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Stuff on cnn and k if i read it. Thanks for joining us but i will not do a lot of talking today because of a distinguished panel today that has written and have written some really neat books. The format today will be we will have a conversation, partially about the books but also the state of the above can Party National election and we feel that evolves. We would do that for about 30 minutes is want to get to your questions so you can ask directly of our panelists. Lets start with the first panelist hugh hewitt, really needs no introduction but nationally syndicated talk way to show host, you see on tv all the time but can you tell us about your new book and the name of that out . Sure. We get the demo went because we did not bring copies of her books. Are you doing a book signing later . Perfect. You usually hold it up and brian lamb at cspan is dying laughing now. My book is called the fourth way, it came out, so supposedly written but the day after the earthquake, Simon Schuster said would you consider writing a book on how republicans deal with the new president . I said happy to do so. My next 60 days were spent in front of a keyboard working away on the fourth way. You had to say they the book seven times, the fourth way, the fourth way, the fourth way, the fourth way. It is available for sale afterwards and ill sign your copy of the fourth way. Did it. Your turn, corey. On corey fields. Im a professor of sociology at Stanford University my book is called black elephant in the room. I guess this is a nice contrast. Both of us are idiots ever got to bring our book. The opposite, i spent three to four years working on collecting data with black republicans across the country and then wrote a book examining essentially whats the like to be black in the Republican Party. That sort of postobam postobar the obama post obama era. The book covers the experience of race, identity and politics from the right. Great. Peggy grandy, longtime friend of mine but more importantly brought her book. She brought her book. Which by the way you go to area went after this and you can have the book signed. Peggy was Ronald Reagans personal assistance, close confident postpresidency. No windows Ronald Reagan better than peggy grandy and you have a new book. I do. Thanks for having me today. Its called the president will see you now. It covers those 1 15 years after he left the white house and before he left his final legacy. I feel like im the luckiest woman and water and get the opportunity to set right outside his office door everyday and Services Executive assistant for ten years postpresidency shows all kinds of stories in her of what i learn, what observed, how we inspired and changed my life and how he believes he can still inspire and change lives today. Being an executive assistant i am attentive to details which is why i did bring my book. [laughing] excellent. I would be embarrassed if i had not. Lets kick it off with a broader question about how the gop or how trump works with the gop. They have the majorities for in control but trump cant seem to get things done and less its done Via Executive order. To me it seems about building coalitions which not just republicans but also building minority coalitions, bring more stay close to the table. What is the secret to success on that . I just finished the piece on a Washington Post columnist and will be a piece on the 100th day about President Trumps 100 days. It shouldve been remarkably more successful than tuesday because the nomination confirmation, justice corsets. Peggys old boss justice gorsuch. President trump aubrey has one. President obama got to. Normally you get about two per present. I think he said great 100 days. He has signed 13 Congressional Review Act of laws which not many people know about. Congressional review act repeals a regulation within the last 60 legislative days and probably bars the door to the agency coming in. I think he has the cal column fr the post begins seachange. The foreignpolicy President Trump could not be more different than the foreignpolicy a president obama. The eight words i sum up the obama legacy are leading from behind, redline, jd, aleppo and libya. With a strike in surrey, the dispatch in north korea i think trump has had a remarkable successful start with a lot of incredibly big unforced errors including calling a federal judge a socalled federal judge come brainy people in the media as enemies of the state. Theres a mistake that been also had a very successful 100 days. He does need to work more on the hill. Youre right, the Coalition Come in wrestling in up and i might be segue over to corey come hes getting along fine with the black caucus because they want the infrastructure bill. Yeah. I think what were seeing in some ways is a pretty complicated, in terms of response to population versus politicians her what were seeig maybe is coming from the president having to deal with the realities of governing versus campaign. In some ways around issues of certainty the substance that relates to black republicans and minorities in the gop, miners in the country. Can make inroads with the voters through making inroads with representatives. I think, some has been interesting because even within the book i talk about different kinds of black republicans and some of more successful positive relationships within the party and some are more marginalized. The experience of having the book come out and the election followed, theres a sense of all the stuff i wrote is a