Transcripts For CSPAN New Hampshire Republican Leadership Su

Transcripts For CSPAN New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit Day 2 Part 5 20150419

one thing we all share, whether we are negative citizens or new citizens, is a tremendous appreciation for our men and women in uniform. the appreciation civilized i the united states marine band, which is celebrating its 210th anniversary this year. [applause] i love the band. so i'm going to see my farewell by doing something i always wanted to do. i do it in the spirit of our shared love for this country. [cheers] [applause] [band drumming] ♪ [applause] [clapping in time] ♪ ♪ [laughter] ♪ [applause] [laughter] [clapping continues] ♪ [cheers] [applause] >> the white house correspondents association annual dinner is next saturday evening. we expect marks from president obama and this year's entertainment's saturday night live'. starting at 6:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. president obama is expected to speak at the white house correspondent's dinner next saturday evening. here are his remarks from beginner in 2012. this is about 20 minutes. >> the president's mic is on, please turn it off. president obama: great. i have to get warmed up. president obama: ♪ i am so in love ♪ god, i totally had that. what am i doing here? i'm the president of the united states, and eye-opening for jimmy kimmel? i have the nuclear codes why my talking to kim kardashian? why is she famous anyway? no, you're right. that is way too risky. look at my hair. it really went gray. do think anyone would notice if i went a little darker? right now, i'm just a 5 on the just ferment scale. -- just for men scale. is the teleprompter working? are you getting? -- kidding? i literally have no idea what i'm saying right now. [toilet flush] i could really use a cigarette. god forbid we keep chuck todd and the cast of "glee" waiting. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president of the united states. [applause] president obama: thank you. [applause] president obama: good evening everybody. good evening. i could not be more thrilled to be here tonight. [applause] at the white house correspondents dinner. [laughter] it is a great graph, they are article i? -- great crowd, they are already laughing? chuck todd, love your brother. glad to see the cast members of "glee" are here. and jimmy kimmel, it is an honor man. [laughter] president obama: my fellow americans, we gather during an historic anniversary. lester at this time, in fact, on this very weekend, we finally delivered justice to when the world's most notorious individuals. [applause] [cheers] [laughter] president obama: now this year. we gather in the midst of a heated election season. and axelrod tells me i should never miss a chance to reintroduce myself to the american people. so tonight, this is how it would like to begin. my name is barack obama. my mother was born in kansas. my father was born in kenya. and i was born, of course, in hawaii. [laughter] [applause] president obama: in 2009, i took office in the face of some enormous challenges. now, some have said i blame to many problems on my predecessor. but let us not forget the practice initiated by george w. bush. [laughter] president obama: since then, congress and i have certainly had our differences. i have tried to be civil. to not take any cheap shots. that is why i want to especially thank all the numbers who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. [applause] [laughter] president obama: despite many obstacles, much has changed during my time in office. four years ago, i was locked in a brutal primary battle with highly. -- hillary clinton. for your later, she won't stop drunk texting me from cartagena. [laughter] [applause] -- four years later. four years ago, i was a washington outsider. four years later, i met this aam at this dinner. [laughter] four years ago, i looked like this. today, i look like like. [laughter] and, four years ago, i will look like this. [laughter] [applause] president obama: that is not even funny. [laughter] president obama: anyway, it is great to be here this evening in the vast magnificent ballroom. or what mitt romney would call a little fixer upper. [laughter] [applause] i mean, look at this party. we have men in tuxes, women in gallons, fine wine, first-class entertainment. i am relieved to learn this is not a gsa conference. [laughter] [applause] president obama: unbelievable. not even the mind readers knew what they were thinking. [laughter] president obama: [sigh] of course, the white house correspondent's dinner is known as prom washington dc, coined by political reporters who clearly never had the chance to go to an actual problem. -- an actual prom. [laughter] president obama: our chaperone for the evening is jimmy kimmel. [cheers] [applause] president obama: who was perfect for the job since most of tonight honest is in his key demographic --people who fall asleep during "nightline." [laughter] president obama: jimmy got his start years ago on "the man show." in washington, that is what we call a congressional hearing on contraception. [cheers] [applause] president obama: plenty of journalists are here tonight. i would be remiss if i did not congratulate the huffington post on their pulitzer prize. [applause] president obama: you deserve it arianna. there was no one else out there blinking to the kinds of journalism that huff po is linking to every single day. given a round of applause. [applause] and you don't pay them, it is a great business model. [laughter] president obama: even sarah palin is getting back into the game. guest hosting on the today show. which reminds me of an old saying. what is the difference between a hockey mom and a pitiful? -- puitit bull? a pit bull is delicious. [laughter] president obama: now, i know at this point many of you are expected that i go against my likely opponent, newt gingrich. [laughter] but i am not going to do that. i'm not going to attack any of the republican candidate. take mitt romney. he and i actually have a lot in common. we both think of our wives as our better halfves. poles show to an alarmingly extent that the american people agree. [laughter] we also both have degrees from harvard. i have one. he ashas two. what a snob. [laughter] [applause] president obama: of course, we have also had our differences. recently, his campaign criticized me for slow jamming the news with jimmy fallon. in fact, i understand governor romney wasn't so upset that he asked his staff if you could get equal time on the merv griffin show. [laughter] president obama: still, i guess governor romney is feeling good about things. he took a few hours off to see the"the hunger games." it is about people who court will be sponsors and then brutally savaged each other until only one content that is left standing. [laughter] president obama: i ensure this was a really great change of pace for him. [laughter] president obama: i have not seen "the hunger games." not enough class warfare for me. [laughter] president obama: of course, everybody is predicting a nasty election. we have all agreed that families are off-limits. dogs however, are apparently fair game. [laughter] president obama: while both campaigns have had fun with this. the other day i saw a new ad from one of these outside groups that frankly, i think crossed the line. i know governor says he has no control over what his super pacs do, but can we show the ad? >> back in 1983, you took your dog seamus tied to the roof your car. romney: he liked it a lot better in his kennel that he would in his bed. >> with a candidate with the courage to further dogs freedom to fight the wind and as for. the what about barack obama? under his failed leadership, man's best friend has been forced into a government controlled automobiles. just imagine the european-style dog socialism obama has planned for the next wfour years. more government handouts. indoctrinating our children. a left-wing social agenda. leading from behind. [laughter] >> ♪ in the arms of an angel ♪ >> america's dogs can't afford four more years and obama. for them, that's 20 years. -- 28 years. they need this guy. that is why we need to join the mitt romney in sending a message this november of an american and dog-gone it i ride outside. [applause] president obama: that is pretty rough. [groans\ president obama: i can take it. my stepfather told me it is a boy eat dog world out there. [laughter] president obama: now if i do win a second term as president let me just say something to all of the-- [applause] president obama: let me say something to all of my conspirators on the right to think i'm planning to unleash some secret agenda. you're absolutely right. [laughter] allow me to close with a quick review -- preview of the secret agenda you can expect in a second obama administration. in my first term, --in my second term, i'm going with young jeezy. [laughter] president obama: michelle says "yeah." i think that to her sometimes. -- sing that to her. [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we ended the war in iraq. in my second term, i will win the war on christmas. [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we repealed the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell." [applause] president obama: wait, though. in my second term, we will place it with a policy known as "it's reigning raining men." [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we passed health care reform. in my second term, i guess i will pass it again. [laughter] president obama: i do want to end tonight on a slightly more serious note. whoever takes the oval office next january will face rates challenges. but he will also inherit predictions that make us greater than that challenges we face. one of those traditions is represented here tonight. a free press that isn't afraid to ask questions or criticized. in service to that mission, we all make sacrifices. tonight, we remember journalist such as anthony siddique and marie coleman. [applause] president obama: who made the ultimate sacrifice. they salt to shine a light on some of the most important stories of our time. whether you are a blogger or a broadcaster, whether you take on powerful interests here at home, or put yourself in harm's way overseas, i have the greatest respect and admiration for what you are doing. i know sometimes you like to give me a hard time, and i certainly like to return the favor. [laughter] i never forget that our country depends on you. you help protect our freedom and democracy, and our way of life. just to set the record straight, i really do enjoy attending these dinners. in fact, i had a lot more material prepared, by have to get the human service home for the nerve european. -- their new curfew. thank you everybody. [applause] >> the white house correspondents association annual dinner scheduled for april 25. we expect remarks from president obama. this year's entertainment is something like live's sicily strong. we spoke to the white house responded association of the choice and the history of entertainment at the dinner. >> for a while, they used to do musical acts. believe it or not, there was a juggling act at some point. that was a long time ago. since then, the association started having comedians come and service the entertainers. she will be the fourth woman to have done. i don't know why it is always a late-night white guy. those guys are funny but it is important to have different perspectives represented at a podium like that. i think she is funny. i think she is sharp and cutting and will bring him down to size a little bit. that is part of the fun. >> live coverage of this white house correspondent's association dinner is april 25 starting it ask: 30 p.m. on seas. -- 6:30 p.m. on c-span. on the next washington journal next boot from the council on foreign relations -- matx boot from the council of relations talks about isis, iraq instability, and the impact of the nuclear agreement with iran. then we talk about a congressional proposal that would give president obama special authority in negotiating the transpacific partnership trade deal. and frank from florida international university looks at the future of u.s.-cuba relations. as always, we will take your calls, and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal, live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> this sunday, on q&a, author jessica stern on the origin of isi and what we need to understand about thems. jessica: there are two respects of isis that the president needs to understand. one is their efforts and successes on social media. and the need for us to respond to that, to counter the narrative that they are spreading so effectively and so far. and the other, is there a pocket with narrative. -- there are popular narrative. -- apapocalyptic narrative. it is hard to know whether they really believe the end times are coming for whether they are capitalizing on widespread belief in most of these countries that they will witness the end of time. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern and pacific on the stand q&a. -- c-span's q&a. >> next, some of the speakers from today's version of the new venture first in the nation of leadership summit. beginning with kentucky senator rand paul, former hewlett-packard ceo donald trump and lindsey graham of south carolina. now, some of the speakers from the final date of the first in the nation leadership summit in your answer. speakers include presidential candidate senator rand paul of kentucky, former hewlett-packard ceo, real estate developer donald trump, south carolina senator lindsey graham, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, senator ted cruz of texas, and wisconsin governor scott walker. we begin with senator paul. [applause] ♪ senator paul: thank you. [applause] senator paul: sometimes people ask me, why should i run for office? i told them i'm throwing things at the television. the real answer is that i got tired of looking up and my party not doing what they promised to do. [applause] senator paul: i was disappointed that republican double the size of debt when we were in charge. of was disappointed that republicans -- size of the department of education. i was disappointed that republicans were even supporting common core. i was disappointed that republicans were voting for bank bailouts. and so i said we have to do something or shut up. i have to either complain about the things on my tv, or have to show up and try to participate. i had a decision to make. it was not an easy decision. i am a physician who lives in a small town about 50,000 people. i do i surgery. -- eye surgery. i spent most of my life getting into medical school, training and becoming a doctor. i missed it. when i'm frustrated, i go back and do medicine. there is a difference between looking at politics and looking at the results, and being in medicine and looking at the results in guatemala we did about 200 cataract surgeries. one man sticks out in my memory. he was about my age, the bit older. people get cataracts pretty on down there. he was completely blind. he had lost everything -- his wife, he lost 40 pounds, he lost his house, his kids, he had nothing. the church had taken him in, what he was completely and totally functionally blind. the next day when we took his patch off, to see the look on his face and the tears of joy seeing him for to his knees and thanking god for his vision back. i was thinking, this is a lot better than washington. [laughter] the only time favorite thank god in washington is when congress is not in session. [applause] there is a difference. sometimes we need more of it decisions perspective. figuring out the problems and getting to a solution somehow. get something done. so often, it doesn't seem to happen that way. groucho marx put it this way. he said at the art of politics is looking for problems everywhere, finding them, misdiagnosing them, and applying the wrong remedy. so often, we pick politicians who all look alike. they all sound alike, they all just like. and guess what? nothing ever changes. government gets bigger and bigger and bigger. so we ask ourselves, we have a decision now. we'd need to find someone who is going to represent us, someone who's going to be the leader of the republican party and make the country a better place. how are we going to get that? some of our parties say, let us dilute the message. let us become a democrat light and we will get more votes. i couldn't disagree more. i think what we need to do is be boldly for what we are for. [applause] to be the party that believes in small government in washington, which means lower taxes. when is the last time you heard a republican run for president who said they were going to cut taxes to actually followed through with it? are left to nominees, i don't remember any tax cuts being part of the program at all. i am in washington now, and i listen to them. the republicans in charge of all of these committees want revenue neutral tax reform. i tell people that is what i am for, were going home. if that is what we are for, the needs have of you are going to be more, and half of you pay less. the net effect for the economy is zero. why don't we the reagan republicans again? why don't we cut taxes for everybody? [applause] senator paul: i think we can have manufacturing jobs in our country again. one of the ways we can do it is by becoming competitive. people are going to build stuff here. companies are not going to be here if the taxes are higher than the rest of the world. our corporate income taxes 35%. people do not want to incorporate into america anymore. they want to incorporate overseas. even of the great american companies that are making a lot of profit. they make profit here and around the world, they won't bring it home. there is $2 trillion of american profit sitting overseas. what i have proposed, and we have done this one time before -- what i propose is to lower the rate dramatically. to encourage that money to come home. i think there is 611 $100 billion that can come home as a cash infusion. -- 6$600 - $700 billion dollars. i would attacks at a low rate and put it in the highway fund. they call it the highway trust fund. here is a news alert -- there is no trust in the trust fund. [laughter] we are $15 billion short. i think we can actually lower the tax, bring money in, an bill rhodes over the same time. i think it is a win-win-win. [applause] senator paul: i think that is an example of not diluting our message, but looking for common ground. are cosponsors is barbara boxer. she and i don't agree on a whole lot, but we agree that cutting the tax rate will bring more money home for infrastructure. the president wants more money for infrastructure. i raised my hand at the white house and said, i will help. you voted for this in 2005. the president voted for the same concept for one year. we will try to put it on the highway bill. maybe he won't veto the highway bill. if so, we could cut our taxes have more revenue coming in. the other reason why we ought to be for tax cuts. why don't we be for tax cuts to help poor people? if you want to help detroit they have 20% on implement. it is devastation. you have abandoned housing everywhere. if you want to help detroit, why don't we leave more money in detroit? i is something called economic freedoms of. -- freedom zones. it is jack cap's claim on steroids. we lower the federal rate of taxes if you live in a area of poverty to almost zero. we do it for 10 years. you have to hire people who lives in these four errors. but for detroit alone, it will be $1.3 million. for appalachia, my state the poor rural folks who live in the mountains, it would be the most $1 billion. we can have a plan for poverty. we can have a plan for poor people and unemployment. instead of a thing, we can get all of the votes of people in business. we are doing that. if you want to win elections you have work with the people owning the businesses. you have to get out there and say, how are you going to help one of women? you could be like the democrats and create a new program, or we can be like republicans of old and before tax cuts to help the poor. we should create millions of jobs again. when reagan did this in the early 1980's, we created more than 20 million jobs. i think a lot of the jobs in the 1990's were created because the policies of reagan in the 80. to win again, for us to be the dominant party, for us to win not just texas, not just georgia, for us to win ohio, michigan pennsylvania, colorado -- all these purple states. to win these purple states that are so easy anymore, i think we need to be the party that defends the entire bill of rights. [applause] senator paul: we have been pretty good at defending the second amendment. you will probably not see anyone come here who is not for defending it. maybe 1 or o22. most will come through independent, so am i. but i also want to defend the fourth amendment. you can't defend the second if you don't defend the fourth. i am a republican who does believe in the rights to privacy. as enshrined in the fourth amendment. the fourth amendment says you can't get into someone's records without naming the person naming the records, and going to a judge, and independent judge and say i have trouble cosmic crime. -- probable cause of a crime. it doesn't mean collecting 300 million phone records. is not consistent with a warrant that says mr. verizon on it. last i checked, mr. verizon is not a person. collecting millions of records is not right. your phone records are yours. you of a privacy interest to maintain the matter who is holding them. the government, it is none of their damn business what you are doing on your phone. [applause] senator paul: you can say damn in new hampshire can't you? [laughter] senator paul: we have to defend the fourth, the second amendment. we have to defend the fifth amendment. everybody gets due process, no matter who you are. government cannot take your stuff, your property, your things without just compensation. you say, surely they don't. [laughter] senator paul: civil forfeiture. this is where the government can take your stuff without you ever been convicted of a crime. washington post has done a series of this for the last six month. you know what they found? the people affected by it are minorities. most of them are poor, disproportionately people who live in cities where the police have more patrols. i will give you an example. christo lives in philadelphia. is a son with selling illegal drugs. punish the kid, do some intricate. do you know what they did? they barricaded the house and evicted the family from the house. often, this is a poor family living in the city. the only thing holding the family together is grandmother who owns the house and you're going to take her house? it is insane, it off to stop. you know who is the biggest purveyor the biggest hero of civil forfeiture and defended it recently? loretta lynch. this is the main reason i oppose her. [applause] senator paul: loretta lynch, as u.s. attorney in manhattan confiscated over $100 million worth of people stuff with no conviction. she went one step further. we passed a reform about 10 years ago letting prosecutors know that they had to file paperwork so the person whose stock had been taken could get a lawyer and could get a time certain for a day and try. she took their stuff and never filed paperwork on purpose so the clock would never start. one company, the hearse brothers, were a snack food candy company. she took a have a million dollars of them and kept it for two years. this shouldn't happen in america. i am part of a movement and part of a ill that says we will reverse and turned justice back the way it should be. where in our country you should be presumed innocent until found guilty. [applause] senator paul: realize that the people you are often talking to and will be talking to we defend the entire bill of rights -- the fifth and sixth amendments -- may not be the people you have been listening to support. they may not already be republican but they want someone to champion their cause. khalifa browder comes to my. he is a 16-year-old black kid in the bronx. he is poor. so poor that when he was arrested his parents could not make $300,000 bail. he spent three years in jail. a 16-year-old kid. i don't know if he's guilty or not, put in america, no one deserves to be in prison for three years without a trial date. it doesn't get a trial and a speedy trial. i don't know what happened to him in prison. i can only imagine. what he tried to commit suicide four times. this should not have an in america. it is disproportionately happening to african-americans to a spanish, to poor people, to people who live in cities. where the police come more often and are being treated this way. if we were all of a sudden the party that cared about the entire bill of rights, nobody on the democrat side has been doing a damn thing about this. if we were the party of the entire bill of rights, the party that was once of emancipation became, i think you would see a sea change. [applause] senator paul: people ask me what is the worst thing going on in washington? is it obamacare? i say, all of the above. but i say the separation of powers is collapsing. our founding fathers were so prescient when they said that we will set up these coequal branches. madison said, we will put ambition against ambition, that the indigent to maintain power through the legislature will be pitted against the courts pitted against the president. everyone will jealously guard their power. guess what? not so much anymore. one of the things about partisan politics is that democrats side with the president. they will not stand up to him on immigration because they like what he did. i think you should stand up and even if you agree with what he did. you can't have a president who just creates the law on his own. i look to montesquieu. he wrote and said that when the executive and begins to legislate, a form of tierney will ensue. -- tyranny will ensue. people say, the present is a good man, he will not do anything wrong. we will get beyond that. even if you want to accept that, the reason we have rules is because of who comes along after that. madison said if permit were comprised of angels, we work have to have -- we won't have to have rules or restraint. we had a debate in 2011 over whether or not an american citizen could be detained without a trial. people said, we have to get terrorists, we just have to do this. i said, the terrorist could be you. some of the discussion of who terrorists might be are people who have changed the color of her hair. anybody in the room? that is personal. [laughter] stains on your closing, likes to pay in cash, has ammunition at home, has more than one weapon at home. do you think there might be a time when you might say, i want my trial, i will my lawyer, and i want my due process? we had this debate in the senate. will hear from some of these people. when you heard the loudest people, these are these people. one of them said, when they asked for a lawyer, you tell them to shut up. really that is the kind of discourse we're going to have in our country? when some one asked for lawyer, you tell them to shut up? the things that this debate went on. one other senator said, well, i acted incredulous. i said, you would said an american citizen to guantanamo bay without a trial? he said yes, if they are dangerous. it takes the question, who decides who is dangerous not? has a been a time who we decided who was dangerous based on the color of your skin? has a been a time where we decided someone with interest because of different leaves, -- different beliefs, for had a different religion? are we going to give up on our right to trial so easily? i think of richard jewell. do you remember him? everyone said he was the olympic bomber. he won millions of dollars from the media because they convicted him in hours. he fit the profile, he had a backpack on. he wasn't introvert, wore glasses. my goodness, we would be arresting a lot of people. he was convicted in a media, but he didn't do it. he had nothing to do with the bombing. but i tell people, the reason why you have to process think about if richard jewell had been a black man in 1920 in the south, what would happen to him? he might not have survived the day. we were once the party of the bill of rights. let us be that party again. is the party of the unpopular. the bill of rights is more unpopular to anyone else. everything goes well for the high school quarterback everything goes well for the prompting -- prom queen. it is were the least popular among us. [applause] senator paul: of all of the things going on in the last six years, of all the scandals. i think of old mcdonald's form of scandals. here a scnaandal, there a scandal everywhere a scandal. [laughter] the thing that bothers me the most is then ghazi. -- benghazi. [applause] senator paul: the reason is this. we have a potential nominee on the other side who wants to be the commander-in-chief. there is a bar you must cross. will you defend the country? we provide security when it is requested? to me, it has nothing to do with the talking points. everyone talked about the talking points. that was spin, it was disingenuous, politics as normal. that was no important to me. i granted that mistakes could be made and could not get adequate support because of the distance. however, someone made the mistake of having support systems too far away. someone should be told about that, and it should be corrected. what i fault hillary clinton for most is that for nine months, they pleaded, date in and day out, they pleaded for help. in february, you have a six person several operation unit brought home. a month later, another six person operation unit home. you get to april, and they are saying to investor stephen, we want a d.c. three to be able to get around the plane in case of emergency. they were begging the libyans to use a plain. they did not get the plane. hillary clinton's state department turns down the plane. you know what she approves three days later? and electoral charging station for the chevy volt. for the mc indiana. -- mc in vienna. he wanted to show how green bhehe was, which view all subsidized. they spent another hundred thousand dollars on charging stations to prove how green we are, and yet not enough money for a 50 mural plane to fly the investor around in case of emergency. this goes on all summer