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Alabama, my father was from georgia and that means i have something of home training. I want to say thank you to the staff of the Carter Library for the tremendous work they have done. [applause] in particular, Meredith Evans and i would be remiss without mentioning my good friend, food [applause] i could say a number of things im supposed to do. Im happy to see friends and family here, today. To thising over conversation with you all participating as well. Youhoping to make sure that write your questions on here if you have them. We will have time to get to them at the end. Write them down, and someone will collect them. Let me introduce the participants in this conversation. Left is sara ryan. She is a policy advisor who worked with former president jimmy carter on a range of issues, including assisting center her presented the at Many International the u. N. Ons, including the establishment of the Human Human Rights Council and has worked closely with the u. N. Offices at a High Commission of human rights to strengthen within the United Nations system. Williamsd, we have mr. Biography, sustained and i think this is a great line. She knows what it is like to be demeaned and held at gunpoint and called unspeakable names and to be afraid of her own skin and repeatedly tortured and then blame for it all. ,he indoor many years of abuse abandoned and homeless at age 12, she did what you had to do to survive in the streets and determined early on that attitude is everything. Is that that it is that attitude that helped her turn tragedy into opportunity and became a child of hope, not only for herself but for others. Her formal education includes a bachelors of science and arts and Human Resources and logistics certificate in engineering from the united. Tates army she developed an unwavering passion for the empowerment of women and youth, particularly those who faced sexual abuse and its location. Have a the center, we i am passively familiar with, a doctoral itdidate at the university seems like not very many years ago, i was a professor at the college, and a very serious First Year Student popped into said i was her advisor she is a doctoral candidate at columbia. She is focusing her studies on african history and the recipient of to attend the university of oxford, where she received her masters in migration studies. Young we have hurt curt young, who is the chair of the department of Political Science at university. Is originally from belize city, we havenew jersey this wonderful, distinguished panel, and i really want to jump into it, quickly so we can get to the substance of this conversation. I wonder if you could talk a little bit about how you all came to have your individual passions and your passions for individual freedom, and the concern that we are here to talk. Bout, today thank you. You, im not really sure how to follow that session, earlier, it was so beautiful and sweet and wonderful. I am lucky to have been here for a long time. I started as a very enthusiastic volunteer, and ended up working on individual cases of human rights violations. Overseas, and now the congo, and understood how important it was what president carter achieved with putting human rights at the front of foreign policy. For todays conversation, i think what i am feeling is the heirs to think about and talk about is the goal of the conversation, which is where are we on our journey for human rights, because civil rights as we understand it is very specific to participation, active participation in civic life, but human rights is a broader concept, that we have to see each other as human beings, and there is a way in trying that respect for each other, in global warmth in the idea that we are equal human beings, and we have, in recent years been looking at the rights of women is not only do we have strong women, but this is an area where human beings, half of the planet are actually not full human beings, in the way we live, even but we have, victims of violence, they are not protected by law in the same minutemen are. We have a situation where our bodies are commodified anyway where we normalize violence against women through what we want to call sex work and prostitution like it is just another job. So thisbuse of women, is what we begin to realize is that we have to think of human rights and boil it down to access tohings like voting, but also access to equal protection of the law, this is what we have been up to with the leadership of our ceos and president carter. Talked aboutter his book that he wrote on this, and he has been a major part of this. You, i would thank like to echo the thank you for having us here to answer your question, my initial entry into the field of human rights came about during a semester studying abroad. I was studying international studies, and i had to go abroad, so ice i chose to study in senegal. Tour of the slums, and it was not that far distance from where my grandparents lived, it was deftly a part of town i would never have seen had i not been with the university, and from there, i was curious and its sort of sparked a series of applications the different fellowship programs and research, and i was fortunate to travel and work in the middle east, in israels on issues with rap african human sex trafficking is a huge problem jobs and other fellowships around the world, i was able to see how the definition of human is the real root of the problem when you are talking about human rights, whose rights are we protecting, and in cases like thailand, oftentimes the people most often captured our girls from hill tribes and not citizens, they dont have any paperwork, so they are not protected by the state and they are not that are human. We think you can apply that to pretty much every situation. Out,esident