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About taxes when we come back. We also want to thank our students who have supplied their questions. And also on social media. We will take a quick break and we will be right back. Jim we are having a good discussion. I hope you feel that as well. As for the candidates, has this been good for you so far . Sen. Toomey sure. Ms. Mcginty i wouldnt have missed it for the world. [laughter] jim i want to ask a quick question of both of you. Im looking for some quick impressions. You dont have to take a full minute. Close to 100 million has been raised for this campaign. Most of that money has gone to Television Ads across the state. It seems that most of those ads have been harsh, bitter attacks against your opponent. So heres my question. When voters hear this bad stuff about each of you for months on end, every time the turn on the television, doesnt that contribute to the general sense of distrust in and distaste for politics and government that we have been hearing so much about recently . Sen. Toomey theres no question its been a Staggering Amount of money spent and a Staggering Amount of ads. Katie mcginty will decry citizens united, but she is a big beneficiary had it beneficiary of it. I suggested, as a way to fight back against this, we have five debates across the commonwealth. Five debates away could get into more indepth discussions, rather than the 30second soundbites. She insisted only two. The fact is there is only one person in this campaign whose ads had to be taken down because there were so flagrantly dishonest. That is Katie Mcgintys ads. That is the difference. Frankly, katie tends to deny many of the things she has done. Go to my website. You can see we have documented the fact that the dep under her leadership used confession of judgment. We documented the fact that she scripted the ad that had to be taken down. We documented the dishonesty that has been a problem in this campaign. Ms. Mcginty what is dishonest is what the senator has just said. There is actually only one candidate on the stage who had to take his ad down. That was senator to me. My campaign has had to take no ads down. And theres only one person standing on the stage who repeatedly independent Fact Checkers have said that senator toomeys as are false, misleading. And no wonder. The senator doesnt want us to look at his record, a record of owning a bank foreclosing on his own constituents. Lets talk about money and politics though. I am proud to have the endorsement of an Organization Called end citizens united, dedicated to getting this dark, secret unaccountable money out of our politics. Senator toomey had a chance to vote on that and vote against overturning citizens united. And no wonder. Senator tammy has more money coming in from organizations like the koch brothers. Jim im not sure your respective answers have done much to eliminate distrust and distaste. [laughter] but lets go on. The Washington Post and this is serious did a poll of shootings and found that black did a study on Police Shootings and found that black men who represent 6 of the population accounted for 40 of the unarmed men shot to death by police. I think we all agree that the vast majority of Police Officers are extraordinarily brave and noble men and women. But do you think that these numbers show that there is institutional bias in america split department . Ms. Mcginty you know, we have made a lot of calm a lot of progress in discrimination. But we by no means have fully succeeded in eradicating racism and discrimination from our society. Let me say, my faith tradition, i am happy to say black lives matter. From where i stand, when we recognize the dignity of any person, we are all lifted up. And when any person is denied dignity, we are taken down. I say that also as the daughter of a policeman who reveres the work of Law Enforcement. Our family would say goodbye to dad in the morning. Didnt know when he becoming home. Thats why i had moved forward to say lets give the police force the tools that a need, double the Community Policing program, and make sure the have the equipment and resources to be active in the community. Senator toomey has pushed a punishment the police bill that would strip lawenforcement of critical resources. I know that works from a Tea Party Point of view. Take any Government Program away that hurts our safety and security in our community. Jim do you think there is institutional bias in some of our police force . Ms. Mcginty i think it we still have some work to do. I agree with your assessment. We have good men and women. But we have to look in our own hearts. We have not eradicated racism and discrimination and sexism. Sen. Toomey theres no question that there are bad apples in any walk of life. Any profession has some. Ive seen videos of young black men being shot under circumstances that are very, very disturbing. And ive immediately called for a federal investigation and Holding People accountable for any wrongdoing. But im absolutely convinced that the vast majority of policeman and police women across this commonwealth and our country are not racists. That are trying to do the very best a can to protect us. And the problem with the black lives Matter Movement and Katie Mcginty propagating this is that that phrase it self is meant to impugn the integrity of the place by implying that there the policegrity of by implying that there dont think that black lives do matter. [booiong] in fact, it is my view that all lives matter and i think police get that. [applause] jim ladies and gentlemen, please. Sen. Toomey ill simply finish by observing that i respect and honor the years that Katie Mcgintys father spent on the Philadelphia Police force. But the Philadelphia Police have endorsed me in this campaign, as have every other major Police Organization in the commonwealth. Jim lets talk about obamacare. [applause] come on, guys. Please. Youve been great until now. [laughter] come on. Millions of americans are irate that their premiums and deductibles have gone up under the Affordable Care act. Proponents of obamacare explain that much of the hike in premiums is due to the fact that Insurance Companies can no longer deny americans with preexisting conditions and cannot charge higher rates based on Health Status or gender. My question is do you dispute that . And how do you bring costs down while still ensuring high risk americans who couldnt get insurance before obamacare . Sen. Toomey first of all, thats not what is causing the problem with obamacare. The problem is that it is fundamentally flawed in its design. We were sold in whole bill of goods on that bill from day one. We were told, if you wanted to keep your Insurance Plan come he could keep it. Then you they were systematically for bidding whole categories of Insurance Plans. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. No, you cant. The new Insurance Plans were designed to exclude doctors that people were very satisfied with. Were told the average family would save 2500. It is the exact opposite. Costs have gone through the roof. It is collapsing. 40 of pennsylvanians in the individual market have only one choice. And you cant fix this by tweaking it around the edges because it is based on a fundamentally flawed design, which puts the government in control of something that allah that ought to be determined by mom and dad sitting around the Kitchen Table and not by a federal bureaucracy. Repeal obamacare completely and have a transition people from subsidies, and move into a direction where people and patients control their health care. Ms. Mcginty where has the senator been . Hes been in washington for 18 years. This is obviously a quickly important issue. Critically important issue. Wheres your legislation, senator, to make sure we are bringing down the costs of prescription drugs . Where is your legislation to make sure that people will have full choice in the doctors that theyd get to see . I would take action to i think it is important that people not lose their Health Insurance because of preexisting conditions. I think it is important that we not kick people off of Health Insurance because the have a chronic disease and the hit a cap. We got to bring the cost down and there are things we can do i will do that the senator walked. First and foremost, we have to take on the big pharmaceutical companies. We are the only country in the world where federal law for bids us from negotiating down and pay sometimes 10 times as much for the same drug. The senator is too close to big pharma, big insurance, etc. He will complain, but he has not done anything to fix this urgent problem. Jim lets talk about iran. You have expressed your complete support for the iran deal. Since then, iran has fired four Ballistic Missiles with israel must written on the side of them in hebrew. Missileoon said launches were not constructive nuclear deal. Has any of this ever given you pause that maybe the Iran Nuclear Deal was not a good idea . Ms. Mcginty iran is not a friend of the United States. Thats why it was absolutely unacceptable that iran would be allowed to gain nuclear capability. In my analysis, yes, the agreement on the table was the best way to ensure that iran would not have nuclear capability. However, i have also been very, very clear, that we cannot tolerate any violation of either the nuclear deal itself or other u. N. Resolutions, including with respect to Ballistic Missile tests. And ive been very public on calling the administration for sanctions there. Senator to any missed a 90 of the Key Committee meetings and hearings on this issue, number one. Number two, when he did show up, he voted in directions that make us less safe, voting against closing loopholes in our visa waiver program, voting against loopholes that allow terrorists to buy guns in this country. Sen. Toomey unfortunately, we know Katie Mcginty was dishonest about her family story . She was dishonest lately so i about her as coming down and now she is being dishonest about my record in congress. It was a terrible, terrible failure of judgment to give 150 billion to worlds number one statesponsor of terrorism. As we gather here this evening, the Iranian Parliament has not ratified the agreement. No iranian Government Official has signed that agreement. Theyd dont consider themselves bound by that agreement. The Katie Mcginty thinks this is all fine. Its not fine. Theyre launching Ballistic Missiles precisely designed to carry nuclear war heads. If their intention was to abandon the pursuit of Nuclear Weapons, why would theyd spend millions of dollars developing the ability to deliver Nuclear Weapons . And as i said before, this is part of the very, very disturbing pattern by the administration to essentially grant to this iranian access from afghanistan to the mediterranean, incredibly hostile to the United States. There will have Nuclear Weapons soon. That will likely trigger a Nuclear Arms Race with the sunni arab countries. This was a very bad agreement. [applause] jim a need a response of about 35 to 40 seconds here. Were coming to the end. I watched an interview you did on cnbc where you called for the elimination of all Corporate Taxes. You said lets not tax corporations. Let them compete must aggressively on the global economy. If you had your druthers, would you get rid of the Corporate Income tax . Sen. Toomey no, i wouldnt. That was an artful way to convey message. You can raise taxes on business if you like, but who ends up paying that . Theyll have a pretty impressive the basement. They dont have a Printing Press in the basement. If you raise taxes, it ends up being paid by the customers of those businesses, who by the audits at higher prices. My point is that we should have a simpler tax code. It is terribly unfair. It has corporate welfare that katie likes so that she can reward her preferred companies and industries. Ive been the tip of the spear in the senate turned to end so much of it runs through the tax to end it. So much of it runs through the tax code. Jim you have called for raising the ceiling on income for Social Security taxes. You are also supporting a democratic bill that calls for a. 2 payroll tax increase to support family leave. Arent the an increase on the class taxes . Ms. Mcginty no. I am very clear that i do not support an increase on middleclass taxes. My whole campaign has in about putting forward middleclass tax cuts. Let me accurately describe my proposal with respect to Social Security. I very much disagree with senator toomey who wants to hand Social Security over to wall street. That would be 30 trillion in fees for his friends and wall street. Ive said that millionaires and billionaires should pay their fair share to shore up Social Security. The senator just tried to change history and his own record. He is on his own he is on record saying repeatedly that he would eliminate all Corporate Taxes and support legislation that would cut taxes for millionaires by 300,000. Jim thank you, ms. Mcginty. Sen. Toomey first to go to college and her family, again. Jim that is all the time we have right now for questions and answers. The candidates will each have 90 seconds for closing statements. I think theyve got some things that want to say. By random draw, Katie Mcginty goes first. Ms. Mcginty thanks to you and everybody for joining us and for tuning in. This country was based on a basic idea and bargain. If you work hard, you can get ahead. That was certainly the story in the mcginty family. A total no complaint zone. You pick yourself up by your own bootstraps, all 10 of us kids. But when we were being raised, if you worked hard, you could pursue your dream. Now what i see out there, in every part of this commonwealth, is that people are giving it their all with pride and dignity and trying their best. But those bills are tough to pay. Youve heard some spirited debate here. I will go to bat for working families and for the middle class. Frankly, those of the same families that senator toomey has left behind, for closing on them in a predatory fashion while he made money at his own bank. Trying to take away hardearned Social Security and handing that over to wall street. Refusing to stand up to china when china doesnt play by the rules and takes our manufacturing jobs away. This i know. We have a very Bright Future if we give people the tools to succeed, no handouts. Decent schools, college that is affordable, job training and apprentice ship programs. When we do that, no one can compete with the American Worker. We will compete and win. Im Katie Mcginty. Take you for having here you for having me here tonight. And i ask you for the honor of your vote and support. [applause] sen. Toomey thanks very much. First let me say it has been an extraordinary honor to have the privilege to be the United States senator from pennsylvania for these past six years. Youve heard tonight that there are some substantial differences. If you want someone who will be a rubber stamp or a Hillary Clinton administration, Katie Mcginty and is your candidate. If you want someone who is going to be independent and criticize a president when he is wrong from whatever party, i will be your candidate. Katie and i differ on many security issues. You heard her defend the Iran Nuclear Deal, which im certain is a very, very bad deal for the United States. She has also been a supporter of sanctuary cities, which i think endangers us in our own communities. But probably a stark as anything on economic issues. I have met with families all across this commonwealth. I met with people who wonder why this economy is in working for them. Why is it the some people are doing fine if ar a multimillionaire like katie and the have a lot of Financial Assets . Those assets have gone up in value. But a hardworking family and Delaware County and Cambria County and all across this commonwealth, there have been falling behind. It is because of failed policies in washington. Too much taxes, restraining, doubling of our nation debt and way too much regulation. Is it any wonder we are not getting the prosperity we need . Katie mcginty would double down on all of those failed policies. I want to move in a different direction that frees up our economy to get the jobs and elevate the standard of living that we have been waiting for. I would be very grateful for your vote on november 8. [applause] jim and that concludes