little outdated. One of the interesting things, even black republicans who were sort of party supporters, loyalists, are expressing a deep dismay with their experience within the new wood administration. Partly very similar to Traditional Party loyalists are experiencing. I think thats a point, i mean get in line. A lot of traditional gop coalitions are upset with the president. Do you find that is a uniquely blackish and . Not at all. I do think to the extent of the constituencies within the party who, inroads that were weak to begin with i think feel especially stressful. If you are sort of lobby with the party, felt marginal to begin with and sort of continued at best to now feel like weight, we are even further marginalize. What do you think about the fact you just look at the africanamerican voting block and what is a, 90 plus vote democrat. If youre just speaking cold calculating when elections as republican strategist, where should the gop be spending its time to people are going to vote for them, right . And the majority of the African American base is staunchly democrat, how do you make an argument to the Republican Party to say hey, you need to stop doing what got you the majority and put you in power and go to a voting block that is so staunchly democrat that its hard to shake loose . For me personally im not sure, i mean i dont sort of necessarily, i think the black republicans, did the winds he were arguing these arguments. For me, sort of just a fact meditate on it. The book isnt designed to be a strategy of what to do. I do think part of the message is its not just about sort of ticks in the column. Sort one of these things about the experience of black republicans is incredibly symbolical of the play within the party. Part of the argument becomes to the extent that the notion of diversity and inclusivity is becoming sort of the national norm. Its important to create a face with a party is open to anyone and part of that means reaching out to nontraditional audiences. Secondly, you can talk about shifting demographics and to some extent your record on outreach to black voters becomes the proxy for your record on reaching out to new and different audiences. So again it sort of symbolic importance and sort of, i like to joke black republicans often operate as canaries in the coal mine. The stuff i saw happening with black republicans was often reflected within broader trends of the party. The shift in black republicans from the 1960s to black republicans today sort of mirrors a shift in the party. To the extent the black republicans in the 60s were ardent and vocal for citrus, civil rights activist. You could be for lack of a better term problack and prorepublican. Senator brooke. Exactly. Its still difficult to imagine within todays landscape that that being a successful model for balancing sort of black racial identity in the Republican Party. Peggy, you knew Ronald Reagan and cuddly well on a personal level. What lessons did you learn and talk about in your book that reagan to teach President Trump about getting things done . Looking at more from a leadership standpoint than necessary a policy standpoint, Ronald Reagan was all about finding the things we agree upon. We may disagree in 1000 ways but there has to be two or three things that we agree upon and lets use those as a starting point for moving forward and building some sort of conversation or dialogue and hopefully finding some Common Ground that we can work towards. So from a leadership standpoint that was deadly his goal. He also was an excellent communicator but he was great at connecting the dots between policy and people. And so from a messaging standpoint its one thing to be legislating on the hill for executive orders from the white house i can you connect those dots act out to people . Can you connect into real ordinary everyday families, communities homes . Reagan did that really want. I think a lot of great things are happening in washington, d. C. , the candy connect those dots have to homes and families and moms and kids and show them how those policies will benefit . Scdc the things that he is doing and happening in washington, d. C. , is also beneficial to you as a family, as an individual, then you will be more supportive. So as a Republican Party, we have almost an embarrassment of riches right now in terms of control. That we seem to be squandering to some degree with much infighting between the Freedom Caucus and other things. What would you, the Democratic Party seems fired up. We were just talking before this panel began, i was in downtown l. A. There are protests going on now. I literally couldnt get out of the house because they were blocking my driveway. Hugh, you were saying the heat on the democratic side is starting to simmer down. How long do you think that lasts, and she would be worried as republicans if republicans are not fired up protesting in the streets for things they believe and the miter is in the midterms . Most americans are exhausted generally. I was at the end of 2016. If you look at the kansas fourth congressional district, republican turnout dropped by 100,000 people. The republican candidate still won because democrat turnout despite all the hashtag resistance dropped from 80,000 voters to 55,00 55,000 voters. So they went down my even greater percentage than republicans. Democrats thought they would win in georgia last week, the young documentary filmmaker who did not live in the district and gave one of the most awkward interviews on scene and that ive ever seen, when he was asked, when he going to make that girl, his girlfriend of 12 years, and duchess of the longest silence ive ever seen on television. I dont want to give anything away. I was in d. C. When the womens march happen and it was huge. It was enormous, significant. It was 2 Million People strong. 