long. hillary clinton state department sent three comedians to india on the "make chai, not war" tour. she spent $650,000 on facebook ads. it seems the state department does not have enough likes on their facebook. she spent $5 million on crystal barware. along, not enough money for security. time after time, the soldiers were told not to wear military style boots because they didn't want to offend libyans. they did not want to show a weapon because it is politically incorrect to show weapons during the middle of a war zone. which gets me even further back. why the hell did we ever go into olivia in the first place? -- into libya? [applause] if you watch this closely this will separate me from other public and. other republicans will criticize the president and hillary clinton for the foreign policy, but they would have done the same thing 10 times over. all of them wanted troops on the ground. i think it was a mistake to be in libya. we have jihadists swimming in our swimming pool now. it is a disaster. we should have never been there. [applause] senator paul: so we go through the summer. security request after security request denied denied, denied. we get to august. investor stephen is sending his own tables directly to hillary clinton. we are worried about being overrun by the jihadists. when she came before my committee, that is the question i asked her. i said, mrs. clinton, did you read the cables? her answer was like, no, that is way below my pay grade. really? libya is one of the dangers countries in the world and you didn't read the cables directly? i think her dereliction of duty, not providing security for our forces, for automatic missions, should forever preclude her from holding higher office. [applause] senator paul: if we want to protect and continue our prosperity at home we do have to defend ourselves. without question, the number one priority of the government is national defense. when i look at spending, no matter what it is, i think the priority is defending the country. it is the one thing you have to do at the federal level. [applause] senator paul: but we have to decide when getting involved is good, and when it is not so good. there's a group of folks in our party who think it is always good. there's a group of folks in our party who would have troops in six countries right now, maybe more. there are people in our party who support giving arms to gaddafi before they supported giving arms to the freedom fighters, who turned out to be al qaeda. the thing is, i am not saying don't be involved around the world. i'm not saying don't defend our interests. we do have to do something. but think about it. as the position, we are first taught, do no harm. libya was a mistake. if you can say one thing that is probably true of the middle east, every time we have toppled a secular dictator, a secular strongman, we have gotten chaos. the rise of radical islam. if we want to defend our country, we have to know the enemy, and we have to name the enemy. [applause] senator paul: the president won't name the enemy, but i will. it is radical islam. until we name it, we can't defeat them. i tell you this, if i'm ever the commander in chief, i will do everything it takes to stop and defendant the country against radical islam. [applause] senator paul: as we move forward in the process you will hear from a lot of folks in all different spectrums of the party. but the one thing i would like to leave you with, is i would like you to think about how we are going to move forward and when. -- andw in. i think we need to stay true to principle. we don't dilute our message, but i do think it needs to be carried to new people. [applause] we need to talk to business owners, we need to talk to the workers. we need to talk to rich, poor, white, black, from. -- brown. we have to get out there and go places we haven't been going. as we proclaim our message, i'd like to think of the image of robert headline with the painter , he said paint like a man coming over the hills singing. when we proclaim our message with the passion but also what a man coming over the hills singing, then i think will be the dominant party again. thank you very much. [applause] >> we have a question over here. senator paul: i am told we have time for 2-3 questions, as long as they are easy questions. [laughter] >> on the day that hillary clinton announced that she was running for president, elizabeth warren was on television announcing that she was not running for president. do you believe that the democrats will run elizabeth warren at hillary's vice president. and if so, how do we respond to that challenge? [laughter] senator paul: i am starting to worry that when hillary clinton travels, there needs to bee two planes, one for her and her entourage, and one for her baggage. [laughter] senator paul: i'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is getting heavy and teetering. i'm concerned that they probably will end up being more of a primary than anyone thinks over there. here's the thing. the whole e-mail thing, she is just sort of above the rules. she doesn't have to use a government server. it's like, my server was protected by the secret service. though she thinks there are floppy disks in her basement? there is more coming too. the clinton has been involved in a lot of things. there will be a lot of conflicts of interest. if she wants to be this candidate that talks about women's rights, taking money from saudi arabia- [applause] a few years ago, a woman was raped by seven men in saudi arabia. they arrested the woman and probably gave her 90 lashes for being in an apartment with an unmarried man. does anybody would never south africa's apartheid? everyone grows up and quit investing. do you think she would be leaving a disinvestment program and that of taking their money. she has a lot going on. i wouldn't preclude anybody yet because there's a lot going on. she has had a pretty cool difficult month. -- a pretty difficult month. >> hi. this is probably more of a state's question, but you made me think of it when you brought up house in detroit. we have seen several situations lately. in fact, there was one in the boston area where a child goes in the houspital. the child and the doctor disagreed. the child is taking away from the parent, not for good reason. the courts get involved and the child is away from the parents for a year and a half. in arkansas, it is happening because of the homeschooling situation. is there anything presidential level or senatorial level--we are not talking about-- senator paul: i am very aware of the circumstances you are talking about. i can tell you with homeschooling, in my home state i've a friend who was homeschooled 30 years ago. his parents were arrested. this was before any of the laws changed. kentucky was one of the first states to allow homeschooling. his parents were indicted and threatened with a year in prison. they were on their way towards court when the legislature only changed law. medical questions get very comforted. courts would want to start out with parental rights. it would be rare, if ever, that they get taken away from her. but there are times when it happens. i'm a big believer in the family and the right to originate from the family. >> thank you for coming to answer, senator. recent reports show that isis has camp south of the border and some say they are in the united states intense. the military duction is to attack them before they get too close to our borders. will use military force to prevent isis from getting closer to us? senator paul: the short answer is yes. the longer answer is that in december of this year, i introduced a declaration of war against isis. my main complaint has been that we dither along and that congress is an involved. the constitution is clear that it needs to be through congress. they wouldn't bring it up. in december, they were passing a water bill for water aid to africa. i attached a declaration of war against isis. they weren't very happy with me. [laughter] senator paul: i told people, had i been present last summer, as sisis began its onslaught. i look for american interests. not just bad people, but american interests. areour conflict in reveal and baghdad are in danger. the iraqis are erstwhile allies. i think they need to away uniforms. isis is a threat. i would put them into context. if we don't do this, we will never learn. how did isis how did isis grow stronger? you have 2 million christians living under assad, and then you have the islamic rebels. i voted against arming the islamic rebels because i said, we will be back fighting against her on weapons. now, it is true. we have to think when intervention is good or bad. this is one side of the war. the other side is assad. the next time you come across someone from syria, you ask them which would you pick, isis or a sad-- assad? no question, they pick assad. compare that to isis. now we just to do something. i support military action against isis. >> one last question from alexandria knox. >> thank you so much, senator, for taking my question. i remember your issue on right to work. you are going to pass the national right to work act. is that your lan as president? senator paul: i am a big fan of the right to work at a local level -- [applause] senator paul: i think we will get a vote on it. we have not gotten very many votes because a certain senator from nevada has been in charge. now, there is a change of leadership in my hope is to get votes on several things. that is one of them. thanks everybody. thanks for having me. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [indiscernible conversations] ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ carly fiornia: thank you so much. when i was a little girl my mother said, what you make of yourself is your gift to god. it seemed like a promise i had god-given gifts and it seemed like a challenge i needed to find them and use them. i would go on to enroll in stanford university where i would graduate with a degree in medieval history and philosophy. [laughter] exactly. all dressed up and nowhere to go. i went off to law school. that is what my dad thought i would be good at. i hated law school and i quit after less than a semester. now i needed to go back and earn a living. i started to do full-time when i had an part-time to put myself through school. i was a secretary. i used to be a kelly girl at stanford. i typed and filed. kelly girls unite, right. i want to the want ads, except that the first job i was offered, which was to type and filed for a little real estate firm. i have lived all over the world traveled, worked all over the world. i know it is only in the night it's it's of america that a young woman can start as a secretary and go on to become the chief executive of the largest technology company in the world. that is only possible here. [applause] it is possible here because our founders knew what my mother taught. our founders knew that everyone has god-given gift. they built a nation on the belief that everyone has the right to find and use their gifts. everyone has the right to bethel -- but folder potential. that is what they met when they said life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. they said that right comes them got into not -- comes from god and should not be taken away from by man or government. i met this morning in the surf restaurant here michael buckley who has lived the american story . he started as a dishwasher and now he owns five restaurants. i have traveled and lived and spoken to people all across this country and i must tell you that i sense a deep disquiet. people fear we are losing something. what they fear we are losing is the sense of limitless possibility that is always defined this nation and when we lose that sense of limitless possibility, we are losing the core of who we are. i know from experience that there is a look that people get in their eyes when they accomplish more than they thought was possible. and there is the opposite of that look. i saw the opposite of that look in our daughter, lorianne's eyes. she battled addiction and lost that battle. it is the look of hopelessness. it is not just addiction or debt that waste potential. i see that look into many americans eyes. i see it in the look of men in the central valley of california whose livelihoods have been destroyed because bureaucrats have decided they should manage what scarce water there is washington d.c. i see that flat, hopeless look in a young woman whose life has become entangled in a web of dependence from which she cannot escape even it she tries. i've seen it in the eyes of a small business owner who gives up. that look at -- that flat eyed look of hopelessness -- not define -- cannot defined as nation. the truth is this -- our government has become so big powerful costly, corrupt, that the weight of the government is literally crushing the potential of the people of this nation. [applause] carly fiorina: we see it in lackluster economic growth numbers -- 2%. we see it in the data labor partition patient -- labor pa participation rates. we see it in the fact the first time in u.s. history, we are destroying my businesses then we are creating. while we celebrate in the role of technology people like steve jobs, the truth is the heroes of the american economy has always been the person who opens up the small real estate firm, the family-owned autobody shop, the nail salon, the restaurant. these are the heroes of the american economy because small businesses create two thirds of the new jobs in this country and employee happy people. when we crush small and family-owned businesses, we are crushing the potential of this nation. at the same time, groaning capitalism is alive and well. when you have a government so big, powerful, costly, complex corrupt, only the big can handle it. i know that having been the ceo of a $90 billion business. and may not have liked regulations but i could hire accountants, lawyers. a nine person real estate firm not so much. the consequence is when we pass a law like dodd frank on what happened? 10 banks become five banks. meanwhile, 3000 community banks have gone out of business. those committee banks are not big enough or rich enough to deal with all of the complexity and power washington, d.c. gives them. people fear that we are losing that sense of limitless possibility that is always defined our nation but people also worry that we are missing something important. what i think people think we are missing his leadership. here is the truth -- [applause] carly fiorina: our government has gotten bigger and bigger every year for 50 years. every year every agency has gotten more money. it is gotten worse under president obama that the truth is, it had been getting bad for 40 or 50 years. people build is connected from the political process because they feel like nothing changes. when did we decide that we needed a political class? ours was intended to be a citizen government. that is what by, for command of the people means. what we need is citizenship and leadership. i am reminded when i think about our federal government, i'm reminded of the difference between management and leadership. managers are people who do the best they can within the existing system. there are managers and business, politics, life. they do the best they can within the existing system. leaders are people who do not accept what is broken just because it has been that way for a very long time. and now, we need leadership and citizenship to reimagine our government. not just because it is so big and powerful and costly interrupt, but because it is failing now to serve the citizens who pay for it. nowhere is this more clear than in the example of the veterans administration. technology can do amazing things today. i happen to be chairman of opportunity international, the largest mega finance organization in the world. i can send a $150 loan to a desperately poor woman in india. if you were a veteran and you have served our nation, you have to spend months filling up april work and -- paperwork and waiting for some bureaucrat to check the paper to make sure you have learned the benefits you fought and served four and then you have to wait many more months while another bureaucrat decides whether you can get an appointment or not. this has been going on for a long time. they had been undergoing a major systems upgrade since 1989. [laughter] carly fiorina: if you are still going through a major systems of great for 20 years, you have failed. when the scandal of the ba in arizona broke, the political process are spotted to pressure. they passed a partisan bill that said we are going to fire the top 400 senior executives if they are not doing their jobs. is not that it is not a bad idea, it is just, really? that is the best we can do? we have not heard a lot about the va for some time. the veterans administration is a stain on our nation's honor. [applause] carly fiorina: it is an example of why we must reimagine government. let me take a moment. how many of you are here is veterans? would you please stand up? [applause] carly fiorina: thank you for your service. speaking of leadership, nowhere is leadership missing more than in the world. the world is a more dangerous and tragic place when america is not leading and america has not led for quite some time. you have heard me say this before and i will say it again. like hillary clinton, i have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles but unlike her, i know flying is an activity, not an accomplishment. [applause] carly fiorina: i have met vladimir putin and anyone who was sat across the table from him knows his ambitions will not be thwarted by a red reset button. i remember sitting in netanyahu's office five years ago and you know what he wanted to talk about? iran and the dangers they represent. i understand the chinese are stealing our intellectual property. i have chaired the advisory board of the central intelligence agency and i know we confront many dangers enemies but i also know there are many things are allies had asked us to do that we are not doing and everyone of them would make a difference in the world today. hillary clinton must not be president of the united states. [applause] carly fiorina: i was asked this morning on fox news whether a woman's hormones prevented her from serving in the oval office. not that we have seen examples of a man's judgment being clouded by hormones, including in the oval office. [laughter] [applause] carly fiorina: hillary clinton must not be president of united states but not because she is a woman, because doesn't have a track record of accomplishment, lacks the transparency that is so necessary to leadership, and because she will pursue a set of policies that crush possibilities and the potential of this great nation. [applause] carly fiorina: all our problems are solvable. all of our wounds ourselves inflicted. -- are self-inflicted. everything we need is citizenship and leadership. we rightly celebrate our founding fathers as we should. but i will remind you that two of the most powerful symbols of our blessed and beautiful nation are women. lady liberty and lady justice. lady liberty stands. she is clear-eyed, resolute, she holds reports like a begin of hope in the world. lady justice holds a sword in one hand because she is a fighter. she is a warrior for the values and principles that that made this nation great. she holds a scale in the other hand. with that scale, she says, "all of us are equal in the eyes of god and so all of us must be equal in the eyes of the law powerful and powerless alike." she wears a blindfold. [applause] carly fiorina: she wears a blindfold and i think with that blindfold, she says to us, it does not matter who you are. it does not matter where you come from. it doesn't matter what you look like or what your circumstances are. here, every american's life is to defined by possibilities with liberty and justice for all and select us rise together to meet our challenges. let us rise together and restore the promise of this, the greatest nation the world has ever known. god bless you and may god continue to bless the great nation of the night days of america -- states of america. >> thank you very much. [applause] carly fiorina: thank you so much. thank you so much. i think we have time for a few questions. he is making his way through with the microphone. >> thank you. i'm a businesswoman like yourself. we still produce admit he thatcher in new hampshire. and we are global. my question for you is, you lead a high-pressure company. you faced corporate threat from internal and external. i believe that positions you uniquely to make the decisions that need to be made in a political office as we face threats that are global, including iran. could you speak to this? carly fiorina: i think the next president needs to understand how the economy works. i think they need to understand how the world works and he was in it come understand bureaucracies and how they work. think they need to understand technology and executive decision-making. executive decision-making is making a tough call in a tough time with high-stakes for which you are prepared to be held accountable. you don't study that in a briefing book. you learn that over a lifetime of experience. iran is an interesting challenge. it is a grave threat. there is certain cardinal rules about negotiating the deals and they apply to every situation. rule number 1 -- know what your goals are and don't accept a deal until you have achieved them. the president laid out three clear goals. we have failed to achieve a single one. not a single nuclear facility will be dismantled not one of 19,000 centrifuges will go away. whereas iran at one point agreed they would ship some of their material to russia, they said never mind. will number 2 -- -- rule number 2 -- be prepared to walk away from the table. [applause] carly fiorina: we have never walked despite the fact that deadline after deadline has been passed and despite the fact the arabians have never -- iranians have never agreed to inspection. the final rule of course is do not celebrate victory until you have the deal you want someone the president takes to the rose garden and celebrates a framework agreement, what did the iranians conclude? he is committed to this so we will spend the next few month making a bad deal. if it were me, i would stop talking immediately, put dissensions on -- the sanctions on. i would not talk to them again until they had agreed to full unfettered inspections of every nuclear facility they have. [applause] >> hello. i met you at "politics and eggs." ever since i wanted to say that , you are an inspiration to all women. [applause] carly fiorina: thank you so much. i am following the man with the mic. >> thank you so much for being a -- here. as a young woman and the college student, people on my campus blindly followed hillary clinton. i have heard people say all over my college campus that they will vote for hillary clinton because she is a woman. they cannot name a single accomplishment she has. how will you reach out to college students, and especially young women to tell them that you are the choice and hillary clinton cannot be president? thank you. [applause] carly fiorina: wouldn't it a good if we gave those young women a choice? [applause] carly fiorina: by the way, maybe you can help educate some of those young women that there is a choice. one of the reasons that i think a lot of young people, and women, have disengaged from the political process is because they think it has nothing to do with them. of course, it has everything to do with them. the policies that politicians pursue impact everyone's lives, and in particular, the lives of people your age. you are the ones who will take on -- if we're not careful here -- debt and deficits and the a bureaucracy that has forgotten who it is truly there to serve. young people that i have talked to -- it is interesting to know that women are 53% of the voting public today. women are the majority. a lot of women disengage from the process, we found out, when we were here working in new hampshire last year, because they do not like how it sounds. they think it seems pretty hopeless. people are arguing back and forth, soundbites are going back-and-forth, nothing seems to change. they say, there is nothing i can do about it. i will tell you a story that crystallizes it for me. it's not that people don't care it's that they think they don't count. we have to make sure that people understand yes indeed, you do count. i was in a homeless shelter in new york city a few weeks ago. i was speaking to a homeless woman there and she said, you know, those politicians they are up there in their world, talking in their language, and they don't know anything about us down here. the only trouble is, all the things they are doing up there they land on us down here. that is as good of a description of the disconnection from the citizens of political classes that i have heard. one of the things i promise to do is engage citizens in the political process. we have so many exciting ways to do it. i mention understanding to -- technology. technology gives us an incredibly powerful tool to reimagine government, but also reengage citizens in the process of government. you want a funny example? except, it is not so funny when you think about it. how many people vote for american idol each week? some of you in this room may not admit it, but you do. why not use that tool to ask american people a whole set of questions, do you think it is ok that somebody in the ferguson can watch pornography all day long and earn exactly the same pay pension and benefit than somebody who does a good job? one for yes and two for no. that would put pressure on the virginia. i would ask 1025-year-old veterans, you tell me how you want to be served. and we would end up with a blueprint for how to serve the heroes of this nation that would make anything the bureaucrats at the virginia has done for the last 10 years look like just what it is, mediocre. >> my name is lynn bishop. how would you solve or how do you think the water problem in california should be solved? i think california is the greatest place on earth. i used to live there, and what would you do for farmers? it seems like an interactible problem. secondly i just want to mention, there are institutions that are wonderful. my husband goes to manchester v.a. for all of his health care. they are fantastic. maybe they could do a little best practice sharing. carly fiorna: wouldn't that be good? we hold that up as an example and say other people should do this same thing. great example. repeat your question. i got off on the manchester virginia. farmers. how could i forget? my husband and i moved back home to virginia several years ago, so we no longer live there. let me explain to you the tragedy of california, because it is an example of politicians deciding that their ideology trumps someone else's life and livelihood. california has suffered from droughts for centuries. so you know, if you knew you were going to have a drought every 10 years, you might think about taking advantage of the years when rain is falling, right? the population of california has doubled in the last 40 years, and yet liberal environmental policies have intervened and prevented california from building a single new water reservoir or a single new water conveyance system. imagine your population doubles and you don't do anything to save water for who years. then, to add insult to injury, a bunch of environmentalists say there is a fish in something called the delta, and that fish, we think we need to protect it. so we are going to start managing the little water you have from washington, d.c. what you have today in good times and bad rainfalls and terrible droughts like right now, 70% of the rain that falls every year flows out to sea. so in the central valley i have seen the devastation of 40% unemployment, eric upon eric, upon eric of orchards and fields destroyed. the most productive agricultural farm land in the world by politicians and policies. californians figured out how to solve this problem. in the late 90's they passed a bipartisan bill in california that balanced growth consideration, economic considerations job considerations with the necessity to protect the environment. it had bipartisan support, and washington, d.c. said no, we are going to manage your water for you from washington, d.c. over and over and over in my life i have learned this. where there are problems, there are always people who understand how to solve them, but they need to be asked. and they are never the people from 3,000 miles away who know nothing about what is actually going on. >> this will be the last question. >> i am very, very intrigued with your campaign and your remarks here today and especially your professional background, your business ack acumen. put on your business hat and give us a business case. i like what i see in walker, rubio and busch. how do you contrast and why should i be voting for you? carly fiorna: wow, what a softball last question. how lucky are we as a party that we have such a broad field of so many qualified people. that is wonderful. [applause] and i think because we have such a broad field, this is going to be in many ways a process of elimination before it is a process of selection. but what i would say to you is this. i am different from anyone running in every respect. i have a completely different experience set. i have not been in politics all my life. and while there are many public servants who are fine public servants and politicians, the truth is politics is only one experience. i have lots of other experiences. not only in this country, but all over the world. i have a different perspective because of those experiences. i think i come at problem solving perhaps differently. i have a different voice. and oh, by the way, i look a little different, too. so i think if you believe as i believe that ours was not intended to be a government governed by a professional political class, ours was intended to be a citizen government by, for and of the people. [applause] and sometimes, sometimes people who have been inside a system for so long, they cannot see it for what it is anymore. they cannot see what is truly broken. they cannot see what can be done to change that system and to change the order of things for the better. i will promise you this. i understand that