tonights debate. We would like to thank the candidates for appearing tonight. We would also like to thank our host, temple university. And we would like to thank you for watching tonight. Im jim gardner fraction news. We leave you with these final words from the league of women voters. Im susan carty, the president of league of women voters in pennsylvania. On behalf of our members and the voters in pennsylvania, i stand at sincere thank you to the candidates, to 6 abc, and to jim gardner for providing this opportunity for pennsylvania voters to see the candidates for u. S. Senate, and to hear their stance on the most important issues facing our commonwealth and our country. And now, it is your turn for your voice to be heard. Election day is tuesday, november 8. Make sure you go to the polls and vote. It is your right and your civic duty. Cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Coming up this morning, we look at the integrity of the election process and accessibility to polling places on election day with john forte, democracy project director democracy project director at the bipartisan policy under. Deborahs fellows and fallows on the recent joint report on immigration and migrant communities in the u. S. And how the current political debate is affecting these communities and immigration issue overall. And syndicated columnist ann coulter joins us from new york to talk about the 2016 election and her latest book in trump we awesome. Rvice awesome. Join the discussion. Lawn newsmakers, stephen talks about the role of super pacs in the 2016 election and efforts to keep a republican majority in the senate. Newsmakers today at 10 00 a. M. And 6 p. M. Here on cspan. After i came up with this idea first of all, i did a lot of research. Mental illness especially, it is a complicated issue. It is not black and white. It is multifaceted. I had to research to get a base knowledge of what i wanted to talk about in this piece. Obviously, it is so complicated that i cannot talk about it all here. I thought it would be nice to have a focal polling to focus on. Focal point to focus on. Topicarched this excessively. My dads pharmacy and i talked to the pharmacists there. I talked to my mom and her colleagues and the works and it internet research. Internet research to find facts and data and statistics about employment of those with developmental disabilities, and to see what was really going on. Most of the information i got off of the internet came from governmentfunded websites, which is how i knew the information i was getting was legitimate. This years theme your message to washington dc. Tell us what is the most urgent issue for members of congress to address in 2017. Our competition is open to all middle school and high school students, grades six through 12. Alone or in aork group of up to three to produce a five to seven minute documentary on the issue selected. Include cspan. Programming and explore opposing opinions. Include cspan programming and explore opposing opinions. The grand prize, 5,000, will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. This years deadline is january 20, 2017. So mark your calendars. For more information, go to our website, studentcam. Org. Now a debate featuring the candidates running for governor of North Carolina. They include pat mccrory, roy cooper, and ron cecil of the libertarian party. This is about an hour. Voters will soon decide who will lead our state for the next four years. Tonight, here from the candidates running to be your next governor, where they stand on North Carolinas biggest issues and what they want you to know before you cast your ballot. Thank you for joining us for the final debate in the North Carolina governors race. Candidates. He we will last them to share their thoughts and a writing topics, including storm relief, the economy, education, and more. Year some background on the candidates. He is originally from oklahoma and served in the army. He has never held elected office. Is finishingcooper his fourth term as North Carolinas attorney general. He was first elected in 2000 after serving in both the statehouse and senate. Nashs born and raised in county and graduated from unc chapel hill. Republican pat mccrory is north. Arolinas 74th governor his term, beginning in 2013, he was charlottes longestserving mayor, a record seven terms. He grew up in Guilford County and graduated from [indiscernible] we have a lot of topics we would like to cover this evening. We would like this to be an open conversation. Each of you have 90 seconds. There are sure to befall up questions and discussions and we hope you will talk to each other. At the end of the evening come each of you will have a minute for closing statements. We drew to see who would get the first question. The first question goes to mr. Mccrory and then mr. Cooper and then mr. Cecil. If elected, how will you make sure that the tens of thousands of people who have been dramatically affected by Hurricane Matthew are taking care of . Areirst of all, my prayers with a 26 people who lost their lives and their families. Proud of the way North Carolina can together to respond to an unexpected hurricane hitting our coast. The thing i am very proud of in my team was, not only did we have a great team deployed early and across the state am anticipating every type of hurricane scenario, but im also very pleased that we had enough payy in our a day fund to for a money that we will have to have in the future to help these people recover. Sadly, the attorney general just last month in lumberton, one of the hardest hit cities, spoke against having so much money in the Rainy Day Fund, which would have been a huge mistake had he been governor and we not had sufficient money in the Rainy Day Fund. We had the most rain we have ever seen in lumberton in decades. Im announcing tomorrow a longterm Hurricane Task force with people throughout the east and we will look at housing, because that is our number one goal, repairing the infrastructure, water and sewer roads. Airing our in the shortterm, our goal is to get people out of shortterm shelter and into permanent housing. I grew up in nash county. It is unfortunate that people who have gotten hit again in 1999, we had hurricane floyd. It devastated eastern North Carolina. I was living in rocky mount at the time. I remember governor hunt calling, why me to meet him at the airport and i couldnt get there because all the roads were flooded. As a state senator and Senate Majority leader at the time, i introduce legislation that provided for hundreds of for relief dollars for eastern North Carolina. I know what kind of rebuilding process it takes to make sure we get people on their feet again. It will be a matter of weeks and years to make sure that we get the housing, to make sure we get businesses going. This is one of the most difficult places in our state, with our economy right now. , he knows that i have always supported a Strong Rainy Day Fund it. Thats all we get the money to be able to help northeastern airline of before. I have supported it my entire career. Governor macquarrie asked for money from the general summary. They passed a bill that provided bring00,000 to defend and forth housebuilder merle two, of all things, and governor mccrory did not even veto the legislation. Surewe need is to make North Carolina is ready for this. We need a strong leader who knows about rebuilding. Weve done it before. Carolina is tough. I know, because i growth there. We can do it again. We have to. 1990 sevenhere in and was he merely struck with the flooding from floyd, when that came through. Although my heart goes out to the citizens of eastern North Carolina with the flooding again this time, i know it is just a. Epeat of a previous flooding it indicates a lot of things that were not corrected the first time. I95 was closed again. You have to learn from each flood. You have to spend the money to correct those things that happened. Thats can be money that comes from the taxpayers one way or another, whether it is federal or state. Weve got to help those people and a lot of them needed a lot of help. Everybodys talked about hurricane floyd they came through only 17 years ago. On my dad that this governors the one who said this would be worse than hurricane floyd and people mock to me. I might also add that the german the attorney general is wrong. He hasnt always supported a larger any defined. Just two weeks ago come a month ago, in lumberton, he stated we have too big a Rainy Day Fund and we need to spend more that money on a things thats on other things can thank god we didnt have a governor that have that shortterm political aptitude to look at the next election as opposed to the next storm or the next hurricane that is going to hit North Carolina. Talk about spending money, wherever it comes from come a lot of these areas that are hit this time, princeville being look aten springs, windsor down in eastern North Carolina that has had it share of more than just these two songs, or highway 12 alone the outer banks. This direction and rebuild. Destruction, rebuilding. Should these areas be rebuilt again . Thats part of the longterm plan. Mayor bobby jones, one of the most remarkable man i have ever met in princeville. His house was under water. We are going to have that discussion. If we do rebuild, where and how and what methods do we use to rebuild . I think that question needs to be asked in every area that has constant flooding. Thats part of the longterm plan. I will have engineers in part of this longterm committee. We will have environmentalists and architects. We will have people who think what is the longterm sustainable plan on how to rebuild these communities. The most tragic part of these hurricanes is it hits the people who can least afford it. Thats the part that grabs my heart. We have to do everything we can to help those people who can least afford a hurricane and then make sure our plans are not putting people in those in that position again. The question is what kind of leader do you want to help rebuild North Carolina . What kind of given or do you . What kind of governor do you want after floyd, we did some mitigation. Some places were not rebuild and that was a wise thing because they were flooded again. We are going to have to have some strong conversations about that. But governor mccrory talks about people who can least afford it. , northed northeastern carolina. And here he is opposing Medicaid Expansion that can help health care in eastern North Carolina, all 100 federal dollars that can make a difference in the rural economy. Hes talking now about the people who can least afford it when weve had ways to help rural eastern North Carolina. Its time we take a longterm view of this. Some of them need to be rebuilt. We need to learn from of them ne rebuilt. We need to learn from the lessons of katrina. Elevate, make sure we have transportation, build homes, just like we do along the coast here those houses are built with proof with the presumption there will be a hurricane and another flood. If they rebuild, it should be with that knowledge. Res a lot of marriages theres a lot of errors that probably should not be rebuilt. There are those who have been living there for many years because it was lowcost land. And it was lowcost because it was subject to flooding. Me tell you Something Else that was the daughter. People who were hurt the most, the poor, we have asked ended benefits. Helping withto be other items regarding infrastructure. Ive had a great relationship working with president obama on emergency relief to make sure Craven County was added yesterday and waynesboro, to help more people of the cash you can immediately get these poor clothes and supplies. Every time mr. Mccrory is making a statement, youre shaking your head. He talked about extending unemployment benefits. He push legislation that made North Carolinas unemployment inefits the most restrict it the country and did it on the back of working people. There are a lot of people in our destinies in eastern North Carolina who are looking for work now. ,bout half of our counties there are more people looking for work now than they were before the recession. What weve got to do is to have a leader who understands that, who is going to have policies that help the working poor and help the middle class and not those at the top. You got a leader here. I came into when office, i inherited something from Beverly Perdue. It was called a 2. 6 billion debt that North Carolina of the federal government can we borrowed 2. 6 billion for an employment had i continued the they hadram that supported, we would be in 4 billion in debt right now. We paid off the debt. Now if we have another recession by the way, if we need to help these people, we now have 2 billion in reserves in case there is a downturn or in case these people need the extra benefits, which i have extended. Thats exactly the strong leadership we need now more than ever, not the old leadership. Spend everything you got up at the debt on future generations. We will return to the economy. Same with matthew for a moment, we learn that floodwaters from Hurricane Matthew carried some coal ash into the river. Do we need to rethink the decision in the wake of the storm. One of the things i am going to do as governor is listen to the scientists who are providing the advice, like governor mccrory. Governor mccrorys scientists ided that well water, that was unsafe. The chief scientist in the state resigned, saying publicly that she was not going to be part of an eight industrys and that deliberately misleads the public. What we need is Public Officials who are going to listen to scientists, who are going to believe what they say, who act on that, who use data and facts and dont let their political. Deology rule the day and particularly when you are not being honest with the public, like his administration is. When the scientists, nonpartisan person with a good job resigns and another scientist, too, saying the governors on the phone talking to his Public Information officer in the room, telling them to rescind this order, thats wrong. Im not going to be that kind of governor. Over the last six miles, i spent a lot of time in the at the lowt looking lands going, wow, i see how hurricane floyd had so many problems. But the people down there were telling me their problem is the well water. They dont have water to drink. They are fearful of using it with their animals. Several of them commented he was only in june of this year that they finally started getting bottled water delivered. Hb 630 law you talked about that was passed by the legislature contains a provision that they will have to put in public water lines to certain areas. And the basic data on that is by the end of 2018. To a person, they will tell they will stand there and tell they absolutely do not believe in any way, shape or form the water lines will be put in before 2010 2020 at best. Do we need to rethink the decision on coal ash . As an engineer, i understand where the problem is going. The underground water can never be cleaned. Surface water will claim itself or can be clean, like you did with the dan river. Themselves are a continuing hazard. The only thing we can really do is that is properly mitigate them. But there is a tremendous amount of ash in those things. When you start looking at how many truckloads weve got the the so i picked pear very properly, we are going to need to major highways and a lot more trucks. Understood. He is right about the environmental damage. Moreould cause environmental damage to our stated by moving them all, each individual pulpit is a situation. Got three years of false advertisements from Roy Cooper Super pac. As if i did the coal ash spill in North Carolina, which is totally ridiculous. Inesigned from duke energy 2008. Surely thereafter, jim rogers, the ceo and chairman endorsed a Beverly Perdue and gave her a lot of money and gave away cooper for his reelection as attorney general. And his job is supposed to oversight and theres not one email during his 14 years or 16 years as attorney general where he has ever expressed concern about coal ash. Not one email. By the way, he only has 14 emails in 14 years. Not one email or one action taken toward duke energy. Duke energy, i might add, gave 10 million loan to the Democratic National convention, which they have yet to pay back. Times