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Good evening, everybody. Good evening on this beautiful evening. Thank you all for this evening. We are very excited to host this launched in d. C. Of anja manuel new book cannot which is getting actual reviews including of the wall street journal today if you havent seen it so that should be the second thing to read after her book, to read the review in the wall street journal. We are really privileged tonight to have joining anja manuel in conversation about the book, we have both anja manuel and steve are cofounders and principles at the rights heavy gauge accrue. I will give you just, our sketch the both of the bloggers because theyre both so well known to all of us in this room. Anja is a lawyer, a former investment banker. She teaches at Stanford University and income among other things handles the portfolio for nick burns when he was the other of state for Political Affairs and she is on the board of advisors which is not the least of her accomplishments. Steve hadley of course is a special street adviser, deputy, and assistant secretary of defense for International Security affairs among his many positions and is the chairman of the u. S. Institute of peace. This book is really a wonderful work, and its important and comes at an important time when some in of our policymakers, Business People and others are trying to determine precisely how to think about india and china in the future of the global order and with these two very important country sticking to it. And so on behalf of cnn as, we are honored to have the ability to host the conversation tonight so that for the to let me turn it over to anja and steve. [applause] thank you, richard, very much. I need to begin by saying im a big fan of anja and a big fan of her book, which i think is extremely informative and really readable your and a terrific read, and congratulations. I want to start by asking you why you decided to write a book, why did you decide to write this book and why india and china together . For most people the the want of them wouldve been a daunting task and you decided to do both. Thank you, steve. First of all, thank you to cnns for hosting this. Thank you for steve hadley to be willing to do this with all me a thank you to all the friends so happy to be here back in d. C. And seeing all of you. Why this book at asia is lit and my blood actually grew up partial and pakistan in abbottabad which wasnt famous than for bin laden was at the base of the highway leading to the wild west of china near the disputed border of india. India. So this is an area ive been interested in for a long time. I did a lot of work at the state department most on india, someone china. And increasingly as i watched, of course we do business in both of those places for our clients, and as i see the Public Discourse in america about asia, it seems were so worried about china and theres so much about china. One day they are 10 feet tall and coming to get us company next day they are the doom to drag and their economy is collapsing. Neither of course which is quite right. Theres been little discourse on india. I believe a decade or more from now these are the two countries that are going to have a dramatic impact on how we all live as americans. By then they laugh 3 billion people between them. Our companies will be selling to them. They will have the Worlds Largest middleclass is and we cant even begin to solve the worlds biggest problems without the. I live in california, they somalia clout already travels from asia all the way to san francisco. In a decade or so india and china will be the first and Third Largest carbon emitters so we did get our relations with them just right. You already knew a lot about india, a lot about china before he wrote the book. What is it that you learned in writing the book that most surprised you . A lot, but the number one thing i would say is we spent our time all of us in washington talking to Government Officials, talking to business leaders. When i wrote the book i very much tried also to see the hinterlands of both of these countries. I spent some time in the slums of delhi where people live in corrugated iron heights, no plumbing, no electricity and they make their living by recycling materials from a trash heap that is three football fields high. I spent some time in giving the folks who a symbol all of the worlds electronics, iphones and android phones and how they live in china. That was a something ive been exposed to before. The most interesting the other from that come will know theres a lot of poverty still in china and india. India much worse. India has 300 billion people still under the World Bank Poverty line, which is 1. 25 at a. Not very much. China has 84 million. The scale of the problem is much bigger its also in china most of the poor especially the urban poor are working in factory jobs or in jobs that are on the books. In a way they are easier to help because you can do it for the paycheck and you can give tensions and you can get health benefits. Its possible to do that. In india all of these guys are working in the formal economy. What he going to do . Included integers introduced a new biometric id system which actually put some these people on the books and give them an existence and nobody has opened almost 250 million new Bank Accounts which would allow these people to actually be helped by the state and the way they were not before. One of the things, these are countries that have very different approaches to development and seeking prosperity, in some sense seeking power for i know you avoid the horserace analogy which is better and which is going to win. But do we have a stake in terms of