600 venues across the united states. Last weekend for tax day it was 125,000 people of less than 100 venues. I dont believe this site protesting you can only protest the much. People like to do things on the weekend like go to the l. A. Festival of books. They like to read. I see it dissipating completely. It Chuck Schumer forces a shutdown of the government as senator schumer has promised to do over border wall funding, on the 100th the day, i dont think it energizes his base at all the on the hardcore. But if he does denied donald trump is sort of big for things, he already got one of them, justice gorsuch, that will help us. There is a side to the want Chuck Schumer to carry through with his decision to shut down the government. I hope Chuck Schumer does that. Corey, what role do you think the media plays in painting the gps antimy nordic . Thats an interesting question. To the extent that it reports on what happened, yeah. An active part of it. The experience of the black republicans i spoke to, they obviously will complain about the Media Coverage of black republicans and that the message is negative and black republican is at the black or black republicans as a seller. One of the points i make in the book is what tends to happen is theres a certain kind of black republican who gets selected into success took one of the ways to edit successful as a black republican is to talk about race. In the book that talked about colorblind language, like race doesnt matter. The black republicans who say race doesnt matter, those of the black republicans who come to represent the entirety of all black republicans in the media. There is also a group of black republicans who sort of say black power is a conservative principle. Its like being republican is whats best for black people as black people and thats why we support this. That active finds himself or herself marginalized within the party. When fox news needs a black republican they call the guy says race doesnt matter, not the cases block power. So in that regard to the extent whenever you see a black republican, they are essentially constantly disavowing any relevance or importance of race and racial discrimination. In the media, its look but im not sort of convinced that immediate as how to do a hit job on black republicans. I think black republicans has become available for media stardom all look a certain way. Thats the question we should be asking ourselves, why cant he be a successful black republican if you are like problack people . I think, guess what is good with that if you look at a lot of Mainstream Media outlets, even when, it seems more, trump has really changed the nature of coverage in the sense of even when there are republicans who are minorities on most of the networks, they are not trump supporters. So now you have republican minorities who are antithe president. Framing the president as so antilatino, i feel like now the Republican Party is getting it from both sides. Right. It is potentially may be deservedly so. Theres certainly africanamerican republicans, linking republicans, huge swaths of women republican groups and lgbt republican groups. It makes me think about and talk about the trump election as a bit of a disappointment. A feeling of like we have made inroads within the Party Structure in this sort of, the compassion conservativism of george w. Bush but souring into kind of populism. White populism manifesting under donald trump. Its not surprising to me that minorities within racial minorities in the party, sexual minorities in the party feel bit disappointed. Whats interesting is the extent to which theres a broader scope of antitrum antitrump sentimee media that creates the base of people within the party to be vocal about it. So if everybody is sort of antitrump, theres not going to be much penalty for speaking out. So that creates more space for minorities within the party to be like we are not cool with this, to not have to stand in this united republican front. So in that regard part of it is part of a broader swell of antitrump sentiment creates a base for people like navarro to complain. I was 50 complaints are a manifestation of a feeling like they were slowly but surely Getting Better for minorities within the party, and then this happened. Hugh, what do you make of the fact that a lot of republicans, because republicans dont run campaigns and the party, they dont pander on race. They like to run on issues. They like to run at issues like charter schools, issues like jobs and if you like thats how you win. To what degree i was shooting ourselves in the foot because we dont pander . I hope we dont ever do. I did for republican debates and we always said dr. Carson, africanamerican, ted cruz and marco rubio, cubanamericans. We had carly fiorina, a woman. It was remarkably diverse. Donald trump not really a tradition republican in any way shape since before. I think 2016 is an ally. I believe, correct me, President Trump got some of the African American vote . Mitt romney got 4 . So if President Donald Trump is able to take that game and public it, take it from seven to 10 or 11 it shatters not only the blue wall which is in charge all of wisconsin, the upper midwest, and revolutionizes american politics. Whatever he did keep doing