leadership is not about position, or power or title or perkins. the highest calling of leadership is to unlock potential in others and to change the ort of things for -- the order of things for the better. thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ ♪ >> thank you, thank you very much. i greatly appreciate it. an amazing place and a fantastic crowd. so when was the last time you have seen our country win at anything? we don't win anymore. whether it is isis, or whether it is china with our trade agreements. no matter what it is, it seems that we don't seem to have it. we make five-to-one deals. we get bergdahl. they get killers that are now leaders and all back fighting us. these are the kind of deals we make. nuke deal is a disaster. this is going to lead to nuclear proliferation all over. you are going to have nukes and countries fighting like hell to get them all because we have people in there that are either incompetent or somebody maybe even worse going on. i happen to think they are incompetent. you look at what is happening everywhere in our country. now our real unemployment rate, you know that is not 5.6%. it is really probably 19% to 21%. when i am building buildings, and i build many of them. every time i go to a job, i have hundreds of people at the street. they want to see me. they want to be part of it. they want to know can they get a job? that is not 5% and 5.of%. the real number is astronomical. you look at what is going with various things that our country is doing and then you hear policy politicians and all you hear is all talk, no action. i am actually disappointed with a lot of the republican politicians. i am a conservative republican. but you hear something, whether it is obama care, which is a disaster which has to be repealed and replaced -- [applause] whether it is we are going to cut social security because that is what they are saying, every republican wants to do a big number on social security. they want to do it on medicare and medicade. we can't do that. it is not fair to the people who have been paying in for years, and now they want to be cut because the republicans and the democrats don't know how to bring jobs back to our country. if i run, and if i win, i will bring jobs back believe me. we will bring them back from china, where they are ripping us like you have never seen. china just did a big cut on their currency. they are manipulating it to a level they have never done before. nobody thought they could do it. nobody thought they could get away with it again. it is taking tremendous business away from the u.s. what they are doing is making it impossible for our companies to compete impossible. a friend of mine -- and as you know, japan is back there doing the big devaluations. i know a guy, a great contractor and excavator. he called me the other day and he is very upset. i said what is your problem? he said i just put in a huge order for kamatsu tractors? i said why did you do that? he said japan has so strongly de-valued the yen, that it is impossible for caterpillar to compete. he was very sad. he is going to have now kamatsus. big problem. another friend of mine, manufacturer. they talk about free trade. there is no free trade. free trade is good if you have smart people on your side. but it is a disaster if you have stupid people or incompetent people, which is what we have. so a friend of mine, big manufacturer he goes out and he is trying to get business with china. he calls and goes it is impossible. i can't get my product into china, and they want to charge a hurge sur tax. it is going to be like 42%. i said does the world know this? what china is doing is incredible. what mexico -- that is the new china -- is doing to this country at the border, where it is like a seive, people pouring across. what mexico is doing is outrageous, that we don't do something about it. [applause] and mexico is not our friend. now ford motor just announced a $2.5 billion plant in mexico. how does that help us? they make the cars, they employ mexicans and they send them over to our country. no tax, no nothing. that means we are not going to make those cars in our country. two weeks ago, front page of the "washington journal," big story on mexico taking a $1 billion car plant out of tennessee. it was going to go to tennessee, big german company. it was going to go to tennessee, all set. then out of the blue mexico swiped it and took it. they gave them all sorts of things. now it is being built in mexico. more people employed. and then they treat us like garbage at the border. they laugh at us. they laugh at us. so mexico you have to be very careful with because mexico is treating us like a bunch of babies because we are led by people that truly don't know what they are doing. they are rank amateurs. [applause] they are rang amateurs. i will say this. whether it is ben gases -- benghazi, whether it is i.r.s., the things going wrong with our country, the executive orders are an outrage. we have a president who can't lead. he said the hell with this, i don't want to do this anymore. i want to rest and play golf. this fly has played hundreds of rounds of golf. i should not be angry at him because i own courses, but he does other things. he signs executive orders because he has given up. he can't convince anybody to do anything, so he has given up and signs on immigration and other things. you have not seen the last of it. we have a court system that is pretty messy and takes a long time. he figures i will be out of office by time this stuff is solved. and it is a real real problem. so i know you have people running, and i have done nicely in the polls when they put me in polls. they say trump is not running. they think i have a great life, a wonderful company. why would i do that? they think he is having a good time. this is not fun. i love you people. i am not having a great time. i can think many other things where i could have a good time. i love my company. i have a terrific time running it. but i have children that can take over, and i have executives that are great, and they can run that company. and i will tell you politicians are never going to solve the problems we have because the problems we have are so deep-seated, and they are so interactible. nobody is talking about the jobs leaving this country. outside of nursing homes and things, we are not going to have any jobs in this country. we are not going to have anything. i know how to bring it back, and i know the people to do it. if it is not me, i wrote the back "the art of the deal" said to be the number one business book of all time. most of you have read it. that is why you are here. you are wealthy people. i want 10%. [laughter] but we have to have people read the back because they don't understand. when they honor the heads of china, and they give them balls in the white house, and they put up a tent. i offered them a ballroom. i called david axelrod. i see you have all the heads of state and all the biggest people from china, and you are in an old tent i guaranteed they paid a fortune for. i said i will build free because it is the white house, we have landmarking little things like that i do. old postseason i am doing. i renovated grand central terminal. we will go out and get the best five american architects, only american architects, and we will have five propose always, and i will build you an incredible ballroom for the white house. cost me over $100 million minimum. and elway build you the most beautiful ballroom you have of seen. we will have a cheret, and we will decide which is the most appropriate one. i will build it. you won't have to use tents anymore. not that we should be honoring people from china because they do nothing but rip us off. but let's use them as an example. i said i will spend over $100 million, whatever it costs, and i will build it no charge, nothing. you pick the one you like. i never heard from them. that is the way it is. never said gee. actually he liked the idea, and then i never heard from him. so that is emblematic of the way our country is. that is emblematic of the way it is going to be for a long time if we keep having politicians in there. just to finish, and we are going to do a couple of questions. but if i decide to run, and i think i am going to surprise a lot of people, a lot of people -- if i decide to run, and if i win, i think we will have a great chance, i will make this country great again, believe me. and no politician is going to do it. that i can tell you with shut -- with surity. all the people you are listening to, you can forget it. politicians are all talk, no action. i have del with them all my life. it is really easy to make money on politicians. and we will have a great country again. let's have questions. thank you, thank you. thank you very much. >> yes, ma'am, we have a mic for you. >> thank you. i would just like to know if you think you can beat hillary clinton? >> i do. i know hillary very well. i do. i can beat her, and i think most other people will not. i like mitt romney. he is a nice person. but i was very disappointed in the performance of mitt romney. the last month or month and a half, and he disappeared. i said why aren't you out there in the rain shaking hands with governors or in some cases kissing governors? why aren't you doing it? he said well blah-blah-blah, and he didn't do it. he failed. and obama, give him credit. he was on jay leno, he was on david letterman, on every show and mitt romney wasn't. sean hannity was telling me, good guy, but i can't get romney on the show. sean is a positive force. how can you not get him on the show? but he couldn't. and i was very disappointed in mitt romney. something happened. in sports they call it choke. some people choke. that is why when mitt was thinking about running they said he is not running. i said really? he is all over the done endorsing senators. so he was going to run and i was very strong i didn't want rim to run. because he choked, and you can't allow that to happen again. if i got the nomination, i would put up a fight like nobody has ever put up. we have to save our country. our country is in deep trouble. we owe $18 trillion. it is going to soon be $22 trillion. when it hits $24 trillion, that is the magic number. that is called the point no return. a couple of you folks from the school of finance i see you nodding. $24 trillion is the point of no return. it is going to be very hard to come back. and with hillary it is basically four more years of obama, and you can't allow it to happen again. thank you. >> hi, mr. trump. >> hi. >> i guess the question i have is obviously you don't care much for politicians. >> not too much. i like them. i make a fortune off politicians. they are easy. [laughter] >> i understand. but if you are going to look for a running mate, where would you look for a running mate? what kind of person would you pick for a running mate? >> well, sadly i would probably pick a politicians. >> and in the cabinet i assume business members? >> good question. we have people negotiating for us that are dip mates. negotiation is a gate art and skill. we have people that don't have a clue. the other night, caroline kennedy, i saw her on 60 minutes, and it was an amazing piece. how did you get this job? she said well, i was looking for something, and i went to the white house. this is true. and i asked do you have anything? they said well how would you like to be the ambassador to japan . i sigh all the people from japan. i know? of them. i have dealt with a lot of these people. biggest banks in the world are in my building. i deal with the chinese. i made a fortune against china. i say against, not with. hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. but i see these guys and on 60 minutes, they are pushing her around saying come over here. she talks about trade. she didn't know about trade. what i would do to answer your question i would go to wall street. i know the killers on wall street. i know the great ones. i know some who are highly overrated, some are great, and some are terrible. but some are overrate the. i know all the great deal people. i know the bad ones. but i know the best. and some of them are names you have never heard of. i would get these guys. i would say you have chin. make a good deal. chin doesn't have -- china doesn't have a chance. these are the best. and we have the best in the world. we don't use them. we don't use our best, brightest or sharpest, and it is a big problem for our country. [applause] and just so you know, with countries like china and others especially the asian countries, with these countries, this isn't based on niceness. it is not based on gee, they have a wonderful personality where they gave campaign contributions and therefore they got a job, which is how it happens. in those countries they take the smartest, smartest, the one who is winning winning, and that is what we have to deal with. so we can't have these babies that don't have a clue negotiating deals. we have all the cards against china and other countries. without us they would have a depression likes of which you have never seen. believe me, we have the cards. we just have people that don't know that we have the cards. how do you cut off sanctions and then go into a negotiation with iran? what you do is double and triple the sanctions. they go back dancing in the streets. this guy is a hero, that everything we said is a lie. none of this stuff is going to happen. if somebody did that to me, i would say you know what? maybe you are right? the deal is off. i can't believe they are so brazen. i would go in and say you are fired to this guy. [applause] that is very nice. thank you. how do you negotiate with people to make a deal? and then they do that. another question. go ahead. >> several years ago you were going to build a restaurant down at jones beach in new york. >> right. >> and our wonderful governor gave you a miserable time. >> well, he was ok, but go ahead. >> i understand why you pulled out of that deal. but what concerns me is there were a lot people on the island who were fighting for you. >> they always wanted it. but after hurricane irene. >> superman sandy. >> it would have been good. >> i will all set to start construction. and then hurricane sandy came along and wiped out jones beach. you weren't even allowing cars and the whole thing. and frankly, my insurance company offered me a deal i couldn't refuse. they offered me a deal. i would wow, that is pretty good. that is better than i could do if i build it. why should i build it? does that make sense? cuomo i am not a big fan of fracking and the things they are screwing up. they wanted me to do that deal. when hurricane sandy came along, i decided not to do it because jones beach was wiped out and still has nato recovered. we will take one more question. -- and still has not recovered. we will take one more question. >> scream it. >> you are hired. >> that is what i wanted to hear. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, i really appreciate your enthusiasm. you are terrific. we are going to make this country great again. thank you very much. thank you, thank you. [applause] ♪ >> thank you very much. >> great to have you. >> hello. thank you. i am a loud voice. good afternoon. how about a round of applause for our party chairman. [applause] and her claim to fame is that her son is a marine. god bless her. [applause] can you see me? can you understand me? no? well it is not your fault. i talk funny. one thing about the new hampshire republican party. thank you for putting this on. how many of you listen to every speaker. wow, you deserve a purple heart. we should make everybody from gitmo come up here and keep listening and listening. the bottom line is the bottom line is new hampshire is an antidote to big money. don't ever let anyone buy the republican party. i do bar mates vas weddings, birthday parties frune -- funerals, call me and i will come. kelly ayotte she rocks. you've done the nation a great service. how you doing buddy? she's tough as nails. she's a marth -- margaret thatcher in the making and i cannot tell you how impressed i am if -- with kell ein four years, what kind of a voice she's become in washington on -- on national security. tcheeshes she's a military mom, a strong-problem-solving conservative and new hampshire has done the country a great service and make sure you keep her. she's the third amigo. john mccain, joe leeb heman, lindsey graham. so joe retired. kelly's taking his place. i remember the first trip we took together after joe retired. got off the plane, got that "man, joe looks great. " [laughter] all i can say is thank you for sending kelly. thank you very much for being a vibrant republican party. how many people went to politics and pie? i was the first one. right in front of the shoe, is that what you call that place? in front of a roaring fire. 340 degrees. felt like the salem witch trials. an hour and 40 minutes. it was good fun. you got tough chickens here. those eggs were tough. what you need next is politics and liberator emple. pretty hardy crowd up here. hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because we didn't ask her! the reason she can't be here today is because you can ask questions. this listening tour is something out of north korea. would you like to meet the dear leader and ask him anything you would like? how does she get away with this? i don't know. if you want to beat her you better be able to run 35 miles an hour. but i'm going to talk about three things right quick and take some questions. my favorite subject, me. my bio. who's been to south carolina? wow. come back, spend money. i was born in central south carolina near clemson university. yeah go tigers. my dad owned a litigate doctor liquor star -- store, a bar and a pool room many and everything i know about the iranians i learned in the pool room. he was a world war imple i vet and my woman -- my mom ran the restaurant and when i got older i ran the pool room. never lived in a house until i got in high school. but it was a loving place. my parents loved me a lot of the my sister is nine years younger. if you own your own business, you have to get up, go to work every day whether you feel like it or not because if you don't open up, you don't get paid much eistd -- i've seen my mom and dad go to work very sick but that's what happens if you own your own business. when i was 21 my mom was diagnosed with hodgkins disease and six months later, she passed. she was 17 years younger than my dad. we always thought that she would be around the only thing i can tell you about life is it just doesn't go by a script, does it? the bills were tough and wiped us ouse -- out. we were underinsured. 15 months later my dad died. i'm at university of south carolina trying get through school. didn't quite make it before my mom passed but my sister was 14. i was 2 it. -- 22. we moved in with an aunt and uncle who worked in the textile plants in the adjoining county and they never made over $20,000 a year in their life but they helped me make -- raise my sister. if it wasn't for social security benefits coming, we'd have had a hard time paying the bills. i don't need a lecture from a democrat about health care. i just wanted to be sustain -- just want it to be sustainable and not wipe us out and have the government make every decision -- decision for us. i wanted to save social security because as a young man i could see what it could do for you. i'm 59. i'll not married don't have any kids and if i have to give up some of my social security benefits to help someone -- somebody who needs it more i will. the one thing i've learned is we're all one car wreck away from needing somebody's help. if it wasn't for my family my friends shall and my faith i won be standing here today. there may be a lot of self-made men and women in this country. i am not one of them. i was able to finish carolina. i went to law school. nobody's perfect [laughter] what's the difference between a lawyer and i catfish? one is a bottom-dwelling scum-sucking creature and the other's a fish. can't take a joke, don't run for president in new hampshire. and certainly don't go into politics. the bottom line is i have been very lucky. what's happened to me has happened to a lot of people and it made me who i am today. 33 years in the air force -- air force. four and a half years in germany, 1984 to 1988. been a military judge, prosecutor defense attorney. served in germany during the cold war and i've seen what good leadership is like. it's recalled -- it's called ronald reagan. for the last six years i've seen what bad leadership is like and it's called barack obama. at the end of the day the next president of the united states better be a republican. [applause] because hillary clinton will not do the things that are going to be required, in my view. she is the third term of barack obama. she's the architect of his foreign policy. bill and hillary did a better job of selling obamacare than he did. so if you're looking for something new, don't look to her. look to the 35 people running for president on the republican side. [laughter] and just shoot up a blast until you get one of us out of the tree. and whoever that person is, i'm going to be behind them. i'll take questions now. anybody here born 1946 to 1946? you know what you are called? baby older. yeah. you're called smrs. you're the baby boom. anybody born after that, 1964? we want our money! we want our money! [laughter] so 80 million of us are going to retire and the rest of you are going to pay the bills. we've got a problem in america, don't you think? you ready to solve it? ready to have a president who will challenge you to do things we need to do as a nation? ready to, like tip yoinl and the president save social security? you ready to work a little longer? might as well say yes because you're going to have to. i make $175,000 a year as a senator. not saying i'm wealthy -- wealthy but that's why i make. means $175,000 a year testing. should my cola increase be the same as my aunt and uncle's? no. if we don't have enough to give the increase to people on a fixed income i'd gladly give up some of my money. in retire, the government says -- pays you a subsidy to pay your prescription premium under medicare part d. you know what i'd say? pay it yourself. because you're borrowing it from your grandkids. the war on terror. you know how it ends? we win, they lose. that's how it ends. we're going to beat these bastards and they're never coming here again. and i've never been more worried than i am right now about them coming here again and if we don't do something, they're coming here again. i've never seen more groups with more weapons and capabilities to attack us at any time since 9/11. barack obama's foreign policy is a miserable failure. again. and i've those who want to hurt our country are stronger than ever and our friends like israel are afraid. somebody needs to change that and change it quit. so in 2016 i hope you will vote for a commander in chief that knows what the hell they're doing. [applause] you go over there and fight them so they don't come here. some of us are going to have to go back. if you know how to defend this nation without some american soldiers deployed overseas to dell -- deal with the radical islamic terrorist threat give me eau call because i'm dying to know how. fight these guys before they get strong enough to hit us here again and if we don't, 9/11 is coming again. how many of you believe the only reason 3,000 died on 9/11 and not three million is because they couldn't get the weapons to kill three million? do you agree if they had those weapons they would use them? well don't you think that's a big deal in this left -- next election? did you hear kelly ayotte? she's right about iran. the deal with the ayatollah on nukes is a bad deal for ult i wouldn't let kell -- john kerry buy me a car the barack obama has never even run an -- a lemonade stand and his world view is inconsistent with america's role in the world. september 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, we didn't have one soldier in afghanistan, we didn't have one pun -- penny of foreign aid going to afghanistan, we didn't even have an embassy in afghanistan. they attacked us anyway. to the people taking this stage and telling you, just leave them alone, stay away from those people, don't get involved well, that won't work because they're not going to leave you alone. how many of you believe this is a religious war? you could close gitmo tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. you could throw israel under the bus even more than israel is doing and it wouldn't matter. they don't want one thing. they want your way of life. the nazis wanted a master race. these people want a master religion and they're trying to purify your own -- their own religion and destroy yours. any catholics here? i love the pope. any presbyterians? you are predestined to be here. we're glad to have you. [laughter] any baptists? we laugh about our religious differences. they don't. they're religious fanatics, a minority within their religion but somebody better stand up to them. when hitler said he wanted to kill all the jews, nobody believed him. when they say they want to kill us, i believe them but i'm not going to let that happen if -- happen. if i become a candidate for president. the central theme of my campaign would be to big -- figure out how to protect this nation and do the things that should have been done a long time ago that are hard. the budget cuts that we've enacted in congress are insane. we're having the smallest army by the end of this decade since 1940. smallest navy since 1915. smallest marine corps in modern history ate time we need them the most. kelly ayotte and i and others are going to try to set aside these budget cuts to -- so we can rebuild our military to make sure we have the capability to defend this nation. 