how these countries succeed and whether they succeed . What is the u. S. Stake in all of this . We do have a stake in it and i think we want them both to succeed. Its often much more comfortable to deal with come india, and with china. I described it in the opening of the book for the two state visit. Im sure many of you were a part of them a part of them but they were to business dinners, one for present xi jinping and the Business Community in seattle, another for modi in palo alto. For modi one was just comfortable and relaxed and we were already partners and it was easy. And the president she didnt was wonderful as well but it was very formal and we were working hard to get our Relations Just right it wasnt quite as comfortable as with india. I agree with you i dont see this should be about the horserace. I think its very much in our interest for both of them to succeed because as i said, you u can solve a lot of the world of the big problems without them. In spite of what weve heard from our president ial campaign, our economies dont succeed unless these two growing economies become the engines up, continued to be the engines of world growth. Lets talk about the Environmental Issues. China is now the worlds biggest emitter of co2, for example, in india is probably the worlds soy affects what happened in those two countries. It affects the world economy, the United States in terms of the environmental situation. Is there something that we can do with india and china together that all three countries can do that could make some progress on these Environmental Issues . This is a good question and this is one of the most fertile opportunities for working together. In the book i laid out a number of challenges that these countries face on the way to great power status and how theyre dealing with them. The environmental one is an enormous challenge. When youre looking around china and you see this huge coal mine, 30 football fields in length. They make those mining trucks look teeny tiny pc that china still needs to do the stuff to grow. They cant tell the. In india the pollution is even worse, 13 at the 20 most polluted cities on earth are actually in india. When i was in, around the ganges river you see dead bodies floating and pilgrims basic right next to the. The problems are dire, but this is one of the areas where i think weve done a good job, our government across different administrations working with china and india to solve the problem. What i was in government i had a small part, you had a large part in negotiating this of a nuclear deal with india. Partly that was about our Strategic Partnership with india but a lot of it was about getting clean nonpolluting power as india scales up its electricitys. Its a big winwin for both countries. India had a super optimistic projection for having Nuclear Reactors they were going to build a it divides us this by three, the deal still stays more co2 emissions than the kyoto protocol. I would say similarly, i really think what the Obama Administration did with china on the Climate Change the court that was announced in december 2014 and that then helped spur the rest of the world to announce their own binding commitments on commissions was another helpful way that all three can work together. More to come on that. You wrote an oped recently on indias corruption. We dont hear a lot about indias corruption, but if you talk to business communities one of the big complaints they have, indeed is so crappy cant deal with it, china gets a lot more publicity for a corruption crackdown that people are wondering how much is about corruption and how much is about political score settling. Can you talk a little bit about the different approaches in india, in china, and what they say about their two political systems . Yes. The way both countries are dealing with our anticorruption efforts is a perfect example of the differences of the two systems. The reason the New York Times want to write about the india started because theres a personal story. When i was a young state department official, an indian made love Government Official actually tried to involve me in a kick back scheme and i just sort of sat there naively nodding and blinking and got out of his office as quickly as they could. Its rampant. Its a difficult problem just like it is in china. The indian way, the chinese story is well known come and which id have dealt with it so far has been almost completely top down from the anticorruption czar, almost 200,000 people investigated, a lot of them have gone to trial, purely topped out at indias solution been almost entirely bottomup. About four or five years ago a lot of citizens were finally fed up with this. A man who looks all of it like condi, order and spectacle to start a Hunger Strike and a cut on. Before you knew they were tens of thousands of people across india the chemistry and said enough is enough. Sunda anticorruption laws have been passed in india. Its been far from perfect but the citizen activism is a better and it continues. The problem is neither of these approaches alone are perfect. When you look at the countries that have really tackle corruption and done a good job with it, singapore, hong kong, south korea, what theyve done is a little bit of what you were saying in china and india but more. So hong kong establish an independent commission thats nonpolitical and very quickly adjudicates all of the cases. There was a massive Education Program to teach young people that this is not how you should be doing business, and in that case but not in all the cases he was a rising Civil Servant salary. Those are some additional steps that i think both india and china should take if theyre going to solve