Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160226 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160226

that he perceived to answer. >> thanks, everyone. c-span's washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up tomorrow morning, georgia republican congressman doug collins who's a member of the judiciary and foreign affairs committee will join us. he'll discuss the war in syria, gitmo and how president obama should proceed to fill the supreme court vacancy. ben wickler will be on to talk about campaign 2016, their endorsement of bernie sanders and the organization's thoughs.s be sure to watch washington journal on c-span tomorrow morning. now an update from capitol hill. >> corbin hires natural resources reporter for environment and energy news. what's the purpose of this sports man's bill the house is taking up. >> the bill called by supporters the share act is aimed at increasing lands for hunters and anglers. >> in terms of firearms. how would this proposed change that? >> there are a number of provisions in the bill. saw it easier to do things like bring firearms on army core of engineer lands. another provision would allow folks to carry bows and unarmed loaded weapons into areas where there are tighter gun restrictions as well. this bill is supported by the nra as well as many sports mans groups. >> how does this bill address the issue of importation of african elephant trophies and the -- also the issue of polar bear hunting trophies. >> the bill has two provisions which would affect endangered species. the polar bear provision, the he white house has not weighed in on. there were regulations under the endangered species act. this would allow the -- those trophies which are now stored up in canada to be imported to the u.s. in terms of the ivory, there's a provision that would make it -- block the fish and wildlife services to clamp down on the domestic trade of ivory. supporters of this provision say that would make it harder for people to sell antiques and to make family heirlooms less valuable. >> the co chairs the sports mans caucus in the house. does that caucus have democratic members and does this bill have democratic support. >> it does. and the democrats)mir who suppo the legislation largely hail from the sports mans caucus. it has the backing of both the chairman and vice chairman of the sports man's caucus. that's gene green who's the vice chairman of texas and tim walls of minnesota, who's the chairman. >> what about, you write about the white house view. your headline in environment and energy news. obama stopped short of veto threat for sports man's bill. you write the white house yesterday evening raised serious concerns about the sports man's heritage and recreational enhancement act. stopped short to veto the share act. what doesn't the white house like about the bill. >> it's concerned about the ivory provision. there's another provision in the bill that would block the administration from regulate in led bullets. the lead accumulates in their blood and can kill them. this has been a particular problem with the california condor. there is also concerns that provisions that would allow restrictions for hunting roads and shelters could chip away at the wilderness act and the national environmental policy act. so there's a lot in there that the administration is concerned about. it supports the overall aim of the legislation which is why it stops short of a veto threat. >> for reporting on this story and more, follow corbinhire on twitter. thanks for the update. the house will continue work on the hunting and fishing bill following morning hour tomorrow. >> we'll bring you live gavel to gavel coverage starting at 9:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> book tv has 48 hours of nonfiction books and authors every weekend on c-span 2. here are some of the programs to watch for this weekend. saturday at 7:30 p.m. eastern. david randall of the national association of collars talks about some of the books incoming college freshmen are asked to read before the first day of class. sunday at 9:00, former nsa and cia director michael hayden gives an inside< security. he's interviewed by james cia director in the clinton administration. >> metadata is the outside of the envelope for electronic communication. as you said, american law enforcement traditionally has been able to look at the outside of the envelope. the supreme court decided that the fact of your phone call who you called, when, for how long was the outside of the envelope. >> second of state john kerry returned to capitol hill today for the second time this week. to testify on his department's 2017 budget request, totaling $50.1 billion. this house foreign affairs committee hearing is over 3:15. >> this hearing will come to order. this morning the committee once again welcomes secretary of state john kerry to consider the department's budget request. when secretary kerry last appeared before us, he was presenting the obama administration's nuclear agreement with iran. in the seven months since the administration got its agreement and the middle east has been transformed and not for the better, now with access to 100 billion in unfrozen assets and sanctions wiped away, iran has instantly become the dominant country in the region. the