that. To a certain extent he wasnt politics, i dont think hes a racist. Probably the least homophobic president weve ever had. I believe he is got a completely different brand of politics that will change all of these calculations. It doesnt change a bill for guys like willard, congressman from san antonio, africanamerican cia. One of the great hopes on National Security along with Mike Gallagher in wisconsin, the Republican Party, but hes an African American, hes great hope because cia case officer on the grantor in afghanistan. I never want to pander at the more people because of race or ethnicity or gender. Its nice when the party reflects more of the american spectrum than has been, got vincent out, openly gay men. The ambassador to nato openly gay men. The Republican Party is always been about what do you have upstairs and what are you bring to the table in terms of talent and i wanted to continue to be that way. To some extent in terms of how parties run themselves, make leadership decisions, thats sort of what anyone would say and hopefully everyone would want. One of the things him its important to think about is the nature of what counts in identity politics. So what does it mean to pander to race. To say that the Republican Party doesnt pander to race, i think you are probably, a lot of black republicans from my experience, right, talking to them directly fundamentally would disagree with that. They think the party aggressively panders to race in a way that plays on racial fears and racial anxiety of the voter. This isnt me sort of making this up. Its best to think about this as reporting from within the calls coming from within the house. One of the things i wanted to do with the book was not to go out and talk to people who the black elephant in the realm. We have to teach you how to promote the book. Black elephants seven times. I want to read this book. It wasnt, its not a story about how to black people who are not in the Republican Party feel about and how can you do more. Its a story that people already there. One of the points what to make, if the people already on your side telling the story of exclusion and suppression, then that one come help to understand why more people are not dealing with it. And maybe by listening to some new voices can offer a pathway to think about how to move forward in the same term. Peggy, lets start with hugh and then get to peggy on this. Hugh, when you worked for Ronald Reagan, what level of interaction did he would have with democrats . And after you answer, peggy, i want to know did he continue to have a Bipartisan Coalition . I was a junior briefcase carrying 30yearold lawyer in the Reagan White House who got to see the president twice for grits and greens. But i did spend a lot of the postpresidency with Richard Nixon in the way that peggy did with president reagan and he really did see in Richard Nixon postpresidency as a no, peggy welcomed be once in 1992, a colorblindness and an amazing array of people who come to see former presence. Of all shapes, sizes, colors and agendas. I will throw to you with a note that earlier today as over with Kareem Abduljabbar in the green room, what a most unusual people who comes to see the post present was bill walton he was vociferously against the vietnam war. The whatever so will come down to san clemente. Here comes bill walton was kind of memorable, and he was there to apologize for things he said to Richard Nixon during his presidency. So the postpresidency actually reveals a great deal about who individuals are. I bet you peggy can speak to that than i can. Its just a panoply of spectrum, a rainbow people would come to see a post president. Did find the same thing . Absolute. Such with Ronald Reagan. He had his own brand of diplomacy. Even when he is president it wasnt strictly political. It was personal. It wasnt all based on rhetoric. It was relational peggy saw that play out in the postpresidency years. Postpresidency, we had a parade of people, through, World Literature all across the globe everybody from other chuffed to Margaret Thatcher to who is now saint mother teresa, good friends at this game because not because he had to for protocol or double medic recent, because he wanted to. They had a with them that continued. He met with all kinds of people that have been friendly with, politically and personally during his white house years. He also invited in present elect bill clinton, obvious on the opposite side of the aisle to come in and to share that nice fraternity of president. And Ronald Reagan is post present the years ditzy wife spectrum of people said they were the World Leaders, also everyday patriotic americans who came into see. They are written to the office to maintain a connection to them. Maybe they didnt. We try to accommodate as many of those and some of those even with a more memorable visits. A couple standout, a little boy with autism. He was maybe eight and it memorized every fact and read a book about Ronald Reagan. When he came into the present office, postpresidency, he was just so taken by the president. I would would think the president was equally taken by him and this little boy was quiz and Ronald Reagan about his life story and every other than the present got it wrong. It was just a really sweet interaction to see this man who had hosted World Leaders spent some time with this little boy and other people at come from former communist bloc countries came in to pay their respects to one particular point our member walking into the office, she was from romania and she was