there's no bail for dominique strauss-kahn. one of the world's top bankers is behind bars on sex assault charges. targeting tripoli, the area near moammar gadhafi's compound is hit again. in another night of nato air strikes. and thousands of flooded homes, thousands of people evacuated as the mississippi river levels continue to rise. we begin this hour in ireland where authorities say they have intercepted and defused a bomb on a bus headed for dublin, just hours before an historic visit to the capital by britain's queen elizabeth. irish police tell cnn the military found an explosive device not far from dublin late monday after someone phoned in a warning. police are now working to find out who placed it on the bus. a few hours ago officials say they got another call warning about a second device. when they checked it out, it turned out to be a hoax. well, the british government says the queen's visit to ireland will go ahead as planned. cnn's finnuala sweeney joins us. >> reporter: the queen is expected to be here in aprom matly three hours time. it's costing in the region of $42 million. every penny well spent, speaks the irish government, particularly after the hoax you reported just now, monita. we understand this was a private coach that was detained last night at around 9:00 in the evening, just outside dublin. there were 30 people on board. the hoax was found to be a device. it's expected there may be a number of devices such as these in and around dublin over the next few days but also in britain. yesterday there was a bomb scare in britain, police receiving in london a coded warning and a greed coded warning from irish republican disdents. i think security will be high on both sides of the irish border on this island and also in britain. >> fionnoula, give us an idea of how historic this day is. >> reporter: this visit would not be happening without the good friday agreement of 1997. it is thought the queen wanted to visit ireland for some time but it was the detail about policing in northern ireland that was a major stumbling block in the full implementation of the full friday agreement that prevented her visit up until now. over the next four days she will be going mainly in dublin but she will be visiting the garden of remembrance. she'll be going to lay a wreath for the 42,000 irish soldiers who fought in the first world war. it is an extremely contentious visit from the part of irish republicans. many in ireland having a benign, if not welcoming sense of the queen and wants her to come here, great respect for her as an individual. there is a sense somehow if she comes here, everything that was fought for to achieve this irish state will be lost. the irish government say it's the right time for this visit. it is indeed historic. the queen's -- was kill ed by te i.r.a. it demonstrates how far both nations have come. >> thank you so much. denied bail, the head of one of the world's biggest financial institutions is spending the next few days behind bars in a notorious new york prison, dominique strauss-kahn, the managing director of the international monetary fund has been locked newspaper rikers island jail after a judge decided he may go on the run rather than face charges of sexual assault. he's now in a cell that measures 3 1/2 by 4 meters. that's a far cry from the $3,000 a night manhattan hotel suite where a maid says he tried to rape her on saturday. the judge's decision to deny bail is an early setback for the defense team. they say he's innocent of all of charges against him and will prove it. cnn's richard roth has more from new york. >> reporter: a man quite used to high-end luxury living from first class airplane rides to hotel suites, now finds himself isolated in a prison cell on notorious rikers island off manhattan. dominique strauss-kahn was transported there following a monday criminal court hearing. strauss-kahn was hit with six criminal counts, the most serious could provide up to 25 years in jail if convicted. his attorneys say he is innocent of all the charges. he's accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid in a times square luxury suite on saturday. strauss-kahn's lawyers argued vociferously for bail to be set and him go free. however, the prosecution said he's a flight risk, just like film director roman polanski who left charges in california and went to europe and never returned. the judge says she's a fair person and strauss-kahn should be treated like all the other defendants. she denied bail, deeming strauss-kahn indeed a flight risk. the high-powered imf director awaits a grand jury hearing before another court appearance here on friday. richard roth, cnn, new york. >> strauss-kahn's defense lawyer is really well known for handling celebrity criminal cases. legal analyst jeffrey toobin told cnn benjamin brafman is in a league of his own. >> he's the single best lawyer i've ever seen in a courtroom. >> really? >> absolutely. he has done -- >> what's so good about him? >> well, you know, he has -- there are a lot of flashy lawyers who are good at cross-examination but they don't prepare. he prepares like a boring sort of old school lawyer but he's got the flash and dash of sort of a courtroom performer. he is the best of both worlds. >> benjamin brafman has made