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For the people of the state of hawaii. And it is an honor to be here and to do that. I cant end by saying, i came in 2010 when we were the noble nine. And my noble nine colleagues are here. And i cant tell you how important it is for me to see them again. Thats what its all about. Everyone in congress. The relationships that we build. And its the friendships that are there forever and ever. Thats what makes in the peoples house and the greatest institution around. For say in roy, mahalo this wonderful hawaii, mahlo for this wonderful opportunity to serve mahalo for this wonderful opportunity to serve with you again. Ahalo and aloha. The speaker without objection, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Rogers, is recognized for one minute. The gentleman will suspend. Members, please. Please take your conversations off the floor. The gentleman is recognized. Rodgesrongs mr. Speaker, the mr. Rogers mr. Speaker, the kentucky delegation and i have the distinct honor and personal pleasure in introducing you to the newest First District congressman in the u. S. Congress from kentucky. Jamie comer. Jamie, but for the lost in the primary last year in the governors race, 93 votes, would be tonight sitting as the governor of kentucky. But their loss is our gain. Because he is bright, hes committed, hell be a great asset in this body, for the body and for the country and his home state. Jamie started a family farm after college. He served 11 years in the state legislature. And he then served statewide as the elected agriculture commissioner, where he quickly got a reputation as the mortal enemy of waste, fraud and abuse and was a Great Success in that role. But his resume only tells you half the story. Hes got Strong Family values. Thats obvious because his 9yearold son and his beautiful daughter are here with him on the floor this evening. N fact, harlins namesake, jamies grandfather, was a very close friend of mine. In fact, harlin comer was with us in this very chamber when president reagan delivered his final state of the union address. And i was proud to call harlin sr. A friend. And im proud to call jamie a colleague. ll be a great asset to this body. Let me yield to the gentleman from the third district, mr. Young. Mr. Young i thank my colleague. Im very happy to have won the arm wrestling match among kentucky democrats to welcome jamie comer to the house tonight. Mr. Yarmuth jamie and i worked together on a number of issues through the years and i can say without hesitation that no matter what the issue is, jamie will work to put kentuckys interests and the interests of his citizens and constituents first. So im proud to welcome him to the house of representatives and look forward to working with him to move the commonwealth and the country forward. Welcome, jamie comer. Mr. Rogers we joinltly request the gentleman be allowed one minute to address the body. The speaker mr. Comer. The gentleman from kentucky is recognized. R. Comer thank you. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to thank the dean of the Majority Party and the Minority Party and the great state of kentucky. I want to begin by recognizing my guests from kentucky, theyre on each side of the gallery here today. Thank you for your support and friendship over the years and for making the long drive to d. C. Tonight. Next i want to recognize my lovely wife, t. J. , in the gallery. Y daughter, addison. Im also blessed to have my two oldest children, reagan and harlan, here today. Its an honor of a lifetime to join membership in this great legislative body. The greatest in the history of the world. Yet at this particular time that i speak to this historic body, our nation is deeply divided. We need statesmen, and i pledge to be a statesman who wants to get things done. I will work with any member of this body to try to accomplish things, especially to create an environment where every american can have access to a goodpaying job. I pledge to be a strong voice for rural kentucky, Rural America, and family farmers. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I thank the people of the great state of kentucky. And i believe with all my heart that we can Work Together and make America Great again. Thank you all very much. The speaker sshh. Without objection, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Doil, is recognized for one minute mr. Doyle srk recognized for one minute. Mr. Doyle thank you, mr. Speaker. I would invite all of the pennsylvania delegation to come forward. Mr. Speaker, its my pleasure to welcome our knew he was newest colleague. Dwight evans is a life long resident of philadelphia, and he comes to the house after decades of service to his community and the commonwealth of pennsylvania. After graduating from la salle university, he taught school and worked as a Community Activist before he was elected to the Pennsylvania State legislature in 1980. He has represented the 203rd legitimative district in pennsylvanias house of representatives for the last 36 years. And was chairman of the Appropriations Committee in that body. Representative evans has worked successfully to redevelop and revitalize neighborhoods in philadelphia. He has worked tirelessly to fight hunger, increase public investments in education, improve Public Safety, and provide promote Economic Development across and promote Economic Development across pennsylvania. Im pleased to welcome such a dedicated Public Servant to this legislative body. I look forward to working with him and our colleagues in the pennsylvania delegation to serve the commonwealth and this great nation and at this time i want to yield to the dean of the Pennsylvania Republican delegation, my good friend, joe pitts. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i am very pleased to congratulate and welcome my good friend, dwight evans, to the floor a of the house. Floor of the house. Before i served here in congress for the last 20 years, i served in the state house of pennsylvania for 24 years. And the last eight years of my service in the Pennsylvania Legislature i was the appropriations chairman. All eight of those years dwight evans was my Ranking Member. I served with him, worked with him very well, we worked in a bipartisan manner to accomplish a lot of thing. And so although this is a little bittersweet for me, i wont get to serve with you here in congress, dwight, ill miss that, im sorry about that. Im sure he will be a voice, a good voice, an eloquent voice for the people of philadelphia, and will be someone who will want to work in a bipartisan manner. Concerning the issues that address and face our country. So, with that i am very pleased to turn the mike over to my good friend, dwight evans, from hiladelphia. Mr. Evans thank you, mr. Speaker. First, i want to thank my colleagues from the pennsylvania delegation. And i want to thank the leader, congressman doyle, as well as my good friend, chairman pitts. As i prepared to take this congressional seat, i want to share with you one overriding sentiment. It is has held true for me in the course of working with six mayors, seven governors and 11 state house speakers. And the everchanging cast of elected officials. The best work that we did, we did it together. N each case, the people won. I understand our differences. I am not naive. But i know that when we put aside those differences, when we listen to each other, we make great strides. The stakes are often high in a democracy. And demands robust debate. , democracy also can demand the fact of the matter is that we must Work Together. I understand that before any party or state, that we are americans first. Democracy demands that we commit to listening to one another. Even on days when we want to shout over each other. Democracy demands we dont win as individuals or as a party. It demands that we win as the people. Im humbled that the voters in the second congressional to this have elect med seat. I pledge to remind myself each day that it belongs to the people. I believe that by keeping this in mind, the people will win. This is really an honor that i say to all of you, and this is the absolute pleasure, ive told people although i may be new to this process, i am not new to working together. As you just heard from doyle and pitts, in the 36 years that i was in the legislature, i worked with everyone. At the edge of the day, i tried to make a difference. I want to come here and do the same thing. Believe me, i want to be on the peoples side. Thank you very much. The speaker under clause 5d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the administration of the oath of office to the gentlewoman from roy and gentlemen from kentucky and pennsylvania, the whole number of the house is 435. Without objection, fiveminute voting will continue. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from texas, mr. Burgess, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2669 as amended. On which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 630, h. R. 2669, a bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934, to expand and clarify the prohibition on provision of inaccurate caller identification information, and for other purposes. The speaker the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore the yeas are 380 the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 382, the nays are 5. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection, the title amended. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . I send to the desk a pri ledge red port from the committee on rules for filing under the rule. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk report to accompany House Resolution 921, providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 5711 to prohibit the secretary of the treasury from authorizing certain transactions by a u. S. Financial institution in connection with the export or reexport of a commercial passenger aircraft to the Islamic Republic of iran, providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 598 , to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States code to provide for unblocked consideration in resolutions of disapproval for midnight rules and for other purposes and providing for proceedings during the period from november 18, 2016, through november 28, o2016. The speaker pro tempore referred to the house calendar anded ored printed. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Im sorry. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Collins i ask unanimous consent that thed orer of the house of january 5, 2016, regarding morning hour debate not apply tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The chair will now entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Roslehtinen i rise tonight in recognition of mitchell paplan, a gentleman who has contributed so much to our south Florida Community he began his career as a High School English teach , he went on to open books and books, an extraordinary bookstore located in my Congressional District that has now expanded throughout south florida and even the cayman islands. As time passed, mitch organized Many Community events and local book fairs, growing larger and larger by the year. Miamidade College President eduardo pedron worked with hitch to create the Miami Book Fair international a world renowned book fair that is taking place right now in my Congressional District in downtown miami. Mr. Speaker, mitch kaplan is an inspiration to south floridians and for people across the nation. Thank you, plitch, for your tireless work and dedication to all of us book lovers everywhere. Hank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. Frump does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection. Mr. Speaker, Many Americans woke up today and after the election under a cloud of fear and anxiety. There are children who, for perhaps the first time in their lives, are wond forget this country welcomes and respects them. Mr. Takano i rise today to remind my colleagues the incoming administration, and the American People, that millions of our veterans and Service Members have made incredible sacrifices in defense of a single, powerful idea. No matter where you come from, what you believe, or who you love, you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. On veterans day we expressed our enduring gratitude to those men and women, latinos and muslims, christians and jews, africanamericans and all others who put all the put on the uniform to defend that idea. But our words are not enough. We must honor their service by protecting the rights and freedoms of every american and we must keep our pledge to promote liberty and justice for all. Thank you again to all our veterans, we will honor your service. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objectn, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson thank you, mr. Speaker. This past weekend, our nation celebrated veterans day, a day to recognize and thank those who selflessly serve in the face of danger to protect our nation and our way of life. Throughout history, beginning with the revolutionary warring our veterans have earned and protected the freedom which we often take for granted. Originally established as Armistice Day in 1919, it was renamed veterans day in 1954 to include the Many Americans who honorably served in world war ii and korea. Today we continue that tradition and honor the degree case, service and sacrifice our veterans made in world war i, world war 2, korea, vietnam and iraq and afghanistan. Our sole jerks sailors, airmen and coast guard will continue their legacy of protecting our country and deserve our utmost respect. God bless our veterans and thank you for your service. Thank you, and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Without objection the gentleman s recognized for one minute. Mr. Lamalfa thank you, mr. Speaker. As the house reconvenes and gets back to business, were reminded that the Public Safety is a 24hour business. I rise tonight sadly in memorial of deputy jack hocktons of motoc county in northeastern california. He was killed in the line of duty while responding to an Early Morning call. When i heard of this tragic killing, i was stunned for many reasons. Part of which modoc county is a very quiet, rural place, about as far as you can go in california and still be in california. It doesnt seem like a place to keep adding to this story of our officers being killed in the line of duty all other this country. All over this country. Deputy hopkins began working with the Sheriffs Office in 2015, previously worked for another department in the county. He was born in livermore, california, named after his grandfather who was the first mayor of Rolling Hills estates. He grew up in montgue with his five siblings with his five siblings. Also he is survived by his parents, lance and carol, his grandmother twila, his wife janet and three children. He attended butte college, my alma mater, in their Law Enforcement Academy School along with his brother sam he also earned a black belt in karate and won a World Championship title in 2011. Hes honored by hundreds of Law Enforcement and emergency personnel, local residents, and many, many others who recognize the sacrifice and n a procession from alturas to reading and from reading up to his final resting place. What this point out is that our sheriffs and officers in rural areas often patrol hundred os miles alone, the closest backup at time mace be hours away. In lot of times thers working alone. In memory of deputy jack hopkins, we need to do much better as a country in supporting them and stop this rhetoric that is against our officers. God bless him, god bless his fine family. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair lays before the house for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, on veterans day, i was pleased to join my many friends and colleagues honoring our veterans, our soldiers and their families. We stood in front of the Houston City Hall with many, many veterans and their families, local elected officials and maybes of congress, United States members of congress, United States senate, and many, many soldiers and veterans. And we simply said thank you. Thank you to them for putting on the uniform. A number of us mentioned that it was only days away from a contentious election. And i specifically said how grateful i am that i live in a nation that allows a contentious election, but yet to have the right to peacefully transfer power. Let me also take note of some of the seismic changes that we faced in texas. Im excited about the newly elected officials in harris county. The new district attorney, the new sheriff, tax assesser, the new judges that will come, all of them elected by the people. To my community, from dallas to n antonio, galveston and beaumont, with a new sheriff, the first africanamerican woman, i say that this is democracy. And in an hour or two ill discuss some of the elements that undermine a democracy. But i celebrate our soldiers, mr. Speaker, i honor them for wearing the uniform to give me a sense of freedom and to allow democracy to work. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The chair lays before the house the following personal request. The clerk leave of absence requested for mr. Poe of texas for today and for the balance of the week. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the request s granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from ohio, mrs. Beatty, is recognized for 60 minute as the designee of the what minority leader. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members be given five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and add any extraneous materials relevant to the subject matter of the discussion. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Beatty thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise this evening along with my coanchor of the Congressional Black Caucus this special order hour with my classmate and my colleague, congressman hakeem jeffries, from the eighth district of new york. It is an honor for me to stand here and be a coanchor with him. Tonights topic, mr. Speaker, is the Congressional Black Caucus special order hour titled, Unfinished Business Congressional Black Caucus to our republican leadership, do your job. As the Congressional Black Caucus comes to the house floor this evening, as voices to be heard on unfinished congressional business. Let me pause for a moment first to pay respect to gwen ifill who passed earlier today. Ms. Ifill phil, an awardwinning Television Journalist for nbc and pbs, helped pave the way for both women and men and africanamericans in the field of journalism. Her voice will be missed. Her voice is a voice that we listened to as members of the congressional black cawculls. Mr. Speaker, today the house of representatives returned for the first day of the lame duck session of the 114 lgget congress 114th congress as the conscious of the caucus, the Congressional Black Caucus is committed to advocating for a change to policies that adversely impact africanamerican communities. Yet, mr. Speaker, over the past two years the 140th congress has been highly unproductive 114th congress has been highly