very elderly and very stooped over and she walked into Ronald Reagan office and she took one look at him and literally fell to his feet and was sobbing and kissing his feet and thanking him for freeing her and her family and her people. From oppression. So again it was that way, yet policies that connected to people in real tangible ways and be able to witness that at the highest level and then at the lowest level behind the scenes was a beautiful experience. Ive ridden all about that in my book, the president will see you now. I asked john information desk you a question but the president will see you now, thats because kathy price was you for president nixon and san clemente when i worked for him. They had an elaborate system worked out for people who are overly enthusiastic about staying longer than it was supposed to. President obama will come back from french indonesia and set up his, post presence of so interesting because a you see since signals even when you come i saw former president george w. Bush as selling his book portraits of courage. How would you let you know when people are just, you know, their time, energy, what was the signal . Join in the circle of conversation and about a minute and if he didnt have a great way to break things up, i would think a person for coming in, tell them the president had another appointment and walked them out. He was very gracious. That was my job. I got to be the bad guy. By only other question a lot about the black elephant in the room. Would he expect obamas postpresidency to be like. Try and find a way to chicago to the youngest of two girls graduated. But then hes going to chicago. A lot of golf. What ben carson, also very highprofile republicans like condi rice and colin powell, which you reach out . Connect to powerful people makes a lot of sense. One of the things i want to stress here is theres a bunch of many different ways to be black that manifest and is expressed in politics. Not necessarily a lot given policy difference like some unlike herd and obama. Different regards to the way peggy is talking about, connecting people and being able to reach out across the aisle and build coalitions. This is something for africanamerican republicans in the party, i talk about this in black elephants in the room. One other thing let them learn. One of the things i struggle with is trying to broaden those connections, connect and policies to things people care about coming to the identities that motivate them. Oftentimes black republicans will say the frustration if there is a stifling ability to get the method out, message out that heres how this conservative policy connects to you. Black citizens in tampa or chicago or california. Instead, the only way you can talk about it is to say his policy is good and you should support it. If he thought better about this committee would agree with it. Experience again started connecting with obama, but parties today, the gop today is one of the central struggles black republicans base their the Republican Party makes it difficult in a lot of ways and also black liberals make it difficult. They are stuck in the middle and a lot of times i talk about this it depends on the obvious. If i talk about liberal audiences, they blame the Republican Party for making it so hard and i talk about in front of conservative audiences, if the liberal one except black people can be conservative. What i hear from black republicans themselves into a catchiness on both ends. Can i ask you a question . Ive got one more question and then i went to get to your question. As one of the most successful political candidates. Many have been have you ever represented in africanamerican republican . No, i havent. We are really in a box in california. The benches emptying california. Ive interviewed several black republicans. I didnt think they were credible candidates. Larry elder almost ran for senate. That is the closest i have gotten. He was getting close to run for senate and due to a series of missteps that werent his fault, curly c. Arena was the one who ended up going for it. I thought larry wouldve been tremendous. Is a colleague of mine and he would be terrific for this panel because he has a completely different view. Did you interview larry . I promise ill interview with anonymity. Cant confirm or deny. Idea. One must question and i want to get to your guys questions. I want to make a partisan overstatement, but bear with me for a second. My take on the Democratic Party at this point is that they are a strong regional party. They are not a national party. After this election matters on the coast in big cities. Theyve got problems. They continue with the protest to pay donald trump is so extreme, so crazy, so dangerous. Is it possible to have overplayed their hand, the apple backlash in the world doesnt come to an end, when the stock market does continue to grow, when good job start to come back. At the same time come republicans arent getting enough done. We had an opportunity for Health Care Reform and we blew it. What is your prescription from your book or even a tease. What should donald trump be doing and what the speaker line due to get past the Freedom Caucus . Event infrastructure with one 10th of what president obama received an 2009. He could accomplish 100,000 times as much substandard benefits. He does Immigration Reform so not just as he has been with the young people who are were brought to the countrys admirers, hes not prosecuted them without their involvement. He does a lot of stuff, but ill tell you democrats are in