Cyber Threats are a challenge to our national security. Much of our Critical Infrastructure, our financial systems, our power grid, health systems, run on networks connected to the internet, which is hugely empowering, but also dangerous and creates new points of vulnerability that we didnt have before. Foreign governments and criminals are probing these systems every single day. We only have to think of real life examples. An air Traffic Control system going down and disrupting flights or blackouts that plunge cities in the darkness. To imagine what a set of systematic Cyber Attacks might do. So this is also a matter of public safety. As a nation we do more Business Online than ever before, trillions of dollars a year. Hightech industries support millions of american jobs. All this gives us an enormous competitive advantage in the Global Economy and for that very reason, American Companies are being targeted. Their trade secrets stolen, intellectual property ripped off. The north korean cyber attack on Sony Pictures destroyed data and disabled thousands of computers and exposed the personal information of sony employees. And these attacks are hurting American Companies and costing american jobs. So this is also a threat to americas Economic Security. As consumers, we do more online than ever before. We manage our bank accounts, we shop, we pay our bills, we handle our medical records. And as a country, one of our greatest resources are the young people who are here today. Digitally fearless and unencumbered by convention and uninterested in old debates and theyre remaking the world every day, but it also means that this problem of how we secure this Digital World is only going to increase. I want more americans succeeding in our Digital World and i want young people like you to unleash the next waves of innovation and launch the next startups and give americans the tools to create new jobs and new businesses and to expand connectivity in places that we currently cant imagine. To help open up new worlds and new experiences and empower individuals in ways that would seem unimaginable 10, 15, 20 years ago. Thats why we are working to connect 99 of American Students to highspeed internet, because when it comes to educating our children we cant afford any digital divides. Thats why were helping more communities get across to the next generation of broadband faster, with cheaper internet, so that students and entrepreneurs and Small Businesses across america, not just in pockets of america have the same opportunities to learn and compete as you do here in the valley. Its why i have come out so strongly and publicly for net neutrality, for an open and free internet. [ applause ] because we have to preserve one of the greatest engines for creativity and innovation in human history. So our connectivity brings extraordinary benefits to our daily lives, but it also brings risks. When Companies Get hacked, americans personal information, including their financial information, gets stolen. Identity theft can ruin your Credit Rating and turn your life upside down. In recent breaches, more than 100 million americans had their personal data compromised and in some cases credit card information. We want our children to go online and explore the world but we also want them to be safe and not have their privacy violated. So theres a direct threat to the Economic Security of American Families not just the economy overall, and to the wellbeing of our children. Which means weve got to put in place mechanisms to protect them. Shortly after i took office, before i had gray hair i said that these Cyber Threats were one of the most serious Economic National Security challenges that we face as a nation. And i made confronting them a priority. Given the complexity of these threats, we have to be guided by some basic principles and let me share those with you today. First this has to be a shared mission. So much of our Computer Networks and Critical Infrastructure are in the private sector, which means government cannot do this alone. The fact is that the private sector cant do it alone either, because its government that often has the latest information on new threats. Theres only way to defend america from these Cyber Threats, and that is through government and industry working together, sharing appropriate information as true partners. Second, we have to focus on our unique strength. Government has many capabilities but not appropriate or possible for government to secure the networks of private businesses. Many of the companies who are here today are cutting edge. But the private sector doesnt always have the capabilities needed during a cyber attack or the ability to warn other companies in realtime or to coordinate a response across companies and sectors. So were going to have to be smart and efficient and focus on what each sector does best and then do it together. Third, we have to constantly evolve. The first computer viruses hit personal computers in the early 1980s, and essentially weve been in a cyber arms race ever since. We design new defenses and hackers and criminals design new ways to penetrate them. Whether its phishing or botnets, spy ware or malware and now ransom ware, these attacks are getting more and more sophisticated every day. So weve got to be just as fast and flexible and nimble and constantly evolving our defenses. And fourth and most importantly in all our work, we have to make sure we are protecting the privacy and Civil Liberties of the American People. We grapple with these issues in government. We pursued important reforms to make sure we are respecting peoples privacy as well as ensuring our national security. And the private sector on wrestles with this as well. When consumers share their personal information with companies, they deserve to know that its going to be protected. When government and industry share information about Cyber Threats weve got to do so in a way that safeguards your personal information. When people go online, we