carter pointed atlanta is a huge city for sex you have the north and south of the United States, east and west, cut together and human sex trafficking on a global sense comes quite easily in atlanta as you have people from Southeast Asia brought in, there at the Mexican Border with texas and throughout the different highways and byways. Once i realized that the things i worked on abroad were very much an issue at home, its sparked my interest to continue this work. Good afternoon. I want to start by saying how wonderful it is to share the stage with dr. Cobb, i have a mired your work and i appreciate the opportunity. I appreciate this question because it gives me an opportunity to then arrange my ancestors. It is an easy question for me to answer because in a sense, it chose me and im sure we can all relate. It is really a function of my family. My position is a function of my family, both in the distance sense. Myntioned by birth birthplace, and i remember vividly coming to the realization that i belonged to a family that had a very direct personal connection to one of the most active and respected chapters of a universal negro improvement association, the organization egan to associate understand the phenomenon a different type of way. There are different types of her different types of interpretations. I was able to connect and come to where i am now through an understanding and application of those types of history and that type of experience to the community that i am from. City and age in jersey particularly, a distressed but beautiful part of that city. Collegeraduated from and continued my degrees, by and the rest of my family, remain did grounded and connected to the dynamics of that community. We maintained by connection and became a very active part of the efforts to address the challenges. Both in the context of tradition and a bit broader effort to understand and eradicate all the isms that make life difficult for human beings to be human, it is a different part of the fabric, and i cannot take credit, it chose me. Good afternoon. It was april 5, 2007 when i saw the article in our local the sellingat said of atlantas children. They couldve been the selling of americas children. Here i was sitting on my farm, a very privileged life, thinking this is a misprint. We cannot be selling our children. On that newspaper was a picture of the child who is being charged with acts of prostitution. She was 10 years old. She was an american child, a full citizen of america. She stood there alone being charged with an act. She was charged with a crime that had been committed against her. There was something wrong with that. I dont i did not know what to do except to get on phone get on the phone and call people because you cannot see but object an injustice like that and still be ok. It came to me not from my past, but in the present time that we are sitting in. Today, our World Centers around the social determinant to leaves our children vulnerable. We have come full circle because if we dont dismantle the social determinant, those issues that breathe into that point of being recruited, then we have done nothing. I want to return to the question about human rights and i think this is a kind of openended question but i think you will have a unique perspective. , historically, lots of images of civil rights and most people are completely unable unaware, but i wonder if these struggles are somehow different, if there is a reason we have not learned these lessons, have we made progress . It is it is it more difficult to convey that message now, in 2016 . Relics of aike different era, but we dont have this understanding of what makes a person a human in a human being. President carter sort of hints to this issue when he talks about the normalization of violence. Ishink part of the problem that violence is so prevalent in our culture. We have absorbed it as a normal type of behavior. In the family, on the schoolyard, and our communities, and our faith communities and foreign policy. The act of violence seems normal, and first there is dehumanization and the degree to which you feel entitled to use violence against other people. The second level of that is the fact that violence itself is ok. In order for us [inaudible] has set into our culture that allows us to do that. We see the spike in violence. The number of people dying in wars has gone down. Individual individual violence is ever presence ever present. And what doce that, we do about it . Communities play a big role in this. Someone told me that pornography is very widely abused in their Church Community and i thought is there a social basis for this is excepted . Even 12yearold boys and our children have access to it and it is sort of infecting our ability to see other people and dignify them as equals. I think our faith communities must tackle this. In policy circles, it is awkward, but i do think it is important. Your question brings to mind a speech spoken by in 1966 in havana. In this speech, they made reference to a movement to advance, it had to resolve internal contributions contradictions and to the extent that those contradictions are not resolved, a particular movement will not succeed. Lets expand on that and apply it to this National Project that we see. There has been this discussion, a conversation about freedom and human rights, but there needs to be a conversation about the conversation that gets to one of our internal contradictions. It came out in president , but we haveents this juxtaposition of being able to proclaim with pride the thats, the exceptionalism defined the American Experience and at the same time, refused to grapple with the contradictions that defy those proclamations that we make about ourselves. That i see as a contradiction in that is one that runs so deep, it continues to flow in