revolutionary guards, already iran's most powerful economic actor in the words of the treasury department will only grow more powerful with international investment. the committee has deep concerns about the way the obama administration and apparent deference to tehran -- mr. secretary the committee still awaits a detailed response to it's many questions about a surprised $1.7 billion payment to the iranian regime that cone sided with the release of several americans. look no further than syria for the horrible consequences of an emboldened iran. . the slaughter continues. while the secretary does his best to broker some sort of cease-fire, the fact remains that russia, iran and assad are calling the shots on the ground. the administration says there's no military solution to the conflict in syria yet as far as putin and assad see it, there very much is. russia's backing of assad means that isis only grows elsewhere. the isis jv team has gone global, capable of striking in europe, asia, africa and here at home some 50 isis linked groups have carried out attacks in over 20 countries. in the failed state of libya, isis has doubled in size, now it has 6,000 fighters in libya. every day isis advances, it draws recruits to plot new attacks abroad. just what is the department's strategy to counter violent extremism. looking toward asia, the committee met yesterday with the chinese foreign minister and reminded him that the south china sea must remain open to international shipping and any disputes should be resolved peacefully. even after the latest north korean nuclear test, chinese pressure on the regime is weak fortunately, the president just signed into law this committee's north korea sanctions and policy enhancement act. it's now up to the president to enforce this law aggressively to cut off the funds now flowing to the kim regime in north korea. after years of congressional pressing, this budget does acknowledge the need to respond to russia's weaponization of information and to isis propaganda. the broadcasting board of governors, the international broadcasting agency that your predecessor called defunct. remains in desperate need of an overall. mr. secretary, working together, we can, we must fix this. facing a chronic budget deficit, even good programs may not be supportable at levels we'd like that's why i'm proud that this department's training facility helped to save the taxpayers over $500 million. i now recognize the ranking member for any opening comments he may have. >> thank you, mr. chairman and mr. secretary as always welcome to our committee. we work very hard on this committee to keep it the most bipartisan committee in congress. i want to thank you for your distinguished service to our country. i know you sat on this side of the dias and we're grateful for everything you do. >> i will get into a few specifics, even if we all listed our top 10 foreign policy priorities we would just be scratching the surface. . i cannot remember a time when so much was happening at one time. all at once. if you threw a dart, you may find financial interest may not be a priority today. what happens if we don't provide resources to help consolidate democratic gains, what happens to the asia rebalance if we neglect security cooperation. what happens if we say tackling climate change and protecting the environment just need to wait? the issues we ignore today will be the fires burning out of control tomorrow stopping an on going crisis is a much costlier business than prevents one. we need a robust foreign policy, we need to invest in diplomacy in order to tackle all of these challenges, we need to make the case that modest investments today will pay back huge dividends for our security and prosperity tomorrow we need to show that american leadership is always a sure thing. if we're not doing this work around the world, no one else will. let me turn to a few particulars. i know and you know we must continue to hold iran's feet to the fire, we must make sure that they adhere to the agreement, to the letter of the law. i'm glad the administration imposed new sanctions. we need to continue making sure iran is following its nuclear deal obligations to the letter. we need to crack down on iran's other destructive behavior. iran continues stirring up trouble throughout the region from sending irgc commanders to syria to spreading instability in lebanon, to being the main supporter of hez bala. we need to do what it takes to curb iran's mischief, especially in the state of israel, which iran poses an existential threat to. in syria, i don't foresee a quick end to the crisis, especially now that russia has provided us a lifeline. humanitarian assistance and we should support the administration's $4.1 billion request. food and supplies won't end this conflict. we ne

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New York , United States , Canada , Texas , Iran , China , Minnesota , California , Georgia , Syria , Russia , Lebanon , Washington , District Of Columbia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Israel , Tehran , North Korea , Libya , Capitol Hill , Americans , Iranian , North Korean , Chinese , American , John Kerry , Asia Africa , David Randall , Doug Collins , Michael Hayden , Bernie Sanders ,

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