this problem. Are you optimistic they can do it, or is it the corruption just to wrap it that its almost too far gone to fix the . I think with corruption, when theres a will there is a way. I named three countries that really turned around their system, its a doable but it requires a lot of sustained effort and a political effort. Lets talk a bit about china. There has been a remarkable crackdown in terms of china. I think thats what we would have to say insurance of human rights workers, in terms of media come in terms of social media. And i think it was an article in the review actually in the wall street journal, the user figure theres around 180,000 incidents of civil disruption in china every year. Talk a little bit about the challenge that poses for china. Can they really keep the lid on the society, a society that now has 600 billion people on the internet, a lot of social become a very engaged ovulation. And how are we to think about the longterm stability of china in light of this, whats percolating . Im going to answe ask that question right back at you in a minute biggest defense expertise on this. Entrance of the kind of dissent you see and china, as i started digging into it and anything a lot of people, i saw actually three different kinds of dissent. One is the one of 80,000 protest you talk about, mostly runofthemill people who dont want their properties appropriately, who are worried about Labor Conditions at factories, who want a better environment. Sort of daily issues, not political. This is not for freedom. This is i want to get paid more. I want clean water. Number two, you have some people who are just osha and the outsiders in the chinese system, the uighurs, some christians, other kindred is that on the outside and that are in some instances protesting and a lot of other places. Third, i think this is the most important force thats coming up. When i go to china and i speak to students at stanford where teach has a big center in beijing, when i speak to students there, these millennials have no memory of Tiananmen Square. They have no memory of crackdown come and they are unbelievably active on social media, just as you said. And some of the things they say are really, they cross over into, theres a guy at berkeley who studies whats trending on chinese social media, and youd be surprised at some of the things that are out there. So when the Peoples Congress is meeting in beijing, you have a whole update in who are these people . They dont represent me. When we were there a few years ago we had a young government translator and we asked her about this and she said well, you know, we all know that social media is monitored but we keep switching to the new ones until they catch that one. Without that was a little surprising for me government translator. The second part of your question, is it going to implode, which i will ask right back at you, i think that were predicted the fall of the soviet union so i will not hazard a guess. There has been recently about of chatter about china, and its hard to see you interpret it. Im sure many of you know in march the was an anonymous letter sent that as xi jinping to step down because he is developing a cult is personnel and threatening this person to do our constant rumors and no one knows whether true or not, of attempts on his life and on the life of the anticorruption czar. Its anyones guess whether there is more brewing there or not. I do think that if there is a change of government in china it would be more likely that it is an internal within the communist party, uprisings that Tiananmen Square type public uprising, but i would love to have you answer that question as well. That wasnt in the script. [laughter] i talked to a very, there was a u. S. China dialogue a week ago and a good china watcher from one of the think tanks in washington said he has heard all these rumors about instability and security threats and all the rest that he doesnt really believe it. He thinks you would not have same xi jinping be willing to travel internationally the way he does. So his view is its a lot of rumor and the system. But i think one of the challenges for the system, and i had a cover session with a Senior Advisor to president xi, economic policy, and he was giving me a hard time about the american political system as were thinking of making physician isnt the chinese better. I think the risk for the chinese and what i said to him was independent what youre seeing is a lot of discontent being played out within our political system, for better, the worst because thats what our political system allows. Rather than point out on the streets in terms of violation. The question for china is, if you clamp down too much, as it is content, what is he put the lid too tightly on a boiling pot, at some point theres a problem. Who knows . Let me add one thought on this. We speculate about this a lot in the media and policies, i think its not inward interest for there to be a drastic change in government, i drastic rapid change in government. Big political turmoil in china, crashes world economy, so dont think we should be hoping for any type of overthrow. Let me ask you something we have not talked about but how about illegal stability in india, a great different system . Any worries of . India is more like the american system. Its resilient. Governance may not be perfect, a lot of my indian friends are frontier with the pace of reform that modi has been able to achieve but its a balance. The problem is you have a democracy, you have to deal with lots of other Interest Groups. In india people were fed up with the government and they threw the bums out. Now you have a Modi Government which is trying to do a lot on