received during his as attorney general tens of thousands of dollars from duke energy and progress energy. And during that time took no action, except he did approve some action during the purdue administration. An email that we have a record of, any public documents, an email that is approved by the Attorney Generals Office which allows duke to grandfather some of their coal ash ponds from further inspection. If we had that dam inspection, may be dan river would not have happened. Duke energy to not have the fine we wanted to find and 25 million because of an email approved by the Attorney Generals Office and Beverly Perdue we had to pull back that fine because of the lawyers recommendations. His lawyers know all about this. Noty, the commercials do mention this. Your question was whether we excavate. The state legislature decided they would create a Coal Ash Commission made up of x to make this decision. In the head of the senate, the republican leader of the senate said we need this commission concerned ofe governor mccrorys ties to duke energy. And the fact he worked there so long. Governorry mccrory sued the state legislature because he wanted sole control over this issue of what happens to the coal ash ponds. Didnt wantrory somebody looking over his shoulder. Ashlked about coal publicly. I have a strong environmental record. Most all endorsed by the environmental groups. To hear governor mccrory talk about coal ash and my record, the independent Fact Checkers have said you were wrong every time you said something about that. All, he has not refuted anything i said about the money he has except that, but the lack of action he has taken in 14 years. He didnt refute any of that. He changedhe didnt refute any. He changed the second the subject, which is what roy cooper is good at doing. Duke energy did not want they wanted the Coal Ash Commission. They did not want me to veto the bill. Their lobbyists were all over the house and senate. I vetoed something they did not want vetoed the cut that was a bad deal for the people. I might add that the senate did not override my veto because they read the details of it and they said you are right, governor. This would be harmful to the neighborhood in winstonsalem. Moderator our next question goes to mr. Cecil. There has been a lot said about an economic comeback. In recent poll conducted showed the majority of voters do not feel they are better off than they were four years ago. 29 of them said they feel they are worse off. What do you say to those who find themselves still struggling and what do you intend to help them . Mr. Cecil when i moved here almost 20 years ago, the economy was running good, the taxes were high and things were going quite well. It was a long downhill slide rather quickly through 2004 and 2008. And a lot of people lost their jobs. I lost my job at one point. With that recession. There has been quite a bit of comeback. But it has been industryspecific. The high technologies and the more Critical Industries have done well with it. I worked with rf micro in greensboro and the cell phone industry and those related to electronics and Consumer Products have come back quite well. A lot of our classic industries that we had including the Furniture Industry has not come back near as much. They are strictly labor dependent. I think we have made quite a bit of comeback particularly in the last four years. I think governor macquaries i think the governors leadership has done a good job getting us recovered but we still have a long way to go. I think some of the new taxes have been burdensome on the poor people that really could not afford much and you find out that they have to pay sales tax to get their vehicle repaired really heard a lot of them. Mr. Graham when i gov. Mccrory when i came into office, North Carolinas unemployment was the fifth highest in the United States of america. 9. 4 adjusted at 8. 9 . We have had one of the greatest economic recoveries down to about 4. 7 , below the National Average. After my first year, they said governor, you are still not below South Carolina. Our economy is so much better than it was three years ago. Is it good enough . Absolutely not. One thing we found out when we came into office was that we owed 2. 6 billion for unemployment and we were about to tax Small Businesses more for unemployment. That was the solution of the liberal democrat. We had a 5 million this forecast misforecast. Even South Carolina was beating us. Nikki haley even told me that we do not consider North Carolina competition anymore. We had to make some immediate changes or we could keep trying the same things under my predecessor, Beverly Perdue and mike easley. We could have kept trying those things. We have had a great comeback but we need more. I am extremely proud of what has happened in North Carolina and let the progress continue. Mr. Cooper since the recession, there has been a National Economic recovery but North Carolina is lagging behind. You go ask every day working people whether they have seen the carolina comeback and most of them will tell you that they are working longer and harder and for less money than they were before the recession and statistics show that they are right. Wage growth is languishing in our state particularly for the middle class. And the governor comes in and promises everyone a tax cut. He did pretty well for those at the top. He gave the corporations and those at the top good tax breaks. But every day north carolinians many of them have seen a net tax increase including small as businessess. He has raised taxes on people in 67 different ways. The governor is putting more of a burden on the middle class and Small Business with taxes at a time when we need to be helping Small Business and the middle class. And i will work to do that. I will also work to invest in Public Education which is going to be a key. The new economy with the new jobs our Community Colleges have got to be the drivers of workforce development. Our universities have to be the centers of innovation. Governor mccrory, here he is talking about house bill two. You talk to Economic Developers and they will tell you that it is costing us jobs and money. We need a governor who is looking out for the middle class and that is what im going to do. Let me ask roy cooper a question will you cut the taxes which has resulted in a Strong Economy . Are you going to repeal it and raise the income tax on every working person that gets a paycheck. It is not just for the wealthy. You were at Goldman Sachs in new york city. You know about the wealthy. It was for everyone who earned a paycheck and got a huge reduction and a net increase in pay from School Teachers to nurses to independent business people. Mr. Cooper we do not need to increase taxes. What we need to do is fix some of the taxes that he put on the middle class and Small Business and take some of those taxes off of them. Moderator help me understand the math. If you are not going to repeal it or change it, ultimately there will be a difference in the income. Mr. Cooper it is about priorities. I believe the economy is going to grow. There is a national recovery. Over the last four years, the governor has made the decision when tax revenue has come in, he wants to do Corporate Tax giveaways and tax cuts for those at the top. I want to invest in education, in teacher salaries. Moderator you say you can do that without raising taxes. Mr. Cooper absolutely. We were able to cut taxes for the middle class. We were also able to get our teacher salaries to the National Average. We can do that again. Moderator i am trying to understand how you can have that both ways. If you can do that without raising taxes, it appears the gop tax cuts that you have criticized did not heard the budget. Mr. Cooper it has hurt our Public Education and it has hurt the middle class. Moderator we have to move on. Gov. Mccrory we lowered the income tax and guess what . We have more income coming in to pay for the bonds that i proposed we have more money coming in now this year with a Corporate Tax and we did three years ago. That is incredible progress. That is leading the economy work. I have reinvested that money into education. Teacher pay raises. A new med school. School. Ience a New Science Building at western carolina university. Mr. Cooper when that new money comes in again if he gets reelected you Better Believe that the choice for the new money will be Corporate Taxes and further Corporate Tax cut instead of investing it in education. Thats what we are talking about with priorities. Thats how your mathworks. Gov. Mccrory i do like the part about when you get reelected. [laughter] moderator much has been said about house bill two this election season. We have heard ad infinitum about access to restrooms under the law. Perhaps the most controversial part of the law is that it excludes lgbt people from the states antidiscrimination law. And it bans local governments from passing any ordinances to protect them. I ask you, not about the restroom provisions but about the lack of this protection. Why was this necessary . Gov. Mccrory it was necessary because there was a bathroom provision. Moderator couldnt the law have moderator couldnt the law have been written without this antidiscrimination . Gov. Mccrory gov. Mccrory the left brought this issue. There was this issue about gender identity. The left brought this issue. The great political scams in state history is roy cooper and the mayor of charlotte brought this issue to North Carolina with a powerful group called the hrc. They just had to add a portion of the bill which said the following you must have gender identity or gender expression in order to get into a private sector restroom, locker room, or shower. Had that not been there, i am not sure we wouldve had any problem. I dont believe in any type of discrimination. Moderator help me understand. As ive read about all of the different people who are protected, i do not see anything about the lgbt community, veterans gov. Mccrory none of that was there when roy cooper was attorney general either. There have been no formal protections in North Carolina history at all. I think since the Supreme Court decision regarding marriage, i think there needs to be protection of the federal level. I wrote a letter as such but i will not accept the radical changes that roy cooper has brought to North Carolina. Do you know the penalty in charlotte for someone who did not accept gender identity as the new requirement on identifying whether you are a boy or a girl . Let us say it. Let us tell the audience. It was a fine of 500 and or a 30 day jail sentence. This is what the liberals brought. A bathroom ordnance with a 30 day jail sentence in the city of charlotte. This is what we overturned. Thats what that is the first time i think any of you knew that. That is why we took action. Mr. Cooper this is all he can talk about. He goes all over it national tv and he talks about this. This is why North Carolina is having a problem with its reputation. He continues to talk about that. David, what a lot of people do not know about and i think your question is trying to get to is that if a local government wants to protect people from being fired because they are gay, house bill two says you cannot do that. If a local government wants to raise its minimum wage, house bill two says you cannot do that. If a local government wants to provide discrimination protection for veterans, and a couple of the cities had those ordinances which have been wiped away by house bill two this is one of the reasons why house bill two has been pointed out as one of the most discriminatory laws in the country and why we are suffering such economic damage for it. It is wrong. It writes discrimination into our law and it is wrong. Moderator do you believe lgbt people should be specifically protected under the states antidiscrimination law. Cecil the hb two people do not want boys and the girls locker room. Otherwise, repeal it and sit down with a reasonable discussion to look at the bill and write something that takes more than one day to get through the legislation. Moderator if you were reelected, would you push to change house bill two to make it so that lgbt people would be specifically protected under the states antidiscrimination law. Gov. Mccrory i actually agree with that and i have been looking for compromise. I will make a deal with him right now. If you agree to take out the gender identity and gender expression with regard to our School Bathrooms and locker rooms, i will support a bipartisan effort to make sure that we do not discriminate the lgbt community. I signed an executive order for all state employees which was buried in your newscasts and across North Carolina news and National Newspapers which for bids discrimination in the hiring and firing of anyone based on sexual orientation. And i support that for the private sector. Roy, let us support that together. Let us not support the concept that we will now identify gender based upon what you think you are. Moderator help me understand. Why that matters more than an antidiscrimination policy . Gov. Mccrory i dont understand the question. Moderator why does the gov. Mccrory the governor runs the state prison system. I have got prisoners now after this radical agenda has come to North Carolina i have male prisoners that want to be transferred to the female prison. This is not just a North Carolina issue. The Justice Department wants to change the official definition of gender to gender identity and charlotte wanted to add gender expression. The next governor, this governor is running the state prisons right now. Schools and the prison system when someone has an individual situation regarding their identity and gender, we have segregated those individuals and made special arrangements. That is what principles have been doing for years. Roy cooper, says no. We need a state law with a threat of a prison sentence for both the private and public sector. This is what he has been supporting. It is one of the biggest political cons in our history. He promoted the boycotts. The head of the Democratic Governors Association helped announce the boycotts. Mr. Cooper that is all he can talk about but i have to address the boycott. I have been working very hard to encourage businesses to come to North Carolina and help us fight house bill two. Many have said we are not going to come. Braeburn Pharmaceutical Company had announced they were coming to North Carolina. House bill two was passed and then they said they may not come. I contacted them to say you need to come. They announced that because i had told them that we were going to fight that together that they were coming. And then the governor attacked them and even the companies who have jobs here and work for people in North Carolina, he is attacking them. That is bad for our economy. He did not attack the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association. The governor of connecticut called on a boycott of North Carolina. Roy cooper who is accepting millions of dollars said nothing. Jerry brown all members of the Democratic Governors Association. This was all politics. Mr. Cooper that is flat out not true. The governor knows it. If he wants to talk about political contributions, he had a contributor who said he wanted something for his contribution in return. Governor mccrory gave him a private prison contract over the objections of his staff. He is talking about political contributions all night tonight, talk aboutnt to political contributions, governor, you are the one who now has an fbi criminal investigation as a result. Gov. Mccrory as attorney general, you should be resigning right now for saying that. That is absolutely not true. There is no effort ei investigation. You should apologize right now. Laura we have to move on to the next topic is the state crime lab. We have alert we have heard a lot of problems. Weve heard a lot over the years youve inherited many of the problems. You have been attorney general 16 years. Are those problems completely fixed and if not, why not . Issuesper we still have and need to make sure we have more scientists and more equipment. We still have a lot of work to do. But this is about the leadership. When i came into office, there were over 5000 dna rape kits sitting on the shelves, and there were shoddy investigations. We put people in charge who