a career out of representing high-profile clients. let's take a look at some of the well-known cases he's represented. he's advised mobsters such as sammie the bull gravano. he turned on gotti and turned on his lawyer. brafman represented sean p. diddy colmes as well. he also represented michael jackson in his trial for molestation. jackson was acquitted. rapper jay-z has been a client. he was charged with assaulting a record producer. he pled guilty to a misdemeanor and was given probation. zain? dominique strauss-kahn's political ambitions are now in doubt. he was expected to be a serious challenger in next year's presidential election. let's go jim bitterman. can his reputation be restored or is it over for him? >> reporter: boy, it certainly looks like it's over, zain. i have to say. here's what the socialist newspaper said this morning, ko, knocked out. that probably expresses the thoughts of a lot of his party supporters. they're meeting right now on the other side of paris. the meeting was previously scheduled. they moved it up a little bit. they're going to be talking almost entirely about this, even though that wasn't the subject on the agenda. otherwise, it's a blow for the party. party members are stressing that the party continues, the socialist party continues. there were a number of rivals who were right behind him. one is francois olan. he's moved up now. they'll find a candidate and one person said in some ways maybe it's good it's happening now, 11 months before the presidential elections. it gives us time to put someone else in place. nonetheless, a lot of people had their hopes that dominique strauss-kahn would there be to knock out, not himself but president sarkozy. zain? >> when you talk to people there in paris what about do they tell you about all this? >> reporter: i think they're shocked. one of the things they're getting a brutal look at, very hard look at, is this image of american justice, the idea there are cameras in the courtroom, they can see every movement of their guy who they thought, some people thought here, was beginning to be the next president of france as he's being taken away. it's a very harsh reality, i think for a lot of people. there's also a kind of sentiment that richard roth was talking about earlier, the idea that perhaps dominique strauss-kahn is paying for roman polanski and the idea that polanski had hitten out in the united states for so long -- in france rather and was not brought back to the united states for prosecution for lo long and a lot of people feel this is kind of an attempt by american justice, the american justice system to get back for the polanski affair. zain? >> cnn's senior international correspondent jim bitterman in paris. the imf has had a huge economic role to play over the past two years after country after country looked to it for help. we look at the allegations and what they could mean for all of europe and its debt crisis. you're watching "world one" live from london. >> nato has been saying it's cranking up the pressure on the libyan leader. >> in a minute, see the latest evidence of its aerial campaign against the gadhafi regime. and taking the might out of the mississippi. why authorities in louisiana have been forced to flood some riverside communities. od can be a huge project. but not for cascade complete pacs. with 70% more tough food cleaning ingredients, it's cascade's ultimate power tool for day old stuck-on food. ♪ [ jackhammer rattles ] [ male announcer ] cascade complete pacs. beyond your wildest clean. 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>> reporter: we're starting to feel the escalation here in tripoli. the strikes began yesterday, still within daytime hours on the compound. it was the second daylight strike and the second time that compound has been hit in less than a week. we continue to hear jets flying quite low overhead and then in the early hours of this morning we have two more explosions. that's seven strikes in one night here in tripoli. we were taken down to the scene of what we were told was a residential area and two government buildings had been hit. one they told us was the internal security of this with the investigative security office for the internal ministry and the other was the ministry for popular oversight across the street from each other. you can see in the pictures, in that investigative office, it seemed they had really been looking for something specific. it was the top floors that were in flames and the popular oversight ministry, i should say, we saw files, lots and lots of files being brought out and rescued. a government spokesman says his concern is that nato is being given faulty information by rebel leaders who had been part of the gadhafi government. he said that the popular oversight of this, which also handles corruption cases, had been the sight for an investigation into corruption charges against rebel officials. he said that's where they've been keeping those files and clearly, he says, the rebels are nervous as to the reaction of the international community should that come out. definitely a continued intensification here in tripoli, monita. >> nima, while that is happening, we understand there's movement when it comes to four journalists who have been detained since