1% have been taking care of the 99%. not the rich people, the ones wearing the uniforms. the f.b.i., the c.i.a. if i got to be president of the united states i would try to be a commander in chief worthy of their sacrifice. thank you very much. [applause] >> senator great to see you back sir. we love you. tell us a little bit about your path to the nomination. a lot of great folks. we've heard a lot of great speeches. tell us about your path to new hampshire and places not called iowa. senator graham: are you with me? i got to get more wins than the other people? how do you bomb when you win new hampshire twice? got to figure that out. my path to the nomination is pretty simple. message, means, and momentum. it's -- iowa is like south carolina but flat. new hampshire is just kind of cool. i've got to finish in the top tier in new hampshire. then i'll win south carolina. if i didn't think i could win my own state, i wouldn't be talking to you today. then i will have momentum. by the independent of 9 day -- end of the day after south carolina three to four of us will be standing. most will be we'ded out. if i'm -- weeded out. if i'm in the top three or four then i'll have a very good chance of winning the nomination but it doesn't matter if i can't win the general election. we're down to 27% of the hispanic vote in this country, mr. ambassador. we've gone from 44% to 27%. when i talk about the baby boomers retiring ond -- and wiping out social security and medicare and taking the whole country down what i didn't tell you about is who replaces the workforce. when i was born in 1955, there were 16 workers for every retiree. how many now? three. man, y'all are smart. how many will be -- there be? two. strom thurmond had four kids after he was 67. do i have any volunteers? one guy raised his hand but he didn't understand the question. [laughter] so if we don't have a baby boomer 60-year-old we better get immigration right and pick ones not just who overrun the fence. so you better come up with an immigration system to have workers run the economy in the future. the reason i'm making this point, mr. billy donovan, there's no room i can't go in as a candidate and look any member of the hispanic community in the eye and say listen is, i believe that you should be a republican. you are hard-working, entrepreneurial, pro-life, very patriotic and i've tried to solve a hard problem like immigration. it's a problem that's hurting us national security wise. do you agree? broken borders are bad for everybody. it's hurting our economy. paying somebody under the table hurts every working person in this room. we've got two borders. one's with canada. i've never met an illegal canadian. maybe they're out there. we come to the beach in march and go swimming and go home. criminals are not welcome. to the rest, you can stay on our terms. up got to learn our language our can't stay. [applause] i don't speak english that well but look how far i've come. you got to pay taxes, pay a fine, get in bask the line keep your nose clean and work hard. my point, mr. ambassador, is i was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. i have been knocked down like a lot of people in this country. i've tried to work with democrats when it made sense to me, dealing with immigration trying to reform entitlements and when it comes to protecting this nation the one thing i can tell you above all else, i've been to iraq and afghanistan 30 or 40 times. spent 33 years in uniform. i know our enemy and i understand who our friends are so i believe i could connect with the average person. i believe i can make a case that barack obama's policies have failed and there's an alternative out there that will allow us to be safe but you need to pick somebody who understands the difference between real security and false security. at the end of the day, folks, the republican party's got a chance of a lifetime. if she wins, when are we ever going to win again? so if it's not me, for god's sakes, pick somebody that can win. thank you very much. [applause] >> last question for today? >> thank you very much. when you started your speech today you mentioned ronald reagan and tip o'neil and that i loved. when i need from you is to tell you -- me who you get along with on the other side? we need to hear this. we don't like the fighting any mork at least there's a group of us. >> -- senator graham: who do i get along with on the other side? anybody that will do good things for the country. anybody! ok, it depends on the issue. chuck schumer wants to repatriate overseas money that's held off -- offshore because of the 35% tax rate. american health companies doing business overseas pay taxes in germany, bring it back into the united states, pay 3 a5%. they're not going to do that, right? chuck wants to have an 8% or 10% one-time good deal, put the money in roads and bridges. you know what, new hampshire? you need some roads. so on that, on immigration i've worked with schumer, marco was in the gang of eight. tim cain and angug -- angus king and i are working on a stubstute for sequestration. at the end of the day unless you are a heard -- hard-hearted ideologue who doesn't give a damn about the future of the country i'll work with you. you know what's missing in washington? drinking! they had a drink. all we do is throw tough stuff at each other. i love my party. i love my party enough to sometimes disagree with it. i think the hope be of the future of this country is the republican values of conservative tivel limited government strong national defense. but our party is not going to save america by herself. it's going to take all of us working together. the radical islamists could care less if you are republican, democrat libertarian, vegetarian. they hate us because we're tolerant, because we're american and if i run -- run for president it will be not only as a good republican but as a good american. [applause] with that, add yotse! -- adios. >> thank you very much. you guys are the patient ones. you've been her all this time and you're still alive and have a pulse. how nice it is to be with you. jennifer was mentioning something about my long-time relationship with the clinton political machine. what most people don't know is every time i ever ran for public office i ran against the clinton political machine. i ran against their money. i ran against them. virtually every election both bill and hillary would come back and campaign for every opponent i ever had. if somebody wants to know what is it like running against their organization ard -- or apparatus, come see me. i'll be happy to tell up. i'll show you some scars because i've got quite a few. my first election was lieutenant governor in 1993, bill clinton's first year as president. what most people don't know about arkansas is that it is not that reliably red 125eu789 at least it wasn't -- state. at least it wasn't then. when i was elected governor in a special elect i was only the fourth republican elected in 140 years to a stayed -- statewide office. when i got there they were so excited to see me that my door was nailed shut from the inside. that is not an exaggeration. "the wall street journal" flew john fund to little rock to see was it so and he reported back that there are physical literal nails in the door. and it remained nailed shut for my first 59 days as lieutenant governor of arkansas. when it was finally opened, i went into the office designationed for the lieutenant governor. it had been stripped of all office furniture, the budget strode out and that was my welcome to the clinton political machinery of the state of arkansas. i was re-elected the next year with the largest republican vote in the history of the state in large measure because people were tired of the political machine she -- they had seen chew them up and spit them out. after a four year term as lieutenant governor i was down the hall minding my own business when the are governor was convicted of whitewater issues and i was made gore. we used to sate five most feared wortd of an arkansas politician were these -- "will the defendant please rise." in fact when you say you're the governor, how many terms? we'd say, "office or prison?" it was a tough environment. when i became governor the legislature skinned of 89 democrats to 11 republicans. in the senate, 31 to 4. you probably think being up here in new hampshire that the most lopsided, partisan state in america that's been massachusetts. but you would be wrong. the most partisan, democratic state, the reddest, most lopsided state in america was arkansas and i inherited it as governor. but you no what that did for me? i learned how to govern. because when you go into the capital every day and the people don't like you and don't want you to succeed but you are still able to get 97% of your legislative package passed is because you learned how to govern. i hear people say, we have to have somebody who knows how to fight. if you have battled the political machine i have, you know how to fight. but we know -- need somebody who knows how to not just start fight but finish it. we need to fix what the fight was about. it's so very important because this election will so determine some of the great realities of whether or not our nation is going to be free whether or not our nation is going to be safe, and whether or not there's going to be the true american dream being able to live out for every single young american. i'll be making an announcement on tuesday, may 5 in my home town of hope, arkansas. a little down you may have heard of 79 bill clinton was born there and he moved away when he was 5. my family didn't have enough money to move away. they were still there when i graduated from high school. the little house is still there. my dad never finished high school. ms. -- his dad didn't. his dad before him didn't. his dad before him didn't. i'm the first male in my entire family lineage that ever graduated from high school, much less went to college. my dad was like a lot of yours. he lifted heavy things, worked hard. got his hands dirty, but he believed in this country. when i was 8 years old he took me down to hear the governor of arkansas make a speech. "son, i'm going to take you down to hear the governor because he's going to make a talk. son, you may library your whole life and you may never meet a governor in person." nobody who -- would have ever believed that his boy could have become one. but becoming a governor and serving in the capacity for 10 1/2 years i learned a lot of things and the most important thing i learned was that when people get into government and forget why they went and what they meant to do, something is tragically wrong with our system of public have. last year i campaigned in 37 states trying to help us win the majority in the u.s. senate and get harry reid moved to the back of the room. i guess he's so excited he's going to move back to nevada and that's the best news we've had in america in a long, long time. [applause] i thought if we could just get republicans elected in the majority in the senate at least they would stand up to this lawless president who ignores the constitution and after 1 -- 22 times saying there's nothing he can do, all of a sudden all by himself he unconstitutionally goes ahead and does something that even he admitted it 23 -- 22 times he didn't have the authority to do. i would have an expectation that at least the people we worked so hard to elect would stand up to him not on a political level but on a constitutional legal level would say this constitution says you can't do it and we stand to tell you that you couldn't -- can't canned -- and that you won't. i want the republican party to start acting like the republican party. [applause] one of the ways that i believe we will repair this great republic of ours is when we finally begin to realize public service should not be a permanent, lifetime career. when do we have term limits in this country and say when you go to congress it is not going to be the proverbial roach motel where you go in but you never come out? we should say you go in and after a reasonable period of time you come out, go home and find out what it's like to live under the laws you have lethd for the rest of us. we need term limits for congressional -- congress and also let me add for the judicial branch of the government. i believe we have to have true leadership. not apologies but leadership. driving from the back seat of the car is a sure way for a tragic accident. the fact that the middle east is in extraordinary trouble and our president thinks somehow we can sit down and make a deal with the iranians is nonsense. they never made a deal they kept, never. i grew up in south arkansas. we had snakes in south arkansas. i'm not just talking about the ones that got elected to something either. we had rattlesnakes, cottonmouth snakes, copperhead snakes. three potentially deadly snakes. i learned as an early kid, when dealing with a snake, you don't try to reason with a snake and understand why he would be so upset as to bite you. you don't pet the snake. you don't feed the snake. you don't try to have a conversation with a snake. you get a shotgun or a shovel or a ho and you take the snake's head off before he bites you. [applause] what we are dealing with in the middle east is no short of a viper that will bite us unless we can end its threat before it becomes an imminent threat to our own children and grandchildren. we must never make an apology for the strength of america. we must never get to the place where we believe we are not vulnerable and be so naive as to think we can sit down with people who are sponsors of state terrorism with hamas, hezbollah and believe they will make nice with us if we let them continue their murderous kidnapping and terroristic ways. we've got trouble at home we have to address. i hear people talk about all the time, need to get rid of the irs. i don't hear anyone say the irs is a wonderful institution and we should add to it. there is one plan in place, and that is the enactment of the fair tax, which would eliminate the irs, repeal the 16th amendment, and it would no longer punish people for their productivity and reward people for their irresponsibility. [applause] i am a supporter because it would change our economy. the fair tax simply says we and all the taxes on that which produces something. we and taxes on income, savings, investment, capital gains, inheritance. they become zero. we pay tax at the point of consumption. when we buy something, we pay the tax. drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, and gamblers would be paying the same taxes. nothing empowers people more effectively who are at the bottom then does having a tax that untaxes their basic necessities but empowers them to work hard and move up the rung to the ladder. i learned how that would work in new hampshire eight years ago. i was touring a machine shop. a guy pulled me aside and said to me, i've got a daughter who is in cornell, in grad school. grad school in cornell is $50,000 a year for her. my first reaction was, thank god my daughter doesn't want to go to cornell grad school. he said, i been working at this machine shop, i have a high school education, i want my daughter to do better than me. this is sound familiar? it's what every parent says. he said, i decided i wanted to work a second shift. i would work 16 hours a day, not eight. the second shift i would work, i dedicate all of that to my daughter so she would not come out of school with a huge debt on top of her. and so i started working 16 hours a day. i got my first paycheck thinking it would be twice what it used to be. i got it and i said, there is a big mistake here. it's not much more than the eight hour paycheck. he went to the accountant for the machine shop and said, there's a mistake. the accountant said no, there's not. here's the problem. because you are now working 16 hours a day and not eight, you are now in a new tax bracket. and so the second shift that he was working wasn't working for his daughter in grad school, he was working so the government could take it out of his pocket. why are we punishing somebody who is trying to move ahead? with the fair tax, if a person works twice as hard, they make twice as much money. the government does not put them in a system that keeps them from being able to reach the next rung on the ladder. there is something horribly wrong with the tax system where the agency that collects it has information about you they have no business knowing, files that information, demands you cough up receipts from seven years ago . they can't even keep their own e-mails for seven days. they can investigate you. they can find you at fault. they can even assess the penalty. they can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to collect $10 out of you. and they use your money to do it. i think most americans would agree the irs has become a criminal enterprise, and we need to get rid of it. the only way to get rid of it is to enact the fair tax, because it's the only plan that eliminates the need for some government agency to get as deep into our business as the irs gets into. this is why i believe that we need to be bold in our approach, how to fix this country of ours and make it better. as a kid growing up, i grew up in a town called hope, but i wanted more than to have a town named hope. i wanted to believe there really was hope for kids like me. i think about the great opportunities this country has afforded me. it makes me love america a lot. when i think about the way we have squandered our position in the world and we punish people trying to work their way out of the hole of poverty, trying to work their way out of the system that is enslaved into government dependency, i'm reminded i became a republican as a teenager -- all the republicans in my county, all seven of them -- all had either moved in from somewhere else -- there and been no native republicans to the county. i told people for a long time i wasn't sure if my parents even voted for me. i became a republican not because i was rich. i became a republican because i did not want to spend the rest of my life war, waiting on the government to rescue me out of poverty. i still believe that this country ought to be a place where hope is not just some town in southwest arkansas and where hope is not something that a person running for president says he has the audacity off turns out he did not have the audacity of hope. he had sheer audacity to believe he was the law and above the constitution and there were no sense of equal branches of government and checks and balances. we are a nation of laws, not a nation just a personalities and brute political power. if you want four or eight more years of that, we can sit back and have a big fight among the republicans and do the democrats' dirty work for them. the republicans can get into this, and we will have a lot of folks, and we can have a free-for-all, patricide, demolition derby, and we will have made the democrats' work easy for them. every republican that either is or is potentially going to run all once to be the quarterback of the team. the best way to earn the job is to play the best game, to prove on the practice field that we actually can lead, and we have a history of doing it. our country is going through some storms and we are headed for tougher ones. most of you, if you get on an airplane, and you look up there in the cockpit knowing you are about to fly through storms, you look up there and who is sitting in the seat? you wanted to a somebody who has flown through a lot of thunderstorms, not somebody who just got out of flight school. i hope the decision is made based on who can play the game the best, not who can savage the other people who want the job. if that is what happens to us and we allow it, we will end up seeing our hopes dashed once again. this time, we can't afford it. i know the clintons all too well. they play to win. they play and do anything necessary in order to win. i have faced them time and time again. i lived to even tell about it. that in itself is remarkable. now we have to unite, and do something extraordinary for this great country. a couple of weeks ago i was in los angeles and i was going to be on the "bill maher" show. i was going to be on the show, they sent a driver to pick me up. the driver picks me up. i get in the car and introduce myself, asking his name. he says, my name is dimitri. he says, i'm from the old soviet union. i said, when did you come to america? he said, 1988. i said, why did you leave the soviet union? that was the year before the soviet union began to collapse. he said, i spent my whole life with my government lying to me. the government telling me i lived in a great country and america was a terrible place but i knew that was not true. he said, i have wanted to leave that country because i knew i could not stay there and i had a little daughter and i wanted a better life for her and i wanted to get her out of there. he came to this country with $250 and that's it. he said, i wish i could say to every american what a great country this is. this country has allowed me to own my own business. i owned this car and several others. i said, where is your daughter these days? he said, she is in her 30's, she has kids, she's married, she's a college graduate and registered nurse and works in a clinical care unit and she's doing great. i said, i wish you would tell your story. i wish more people would tell your story. he said, i don't talk so good. i have an accent. i said, dimitri, you make more sense and talk better than 90% of the people we have elected to congress, i assure you. dimitri said, i don't think i will ever have that platform. i told dimitri, you may not. but i hope i can tell your story and the story of someone he like you and remind americans that some people have come to this country to escape tyranny and find liberty. whether you were born in hope, arkansas and climbed your way from the whole of poverty in which you were dug, or whether you come from the soviet union and you defect with nothing but a couple hundred dollars in your pocket and a little girl, let us never be a place where this is a this country is where you start is where you have to end and you can dream the dreams and let them. thank you and god bless you. i'm going to take questions. [applause] i understand we have a couple of microphones. you will ask a brief question and then i will answer it. what i will do, i will hear the questions i want to answer. no matter what it is. [laughter] this is called in politics q&a. it stands for questions and avoidance. you ask whatever you want, i try not to have a career ending answer this afternoon. is this the first one? >> governor, thank you for coming. to counter china, radical islam, russia, there probably is no more important and alliance by the united states than with that other great world democracy, india. the u.s. likes india. america blessed its nuclear status right away. republicans have two governors of india. basically the u.s. ignores this natural ally. how will you redefine as president that relation to ensure that democracy in the world survives well into the next century? huckabee: it is a country with whom we share a lot. i believe israel is a country with whom we share a lot, that same sense of people who were created in order to escape tyranny. the alliances we have our alliances we need to recognize their value. after six and a half years of the president obama-hillary clinton policies, let me ask you this, can you name a country on this planet with whom we have a better relationship today than we had when they took office? can you name one? i hear cuba and iran. it's not true. cuba is still a place where people are held political prisoner and iran, they are still working to build a bomb. it's not that we have a better relationship, it is that the iranians think we are chumps is nstead of champions. we need to stand with those who are like us and stand firmly against those who are not. wherever that democracy exists -- i've been to india -- it's a remarkable country, it's amazing what is happening there, it's overwhelming to be there, but it is remarkable. one of the reasons we've got to change policies is because i want to say to you that three things americans have got to be be able to maintain our liberty and be free. we need to feed ourselves, produce our own food and fiber never import our food . we've got to be able to fuel ourselves. we've got to be able to supply our own needs for energy. we've got 600 or 700 years of energy under our own feet. that we would not exploit the energy capacity we have is nonsense to me. we have made the saudi's extremely rich, empowered the russians, and empowered the iranians because we will not take our own energy out from under our feet, and we allow nations, whether it is russia, the iranians, the saudi's, to supply europe, the middle east africa, and the world. if america would begin to be an exporter of its energy and start making americans wealthy instead of saudi's wealthy and russians wealthy, and iranians wealthy, maybe we would tip the balance of power in an extraordinary way and bankrupt these corrupt governments rather than have ourselves begging for them to do something responsible. the third thing we have to do is fight for ourselves. we've got to manufacture our own weapons of self-defense. the fact that we have lost manufacturing in this country is not just a jobs issue. it is an issue of national security. if we can't build our own airplanes, whoever is building that for us holds us by the throat. let's bring those jobs back and that will never happen as long as the chinese continue to cheapen our trade deals and we don't hold people as trading partners to the same rules we are expected to play by. that's how we treat allies like friends and we treat our enemies like foes. in this administration, our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't respect us. >> we have one back here. >> hi, tamara fairbanks from canaan. where the lakes are still frozen. science has become very politicized. it's important to know your stand on the climate change issue. even the pope has an opinion right now. global warming, fact or fiction? huckabee: i was in college when we were told in "time" and "newsweek" said on their covers that if we did not do something very bold and quickly, we would all freeze to death. and we were entering the ice age. now we are entering an age in which we will all burn up and everybody near the coast will drown. there has always been climate change. the climate changes. but the earth is an amazing body. i believe the earth is the lord's creation, and i believe when he created it, he made it to be adaptable, and one of the reasons it stood through all the ends of history is because if there is a change, it is able to adapt. the more urgent thing i believe exists is that we always treat this earth like we would if we were boy scouts at the camp. leave your campsite in as good or better shape than when you found it. but don't be so silly as to not enjoy the campsite. take good care of the earth. but for heaven sakes, enjoy that which has been given to us for our own pleasure, purposes, and prosperity. that ought to be the driving force of our policies there. >> hi, governor. i was recently in israel, tour ed the country from the golan heights south, west bank, etc. in my opinion, there should be no palestinian state cut out of israel. i know you are there frequently, you are friendly with the prime minister. i wonder what your thoughts are on that. huckabee: my first trip to israel was in 1973. i was 17 years old. i have been to syria, lebanon, egypt, jordan, india, pakistan afghanistan, iraq, saudi arabia, the emirates, kuwait. all over the middle east. i have a special relationship with israel because the first time i went there i fell in love with this country. i felt that that country has not just an organizational relationship with the united states, but an organic relationship with the united states. when i hear people talking about a two state solution, i think it's the nuttiest thing i've ever heard. i'm one of those parties believes the other one should not exist. that is not realistic. let's quit pretending there is such a thing in that particular country. in the land of judea and samaria, there should not be a question as to whether or not that is going to belong to israel, because it does belong to israel. i was like you in the golan heights. i stood on the valley of tears. 250 yards was the syrian border. about two miles from where i was, there was an isis camp. in the distance we could hear at least 10 explosions of rockets and shells going off in the civil war of syria. we were safe where we were, and the reason we were just because israel understands what it is to defend its borders and recognizes that it does have a right to defend itself and its people. the amazing thing is that the failed policies of the obama administration are so harangued us -- horrendus that something has happened in the middle east that 42 years ago when i made my first trip and dozens of troops i have made since then, i saw something over the last couple of years i never thought could exist. now the israelis are in a greater alliance with the saudi's, jordanians, and egyptians than they are with the united states because those countries at least have the good sense to know you don't trust the iranians. i pray our next president will have the good sense to know we don't trust the iranians, but we can trust our friends, the israelis, and we can trust the leadership of other countries in the middle east who recognize that you cannot create peace when you chant death to america in the streets of your cities. thank you folks, and god bless you. thank you. [applause] >> god bless the great state of new hampshire. i'm the only thing standing between you and happy hour. i am thrilled to be back with so many friends in new hampshire. it is lovely. last time i was here there was snow everywhere. springtime is here. i have to say as i was coming up, i was startled because i could have sworn i saw hillary's scooby doo van outside. then i realized it couldn't possibly be that, because i'm pretty sure you all don't have any foreign nations paying speakers, right? what an incredible gathering this is. what a testament. has this not been an incredible array of strong conservative leaders for two solid days? [applause] what a testament to the desire for americans. we want something new, we want new leadership to change the page and turnaround. the democratic version of this i'm pretty sure is hillary clinton a conversation with a chipotle clerk. and that says something about where the passion and energy is here in new hampshire and all across this country. everyone of us understands this is a time of crisis. our nation is in crisis, and yet we don't want to go back to the failed policies of the past. we want to go forward to the future. i want to talk about how collectively 20 months from now we are going to turn this country around. everyone of us is going to come together and reignite the promise of america. we are going to get back to the country that everyone of us was blessed to grow up in a country where all kids will have a better life than we did and their kids will have a better life than they did. three simple steps to reigniting the promise of america. number one, bringing back jobs and growth and opportunity. my number one priority in the u.s. senate from day one has been economic growth. we know how to do that. we do that through tax reform and regulatory reform. on tax reform, we need a simple flat tax so that every american can fill out his or her taxes on a postcard. [applause] and then we need to abolish the irs. [applause] there are merely 90,000 employees at the irs. we need to padlock that building, take everyone of them, and put them on our southern border. [applause] to our friends in the media, i say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek. but think about that for a second. imagine you had traveled thousands of miles through the blazing sun, you swim across the rio grande, the first thing you see is 90,000 irs agents. you would turn around and go home, too. and and regulatory reform -- i was out talking to farmers in west texas. i asked him, what is the difference between regulators and locusts? i said, the thing is, you can't use pesticide on the regulators. this old farmer leaned back and said, want to bet? the most important regulatory reform is we need to repeal every word of obamacare. [applause] the second key, to reigniting the promise of america's defending our constitutional liberties, all of them. [applause] defending the first amendment, our free speech rights religious liberty rights. we are in a time where some in this country shy away from defending religious liberty, are afraid to defend the very first right protected in the first amendment of the bill of rights. i am proud to stand with men and women of faith across this country defending our religious liberties. we need to defend the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. i have to say today, the "new york times" is having a bit of apoplexy. that is such an unusual reaction for the "new york times." they are very dismayed because when i was asked about the second amendment i said, the second amendment is not designed to protect hunting or sports shooting. the second amendment is about protecting our natural rights from god to protect our lives, families, and homes. [applause] and it is also fundamentally about a check on tyranny from government and protection of liberty of the people. [applause] i'm not shocked in the live free or die state that you all understand what i'm talking about. but "the new york times" today said that notion, live free or die, the second amendment is a check on tyranny, they said it was strange, silly, ridiculous absurd. let me tell you some other strange, silly, ridiculous absurd people. thomas jefferson, george washington, james madison. joseph story, who said the second amendment is the palladium of our liberties. i'm proud to stand with our founding fathers for our liberties against the received wisdom of "the new york times." we need to defend the fourth and fifth amendments, our privacy, and we need to defend the 10th amendment, or as president obama called it, the what? [laughter] the fundamental protection that says those rights not given to the federal government are reserved to the state and to the people. [applause] that means there are core areas given to our federal government to need to do and do well. protect this country, stand with the military, secure our borders. there are other areas where the federal government has no business sticking its nose. areas like education. and we need to repeal every word of common core. [applause] but the third and critical piece to reigniting the promise of america is restoring america's leadership in the world.