economic reform that is able to move as quickly because there are Interest Groups within both parties will support the states in india have so much power and are so abhorrent in this division of our that its harder to achieve things quickly. But much more resilient. Im going to put you down for india, stable instability, and china may be is unstable stability. Hows that . Thats kind of okay. Let me ask one last question and then go to questions and ideas. You see in the book india is quote one of the worst democracies in which to be a woman. Is that true and how to india and china compared . I think it is true, and i learned much more about this in my research for the book. In india a lot of the laws are on the book your so pretty decent antiharassment laws, or decent maternity leave, all of the things you would expect. Frankly, a lot of times better than in the u. S. However, especially for the poor segments of the society and the lower caste, they are not enforced. Sometimes cover. They are not as well enforced as they should be. In typical indian style people often take things into their own hands and that our citizens who do something about it. When the stories i tell in the book is of a gang of women who were hot pink, lower caste women. Theres tens of thousand of people have joined us across india, and they sorry, microphone. In the villages where there is come if they know that a woman is being beaten, for example, by the husband and the police doesnt do anything about it, they will go with sticks and beat up on the husband. Its a very indian solution. But when you compare india and china on these issues, there is just no comparison to the Commons Party has been very good for women, especially if you look at in the workforce. I think Something Like 70 of Chinese Women work compared to 58 here, 25 in india. Many, many Chinese Women are at the top, not so much at the top of the political establishment but in business. More Chinese Women selfmade billionaires than anywhere else on earth. 30 million Chinese Women run companies, female entrepreneurs. Those are really big numbers and that means something. Thank you. Questions from the audience . We have a microphone. Here we go. A boom mic is on its way to you. International stable operations association. I love the logo on the book but, of course, to be more accurate, big ears from india and china would actually be mashed together as well. You have a talk at all about the relationship between india and china and have evolved over the past three or four decades. Its a good question and it has evolved a lot i think when i was in government a decade ago, the indians were not too worried about china. It was we have similar histories, the history of being oppressed by outside powers and china is most at power. Where trading a lot within. Thats changed. And now when you go to delhi, people award very much about whats happening with china and that i think a very similar to to china than what you see in the u. S. We want a positive relationship. You want a good economic relationship. India has the same normal imbalance trade with china that we do. There are some skirmishes, none of them have been fatal yet but if you look it up on youtube to our videos of chinese and indian soldiers throwing punches at each other up on that border in the high himalayas that is unsettled. When you talk to the Indian Military there are more and more worried about the number of chinese ports that are being built around what they see as a string of pearls near their neighborhood, and the chinese submarines are increasingly active in the indian ocean. So its a huge turnaround from i think we were a decade ago. I would like to hear more about the population growth. They projected population of 509 by the end of the century. I dont see a china and india get to 3 billion. Ive seen similar figures for japan. With Economic Growth that has been a lot of debt fueling that the that debt is now become burdensome. You read the Chinese Press now to talk about nonperforming loans. So if that debt now starts to unwind, that means people will be thrown out of work. So where does this growing asian century come from . Let me start on the demographic question come and youre quite right. I think its are difficult to predict demographics century out. My book when im looking at the future, im looking at 10, 15 years out. By 2030 a lot of people assume that china will have around 1. 4 billion people. India around 1. 5 million. India is going to pass china because just as you say, by that time about 70 of india will be of working age but a much lower percentage of chinese. So india, as you said, has this huge opportunity to reap from a dividend for china to be harder and harder and she the chinese system already adjusting to this. Enormous pension reform thats trying to prepare for this wave of retirees. A lot of emphasis on health has been is going up by 10 every year both for the retirees and for both because they understand they need to make a turnaround from an economy that has been built mostly on investment in manufacturing and building and that has run its course and that we need to move to a Service Economy into a consumer economy. Some of the localities are now able to raise funds in the way youre doing in the United States and one economist said this in the absolute worstcase scenario, lets hope we dont get there, but because china has currency unlike grease you can always print money and rigor we had a bit. Lets hope we dont get there. By and large the consensus is this debt is a big problem, but will slowly work itself will slowly working southside and will not cause an enormous crash. The lack these two gentlemen here get one in the red tie first