unproductive. Passing one partisan bill after another, which then languishes with no chance of being passed by the senate or being signed into law by president obama. In fact, as of november 2 of is year, only 244 bills have been signed into law and only 20 of those bills have been significant pieces of legislation. The American People really deserve more from their elected representatives. But the 114th congress is not over. And we should use the remaining time wisely. The list of legislative items that this house should consider before going home for the year is robust. Legislation to fully fund the fiscal year 2017, for one. The American People deserve a fully funded government that invests resources in people, reduces poverty and safeguards the social safety net program. Were currently operating under a continuing resolution, mr. Speaker, as you know, through december 9. And while the current funding mechanism has been keeping the federal government doors open, it fails to fully recognize the importance of investment in programs which would benefit not just a few, but all americans. In addition to the omnibus, we should bring to the floor legislation providing reform for criminal Justice Reform, Voting Rights, gun violence prevention, just to name a few. Youre going to hear from several members of the Congressional Black Caucus who have spent an in ordernant amount of time crafting legislation, sitting in their committees, going back home to their district, making promises that the American People are asking for. Mr. Speaker, we have the opportunity starting today to use the last few weeks of the 114th congress in a productive way, to stand up for the constituents and to pass bipartisan legislation. Mr. Speaker, how many times have we been in this chamber and someone in that chair has said, we are going to Work Together, or for the good of the country, or our constituents . Thats what our constituents expect us to do. So let me just briefly take a moment to remind you, mr. Speaker, why it is so important that we have a fully funded federal government and provide funding for critical programs. Critical programs like those that address ethnic and Racial Health disparities, by improving diversity in health care, work force and increasing the number of Health Professions in underserved communities, for example. Mr. Speaker, we have my colleague and friend, who has served as our Congressional Black Caucus health brain trust chair, congresswoman robin kelly, who is with us today and has fought tirelessly for health care. Youre going to hear from her tonight. It is well known that poverty and social economic status and Health Disparities are closely linked and latched together. Many of these gaps are shaped by generations of cultural biases, injustices, and inequality. And in the words of dr. Martin luther king jr. , of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane. Mr. Speaker, for years i have had the honor of serving on the American Heart Association board, where researchers have shared the alarming statistics as how africanamericans are 30 more likely to die of Heart Disease and 60 more likely to be diabetic than white americans. The cost of these types of Health Disparities are simply too high. Estimates indicate that Health Disparities cost our nation as much as 300 billion a year. Which results in too Many Americans suffering unnecessarily because they do not have access to the care they need. Statistics such as these illustrate the increased need to address Health Care Disparities by continued investment in federal programs such as the office of Minority Health at the department of health and human services, and the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities at n. I. H. We cannot shortchange these important federal programs by putting them in neutral. Or on palls, mr. Speaker. Pause, mr. Speaker. We must enact a fully funded omnibus spending bill for the fiscal year 2017 before leaving washington. A real simple request of doing your job. This has to stop, mr. Speaker. I am privileged to be joined this evening by so many members of the Congressional Black Caucus. Im joined by my coanchor, as i mentioned, and you will hear from him shortly. But at this time it gives me great pleasure to have the privilege of asking to be able to yield to congressman g. K. Butterfield. Ease the Congressional Black Caucus hes the Congressional Black Caucus chair from the First District of north carolina. Someone whos history and past and leadership in fighting for justice and against disparities is far too long for me to appropriately say tonight. So, mr. Speaker, with that, i yield to congressman g. K. Butterfield. Mr. Butterfield let me begin by thank youing you so very much for yielding time thanking you so very much for yielding time tonight and your fred and your extraordinary leadership here in congress. Ive been observing your work since the first day that you came to this house. And i can tell my colleagues that she has worked relentlessly on behalf of the people of the third Congressional District of ohio and thank you for anchoring this special order hour tonight. Mr. Speaker, before i get into the other part of my remarks tonight, i just want to digress for a moment and recognize a Great American that we lost today. I recognize the life and legacy of a dear friend, a friend of the Congressional Black Caucus, a personal friend of mine, gwen ifill. She was one of the nations leading journalists. Regarded as one of the most prominent africanamerican journalists in the country, and indeed a prominent journalist among all journalists. Ms. Ifill began her career in the 1970s, during a time when there were very few africanamericans, very few females in journalism. Gwen was a trail blazer in her profession. She was a best selling author and moderator of two Vice President ial debates. Gwen ifill was among the nations finest political extraordinaries, as she was gracious and poised when addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our country. Her voice will be missed in the media, but her legacy, her legacy will continue to have a Lasting Impact on how we view news broadcasts. We offer our sincere condolences to ms. Ifills family, her friends, her followers, and colleagues, all around the world. Mr. Speaker, we are at a crossroads right now in our great country. That is undisputable. But i want my colleagues to know that the Congressional Black Caucus is up for the challenge. The c. B. C. Is poised in the 115th congress to have a Record Number of 49 members of congress. Currently we have 46. The number will go to 49. The c. B. C. V. O. W. S to continue to be the voice vows to continue to be the voice of our communities, representing more than 30 million americans. We will continue to have conversations in all of our communities and we will zealously represent our constituents. We will stand strong as a caucus, we will stand strong against any republican effort to reverse the progress that we have made over the past few decades. We are facing some tough times ahead, mr. Speaker. But were going to continue to be clear on our priorities. Were going to continue to talk d emphatically about promoting Economic Growth that will create jobs and stability in our communities. Were going to continue to talk about the need, the critical need, for criminal Justice Reform. We will continue to debate and talk about and to legislate on creating Educational Opportunities and reducing Student Development and dont you think that weve and you think weve forgotten about the Voting Rights act. Well continue to fighting for the full restvation of the 1965 Voting Rights act. Sadly, mr. Speaker, this was the first election that weve had without the protection of the full protection, at least, of the 1965 Voting Rights act since it was imi implemented. Finally, were going to continue to ensure diversity in the corporate arena and the work force and even in classrooms. Mr. Speaker, there are peaceful protests taking place in many communities across america. As i drove into washington, d. C. , this afternoon, i even saw some here in washington. We understand the protest, we understand the pain and all and we understand the pain in all of our communities due to the negativity and division they have seen over the past 12 months. And so we say to House Republicans that our communities are reeling with discontent and you need to understand this discontent. Now is the time to take up legislation that will help to lift those around the country that need us desperately to act. We have Unfinished Business presently before this congress. Let us act, let us move legislation that will help those that need our voices the most. Mr. Speaker, we have a capacity to do this. Congresses in past years have worked in a bipartisan manner and they have succeeded. And we can do the same. We must Work Together as democrats and republicans on behalf of the American People. Compromise, mr. Speaker, is not a bad word. Thank you, mrs. Beatty, i want to thank you for yielding time. I have complete my remarks and i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congressman g. K. Butterfield, thank you not only for your words but your leadership as our chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. I now yield to congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, another member of the Congressional Black Caucus who stands strong and sure footed with us as we talk about our Unfinished Business. A member who has no problems coming to the mic and sharing her intellect and giving us a direction of where we should go. It is indeed my honor to yield to congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee, a