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Arkansas , United States , West Bank , Nevada , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , China , California , Clemson University , South Carolina , Syria , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mexico , Arizona , Central Terminal , New York , India , Central Valley , Massachusetts , Iowa , Libya , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Hampshire , Cuba , Spain , South Africa , Stanford , Canada , Japan , New Hampshire , Germany , Texas , Afghanistan , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , Florida , Stanford University , Boston , Indiana , Virginia , Georgia , Wisconsin , Guatemala , Lebanon , Jordan , Pakistan , Golan Heights , Syria General , Kenya , Tennessee , Iraq , Baghdad , Israel , Jones Beach , Colorado , George Washington , Villa Clara , Saudi Arabia , North Korea , Kansas , Ohio , Kuwait , Hawaii , Americans , Mexicans , Egyptians , Saudi , Iranians , Jordanians , Californians , Israelis , Russians , American , Canadian , Chinese , Iraqis , Libyans , Spanish , Soviet , German , Syrian , Palestinian , America States , Angel America , Scott Walker , Brown , Elizabeth Warren , Ronald Reagan , Tamara Fairbanks , Vladimir Putin , Strom Thurmond , Loretta Lynch , Dodd Frank , Jimmy Fallon , Margaret Thatcher , David Axelrod , Angus King , Chuck Todd , Al Qaeda , Dick Cheney , Khalifa Browder , Billy Donovan , James Madison , Sean Hannity , Newt Gingrich , Merv Griffin , Jay Leno , John Mccain , Kelly Ayotte , Chuck Schumer , Marie Coleman , Richard Jewell , Jimmy Kimmel , Groucho Marx , Hillary Scooby Doo , Los Angeles , Anthony Siddique , Michael Buckley , Caroline Kennedy , Tim Cain , Thomas Jefferson , Harry Reid , David Letterman , Kell John Kerry , Carly Fiorina , Barack Obama , Lindsey Graham , George W Bush , Mike Huckabee , Sarah Palin , Kim Kardashian , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit Day 2 Part 5 20150419 :

Transcripts For CSPAN New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit Day 2 Part 5 20150419

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one thing we all share, whether we are negative citizens or new citizens, is a tremendous appreciation for our men and women in uniform. the appreciation civilized i the united states marine band, which is celebrating its 210th anniversary this year. [applause] i love the band. so i'm going to see my farewell by doing something i always wanted to do. i do it in the spirit of our shared love for this country. [cheers] [applause] [band drumming] ♪ [applause] [clapping in time] ♪ ♪ [laughter] ♪ [applause] [laughter] [clapping continues] ♪ [cheers] [applause] >> the white house correspondents association annual dinner is next saturday evening. we expect marks from president obama and this year's entertainment's saturday night live'. starting at 6:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. president obama is expected to speak at the white house correspondent's dinner next saturday evening. here are his remarks from beginner in 2012. this is about 20 minutes. >> the president's mic is on, please turn it off. president obama: great. i have to get warmed up. president obama: ♪ i am so in love ♪ god, i totally had that. what am i doing here? i'm the president of the united states, and eye-opening for jimmy kimmel? i have the nuclear codes why my talking to kim kardashian? why is she famous anyway? no, you're right. that is way too risky. look at my hair. it really went gray. do think anyone would notice if i went a little darker? right now, i'm just a 5 on the just ferment scale. -- just for men scale. is the teleprompter working? are you getting? -- kidding? i literally have no idea what i'm saying right now. [toilet flush] i could really use a cigarette. god forbid we keep chuck todd and the cast of "glee" waiting. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president of the united states. [applause] president obama: thank you. [applause] president obama: good evening everybody. good evening. i could not be more thrilled to be here tonight. [applause] at the white house correspondents dinner. [laughter] it is a great graph, they are article i? -- great crowd, they are already laughing? chuck todd, love your brother. glad to see the cast members of "glee" are here. and jimmy kimmel, it is an honor man. [laughter] president obama: my fellow americans, we gather during an historic anniversary. lester at this time, in fact, on this very weekend, we finally delivered justice to when the world's most notorious individuals. [applause] [cheers] [laughter] president obama: now this year. we gather in the midst of a heated election season. and axelrod tells me i should never miss a chance to reintroduce myself to the american people. so tonight, this is how it would like to begin. my name is barack obama. my mother was born in kansas. my father was born in kenya. and i was born, of course, in hawaii. [laughter] [applause] president obama: in 2009, i took office in the face of some enormous challenges. now, some have said i blame to many problems on my predecessor. but let us not forget the practice initiated by george w. bush. [laughter] president obama: since then, congress and i have certainly had our differences. i have tried to be civil. to not take any cheap shots. that is why i want to especially thank all the numbers who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. [applause] [laughter] president obama: despite many obstacles, much has changed during my time in office. four years ago, i was locked in a brutal primary battle with highly. -- hillary clinton. for your later, she won't stop drunk texting me from cartagena. [laughter] [applause] -- four years later. four years ago, i was a washington outsider. four years later, i met this aam at this dinner. [laughter] four years ago, i looked like this. today, i look like like. [laughter] and, four years ago, i will look like this. [laughter] [applause] president obama: that is not even funny. [laughter] president obama: anyway, it is great to be here this evening in the vast magnificent ballroom. or what mitt romney would call a little fixer upper. [laughter] [applause] i mean, look at this party. we have men in tuxes, women in gallons, fine wine, first-class entertainment. i am relieved to learn this is not a gsa conference. [laughter] [applause] president obama: unbelievable. not even the mind readers knew what they were thinking. [laughter] president obama: [sigh] of course, the white house correspondent's dinner is known as prom washington dc, coined by political reporters who clearly never had the chance to go to an actual problem. -- an actual prom. [laughter] president obama: our chaperone for the evening is jimmy kimmel. [cheers] [applause] president obama: who was perfect for the job since most of tonight honest is in his key demographic --people who fall asleep during "nightline." [laughter] president obama: jimmy got his start years ago on "the man show." in washington, that is what we call a congressional hearing on contraception. [cheers] [applause] president obama: plenty of journalists are here tonight. i would be remiss if i did not congratulate the huffington post on their pulitzer prize. [applause] president obama: you deserve it arianna. there was no one else out there blinking to the kinds of journalism that huff po is linking to every single day. given a round of applause. [applause] and you don't pay them, it is a great business model. [laughter] president obama: even sarah palin is getting back into the game. guest hosting on the today show. which reminds me of an old saying. what is the difference between a hockey mom and a pitiful? -- puitit bull? a pit bull is delicious. [laughter] president obama: now, i know at this point many of you are expected that i go against my likely opponent, newt gingrich. [laughter] but i am not going to do that. i'm not going to attack any of the republican candidate. take mitt romney. he and i actually have a lot in common. we both think of our wives as our better halfves. poles show to an alarmingly extent that the american people agree. [laughter] we also both have degrees from harvard. i have one. he ashas two. what a snob. [laughter] [applause] president obama: of course, we have also had our differences. recently, his campaign criticized me for slow jamming the news with jimmy fallon. in fact, i understand governor romney wasn't so upset that he asked his staff if you could get equal time on the merv griffin show. [laughter] president obama: still, i guess governor romney is feeling good about things. he took a few hours off to see the"the hunger games." it is about people who court will be sponsors and then brutally savaged each other until only one content that is left standing. [laughter] president obama: i ensure this was a really great change of pace for him. [laughter] president obama: i have not seen "the hunger games." not enough class warfare for me. [laughter] president obama: of course, everybody is predicting a nasty election. we have all agreed that families are off-limits. dogs however, are apparently fair game. [laughter] president obama: while both campaigns have had fun with this. the other day i saw a new ad from one of these outside groups that frankly, i think crossed the line. i know governor says he has no control over what his super pacs do, but can we show the ad? >> back in 1983, you took your dog seamus tied to the roof your car. romney: he liked it a lot better in his kennel that he would in his bed. >> with a candidate with the courage to further dogs freedom to fight the wind and as for. the what about barack obama? under his failed leadership, man's best friend has been forced into a government controlled automobiles. just imagine the european-style dog socialism obama has planned for the next wfour years. more government handouts. indoctrinating our children. a left-wing social agenda. leading from behind. [laughter] >> ♪ in the arms of an angel ♪ >> america's dogs can't afford four more years and obama. for them, that's 20 years. -- 28 years. they need this guy. that is why we need to join the mitt romney in sending a message this november of an american and dog-gone it i ride outside. [applause] president obama: that is pretty rough. [groans\ president obama: i can take it. my stepfather told me it is a boy eat dog world out there. [laughter] president obama: now if i do win a second term as president let me just say something to all of the-- [applause] president obama: let me say something to all of my conspirators on the right to think i'm planning to unleash some secret agenda. you're absolutely right. [laughter] allow me to close with a quick review -- preview of the secret agenda you can expect in a second obama administration. in my first term, --in my second term, i'm going with young jeezy. [laughter] president obama: michelle says "yeah." i think that to her sometimes. -- sing that to her. [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we ended the war in iraq. in my second term, i will win the war on christmas. [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we repealed the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell." [applause] president obama: wait, though. in my second term, we will place it with a policy known as "it's reigning raining men." [laughter] president obama: in my first term, we passed health care reform. in my second term, i guess i will pass it again. [laughter] president obama: i do want to end tonight on a slightly more serious note. whoever takes the oval office next january will face rates challenges. but he will also inherit predictions that make us greater than that challenges we face. one of those traditions is represented here tonight. a free press that isn't afraid to ask questions or criticized. in service to that mission, we all make sacrifices. tonight, we remember journalist such as anthony siddique and marie coleman. [applause] president obama: who made the ultimate sacrifice. they salt to shine a light on some of the most important stories of our time. whether you are a blogger or a broadcaster, whether you take on powerful interests here at home, or put yourself in harm's way overseas, i have the greatest respect and admiration for what you are doing. i know sometimes you like to give me a hard time, and i certainly like to return the favor. [laughter] i never forget that our country depends on you. you help protect our freedom and democracy, and our way of life. just to set the record straight, i really do enjoy attending these dinners. in fact, i had a lot more material prepared, by have to get the human service home for the nerve european. -- their new curfew. thank you everybody. [applause] >> the white house correspondents association annual dinner scheduled for april 25. we expect remarks from president obama. this year's entertainment is something like live's sicily strong. we spoke to the white house responded association of the choice and the history of entertainment at the dinner. >> for a while, they used to do musical acts. believe it or not, there was a juggling act at some point. that was a long time ago. since then, the association started having comedians come and service the entertainers. she will be the fourth woman to have done. i don't know why it is always a late-night white guy. those guys are funny but it is important to have different perspectives represented at a podium like that. i think she is funny. i think she is sharp and cutting and will bring him down to size a little bit. that is part of the fun. >> live coverage of this white house correspondent's association dinner is april 25 starting it ask: 30 p.m. on seas. -- 6:30 p.m. on c-span. on the next washington journal next boot from the council on foreign relations -- matx boot from the council of relations talks about isis, iraq instability, and the impact of the nuclear agreement with iran. then we talk about a congressional proposal that would give president obama special authority in negotiating the transpacific partnership trade deal. and frank from florida international university looks at the future of u.s.-cuba relations. as always, we will take your calls, and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. washington journal, live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. >> this sunday, on q&a, author jessica stern on the origin of isi and what we need to understand about thems. jessica: there are two respects of isis that the president needs to understand. one is their efforts and successes on social media. and the need for us to respond to that, to counter the narrative that they are spreading so effectively and so far. and the other, is there a pocket with narrative. -- there are popular narrative. -- apapocalyptic narrative. it is hard to know whether they really believe the end times are coming for whether they are capitalizing on widespread belief in most of these countries that they will witness the end of time. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern and pacific on the stand q&a. -- c-span's q&a. >> next, some of the speakers from today's version of the new venture first in the nation of leadership summit. beginning with kentucky senator rand paul, former hewlett-packard ceo donald trump and lindsey graham of south carolina. now, some of the speakers from the final date of the first in the nation leadership summit in your answer. speakers include presidential candidate senator rand paul of kentucky, former hewlett-packard ceo, real estate developer donald trump, south carolina senator lindsey graham, former arkansas governor mike huckabee, senator ted cruz of texas, and wisconsin governor scott walker. we begin with senator paul. [applause] ♪ senator paul: thank you. [applause] senator paul: sometimes people ask me, why should i run for office? i told them i'm throwing things at the television. the real answer is that i got tired of looking up and my party not doing what they promised to do. [applause] senator paul: i was disappointed that republican double the size of debt when we were in charge. of was disappointed that republicans -- size of the department of education. i was disappointed that republicans were even supporting common core. i was disappointed that republicans were voting for bank bailouts. and so i said we have to do something or shut up. i have to either complain about the things on my tv, or have to show up and try to participate. i had a decision to make. it was not an easy decision. i am a physician who lives in a small town about 50,000 people. i do i surgery. -- eye surgery. i spent most of my life getting into medical school, training and becoming a doctor. i missed it. when i'm frustrated, i go back and do medicine. there is a difference between looking at politics and looking at the results, and being in medicine and looking at the results in guatemala we did about 200 cataract surgeries. one man sticks out in my memory. he was about my age, the bit older. people get cataracts pretty on down there. he was completely blind. he had lost everything -- his wife, he lost 40 pounds, he lost his house, his kids, he had nothing. the church had taken him in, what he was completely and totally functionally blind. the next day when we took his patch off, to see the look on his face and the tears of joy seeing him for to his knees and thanking god for his vision back. i was thinking, this is a lot better than washington. [laughter] the only time favorite thank god in washington is when congress is not in session. [applause] there is a difference. sometimes we need more of it decisions perspective. figuring out the problems and getting to a solution somehow. get something done. so often, it doesn't seem to happen that way. groucho marx put it this way. he said at the art of politics is looking for problems everywhere, finding them, misdiagnosing them, and applying the wrong remedy. so often, we pick politicians who all look alike. they all sound alike, they all just like. and guess what? nothing ever changes. government gets bigger and bigger and bigger. so we ask ourselves, we have a decision now. we'd need to find someone who is going to represent us, someone who's going to be the leader of the republican party and make the country a better place. how are we going to get that? some of our parties say, let us dilute the message. let us become a democrat light and we will get more votes. i couldn't disagree more. i think what we need to do is be boldly for what we are for. [applause] to be the party that believes in small government in washington, which means lower taxes. when is the last time you heard a republican run for president who said they were going to cut taxes to actually followed through with it? are left to nominees, i don't remember any tax cuts being part of the program at all. i am in washington now, and i listen to them. the republicans in charge of all of these committees want revenue neutral tax reform. i tell people that is what i am for, were going home. if that is what we are for, the needs have of you are going to be more, and half of you pay less. the net effect for the economy is zero. why don't we the reagan republicans again? why don't we cut taxes for everybody? [applause] senator paul: i think we can have manufacturing jobs in our country again. one of the ways we can do it is by becoming competitive. people are going to build stuff here. companies are not going to be here if the taxes are higher than the rest of the world. our corporate income taxes 35%. people do not want to incorporate into america anymore. they want to incorporate overseas. even of the great american companies that are making a lot of profit. they make profit here and around the world, they won't bring it home. there is $2 trillion of american profit sitting overseas. what i have proposed, and we have done this one time before -- what i propose is to lower the rate dramatically. to encourage that money to come home. i think there is 611 $100 billion that can come home as a cash infusion. -- 6$600 - $700 billion dollars. i would attacks at a low rate and put it in the highway fund. they call it the highway trust fund. here is a news alert -- there is no trust in the trust fund. [laughter] we are $15 billion short. i think we can actually lower the tax, bring money in, an bill rhodes over the same time. i think it is a win-win-win. [applause] senator paul: i think that is an example of not diluting our message, but looking for common ground. are cosponsors is barbara boxer. she and i don't agree on a whole lot, but we agree that cutting the tax rate will bring more money home for infrastructure. the president wants more money for infrastructure. i raised my hand at the white house and said, i will help. you voted for this in 2005. the president voted for the same concept for one year. we will try to put it on the highway bill. maybe he won't veto the highway bill. if so, we could cut our taxes have more revenue coming in. the other reason why we ought to be for tax cuts. why don't we be for tax cuts to help poor people? if you want to help detroit they have 20% on implement. it is devastation. you have abandoned housing everywhere. if you want to help detroit, why don't we leave more money in detroit? i is something called economic freedoms of. -- freedom zones. it is jack cap's claim on steroids. we lower the federal rate of taxes if you live in a area of poverty to almost zero. we do it for 10 years. you have to hire people who lives in these four errors. but for detroit alone, it will be $1.3 million. for appalachia, my state the poor rural folks who live in the mountains, it would be the most $1 billion. we can have a plan for poverty. we can have a plan for poor people and unemployment. instead of a thing, we can get all of the votes of people in business. we are doing that. if you want to win elections you have work with the people owning the businesses. you have to get out there and say, how are you going to help one of women? you could be like the democrats and create a new program, or we can be like republicans of old and before tax cuts to help the poor. we should create millions of jobs again. when reagan did this in the early 1980's, we created more than 20 million jobs. i think a lot of the jobs in the 1990's were created because the policies of reagan in the 80. to win again, for us to be the dominant party, for us to win not just texas, not just georgia, for us to win ohio, michigan pennsylvania, colorado -- all these purple states. to win these purple states that are so easy anymore, i think we need to be the party that defends the entire bill of rights. [applause] senator paul: we have been pretty good at defending the second amendment. you will probably not see anyone come here who is not for defending it. maybe 1 or o22. most will come through independent, so am i. but i also want to defend the fourth amendment. you can't defend the second if you don't defend the fourth. i am a republican who does believe in the rights to privacy. as enshrined in the fourth amendment. the fourth amendment says you can't get into someone's records without naming the person naming the records, and going to a judge, and independent judge and say i have trouble cosmic crime. -- probable cause of a crime. it doesn't mean collecting 300 million phone records. is not consistent with a warrant that says mr. verizon on it. last i checked, mr. verizon is not a person. collecting millions of records is not right. your phone records are yours. you of a privacy interest to maintain the matter who is holding them. the government, it is none of their damn business what you are doing on your phone. [applause] senator paul: you can say damn in new hampshire can't you? [laughter] senator paul: we have to defend the fourth, the second amendment. we have to defend the fifth amendment. everybody gets due process, no matter who you are. government cannot take your stuff, your property, your things without just compensation. you say, surely they don't. [laughter] senator paul: civil forfeiture. this is where the government can take your stuff without you ever been convicted of a crime. washington post has done a series of this for the last six month. you know what they found? the people affected by it are minorities. most of them are poor, disproportionately people who live in cities where the police have more patrols. i will give you an example. christo lives in philadelphia. is a son with selling illegal drugs. punish the kid, do some intricate. do you know what they did? they barricaded the house and evicted the family from the house. often, this is a poor family living in the city. the only thing holding the family together is grandmother who owns the house and you're going to take her house? it is insane, it off to stop. you know who is the biggest purveyor the biggest hero of civil forfeiture and defended it recently? loretta lynch. this is the main reason i oppose her. [applause] senator paul: loretta lynch, as u.s. attorney in manhattan confiscated over $100 million worth of people stuff with no conviction. she went one step further. we passed a reform about 10 years ago letting prosecutors know that they had to file paperwork so the person whose stock had been taken could get a lawyer and could get a time certain for a day and try. she took their stuff and never filed paperwork on purpose so the clock would never start. one company, the hearse brothers, were a snack food candy company. she took a have a million dollars of them and kept it for two years. this shouldn't happen in america. i am part of a movement and part of a ill that says we will reverse and turned justice back the way it should be. where in our country you should be presumed innocent until found guilty. [applause] senator paul: realize that the people you are often talking to and will be talking to we defend the entire bill of rights -- the fifth and sixth amendments -- may not be the people you have been listening to support. they may not already be republican but they want someone to champion their cause. khalifa browder comes to my. he is a 16-year-old black kid in the bronx. he is poor. so poor that when he was arrested his parents could not make $300,000 bail. he spent three years in jail. a 16-year-old kid. i don't know if he's guilty or not, put in america, no one deserves to be in prison for three years without a trial date. it doesn't get a trial and a speedy trial. i don't know what happened to him in prison. i can only imagine. what he tried to commit suicide four times. this should not have an in america. it is disproportionately happening to african-americans to a spanish, to poor people, to people who live in cities. where the police come more often and are being treated this way. if we were all of a sudden the party that cared about the entire bill of rights, nobody on the democrat side has been doing a damn thing about this. if we were the party of the entire bill of rights, the party that was once of emancipation became, i think you would see a sea change. [applause] senator paul: people ask me what is the worst thing going on in washington? is it obamacare? i say, all of the above. but i say the separation of powers is collapsing. our founding fathers were so prescient when they said that we will set up these coequal branches. madison said, we will put ambition against ambition, that the indigent to maintain power through the legislature will be pitted against the courts pitted against the president. everyone will jealously guard their power. guess what? not so much anymore. one of the things about partisan politics is that democrats side with the president. they will not stand up to him on immigration because they like what he did. i think you should stand up and even if you agree with what he did. you can't have a president who just creates the law on his own. i look to montesquieu. he wrote and said that when the executive and begins to legislate, a form of tierney will ensue. -- tyranny will ensue. people say, the present is a good man, he will not do anything wrong. we will get beyond that. even if you want to accept that, the reason we have rules is because of who comes along after that. madison said if permit were comprised of angels, we work have to have -- we won't have to have rules or restraint. we had a debate in 2011 over whether or not an american citizen could be detained without a trial. people said, we have to get terrorists, we just have to do this. i said, the terrorist could be you. some of the discussion of who terrorists might be are people who have changed the color of her hair. anybody in the room? that is personal. [laughter] stains on your closing, likes to pay in cash, has ammunition at home, has more than one weapon at home. do you think there might be a time when you might say, i want my trial, i will my lawyer, and i want my due process? we had this debate in the senate. will hear from some of these people. when you heard the loudest people, these are these people. one of them said, when they asked for a lawyer, you tell them to shut up. really that is the kind of discourse we're going to have in our country? when some one asked for lawyer, you tell them to shut up? the things that this debate went on. one other senator said, well, i acted incredulous. i said, you would said an american citizen to guantanamo bay without a trial? he said yes, if they are dangerous. it takes the question, who decides who is dangerous not? has a been a time who we decided who was dangerous based on the color of your skin? has a been a time where we decided someone with interest because of different leaves, -- different beliefs, for had a different religion? are we going to give up on our right to trial so easily? i think of richard jewell. do you remember him? everyone said he was the olympic bomber. he won millions of dollars from the media because they convicted him in hours. he fit the profile, he had a backpack on. he wasn't introvert, wore glasses. my goodness, we would be arresting a lot of people. he was convicted in a media, but he didn't do it. he had nothing to do with the bombing. but i tell people, the reason why you have to process think about if richard jewell had been a black man in 1920 in the south, what would happen to him? he might not have survived the day. we were once the party of the bill of rights. let us be that party again. is the party of the unpopular. the bill of rights is more unpopular to anyone else. everything goes well for the high school quarterback everything goes well for the prompting -- prom queen. it is were the least popular among us. [applause] senator paul: of all of the things going on in the last six years, of all the scandals. i think of old mcdonald's form of scandals. here a scnaandal, there a scandal everywhere a scandal. [laughter] the thing that bothers me the most is then ghazi. -- benghazi. [applause] senator paul: the reason is this. we have a potential nominee on the other