april. >> yes. some good news here. we've been told to expect a trial, a possible fine an a release for them today. there is a little bit concern, these are four journalists, the government spokesman told us two spanish, two american. there is concern for a fifth journalist, a missing south african uk-based photographer. the committee for protection of journalists say they have been told that he was safely in libyan government custody. the libyans say he is not with them, they only have four journalists they're releasing. we'll keep following that and hopefully there will be news on that fifth south african photographer. >> thank you so much. this is "world one" in london. it's a long way from trump tower foto the white house. and barack obama really is rich and powerful. light as air. we took out a heavy synthetic, and put in a light touch of cucumber. new natureluxe foundation. easy breezy beautiful... covergirl. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. from we who believe we know just how you feel. somewhere in america, a city comes to life. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. should i bundle all my policies with nationwide insurance ? 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>> i feel great. i mean, i can jump, run, play. i can dance again. i can walk without a limp. >> reporter: jones is now a man on a mission to put his home state of texas and countries around the world to increase them cell therapy. regulations here in south korea mean that stem cells can be cultivated and banked. clinical trials can take place in country but actual treatment is not allowed. rnl bio, the korean bio pharmaceutical company, once restrictions in korea relaxed so patients do not have to travel to japan for treatment. and this seoul press conference they introduced jones along with two other patients who say stem cell treatment cured their ailments to the media in the hope of boosting public support for stem cell therapy. >> i suspect that soon he will write prescriptions for stem cell therapy and that will be in lieu of drugs that are potentially harmful. so my plea would be to have people accept this seamlessness, the simpleness, the easiness of the process. >> reporter: stem cell expert professor chris mason cautions the medical world of getting ahead of itself. >> the big temptation is not to public, for example, a negative clinical trial. maybe it didn't work out. you can learn an awful lot from the negative trials. positive trials tend to be published, negative trials, no, there is a risk of reinventing the wheel. >> reporter: rnl bio estimates over 120 million people worldwide could be treated with stem cell therapy if restrictions are lifted. until then, stanley jones says he's willing to be the public proof that it can work. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. more people in the southern united states have had to abandon their homes as floodwaters close in. authorities have been diverting millions of gallons of water from the swollen mississippi river to spare cities downriver like new orleans and baton rouge. the water has to do somewhere and you're looking at it now. this is morgan city, louisiana. where people living in low-lying areas are getting out. with nine states affected, it is the biggest flood to hit the southern mississippi since 1937. let's find out more about the states and the floodwaters right now to our meteorologist jen delgado. jen? >> you're right. we're talking about record flooding across parts of the south, all along the mississippi river. we're still waiting for the mississippi river to crest, mississippi in greenville. we expect that to come later this morning, around 19.8 meters. if you want to know what that is in feet, we're talking about roughly 64 feet. incredible flooding. as we go over to video coming out of vicksburg, they are dealing with high water levels as well. you're looking at belongings floating down the river. very sad situation. keep in mind we're talking about some of the poorest areas through parts of the u.s. dealing with the flooding there and then they have to come back and try to deal with rebuilding. you're also looking at a rail station that's virtually an island. as i take you back over, we're expecting the mississippi to crest in vicksburg may 19th. if you notice for new orleans, new orleans looks like it will be pretty good after they opened up the spillways over the weekend. it looks like things are going to be spared for parts of baton rouge as well as new orleans. as we go through the next 24 hours, really it's going to be dry across the midsection of the u.s. just rain over towards the east as well as over towards the west. now we take you up to canada and some incredible video from ved yesterday. now we have more video of what it looks like across part of alberta. nearly half an entire town actually was burned, this after fires were triggered by strong winds. we're talking about winds roughly right around 100 kilometers per hour. it kicked off on sunday. officials weren't prepared for it and residents basically had to escape by their feet. you're looking at video of trees after that fire actually jumped over a highway and just started to spread. now people not only lost their homes, they lost their town. th