and then the blue tie. Hi, im michael larkin, asia director for Young Professionals and in a brief preference to my question in the two weeks ago i had an opportunity to participate in a discussion about the asia quad, the safety of the u. S. Should more tightly partner. One of the surprising themes that the discussion list if you only focus on the Strategic Military in china, you miss all the other important trends in multilateral relationship, especially in the u. S. India relationship. I was wondering if you could possibly discuss some of the Political Economic and maybe cultural diplomacy trends that will increasingly bring india and the u. S. Together beyond this idea to india and u. S. Are coming closer just to Counter China with the rationale being potentially you could put relationship on an untenable path. I agree with the premise of your question. We need to as much as possible incorporate china and everything we are doing. The trend you see because people are increasingly worried about chinas aggressiveness is for the u. S. , india, japan, australia and others to band together. A decade ago we would not have considered that god doing joint military exercises are we did consider it amid discarded the idea. Now that is happening much more frequently. I think it is important, even though china has occasionally made it difficult for us. It is important to include china as much as possible both on the track to dialogue utah to bow, for other issues beyond military and especially the military issue that is by far the hardest thing to resolve. I teach now at stanford with gary ross has been one of the things that he said that he is quite proud of than i think this is actually a Great Initiative is he helped persuade the pla that when chinese sailors meet sailors of other nations including the United States and they are left to speak to them by radio, which they were previously allowed to come in tiny steps. Not such a big deal. That alone has made accidents less likely. It means everyone is on the radio practicing their mandarin and practicing their english and youre much less likely to shoot if youre all talking to each other. I agree with you that we need more and more of that and it would be great to do more on a trilateral basis from the u. S. , india, china. Is some dialogs like that handles with australia and japan. We should do more. Charles hill on the news that the Eurasia Center and eurasian business coalition. Given what you mentioned about the ports the chinese are building, it better have and they are very involvement and investment links, et cetera for infrastructure, one vote, one wrote, it better, can you type to whether the Indian Economic and Governmental Community is equally committed to or aware of how the new cell Growth Investments over the next 50 plus years can also benefit india and south asia because its not just the road. It is a web of infrastructure and investments, et cetera. Thank you. I think india is ambivalent about the one thought one wrote initiative for similar reasons that america is ambivalent about it. Im the one hand, first of all looking at it from chinas first active, and it makes perfect sense. You need to get to a situation if you are china where you move me out of having to bring all of your material and oil through hitting each other with ticket into it. And asia and needs a lot of infrastructure investments. So if facsimile or positive thing that china is willing to make a smoother and faster in the commerce better. That benefits all of us in india sees that it at the same time its worried because the largess, of course, the big first amount steel under 1 dollar, one wrote is a 46 billion in infrastructure 82 pakistan. Not clear whether all 46 william weld finally be invested, but obviously that worries the indians and they are asking the chinese to come invest here. Some of that is happening right increasingly you see them talking about Chinese Investment in india as well. I think thats a positive development. Another thing that is a positive development is that china has been willing to do a lot of the investment not unilaterally, that the radiation and first rapture investment. Whenever i see the ceo of the aap, youve been in a lot, hes quite dear. He is very, very smart and he talks about having standards that are as good or better at the bank in terms of labor standards, Environmental Standards and i see this really as we used to say when you are leading our Foreign Policy and when we were in government do you want cheney to come in and be a responsible stakeholder. This is an example of china wanting to be responsible stakeholder and we should welcome it and support it. Hi, i am from india. The story of india is being returned far away [inaudible] is here both look at the shift as well and should the u. S. A. And china look at tolkien to the state governments rather than the government as well . Yes. The answer is yes we should. When we help our clients, American Companies do business in india. We often tell them that its an enormous country, very different standards, different chief ministers. Some of them might progress platform and then the time you are quite right. Often we tell people, look, you want to think about her in gujarat and four or five other Indian States rather than just going to the deli. Tom bradley, grad student. Present navigation in region of congress have an important vital interests in the u. S. Since we became emaciated and we demonstrated over 220 years now. South china sea is probably the most viable commercial route ocean in the world. With chinas increasing assertiveness in the East China Sea and the South China Sea, what it basically to give the president concerning how to