a bad way because they are put old and wornout leadership and hoping they stay that way. Chris murphy in connecticut is energetic and charismatic. He could do a president obama did witches than two years in the senate and start running for president in 2020. Incredibly talented as the molten, marine, retired now theyve got a lot of young people. The best geriatric ward that is the democratic leadership. Sanders. You see Bernie Sanders in california. I think it is interesting to look at the Party Leadership in california has been hijacked by the delicate as sanders people. They are alive and well, pulling the Democratic Party further to the left. Lets get to some questions. Do we have any . You in the blue shirt. [inaudible] the questions that i asked you to the panel, and do you think the media is behind the perception that there is a real voter repression or do you think that the gop is actually doing a good job in inviting people of color into the party in the way he remembers his parent be invited to enter into making it illustration . Ill be curious to hear what the other panel think about theres no simple answer to god. Most welcoming and inviting contacts for africanamerican africanamerican republicans have made already . Probably in this wont be a surprise to the panel as were in states. You read florida, ohio, pennsylvania and europe black republican, one way to think about it is exploring multiple options. The leadership within those parties, within those states would create more opportunities for a wider range of voices among africanamerican republicans. If you can pick up a thousand votes by knocking on people doors in same its good for you to be problack and prorepublican. Its worth it in somewhere like florida or ohio. There is a feeling that the average efforts for fee for us. Its not a creation of the media. I think its also important to note that simultaneously the very party is doing relatively robust and strong outreach effort. It is sort of strongly correlated with the same faith is where their Strong Perceptions of voter i. D. , efforts that lift up africanamerican voting. Its a complicated answer in that it sort of depends on where you live, your experience at the party. I am from ohio. Got my Cleveland Cavaliers past year. Josh mandel is running for senate in ohio again sharad round. A very traditional hard left democrat, josh mandel is jewish, young jewish, young permit to tourists in afghanistan, marine who looks like used wifi 25. When president obama won by two points to 2016 when president obama won ohio by nine points is 11point. That is a seismic shift. A lot of that is not africanamericans voted for President Trump, but stayed home. Josh mandel if he wants to win that seat and is a very hard worker. Its a funny story. He will live in cuyahoga county. He will knock on doors. If he could just as the africanamerican, not surprised, but convert the home run. A lot of places there are supertight markets were doing little boat yielded a strong. I guess it by a strategist, a bout us in ways. The point isnt to get 50point but if you can save an outcome you could make the Democratic Victory impossible. But i think this sort of speaks to a point earlier. One of the things upset the status quo. Its been exactly what they wanted. Everybody upstanding will create a base for new alliances and new coalition that dont intuitively make plans or dont intuitively feel familiar given the logic. Whatever you might think about, one of the potential sort of upside of all of this is the political order will be rearranged in ways that you have this notion of political bedfellows will be allowed or calm. So part of that might be might include minority outreach by conservative politicians to obvious minority outreach. Even this third row right here. So apropos of your comments about anna navarro and frankly every conservative major Editorial Board coming out either not for trump or even for hillary clinton, do you think there is a core republican support for taking the party back from normalization meant trump seems to be spouting right now im trying to go back to the traditional perhaps reagan republican conservative values . Also hit back at Republican Partys get along fine with donald trump. Reince priebus, Mitch Mcconnell worked very in the glove. The hardest sell us the Freedom Caucus. They believe in legislative fine last season. E. I dont think he has a builtin problem. The parties reconciled itself to donald trump which were quickly than i ever thought it would be good stewards, neil gorsuch. His first nominee was out at the kentucky six circuit who will represent a breakthrough as well. If he keeps sending conservative judges to the bench and keeps building the navy, hes going to get his infrastructure. Its going to get everything and everyone is going to be happy. His numbers are incredibly high among the people who voted for him. I just saw the rundown on this. More than 90 plus hes had no fallout. The people who hated them to begin with tape and still in some people are tired of the whole show and it checked out. But theres no fracturing the Republican Base at all. The extent to which that sort of umbrella is overstating that the republicans because given the extent to which trump has separated himself out, the halo effect that the poll numbers will have on other republicans would be easy enough to say im prodonald trump, but then to the extent that someone running against the congressman in your district pays that congressman is coated water for Donald Trumps greatness. I like his