that it will prevent us from grappling with the problem that i think your question suggests. When we just now begin to reflect on the experience with the first africanamerican president , there was an opportunity to have a different kind of discourse, but the tendency was to proclaim on the evidence tot it was a postracist society, or the unleashing of a kind of racial tension that resulted in many ways of dehumanizing of this person of the most powerful holder of the most powerful seat in the world, and so what i would suggest is a part of our difficulty in grappling with the problem is very much in the way that we choose not to. Pointent carter made a earlier when he made mention of the progress. I would argue that one of the forces behind the progress is whether we have these conversations about our conversations, the ways we talk about freedom, injustice and race. When we have those conversations , other type of movement or through a coming to reckon with some kind of contradiction in this is that in the society, it forces us to move forward and at the same time, when we relinquish those opportunities to have a serious look in the mirror, and a serious dialogue where we are not afraid to deal seriously with the problems that we see an grappling with those contradictions, we continued to face those very strong and start. I wanted to ask, it occurs to [inaudible] i think what everyone is touching on is this process of other in othering when you and when you remove this source of identity and say this person is not you or not like you because they are different , it islity or gender easy to create this invisibility and i dont think there is anything new about it or exceptional to americans in this process. [inaudible] [laughter] happening inis different sectors and different time frames, and i think the way to try to bridge that disconnect and have a conversation with raises money towards work to empower women and children and it is difficult. Universities have an easier time raising money to build a new stadium than organizations that are serving and you have to ask why is that and people connect the idea of seeing a name their name on a doorway to the water fountain as part of the basketball court, but not across town,money let alone overseas to work on things that nobody really wants to talk about. They are not pretty issues, they are not proper table conversations. You raise the point about the not rip the in churches which is not the kind of thing maybe it comes to close to home for people in their own vices or it is something people do not want they want to pretend it does not happen in their town. It is easier disabled that thailand, but not here in atlanta, it is a little bit different, but rid really isnt but it really isnt. Need to step out of their comfort comfort zones, whether it is taking a tour of a different part of town or different state or going overseas, because you need to go and see what the struggles are and how you can help, because sometimes it is something as simple as 20 that a girl needs paperwork process so she can enroll in school, and that 20 that you would spend at starbucks could go a long way toward allowing someones whole entire life outlook to be different. I think is connectede then to the now. In 2007 because of an injustice for a little girl who was 10 years old. We shared that rhetoric with everyone we could come into contact with in the communities, on our jobs and they rallied with us, and then there were hundreds of us speaking on behalf of that child. We took that voice and we went to legislators and said laws must be changed and it was not just three or four, there were thousands of us across the state of georgia. To work in concert with people we would not normally working concert with, we worked with men and republicans and democrats and independents and people who did not think like us, but knew there was injustice and that together, we could change the state and the dignity of those children being bought and sold in our community. That materialized on may 5, 2015 with the governor signing the historic safe harbor rachels law interaction. That is a direct correlation back to the 60s and the Civil Rights Movement. We took a page book because we did not happened on may 5, 2015, i looked at the young woman that bill was named after and it was a moment in history for me because across the nation, i can say this because i have probably done this work across the nation, most people dismiss girls of color. When we talk about this issue of sex trafficking, as if this was their lot in life. Therefore, they do not matter, and they are in we are in hell to do what we want with them because they do not matter. They are insignificant, invisible and voiceless and they never get a place at the table. Billy 5, 2015, with that signed the safe harbor rachels law and to act, it was named after a young africanamerican girl. Bill in america named after a living africanamerican woman. We did not reinvent, we just had weodernday slavery as what called it, as what our president called it, that we are dealing with and we are dealing with it because these are our children in our state and in our country. That i had aaby call and four was seven years of age. Only look overseas is unacceptable when we have things going on in our own backyard. It is very much a part of the now. [applause] i wondered if you could talk about social media and how this has impacted the work that you it, is thereed something in social media to make sure work more difficult . Im struggling with that, right now. Im almost hesitant to ask this question, because i cant claim to be immersed enough in social media to get it quite right. At the same time, im seeing some trouble signs. You asked the question of moment ago, with regard to the oflicability or the transfer some previous