maintain freedom of commerce on the high sea to do some reading. You think any of them are smart enough to take the advice . Steve, can i put this one to you because he didnt so much work on this issue. You know, the problem with this issue but this track to u. S. China dialogue, the problem with this issue as the united faces framed it as a freedom of navigation issue and china has framed it as a Society Issue ive have a number of its neighbors. The problem of framing something of a sovereignty issue is you almost made it impossible to compromise. He wants to go down in history as to your as having compromise strategy. So i think we have got to insist on International Standards and freedom of navigation and the like what we are doing is in some sense my understanding is we fail to do this as often as we should in the South China Sea and were trying to make up for lost time. One of the things as we can lower the price. No need to talk about it. You dont need to be provocative about it, but it does need to be done. The second thing we need to do is have in place of course as anja top about, Communication Channels and conflict avoidance procedures in the military chain and civilian chains so you dont have a situation where tc cap to get into it in the two countries are forced to do a confrontation that neither one thing neither can afford. The third day he need to do is find a way to park some of these issues. You know, they address these issues and basically said they are too hard. We need to lead to future generations and thats probably the right approach. Whether we can get back to that is going to be difficult. I would just add one more. You asked about advice for the next president. One of the things america doesnt do very well as longterm subtle policy. Its very hard for all the rhetoric and lots of the policy doesnt go that way. Once we announced the policy would need to be consistent about how we do it so we shouldnt hide navigation operations of men not them and how to make a. Now we are back. The worst thing you could do is start because if i were on the other side that would be good used about where the lines are. We should be very clear, ratchet down the rhetoric and very consistent. China has a certain thats a strong leaders do and he doesnt want to overstep his right to be criticized. On the other hand if hes going to have the Economic Performance you want and the reform programs he once implemented, hell have good economic relations with its neighbors, with us than the europeans. If there is a confrontation, those economic relationships are at risk. Xi xinping has a tricky task and my hope is he pushes the bed because of domestic pressure but he recognizes economic back pressure and he doesnt go too far and he doesnt want to recognize the future. It requires some skill for her performances and thats kind of ensures supply. There is another. Of the House Foreign Affairs committee. I have to ask you about technology policy. Can you talk about the big issues between us, india and china in particular if he did internet governance and cybersecurity and the deal that is made on not conducting espionage for business purposes. When were upstairs on the roof that i thought the and the community between china and the u. S. Used to be one of the back bone, used to be something that would make the relationship stronger. I just spoke to a see how conference of adventure capital friday and the sentiment is universally negative. Very, very worried, very frustrated at what they see to be chinas unfairness and how they treat our companies. Unfairness in the way that the laws are implemented, armed forest against companies versus chinese, native companies, native companies do not want brittany of complaints im sure you know. The industrial espionage was the number one thing that made it difficult for the u. S. Business community to support china. And its taking a real toll. Many companies have personally suffered from this end is an enormous problem. The fact that xi jinping came in september and recognize they will do something about this. Those are all steps in the right direction. We need a lot of our dialogue and im not privy to what is going on behind the scenes. I understand that there is dialogue continuing. It is slow, painful, steady and that is the work it takes for this relationship. Definitely continue dialogue on not. This should be a wakeup call to china that the part of america that has always been protrade with china and open relations in making the relationship work is in a way turning against an frustrated with the relationship of both sides need to do something to fix it. I think we have time for two more questions. We will give you the last one. My name is jake breach with the department of defense. My question, you are detached to little bit about the security relationship between the United States and china. My question is that if these three states here are defining the way forward in 21st century in the asia pacific and beyond, where does that leave the current International Security order defined by u. S. Relationships and where does that leave u. S. Allies japan, australia, south korea or thailand that are increasingly caught between the entrance of powers that are considerably clearer than that in terms of geopolitical. Let me be clear. Im not advocating that we change our lives just amend that 21st century where there is three superpowers and we rule the world together. That is highly unlikely. Our current alliances that will continue largely the way it is. I dont think we will enter into a formal alliance with india even though the partnership has become so much closer over the past decade including the military side. A formal alliance is