leader in the criminal stice reform wheelspace, the judiciary areas, and she is from texas 18th Congressional District. Ms. Jackson lee let me thank the gentlelady from ohio, one for her leadership and dynamic message she gave this morning when we were discussing in the district and the area of our colleague congressman hank johnson and john lewis, the issue of Economic Empowerment and Economic Empowerment as it relates to women and particularly women of color. Let me thank the gentlelady for that and as well for leading today along with mr. Hakeem jeffries of new york this very important special order of Unfinished Business. Let me say that all of us, and you will hear certainly this repetitive retrain, have been challenged in this last election. Now let me be very clear for those of our colleagues who may be listening, those who may be hearing. I am by no means whining, but i do speak to, of course, however, is and will be over a period of time whether or not there are fractures in the democratic process that were driven not by candidates for candidates can say and do as much as you may be offended by them saying and doing, but whether or not there were actually systems that undermined the voting process. Starting first, of course, with the supreme courts exteng extinguishing of section 5 of the Voting Rights act and the ong, how should say i how should i say, journey of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Democratic Caucus and others of good will to restore section 5 or in essence a fix to section 5 and the long period of time that we had, congresswoman beatty, to fix it, but it never got fixed before the election. Which means that there are a number of jurisdictions that face a High Mountain of trying to be able to vote. People were purged off of lists in a number of states. Individuals unfortunately had challenges with respect to what local officials may have been doing. And we will get all of this out in the wash. But we would have been much bet off if we had the section 5 of the Voting Rights act. In my own jurisdiction, even though it ultimately was fixed, under the us a pis of they were not a. D. A. Compliant, we consolidated and closed a lot of precincts that we had to correct because on election tai people would be going to their home precinct and they condition exist. So clearly fixing section 5, fixing the Voting Rights act is not Unfinished Business. It is a requirement. It is adamantly necessary to do. Let me quickly say we only did one out of the 12 appropriations bills. So agriculture is not done. Commerce and justice is not done. Defense, energy and water, Financial Services. All of these impact the lives of americans. We are still in the dilemma of the flint water crisis. Weve gone to flint. We has members of the Congressional Black Caucus have spoken to those people who are hurting. They have various ailments. One woman with a rash, hair loss, children with cognitive issues and we have still not resolved that. Protecting children with disabilities, access to public education. My state alone has been an embarrassment for they were only providing for 7 to 8 of children with disabilities as opposed to the National Average of 13 to 14 . We need to make sure that we ensure that those children are protected under federal law, my state says theyre immediately stopping the capping but i prefer that we have it institutionalized in law to make sure it works. Immigration reform. We have to worry about the daca young people who are working in our economy and now with the potential that they may be on the deportation list. Funding for the louisiana flooding is crucial, whether those dollars have gotten after our colleague, congressman richmond, work sod hard, told us of the trillions of s of flooding that occurred in his constituency. They need help, we must get them help. Funding for the damage caused y hurricane matthew, that is of course in north carolina, areas i remember going to, our own colleague, the honorable g. K. Butterfield, chairman of the black caucus. And nonetheless, improving cybersecurity of the nations critical infrastructure. I finish on this point and that son criminal justice, which i know a number of members will speak of. As Ranking Member of the criminal Justice Committee i want to thank all the many members who have offered legislation and thank the member os they have judiciary committee, particularly under leadership with john conyers and those who have worked with the chairman, we must Pass Police Reform and accountability. The Law Enforcement trust and integrity bill. We must pass sentence regular ducks bill that will codify some of the work that needs to be done. Prison reform that will turn prison into true institutions of rehabilitation and also a new matrix in juvenile justice to stop punishing our young people, but to provide a corrective, rehabilitative approach which is my juvenile justice block grant, reauthorization of the juvenile block grant legislation along with antibullying and bullying intervention. We must do these things because the American People have sent us here to do our jobs. We must do these things because theyre right. We must do these things because the American People need this legislation. We must do these things because we must to our job. I thank the gentlelady and i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congresswoman Sheila Jackson lee. It is my honor to yield to congressman greeg meeks in new yorks fifth Congressional District. I am honored that i serve with him on the Financial Services committee. I am honored that he is a soldier in the battle. When i think of some of the words that president barack obama said, it reminds me of congressman meeks. When president obama said, justice is not only the absence of oppression, it is the presence of opportunity. I yield to congressman greg meeks. Mr. Meeks thank you. The Congressional Black Caucus is often called the conscience of the congress. The conscience of the congress. We dont say were just the conscience of black people. We dont say were just the conscience of some people. We say we are the conscience of the entire congress because we want to work to help all of america, particularly the least of these. Many of us run around and we talk about our various religious beliefs and in matter what your religious belief is, it teaches taos that we need to take care of those who do not have. So we are here in what we call the peoples house, and one of the things we should make sure that happens with the peoples house taking the lead is that we end poverty. Poverty does not discriminate. Poverty does not look at which section of the country youre in. What religion you have. You can find poverty in Rural America and urban america. And so we should be here to do our jobs, to help all americans. When in fact you have individuals who are still , we need ottled water to pass a Water Resources bill, a small section of individuals, but for everyone. Because when we look at whats taking place now, we see and we are finding, we found it right here in the United States capitol, a problem with water. And water equals life. And everybodys life is important. And why weve got to pass this budget is that we can make sure that everybody has certainty that they receive the items they need. One of the most basic needs of any human being, you cannot live without health care. So weve got to continue to make sure that were providing for health care. I know some are talking about eliminating obamacare but 20 million americans who did not have any health care at all now for the first time in their lives have the same, have access to health care. We cannot end that. Education. We know today that session more important than ever before. We must pass this budget. That has education at its core. To make sure that every american has a chance to live up to her or his dreams. Criminal Justice Reform. Weve got to make sure its fair and equitable for everyone. You know, when you think about is budget, the be stability is important. The government reliance on stability, we must fund the government so that we dont have shortterm uncertainty. Weve got to take care of our military. Got to take care of emergencies like storms, like hit my district, were still recovering from sandy. So it must be stability in the budget and not these shortterm things that we continue to do so our country can move and prosper. So lets stay and do the job the American People have elected us to do. Let us understand even though this election that there has to be as chairman butterfield said, compromise because the majority of the American People voted one way, the Electoral College had another decision. Which means that weve got to all Work Together to move this country forward and we can do that and we will be stronger doing that together. I want to thank congresswoman eatty for engineering this evening because we must speak with our voices loud and know the member os they have Congressional Black Caucus will talk loudly and clearly to make sure we represent the people that vote for us every two years. We know that we are the conscience of the congress that we have a responsibility to the American People. And i say to my republican friends, you, too, have a responsibility. That responsibility to come and lets pass this budget so that we can keep this government moving and keep it stable, moving forward, and we can do that because this congress is tronger if we Work Together. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congressman meeks, nor lending your voice to tonights special order hour. It is indeed my honor now to yield to congressman hank johnson. From atlanta, georgia. As you heard earlier, i had the opportunity to spend my morning with congressman hank johnson. And to listen to him talk about access to capital. Talking about africanamerican women and their roles in business and in leadership. It is my honor to yield to him. Mrs. Beatty ill yield now to my colleague, congressman donald payne. Payne mrs. Beatty he is someone who brings a message to us. He is someone who advocates for our financial needs. He advocates for our children. He is a father. He is a husband. And he is someone that understands in the times that we are having now, the value of quality education, the value of removing our children from poverty, because he understands ll lives matter. Mr. Payne mr. Speaker, let me first thank the gentlelady from ohio for this opportunity to speak at this special order hour and also to my other classmate, the honorable jeffries from new york, for this opportunity to speak at this time. On Unfinished Business. Mr. Speaker, it has been migrate honor to represent the 10th Congressional District of the state of new jersey for the past two congresses. And have seen a great deal of average ngst and seen some accomplishment, but not as many as the American People are due. We come here week after week, get here on monday nights, like meet with our n, staff, and then are told the proposed votes that we have that evening. And most nights, its two. Now i understand it is a night of travel and making sure that all members have the opportunity to get here. But what does it say about tuesday when there could possibly be two or wednesday morning when there could be two votes. There is Unfinished Business, ladies and gentlemen, mr. Speaker, in the house of house of representatives. So many issues that we could discuss, and i think they are ll being hit by my colleagues, frightening prospect. For this nation moving forward. And yet and still, we are unable to get the level of funding that the president has asked for to try to understand and stop this disease, the Research Needed to figure out what is going on or how to prevent it, and we just go home for recess. Not until it enters the continental United States or certain members states will they take it seriously. The whole issue around gun control. Commonsense gun election legislation. Unfinished business. As my colleague, mr. Meeks, spoke about the issue around necessity most basic of life. We traveled to flint as the Congressional Black Caucus along with leader pelosi and mr. Hoyer and we talked to that commuent about what they were going through and about they didnt know who to trust and government officials led them to believe discoloring was undrinkable. We found out it was not un drinkable. In fact, it was poisonous. How do we do that to the american citizens . We are given the obligation to stand in the gap for them, to make sure that we take care of yet and ery turn but still, because it was cheaper to use another water source, it was done to these people. And so i traveled back to my district in norton, new jersey, and i talked to several mayors in my district and i said, you know what i saw in flint, you need to Pay Attention to whats going on with your water source. And that was on friday evening. By tuesday morning, they had found lead in 88 schools in newark, new jersey. D so they had to switch over to bottled water. And the testing continued and more schools were involved. I created legislation for testing for lead in School Systems around the country, because it is not not legislated anywhere in the country to test for lead in School Systems. So i moved forward on that legislation. You wouldnt know it, because the majority wouldnt allow it to hit the floor. And so here we are, going back to our offices in the Cannon Office building, frustrated with this issue knowing it is going to continue to grow. And lo and behold, five months after my legislation is suggested, we find there is lead in the water in the Cannon Office building where the congress of members offices are. And now water fountains have been sealed off. This is something that we need to understand, needs to be addressed, Unfinished Business. And i could go on and on and on. But i just want to let you know, mr. Speaker, that we will continue to raise these issues for as long as it takes. We are part of this body. Weres not going anywhere. Our voices will be heard on the Unfinished Business of this house. And with that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. Mrs. Beatty i thank my classmate and colleague free new jerseys 10th Congressional District. It is my honor tore yield to robin kelly from the 2nd district of illinois. E heard that common creed that says my brothers keeper. She is my sisters keeper. When i think about her work, im always so happy because i admire her. I remember the day that she sat down when we stood up. She remind me of what rosa parks did in 1955 when she decided if she sat down it would start a movement. Robin kelly sat down on the house floor while saying we should do more than stand up when someone lost their life to gun violence. So it is indeed a great honor for me to yield to congressman robin kelly. Ms. Kelly thank you, congressman beatty, and thank you, congressman jeffries. You made us proud to be members of the congressional black cause cuss and how you have taken on the responsibility and i want to thank both of you so much. When i think of Unfinished Business, you know where im going and im talking about the gun violence in the chgland area. We are up to 618 digits and 3,273 shootings. Now, i dont know about today, because its occurring every day and i know its not about the leslation but we need background checks and we need National Straw purchasing bills and bills that passed and we also need to improve Police Community relations and we need to invest in people. We need to invest in underserved communities and ensure that people have decent education and housing. There are too many still unemployed and thats why a lot of the violence occurs. We need more mentors. I have a bill like my past colleague just said, the urban progress bill. The bill was presented, but never went anywhere, just like the background check bill. There are bipartisan bills, 190 cosponsors, but the bill never gets called to the floor. We have spent 68 times trying to repeal the Affordable Care act but we never sat down where the problems and shd be improved. There are great things about that bill and so many people that were covered. Im the chair of the ngressional black caucus, an africanamerican brain tuesday, but the Affordable Care act has definitely helped in that arena and we need to do more and send fundings to n. I. H. We are the wealthiest country in the world and the amount of homelylessness and lack of affordable education, our students cannot live the American Dream. So much Unfinished Business. You talk about people pulling themselves up by the boot straps but they have to be able to have straps on the boot. But we dont have the heart,. Immigration, a bill we could have passed in the house. We are just really ignoring so many things and i dont see how we can feel proud when we go back to our districts. And i hope in this as we call it duck session and in flint, they can drink clean quality water if we do what we are supposed do. And when we go into 2017, if we want cooperation and we want the spirit of unity, we need to see it now. So ill yield back my time. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and lets do our job. Mrs. Beatty thank you, so much congresswoman robin kelly. Yield to representative coleman. Im honored to serve with her. She stands in the same space as the special orlando hour chair for our progressive caucus. I benefited from her wisdom as she said to me, i used to be in charge and i like being in charge. Im going to lend my voice to the special order hour on our Unfinished Business. I yield to representative bonnie coleman. Mrs. Watson coleman its an honor to be standing with you. As you bring forth truth to power here. It is a timely topic to be discussing Unfinished Business. People need to realize we have 15 legislative days left in this congressional session. And there are so many things that need to be done that havent been appropriately addressed. I want to associate myself with the comments with those who came before me as it relates to gun safety. Back in after newtown, connecticut, someone went in there and killed 20 children and six adults and killed themselves. Since that time there have been at least 1,100, close to 1,200 mass shootings, at least 1,300 deaths and at least 4,700 wounded. Thats just since november 6. There are so many common sense Gun Safety Bills that are just waiting to be voted on. And i know that if given the opportunity the majority in this house would vote appropriately and properly, taking into consideration the safety and security they represent to our communities. But there are other things that we need to be thinking about. We need to ensure that we are protecting the environment. That were protecting the environment against unnecessary fracking and unnecessary pipelines. We need to make sure that we are reforming criminal justice, that we are educating, not incarcerating. That were putting our resources where we get the best value. We need to increase the minimum wage so that people can have a livable wage, raise their family, take care of their homes and ensure that they have late bit of money to spend so they can churn up this economy. And we need to restore the Voting Rights act. We need to ensure that voting is accessible. That people have the opportunity and encouragement to