struggle or movement, and so i think that there are some aspects of the movement that belong to particular point in history, that stays there although i agree with the point that you can apply some aspects to the challenges that present themselves, especially when it is the result of a clear understanding of the conditions on the ground and the extent to which those actual mechanisms apply. Of, and almostd on critical assumption that social media has replaced those previous mechanisms, without a serious discussion of what are the conditions that we are trying to grapple with and what are the goals we are trying to achieve, what realities are we trying to transform and the answers to those questions determine these instruments and mechanisms. I had a conversation with a student of mine and he helped clarify what i am struggling with, whether you are cooking with an old wood stove or in a microwave which symbolizes increase technology, you still have to learn how to cook. The goal is still to never as oneself. At thel is not to arrive use of a microwave just for the use of technology. Technology becomes the instrument for something and i am afraid that if we are not careful, and this is a humbling, because i have not immersed myself in it, but i know how to text and email. I dont want us to gravitate toward what is easy because it is there at our fingertips. On the concreteness, we have to make those decisions of proper instruments based on reality and im not sure if we are having those conversations. In maybe it is in the intergender intergenerational conversation we have this movement with those who use social media in the context of a social movement, but i still think we have to have that discussion, otherwise we will be repeating ourselves. The nice thing about social be a, is that it allows issues that might not be picked up by the mainstream news channels to be discussed and that is the biggest impact i see, especially on these issues that nobody really wants to talk about. If you turn on the news, all you will really hear about is donald trump and Hillary Clinton and sometimes you just want to put it on mute. It is easier to go to social media to see what else is happening in the world and in our state, that is not being covered because it is not getting as many ratings. In the the news outlet power of the people and to your asnt, younger people and carter says, there will not be any change without. We have to know what it is we are after, so we can decide how to use the tools because the idea of who are we i think is confused. Ben jones better video the other fdr mastered the radio and got the public. Jfk mastered the tv and got a public. Donald trump has mastered social media and it is accelerating. It was a good point because there is a caution that we cant dismiss it its power. We know isis and these groups are using this very effectively. We can be naive about it. We have to understand how to use it. I think we do have to understand the Civil Rights Movement succeeded because they had a strategy. They had meetings, they had people meeting facetoface. Sunday we are doing this, and people were all in. This is the part where we get lazy. We send out a tweet. Even arab spring. Of something has to accompany this use of the technology. We have to be thinking together about strategy. What is our goal and how do we get there . It can be in accelerant for good or ill. We have to figure out how to use it for good because people are using it for ill. [applause] were talking about the future of the movement. I want to just asking foundational question. And whatt this work makes you hopeful . You are trying to appeal to people and say this is what you should do. One gives you hope and change and the progress they can be made . I see hope every day when it look in my girls eyes. The girl being sold on the cheshire bridge two years ago who is now a double major. I see it when my girls are accepted Kennesaw State university. Girls were invited to the 59th commission on the status of women to speak for women all over the globe. They stand up there. Withdo not go victimization but with their power. I see that help. I see that hope when my girl says, i didnt do it right this time but i will do it right next time. Im not giving up. I see it will be rescued 13 boys and they say that you for rescuing us even though we are not a girl but you saw us. I see it will be go to the polls this november on november 8. We have the opportunity to vote for Senate Resolution 7, the funding mechanism, the constitutional amendment in georgia that will fund the resources for children 11 victims of human sex trafficking. That is hope for me. It is over me for my baby girl says i have a job and no it is tricking me out anymore. And when the at the ive says there is the fbi says something to read about your girls. There is Something Different about the girls that come through living water. They hold their heads a little different. They stand a little taller. They dont get it all right, none of us do, but they keep trying. It is something that gives me hope about that. It gives me hope we are having this conversation and we are going to walk out seeing things differently, what matters when we talk about human trafficking. Services are given and withheld because of a girls race or age. When she is 18 she is no longer a chart child and shouldve known better. When we see a victim we treat them with the resources and services they need, but we dont allow them or make them stay in their victimization. We are the bridge to help them become a survivor. That is where my hope is. [applause] i want to build on this because you pointed to something important. We have to have hope in the work we are doing because it is almost like accepting nobody wants to talk about it. Tore is this great work provide services