style, but a substance is sort of questionable. Again, we are all sort of waiting to see what happens. If not just going to develop these independently. At such a long way away. It is so long until we get to november 2018. In johns life, i dont know if you dare predict anything. Its so far away. Right now to keep spending 300 with republicans, they are happy. Did we have to . Read the mean. I have a question. Do you feel that the president when he reads or when sean spicer speaks that he is alienating a core group of moderate republicans when they speak without thinking . I voted for trump and a lot of my friends, we are all very conservative. But weve all come to the same mind that we want him to get off of twitter. Ive been on this 100 ways to her with larry elder and Dennis Prager and other conservative talk show host in the country. I did detroit, cleveland and pittsburgh and i asked my audience. Theyre usually when passing republicans. Would you stand up if he wanted to keep twittering and would you stand up if he wanted to stop . Two thirds always wanted to keep doing it. A lot of people added to nonideology. Combativeness tapped into in 2012 when you have a lot of candidates. Its not an easy question and it doesnt matter because hes not stopping. This is actually a good segue. Twitter wasnt around with reagan, but if it were, but what is twitter account look like and would it be managed by someone else or would he do it himself . I dont know if he wouldve pulled his life on now to read it, but Ronald Reagan would have been a treat. He may not have treated the exact same thing donald trump has. The essence in the heart of it is exactly the same. The reason is because he wants to connect directly to the voters. He wants to bypass the media, avoid this then can talk directly to the motors of the population atlarge. Through his weekly radio addresses for speeches he would give regular book through the lens of the camera and so important to him. It wasnt giving a speech to give a speech, but he was delivering a message he wanted to come into your heart and your home. Donald trump, yes it does exactly the same. He wants to talk directly to people. Ronald reagan absolutely would have. He was very careful and he always chose to put things into a positive light into the inspirational in things that he said so id imagine millions and millions of fathers and people of the two streets for inspiration. Came into retirement with james baker, secretary of state aker, Michael Bieber reinvented communicating with the American People via one shot a day in president reagan wouldnt answer. So they reinvented it. So he wouldve done whatever is useful. He was a great communicator. In one right thing. It is also important to him to connect with young people appeared before donald trump, the highest margin of people in 1984. He wouldve absolutely gone to social media because that is where young people are. He always believed he was filling his role at the future must import the future was important and always invested in future leaders. View on the raid. We will get to you next. Sorry, go ahead. My question is will and more importantly should President Trump released his tax returns . I asked him to do so on the air in february 2015. I asked him again to do so on the debate stage and i believe he showed and i dont believe he will. Corey. E. Well. I dont a lot of people care as well as many in the media care. User in the back. First of all, i met the fetching mrs. Hewitt one time. Is she here today . Id love to see her again. I did my shakespearean monologues. Anyway, the big question i would like to ask is when i say that Abraham Lincoln was republican and the democrats created the ku klux klan after they lost their slave trade in the civil war, the comment from the democrat what were once democrats are now republicans end quote were republicans are not democrats. In other words, the parties philosophies have changed to the point where now democrats could take credit for lincoln in winning the civil war. I was curious what especially the black fella there considers a good response to this insanity. Corey. So, colorblindness inaction. I think that is certainly sort of deployment of history, what the Republican Party was like as a basis to making contemporary fields. What happens is black republicans themselves feel like Party Leadership over a lie on this historical narrative. The fundamental backdrop to that is if you knew better, you would end better. Black republicans to elect the best way to do averages and to tell people to understand history. And so i think theres a real talent if you wanted to remove these historical facts from the broader context. No one can argue that certainly has come to the numbers you see today in terms of blacks supporting democrat is essentially what was africanamericans were overwhelmingly republicans at the start of the Republican Party. One of the respondents is like love, describes it as that happened not because we moved away from the party but because the party moved away from us. The historical facts are there as you describe them. But i think to remove them from a broader Historical Context is a little bit conservative. Certainly from the baseline standpoint, it is not affect it. If its not working as an opportunity, i dont see any reason to go with it. At the america questions. The welldressed gentleman in the back right. A tie will get you sent in. Another question for the black fellow on the panel. All of you are good looking. What is interesting, professor fields, there seems