knew what they were doing, and we eliminated the backlog. We help Law Enforcement straight not the investigations. The crime lab now is helping to convict thousands of people. It is helping to exonerate people. This crime lab is the only one in the country that has certified scientists. And theres tremendous progress that has been made. We found the problem, we fixed it. We did not blame it on someone else like governor mccrory. Laura mr. Cecil . Mr. Cecil i am not familiar enough with the internals of the howe lots year to know completely it is working. But i was asked by several different people over the past few weeks how, in charlotte, they got the gun, said there was blood on it, and within 24 hours, the news media had the announcement it was sure, from dna testing, who the gun belonged to and who was carrying it. Daughters rape kit is for your is four years theres still no response. Saying the crime line saying the crime lab has been fixed, you should call your own hotline and turn yourself in. If they were not broken, why would city of fayetteville the planning to build their own crime lab . It is because they cannot wait on the state crime lab anymore. That is happening in durham, greensboro, now other cities. David do the two of you talk to each other about issues like this . You are the chief executive of the state and you are the states top lawyer. It seems to me you would sit and have a conversation about what is going on there. You talk about 5,000 cases. Are you impugning your former attorney general, that you inherited that from him . Mr. Cooper i know there were 5000 untested rape kits the technology was evolving at that time. Mr. Cooper it was. David to save 5000 seems like it was, but the context seems to be missing. Thecooper the context was crime lab was not even testing any suspect rape kits. David this leads me to because we are getting tight on time i want to get to transparency. You brought up the lack of emails coming from the Attorney Generals Office in 16 years. We have tried to get public records from the governors office, and it has been like running against a wall sometimes, trying to get things. Both talk about transparency. It seems very opaque, to me, what we see, in trying to get information to the public. Mr. Cooper, as attorney general, i have been told you like to talk on the phone and walked down the hall and talk to people. How can you do that as governor . Isnt there the need for a paper trail . Mr. Cooper absolutely. And there is a paper trail. David from you . Mr. Cooper absolutely. There are thousands of documents our office has produced. I helped to write the public records law and believe in transparency strongly. Governor mccrory has been stonewalling not only the media, the people who ask for public records, he has to be sued three times for public records that he has failed to produce. David if you were elected governor, are you ready to make a statement tonight that you would make public access, public records available within 30 days of being in office . Mr. Cooper it will be as quickly as possible. People who deal with our office at the department of justice know we work expeditiously and work hard to get that information out to the public. And as governor, i will make certain that all of our cap members all of our cabinet members know that this is a directive and they have to get this information. In all fairness, i know sometimes attorneys, law firms, so many people come for discovery, they are looking for reams of information and can overpower any office from doing it. At the same time, we have waited for months and months to get information. When you have folks from duke energy and executive president for dinner, you saw that gov. Mccrory you saw that on my public calendar, by the way. David what there is no information on what was discussed that night. Gov. Mccrory there were no notes taken, but i will tell you what we discussed. I discussed that i was going to veto the bill that he is now criticizing. I said i am going to veto this thing and i will take it to the Supreme Court. By the way, the democrats and republicans on the Supreme Court supported this. So when i took this to the Supreme Court, i got support from jim hunt and jim martin in my case, and i won with only one dissension in the Supreme Court. The record. Pattern i sued my own the public and legislature. That is how bipartisan i am. David is there a way to cut through the legalese . Gov. Mccrory it is not the media requests causing problems, it is the super pacs and, frankly, a lot of roy coopers super pacs. Requestsmaking more and going on witchhunts. We have to go through every record to ensure there is not personnel information, which would be against state law, if i released personal information. There is the issue of middle ground. It is not really the legitimate news organizations that cause the problems, it is the super pacs that are going on witchhunts, and they go on headlines sadly in another state that governor mccrory cannot get these information out. Think abouto you transparency . Mr. Cecil the personal information of the employee has to be protected. The body camera law addresses that in a proper way, so the judges look at that and the judges can make a decision so they can be released. It is not up to the individual city council or the town council of every little town to make those decisions. I am fully in favor of transparency everywhere we can. And automating the record retrieval where we can. A lot of this stuff is going to be difficult to get a hold of simple because it is only paper record, and that is the only way they store it. Laura four years ago, i asked you what additional restrictions on abortion you would support at that point. Since then, North Carolinas waiting period for abortion has been extended to three days days, which is the longest term of any state in the country. Are there further restrictions you would support and how you qualify that is not a restriction . Gov. Mccrory what i have to do is i stopped restrictions from being done. And believe me, if i put further restrictions on womens legal rights to have an abortion according to the Supreme Court, the Current Court sort of already challenge the law. So yes, there is now a phone call needed 72 hours versus 24 hours, but i stopped much more extreme legislation, which is proposed by the senate, as you well know, and i threatened a veto. Knows, you have to make compromises. Had i not done that, the senate and house would have had enough votes to override the veto with much stricter restrictions, much like texas, and i refused to cooperate in that. I will tell you what i am proud of i enforce the existing laws. We had an Abortion Clinic in charlotte that treated women like they were going to a meat market as opposed to seeing a physician with a very serious operation, a very serious procedure, where they were not even mopping the floor in between abortions. It was revolting. Thank god my secretary said thats unacceptable, we need to shut it down. We have reopened them because we did not the restrictions have to do with the actual medical care of women. I dont know where the attorney general was during the 14 years this clinic was open, but it is unacceptable to have women treated that way in our Abortion Clinics, and illegal. Laura mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper at this very wral debate in 2012 when you asked if he would support new restrictions, he said no. Not only those youve discussed so far, he also signed legislation that requires womens ultrasounds to be sent to State Government bureaucrats. Now, regardless how you feel about this issue or this policy, to have a womans ultrasound sent to bureaucrats is wrong. It is a restriction, and it shows you whether you can trust governor mccrory and i dont , think you can. This is one of the issues where he has said one thing and done another. Laura one second. Gov. Mccrory i want to say bureaucrats is quite a word. That medical professionals to ensure doctors are following the law regarding abortions after five months. Laura mr. Cecil, would you support tighter rejections on abortion, the same, or looser . Mr. Cecil not at all tighter. As i have told many people, as a libertarian, i view abortion is an issue between the patient and anddoctor, or the ciswoman her doctor, and the government should have virtually no say or control in it and should minimize or not pay for it. Abortion is a serious problem to the woman. I have four friends that, over the past 50 years, have had one. It has long, lingering effects. Throwing the big hand of government in there to stir around does not help. So no further restrictions. David mr. Cecil, you have never Held Public Office in your life. Mr. Cecil no, sir. David why should voters have confidence that you can run State Government . Mr. Cecil i have not Held Public Office. That also means i do not have a long string of promises to people that are expecting me to pay back the favors. I have had very few conjugations to my campaign. No pac contributions or anything like that. I spent a year in vietnam , helping the viennese nixonsnd tricky dick foreign operations and how we thought the world should be run. When i left them in quebec on, i had had about all of Public Policy than ive wanted for a lifetime. I went into private industry. That turned atm machines, where you put in your card, the screen comes up, and it says what is your pin number and that all references my prior , art. I worked in the 1990s to get Keyless Entry into cars. Most of the new cars you get today do have that. As an a tendency, engineer, to look at what options are available, and all options first. I think that is what is required for what is essentially a ceo position. David thank you. We have less than a minute before we go to the closing statements. Have gottenould to education and a couple of other things. But if you could give me a 10 second answer, should we move in people spending, where we are ranked 42nd or 43rd now, should we spend the money, make a command to do it, and can you do it without raising taxes . Mr. Cooper we are 44th in poor student spending in North Carolina. That is unacceptable. We have to do much more. David can you do that without raising taxes . Mr. Cooper absolutely. Gov. Mccrory my record speaks for its ok we are 48 in teacher pay, we are now in the low 30s. And by the way, our University Spending is still very strong. One of the best in the nation. David on that note, i am going to sake each candidate will now have one minute to make a closing statement. One minute to convince the voters that they should hire you to be the next governor. We will go in reverse order of how we asked the first question. We begin with lon cecil, followed by roy cooper, and then pat mccrory. Mr. Cecil thank you. I want to thank wral for hosting the event tonight. Interactiveill be instructed to a lot of the voters to help them make their choice and go out for early voting starting october 20. We have a lot of Revenue Sources in North Carolina. And i know all of them are being cap in every way we can. But we do need money for the schools, we need more choice for kids and education. Only three fourths of them are handled well in high school. We need more online, more homeschooling, more charters will, and more vocational schooling. Part of the funding of that is a currently untapped resource, we have the tax law, but if we set up medical cannabis law, we can follow the lead of states like colorado, washington, oregon, and nevada. Mr. Cooper thanks, david and laura. All of the debates are now over. It will be up to you to decide who leads North Carolina the next four years and who you trust to rebuild it. We are facing the worst disaster in eastern North Carolina since hurricane floyd. We need a governor who knows how to rebuild our communities. We got kids in underfunded schools. We have many teachers leaving the state for better pay and more respect. We need a governor who knows how to rebuild the education system. And North Carolinas brand has and our economy has been damaged because of house bill two. And we need a governor who knows how to rebuild North Carolinas reputation. If we set the priorities right, North Carolina could be one of the most admired states in the country. Im going to work hard to rebuild North Carolina. Thank you for your vote. Gov. Mccrory lets have more debates. I welcome more debates so people do not make decisions over multimillion dollar tv ads. I think this is great. I welcome more. I love our state and people. I was so proud of our people during the coming together of Hurricane Matthew, and i was proud of our leadership. Our Leadership Team has helped in the recovery, along with many volunteer agencies and organizations. I am also proud of my Leadership Team for responding four weeks ago to two charlotte, where we decided to bring the National Guard long before the mayor requested it. Sadly, roy cooper was against working with the mayor at the time, in the Mayors Office during that, i had to work with the police chief and coordinate with the police chief, and hand the power over to the police chief over the National Guard. But i also showed this leadership when i came into the office as governor three and a half years ago, when our unemployment was the fifth highest in the country. We need to make change. We lowered the income business tax, we increased teachers pay. We paid off the debt. Thats leadership for the future. David thank you. Thanks to all three of you. We hope this debate will help you make a decision on who should be North Carolinas next governor. As we heard, early voting begins thursday and runs until saturday november 5. ,laura contact a local board of elections for the times and locations. We would like to thank all the candidates for being here, and thank you very much for joining us. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] then newsmakers, president of the Senate Leadership find steven law talks about the role of super pacs in the 2016 elections and the efforts to keep a republican majority in the senate. Newsmakers today at 10 00 a. M. And 6 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Bobby kennedys last words before he got off the stage were on to chicago. The next day, he was due to to mayor of the powerful chicago. His son, the chief of staff to barack obama, tells me there was a 70 or greater chance his that would have endorsed Bobby Kennedy for president during that trip. Tonight on q a, larry tie discusses his book Bobby Kennedy the making of a liberal icon. Had Bobby Kennedy beat richard nixon, america would have been a different place. Some of the issues we are revisiting today, the racial tension and International Discord might be a little different if we had tried to address them 50 years ago. Tonight at eight eastern on cspans q a. Now, former president will clinton speaks at a Hillary Clinton rally in columbus, ohio. This is about 35 minutes. Rep. Beatty it is the greatest honor i can have, to have members of the Congressional Black Caucus on the stage with me. After we hear our next speaker, me. After we hear our next speaker, you are going to have a treat when you hear these bad brothers and sisters bring it. You have seen them on msnbc, cspan, cnn, and today, you have the conscience of the congress, the brilliance of the congress, here with us. But right now, we have a very special guest. He decided he would take time to come to a battleground state. To come be with us here today. This man needs no introduction. But i would be remiss if i did not say about the former president , William Jefferson bill clinton, the 42nd president of the United States. Someone who came to the white house and understood real diversity. Someone who came to the white house and understood equal pay for equal work with women. He understood that when women succeed, america succeeds. He understood our issues and worked with us. So i do not need to say more about someone i was honored to know when he was president , and i am honored to be able to say he is a friend. Last week in florida, i leaned over, and i said, mr. President , it would be just wonderful if you could come to this place called columbus, ohio. This place where i am the member of congress. Well i am just saying, i am congresswoman joyce beatty and i approve who will walk out on this stage. My friend, my president , president bill