to people who are trapped in what we can call slavery. There are whole jurisdictions where they have adopted a comprehensive approach. In sweden they passed a law 15 sees peopleat trapped in the sex trade, child or adult. This would not be a choice any person with make if they had other options. We are going to provide housing, child care and job training because this is something we recognize. Men who buy, and hold the men accountable with stiff penalties. Educate thegoing to public on the inherent harm of prostitution and trafficking. They just passed a law in france. They passed a law in canada. They are doing a version of this in seattle. For me that is hope because there is another trend where people are saying sex work is just another way to make a living. Ifraid he and people further is a movement in new york city to legalize prostitution so they can pay their student tuition. I understand some people will put this forward as empowering, etc. , and i get that. It is part of the new cultural moment of selfdetermination. I mean is very misguided. If we legalize this whole thing, imagine how many human bodies, mostly girls and women, will have to be supplied to an endless marketplace. This is sex we are talking about. This is happening right now and is that places like sweden and cook county and atlanta are showing a different way. We can help people. We can get people without treating them but to really say no. We are not going to give in to this. Its the oldest profession so we better just except it. This is a thing happening right now we have to get informed about. Your work gives me hope because i can say to people who are skeptical that look at this amazing work being done to actually give girls and women an option that they dont have to do that. So thank you for that. [applause] we have about five minutes, a little less actually, and we go to audience questions. Can we get you in on this really quick . Please. I was going to add that the economy behind his is a big piece of the issue. It is important to look at the interconnectedness of a lot of the things we vote on such as raising minimum wage and providing other Employment Opportunities so young girls dont feel like this is a viable means to pay tuition. There may be another option available. Likewise i am inspired by the work of organizations like yours, and more so would like to see theyre not be as much of a need for so Many Organizations like that. I think the real way in which you can alleviate pressure for organizations to pop up and recuperate and rehabilitate young girls and boys is for their to be other there to be other opportunities. Which is why all the organizations emphasize a component on staying in school, education, helping girls finish k12 and then going on to college. You talked about some of your girls that are graduated and got the Higher Education as well. All these opportunities raise their ability to earn and i can change the entire landscape. That is a great point. A famousnking about inte but Florence Bernard his book where he said each generation must realize its mission. The question is an easy question. It is easy to drift towards the easy answer to that question, which is inspired by the young folk who are taking their own lives in their hands and seizing the time and trying to make the world a new. Young people always do that. We talk about forces of movement. We enjoylways the experience we enjoy because young people at some point chose to make a difference. I was struggling to not give an easy answer like that. Bit on yourttle point. Thissaw taking place may just be in my mind. What i see when i look at a taxes vision when i look at a juxtaposition of young people galvanizing behind the jenna 6 and ferguson, one of the differences between those two reactions where they did not take long for what occurred around the jenna 6 to be absorbed by an older generation of leadership. Thebegan to articulate for young folk who are organizing exactly what they were trying to say. In the process of doing so they missed with the young people were saying. What we see occurring in my mind, and i guess we also this all saw this, the other people who began to organize and ferguson took a careful not to say, not this time. We got this. Leadershipe of our kind of nervous because they were not used to being told to sit down and move out of the way. People inyoung ferguson and other types of responses to the dynamics we see unfolding in front of our eyes, i think they demonstrated certain level of courage. Which said we are prepared to proclaim for ourselves this is our movement in our time. That is what gives me hope. Not that young people are moving, because again, a complete the circle. Young people are always responding to challenge what they see to be the distasteful or injustices of their time. What i think i see happening now is there prepared to do so with a certain sense of kurds, a certain certain sense of courage and clarity. Generations that is the essence of the point. They have to figure it out themselves. That is what i think is a beautiful expression that gives me the most hope. Your question . In the interest of time maybe we can have one person respond to each question. Is doestion we have here black lives matter . What the civil rights look like for communities that people believe are now equal . Ill take a shot at that because it kind of flows from the point i was trying to make. I think what is happening is the black lives Matter Movement is getting, unfortunately, is experiencing an unfortunate treatment right now. Ar the right reasons there is rush to compare them to a movement of another period. Because people are hungry for some kind of new type of energy to help transform and continue the need to transform a particular challenge in this society. Some would argue that the