vote when they are supposed to and when they could. Finally one last thought from me, we need to look at the kinds of protections that we had in our Banking System prork tect just everyday families with their investments. We need to make sure that we are investing in the 21st century glasssteagall act, those are things that people, everyday working families look for for us to do our work and together we can do those things and make it better for cheever one of us. Thank you, thank you very much. Mrs. Beatty thank you so much, congresswoman Bonnie Watson coleman. Mr. Speaker, it is indeed my honor to yield to my coanchor, my classmate , my friend, the congressman from the eighth Congressional District of new york. I want to pause for a moment and think about what i would say as he will come as the coanchor. An individual who serves in this congress, one of congress best orators. When i think about him, i thought i would introduce him this way, mr. Speaker. He is brave and brilliant. He is strong and stratriege ex. He is always prepared and persistent. I now yield to my coanchor, congressman hakeem jeffries. Mr. Jeff reese thank you. I want to thank my distinguished colleague and good friend from the third Congressional District, the always elegant and eloquent and fervescent and erue diet anchor of the c. B. C. Specialed orer who has made us all proud in the manner in which she has conducted herself on behalf of the people she represents as well as the entire con gregsal black caucus and of course the class of 2012. Mr. Jeffries once again its my honor and privilege to stand on the house floor and participate in the Congressional Black Caucus special order hour where for 60 minutes, we have an opportunity to speak directly to the American People about issues of great significance. And i can think of no more profound moment by which we need to address the people throughout this country who we are privileged to represent and in the aftermath of the most recent election. I think its important first to reflect upon the fact that in this country we already have made significant progress over the last eight years. A lot of folks, some of our friends on the other side of the aisle, dont want to acknowledge that fact. The reality of the situation quantitatively is very different. Under eight years of george w. Bush this country lost 650,000 jobs. In almost eight years of barack obama, weve gained more than 15 million private sector jobs. 79 consecutive months of private sector job creation. The deficit has been reduced by more than 1 trillion. Under the presidency of barack obama. When he came into office, the Unemployment Rate was at 10 , now its at 5 . When barack obama took office, the stock market was at 6,000, ow its over 18,000. When 20 million americans who were priestly uninsured now n. O. W. Have Health Coverage and more than 300 million americans dent have to worry about being denied Health Coverage because of a preexisting condition or as a result of the presidency all as a result of the presidency of barack obama. I could go on and on but america is a better place today because of the 44th president of the United States of america. But of course now we find ourselveses in a situation where we have to continue to address the issues of great importance to the American People in this democratic republic, time marches on. As Abraham Lincoln once referenced, were in a constant march toward a more perfect union. So the question of course is, what are some of the issues where we can find Common Ground here today. In the aftermath of one of the most divisive elections in our nations history. We suggest there are a few. C. B. C. Priorities, where some of my good friends on the other side of the aisle seemingly to take interest in addressing. First thing of course relates to poverty. And despite what weve heard from the president elect throughout the campaign, poverty is not simply an inner city problem. My colleague joyce beatty is a testament to the fact that so many folks who live in great cities like columbus incredibly professional, built wonderful lives, pursued the American Dream. Its not an poverty is not an inner city problem, its an american problem. In fact, the majority of persistently poor counties in this country, parenthetically, thats defined as counties where 20 or more of the population has lived below the poverty lean for 30 or more years, the majority of persistently poor counties in this country are represented by House Republicans. I dont know if the president elect realizes that. So poverty and making sure that every Single Person in america has an opportunity to pursue the American Dream is an isnt a democratic issue or a c. B. C. Issue. Its an american issue. Maybe we can figure out a way collectively to deal with this problem. Because it doesnt just impact the people i represent back home in brooklyn. Second issue and i think we can find Common Ground on, hopefully is criminal Justice Reform. The House Judiciary Committee has already passed bipartisan legislation. Unanimously. To deal with our unjust sentencing laws as well as to make sure that everyone has an opportunity for Second Chance in life once theyve paid their debt to society. And its been great cooperation from many of my friends on the other side of the aisle. Leaders on criminal Justice Reform. People like Jason Chaffetz and rey gowdy and Raul Labrador. People where there may be issues that we dont have a lot in common but who recognize along with a whole host of ther folks that we have an overcriminalization problem in america when we have 5 of the worlds population but 25 of the worlds incarcerated individuals. We incarcerate more people in this country than any other country in the world. And if you take china and russias population combined, its in excess of a billion individuals, yet we incarcerate more than those two countries put together. And i would say to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, i think that dealing with mass incarceration in america fits squarely within your philosophical approach to a whole bunch of things. Im not asking you to become a progressive democrat. Fiscal conservatives should object to the fact that we spent 80 billion plus dollars a year wasting Economic Resources and opportunity and human capital. As states in places like texas and kentucky and georgia and louisiana have done. Not blue states. Like new york or california. Red states. Who recognize that the fiscally conservative thing to do without sacrificing Public Safety is to deal with overcriminalization in america. I would also suggest that many of my friends, Christian Conservatives, im a conservative, i guess, in the sense that im a proud member of the concernerstone Baptist Church but i dont know what the distinction is, but Christian Conservatives i guess is the lingo and language that is often used, all of us who believe in some form of religion, particularly those, of course, who define themselves as Christian Conservatives, should embrace the notion that you should have a Second Chance in life because the yo logically underfinning your buzz theologically, underpinning your briefs is we are all sinners in the eye os god with the exception of one person who walked this earth. Once you pay your debt to society you shouldnt have a permanent Scarlet Letter that prohibits you from being able to experience the American Dream. So i think criminal Justice Reform fits squarely within the philosophy of my fiscal conservative friends my Christian Conservative friends. I would also suggest that my libertarian friends, as rand paul and Raul Labrador have illustrated, should also bt to the mass incarceration problem weve got in america. I understand you dont like over taxation. We can argue about whats the appropriate rate. I understand you dont like overregulation. This is all about government overreach. You should have a problem with overcriminalization because theres no area where the government can do more damage than when they have the ability to take away your life or your liberty. And so we stand here as members of the c. B. C. Talking about Unfinished Business, not urging you to cross over and adopt our philosophy. Adopt your philosophy and apply it to criminal Justice Reform. And the last issue i would suggest is we talk about as we suck talk about Unfinished Business is the notion of the Voting Rights act having been december decimated. Im disappointing that so many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle think this should be a partisan issue and that theres a republican advantage, lets be honest, thats why we dont want to do anything to fix it. Because when you look at the proud history of the Voting Rights act, its always been bipartisan in nature. It would not have passed this Congress Without support from moderate republicans in the house and in the senate. Thats a fact. There are members of the democratic party, dixiecrats that opposed it with everything they had. It would not be law today without republicans. Every time the Voting Rights act was reauthorized, it was signed back into law by a epublican president. 1970, Richard Nixon, 1975, gerald ford. 1982, Ronald Reagan. 