clinton. [cheers] [applause] mr. Clinton first of all, i want to thank your congresswoman, joyce beatty, for that introduction, and her service. Thank mayor gensler, the members of congress that are here, elijah cummings, cedric richmond, Akeem Jeffries thank you for being here. There are a number of mayors and former mayors here, and i want to thank them. Steve benjamin has come from columbia, South Carolina, where hillarys big victory there in the primary thanks in no small measure to him got us started. Alvin brown, former mayor of jacksonville, who also worked in my administration. Mayor dennis archer, former mayor of detroit, who has been my friend and hillarys friend for more years than i can count. And the great former mayor of this city, michael coleman. I thank them all. [applause] mr. Clinton i want to thank state party chair david pepper, and thank you ted strickland, the first target of the koch brothers, who has borne up under the most amazing torrent of dark money. One of the reasons you need to elect hillary is we need a new Supreme Court that will not allow dark, anonymous money to try to buy american elections. And i want to thank hillarys first boss out of law school, who is backstage. Maybe she will come out here the incomparable Marilyn Wright edelman, the founder of the childrens defense fund. [applause] mr. Clinton look. I feel kind of crazy. I feel like the 25th speaker at a fourhour banquet. [laughter] mr. Clinton everything that needs to be said has been said, but not everybody has said it yet. [laughter] but i do want to say a couple of things. First of all, i am profoundly grateful to all of you who supported hillary through the primary and the general. And i know the spell has had a bad week, and by accident, he went to the wrong rally. So give him a hand. [applause] give him a hand, you know. One big difference in this campaign you might be interested to know that today, in iowa, a woman was arrested for voting twice in this election for hillarys opponent. And she said, i had to, the election is rigged. [laughter] now, you have some experience with this in ohio. She became the 36th person since 2000 to be accused of fraudulent voter id of over 200 million votes cast. As your republican governor just like so many of the others, as your republican governor said, this charge is bull, just like so many of the others, but it shows you what the difference is. And who would have thought, when we started the campaign, that it would come down to who we are as americans . For example, the arizona for example, the Arizona Republic, in 126 years, has never endorsed a democrat. This is why they are screaming, by the way. In 126 years, the Arizona Republic has always endorsed republicans. [applause] except this year, they endorsed hillary. And they have received Death Threats because of it. But they hung tough, because they know we are about the business of defining what it means to be an american in the 21st century. [applause] the columbus paper and the cincinnati paper have not endorsed a democrat for 100 years. They endorsed hillary this year. [applause] the Dallas Morning News a, sort of, symbolic paper of republicanism in the middle of the country, has not endorsed a president for 75 years. Now, right on the edge of world war ii, they said it might not be such a hot idea to get rid of roosevelt i mean we might not , want to change commanders in chief right now. They had not done that again. But this year, they endorsed hillary. [applause] for all the other sides bloviating about National Security, two former cia directors have endorsed hillary, and dozens of republicans, who spent their careers in National Security, have endorsed her, telling you what is really important about protecting this country. A commander of our forces in afghanistan fourstar general endorsed hillary. Wes clark, who commanded our forces when we saved kosovo from slaughter and was involved when we ended the war in bosnia, endorsed hillary. Why do they do this . Because they would like to have a commanderinchief that reflects American Values and the understands how to keep us safe and Strong Enough so we can grow out of the problems that we got. [applause] but, at bottom, this election is about you. The one thing this Crazy Campaign has done for the other side is i can still go around i was in pennsylvania, in reading, the other night at a small college. And i went through the economic choice, the education choice, and lots of other issues. And half the crowd there, they were really involved in the election. They were voting for hillary. They still have not heard this stuff. Because, as you just saw, one side would like you not to hear. But here is really what this election is about when hillary says stronger together, it is about having an economy that works for everyone, and a society that everybody can be proud to live in. [applause] and it is a way of mr. Clinton and, it is a way of life, and it is a way of thinking, and it is quintessentially american. So, when her opponent says make America Great again, hey, i am a 70yearold white southerner. I know what that means. [applause] mr. Clinton i know what that means. [applause] mr. Clinton first it means, i will give you the economy you had 50 years ago. That is like me saying i would like to be 20 again. I would, actually, but i would not vote for somebody who promised to make me 20 again. More importantly, it is saying you have to vote for me because i dislike the same people you dislike, move you back up the social totem poll, and move other people down. That is a bad idea. 50 years ago, it wasnt so great for africanamericans, hispanic americans, firstgeneration immigrants, or women in the workplace. Children with disabilities could not go to school. Nobody saw their abilities. Gay people were still confined to a closet, even if they were free to walk around. What hillary believes is that a lot of her opponents fervent supporters do have a legitimate beef, which is they have not been seen in their economic despair. They live in places that have been left out and left behind, and nobody has done enough to bring them back, but this totem pole deal is one bad idea. She wants to tear down all the totem poles so we can rise together. The choice you have to make is she says we are stronger together. He says no, we are not. [laughter] mr. Clinton she says, it is ok to be angry, but the only thing that will help you is answers, so answers are better than anger. He says, no, they are not. She says, i understand your resentment, but what you need is not somebody rubbing salt in your wounds so you are mad every day. What you need is empowerment. Empowerment is way better than rubbing salt in your wounds. He says know what is not. No, it is not. She says we all like competition we are in a football season, we have a great world series going on, and we have an election going on, but the only reason we are still here is because we have rules. The rule of law, the protection of the constitution everybody should live under the same set of rules. We should have the ability to grow and flourish. So, constant conflict is not the answer. The answer is cooperation. It works better than constant conflict. He says no, it doesnt. And she says you can say whatever you want, but america is better because we are more diverse, and we are going to the future, so we ought to treat each other with bridges, not walls. And he says i disagree. That is the choice. What does it mean to be an american in the 21st century . And it is profound. That is the reason all of these republican newspapers, and Republican National security people many of whom probably disagree with her on her economic plans, and her specific social policies say nonetheless, she loves this country, and she is capable of being commanderinchief, and we do have to have an economy that works for everybody. We are stronger together. [applause] mr. Clinton so [applause] mr. Clinton and it is all coming down, like it normally does, to a handful of places, including ohio. If you carry ohio for hillary, she will be the next president of the United States. [applause] mr. Clinton there is not a chance in the world that is not true. So, i want you not only to vote early to take everybody you can there is a lot of evidence, by the way, when you get this close to an election, what your families, friends, neighbors say to you is more important than what you see in paid ads. It really matters. I will just give you an example i was in destin, florida, the other day. Big republican place. That is where they send me, where at least these people did well. This guy comes up in a clinton gore cap, and i said thanks for being with us back then, and he said i was with her before that. All these people start listening to him. I said what do you mean, and he said i went to an Early Childhood conference in the 1980s, and hillary was the best person there, and then i was invited to arkansas to implement the school program. He said she is one of the best, kindest, most able people ive ever known, and it is awful how they demonize her. These people jaws are dropping. They get this venom dripped every day. He was pouring out his heart from his personal experience. I tell everybody, there is one thing you need to know about this election. Her strongest supporters are the people that have known her the longest and worked with her the most closely. Her second strongest supporters are people who have had dealings with her opponent. [laughter] [applause] mr. Clinton so [applause] mr. Clinton every time you see one of her ads and one of his, every time you hear the backandforth, you have to put it through that filter. Do you want to go back to trickle down economics . That is not the change we need. This is a change election, all right the question is are we going to change forward, build on the good things president obama has done, or turn around and go backwards . Every time i come to ohio, i think about one good thing he did when he got elected, he made it impossible for me to ever have the experience i had with congressman lou stokes. When lou was retiring in cleveland, i called them and i said i want to do something for you in your district you decide. He said lets go to this Little Grade School where americorps volunteers are helping kids learn to read. So, we did we are sitting in this oldfashioned auditorium it is like this. All the kids are out here. He speaks, i speak. The americacorps kids stand up, everybody claps, and we start shaking hands. We start with the sixthgraders, go to the first graders and kindergartners, and this young, africanamerican boy looks up to me, and he says are you really the president . I said yes, i am. He said but you are not dead yet. Until barack obama got elected, a lot of the kids in this country thought the definition of a president was an old, dead white guy washington, lincoln, jefferson. He freed me of that. People actually believe it now. [laughter] mr. Clinton we are laughing, but you do not want to go back to trickle down economics. He says her opponent all we need to do is cut taxes for millionaires, billionaires, the Biggest Companies across the board. Repeal the health care law. Repeal the dodd frank bill, which stops wall street from making main street. All will be well. That does not sound like a new, antiestablishment program to me. She says no, everybody that has gotten the financial benefits since the great crash eight years ago should at least pay their fair share a minimum amount. That is their fair share. The socalled buffet rule 30 taxes wont kill anybody. And she says lets spend the money to put people to work and modernizing the american infrastructure, which is roads, bridges, airports, seaports, but also making sure every child in this country has access to affordable broadband so they can do their homework at night. 5 million kids still dont have it. [applause] mr. Clinton also, making sure that people that live in areas that do not have a lot of sun and wind can claim the benefits of clean energy. Iowa has the cheapest electric rates in america because they have the largest reliance on wind energy. You want to bring more manufacturing jobs to ohio cut the cost of power. We have the biggest market in the world. That is why your manufacturing leaders in congress their colleagues, congressman ryan and Sherrod Brown have endorsed hillary, because they want to Work Together to bring jobs back, but to do it you have to have a modern Transmission System to take the energy where it is efficiently generated, where it is needed. And one of the from where it is efficiently generated to where it is needed. And one of the things we learned this primary season is a lot of kids in flint, michigan, have elevated lead levels in their blood as they drank water out of rusty pipes, and people knew it, and did not replace it, but we then lend it is nowhere near the only place in america where children have elevated lead levels in their blood. If you took all the rusty pipes up, gave all of our kids a healthy future, without regard to race or region, you would create a zillion jobs, and every single one would be an american job, and every single one of them would pay more than the National Average income. [applause] mr. Clinton now, that will work better. And on the tax deal she said look, i dont want to charge all businesses more taxes, but if they close a plant that is making money in america to make more money in the short run so rich shareholders can get a tax cut in a year and a day when Capital Gains kicks in, i do think they have to give back every last red cent they got from the state and local government. I do not think they should be able to bring their products back here. I am not for raising everybodys taxes. I want to lower Corporate Taxes if they fairly share profits with employees if they train employees so they can keep Getting Better jobs and better incomes. And if they will go into some of these areas that have been left out and left behind, from coal country, to the rest of the small towns in america, to neighborhoods in our cities that have had no new investment. If they do that, i would cut their taxes a lot, because they would be doing what americans should do making money by helping other people make money giving other people a chance, other people a chance to start. I have been doing this half my life. This will work better. You dont have to take my work for it. We have been fighting over trickledown economists versus growing out the economy from the middle out and the middle up for 25 years. Even the first president bush, who did not believe in it, were forced to follow it by the extreme of their party. So we can keep score the eight years i served, the eight years president obama served, and there are 20 what is the private sector job score . In their 20 years, 15. 8 million jobs. In our 16 years, four years less, even if you count the more than 2 million jobs we lost right at the beginning of president obamas term that he has nothing to do with that crash occurred four months before he took office even if you count that, republicans 15. 