side who wants to be the commander-in-chief. there is a bar you must cross. will you defend the country? we provide security when it is requested? to me, it has nothing to do with the talking points. everyone talked about the talking points. that was spin, it was disingenuous, politics as normal. that was no important to me. i granted that mistakes could be made and could not get adequate support because of the distance. however, someone made the mistake of having support systems too far away. someone should be told about that, and it should be corrected. what i fault hillary clinton for most is that for nine months, they pleaded, date in and day out, they pleaded for help. in february, you have a six person several operation unit brought home. a month later, another six person operation unit home. you get to april, and they are saying to investor stephen, we want a d.c. three to be able to get around the plane in case of emergency. they were begging the libyans to use a plain. they did not get the plane. hillary clinton's state department turns down the plane. you know what she approves three days later? and electoral charging station for the chevy volt. for the mc indiana. -- mc in vienna. he wanted to show how green bhehe was, which view all subsidized. they spent another hundred thousand dollars on charging stations to prove how green we are, and yet not enough money for a 50 mural plane to fly the investor around in case of emergency. this goes on all summer long. hillary clinton state department sent three comedians to india on the "make chai, not war" tour. she spent $650,000 on facebook ads. it seems the state department does not have enough likes on their facebook. she spent $5 million on crystal barware. along, not enough money for security. time after time, the soldiers were told not to wear military style boots because they didn't want to offend libyans. they did not want to show a weapon because it is politically incorrect to show weapons during the middle of a war zone. which gets me even further back. why the hell did we ever go into olivia in the first place? -- into libya? [applause] if you watch this closely this will separate me from other public and. other republicans will criticize the president and hillary clinton for the foreign policy, but they would have done the same thing 10 times over. all of them wanted troops on the ground. i think it was a mistake to be in libya. we have jihadists swimming in our swimming pool now. it is a disaster. we should have never been there. [applause] senator paul: so we go through the summer. security request after security request denied denied, denied. we get to august. investor stephen is sending his own tables directly to hillary clinton. we are worried about being overrun by the jihadists. when she came before my committee, that is the question i asked her. i said, mrs. clinton, did you read the cables? her answer was like, no, that is way below my pay grade. really? libya is one of the dangers countries in the world and you didn't read the cables directly? i think her dereliction of duty, not providing security for our forces, for automatic missions, should forever preclude her from holding higher office. [applause] senator paul: if we want to protect and continue our prosperity at home we do have to defend ourselves. without question, the number one priority of the government is national defense. when i look at spending, no matter what it is, i think the priority is defending the country. it is the one thing you have to do at the federal level. [applause] senator paul: but we have to decide when getting involved is good, and when it is not so good. there's a group of folks in our party who think it is always good. there's a group of folks in our party who would have troops in six countries right now, maybe more. there are people in our party who support giving arms to gaddafi before they supported giving arms to the freedom fighters, who turned out to be al qaeda. the thing is, i am not saying don't be involved around the world. i'm not saying don't defend our interests. we do have to do something. but think about it. as the position, we are first taught, do no harm. libya was a mistake. if you can say one thing that is probably true of the middle east, every time we have toppled a secular dictator, a secular strongman, we have gotten chaos. the rise of radical islam. if we want to defend our country, we have to know the enemy, and we have to name the enemy. [applause] senator paul: the president won't name the enemy, but i will. it is radical islam. until we name it, we can't defeat them. i tell you this, if i'm ever the commander in chief, i will do everything it takes to stop and defendant the country against radical islam. [applause] senator paul: as we move forward in the process you will hear from a lot of folks in all different spectrums of the party. but the one thing i would like to leave you with, is i would like you to think about how we are going to move forward and when. -- andw in. i think we need to stay true to principle. we don't dilute our message, but i do think it needs to be carried to new people. [applause] we need to talk to business owners, we need to talk to the workers. we need to talk to rich, poor, white, black, from. -- brown. we have to get out there and go places we haven't been going. as we proclaim our message, i'd like to think of the image of robert headline with the painter , he said paint like a man coming over the hills singing. when we proclaim our message with the passion but also what a man coming over the hills singing, then i think will be the dominant party again. thank you very much. [applause] >> we have a question over here. senator paul: i am told we have time for 2-3 questions, as long as they are easy questions. [laughter] >> on the day that hillary clinton announced that she was running for president, elizabeth warren was on television announcing that she was not running for president. do you believe that the democrats will run elizabeth warren at hillary's vice president. and if so, how do we respond to that challenge? [laughter] senator paul: i am starting to worry that when hillary clinton travels, there needs to bee two planes, one for her and her entourage, and one for her baggage. [laughter] senator paul: i'm concerned that the plane with the baggage is getting heavy and teetering. i'm concerned that they probably will end up being more of a primary than anyone thinks over there. here's the thing. the whole e-mail thing, she is just sort of above the rules. she doesn't have to use a government server. it's like, my server was protected by the secret service. though she thinks there are floppy disks in her basement? there is more coming too. the clinton has been involved in a lot of things. there will be a lot of conflicts of interest. if she wants to be this candidate that talks about women's rights, taking money from saudi arabia- [applause] a few years ago, a woman was raped by seven men in saudi arabia. they arrested the woman and probably gave her 90 lashes for being in an apartment with an unmarried man. does anybody would never south africa's apartheid? everyone grows up and quit investing. do you think she would be leaving a disinvestment program and that of taking their money. she has a lot going on. i wouldn't preclude anybody yet because there's a lot going on. she has had a pretty cool difficult month. -- a pretty difficult month. >> hi. this is probably more of a state's question, but you made me think of it when you brought up house in detroit. we have seen several situations lately. in fact, there was one in the boston area where a child goes in the houspital. the child and the doctor disagreed. the child is taking away from the parent, not for good reason. the courts get involved and the child is away from the parents for a year and a half. in arkansas, it is happening because of the homeschooling situation. is there anything presidential level or senatorial level--we are not talking about-- senator paul: i am very aware of the circumstances you are talking about. i can tell you with homeschooling, in my home state i've a friend who was homeschooled 30 years ago. his parents were arrested. this was before any of the laws changed. kentucky was one of the first states to allow homeschooling. his parents were indicted and threatened with a year in prison. they were on their way towards court when the legislature only changed law. medical questions get very comforted. courts would want to start out with parental rights. it would be rare, if ever, that they get taken away from her. but there are times when it happens. i'm a big believer in the family and the right to originate from the family. >> thank you for coming to answer, senator. recent reports show that isis has camp south of the border and some say they are in the united states intense. the military duction is to attack them before they get too close to our borders. will use military force to prevent isis from getting closer to us? senator paul: the short answer is yes. the longer answer is that in december of this year, i introduced a declaration of war against isis. my main complaint has been that we dither along and that congress is an involved. the constitution is clear that it needs to be through congress. they wouldn't bring it up. in december, they were passing a water bill for water aid to africa. i attached a declaration of war against isis. they weren't very happy with me. [laughter] senator paul: i told people, had i been present last summer, as sisis began its onslaught. i look for american interests. not just bad people, but american interests. areour conflict in reveal and baghdad are in danger. the iraqis are erstwhile allies. i think they need to away uniforms. isis is a threat. i would put them into context. if we don't do this, we will never learn. how did isis how did isis grow stronger? you have 2 million christians living under assad, and then you have the islamic rebels. i voted against arming the islamic rebels because i said, we will be back fighting against her on weapons. now, it is true. we have to think when intervention is good or bad. this is one side of the war. the other side is assad. the next time you come across someone from syria, you ask them which would you pick, isis or a sad-- assad? no question, they pick assad. compare that to isis. now we just to do something. i support military action against isis. >> one last question from alexandria knox. >> thank you so much, senator, for taking my question. i remember your issue on right to work. you are going to pass the national right to work act. is that your lan as president? senator paul: i am a big fan of the right to work at a local level -- [applause] senator paul: i think we will get a vote on it. we have not gotten very many votes because a certain senator from nevada has been in charge. now, there is a change of leadership in my hope is to get votes on several things. that is one of them. thanks everybody. thanks for having me. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [indiscernible conversations] ♪ ♪ this girl is on fire ♪ carly fiornia: thank you so much. when i was a little girl my mother said, what you make of yourself is your gift to god. it seemed like a promise i had god-given gifts and it seemed like a challenge i needed to find them and use them. i would go on to enroll in stanford university where i would graduate with a degree in medieval history and philosophy. [laughter] exactly. all dressed up and nowhere to go. i went off to law school. that is what my dad thought i would be good at. i hated law school and i quit after less than a semester. now i needed to go back and earn a living. i started to do full-time when i had an part-time to put myself through school. i was a secretary. i used to be a kelly girl at stanford. i typed and filed. kelly girls unite, right. i want to the want ads, except that the first job i was offered, which was to type and filed for a little real estate firm. i have lived all over the world traveled, worked all over the world. i know it is only in the night it's it's of america that a young woman can start as a secretary and go on to become the chief executive of the largest technology company in the world. that is only possible here. [applause] it is possible here because our founders knew what my mother taught. our founders knew that everyone has god-given gift. they built a nation on the belief that everyone has the right to find and use their gifts. everyone has the right to bethel -- but folder potential. that is what they met when they said life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. they said that right comes them got into not -- comes from god and should not be taken away from by man or government. i met this morning in the surf restaurant here michael buckley who has lived the american story . he started as a dishwasher and now he owns five restaurants. i have traveled and lived and spoken to people all across this country and i must tell you that i sense a deep disquiet. people fear we are losing something. what they fear we are losing is the sense of limitless possibility that is always defined this nation and when we lose that sense of limitless possibility, we are losing the core of who we are. i know from experience that there is a look that people get in their eyes when they accomplish more than they thought was possible. and there is the opposite of that look. i saw the opposite of that look in our daughter, lorianne's eyes. she battled addiction and lost that battle. it is the look of hopelessness. it is not just addiction or debt that waste potential. i see that look into many americans eyes. i see it in the look of men in the central valley of california whose livelihoods have been destroyed because bureaucrats have decided they should manage what scarce water there is washington d.c. i see that flat, hopeless look in a young woman whose life has become entangled in a web of dependence from which she cannot escape even it she tries. i've seen it in the eyes of a small business owner who gives up. that look at -- that flat eyed look of hopelessness -- not define -- cannot defined as nation. the truth is this -- our government has become so big powerful costly, corrupt, that the weight of the government is literally crushing the potential of the people of this nation. [applause] carly fiorina: we see it in lackluster economic growth numbers -- 2%. we see it in the data labor partition patient -- labor pa participation rates. we see it in the fact the first time in u.s. history, we are destroying my businesses then we are creating. while we celebrate in the role of technology people like steve jobs, the truth is the heroes of the american economy has always been the person who opens up the small real estate firm, the family-owned autobody shop, the nail salon, the restaurant. these are the heroes of the american economy because small businesses create two thirds of the new jobs in this country and employee happy people. when we crush small and family-owned businesses, we are crushing the potential of this nation. at the same time, groaning capitalism is alive and well. when you have a government so big, powerful, costly, complex corrupt, only the big can handle it. i know that having been the ceo of a $90 billion business. and may not have liked regulations but i could hire accountants, lawyers. a nine person real estate firm not so much. the consequence is when we pass a law like dodd frank on what happened? 10 banks become five banks. meanwhile, 3000 community banks have gone out of business. those committee banks are not big enough or rich enough to deal with all of the complexity and power washington, d.c. gives them. people fear that we are losing that sense of limitless possibility that is always defined our nation but people also worry that we are missing something important. what i think people think we are missing his leadership. here is the truth -- [applause] carly fiorina: our government has gotten bigger and bigger every year for 50 years. every year every agency has gotten more money. it is gotten worse under president obama that the truth is, it had been getting bad for 40 or 50 years. people build is connected from the political process because they feel like nothing changes. when did we decide that we needed a political class? ours was intended to be a citizen government. that is what by, for command of the people means. what we need is citizenship and leadership. i am reminded when i think about our federal government, i'm reminded of the difference between management and leadership. managers are people who do the best they can within the existing system. there are managers and business, politics, life. they do the best they can within the existing system. leaders are people who do not accept what is broken just because it has been that way for a very long time. and now, we need leadership and citizenship to reimagine our government. not just because it is so big and powerful and costly interrupt, but because it is failing now to serve the citizens who pay for it. nowhere is this more clear than in the example of the veterans administration. technology can do amazing things today. i happen to be chairman of opportunity international, the largest mega finance organization in the world. i can send a $150 loan to a desperately poor woman in india. if you were a veteran and you have served our nation, you have to spend months filling up april work and -- paperwork and waiting for some bureaucrat to check the paper to make sure you have learned the benefits you fought and served four and then you have to wait many more months while another bureaucrat decides whether you can get an appointment or not. this has been going on for a long time. they had been undergoing a major systems upgrade since 1989. [laughter] carly fiorina: if you are still going through a major systems of great for 20 years, you have failed. when the scandal of the ba in arizona broke, the political process are spotted to pressure. they passed a partisan bill that said we are going to fire the top 400 senior executives if they are not doing their jobs. is not that it is not a bad idea, it is just, really? that is the best we can do? we have not heard a lot about the va for some time. the veterans administration is a stain on our nation's honor. [applause] carly fiorina: it is an example of why we must reimagine government. let me take a moment. how many of you are here is veterans? would you please stand up? [applause] carly fiorina: thank you for your service. speaking of leadership, nowhere is leadership missing more than in the world. the world is a more dangerous and tragic place when america is not leading and america has not led for quite some time. you have heard me say this before and i will say it again. like hillary clinton, i have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles but unlike her, i know flying is an activity, not an accomplishment. [applause] carly fiorina: i have met vladimir putin and anyone who was sat across the table from him knows his ambitions will not be thwarted by a red reset button. i remember sitting in netanyahu's office five years ago and you know what he wanted to talk about? iran and the dangers they represent. i understand the chinese are stealing our intellectual property. i have chaired the advisory board of the central intelligence agency and i know we confront many dangers enemies but i also know there are many things are allies had asked us to do that we are not doing and everyone of them would make a difference in the world today. hillary clinton must not be president of the united states. [applause] carly fiorina: i was asked this morning on fox news whether a woman's hormones prevented her from serving in the oval office. not that we have seen examples of a man's judgment being clouded by hormones, including in the oval office. [laughter] [applause] carly fiorina: hillary clinton must not be president of united states but not because she is a woman, because doesn't have a track record of accomplishment, lacks the transparency that is so necessary to leadership, and because she will pursue a set of policies that crush possibilities and the potential of this great nation. [applause] carly fiorina: all our problems are solvable. all of our wounds ourselves inflicted. -- are self-inflicted. everything we need is citizenship and leadership. we rightly celebrate our founding fathers as we should. but i will remind you that two of the most powerful symbols of our blessed and beautiful nation are women. lady liberty and lady justice. lady liberty stands. she is clear-eyed, resolute, she holds reports like a begin of hope in the world. lady justice holds a sword in one hand because she is a fighter. she is a warrior for the values and principles that that made this nation great. she holds a scale in the other hand. with that scale, she says, "all of us are equal in the eyes of god and so all of us must be equal in the eyes of the law powerful and powerless alike." she wears a blindfold. [applause] carly fiorina: she wears a blindfold and i think with that blindfold, she says to us, it does not matter who you are. it does not matter where you come from. it doesn't matter what you look like or what your circumstances are. here, every american's life is to defined by possibilities with liberty and justice for all and select us rise together to meet our challenges. let us rise together and restore the promise of this, the greatest nation the world has ever known. god bless you and may god continue to bless the great nation of the night days of america -- states of america. >> thank you very much. [applause] carly fiorina: thank you so much. thank you so much. i think we have time for a few questions. he is making his way through with the microphone. >> thank you. i'm a businesswoman like yourself. we still produce admit he thatcher in new hampshire. and we are global. my question for you is, you lead a high-pressure company. you faced corporate threat from internal and external. i believe that positions you uniquely to make the decisions that need to be made in a political office as we face threats that are global, including iran. could you speak to this? carly fiorina: i think the next president needs to understand how the economy works. i think they need to understand how the world works and he was in it come understand bureaucracies and how they work. think they need to understand technology and executive decision-making. executive decision-making is making a tough call in a tough time with high-stakes for which you are prepared to be held accountable. you don't study that in a briefing book. you learn that over a lifetime of experience. iran is an interesting challenge. it is a grave threat. there is certain cardinal rules about negotiating the deals and they apply to every situation. rule number 1 -- know what your goals are and don't accept a deal until you have achieved them. the president laid out three clear goals. we have failed to achieve a single one. not a single nuclear facility will be dismantled not one of 19,000 centrifuges will go away. whereas iran at one point agreed they would ship some of their material to russia, they said never mind. will number 2 -- -- rule number 2 -- be prepared to walk away from the table. [applause] carly fiorina: we have never walked despite the fact that deadline after deadline has been passed and despite the fact the arabians have never -- iranians have never agreed to inspection. the final rule of course is do not celebrate victory until you have the deal you want someone the president takes to the rose garden and celebrates a framework agreement, what did the iranians conclude? he is committed to this so we will spend the next few month making a bad deal. if it were me, i would stop talking immediately, put dissensions on -- the sanctions on. i would not talk to them again until they had agreed to full unfettered inspections of every nuclear facility they have. [applause] >> hello. i met you at "politics and eggs." ever since i wanted to say that , you are an inspiration to all women. [applause] carly fiorina: thank you so much. i am following the man with the mic. >> thank you so much for being a -- here. as a young woman and the college student, people on my campus blindly followed hillary clinton. i have heard people say all over my college campus that they will vote for hillary clinton because she is a woman. they cannot name a single accomplishment she has. how will you reach out to college students, and especially young women to tell them that you are the choice and hillary clinton cannot be president? thank you. [applause] carly fiorina: wouldn't it a good if we gave those young women a choice? [applause] carly fiorina: by the way, maybe you can help educate some of those young women that there is a choice. one of the reasons that i think a lot of young people, and women, have disengaged from the political process is because they think it has nothing to do with them. of course, it has everything to do with them. the policies that politicians pursue impact everyone's lives, and in particular, the lives of people your age. you are the ones who will take on -- if we're not careful here -- debt and deficits and the a bureaucracy that has forgotten who it is truly there to serve. young people that i have talked to -- it is interesting to know that women are 53% of the voting public today. women are the majority. a lot of women disengage from the process, we found out, when we were here working in new hampshire last year, because they do not like how it sounds. they think it seems pretty hopeless. people are arguing back and forth, soundbites are going back-and-forth, nothing seems to change. they say, there is nothing i can do about it. i will tell you a story that crystallizes it for me. it's not that people don't care it's that they think they don't count. we have to make sure that people understand yes indeed, you do count. i was in a homeless shelter in new york city a few weeks ago. i was speaking to a homeless woman there and she said, you know, those politicians they are up there in their world, talking in their language, and they don't know anything about us down here. the only trouble is, all the things they are doing up there they land on us down here. that is as good of a description of the disconnection from the citizens of political classes that i have heard. one of the things i promise to do is engage citizens in the political process. we have so many exciting ways to do it. i mention understanding to -- technology. technology gives us an incredibly powerful tool to reimagine government, but also reengage citizens in the process of government. you want a funny example? except, it is not so funny when you think about it. how many people vote for american idol each week? some of you in this room may not admit it, but you do. why not use that tool to ask american people a whole set of questions, do you think it is ok that somebody in the ferguson can watch pornography all day long and earn exactly the same pay pension and benefit than somebody who does a good job? one for yes and two for no. that would put pressure on the virginia. i would ask 1025-year-old veterans, you tell me how you want to be served. and we would end up with a blueprint for how to serve the heroes of this nation that would make anything the bureaucrats at the virginia has done for the last 10 years look like just what it is, mediocre. >> my name is lynn bishop. how would you solve or how do you think the water problem in california should be solved? i think california is the greatest place on earth. i used to live there, and what would you do for farmers? it seems like an interactible problem. secondly i just want to mention, there are institutions that are wonderful. my husband goes to manchester v.a. for all of his health care. they are fantastic. maybe they could do a little best practice sharing. carly fiorna: wouldn't that be good? we hold that up as an example and say other people should do this same thing. great example. repeat your question. i got off on the manchester virginia. farmers. how could i forget? my husband and i moved back home to virginia several years ago, so we no longer live there. let me explain to you the tragedy of california, because it is an example of politicians deciding that their ideology trumps someone else's life and livelihood. california has suffered from droughts for centuries. so you know, if you knew you were going to have a drought every 10 years, you might think about taking advantage of the years when rain is falling, right? the population of california has doubled in the last 40 years, and yet liberal environmental policies have intervened and prevented california from building a single new water reservoir or a single new water conveyance system. imagine your population doubles and you don't do anything to save water for who years. then, to add insult to injury, a bunch of environmentalists say there is a fish in something called the delta, and that fish, we think we need to protect it. so we are going to start managing the little water you have from washington, d.c. what you have today in good times and bad rainfalls and terrible droughts like right now, 70% of the rain that falls every year flows out to sea. so in the central valley i have seen the devastation of 40% unemployment, eric upon eric, upon eric of orchards and fields destroyed. the most productive agricultural farm land in the world by politicians and policies. californians figured out how to solve this problem. in the late 90's they passed a bipartisan bill in california that balanced growth consideration, economic considerations job considerations with the necessity to protect the environment. it had bipartisan support, and washington, d.c. said no, we are going to manage your water for you from washington, d.c. over and over and over in my life i have learned this. where there are problems, there are always people who understand how to solve them, but they need to be asked. and they are never the people from 3,000 miles away who know nothing about what is actually going on. >> this will be the last question. >> i am very, very intrigued with your campaign and your remarks here today and especially your professional background, your business ack acumen. put on your business hat and give us a business case. i like what i see in walker, rubio and busch. how do you contrast and why should i be voting for you? carly fiorna: wow, what a softball last question. how lucky are we as a party that we have such a broad field of so many qualified people. that is wonderful. [applause] and i think because we have such a broad field, this is going to be in many ways a process of elimination before it is a process of selection. but what i would say to you is this. i am different from anyone running in every respect. i have a completely different experience set. i