2006, george w. Bush. Were not asking you on the house floor to act like progressive democrats. Just act like Ronald Reagan and george w. Bush. Who recognized that Voting Rights is not a democratic issue or republican issue. Its a an american issue. So with that, i would just conclude by saying this. It would be a mistake for my friends on the other side of the aisle to interpret too much from this election. Im trying to figure out what exactly is the mandate when it appears that more than two million americans will have supported in terms of the popular vote margin, the candidate who lost. And it was and it was a mistake with those who interpreted too much from an Electoral College victory. Hubert humphrey won the popular vote in 1968. Electoral college sent us Richard Nixon and we got watergate. And al gore won the popular vote in 2000. And i think there was too much of a mandate interpretation. We goot two failed wars and the worst economy since the great depression. So the question is, you going to learn from recent history or going to celebrate this unexpected victory where you lost the popular vote . I would suggest to find Common Ground maybe on some of the areas we laid out here today. But were not asking you to change your philosophy, change your ideology, but in areas like poverty, where youve got as much as stake based on your constituents as we do, or criminal Justice Reform where your philosophy is consistent with dealing with mass incarceration and over criminal lization in america or the Voting Rights act which has a proud bipartisan history, lets start there and see what we can do as it relates to addressing the business of the American People as we go into the next congress. And i yield back. Mrs. Beatty thank you, so much, congressman jeffries. Let me end with these word. This may be my last time as the lead anchor, so i cannot leave this chamber without saying thank you, thank you to president obama for giving us eight years of changing this country. Thank you to president obama, whose legacy 10, 20 years from now will go down in history as one of our greatest president s in making change. And let me now say, mr. Speaker, thank you, congressman jeffries of reminding me of where we are now if we are going to finish our Unfinished Business, president elect, gangs roaming the streets, africanamerican communities being december natured by crimes. You walk down the streets and get shot. Mr. Speaker, we could take care of that in the 114th if we really believed that. We could do a crime bill or a voters rights bill, we could do 10, 20, 30. Mr. Speaker, as my time comes to an end, let me say that, i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record statements from congresswoman terri sewell and congresswoman johnson. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore without objection. It will be covered under general leave. Under the speakers announced policy of january 6, 015, the leman from ohio, mr. Before chabot. I ask that members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous remarks. I rise this evening to honor our colleague, our late colleague, steve latour et, who served in this body for 18 years and who sadly passed away after a here hoic battle of pancreatic cancer. Steve will be missed. Steve and i were elected to congress together in 1994 as part of the republican revolution or so it was called in those days. The year of the contract with america. We were two of the four republicans from ohio who were first elected that year, the other two. Steve and i worked here together for 16 years and over that time, we became good friends. While steve was an esteemed colleague and respected by both sides of the aisle, i will remember him as one of those people who was a great person on a human level. He had a gregarious personality and wry sense of humor and he shared it with us og both sides of the aisle. We are a better institution because steve served amongst us and he will be greatly missed and long remembered. Steve latour et had the endearing ability to take his job and responsibilities. While at the same time, poking fun at himself. Perhaps most importantly, i think steve will be remembered because of how much he believed in bipartisanship. He truly did not care which party you belonged to, if you had a good idea he would support it. And he would get in the trenches with you and fight to get that act enacted into the law. The lack of bipartisan that affected his decision to retire back in 2012 in his parting speech on this floor and he id, for a long time, words like compromise have been considered dirty words. The art of being a legislator is finding Common Ground. When members paid tribute the plain dealer reported that steve joked that it was fitting that bipartisanship would only break out when he had decided to leave. I hope that steve is looking down on us this evening so he will know that he is truly brought us together in a bipartisan manner because we have a number of our colleagues who would like to speak in his memory and in his honor and i hope we make steve proud when he sees the bipartisan taking place and maybe, just maybe, we could bring this bipartisan spirit with us into the next congress. We could use it, considering the challenges that this institution and we as a nation faced after a very divisive election where about half of the people were he can static and half of the people are depressed. Its a time to come together. Its going to be tougher to come together but we could keep in mind what he would have said and brought us together. We need to get together in a bipartisan manner and remembering steve and this tribute. Latourette they are evening. And i will at this point yield to other members and i reserve. Mr. Chabot i yield to the gentlelady from ohio, the longest serving member from the ohio delegation, marcy kaptur at this time. Ms. Kaptur thank you very much, congressman chabot. Its a pleasure to be with you this evening and to pay tribute to a wonderful, wonderful turet from stevela great latourette from the of ohio. New depth of feverish part is andship were reached and i rise to pay tribute and friend, ohio congressman Steve Latourette. He was a lawyers lawyer who is very intelligent and very effective lawmake iran he remained a loyal republican but at the same time, he exemplified as congressman chabot said, the compromise and negotiation for the sake of the republic and American People. And he built alliances with house members of all stripes in pursuit of the common good and conducted himself with a warm smile and witty manner throughout and he had a good word. I remember how he looked at you from above his glasses when he would get out of a committee meeting. It was an horn and privilege to serve with so many years in the same ohio delegation as steve. He exhibited so much love for our state and endeavored to help all of the people of ohio. He was not just a representative for the 19th and then 14th district of ohio, but representative for all of ohio, as he effectively worked on our Appropriations Committee. Has my honest passion been to focus on the Great Lakes Region and brought us to together to promote investments in the largest ecowater system. 95 of our nations fresh water and serving over 30 million americans, 1. 5 million jobs and 62 billion in wages is generated each year. Steemb understood the importance of the great lakes to the region and our nation because he came from Northern Ohio and it was a real pleasure to champion our great lakes issues. I recall in 2005, following cuts o the pentagons budget, 1,200 jobs in the Accounting Service building were to be cut and shipped out to indianapolis. Teve was able not only tom lobby but he secured an expansion by over 600 jobs the following year. Many of those employees are now my constituents and i know they retain as i do, a deep gratitude for steves intervention and put the same type of efforts into so ny projects, the port of chiefland and so much more. He hased ideals and goals and the wider context, putting the public context to get things done. The list is extensive. He was one of seven republicans to vote against stripping of National Public radio. He had courage. He advocated for mixed approach torp deficit reduction. He blocked legislation aimed of worker pro text. The list goes on. He was a loyal republican, but he represented his region. Yet, steve was critical about the stark political divide now found in the house and the tone in which that debate is conducted. I was filled wirp regret and sadness to secretary reelection in 2012 because of his ronan i quote, he reached the conclusion that the atmosphere in the house no longer encourages the finding of Common Ground. His comments remain resson nant today. If they knt enforce in which representativela turt was to concern how can we expect to protect the people. As a s death must serve call to recall americas promises and what purpose we serve in this great house. When steve passed away, a light was extinct issued. We embark, let us do to rekindle that fire in his memory. And i thank congressman chabot for arraigning the time and in tribute to our dear friend steembla turt. Steembla turt. Mr. Chabot she is right. He was right. He did work in a bipartisan way. And thats one of the things well all remember him for much more than anything else. And i would like to yield to the gentleman who took steves place and now the current member who represents the 14th district of ohio and that is david joyce. Thank you very much for the opportunity to be here, congressman shah got, its a pleasure to see in the gallery tonight his loving family, his beautiful wife jennifer, emma, henry, and for those who are at home, sara, sam, and the twins, you need to know one thing very clearly your father loved you very much. I had the pleasure of first meeting your father in 1988. I was appointed prosecutor in the county, he was running for election in lake county. His favorite saying was no muss, no fuss. Dont worry about this, daviddy, we got this. We worked together davy, we got this. We worked together for many years. Ill tell you a few thing, ill be brief. Your