to be an extreme disconnect between the perception of many African American and other minority people that this presidency has unleashed, ties the bigotry towards them. The presence of steve and in the west wing. Jeff sessions already doing them a damage that people felt he might do and hoped he would so that the tensions between those who are black republicans with the future of the Republican Party for africanAmerican People and yet, the perception among the vast majority of those people that the Republican Party doesnt speak to their entries. You know, frankenstein is the name of the doctor, which means in Mary Shelleys viewpoint that donald trump has not been created whole cloth out of the head is news. From people with john damon dash john boehner, in a subtle way have reproduced the pathology of a narrow conception of race defines a monstrous passionate drug. I definitely think the experience of African American republicans was one of feeling like trump didnt come out of nowhere. And what struck me as very interest in after the election i was sort of in contact with a lot of minds are meant and stayed in touch. There was definitely a feeling or black republicans were like hey, the one pleasure i can take out of this election cycle is that now moderate white republicans know what its like to have a Republican Party that are in defensible to the people around you and feeling like you are constantly having to explain from assorted explain away. So to your point that donald trump didnt create anything new. Africanamericans constantly talk feeling like you, now i have to go to thanksgiving and explain why some republican politicians said something that was sort of questioning the intelligence of black people are venerating the segregation. This is experience. Its very challenging and difficult and frustrating. Throughout the trump campaign, certainly with some of the twitter comments and stuff like that, theres a sort of chuckling the feeling that this is that feeling of having to explain away egregious the hazier is now whatever republican has a deal with. So i guess to the point that yes, the stage was set for trump came along and i think the deployment of certain attitude about racial minorities is certainly make the experience of being a minority within the party even more difficult. Youve seen people are sort of saying i cant stand by this. So do a lot of republicans. Last question in the marina. The Republican Party in california including an Orange County i saw the registration figures for the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are almost equal. 20 years ago, Orange County was considered to be the most republican county in the country. I think i walked into the wrong room here. Talk about whats going on nationally. California, the Republican Party devastated to talk about what youre doing to appeal the republic is over anyone in california that supports the Republican Party. When im doing as i left. I moved to virginia in what you are referring to is the great sorting and coastal elites are overwhelmingly democratic. That is true of Orange County, which is coastal and going to stay that way. Has to do with affluent and education of the blue while shattered in the middle of the country. We have a red interior and it will stay that way for a while. Immaculate a2 cemex and a lot of this depends on this. African american republicans and latino republicans and all gpt republicans talk about the california Republican Party being positive and welcoming. I guess the shift in what the party is about and what theyre doing to some extent we are all situated from our perspectives. But some people see as egregious in terms of what is happening to the california party, other people see as this may be the pathway to figure out how the party more broadly can speak. I grew up in Orange County and i read them a book, the president will see you now, that i did not know any democrat because Orange County was so specifically republican. Its an interesting switch in the party. A lot of it is demographic of immigration. The Republican Party here it also just a willingness or the republicans are here to be vocal in standup and say their voice, speak their mind. As an educated white republican women, i am very, i felt, put in a box during the last elections. They told me how i should think and how people like me were voting. Its not womens issues, its americas issues. Its on californias issues. We should all care about california. last question. California will be front and center in the political discussion. The u. S. Attorneys start to be installed across the country in l. A. , san francisco, california will be part of the conversation. I dont know if republicans in california come at a big for trump across the nation. How can we find you guys on twitter . How can we consider the conversations . Hugh hewitt on twitter. If you want to find me. Thank you for joining us. Thank you to the pan all. You can find them in area one for book signings after this. [inaudible conversations] and now, Liza Jesse Peterson passes her year teaching incarcerated youth that rikers island. The program contains language some may find offensive. [inaudible conversations] all right, welcome to bring my book circuit and jessica, one of the owners of the sort we are honored to be hosting the Liza Jesse Peterson to present her new book. You can give her a round of applause now. Clap back her new book is all day a year of love and survival teaching incarcerated kids that ri

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