have not been in politics all my life. and while there are many public servants who are fine public servants and politicians, the truth is politics is only one experience. i have lots of other experiences. not only in this country, but all over the world. i have a different perspective because of those experiences. i think i come at problem solving perhaps differently. i have a different voice. and oh, by the way, i look a little different, too. so i think if you believe as i believe that ours was not intended to be a government governed by a professional political class, ours was intended to be a citizen government by, for and of the people. [applause] and sometimes, sometimes people who have been inside a system for so long, they cannot see it for what it is anymore. they cannot see what is truly broken. they cannot see what can be done to change that system and to change the order of things for the better. i will promise you this. i understand that leadership is not about position, or power or title or perkins. the highest calling of leadership is to unlock potential in others and to change the ort of things for -- the order of things for the better. thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. ♪ ♪ >> thank you, thank you very much. i greatly appreciate it. an amazing place and a fantastic crowd. so when was the last time you have seen our country win at anything? we don't win anymore. whether it is isis, or whether it is china with our trade agreements. no matter what it is, it seems that we don't seem to have it. we make five-to-one deals. we get bergdahl. they get killers that are now leaders and all back fighting us. these are the kind of deals we make. nuke deal is a disaster. this is going to lead to nuclear proliferation all over. you are going to have nukes and countries fighting like hell to get them all because we have people in there that are either incompetent or somebody maybe even worse going on. i happen to think they are incompetent. you look at what is happening everywhere in our country. now our real unemployment rate, you know that is not 5.6%. it is really probably 19% to 21%. when i am building buildings, and i build many of them. every time i go to a job, i have hundreds of people at the street. they want to see me. they want to be part of it. they want to know can they get a job? that is not 5% and 5.of%. the real number is astronomical. you look at what is going with various things that our country is doing and then you hear policy politicians and all you hear is all talk, no action. i am actually disappointed with a lot of the republican politicians. i am a conservative republican. but you hear something, whether it is obama care, which is a disaster which has to be repealed and replaced -- [applause] whether it is we are going to cut social security because that is what they are saying, every republican wants to do a big number on social security. they want to do it on medicare and medicade. we can't do that. it is not fair to the people who have been paying in for years, and now they want to be cut because the republicans and the democrats don't know how to bring jobs back to our country. if i run, and if i win, i will bring jobs back believe me. we will bring them back from china, where they are ripping us like you have never seen. china just did a big cut on their currency. they are manipulating it to a level they have never done before. nobody thought they could do it. nobody thought they could get away with it again. it is taking tremendous business away from the u.s. what they are doing is making it impossible for our companies to compete impossible. a friend of mine -- and as you know, japan is back there doing the big devaluations. i know a guy, a great contractor and excavator. he called me the other day and he is very upset. i said what is your problem? he said i just put in a huge order for kamatsu tractors? i said why did you do that? he said japan has so strongly de-valued the yen, that it is impossible for caterpillar to compete. he was very sad. he is going to have now kamatsus. big problem. another friend of mine, manufacturer. they talk about free trade. there is no free trade. free trade is good if you have smart people on your side. but it is a disaster if you have stupid people or incompetent people, which is what we have. so a friend of mine, big manufacturer he goes out and he is trying to get business with china. he calls and goes it is impossible. i can't get my product into china, and they want to charge a hurge sur tax. it is going to be like 42%. i said does the world know this? what china is doing is incredible. what mexico -- that is the new china -- is doing to this country at the border, where it is like a seive, people pouring across. what mexico is doing is outrageous, that we don't do something about it. [applause] and mexico is not our friend. now ford motor just announced a $2.5 billion plant in mexico. how does that help us? they make the cars, they employ mexicans and they send them over to our country. no tax, no nothing. that means we are not going to make those cars in our country. two weeks ago, front page of the "washington journal," big story on mexico taking a $1 billion car plant out of tennessee. it was going to go to tennessee, big german company. it was going to go to tennessee, all set. then out of the blue mexico swiped it and took it. they gave them all sorts of things. now it is being built in mexico. more people employed. and then they treat us like garbage at the border. they laugh at us. they laugh at us. so mexico you have to be very careful with because mexico is treating us like a bunch of babies because we are led by people that truly don't know what they are doing. they are rank amateurs. [applause] they are rang amateurs. i will say this. whether it is ben gases -- benghazi, whether it is i.r.s., the things going wrong with our country, the executive orders are an outrage. we have a president who can't lead. he said the hell with this, i don't want to do this anymore. i want to rest and play golf. this fly has played hundreds of rounds of golf. i should not be angry at him because i own courses, but he does other things. he signs executive orders because he has given up. he can't convince anybody to do anything, so he has given up and signs on immigration and other things. you have not seen the last of it. we have a court system that is pretty messy and takes a long time. he figures i will be out of office by time this stuff is solved. and it is a real real problem. so i know you have people running, and i have done nicely in the polls when they put me in polls. they say trump is not running. they think i have a great life, a wonderful company. why would i do that? they think he is having a good time. this is not fun. i love you people. i am not having a great time. i can think many other things where i could have a good time. i love my company. i have a terrific time running it. but i have children that can take over, and i have executives that are great, and they can run that company. and i will tell you politicians are never going to solve the problems we have because the problems we have are so deep-seated, and they are so interactible. nobody is talking about the jobs leaving this country. outside of nursing homes and things, we are not going to have any jobs in this country. we are not going to have anything. i know how to bring it back, and i know the people to do it. if it is not me, i wrote the back "the art of the deal" said to be the number one business book of all time. most of you have read it. that is why you are here. you are wealthy people. i want 10%. [laughter] but we have to have people read the back because they don't understand. when they honor the heads of china, and they give them balls in the white house, and they put up a tent. i offered them a ballroom. i called david axelrod. i see you have all the heads of state and all the biggest people from china, and you are in an old tent i guaranteed they paid a fortune for. i said i will build free because it is the white house, we have landmarking little things like that i do. old postseason i am doing. i renovated grand central terminal. we will go out and get the best five american architects, only american architects, and we will have five propose always, and i will build you an incredible ballroom for the white house. cost me over $100 million minimum. and elway build you the most beautiful ballroom you have of seen. we will have a cheret, and we will decide which is the most appropriate one. i will build it. you won't have to use tents anymore. not that we should be honoring people from china because they do nothing but rip us off. but let's use them as an example. i said i will spend over $100 million, whatever it costs, and i will build it no charge, nothing. you pick the one you like. i never heard from them. that is the way it is. never said gee. actually he liked the idea, and then i never heard from him. so that is emblematic of the way our country is. that is emblematic of the way it is going to be for a long time if we keep having politicians in there. just to finish, and we are going to do a couple of questions. but if i decide to run, and i think i am going to surprise a lot of people, a lot of people -- if i decide to run, and if i win, i think we will have a great chance, i will make this country great again, believe me. and no politician is going to do it. that i can tell you with shut -- with surity. all the people you are listening to, you can forget it. politicians are all talk, no action. i have del with them all my life. it is really easy to make money on politicians. and we will have a great country again. let's have questions. thank you, thank you. thank you very much. >> yes, ma'am, we have a mic for you. >> thank you. i would just like to know if you think you can beat hillary clinton? >> i do. i know hillary very well. i do. i can beat her, and i think most other people will not. i like mitt romney. he is a nice person. but i was very disappointed in the performance of mitt romney. the last month or month and a half, and he disappeared. i said why aren't you out there in the rain shaking hands with governors or in some cases kissing governors? why aren't you doing it? he said well blah-blah-blah, and he didn't do it. he failed. and obama, give him credit. he was on jay leno, he was on david letterman, on every show and mitt romney wasn't. sean hannity was telling me, good guy, but i can't get romney on the show. sean is a positive force. how can you not get him on the show? but he couldn't. and i was very disappointed in mitt romney. something happened. in sports they call it choke. some people choke. that is why when mitt was thinking about running they said he is not running. i said really? he is all over the done endorsing senators. so he was going to run and i was very strong i didn't want rim to run. because he choked, and you can't allow that to happen again. if i got the nomination, i would put up a fight like nobody has ever put up. we have to save our country. our country is in deep trouble. we owe $18 trillion. it is going to soon be $22 trillion. when it hits $24 trillion, that is the magic number. that is called the point no return. a couple of you folks from the school of finance i see you nodding. $24 trillion is the point of no return. it is going to be very hard to come back. and with hillary it is basically four more years of obama, and you can't allow it to happen again. thank you. >> hi, mr. trump. >> hi. >> i guess the question i have is obviously you don't care much for politicians. >> not too much. i like them. i make a fortune off politicians. they are easy. [laughter] >> i understand. but if you are going to look for a running mate, where would you look for a running mate? what kind of person would you pick for a running mate? >> well, sadly i would probably pick a politicians. >> and in the cabinet i assume business members? >> good question. we have people negotiating for us that are dip mates. negotiation is a gate art and skill. we have people that don't have a clue. the other night, caroline kennedy, i saw her on 60 minutes, and it was an amazing piece. how did you get this job? she said well, i was looking for something, and i went to the white house. this is true. and i asked do you have anything? they said well how would you like to be the ambassador to japan . i sigh all the people from japan. i know? of them. i have dealt with a lot of these people. biggest banks in the world are in my building. i deal with the chinese. i made a fortune against china. i say against, not with. hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. but i see these guys and on 60 minutes, they are pushing her around saying come over here. she talks about trade. she didn't know about trade. what i would do to answer your question i would go to wall street. i know the killers on wall street. i know the great ones. i know some who are highly overrated, some are great, and some are terrible. but some are overrate the. i know all the great deal people. i know the bad ones. but i know the best. and some of them are names you have never heard of. i would get these guys. i would say you have chin. make a good deal. chin doesn't have -- china doesn't have a chance. these are the best. and we have the best in the world. we don't use them. we don't use our best, brightest or sharpest, and it is a big problem for our country. [applause] and just so you know, with countries like china and others especially the asian countries, with these countries, this isn't based on niceness. it is not based on gee, they have a wonderful personality where they gave campaign contributions and therefore they got a job, which is how it happens. in those countries they take the smartest, smartest, the one who is winning winning, and that is what we have to deal with. so we can't have these babies that don't have a clue negotiating deals. we have all the cards against china and other countries. without us they would have a depression likes of which you have never seen. believe me, we have the cards. we just have people that don't know that we have the cards. how do you cut off sanctions and then go into a negotiation with iran? what you do is double and triple the sanctions. they go back dancing in the streets. this guy is a hero, that everything we said is a lie. none of this stuff is going to happen. if somebody did that to me, i would say you know what? maybe you are right? the deal is off. i can't believe they are so brazen. i would go in and say you are fired to this guy. [applause] that is very nice. thank you. how do you negotiate with people to make a deal? and then they do that. another question. go ahead. >> several years ago you were going to build a restaurant down at jones beach in new york. >> right. >> and our wonderful governor gave you a miserable time. >> well, he was ok, but go ahead. >> i understand why you pulled out of that deal. but what concerns me is there were a lot people on the island who were fighting for you. >> they always wanted it. but after hurricane irene. >> superman sandy. >> it would have been good. >> i will all set to start construction. and then hurricane sandy came along and wiped out jones beach. you weren't even allowing cars and the whole thing. and frankly, my insurance company offered me a deal i couldn't refuse. they offered me a deal. i would wow, that is pretty good. that is better than i could do if i build it. why should i build it? does that make sense? cuomo i am not a big fan of fracking and the things they are screwing up. they wanted me to do that deal. when hurricane sandy came along, i decided not to do it because jones beach was wiped out and still has nato recovered. we will take one more question. -- and still has not recovered. we will take one more question. >> scream it. >> you are hired. >> that is what i wanted to hear. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, i really appreciate your enthusiasm. you are terrific. we are going to make this country great again. thank you very much. thank you, thank you. [applause] ♪ >> thank you very much. >> great to have you. >> hello. thank you. i am a loud voice. good afternoon. how about a round of applause for our party chairman. [applause] and her claim to fame is that her son is a marine. god bless her. [applause] can you see me? can you understand me? no? well it is not your fault. i talk funny. one thing about the new hampshire republican party. thank you for putting this on. how many of you listen to every speaker. wow, you deserve a purple heart. we should make everybody from gitmo come up here and keep listening and listening. the bottom line is the bottom line is new hampshire is an antidote to big money. don't ever let anyone buy the republican party. i do bar mates vas weddings, birthday parties frune -- funerals, call me and i will come. kelly ayotte she rocks. you've done the nation a great service. how you doing buddy? she's tough as nails. she's a marth -- margaret thatcher in the making and i cannot tell you how impressed i am if -- with kell ein four years, what kind of a voice she's become in washington on -- on national security. tcheeshes she's a military mom, a strong-problem-solving conservative and new hampshire has done the country a great service and make sure you keep her. she's the third amigo. john mccain, joe leeb heman, lindsey graham. so joe retired. kelly's taking his place. i remember the first trip we took together after joe retired. got off the plane, got that "man, joe looks great. " [laughter] all i can say is thank you for sending kelly. thank you very much for being a vibrant republican party. how many people went to politics and pie? i was the first one. right in front of the shoe, is that what you call that place? in front of a roaring fire. 340 degrees. felt like the salem witch trials. an hour and 40 minutes. it was good fun. you got tough chickens here. those eggs were tough. what you need next is politics and liberator emple. pretty hardy crowd up here. hillary clinton couldn't be here today. because we didn't ask her! the reason she can't be here today is because you can ask questions. this listening tour is something out of north korea. would you like to meet the dear leader and ask him anything you would like? how does she get away with this? i don't know. if you want to beat her you better be able to run 35 miles an hour. but i'm going to talk about three things right quick and take some questions. my favorite subject, me. my bio. who's been to south carolina? wow. come back, spend money. i was born in central south carolina near clemson university. yeah go tigers. my dad owned a litigate doctor liquor star -- store, a bar and a pool room many and everything i know about the iranians i learned in the pool room. he was a world war imple i vet and my woman -- my mom ran the restaurant and when i got older i ran the pool room. never lived in a house until i got in high school. but it was a loving place. my parents loved me a lot of the my sister is nine years younger. if you own your own business, you have to get up, go to work every day whether you feel like it or not because if you don't open up, you don't get paid much eistd -- i've seen my mom and dad go to work very sick but that's what happens if you own your own business. when i was 21 my mom was diagnosed with hodgkins disease and six months later, she passed. she was 17 years younger than my dad. we always thought that she would be around the only thing i can tell you about life is it just doesn't go by a script, does it? the bills were tough and wiped us ouse -- out. we were underinsured. 15 months later my dad died. i'm at university of south carolina trying get through school. didn't quite make it before my mom passed but my sister was 14. i was 2 it. -- 22. we moved in with an aunt and uncle who worked in the textile plants in the adjoining county and they never made over $20,000 a year in their life but they helped me make -- raise my sister. if it wasn't for social security benefits coming, we'd have had a hard time paying the bills. i don't need a lecture from a democrat about health care. i just wanted to be sustain -- just want it to be sustainable and not wipe us out and have the government make every decision -- decision for us. i wanted to save social security because as a young man i could see what it could do for you. i'm 59. i'll not married don't have any kids and if i have to give up some of my social security benefits to help someone -- somebody who needs it more i will. the one thing i've learned is we're all one car wreck away from needing somebody's help. if it wasn't for my family my friends shall and my faith i won be standing here today. there may be a lot of self-made men and women in this country. i am not one of them. i was able to finish carolina. i went to law school. nobody's perfect [laughter] what's the difference between a lawyer and i catfish? one is a bottom-dwelling scum-sucking creature and the other's a fish. can't take a joke, don't run for president in new hampshire. and certainly don't go into politics. the bottom line is i have been very lucky. what's happened to me has happened to a lot of people and it made me who i am today. 33 years in the air force -- air force. four and a half years in germany, 1984 to 1988. been a military judge, prosecutor defense attorney. served in germany during the cold war and i've seen what good leadership is like. it's recalled -- it's called ronald reagan. for the last six years i've seen what bad leadership is like and it's called barack obama. at the end of the day the next president of the united states better be a republican. [applause] because hillary clinton will not do the things that are going to be required, in my view. she is the third term of barack obama. she's the architect of his foreign policy. bill and hillary did a better job of selling obamacare than he did. so if you're looking for something new, don't look to her. look to the 35 people running for president on the republican side. [laughter] and just shoot up a blast until you get one of us out of the tree. and whoever that person is, i'm going to be behind them. i'll take questions now. anybody here born 1946 to 1946? you know what you are called? baby older. yeah. you're called smrs. you're the baby boom. anybody born after that, 1964? we want our money! we want our money! [laughter] so 80 million of us are going to retire and the rest of you are going to pay the bills. we've got a problem in america, don't you think? you ready to solve it? ready to have a president who will challenge you to do things we need to do as a nation? ready to, like tip yoinl and the president save social security? you ready to work a little longer? might as well say yes because you're going to have to. i make $175,000 a year as a senator. not saying i'm wealthy -- wealthy but that's why i make. means $175,000 a year testing. should my cola increase be the same as my aunt and uncle's? no. if we don't have enough to give the increase to people on a fixed income i'd gladly give up some of my money. in retire, the government says -- pays you a subsidy to pay your prescription premium under medicare part d. you know what i'd say? pay it yourself. because you're borrowing it from your grandkids. the war on terror. you know how it ends? we win, they lose. that's how it ends. we're going to beat these bastards and they're never coming here again. and i've never been more worried than i am right now about them coming here again and if we don't do something, they're coming here again. i've never seen more groups with more weapons and capabilities to attack us at any time since 9/11. barack obama's foreign policy is a miserable failure. again. and i've those who want to hurt our country are stronger than ever and our friends like israel are afraid. somebody needs to change that and change it quit. so in 2016 i hope you will vote for a commander in chief that knows what the hell they're doing. [applause] you go over there and fight them so they don't come here. some of us are going to have to go back. if you know how to defend this nation without some american soldiers deployed overseas to dell -- deal with the radical islamic terrorist threat give me eau call because i'm dying to know how. fight these guys before they get strong enough to hit us here again and if we don't, 9/11 is coming again. how many of you believe the only reason 3,000 died on 9/11 and not three million is because they couldn't get the weapons to kill three million? do you agree if they had those weapons they would use them? well don't you think that's a big deal in this left -- next election? did you hear kelly ayotte? she's right about iran. the deal with the ayatollah on nukes is a bad deal for ult i wouldn't let kell -- john kerry buy me a car the barack obama has never even run an -- a lemonade stand and his world view is inconsistent with america's role in the world. september 10, 2001, the day before 9/11, we didn't have one soldier in afghanistan, we didn't have one pun -- penny of foreign aid going to afghanistan, we didn't even have an embassy in afghanistan. they attacked us anyway. to the people taking this stage and telling you, just leave them alone, stay away from those people, don't get involved well, that won't work because they're not going to leave you alone. how many of you believe this is a religious war? you could close gitmo tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. you could throw israel under the bus even more than israel is doing and it wouldn't matter. they don't want one thing. they want your way of life. the nazis wanted a master race. these people want a master religion and they're trying to purify your own -- their own religion and destroy yours. any catholics here? i love the pope. any presbyterians? you are predestined to be here. we're glad to have you. [laughter] any baptists? we laugh about our religious differences. they don't. they're religious fanatics, a minority within their religion but somebody better stand up to them. when hitler said he wanted to kill all the jews, nobody believed him. when they say they want to kill us, i believe them but i'm not going to let that happen if -- happen. if i become a candidate for president. the central theme of my campaign would be to big -- figure out how to protect this nation and do the things that should have been done a long time ago that are hard. the budget cuts that we've enacted in congress are insane. we're having the smallest army by the end of this decade since 1940. smallest navy since 1915. smallest marine corps in modern history ate time we need them the most. kelly ayotte and i and others are going to try to set aside these budget cuts to -- so we can rebuild our military to make sure we have the capability to defend this nation. 