father cared he cared deeply about you, he cared about his friends and family. Whenever youd run into him hed ask about your family and kids. If he knew someone was ill, hed ask about them he cared about people first, the job came later. He was somebody you could always count on. If he gave you his word, it was money in the bank. The beauty of it at that Bank New York matter what was going on in his life he made you feel he was the you were the only one there. Your issues were so important to him. He was competitive. Whether it was in the courtroom or in the halls of congress, he was one who would fight for you day in and day out he cared deeply about his country and wanted on the best for it, thats why he fought for it. But remember one thing. When it came to softball, your father was something else. We have our annual summer prosecutor softball game and his team was unfortunately defeated two years in a row. He made it part of his hiring practice that anybody coming into the Prosecutors Office had to excel as a softball player because hes not going to let a loss like that occur a third year in a row on bhf of his beloved lake county. I know you have many fond mem res of him, i did too. I think the most important part is to remember how much he loved his country and that he was one person you could truly call a legislative gentleman and scholar. Thank you. Reclaiming my time, id like to yield to the gentleman from tennessee mr. Chabot we claiming my time, id like to gentleman to the gentleman from tennessee as much time as he may consume. We are here to pay tribute to an amazing man. I was at the memorial service. There was almost an equal number of republican members and democratic members. That is indeed rare and its sad that its rare in this day and age. We all respected, admired, and loved Steve Latourette. He was a great member. 18 years of service is a good, long time. And he did wonderful things, im sure for ohio. We heard from marcy kaptur about many of the projects he was involved with. I wanted to reflect for a moment on a project that i think could have and should have benefited the entire United States. Mr. Cooper it was a huge lost opportunity. But he put body and soul into it in 2012, which turned out to be his last year in congress. Back then there was a commission, a Bipartisan Commission appointed by president obama, headed up by republican senator Allan Simpson of wyoming, and also by the former Clinton White house chief of staff, erste kin bowles. It was called the simpsonbowles commission. It was tasked with finding a bipartisan solution to our nations debt and deficit problems. Back then , in 2012, we thought the debt was astronomical. It was 15. 6 trillion. 15. 6 trillion. 19. 6 r years later, trillion. Four trillion dollars higher. Four trillion dollars of extra burden on future generations, including steves own children. And the irony of the simpsonbowles package, it was about a 4 trillion pack took reduce our debt by 4 trillion. Steve had the courage to engineer a plan to bring et to the house floor. We got it to the house floor. We had, according to steves estimate, almost 100 commitments for support. We didnt expect to win but we thought wed put up a good showing. And when the votes were counted, we had a whopping 38 members who were willing to stand up for bipartisan debt and deficit reduction. 38 members out of a body of 435. Im not faulting people who didnt vote for it that day, who reneged on their commitment to steve. I am proud of those, sometimes called the brave 38, that stood by that commitment. Because there was plenty in that bill to hate. Its easy to criticize. It is hard to perform. Steve latourette was a rare member who was interested in being brave to help his country and he was willing to sacrifice to do it. I admire that. I admire that because it takes courage and i admire that because it is increasingly rare. Too many members are only looking to be popular and perpetuate their career instead f putting their country first. Steve latourette put his country first. I hope that people will learn from his example. I hope theyll follow his example. I hope theyll do it in the wonderful, humorous style that he had. Where he could be serious as all get out but also have that twinkle in his eye. He made friends , he made alliances, but he also built a bridge to the future for us all. Its not too late to Pay Attention to deficit reduction. Sadly, it was largely ignored in this most recent president ial campaign by both candidates but there are plans five and e our debt 10 trillion dollars worse than it is today. Were not going in the direction of simpsonbowles or cooperlatourette, which is what the legislation was called, we seem to be going in the opposite direction. I dont want interest on the federal debt to be the largest grow, Fastest Growing new federal program. Thats the way its headed especially if Interest Rates pick up. Weve got a lot of work to do in this body. The next congress has to tackle these problems this esteve la due ret problems he was duck. I hope this coming congress will not duck them. He was a brave men and a good man. We need to learn from his example. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. Reclaiming my time id now like to yield to a gentleman who probably knew steve as well as any other member in the house did and was as close a friend of steves, i think, as anybody here, pat tiberi. Mr. Tiberi thank you, steve. Ran into a guy back during the campaign in my district who was a prosecutor when Steve Latourette was a prosecutor he called him a prosecutors prosecutor. Guess i shouldnt be surprised because when Steve Latourette six o years before i came, he became a legislators legislator. And to henry and emma and to his chern at home, that corner back there became steves corner. It was a corner that we spent a lot of time in. Two of the people who spent a lot of time in that corn we are your dad, mike simpson, congressman from idaho, and frank lobiondo, congressman from new jersey, apologize they couldnt be here tonight but wanted me to tell you, they miss him dearly vust just as you do. So at the memorial, part of what im going to say, i said, but i want to say it again. Steve was a unique guy. And not a guy that i would have thought that i would have become friends with. Because he was a university of michigan guy. And im an ohio state guy. But despite that, we did become friends. Not only did we become friends, my daughters had tremendous amount of respect for him. So when i asked them, after steve passed, to give me a word or a phrase that reminded them of steve, they came up with these four words. Or four sayings. One said funny. Steve could be brutally funny with a wicked sense of humor. Another said kind. Another said nice man. And finally, the fourth said, christ like. I laughed at that inside because i knew steve would laugh at that. But then i looked up christ like and i got words that fit steve to a tee. Gentle, kind, unselfish, generous, it was really amaze an amazing thing that i never thought of, that one of my daughters could see in a guy whose words have been described by our colleagues who loved him, loved him dearly because his heart was always in the right spot, of trying to get things done, no matter who it came from or whose idea it was, steve was always about helping the little guy, as marcy kaptur, congresswoman from ohio state, he not only saved jobs in cleveland, he added to them. He helped lake erie, passionate about it. He was passionate about helping his constituents. Whether it was repairing a bridge or building a road, transportation and infrastructure issues were just amazingly important to him but he became an expert in the field. Whether it be something about railroad or an airport, sea port, steve knew it. Trucking, he was on it. I miss steve back in that corner. He was an amazing counselor and friend. He was a mentor. One of y daughter said, and yes, st, kindest, nicest and most christlike human beings i ever met. Take comfort in knowing that the world is a better place because your tad. I yield back. Mr. Chabot feather thank you very much. Reclaiming my time, id like to yield to the gentleman from the sixth district of ohio, ongressman bill johnson. Mr. Jnk i, too, want to mr. Johnson i, too, want to thank my colleague, steve chabot, for putting this on tonight and giving us an tuvent to pay tribute to one of the finest human beings that i personally ever met. , had no cted in 2010 background in public service. I had no idea what i was getting myself into. So much to learn. And so little time to learn it in. Fortunately, for me fortunately for me, Steve Latourette was in our ohio dell gation. It didnt take me long to figure out that if you had a uestion on anything, Steve Latourette was the guy to go to. Whether it was a legislative issue or a procedural issue or a political issue, steve was a wealth of knowledge and always willing to take time out of his personal schedule to sit down and have a conversation with you. I dont think i ever met anyone while i served with steve for two terms that didnt call steve a friend, whether that was on the republican side of the aisle or the democrat side of the aisle. Teve had the uncanny ability smile that smile and to brush away all the dust of confusion and get to the core of the matter, and when you walked away from a conversation with steve you thought, why idnt i think of that . I so much appreciated his guidance, his mentorship, his friendship. Expertise and he the professionalism of the man by watching him work. But the thing that impressed me most about steve

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