movement such as black lives matter is well overdue. I think that we have to give them time to complete the maturation of themselves as a movement. We talk about the Civil Rights Movement as if it was a monolithic movement that dropped out of the sky, changed the world and left. The beginning point began in the 1950s. We forget there was such a thing called a march on washington movement. We forget we had all types of expression of civil rights. Some famous and some very obscure. We know some of his movements were absorbed into other, more popular movements. Of the phenomenon is a very old phenomenon. It took time to get to the point where indeed it had the power to transform the world. We have to give this black lives Matter Movement i respect the question. I dont disrespect the question. I think it is an important question. I think the tendency to rush there is a tendency to rush to a comparison that i dont think is right yet. Give it some time. Karen . They cant think engage in civil rights in their everyday lives. How can we be more involved in our thinking and advocating for human rights . Great. Some me a chance to plug good work that is going on. First of all you have to think in your own life. If you want to be involved in human rights, the first thing to do is to find some think you care about and you know would get you up on a saturday morning to go do. And then really learn about that issue and invest the time and figure out who are the organizations working. Go and get involved. We are in the process of creating an online collaboration tool. It is called the forum on women. Women, religion, violence and power. It is geared towards this question. People can just plug in. There are other such networking opportunities. I think the main point is to think within yourself what do you care about . Pick something that really talks to your heart. And really died in and go for the longterm. Try not to just dabble. Dabble until you find the thing. Human rights needs is all because it is quite we are in ing these los global norms. We are normalized torture, because of guantanamo. We have normalized indefinite detention, normalized violence against women. We are in danger. We have the right to privacy, which is actually gone. Without is really making much of a thing about it. It is timegs to wake up and get engaged and get a hold of it. Lisa, what programs are active in the u. S. And other countries to educate young man so there is a diminished market for prostitution and less acceptance of domestic violence, etc. . Not enough. That is the real answer. I can give you a few organizations that not enough. There are many gets violence against violence, boys to men programs, but it is not enough. Safef oil will again be in he wishes he was a girl, that means we have fallen down on this job. We need people to step up to answer the call. We can only do so much as women in terms of helping young men become a young man. We need men to help do that. In lieu of that we will continue to fill that void, but we dont have the programs necessary. We dont have a shelter specifically for males who have been victims of trafficking. Ok . Do we say it is again, my answer is not enough. I have learned when i save one male, i save on average three to four girls. They did not try to go to profit off of her body. If i can put him in school, give him a support system, the mentors that are necessary, counseling if it is required, housing, food, and a parttime or fulltime job, then he does not see it as a Necessary Evil for him to go and prostitute a child or some woman. Saidrlier president carter about racism, he said people benefited from it. That was why it was hard to uproot. About everyone to talk the ways in which men benefit from the dehumanization of women and how that impacts the difficulty of operating that in the society, the country in the world. I would broaden that a bit. Broaden the world . Broaden the aspect. And a lot of societies, and i will speak for my context of Southeast Asia, you could go through a village and walk along the street and you see straw houses constructed with mud and you will see this big white porcelain home with marble at the entrance way and a pickup truck, a big status symbol. In certain areas in the north when you see a house like that that means one of the daughters is working in bangkok as a waitress. That is socially acceptable and something some girls, not knowing what their life will be like in bangkok or other towns in the resort areas, they look forward to it because they see the girls they look up to down the street has gone out of town to the big city and come back with money and her family is doing better. They have built up levels to their house and upgraded their vehicles. The. Press prestige. And the men who are buying this and the families and the societies that glamorize and really admire status coming through these unjust work systems. Undo becauset to sometimes organizations such as yours that fit in these International Contexts are made up of westerners to come from the United States or europe or with the context of this is terrible and we need to save them. They will go right back to it. Not because they love the work but because it an entire family of 50 people depending on them and that money. The economy and the structures, yes they need to be in place. But in an ideal context you get paperwork and there are no longer hill tribe girls and they can be saved from this by the authorities who often just sit there and pretend they dont see. They are in every quarter in the club areas but they are not doing what you expect them to do. You can have a sevenyearold girl dancing on a table outside a club with a Police Officer four feet away. I have pictures of this arrangement. I give presentations with this and people are like, what is that officer