1% have been taking care of the 99%. not the rich people, the ones wearing the uniforms. the f.b.i., the c.i.a. if i got to be president of the united states i would try to be a commander in chief worthy of their sacrifice. thank you very much. [applause] >> senator great to see you back sir. we love you. tell us a little bit about your path to the nomination. a lot of great folks. we've heard a lot of great speeches. tell us about your path to new hampshire and places not called iowa. senator graham: are you with me? i got to get more wins than the other people? how do you bomb when you win new hampshire twice? got to figure that out. my path to the nomination is pretty simple. message, means, and momentum. it's -- iowa is like south carolina but flat. new hampshire is just kind of cool. i've got to finish in the top tier in new hampshire. then i'll win south carolina. if i didn't think i could win my own state, i wouldn't be talking to you today. then i will have momentum. by the independent of 9 day -- end of the day after south carolina three to four of us will be standing. most will be we'ded out. if i'm -- weeded out. if i'm in the top three or four then i'll have a very good chance of winning the nomination but it doesn't matter if i can't win the general election. we're down to 27% of the hispanic vote in this country, mr. ambassador. we've gone from 44% to 27%. when i talk about the baby boomers retiring ond -- and wiping out social security and medicare and taking the whole country down what i didn't tell you about is who replaces the workforce. when i was born in 1955, there were 16 workers for every retiree. how many now? three. man, y'all are smart. how many will be -- there be? two. strom thurmond had four kids after he was 67. do i have any volunteers? one guy raised his hand but he didn't understand the question. [laughter] so if we don't have a baby boomer 60-year-old we better get immigration right and pick ones not just who overrun the fence. so you better come up with an immigration system to have workers run the economy in the future. the reason i'm making this point, mr. billy donovan, there's no room i can't go in as a candidate and look any member of the hispanic community in the eye and say listen is, i believe that you should be a republican. you are hard-working, entrepreneurial, pro-life, very patriotic and i've tried to solve a hard problem like immigration. it's a problem that's hurting us national security wise. do you agree? broken borders are bad for everybody. it's hurting our economy. paying somebody under the table hurts every working person in this room. we've got two borders. one's with canada. i've never met an illegal canadian. maybe they're out there. we come to the beach in march and go swimming and go home. criminals are not welcome. to the rest, you can stay on our terms. up got to learn our language our can't stay. [applause] i don't speak english that well but look how far i've come. you got to pay taxes, pay a fine, get in bask the line keep your nose clean and work hard. my point, mr. ambassador, is i was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. i have been knocked down like a lot of people in this country. i've tried to work with democrats when it made sense to me, dealing with immigration trying to reform entitlements and when it comes to protecting this nation the one thing i can tell you above all else, i've been to iraq and afghanistan 30 or 40 times. spent 33 years in uniform. i know our enemy and i understand who our friends are so i believe i could connect with the average person. i believe i can make a case that barack obama's policies have failed and there's an alternative out there that will allow us to be safe but you need to pick somebody who understands the difference between real security and false security. at the end of the day, folks, the republican party's got a chance of a lifetime. if she wins, when are we ever going to win again? so if it's not me, for god's sakes, pick somebody that can win. thank you very much. [applause] >> last question for today? >> thank you very much. when you started your speech today you mentioned ronald reagan and tip o'neil and that i loved. when i need from you is to tell you -- me who you get along with on the other side? we need to hear this. we don't like the fighting any mork at least there's a group of us. >> -- senator graham: who do i get along with on the other side? anybody that will do good things for the country. anybody! ok, it depends on the issue. chuck schumer wants to repatriate overseas money that's held off -- offshore because of the 35% tax rate. american health companies doing business overseas pay taxes in germany, bring it back into the united states, pay 3 a5%. they're not going to do that, right? chuck wants to have an 8% or 10% one-time good deal, put the money in roads and bridges. you know what, new hampshire? you need some roads. so on that, on immigration i've worked with schumer, marco was in the gang of eight. tim cain and angug -- angus king and i are working on a stubstute for sequestration. at the end of the day unless you are a heard -- hard-hearted ideologue who doesn't give a damn about the future of the country i'll work with you. you know what's missing in washington? drinking! they had a drink. all we do is throw tough stuff at each other. i love my party. i love my party enough to sometimes disagree with it. i think the hope be of the future of this country is the republican values of conservative tivel limited government strong national defense. but our party is not going to save america by herself. it's going to take all of us working together. the radical islamists could care less if you are republican, democrat libertarian, vegetarian. they hate us because we're tolerant, because we're american and if i run -- run for president it will be not only as a good republican but as a good american. [applause] with that, add yotse! -- adios. >> thank you very much. you guys are the patient ones. you've been her all this time and you're still alive and have a pulse. how nice it is to be with you. jennifer was mentioning something about my long-time relationship with the clinton political machine. what most people don't know is every time i ever ran for public office i ran against the clinton political machine. i ran against their money. i ran against them. virtually every election both bill and hillary would come back and campaign for every opponent i ever had. if somebody wants to know what is it like running against their organization ard -- or apparatus, come see me. i'll be happy to tell up. i'll show you some scars because i've got quite a few. my first election was lieutenant governor in 1993, bill clinton's first year as president. what most people don't know about arkansas is that it is not that reliably red 125eu789 at least it wasn't -- state. at least it wasn't then. when i was elected governor in a special elect i was only the fourth republican elected in 140 years to a stayed -- statewide office. when i got there they were so excited to see me that my door was nailed shut from the inside. that is not an exaggeration. "the wall street journal" flew john fund to little rock to see was it so and he reported back that there are physical literal nails in the door. and it remained nailed shut for my first 59 days as lieutenant governor of arkansas. when it was finally opened, i went into the office designationed for the lieutenant governor. it had been stripped of all office furniture, the budget strode out and that was my welcome to the clinton political machinery of the state of arkansas. i was re-elected the next year with the largest republican vote in the history of the state in large measure because people were tired of the political machine she -- they had seen chew them up and spit them out. after a four year term as lieutenant governor i was down the hall minding my own business when the are governor was convicted of whitewater issues and i was made gore. we used to sate five most feared wortd of an arkansas politician were these -- "will the defendant please rise." in fact when you say you're the governor, how many terms? we'd say, "office or prison?" it was a tough environment. when i became governor the legislature skinned of 89 democrats to 11 republicans. in the senate, 31 to 4. you probably think being up here in new hampshire that the most lopsided, partisan state in america that's been massachusetts. but you would be wrong. the most partisan, democratic state, the reddest, most lopsided state in america was arkansas and i inherited it as governor. but you no what that did for me? i learned how to govern. because when you go into the capital every day and the people don't like you and don't want you to succeed but you are still able to get 97% of your legislative package passed is because you learned how to govern. i hear people say, we have to have somebody who knows how to fight. if you have battled the political machine i have, you know how to fight. but we know -- need somebody who knows how to not just start fight but finish it. we need to fix what the fight was about. it's so very important because this election will so determine some of the great realities of whether or not our nation is going to be free whether or not our nation is going to be safe, and whether or not there's going to be the true american dream being able to live out for every single young american. i'll be making an announcement on tuesday, may 5 in my home town of hope, arkansas. a little down you may have heard of 79 bill clinton was born there and he moved away when he was 5. my family didn't have enough money to move away. they were still there when i graduated from high school. the little house is still there. my dad never finished high school. ms. -- his dad didn't. his dad before him didn't. his dad before him didn't. i'm the first male in my entire family lineage that ever graduated from high school, much less went to college. my dad was like a lot of yours. he lifted heavy things, worked hard. got his hands dirty, but he believed in this country. when i was 8 years old he took me down to hear the governor of arkansas make a speech. "son, i'm going to take you down to hear the governor because he's going to make a talk. son, you may library your whole life and you may never meet a governor in person." nobody who -- would have ever believed that his boy could have become one. but becoming a governor and serving in the capacity for 10 1/2 years i learned a lot of things and the most important thing i learned was that when people get into government and forget why they went and what they meant to do, something is tragically wrong with our system of public have. last year i campaigned in 37 states trying to help us win the majority in the u.s. senate and get harry reid moved to the back of the room. i guess he's so excited he's going to move back to nevada and that's the best news we've had in america in a long, long time. [applause] i thought if we could just get republicans elected in the majority in the senate at least they would stand up to this lawless president who ignores the constitution and after 1 -- 22 times saying there's nothing he can do, all of a sudden all by himself he unconstitutionally goes ahead and does something that even he admitted it 23 -- 22 times he didn't have the authority to do. i would have an expectation that at least the people we worked so hard to elect would stand up to him not on a political level but on a constitutional legal level would say this constitution says you can't do it and we stand to tell you that you couldn't -- can't canned -- and that you won't. i want the republican party to start acting like the republican party. [applause] one of the ways that i believe we will repair this great republic of ours is when we finally begin to realize public service should not be a permanent, lifetime career. when do we have term limits in this country and say when you go to congress it is not going to be the proverbial roach motel where you go in but you never come out? we should say you go in and after a reasonable period of time you come out, go home and find out what it's like to live under the laws you have lethd for the rest of us. we need term limits for congressional -- congress and also let me add for the judicial branch of the government. i believe we have to have true leadership. not apologies but leadership. driving from the back seat of the car is a sure way for a tragic accident. the fact that the middle east is in extraordinary trouble and our president thinks somehow we can sit down and make a deal with the iranians is nonsense. they never made a deal they kept, never. i grew up in south arkansas. we had snakes in south arkansas. i'm not just talking about the ones that got elected to something either. we had rattlesnakes, cottonmouth snakes, copperhead snakes. three potentially deadly snakes. i learned as an early kid, when dealing with a snake, you don't try to reason with a snake and understand why he would be so upset as to bite you. you don't pet the snake. you don't feed the snake. you don't try to have a conversation with a snake. you get a shotgun or a shovel or a ho and you take the snake's head off before he bites you. [applause] what we are dealing with in the middle east is no short of a viper that will bite us unless we can end its threat before it becomes an imminent threat to our own children and grandchildren. we must never make an apology for the strength of america. we must never get to the place where we believe we are not vulnerable and be so naive as to think we can sit down with people who are sponsors of state terrorism with hamas, hezbollah and believe they will make nice with us if we let them continue their murderous kidnapping and terroristic ways. we've got trouble at home we have to address. i hear people talk about all the time, need to get rid of the irs. i don't hear anyone say the irs is a wonderful institution and we should add to it. there is one plan in place, and that is the enactment of the fair tax, which would eliminate the irs, repeal the 16th amendment, and it would no longer punish people for their productivity and reward people for their irresponsibility. [applause] i am a supporter because it would change our economy. the fair tax simply says we and all the taxes on that which produces something. we and taxes on income, savings, investment, capital gains, inheritance. they become zero. we pay tax at the point of consumption. when we buy something, we pay the tax. drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, and gamblers would be paying the same taxes. nothing empowers people more effectively who are at the bottom then does having a tax that untaxes their basic necessities but empowers them to work hard and move up the rung to the ladder. i learned how that would work in new hampshire eight years ago. i was touring a machine shop. a guy pulled me aside and said to me, i've got a daughter who is in cornell, in grad school. grad school in cornell is $50,000 a year for her. my first reaction was, thank god my daughter doesn't want to go to cornell grad school. he said, i been working at this machine shop, i have a high school education, i want my daughter to do better than me. this is sound familiar? it's what every parent says. he said, i decided i wanted to work a second shift. i would work 16 hours a day, not eight. the second shift i would work, i dedicate all of that to my daughter so she would not come out of school with a huge debt on top of her. and so i started working 16 hours a day. i got my first paycheck thinking it would be twice what it used to be. i got it and i said, there is a big mistake here. it's not much more than the eight hour paycheck. he went to the accountant for the machine shop and said, there's a mistake. the accountant said no, there's not. here's the problem. because you are now working 16 hours a day and not eight, you are now in a new tax bracket. and so the second shift that he was working wasn't working for his daughter in grad school, he was working so the government could take it out of his pocket. why are we punishing somebody who is trying to move ahead? with the fair tax, if a person works twice as hard, they make twice as much money. the government does not put them in a system that keeps them from being able to reach the next rung on the ladder. there is something horribly wrong with the tax system where the agency that collects it has information about you they have no business knowing, files that information, demands you cough up receipts from seven years ago . they can't even keep their own e-mails for seven days. they can investigate you. they can find you at fault. they can even assess the penalty. they can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to collect $10 out of you. and they use your money to do it. i think most americans would agree the irs has become a criminal enterprise, and we need to get rid of it. the only way to get rid of it is to enact the fair tax, because it's the only plan that eliminates the need for some government agency to get as deep into our business as the irs gets into. this is why i believe that we need to be bold in our approach, how to fix this country of ours and make it better. as a kid growing up, i grew up in a town called hope, but i wanted more than to have a town named hope. i wanted to believe there really was hope for kids like me. i think about the great opportunities this country has afforded me. it makes me love america a lot. when i think about the way we have squandered our position in the world and we punish people trying to work their way out of the hole of poverty, trying to work their way out of the system that is enslaved into government dependency, i'm reminded i became a republican as a teenager -- all the republicans in my county, all seven of them -- all had either moved in from somewhere else -- there and been no native republicans to the county. i told people for a long time i wasn't sure if my parents even voted for me. i became a republican not because i was rich. i became a republican because i did not want to spend the rest of my life war, waiting on the government to rescue me out of poverty. i still believe that this country ought to be a place where hope is not just some town in southwest arkansas and where hope is not something that a person running for president says he has the audacity off turns out he did not have the audacity of hope. he had sheer audacity to believe he was the law and above the constitution and there were no sense of equal branches of government and checks and balances. we are a nation of laws, not a nation just a personalities and brute political power. if you want four or eight more years of that, we can sit back and have a big fight among the republicans and do the democrats' dirty work for them. the republicans can get into this, and we will have a lot of folks, and we can have a free-for-all, patricide, demolition derby, and we will have made the democrats' work easy for them. every republican that either is or is potentially going to run all once to be the quarterback of the team. the best way to earn the job is to play the best game, to prove on the practice field that we actually can lead, and we have a history of doing it. our country is going through some storms and we are headed for tougher ones. most of you, if you get on an airplane, and you look up there in the cockpit knowing you are about to fly through storms, you look up there and who is sitting in the seat? you wanted to a somebody who has flown through a lot of thunderstorms, not somebody who just got out of flight school. i hope the decision is made based on who can play the game the best, not who can savage the other people who want the job. if that is what happens to us and we allow it, we will end up seeing our hopes dashed once again. this time, we can't afford it. i know the clintons all too well. they play to win. they play and do anything necessary in order to win. i have faced them time and time again. i lived to even tell about it. that in itself is remarkable. now we have to unite, and do something extraordinary for this great country. a couple of weeks ago i was in los angeles and i was going to be on the "bill maher" show. i was going to be on the show, they sent a driver to pick me up. the driver picks me up. i get in the car and introduce myself, asking his name. he says, my name is dimitri. he says, i'm from the old soviet union. i said, when did you come to america? he said, 1988. i said, why did you leave the soviet union? that was the year before the soviet union began to collapse. he said, i spent my whole life with my government lying to me. the government telling me i lived in a great country and america was a terrible place but i knew that was not true. he said, i have wanted to leave that country because i knew i could not stay there and i had a little daughter and i wanted a better life for her and i wanted to get her out of there. he came to this country with $250 and that's it. he said, i wish i could say to every american what a great country this is. this country has allowed me to own my own business. i owned this car and several others. i said, where is your daughter these days? he said, she is in her 30's, she has kids, she's married, she's a college graduate and registered nurse and works in a clinical care unit and she's doing great. i said, i wish you would tell your story. i wish more people would tell your story. he said, i don't talk so good. i have an accent. i said, dimitri, you make more sense and talk better than 90% of the people we have elected to congress, i assure you. dimitri said, i don't think i will ever have that platform. i told dimitri, you may not. but i hope i can tell your story and the story of someone he like you and remind americans that some people have come to this country to escape tyranny and find liberty. whether you were born in hope, arkansas and climbed your way from the whole of poverty in which you were dug, or whether you come from the soviet union and you defect with nothing but a couple hundred dollars in your pocket and a little girl, let us never be a place where this is a this country is where you start is where you have to end and you can dream the dreams and let them. thank you and god bless you. i'm going to take questions. [applause] i understand we have a couple of microphones. you will ask a brief question and then i will answer it. what i will do, i will hear the questions i want to answer. no matter what it is. [laughter] this is called in politics q&a. it stands for questions and avoidance. you ask whatever you want, i try not to have a career ending answer this afternoon. is this the first one? >> governor, thank you for coming. to counter china, radical islam, russia, there probably is no more important and alliance by the united states than with that other great world democracy, india. the u.s. likes india. america blessed its nuclear status right away. republicans have two governors of india. basically the u.s. ignores this natural ally. how will you redefine as president that relation to ensure that democracy in the world survives well into the next century? huckabee: it is a country with whom we share a lot. i believe israel is a country with whom we share a lot, that same sense of people who were created in order to escape tyranny. the alliances we have our alliances we need to recognize their value. after six and a half years of the president obama-hillary clinton policies, let me ask you this, can you name a country on this planet with whom we have a better relationship today than we had when they took office? can you name one? i hear cuba and iran. it's not true. cuba is still a place where people are held political prisoner and iran, they are still working to build a bomb. it's not that we have a better relationship, it is that the iranians think we are chumps is nstead of champions. we need to stand with those who are like us and stand firmly against those who are not. wherever that democracy exists -- i've been to india -- it's a remarkable country, it's amazing what is happening there, it's overwhelming to be there, but it is remarkable. one of the reasons we've got to change policies is because i want to say to you that three things americans have got to be be able to maintain our liberty and be free. we need to feed ourselves, produce our own food and fiber never import our food . we've got to be able to fuel ourselves. we've got to be able to supply our own needs for energy. we've got 600 or 700 years of energy under our own feet. that we would not exploit the energy capacity we have is nonsense to me. we have made the saudi's extremely rich, empowered the russians, and empowered the iranians because we will not take our own energy out from under our feet, and we allow nations, whether it is russia, the iranians, the saudi's, to supply europe, the middle east africa, and the world. if america would begin to be an exporter of its energy and start making americans wealthy instead of saudi's wealthy and russians wealthy, and iranians wealthy, maybe we would tip the balance of power in an extraordinary way and bankrupt these corrupt governments rather than have ourselves begging for them to do something responsible. the third thing we have to do is fight for ourselves. we've got to manufacture our own weapons of self-defense. the fact that we have lost manufacturing in this country is not just a jobs issue. it is an issue of national security. if we can't build our own airplanes, whoever is building that for us holds us by the throat. let's bring those jobs back and that will never happen as long as the chinese continue to cheapen our trade deals and we don't hold people as trading partners to the same rules we are expected to play by. that's how we treat allies like friends and we treat our enemies like foes. in this administration, our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't respect us. >> we have one back here. >> hi, tamara fairbanks from canaan. where the lakes are still frozen. science has become very politicized. it's important to know your stand on the climate change issue. even the pope has an opinion right now. global warming, fact or fiction? huckabee: i was in college when we were told in "time" and "newsweek" said on their covers that if we did not do something very bold and quickly, we would all freeze to death. and we were entering the ice age. now we are entering an age in which we will all burn up and everybody near the coast will drown. there has always been climate change. the climate changes. but the earth is an amazing body. i believe the earth is the lord's creation, and i believe when he created it, he made it to be adaptable, and one of the reasons it stood through all the ends of history is because if there is a change, it is able to adapt. the more urgent thing i believe exists is that we always treat this earth like we would if we were boy scouts at the camp. leave your campsite in as good or better shape than when you found it. but don't be so silly as to not enjoy the campsite. take good care of the earth. but for heaven sakes, enjoy that which has been given to us for our own pleasure, purposes, and prosperity. that ought to be the driving force of our policies there. >> hi, governor. i was recently in israel, tour ed the country from the golan heights south, west bank, etc. in my opinion, there should be no palestinian state cut out of israel. i know you are there frequently, you are friendly with the prime minister. i wonder what your thoughts are on that. huckabee: my first trip to israel was in 1973. i was 17 years old. i have been to syria, lebanon, egypt, jordan, india, pakistan afghanistan, iraq, saudi arabia, the emirates, kuwait. all over the middle east. i have a special relationship with israel because the first time i went there i fell in love with this country. i felt that that country has not just an organizational relationship with the united states, but an organic relationship with the united states. when i hear people talking about a two state solution, i think it's the nuttiest thing i've ever heard. i'm one of those parties believes the other one should not exist. that is not realistic. let's quit pretending there is such a thing in that particular country. in the land of judea and samaria, there should not be a question as to whether or not that is going to belong to israel, because it does belong to israel. i was like you in the golan heights. i stood on the valley of tears. 250 yards was the syrian border. about two miles from where i was, there was an isis camp. in the distance we could hear at least 10 explosions of rockets and shells going off in the civil war of syria. we were safe where we were, and the reason we were just because israel understands what it is to defend its borders and recognizes that it does have a right to defend itself and its people. the amazing thing is that the failed policies of the obama administration are so harangued us -- horrendus that something has happened in the middle east that 42 years ago when i made my first trip and dozens of troops i have made since then, i saw something over the last couple of years i never thought could exist. now the israelis are in a greater alliance with the saudi's, jordanians, and egyptians than they are with the united states because those countries at least have the good sense to know you don't trust the iranians. i pray our next president will have the good sense to know we don't trust the iranians, but we can trust our friends, the israelis, and we can trust the leadership of other countries in the middle east who recognize that you cannot create peace when you chant death to america in the streets of your cities. thank you folks, and god bless you. thank you. [applause] >> god bless the great state of new hampshire. i'm the only thing standing between you and happy hour. i am thrilled to be back with so many friends in new hampshire. it is lovely. last time i was here there was snow everywhere. springtime is here. i have to say as i was coming up, i was startled because i could have sworn i saw hillary's scooby doo van outside. then i realized it couldn't possibly be that, because i'm pretty sure you all don't have any foreign nations paying speakers, right? what an incredible gathering this is. what a testament. has this not been an incredible array of strong conservative leaders for two solid days? [applause] what a testament to the desire for americans. we want something new, we want new leadership to change the page and turnaround. the democratic version of this i'm pretty sure is hillary clinton a conversation with a chipotle clerk. and that says something about where the passion and energy is here in new hampshire and all across this country. everyone of us understands this is a time of crisis. our nation is in crisis, and yet we don't want to go back to the failed policies of the past. we want to go forward to the future. i want to talk about how collectively 20 months from now we are going to turn this country around. everyone of us is going to come together and reignite the promise of america. we are going to get back to the country that everyone of us was blessed to grow up in a country where all kids will have a better life than we did and their kids will have a better life than they did. three simple steps to reigniting the promise of america. number one, bringing back jobs and growth and opportunity. my number one priority in the u.s. senate from day one has been economic growth. we know how to do that. we do that through tax reform and regulatory reform. on tax reform, we need a simple flat tax so that every american can fill out his or her taxes on a postcard. [applause] and then we need to abolish the irs. [applause] there are merely 90,000 employees at the irs. we need to padlock that building, take everyone of them, and put them on our southern border. [applause] to our friends in the media, i say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek. but think about that for a second. imagine you had traveled thousands of miles through the blazing sun, you swim across the rio grande, the first thing you see is 90,000 irs agents. you would turn around and go home, too. and and regulatory reform -- i was out talking to farmers in west texas. i asked him, what is the difference between regulators and locusts? i said, the thing is, you can't use pesticide on the regulators. this old farmer leaned back and said, want to bet? the most important regulatory reform is we need to repeal every word of obamacare. [applause] the second key, to reigniting the promise of america's defending our constitutional liberties, all of them. [applause] defending the first amendment, our free speech rights religious liberty rights. we are in a time where some in this country shy away from defending religious liberty, are afraid to defend the very first right protected in the first amendment of the bill of rights. i am proud to stand with men and women of faith across this country defending our religious liberties. we need to defend the second amendment, the right to keep and bear arms. i have to say today, the "new york times" is having a bit of apoplexy. that is such an unusual reaction for the "new york times." they are very dismayed because when i was asked about the second amendment i said, the second amendment is not designed to protect hunting or sports shooting. the second amendment is about protecting our natural rights from god to protect our lives, families, and homes. [applause] and it is also fundamentally about a check on tyranny from government and protection of liberty of the people. [applause] i'm not shocked in the live free or die state that you all understand what i'm talking about. but "the new york times" today said that notion, live free or die, the second amendment is a check on tyranny, they said it was strange, silly, ridiculous absurd. let me tell you some other strange, silly, ridiculous absurd people. thomas jefferson, george washington, james madison. joseph story, who said the second amendment is the palladium of our liberties. i'm proud to stand with our founding fathers for our liberties against the received wisdom of "the new york times." we need to defend the fourth and fifth amendments, our privacy, and we need to defend the 10th amendment, or as president obama called it, the what? [laughter] the fundamental protection that says those rights not given to the federal government are reserved to the state and to the people. [applause] that means there are core areas given to our federal government to need to do and do well. protect this country, stand with the military, secure our borders. there are other areas where the federal government has no business sticking its nose. areas like education. and we need to repeal every word of common core. [applause] but the third and critical piece to reigniting the promise of america is restoring america's leadership in the world.

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