shouldnt have to forfeit the basic privacy were entitled to as americans. In recent years weve worked to put these principles into practice. And as part of our comprehensive strategy, we boosted our defenses in government, were sharing more information with the private sector to help those companies defend themselves. We are working with industry to use what we call a Cybersecurity Framework to prevent, respond to and recover from attacks when they happen. And by the way, i recently went to the National Cybersecurity Communications Integration center, which is part of the department of Homeland Security, where representatives from government and the private Sector Monitor Cyber Threats 24 7. And so defending against Cyber Threats, just like terrorism, or other threats is one more reason that we are calling on congress not to engage in politics. This is not a republican or democratic issue, but work to make sure that our security is safeguarded and we fully fund the department of Homeland Security, because it has great responsibilities in this area. So were making progress and i have recently announced new actions to keep up this momentum. We called for a Single National standard so americans know within 30 days if your information has been stolen. This month well be proposing legislation that we call a Consumer Privacy bill of rights to give americans some baseline protections, like the right to decide what personal Data Companies collect from you, and the right to know how companies are using that information. We propose the student Digital Privacy act, which is modeled on the landmark law here in california, because todays amazing Educational Technologies should be used to teach our students and not to collect data for marketing to students. And weve also taken new steps to strengthen our cybersecurity. Proposing new legislation to promote greater information sharing between government and the private sector including Liability Protections for companies that share information about Cyber Threats. Today, im once again calling on congress to come together and get this done. And this week, we announced the creation of our new Cyber Threat Intelligence integration center. Just like we do with terrorist threats, were going to have a single entity thats analyzing and integrating and quickly sharing intelligence about Cyber Threats across government so we can act on all those threats even faster. Today, we are taking an additional step, which is why there is a desk here. You were wondering, im sure. Im signing a new executive order to promote even more information sharing about Cyber Threats, both within the private sector, and between government and the private sector. And it will encourage more companies and industries to set up organizations hubs, so you can share information with each other. It will call for a common set of standards, including protections for privacy and Civil Liberties so the government can share threat information with these hubs more easily. And it can help make it easier for companies to get the classified cybersecurity threat information that they need to protect their companies. I want to acknowledge, by the way, the companies who are represented here are stepping up as well. The Cyber Threat Alliance which includes Companies Like Palo Alto Networks and symantec are going to work with us so share more information under this new executive order. Youve got companies from apple to intel from bank of america to pg e who are going to use the Cybersecurity Framework to strengthen their own defenses. As part of our buy secure initiative visa, mastercard and American Express and others are going to make their transactions more secure. Nations star is joining companies that are giving their companies another weapon to battle Identity Theft and thats free access to their credit scores. And more companies are moving to new, stronger technologies to authenticate user identities like biometrics, because it is just too easy for hackers to figure out user names and passwords like, password. Or 12345. 7. Those are some of my previous passwords. Ive changed them since then. [ applause ] so this summit is an example of what we need more of. All of us working to the to do what none of us can achieve alone. And it is difficult. Some of the challenges i have described today have defied solutions for years. And i want to say very clearly that as somebody who is a former constitutional law teacher and somebody who deeply values his privacy and his familys privacy, although i chose the wrong job for that. But but will be a private citizen again and cares deeply about this. I have to tell you that grappling with how government protects the American People from adverse events while at the same time making sure that government itself is not abusing its capabilities is hard. You know, the cyber world is sort of the wild, wild west and to some degree were asked to be the sheriff. When Something Like sony happens, people want to know what can government do about this. If information is being shared by terrorists in the cyber world, an attack happens, people want to know, are there ways of stopping that from happening. By necessity, that means government has its own significant capabilities in the cyber world, but then people rightly ask, what safeguards do we have against government intruding on our own privacy . And its hard. And it constantly evolves, because the technology so often outstrips whatever rules and structures and standards have been put in place. Which means the government has to be constantly selfcritical and we have to be able to have an open debate about it. But were all here today because we know that we are going to have to break through some of these barriers that are holding us back if we are going to continue to thrive in this remarkable, new world. We all know what we have to do. We have to build stronger defenses and disrupt more attacks. We have to make cyberspace safe

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