doing . Now when you would assume. Even if all of this was in place, there will always be another girl they can replace her with. Buying. Deeper than men it goes to the family context, the government support, the Police Officers, or border officers and who is getting paid off along the way. Its a very intricate financial network. Can i add to that . Here in america when i look at that same problem, we had to go and unpack some family secrets. No one ever wants to talk about those kinds of things. Would were often often call back and say i cant live at home because they dont understand the new me. They want me to be the old person because my mother was also the victim of abuse and they dont have a treat me. I will call her d, and she was 12 years old. She was the first one brought to me by the fbi. Wentshe returned home she she was only supposed to answer to her name. When she returned home they called her out of her name. When she refused to answer them, and those who called her our family members, she was faced with one of two things. To run away or stay in the home and be abused. It wasnt the man we were dealing with. It was the family unit. We had to go back and help of mothers and fathers unpack from things and understand the trauma that their daughters or sons had endured and understand what made them vulnerable and how they were perpetuating it in the family. Those things are very difficult to do because no one wants to be told they help in the victimization of a child. That is the work we have been doing for the last few years. And because of that work and being honest about it and having those conversations because they need to be had, we saw girls staying at home much longer. rate. About a 67 we have given them great support systems to help them navigate this. This thingrstands that takes a hold of a child that has been sold or handcuffed and put in cages and sold on the market to the highest that are. You dont understand what she is thinking every moment of the day. But what we can apart some of that knowledge, that changes the family dynamic and they can keep our boys and girls savor. This put a cap on conversation, all this human we dont, i think one talk about that is so uncomfortable to talk about is pornography. It is bigger than the sex trade itself, the physical encounter. It is the biggest commerce area of commerce. Transactions are more online than in person. The statistics are terrible. Mostly women less than three months and photography in pornography until they are cast aside. Pornography isnt all available to 12yearold boys and their phone. Is a growing market. We dont talk about that. We need to be very honest in the conversation. Know anotheronly one benefiting from children being trafficked, we must also say women are too. When you know your husband or have participated in this and you do nothing about it, you are a part of the problem as well. We are not saying women are traffickers. We need to have those conversations if they are to ever protect our children. Pornography is not just a gateway, but one of the largest moneymakers out there when it comes to boys and girls. We dont want to talk about it because our nextdoor neighbor may be participating or buying that pornography. That is uncomfortable for us. The thing being filmed is extremely violent. Says thankman who god it was never filmed. It was very violent. She said at least i was never on film. There is no record of it. I say this mostly because the vast majority of those who are victimized are female. Foreign por n kings talking about how he regrets it. He is in his 60s now. I am raising this because you asked about male privilege and how do men benefit. The idea for this is a form of entertainment, it is really normalized in our society. People are harmed, seriously harmed in this. I would ask to think about that. By participating, every time you click on that someone is being harmed. And money is exchanged. A profiteer is profiting. I think this is a concrete area to ask ourselves the challenge. We have a lot more we could say here but we have a hard out. Invite mary up for the closing comments. I want to thank everyone for their participation. [applause] next, your calls and comments on washington journal. Then newsmakers with republican strategist and donald trump supporter roger stone. After that a discussion on antigovernment unrest in zimbabwe. Q a, Louisiana State University History professor and historian Nancy Isenberg discusses her book white trash the 400 year untold history of class in america. Ghettoswere poor white in places like indianapolis, chicago, and they were described in the same derogatory ways of war blacks who were living in the city. That is part of our history that we dont talk about. We dont want to face up to the fact of how important class is. Tonight at 8 00 on cspans q a. Brain could to list katulis talks about democratic president ial nominee Hillary Clinton. Es outlines ther agenda of the republican president ial nominee. Will take your calls and you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is next. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016]] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] host well, good morning from what is still a pretty quiet capitol hill but when congress does return in two weeks, theyll get busy pretty quickly, fill out Government Spending bills, funding zika virus and tear back on september 6 and president obama is now wrapping up his Family Vacation on Marthas Vineyard and on tuesday, he heads to baton rouge, louisiana to survey the flood damage there. Also tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the 1996 welfare laws. Our question for you on this sunday would welfare reform at 20, are changes needed . How is the program doin

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