8. Our two administrations, more than 32 million jobs. Better than two to one. That is what is at issue in this campaign. Across all the races and every region of america, you cannot afford to go back to trickledown economics on steroids. Small businesses account for two thirds of the jobs. Only one candidate has a Small Business plan to get more loans out. To relax the rules not at the top of the pyramid so futures can be gambled away, but at the bottom, so people can make any loans again. It works, and it is important. I could give you a lot more ideas, but you get the idea. She has an Economic Program that will work. We also need to live together. That means we have to treat each other with respect. Hillary was the first candidate in either party to have a program to put affordable Drug Prevention and treatment programs in every county in america that needs it, and this is the first drug epidemic in my lifetime where the addiction rates are even higher in small towns and Rural America than they are in urban areas. Then, she met with the Police Chiefs of cities that have very Good Community relations across racial lines, and they were an interesting group. They said look, we do not care about body cameras. Have them. And we need more training always, we can use it. Do it. But what we really need is Mental Health in every community in america. You dont want people to be killed under pressure, we need more Mental Health. She is the only person you can vote for who believes being part of a community includes Mental Health. This is a huge deal. I was in pennsylvania the other day, and the mayor of that citys twin brother is the head of the city council, and it has suffered a lot because they have lost some jobs. I said how did this happen . He said one night a couple of years ago, 3 00 in the morning, i got word my sister had been shot, and we rushed to her, and i held her in my arms, and she said i am not going to make this. You and your brother, you have to save our community. She was shot by her own child. No Mental Health coverage. And in honor of their sister, he became the mayor, his brother became the city council chairman, and he said we are going to grow this together. We are going to get out of this, and we are going to have our heads in the right place. We have got to believe we are stronger together. I will never forget that as long as i live. I have a friend he was africanamerican. I have a friend from new hampshire, where there are almost no africanamericans, who was the chief justice of the Supreme Court when his mentally ill son nearly beat him to death. And he said that and this guy has been my friend for 25 years. I know him, i know his wife. They are wonderful people. He said my son i did not know i did not even know how to do this. He said i was for you because we were friends, and i agreed with you that i am for her because i notice a life and death matter to get Mental Health services to every Single Community in america. [applause] mr. Clinton this has a happy ending. He stayed with his son through his prison term. He made sure he got Mental Health treatment. A young man has an eightyearold son married to a woman who won an emmy for a documentary. He got his son back because we did not give up on people. I am tired of everyone saying americas future is bad. We have 79 months of job growth. We have never had that before. There have been trillions of there have been trillions of dollars sent from other countries sent to america because people believe we have the right best future. Why are we bad mouthing it . We have left too many people behind. Lets pick them up and go forward together. That is a we have to do. Nobody can be invisible to us and this is the last thing i want to say. The most important thing for you to do is vote, because if she wins ohio, she will be president. [applause] mr. Clinton the second most important thing to you if you get somebody screaming at you, like i did. Do not respond in kind. Say the difference in our campaign and yours is we want you to go along in our trip to the future, and we need you, and it is not right that you have been left out and left behind, but answers are better than anger, and empowerment is better than resentment. Get on the truck, and lets go home. [applause] mr. Clinton lets go. I was in mayor browns old town yesterday, and there are a lot of republicans there, too. I did this rally, and when i finished, i went out and i shook hands. I always look for the little kid that get squeezed out. There was this young boy looking at me, and he said you know why im for hillary, and i said no, but i would like to, and he said because i am autistic, and she wont make fun of me. I said you are pretty smart, too, arent you, and he said that is what they say, but i have trouble getting along. But he got the message. I said well, you should know that hillary joined with democrats and republicans when she was a senator, in an autism group, and she was the first person to run for president that had a position on this, and the number of children with your condition has tripled in the last 20 years, nobody exactly knows why, but we know you can all do better. He said good, i feel better now. Ernest. Then, two or three rallies back, there was a handsome young man that looked like he was from south asia, and looked like he was about 10 years old. He said i am for hillary because i am a muslim, i love america, and she likes me. I was a republican my whole familys republican we are all for hillary because she likes us. I get home, and i go to this little book store where a woman has bravely risked her life savings to open an independent bookstore how crazy is that, right . And she is making it. She said i want you to read the essay my 13yearold wrote about the first debate. He said i really liked hillary in the first debate because she had facts, statistics, and concrete answers to the questions. It gave me confidence. This young man at 13 wrote an essay i could not have written at 25. It was so wellwritten. There is no telling what this kids iq is. He writes all about that, and at the end he says i felt she cared about me. He said that is important to me because i have a very severe muscular disability. Not a mental one, a physical one, and i need someone who cares enough to give me a chance to do everything my abilities will allow. That is stronger together. That is what this whole election is about. What is america going to be like for the next 30 years . I am telling you, we are the best positioned country in the world. We have the chance to elect a president with the standing in the world and the understanding of the world to keep us safe enough, and give us space enough to grow and lead the world away from this divisive rhetoric, and even killing, on our differences. That is what this whole thing is about. Bob dylan won the nobel prize this year. And for us people of a certain age, that was a kick, right . The most important song he ever wrote for this election was forever young. It says you stay forever young, if there is a letter in front of you, and you can climb every rung. Listen, my heart breaks for a lot of people on the other side because they are so angry, hurt, they think their tomorrows are going to be like today, and they cannot change them because we do not give a rip about them, but we do. Remember, this is an election about answers over anger, bridges over walls. If we choose the former, we will do what our founders told us to do. Those people were really smart. You think they thought we had a perfect democracy . Thomas jefferson said when i think of slavery, i tremble to believe that god is just. In other words, i am toast if i do not get forgiven. When the country started, only white, male Property Owners could vote, and that meant a lot of people, including the ancestors of me and governor strickland would not have been able to vote either because they did not have any property. The founders said we pledge our lives, fortune, sacred honor, to form a more perfect union, because we are stronger together. And ever since then, in fits and starts, with struggles and fights, like the ones we are going through today, we always chose to widen the circle of opportunity, deepen the meaning of freedom, strengthen the bonds in our candidate. That is what is at stake. I am telling you, you have a chance to vote for a person who is the time she was 30 had done more to advance the Public Interest than her opponent has in a lifetime. [applause] mr. Clinton and you have a chance to keep America Forever young. I have one of those lanterns. If i were 20 again, and a genie comes out and says you could live wherever you want the next 30 years, but you have to decide right now, i would pick the United States because no rational person would count us out. Any rational analysis would say we can grow our way into shared prosperity. We can grow our way into taking the world away from climate change. We have to believe we can do it together. There is no alternative. So, i am going to leave you with this the single most emotional moment i had in this campaign for me personally ocher occurred in eastern ohio. I met a bishop. Are you ok . I met a bishop who told me his name, and i said the most important thing here is not that i am a bishop. He said the most important thing is that i am the grandson of luther black of hope, arkansas, a working man, who bought all of his groceries from your grandfathers store, before there were any food stamps, any help. He said your grandfather as my grandfather told me many times when he came home and his children needed food, and he had no money, he said luther, take whatever you need, come back and pay me when you can. He looked at me and he said somehow, we have to get that back in america. We have to look at each other and see the hope in our eyes, and the pain in our eyes, understand the problems of the people have, the dreams we all have, and we have to help each other. He said that is what we have to do. This is a big deal. [applause] mr. Clinton you put her in charge, you make her president , you will be glad. With a be a great thing to have the first women president . Yes. Is she better qualified, as president obama said, then he was, than he was . Yes. The only chance we have is to be forever young. Thank you, god bless you. [applause] announcer cspans road to the white house continues on monday when president ial candidate donald trump speaks at a rally in grand rapids, michigan. We will have live coverage of that. At 6 15 p. M. , we will show you nominee Hillary Clinton speaking at a Campaign Event in cincinnati, ohio. See both of those events here on cspan. Announcer donald trump speaks to supporters advocated a rally in phoenix, arizona. This is one hour. Donald trump thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Boy, this is a lot of people. [applause] so this was the scene of my first major speech right after i announced that i was running for president. Mr. Trump and it was a tremendous scene. I think we are beating it today. We have more than 15,000, and we have a lot of people pouring in. Should we wait for them . No. We are not waiting. The silent majority is back. [cheers and applause] in 10 days, we are going to win the state of arizona. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and we are going to win back the white house, oh, we are. A Trump Administration would immediately repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump its just been mr. Trump its just been announced that the citizens of arizona are going to experience, congratulations, a 116 increase in their obamacare premiums. [boos] mr. Trump dont feel bad. You wont be the highest in the country. Is that amazing . And it does not work. Elect me and we will stop the premium hikes for good. We will stop the madness of obamacare. It will be revealed and replaced, believe me. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i would love to have those cameras turn over here and show those people. They dont understand. They dont understand. It would be so good for their television ratings. They keep it right here on this very nice, but small group of people behind me. They dont have great seats. They dont have great seats, but tomorrow they will be famous, ok . [cheers] mr. Trump i wish the cameras would turn these cameras. The people dont have any idea whats going on, do they . But they know. They are the most dishonest, corrupt people. They are the most dishonest people. They are the most dishonest people. The only time they turn is when they have a protester, and that we learned through wikileaks that Hillary Clinton was paying the protesters 1500 each to be violent at our rallies. [boos] mr. Trump we just learned that last week. Wikileaks. Every single one of arizonas 15 counties is losing insurers next year because of obamacare. In phoenix, there are eight obamacare insurers, ok . Good luck. By the way, have a lot of fun negotiating. There is nobody to negotiate with. Next year, you will have one group to negotiate with. I would like to be that one group. That one group is going to do very well, but you are not going to do very well, but you will do very well if i am getting elected, because we are getting rid of obamacare. We will have an alternative that is cheaper, better. It was announced this week that obamacare premiums in phoenix will go up 145 . [boos] mr. Trump the worst part, its no good. Its not like its great. Its no good. One insurer in the state will have a 14,000 deductible. In other words, youve got to use 14,000 worth of care before they start giving you anything. Sounds like a good idea . No. Folks, we are going to have so many great plans. We are going to have so much competition. We are going to get rid of the borders, get rid of the lines, the artificial lines that are put there to make the Insurance Companies rich. You are going to have so much competition for your business, and you are going to have great health care, and it is going to be a tiny fraction of what you are paying now. Just remember. Obamacare is a catastrophe for arizona, and it is a catastrophe for the United States of america, and we are going to get rid of it. Even bill clinton admitted obamacare is the craziest thing in the world, where people wind up with premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. Hes right, but its actually much worse than that. In minnesota, where the premium increase will be close to 60 , the democratic governor, who is a real party stalwart, said the Affordable Care act is no longer affordable. Thats in minnesota, a state which we could actually win. We can win minnesota. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and by the way, we are winning arizona big. You have seen the recent polls. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and i want to thank governor brewer for being here. Where is she . She is around here someplace. And what a job that young, beautiful woman what a job you did. And folks, folks, hes a good man. He was one of the first endorsers of donald trump. Vote for sheriff joe. Stand up, joe. [cheers and applause] [chanting joe] mr. Trump they dont love tough people in this country anymore, and fair people. Hes tough, hes fair, and i hope he gets reelected, and he should. Go out and make sure he gets reelected, everybody. There are some bad undercurrents out there, folks. Jonathan gruber, the architect of obamacare, remember from m. I. T. . [boos] mr. Trump my uncle john was a great professor at m. I. T. For a long time. Unfortunately, i liked him a lot better than Jonathan Gruber. But Jonathan Gruber admitted it was all a fraud, and he said, outrageously, that it was passed because the stupidity of the American Voter is unbelievable. [boos] mr. Trump we are going to show him, on november 8 [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are going to show him on november 8, the American Voter has had it. Hillary clinton wants to double down on obamacare, make it even more expensive. In fact, much more expensive than it is right now. [chanting lock her up] [cheers and applause] mr. Trump you know, when people ask me about the crowds, they say it sounds like an ohio state football game, actually. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump sure sounds big. You can actually tell a crowd by the sound. You cant imitate that sound. When Hillary Clinton got up, i watched her today oh. [boos] mr. Trump and she had very few people. She walked onto the stage i always do this, and today i didnt. Im always surprised by how many people. It goes all the way into the corners, look at that. This incredible room come all the way into the corners. But when she came this incredible room, all the way into the corners. But when she came on today, she goes, wow, wow, wow. Thats what i do. Shes copied me. I dont do it anymore because shes copied me. She went, wow, and there were very few people. My plan repeals and replaces obamacare, and i am asking for your vote so we can Save Health Care for every family in arizona. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump real change also means getting rid of the corruption in washington, d. C. [cheers and applause] [chanting drain that swamp] mr. Trump drain that swamp. It was announced yesterday that the fbi is reopening their investigation into the criminal conduct and illegal conduct of Hillary Clinton. This is the biggest political scandal since watergate, and its everybodys deepest hope that justice at last will be beautifully delivered. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump hillary has nobody but herself to blame for her mounting legal difficulty. Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional, and purposeful. Hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of shielding her criminal conduct from Public Disclosure and exposure. She sets up this illegal server knowing full well that her actions put our National Security at risk and put the safety and security of your children and your families at risk. [boos] mr. Trump but she did not care. As long as she and bill got the money, the safety of your family made absolutely no difference to her. [boos] [chanting lock her up] mr. Trump to cover up her crimes, she bleached something that even sophisticated people know nothing about, partially because its so expensive. She bleached and deleted 33,000 emails after, after, after, after, after receiving a congressional subpoena, made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer, lied to congress under oath many times, life to the fbi many times, and then, recently, two boxes of email evidence went mysteriously missing. [boos] [boos] mr. Trump although they might have found a lot of those emails over the last couple of days, folks. [cheers] mr. Trump a lot of emails, a lot of trickery. The Wikileaks Revelations have exposed criminal corruption at the highest levels of our government. Hillary put the office of secretary of state up for sale. Look at whats happened. And if she ever got the chance, she would put the oval office up for sale also. [boos] mr. Trump sheet put it up she would put it up for sale to the special interests and the foreign dictators, whoever offers the right price, and usually that is the highest price. Yet, now its reported that the department of justice is fighting with the fbi. Thats because the department of justice is trying their hardest to protect the criminal activity of Hillary Clinton. [boos] mr. Trump what has our country come to . 97 of the department of justice employees, all of their president ial contributions, just about, 97 went to Hillary Clinton. I dont think they like me. [boos] mr. Trump there are those and i happen to be one of them you think hillary offered loretta lynch, the attorney general, a reappointment as attorney general if hillary were to become president. [boos] mr. Trump we dont want that to happen. A lot of people feel that way, right . Perhaps that was what bill clinton was arranging when he met with attorney general lynch on her airplane, on the tarmac, on a very warm day, right here in arizona. [boos] mr. Trump the meeting lasted 39 minutes, and it was just a coincidence he was here to play golf. I hate to tell you it was about 109 degrees that day. We all love arizona, but i am here are some much. When it gets to a certain temperature, we just say, lets stay inside today. It was a very hot day. But he just happened to see her. Did you see that . Oh, there is the attorney generals plain writing down the runway. Im out golf, oh, theres the attorney general. I have had a plane for a long time. Never once has anyone injured my plane by saying, hey, can i come under plane, from the tarmac, while the plane is running. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump so they spent 39 minutes talking about golf and their grandchildren. I give golf two minutes, i give the grandchildren three or four minutes. The rest of the time, perhaps, was discussing the fact that the attorney general was going to make a decision, right after that, about Hillary Clinton. So whats happened to the Justice Department . Whats happened . This is what i mean when i say that our system is rigged. Our system is rigged, folks. Be careful with your votes. A vote for hillary is a vote to surrender our government to public corruption, cronyism that threatens the survival of our constitution itself. What makes us exceptional is that we are a nation of laws and that we are all equal under those laws. Hillarys corruption shreds the principle of which our nation was founded. So sad. Government corruption spreads outward, like a cancer, infecting the whole operation of our government. I have to tell you, i respect the fact that director connie comey was able to come back after what he did. I respect that very much. And when the other side is complaining and complaining and complaining, there was no reason for it, because all of the crimes that were committed, something should have happened then, not now. And just to break it down, when you delete 33,000 emails after getting a subpoena, thats it, its over. Its over. [boos] mr. Trump and i will tell you, without knowing anything, the only reason [chanting lock her up] mr. Trump the only reason that they did this action that you saw yesterday was very, very serious things must be happening and must have been found. Very serious things. [boos] mr. Trump and you can also ask, when they complain on the other side, why wasnt this evidence given previously . Why wasnt it given previously . And when you talk about instincts, i dont know if anybody saw my comments on Anthony Weiner [cheers] mr. Trump its called instinct, folks. I had no idea it was going to be that accurate. Boy, that was right on the nose. When the outcome is fixed, when the system is rigged, people lose hope. They stop dreaming. They stop trying. When the powerful can get away with anything, because they have the money and the connections to rig the system, then people lose confidence in our loss and confidence in their futures. Hillary clintons corruption is corrosive to the soul of our nation, and it must be stopped. It must be stopped. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and one of the reasons ive been saying that the system is so corrupt and rigged is not only what happens at the voters booth, and you know things happen, folks. I watched obama saying, oh, this is a foundation of the system, how can he say its . And yet, eight years ago hes on a cliff talking about chicago and how the voting is rigged in chicago. Give me a break. Take a look at it, eight years ago. Its all over the place. But one of the reasons i say its rigged is, Hillary Clinton nothing to do with what was found recently Hillary Clinton should never, ever, based on everything that took place, be allowed to run for the presidency of the United States. She should not be allowed. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump she should have been disqualified a long time ago. When you read the nasty wikileaks, the horrible things said about catholics and the horrible things said about evangelicals, and the horrible things said about Bernie Sanders. I mean, say what you want, what they said about Bernie Sanders is rather incredible. And then they have their superdelegates, and they had all the people stacked against him. He never had a chance. And you know what . The worst thing he did was backing her, because you would have gone down as a great figure in political history in this country, but once he did that he sold his soul to the devil. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump but we will take the Bernie Sanders voters, because my trade policies are much tougher and much stronger and much better than his, and we are going to have a lot of trade, but its going to be a twoway highway, not a oneway road out, believe me. As fdr once said, government by organized money is just as dangerous as government i organized mob by organized mob. So true. Hillary believes money and power, not truth and justice, should rule the day. We have one ultimate check on hillarys corruption, and that is the power of voting november 8. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump so the only way we are going to beat the corruption is to show up and vote by the tens of millions, including millions of people voting for the first time in their entire lives. Vote with all your heart and soul, because we are going to make America Great again, ok . Just remember that. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are. [chanting usa] mr. Trump restoring honesty to our government and the rule of law to our society will be a very high priority of my presidency. Havent we had enough drama with the clintons . [cheers] mr. Trump bill clinton was impeached for lying and obstructing justice, signed the worst trade deal in history, nafta, which emptied our country of its manufacturing jobs, and he does not even have the right anymore because of what he did to practice law. He has brought scandal to work hillary has brought scandal to or destroyed virtually everything she has done. Look at jobs in upstate new york, a disaster. Or look at syria, iraq, libya. And now look at the mess she is in with these emails. You think that is going away . That will be there for years. This will be the year the American People say, enough is enough. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump this will be the year the American People break with the bitter failures of the past and embrace a new, optimistic future. We have such potential. My contract with the American Voter begins with a plan to end government corruption. I want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear and heed the words we are about to say. When we win on november 8, we are going to washington, d. C. , and we are going to drain the swamp. [cheers and applause] [chanting drain the swamp] mr. Trump when i first heard that term, i hated it, i said, oh, thats so hokey. But i said, look, lets give it a shot. I tried it in the place went crazy. Then i said, maybe we will try it again. The place went crazy, and now i like it. [cheers] mr. Trump great singers, frank sinatra. Frank sinatra did not like my way when he first sang it, and then he noticed the audience liked it a lot, and it went out and became number one. And all of a sudden he started to love that song my way, right . So drain the swamp. At the core of my contract is to bring back our jobs that have been stolen from us. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump right now, 70 million american women and children live in poverty, or near the brink of poverty. America has lost 1 3 of its manufacturing jobs since bill and hillarys nafta, 1 3. [boos] mr. Trump america has lost listen to this, because its not even a number. Honestly, i thought it was a typo. I thought it was 700 factories, or 7000. America has lost 70,000 factories since china entered the world trade organization. [boos] mr. Trump and i am very close to china. I have done great deals in china. China is wonderful. Im not angry at china. Im angry at our people for allowing them to get away with this. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i have the biggest bank in the world, the chinese bank, a tentative line. A tenant of mine. I sell them condos because of china. China is wonderful, but they are getting away with murder. Mexico is getting away with murder. Their leaders are smarter. They are more coming, something is different. We will build a wall, dont worry. [cheers and applause] [chanting build a wall] mr. Trump we are living through the greatest job theft in the history of the world. This is the single greatest jobs theft in the history of the world. There has never been nafta. Oneway street out. They get the jobs, they get the factories and plants, right . They get the money. What do we get . We get the drugs, we get the unemployment. We get the drugs, the unemployment. Hillarys goal is to send millions more jobs out of our country, because thats what her special interests want. I will have over 100 million invested in the campaign. My money, ok . If i dont pull this off, i am going to feel very foolish. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump but you know what . Its money i dont take from special interests and lobbyists and donors. And we have had tremendous success with the small donors, 61 a head. No republican has ever come close. We have raised millions of dollars in Campaign Contributions from small donors, people who put up 61. And no republican has ever done that. Very few people have ever done it. But it has been beautiful to watch. They love our country. I love our country. Thats why im doing it. Again, remember, i had a good time with the other side. When you talk about inside or outside, i was on the other side for a long time. I did very well on the others side. But i also loved our country, and i saw what was happening, and we were going in such a wrong direction. Between in iran deal, where we give them back 150 billion how about we give them 1. 7 billion in cash . We thought it was 400 million, right . You know what that is . Much bigger. Triple it, going up to the ceiling. Thats what cash is. 400 million. And we were wrong. It was not 400 million. It was 1. 7 billion in cash. Airplane loads. And in obama said it had nothing to do with the hostages, but it did. The hostages would not be released until this cash came. 1. 7 billion, and they would not release the hostages until they got the cash. And then they humiliated us. Everybody forgets i never forget, never forget. Then they humiliated us with the 10 sellers, right . They would have kept them forever, except the cash was to be paid two days from the time of their capture. So instead of saying, hey, folks, you were delivered the wrong order, hey, get out of here. They captured them, brought them to their knees, humiliated those 10 people, but the rest of their lives they humiliated, and they humiliated the United States of america after they made one of the great deals ever, and then they ride around and do things around our boats, they circle us. They would not be doing that. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and then they take their fighter jets and write very close. Its amazing. We gave them everything, and now, instead of thanking us, they feel emboldened. They feel emboldened. So you watch. We are going to be very, very careful. We have to be very careful. Signing Nuclear Deals is a good thing, not a bad thing, but kerry never won. They got every single point. The worst deals are the kind that are worse if we had no deal. With all the stupidity i see, how about with a capture, they are going to the port to deport 800 people. These were tough people. They made a mistake. They became United States citizens, welcome aboard. [boos] mr. Trump strike the money. So the 800 people, instead of being reported, they pressed the wrong button. You know what the wrong button is . This. The wrong button is somebody got cash, thats what i think area how would i know what thats what i think. Of course, how would i know a thing like that . Just like they said, how can donald trump complain about voter fraud . Theres no voter fraud that goes on. Really . Watch. So the 800 people, instead of being deported, what happens . Congratulations, they are now citizens of the United States. [boos] mr. Trump we made a mistake there, too. Instead of there being 800 people, it turned out to be 1800. Our country does not win anymore. We dont win with isis. We dont win with trade. We dont win with borders. We are going to start winning again, folks. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump if you elect me im doing this for you, believe me. Hillary clinton is going to raise taxes up to 45 , massively expand regulation, shut down american energy, which is a disaster, and push through terrible trade deals that offshore our jobs to the benefit of her donors and special interest. Her policies, in my opinion, will cause major recession and maybe even depression. A Trump Administration would stop transpacific partnership, a horror story. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump really bad deal. Thats a really bad deal. We will renegotiate nafta, and we are not going to stand up. I will tell you why. We are going to have a great relationship with china. I have a great relationship with china. But we are going to stand up to china on its massive currency manipulation, because they are beating our companies because of currency manipulation. We are going to lower taxes on American Business from 35 to 15 . [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are going to cut taxes for middleclass families by hundreds of billions of dollars. My infrastructure plan will provide help for projects like the proposed interstate 11. You know what that is . It would connect phoenix with las vegas and other areas. Everybody wants it. Its time we had something new. You ever notice we dont build bridges anymore, we dont build tunnels anymore . You go to china, they have bridges all over the place, tunnels. We dont build anymore, and we dont make anything anymore, relatively speaking. Everything comes in from lots of different countries. We will also unleash the full power of american energy, including shale, oil, natural gas, and clean coal. We will put our miners back to work, folks. We will become a rich nation once again. But to be a rich nation, we must also be a safe nation. A Trump Administration will secure and defend the orders of the United States, and yes, we will build a wall. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump im very proud to say that we have the endorsement of americas ice. You know what ice is very of these are tough, strong, good people. Also, 16,500, all of them, the Border Patrol officers the first time they have ever made an endorsement for president of the United States. First time they have ever done it. When Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, she allowed thousands of the most dangerous criminal aliens in the world to go free inside america, because their home countries would not take them back. So we would catch these killers, these druglords, these gang members. We would bring them back to their country and very intelligently, their country would say, open and we dont want them they would say, we dont want them. So they would call the secretary of state how much she would say, oh, bring them back to my and thats why we have a lot of problems. We have people causing problems. There will not be one instance where we take them. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump these were people guilty of murder, assault, rape, and all matter of violent crime. Countless americans are killed by Illegal Immigrants because their government will not do its job. These are amazing americans, and you saw that incredible friend of mine who just spoke incredibly. The pain that so many people are going through. Remembrance project, incredible people. Americans like Sergeant Brandon mendoza of mesa, arizona, who was killed by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record a milelong who should have been deported. Everybody wanted him deported. People begg that he would be deportedded begged that he would be deported. Of the government under obama refused to act. I spent time with his unbelievable mother. They were devastated. 28yearold park ranger chris engle was shot and killed by a drug cartel responsible for a number of murders all over mexico. Chris died trying to protect our borders from drug and weapon trafficking into the Organ Pipe Cactus National monument oregon pipe cactus national monument. He died. A 38yearold police officer, a young cancer survivor, was murdered by a previously deported illegal immigrant with delaunay warrants and a record so long you would not believe it. How do these people get into our country . Nick was shot twice in the back of the head. 21yearold grant, whose father is here someplace. Where is his father . You are fantastic. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump you are fantastic. Grant was working at a Convenience Store in mesa, arizona when he was shot pointblank by an illegal immigrant. His Illegal Immigrants killer, despite a tremendously horrible criminal record, was out on bond and roams free. When i become president , you can count on this, when i become president , this crime wave, this needless, senseless crime wave will end, and it will end immediately. [cheers and applause] [chanting build that wall] mr. Trump we are going to cancel all federal funding for sanctuary cities. [cheers] mr. Trump we are going to impose tough prison sentences for Illegal Immigrants who returned after a previous deportation. In other words, we get them out, they come right back. Look at kate stanley steinle, san francisco. Borders from drug and weapon trafficking into the Organ Pipe Cactus National monument oregon pipe cactus national monument. He died. A 38yearold police officer, a young cancer survivor, was murdered a previously deported illegal immigrant murdered by a previously deported illegal immigrant with delaunay warrants and a record so long you would not believe it. How do these people get into our country . Nick was shot twice in the back of the head. 21yearold grant, whose father is here someplace. Where is his father . You are fantastic. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump you are fantastic. Grant was working at a Convenience Store in mesa, arizona when he was shot pointblank by an illegal immigrant. His Illegal Immigrants killer, despite a tremendously horrible criminal record, was out on bond and roams free. When i become president , you can count on this, when i become president , this crime wave, this needless, senseless crime wave will end, and it will end immediately. [cheers and applause] [chanting build that wall] mr. Trump we are going to cancel all federal funding for sanctuary cities. [cheers] mr. Trump we are going to impose tough prison sentences for Illegal Immigrants who returned after a previous deportation. In other words, we get them out, they come right back. Look at kate stanley steinle, san francisco. He came back five times. We say, listen, do it again, five years. Do it after that, 10 years. You know what will happen . They wont come back. Not complicated. We will end illegal immigration, the ports every last criminal alien, and save american lives, and we will do it quickly. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we will also repeal the obamaclinton defense sequester and rebuild our badly defeated militaries. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we have tremendous military support, unbelievable military support, and having, as you know, general flynn here, and having so many generals at our side in fact, where is general for land general flynn . Hes around here somewhere. Incredible guy. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump general catalog. We had kellogg. We have such incredible people. We have the endorsement of 200 admirals and generals and 22 medal of honor recipients. Our air force is the smallest and oldest it has ever been, and my plan builds a modern, advanced Fighter Aircraft we need. Fighters like those that will be stationed at Luke Air Force base. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump you ever see our fighters are so old that they dont even make parts for them anymore . Youve seen the documentaries. They are all over the place. They have to go to plane graveyards and old airplane museums to get parts. Our army is the smallest thats right, but we give beautiful new stuff to people we hardly even know. We are run by a bunch of geniuses. Our army is the smallest it has ever been since world war ii, and we will significantly increase both the size of our army and the emphasis we place on intelligence. You see what is going on, and i want everything to be done properly, but you see in mosul, we are going to be attacking mosul in four months, in three months, and we will take the leaders of isil oh, did i say isil . [cheers] mr. Trump isis. I dont like saying isil. Isil i dont like saying i dont like saying isil. We will take the leaders of isis, and we are going to capture them. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump but you cant capture them because they know you are going in, right . So how do you capture them . About two minutes after they hear you are going into mosul, they are gone. Whatever happened to the element of surprise, folks . As you know, mosul is tough. Those leaders are gone. You go in, you do the job, you have the press conference a week later, not four months before. I wonder what the great general douglas macarthur, i wonder what the great generals of our country of the past would think when they see what is going on, when they see isis using human shields, killing people. Its like medieval times. You dont talk area did you get it done. You dont talk. You get it done. We are going in the four months to mosul. I dont want to hear it, though. Please. We are going in in three. The months, we are preparing. One month, we are drawing a redline. What a group. We have a president who is essentially incompetent, i am telling you. Incompetent. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and why is he always campaigning with Hillary Clinton . Why isnt he working on jobs . Why isnt he working for the vets or straightening out that, because the Veterans Administration is a shame and a disaster. Why isnt he doing these other things . He is always campaigning for hillary. Here is my question under the circumstances, with what the fbi just announced, will he continue to campaign . I dont know. I dont know if they are going to be able to do that. But we want to support the men and women at fort wakuka, home of the armys intelligence center. Places like Marine Corps Air station huma. They will have new aircraft. We will also need a new policy that puts america first. We dont put america first, folks. Its almost like we have leaders that say, and negotiating with countries, we want to make sure they come out well. Us, dont worry about us. A are doing it because people take care of them very well. Hillarys policies unleash isis, and powered iran, and spread death and destruction across the middle east. Hillary and are failed washington establishment have spent 6 trillion on worse in on wars in the middle east, and now it is in worse shape than we started. The middle east is in far worse shape. Our failed establishment has betrayed the American Worker and family. They have dragged us into foreign wars that have made us less safe, and they have left our borders wideopen at home, and they have shipped our jobs away to other countries, which we are stopping immediately. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump when we lose our companies out of arizona and other states, they move to mexico. Take the example of carrier airconditioning. Indianapolis, indiana, great place. By the way, how good is mike pence . [cheers and applause] mr. Trump what a great job he has done. That was a good choice. See . Thats good instincts. Thats good judgment. Bernie sanders said hillary has bad judgment, and podesta i dont know this guy podesta. Whoever the hell he is, i would fire him so fast. He says nothing but bad things about crooked hillary. The guy says nothing but bad things. He says nothing but bad. He has a memo. She has bad instincts. If somebody said that about me, even if it were true, i would fire them. Unbelievable. Really, the way he talks, and the way other people talk about her. I mean, this wikileaks is fascinating, they say so many bad things, but lets leave her alone. To all americans, i say it is now time for powerful leadership. Just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of our presidency. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are going to have the biggest tax cuts since ronald reagan, and hillary wants to raise your taxes. She wants to raise your taxes, which is pretty hard to believe considering we are the highest taxed nation in the world. We are going to eliminate every unnecessary job killing unnecessary job killing regulation. We will cancel every illegal obama executive order. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are going to stop the massive inflow of refugees and keep radical islamic terrorism the hell out of our country. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are going to rebuild our depleted military and take care of our rate veterans. We are going to take care of them once and for all. We will reduce surging crime and support the incredible men and women of Law Enforcement. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump this dishonest media, the worlds most dishonest people. [boos] mr. Trump terrible people. You can have a 100 home run and they will make it look bad. But they dont tell you this. The murder rate in the United States, the murder rate in the United States is the worst, the highest it has been in 45 years. Nobody talks about that. Nobody talks about that. We are going to provide School Choice and put an end to common core. We are going to bring our education home. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i was endorsed by the National Rifle association, the nra. We are going to save our second amendment, which is under siege. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and appoint justices of the United States Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump americans are tired of being told by politicians that they have to defer their dreams to another day, but they really mean another decade. Thats what they mean. They dont mean another day. They mean decades and decades away. Hillary has been there for 30 years, and she has accomplished nothing. Just made things worse. [boos] mr. Trump shes the candidate of yesterday. We are a movement of the future. This is a movement, folks. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump this is a Movement Like our country has never seen before, and we are driving these characters crazy. They are not happy. Our movement represents all americans from all backgrounds and all walks of life. We are asking for the votes of republicans, democrats, independents, and firsttime voters. There is going to be a lot of them, believe me. We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve the people, not be donors, and not the special interests. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we are fighting to unlock the tremendous potential of every American Community and every American Family who yearn for a better future, a much better future. With your vote, we are just 10 days away from the change you have been waiting for your entire life. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i will never let you down, i promise you that. I will never let you down. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we will not be divided any longer. We will be a nation of love. Together we will make america just again. Just. We will make america strong again. We will make america safe again. We will make america wealthy again. And we will make America Great again. God bless you, everybody. It out and vote. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you. Thank you, arizona. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump thank you. You cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need i saw her today at the reception a glass of wine in her hand i knew she would meet her connection at her feet was her footloose man you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want you cant always get what you want but if you try sometime, you might find you get what you need next, live, your calls and comments on washington journal. Then newsmakers with stephen law, president of the Senate Leadership fund. Former president ial candidate mitt romney talks about the u. S. Economy and creating a business friendly environment. Bobby kennedys last words before he got off the stage were on to chicago. The next day he was due to go to chicago and meet with a very powerful mayor richard daley. Daily son who was chief of staff to barack obama tells me there was a 70 chance or greater that his dad would endorse Bobby Kennedy for president during that trip to chicago. Q a, the author discusses his look bobby liberal the making of a icon. Had Bobby Kennedy beat nixon the way i think he would have, america would be a very different place today. The racial tension and International Discord we have today would be different had we tried to address those 50 years ago. Tonight on cspan, q a. This morning, john 48 looks at the integrity and accessibility of polling places on election day. And then writers for the atlantic discuss their recent joint reporting on migrant communities in the u. S. And later, and coulter talks 2016 president ial campaign and her new book on donald trump. , and youake your calls can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is next. Host good morning. With National Polls showing a tightening race, nine days before election day, politico is reporting that Senate Democrats are demanding more information from james comey. The Justice Department warned the fbi about the timing of fridays letter. Bill kristol of the Weekly Standard saying director comey needs to come forward tomorrow or tuesday with more information. At least one Chicago Tribune columnist says Hillary Clinton should drop out of thee

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