not something that india wanted. So i dont foresee an enormous change in our Asian Alliance structure. What i do think we need to do is think carefully about especially in this election time for the rhetoric has gotten so heated and it has become so unpopular to talk about coop ration with china in particular. We need to think about what happens when you go down that path. If you have a trade war with china or god for bid a military confrontation, do we want a new cold war, a relationship that is more similar to what we had between the u. S. And the soviet union or do we want something for certainly we have disagreements. Certainly we will have National Interest that it differed should insulate from each other but i am largely lower the rhetoric. We solve our problems as much as possible behind the scene and where we emphasize cooperation because it actually is in all of our interest to make sure that this triangle gets along. Richard, last question. I wasnt going to ask a question but i couldnt resist after year and this great conversation. I want to ask about the role of pakistan in the thinking of indian and chinese today. If the conversation that happened in the recent past, it would have been more of a topic. The indians would have thought about pakistan more concrete data and more often as an element of this competitive relationship. They also would not about the relationship with china and pakistan and pakistans strategic relationship with china. Are you sensing that pakistan is retreating from the forefront of Foreign Policymakers meant that beijing and new delhi for how do you see that fit into the three countries youre talking about today. Thanks. You and i go to the same dialogue. We might have a similar view on this. I do think that india is working up strategically where they used to be really preoccupied with their neighborhood, worried about pakistan, to some extent china, but now they see themselves as having a global role and someone has been much more prominent on the world stage. Yes obviously pakistan will continue to shape a lot of indian thinking because the terrorism comes from pakistan. The Nuclear Weapons are still a concern, especially the new ones they are building but its not predominate. More and more when we talk to indian Government Officials, they want to talk about china and they want to talk about the world beyond asia and that is a positive thing we should work on. We have come to the end of our time. I want to thank Richard Fontaine for sponsoring this great event. Thank you, anja for coming. Thank you all for coming. [applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] lissa warren of capital price. We do nonfiction books. Any types of nonfiction books . Several different categories. Music, pop culture, history, military history. Host what are some books coming out this season you want to talk about . Three big military titles. The first one is on or before glory by scott mcdowell. A segregated unit of japanese soldiers who actually volunteered to serve while they were in internment camp. They went on to be known as the regiment. They save what is known as the last battalion 200 soldiers who could not break free from the german enemy. It is a thrilling, nailbiting boat and one that makes you proud to be an american. Host what else . Guest another one in the mountains of eastern france. This is in the mountains of eastern afghanistan. This one is called the chosen few by a veterans reporter in usa today. A d. C. Favorite. It is about a single paratroopers that was chosen to go and try and win hearts and minds in the mountains of afghanistan. When they got there they were faced with 15 month of citing, a very heroic unit. Two of them returned home to win the medal of honor. Costco keep going. Just go to wonderful book by stephen harding. Just other stuff in a Publishing Company likes better than someone they can rely on time and time again to stick with them it turned out a boat again and again. This is a book that has a delicious sub title. Underrated so i get it right. A second ship of banished crew and the final mystery of pearl harbor. So what is that mystery . There is a cargo ship that went missing between seattle and honolulu read as pearl harbor was happening and he does a lot of research and fig guys that perhaps the ship sinking was the First Casualty of that war. Wonderful military history. Sad story but fascinating. You should read it its great. Host is their secret to marketing military history books . Guest you need to build from your base. Not just get reviews from the New York Times and the banal sophisticates which is the journal of the naval academy, naval institute. In this to be a targeted approach. We find because theres so much interest in military we are able to get Industry Media as well. Host do you send your authors out onto her . Guest we do it judiciously. We dont want to send and not there to where theyre not able to draw a crowd. If we have been off there who we are confident we will draw the red subject matter and the right store and the right mix of the two will add to where we need to get done. There are stories you can rely on every time theres politics prose in d. C. , harvard store in cambridge. Stores like elliott bay in the pacific northwest. You cant go wrong. They always trot crowd. Host one bbq on a preview. Guest are brian wilson now more. I am brian wilson and its incredible. He is so honest in this book. It is so wellcrafted as red dyed the new yorker and brian of course is a musical icon. It is going to be huge but for us this fall coming out of not sober. Host d. P. Talking about some of the books. This is the tv on cspan2

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